Jada Toys JT49RX89003 RC Car User Manual User Manaul
Jada Toys Company Limited RC Car User Manaul
User Manaul
BIGTImE MLISELEe RHDID CONTROL Keep these lnslructlons tor luture reterenoe they oontaln lmporterlt lnlormatlon. IMPORTANT: Please read all “Consumer lhtormatloh" before operattng your vehlcle. CAUTION: ELECTRICALLY OPERATED PRODUCT Not recommended tor chlldreh under a years at age As Wlth all electric products. precautlons should be observed durlng handhhg and use to prevent electrlc shock ADULT SUPERVISION REQUIRED. Surtaces may become hot and cause burns ll electrenlcs get wet. Do not operate vehicle through water or snow Consumer tntormatieh: Note to Adults: to ensure that the amide play ls both sare and ten, please review all operatlng lnstrucllons and salary rules with your child. CONTENTS Vehicle x WC Transmtller Controller x tPC Antenna lor Transmltter Controller x WC 9.6V Nl-Cd Battery Pack x 190 Charger INQBV Nier Battery Pack x WC w battery x 190 safety Tips - NEVER drive your vehlcle en streetsl They're lor real carsl - DO NOT plck up vehlote whlle ln metlon - Avold celllstons Wlth wall or hard surlaces. - Keep llngers, hair and leese clothlng away lrem tlres end the wheel hubs whlle the vehlcle is switched ON. - Adult supervlslen ls heeemmended when thls vehlcle ls belng opereted - To aveld accidental eperatlen, remove all battenes when not ln use. - Regularly examine battery charger. cord. and plug enclosure and ether pens for damage. in the event oi any damage to such pans, do not use the battery charger unbl lt has been properly repaired. - For transformer toys and toys wllh battery boxes toy ls not to be connected to more than recommended number or power supplles Recommended rechargeable battery 9.6v 700mAH Ni-Cd. ‘ Be SIMS (CI rest YOU! vehicle (OT aI least 5 mtnutes eher every 15 minutes or epemtlon BEFORE BATTERY INSTALLATION vour new RIC ls deslgned to work wllh standard R/C 9.6-volt Ni-Cd batteries and charger Controller ts deslgned to work Wlth a evolt alkallne battery For detalted lnrormabon regardlng leCd battery charglng and safety. please lollow the speclflc lnstruottohs that came wrth your battery pack and charger BATTERY CHARGING: (When uslng 9 6V Nl'Cd Ealtery Paek) "RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES ARE To BE CHARGED av ADULT ONLY" (The rechargeable Nl-Cd battery peek ls not charged. please charge battery tor A (tour) hours prlor to use) t Plug the wall pack battery charger lnte wall outlet 2 Connect the cables loadlng lrom the Battery Pack and the charger together by snapplng the lack and the socket tlghtly lSee dlagram 1) 3 To drseonneet cables. press down on the ellp and pull apan (See dlagram ti 4 After charglng lel A (tour) hours. the battery wlll be wenn Thls eondltldn ls normal lor lully charged batter-es DO NOT overcharge the battery 5 After use. the battery pack WtH be hotlll Walt at least 20 mlnutes mm the battery cools before rechergrng Recherglng a warm or hot battery pack wiII greatly shonen the use lrle or the battery INSTALLING BATTERIES IN THE R/C 9t6V NI-Cd l Push the ON/OFF to “OFF“ poslhen on vehlcle 2 To rnstall the e sv Nl-Cd battery, use a Phllllps screwdnver lnct lncludedl. to remove the battery mmpanmenl deer undemeath the vehlete (See dlagram 2) Remove the battery eompanrnent door. Plug the battery pack lnto the cable by snapplng the lack and serket llghtly 5. Replace the battery compartment door and use Pnllllps screwdrlver to leck the compartment door so. INSTALLING CONTROLLER 9 VOLT BATTERY l Open the battery oever as shewrl (See Dragrarn 3) 2. install one 9v battery wnh oolanty (+/s) as shown lnslde battery compartment 3. Replace battery cover. lr‘li mus-men cowhouzk unfit-me“ Agmwwle. nonstsusoz -.