KROHNE FMCW10G52 Tank Level Probing Radar User Manual MA OPTIWAVE5200 en 160704 4001904903 R03

KROHNE, Inc Tank Level Probing Radar MA OPTIWAVE5200 en 160704 4001904903 R03


User Manual EN - JH5FMCW10G52.pdf

Radar (FMCW) Level Transmitter for liquids in storage and process applicationsOPTIWAVE 5200 C/FOPTIWAVE 5200 C/FOPTIWAVE 5200 C/FOPTIWAVE 5200 C/F HandbookHandbookHandbookHandbook© KROHNE 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en
All rights reserved. It is prohibited to reproduce this documentation, or any part thereof, without the prior written authorisation of KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH.Subject to change without notice.2 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enCopyright 2016 byKROHNE Messtechnik GmbH - Ludwig-Krohne-Str. 5 - 47058 Duisburg (Germany): IMPRINT :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 CONTENTS  3www.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enOPTIWAVE 5200 C/F1  Safety instructions 71.1  Software history ............................................................................................................... 71.2  Intended use ..................................................................................................................... 71.3  Certification ...................................................................................................................... 81.4  Radio approvals ................................................................................................................ 91.4.1  European Union (EU)............................................................................................................... 91.4.2  U.S.A...................................................................................................................................... 101.4.3  Canada................................................................................................................................... 111.5  Safety instructions from the manufacturer................................................................... 121.5.1  Copyright and data protection .............................................................................................. 121.5.2  Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................. 121.5.3  Product liability and warranty .............................................................................................. 131.5.4  Information concerning the documentation......................................................................... 131.5.5  Warnings and symbols used................................................................................................. 141.6  Safety instructions for the operator............................................................................... 142  Device description 152.1  Scope of delivery............................................................................................................. 152.2  Device description .......................................................................................................... 162.3  Visual Check ................................................................................................................... 182.4  Nameplates .................................................................................................................... 192.4.1  Nameplate (examples).......................................................................................................... 193  Installation 213.1  General notes on installation ......................................................................................... 213.2  Storage ........................................................................................................................... 213.3  How to assemble the PTFE Wave Horn antenna ........................................................... 223.4  Transport ........................................................................................................................ 233.5  Pre-installation requirements ....................................................................................... 233.6  Installation...................................................................................................................... 233.6.1  Pressure and temperature ranges....................................................................................... 233.6.2  Recommended mounting position........................................................................................ 293.6.3  Mounting restrictions............................................................................................................ 313.6.4  Standpipes (stilling wells and bypass chambers) ................................................................ 363.6.5  Wall support for the remote version .................................................................................... 403.6.6  How to attach an antenna extension (Metallic Horn or Wave Guide antennas)................... 413.6.7  How to turn or remove the signal converter ........................................................................ 443.6.8  How to attach the weather protection to the device............................................................. 453.6.9  How to open the weather protection .................................................................................... 484  Electrical connections 494.1  Safety instructions.......................................................................................................... 494.2  General notes ................................................................................................................. 49
 CONTENTS  4 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enOPTIWAVE 5200 C/F4.3  Electrical installation: 2-wire, loop-powered ................................................................ 504.3.1  Compact version ................................................................................................................... 504.3.2  Remote version ..................................................................................................................... 524.4  Remote device data ........................................................................................................ 534.4.1  Requirements for signal cables supplied by the customer ................................................. 534.4.2  How to prepare a signal cable supplied by the customer.................................................... 544.4.3  How to connect the signal cable to the device ..................................................................... 554.5  Electrical connection for current output ....................................................................... 594.5.1  Non-Ex devices ..................................................................................................................... 594.5.2  Devices for hazardous locations........................................................................................... 594.6  Protection category ........................................................................................................604.7  Networks ........................................................................................................................ 614.7.1  General information.............................................................................................................. 614.7.2  Point-to-point connection..................................................................................................... 614.7.3  Multi-drop networks ............................................................................................................. 624.7.4  Fieldbus networks................................................................................................................. 635  Start-up 655.1  How to start the device................................................................................................... 655.1.1  Start-up checklist ................................................................................................................. 655.1.2  How to start the device ......................................................................................................... 655.2  Operating concept ..........................................................................................................655.3  Digital display screen .....................................................................................................665.3.1  Local display screen layout .................................................................................................. 665.3.2  Functions of keypad buttons................................................................................................. 675.4  Remote communication with PACTware™ .................................................................... 675.5  Remote communication with the AMS™ Device Manager............................................. 686  Operation 696.1  User modes .................................................................................................................... 696.2  Normal mode.................................................................................................................. 696.3  Configuration mode........................................................................................................ 706.3.1  General notes........................................................................................................................ 706.3.2  How to get access to the commissioning menu................................................................... 716.3.3  Menu overview ...................................................................................................................... 726.3.4  Keypad functions................................................................................................................... 736.3.5  Function description ............................................................................................................. 766.4  Further information on device configuration................................................................. 836.4.1  Quick Setup (Parameters) .................................................................................................... 836.4.2  Empty spectrum recording................................................................................................... 856.4.3  Test........................................................................................................................................ 876.4.4  Protection of the device settings .......................................................................................... 886.4.5  HART® network configuration ............................................................................................. 886.4.6  Distance measurement ........................................................................................................ 896.4.7  Level measurement .............................................................................................................. 906.4.8  How to configure the device to measure volume or mass................................................... 906.4.9  How to make a filter to remove radar signal interference .................................................. 926.5  Status and error messages............................................................................................ 936.5.1  Device status (markers)........................................................................................................ 936.5.2  Error handling....................................................................................................................... 95
 CONTENTS  5www.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enOPTIWAVE 5200 C/F7  Service 997.1  Periodic maintenance..................................................................................................... 997.2  How to clean horn antennas under process conditions ................................................ 997.3  Heating or cooling horn antennas under process conditions ..................................... 1007.4  How to replace device components ............................................................................. 1007.4.1  Service warranty ................................................................................................................. 1007.4.2  Replacement of the BM 70x signal converter with the OPTIWAVE 5200 signal converter 1017.5  Spare parts availability................................................................................................. 1047.6  Availability of services .................................................................................................. 1047.7  Returning the device to the manufacturer................................................................... 1057.7.1  General information............................................................................................................ 1057.7.2  Form (for copying) to accompany a returned device.......................................................... 1067.8  Disposal ........................................................................................................................ 1078  Technical data 1088.1  Measuring principle...................................................................................................... 1088.2  Technical data............................................................................................................... 1108.3  Minimum power supply voltage ................................................................................... 1188.4  Pressure ratings...........................................................................................................1198.5  Antenna selection......................................................................................................... 1258.6  Dimensions and weights .............................................................................................. 1269  Description of HART interface 1359.1  General description ...................................................................................................... 1359.2  Software description .................................................................................................... 1359.3  Connection variants...................................................................................................... 1369.3.1  Point-to-Point connection – analogue / digital mode ........................................................ 1369.3.2  Multi-Drop connection (2-wire connection) ....................................................................... 1369.4  HART® device variables............................................................................................... 1369.5  Field Communicator 375/475 (FC 375/475) ................................................................. 1379.5.1  Installation .......................................................................................................................... 1379.5.2  Operation............................................................................................................................. 1379.6  Asset Management Solutions (AMS®) ......................................................................... 1379.6.1  Installation .......................................................................................................................... 1379.6.2  Operation............................................................................................................................. 1389.6.3  Parameter for the basic configuration ............................................................................... 1389.7  Field Device Tool / Device Type Manager (FDT / DTM)................................................ 1389.7.1  Installation .......................................................................................................................... 1389.7.2  Operation............................................................................................................................. 1389.8  Process Device Manager (PDM)................................................................................... 1389.8.1  Installation .......................................................................................................................... 1389.8.2  Operation............................................................................................................................. 1399.9  HART® menu tree for Basic-DD .................................................................................. 1399.9.1  Overview Basic-DD menu tree (positions in menu tree).................................................... 1399.9.2  Basic-DD menu tree (details for settings).......................................................................... 1409.10  HART® menu tree for AMS......................................................................................... 1419.10.1  Overview AMS menu tree (positions in menu tree) .......................................................... 1419.10.2  AMS menu tree (details for settings)................................................................................ 142
 CONTENTS  6 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enOPTIWAVE 5200 C/F9.11  HART® menu tree for PDM ........................................................................................ 1439.11.1  Overview PDM menu tree (positions in menu tree).......................................................... 1439.11.2  PDM menu tree (details for settings) ............................................................................... 14410  Appendix 14610.1  Order code .................................................................................................................. 14610.2  Spare parts ................................................................................................................. 15210.3  Accessories................................................................................................................. 15810.4  Glossary ...................................................................................................................... 15911  Notes 162
 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 17OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en1.1  Software history"Firmware revision" agrees with NAMUR NE 53. It is a series of numbers used to record the revision status of embedded software (firmware) in electronic equipment assemblies. It gives data on the type of changes made and the effect that changes have on compatibility.Data about software revisions is shown in menu 1.1.0 IDENT. For more data, refer to Function description on page 76. If it is not possible to refer to the device menu, record the serial number of the device (given on the device nameplate) and speak to the supplier.1.2  Intended useThis radar level transmitter measures distance, level, mass, volume, flow rate (in open channels) and reflectivity of liquids, pastes and slurries. It does not touch the measured product.Release datePrinted circuit assemblyFirmware revisionHardware revisionChanges and compatibility Documentation2013-01-11 Converter 1.00.05 4000342401k —HB OPTIWAVE 5200 R01 + R02Sensor 1.00.06 4001025501hHMI (LCD display option) 1.00.03 4000487601n2016-06-27 Converter 1.00.11 4000342401p HART commands + auto tests HB OPTIWAVE 5200 R03Sensor 1.00.16 4001025501o Auto testsHMI (LCD display option) 1.00.06 4000487601r Conversion unitsCAUTION!Responsibility for the use of the measuring devices with regard to suitability, intended use and corrosion resistance of the used materials against the measured fluid lies solely with the operator.INFORMATION!The manufacturer is not liable for any damage resulting from improper use or use for other than the intended purpose.
