Jingneng Telecom Technology Co MH9915 900 MHz 40 Channel Cordless Phone with CID User Manual Part 2 with FCC information

Shenzhen Jingneng Telecom Technology Co Ltd 900 MHz 40 Channel Cordless Phone with CID Part 2 with FCC information


Part 2 with FCC information

Download: Jingneng Telecom Technology Co MH9915 900 MHz 40 Channel Cordless Phone with CID User Manual Part 2 with FCC information
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Jingneng Telecom Technology Co MH9915 900 MHz 40 Channel Cordless Phone with CID User Manual Part 2 with FCC information
Document ID154184
Application IDOb8VL93UOWdS1FiIyir+8A==
Document DescriptionPart 2 with FCC information
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize63.7kB (796201 bits)
Date Submitted2001-06-11 00:00:00
Date Available2001-06-11 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-04-04 17:29:40
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-04-04 17:30:32
Document TitlePart 2 with FCC information
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

Caller ID System Opera
Speed Viewing the DIRECTORY
1. Press the button.
2. Enter the first letter of a name. (See page 26 for detail of entering a letter)
3. Press the SCROLL DOWN (2) button to find all names with the same first letter.
Saving in the DIRECTORY
1. Press the button.
2. Press the button.
3. Use the TELEPHONE KEYPAD ~ buttons to enter the name, (see
page 26 for detail) you can store up to 18 characters.
4. Press the SCROLL DOWN (i) button once.
5. Enter the telephone number using the TELEPHONE KEYPAD .— bimons
You can store up to 22 digits.
o. Press and hold down the button.
7. Press the button to return to STANDBY mode. (It no active buttons are
pressed for 20 seconds, the LCD Screen will automatically return to STANDBY
NOTE: It will not save a duplicate telephone number or a name without the
corresponding telephone number in the DIRECTORY
You can assign PREFERRED CALL which will generate a special ringer sound at
the start of the second ring to any welcome caller in the DIRECTORY. When you
are saving the name and number into the DIRECTORY. add a mark at the
beginning of the name by pressing the TELEPHONE KEYPAD button.
You can assign a BLOCKED CALL which will disable the ringer sound lrom the
second ring to any caller in the DIRECTORY. When you are saving the name and
number into the DIRECTORY, add an ‘ * " mark at the beginning of the name by
pressing the TELEPHONE KEYPAD button.
Caller ID System Operation
Editing the Name and Number in the DIRECTORY
1. Press the button
2. Press the SCROLL UP ® or DOWN 6) button to find the record you want to
EDH’SSS r’E’ r’E
" i nut in?
3. Press the button to edit the name.
50 Lib-5 5 if {E cursor is blinking
4. Press the SHIFT LEFI' @ or RIGHT 6) button to move the cursor to the letter
or number you want to change To add, use the TELEPHONE KEYPAD ~
buttons. (see page 26 lor details.) To erase. press the button.
5. Press the SCROLL UP ® or DOWN 6) button to edit the number.
a. Press the SHIFT LEFT 4 orRIGHT E) buttontn move the cursorto the number
you wantto change. To add, use the TELEPHONE KEYPAD buttons.
See page 26 for details.) To erase. press the button.
cursor is blinking
on the number.
’r mm lE‘
7. Press and hold down the button to confirm.
IMPORTANT: It is not advisable to save a telephone number without the corresponding
name in the DIRECTORY. This will lead to improper displays on Private
and Out of Area calls.
NOTE: When no active buttons are pressed for 20 seconds, the LCD Screen will
automatically return to STANDBY mode.
Caller ID System Operation
Editing the Number in the DIRECTORY before
1. Press the . button.
2. Press the SCROLL UP Q or DOWN ® button to find the caller.
3. Press the (m button to edit the number.
. Press the SCROLL DOWN 6) button.
”4,31” cursor is blinking
r-n .
”U L6 5 5 We, 8 on the number.
r m...
5. Press the SHIFT LEFT @ or RIGHT (9 button to move the cursorto the number
you want to change.
To erase press the button.
To add use the TELEPHONE KEYPAD -. buttons
6. Press and hold down lhe DIAL 7 St) button tor a local call, or press and hold
down the DlAL 10 a? button for a local call with area code. or press and hold
down the DIAL 1+ button for a long distance call.
7. To end your com/ersalion. either press the button or place Ihe HANDSET
on lhs EASE UNlT.
