Johnson Controls Interiors MAZGEN6HFT Mazda Blue Tooth HandsFree User Manual J53C EA 1205 1 484

Johnson Controls Interiors L.L.C. Mazda Blue Tooth HandsFree J53C EA 1205 1 484

User Manual

Black plate (223,1)AntennaíqType AThe antenna is incorporated into thewindow glass.CAUTIONWhen washing the inside of thewindow which has an antenna, use asoft cloth dampened in lukewarmwater, gently wiping the antennalines.Use of glass cleaning products coulddamage the antenna.qType BOperating Tips for AudioSystemWARNINGAlways adjust the audio while thevehicle is stopped:Do not adjust the audio controlswitches while driving the vehicle.Adjusting the audio while driving thevehicle is dangerous as it coulddistract your attention from thevehicle operation which could lead toa serious accident.Even if the audio control switches areequipped on the steering wheel, learnto use the switches without lookingdown at them so that you can keepyour maximum attention on the roadwhile driving the vehicle.CAUTIONFor the purposes of safe driving,adjust the audio volume to a levelthat allows you to hear soundsoutside of the vehicle including carhorns and particularly emergencyvehicle sirens.NOTElTo prevent the battery from beingdischarged, do not leave the audio systemon for a long period of time when theengine is not running.lIf a cellular phone or CB radio is used inor near the vehicle, it could cause noise tooccur from the audio system, however, thisdoes not indicate that the system has beendamaged.Interior FeaturesAudio System5-13íSome models.CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page223Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (224,1)Do not spill any liquid on the audiosystem.Do not insert any objects, other than CDs,into the slot.qRadio ReceptionAM characteristicsAM signals bend around such things asbuildings or mountains and bounce off theionosphere.Therefore, they can reach longer distancesthan FM signals.Because of this, two stations maysometimes be picked up on the samefrequency at the same time.Station 2Station 1IonosphereFM characteristicsAn FM broadcast range is usually about40―50 km (25―30 miles) from thesource. Because of extra coding needed tobreak the sound into two channels, stereoFM has even less range than monaural(non-stereo) FM.FM Station40—50km (25—30 miles)Signals from an FM transmitter are similarto beams of light because they do notbend around corners, but they do reflect.Unlike AM signals, FM signals cannottravel beyond the horizon. Therefore, FMstations cannot be received at the greatdistances possible with AM reception.AM waveFM waveFM wave100—200 km (60—120 miles)IonosphereAtmospheric conditions can also affectFM reception. High humidity will causepoor reception. However, cloudy daysmay provide better reception than cleardays.5-14Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page224Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (225,1)Multipath noiseSince FM signals can be reflected byobstructions, it is possible to receive boththe direct signal and the reflected signal atthe same time. This causes a slight delayin reception and may be heard as a brokensound or a distortion. This problem mayalso be encountered when in closeproximity to the transmitter.Reflected waveDirectFlutter/Skip noiseSignals from an FM transmitter move instraight lines and become weak in valleysbetween tall buildings, mountains, andother obstacles. When a vehicle passesthrough such an area, the receptionconditions may change suddenly, resultingin annoying noise.Weak signal noiseIn suburban areas, broadcast signalsbecome weak because of distance fromthe transmitter. Reception in such fringeareas is characterized by sound breakup.Strong signal noiseThis occurs very close to a transmittertower. The broadcast signals areextremely strong, so the result is noise andsound breakup at the radio receiver.Station drift noiseWhen a vehicle reaches the area of twostrong stations broadcasting at similarfrequencies, the original station may betemporarily lost and the second stationpicked up. At this time there will be somenoise from this disturbance.Station 2 88.3 MHzStation 1 88.1 MHzInterior FeaturesAudio System5-15CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page225Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (226,1)qOperating Tips for CD PlayerCondensation phenomenonImmediately after turning on the heaterwhen the vehicle is cold, the CD oroptical components (prism and lens) in theCD player may become clouded withcondensation. At this time, the CD willeject immediately when placed in the unit.A clouded CD can be corrected simply bywiping it with a soft cloth. Cloudedoptical components will clear naturally inabout an hour. Wait for normal operationto return before attempting to use the unit.Handling the CD playerThe following precautions should beobserved.lThe CD revolves at high speed withinthe unit. Defective (cracked or badlybent) CDs should never be used.lDo not use non-conventional discssuch as heart-shaped, octagonal discs,etc. The disc may not eject resulting ina malfunction.lIf the memory portion of the CD istransparent or translucent, do not usethe disc.TransparentlA new CD may have rough edges onits inner and outer perimeters. If a discwith rough edges is used, propersetting will not be possible and the CDplayer will not play the CD. Inaddition, the disc may not ejectresulting in a malfunction. Remove therough edges in advance by using a ball-point pen or pencil as shown below. Toremove the rough edges, rub the side ofthe pen or pencil against the inner andouter perimeter of the CD.lWhen driving over uneven surfaces,the sound may jump.5-16Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page226Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (227,1)lThe CD player has been designed toplay CDs bearing the identificationlogo as shown below. No other discscan be played.lUse discs that have been legitimatelyproduced. If illegally-copied discs suchas pirated discs are used, the systemmay not operate properly.lBe sure never to touch the signalsurface when handling the CDs. Pickup a CD by grasping the outer edge orthe edge of the hole and the outer edge.lDo not stick paper or tape on the CD.Avoid scratching the reverse side (theside without a label). The disc may noteject resulting in a malfunction.lDust, finger smudges, and dirt candecrease the amount of light reflectedfrom the signal surface, thus affectingsound quality. If the CD shouldbecome soiled, gently wipe it with asoft cloth from the center of the CD tothe edge.lDo not use record sprays, antistaticagents, or household spray cleaners.Volatile chemicals such as benzine andthinner can also damage the surface ofthe CD and must not be used. Anythingthat can damage, warp, or fog plasticshould never be used to clean CDs.lInsert discs one by one. If two discs areinserted at the same time, the systemmay not operate properly.lThe CD player ejects the CD if the CDis inserted upside down. Also dirtyand/or defective CDs may be ejected.lDo not insert cleaning discs in the CDplayer.lDo not insert any disc with a peel-offseal affixed to it.lThis unit may not be able to playcertain CD-R/CD-RWs made using acomputer or music CD recorder due todisc characteristics, scratches,smudges, dirt, etc., or due to dust orcondensation on the lens inside theunit.lStoring CDs in the vehicle exposed todirect sunlight or high temperature maydamage the CD-R/CD-RWs, and makethem unplayable.lCD-R/CD-RW exceeding 700 MBcannot be played.lThis unit may not be able to playcertain discs made using a computerdue to the application (writingsoftware) setting used. (For details,consult the store where the applicationwas purchased.)lIt is possible that certain text data, suchas titles, recorded on a CD-R/CD-RWmay not be displayed when musicaldata (CD-DA) is playing.lThe period from when a CD-RW isinserted to when it begins playing islonger than a normal CD or CD-R.Interior FeaturesAudio System5-17CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page227Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (228,1)lCompletely read the instruction manualand cautions for CD-R/CD-RWs.lDo not use discs with cellophane tapeadhering, partially peeled off labels, oradhesive material exuding from theedges of the CD label. Also, do not usediscs with a commercially-availableCD-R label affixed. The disc may noteject resulting in a malfunction.qOperating Tips for MP3NOTESupply of this product only conveys a licensefor private, non-commercial use and does notconvey a license nor imply any right to use thisproduct in any commercial (i.e. revenue-generating) real time broadcasting (terrestrial,satellite, cable and/or any other media),broadcasting/streaming via the Internet,intranets and/or other networks or in otherelectronic content distribution systems, such aspay-audio or audio-on-demand applications.An independent license for such use isrequired. For details, please visit audio system handles MP3 filesthat have been recorded on CD-R/CD-RW/CD-ROMs. Discs that have beenrecorded using the following formatscan be played:lISO 9660 level 1lISO 9660 level 2lJoliet extended formatlRomeo extended formatlThis unit handles MP3 filesconforming to the MP3 formatcontaining both header frames and dataframes.lThis unit can play multi-sessionrecorded discs that have up to 50sessions.lThis unit can play MP3s with samplingfrequencies of 8/11.025/12/16/22.05/24/32/44.1/48 kHz.lThis unit can play MP3 files that havebeen recorded in bit rates of 8 kbps to320 kbps. Nonetheless, to insureenjoyment of music with consistentsound quality, it is recommended to usediscs that have been recorded at a bitrate of 128 kbps or more.lIf a disc has both music data (CD-DA)and MP3 files, playback of the two filetypes differs depending on how thedisc was recorded.lPacket written discs cannot be playedon this unit.lThis unit does not play CDs recordedusing MP3i (MP3 interactive), MP3PRO and RIFF MP3 formats.About folders and fileslThe order of hierarchy for MP3 filesand folders during playback or otherfunctions is from shallow to deep. Thearrangement and playing order of arecorded disc containing MP3 files isas follows:lFile numberA numerical file number is assignedto each file in a folder starting fromthe deepest hierarchy.lFolder numberA numerical folder number isassigned to each folder starting fromthe deepest hierarchy.NOTEFolders and tracks (files) within the samehierarchy play in the order they were written tothe disc depending on the write software.5-18Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page228Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (229,1)050601 02 030415423Folder No.Level1Level2Level3Level4Playback may not occur in the above hierarchy depending on the audio unit.: Track (File): FolderlThe folder order is automaticallyassigned and this order cannot beoptionally set.lAny folder without an MP3 file will beignored. (It will be skipped and thefolder number will not be displayed.)lMP3 files not conforming to the MP3format containing both header framesand data frames will be skipped andnot played.lThis unit will play MP3 files that haveup to eight levels. However, the morelevels a disc has, the longer it will taketo initially start playing. It isrecommended to record discs with twolevels or less.lA single disc with up to 512 files canbe played and a single folder with up to255 files can be played.lWhen naming an MP3 file, be sure toadd an MP3 file extension (.mp3) afterthe file name.lThe number of characters which can bedisplayed is restricted.CAUTIONThis unit can only play MP3 files thathave an MP3 file extension (.mp3)attached. Do not attach an MP3 fileextension to any other type file as itcould cause noise to be emitted or amalfunction in the unit.About ID3 Tag displaylThis unit can only display ID3 Tagalbum, track and artist names that havebeen input using Ver.1.0/1.1/2.2/2.3/2.4formats. Any other data that may havebeen input cannot be displayed.lThis unit cannot display somecharacters. Characters which cannot bedisplayed are indicated by an asterisk().Specialized glossaryMP3Abbreviation for “MPEG Audio Layer 3”.A technical standard for audiocompression as decided by the ISO*1MPEG working group. Use of MP3allows for audio data to be compressed toapproximately a tenth of the source datasize.*1 International Organization forStandardizationISO 9660An international standard for logicalformatting of CD-ROM files and folders.It is divided into three separate levelsbased on differences in file namingprocedures, data configuration and othercharacteristics.Interior FeaturesAudio System5-19CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page229Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (230,1)Multi-sessionA session is the complete amount of datarecorded from the beginning to the end ofa single period of CD-ROM, CD-R/CD-RW data recording. Multi-session refers tothe existence of data from two or moresessions on a single disc.SamplingRefers to the process of encoding analogaudio data at regular intervals andconverting it to digital data. The samplingrate refers to the number of times asample is taken in one second and isexpressed in Hz units. Increasing thesampling rate improves the sound qualitybut also increases the data size.Bit rateRefers to the volume of data per second,expressed in bps (bits per second).Generally, the larger the number of thetransfer bit rate when compressing anMP3 file, the more information regardingmusical reproduction it carries, andtherefore the better the sound quality.Packet writingA general term for the method, similar tothat used for floppy discs or hard drives,of recording the required file in a singleincrement on a CD-R and similar.ID3 TagID3 tag is a method for storinginformation related to the music in anMP3 file. Information such as track, artistand album name can be stored. Thiscontent can be freely edited using ID3editing function software.VBRAbbreviation for Variable Bit Rate. WhileCBR (Constant Bit Rate) is generallyused, VBR varies the bit rate for audiocompression according to compressionconditions and this allows forcompression with preference given tosound quality.qOperating Tips for WMAWMA is short for Windows Media Audioand is the audio compression format usedby Microsoft.Audio data can be created and stored at ahigher compression ratio than MP3.* Microsoft and Windows Media areregistered trademarks of MicrosoftCorporation U.S. in the United Statesand other countries.Item ContentSpecificationWindows MediaAudio Version 7.0,8.0, 9.0, 10.0Samplingfrequency Bit rate32 kHz. ......32,40, 48 kbps44.1 kHz. .....32,48, 64, 80, 96, 128,160, 192, 256, 320kbps48 kHz. ......64,96, 128, 160, 192kbpsVBR (Variable Bit Rate) SupportedChannel mode Stereo/MonauralWMA tag Title, artist name,album name5-20Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page230Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (231,1)CAUTIONThis unit plays files with the (.wma)file extension as a WMA file. Do notuse the WMA file extension for filesother than WMA files. Otherwise, itcould result in noise or amalfunction.lTrack, artist and album nameinformation is recorded as data termed“WMA-Tag”, and this information isdisplayable.lWMA files written under specificationsother than the indicated specificationmay not play normally or files or foldernames may not display correctly.lThe file extension may not be provideddepending on the computer operatingsystem, version, software, or settings.In this case, add the file extension “.wma”to the end of the file name, andthen write it to the disc.qOperating Tips for AACAAC stands for Advanced Audio Coding,which is standardized voice compressionestablished by the ISO*1working group(MPEG). Audio data can be created andstored at a higher compression ratio thanMP3.