Johnson Controls Interiors SAHL5B HomeLink V Transmitter User Manual 00 Introduction en US 1 6

Johnson Controls Interiors L.L.C. HomeLink V Transmitter 00 Introduction en US 1 6

Users Manual

Black plate (50,1)Cadillac XTS Owner Manual - 2013 - 1st - 4/13/125-50 Instruments and ControlsUniversal RemoteSystemSee Radio Frequency Statement onpage 13‑15 for informationregarding Part 15 of the FederalCommunications Commission (FCC)rules and Industry CanadaStandards RSS-GEN/210/220/310.Universal Remote SystemProgrammingIf the vehicle has this feature, youwill see these buttons with oneindicator light next to them in theoverhead console.This system provides a way toreplace up to three remote controltransmitters used to activatedevices such as garage dooropeners, security systems, andhome automation devices.Do not use the Universal Remotesystem with any garage door openerthat does not have the stop andreverse feature. This includes anygarage door opener modelmanufactured before April 1,1982.Read the instructions completelybefore attempting to program theUniversal Remote system. Becauseof the steps involved, it may behelpful to have another personavailable to assist with programmingthe Universal Remote system.Keep the original hand-heldtransmitter for use in other vehiclesas well as for future UniversalRemote system programming. It isalso recommended that upon thesale of the vehicle, the programmedUniversal Remote system buttonsbe erased for security purposes.See “Erasing Universal RemoteSystem Buttons”later in thissection.When programming a garage door,park outside of the garage. Parkdirectly in line with and facing thegarage door opener motor-head orgate motor-head. Be sure thatpeople and objects are clear of thegarage door or gate beingprogrammed.It is recommended that a newbattery be installed in the hand-heldtransmitter for quicker and moreaccurate transmission of theradio-frequency signal.Programming the UniversalRemote SystemFor questions or help programmingthe Universal Remote system, call1-800-355-3515 or go
Black plate (51,1)Cadillac XTS Owner Manual - 2013 - 1st - 4/13/12Instruments and Controls 5-51Programming a garage door openerinvolves time-sensitive actions, soread the entire procedure beforestarting. Otherwise, the device willtime out and the procedure will haveto be repeated.To program up to three devices:1. Hold the end of the hand-heldtransmitter about 3 to 8 cm (1 to3 in) away from the UniversalRemote system buttons whilekeeping the indicator light inview. The hand-held transmitterwas supplied by themanufacturer of the garage dooropener receiver(motor-head unit).2. At the same time, press andhold both the hand-heldtransmitter button and one of thethree Universal Remote systembuttons to be used to operatethe garage door. Do not releasethe Universal Remote systembutton or the hand-heldtransmitter button until theindicator light changes from aslowly to a rapidly flashing light.You now may release bothbuttons.Some entry gates and garagedoor openers may requiresubstitution of Step 2 with theprocedure noted in “GateOperator and CanadianProgramming”later in thissection.3. Press and hold for five secondsthe newly trained UniversalRemote system button (thebutton selected in Step 2) whileobserving the indicator light andgarage door activation..If the indicator light stays oncontinuously or the garagedoor starts to move whenthe Universal Remotesystem button is pressedand released, then theprogramming is complete.There is no need tocontinue programmingSteps 4–6..If the Universal Remotesystem indicator light blinksrapidly for two seconds,then turns to a constantlight and the garage doordoes not move, continuewith programmingSteps 4–6.It may be helpful to haveanother person assist withthe remaining Steps 4–6.
Black plate (52,1)Cadillac XTS Owner Manual - 2013 - 1st - 4/13/125-52 Instruments and Controls“Learn”or “Smart”Button4. After Steps 1–3 have beencompleted, locate the “Learn”or“Smart”button inside the garageon the garage door openerreceiver (motor-head unit). Thename and color of the buttonmay vary by manufacturer.5. Firmly press and release the“Learn”or “Smart”button. Afterpressing this button, you willhave 30 seconds to completeStep 6.6. Immediately return to thevehicle. Firmly press and holdfor two seconds the UniversalRemote system button, selectedin Step 2 to control the garagedoor, and then release it. If thegarage door does not move orthe lamp on the garage dooropener receiver (motor-headunit) does not flash, press andhold the same button a secondtime for two seconds, thenrelease it. Again, if the doordoes not move or the garagedoor lamp does not flash, pressand hold the same button a thirdtime for two seconds, thenrelease.The Universal Remote systemshould now activate thegarage door.To program the remaining twoUniversal Remote system buttons,begin with Step 1 of “Programmingthe Universal Remote System.”Gate Operator and CanadianProgrammingIf you have questions or need helpprogramming the Universal Remotesystem, call 1-800-355-3515 or goto radio-frequency lawsrequire transmitter signals to timeout or quit after several seconds oftransmission. This may not be longenough for the Universal Remotesystem to pick up the signal duringprogramming. Similarly, some U.S.gate operators are manufactured totime out in the same manner.If you live in Canada, or you arehaving difficulty programming a gateoperator or garage door opener byusing the “Programming theUniversal Remote System”procedures, regardless of whereyou live, replace Step 2 under“Programming the Universal RemoteSystem”with the following:Continue to press and hold theUniversal Remote system buttonwhile you press and release everytwo seconds (cycle) the hand-heldtransmitter button until thefrequency signal has beensuccessfully accepted by theUniversal Remote system. The
Black plate (53,1)Cadillac XTS Owner Manual - 2013 - 1st - 4/13/12Instruments and Controls 5-53Universal Remote system indicatorlight will flash slowly at first and thenrapidly. Proceed with Step 3 under“Programming the Universal RemoteSystem”to complete.Universal Remote SystemOperationUsing the Universal RemoteSystemPress and hold the appropriateUniversal Remote system button forat least half of a second. Theindicator light will come on while thesignal is being transmitted.Erasing Universal RemoteSystem ButtonsAll programmed buttons should beerased when the vehicle is sold orthe lease ends.To erase all programmed buttons onthe Universal Remote systemdevice:1. Press and hold down the twooutside buttons until theindicator light begins to flash.This should take about10 seconds.2. Release both buttons.Reprogramming a SingleUniversal Remote SystemButtonTo reprogram any of the threeUniversal Remote system buttons:1. Press and hold the desiredUniversal Remote systembutton. Do not release thebutton.2. The indicator light will begin toflash after 20 seconds. Withoutreleasing the button, proceedwith Step 1 under “Programmingthe Universal Remote System.”If you have questions or need helpprogramming the Universal Remotesystem, call 1-800-355-3515 or goto You mayalso call the customer assistancephone number under CustomerAssistance Offices on page 13‑3.
Black plate (15,1)Cadillac XTS Owner Manual - 2013 - 1st - 4/13/12Customer Information 13-15GM will not access this data orshare it with others except: with theconsent of the vehicle owner or,if the vehicle is leased, with theconsent of the lessee; in responseto an official request by police orsimilar government office; as part ofGM's defense of litigation throughthe discovery process; or, asrequired by law. Data that GMcollects or receives may also beused for GM research needs or maybe made available to others forresearch purposes, where a need isshown and the data is not tied to aspecific vehicle or vehicle owner.OnStar®If the vehicle is equipped withOnStar® and has an activesubscription, refer to the OnStar®Terms and Conditions forinformation on data collection anduse. See OnStar Overview onpage 14‑1.Infotainment SystemIf the vehicle is equipped with anavigation system as part of theinfotainment system, use of thesystem may result in the storage ofdestinations, addresses, telephonenumbers, and other trip information.See the infotainment manual forinformation on stored data and fordeletion instructions.Radio FrequencyIdentification (RFID)RFID technology is used in somevehicles for functions such as tirepressure monitoring and ignitionsystem security, as well as inconnection with conveniences suchas Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)transmitters for remote door locking/unlocking and starting, andin-vehicle transmitters for garagedoor openers. RFID technology inGM vehicles does not use or recordpersonal information or link with anyother GM system containingpersonal information.Radio FrequencyStatementThis vehicle has systems thatoperate on a radio frequency thatcomply with Part 15 of the FederalCommunications Commission (FCC)rules and with Industry CanadaStandards RSS‐GEN/210/220/310.Operation is subject to the followingtwo conditions:1. The device may not causeharmful interference.2. The device must accept anyinterference received, includinginterference that may causeundesired operation of thedevice.Changes or modifications to any ofthese systems by other than anauthorized service facility could voidauthorization to use this equipment.

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