NOTE: If you want to save the edited number in the DlRECTORY, Iollow steps 1
through 5 and then press and hold down the @ button
Caller ID System Operation
Placing Calls from the DIRECTORY
Press the . button
2. Press the SCROLL UP G) or DOWN (9 button to find the record you want to
3. Press and hold down the DIAL 7 @ button for a local cell, or press and hold
down the DlAL 10 w button for a local call wilh area code. or press and hold
down the DlAL 1+ 2) button Ior along distance call
4. To end your conversation, either press the button or place the HANDSET
on the BASE UNIT.
Deleting All Records in the DIRECTORY
1. Press lhe button.
2. Press and hold down the button while in STANDBY mods.
ISM” l/r‘E "MC
3. Press the button :o return to STANDBY mode.
Selective Deleting in the DIRECTORY
Press them . button.
2. Press the SCROLL UP ®or DOWN 6) button to find the record you want to
3. Press and hold down the button, then the LCD Screen wtll display
the next record in the DIRECTORY.
'r' var-(E
4. Press the button to return to STANDBY mode.
Caller ID System Operation
Function Operation
This unit contains the following special functions:
To amass, tress the button while in STANDBY mode. then press the TELEPHONE
KEYPAD 83 ~ buttons or the SCROLL DOWN @
' a ... r’D
li’JUB‘W/i’S ‘ 3 rot-1:3
KEYPAD (E) Button
KEYPAD @ Button
F'Eé-i’ ’ _
H Ul—F
{DGG".'l/.E wentiu inflamii'is '5..,...i0 iaac‘we swim
KEYPAD m4 Button KEYPAD Button KEYPAD Button
$50"in ' Twin lE‘GG“Il/IB new. 13 la‘m‘fl’n’l ' Mia
KEYPAD ..1 Button KEYPAD Button KEYPAD Button
NEE Lil!"
mew. “tum-ill?
Caller ID System Operation
This telephone offers English, Spanish and French languages for your
1. Press the button.
. Press the TELEPHONE KEYPAD ® button.
3. Press the button
. Press the SCROLL UP or DOWN ® button to select the language you
desire. You can also set the language b pressing the followin TELEPHONE
KEYPAD buttons; ® tor English, for Spanish. or lor French.
English is the preset language.
5. Press and hold down the button.
6. Press the (g) button to return to STANDBY mode.
This telephone wtll generate the first ring sound even in the BLOCKED CALL mode
to indicate that you have an incoming call. To keep silent in the BLOCKED CALL
mode, you can turn off the first ring sound.
1. Press the button,
. Press theTELEPHONE KEYPAD Q) button.
3. Press the button.
. Press the SCROLL UP ® or DOWN ® button to select the SILENT ONIOFF
setting. You can also press the TELEPHONE KEYPAD buttons; ® ibr ON or
(E tor OFF. SILENT OFF is the preset mode.
5. Press and hold down the button.
5. Press the button to return to STANDBY mode.
Set the date and time.
1. Press the button.
2. Press the TELEPHONE KEYPAD button.
3. Pressthe fiashladlt lbutton.
. Use his TELEPHONE KEYPAD bunch to enter the month. date, hour and minute.
The cursor moves automatically after entering each item. Press the TELEPHONE
KEYPAD (3 button forAM setting, or press the TELEPHONE KEYPAD
button tor PM setting.
5. Press and hold down the button.
Gt Press the button to return to STANDBY mode.
NOTE: The date and time will automaltcally set. it you have subscribed to the Caller
ID service from your local telephone company.
This Iunction enables you to adjust the ringer volume From HI, LOW and OFF as
1. Press the @ button.
2. Press the TELEPHONE KEYFAD button.
3. Press the flashledlt button.
. Press the SCROLL UP (9 or DOWN ®button to adjust the ringer volume
suitable for your conventence. You can also adjust the ringer volume by pressin
the followtng TELEPHONE KEYPAD buttons; 6) lor Hi, for Low, or d
for OFF. Hl is the preset ringer volume.
5. Press and hold down the button.
6. Press the g) button to return to STANDBY mode.
This unit enables you to select 8 brightness levels tor the Large LCD Screen.
1, Press the button.
2. Press the TELEPHONE KEYPAD E5) button.
3. Press the button,
. Press the SCROLL UP G) or DOWN 6) button to adjust the brightness or the
LCD Screen. Level 4 ts the preset brightness.