1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 8 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en1.3  CertificationIn accordance with the commitment to customer service and safety, the device described in this document meets the following safety requirements:•Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 2014/30/EU. Thus, the device agrees with the EMC requirements of “Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use” in European Standard EN 61326-1.•European Directive 2014/53/EU (Radio Equipment Directive – RED). The device agrees with European Standard ETSI EN 302 372. For more data, refer to European Union (EU) on page 9.•Low-Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU. The device agrees with European Standard EN 61010-1.•SIL-approved devices agree with European Standard EN 61508.All devices are based on the CE marking and meet the requirements of NAMUR Guidelines NE 21, NE 43, NE 53 and NE 107.DANGER!For devices used in hazardous areas, additional safety notes apply; please refer to the Ex documentation.
 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 19OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en1.4  Radio approvals1.4.1  European Union (EU)According to ETSI EN 302 372-2 (2011), the radiated power outside a metallic tank is less than -41.3 dBm.The device and the tank agree with Annex B of ETSI EN 302 372-1 if you obey the regulations that follow:•Install the device in a permanent position on a closed metallic tank, a reinforced concrete tank or a structure with a closed space made of an equivalent material. Make sure that the device is correctly attached. We recommend that you install the device on the top of the tank and the antenna points down.•Seal flanges and attachments with EMI/RFI shielding gaskets. This gasket is supplied as an accessory. For the order code, refer to Accessories on page 158.•Sight glasses must have a microwave-proof layer on them.•Close all openings and process connections.LEGAL NOTICE!This level transmitter is intended for installation in closed tanks. It meets the requirements of the RED (Radio Equipment Directive) 2014/53/EU for use in the member countries of the EU.An industry agreement includes approval for use of the frequency band (8.5...10.6 GHz) in industrial environments.Refer to EN 302 372 for installation conditions.Figure 1-1: Radio approval information on the nameplate1  CE signCAUTION!Obey the regulations in Annex B of ETSI EN 302 372-1 to prevent the emission of radar signals and radar signal interference.
1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 10 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en•Only approved personnel can install the device.For data about how to install EMI/RFI shielding gaskets, refer to the instructions supplied with this accessory.The radio approval certificate is given on the DVD-ROM supplied with the device.1.4.2  U.S.A.This legal information is shown on the device nameplate.The radio approval certificate is given on the DVD-ROM supplied with the device.LEGAL NOTICE!This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference which may cause un-desired operation.Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by KROHNE may void the FCC authorization to operate this equipment.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.Figure 1-2: FCC ID number label1  FCC IDDevices made in France: Q6BFMCW10G52Devices made in the USA: JH5FMCW10G52
 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 111OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en1.4.3  CanadaThis legal information is shown on the device nameplate.The radio approval certificate is given on the DVD-ROM supplied with the device.LEGAL NOTICE!This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS 210. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference which may cause un-desired operation.Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by KROHNE may void the IC authorization to operate this equipment.Figure 1-3: IC number label1  IC numberDevices made in France: 1991D-FMCW10G52Devices made in the USA: 1991A-FMCW10G52
1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 12 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en1.5  Safety instructions from the manufacturer1.5.1  Copyright and data protectionThe contents of this document have been created with great care. Nevertheless, we provide no guarantee that the contents are correct, complete or up-to-date.The contents and works in this document are subject to copyright. Contributions from third parties are identified as such. Reproduction, processing, dissemination and any type of use beyond what is permitted under copyright requires written authorisation from the respective author and/or the manufacturer.The manufacturer tries always to observe the copyrights of others, and to draw on works created in-house or works in the public domain.The collection of personal data (such as names, street addresses or e-mail addresses) in the manufacturer's documents is always on a voluntary basis whenever possible. Whenever feasible, it is always possible to make use of the offerings and services without providing any personal data.We draw your attention to the fact that data transmission over the Internet (e.g. when communicating by e-mail) may involve gaps in security. It is not possible to protect such data completely against access by third parties. We hereby expressly prohibit the use of the contact data published as part of our duty to publish an imprint for the purpose of sending us any advertising or informational materials that we have not expressly requested. 1.5.2  DisclaimerThe manufacturer will not be liable for any damage of any kind by using its product, including, but not limited to direct, indirect or incidental and consequential damages. This disclaimer does not apply in case the manufacturer has acted on purpose or with gross negligence. In the event any applicable law does not allow such limitations on implied warranties or the exclusion of limitation of certain damages, you may, if such law applies to you, not be subject to some or all of the above disclaimer, exclusions or limitations. Any product purchased from the manufacturer is warranted in accordance with the relevant product documentation and our Terms and Conditions of Sale. The manufacturer reserves the right to alter the content of its documents, including this disclaimer in any way, at any time, for any reason, without prior notification, and will not be liable in any way for possible consequences of such changes.
 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 113OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en1.5.3  Product liability and warrantyThe operator shall bear responsibility for the suitability of the device for the specific purpose. The manufacturer accepts no liability for the consequences of misuse by the operator. Improper installation or operation of the devices (systems) will cause the warranty to be void. The respective "Standard Terms and Conditions" which form the basis for the sales contract shall also apply.1.5.4  Information concerning the documentationTo prevent any injury to the user or damage to the device it is essential that you read the information in this document and observe applicable national standards, safety requirements and accident prevention regulations.If this document is not in your native language and if you have any problems understanding the text, we advise you to contact your local office for assistance. The manufacturer can not accept responsibility for any damage or injury caused by misunderstanding of the information in this document.This document is provided to help you establish operating conditions, which will permit safe and efficient use of this device. Special considerations and precautions are also described in the document, which appear in the form of icons as shown below.
1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 14 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en1.5.5  Warnings and symbols usedSafety warnings are indicated by the following symbols.•  HANDLINGHANDLINGHANDLINGHANDLINGThis symbol designates all instructions for actions to be carried out by the operator in the specified sequence.iRESULTRESULTRESULTRESULTThis symbol refers to all important consequences of the previous actions.1.6  Safety instructions for the operatorDANGER!This warning refers to the immediate danger when working with electricity.DANGER!This warning refers to the immediate danger of burns caused by heat or hot surfaces.DANGER!This warning refers to the immediate danger when using this device in a hazardous atmosphere.DANGER!These warnings must be observed without fail. Even partial disregard of this warning can lead to serious health problems and even death. There is also the risk of seriously damaging the device or parts of the operator's plant.WARNING!Disregarding this safety warning, even if only in part, poses the risk of serious health problems. There is also the risk of damaging the device or parts of the operator's plant.CAUTION!Disregarding these instructions can result in damage to the device or to parts of the operator's plant.INFORMATION!These instructions contain important information for the handling of the device.LEGAL NOTICE!This note contains information on statutory directives and standards.WARNING!In general, devices from the manufacturer may only be installed, commissioned, operated and maintained by properly trained and authorized personnel. This document is provided to help you establish operating conditions, which will permit safe and efficient use of this device.
