Johnson Controls TX9000TX Thermostat with RF (Transmitter) User Manual
LUX Products Corporation Thermostat with RF (Transmitter)
User Manual
TX9000RF HEMIJTE m tttsmttcttotts LUX PRODUCTS common vM! mu New Jase-yaw usA ~ wuwumuuau run tttmtttn: ttsa En-tutru‘ ur numczw Atttatins Bahtrizs only Enthtlef tsz reursrrrru trademan or [remedy sattrry Camvart‘, In: numcrw s a ragtstrno trademark or The Gtiteme con-parry tr»: to GENERAL INFORMATION the wait ptate of your tirerrnostat houses the untts' rscetuer. antenna, and its‘ battenss. The rdrnotetranstntttor and tts batteries are housed tn tts own hand-held enctosure 2 BATTERIES Yum RF remote rocdtuer and transrnttter each lecture two AAAthJme mum in nulls: use Enammr‘ in Buwm' llltallno smart-s flnly. mum to the titer-mats two Mbeltertes 21. Remote Batten-s: Replace/Install Reptaoe imitsmmet batteries at teas1 awry/12 months yum tuo Energtzeo or tztrradotrt AA Atkaltite batteries 1 Home trestt batteries trorn men canon z. The battaryoorerot your remote ta on tts ran To gao aoosss toyour remotes bananas utace your ttturrrb over me mangts on tne battery covet and store it ctr tn tne dlecltm mat tits trongte notnts a amt-erosdbattdtestprssarnardrodtaoemanwttnmoneww' size Et’telgllsf‘ot Dilacelt‘ ztkahrte batteries Observe ma potanty maMtg armnr rn ttte battery wmpanmml L Reptaoeme batteryoover 2.2 RF Remote Receiver Galleries: Refine/Install Replace racayer batteries at toast eve-ye rrtonttts wthwo Energizet‘ or Duracetl’ AA Aikattne bemttes. t fiernnvetrwn batter-as trout their anon 2 To gain access to your recewer‘s batteries removetne tnennostat body from ma Walt btata as described in the rnstattatrun socton otyourtnerrnostats Mmary manual The teoewet‘s bananas are vtstble on the ten side ot the watt ptate smut AURN mus 3 Remorsmusedbs‘tenesttmmamreflaoememwmngflsewtdstu avotd havth to rotmttatize your reoewet‘s saounty code Use Mn new “M“ stzs Energtzeri or DuraoettE atkatme bettertes Observe the dottrrty manung shown it me odrnbmrnarrt 4A Ptaca the thermostat body back on Ihe watt. 3. ENABLtNG (AND DISABLING] VOUR REMOTE wmt LEARN MODE t wan the body atttta tnsmtostat romoyed from tts watt ptate removed press and hold the messed LEARN CODE swrtott wnn a srnatt Pnttrps scrrvuuonun- until the LED abave mummies 2Ptsssardreteaseanybtmnnunmeteflme. 3. Watt untrt tire LED is extrtgutshed. t Reptace tne mamtat on its watl date 5. erthemtostat snoutrt now respond to remote wmmnds wrtttn a few sacorroa or aaan outton press. Skippng step 2 tn tneabote procedure wtlt dtsaote ttte rm at. strange 1mm Security Code. ttyou are tistng more than mte RFtrzrtsmmet untt n your home, and me responds to commands trout the other, tnen you wrt need to change Ihe security code at one unrt To do this t.Rernoye tne uansrnrtter bawenes tom mar oompanrnent. See 2 z 2.Ftnd the in aataotor atttrstnsroa too ottne battery cornoanrnat tt ts a rinse IEH tit mom ‘Cowt and nuns Nut-Mn! posrtrdn sttde swrtcn You may studeti tett, rtgtnt, or oentor posnon Eacrr sets a ottersnt to code 3 Reptace the batteries and thett covet arottowtne trsmmions tinder Enabltng (and dtsahltrtg) YourRsmote writ Lsam Mode 4. USING voun REMOTE The UP/DOWN arrow keys mum ttke ttrosa on the thermostat tsett, though there witl be astrort detay ostore your tnanrostat responds . Prsas and roteasetna UP btmott to miss theismpetatute nttnecurrsot mode WW degree ttyour thermostat was in Run Mode and you nave crrangod the temperature settrngtrorn rs ptogrammsd yatus tnsn your thermostat wilt change to Ovemde Mode. it your mermdstat had atroady been tn Overnde Mode and you returned the Setltng to its programmed temperature then the Ovarrrde wtlt be cancotco, and me unt wttl returnto Run. . Pres and reteme the DOWN button to towerttrotarnpsrature ot the cunertt mode wane degree it your mornrostat was in Run Mods, and you have manged theiempsramie selnng from its programmed yatua, than your ttterrrrostat wttl ttron be tn Ovende Made, it you naye tnerrnostat had atrsady been tn Quorum Mode, and you returned tna selung to rs pmfimmed temperaturs tire-r tne0uernde wit be canceted and the not wttt return to Rm. ~ Press and retease me Canoat button to altow wut marmosm m contret temperature at its program saungs tt yourtnermostat had been in Override mode. that mornde wrt be catceltsd tt your rnerrrrootat ts ur Hotd Moder tnon owing aanod changes the set lempetatute to us wnem program yatua but n does not oancd tne HOB Mode. 5. rec cwvumcz rnrs device camptts with Pan rs ot tns FCC flutes Opetatton ssubyect to tire tortowrng two conditions (thhts devtoe may not cause narrrrtut tmenetertoe, and tzt ms oauroo must accept any tntartarsnbe received rtctudtng meneronce tnat may cause moss-red operaton. War-int: Chumnt mndiliwinttnn tttta unt nmmmsiflwmvfld tryttn urny nun-strut tut utmpfianu rout-t train in uttrt auburn Io mute rte autumn. MUTE this zutiinmltt! tits taut trstati ant taunt tn runuty tnttr ttte ttrrrrs tor a Glass n truttat truce, pumanlh Pantsotttrt no title: mm iirnrts in tzsiunettu write rstsurrattte trnmrtton zuzind harrntut intsttnrrnca in a residential imitation. m: zuuiumzm garter-tn, uusaut can main-min "truancy enrruy and. ttrruttnrtattet anti uteri - accnrdznns writ in: tnstnrrtiuns, may cause harmltil immanbe It) ratiu ruminunicttiurs However insists no guarantsettrat rnerterenoe wrtt Mtocwrttt apamcuta! tnstattatton it its equurmant doss cause narrntut tmerfeteflne to tadto or tateurston tecephtxt, wtnotr can oaoatarrnrrad by tut-ting lite equpntart on and on. tnarsor senowragedtotrytocorroctttsetntoneronoe bynneornroroottnatottoynng msrsures . namrant or ratooara ma recetving ante-m - Increase the separator between tne sotitbrnentand rsoarysr. Ocmmfi the equipment trttoan antotona aroutt ontorertt from that towtmtt the receiver is mnnected. - Consult the doalet or an experienced mote/TV taottrnouan tor ttetp. LUX Products Corporation wow I Commerce Partrway- Mt LaursL NJ 03054 mzussm . www tuxproductsmm ICv 497flA~TX9000TX to 497mm 6, TRANSMITTER SPECS .EtRP power lsssthan trnw - Radto trequettcy tangec 315MH1 a room - Modutatm mattod. 00K . Maxtmum mnge approx. 1501! >7/j/g<,
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