5. Press and hold down the button until a confirmation "beep“ is heard.
6. Pressthe button to return to STANDBY mode.
This unit will automatically operate in the PBX MODE ON system. You can preset Ihe
PBX number (such as an 8 or 9) while you are using a switchboard system,
1. Press the button.
2. Press the TELEPHONE KEYPAD button.
3. Press the flashledlt button.
Caller ID System Operation
4. Press the SCROLL UP (9 or DOWN® button. (OFF is the preset PBX number.)
Psx MODE OFF - set for direct line aooess.
5. Press and hold down the g) button.
a. Press the (E butlonto return to STANDBY mode.
NOTE: When placing a call, this telephone will automatically add the PBX number
and a pause time before the dialed telephone numbers.
This unit enables you to select the standard FLASH TIME applicable to your calling
area. If you are not sure of the FLASH TIME you are using, call your local telephone
1. Press the (5) button.
. Press the TELEPHONE KEYPAD a button.
3. Pressthe flashledlt button.
. Press the SCROLL UP ® or DOWN 6) button to select the FLASH TIME. You
can also set the FLASH TlME by entering the FLASH TIME number using the
TELEPHONE KEYPAD ~ buttons. The preset FLASH TIME is 600
5. Press and hold down the button.
5. Press the (5) button to return to STANDBY mode.
This unit enables you to adjust the PAUSE TIME when placing a call using a
switchboard system or dialing a Long Distance calls.
1. Press the @ button.
. Press the TELEPHONE KEYPAD button.
3. Press the button.
. Press the SCROLL UP 6) or DOWN 6) button to adjust the pausing fime. The
preset pause time is 4 seconds.
Press and hold down the button.
Press the (E) button to return to STANDBY mode.
Caller ID System Operation
This telephone enables you to store the Voice Matl Post Code number in your area.
This will automatically connect you lo the Voice Mail service provider with one—touch
1. Press the button.
2. Press the TELEPHONE KEYPAD button.
3. Press the button.
4. Enter the Voice Mail Post Code number by using the TELEPHONE KEYPAD
Press and hold down the button
6. Press the button |o return to STANDBY mode.
J. MSG Waiting (Message Waiting)
To turn off the Message Waiting LCD Screen indicator.
1. Press the @ button.
2. Press the TELEPHONE KEYPAD button.
a. Press the button.
4. Press the SCROLL UP Q) or DOWN 6) button.
5. Press and hold down the button.
6. Press the button to return to STANDBY mode.
Message Walling LCD Screen indicator will automatically turn ON, il you have
subscribed to Voice Mail message service and if you have Visual Message
Indication from your local telephone company
In order to utilize the Caller ID feature, you
must subscribe to Caller ID service from
your local telephone company.
Caller ID System Operation
The TELEPHONE KEVPAD ® ~ buttons are used to enter characters when
entering names. You can enter names in the UPPER CASE or LOWER CASE letters.
Press the appropriate TELEPHONE KEYPAD button to get the lollowmg characters.
1 SPACE 1 Br ' ( ) .
2 ABCach
3 DEFdet3
4 GHIghi4
5 W—
6 MNOmnoB
7 PQRSpqrs7
B TUVtqu
9 WXYway29
If you want to enter the characters “Abc‘ on the HANDSEl' LCD Screen.
1. Press the button.
2. Pressthe flashlodlt button.
3. Press the TELEPHONE KEYPAD @ button, ‘A" will be displayed. The cursor will
automatically move to the next character altar 2 seconds.
4. Press the TELEPHONE KEYPAD E2) button tor 5 fimes to display “b."
5. Press the TELEPHONE KEVF‘AD @ button (or 6 times to display “0."
The cursor will automatically move to the next character within 2 seconds after entering
the first character. Press the SHiFT RlGHT 6) button to produce a space. If you want to
change any character, you can go back to the incorrect character by pressing the SHIFT
LEFT @ button. To delete the character tnside the cursor" ", press the
1. You can store a maximum of 18 characters on the letter icon.
2. You can store a maximum of 22 digits on the number icon.
é“ Security
Security System
Your cordless telephone uses a digital ooding security system to prevent unauthorized
use of your telephone line by another nearby cordless telephone. The system has its
own identifying signal created by microcomputers in both the BASE UNIT and the
Security Code
This telephone has an internal security code with 65,536 possible combinations.