 DEVICE DESCRIPTION 215OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en2.1  Scope of deliveryINFORMATION!Do a check of the packing list to make sure that you have all the elements given in the order.Figure 2-1: Scope of delivery1  Signal converter and antenna (compact version)2  Quick Start3  Strap wrench4  DVD-ROM (including Handbook, Quick Start, Technical Data Sheet and related software)INFORMATION!METALLIC HORN AND WAVE GUIDE ANTENNASIf the device has an antenna extension option, this part is attached to the device if the antenna extension length, Lext≤ 300 mm / 11.8¨. If Lext> 300 mm / 11.8¨, then the antenna extension is not attached to the device. Obey the assembly procedure on page 41.
2 DEVICE DESCRIPTION 16 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en2.2  Device descriptionThe FMCW radar level transmitter is designed to measure the distance, level, mass, volume, flow rate and reflection of liquids, pastes and slurries. Radar level transmitters use an antenna to guide a signal to the surface of the measured product. Radar is a non-contact technology. It is particularly suitable for the level measurement of corrosive and viscous products. For more data about the measuring principle, refer to Measuring principle on page 108.The signal converter of the device has 2 versions: Compact and Remote (Field). The converter can also be ordered with horizontal or vertical housing options for easy access to the device terminals and the optional display.Compact versionCompact versionCompact versionCompact versionThe signal converter is attached directly to the process connection and the antenna (vertical housing option shown).Remote (Field) versionRemote (Field) versionRemote (Field) versionRemote (Field) versionThe signal converter is installed away from the process connection (for example, at the bottom of the tank). The antenna is installed at the top of the tank. The signal cable between the signal converter and the antenna has a maximum length of 100 m / 328 ft.The illustration that follows shows the types of antenna. Antenna extensions are available for PTFE Wave Horn and Metallic Horn antenna options for long nozzles.Figure 2-2: Compact versionFigure 2-3: Remote version
 DEVICE DESCRIPTION 217OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enIf the process connection temperature is more than +150°C / +302°F, the device has a high-temperature (HT) extension. This is only available for Metallic Horn and Wave Guide antenna options.For more data about device options, refer to Technical data on page 108.You can use the LCD display option or PACTware™ software installed on a computer or a workstation for device configuration. The device configuration menu has a quick set-up wizard. You usually will not need this document to install, set up and operate the device.Figure 2-4: Types of antenna1  PP Wave Horn antenna (G 1½...2 or 1½...2 NPT threaded connection only)2  PTFE Wave Horn antenna (DN50...200 / 2¨...8¨ flange connections)3  Metallic Horn antenna (available antenna sizes: DN80 (3¨), DN100 (4¨), DN150 (6¨) and DN200(8¨))4  Wave Guide antenna (Length options: 1...6 m / 3.28...19.68 ft, in increments of 0.5 m / 1.64 ft)Figure 2-5: Signal converter with the HT extension
2 DEVICE DESCRIPTION 18 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en2.3  Visual CheckIf the device is supplied with an FKM/FPM gasket, there is no symbol on the side of the process connection.INFORMATION!Inspect the packaging carefully for damages or signs of rough handling. Report damage to the carrier and to the local office of the manufacturer.Figure 2-6: Visual check1  Device nameplate (for more data, refer to Nameplate (examples) on page 19)2  Process connection data (size and pressure rating, material reference and heat number)3  Gasket material data – refer to the illustration that followsFigure 2-7: Symbols for the supplied gasket material (on the side of the process connection)1  EPDM2  Kalrez® 63753  PFA
 DEVICE DESCRIPTION 219OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en2.4  Nameplates2.4.1  Nameplate (examples)INFORMATION!Look at the device nameplate to ensure that the device is delivered according to your order. Check for the correct supply voltage printed on the nameplate.Figure 2-8: Compact (C) and remote (F) versions: Non-Ex nameplate attached to the housing1  Cable entry size2  PROFIBUS Device ID (Profile ID) – only available with the PROFIBUS PA output option3  Hardware revision / Software revision (according to NAMUR NE 53)4  Signal output (analog, HART®, fieldbus, etc.), input voltage and maximum current (fieldbus options: basic current)5  Degree of ingress protection (according to EN 60529 / IEC 60529)6  Customer tag number7  Date of manufacture8  Serial number9  Type code (defined in order)10  Model name and number. The last letter "X" is either:C = compact version orF = remote (field) version11  Company logo, name and postal addressCountry of manufacture / Company web address
2 DEVICE DESCRIPTION 20 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enFigure 2-9: Remote (F) version: Non-Ex nameplate attached to the antenna assembly1  Company web address2  Country of manufacture3  Degree of ingress protection (according to EN 60529 / IEC 60529)4  Date of manufacture5  Serial number6  Type code (defined in order)7  Model name and number. The last letter = "F" remote (field) version8  Company logo, name and postal address
 INSTALLATION 321OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en3.1  General notes on installation3.2  Storage•Store the device in a dry and dust-free location.•Store the device in its original packing.INFORMATION!Inspect the packaging carefully for damages or signs of rough handling. Report damage to the carrier and to the local office of the manufacturer.INFORMATION!Do a check of the packing list to make sure that you have all the elements given in the order.INFORMATION!Look at the device nameplate to ensure that the device is delivered according to your order. Check for the correct supply voltage printed on the nameplate.WARNING!Do not keep the device in a vertical position. This will damage the antenna and the device will not measure correctly.Figure 3-1: Storage conditions1  When you put the device into storage, do not keep it in a vertical position2  Put the device on its side. We recommend that you use the packaging in which it was delivered.3  Storage temperature range: -50…+85°C/ -58…+185°F (min. -40°C/ -40°F for devices with the integrated LCD display option)
3 INSTALLATION 22 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en3.3  How to assemble the PTFE Wave Horn antenna•  Remove the plastic cover from the process connection.•  Remove the 4 wingnuts and screws that attach cardboard packaging.•  Remove the top and the bottom of the cardboard packaging from the PTFE Wave Horn antenna.•  Attach the Wave Horn antenna to the process connection. Put the end of the antenna that has a thread in the fitting on the process connection.Figure 3-2: Equipment needed to assemble the device1  Signal converter and process connection (compact version) or antenna housing and process connection (remote ver-sion)2  PTFE Wave Horn antenna in cardboard packaging. The cardboard packaging is attached with 4 screws and wingnuts.Part 1: Remove the protective cover from the process connectionFigure 3-3: Part 1: Remove the protective cover from the process connectionPart2: Remove the cardboard packaging from the PTFE Wave Horn antennaFigure 3-4: Part2: Remove the cardboard packaging from the PTFE Wave Horn antennaPart3A: Attach the PTFE Wave Horn antenna to the process connectionFigure 3-5: Part3A: Attach the PTFE Wave Horn antenna to the process connectionCAUTION!Do not use tools to attach the antenna to the process connection.
 INSTALLATION 323OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en•  Turn the PTFE Wave Horn antenna. Tighten with your fingers.•  Make sure that the thread is engaged fully.iEnd of the procedure.3.4  Transport3.5  Pre-installation requirements•Make sure that there is sufficient space on all sides.•Protect the signal converter from direct sunlight. If necessary, install the weather protection accessory.•Do not subject the signal converter to heavy vibrations.3.6  Installation3.6.1  Pressure and temperature rangesPart3B: Attach the PTFE Wave Horn antenna to the process connectionFigure 3-6: Part3B: Attach the PTFE Wave Horn antenna to the process connectionCAUTION!Do not use tools to attach the antenna to the process connection.WARNING!•Depending on the version, the device will weight approx. 5...30 kg / 11...66 lb. To carry, use both hands to lift the device carefully by the converter housing. If necessary, lift the device with a hoist.•When handling the device, avoid hard blows, jolts, impact, etc. to prevent damage.INFORMATION!Obey the precautions that follow to make sure that the device is correctly installed.DANGER!If the ambient temperature is more than +70°C / +158°F, there is a risk of injury if you touch the device. Use a protective cover or metallic grid to prevent injury.