*1 International Organization forStandardizationPlayable AAC file specificationsThis unit supports playback of AAC filesrecorded in CD-R and CD-RW.Playable AAC files are as follows:Item ContentSpecification MPEG-4AACSampling rate8/11.025/12 kHz (Quarter rate)16/22.05/24 kHz (Half rate)32/44.1/48 kHz (Full rate)Bit rate 24 kbps―320 kbpsVBR(Variable Bit Rate) SupportediTunes, m4a,Meta-DataapplicableSong titleArtist nameAlbum nameCAUTIONThis unit plays files with the fileextension (m4a) as a AAC file. Do notuse the AAC file extension for filesother than AAC files. Otherwise, itcould result in noise or amalfunction.lSong, artist, and album nameinformation in the AAC file is recordedas data termed “iTunes, m4a, Meta-Data applicable”, and this informationis displayable.lAAC files written under specificationsother than the indicated specificationmay not play normally or files or foldernames may not display correctly.lThe file extension may not be provideddepending on the computer operatingsystem, version, software, or settings.In this case, add the file extension “.m4a”to the end of the file name, thenwrite it to the disc.Interior FeaturesAudio System5-21CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page231Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (232,1)qOperating Tips for USB memoryThis unit supports playback of MP3/WMA/AAC files recorded to USBmemory.Playable MP3 file specificationsPlayable MP3 files are as follows:Item ContentSpecificationMPEG1 AUDIO LAYER IIIMPEG2 AUDIO LAYER IIIMPEG2.5Sampling rate44.1/48/32 kHz (MPEG1)22.05/24/16 kHz (MPEG2)11.025/12/8 kHz (MPEG2.5)Bit rate32―320 kbps (MPEG1)8―160 kbps (MPEG2)8―160 kbps (MPEG2.5)CAUTIONThis unit plays files with the fileextension (mp3) as an MP3 file. Donot use the MP3 file extension forfiles other than MP3 files. Otherwise,it could result in noise or amalfunction.lMP3 files written under specificationsother than the indicated specificationmay not play normally or files or foldernames may not display correctly.lThe file extension may not be provideddepending on the computer operatingsystem, version, software, or settings.In this case, add the file extension “.mp3”to the end of the file name, andthen write it to the memory.Playable WMA file specificationPlayable WMA files are as follows:Item ContentSpecification Windows Media AudioVersion 9.0Sampling rate 22.05 kHz (MID)44.1/48/32 kHz (HI)Bit rate 32―320 kbpsCAUTIONThis unit plays files with the fileextension (wma) as a WMA file. Donot use the WMA file extension forfiles other than WMA files.Otherwise, it could result in noise ora malfunction.lWMA files written under specificationsother than the indicated specificationmay not play normally or files or foldernames may not display correctly.lThe file extension may not be provideddepending on the computer operatingsystem, version, software, or settings.In this case, add the file extension “.wma”to the end of the file name, andthen write it to the memory.Playable AAC file specificationPlayable AAC files are as follows:Item ContentSpecification MPEG4 AAC-LCMP4FFSampling rate11.025 kHz16/22.05/24 kHz32/44.1/48 kHzBit rate 16―320 kbps5-22Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page232Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (233,1)CAUTIONThis unit plays files with the fileextension (.aac*1/.m4a) as a AAC file.Do not use the AAC file extension forfiles other than AAC files. Otherwise,it could result in noise or amalfunction.*1 Type BRefer to Audio Set (Type B) onpage 5-35.lAAC files written under specificationsother than the indicated specificationmay not play normally or files or foldernames may not display correctly.lThe file extension may not be provideddepending on the computer operatingsystem, version, software, or settings.In this case, add the file extension “.aac*1”or “.m4a”to the end of the filename, and then write it to the memory.*1 Type BRefer to Audio Set (Type B) onpage 5-35.qOperating Tips for iPod“iPod”is a registered trademark of AppleInc. in the United States and othercountries.This unit supports playback of music filesrecorded to an iPod.l“iPod”is a registered trademark ofApple Inc. in the United States andother countries.l“iPod classic”is a registered trademarkof Apple Inc. in the United States andother countries.l“iPod nano”is a registered trademarkof Apple Inc. in the United States andother countries.l“iPod touch”is a registered trademarkof Apple Inc. in the United States andother countries.l“iPhone”is a registered trademark ofApple Inc. in the United States andother countries.Connectable iPods are as follows:liPod: 5GliPod classicliPod nano: 1/2/3/4/5GliPod touch*1: 1/2GliPhone*1: 3G/3GS*1 Only iPod functionInterior FeaturesAudio System5-23CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page233Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (234,1)CAUTIONØRemove the iPod when it is not inuse. Because the iPod is notdesigned to withstand excessivechanges in temperature inside thecabin, it could be damaged or thebattery may deteriorate due to theexcessive temperature or humidityinside the cabin if it is left in thevehicle.ØIf data in the iPod is lost while it isconnected to the unit, Mazdacannot guarantee recovery of anylost data.ØIf the iPod battery is deteriorated,the iPod may not recharge andplayback may not be possiblewhen it is connected to the unit.Replace the iPod batteryimmediately.ØBe careful not to pinch the iPodconnecting cable when opening/closing the glove compartment.ØFor the details on using the iPod,refer to the iPod instructionmanual.ØWhen connecting the iPod to aUSB port, all commands are madefrom the audio unit. Control onthe iPod side is impossible.NOTElThis unit cannot display the images andvideo in an iPod.lThe iPod functions on the iPod cannot beoperated while it is connected to the USBport because the audio unit controls theiPod functions.5-24Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page234Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (235,1)Audio Set (Type A)Power/Volume/Sound Controls ......................................................................... page 5-26Operating the Radio ........................................................................................... page 5-28Operating the Compact Disc (CD) Player .......................................................... page 5-30How to use auxiliary jack/USB port .................................................................. page 5-33Error Indications ................................................................................................ page 5-33Interior FeaturesAudio System5-25CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page235Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (236,1)qPower/Volume/Sound ControlsAudio control dialPower/Volume dialPower ON/OFFSwitch the ignition to ACC or ON. Pressthe power/volume dial to turn the audiosystem on. Press the power/volume dialagain to turn the audio system off.Volume adjustmentTo adjust the volume, turn the power/volume dial. Turn the power/volume dialto the right to increase volume, to the leftto decrease it.Audio sound adjustment1. Press the audio control dial to select thefunction. The selected function will beindicated.2. Turn the audio control dial to adjust theselected functions as follows:Indication Setting valueTurn Left Turn Right(Automatic volumeadjustment)LeveldecreaseLevelincrease(Low pitch sound)DecreasebassIncreasebass(Treble sound)DecreasetrebleIncreasetreble(Front/back volumebalance)Shift thesound to thefrontShift thesound to therear(Left/right volumebalance)Shift thesound to theleftShift thesound to theright(Audio operation sound)Off OnNOTEAbout 5 seconds after selecting any mode, thevolume function will be automatically selected.To reset bass, treble, fade, and balance, pressthe audio control dial for 2 seconds. The unitwill beep and “CLEAR”will be displayed.5-26Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page236Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (237,1)Automatic Level Control (ALC)The automatic level control (ALC)changes the audio volume/qualityautomatically according to the vehiclespeed. The faster the vehicle speed, thehigher the volume increases. ALC hasALC OFF and ALC LEVEL 1 to 7modes. At ALC LEVEL 7, the amountthat the volume can increase is at themaximum. Select the mode according tothe driving conditions.Interior FeaturesAudio System5-27CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page237Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (238,1)qOperating the RadioSeek tuning buttonsBand selector buttonsScan buttonAuto memory buttonManual tuning/Audio control dialChannel preset buttonsRadio ONPress a band selector button ( )toturn the radio on.Band selectionSuccessively pressing the band selectorbutton ( ) switches the bands asfollows: FM1→FM2→AM.The selected mode will be indicated. IfFM stereo is being received, “ST”will bedisplayed.NOTEIf the FM broadcast signal becomes weak,reception automatically changes fromSTEREO to MONO for reduced noise, and the“ST”indicator will go out.TuningThe radio has the following tuningmethods: Manual, Seek, Scan, Presetchannel, and Auto memory tuning. Theeasiest way to tune stations is to set themon preset channels.NOTEIf the power supply is interrupted (fuse blowsor the battery is disconnected), the presetchannels will be erased.Manual tuningTurning the manual tuning dial willchange the frequency higher or lower.Seek tuningPressing the seek tuning button ( , )will cause the tuner to seek a higher orlower frequency automatically.NOTEIf you continue to press and hold the seektuning button ( , ), the frequency willcontinue changing without stopping.Scan tuningPress the scan button ( )toautomatically sample strong stations.Scanning stops at each station for about 5seconds. To hold a station, press the scanbutton ( ) again during this interval.Preset channel tuningThe 6 preset channels can be used to store6 AM and 12 FM stations.1. To set a channel first select AM, FM1,or FM2. Tune to the desired station.5-28Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page238Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (239,1)2. Depress a channel preset button forabout 2 seconds until a beep is heard.The preset channel number or stationfrequency will be displayed. Thestation is now held in the memory.3. Repeat this operation for the otherstations and bands you want to store.To tune one in the memory, select AM,FM1, or FM2 and then press itschannel preset button. The stationfrequency or the channel number willbe displayed.Auto memory tuningThis is especially useful when driving inan area where the local stations are notknown.Press and hold the auto memory button() for about 2 seconds until a beepis heard; the system will automaticallyscan and temporarily store up to 6 stationswith the strongest frequencies in eachselected band in that area.After scanning is completed, the stationwith the strongest frequency will be tunedand its frequency displayed. Press andrelease the auto memory button ( )to recall stations from the auto-storedstations. One stored station will beselected each time; its frequency andchannel number will be displayed.NOTEIf no stations can be tuned after scanningoperations, “A”will be displayed.Interior FeaturesAudio System5-29CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page239Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (240,1)qOperating the Compact Disc (CD) PlayerTrack up/Fast-forward buttonLoad buttonTrack down/Reverse buttonFolder up buttonFolder down buttonText buttonScan buttonCD play buttonCD eject buttonRepeat buttonRandom buttonCD slotFile dialType Playable dataMusic/MP3/WMA/AAC CD playerlMusic data (CD-DA)lMP3/WMA/AAC fileNOTEIf a disc has both music data (CD-DA) andMP3/WMA/AAC files, playback of the two orthree file types differs depending on how thedisc was recorded.Inserting the CDInsert the CD into the slot, label-side up.The auto-loading mechanism will set theCD and begin play.NOTEThere will be a short lapse before play beginswhile the player reads the digital signals onthe CD.Ejecting the CDPress the CD eject button ( ) to eject theCD.PlaybackPress the CD play button ( ) to startplay when a CD is in the unit. If a CD isnot in the unit when the CD play button() is pressed, “NO DISC”will flash onand off.NOTEWhen the load button ( ) is pressed, theCD will load and play even if the CD ejectbutton ( ) had been previously pressed.Fast-forward/ReversePress and hold the fast-forward button() to advance through a track at highspeed. Press and hold the reverse button() to reverse through a track at highspeed.Track searchPress the track up button ( ) or turn thefile dial clockwise once to skip forward tothe beginning of the next track. Press thetrack down button ( ) or turn the filedial counterclockwise once to skip back tothe beginning of the current track.Folder search (during MP3/WMA/AACCD playback)To change to the previous folder, press thefolder down button ( ), or press thefolder up button ( ) to advance to thenext folder.5-30Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page240Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (241,1)Music scanDuring music CD playbackThis function scans the titles on a CD andplays 10 seconds of each song to aid youin finding a song you want to listen to.Press the scan button ( ) duringplayback to start the scan play operation(the track number will flash). Press thescan button ( ) again to cancel scanplayback.During MP3/WMA/AAC CD playbackThis function scans the titles in a foldercurrently being played and plays 10seconds of each song to aid you in findinga song you want to listen to. Press thescan button ( ) during playback tostart the scan play operation (the tracknumber will flash).Press the scan button ( ) again tocancel scan playback.NOTEIf the unit is left in scan, normal playback willresume where scan was selected.Repeat playbackDuring music CD playbackPress the repeat button (1) duringplayback to repeat the playback of thecurrent song. “TRACK RPT”is displayedduring playback.Press the repeat button (1) whiledisplaying the “TRACK RPT”to cancel.During MP3/WMA/AAC CD playback(Track repeat)Press the repeat button (1) duringplayback to repeat the playback of thecurrent song. “TRACK RPT”is displayedduring playback.Press the repeat button (1) two timeswhile displaying the “TRACK RPT”tocancel.(Folder repeat)Press the repeat button (1) two timesduring playback to repeat the playback ofthe current song in the folder. “FOLDERRPT”is displayed during playback.Press the repeat button (1) whiledisplaying “FOLDER RPT”to cancel.Random playbackDuring music CD playbackPress the random button (2) duringplayback to play the tracks in the CDrandomly. “DISC RDM”is displayedduring playback.Press the random button (2) whiledisplaying “DISC RDM”to cancel.During MP3/WMA/AAC CD playback(Folder random)Press the random button (2) duringplayback to play the tracks in the folderrandomly. “FOLDER RDM”is displayedduring playback.Press the random button (2) two timeswhile displaying “FOLDER RDM”tocancel.Interior FeaturesAudio System5-31CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page241Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (242,1)(CD random)Press the random button (2) two timesduring playback to play the songs on theCD randomly. “DISC RDM”is displayedduring playback.Press the random button (2) whiledisplaying “DISC RDM”to cancel.Switching the displayFor files with a file name and otherinformation that have been input, thedisplay switches between display of thefile name and other information each timethe text button ( ) is pressed duringplayback.Music CDTrack nameAlbum nameArtist nameTrack number/Elapsed timeMP3/WMA/AAC CDFile nameFolder nameAlbum nameSong nameArtist nameFolder number/File numberFile number/Elapsed timeNOTElThe information viewable in the display isonly CD information (such as artist name,song title) which has been recorded to theCD.lThis unit cannot display some characters.Characters which cannot be displayed areindicated by an asterisk ( ).Display scrollOnly 9 characters (File name) or 13characters (Except file name) can bedisplayed at one time. To display the restof the characters of a long title, press andhold the text button ( ). The displayscrolls the next 13 characters. Press andhold the text button ( ) again afterthe last 13 characters have been displayedto return to the beginning of the title.5-32Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page242Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (243,1)NOTEThe number of characters which can bedisplayed is restricted.Message displayIf “CHECK CD”is displayed, it meansthat there is some CD malfunction. Checkthe CD for damage, dirt, or smudges, andthen properly reinsert. If the messageappears again, take the unit to anAuthorized Mazda Dealer for service.qHow to use Auxiliary jack/USBportíAudio can be heard from the vehicle'sspeakers by connecting a commercially-available portable audio unit to theauxiliary jack. In addition, audio can beplayed from the vehicle audio device byconnecting USB memory or an iPod tothe USB port.Refer to AUX/USB/iPod mode on page5-58.qError IndicationsIf you see an error indication on thedisplay, find the cause in the chart. If youcannot clear the error indication, take thevehicle to an Authorized Mazda Dealer.Indication Cause SolutionCHECK CDCD isinsertedupsidedownInsert the CD properly. Ifthe error indicationcontinues to display,consult an AuthorizedMazda Dealer.CD isdefectiveInsert another CDproperly. If the errorindication continues todisplay, consult anAuthorized MazdaDealer.Interior FeaturesAudio System5-33íSome models.CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page243Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (244,1)MEMO5-34CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page244Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (245,1)Audio Set (Type B)CAUTIONDo not press the panel strongly or press it with a sharp-pointed object. Otherwise,the panel could be damaged.Power/Volume/Display/Sound Controls ............................................................ page 5-36Operating the Radio ........................................................................................... page 5-40Operating the Satellite Radio ............................................................................. page 5-44Operating the Compact Disc (CD) Player .......................................................... page 5-52How to use the Auxiliary jack/USB port ........................................................... page 5-55Error Indication .................................................................................................. page 5-55Setup .................................................................................................................. page 5-55Interior FeaturesAudio System5-35CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page245Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (246,1)qPower/Volume/Display/Sound ControlsSetup buttonAudio control dialAudio buttonPhone buttonNavigation buttonPower/Volume dialPower ON/OFFSwitch the ignition to ACC or ON.Press the power/volume dial to turn theaudio system on. Press the power/volumedial again to turn the audio system off.Volume adjustmentTo adjust the volume, turn the power/volume dial.Turn the power/volume dial to the right toincrease volume, to the left to decrease it.Display settingPress the setup button ( ) to displaythe display setting screen.Touch the on-screen tab to selectthe item you would like to change.Brightness adjustment: Increase brightness: Decrease brightnessContrast adjustment: Higher contrast: Lower contrastTint adjustment*1: Green tint enhancement color: Red tint enhancement color*1 Adjustment can be performed onlywhile in the rear view camera mode.Color adjustment*1: To deepen a color: To fade a color*1 Adjustment can be performed onlywhile in the rear view camera mode.Daytime/nighttime screen settingThe daytime or nighttime screen can beselected even if the headlights areilluminated or turned off (when brightscreen is required at night or dark screenis required at noon).: Daytime screen setting: Nighttime screen setting: Switches screen automaticallyaccording to headlight illuminationconditionDisplay OFFThe display can be turned off. Touch theon-screen button to turn thedisplay off.5-36Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page246Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (247,1)The display can be turned back on asfollows:lPress the audio button ( )todisplay the audio screen.lPress the navigation button ( )todisplay the navigation screen.lPress the phone button ( )todisplay the Bluetooth®dial screen.lPress the setup button ( )todisplay the setup dial setting screen.lPress the audio control dial to displaythe setup sound setting screen.lShift to the R position to change to therear view camera mode.Shift to a position other than R toreturn to the display off condition.NOTElWhen an automatic audio operation suchas going to the next song on the playlistoccurs, the information concerning theaudio operation is displayed even with thedisplay turned off.lThe screen can also be turned off usingvoice recognition.Refer to Component Parts on page 5-78.Display setting resetAll of the screen setting values can bereset to their initial settings.1. Touch the on-screen button.2. Touch the on-screen button.Audio sound adjustmentPress the audio control dial or touch theon-screen button to display thesound setting screen.Indication Setting valueBass(Low pitch sound): Low pitchenhancement: Low pitchreductionTreble(Treble sound): Trebleenhancement: Treble reductionFader(Front/back volumebalance): Front speakervolume reduction: Rear speakervolume reductionBalance(Left/right volumebalance): Right sidevolume reduction: Left sidevolume reductionButton Beep(Audio operation sound) : on/off*1Auto Level Control*2(Automatic volumeadjustment): Level up: Level downAudioPilot*3(Automatic volumeadjustment): on/offCenterpoint*3(Automatic surroundlevel adjustment): on/off*1 Some functions do not turn off*2 Standard audio*3 Bose®Sound SystemAutomatic Level Control (ALC)The automatic level control is a featurethat automatically adjusts audio volumeand sound quality according to the vehiclespeed. The volume increases inaccordance with the increase in vehiclespeed, and decreases as vehicle speeddecreases.Interior FeaturesAudio System5-37CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page247Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (248,1)AudioPilot®2*4AudioPilot®2 automatically adjusts audiovolume and sound quality in accordancewith the level of noise entering the vehicleinterior while driving. When AudioPilot®2 is turned on, the system automaticallycalculates the conditions for optimumhearing of sound which may be difficultto hear depending on exterior noise.AudioPilot®2 can be set on or off.*4 AudioPilot®2 is a registeredtrademark of Bose Corporation.Centerpoint®*5Centerpoint®offers you the experience of5.1-channel surround sound in yourvehicle even with your conventional 2-channel stereo CDs. Centerpoint®can beset on or off.*5 Centerpoint®is a registered trademarkof Bose Corporation.NOTElCenterpoint®operates optimally with a 2-channel stereo CD. MP3 audio files can beplayed, however, MP3 audio files encodedwith high compression may result in poorsound quality.lCenterpoint®is available for 2-channelstereo audio except for AM radio/FM radio/AUX/Bluetooth®audio.Sound setting resetThe settings for bass, treble, fade, andbalance can be returned to their initialsettings.1. Touch the on-screen button.2. Touch the on-screen button.5-38Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page248Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (249,1)MEMO5-39CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page249Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (250,1)qOperating the RadioSeek tuning buttonsManual tuning dialAudio buttonRadio ONPress the audio button ( ) and touchthe on-screen tab.Band selectionTouch the on-screen tab to switchthe band as follows:FM1→FM2→AMNOTElis displayed when FM1 is selected,is displayed when FM2 isselected, and is displayed when AMis selected.lIf the FM broadcast signal becomes weak,reception automatically changes fromSTEREO to MONO for reduced noise, andthe “STEREO”indicator will no longerdisplay.TuningThe radio has the following tuningmethods: Manual, Seek, Scan, Presetchannel, and Auto memory tuning. Theeasiest way to tune stations is to set themon preset channels.NOTEIf the power supply is interrupted (fuse blowsor the battery is disconnected), the presetchannels will be erased.Manual tuningTurning the manual tuning dial willchange the frequency higher or lower.NOTEWhen an broadcast is beingreceived, a receivable multicast channel is alsoreceived.Seek tuningPressing the seek tuning button ( , )will cause the tuner to seek a higher orlower frequency automatically.NOTElIf you continue to press and hold the seektuning button ( , ) the frequency willcontinue changing without stopping.lWhen an broadcast is beingreceived, a receivable multicast channel isalso received.5-40Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page250Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (251,1)Scan tuningYou can search for receivable radiostations by touching the on-screenbutton.Scanning stops at each station for aboutfive seconds.Touch the on-screen button one timeduring reception to continue receiving abroadcasting station.Preset channel tuningThe six preset channels can be used tostore six AM and twelve FM stations.1. To set a channel, first select AM, FM1,or FM2. Tune to the desired station.2. Press and hold any of the preset on-screen buttons. The receptionfrequency is programmed anddisplayed on the preset button.3. Repeat this operation for the otherstations and bands you want to store.When receiving a programmedfrequency, select AM, FM1, or FM2and touch the preset on-screen button.NOTEThe programmed frequency is displayed on thepreset button.Auto memory tuningThis is especially useful when driving inan area where the local stations areunknown. Additional AM/FM stationscan be stored without disturbing thepreviously set channels.1. Touch the on-screen button. Theauto memory preset list is displayedand the previously tuned frequency isreceived.2. Touch the on-screen button todisplay the frequencies of up to tenradio stations on the auto memorypreset list.3. Touch the desired frequency.NOTETouch the on-screen button duringauto memory tuning to return to the AM/FMmain screen.Radio Data System (RDS)Radio text information displayA maximum of 64 characters of radio textinformation sent from a broadcastingstation is displayed in the audio display.NOTERadio text information is a function of FMradio. Text information is not displayed in thefollowing:lDuring receptionlNot an RDS broadcastlDuring HD receptionlRDS broadcast, but radio text is nottransmitted from the radio stationGenre SeekSome FM stations transmit Genre codes(Program type like a Rock, News, and soon). This code enables alternative stationstransmitting the same Genre code to befound quickly. To select from the genrelist, touch the on-screen buttonwhile in the FM mode and the desiredGenre Seek.(To scan for Genre Seek:)1. Touch the genre type which you wantto select.Interior FeaturesAudio System5-41CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page251Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (252,1)2. When is touched, a higherfrequency station is selected from thefrequencies being received and a radiostation corresponding to the selectedgenre is located.When is touched, a lowerfrequency station is selected from thefrequencies being received and a radiostation corresponding to the selectedgenre is located.When on-screen button is touchedduring genre selection, the radiofrequency switches in the order of stationshaving the best reception.(Example)If the radio frequency currently beingreceived is 89.3, the frequency switches asfollows:89.3→98.3*1→104.3*1→98.7→107.1*1 Radio stations with good receptionNOTElOnly one Genre can be selected.lTouch the on-screen button toreturn to the FM1 or FM2 main screen.lIf the radio reception conditions are poor, itmay not be possible to receive even onestation even if the genre seek button ispressed.lIf a program in the selected genre is notbroadcast to a region, reception is notpossible even if the reception conditions aregood.lThe Genre Seek function searches for genrecode (program type) which FM analogbroadcasts transmit. Digitally broadcastspecialty programs (HD2-HD8) cannot be searched.lIf radio stations which are selected byscanning using the Genre Seek function arebroadcasting stations, they arechanged from analog broadcasts tobroadcasts after a few secondsif the reception conditions are good. Thegenre is displayed after the switch,however, the genre for FM analogbroadcasts may differ.HD RadioíWhat is HD Radio™Technology andhow does it work?HD Radio™Technology is the digitalevolution of analog AM/FM radio. Yourradio product has a special receiver whichallows it to receive digital broadcasts(where available) in addition to the analogbroadcasts it already receives. Digitalbroadcasts have better sound quality thananalog broadcasts as digital broadcastsprovide free, crystal clear audio. For moreinformation, and a guide to available radiostations and programming, please FeaturesíSome models.Audio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page252Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (253,1)Benefits of HD Radio™Technology(Information)The song title, artist name and genre willappear on the screen when available bythe radio station.(Multicast)On the FM radio frequency most digitalstations have “multiple”or supplementalprograms on each FM station.Listening to HD Radio™TechnologyIf turns on by selecting a radiostation which is anbroadcasting station, the analog broadcastis switched to an broadcastautomatically after a few seconds and thenreceived. For FM, , and for AM,is displayed, and the illuminatesin orange.If the HD Radio broadcast is stopped andchanged to an analog broadcast, pressdown to turn off .Multicast channel selection (FM)Press on-screen button toswitch to the multi-cast channel for thedisplayed number.The number of multi-cast channels whichcan be received differs depending on theradio station.NOTElIf an analog broadcast is received once andis received while HD1 isselected, the audio unit switches to thestation automatically.lIf the reception conditions worsen whilereceiving an HD specialty channel (HD2 toHD8), “No HD signal”is displayed, andaudio output stops.lOnce an analog broadcast is received whenHD1 is selected from the preset channels, itis switched to automatically. Ifthe radio reception conditions are poor, oris off, switching tobroadcasts is not possible.lWhen an HD specialty channel (HD2 toHD8) is selected from the preset channels,“No HD signal”is displayed and no audiois output until is received. Ifthe radio reception conditions are poor,“No HD signal”continues to be displayed.lIf the is not illuminated or does notilluminate in orange, information such assong titles of the station arereceived, however, the audio output isanalog. If information can no longer bereceived and the non-reception conditioncontinues, and on-screen buttons disappear.Interior FeaturesAudio System5-43CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page253Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (254,1)qOperating the Satellite RadioíSeek tuning buttonsManual tuning dialAudio buttonWhat is satellite radio?With over 130 channels, SIRIUS SatelliteRadio brings you more of what you love.Get channels and channels of commercial-free music, plus sports, news, talk,entertainment and more.Commercial-free music from nearlyevery genre ―rock to pop, hip-hop tocountry, jazz, classical and more. Plus liveperformances and artist-dedicatedchannels.Live sports Play-by-Play & Expert Talk―every NFL game, every NASCAR®race, 24/7 sports talk, college sports andmore.Exclusive entertainment, comedy andtalk ―The biggest names, compellingtalk, hilarious comedy.World-class news plus local traffic andweather.Sign up for SIRIUS Satellite Radio today!For more information, Satellite radio can besubscribed to and received in the UnitedStates (Except Alaska and Hawaii) andCanada.How to Activate Satellite RadioYou must call SIRIUS to activate yourservice. Activation is free and takes only afew minutes.SIRIUS service uses an ID code toidentify your radio. This code is needed toactivate SIRIUS service, and report anyproblems.To activate your SIRIUS radio tuner, calla SIRIUS customer service specialist at 1-888-539-7474 or you can visit SIRIUSonline at have the following informationready:lSIRIUS ID (12-digit electronic serialno, or ESN*1)lValid credit card information (may notbe required at initial sign-up)*1 ESN: Electronic Serial NumberBe sure you are parked outside with aclear view of open sky, you will beinstructed to turn on your radio (inSIRIUS mode and tuned to channel 184).Activation typically takes only 2―5minutes.5-44Interior FeaturesíSome models.Audio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page254Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (255,1)Displaying the SIRIUS ID (ESN)Turn the manual tuning dial and selectchannel 0 to display the twelve-digitElectronic Serial Number (ESN) for theSIRIUS tuner.SIRIUS operationAll operations of the satellite radio areconducted by means of the audio unit.SIRIUS radio mode selectionTouch the on-screen tab on theaudio screen to receive the previouslyreceived SIRIUS channel.Every time the on-screen tab istouched, the bank changes in the ordershown below.SIRIUS1 SIRIUS2 SIRIUS3NOTElSIRIUS1, SIRIUS2 and SIRIUS3: sixstations can be stored in each bank forconvenient access to your favorite stations.lis displayed when SIRIUS1 isselected, is displayed whenSIRIUS2 is selected, and isdisplayed when SIRIUS3 is selected.Operation in the initial stateIt may take some time to start up theequipment when it is in the initial state,when there is a change in the user'ssubscription condition, when the firmwareis updated or when the SIRIUS channelmap is changed.