Resetting Security Code and Channel Information
Communication between the HANDSET and the BASE UNIT may not be possible in any
of the following situations:
1. After a power failure.
2. After relocating the BASE UNIT by disconnecting the AC ADAPTOR.
3. After replacing the HANDSET BATTERY PACK.
To reset. place the HANDSET on the BASE UNIT for 2 to 5 seconds.
Multi-Channel Access
Your cordless telephone lets you select a channel from the 40 frequencies
available to transmit signals between the BASE uNIT and the HANDSET. When you
notice interference from other cordless telephones. change to another channel by
pressing the scan/dot button onthe HANDSET,
Recharging the BAT RY PACK
Battery Type
Use the following type and srze of BATTERY PACK:
Cordless Telephone BATTERY PACK
3.5v, GDOmAh ég
U.S. Electronics Inc.
Ni—Cd BATTERY PACK: Model 5650
This BATTERY PACK is available through:
U.S. Electronics Service Center
105 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
NOTE: Durlng a power Interruption, the BASE UNIT does not operate; and a phone
conversation cannot be made on the HANDSET.
Recharging the BATTERY PACK
The nickel cadmium (Ni-Cd) BATTERY PACK in the HANDSET can be recharged many
times using the built—in charger in the BASE UNIT.
When the BLATT LOW symbol appears on the LCD Screen, a "beep” sound will be heard
every 10 seconds. This indicates that the BATTERY PACK needs to be recharged.
Charge the BATTERY PACK at least once every 90 days of n0n~use to avoid battery
failure. When the BATTERY PACK can no longer be charged. replacement of the
BATTERY PACK will be necessary.
The BATTERY PACK used in your telephone may develop a condition known as
”MEMORY." Once subjected to a regular short discharging routine, the BATTERY PACK
assumes the discharging pattern it was subjected to. This causes rapid discharging
thereby shortening the BATTERY PACK charge span. If you believe your BATTERY PACK
has developed a “MEMORY" condition, do not charge the HANDSET until the BATT LOW
symbol appears on the LCD Screen. When the BATT LOW symbol appears on the LCD
Screen. charge the HANDSET fully for 12 hours.
In order to get maximum life from the HANDSET
BATTERY PACK. be sure to charge the HANDSET
for 12 hours before initial use.
Changing the BATTERY PACK
Changing the BATTERY PACK
The BATTERY PACK provides power for the HANDSET of your cordless telephone.
To Replace the BATTERY PACK:
1. Remove the HANDSET BATTERY COMPARTMENT COVER by sliding it down.
2. Pull out the BATTERY PACK PLUG and remove the BATTERY PACK.
4. Slide the HANDSET BATTERY COMPARTMENT COVER firmly into place in its closed
5, Before use, charge the new BATTERY PACK for 12 hours.
The telephone that you have purchased contains a rechargeable BATTERY PACK. The
BATTERY PACK is recyclable. At the end of its useful life, under various state and local
laws, it may be illegal to dispose of this BATTERY PACK into the municipal waste
stream. Check with your local solid waste officials for details in your area for recycling
options or proper disposal.
COMPARTMENT COVER by sliding it down
Problem Solving
Problem Solving Section
For your assistance. we have listed below a few common problems.
Phone does not work, check the following:
1. BASE UNIT is plugged into a power source.
2. HANDSET is charged.
3. TONE/PULSE Select Switc1 is in Ine right posmon.
Range of phone limited, check the following:
1. ANTENNA on the EASE UNIT is raised.
2. BASE UNIT is centrally located in your residence.
3. BASE UNIT is not located near appliances.
No dial tone, check the following:
1. TELEPHONE LINE CORD plugs are connected to the TELEPHONE JACK and
2. BASE UNIT is plugged intl: a power source.
3. If you had a power failure or had unplugged the BASE UNIT, replace the HANDSET on
the EASE UNIT for 2 to 5 seconds to reset the system.
Received signal flutters or fades, check the following:
1. BATTERY PACK in the HANDSET is fully charged.
2. HANDSET is not too far from the BASE UNIT.
3. ANTENNA on the BASE UNIT is raised.
Interference on reception, check the following:
1. Noise may be picked up from electrical products in the home or electrical storms,
Generally, this noise is a minor annoyance and should not be interpreted as a defect
in your system. (See Techwioal Information on a e 31).