3 INSTALLATION 24 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enFor more data on pressure ratings, refer to Pressure ratings on page 119Figure 3-7: Pressure and temperature ranges1  Temperature at the process connectionNon-Ex devices: The temperature range depends on the type of antenna, process connection and the seal material. Refer to the table that follows.Devices with Hazardous Location approvals: see supplementary instructions2  Ambient temperature for operation of the display-20...+60°C / -4...+140°FIf the ambient temperature is not between these limits, the display screen switches off automatically. The device con-tinues to operate.3  Ambient temperatureNon-Ex devices: refer to the ambient temperature / flange temperature graphs in this sectionDevices with Hazardous Location approvals: see supplementary instructions4  Process pressureDepends on the type of antenna and process connection. Refer to the table that follows.WARNING!The process connection temperature range must agree with the temperature limits of the gasket material.Antenna type Process connectionSeal Process connection temperatureProcess pressure[°C] [°F] [barg] [psig]PP Wave Horn G1½...2;1½...2 NPT —-20...+100 -4...+212 -1...16 -14.5...232PTFE Wave Horn Flange with PTFE plate—-50...+150 -58...+302 -1...40 -14.5...580Metallic HornWave GuideFlange Metaglas® with FKM/FPM-40...+200 1-40...+392 1-1...40 2-14.5...580 2Metaglas® with Kalrez® 6375-20...+250 1-4...+482 1-1...40 2-14.5...580 2Metaglas® with PFA-60...+130 1-76...+266 1-1...40 2-14.5...580 2Metaglas® with EPDM-50...+130 1-58...+266 1-1...40 2-14.5...580 21Higher temperature on request2Higher pressure on request
 INSTALLATION 325OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enPP Wave Horn: compact and remote versionsAmbient temperature / flange temperature, flange and threaded connection, in °CFigure 3-8: Ambient temperature / flange temperature, flange and threaded connection, in °CAmbient temperature / flange temperature, flange and threaded connection, in °FFigure 3-9: Ambient temperature / flange temperature, flange and threaded connection, in °F1  Maximum ambient temperature, °C2  Maximum flange temperature, °C3  Maximum ambient temperature, °F4  Maximum flange temperature, °F5  Compact and remote versions of the device with the PP Wave Horn antenna6  Remote version of the device with the PP Wave Horn antenna
3 INSTALLATION 26 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enPTFE Wave Horn: compact and remote versionsAmbient temperature / flange temperature, flange and threaded connection, in °CFigure 3-10: Ambient temperature / flange temperature, flange and threaded connection, in °CAmbient temperature / flange temperature, flange and threaded connection, in °FFigure 3-11: Ambient temperature / flange temperature, flange and threaded connection, in °F1  Maximum ambient temperature, °C2  Maximum flange temperature, °C3  Maximum ambient temperature, °F4  Maximum flange temperature, °F5  Compact and remote versions of the device with the PTFE Wave Horn antenna6  Compact version of the device with the PTFE Wave Horn antennaINFORMATION!When the process temperature is -50°C/ -58°F, there is a de-rating for the ambient temperature. The minimum ambient temperature is -36°C / -32.8°F.
 INSTALLATION 327OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enMetallic Horn and Wave Guide: compact and remote versionsAmbient temperature / flange temperature, flange and threaded connection, in °CFigure 3-12: Ambient temperature / flange temperature, flange and threaded connection, in °CAmbient temperature / flange temperature, flange and threaded connection, in °FFigure 3-13: Ambient temperature / flange temperature, flange and threaded connection, in °F1  Maximum ambient temperature, °C2  Maximum flange temperature, °C3  Maximum ambient temperature, °F4  Maximum flange temperature, °F5  Compact and remote versions of the device with the Metallic Horn or Wave Guide antenna6  Compact version of the device with the Metallic Horn or Wave Guide antennaINFORMATION!When the process temperature is -50°C/ -58°F and the device has an EPDM gasket, there is a de-rating for the ambient temperature. The minimum ambient temperature is -35°C/ -31°F.
3 INSTALLATION 28 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enMetallic Horn and Wave Guide: compact and remote versions with the high-temperature (HT) extensionAmbient temperature / flange temperature, flange and threaded connection, in °CFigure 3-14: Ambient temperature / flange temperature, flange and threaded connection, in °CAmbient temperature / flange temperature, flange and threaded connection, in °FFigure 3-15: Ambient temperature / flange temperature, flange and threaded connection, in °F1  Maximum ambient temperature, °C2  Maximum flange temperature, °C3  Maximum ambient temperature, °F4  Maximum flange temperature, °F5  Compact and remote versions of the device with the Metallic Horn or Wave Guide antenna, the HT extension and EPDM and PFA gaskets6  Compact and remote versions of the device with the Metallic Horn or Wave Guide antenna, the HT extension and a PFA gasketINFORMATION!When the process temperature is -50°C/ -58°F and the device has an EPDM gasket, there is a de-rating for the ambient temperature. The minimum ambient temperature is -39°C / -38.2°F.When the process temperature is -60°C/ -76°F and the device has a PFA gasket, there is a de-rating for the ambient temperature. The minimum ambient temperature is -37°C / -34.6°F.
 INSTALLATION 329OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en3.6.2  Recommended mounting positionCAUTION!Follow these recommendations to make sure that the device measures correctly. They have an effect on the performance of the device.Figure 3-16: Recommended mounting position for liquids, pastes and slurries1  Sockets for the PP Wave Horn antenna2  Nozzles for the PTFE Wave Horn antenna3  Nozzles for DN150 or DN200 Metallic Horn antennas4  Nozzles for Wave Guide antennas5  Tank diameter6  Minimum distance of the nozzle or socket from the tank wall (depends on the antenna type and size - refer to items 1, 2 , 3 and 4 in this list): - PP/PTFE Wave Horn (1 and 2): 1/7 × tank height- Metallic Horn (3): 1/10 × tank height- Wave Guide (4): There is no minimum distance from the Wave Guide antenna to metallic walls and other metal ob-jectsMaximum distance of nozzle from the tank wall (depends on the antenna type and size - refer to items 1, 2 and 3 in this list):- PP/PTFE Wave Horn (1 and 2): 1/3 × tank diameter- Metallic Horn (3): 1/3 × tank diameter- Wave Guide (4): There is no maximum distance from the Wave Guide antenna to metallic walls and other metal ob-jects7  Tank heightINFORMATION!If there is a nozzle on the tank before installation, the nozzle must be a minimum of 200 mm / 7.9¨ from the tank wall. The tank wall must be flat and there must not be obstacles adjacent to the nozzle or on the tank wall.
3 INSTALLATION 30 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enPoint the device in the correct directionFigure 3-17: Point the device in the correct direction to get the best performancePoint the tag hole on the housing in the direction of the nearest tank wall.1  Tag hole2  Nearest tank wallFigure 3-18: A maximum of 4 FMCW radar level meters can be operated in a tankFigure 3-19: Tanks with dish-shaped or conical bottomsDish-shaped or conical bottoms have an effect on the measuring range. The device cannot measure to the bottom of the tank.1  Axis of radar beam2  Minimum level reading
 INSTALLATION 331OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en3.6.3  Mounting restrictionsWe recommend that you prepare the installation when the tank is empty.CAUTION!Follow these recommendations to make sure that the device measures correctly. They have an effect on the performance of the device.Mounting restrictions: General dataFigure 3-20: Mounting restrictions: General data1  Do not tilt the device more than 2°2  We recommend that you do an empty spectrum recording if there are obstacles in the radar beam (refer to OperationOperationOperationOperation). If necessary, install a bypass chamber or stilling well or use an S-bend antenna extension or an L-bend antenna ex-tension (the device must be installed on the side of the tank) to move the device away from obstacles.3  2.5 mm / 0.1¨ max. for high-dielectric constant liquids4  Beam radius (DN80 (3¨) Metallic Horn antenna): increments of 290 mm/m or 3.4¨/ft (16°)Beam radius (DN100 (4¨) Metallic Horn antenna): increments of 210 mm/m or 2.6¨/ft (12°)Beam radius (DN150 (6¨) Metallic Horn antenna): increments of 140 mm/m or 1.7¨/ft (8°)Beam radius (DN200 (8¨) Metallic Horn antenna): increments of 100 mm/m or 1.3¨/ft (6°)Beam radius (PP Wave Horn and PTFE Wave Horn antenna): increments of 176 mm/m or 2.1¨/ft (10°)
3 INSTALLATION 32 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enObstacles in the tankFigure 3-21: Obstacles in the tankDo not put the device directly above obstacles (agitator, support beams, heating tubes etc.). Parasitic signals from obsta-cles will cause the device to measure incorrectly.1  Solution 1: Put the device on another process connection away from obstacles2  Solution 2: Use the same process connection, but also use an S-bend extension3  Solution 3: Attach the device to the side of the tank and use an L-bend (right angle) extensionCAUTION!Do not put the device near to the product inlet. If the product that enters the tank touches the antenna, the device will measure incorrectly. If the product fills the tank directly below the antenna, the device will also measure incorrectly.Figure 3-22: Product inlets1  The device is in the correct position.2  The device is too near to the product inlet.
 INSTALLATION 333OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enThe antenna must project out of the nozzle. If necessary, use an antenna extension. But if the tank roof is flat and the tank fitting is symmetrical, it is not necessary for the antenna to project out of the nozzle. Thus, the device can have a larger measuring range.Devices with Metallic Horn antennaFigure 3-23: Devices with Metallic Horn antenna1  If the roof is not flat, the antenna must project out of the nozzle2  Short tank nozzle3  Long tank nozzle (device with an antenna extension)4  If the roof is flat and the tank fitting is symmetrical, it is not necessary for the antenna to project out of the nozzle. Thus, the device can have a larger measuring range.Devices with PTFE or PP Wave Horn antennaFigure 3-24: Devices with PTFE or PP Wave Horn antennaRecommended height of tank process connection, a = 44...200 mm / 1.7...7.87¨1  Device with a PTFE Wave Horn antenna and a flange connection. There are antenna extension options available (100 mm / 4¨, 200 mm / 8¨ and 300 mm / 12¨) for long nozzles.2  Device with a PP Wave Horn antenna and a thread connectionCAUTION!Do not install devices with Wave Horn antennas on plastic nozzles that have a diameter of 50 mm / 2¨.
3 INSTALLATION 34 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enDo an Empty Spectrum recording (refer to OperationOperationOperationOperation) to remove parasitic signals with a filter.Equipment needed:•Device•Flange gasket (not supplied)•Wrench (not supplied)•  Make sure the flange on the nozzle is level.•  Make sure that you use the applicable gasket for the flange dimensions and the process.•  Align the gasket correctly on the flange facing of the nozzle.•  Lower the antenna carefully into the tank.•  Make sure that you point the device in the correct direction. Refer to "Point the device in the correct direction" in this section.•  Tighten the flange bolts.iRefer to local rules and regulations for the correct torque to apply to the bolts.CAUTION!If there are parasitic signals, the device will not measure correctly. Parasitic signals are caused by:•Objects in the tank.•Sharp corners that are perpendicular to the path of the radar beam.•Sudden changes in tank diameter in the path of the radar beam.Requirements for flange connectionsFigure 3-25: Flange connection
 INSTALLATION 335OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enEquipment needed:•Device•Gasket for G 1½A or G 2A connection (not supplied)•Thread seal tape (PTFE) for 1½NPT or 2 NPT connection (not supplied)•50 mm / 2¨ wrench (not supplied)•  Make sure the tank connection is level.•  ISO 228-1 (G) connection:ISO 228-1 (G) connection:ISO 228-1 (G) connection:ISO 228-1 (G) connection: Make sure that you use the applicable gasket for the connection dimensions and the process.•  ISO 228-1 (G) connection:ISO 228-1 (G) connection:ISO 228-1 (G) connection:ISO 228-1 (G) connection: Align the gasket correctly.•  NPT connection:NPT connection:NPT connection:NPT connection: Wind the thread seal tape around the process connection in agreement with good engineering practice.•  Lower the antenna carefully into the tank.•  Turn the threaded connection on the antenna to attach the device to the process connection.•  Make sure that you point the device in the correct direction. Refer to "Point the device in the correct direction" in this section.•  Tighten the connection to the correct torque (not more than 40 Nm).Requirements for threaded connectionsFigure 3-26: Threaded connectionWARNING!Do not tighten the connection to a torque more than 40 N·m / 29.5 lb·ft. If the connection is too tight, this will damage the thread.To prevent damage to the antenna, make sure that the minimum diameter of the hole for a 1½NPT or 2 NPT thread connection is not less than 43.4 mm / 1.71¨.
3 INSTALLATION 36 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en3.6.4  Standpipes (stilling wells and bypass chambers)Use a standpipe if:•There is highly conductive foam in the tank.•The liquid is very turbulent or agitated.•There are too many other objects in the tank.•The device is measuring a liquid (petro-chemicals) in a tank with a floating roof.•The device is installed in a horizontal cylindrical tank (refer to the end of this section).Figure 3-27: Installation recommendations for standpipes (stilling wells and bypass chambers)1  A stilling well solution2  A bypass chamber solution3  Air circulation hole4  Level of the liquidCAUTION!•The standpipe must be electrically conductive.•The inside diameter of the standpipe must not be more than 5 mm / 0.2¨ over the diameter of the antenna (for a high-dielectric constant liquid).•The standpipe must be straight. There must be no sudden changes in internal diameter greater than 1 mm / 0.04¨.•The standpipe must be vertical.•Recommended surface roughness: <±0.1 mm / 0.004¨.•Make sure that there are no deposits at the bottom of the standpipe.•Make sure that there is liquid in the standpipe.
 INSTALLATION 337OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enStilling wells – general notesInstallation in tanks containing one liquid and foam•  Drill an air circulation hole (max. Ø10 mm / 0.4¨) in the stilling well above the maximum level.•  Remove the burr from the hole.Installation in tanks containing one liquid or more without foam•  Drill an air circulation hole (max. Ø10 mm / 0.4¨) in the stilling well above the maximum level.•  Drill 1 or more liquid circulation holes in the stilling well (if there is more than 1 liquid in the tank).iThese holes help the liquid to move freely between the stilling well and the tank.•  Remove the burr from the hole.Stilling wells – reference pointWe recommend that you attach a flat cruciform target at the bottom of the stilling well. It must have a width of 1/3 of the internal diameter of the stilling well tube. This target is the limit of the measuring range in the stilling well.CAUTION!You can drill an air circulation hole if the stilling well is in a closed space (a metallic container). This condition is necessary to obey TLPR standards. For more data, refer to Radio approvals on page 9.Figure 3-28: Reference point in the stilling wella≥ 1/3 × ØD
3 INSTALLATION 38 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enStilling wells: floating roofsIf the device must be installed on a tank with a floating roof, install it in a stilling well.Figure 3-29: Floating roofs1  Sediment2  Support fixtures3  Stilling well4  Floating roof5  Product6  Tank
 INSTALLATION 339OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enStilling wells: horizontal cylindrical tanksWe recommend that you install the device in a stilling well if the device:•is for a horizontal cylindrical tank,•is in a metallic tank,•measures a product with a high dielectric constant and•is on the centerline of the tank.Figure 3-30: Horizontal cylindrical tanks1  The device is installed without a stilling well. There are multiple reflections. Refer to the CAUTION! that follows.2  The device is installed in a stilling well and measures correctly.CAUTION!If the device is installed in horizontal cylindrical tank that contains a high dielectric constant liquid without a stilling well, do not put it on the tank centerline. This will cause multiple reflections and the device will not measure accurately. Use the 2.3.12 Multiple Reflections2.3.12 Multiple Reflections2.3.12 Multiple Reflections2.3.12 Multiple Reflections function in Supervisor > Basic ParametersSupervisor > Basic ParametersSupervisor > Basic ParametersSupervisor > Basic Parameters to keep the effects of multiple reflections to a minimum. For more data, refer to Function description on page 76 (2. Supervisor).