“Updating Channels XXX %”isdisplayed when the SIRIUS channel mapis changed.If the user contract content is changed,“Subscription Updated”is displayed.When the firmware is updated, the“Updating Receiver”is displayed.Updating could take as long as a fewminutes depending on the geographicalarea. When the unit is in an initializedstate, channel 184 is displayed after thedisplay indicates “Updating Receiver”.NOTEDo not perform the following operation while“Updating Channels XXX %”,“UpdatingReceiver”is displayed. Otherwise, theupdating procedure will be canceled.lTurning off the audio powerlSwitching to other modeslSwitching the ignition offWhen the SIRIUS mode is switched toanother mode, or when the power isturned off, the present channel which isbeing received is stored as the lastchannel.Channel upTurn the manual tuning dial to the right orpress the seek up button ( ).Channel downTurn the manual tuning dial to the left orpress the seek down button ( ).NOTEThe channel is continuously switched to thenext or previous channel while the seek tuningbutton ( , ) is continuously pressed.Unsubscribed channelWhen a channel which has been presetbecomes unsubscribed or the currentchannel being listened to becomesunsubscribed, the following is displayed:“Call 888-539-SIRIUS”“to subscribe”Interior FeaturesAudio System5-45CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page255Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (256,1)NOTEWhen the subscription contract is canceled, allof the channels including channel 184 appearas unsubscribed.Preset channel programming1. Select the desired channel to beprogrammed.2. Long-press any of the preset on-screenbuttons.NOTESix stations can be stored in each bank,SIRIUS1, SIRIUS2 and SIRIUS3 forconvenient access to your favorite stations.Preset channel call-upTouch the preset on-screen button for thechannel which you want to select.NOTEIn the initial setting, all channels are preset to184.Selection from channel listReceivable channels can be displayed onthe channel list screen. You can easilyselect the channel you want to listen fromthe list. Each category can be alsodisplayed.1. Touch the on-screen button.2. Touch the channel you want to listenfrom the list.NOTECurrently available channels (includingparental locked channels) are all displayed inthe list.(Select from category list)1. Touch the on-screenbutton on the channel list screen.2. Touch the category name which youwant to select from the list. Touch theon-screen button to return tothe channel list screen.NOTEA category can be set only when a channelwhich belongs to a category is being received.Scan tuningTouch the on-screen button toautomatically sample stations. Scanningstops at each station for about fiveseconds.To hold a station, touch the on-screen button again during this interval.NOTEUnsubscribed channels, invalid channels,parental lock channels and channel 0 are notsubject to the scan, therefore these channelswill skip automatically.Channel number, channel name,category name, artist name, song titlesand information displayThe information regarding the channelwhich is currently being received isdisplayed.NOTEIf channels not subscribed and parental lockedchannels can be received, the channel name,category name, artist name, song title andinformation is displayed.Display scrollIf a whole title cannot be displayed at onetime, touch the on-screen button onthe right side of the title. When the lastcharacter is displayed, touch the on-screen button to display the first characterof the title.5-46Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page256Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (257,1)NOTEThe on-screen button is displayed only if awhole title cannot be displayed at one time.Instant replayThis function allows you to rewind andreplay the program that you werepreviously or are currently listening to.When the on-screen button istouched, playback starts from thebeginning of the current program.When the on-screen button istouched twice, playback starts from thebeginning of the previous program.Touch and hold the on-screenbutton to reverse the program while thebutton is being pressed.When the on-screen button istouched, playback starts from thebeginning of the next program.When the on-screen button istouched while the last program is beingplayed, the instant replay mode iscanceled.Touch and hold the on-screenbutton to fast-forward the program whilethe button is being pressed.When touching and holding the buttonuntil the end of the program, the instantreplay mode is canceled.Instant replay (PAUSE)If the on-screen button is touched,instant replay mode is turned on in apaused condition (PAUSE).Touch the on-screen button againto resume playback from the point atwhich it was paused.Parental lockParental lock, parental unlock, parentallock code change, and parental lock codereset can be set.NOTElTouch the on-screen button duringall the settings to return to the previousdisplay.lTouch the on-screen button during thecode and master code input to delete aninput number.lIf only a four-digit code or master code isinput, “Done”can be selected.lIf the registered code has been forgotten,reset the code in “Initialize Parental Code”to [0000].Parental lockIf a channel is locked, the channel ismuted.1. Turn the manual tuning dial to selectthe desired channel.2. Touch the on-screen button todisplay the settings screen.3. Touch the on-screenbutton to display the parental locksettings screen.4. “Input Parental Code”is displayed, andinput of the registered code is possible.To enter a number, use the numericalkeypad.5. After inputting the four digits, touchthe on-screen button to confirmthe four digits.6. If the four digits match the registeredcode, “Channel XXX locked”appearsand mute is turned on. If they do notmatch the registered code, “Wrongcode”appears and then the displayreturns to “Input Parental Code”.Interior FeaturesAudio System5-47CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page257Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (258,1)Parental unlockChannels locked using the parental lockfunction can be unlocked.1. Select a channel to be unlocked byturning the manual tuning dial.2. Touch the on-screen button todisplay the settings screen.3. Touch the on-screenbutton to display the parental unlocksettings screen.4. “Input Parental Code”is displayed, andinput of the registered code is possible.To enter a number, use the numericalkeypad.5. After inputting the four digits, touchthe on-screen button to confirmthe four digits.6. If the four digits match the registeredcode, “Channel XXX unlocked”appears and mute is canceled. If theydo not match the registered code,“Wrong code”appears and then thedisplay returns to “Input ParentalCode”.Parental-lock code changeWhen changing the code, the new code isinput after the previous one is input first.1. Touch the on-screen button todisplay the settings screen.2. Touch the on-screen button to display the codechange screen.3. “Enter Current Code”is displayed, andinput of the registered code is possible.To enter a number, use the numericalkeypad.4. After inputting the four digits, touchthe on-screen button to confirmthe four digits.5. If the four digits match the registeredcode, “Enter New Code”is displayed.If they do not match the registeredcode, “Wrong code”appears and thenthe display returns to “Enter CurrentCode”. To enter a number, use thenumerical keypad.6. After inputting the four digits, touchthe on-screen button toconfirm the four digits.7. “Code changed”appears to indicatethat the new code input has beencompleted.8. The display returns to its normaldisplay.NOTEChannels locked before changing the coderemain after changing the code. To unlock achannel, input the changed code.Parental-lock code resetIf the registered code has been forgotten,reset the code to the default [0000] code.1. Touch the on-screen button todisplay the settings screen.2. Touch the on-screen button to display the code initialscreen.3. “Enter Master Code”is displayed, andinput of the registered code is possible.To enter a number, use the numericalkeypad.5-48Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page258Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (259,1)NOTEMaster code:The Master Code is used to initialize or re-initialize the code in the event that the code isnot set to [0000] and/or the personalized codeis not known. The initialization process resetsthe code to [0000]. The master code canpotentially defeat the intent of the security ofthe parental lock if it is located by persons notauthorized by the owner to access certainchannels.SIRIUS Satellite Radio Master Code: [0913]4. After inputting the four digits, touchthe on-screen button toconfirm the four digits.5. If the four digits match the mastercode, “Code initialized”appears. Ifthey do not match the master code,“Wrong code”appears and the displayreturns to “Enter Master Code”.6. The code returns to the default [0000]code.Seek alertThe song title and artist name for the songcurrently being listened to, and teamnames at the sports game currently beinglistened to can be recorded as favorites.The user is notified when a programbegins which has favorites-relatedinformation recorded.Selection from seek alert program listSelect the station you want to listen tofrom the list to receive the program.Touch the on-screen button toreturn to the receiving screen.Storing songs, artists, and sports teamnamesNOTElA maximum of 10 songs, artists, and sportsteam names each can be stored.lIf the song title, artist name, sports teamname cannot be displayed, “No availableitems for this program”is displayed.lEven if the song title, and artist name aredisplayed in the main screen, it may not bepossible to record information for oldsongs.lIf a song name is stored, the song seekfunction is turned on.lIf an artist name is stored, the artist seekfunction is turned on.lIf a sports team name is stored, the gamealert function is turned on.1. Touch the on-screen button todisplay the current song and artistnames currently being received. Thesports team name is displayed whilethe sports program is being received.2. Select the item you want to store fromsong title, artist name and sports teamname.3. “XXXXX (song, artist, sports teamname) stored”is displayed.NOTEIf there is not enough available storage space,“Song Memory Full”or “Artist Memory Full”or “Team Memory Full”and “Delete one tostore new one”are displayed. Delete from thelist.Interior FeaturesAudio System5-49CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page259Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (260,1)Seek alert settingOn or off switching to song seek, artistseek, or game alert function, and deletionof stored information can be performed.Touch the on-screen button and theon-screen button. Touch the buttonyou want to change from ,,or.(On or off switching)Touch the , , andon-screen button.(Deletion)1. Select song title, artist name, or sportsteam name that you want to delete fromthe list.2. Touch the on-screen button todisplay “XXXXX (song, artist, sportsteam name) deleted”.5-50Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page260Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (261,1)MEMO5-51CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page261Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (262,1)qOperating the Compact Disc (CD) PlayerCD slotAudio buttonCD eject buttonTrack up/Fast-forward buttonTrack down/Reverse buttonFile dialType Playable dataMusic/MP3/WMA/AAC CD playerlMusic data (CD-DA)lMP3/WMA/AAC fileNOTEIf a disc has both music data (CD-DA) andMP3/WMA/AAC files, playback of the two orthree file types differs depending on how thedisc was recorded.Inserting the CDInsert the CD into the slot, label-side up.The auto-loading mechanism will set theCD and begin play.NOTEThere will be a short lapse before play beginswhile the player reads the digital signals onthe CD.Ejecting the CDPress the CD eject button ( ) to eject theCD.PlaybackPress the audio button ( )oron-screen tab with a CD inserted.PauseTo pause playback, touch the on-screen button.Touch the on-screen button duringa pause to cancel it.Fast-forward/ReverseOperations using audio panelPress and hold the fast-forward button() to advance through a track at highspeed.Press and hold the reverse button ( )toreverse through a track at high speed.Operations on screenTouch and hold the on-screenbutton to advance through a track at highspeed.Touch and hold the on-screenbutton to reverse through a track at highspeed.5-52Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page262Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (263,1)Track searchOperations using audio panelPress the track up button ( ) or turn thefile dial clockwise once to skip forward tothe beginning of the next track.Press the track down button ( ) or turnthe file dial counterclockwise once to skipback to the beginning of the current track.Operations on screenTouch the on-screen button once toskip forward to the beginning of the nexttrack.Touch the on-screen button once toskip back to the beginning of the currenttrack.Displaying file listThe desired file list in the CD can beviewed.During music CD playbackTouch the on-screen button to displaythe track list in the CD.During MP3/WMA/AAC CD playback(Viewing file list in desired folder)1. Touch the on-screen button todisplay the folder list in the CD.2. Touch the folder which you want toselect.(Viewing file list of current folder)Touch the on-screen button.Selecting file/trackSelect the file/track you want to play.During music CD playback1. Touch the on-screen button todisplay the track list in the CD.2. Touch the track you want to play.During MP3/WMA/AAC CD playback1. Touch the on-screen button toselect the folder.2. Touch the file you want to play.NOTEPress the on-screen button on the file listscreen to display the list of folders.Music scanDuring music CD playbackThis function scans the titles on a CD andplays 10 seconds of each song to aid youin finding a song you want to listen to.1. Touch the on-screen buttonduring playback to play 10 seconds ofeach subsequent track starting from thenext song.2. Touch the on-screen buttonduring playback of the song you wantto listen to and continue the playbackfrom that point.During MP3/WMA/AAC CD playbackThis function scans the titles in a foldercurrently being played and plays 10seconds of each song to aid you in findinga song you want to listen to.1. Touch the on-screen buttonduring playback to play 10 seconds ofeach subsequent track starting from thenext song.2. Touch the on-screen buttonduring playback of the song you wantto listen to and continue the playbackfrom that point.Interior FeaturesAudio System5-53CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page263Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (264,1)NOTElIf the unit is left in scan, normal playbackwill resume where scan was selected.lIf all the tracks are scanned, the unit willresume normal playback.Repeat playbackDuring music CD playbackTouch the on-screen button duringplayback to play the song currently beingplayed repeatedly.“”is displayedduring playback.Touch the on-screen button while“”is displayed to cancel.During MP3/WMA/AAC CD playback(Track repeat)Touch the on-screen button to playthe song during playback repeatedly. “”is displayed during playback.Touch the on-screen button twotimes while “”is displayed to cancel.(Folder repeat)Touch the on-screen button twotimes to play the songs in the folderrepeatedly. “”is displayed duringplayback.Touch the on-screen button while“”is displayed to cancel.Shuffle playbackDuring music CD playbackTouch the on-screen button duringplayback to play the songs in the CDshuffle. “”is displayed duringplayback.Touch the on-screen button while“”is displayed to cancel.During MP3/WMA/AAC CD playback(Folder shuffle)Touch the on-screen button duringplayback to play the songs in the foldershuffle. “”is displayed duringplayback.Touch the on-screen button twotimes while “”is displayed to cancel.