Jada Toys JT49RX82000 RC Car User Manual
Jada Toys Company Limited RC Car
User Manual
“1595 Keep these instructions for Iitture relerence they contain important tntormatiori - Remove used-up batteries immediately Remove batteries il vehicle thI not be used tor a long period cI time to prevent possible leakage. Do not recharge non-rechargeable batteries Do not short—ctrwtt terminals Remove rechargeable battenee belore reohargtng Rechargeable battery must be charged by adult only Dispose of batteries sately. Do not dispose eI batteries tor products containing nonrreplaoeable batteriest in fire, as battenes may explode or leak Do not disassemble the battery pack, Battery pack can be charged tor much longer periods wlIth harrri however, we recommend unplugging the battery pack II battery pack WIII not be used Icr several days. Battery Performance Note: IMPORTANT: Please read all “Consumer . Information" before operating your vehicle CAUTION: ELECTRICALLY OPERATED PRODUCT Not recommended Ior children under a years or age As with all electric products, precautions should be observed during handling and use to prevent electric mock ADULT SUPERVISION REQUIRED. Surfaces may become hot and cause burns ii electronics get 1. 2. When using alkaline bananas, battery IlIe may vary depending on battery brand COMPLIANCE wmt Fol: REGULATIONS (VALID IN u.s. ONLY) THts DEvIcE coMPuEs wrt‘H PART t5 FCI: RULES. OPERATION or THIS DEVICE IS SUBJECT 10 THE FOLLOWING Two coNDmoHs: rHIs DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFEREHcE. THls DEVICE Musr ACCEPT AIIV HARMFUL INTERFERENCE THAT MAV CAUSE wet Do not operate vehicle through water or snow “DESIRED OPERAHDN. II’IIS devioe generates and uses radio trequeney energy and it not used property may cause interterenoe to radio and television reception it has been tested and Iottrld to comply with the limits set by the FCC which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interterenee Consumer Informati n: Note to Adults: to ensure that the chtld‘s play is both sale and tun, please review all operating instructions and safety rules With your chttd ACAUTION: changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manulacturer responstble tor compliance could Votd the user's authority to operate the equipment. safety Tlps ~ NEVER drive your vehide on streetst They‘re Iei real cars' , Do NOT pick up vehicle while in motion - Keep ringers, halr and loose clothing away trorn tires and lhs wheel hubs Whlle the vehicle is switched ON ' Adult supervtslcln ts recommended when this vehicle Is CONTENTS Vehlcle Transmitter Oonlroller being operated A t tor Transm ~ To avotd accidental operation, remove all batteries when glam?“ mmw'fciumwuer not in use ' r Battery charger used with the toy to be regularly examined Ci" 9’ ”Q‘WM'C" s‘m’” P‘“ ("W ‘C “H” Ior damage to cord plug enclosure and other parts“ and in the event ot suoh damage Toy must not be used wllh the banery charger untll such damage has been repatred, - For translormer toys and toys with battery boxes: toy is not to be oonriected to more than recommended number of power supplies ~ Recommended rechargeable batttery 9 sv 700mAH NI—Cd. BEFORE BATTERY IN5TALLATION Vottr new W0 is designed to work With standard we 9.t‘>volt Nuco batteries and charger Controller is designed to work With a wait alkaline battery. For detaited intormattori regarding N" Cd battery charging and saIety, please IDIIW the specific Instructtons that name it h Battery Safety IItIormatIon with your battery pack an o arger ~ tnsure that battery polarity is correct . Use only batteries oi the type recommended tor equivalent; ~ Do not mix old and new batteries - Do not mix alkaline, standard {carbonrztncl or rechargeabte thicket-cadmium) batteries BATTERY CHARGING: tWheh using 9 sv Nt-Cd Ballery Paokt "REcttARGEAaLE BATTERIES ARE to BE CHARGED sv ADULT ONLY“ (The rechargeable NIer battery pack is not charged. please Pr... h-F. xJuul—IS—usut whln oaaniaa Eatiary Ch-rnur aav Nl-Efl tamer-y paek (DIAGRAM I) (DIAGRAM E1) "Emma one EEV Nl-cd hilt-Ev n-ek rt: REHLACE EA‘r'rEnv HEMBVE scnew EN BATTEnv cqun As sunwtrt IN ILLusYHAYIflN AND assures BATTERY ntt-r-v a.“ (DIAGRAM 2) charge battery tor 4 ttourt hours prior to use) 1 Plug the wall pack battery charger into wall outlet. 