2. Choose an alternate channel using the scan/dot button on the HANDSET.
Long Distance “L-D-C" indicator is not ON when receiving a long distance call, check the
1. Your local telephone company can prowde the Area Code on an incoming long
distance call.
Excess static, check the following:
1. Check to see that the ANTENNA is not touching another metal object.
2. Raise or reposition the BASE UNIT ANTENNA
if after pressing the button, you receive three “beeps“ and no dial tone, check the
1. BASE UNIT is plugged into a power source.
2. If you had a power failure or had unplugged the BASE UNIT, replace the HANDSEI' on
the EASE UNIT for 2 to 5 seconds to reset the system,
If none of the telephones in the house are working, disconnect one set at a time to verify
that none of the phones are causing the problem. If you sfili have a problem after doing
this, and your telephone still does not work, please contact your local phone company.
Technical Information
Technical Information
This cordless telephone uses radio frequencies to allow mobility. There are certain
difficulties in usrng radio frequencies with a cordless telephone. While these are
normal, the following could attect the operation of your system.
Elecuical pulse noise is present in most homes at one time or another. This noise is
most intense during electrical storms. Certain kinds of electrical equipment such as
light dimmers, fluorescent bulbs, motors, and fans also generate noise pulses.
Because radio frequenCies are susceptible to these noise pulses, you may
occasionally hear them in your HANDSET. Generally they are a minor annoyance and
should not be interpreted as a defect in your system.
Because radio frequency is used. the location of the BASE UNIT can affect the operating
range. Try several locations in your home or office and pick the one that gives you the
clearest signal to the HANDSET.
Electronic circuits activate a relay to connect the cordless telephone to your telephone
line. These electronic circuits operate in the radio frequency spectrum. While several
protection circuits are used to prevent unwanted signals, there may be periods when
these unwanted signals enter the BASE UNIT. You may hear clicks or hear the relay
activate while you are not using the HANDSET. It the interference occurs frequently, it can
be minimized or eliminated by Iowenng the height of your BASE UNIT ANTENNA or by
relocating the BASE UNlT. You can check tor interference before selecting the final BASE
UNIT location by plugging in the telephone.
This cordless telephone uses radio communication between the HANDSET and the
BASE UNIT and may not ensure privacy ol communication. Other devices, including
other cordless telephones. may interfere with the operation of this cordless telephone
or cause noise during operation. Units not containing coded access may be accessed
by other radio communication systems Cordless telephones must not cause
interference to any licensed radio service.
When you hear interference, press the
button to change the operating channel.
FCC Requirements
Federal Communications Commission Requirements
This equipment complies with Part 68 ol the FCC Rules. A label on the BASE UNIT of
this equipment contains, among other information, the FCC Registration Number and
the Ringer Equivalence Number (HEN) tor this equipment. You must, upon request.
provide this information to your telephone company.
The USOC number at the registration jack tor the equipment is RJ11C.
A FCC compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this equipment.
This equipment is designed to be connected to the telephone network or promises
wiring using a compatible modular jack which is Part 58 compliant. See Installation
Instructions for details.
The FlEN is also usetul in determining the quantity ot devices that you may connect
to your telephone line and still allow these devices to ring when your telephone number
is called. In most areas, but not all, the sum of the FlENs for all devices connected to one
line should not exceed five (50). To be certain of the number of devices that you may
connect to your line, you should contact your local telephone company.
it your equipment should cause harm to the telephone network. the telephone company
may temporarily disconnect your service. It possible, they will notify you in advance that
temporary discontinuance of service may be required. However, when advanced written
notice is not possible, the telephone company may temporarily discontinue serVice
without notice it such action is necessary under the circumstances. The telephone
company may make changes in its communication lacilities, equipment, operations, or
procedures where such action is reasonably required In the operation oi its business
and is not inconsistent with the rules and regulations ol the Federal Communications
Commission. Do not attempt to repair or modity this equipment.
This equipment is hearing aid compatible.
WARNING: Changes or modilications not expressly approved by the party responsible
for its compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Some cordless telephones operate at frequencies that may cause interlerence to nearby
TVs and VCRs. To minimize orprevant such interlerence, the BASE UNlT of the cordless
telephone should not be placed on or near a TV or VCR. It interterence is experienced.
moving the cordless telephone larther away lrom the TV or VCR will often reduce or
eliminate the interference.