(CD shuffle)Touch the on-screen button twotimes during playback to play the songs inthe CD shuffle. “”is displayed duringplayback.Touch the on-screen button while“”is displayed to cancel.Display scrollIf a whole title cannot be displayed at onetime, touch the on-screen button onthe right side of the title. When the lastcharacter is displayed, touch the on-screen button to display the first characterof the title.NOTElThe on-screen button is displayed onlyif a whole title cannot be displayed at onetime.lThe information viewable in the display isonly CD information (such as artist name,song title) which has been recorded to theCD.lThis unit cannot display some characters.Character which cannot be displayed areindicated by an asterisk ( ).lThe number of characters which can bedisplayed is restricted.5-54Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page264Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (265,1)Message DisplayIf “CD Error”is displayed, it means thatthere is some CD malfunction. Check theCD for damage, dirt, or smudges, andthen properly reinsert. If the messageappears again, take the unit to anAuthorized Mazda Dealer for service.qHow to use Auxiliary jack/USBportíAudio can be heard from the vehicle'sspeakers by connecting a commercially-available portable audio unit to theauxiliary jack. In addition, audio can beplayed from the vehicle audio device byconnecting USB memory or an iPod tothe USB port.Refer to AUX/USB/iPod mode on page5-58.qError IndicationsIf you see an error indication on thedisplay, find the cause in the chart. If youcannot clear the error indication, take thevehicle to an Authorized Mazda Dealer.IndicationCause SolutionCDErrorCD is insertedupside downInsert the CDproperly. If the errorindication continuesto display, consult anAuthorized MazdaDealer.CD is defectiveInsert another CDproperly. If the errorindication continuesto display, consult anAuthorized MazdaDealer.qSetupYou can customize settings in the setupdisplay as follows:DisplayRefer to Power/Volume/Display/SoundControls on page 5-36.SoundRefer to Power/Volume/Display/SoundControls on page 5-36.VehiclelDoor LockslLight ControllWipers Control1. Press the setup button ( )2. Touch the on-screen tab todisplay the vehicle setting screen.3. Touch the desired setting item.4. Select the desired setup item from thelist by touching it.5. Touch the on-screen button.Language1. Press the setup button ( ).2. Touch the on-screen tab todisplay the language setting screen.3. Touch the desired language from thelist.4. Touch the on-screen button.Default (Vehicle settings only)1. Press the setup button ( ).2. Touch the on-screen tab.3. Touch the on-screen button.4. Touch the on-screen button.Interior FeaturesAudio System5-55íSome models.CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page265Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (266,1)5. Touch the on-screen button.NOTEThe settings for display, sound, and languagecannot be initialized.Audio Control SwitchOperationWhen the audio unit is turned on,operation of the audio unit from thesteering wheel is possible.NOTEBecause the audio unit will be turned off underthe following conditions, the switches will beinoperable.lWhen the ignition is switched off.lWhen the power button on the audio unit ispressed and the audio unit is turned off.Without Bluetooth®Hands-FreeWith Bluetooth®Hands-FreeTalk buttonPick-up buttonTalk buttonHang-up buttonPick-up button5-56Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page266Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (267,1)NOTElThe talk button, pick-up button, and hang-up button are operable with the audio unitturned off.lMazda has installed this system to preventdistraction while driving the vehicle andusing audio controls on the dashboard.Always make safe driving your first priority.qAdjusting the VolumeTo increase the volume, press up thevolume switch.To decrease the volume, press down thevolume switch.qSeek SwitchWhen listening to the radio, press the seekswitch ( , ). The radio switches to thenext/previous stored station in the orderthat it was stored (1―6).Press and hold the seek switch ( ,)toseek all usable stations at a higher orlower frequency whether programmed ornot.Radio stations which have beenpreviously stored in the auto memorytuning can be called up by pressing theseek switch ( , ) while any radiostation stored in the auto memory tuningis being received. Radio stations can becalled up in the order they were storedwith each press of the switch ( , ).When playing a CD or BT audioPress the seek switch ( ) to skip to thenext track. Press the seek switch ( )torepeat the current track. Press and hold theseek switch ( , ) to continuouslyswitch the tracks up or down.qMute SwitchíPress the mute switch ( ) once to muteaudio, press it again to resume audiooutput.NOTEIf the ignition is switched off with the audiomuted, the mute will be canceled. Therefore,when the engine is restarted, the audio is notmuted. To mute the audio again, press the muteswitch ( ).Interior FeaturesAudio System5-57íSome models.CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page267Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (268,1)AUX/USB/iPod modeíAudio can be heard from the vehicle'sspeakers by connecting a commercially-available portable audio unit to theauxiliary jack. In addition, audio can beplayed from the vehicle audio device byconnecting USB memory or an iPod tothe USB port.Auxiliary jack/USB portHow to use AUX mode ....... page 5-60How to use USB mode (TypeA) ......................................... page 5-62How to use USB mode (TypeB) ......................................... page 5-66How to use iPod mode (TypeA) ......................................... page 5-70How to use iPod mode (TypeB) ......................................... page 5-74WARNINGDo not adjust the portable audio unitor a similar product while driving thevehicle:Adjusting the portable audio unit ora similar product while driving thevehicle is dangerous as it coulddistract your attention from thevehicle operation which could lead toa serious accident. Always adjust theportable audio unit or a similarproduct while the vehicle is stopped.CAUTIONØAlways close the auxiliary jack/USB port lid when it is not in use.If foreign matters or liquidpenetrate the auxiliary jack/USBport, it may cause a malfunction.ØDepending on the portable audiodevice, noise may occur whenusing the device with it connectedto the accessory socket equippedon the vehicle. (If noise occurs, donot use the accessory socket.)5-58Interior FeaturesíSome models.Audio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page268Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (269,1)NOTElBefore using the auxiliary jack/USB port,refer to the instruction manual for theportable audio device.lUse a commercially-available, non-impedance (3.5 ) stereo mini plug forconnecting the portable audio unit to theauxiliary jack. Before using the auxiliaryjack, read the manufacturer's instructionsfor connecting a portable audio unit to theauxiliary jack.lTo prevent discharging of the battery, donot use the auxiliary input for long periodswith the engine off or idling.lNoise may occur depending on the productconnected to the auxiliary jack.lWith regard to connecting a portable audioor similar device to a power source, use thebattery for the device, not the accessorysocket.qHow to connect USB port/iPodterminalPlugConnecting a device1. Open the console lid.2. Open the auxiliary jack/USB port lid.3. Connect the device plug to the USBport.Connecting with connector cable1. Open the console lid.2. Open the auxiliary jack/USB port lid.3. Pass the connection plug cord throughthe cutout of the console and insert theplug into the auxiliary jack.WARNINGDo not allow the connection plug cordto get tangled with the parking brakeor the shift lever:Allowing the plug cord to becometangled with the parking brake orthe shift lever is dangerous as itcould interfere with driving, resultingin an accident.CAUTIONDo not place objects or apply force tothe auxiliary jack with the plugconnected.NOTElInsert the plug to the auxiliary jack/USBport securely.lInsert or pull out the plug with the plugperpendicular to the auxiliary jack/USBport hole.lInsert or remove the plug by holding itsbase.Interior FeaturesAudio System5-59CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page269Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (270,1)qHow to use AUX modeType A Type B(Type A)1. Switch the ignition to ACC or ON.2. Press the power/volume dial to turn theaudio system on.3. Press the USB/AUX button ( ) of theaudio unit to change to the AUX mode.(Type B)1. Switch the ignition to ACC or ON.2. Press the power/volume dial to turn theaudio system on.3. Press the audio button ( )todisplay the audio screen.4. Press the on-screen tab to switchto the AUX mode.NOTElWhen the device is not connected to theauxiliary jack, the mode does not switch tothe AUX mode.lSet the volume of the portable audio unit tothe maximum within the range that thesound does not become distorted, thenadjust the volume using the power/volumedial of the audio unit or the up/down switchof the audio control switch.lAudio adjustments other than audio volumecan only be done using the portable audiodevice.lIf the connection plug is pulled out from theauxiliary jack while in AUX mode, noisemay occur.5-60Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page270Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (271,1)MEMO5-61CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page271Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (272,1)qHow to use USB mode (Type A)Track up/Fast-forward buttonTrack down/Reverse buttonRepeat buttonRandom buttonFolder down buttonFolder up buttonText buttonScan buttonUSB/AUX buttonFile dialType Playable dataUSB mode MP3/WMA/AAC filePlayback1. Switch the ignition to ACC or ON.2. Press the power/volume dial to turn theaudio system on.3. Press the USB/AUX button ( )toswitch to the USB mode and startplayback.NOTElWhen the USB memory is not connected,the mode does not switch to USB mode.lWhen there is no playable data in the USBmemory, “NO CONTENTS”is indicated.lPlayback of the USB memory is in the orderof the folder numbers. Folders which haveno MP3/WMA/AAC files are skipped.lDo not remove the USB memory while inthe USB mode. The data may be damaged.Fast-forward/ReversePress and hold the fast-forward button() to advance through a track at highspeed.Press and hold the reverse button ( )toreverse through a track at high speed.Track searchPress the track up button ( ) or turn thefile dial clockwise once to skip forward tothe beginning of the next track. Press thetrack down button ( ) or turn the filedial counterclockwise once to skip back tothe beginning of the current track.Folder searchTo change to the previous folder, press thefolder down button ( ), or press thefolder up button ( ) to advance to thenext folder.Music ScanThis function scans the titles in a foldercurrently being played and plays tenseconds of each song to aid you in findinga song you want to listen to.Press the scan button ( ) duringplayback to start the scan play operation(the track number will flash). Press thescan button ( ) again to cancel scanplayback.NOTEIf the unit is left in scan, normal playback willresume where scan was selected.5-62Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page272Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (273,1)Repeat playback(Track repeat)Press the repeat button (1) duringplayback to play the current trackrepeatedly. “TRACK RPT”is displayedduring playback.Press the repeat button (1) two timeswhile “TRACK RPT”is displayed tocancel.(Folder repeat)Press the repeat button (1) two timesduring playback to repeat the playback ofthe songs in the current folder. “FOLDERRPT”is displayed during playback.Press the repeat button (1) while“FOLDER RPT”is displayed to cancel.Random playback(Folder random)Press the random button (2) duringplayback to play the tracks in the folderrandomly. “FOLDER RDM”is displayedduring playback.Press the random button (2) two timeswhile “FOLDER RDM”is displayed tocancel.(Media random)Press the random button (2) two timesduring playback to play the songs in theUSB memory randomly. “MEDIA RDM”is displayed during playback.Press the random button (2) while“MEDIA RDM”is displayed to cancel.Switching the displayFor files with a file name and otherinformation that have been input, thedisplay switches between display of thefile name and other information each timethe text button ( ) is pressed duringplayback.File number/Elapsed time displayFolder nameFile nameAlbum nameSong nameArtist nameFolder number/File numberNOTElThe information (artist name, music name)is displayed only when the USB memoryinformation in the USB memory hasinformation which can be displayed on thescreen.lThis unit cannot display some characters.Characters which cannot be displayed areindicated by an asterisk ( ).Display scrollOnly 9 characters (File name) or 13characters (Except file name) can bedisplayed at one time. To display the restof the characters of a long title, press andhold the text button ( ). The displayscrolls the next 13 characters. Press andhold the text button ( ) again afterthe last 13 characters have been displayedto return to the beginning of the title.NOTEThe number of characters which can bedisplayed is restricted.Interior FeaturesAudio System5-63CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page273Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (274,1)Error MessagesWhen the message “CHECK USB”isdisplayed, it indicates that there is someerror in the USB memory. Verify that thecontent recorded in the USB memory hasMP3/WMA/AAC files and re-connectcorrectly. If the message reappears, havethe unit checked by an Authorized MazdaDealer.5-64Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page274Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (275,1)MEMO5-65CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page275Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (276,1)qHow to use USB mode (Type B)Audio buttonPower/Volume dialTrack up/Fast-forward buttonTrack down/Reverse buttonFile dialType Playable dataUSB mode MP3/WMA/AAC filePlayback1. Switch the ignition to ACC or ON.2. Press the power/volume dial to turn theaudio system on.3. Press the audio button ( )todisplay the audio screen.4. Touch the on-screen tab toswitch to USB mode and startplayback.NOTElWhen a USB memory is not connected tothe USB port, the mode does not switch tothe USB mode even if the on-screentab is touched.lDo not remove the USB memory while inthe USB mode. Otherwise, the data couldbe damaged.PauseTouch the on-screen button topause playback.Touch the on-screen button whileplayback is paused to cancel the pause.Fast-forward/ReverseOperations using audio panelPress and hold the fast-forward button() to advance through a track at highspeed.Press and hold the reverse button ( )toreverse through a track at high speed.Operations on screenTouch and hold the on-screenbutton to advance through a track at highspeed.Touch and hold the reverse buttonto reverse through a track at high speed.Track searchOperations using audio panelPress the track up button ( ) or turn thefile dial clockwise once to skip forward tothe beginning of the next track.Press the track down button ( ) or turnthe file dial counterclockwise once to skipback to the beginning of the current track.Operations on screenTouch the on-screen button once toskip forward to the beginning of the nexttrack.5-66Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page276Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (277,1)Touch the on-screen button once toskip back to the beginning of the currenttrack.Displaying file listThe optional file list in the USB memorycan be viewed.(Viewing file list in optional folder)Touch the on-screen button to displaythe folder list in the USB memory. Touchthe folder to display the file list.