Jebsee Electronics R-8000 AUDIO/VIDEO WIRELESS RECEIVER User Manual
Jebsee Electronics Company Ltd AUDIO/VIDEO WIRELESS RECEIVER Users Manual
Users Manual
Opel-at ng Precau ns CAUT|ON Wrommtuanmsuwmmmscmm mmmnmmumsmmmsmumnu WhmufiqmflmCmShnlM-fim‘wm ewm.mmmmmmmmmmm Mummemkdh.dmmandwuylnms,lrwdim LEM and mm all “Mom. 1de all mmlnus and imgluu I!“ on In wean. S‘Donmwmhmudmthau-mtwaumm mm‘fiww.awm.lnnmmwhw nu“ Mvmirm pool. 4.mmmmmmmmmm,um. mundanyhl,mmwmhm 5.Unp|wmiapmduclfiwnflnwdlmbflulmu.nnmm InchiiMOrmd-mU-elmdmfwm. auwmmmmulmmmmw mmmwmumm: kWhmlhephuildM airman-saunwwuwm GIMMMMIMhMNM D'mvxnm-mwmwmmmw 43 Operating Precautions " Enviemn-sbmurwormembhefrmbeenm. Enumm-dwmwmwfim. tNorepa'shnieMs)mothelnqmadIr/fluumm om:mwmmmmwmmmm mmunmmmymhmmmm WhmbpmcmEdp-nfidFCCmme Mummmmwmqmm nonmeehalesidenni insulation This euprnenigenemes mswmradimmdoneqummmynm. "notinmlud mmmmmmmmsmmmm Mmunmflomnm. Hm. inerei-noqummm MmFmEmydn-sminmmmmmn mammmmmmmmwmmm Whammmemeilsmmadmwmcmedm nanmbymamedmmwimm: VReuieni 01 mm me receiving «manna thmeuhmllenmmmequmem and Base unit. ummwmimmwum-mwmmm mmmsmuniihmmecw. -wumummwmmmww. [Thismmndbswedomyhomhlypedmm indie-tedmlhemminqlnel. 8Toredneemnnedupta1m mmmwuhammm mmmt sflaoemmmumuayfiomm AUDIO/VIDEO mm m me ban mil (in mm- mom‘hfmmplo) Base Unit Set-Up Whuubun ForamwleMsahhmmmrelhs AUDIO/VIDEOMMsv‘mom um, mus-mp mpmmmummmmm mum 2,an|heMd|hoUnl(loqoflde)fadng the AUDDOIWDEO aquipm-ms‘l mime tamer. mama-e Wm m Bun Unnismin go MMMAUDIOIVIDEO mum-m. amumnmhmfimumum emu...“ aw“, m. a...__. H.“ Whereto Use t 1. Make sute both unlts are ptugged Into a standard etemical outlet. 0 Use when Base Unit cannot be easily placed it item 01 the AUDIONIDEO equipment, (Exemptezwnen the AUDlO t VIDEO equipment and Base Unit are located in a closed cabinet), 0 Use when you would prelei to conceal the Base Unit in a 03tith or belting tumiture. How To Us 1.Plug the tnlrared Extender Into badt of Base Unit. 2.Plaoe the tnttared Diode (located on the opposite end at the extension com) in dear view or the AUDlONIDEO equtpmehl to enable Signet transmisston. Example of Application: TVGAN equipment in Cabinet 2. it the red light inside the Extension Unit does not light when the Remote Cami is operated: make sure you are pointing at the from of the extension Unit (the RCA logo is on the from) GMake stile you are within 18 test 01 the front at the Extension Unit. uMake sure nothing is blocking the path between the remote and the Extension Unit. 3. it your AUDIONIDEO equipment does not respond but the red ltght inside the Base Unit Iighs when a remote control is used: tMake swe the Base Unit is within 20 feet 01 your AUDIONIDEO equipment GMake sure the Base Unit front is painting at the hunt at your AUDlONIDEO equipment. «Make sure nothing is DIDEKlng the Base Unit and the AUDION|DEO equipment 4. it the red light on the Extension Unit lights when you operate the remote but does not light in the Base Unit: ‘Extend the antenna all the way up or move the antenna to a ditterent positron for better reoeph’on. 0Make sure the Extension Unit is no more than 100 feet from the Base Unit. 5. Move me Unit that appears not to be working to another locahon and try it again. 6. Attach the tntrared extender to the Base Unit for sttuan'ons where there is an obstruction (TV Cabinet. etc.) Notice: The change or modifications not expressly approved by the party respensktle tor compliance could void the user’s authonty to operate the egutpmenl
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No Modify Date : 2000:11:03 14:49:57+08:00 Create Date : 2000:11:03 14:44:35+08:00 Creator : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows Producer : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows Page Count : 4EXIF Metadata provided by