JVC KENWOOD 39923220 UHF P25 Transceiver User Manual

JVC KENWOOD Corporation UHF P25 Transceiver


iTHANK YOUWe are grateful you have chosen KENWOOD for your personal mobileapplications.  We believe this easy-to-use transceiver will provide dependable FRPPXQLFDWLRQVWRNHHSSHUVRQQHORSHUDWLQJDWSHDNHIÀFLHQF\KENWOOD transceivers incorporate the latest in advanced technology.  As a result, we feel strongly that you will be pleased with the quality and features of thisproduct.MODELS COVERED BY THIS MANUALThe models listed below are covered by this manual:•TK-5710: Mid Power VHF P25 Transceiver•TK-5810: Mid Power UHF P25 Transceiver•TK-5710H: High Power VHF P25 Transceiver•TK-5810H: High Power UHF P25 TransceiverNOTICES TO THE USERXGovernment law prohibits the operation of unlicensed transmitters within the territories under government control.X ,OOHJDORSHUDWLRQLVSXQLVKDEOHE\ÀQHDQGRULPSULVRQPHQWX 5HIHUVHUYLFHWRTXDOLÀHGWHFKQLFLDQVRQO\SAFETY:  It is important that the operator is aware of, and understands, hazards common to the operation of any transceiver.XEXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES (GASES, DUST, FUMES, etc.)Turn OFF your transceiver while taking on fuel or while parked in gasoline service stations.  Do not carry spare fuel containers in the trunk of your vehicle if your transceiver is mounted in the trunk area.XINJURY FROM RADIO FREQUENCY TRANSMISSIONSDo not operate your transceiver when somebody is either standing near to or touching the antenna, to avoid the possibility of radio frequency burns or related physical injury.XDYNAMITE BLASTING CAPSOperating the transceiver within 500 feet (150 m) of dynamite blasting caps may cause them to explode.  Turn OFF your transceiver when in an area where blasting is in progress, or where “TURN OFF TWO-WAY RADIO” signs have been posted.  If you are transporting blasting caps in your vehicle, make sure they are carried in a closed metal box with a padded interior.  Do not transmit while the caps are being placed into or removed from the container.This device made under license under one or more of the following US Patents:  4,590,473; 4,636,791; 4,716,407; 4,972,460; 5,148,482; 5,185,796; 5,271,017; 5,377,229; 5,502,767.The IMBE™ voice coding Technology embodied in this product is protected by intellectual property rights including patent rights, copyrights, and trade secrets of Digital Voice Systems, Inc.  This voicecoding Technology is licensed solely for use within this Communications Equipment.  The user of thisTechnology is explicitly prohibited from attempting to decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Object Code, or in any other way convert the Object Code into a human-readable form.
iiOne or more of the following statements may be applicable:FCC WARNING7KLVHTXLSPHQWJHQHUDWHVRUXVHVUDGLRIUHTXHQF\HQHUJ\&KDQJHVRUPRGLÀFDWLRQVWRWKLVHTXLSPHQWPD\FDXVHKDUPIXOLQWHUIHUHQFHXQOHVVWKHPRGLÀFDWLRQVDUHH[SUHVVO\DSSURYHGLQWKHinstruction manual.  The user could lose the authority to operate this equipment if an unauthorizedFKDQJHRUPRGLÀFDWLRQLVPDGHINFORMATION TO THE DIGITAL DEVICE USER REQUIRED BY THE FCCThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can generate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that the interference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected.•Consult the dealer for technical assistance.PRECAUTIONS2EVHUYHWKHIROORZLQJSUHFDXWLRQVWRSUHYHQWÀUHSHUVRQDOLQMXU\DQGWUDQVFHLYHUdamage. 'RQRWDWWHPSWWRFRQÀJXUHWKHWUDQVFHLYHUZKLOHGULYLQJLWLVWRRGDQJHURXV• Do not disassemble or modify the transceiver for any reason.• Do not expose the transceiver to long periods of direct sunlight, nor place it near heatingappliances.• If an abnormal odor or smoke is detected coming from the transceiver, switch the transceiver power off immediately, and contact your KENWOOD dealer. 8VHRIWKHWUDQVFHLYHUZKLOH\RXDUHGULYLQJPD\EHDJDLQVWWUDIÀFODZV3OHDVHFKHFNand observe the vehicle regulations in your area. 'RQRWXVHRSWLRQVQRWVSHFLÀHGE\KENWOOD.XThe transceiver operates in 12 V negative ground systems only!  Check the battery polarity and voltage of the vehicle before installing the transceiver.XUse only a KENWOOD optional DC power cable.X 'RQRWFXWDQGRUUHPRYHWKHIXVHKROGHURQWKH'&SRZHUFDEOHFor passenger safety, install the transceiver securely using an optional mounting bracket and screw set so the transceiver will not break loose in the event of a collision.
iiiCONTENTSUNPACKING AND CHECKING EQUIPMENT ....................................1 SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES .......................................................................1PREPARATION ...................................................................................2 TOOLS REQUIRED ................................................................................2POWER CABLE CONNECTION .................................................................2INSTALLING THE TRANSCEIVER ...............................................................3GETTING ACQUAINTED.....................................................................4 KCH-14 (BASIC CONTROL PANEL).......................................................4 KCH-14 DISPLAY...............................................................................5 KCH-15 (FULL-FEATURED CONTROL PANEL).........................................6 KCH-15 DISPLAY...............................................................................7 TK-5710/ TK-5810 REAR PANEL .......................................................8 TK-5710H/ TK-5810H REAR PANEL ..................................................8PROGRAMMABLE FUNCTIONS ........................................................9BASIC OPERATIONS........................................................................11 SWITCHING POWER ON/ OFF ............................................................11 ADJUSTING THE VOLUME.....................................................................11 SELECTING A ZONE AND CHANNEL .......................................................12 TRANSMITTING...................................................................................12RECEIVING........................................................................................14SCAN .................................................................................................15 TEMPORARY CHANNEL LOCKOUT..........................................................15PRIORITY SCAN .................................................................................16 SCAN REVERT...................................................................................16 SCAN PROGRAMMING .........................................................................17FleetSync: ALPHANUMERIC 2-WAY PAGING FUNCTION............18 KEY FUNCTIONS ................................................................................18 SELCALL (SELECTIVE CALLING) ...........................................................19 STATUS MESSAGE .............................................................................19 SHORT MESSAGES.............................................................................21LONG MESSAGES ..............................................................................21GPS REPORT...................................................................................21
iv DTMF (DUAL TONE MULTIE FREQUENCY) CALLS .....................22MAKING A DTMF CALL .....................................................................22 AUTODIAL.........................................................................................22 STUN CODE......................................................................................22TRUNKING CALLS............................................................................23MAKING A TELEPHONE CALL ...............................................................23RECEIVING A TELEPHONE CALL ...........................................................23MAKING A STATUS CALL ....................................................................23 EMERGENCY CALLS ......................................................................24SCRAMBLER (FM)/ ENCRYPTION (P25).........................................25 SECURE (ENCRYPTED)TRANSMISSION...................................................25 SELECTING THE SCRAMBLER CODE (FM)..............................................25 SELECTING THE ENCRYPTION KEY (P25) ..............................................25DELETING THE ENCRYPTION KEY..........................................................26PASSWORD PROTECTION.....................................................................26SIGNALING........................................................................................27QUIET TALK (QT)/ DIGITAL QUIET TALK (DQT) ...................................27OPTION SIGNALING ............................................................................28CLOCK...............................................................................................29CLOCK ADJUSTMENT..........................................................................29ADVANCED OPERATIONS ..............................................................30BACKGROUND OPERATIONS ........................................................35 TIME-OUT TIMER (TOT) .....................................................................35COMPANDER .....................................................................................35 SIGNAL STRENGTH INDICATOR .............................................................35BUSY CHANNEL LOCKOUT (BCL)........................................................36OUT OF RANGE .................................................................................36 SITE TRUNKING .................................................................................36CONTROL CHANNEL HUNT ..................................................................36PTT ID ...........................................................................................36VGS-1 OPTIONAL VOICE GUIDE & STORAGE UNIT.....................37VOICE RECORDER..............................................................................37VOICE GUIDE ....................................................................................38