(Viewing file list in the current folder)Touch the on-screen button.Selecting fileSelect a desired file to play the song.1. Touch the on-screen button toselect the folder.2. Touch the file you want to play.NOTEPress the on-screen button on the file listscreen to display the list of folders.Music scanThis function scans the titles in a foldercurrently being played and plays tenseconds of each song to aid you in findinga song you want to listen to.1. Touch the on-screen buttonduring playback to play 10 seconds ofeach subsequent track starting from thenext song.2. Touch the on-screen buttonduring playback to continue theplayback from that point.NOTEIf the unit is left in scan, normal playback willresume where scan was selected.Repeat playback(Repeating song during playback)Touch the on-screen button duringplayback. “”is displayed duringplayback.Touch the on-screen button twotimes while “”is displayed to cancel.(Repeating folder during playback)Touch the on-screen button twotimes during playback. “”is displayedduring playback.Touch the on-screen button while“”is displayed to cancel.Shuffle playback(To listen to tracks in shuffled orderwithin a folder)Touch the on-screen button duringplayback. “”is displayed duringplayback.Touch the on-screen button twotimes while “”is displayed to cancel.(To listen to tracks in shuffled orderwithin USB memory)Touch the on-screen button twotimes during playback. “”is displayedduring playback.Touch the on-screen button while“”is displayed to cancel.Text scrollIf a whole title cannot be displayed at onetime, touch the on-screen button onthe right side of each title. When the lastcharacter is displayed, touch the on-screen button to display the first characterof the title.Interior FeaturesAudio System5-67CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page277Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (278,1)NOTElThe on-screen button is displayed onlywhen the whole title is not displayed.lThe information (artist name, music name)is displayed only when the USB memoryhas information which can be displayed onthe screen.lThis unit cannot display some characters.Character which cannot be displayed areindicated by an asterisk ( ).lThe number of characters which can bedisplayed is restricted.Error MessagesIf the message “USB Error”is displayed,it indicates that there is no playable file inthe USB memory or there is an error inthe USB memory. Verify that the contentrecorded in the USB memory has MP3/WMA/AAC files and re-connect correctly.If the message reappears, have the unitchecked by an Authorized Mazda Dealer.5-68Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page278Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (279,1)MEMO5-69CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page279Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (280,1)qHow to use iPod mode (Type A)Track up/Fast-forward buttonTrack down/Reverse buttonRepeat buttonRandom button Category down buttonCategory up buttonList down buttonList up buttonText buttonScan buttonUSB/AUX buttonFile dialConnectable iPod is as follows:liPod: 5GliPod classicliPod nano: 1/2/3/4/5GliPod touch*1: 1/2GliPhone*1: 3G/3GS*1 For only iPod functionsNOTEThe iPod functions on the iPod cannot beoperated while it is connected to the unitbecause the unit controls the iPod functions.Playback1. Switch the ignition to ACC or ON.2. Press the power/volume dial to turn theaudio system on.3. Press the USB/AUX button ( )toswitch to the iPod mode and startplayback.NOTElWhen an iPod is not connected, the modedoes not switch to the iPod mode.lWhen there is no playable data in the iPod,“NO CONTENTS”is flashed.lDo not remove the iPod while in the iPodmode. Otherwise, the data could bedamaged.Fast-forward/ReversePress and hold the fast-forward button() to advance through a track at highspeed.Press and hold the reverse button ( )toreverse through a track at high speed.Track searchPress the track up button ( ) or turn thefile dial clockwise once to skip forward tothe beginning of the next track.Press the track down button ( ) or turnthe file dial counterclockwise within a fewseconds after playback begins to trackdown. Press the track down button ( )or turn the file dial counterclockwise aftera few seconds have elapsed to startplayback from the beginning of the track.The time required to track down/startplayback from the beginning of a trackvaries depending on iPod softwareversion.Category searchPress the category down button (5) toselect the previous category and press thecategory up button (6) to select the nextcategory.5-70Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page280Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (281,1)NOTEThe types of categories include Playlist, Artist,Album, Song, Podcast, Genre, Composer, andAudio book.List searchPress the list down button ( ) to selectthe previous list and press the list upbutton ( ) to select the next list.NOTEWhen the selected category is Song or Audiobook, there is no list.Music ScanThis function scans the titles in a listcurrently being played and plays 10seconds of each song to aid you in findinga song you want to listen to.Press the scan button ( ) duringplayback to start the scan play operation(the track number will flash). Press thescan button ( ) again to cancel scanplayback.NOTEIf the unit is left in scan, normal playback willresume where scan was selected.Repeat playbackPress the repeat button (1) duringplayback to repeat the playback of thesong in the current list. “TRACK RPT”isdisplayed during playback.Press the repeat button (1) whiledisplaying “TRACK RPT”to cancel.Random playback(Song random)Press the random button (2) duringplayback to play the tracks in the listrandomly. “SONG RDM”is displayedduring playback.Press the random button (2) two timeswhile “SONG RDM”is displayed tocancel.(Album random)Press the random button (2) two timesduring playback to play the songs in theiPod randomly. “ALBUM RDM”isdisplayed during playback.Press the random button (2) while“ALBUM RDM”is displayed to cancel.NOTEThe track number being played randomly is inthe order of the iPod shuffle table.Switching the displayFor files with a file name and otherinformation that have been input, thedisplay switches between display of thefile name and other information each timethe text button ( ) is pressed duringplayback.Album nameSong nameArtist nameCategory (Playlist title/Genre title /Composer title/Podcast title)File number/Elapsed timeInterior FeaturesAudio System5-71CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page281Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (282,1)NOTElThe information (artist name, music name)is displayed only when the iPod hasinformation which can be displayed.lThis unit cannot display some characters.Characters which cannot be displayed areindicated by an asterisk ( ).Display scroll13 characters (Except file name) can bedisplayed at one time. To display the restof the characters of a long title, press andhold the text button ( ). The displayscrolls the next 13 characters. Press andhold the text button ( ) again afterthe last 13 characters have been displayedto return to the beginning of the title.NOTEThe number of characters which can bedisplayed is restricted.Error MessagesIf the message “CHECK iPod”isdisplayed, it indicates that there is amalfunction in the iPod. Verify that thecontent recorded in the iPod has playablefiles and connect correctly. If the messagereappears, have the unit checked by anAuthorized Mazda Dealer.5-72Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page282Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (283,1)MEMO5-73CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page283Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (284,1)qHow to use iPod mode (Type B)Audio buttonPower/Volume dialTrack up/Fast-forward buttonTrack down/Reverse buttonFile dialThe connectable iPods are as follows:liPod: 5GliPod classicliPod nano: 1/2/3/4/5GliPod touch*1: 1/2GliPhone*1: 3G/3GS*1 Only iPod functionNOTEThe iPod functions on the iPod cannot beoperated while it is connected to the unitbecause the unit controls the iPod functions.Playback1. Switch the ignition to ACC or ON.2. Press the power/volume dial to turn theaudio system on.3. Press the audio button ( )todisplay the audio screen.4. Touch the on-screen tab toswitch to the iPod mode and startplayback.NOTElWhen the iPod is connected to the USBport, the on-screen tab changes tothe on-screen tab.lDo not remove the iPod while in the iPodmode. Otherwise, the data could bedamaged.PauseTouch the on-screen button topause playback. Touch the on-screen button while playback is paused tocancel the pause.Fast-forward/ReverseOperations using audio panelPress and hold the fast-forward button() to advance through a track at highspeed.Press and hold the reverse button ( )toreverse through a track at high speed.Operations on screenTouch and hold the on-screenbutton to advance through a track at highspeed.Touch and hold the on-screenbutton to reverse through a track at highspeed.5-74Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page284Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (285,1)Track searchOperations using audio panelPress the track up button ( ) or turn thefile dial clockwise once to skip forward tothe beginning of the next track.Press the track down button ( ) or turnthe file dial counterclockwise within a fewseconds after playback begins to trackdown. Press the track down button ( )or turn the file dial counterclockwise aftera few seconds have elapsed to startplayback from the beginning of the track.The time required to track down/startplayback from the beginning of a trackvaries depending on iPod softwareversion.Operations on screenTouch the on-screen button once toskip forward to the beginning of the nexttrack.Touch the on-screen button withina few seconds after playback begins totrack down. Touch the on-screenbutton after a few seconds have elapsed tostart playback from the beginning of thetrack. The time required to track down/start playback from the beginning of atrack varies depending on iPod softwareversion.Displaying song listThe song list in the iPod can be viewed.NOTEThe song list may not display depending on theconditions.(Displaying optional list)1. Touch the on-screen button duringplayback.2. Touch the category which you want toselect. The record list or song list isdisplayed.(Displaying a list being played)Touch the on-screen button.NOTEPress the on-screen button to display theupper list.Selecting from listSelect the desired song to play.1. Press the on-screen button to selectthe song list.2. Touch the song you want to listen to.NOTEThe selected song list becomes the play list.Repeat playbackTouch the on-screen button duringplayback. “”is displayed duringplayback.Touch the on-screen button twotimes while “”is displayed to cancel.Shuffle playback(Shuffling songs in list being played)Touch the on-screen button duringplayback. “”is displayed duringplayback.Touch the on-screen button twotimes while “”is displayed to cancel.(Shuffling album in list being played)Touch the on-screen button twotimes during playback. “”is displayedduring playback.Touch the on-screen button while“”is displayed to cancel.Interior FeaturesAudio System5-75CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page285Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (286,1)NOTEThe track number being shuffle played is in theorder of the iPod shuffle table.Text scrollIf a whole title cannot be displayed at onetime, touch the on-screen button onthe right side of the title to display thewhole title. When the last character isdisplayed, touch the on-screen buttonto display the first character of the title.NOTElThe on-screen button is displayed onlywhen no titles are displayed.lThe information (artist name, music name)is displayed only when the iPod hasinformation which can be displayed on thescreen.lThis unit cannot display some characters.Characters which cannot be displayed areindicated by an asterisk ( ).lThe number of characters which can bedisplayed is restricted.Error MessagesIf the message “iPod Error”is displayed,it indicates that there are no playable filesin the iPod or there is a malfunction.Verify that the content recorded in theiPod has playable files and re-connectcorrectly. If the message reappears, havethe unit checked by an Authorized MazdaDealer.qError IndicationsIf you see an error indication on thedisplay, find the cause in the chart. If youcannot clear the error indication, take thevehicle to an Authorized Mazda Dealer.Indication Cause SolutionCHECK USBUSBmemoryerrorConnect other USBmemory correctly.If the error indicationcontinues to display,consult an AuthorizedMazda Dealer.USB ErrorCHECK iPodiPodmalfunctionConnect other iPodcorrectly.If the error indicationcontinues to display,consult an AuthorizedMazda Dealer.iPod Error5-76Interior FeaturesAudio SystemCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page286Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (287,1)Bluetooth®íBluetooth®Hands-Free outlineWhen a Bluetooth®device (mobilephone) is connected to the vehicle'sHands-Free unit via radio wavetransmission, a call can be made orreceived by pressing the talk button, pick-up button, hang-up button, or voicecommand on the steering wheel, or byoperating the panel. For example, even ifa device (mobile phone) is in your coatpocket, a call can be made without takingthe device (mobile phone) out andoperating it directly.Bluetooth®audio outlineWhen a portable audio unit equipped withthe Bluetooth®communication function isprogrammed to the Bluetooth®unit, youcan listen to music recorded on theprogrammed portable audio device fromthe vehicle's speakers. It is not necessaryto connect the portable audio device to thevehicle's external input terminal. Afterprogramming, operate the vehicle audiocontrol panel to play/stop the audio.qBefore Using Bluetooth®CAUTIONØA device can be programmed onlywhen the vehicle is parked.ØThe types of Bluetooth®mobiledevice which can be connected tothe Bluetooth®unit are limited.However, even among theseBluetooth®mobile device thereare ones which cannot beconnected or have limitedfunctionality. Each Bluetooth®mobile device to be used with theBluetooth®system needs to bechecked individually forcompatibility. Therefore, consultan Authorized Mazda Dealer, aWeb support center, or a callcenter for information regardingBluetooth®mobile devicecompatibility:ØU.S.A.Phone: 800-430-0153Web:ØCanadaPhone: 800-430-0153Web: www.mazdahandsfree.caØMexicoCenter of Attention to Client(CAC)Phone: 01-800-01-MAZDAWeb: Languages)The Bluetooth®Hands-Free System applies tothe following languages:English, Spanish, Canadian French.Refer to Setup on page 5-55.Interior FeaturesBluetooth®5-77íSome models.CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page287Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (288,1)qComponent PartsMicrophoneTalk button, Pick-up button and Hang-up buttonMicrophoneTalk buttonHang-up buttonPick-up buttonAudio unitAudio unit (Type B)The audio unit (Type B) is used for volume adjustment and touch panel operation.Bluetooth®information is displayed in the display. The screen is switched by touching thetab for each function to be used.CAUTIONDo not press the panel strongly or press it with a sharp-pointed object.Display OFFThe audio unit display can be switched off by voice recognition operation.1. Press the pick-up button or talk button.2. Say: [Beep] “Display OFF”Numeral or symbol entryUse the numerical keypad.Long-press the on-screen button to input .Touch the on-screen button to delete the currently input value.5-78Interior FeaturesBluetooth®CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page288Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (289,1)Activating navigation system (vehicles with navigation system)The voice recognition command for the navigation system is activated.1. Press the talk button.2. Prompt: “Ready”3. Say: [Beep] “Navigation”Talk button, Pick-Up button and Hang-Up button (Hands-Free)The basic functions of Bluetooth®Hands-Free can be used for such things as making callsor hanging up using the talk button, pick-up button and hang-up button on the steeringwheel.Microphone (Hands-Free)The microphone is used for speaking voice commands or exchanging conversation.qVolume AdjustmentThe power/volume dial of the audio unitis used to adjust the volume. Turn the dialto the right to increase volume, to the leftto decrease it.The volume can also be adjusted using thevolume button on the steering wheel.Pre-settingConversation volume and the volume ofthe voice guidance and ringtone can eachbe set in advance.1. Touch the on-screen tab todisplay the Bluetooth®setting screen.2. Touch the on-screenbutton to display the volumeadjustment screen.3. (Volume up) Touch the on-screenbutton.