3 INSTALLATION 40 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enBypass chambersInstallation next to tanks containing one liquid and foam•The top process connection of the bypass chamber must be above the maximum level of liquid.•The bottom process connection of the bypass chamber must be below the lowest measured level of liquid.Installation next to tanks containing more than one liquid•The top process connection of the bypass chamber must be above the maximum level of liquid.•The bottom process connection of the bypass chamber must be below the lowest measured level of liquid.•Additional process connections are necessary for the liquids to circulate freely along the length of the bypass chamber.3.6.5  Wall support for the remote version1  Use marks on the wall to help you put the wall support in the correct position. For more data, refer to Dimensions and weights on page 126.2  Use equipment and tools that agree with health and safety regulations and good engineering practice.3  Make sure the wall support is correctly attached to the wall.Figure 3-31: Wall support for the remote version (attached to the remote converter)
 INSTALLATION 341OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en3.6.6  How to attach an antenna extension (Metallic Horn or Wave Guide antennas)Obey the assembly procedure that follows:CAUTION!IF THE ANTENNA EXTENSION IS SUPPLIED WITH THE DEVICE AS AN OPTION:If the antenna extension is attached to the device, no more work is necessary.If the antenna extension is not attached to the device, refer to Procedure 1 in this section. It is not necessary to change the device settings. The manufacturer sets the related menu items to the correct values in the factory. IF THE ANTENNA EXTENSION IS SUPPLIED AFTER DELIVERY OF THE DEVICE (SPARE PART):You must attach the antenna extension to the device and change the device settings in the SUPERVISOR menu. If you have a straight antenna extension, refer to Procedures 1 and 2A. If you have an S-bend or L-bend (right-angle) antenna extension, refer to Procedures 1 and 2B.DANGER!If you installed the device on the tank before the procedure, make the device safe (de-energize the circuit, clean the device etc.) before you continue the work.Equipment neededFigure 3-32: Equipment needed1  Device (with a Metallic Horn or Wave Guide antenna option only)2  Antenna extension. From left to right: straight, S-bend and L-bend (right-angle) extension.3  10 mm open-end or box-end wrench (not supplied)4  3 hex head screws M6×25-A4-70 (supplied in a plastic sachet)
3 INSTALLATION 42 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enProcedure 1: How to attach an antenna extension1  Remove the 3 hex head screws from the antenna with the 10 mm wrench.2  Remove the antenna. Make sure that you do not damage the PTFE cone when you remove the antenna.3  Attach the antenna extension below the flange. Make sure that the antenna extension is fully engaged. Make sure that you do not damage the PTFE cone when you attach the antenna ex-tension.4  Attach 3 hex head screws to the antenna extension with a 10 mm wrench. Tighten the screws to a torque of 8 Nm.5  Attach the antenna below the antenna extension.6  Attach 3 hex head screws to the antenna with a 10 mm wrench. Tighten the screws to a torque of 8 Nm.iIf the antenna extension is supplied with the device, it is not necessary to change the device settings. End of the procedure.7   If the antenna extension is supplied after delivery of the device, it is necessary to change the device settings. Make a selection from one of the procedures (2A or 2B) that follow: straight Figure 3-33: Procedure: How to attach an antenna extensionWARNING!Make sure that you do not damage the PTFE cone when you remove or install the antenna.
 INSTALLATION 343OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enantenna extension, S-bend antenna extension or L-bend (right angle) antenna extension.Procedure 2A: Device settings for a device with a straight antenna extension•  Enter the SUPERVISOR menu (2.0.0).•  Push [>>>>], 2 × [], [>>>>] and 6 × [] to go to menu item ANTENNA EXTENSION (2.3.7).•  Push [>>>>] to change the value. Push [>>>>] to change the position of the cursor. Push [] to decrease the value or [] to increase the value.iIf the antenna extension has a length of 500 mm, enter the value "500" (if units for this menu item are in mm).•  Push 3 × [^^^^] to go back to the "STORE" screen.•  Push [] or [] to set the screen to STORE YESSTORE YESSTORE YESSTORE YES and push [^^^^].iEnd of the procedure.Procedure 2B: Device settings for a device with an S-bend or L-bend (right angle) antenna extension•  Enter the SUPERVISOR menu (2.0.0).•  Push [>>>>], 2 × [], [>>>>] and 6 × [] to go to menu item ANTENNA EXTENSION (2.3.7).•  Push [>>>>] to change the value. Push [>>>>] to change the position of the cursor. Push [] to decrease the value or [] to increase the value.iIf units are in mm, enter the value "221" (for an S-bend extension) or "236" (for an L-bend extension).•  Push [^^^^] to go back to the menu. Push 2 × [] to go to menu item DIST.PIECE (2.3.9).•  Push [>>>>] to change the value. Push [>>>>] to change the position of the cursor. Push [] to decrease the value or [] to increase the value.iIf units are in mm, enter the value "243" (for an S-bend extension) or "236" (for an L-bend extension).•  Push 3 × [^^^^] to go back to the "STORE" screen.•  Push [] or [] to set the screen to STORE YESSTORE YESSTORE YESSTORE YES and push [^^^^].iEnd of the procedure.Settings for devices with antenna extensions in mmFor more data about the dimensions of devices with antenna extensionsFor more data about the dimensions of devices with antenna extensions, refer to Dimensions and weights on page 126.Antenna extension type Device settingsANTENNA EXTENSION (2.3.7) DIST.PIECE (2.3.9)Straight 10 2S-bend 221 243 2L-bend (right angle) 236 236 21This value depends on the length of the antenna extension. Enter the length of the antenna extension: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 or 1000 mm2If the device has a high temperature extension, add 120 mm to this value
3 INSTALLATION 44 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en3.6.7  How to turn or remove the signal converterThe converter turns 360°, but we recommend that the tag hole on the housing points to the nearest tank wall. For more data, refer to Recommended mounting position on page 29. The converter can be removed from the process connection assembly under process conditions.Figure 3-34: How to turn or remove the signal converter1  Tool: 5 mm Allen wrench (not supplied) for the lock screw on the signal converter2  Cover for the wave guide hole on top of the process connection assembly (not supplied)CAUTION!Do not loosen the 4 socket head screws on the process connection assembly.If you remove the housing, put a cover on the wave guide hole on top of the process connection assembly. Make sure that the wave guide hole is clean and dry.When the housing is attached to the process connection assembly, tighten the lock screw with the 5 mm Allen wrench 1.
 INSTALLATION 345OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en3.6.8  How to attach the weather protection to the deviceThe device and the weather protection option are supplied disassembled in the same box. The weather protection can also be supplied as an accessory. You must attach the weather protection when you install the device.Figure 3-35: Equipment needed1  Weather protection cover (with an R-clip to hold the cover on the clamp)2  Device3  Weather protection clamp (2 parts)4  10 mm socket wrench (not supplied)5  2 locking nuts
3 INSTALLATION 46 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en•  Put the weather protection clamp around the top of the device.•  Attach the two locking nuts to the threads on the weather protection clamp. Tighten the locking nuts with a 10 mm socket wrench.•  Lower the weather protection cover onto weather protection clamp until the hole for the lock is in the slot at the front of the cover.•  Put the R-clip into the hole at the front of the weather protection cover.•  End of the procedure.Figure 3-36: Installation of the weather protection on a vertical signal converter
 INSTALLATION 347OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en•  Put the weather protection clamp around the front of the device (the end of the device that is nearest to the cable entry).•  Attach the two locking nuts to the threads on the weather protection clamp. Tighten the locking nuts with a 10 mm socket wrench.•  Lower the weather protection cover onto weather protection clamp until the hole for the lock is in the slot at the front of the cover.•  Put the R-clip into the hole at the front of the weather protection cover.•  End of the procedure.The overall dimensions of the weather protection are on page 126.Figure 3-37: Installation of the weather protection on a horizontal signal converter
3 INSTALLATION 48 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en3.6.9  How to open the weather protection1  Remove the R-clip from the hole at the front of the weather protection cover.2  Remove the weather protection cover.iLift the display screen cover.Figure 3-38: How to open the weather protection
 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 449OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en4.1  Safety instructions4.2  General notesThis chapter includes electrical connection data about devices with the 4...20mA output and HART® communication options.DANGER!All work on the electrical connections may only be carried out with the power disconnected. Take note of the voltage data on the nameplate!DANGER!Observe the national regulations for electrical installations!DANGER!For devices used in hazardous areas, additional safety notes apply; please refer to the Ex documentation.WARNING!Observe without fail the local occupational health and safety regulations. Any work done on the electrical components of the measuring device may only be carried out by properly trained specialists.INFORMATION!Look at the device nameplate to ensure that the device is delivered according to your order. Check for the correct supply voltage printed on the nameplate.INFORMATION!Devices with the FOUNDATIONDevices with the FOUNDATIONDevices with the FOUNDATIONDevices with the FOUNDATION™ fieldbus output option: fieldbus output option: fieldbus output option: fieldbus output option:For electrical connection data, refer to the "Description of FOUNDATION™ fieldbus interface" supplementary instructions.INFORMATION!Devices with the PROFIBUS PA output option:Devices with the PROFIBUS PA output option:Devices with the PROFIBUS PA output option:Devices with the PROFIBUS PA output option:For electrical connection data, refer to the "Description of PROFIBUS PA interface" supplementary instructions.