This equipment should not be used on coin telephone lines. Connection to party line
service is subject to state tariffs. ll trouble is experienced, disconnect this equipment
from the telephone line to determine if it is causing the malfunction. It the equipment is
determined to be malfunctioning. its use should be disconnected until the problem has
been corrected.
Placing y or BASE UNIT near appliances
such as televiSions. refrigerators. radios, or
mii: ave ovens may cause interterence
FCC Requirements
Federal Communications Commission Requirements (continued)
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits tor a class
B digital dewce, pursuant to Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and. it not
installed and used in accordance With the instructions. may cause harmful.interierenoe
to radio communications
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. it this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the toliowing
1. Reonent or relocate the receiving ANTENNA.
2. increase the distance between the equipment and the receiver.
3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
When you hear interference. press the
button to change the operating channel.
Warranty Information
BelISouth Products
One-Year Limited Warranty
This limited warranty sets ldrth all BelISouth Produohi responsibilities regarding your
product. There are no other expressed or implied warranties from BelISouth Products
Warranty Service Provided
if you purchased the telephone new lrom a retail vendor, BeIISouth Products warrants
the telephone against defects in maten'al and workmanship for a period of one (1) year
from the original date of purchase. This warranty is in lieu of all other expressed
warranties. This warranty begins when you purchase the telephone and continues for
one (1) year unless you sell or rent the telephone. in which case the warranty stops.
BeIISouth Products disclaims any implied warranty, including the warranty of
merchantability and the warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, as of the date of 90
days from your original purchase of the telephone. BeiISouth Products assumes no
responsibility for any special. incidental‘ or consequential damages,
This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights which vary
from state to state. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitations of special,
incidental or consequential da-nages, or limitations on how long a warranty lasts. so
the above exclusion and limitation may not apply to you.
Warranty Service Not Provided
This warranty does not cover damage resulting from accident. misuse. abuse.
improper installation or operation, lack at reasonable care. unauthorized modification.
the atTixing of any attachment not provided by BeIISoum Products with the telephone
arid/or loss ot parts. This warranty is voided in the event any unauthorized person
opens. alters or repairs the telephone. All EeIlSouth equipment being returned for
repair must be suitably packaged. Telephone companies use different types of
equipment and otter various types of services to customers. BeIlSouth Products does
not warrant that this telephone 5 compatible with the type ot equipment at any particular
telephone company or the services provided by it
What to Do for Warranty Service
During the first thirty (30) days. a defective product is eligible for over-the-counter
exchange at the retailer from whom it was purchased. Afler thirty (30) days. the defective
product should be returned to the authonzed sen/ice center. Please allow 2-3 weeks fur
the return of your telephone product, The shipping address of the authorized service
center is:
CiO Southern Banded Warehouse
1491 Mt, Zion Rdt
Morrow, GA 30260
NOTE: A product received which was not made for BeIlSoulh Products or which is not
detective as determined by our test procedures will not be repaired and will
be returned C,O,D-. freight,
To Obtain Warranty Service
- Provide proof of the date of purchase Within Ihe package
- Prepay all shipping costs to the authorized service center.
- Include a return shipping address within the package
Please retain your sales receipt, the canon. the packing materials. and the printed
materialr The original carton is the best shipping container for the telephone should
you have to return it
For your reference:
Serial number
Date of Purchase
Name of Dealer
Customer Service Telephone Number:
OUTSIDE THE USA. CALL 1-212-242-6978
This page serves as a template for attachment of screws to the wall
when mounting this telephone on the wall.
Cut out this page.
Use this template to determine the distance between screws
when mounting this phone on the wall. The two cross hairs
identify where to attach the screws.
In orderto gel n1a"'n1um life from the HANDSET
BATTERY PACK. t ire to charge the HANDSET
for 12 hours before lnitlal use.
Plat: g your BASE UNIT near appliances
surh astelevisions refrigerators radios or
' e mayca se interference.
When you t‘ear interference, press the
hutton to ,. ange the operating channel
The AC ADAPTOR must always be plugged
into en el urinal outlet.
To obtam the best reception. be sure to
r r‘epnsitinn the BASE UNIT ANTENNA
ltyou live in an area which receives frequent
thunder ms ongly recommend pluggl _]
your. C ADAPTOR into a surge protector.
Make certain you receive the best
performance from your telephone.
Read this manual first.
MH9915HN4I2A Mada m China

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