(Volume down) Touch the on-screen button.4. Prompt: “Phone call will be at thisvolume.”or “Voice guidance will be atthis volume.”NOTEThe volume of the audio unit cannot beadjusted while Bluetooth®Hands-Free is beingused.qVoice RecognitionTo prevent a deterioration in the voicerecognition rate and voice quality, thefollowing points should be observed:lThe Hands-free system cannot performvoice recognition while voice guidanceor a beep sound is operating. Wait untilthe voice guidance or the beep sound isfinished before saying your commands.lDialects or different wording other thanHands-Free prompts cannot berecognized by voice recognition. Speakin the wording specified by the voicecommands.lIt is not necessary to face themicrophone or approach it. Speak thevoice commands while maintaining asafe driving position.lDo not speak too slow or too loud.lSpeak clearly, without pausing betweenwords or numbers.Interior FeaturesBluetooth®5-79CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page289Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (290,1)lClose the windows and/or themoonroof to reduce loud noises fromoutside the vehicle, or turn down theairflow of the air-conditioning systemwhile Bluetooth®Hands-Free is beingused.lMake sure the vents are not directingair towards the microphone.NOTEIf the voice recognition performance is notsatisfactory.Refer to Troubleshooting on page 5-93.Please be aware that the voice recognitionmay still make an error despite followingthe above points.When operating the audio unit or the A/Cwhile using Bluetooth® Hands-Free, thebeep sounds or voice guidance (audiounit)/cannot be heard.qHow to Use This SectionVoice recognitionDescriptions in the text are as follows:Say: Voice commands to be spoken byyou.Prompt: Voice guidance output from thespeaker.NOTESay voice commands after the beep sound[Beep] is heard.Example)Say: [Beep] “Dial”Prompt: “Number, please”Say: [Beep] “XXXXXXXXXXX (Ex.“5551234”) (Telephone number)”Bluetooth®Hands-Free ActivationMethodPress the pick-up button or talk button.The Hands-Free system is activated.Functions of the Hands-Free telephone,such as making and receiving calls, can beused after the activation.Refer toBluetooth® Hands-Free on page 5-84.NOTElPress the pick-up button to activate thephone mode. Press the talk button toactivate the main menu. The phone,tutorial, or navigation mode can beactivated in the main menu.lFor vehicles with a navigation system, thesystem operates by saying a voicerecognition command of the navigationsystem after pressing the talk button with ashort press. For voice recognition detailswith the navigation system, refer to theseparate “NAVIGATION SYSTEM Owner'sManual”.(Tutorial)The tutorial explains how to useBluetooth®Hands-Free.To activate the tutorial, do the following:1. Press the talk button.2. Prompt: “Ready”3. Say: [Beep] “Tutorial”4. Follow the prompts to receive theappropriate voice guidanceinstructions.Panel operationBluetooth®Hands-Free ActivationMethodPress the phone button ( ).5-80Interior FeaturesBluetooth®CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page290Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (291,1)The Hands-Free system is activated.Functions of the Hands-Free telephone,such as making and receiving calls, can beused after the activation.Refer to Bluetooth® Hands-Free on page5-84.qBluetooth® PreparationDevice programming (Pairing)To use Bluetooth®Audio and Hands-Free,the device equipped with Bluetooth®hasto be programmed to the unit using thefollowing procedure. A maximum ofseven devices including Bluetooth®audiodevices and Hands-Free mobile phonescan be programmed to one vehicle.NOTElA device can be programmed only when thevehicle is parked. If the vehicle starts tomove, the pairing procedure will end.Attempting to program while driving isdangerous, therefore, pick-up your devicebefore you start driving. Park the car in asafe place before programming.lSince the communication range of aBluetooth®equipped device is about 10meters (32 ft), if a device is placed within a10-meter (32 ft) radius of the vehicle, it maybe detected/programmed unintentionallywhile another device is being programmed.Concerning the operation of a Bluetooth®audio device itself, refer to its instructionmanual. Some Bluetooth®audio deviceshave PIN codes (four digits). Refer to theaudio device's instruction manual becausethe programming procedure differsdepending on whether it has a PIN codeor not.Voice recognition1. Press the pick-up button.2. Prompt: “Available options are: Call,Dial, Redial, Call back , Setup orEmergency.”3. Say: [Beep] “Setup”4. Prompt: “This operation can only beperformed using the vehicle display.Select the desired option on thedisplay. Note that some options areonly available when the vehicle isstopped. Exiting Hands-Free mode.”5. The Bluetooth®setting screen isdisplayed and the voice recognitionmode is finished. Go to Step 3 belowfor the “Panel operation”.Panel operation1. Touch the on-screen button.2. Touch the on-screenbutton. The list of pairing devices isdisplayed.3. Touch the on-screen button todisplay the message and switch to thedevice operation.4. Using the device, perform a search forthe Bluetooth®device (Peripheraldevice).5. Select “Mazda”from the device listsearched by the device.Interior FeaturesBluetooth®5-81CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page291Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (292,1)NOTElIf the Bluetooth®version for your device is2.1 or higher, the SSP (Secure SimplePairing) is used for indicating the pairingtype without a PIN code input. Thefollowing two pairing methods for the SSPare available, and either method is selectedautomatically and performed.lJust WorkslNumeric ComparisonlSome devices accept only a particularpairing code (Usually, “0000”or “1234”).If pairing cannot be completed, refer to theowner's manual of your mobile device, andtry those numbers if necessary.6. (Device with Bluetooth®version 2.0)Input the displayed 4-digit pairing codeinto the device.(Device with Bluetooth®version 2.1or higher)lJust Works is detectedThe pairing is performedautomatically.lNumeric Comparison is detectedVerify the displayed 6-digit code onthe audio unit, which is alsodisplayed on the device, and touchthe on-screen button.7. (Device with PBAP profile)Call history (incoming/outgoinghistory) for the device is downloadedautomatically.After a device is registered, the systemautomatically identifies the device. Byactivating Bluetooth®Hands-Free again,or by activating Bluetooth®Hands-Freefirst after switching the ignition from OFFto ACC, the device connection conditionis indicated in the display.Device selectionIf several devices have been programmed,the Bluetooth®unit links the device lastprogrammed. If you would like to link adifferent programmed device, it isnecessary to change the link. The order ofdevice priority after the link has beenchanged is maintained even when theignition is switched off.NOTEIf the device name cannot be displayed, “...”isadded at the end of the title which is displayed.Connecting other devices1. Touch the on-screen tab.2. Touch the device name which youwant to connect to display the deviceinformation screen.3. Touch the on-screen button toconnect as a Hands-Free device. Touchthe on-screen button to connectas a Bluetooth®audio device.4. Touch the on-screen button.5. (Device with PBAP profile)Call history (incoming/outgoinghistory) for the device is downloadedautomatically.If the connection is completed, the devicename is displayed. Touch the on-screen button to display the device listscreen and display the or icon in thenew device name which is connected.Disconnecting a device1. Touch the on-screen tab.2. Touch the on-screenbutton.5-82Interior FeaturesBluetooth®CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page292Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (293,1)3. Touch the device name which iscurrently connected to display thedevice information screen.4. Touch the on-screen button todisconnect the Hands-Free device.Touch the on-screen button todisconnect the audio device.5. Touch the on-screen button.Registered device deletion1. Touch the on-screen tab.2. Touch the on-screenbutton.3. Touch the device name which youwant to delete.4. Touch the on-screen button.5. Touch the on-screen button.NOTEIf you want to delete all of the pairing devices,perform the restore default.Refer to Restore Default on page 5-83.qChanging PIN CodePIN code (4 digits) can be changed.1. Touch the on-screen tab.2. Touch the on-screen button.3. Delete the PIN code which is currentlyset.4. Input the new PIN code to be set.5. Touch the on-screen button.qRestore DefaultAll the pairing device information andphonebook data can be deleted.1. Touch the on-screen tab.2. Touch the on-screen button.3. Touch the on-screen button.4. Touch the on-screen button.Interior FeaturesBluetooth®5-83CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page293Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (294,1)Bluetooth® Hands-FreeApplicable Bluetooth®specificationVer. 2.0 or higherResponse profilelHFP (Hands-Free Profile) Ver. 1.5lDUN (Dial-up Networking Profile)Ver. 1.1lPBAP (Phone Book Access Profile)Ver. 1.0lOPP (Object Push Profile) Ver. 1.1NOTElThe Bluetooth®Hands-Free system isoperable several seconds after the ignitionis switched to ACC or ON (requires lessthan 15 seconds).lIf the ignition is switched off during aHands-Free call, the line is transferred tothe device (Mobile phone) automatically.qMaking a Call Using a TelephoneNumberNOTEPractice this while parked until you areconfident you can do it while driving in a non-taxing road situation. If you are not completelycomfortable, make all calls from a safeparking position, and move out only when fullyunder control and you can devote your eyesand mind to driving.Voice recognition1. Press the pick-up button.2. Prompt: “Available options are: Call,Dial, Redial, Call back , Setup orEmergency.”3. Say: [Beep] “Dial”4. Prompt: “Dial. Number, please”5. Say: [Beep] “XXXXXXXXXXX (Ex.“5551234”) (Telephone number)6. Prompt: “XXXXXXXXXXX. (Ex“5551234”) (Telephone number (firstchoice))”7. Prompt: “Press the pick-up button todial, or continue to add numbers. Youcan also say ‘Option A’or ‘Option B’to replace the last block of digits withthe displayed alternate, or say ‘GoBack’to delete the last block of digits.”NOTEThe options may not be indicated dependingon the conditions.8. (Dialing)Press the pick-up button or say, “Dial”,then go to Step 9.(Adding/inputting telephonenumber)Say, “XXXX”(desired telephonenumber). Then go to Step 5.(The last recognized telephonenumber is replaced by Option A orB)Say, “Option A”or “Option B”. Thengo to Step 6.(Telephone number correction)Say, “Go Back”. The prompt replies,“The last entered numbers have beenremoved”. Then go back to Step 4 orStep 7.9. The call is made.NOTEThe “Dial”command and a telephone numbercan be combined.Ex. In Step 3, say, “Dial 1234567”, then, Steps4 and 5 can be skipped.5-84Interior FeaturesBluetooth®CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page294Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (295,1)Panel operation1. Input the telephone number using thenumerical keypad.2. Touch the on-screen button tomake the call.qReceiving an Incoming Call1. Prompt: “Incoming call, press thepick-up button to answer”2. To accept the call, press the pick-upbutton or touch the on-screenbutton.To reject the call, press the hang-upbutton or touch the on-screenbutton.qHanging Up a CallPress the hang-up button or touch theon-screen button during the call.qHelp Function UseThe help function informs the user of allthe available voice commands under thecurrent conditions.1. Press the pick-up button or talk button.2. Say: [Beep] “Help”3. Follow the prompts to receive theappropriate voice guidanceinstructions.qCancelThe Bluetooth®Hands-Free systemtransitions to standby status if thefollowing operation is performed whilethe system is activating. Press the hang-upbutton, or the talk button with a longpress.qReturning to Previous OperationThis command is for returning to theprevious operation while in the voicerecognition mode.Say: [Beep] “Go Back”qPhonebook UsageImport contact (Download Phonebook)Phonebook data from your device (Mobilephone) can be sent and registered to yourBluetooth®Hands-Free phonebook usingBluetooth®.1. Touch the on-screen tab.2. Touch the on-screenbutton.3. Touch the oron-screen button to switch to thedevice operation.NOTElIf the phonebook has been alreadyregistered to the Hands-Free unit during“all phonebooks download”, the currentphonebook is overwritten.lA maximum of 1000 contacts can beregistered to the phonebook.lPhonebook, incoming/outgoing call record,and speed dialing memory is exclusive toeach mobile phone to protect privacy.4. Download will be started from themobile phone.Phonebook data deletion1. Touch the on-screen tab.2. Touch the contact information whichyou want to delete.3. Touch the on-screen button.Interior FeaturesBluetooth®5-85CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page295Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (296,1)Making calls using the phonebookVoice recognitionTelephone calls can be made by sayingthe name of a person (voice tag) whosephone number has been registered inBluetooth®Hands-Free in advance. Referto Import contact (Download Phonebook).1. Press the pick-up button.2. Prompt: “Available options are: Call,Dial, Redial, Call back , Setup orEmergency.”3. Say: [Beep] “Call”4. Prompt: “Call. Name, please.”5. Say: [Beep] “XXXXX... (Ex. “John”)”(Say a name registered in thephonebook.)The name spoken will be searched forin the phonebook.If a contact is matched, go to Step 7.If multiple contacts are matched, go toStep 6.NOTEIf multiple contacts or a name with a similarpronunciation to the name you spoke has beenregistered to the phonebook, multiple contactinformation may be identified in thephonebook. If multiple contacts are identifiedin the phonebook, a maximum of three contactsare listed as a dialing choice.6. Prompt: “Would you like to callXXXXX... (Choice 1)?”(Person you would like to call)Say: [Beep] “Yes.”Then go to Step 7.(Person you do not want to call)Say: [Beep] “No”Then go to Step 6(Maximum 3 times)7. Prompt: “Would you like to callXXXXX... (Ex. “John”) at home, atwork, or mobile, or other... or press thehang-up button to exit Hands-Freemode.”8. Say: [Beep] “XXXXX... (Ex. “athome”)”9. Prompt: “XXXXX... (Ex. “John”)XXXX (Ex. “at home”). Press the pick-up button to call, or say Go Back toenter a different name.”10. (Dialing) Press the pick-up button orsay “Call”. Then go to Step 11.(Name correction) Say, “Go Back”.Then go back to Step 4.11. The call is made.NOTEThe “Call”command and the voice tag can becombined.Ex. In Step 3, say, “Call John's phone”, then,Steps 4 and 5 can be skipped.Panel operation1. Touch the on-screen tab todisplay the phonebook screen.2. Touch the contact you would like tocall to display the screen indicating thedetails for the contact.3. Touch the desired phone number tomake the call.5-86Interior FeaturesBluetooth®CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page296Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (297,1)qMaking a Call Using the Call HistoryA call can be made using the call history(incoming/outgoing history) downloadedfrom the mobile phone (Redial/Call back).The call history is downloadedautomatically when connecting or pairingthe Hands-Free and mobile phone.Redial Function1. Press the pick-up button.2. Prompt: “Available options are: Call,Dial, Redial, Call back , Setup orEmergency.”3. Say: [Beep] “Redial”4. A call is made to the most recent call inthe Call history (outgoing).Call back Function1. Press the pick-up button.2. Prompt: “Available options are: Call,Dial, Redial, Call back , Setup orEmergency.”3. Say: [Beep] “Call back”4. A call is made to the most recent call inthe Call history (incoming).qEmergency callsA call can be made to the emergencyphone number (911: U.S.A/Canada, 066:Mexico) using the voice input command.It may not function properly in some areasin Mexico.1. Press the pick-up button.2. Prompt: “Available options are: Call,Dial, Redial, Call back, Setup, orEmergency.”3. Say: [Beep] “Emergency”4. Prompt: “Emergency. Press the Pick-Up button to dial the Emergencynumber.”5. (Dialing) Press the pick-up button orsay “Call.”6. Prompt: “Dialing XXX (911: U.S.A/Canada, 066: Mexico).”qSpeed Dial UsageA maximum of eight telephone numberscan be registered. It will take less time tomake a call after registering the telephonenumber. In addition, you do not have tolook for the person you want to call in thephonebook.Speed Dial registration fromphonebook1. Touch the on-screen tab.2. (New registration)Touch the on-screen button.(Changing registered contacts toother contacts)Touch the on-screen button.3. Touch the on-screen button.4. Touch the contact you would like toregister to the speed dial.5. Touch the telephone number youwould like to register.6. Verify that the registered name andtelephone number are displayed in thephonebook, and touch the on-screen button.Making calls using the Speed Dial1. Touch the on-screen tab.2. Touch the contact information youwould like to call.Interior FeaturesBluetooth®5-87CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page297Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (298,1)Speed Dial data deletion1. Touch the on-screen tab.2. Touch the on-screen button forthe contact you would like to delete.3. Touch the on-screen button todisplay the confirmation screen.qMuteThe microphone can be muted during acall.Touch the on-screen button.Touch the on-screen button duringmute to cancel the mute.qTransferring a CallTransferring a call from Hands-Free toa mobile phoneCommunication between the Hands-Freeunit and a device (Mobile phone) iscanceled, and the line can be switched to astandard call using a device (Mobilephone).Touch the on-screen button.Transferring a call from a device(mobile phone) to Hands-FreeCommunication between devices (mobilephone) can be switched to Bluetooth®Hands-Free.Touch the on-screen button.qMulti-Call FunctionsCall waitingA call can be interrupted to receive anincoming call from a third party.Call interruptA call can be switched to a new incomingcall.Touch the on-screen button or pressthe pick-up button on the steering wheel.NOTElAfter receiving a new incoming call, theprevious call is placed on hold.lTouch the on-screen button or pressthe hang-up button on the steering wheel torefuse a call.Switching callsSwitching back to the previous call canalso be done.Touch the on-screen button orpress the pick-up button on the steeringwheel.Three-way call functionTouch the on-screen button.qDTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency Signal) TransmissionThis function is used when transmittingDTMF via the Numerical Keypad. Thereceiver of a DTMF transmission isgenerally a home telephone answeringmachine or a company's automatedguidance call center.1. Touch the on-screen buttonafter connecting to a home device orservice to display the tone transmissionscreen.2. Input the number using a numericalkeypad.NOTEIf the DTMF code has two or more digits orsymbols, each one must be transmittedindividually.5-88Interior FeaturesBluetooth®CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page298Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (299,1)qMazda Bluetooth® Hands-FreeCustomer ServicelU.S.A.Phone: 800-430-0153 (Toll-free) 800-430-0153 (Toll-free)www.mazdahandsfree.calMexicoCenter of Attention to Client (CAC)Phone: 01-800-01-MAZDA (Toll-free)® AudioApplicable Bluetooth®specificationVer. 2.0 or higherResponse profilelA2DP (Advanced Audio DistributionProfile) Ver. 1.0/1.2lAVRCP (Audio/Video Remote ControlProfile) Ver. 1.0/1.3/1.4A2DP is a profile which transmits onlyaudio to the Bluetooth®unit. If yourBluetooth®audio device corresponds onlyto A2DP, but not AVRCP, you cannotoperate it using the control panel of thevehicle's audio system. In this case, theBluetooth®audio device can be operatedby controlling the device itself, the sameas when a portable audio system withoutthe Bluetooth®communication function isconnected to the AUX terminal.Function A2DPA2DP·AVRCPVer.1.0Ver.1.3Ver.1.4Playback ―XXXPause ―XXXFile (Track)up/down―XXXReverse ―― XXFast-forward ―― XXText display ―― XXFolder up/down ――― XRepeat ――― XRandom ――― XScan ――― XX: Available―: Not availableInterior FeaturesBluetooth®5-89CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page299Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (300,1)NOTElThe system may not operate normallydepending on the Bluetooth®audio device.lTo make sure that your Bluetooth®audiodevice is Ver. 1.0, 1.3 or 1.4, refer to theOwner's Manual for the Bluetooth®audiodevice.lThe battery consumption of Bluetooth®audio devices is higher while Bluetooth®connected.USB connectingIf a general mobile phone device is USBconnected during music playback over theBluetooth®connection, the Bluetooth®connection is disconnected. For thisreason, you cannot have music playbackover a Bluetooth®connection and musicplayback using a USB connection at thesame time.qHow to Use the Bluetooth®Audio SystemSwitching to Bluetooth®audio modeTo listen to music or voice audio recordedto a Bluetooth®audio device, switch tothe Bluetooth®audio mode to operate theaudio device using the audio systemcontrol panel. Any Bluetooth®audiodevice must be programmed to thevehicle's Bluetooth®unit before it can beused.Refer to Bluetooth® Preparation on page5-81.1. Switch the ignition to ACC or ON.2. Turn on the Bluetooth®audio device'spower.Make sure that the “”symbol isdisplayed in the audio unit's display.NOTESome Bluetooth®audio devices need a certainamount of time before the “”symbol isdisplayed in the audio unit's display.3. Press the audio button ( ) andthen touch the on-screen tab toswitch to the Bluetooth®audio modeand start playback.NOTElIf the Bluetooth®audio device does notbegin playback, press the on-screenbutton.lIf the mode is switched from Bluetooth®audio mode to another mode (radio mode),audio playback from the Bluetooth®audiodevice stops.Playback1. To listen to a Bluetooth®audio deviceover the vehicle's speaker system,switch the mode to Bluetooth®audiomode. (Refer to “Switching toBluetooth®audio mode”)2. To stop playback, press the on-screen button.3. Press the button again to resumeplayback.Selecting a file (track)Selects the next file (track)Short-press the track up button ( )ortouch the on-screen button.Selects the beginning of the current file(track)Short-press the track down button ( )ortouch the on-screen button.5-90Interior FeaturesBluetooth®CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page300Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (301,1)Fast-forward/Reverse (AVRCP Ver. 1.3or higher)Fast-forwardPress and hold the fast-forward button() or touch and hold the on-screen button.ReversePress and hold the reverse down button() or touch and hold the on-screen button.Folder search (only AVRCP Ver. 1.4)To change to the previous folder, touchthe on-screen button, or touch theon-screen button to advance to thenext folder.Music scan (only AVRCP Ver. 1.4)This function scans the titles in a foldercurrently being played and plays 10seconds of each song to aid you in findinga song you want to listen to.1. Touch the on-screen buttonduring playback to play 10 seconds ofeach subsequent track starting from thenext song.2. Touch the on-screen button againduring playback of the song which youwant to listen to continue the playbackfrom that point.Repeat playback (only AVRCP Ver. 1.4)Track repeatTouch the on-screen button to playthe song during playback repeatedly. “”is displayed during playback.Touch the on-screen button twotimes while “”is displayed to cancel.Folder repeatTouch the on-screen button twotimes to play the songs in the folderrepeatedly. “”is displayed duringplayback.Touch the on-screen button while“”is displayed to cancel.Shuffle playback (only AVRCP Ver. 1.4)Folder shuffleTouch the on-screen button duringplayback to play the songs in the foldershuffle. “”is displayed duringplayback.Touch the on-screen button twotimes while “”is displayed to cancel.Device shuffleTouch the on-screen button twotimes during playback to play the songs inthe device shuffle. “”is displayedduring playback.Touch the on-screen button while“”is displayed to cancel.Display scrollIf a whole title cannot be displayed at onetime, touch the on-screen button onthe right side of the title. When the lastcharacter is displayed, touch the on-screen button to display the first characterof the title.Interior FeaturesBluetooth®5-91CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page301Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (302,1)qBluetooth® Audio DeviceInformation DisplayIf a Bluetooth®audio device is connected,the following information is displayed inthe display.AVRCPVer. lowerthan 1.3AVRCPVer. 1.3AVRCPVer. 1.4 orhigherDevice name X X XRemainingbattery chargeof device―XXTitle ―XXArtist name ―XXAlbum name ―XXFile number ―XXPlayback time ―XXFolder number ―― XNOTESome information may not display dependingon the device, and if the information cannot bedisplayed, “-----”is indicated.5-92Interior FeaturesBluetooth®CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page302Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (303,1)TroubleshootingBluetooth®does not operate under the following conditions. Check whether the followingconditions apply to your Bluetooth®device:lThe device is not being operated correctly.lThe device is not connected to the Bluetooth®unit equipped on the vehicle.lThe device's battery is weak.lA device which interferes with radio wave reception has been placed in the vehicle.lThe ignition switch has been turned off.If none of the above conditions apply, refer to the following to see if any of the problemsymptoms correspond to your device.If the problem cannot be resolved, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer or MazdaBluetooth®Hands-Free Customer Service.Device pairing, connection problemsSymptom Cause Solution methodUnable to perform pairing―First make sure the device iscompatible with the Bluetooth®unit,and then check whether theBluetooth®function and the FindMode/Visible setting*1on the deviceare turned on. If pairing is still notpossible after this, contact anAuthorized Mazda Dealer or MazdaBluetooth®Hands-Free CustomerService.Unable to perform pairing The Bluetooth®function and theFind Mode/Visible setting*1on thedevice may turn off automaticallyafter a period of time has elapseddepending on the device.Check whether the Bluetooth®function and the Find Mode/Visiblesetting*1on the device are turned onand pairing or reconnect.Does not connect automaticallywhen starting the engineAutomatically connects, but thendisconnects suddenlyDisconnects intermittently Is the device in a location in whichradio wave interference can occureasily?(Inside a bag in a rear seat, in the rearpocket of a pair of pants)Move the device to a location inwhich radio wave interference is lesslikely to occur.*1 Setting which detects the existence of a device external to the Bluetooth®unitInterior FeaturesBluetooth®5-93CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page303Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (304,1)Voice recognition related problemsSymptom Cause Solution methodPoor voice recognition lExcessive, slow speech.lExcessive, forceful speech(shouting).lSpeaking before the beep soundhas ended.lLoud noise(speaking or noise from outside/inside vehicle).lAirflow from A/C is blowingagainst the microphone.lSpeaking in off-standardexpressions (dialect).Regarding the causes indicated onthe left, be careful with how youspeak. In addition, when numbers arespoken in a sequence, recognitionability will improve if no stop isplaced between the numbers.False recognition of numbersNames in the phonebook are noteasily recognizedThe Bluetooth®system is under acondition in which recognition isdifficult.By carrying out the followingmeasures, the rate of recognition willimprove.lClear memory from thephonebook which is not usedvery often.lAvoid shortened names, use fullnames.(Recognition improves the longerthe name is. By not using namessuch as “Mom”,“Dad”, recogni-tion will improve.)You want to skip guidance.―Guidance can be skipped by quicklypressing and releasing the Talkbutton.When the Talk button is pressed,voice recognition endsIs the Talk button being held pressedfor too long?Operate the Talk button as follows:lPress the button and release itwithin 0.7 seconds to start voicerecognition and skip theguidance.lPress the button for longer than0.7 seconds to turn off voicerecognition or end aconversation.Regarding problems with callsSymptom Cause Solution methodWhen starting a call, vehicle noisefrom the other party can be heard.For about three seconds after startinga call, the Bluetooth®unit's NoiseSuppression function requires time toadapt to the call environment.This does not indicate a problemwith the device.The other party cannot be heard orthe speaker's voice is quietIs the volume set at zero or low? Increase the volume.5-94Interior FeaturesBluetooth®CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page304Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (305,1)Other problemsSymptom Cause Solution methodThe indication for the remainingbattery is different between thevehicle and the device.The indication method is differentbetween the vehicle and the device. ―When a call is made from thevehicle, the telephone number isupdated in the incoming/outgoingcall record but the name does notappear.Has the number been registered intothe phonebook?If the number has been registeredinto the phonebook, theincoming/outgoing call record isupdated by the name in thephonebook when the engine isrestarted.The cell phone does not synchronizewith the vehicle regarding theincoming/outgoing call record.Some types of cell phones do notsynchronize automatically.Operate the cell phone forsynchronization.It takes a long time to complete thefunction for changing the language.A maximum of 30 seconds isrequired.―Interior FeaturesBluetooth®5-95CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page305Monday, December 12 2011 11:32 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (463,1)qAudio SystemThis CD player is made and tested to meet exacting safety standards. It meets FCCrequirements and complies with safety performance standards of the U.S. Department ofHealth and Human Services.CAUTIONØThis CD player should not be adjusted or repaired by anyone except qualifiedservice personnel.If servicing is required, contact an Authorized Mazda Dealer.ØUse of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than thosespecified herein may result in hazardous laser exposure. Never operate the CDplayer with the top case of the unit removed.ØChanges or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible forcompliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.NOTEFor CD player section:This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.NOTEThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation.qBluetooth® Hands-FreeFCCFCC: CB2MAZGEN6HFTNOTEThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.WARNINGChanges or modifications not expressively approved by the party responsible forcompliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.Customer Information and Reporting Safety DefectsDeclaration of Conformity8-47CX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page463Monday, December 12 2011 11:33 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L
Black plate (464,1)NOTEThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment offand on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures:lReorient or relocate the receiving antenna.lIncrease the separation between the equipment and receiver.lConnect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected.lConsult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.ICIC:279B-MAZGEN6HFTLicence exemptThis device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation issubject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause interference, and(2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may causeundesired operation of the device.The term “IC: ”before the radio certification number only signifies that Industry Canadatechnical specifications were met. The antenna used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End-users andinstallers must be provided with installation instructions and transmitter operatingconditions for satisfying RF exposure compliance.8-48Customer Information and Reporting Safety DefectsDeclaration of ConformityCX-5_8CA6-EC-11L_Edition1 Page464Monday, December 12 2011 11:33 AMForm No.8CA6-EC-11L

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