1UNPACKING AND CHECKING EQUIPMENTNote:  The following unpacking instructions are for use by your KENWOOD dealer, an authorized KENWOOD service facility, or the factory.Carefully unpack the transceiver.  We recommend that you identify the items listed in the following table before discarding the packing material.  If any items DUHPLVVLQJRUKDYHEHHQGDPDJHGGXULQJVKLSPHQWÀOHDFODLPZLWKWKHFDUULHUimmediately.SUPPLIED ACCESSORIESItem Part Number QuantityShort plug E37-0733-XX 1Hex-headed screw with washer N99-2051-XX 1Instruction manual B62-1816-XX 1Short plug Hex-headed screw with washer
2Various electronic equipment in your vehicle may malfunction if they are not properly protected from the radio frequency energy which is present while transmitting.  Electronic fuel injection, anti-skid braking, and cruise control systems are typical examples of equipment that may malfunction.If your vehicle contains such equipment, consult the dealer for the make of vehicle and enlist his/her aid in determining if they will perform normally while transmitting.Note:  The following preparation instructions are for use by your KENWOOD dealer, an authorized KENWOOD service facility, or the factory.TOOLS REQUIREDNote:  Before installing the transceiver, always check how far the mounting screws will extend below the mounting surface.  When drilling mounting holes, be careful not to damage vehicle wiring or parts.The following tools are required for installing the transceiver:•  1/4 inch (6 mm) or larger electric drill• 5/32 inch (4.2 mm) drill bit for the self-tapping screws used to mount the optional mounting bracket• Circle cuttersPOWER CABLE CONNECTIONXThe transceiver operates in 12 V negative ground systems only!  Check the battery polarity and voltage of the vehicle before installing the transceiver.XUse only a KENWOOD optional DC power cable.XDo not cut and/or remove the fuse holder on the DC power cable.1 &KHFNIRUDQH[LVWLQJKROHFRQYHQLHQWO\ORFDWHGLQWKHÀUHZDOOZKHUHDSRZHUcable can be passed through.  If no hole exists, use a circle cutter to drill the ÀUHZDOOWKHQLQVWDOODUXEEHUJURPPHW2 5XQWKHWZRSRZHUFDEOHOHDGVWKURXJKWKHÀUHZDOODQGLQWRWKHHQJLQHcompartment, from the passenger compartment.3Connect the red lead to the positive (+) battery terminal and the black lead to the negative (–) battery terminal.• Locate the fuse as close to the battery as possible.4Coil and secure the surplus cable with a retaining band.• Be sure to leave enough slack in the cables so the transceiver can be removed for servicing while keeping the power applied.PREPARATION
3INSTALLING THE TRANSCEIVERFor passenger safety, install the transceiver securely using an optional mounting bracket and screw set so the transceiver will not break loose in the event of a collision.1Mark the position of the holes in the dash by using the mounting bracket as a template.  Drill the holes, then attach the mounting bracket using self-tapping screws.• Be sure to mount the transceiver in a location where the controls are within easy UHDFKRIWKHXVHUDQGZKHUHWKHUHLVVXIÀFLHQWVSDFHDWWKHUHDURIWKHWUDQVFHLYHUIRUcable connections.2Connect the antenna and power cable to the transceiver.3Slide the transceiver into the mounting bracket and secure it using hex-headed screws.4Mount a microphone hanger in a location where it will be within easy reach of the user yet not interfere with the safe operation of the vehicle.When replacing the fuse in the DC power cable, be sure to replace it with a fuse of the same value.Never replace a fuse with a fuse that has a higher value.Hex-headedscrewsDC power cableMountingbracketAntennaconnectorPower input connectorFuse holderBlack (–) cableRed (+) cable12 V vehicle batteryMicrophoneMicrophonehangerShortplugFuseHex-headedscrewGround lead(commercially available)*  The TK-5710 is shown in the above diagram.Note:  The items above shown in gray are optional accessories.
4GETTING ACQUAINTEDKCH-14 (BASIC CONTROL PANEL):Power switchPress to switch the transceiver ON.  Press and hold for approximately 1 second to switch the transceiver OFF.@GRP keyPress to increase the zone number.  Also press to increase setting adjustments..GRP keyPress to decrease the zone number.  Also press to decrease setting adjustments.;DisplayRefer to page 5.=SpeakerInternal speaker.BTX and BUSY indicatorsThe TX indicator lights red while transmitting.  The BUSY indicator lights green while receiving.>Microphone jackInsert the microphone plug into this jack.2VOL (Volume) controlRotate clockwise to increase the volume level.  Rotate counterclockwise to decrease the volume level.8CH (Channel) controlRotate clockwise to increase the channel number.  Rotate counterclockwise to decrease the channel number.  Your dealer can also enable the CH control to be used when making setting adjustments, as an optional method for using the GRP  and GRP  keys. PF 1 ~ PF 5 (Programmable Function) keysPress to activate their programmable functions {page 9}.GRPVOLCHPOWERTXBUSY: @ ; =.B > 2 8 
5KCH-14 DISPLAYIndicator DescriptionDisplays the operating zone and channel numbers or zone and channel names.  Also displays various text messages depending on the function being used.Displays the operating zone and channel numbers.  Also displays OST list numbers and various characters depending on the function being used.Appears when a received call is using optional signaling.Appears when the Monitor function is active and when the transceiver squelch is open.Appears when you are using Scan mode.Appears when the external speaker function is activated.Appears when the Scrambler or Encryption function is activated.Appears when the AUX A function has been activated.Appears when the AUX B function has been activated.Appears when using the Operator Selectable Tone function.Appears when there is a message stored in the transceiver memory.  Flashes when a new message has arrived.Appears when the selected channel is added to the scanning sequence.Appears when the AUX C function has been activated. Appears when the Auto Recording function on the VGS-1option is activated.Appears when the Auto Reply Message on the VGS-1 option is activated.
6KCH-15 (FULL-FEATURED CONTROL PANEL):Power switchPress to switch the transceiver ON.  Press and hold for approximately 1 second to switch the transceiver OFF.@GRP keyPress to increase the zone number.  Also press to increase setting adjustments..GRP keyPress to decrease the zone number.  Also press to decrease setting adjustments.;DisplayRefer to page 7.=MON (Monitor) keyPress to activate the Monitor function.  Press and hold to turn the squelch off {page 32}.BSCN (Scan) keyPress to activate the Scan function {page 25}.>Programmable Function keysPress to activate their programmable functions {page 9}.2TX and BUSY indicatorsThe TX indicator lights red while transmitting.  The BUSY indicator lights green while receiving.8Microphone jackInsert the microphone plug into this jack. VOL (Volume) controlRotate clockwise to increase the volume level.  Rotate counterclockwise to decrease the volume level. CH (Channel) controlRotate clockwise to increase the channel number.  Rotate counterclockwise to decrease the channel number.  Your dealer can also enable the CH control to be used when making setting adjustments, as an optional method for using the GRP  and GRP  keys.GRPPOWERTXVOLCHBUSYSCAN OPT OSTA B CMONCALLSPMONSCN: @ ; = B >.2 8   
7SCAN OPT OSTA B CMONCALLSP PF 1 ~ PF 5 (Programmable Function) keysPress to activate their programmable functions {page 9}.KCH-15 DISPLAYIndicator DescriptionDisplays the operating zone and channel numbers or zone and channel names.  Also displays various text messages depending on the function being used.Displays the operating zone and channel numbers.  Also displays OST list numbers and various characters depending on the function being used.CALL Appears when a received call is using optional signaling.MON Appears when the Monitor function is active and when the transceiver squelch is open.SCAN Appears when you are using Scan mode.SP Appears when the external speaker function is activated.OPT Appears when the Scrambler or Encryption function is activated.AAppears when the AUX A function has been activated.BAppears when the AUX B function has been activated.CAppears when the AUX C function has been activated.OST Appears when using the Operator Selectable Tone function.Appears when the selected channel is added to the scanning sequence.Appears when there is a message stored in the transceiver memory.  Flashes when a new message has arrived.Appears when the Auto Recording function on the VGS-1option is activated.Appears when the Auto Reply Message on the VGS-1 option is activated.
8TK-5710/ TK-5810 REAR PANELExternal accessory connector (D-sub 25 pin)Power input connectorAntenna connectorExternal accessory connector (9-pin)TK-5710H/ TK-5810H REAR PANELExternal accessory connector (D-sub 25 pin)Power input connectorAntenna connectorExternal accessory connector (9-pin)
9PROGRAMMABLE FUNCTIONSThe PF (Programmable Function) keys can be programmed with the functions listed below.  Function descriptions start on page 30.  Please contact your dealer for further details on these functions.    Con FM: Channels set up for Conventional FM Operation    Con  P25: Channels set up for Conventional P25 Operation  Trunk  P25: Channels set up for Trunking P25 Operation   : Available    Mix: Mixed Mode (Con FM and Con P25) only   N/A: Not AvailableProgrammable Function Con FM Con P25 Trunk P252-tone Mix N/AAuto Reply Message 1Mix Autodial N/A N/AAUX A  AUX B  AUX C  Channel Down  Channel Recall  Channel Select 2 Channel Up  Clock  Direct Channel 1 ~ 5  Display Character  Emergency 3 External Speaker  Function  GPS Position Data  Home Channel  Horn Alert  Individual N/A Intercom  Key Delete N/A Key Lock  LCD Brightness  Low Transmit Power  Monitor N/A
10Programmable Function Con FM Con P25 Trunk P25Monitor Momentary N/ANone  Operator Selectable Tone Mix N/AOST Down Mix N/AOST Up Mix N/APlayback 1Mix Public Address  Request N/A N/A Scan  Scan Delete  Scan Program  Scrambler/ Encryption  Scrambler/ Encryption Code  Selcall 4Mix N/ASelcall + Status 4Mix N/ASend the GPS Data 4Mix N/ASite Lock N/A N/A Speaker 1 ~ 2 Mute  Squelch Level Mix N/ASquelch Off Mix N/ASquelch Off Momentary Mix N/AStatus 4Mix System Search N/A N/A Tactical Group N/ATalk Around  Talkgroup Mix N/ATone  VOX  Zeroize  Zone Down  Zone Select 2 Zone Up  1Auto Reply Message and Playback are available only if the VGS-1 optional board has been installed.2Channel Select and Zone Select can be programmed only on the CH control.3Emergency can be programmed only on the PF 5 key.4Selcall, Selcall + Status, Send the GPS data, and Status cannot be used when the transmit mode is set as Conventional P25.
11BASIC OPERATIONSSWITCHING POWER ON/ OFFPress the  switch to switch the transceiver ON.• A beep sounds and the display momentarily lights up.• If the Transceiver Password function is programmed, “PASSWORD” appears on the display.  You must enter the password to unlock the transceiver.  Refer to “Transceiver Password”, below.Press and hold the  switch for approximately 1 second to switch the transceiver OFF.QTRANSCEIVER PASSWORDTo enter the password:1Rotate the CH control to select a digit.2Press the GRP  key to accept the entered digit and move to the next digit.3Repeat steps 1 and 2 to enter the entire password.• The password can contain a maximum of 6 digits.• Press the PF 3 key to delete an incorrectly entered character.  Press and hold the PF 3 key to delete all characters.4Press the PF 2NH\WRFRQÀUPWKHSDVVZRUG• If you enter an incorrect password, an error tone sounds and the transceiver remains locked.To enter the password using a DTMF keypad:1Press the DTMF keys corresponding to the password digits.• The password can contain a maximum of 6 digits.• Press the PF 3 or DTMF # key to delete an incorrectly entered character.  Press and hold the PF 3 or DTMF # key to delete all characters.2Press the PF 2 or DTMF NH\WRFRQÀUPWKHSDVVZRUG• If you enter an incorrect password, an error tone sounds and the transceiver remains locked.ADJUSTING THE VOLUMERotate the VOL control clockwise to increase the volume and counterclockwise to decrease the volume.
12SELECTING A ZONE AND CHANNELSelect the desired zone using the GRP  and   keys.  Each zone contains a group of channels.Select the desired channel using the CH control.  Each channel is programmed with settings for transmitting and receiving.• If programmed by your dealer, the transceiver will announce the zone and channel numbers as you change them.Names can be programmed for zones and personalities.  Your dealer can set the ]RQHQDPHWRDOHQJWKRIWRGLJLWV7RÀWRQWKHGLVSOD\SHUVRQDOLW\QDPHVwill shorten appropriately.  (KCH-14 models display only 12 digits).  For example, if the channel name is “–CHANNEL1–” and the zone name is “KENWOOD”, and your dealer sets the zone name to 4-digits, the following display will appear:KCH-14 (12-digit display): KENW–CHANNELKCH-15 (14-digit display): KENW–CHANNEL1–TRANSMITTINGFor Trunking channels, refer to “Making Group Calls” and “Making Individual Calls” on the following page.1Select the desired zone and channel using the GRP  and   keys and the CH control.2Press (or press and hold) the key programmed as Monitor or Squelch Off tocheck whether or not the channel is free.• If the channel is busy, wait until it becomes free.3Press the microphone PTT switch and speak into the microphone.  Release the PTT switch to receive.• The TX indicator lights red while transmitting.  The BUSY indicator lights green while receiving a signal.  This indicator can be disabled by your dealer.• For best sound quality at the receiving station, hold the microphone approximately 1.5 inches (3 ~ 4 cm) from your mouth.
13Q MAKING GROUP CALLS (P25)Channels programmed for Conventional P25 and Trunking P25 operation already have a Group ID assigned.  For these channels, simply press and hold the PTT switch to make the call. 2Q7UXQNLQJFKDQQHOVLIWKHWUDIÀFFKDQQHOLVEXV\DEXV\PHVVDJHDSSHDUVDQGthe busy tone sounds.  Release the PTT switch and wait for the channel to become IUHH:KHQWKHWUDIÀFFKDQQHOEHFRPHVIUHHDSURFHHGWRQHVRXQGVOtherwise, if a key has been programmed with Talkgroup (Conventional P25 only), you can select a group ID from the list to make a call to those parties.To select a group ID:1Press the key programmed as Talkgroup.2Press the GRP  and   keys or rotate the CH control to select a group ID/name from the list that has been pre-entered into your transceiver.• The target group ID/name appears on the display.3Press the PF 1 key to accept the group ID/name.4Press and hold the microphone PTT switch to make the call.• Speak into the transceiver as you would during a normal transmission.Q MAKING INDIVIDUAL CALLS (P25)If a key has been programmed with Individual, you can make calls to VSHFLÀHGSHUVRQV1Press the key programmed as Individual.2Press the GRP  and   keys or rotate the CH control to select a unit ID from the list that has been pre-entered into your transceiver.• Alternatively, you can directly enter a unit ID by using a DTMF keypad.• The target unit ID/name appears on the display.3Press and hold the microphone PTT switch to make the call.•Speak into the transceiver as you would during a normal transmission.• On Trunking channels, a ringing tone will sound and the display will alternate between the called unit ID/name and “CALLING”.4On Trunking channels, to end the call, press the PF 1 key or the keypad #key.