4 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 50 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en4.3  Electrical installation: 2-wire, loop-powered4.3.1  Compact version1  Loosen the lock screw with a 2.5 mm Allen wrench.2  Turn the cover counterclockwise with a strap wrench.Terminals for electrical installationFigure 4-1: Terminals for electrical installation1  Grounding terminal in the housing (if the electrical cable is shielded)2  Current output -3  Current output +4  Location of the external grounding terminal (at the bottom of the converter)INFORMATION!Electrical power to the output terminal energizes the device. The output terminal is also used for HART® communication.CAUTION!•Use the applicable electrical cables with the cable glands.•Make sure that the current is not more than 5 A or that there is 5 A-rated fuse in the electrical circuit that energizes the device.•Make sure that the polarity of the power supply is correct. If the polarity is incorrect, you will not cause damage to the device but the device will not operate.Figure 4-2: How to open the terminal compartment cover
 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 451OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en3  Remove the cover.Equipment needed:•Small slotted tip screwdriver (not supplied)Procedure:1  Do not disconnect the safety cord from the terminal compartment cover. Put the terminal compartment cover adjacent to the housing.2  Remove the connector from the circuit board.3  Connect the electrical wires to the connector. Attach the connector to the circuit board. Tight-en the cable entry glands.1  Put the cover on the housing and push it down.2  Turn the cover clockwise until it is fully engaged.3  Tighten the lock screw.Figure 4-3: Procedure for electrical installationFigure 4-4: How to close the terminal compartment cover
4 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 52 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en4.3.2  Remote versionFor more electrical installation data, refer to Compact version on page 50.Terminals for electrical installationFigure 4-5: Terminals for electrical installation1  Grounding terminal in the housing (if the electrical cable is shielded)2  Current output -3  Current output +4  Location of the external grounding terminal (on the wall support)INFORMATION!Electrical power to the output terminal energizes the device. The output terminal is also used for HART® communication.CAUTION!•Use the applicable electrical cables with the cable glands.•Make sure that the current is not more than 5 A or that there is 5 A-rated fuse in the electrical circuit that energizes the device.•Make sure that the polarity of the power supply is correct. If the polarity is incorrect, you will not cause damage to the device but the device will not operate.
 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 453OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en4.4  Remote device data4.4.1  Requirements for signal cables supplied by the customerNon-Ex devices only: Non-Ex devices only: Non-Ex devices only: Non-Ex devices only: The signal cable is an option for non-Ex devices. If the signal cable is not supplied by the device manufacturer, the cable must have properties that follow:Basic properties•Twisted cable 2 by 2, shielded or screened. For example, multicore cable — reference MCD 5123 — from Cabletec ICS/JP Electronics.Maximum length of the signal cable•100 m / 328 ftTemperature•Use electrical cable with the applicable temperature rating for the operating conditions.•Ambient temperature range: -40...+80°C / -40...+176°F•We recommend that the cable agrees with UL 94V-0.Dimensions of the insulated conductors•Min.-max. cross-sectional area of the conductors: 4×0.326...4×2.5 mm² (22....14 AWG), shielded cable•Use the applicable cable for the cable glands (Ø6....10 mm / 0.24...0.39¨).•Use the applicable cable glands for the cable entry openings in the housing.Electrical characteristics•Test voltage: Insulated conductor / shield (screen) ≥500 VAC•Line resistance: < 55 Ω/km•The cable must agree with EN 60811 (Low Voltage Directive) or equivalent national regulations.DANGER!An Ex-approved signal cable is supplied by the manufacturer with devices for hazardous locations. Use of this signal cable is mandatory.
4 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 54 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en4.4.2  How to prepare a signal cable supplied by the customerFigure 4-6: Equipment needed to prepare the signal cable1  Signal cable (supplied on request)2  2 heat-shrinkable sleeves for the PVC jacket (not supplied)3  8 ferrules for the end of the conductors (not supplied)4  2 Faston connectors for the shield wires5  Shield wire insulation, 2 sleeves6  Wire stripper (not supplied)7  Crimping pliers (not supplied)INFORMATION!•The Faston connector for the stranded drain wire must agree with DIN 46 228: E 1.5-8•The wire end ferrules for the twisted pair of conductors must agree with DIN 46 228: E 0.5-8
 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 455OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en1  Remove the PVC jacket from the wire to dimension "a". a = 50 mm / 2¨.2  Remove the insulation from the wire. Obey national regulations for electrical wiring.3  Crimp the wire end ferrules on the conductors.4  Install shield wire insulation on the 2 ends of the shield wire.5  Crimp the Faston connectors on the 2 ends of the shield wire.6  Install a heat-shrinkable sleeve on the PVC jacket.4.4.3  How to connect the signal cable to the deviceFigure 4-7: How to prepare the signal cableDANGER!Cables may only be connected when the power is switched off.DANGER!The device must be grounded in accordance with regulations in order to protect personnel against electric shocks.DANGER!For devices used in hazardous areas, additional safety notes apply; please refer to the Ex documentation.WARNING!Observe without fail the local occupational health and safety regulations. Any work done on the electrical components of the measuring device may only be carried out by properly trained specialists.CAUTION!Do not wind the signal cable. This configuration will prevent interference from electromagnetic fields.
4 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 56 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enEquipment neededFigure 4-8: Equipment needed to prepare the signal cable1  Remote converter2  Antenna housing3  Signal cable (supplied on request for non-Ex devices) – for more data refer to, refer to How to prepare a signal cable supplied by the customer on page 544  Small slotted-tip screwdriver (not supplied)Connections between the remote converter and the antenna housingFigure 4-9: Connections between the remote converter and the antenna housing1  Remote converter2  Antenna housing3  Power supply: voltage in -4  Power supply: voltage in +5  Signal cable B6  Signal cable A7  Shielding wire (attached to Faston connectors in the housings of the remote converter and the antenna housing)
 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 457OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en1  Remove the terminal compartment cover.2  Remove the 4-pin connector.3  Put the signal cable into the opening of the cable gland.4  Put the electrical wires in the connector terminals. Tighten the terminal screws with a small slotted-tip screwdriver. Make sure that the electrical wires agree with the terminals. For more data, refer to the electrical schema in this section.5  Put the connector into the 4-pin socket.6  Attach the Faston connector (drain wire).7  Attach the terminal compartment cover.8  Tighten the cable gland. Make sure that the remote converter is correctly sealed.How to connect the signal cable to the remote converterFigure 4-10: How to connect the signal cable to the remote converterCAUTION!Bending radius of the signal cable: ≥50 mm / 2¨
4 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 58 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en1  Remove the terminal compartment cover.2  Remove the 4-pin connector.3  Put the signal cable into the opening of the cable gland.4  Put the electrical wires in the connector terminals. Tighten the terminal screws with a small slotted-tip screwdriver. Make sure that the electrical wires agree with the terminals. For more data, refer to the electrical schema in this section.5  Put the connector into the 4-pin socket. Attach the Faston connector (drain wire).6  Attach the terminal compartment cover.7  Tighten the cable gland. Make sure that the probe housing is correctly sealed.How to connect the signal cable to the antenna housingFigure 4-11: How to connect the signal cable to the antenna housingCAUTION!Bending radius of the signal cable: ≥50 mm / 2¨
 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 459OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en4.5  Electrical connection for current output4.5.1  Non-Ex devices4.5.2  Devices for hazardous locationsFigure 4-12: Electrical connections for non-Ex devices1  Power supply2  Resistor for HART® communication3  Optional connection to the grounding terminal4  Output: 11.5...30 VDC for an output of 22 mA at the terminal5  DeviceDANGER!For electrical data for device operation in hazardous locations, refer to the related certificates of compliance and supplementary instructions (ATEX, IECEx, etc.). You can find this documentation on the DVD-ROM delivered with the device or it can be downloaded free of charge from the website (Download Center).
