Jingneng Telecom Technology Co JN2800 2.4GHz Cordless Phone User Manual Print JINGNENG xif 32 pages

Shenzhen Jingneng Telecom Technology Co Ltd 2.4GHz Cordless Phone Print JINGNENG xif 32 pages

Users Manual

Download: Jingneng Telecom Technology Co JN2800 2.4GHz Cordless Phone User Manual Print JINGNENG xif  32 pages
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Jingneng Telecom Technology Co JN2800 2.4GHz Cordless Phone User Manual Print JINGNENG xif  32 pages
Document ID239444
Application ID4bZ7S1Oo32zO2hCk7Mtdhw==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize18.7kB (233735 bits)
Date Submitted2002-04-26 00:00:00
Date Available2002-04-26 00:00:00
Creation Date2002-04-26 18:37:01
Producing SoftwareAcrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows NT
Document Lastmod2002-04-26 18:39:15
Document TitlePrint JINGNENG.xif (32 pages)
Document CreatorJINGNENG.xif - Imaging Preview
Document Author: tinyi

l I b °°"’°“°F Rolsnnormwnss ocumuorco RDLSANDFEATUR '
| --
The ksvls used lo access me lslephone l‘ns m and 2 cell
‘ Anmnna Rad a Kuy‘lOELETE
When the phone ls lulg or orbhook. press a m leulal ms luslr‘umhmcllulev
Whunvlefillng oredmng rrmus and logs‘ the o quLETE kly l= Jam toe
dlglls or In? display and annals DI mur‘lpla enlr-axlmm ‘llc phone bookoncl
Callerlo dlleclovlas a 5 cm: used lo lnserl a programmable pause mm :
numbsls‘med In the phone back,
Cellar"! Kayo '
The . key is used lc revlew Cul'erlDlnlmmalvon slamflln mamo'ya
y .
| Option K9
The . keys fled in change its 7/le‘1algllalcllnumaLleuuflrg cahevl
/ — LCD Display Mum My my menu
| We “MENU my lsusad 1: lempcm’llv mm: the dese' microphone. Th’
—fi lNUKlEDlndlm-u ka Is also usBd la occasa ha programmable fimcllons u’vournhone‘
lip/Down Keys
Tale-y me on a“
“NEW" Kern + lay! le' you scroll lhlougn menus and lugs‘ uncomumhe mnusel
f Mammy/saw Kay— - "Belem/rims my volume
’ call. Kay. ' SIC“ P05} haw 9c! l m if l l dI m
ume c sure u: 1 s conven ma manner or a .
| Human my “WWW an Kay-JED" ' g
Sum W Dalelel mm'pflug Kay he QI'EDIT key ls used lo access lslepmne company savvlces, like sell
I Walling. Us area men to enema and efn pnme Dnok enmas‘
I Memory Kay -/s/\vc
qurl’ad Uae . (SAVE I0 program orulellleve Ihe numbers Imhe speed (fol fJIlECk
1:19 o {SAVE in ,s also used «nave numbers Ink) we plmre book and
(N19! sslilngs.
Ch. ncl chlnge Key n
The O key, when mused. wlll scan up ‘a 50 channels and ne'ecl the clear;
_ View ngMKay One in nrovlds me hen pcsxlble lecnpflcn
Tompnrqry Tone/Vllw Lrfl Key
lr lne bole la sal lo bulbs dlclllug. plasslng “cause! sunsequsnldlglu in b.
$9? Ola-led oul using lone Ullfll me Jne “5 pm hackon noel: Also used lo vlew lhe l
" ~ pavloffl-e dlaplcy w: move lhe cuysul hllwheuedlllng.
'\ _ Mint-amen. Vlew ngm Key
llsuo lo View the rlgnv panellne dlmlcy mo move line cursor "95! when sdl'l
Neodvsl Jccx
Hunt-mound: _
Inmpnmry Ton-l
Vlm lafl Kay
Buzzer _,
This hgndset outline drawing is applicabla for cT-FBDOO, the other: is not applicable.
7 a
L Fm upm handmrmn Ihs bum
. “PL?“ -. ”TALK" win fllsplay on ma screen and ma
limer w"! begin. Wan umll nu hear a at! lune‘
. Ola: lhs number you wish in 11181.
4 when you an "fished talking, press m- or
place the univbauk Into the ba u kw
Be In and Ibo call.
Non: rm mums ugh! an
the base will "laminae
whan the llnl la activv.
2. !F the handse! Is an the base (he display will show
G.‘ If you have Caller ID
.ll19 display leI show [rm
Caller ID hbrmavlon anar me first rim.
V 955! “- TALK.“ will display on ma semen and m5
call Vmerwlfl begin Wan! unlql yuu hear a ma loner
m1. .
, Press a to lama! the number Iasi dialed (un to 32
"Me: Vbu can also areas “(DELETE lJrsl lo display the
numhav and Inen press a to dial the numbe'
7 Press. 0 during a can unm me mama volume can!
Mumhevnrums in lha
um - 909 \s rswhsd
Gulch m hmporary inns Peas me“ her arhr Ihe mans Is In um The Filo-“e ||
dh' ! MI "min In Ions deli" mode 101 um duration all ms- 68
Press -- » «sh In _~ M aolhequ-lnslcallsr.
Mulnacafl firm ins-tan
Press m to mmrvus 9530an h lne cellar.
Ur; Thm
< i
"and“ Swings
You can change iha selling on the handan in me armor-s
menu. 'Moeaa Ihn options menu by
pressing and holding me
MENU My unii “Billed-ll" ls displayed.
To edit ms! solar-m, press Iha QEDIT hey, use me a
hay: in male between the semi pm, and ill n
press ”SAVE la save “a m s
h“ changss. Vim can cunilnue s Q-
prvgwmm options in using the dial pan keys orlhe -
fl keys to no la a new sell . Press menu in exit Ihe omions menu.
is: Eurasian
1. HM "Hull/0": Change lhs volume oi lire ringer on me handle! or turn
the ilrlgur oft
fl l-l'lwmt Charms ihe language Ihai appear: on trier display. Choose
between English. French, awapanlsh.
D Firs! "ha fill/DH: Turn lhe flrsl ring M “is
my uniil filler IDinlormallun has been file
using ills pilorilv snfl Hacked mil lealunaa
ring sauhpr.
u 11m 511: Change lhs um: and dais.
a Am Opdei Allows iha programming of a hams area code where Rilnil
dialing in used hr ads! 01 callback and pills: leaiums.
a comma: Mitts! the Mummy: al iha display for epiinmm viewing.
. PBX Numhr:
Number used In sums: PBX dialing oplinns. The deiaull
selling is "sf
a PBX um amon-
. Daiarmlnes ii llae "PBX Numhnr" is used before an cul-
iiolng number Ia dialed. when ‘On,’ automatically dials the PBX number
a pause. balms any speed dial or caller iD mflm number. Dehull
selling is ‘on.’
Fhuae Tlmu: Allows you to adiusf the number ui semnds‘ihat a pan
w Iasls such as during programmed pauses in your speed dial numbers 0'
afier your PBX numbrlr is dialed.
m ”93 Walling Demo." Ciem any cunam rrleasagr: waiting ind‘mibn-
G Auio Answer Oman; Turns on and vi! lho learn-e which makes me 0:0“?
autumaliulygo oil-hunk when the handabl is racked up 1mm ille has
while Ins phone is ringing.
Pflvue Hing omuri: llrrns an anti oil lire ring farali calls where lhs “a“:
has blodoad illsi'r caller lo. Please note lhal IhB phonnwwiii ring once SW
when set to ‘OlP unless Firs! Fling is programmed '0ll as wail.
Urlllvallnllld Hing Onion! Turns on and all the ring for all 3315 whet?
caller iD informant-n ls unavailable. Plane nole Ihal me phone will "nwgsll
once even when set no 'Oll‘ unless Firs! Hing is programmed Off as '
' ‘ ' ' rugs
Nels: Al any lime during oplruns programming you can nuil and Ill: sell
Illa! you have changed will ha saved. Press “MENU m un or [633120
Wilma programming lime oul by not pressing any keys int 20 5605 -
Sefllnu the Ringer Level
. Frass Mail In change ihe seuing. 'HI" will begin
Use "ie no keys to rogue between HI. LOW and
4. When [lie selling you desire is dlaplnyed. press |
”SAVE to save the stilling A double beep wll
eounu lo confirm lire sailing has been saved.
5. Continue with programming or press MENU in
return In lha Ida amen.
Changing (he Language
1 i
3 P7556 uEDlT is change the setting. "ENGLISH“ will
begin flashing.
4, Use Ihs an keys lo [a la befween ENGLISH.
5. When the 95an you desire Is “played. press
“Ski/Em save the setting. A nouns been wiil
enund lo confirm the sailing has been saved.
6. Cominue wim programming or press MENU In
mum in the idle scram.
mmrng the First Ring On or on ”
Yhu can Qum oli the first ring 01 the phone so that it dos:
no! ring until caller ID lulu-matron has been displflyud
i. Press and huid the MENU key to sum ihs menu,
2. Press 1. in go in lhe ilrsi ring programming ominn
J. Pml: WE
4. Use Illa n
DITio change the selling. ‘0n" Mii begin
“lays in luggis between On and Oil
5. When lira setting you deslrs Is displayed. press
saw Ills whiny. A daubie haep will
sound to confirm lhn setting has been saved.
6. Continue with programmrng or press M'MENU in
ICU)!" It) the
idis screen.
Selling the Time and Dale
Prnss and hold ins maiAENu key to mm iha man“-
Press m In go in ills time ssi programming npflofl-
Pmss WEUIHO change the signing. The mnnll'l will!
begin flashlng.
Use ma dial pad in enter iha month in median format-
T‘na dais wlll begin Hashing,
Use the dial pad lie enier lhe daie in lwu-dlgil «arm'-
The hour Mir begin flashing.
. Use the dial pad in enter ihs hour in Modgil iorrrlfl'A
The minutes will begin Flashing.
Use ma dial pad to enter me minutes in iwn-rflgri
inrmal AM and PM begin flashing.
"Breathe dial padlbcliuose flatwean AM and PM,
Where]. is AM and mis PM. \
When the ilnal Milirg is pmgrammed, lhe ilme and
data are automallcally saved. A daubia heap will
sound and you are rsiurned lo the npilons menu.
(11me1an with programming at press “MENU to
return in thin idln scrsen.
, Use the dim pad in e
. When "Is serving you
sound to confirm the
. Press usmno ch
-. Use the n a
era 0! comrasl.
1. Pros and hold the WMENU key In snlsr ma menu.
2. Press m to 90 lo the area code p
mgramnu‘ng unflon.
a. Pres; m'EDI'T to cfinnga the senmg. ‘——-"will begin
nler the "wee digfl aroa cod: Ihal
your phone Minter begins wi1h.
desire Is drsplaysd. press
V5 to saw "no setting. A Game has» wifl
setting has been saved.
6.00n14nuewilhp ammin or res; ME Um
rsmlniofhovdlsmgrasn. g p M N
1. Press and hold the MENU kny to enter the menu.
2. Pres
9 file go In Ih_scontrm| programming 0:11an
3 str- - . u v.
flashing. "E 959mm; 2 wlflbegln
keys lo tangle between the three Fev-
Seflmg the PBX Number
1. Prose and hold the WMENU keyvo enter the marl!-
2. Press W to go no the PBX numbsr pregrammlm
cpllun. FEM NEI-
, 31 . a
. Press MEDI No change me selling. "s'wm hegm
flash-fig. '
. Use ilwe n n W! to walnmfze the digit to malth
your PBX system.
When the 39!!qu you dasr’re Is drsplayad. press
“SAVE m save the sailing. A double beep will
sound to confirm Ina suiting has been saved.
. Continue wlxh prunramming ar press WMENU to
return to (he Idle semen.
The number Noam/Inner! here Is nor-smile unless PBX made Is On.
1. Press and hold the “MENU key [u emer are men"-
2. Prelss m In 90 to me PBX made pruglammrng
mm tax "ma
u -.>
3. Prass m'EDIT to change Ills selling. '0n“ wm flash.
use ihe an key: m raggrs between On and OH.
. When the setting you daslrs is dlsplayed. press
n/SAVE Iu save ihe setting. A dcubrs beep w|||
sauna m cunilrm ills samng has been saved.
6. Conlinue with programming or press WMENU lo
return to the m screen.
Nate: my do not need PBX mudb unress yuuneed to dial
a Spec/fie mhq'o digit numfla’bslwe and) calming call.
i M
i hanging are Pause Time
2. Press Q In go lo the pause lime programming
nprron. 7 ,
PnusE TernEJ
-- “a
. Press WEDIT lo change ihe selling ‘2’ will begin
, Use the an hays rn select lire desired dialing
5. When ma suiting you desire is displayed, press
3&va save me sailing. A double beep will
snund lo confirm [he selling has been saved.
