KINGSTAR MI-BTH Wireless headphone User Manual

Shenzhen Kingstar Industrial Co.,Ltd. Wireless headphone

User manual

Download: KINGSTAR MI-BTH Wireless headphone User Manual
Mirror Download []KINGSTAR MI-BTH Wireless headphone User Manual
Document ID3499409
Application IDYpz1wACpY+rIB/FfW6831Q==
Document DescriptionUser manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize116.34kB (1454308 bits)
Date Submitted2017-08-07 00:00:00
Date Available2017-08-07 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-06-23 15:27:11
Producing SoftwareAdobe PDF library 10.01
Document Lastmod2017-06-23 15:27:11
Document TitleUSER MANUAL
Document CreatorAdobe Illustrator CS6 (Windows)

Nu power Recharge your neadpnunus using «nu Included MIcrb use
cnargmg cable
Musrc Is not Diayrng
over bluetobth
Make sure your Bluetooth‘ device has AZDP profile cnecn
it umn devrces are paved and summed over Bluetboth’
Restart the headphones «u reconnect your Bluetooth' devrce
Bluetooth' dsvrce erI
not reconnect win
the earbuds
Navrgate in your Bluetoottr" settrngs menu on your
Bluetooth" ounce. tap I‘MERKuRvueria," and select
“Forget " Now iuIIuw the steps «u palr your devrce agaIrt
Eluetooth“ Versron 4 2
Wrmless Range Upto 30m
lmpedence 32m
Battery (2:3):ch soDmAn
DrIverSize Aflmm
euuury Playback: Ame 6 hrs‘
Battery Standby Approx so hrs‘
Chargrng Trme Approx tVZhrs’
-ouuunus un Indrvrdual use
User's Manual for
Bluemot . Huadpnunus
use cnarmnq Cable
User Munuur
. Plug «nu more use uuuru «mu «nu mIcro use uun un «nu bottom otche ngn« weauphone,
and connect «nu other end of «nu cable «u u ther a computer use port or a Usfircompatrble charger
. n solrd red LEI) light wIll IPWIHo «nmuuruwnun «nu heldPhones Ire unuvm. even whrie
headphones are rumld un
. wnun chargrrw «u complete the LED hunt erI turn an
. Cnargmg time «5 approximately «.7 hours
. w««n your hudpmne; uuwuruu arr. um I. nuru «nu «I; burzon tor271| uuuunuu untIl «n. LED lrghr
tlashes red and blue Your nuuapnunuu are ready «u uu waned
. on your aruuiumntunuurua Gav ce nuvnmu to «nu Eluetooth‘ wetting: menu turr on «nu ammun-
leature, and search tor new day ces.
. Atter a tow mono: you erI m Ausnnunvuam :- lIsrad
. Tapthrs model to uuruu «« rnu LED writ nugn «u slowly unnn blue unu «nu headphones erI ernrt a tone
«u Indrcate «nu n has uuun succnlmiiv paved wnn your news:
MUTE: You only nuud «u paw your warm» davrm wrrh «n. vgnvg nuuuununuu unuu
QDTE: ltyourdevrce askstor u password to connect «u «nu nuzaununuu enter 'oooo
. Connect yourdevrce to «nu vsnvs headphonesvra equiauin‘ rm m usmnuerwn 1 Now mm
. opun vourt-vorrte mush: up» and mess pruy
. Control the track u volume «you your aumuu. or mg Ine Irvine controls on Ine VFWF headphones
Pros: «n. - button unuu m Diay/pauu musrc A answer call:
. Press the . or button unuu ruuunuwur «nu volume on the nuuapnunuu Press and told to skip to
«nu nexVPrevIous truck
. Au aumo. Including music, gums. videos. and nntrlreatrons wrii be routed through «nu vpnv;
“401:: Volume on your news: and un «nu heldphones are controlled sup-mew
- Press unu hold power button tor 2 sucunau.
- rnu headphones anal m Irgnr w u «um an
LEDquhr Aux
Input Chgrqrngl’ort LEDquht
MIcro use cnargrno
Plan a Hold (24 Sec]
Power on the
headphones and
automatrcaiiy reconnect
wrth last connected
Eluetoottt" cums».
or power umnu
increase Volume
Press 1 Hold:
sna to Next Track
Imus onuu
Play/paws mow.
answer/end ununu coils
nang up anur a pnunu call
Press A Hold
Reicct a ununu call
Pres: rwiuu
Redral «nu last call you made
Decrease Volume
Fun 5 Hum:
SKIP to Prevrous Track
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement
This devroe oomptres with pan 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation Is subject to the totiowirg two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesied operation.
floor This equipment has been tested and found to cornpty with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protectron agarnst hamful interference in a residennal Installation ThIs equipment generates,
uses and can radiate radio trequency energy and, it not installed and used in accordance with
the instructions, may cause hannful interference to radio communications However, there is
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does
cause hannful nterference to radIo ortelevision reception, when an be determined by turning
the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct ttre interference by one or
more ofthe follovnng measures:
oReorient or relocate the receiving antenna
olncrease the separation between the equ'nment and receiver.
oConneI:t the equipment into an outlet on a circun dilierem from that to whidr the receiver is
oConsult the dealer or an experienced radiolTV technician tor help.
Warning: Changes or modifications made to this device not expressly approved by Shenzhen
KIngstar Industrial Ca.,Ltd. may void the FCC authonzation to operate this device.
Note: The manufacturer is not responsible for any ratio or TV interference caused by
unauthorized modifications to thrs equipment. Such modifications could voId the user's
authority to operate the equ'pment

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