14RECEIVING1Select the desired zone and channel using the GRP  and   keys and the CH control.2 :KHQ\RXKHDUDFDOOHU·VYRLFHUHDGMXVWWKHYROXPHDVQHFHVVDU\• If the vibrator function is on, the transceiver will vibrate when a call is received.• If signaling has been programmed on the selected channel, you will hear a call only if the signal tone matches the tone set up on your transceiver.Note:  Signaling allows your transceiver to code your calls.  This will prevent you from listening to unwanted calls.  It does not make calls private, it only prevents them from being heard by transceivers set with a different signaling code.  Refer to “SIGNALING” on page 27 for details. Q RECEIVING GROUP CALLS (P25)When you receive a group call on a Conventional channel and the received JURXS,'PDWFKHVWKH,'VHWXSRQ\RXUWUDQVFHLYHU\RXFDQKHDUWKHFDOOHU·Vvoice.When you receive a group call on a Trunking channel, the transceiver DXWRPDWLFDOO\VZLWFKHVWRWKHWUDIÀFFKDQQHOWRUHFHLYHWKHFDOO• Readjust the volume as necessary.Q RECEIVING INDIVIDUAL CALLS (P25)When you receive an individual call on a Conventional channel, a ringing tone ZLOOVRXQGDQGWKHGLVSOD\ZLOOVKRZWKHFDOOHU·V,'7RUHVSRQGWRWKHFDOOpress and hold the microphone PTT switch and speak into the transceiver as you would during a normal transmission.When you receive an individual call on a Trunking channel, a ringing tone will ZRXQGDQGWKHGLVSOD\ZLOODOWHUQDWHEHWZHHQWKHFDOOHU·V,'DQG´5(&(,9,1*µTo receive the call, press the PTT switch.  To deny the call, press and hold the PF 1 key or the keypad # key.  After receiving the call, you can respond to the call by pressing and holding the PTT switch and speaking into the microphone DV\RXZRXOGGXULQJDQRUPDOWUDQVPLVVLRQ$IWHUWKHFDOOLVÀQLVKHGSUHVVWKHPF 1 key or the keypad # key to end the call.
15SCANScan is useful for monitoring signals on the transceiver channels.  While scanning, the transceiver checks for a signal on each channel and only stops on a channel if a signal is present.To begin scanning, press the key programmed as Scan.• The  (KCH-14) or SCAN (KCH-15) icon appears on the display.• The channel add indicator (KCH-14: / KCH-15: ) will appear on the display when the selected channel is added to the scan sequence.• The channels included in the scan list are scanned.• When a signal is detected on a channel, Scan pauses on that channel.  The transceiver will remain on the busy channel until the signal is no longer present.  When the signal “drops out”, the transceiver will remain on the channel momentarily before Scan resumes.  This delay time is programmed by your dealer.  If a signal is received during the delay time, the transceiver will remain on the same channel.To stop scanning, press the Scan key again.Note:XIf the currently selected channel is not added to the scanning sequence, Scan will not function when pressing the key programmed as Scan.  Be sure that the selected channel is added to the scanning sequence before operating Scan.XIn order for Scan to function, there must be at least 2 channels added to the scanning sequence.  If there are less channels than this, Scan will not operate.TEMPORARY CHANNEL LOCKOUTIf a key is programmed with the Scan Delete function, each channel can be locked out of the scan sequence manually.'XULQJVFDQ\RXFDQWHPSRUDULO\UHPRYHVSHFLÀFFKDQQHOVIURPWKHVFDQQLQJsequence by selecting them and pressing the Scan Delete key.• The channel add indicator (KCH-14: / KCH-15: ) no longer appears on the display for that channel.• The channel is no longer scanned. However, when scanning is ended and restarted, the channels will reset and the channel will again be in the scanning sequence.
16PRIORITY SCANA Priority channel must be programmed in order for Priority Scan to function.When using a single Priority channel, the transceiver will automatically change to the Priority channel when a call is received on it, even if a call is being received on a normal channel.When using dual Priority channels, Priority channel 1 is given precedence over Priority channel 2.  So, if a call is received on Priority channel 1 while a call is already on Priority channel 2, the transceiver will automatically change to Priority channel 1.• “P1” appears on the sub-display when the displayed channel is Priority channel 1, “P2” appears when the displayed channel is Priority channel 2, and “PP” appears when the displayed channel is both Priority channel 1 and Priority channel 2.SCAN REVERTThe Scan Revert channel is the channel selected when you press the PTT switchto transmit during Scan.  Your dealer can program 1 of 6 types of Scan Revert channels on your transceiver:•Selected:  The last zone and channel selected are assigned as the new revert zone and channel.•Selected + Talkback:  If the zone and channel have been changed during Scan, the newly selected zone and channel are assigned as the new revert zone and channel.The transceiver “talks back” on the current receive channel.•Priority 1:  If your dealer has programmed a Priority 1 channel, this channel is the revert zone and channel.•Priority 1 + Talkback:  If your dealer has programmed a Priority 1 channel, this channel is the revert zone and channel.  The transceiver “talks back” on the current receive channel.•Priority 2:  If your dealer has programmed a Priority 2 channel, this channel is the revert zone and channel.•Priority 2 + Talkback:  If your dealer has programmed a Priority 2 channel, this channel is the revert zone and channel.  The transceiver “talks back” on the current receive channel.•Last Called:  The last channel on which you made a call is assigned as the new revert channel.
17SCAN PROGRAMMINGNote:  Scan programming is only available when using Conventional operation.Using the key programmed as Scan Program, you are able to reprogram your scan list.1Press the key programmed as Scan Program.• The  (KCH-14 ) or SCAN (KCH-15) icon appears on the display and blinks.2Press the GRP  and   keys or rotate the CH control to select the zone and channel you will add to or remove from the Scan list.• Press the PF 4 key to toggle between Zone Select and Channel Select.3Press the PF 2 key to add or remove the selected zone or channel to/ from the scan list.• The channel add indicator (KCH-14: / KCH-15: ) will appear on the display when the selected channel is added to the scan sequence.If the Priority channel has been set as Operator Selectable by your dealer, you are able to reprogram the Priority mode as well.1Press the key programmed as Scan Program.• The  (KCH-14) or SCAN (KCH-15) icon appears on the display and blinks.2Press the GRP  and   keys or rotate the CH control to select the zone and channel you will add to or remove from the Scan list.• Press the PF 4 key (the forth key from the left, after the CH control) to toggle between Zone Select and Channel Select.3Press the PF 3 key.4Press the PF 4 key to toggle the selected channel between Priority mode and Normal mode.• “P1”, “P2”, or “PP” appears on the sub-display when Priority mode is selected.5Press the PF 3 key again to set the new channel setting.
18FleetSync:  ALPHANUMERIC 2-WAY PAGING FUNCTIONFleetSync is an Alphanumeric 2-way Paging Function, and is a protocol owned by KENWOOD Corporation.  FleetSync enables a variety of paging functions on your transceiver, some of which depend on dealer programming.Note:  This function is available only in Conventional FM Operation.KEY FUNCTIONSKey FunctionSelcall or Selcall + Status Press to change the transceiver mode as shown in the diagram below.CH control Rotate to select an ID from the pre-programmed ID list or Status list.PTT switch or PF 4 key Press to initiate a call.Keypad 0 ~ 9 Use the DTMF keypad to enter Selcall or Status numbers.PF 3 or DTMF # key When dialing a number manually, press to delete a character or press and hold to delete all charactersPF 2 or DTMF   keyPress to exit Selcall or Status mode.  Press and hold to toggle between list selection and manual entry (if enabled).  In Stack mode, press to toggle the display between ID/message, receive channel, and time stamp, or to delete the selection.PF 1 key Press to exit Selcall or Status mode.1Depending on how your dealer programmed the transceiver, Selcall mode may be skipped or the transceiver may exit Selcall mode automatically (as shown by the dash arrow).2After entering Selcall mode by pressing the Selcall + Status key, you can enter Status mode by pressing the PF2 key.Selcall Mode 1Status Mode 2Stack ModeNew MessageDisplay ModeNormal Operating ModePress PF2Press Selcall or Selcall Statusor receive a SelcallReceive anew messagePressany keyHold Selcall,Statusor Selcall StatusPress PF1 or #PressPF1 or #
19SELCALL (SELECTIVE CALLING)A Selcall is a voice call to a particular station or to a group of stations.QTRANSMITTING1Select your desired zone and channel.2Press the key programmed as Selcall or Selcall + Status to enter Selcall mode.3Press the GRP  and   keys or rotate the CH control to select the ID of the station you want to call.• Alternatively, you can enter a station ID using a DTMF keypad.4Press the microphone PTT switch and begin your conversation.• Alternatively, you can press the PF 4 key to page the selected station, rather than making a voice call.Q RECEIVINGAn alert tone will sound, the transceiver will automatically enter Selcall mode, DQGWKHFDOOLQJVWDWLRQ·V,'ZLOODSSHDUZKHQD6HOFDOOLVUHFHLYHGTo respond to the call, press the microphone PTT switch and speak into the microphone.Q IDENTIFICATION CODESAn ID code is a combination of a 3-digit Fleet number and a 4-digit ID number.  Each transceiver must have its own Fleet and ID number.• Enter a Fleet number (100 ~ 349) to make a group call. (QWHUDQ,'QXPEHUaWRPDNHDQLQGLYLGXDOFDOOLQ\RXUÁHHW (QWHUD)OHHWQXPEHUPDNHDFDOOWRDOOXQLWVLQWKHVHOHFWHGÁHHW)OHHWFDOO (QWHUDQ,'QXPEHUWRPDNHDFDOOWRWKHVHOHFWHG,'LQDOOÁHHWV6XSHUYLVRUFDOO• Select “ALL” Fleet and “ALL” ID to make a call to all units (Broadcast call).Note:  The ID range may be limited by programming.STATUS MESSAGEYou can send and receive 2-digit Status messages which may be decided in your talk group.  Messages can contain up to 16 alphanumeric characters.  Status messages range from 10 to 99 (80 ~ 99 are reserved for special messages).A maximum of 15 received messages can be stored in the Stack memory of your transceiver.  These saved messages can be reviewed after reception.  Depending on your dealer settings, when the Stack memory is full, either the oldest message will be erased when a new message is received or the new message will not be stored in the Stack memory.• The  (KCH-14) or   (KCH-15) icon appears when a message is stored in the Stack memory.
20QTRANSMITTING1Select your desired zone and channel.2Press the key programmed as Status to enter Status mode or Selcall + Status to enter Selcall mode.• When using the Status NH\WRHQWHU6WDWXVPRGHWKHWDUJHW)OHHW,'LVÀ[HGDQGcannot be selected.  Skip to step 5 to continue.3In Selcall mode, press the GRP  and   keys or rotate the CH control to select the ID of the station you want to call.• Alternatively, you can enter a station ID using a DTMF keypad.4Press the PF 2 key, to enter Status mode.5Press the GRP  and   keys or rotate the CH control to select the status ID you want to transmit.• Alternatively, you can enter a station ID using a DTMF keypad.6Press the microphone PTT switch or the PF 4 key to initiate the Status call.• “<COMPLETE>” is displayed when the call has been successfully transmitted.Q RECEIVINGThe  (KCH-14) or  .&+LFRQZLOOÁDVKDQGDFDOOLQJID or text message will appear when a Status call is received.Press any key to return to normal operation.Q REVIEWING MESSAGES IN THE STACK MEMORY1Press and hold the key programmed as Selcall,Status, or Selcall + Status for 1 second to enter Stack mode.• The last received message is displayed with the message number.2Press the GRP  and   keys or rotate the CH control to select the desired message.3Press the PF 1 key to return to normal operation.• To delete the selected message, press the PF 3 or DTMF #NH\7RFRQÀUPWKHdeletion, press the PF 2 or DTMF key.• To delete all messages, press and hold the PF 3 or  DTMF # key for 1 second.7RFRQÀUPWKHGHOHWLRQSUHVVWKHPF 2 or DTMF key.
21SHORT MESSAGESTo send a short message, you must connect the transceiver to a PC.  Ask your dealer for details.• Short messages can contain a maximum of 48 characters.• Received short messages are displayed the same as Status messages and are stored in the same stack memory.  A combined maximum of 15 Status calls and short messages can be stored in the stack memory.LONG MESSAGESTo send and receive long messages, you must connect the transceiver to a PC.  Ask your dealer for details.• Long messages can contain a maximum of 4096 characters.GPS REPORT7RVHQG\RXUORFDWLRQGDWD\RXPXVWÀUVWLQVWDOOD*36XQLW10($onto the transceiver.  GPS data can be transmitted using 1 of 5 methods: auto transmission, upon request, manual transmission, upon pressing/releasing the PTT switch, and during emergency mode.  Ask your dealer for details.
22DTMF (DUAL TONE MULTI FREQUENCY) CALLSNote:  DTMF calls can be made only in Conventional FM Operation.MAKING A DTMF CALLQ MANUAL DIALINGNote:  To make a DTMF call using manual dialing, you must use an optional microphone with a DTMF keypad.1Press and hold the microphone PTT switch.2Enter the desired digits using the DTMF keypad.• If you release the PTT switch, transmit mode will end even if the complete number has not been sent.QKEYPAD AUTO PTTIf your dealer has activated the Keypad Auto PTT function, simply press the keys on the keypad to make the call.• The DTMF code will be sent automatically when you press a key.QSTORE & SEND1Enter the desired digits using the DTMF keypad.• The digits appear on the display as you enter them.• You can enter up to 31 digits before transmitting.2After entering the complete number, press the microphone PTT switch to transmit.Note:  If you switch the power OFF before transmitting the number, the number will be cleared.AUTODIALAutodial allows you to quickly call DTMF numbers that have been programmed onto your transceiver.1Press the key programmed as Autodial. ´&2'("µRUWKHÀUVWHQWU\LQWKH$XWRGLDOOLVWDSSHDUVRQWKHGLVSOD\2Press the GRP  and   keys, rotate the CH control, or enter the appropriate DTMF number (01 ~ 32) to select your desired Autodial list number.3Press the microphone PTT switch or the PF 4 key to make the call.STUN CODEThis function is used when a transceiver is stolen or lost.  When the transceiver receives a call containing a stun code, either transmit mode will be disabled, or both receive mode and transmit mode will be disabled.  The stun code is cancelled when the transceiver receives a call with a revive code.
23TRUNKING CALLSMAKING A TELEPHONE CALLQ MANUAL DIALING1Press the key programmed as Autodial.• The last called unit appears on the display.• Press the PF 2 key to switch the display between the unit name and the list number.2Press and hold the PF 2 key to enter Store & Send mode.3Enter the desired digits using the DTMF keypad.• Alternatively, you can select a digit by rotating the CH control, and then set the selected digits by pressing the GRP  key.  Repeat this process to enter the entire number.4Press the PTT switch to make the call.• Alternatively, you can press the PF 4 key to page the selected unit, rather than making a call.QSELECTING A NUMBER FROM THE LIST1Press the key programmed as Autodial.• The last called unit appears on the display.• Press the PF 2 key to switch the display between the unit name and the list number.2Rotate the CH control to select your desired list number.3Press the PTT switch to make the call.• Alternatively, you can press the PF 4 key to page the selected unit, rather than making a call.RECEIVING A TELEPHONE CALL1When a call is received, a ringing tone will sound and “PHONE CALL” will appear on the display.2Press and hold the PTT switch to speak, and release it to receive.• Only one person can speak at a time.MAKING A STATUS CALL1Select your desired zone and channel.2Press the key programmed as Status to enter status mode.3Rotate the CH control to select the status ID you want to transmit.4Press the PTT switch or the PF 4 key to initiate the Status call.• After the status call has been successfully received by the called unit, “COMPLETE” appears on the display.