6. Conlinue wiln pmgrammlng or press ”MENU lo
return "1 m0 idle screen,
Deleting Mesaage Wailing indication
Clears an
40 bf
5- current message walling lndicaliun. See page
more inlurmarion ghoul message wailing
2, Press m 10
. no to the message walling programming
unlron. _
a, Pressfl/EDIT‘M nasal inn message wailing indica»
Iinn. "DELETE“ will begin llahin
. Press “SAVE lo delete the indicalr'on. A double
beep will eeurrd lcr confirm.
r Conlirrue wirn programming ur press QMENU lo
return to lire idle screen.
1. Praise and hold lha menu Italy In Euler the menu.
Turning Auto Answer On or on
Turn on and oil lhe arr-lo firmer lealum When on lne
phone will automallcally answer an incoming call il li’s
__ harmsl is In me base.
1. Pmss and hold the WMENU key in enter the menu
2. Press in no lo lire nulo answer pmgmmmiflg
“mm lnum HHSUER
. Press WEDIT lo change (he selling. “On" wrll Hash-
, Uss lire “clays to toggle bellman On and Off-
. When ma selling you desire rs displayed. press
n’SAVE la saw ihs lsfling, A doublu been will
soundle wuilrrn lne setting has bean es
6 Corninua wiih programming ur press “(MENU to
relurn to the idle scram
Disabling (he Ring it)! Private Cells
Turns an and oil in. ring lur all calls where lne caller has
r, blocked Ilrvir cellar ID.
J; 1. Press and hold lhe mam-mu keyw enlar lhe menu-
2 Press“ lwrce u: go to the mil/abs ring programming
, ,‘
”Wu" PR] unrsmwna'
..> _,,
. Press m'EDrT to change the selling 'Dn“wrll "as"-
- U5? "Ni “okays in hggh! bslwesn On and DN-
, When lha selling you desire is displayed, press.
“SAVE lo save lhe sellingi A double heap M”
saurld lo onnifrm me selling has been saved.
. Gonlrnue wi-ih programming or mass E'MENU lo
“' reium to me idls screen.
we when set to vf'uniees firsrfiing Is ar'sa $9! to "0”—
rm PMG—6455 wi
ll «me up In 20 speed via! numbels |r1 Vh
programmed. Nu duplicuts numbers: can be swrad.
Storing Phone Numbers
calla where cellar ID
aval labia.
l. P1535 and ham ma Q'MENU keyio enter the menu,
2. Hess 0h go Int
9 order mm mav are
' ' . ‘ I9 Elsie. ms u.
, he unavailable nng programmmg T th the handsal in me no
"pm“ [unnunn m?" [mom 800K
; 3- _ _.\
‘ - w ' ‘ l .
”ms? WEDIT to avenge the inning "ow-win begln . Press. EDIT to areal—ea nan phone book m ry
“65mm JOHN sl
“59 "W Cums to toggle between On and on m- a.“ ..,
Whan me sorting you desire ls msplayed. Dress
SAVE Va save the semn
a. Entering name you whh in store usrng (llama! pad 10
snisr (he [allsrs (up to 1
5 Was). Sea the following
leuertaue for how lo pr
ogram lhe letters 05an the
number pad. Tn mws lhe cursur In me right. such as
to add a space Dawson wards, push m‘
le: For mun sum" dial this sequence:
Press -, and dial the number ynu wish tn store (up
hsa- wel ..|5
5- 97555 MSAVE M1911 finlshed to slam the number IO
Nab.- thhers am no msmmy focalians Is” In the speed (173! dim? 0‘9
FMS-3455 MW disphy “MEMOHY FULL " fiJ amt/nus WIIh memory
r en?! exlsring speed din! numbers.
. N’DELETE key; ta dmere a flashing
numbw. press anflho/d meal
. Locals {ha number wu wish lo oral using “-
u-mu - v
. Push m. The display will show the directory name,
and begm dialing the number.
lsass I
4. When ynu
are finished wllh your 5th was: a. or
place the harms! back on the base.
Bemwcherkrhawrorinsjs nafinuseby
another exremlun
1. Pressm PHONE BOOK '
2. Locate Ihe number you wlsh in films uslnyafl
BEG-SEE- ‘E 1?
err» m -s < s
595555 IE h?
-. s
4, 97983 fl'DELETEm delels the phone Imuk mummy.
The display will briefly
show ‘ERASEU‘ and return lo
the prewuus phone bank envy
5. When you are firrishedprsas n.
Edhlng u snared Number . E _1_ Preferred (VIP) Calls
0“ can assign flared numbers as preferred calfs. when an Jnunmiflg ca'l is
marchfll! to a 510
' ‘ " ale 3
red number assignment! as VrP, lhe phone wfll gene!
spew ringer sound aflanhs first ring [caller In Inmvmallon musi be meshed
u to go the desired entry. ‘
3. Press fhs ENU bmlon once. Tha LCD wilr
show the “VIP' Imn
4. Ptess “to exit the yhnne bunk.
Bloated (FIEJ) Cans ‘
" yfiu do rm wanr lo havs the phone ring when a specific number calls, val-I can
shre "1a! number in hhs phone book and assigned ll as bladed. When a
harming war! in m
etched Ir; a stored number dewgnmed as
not ring after the first rmg (cane! ID it '
Caller ID Displays
GDHN SHE Display shuws name and numbw,1|’mo and date owls call
"a u, c ,, 15:53?an
9 vs a a -___'_ ‘
i v When we mm“ W Mam “a JDHN 3mm
, ms and 5 -
I one nqnmerappears on ma dfsplay. 3-2? $1255 573-5 L8? 18 an S r 1 |7 Dlsphy shows number any games.
, B- - a a
|I 2 J'mumfilemnmmrdl rum the name and numberoflha cansr and ‘ 3‘ ”fl?" ”'
B 19 retard ls received. The New Call |‘ hr FM h . .
f Indicate he! you have a new Causr ID ealrsbured in marlin; is: h ”Tm-Wm f‘UNAVAILABLE" wm as aspwgyed when Caller ID
Mm' Whe m _ . __ _________ 7 7 mfurmaflon I: not avalrahre, Thus can was made [mm 5
' "f ," 9 cf“?! “3 Wu'malvcn is weaved. I! Is shred In menu-y so lhal Im- w; new one company Ina! does nut! olrer Caner ID starvif:as
a: 1:31qu can be recalled lorlarsr use. Up in 40 Caller ID calls “ finc'udirlg inmvnafionai cam
when a can is veoeived tram 3
Hacked number. For privacy masons, some stifles all!!!"
revsm malt Mayhem data h'orn
slng displayed on Ihu other panys Caller ID display.
ecu ms wars last mewod, no -
rapes! talficon t HP'I"; and 1m number of Repeal " H Display shows when m Cailer m inlormalion was recele
ERROR mommy or only pan a! "us data was received.
" erh the ”aha“! ”13 W359 IB- < mmgn Nah: When an error ls rammed. nuns ol lhs Gala mm
2 Any unvfewed (new) cells ml! be uTsplayed fist. Thu Ilwis call ls saved In memory.
mes! recent call leI be displayed Thu informanm on
Ihs can wil! be display” with me name. number, dim.
and lime that lbs can was received
- Duplay shuws when a voice mair msssags has been
MSG llJflI T] ”5 recsived and is stored by message w-hlng service
JOH'I‘SMTTH an? m; -n _n prowueu by (he ph
5‘595-555- la H
one company
. DLeplay shows when the Incoming call is a pfloriry call.
d! a‘ ewmelsstolthe 9339355548 IE
' a fleet! call, m s ‘
90 through me p S n
' Th
This is displayed when a is pressed and there is no
. call mesh/ad to tho C |_
firsr 8 wt" anew ynu to view the can: Frvm me “D H La Caller ‘D data smml,
first call remained to me last, 1 v {as -n --
5 Press III lo finlsh.
Caller ID with Call Waillng Suvlce
ln order m use lhe ‘Call Waiting Carlar lD"sewlcs yuu must subscrlbe to a
Imephvne tornpa ny thal alloys Caller YD sarvlus co rnbl
l sewicp.
marl wllh wall walllng"
yuu Wan! la connam he call, press
salve all will be placed on hold
|| 2. Press-to Allsrrmls between calls
3‘ Press 3 lo and me call or place lho nannsel back on the basa
Storing Cellar ID Recwds '
[Jew Sm?”