2 Connect the cables leading Irorn the Battery Pack and the charger together by snapping the tack and the socket tightly (See diagram 1) 3 To disconnect cables, press down on the clip and pull apart. (See diagmm 1 t 4,AI|er charging Ior 4 (Ion!) hours, the battery will be warm rhis condition is normal tor lully chaiged batteries, 5.Aiter use, the battery pack will be hollll Wait at least 20 minutes unltl the battery cools beIore recharging Recharging a warm or hot battery pack will greatly shonen the use file of the battery, INSTALLING BATTERIES IN THE RIC 9 ev NI-Cd 1 Puth the ONIOFF to “OFF” position on vehicle 2 To install the gov NI-Cd battery, use a Phillips screwdriver (not includedt, to remove the battery oomrranirient door underneath the vehicle. (See diagram 2) 3 Remove the battery compartment door EmdlkSDIJflIIH-fi) ; ll IS R. d 4 Plug lhe battery pack irilo lhe cable oy snapping lhe leak and sockel iighlly 5 Replace lhe oallery companmenl door and use Pmlllps screwdriver to lock lhe oomparlrneril door INSTALLING CONTROLLER - 9 VOLT BATTERV 1 Open rhe battery cover as shown isee Diagram 3) 2. Install one 9V ballery with poiamy PM as shown inside ballery oomparimerii 3 Replace battery cover UICK TIPS When your vehicle slarls to lose power i1 may lose iuholiohs or perlorrnarioe. It‘s lime lor lresh baileries tor a recharge) Vourvehicle‘s running lime may change depending on your dniring slyle Radio inlerlerenee can make your vehicle run badly lnlerierence can be caused by olrier R/C vehicles running on rhe same lrequencyi eleclrical wiresi large buildings, or CB radios Try lo stay away lrom these' Poinl your Iransmnter conlioiler anlenha up , nor down ioward your vehicle ll yourvehiole ge1s loo laraway ii won'i work properly Don't dhve your vehicle in sand or 1hrough waier or snow Doll 1 slore your vehicle near heal or in area sunlight Always lurri swrlehes OFF and remove all oalieries lor siorage TROUBLE SHOOTING PROBLEM SOLUTION Car will not START 1. Power swlroh is oil. Turn on. 2. Bahamas are installed wrrh incorreci polarnies Check lhe r and , markings to make sure the batteries are properly aligned. 3. Batteries are drained Charge harlenes and/or install new barrenes Car does not respond to controls 1 Transmitter oonlroller barrery is drained. Replace 1he 9v conlroller battery. 2. Vehicle is culof range. Bring oonrroller closer to the vehicle, 3 inlerierenoe lrom surrounding electrical machinery. Bring to a wide open space. Car does hol dhve slraighlv 1. Adjust the steering dial underneath lhe front axle, left or right, until the wheels point straightforward. Important! Problems? Before taking your new RIC back to the mailer, call our friendly RIC technicians at: 1 -800-679—5232 between the hours of 9 am lo 5 pm Pacific Tim. WWW-“DATDV5J2flM Questlons or problems willi your vehicle? DO NOT RETURN IT TO THE STORE! U.S.A 3. Canada Jada Toys Ric Products Jada Toysi Inc warrants to Ine original consumer purchaser that lhls product Will be lree OI delecis in material and workmanship {or sixty (60) days Irom the date of purchase Jada Toys will repair or replace the product at our sole option in 1he evenl oi such a deleci wrihin lhe warranty oenod in the evenr ol a deleei covered under ilns warraniy. llrsl oail lhe IolHree number lisled below Many prooierns can be solved in rhis manner ll necessary. you Will be instructed lo relum lhe produci, postage pre-pald and insured. 1o lne address oelow Enclose your name address. ieleohone number oooy oi dared sales receipti and a briel explanallan oi lhe deiecl Repair or replacemenu and re1um shlpmenl, will be lree or charge Please return on lhe deleciive pan or uml. packed securely This warranty does nol eover damage resurling irom unaulhorized modilicallan‘ aocrdem, misuse or abuse l1 lhe producl IS relurried wilhoui a oa1ed sales reoeiol, lhe product may be excluded 1roni coverage under ihls warrahly Jada Toy‘s llablllly for detects Iri material and workmanship under this warranly shall be limited to repair or replacement at our sole option. and in no event Shall we be responsible [or ineldental, consequential, or contingent damages {except in those slates Inal do not allow lhis exclusion or liinliallon). Thl$ warranty is exclusive, and IS made in lieu ol any express or implied warramy Valid only In U.S.A. and canada. This warranry gives you specific legal nghls and you may have olher rights which may vary lrom slale Io siale same slaies do nol allow lhe excluslori oi inoderiral or consequeniral damages, so lhe above exclusrclns or limiiaiions may nor apply 10 you TOLL-FREE NUMBER 1-aoo-e7g-JADA (5232; (valid only in u.s,A. and Canada) Hours 9 on A M e 5.00 PM Pacific Timei Monday a Friday Expecl some delay in January lollowmg lhe holiday season Please be patient and keep irying lhe ioll-lree number Address lor Relurna: Consumr R lllons, Jada Toys. Inc 933 Hitcher Ave. City of lhdusrry, cA 91748
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No Creator : HP 9100C Digital Sender Create Date : 2004:09:21 15:54:27 Author : ITS ELECTRIC TOY Producer : Title : Subject : manual 1 Modify Date : 2004:09:21 16:31:51+08:00 Page Count : 2EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools