KONDOR KSBMBR2PBK Bluetooth Speaker(BoomBar 2+) User Manual BL 269 1
KONDOR LIMITED Bluetooth Speaker(BoomBar 2+) BL 269 1
User Manual
YE) kwtsound co uk mm m, mamthm m a'mmy “my, Knmmruu names ave hose onremesp m a u rm «um! mm m (1 mgns a \s ere'Msnss Dmer hadememsend u ~ p rm 7mm: m mm, mm Mr, W away/mam as rm, pmm’rw 0 may ”1:an hnuwrms mm, , warlwmkrlmeuf. Ammanml'wKrSuundurmdx ‘ um . AH mnmr Vhfcugh uneeuemnsmrm mnsmeverydevshame“, womw-ousevom magmaenaonremsw we vrm'nm m. x'mhwx m vim n m mmmk‘ Ahwwuavevemfiy m Duvcmseavemawmemmuduu aHev ; momma you! ‘owwmen emaunm Wm WM mum adnce m mammalyomppwancmneqcnng CEEQ\§%MW m hm gmgh “mm, h W mm a. “um" ” ., JH swan mmm p Manrmcm'va 47K'Snundwa'mdmhvkq K. mumm zrw 3mm, um m: \ EHz m MK KS BOOMBAR 2+ BLUETOOTH® SPEAKER USER MANUAL Phase read tms manum carequy before use. Box cuments - KS BoomBar 2+ B‘uetooth Speaker - 3 5 mm Aux cab‘e . chro USB charge cab‘e ~ User manua‘ Functicns MFB (Mumrfuncuon button} Volume? / Prewous track Volume+ / Next track LED mmcamr chrophone More uss charge port Aux mput wmmpmNA KS BoomBar 2+ is tF‘GS waterproof . To ensure that the ks BoomEar 2+ speaker rs waterproor, prease rernoye arr capre connectrons and trghtry crose the cap exposrng the KS BoomBar 2- speaker to rrourds wrthout dorng so may resurt rn permanent damage to the speaker ~ Do not expose tne KS BoomBar 2+ speaker to waterwhrre chargrng; thrs rs very dangerous as dorng so may resurt rn personar rmury and permanent darnage to the speaker or power source ~ IPGG waterproof rs defrned as oerng protected agarnst hrghrpressure ret spray rrorn arr drreotrons and temporary rroodrng Instructions for use Chargrng the battery Grve the speaker a m” charge betore rts first use r. Connect the Mrcro USE charge oaore to the Mrcro usa charge port (a) and prug rnto power 2 The LED rndrcator (4) wrrr oe sorid whrte whrtst chargrng whrch wrrr take up to 4 hours 3 Once turry charged the LED rndrcator <4) wrrr turn on Note: arrow up to 5 hours for the rrrst charge. You can charge and pray your speaker at the sarne trrne, put rt needs extra chargrng trrne Battery protection mode . |r you haven‘t used the speaker for 90 days the speaker wrlr swrtch to battery protectron mode autornatrcarry ~ To keep the rechargeaore pattery rn good condrtronr prease drscharge and recharge speaker every 3 months, rogardross or whether you use rt or not LED lights indicatiun Pamng rnode (auto reconnect) Etasnrng wnrte every 1 second Parnng mode (scanmng (or avatlabte devtces) Etasnrng wnrte 10 trrnes every second Paved rn Btuetoctn mode (prayrng rnusrc) Sohd whNe Paved rn Btuetoctn rncde (no musrc ptayrng) Etasnrng wnrte every 2 seconds Aux mode Etasnrng wnrte every 5 seconds Battery oetow gory“ Etasn red every 3 seconds Chargrng banery Sohd red Gnardrng vrnrsn (around we) Red LED of? Pairmg the EoomBar 2+ ta your devtce 1. Long press tne MFB (t) to turn tne speaker on and rt Wm automatrceuy enter pamng mode, wnn tne LED rndrcatcr (4) flasnrng wnne durckty 2 Turn your ros Andrcrd or Wrndcws devrce's Bluetcotn ON and searcn for new devrces s. Setect ‘KS BoomBar 2+” tr asked (or a passcode enter ‘oooo‘. and tne devrce Wm par 4 A doupte peep wru sound to connrrn parnng and tne LED rndrcatcr (4) wt flash every 2 seconds He—pamng or parrmg new devtces 1 Turn Dtueteotn connectrvrty err on any prevrousty pared devtces or douote press the MED (1) wnen not m a caH 2 Eoucw tne ‘Pamng tne BoomBar 2( to your device‘ rnstructrcns or press MED (1) for 3 seconds tne speaker wru searcn (or a” avartapte devrces and the LED indrcalor (4) vvrtt flash wnrte qurckty s. w a prevrcusly paved devrce rs not present wrtnrn tne Btuetcctn range wrtnin tne first 8 seconds of parnng, tne speaker wru reenter parnng rncde tnrs wru test tor (5 mmules P\ay)ng music an yuur speaker BMelcclh When connected via Emeloothr play the must: on your dewce and tne sound wn) play tnrougn tne speaker sdme dewces may requwe you to se)ect tne audm output Auxfliary ) Long press the we (w) to turn the speaker on 2 ng tne Aux came nto the speaker's Aux mpul (7) port and your dewce s. The LED mdcatdr (4) Wm flash Wmte eyery 5 seconds Note: For best sound quahty wnen tne battery )s bebw 30% )t )s best to charge We BoomBar 2+. Ccmrcls Functmn Eluewolh mode Auxmary mode vmurne+ Press Vd)urne+ (a) on BoomBar 27 Press Vommef (3) on BdornBar 2+ or use your dewce or use your dewce Vmumef Press Vommef (2) on BOOmBaV 2+ Press Vommef (2) on BOOmBar 2+ or use your dcymc or use your dcycc May/Pause snort press we (w) to may/pause track snort press we n) to rnute tne speaker The track w)” ccntmue to may on your device Next [rack He‘d Next [rack (3) for 2 Seconds N/A Prevmus Hack He‘d Premous track (2) Var 2 seconds N/A Answer/End caH snort press MFE m) to answer N/A or End a Ca” Re)ect caH Douo)e press MFE! u) \0 re)ect tne caH N/A Resenter pennng mode Douo)e press. MFE u) wnen not )n a 03” N/A to cancel emsnng B)ueteotn pamng 10 Please note Your devlce wlii nave an lmemai ampililer and li lt ls olayrng dlgltai lrles lrke MP3s ll wlii aiso have an lnlegraled DAC (Dlgltai Audlo Converter) if you turn the volume up lo lows, your devlce wlii be sendlng a disloned slgnai. To avold thlsr and to get lne oesl quailty irom lne speaker we recommend that you do nol run your devlce any hlgher lnan 95% voiume Some devlces oulpul nrgnerlnan others" so you may need lo reduce lne volume lf you expenence dlslortlon Care for your EoomBar 2+ Please DON'T: . submerge lne BoornBar 2+ speaker rn waler or spray water lor over a mlnutes ~ Drop me BoomEar 2+ as mrs Wlii lrlvaildaie your warranly ~ Open up lne BoomBar 2A speaker Tnere are no user servlceabie parts lrlslde ~ Expose lnc BoornBar 2+ spcakcrlo cxlrcrnc lcrnpcralurcs or rapld changes of not lo cold or VICC vcrsa Please DO: . Ciearl the BoomBar 24 speaker wlth a sctt dry doth and no detergents Specifications Works wrm Blueloolnm v4 2 Biueiooth range S/N Frequency response Drlvcrs Output HMS Ballcry Play time Charglng tlme iP raungs Drmensrons (mm) Weight up to lo m 55 dB +/— MB «0 Hz , 20 kHz 9 x 57 mm 2 x low rcchargcabic Ll—lorl, 2200 mAh‘ 74 V up lo lo nours up lo 4 hours IPGS we; 5 x W266 x D86 0 885 kg 11 12 Trcubleshooting We hope you've now get an the htormation you need \0 get started, but w you‘re hayhg proetems th anymmg‘ ptease veet tree to contact us at suppon@kitsound.co.uk Hereby, Kondor Ltd dectares that the ram equtpmeht type KSBMERZF' EocmBar 2+ Btuctooth Spcakcr‘ ts h Comphancc wtth Dtrccttya 2014/53/31 The tun texl of the EU deetarattoh of centermity ts ayattahte at the tettewmg tntemel address htlp://kondcv.co.uk/pvoduct—documems. FCC ID: 2ADFF-KSEMBR2PEK Thts devtce comphes wtth Pan 15 of the FCC rutes. Operation t's subject to the touowmg two condittcns (1) thts ueytce may not cause harm'm tmerference‘ and (2) thts ueytce must accept any hterterehce recewedt metuahg Inlerference Ihal may cause uhucsm opurahon 13 14 t he t so and oocrattor U‘M s speaker ts bcynt'fl our rontrct Warrar~y otthc Ks HucmHar we ts ttrnttcd to detects caused cytautty mart‘acmrc or aeteots tn ntatertats onty ho warren-y wratsoeuer ts g yer or t “uttec tar damage caused by the use' under a ty ctrcurnstences thts does not ahect your stamuvy rtghts Ptease do not attempt to over thts croouct fnere are no user se'vtcsazte carts tnstde tyour oroduct has an embedded ransreutaceante oa:tery co nct attempt to access or firm/Bins oa:tery trts may cause personat rtury and wtt carnage tne creduct Do not otsoosc u' Ltthttntn on Dallu'tcs wt-h gcrtorat was“) Ftcasc mum -to hattcry my. tng cottootton nortt Maktnq any attentpt to open tne crdduct or cav'y out repatr yotas a’ty a’tG att warranttes Wc aoctogtsc to» any tncortucntcnco caused oy “trtov t'cors stcnctcs tn tnesc nstructtnnst whtch nay occur as a rasutt ct oroduct trnnrcuetnent and deyetootnent FCC Cautton Arty Changes or medtttcattcrts not expressty approved by the party responsthte tor compttance couto yotd the uset‘s authottty to operate the eourprrrent Note Thrs edutprrtent has been tested and lound to compty wrth the trrntts tor a ctass E utgttat devtce‘ pursuant to part 15 ot the FCC Rutes These ttrnits are designed to oroytde reasonaote protection agatnst harmtut ‘tnterterence tn a restdenttat tnstattatton Thts equtprnent generates uses and can radtate radto frequency energy and, rt not tnstatted and used tn accordance with the tnstmcttonsy may cause harnttut tnterterertce to radto cornrnuntcations However, there ts no guarantee that tnterterence wttt not occur tn a pantcutar tnstattatton tt thts equtontent does cause harrntut tnterterertce to radtc or teteyrston receptton. whtch can be determtned by turnth the eourornent on and on, the user ts encouraged to try to correct the rnterterence by one or more ctt the tottowtrto measures: sReDHenl or retocate [he recetvtng antenna etherease the separattoh between the equtpmeht and recetyer Cannes! the equtpmsn ' to an outtet on a circutt dtnerent tront that to whtch the recetyer ts connected eConsuH the deater or an expertsnced radto/TV techructan tor hetp ‘RF warning for Mootte deytce This equtontentcornottes wtth FCC radtatton exposure ttnttts set fotth toren uncontrotted enytronrnent
Source Exif Data:
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