24EMERGENCY CALLSIf your transceiver has been programmed with the Emergency function, you can make emergency calls.Note:  Emergency can be programmed only on the PF 5NH\WKHÀIWKNH\IURPWKHOHIWDIWHUWKHCH control).1Press and hold the key programmed as Emergency.• Depending on the delay time programmed into your transceiver, the length of time you must hold the Emergency key will vary.• When the transceiver enters Emergency mode, the transceiver will change to the Emergency channel and begin transmitting based on how the transceiver is set up by your dealer.  Transmit periods are also set by your dealer.2To exit Emergency mode, press and hold the Emergency key again.• If the Emergency mode completes the preset number of cycles, Emergency mode will automatically end and the transceiver will return to the channel that was in use before Emergency mode was entered.Note:XYour dealer can set a beginning of transmit and end of transmit tone for the transceiver.XYour dealer can set the transceiver to emit tones and received signals as normal or mute the speaker during Emergency operation.
25SCRAMBLER (FM)/ ENCRYPTION (P25)Note:XThe Scrambler function can be used only in Conventional FM Operation.  Additionally, the Voice Scrambler board must be installed before this function can be activated.XAsk your dealer for details concerning the Voice Scrambler board and the Encryption DES/AES settings.SECURE (ENCRYPTED) TRANSMISSIONPress the key programmed as Scrambler/Encryption to switch the transceiver to secure (encrypted) transmission.• The  (KCH-14) or OPT (KCH-15) icon appears on the display.• Pressing the microphone PTT switch after the Scrambler or Encryption function has been turned ON encrypts the transmitted signal.• Each group member must activate their respective Scrambler/ Encryption functions to descramble the received signals.SELECTING THE SCRAMBLER CODE (FM)1Press the key programmed as Scrambler/ Encryption Code or press and hold the key programmed as Scrambler/ Encryption for 1 second, to enter Code Selection mode.2Press the GRP  and   keys or rotate the CH control to increase or decrease the Scrambler code.• There are 16 available Scrambler codes (1 ~ 16).• Each group member must use the same code  in order for the transceivers to descramble the received signals.3Press the PF 1,PF 2, or PF 3 key to exit Code Selection mode.SELECTING THE ENCRYPTION KEY (P25)1Press the key programmed as Scrambler/ Encryption Code or press and hold the key programmed as Scrambler/ Encryption for 1 second, to enter Key Selection mode.2Press the GRP  and   keys or rotate the CH control to select the new Encryption key.• There are 16 available Encryption keys (1 ~ 16). (DFKJURXSPHPEHUPXVWVHOHFWDFRGHWKDWLVLQHDFKPHPEHU·VNH\OLVWLQRUGHUIRUthe transceivers to descramble the received signals.3Press the PF 1,PF 2, or PF 3 key to exit Key Selection mode.Note:  To return the transceiver to the default programmed Encryption key, select “PRESET”.  However, if you delete the Encryption key {page 26}, it will not be recovered.
26DELETING THE ENCRYPTION KEY1Press the key programmed as Key Delete to enter Encryption Key Delete mode.2Select the current Encryption key using the GRP  and   keys or the CHcontrol .3Press the PF 3 key to delete the Encryption key.4Press the PF 1 or PF 2 key to exit Encryption Key Delete mode.Note:  To delete all Encryption keys (when more than one key has been set up), select “ALL”.PASSWORD PROTECTIONIf the transceiver is password protected, entering an incorrect password successively 15 times will automatically delete all the Encryption keys.• Turning the transceiver power OFF and the ON again will not reset the number of attempts for entering an incorrect password.
27SIGNALINGNote:  Signaling can be used only in Conventional FM Operation.QUIET TALK (QT)/ DIGITAL QUIET TALK (DQT)Your dealer may have programmed QT or DQT signaling on your transceiver channels.  A QT tone/ DQT code  is a sub-audible tone/code which allows you to ignore (not hear) calls from other parties who are using the same channel.When a channel is set up with a QT tone or DQT code, squelch will only open when a call containing a matching tone or code is received.  Likewise, signals that you transmit will only be heard by parties whose QT/ DQT signaling matches your transceiver.If a call containing a different tone or code is made on the same channel you are using, squelch will not open and you will not hear the call.  Although it may seem like you have your own private channel while using QT/ DQT, other parties can still hear your calls if they set up their transceiver with the same tone or code.Q OPERATOR SELECTABLE TONE (OST)If a key has been programmed with Operator Selectable Tone, you can reprogram the QT tone or DQT code on each of your channels.1Select your desired zone and channel.2Press and hold the key programmed as Operator Selectable Tone for 1 second.• The  (KCH-14) or OST (KCH-15) icon appears on the display when this function is activated.3Press the GRP  and   keys, rotate the CH control, or enter the list number directly using a DTMF keypad to select your desired tone or code from 1 to 40.4Press the PF 1 or DTMF key to exit OST Selection mode.• OST is activated after selecting a list number and exiting OST Selection mode.After selecting and setting up your desired tone or code, press the OperatorSelectable Tone key to toggle the OST function ON and OFF.
28OPTIONAL SIGNALINGYour dealer may also program several types of option signaling for your transceiver channels.Q2-TONE SIGNALING2-tone Signaling opens the squelch only when your transceiver receives a call containing matching 2 tones.Q DTMF SIGNALINGDTMF Signaling opens the squelch only when the transceiver receives a call containing a matching DTMF code.Refer to “DTMF (DUAL TONE MULTI FREQUENCY) CALLS” on page 22.QFLEETSYNC SIGNALINGRefer to “SELCALL (SELECTIVE CALLING)” on page 19.
29CLOCKIf activated by your dealer, your transceiver can track the time with its built-in clock.  The time will display momentarily when the transceiver power is turned ON.  Additionally, you can view the clock any time by pressing the key programmed as Clock.CLOCK ADJUSTMENTTo set the time:1With the transceiver power OFF, press and hold the PF 4 key while turning the transceiver power ON.• The current time setting appears.2Rotate the CH control or press the GRP  and   keys to increase or decrease the year setting.3Press the PF 2 key (the second key from the left, after the CH control) to set the year.• The transceiver cycles to the month setting.4Repeat steps 2 and 3 to set the month, day, hour, and minute.5Press the PF 2 key to return to the year setting, after setting the minute.6Turn the transceiver power OFF and then back ON to return to normal operation.KCH-14 Display:KCH-15 Display:
30ADVANCED OPERATIONSYour transceiver operations vary according to the functions that your dealer has programmed onto the transceiver keys.  Following is  brief overview of the programmable functions.  Refer to those functions which have been programmed onto your transceiver.• 2-tonePress this key to display the list of 2-tone codes that has been pre-stored in your transceiver memory.  While viewing the 2-tone list, press the GRPand  keys or rotate the CH control to select your desired code, then press the PTT switch to make the call.• Auto Reply MessageRefer to “AUTO REPLY MESSAGE” on page 38.• AutodialRefer to “AUTODIAL” on page 22.• AUX APress this key to activate the Auxiliary A port on the transceiver.  When activated, the   (KCH-14) or A (KCH-15) icon appears on the display.• AUX BPress this key to activate the Auxiliary B port on the transceiver.  When activated, the   (KCH-14) or B (KCH-15) icon appears on the display.• AUX CPress this key to activate the Auxiliary C port on the transceiver.  When activated, the   (KCH-14) or C (KCH-15) icon appears on the display.• Channel DownPress this key to decrease the channel number {page 12}.• Channel RecallPress this key during Scan to return to the last called zone and channel.• Channel SelectUsing the CH control, turn clockwise to increase the channel number and counterclockwise to decrease the channel number {page 12}.• Channel UpPress this key to increase the channel number {page 12}.• ClockRefer to “CLOCK” on page 29.• Direct Channel 1 ~ 5Press 1 of these 5 keys to jump to a frequently used zone and channel (pre-programmed by your dealer).  If activated by your dealer, you can set your own Direct Channels by selecting your desired zone and channel, then pressing and holding the Direct Channel 1 ~ Direct Channel 5 key for 3 seconds.
31• Display CharacterPress this key to switch the display between the zone and channel number and the zone and channel name (if names have been programmed).• EmergencyRefer to “EMERGENCY CALLS” on page 24.• External Speaker3UHVVWKLVNH\WRVZLWFKWKHVSHDNHUIURPWKHWUDQVFHLYHU·VEXLOWLQVSHDNHUWRan optional external speaker.  When using an external speaker, the (KCH-14) or SP (KCH-15) icon appears on the display.• FunctionPress this key, then press a programmable key to activate its secondary function.• GPS Position DisplayPress this key when the GPS unit has been installed to display your location data.• Home ChannelPress this key to jump to your home zone and channel (pre-programmed by your dealer).  If activated by your dealer, you can set your own Home Channel by selecting your desired zone and channel, then pressing and holding the Home Channel key for 3 seconds.• Horn AlertPress this key to toggle the Horn Alert function ON and OFF.  “HORN ALERT” appears on the display when Horn Alert is activated.  When a call is received that has a correct DTMF code or 2-tone signaling, Horn Alert causes the vehicle horn or some other external alert to sound.• IndividualRefer to “MAKING INDIVIDUAL CALLS” on page 13.• IntercomPress this key to toggle the Intercom function ON and OFF.  “INTERCOM” appears on the display when Intercom is activated.  To use the Intercom IXQFWLRQ\RXUGHDOHUPXVWÀUVWLQVWDOODGXDOKHDGPLFURSKRQHDQGVSHDNHUsystem.  When making a call, your voice will be transmitted over the speaker system.• Key DeleteRefer to “DELETING THE ENCRYPTION KEY” on page 26.• Key LockPress and hold this key for 1 second to lock the transceiver keys.  Press and hold the Key Lock key again to unlock the keys.  The PTT switch and CH control will still function normally, and the following functions can still be operated:  Emergency, LCD Brightness, Monitor, Monitor Momentary, Squelch Off, Squelch Off Momentary, and Function.
32• LCD BrightnessPress this key to change the brightness level of the LCD.  Each time this key is pressed, the brightness levels cycle as follows:High     Mid     Low     Off• Low Transmit PowerWhen using a channel programmed with high power, press this key to change the output power to low.  Press the Low Transmit Power key again to return to high power.• MonitorPress this key to turn the transceiver signaling off, to listen to all calls that are received on the channel.  While monitor is activated, the   (KCH-14) or MON (KCH-15) icon appears on the display.  Press the Monitor key again to turn the transceiver signaling back on.• Monitor MomentaryPress and hold this key to momentarily turn the transceiver signaling off.  Releasing this key turns the transceiver signaling back on.  While monitor is activated, the   (KCH-14) or MON (KCH-15) icon appears on the display and you can listen to all calls that are received on the channel.• NoneNo function has been programmed on the key.• Operator Selectable ToneRefer to “QUIET TALK (QT)/ DIGITAL QUIET TALK (DQT)” on page 27 for details.• OST DownPress this key to decrease the Operator Selectable Tone number of your selected channel.• OST UpPress this key to increase the Operator Selectable Tone number of your selected channel.• PlaybackRefer to “VGS-1 OPTIONAL VOICE GUIDE & STORAGE UNIT” on page 37.• Public AddressPress this key to toggle the Public Address function ON and OFF.  “PUBLIC ADRS” appears on the display when Public Address is activated.  To use the 3XEOLF$GGUHVVV\VWHP\RXUGHDOHUPXVWÀUVWLQVWDOODQH[WHUQDOVSHDNHU7KLVIXQFWLRQFDXVHVDOODXGLRLQSXWYLDWKHPLFURSKRQHWREHDPSOLÀHGDQGRXWSXWfrom the external speaker.• RequestPress this key to send a request to the dispatcher to join the talkgroup set up by the dispatcher.  While using the dynamic group, “Dyn. Regroup” appears on the display.• ScanRefer to “SCAN” on page 15.
33• Scan DeleteRefer to “TEMPORARY CHANNEL LOCKOUT” on page 15.• Scan ProgramRefer to “SCAN PROGRAMMING” on page 17.• Scrambler/ EncryptionRefer to “SCRAMBLER (FM)/ ENCRYPTION (APCO)” on page 25.• Scrambler/ Encryption CodeRefer to “SCRAMBLER (FM)/ ENCRYPTION (APCO)” on page 25.• SelcallRefer to “FleetSync: ALPHANUMERIC 2-WAY PAGING FUNCTION” on page 18.• Selcall + StatusRefer to “FleetSync: ALPHANUMERIC 2-WAY PAGING FUNCTION” on page 18.• Send the GPS dataPress this key when the GPS unit has been installed to send your positioning data to the base station.• Site LockPress this key to lock the current site.  “SITE LOCK” appears on the display and the transceiver cannot search for alternate sites.  Press and hold the Site Lock key for 2 seconds to unlock the transceiver to allow roaming again.• Speaker 1 – 2 MutePress this key to mute the secondary speaker when using a dual-head system.  The Head 1 speaker will mute when pressing this key from the Head 2 unit, and the Head 2 speaker will mute when pressing this key from the Head 1 unit.• Squelch LevelPress this key to adjust the transceiver squelch level.  When adjusting the squelch level, use the the GRP  and   keys or the CH control to increase and decrease the squelch level from 0 (open) to 9 (tight).  The default setting is 5.• Squelch OffPress this key to turn the transceiver squelch off, to better hear weak signals on the channel.  While squelch is off, the   (KCH-14) or MON (KCH-15)icon appears on the display.  Press the Squelch Off key again to turn the transceiver squelch back on.• Squelch Off MomentaryPress and hold this key to momentarily turn the transceiver squelch off.  Releasing this key turns the transceiver squelch back on.  While squelch is off, the  (KCH-14) or MON (KCH-15) icon appears on the display and you can better hear weak signals on the channel.• StatusRefer to “FleetSync: ALPHANUMERIC 2-WAY PAGING FUNCTION” on page 18 and “Making a Status Call” on page 23.
34• System SearchPress this key to view the current Trunking site.  With the site displayed, press the System Search key again to enter Search mode.  “SEARCH” appears on the display and the transceiver begins searching for a new site.  When a site is found, searching ends and the transceivver switches to the new site.• Tactical GroupPress and hold this key for 1 second to register the selected channel as a Tactical Group channel.  Press and hold this key for 3 seconds to register all channels within the current zone as Tactical Group channels.• Talk AroundPress this key to toggle Talk Around ON and OFF.  When activated, “TA” appears on the sub-display.  Talk Around redirects the transceiver signals directly to other party members rather than relaying the signals through a repeater.• TalkgroupRefer to “MAKING GROUP CALLS” on page 12.• TonePress this key to toggle the transceiver audible tones ON and OFF.• ZeroizePress and hold this key for the pre-programmed zeroize delay time, to delete the Encryption key.• Zone DownPress this key to decrease the zone number {page 12}.• Zone SelectUsing the CH control, turn clockwise to increase the zone number and counterclockwise to decrease the zone number {page 12}.• Zone UpPress this key to increase the zone number {page 12}.
35BACKGROUND OPERATIONSYour dealer can activate a variety of transceiver functions to perform without any additional operation on your part.TIME-OUT TIMER (TOT)The Time-out Timer is used to prevent any caller from using a channel for an extended period of time.If you continuously transmit for a period of time that exceeds the programmed time, the transceiver will stop transmitting and an alert tone will sound.  To stop the tone, release the microphone PTT switch. Your dealer can program the TOT time in the range of 15 seconds to 20 minutes.If programmed by your dealer, a pre-alert tone will sound before the timer expires.  Also, if programmed by your dealer, you may have to wait for a short duration before you can continue to transmit.  If you press the microphone PTT switchbefore the timer has been reset, an alert tone will sound and the transceiver will not enter transmit mode.SIGNAL STRENGTH INDICATORThe signal strength indicator displays the strength of received signals.Strong signal 6XIÀFLHQWVLJQDO  Weak signal    Very weak signalCOMPANDER7KHFRPSDQGHULVSURJUDPPHGRQO\IRUVSHFLÀF&RQYHQWLRQDO)0FKDQQHOV,ILWhas been programmed by your dealer, transmitted signals are compressed before being sent and received signals are expanded when they arrive.• Your dealer must set the compander for both the transmit side and the receive side in order for the compander to operate.This background feature allows higher clarity of signals, avoiding excessive noise and interference.  This feature is not used on digital channels, as they are not susceptible to noise and interference.
36BUSY CHANNEL LOCKOUT (BCL)If set up by your dealer, you will be unable to transmit on a conventional channel if it is already in use.  Under these circumstances, use a different channel or wait until the channel becomes free.However, if BCL Override has also been programmed, you can transmit overtop of the current signal:1Press and hold the microphone PTT switch.• If the channel is already in use, a warning tone will sound.2Release the microphone PTT switch, then press and hold the microphone PTTswitch again within half a second.3Speak into the transceiver as you would during a normal transmission.OUT OF RANGEOn Trunking channels, if set up by your dealer, the transceiver will indicate when it is out of range.  When it can no longer communicate with any site, an out of range tone sounds and “OUT OF RANGE” appears on the display.SITE TRUNKINGOn Trunking channels, if set up by your dealer, the transceiver will indicate a network condition on the registered site.  When the transceiver receives a network disabled message, “SITE TRUNK” appears on the display.CONTROL CHANNEL HUNTOn Trunking channels, the transceiver must search for a control channel.  While searching for a control channel, no signals can be received.  The search begins automatically when you change to a Trunking channel.PTT IDPTT ID is a unique transceiver ID code which is sent each time the microphone PTT switch is pressed.Note:  PTT ID can be made only in FM Operation.If Beginning of Transmit is set, the ID signal is transmitted when you press the microphone PTT switch.If End of Transmit is set, the ID signal is transmitted when you release the microphone PTT switch.If both are set, the ID signal is transmitted when you press and release the microphone PTT switch.
37VGS-1 OPTIONAL VOICE GUIDE & STORAGE UNITWhen using the optional VGS-1 voice guide & storage unit, you gain access to the voice recorder and voice announcement functions.  Ask your dealer for details.VOICE RECORDERThe voice recorder provides you with an auto recorder to record your conversations and a voice memo function to create voice memos.  You can also prepare automated message responses to received calls.The voice recorder can store a combined maximum of 300 seconds (5 minutes) of recordings in blocks of up to 30 seconds each.QAUTO RECORDINGIf activated, the auto recording will continuously record all transmitted and received signals.  The recording storage area retains 30 seconds of recording, so all transmitted and received signals are simultaneously recorded and erased, leaving only the last 30 seconds of recording in memory.• The auto recording indicator (KCH-14: / KCH-15: )appears when this function is activated.Q VOICE MEMOSTo record a voice memo, for later playback:1Press and hold the key programmed as Playback for 1 second.• The duration of recording memory will appear on the display and begin counting down.2Speak into the microphone to record your voice memo.• Pressing the microphone PTT switch at this time will transmit your message as well as record it.  Do not press the microphone PTT switch if you do not want to transmit your message.3Press the PF 2,PF 4, or DTMF key to end the recording at any time and store it into the transceiver memory.• Press the PF 1 key to cancel the recording at any time.  The recording is not stored to memory in this case.• If the memory becomes full, recording will stop automatically and store the voice memo to memory.• “WRITING” appears on the display while the recording is being stored to memory.
38QAUTO REPLY MESSAGEYou can set the transceiver to automatically respond to Individual Calls (while using FleetSync):1Press the key programmed as Auto Reply Message to enter Auto Reply Message mode.2When you receive an Individual Call, Auto Reply will begin after waiting for 3 seconds, the transceiver will send an automatic response to the caller, and “GREETING” appears on the display.• If you are available to receive the call, press any key to disable the auto response.• If there is a channel available on your transceiver for recording, “I am not available. Leave your Message.” will be sent to the caller.  The caller can then leave a recorded message on your transceiver which you can later recall and listen to.  When a message is stored on your transceiver, “Msg Rcvd” appears on the display. • If there is no channel available on your transceiver for recording, “I am not available.” will be sent to the caller and “MEMORY FULL” appears on the display.Q PLAYBACKTo play back a recorded conversation, memo, or message:1Press the key programmed as Playback to enter Playback mode.• If the last action on your transceiver was to auto record your conversation, “STORE?” will appear on the display, otherwise a memory channel with the time of the recording will appear.  To store the conversation record in the next available memory channel, press the PF 4 key.  To skip to the stored memory channels, press the PF 2 or DTMF key.  To skip back 5 seconds, press the GRP  key.  To skip ahead 5 seconds, press the GRP  key.2Rotate the CH control or press the GRP  and   keys to select the memory channel you want to play back.• “RM” represents automated reply messages.• “AR” represents conversation records.• “VM” represents voice memos.3The transceiver will announce the channel, then the recording will automatically play back.• When the entire recording has been played, “END OF MSG” (end of message) is displayed.• To delete the selected recording, press the PF 3 or DTMF # key.  To clear all the recorded data, press and hold the PF 3 or DTMF #NH\$FRQÀUPDWLRQmessage will appear on the display.  Press the PF 2 or DTMF key to delete the recording(s) or the PF 3 or DTMF # key to cancel.VOICE GUIDEWhen changing the zone and/or channel, an audio voice will announce the new zone and channel number.  Additionally, when changing a function setting, an audio voice will announce the new setting.  (Voice announcements vary by dealer setting.)
MANDATORY SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS TO INSTALLERS AND USERS• Use only manufacturer or dealer supplied antennas.•Antenna Minimum Safe Distance: 180 cm (6 feet), 50% duty Cycle.• Antenna Gain: 0dBd referenced to a dipole.The Federal Communications Commission has adopted a safety standard forhuman exposure to RF (Radio Frequency) energy which is below the OSHA(Occupational Safety and Health Act) limits.•Antenna Mounting:  The antenna supplied by the manufacturer or radio dealermust not be mounted at a location such that during radio transmission, anyperson or persons can come closer than the above indicated minimum safedistance to the antenna, i.e. 180 cm (6 feet) , 50% duty Cycle.• To comply with current FCC RF Exposure limits, the antenna must beinstalled at or exceeding the minimum safe distance shown above, and inaccordance with the requirements of the antenna manufacturer or supplier.• Vehicle installation:  The antenna can be mounted at the center of a vehiclemetal roof or trunk lid, if the minimum safe distance is observed.• Base Station Installation:  The antenna should be fixed-mounted on anoutdoor permanent structure.  RF Exposure compliance must be addressedat the time of installation.Antenna substitution:  Do not substitute any antenna for the one supplied orrecommended by the manufacturer or radio dealer.You may be exposing person or persons to excess radio frequency radiation. Youmay contact your radio dealer or the manufacturer for further instructions.Maintain a separation distance from the antenna to person(s) of at least 180 cm (6 feet),50% duty Cycle.“This transmitter is authorized to operate with a maximum duty factor of 50%,in typical push-to-talk mode, for satisfying FCC RF exposure compliancerequirements.”You, as the qualified end-user of this radio device must control the exposureconditions of bystanders to ensure the minimum separation distance (above) ismaintained between the antenna and nearby persons for satisfying RF Exposurecompliance.  The operation of this transmitter must satisfy the requirements ofOccupational/Controlled Exposure Environment, for work-related use, transmitonly when person(s) are at least the minimum distance from the properlyinstalled, externally mounted antenna.  Transmit only when people outside thevehicle are at least the recommended minimum lateral distance away from theantenna/vehicle.B59-2403-00

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