-v mm mm see- Tn noun better, not tum" unw err emry m .. Ann-n ln llulwnlon and "Man may pee. (DIAGRAM 2) MI 11”: women”. “mama“. m ml- MMM-‘d momma.“ mwloFwafl-fim "Mott-W. VMMMhmnlw—mm mnmlofirmnow Jada oval mark is a Irademark of Jada Toys, lnc. BIGTIME MUSCLE is a reglstered trademark of Jada Toys, lrlc ©2008 ada Toys, Int: (3in GI Induslry, CA 91748 USA TROUBLE SHOOTING PROBLEM SOLUTION Car will not START Cat does not respond to controls open space 1 Powerswttcn ts on Turn on 2 Banenes ale Installed wlm tnoorrea petartlles Check the ‘ and ' marktngs to make sure the battenes are properly alrgned 3 Battenes are drarned Change battertes and/or rnstall new battenes | Transmlller controller battery ls dmlned Replace the 9V controller WHEN 2 Vehtcle ts out at range anng controller closer to the vehtcte 3 Interietence lrom surveundlrlg elecmcal mammary Bnng la a wlde Car does not dnve straight. t Adlust the staenng dtal underneath thetrdntaxte. tett or nght unut the wheels pctnt stratght torward Car does not move t Release the lngger tmmedlately. and restyourcartortew mtnutes WWW..IADATDYS.I=DM battery saloty lnlormsntort - Ensure that battery peterrty n canact - Use only ball-nos ol the recommanoed type lot soutvslentl - no not mtx old battertea wrth new better-es - no not mtx alkalrne standard lcarbon-ztncl or rechargeable (nlckuI—cfldmlum) bananas - Remove depleted bananas rmmedtately or rl ventele m” not be used let a long duratton to avotd posstble leakage - no not recharge non-recherbeable battenea . no not smrt—clrcun tenntnals - Remove rechargeable battenas lrom vehtele beldra tachardrntl - Rechargeable battenas are to be recharged by adults onry . ntspose el bettenea sately be not expose battenes to ltre as battertes may leak or explode . no not dtsassemble the battery pack - no not overcharge the battery the only the charger provtded Charong the battery pack wttn a charger other than the one prevtdad may result tn damage to the battery rmproper chard-no and/er Exploston QUICK nus - vantcle powerless or ntattuncttontng ts olten a mint! ol week bananas Replecarecnerge bettenes to obtatn apttmurn pencrmanoe The v. Ia‘s ntnntnp ttme may change. dependtng on your dnvtng style . Radto treeuency tnteneranae can result tn poor ventcle pertorntansa lntertarsnoe can be caused by other Rlc venteles operattnd under the same traouency eleatrtcal wtras. large burldtngs. and cd radtos Try to stay away horn thesal . Polrll your transntttter controller antenna up-rtot down (uwam the vehrcle ll the vehrcle can too tar away tt may not work properly - non operate the vehtcla tn sand. water or snow - Don‘t store the ventcte near heat or tn dtrect sunltpnt mays turn awncher OFF and remove battenas tor storage cleaning lnctnrctton: - Always remove the battenes betbre cleantngl Ustnp a clean damp cloth lplaln water) wrpo art and dabrte trom the eunace olthe ventcle Use a dry cloth to dry the surtace ortne ventcle - no not tmmeree tne vehtale tn water no not use any menttcals to clean the ventcle . use platn water only - Allow the yentcle to completely dry belera retnstalltng batteres couthAtlce WIN rcc Recuunorts {VALID ttl us. ohm ms nEvtcE COMPLIES wmt we? to OF THE FCC RuLEs. oPERATloM or ms DEVICE ls susJEcr to THE Poem/wt“; two commons: 1. mt: DEVlcE utAv NDY CAUSE NARMFUL tnTERFEREncE.Ann 2. ms [75ch Must ACCEPT ANv INTERFERENCE REcElvEn. INCLUDING INTERFERENCE TNAY uAv cAusE unnEstREn OPERAHON. thts devrca generates and uses redo treqbency energy and r not used propflly mly cause tnterterenoe to male and televrston rapeptton II has been tested and round to comply wnn the lrmtts set by the FCC when are dos-pm to provtde reasonable proteetton tug-ms! such rntetterenoe rcc wamtng CAUTION The manutacturer rs not respcnsrble tor any radto at w trtterterenoe caused by unautnonznd modneanons to thts sautpment ctr-sees or madfllcatmm not expressly savored by the pany responsrbta tor compltenca could mm! the user s authorrty to operate (M eeutpment note Thls soutpntertt has been tested and lound to campry wnh IM ttmrtsler a class B dtonal devtaa pursuant to Pants at the Fcc Rules these lrntrts are destdrted to prbvtde reasonable protedtbn agarnsl harntlul tntenerenaa tn a rastdenttel tnstattatton Thls edutpmerrt generates uses and can radtate rade rreqtrency arterpy artd rt not tnstatted and used tn amrdm mm the tnsbuctpns may cause narmlul rntarverenca to radto communreatrbns However there a m: guarantee that rntenerm wttt not boot. tn a pantotlar tnstallartan tt (ms equtornerrt does cause nannlut tnterrerence Io radto or televtsrert mpllun wtttch can be detenrttned by turnrng the eourprnarrt ml and on the user ts encouraged to try to correct the tnterrerertce by one crrrtbre ettha tollornng measures «eonent or relocate the recenrng antenna ..lncrease the separatron between the equtpntent and reeerrer {armed tne equrpment rnto an outlet on a crreurt drtlerem trom that to whlch the reserver ts mnneded Acansull bte dealer or an expertertoed radnnv (echmclan tor help CAUTION-ELECTRICAL” OPERATEDPRODUCT: Mttltttllmlrtldltltllldltlmdlliytlll thttttltl‘mlldtdl‘tpltltb. rmllwlwflhmwfilm WWIMWNWMQWSM INPUT: MACWNHBW UUIPLH: mm mm Important! Problems? Betore talttng your new RIC bnett to the retnt r, cell ourtrtendty RIC techntctans at: 1 -800-679-5232 between the hours at 9 am to 5 pm Paettrc Time; Monday - Frldiy. www..|AnA'ruv:.|=uu cuesttons or problem: wnh yourvenlcte? DO NOT RETURN IT TO THE STORE' u s.A 3 Canada so-my lelted warranty Jada toys are Product- Jada toys. Inc warrants to the ortptnal consumer purchaser that thts product wtlt be tree at detects In matertal and kasnsnlp tor stxty (sol days tront the date ot purchase Jada Toys wtll repatr or replace the product. at our sole dpttcn. tn the event ct sum a detect wrthtn the warranty pennd tn the event or a detect covered under thts wananey. first call the tolHree number ltsted belorv Many problems can be solved ln thts manner lt necessary you wttl be tnstntcted to return the product, postage prepatd and tnsured. to the address below Enclose your name address. telephone numbery copy or dated sales reoetpt. and a brret explanatton ot the detect Rcoatr or replacement and return shtpment. wtll be tree or charge Please return on the detecttve part or untt. packed securely Thts warranty does not oover damage resulttng trom unauthonxed modtttcatton. aoctdent, mouse or abuse ltthe produd ta returned wtthout a dated aalaa rscetpi, the product may be excluded from coverage under thts warranty. Jada Tey's ttabtttty tor detects tn rnatenat and workmanshlp under thts warranty shall be ltrnttad to repatr or replacement, at our sole optton. and tn no event shall we be responstbte for tnetdental, consequenttal, or cenhnpent damages (except tn these states that do not allow thts exotuston or ltmnatronl Thts warranty ts exdustve, and ts made tn tteu or any express or trnplted warranty v only u.s.A. and Canada. Thls warranty gtves you speotfic legal ngme and you may have other nghts. whtoh may vary ttom sale to state some states do not allow the excluston 01 tnctdenlat or cbnsequenttal damages. so the above exotustons or ltmrtattons may not apply no you TOLL-FREE NUMBER l-boc-sndADAtszszl tvatrd onty in u.s.A. and Canada) Hours 9 00A M - 5 00 PM Faclfic "nnte, Monday - Fndaty Expect some delay tn January tottowthp the ncttday season Please be patteht and keep trytnp the (oIHree number Address for Rebutns: Consumer Relations. Jada toys. lnc sax Matcher Ave. ctty M tndustry, CA elm
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