Use unto Scroll to lbs call record you wish to
stone lnlo lhe phone book.
. PmsmsAVE SEE—“7
mm J
4. The dlfizlay wlll straw "SAVED."
mepl: "you ”my dual a H)-
ntlmbsrfar meal calls, yuu mm! Ed‘l lha number
A7 molt/(19 Ihal to d: our curfew):
Deletlng Caller ID Records
. a!
an vlewina the clue, ID inlurmalion you can delete a “919 ca” ”0°” ”'
the call Imelda
Yo Delete a Single Rug
1. Pressfl- JOl-N smrw
nae-lam u-
n. E r‘rEN‘?
ER 55557 If E
4. To delete the record pres: “DELETE
5‘ Pram a to 9in we Calla: lD log.
11: Delete All Rewards
1. Fresh JOHN 9mm
595-5591? If
fl’DELETE, The «way will show
I: 555 lElE’J
me; '5
3. To derele all lhe caller ID recnrds ”SSE/DELETE.
he dismy war show "ERASE ALL" and men return
to the m display,
Press and ham
our Puss-455 lelehOne has hBen daslgnsd to
service! it is
“HO years 0! nuphle-irea
a sewialvg uieclronuc inslvurnsnt. 7b assune fls longevity. pie-
road (he lolimvlm maintenance instructions. (h man {he
_ h temperaiums can 0
k Inna the base or mss the n on the hand at la 1 Keep tho Plus 3455 away from heat as hug .
slap the pays/find aiure. p M 5 rue or ms eiaulrlcar wmponanls and main" or meir its piasllil‘ pans m
2. The PMGJQS shnuid be imp! irEB oldusl and mms1ur9 " " geisIchl'mmgs
. it dry immaialy Liqmds can mniflifl "Mimi’s "m ”a" new” a e
Out-of-mnge Warning Mu _ - ‘ .
ii you remur loo far from the bang. lbs in use: wm been and lhs msplay Mn" _ ,. “Mu", flopping n can cause 89m“
snnw “our ANGE" rsa yuurdn on to 75.35th3 mnnacimn h 3" ”W’s W” PM“ 3454 ”m" and which may msuii in manunccim
‘ damage lo circuitry, or Ihs plastic Oflsa
1h base or me caii Will be rapped. Wham "we bass tie that the h 9! has Ive “Md” |u cigar: the calm”
has" out or range for 2 mntinuoue seconds at wni release am engaged line. I, 4 no nol uss any type of Cham'fi' °’ W 5&3" l was" me PMS-3455
you ivy in access the line when m m; d is aux or range 0m"; base, the 59 any mid shergents an 3 Soil. dump G 0
law/fly wm ehqw "TRY AGAIN." la'enhonl- ‘ 1 n
5. The Prat-“3455 has built-in surge pmleminn clmults _lhaz meet 02:5: near
CC requirements. However. an Inciflenl such as a Jrghhflflfl 5'"
Chennai Changing the telephone lines. could cause serious ”main
if you are experiencing interim-sacs during a lei ne nail, mag (ha y. r! P G
The Film-3455 wfli Scan up 10 so charmers am seiscl the as! one to 6' ”he M
pmwds ma has! psalms recépfion.
5 arms it is suggested that line feieDhone be
$Iwms or Ihat
additions! surge suppression equipmem be added 10 iha
' (3-3 455
I' ns abom the operatrun of your PM
moznyuilfessemce Department ar 1-809-592-1331 Cir you
schnicar assisla no: via our Imernal Web
mfl—COM or email: lechfiittuyshnmcwn.
P'Oduc1 nnline a!
”Wmhlemaeom/Omwmefiunmr unegomlneasp

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.4
Linearized                      : No
Modify Date                     : 2002:04:26 18:39:15-06:00
Create Date                     : 2002:04:26 18:37:01-06:00
Title                           : Print JINGNENG.xif (32 pages)
Author                          : tinyi
Creator                         : JINGNENG.xif - Imaging Preview
Producer                        : Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows NT
Page Count                      : 13
Mod Date                        : 2002:04:26 18:39:15-06:00
Creation Date                   : 2002:04:26 18:37:01-06:00
Metadata Date                   : 2002:04:26 18:39:15-06:00
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