4 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 60 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en4.6  Protection category•  Make sure that the gaskets are not damaged.•  Make sure that the electrical cables are not damaged.•  Make sure that the electrical cables agree with the national electrical code.•  The cables are in a loop in front of the device 1 so water does not go into the housing.•  Tighten the cable feedthroughs 2.•  Close unused cable feedthroughs with dummy plugs 3.Refer to the table that follows for the diameter of the outer sheath of the electrical cable:Min. / Max. diameter of the electrical cableINFORMATION!The device fulfils all requirements per protection category IP66 / IP67. It also fulfils all requirements per NEMA type 4X (housing) and type 6P (antenna).DANGER!Make sure that the cable gland is watertight.Figure 4-13: How to make the installation agree with protection category IP67Type of electrical cable Approval Min. / Max. diameter of the electrical cable[mm] [inches]Power supply / output non-Ex / Ex i 6...7.5 0.24...0.3Power supply / output Exd 6...10 0.24...0.39Signal cable (for the remote version) 1non-Ex / Ex i / Ex d 6...10 0.24...0.391This electrical cable is connected between the remote converter and the antenna housing
 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 461OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en4.7  Networks4.7.1  General informationThe device uses the HART® communication protocol. This protocol agrees with the HART® Communication Foundation standard. The device can be connected point-to-point. It can also have a polling address of 1 to 63 in a multi-drop network.The device output is factory-set to communicate point-to-point. To change the communication mode from point-to-pointpoint-to-pointpoint-to-pointpoint-to-point to multi-dropmulti-dropmulti-dropmulti-drop, refer to HART® network configuration on page  Point-to-point connectionFigure 4-14: Point-to-point connection (non-Ex)1  Address of the device (0 for point-to-point connection)2  4...20 mA + HART®3  Resistor for HART® communication4  Power supply5  HART® converter6  HART® communication software
4 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 62 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en4.7.3  Multi-drop networksFigure 4-15: Multi-drop network (non-Ex)1  Address of the device (each device must have a different address in multidrop networks)2  4mA + HART®3  Resistor for HART® communication4  Power supply5  HART® converter6  HART® communication software
 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 463OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en4.7.4  Fieldbus networksFor more data, refer to the supplementary instructions for FOUNDATION™ fieldbus and PROFIBUS PA.FOUNDATION™ fieldbus network (non-Ex)Figure 4-16: FOUNDATION™ fieldbus network (non-Ex)1  Field device2  Junction box3  H1 network4  H1/HSE converter5  High Speed Ethernet (HSE)6  Workstation
4 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 64 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enPROFIBUS PA/DP network (non-Ex)Figure 4-17: PROFIBUS PA/DP network (non-Ex)1  Field device2  Bus termination3  PROFIBUS PA bus segment4  Segment coupler (PA/DP link)5  PROFIBUS DP bus line6  Control system (PLC / Class 1 master device)7  Engineering or operator workstation (Control tool / Class 2 master device)
 START-UP 565OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en5.1  How to start the device5.1.1  Start-up checklistCheck these points before you energize the device: •Are all the wetted components (antenna, flange and gaskets) chemically resistant to the product in the tank?•Does the information on the signal converter nameplate agree with the operating data?•Did you correctly install the device on the tank?•Do the electrical connections agree with the national electrical codes? Use the applicable electrical cables with the cable glands.5.1.2  How to start the device•  Connect the converter to the power supply.•  Energize the converter.iDevices with the LCD display option only:Devices with the LCD display option only:Devices with the LCD display option only:Devices with the LCD display option only: After 10 seconds the screen will display "Starting  up". After 20 seconds the screen will display the software version numbers. After 30 seconds the default screen will appear.•  The device will display readings.5.2  Operating conceptYou can read measurements and configure the device with:•A digital display screen (optional).•A connection to a system or PC with PACTware™. You can download the Device Type Manager (DTM) file from the website. It is also supplied on the DVD-ROM delivered with the device.•A connection to a system or PC with AMS™. You can download the Device Description (DD) file from the website. It is also supplied on the DVD-ROM delivered with the device.•A connection to a HART® Field Communicator. You can download the Device Description (DD) file from the website. It is also supplied on the DVD-ROM delivered with the device.DANGER!Before you energize the device, make sure that the supply voltage and polarity are correct.DANGER!If the device has a Hazardous Locations approval, make sure that the device and the installation agrees with the requirements of the certificate of compliance.INFORMATION!This chapter and the start of the chapter that follows tell you what data is given on the device display in normal mode and how to change device settings in configuration mode. If you know about how this device operates, you can ignore this data. Continue with the quick setup procedure. For more data about this procedure, refer to Quick Setup (Parameters) on page 83.
5 START-UP 66 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en5.3  Digital display screen5.3.1  Local display screen layoutThe current output percentage is only shown if the measurement type (refer to item 2 in the illustration) is the same as the output function. The parameter is set in menu item 2.4.1 (OUTPUT FUNC.). For example, if the output function is set to "Level" and the device shows "Level" measurements in normal mode, the bar graph and value is shown (refer to item 1 in the illustration).Figure 5-1: Local display screen layout in Normal mode1  Current output percentage (bar graph and text — only shown if the current output function is the same as the mea-surement on the screen in normal mode)2  Measurement type (in this example, distance)3  Device status (NE 107 symbols)4  Device tag name5  Updated measurement data symbol (the symbol flashes each time the measurement data is updated)6  Measurement value and units7  Device status (markers)8  Keypad buttons (refer to the table in the section that follows)
 START-UP 567OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en5.3.2  Functions of keypad buttonsFor data on keypad functions, refer to Normal mode on page 69.5.4  Remote communication with PACTware™PACTware™ displays measurement information clearly and lets you configure the device from a remote location. It is an Open Source, open configuration software for all field devices. It uses Field Device Tool (FDT) technology. FDT is a communication standard for sending information between the system and the field device. This standard agrees with IEC 62453. Field devices are easily integrated. Installation is supported by a user-friendly Wizard.Install these software programs and equipment:•Microsoft® .NET Framework version 1.1 or later.•PACTware.Figure 5-2: Local display screen layout in configuration mode1  Function name2  Configuration mode symbol3  Menu numberKeypad button Function [Right] Normal mode:Normal mode:Normal mode:Normal mode: Enter Information menu (Enter Configuration mode)Configuration mode:Configuration mode:Configuration mode:Configuration mode: Move cursor to the right [Return / Escape] Normal mode:Normal mode:Normal mode:Normal mode: Change units (m, cm, mm, in, ft)Configuration mode:Configuration mode:Configuration mode:Configuration mode: Exit [Down] Normal mode:Normal mode:Normal mode:Normal mode: Change measurement type (distance, level , output (%), output (mA), conversion, ullage conversion, reflection) 1Configuration mode:Configuration mode:Configuration mode:Configuration mode: Decrease value or change parameter [Up] Normal mode:Normal mode:Normal mode:Normal mode: Change measurement type (distance, level , output (%), output (mA), conversion, ullage conversion, reflection) 1Configuration mode:Configuration mode:Configuration mode:Configuration mode: Increase value or change parameter1If you have made a strapping table in menu item 2.8.1 INPUT TABLE for volume or mass measurement, "Conversion" and "Ullage Conv." will be shown in the list of measurement types
5 START-UP 68 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en•HART® converter (USB, RS232...).•The Device Type Manager (DTM) for the device.The software and installation instructions are given on the DVD-ROM supplied with the device.You can also download the latest version of PACTware™ and the DTM from our website.Refer also to the PACTware™ consortium site at  Remote communication with the AMS™ Device ManagerThe AMS™ Device Manager is an industrial Plant Asset Management (PAM) software tool. Its role is to:•Store configuration information for each device.•Support HART® and FOUNDATION™ fieldbus devices.•Store and read process data.•Store and read diagnostic status information.•Help plan preventive maintenance to reduce a plant's downtime to a minimum.The DD file is given on the DVD-ROM supplied with the device. You can also download it from our website.INFORMATION!The DTM for this device agrees with the FDT1.2 specification. For more data, refer to the related certificate in the Product Catalog on the FDT Group website ( 5-3: Screen from the PACTware™ user interface1  DTM menu2  Information for device identification3  Configuration summary
 OPERATION 669OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en6.1  User modes6.2  Normal modeThis mode shows measurement data. Use the table that follows:•for the selection of the measurement type (level, distance, percentage, conversion and reflection) and•for the selection of the measurement unitsSome measurement types will only be available if the device has the correct parameters entered in the configuration mode.Keypad functionsNormal modeNormal modeNormal modeNormal mode This mode displays measurement data. For more data, refer to Normal mode on page 69.Configuration modeConfiguration modeConfiguration modeConfiguration mode Use this mode to view parameters, commission the device, create tables for volume or mass measurement, change critical values to measure in difficult process conditions. To get access to supervisor menu, refer to Protection of the device settings on page 88. For more data on menu items, refer to Function description on page 76.Button Description Function "Hot key" functionRight Enter configuration mode. —Return / Escape Change the measurement units. The device will show the firmware version numbers in menu item 1.1.0 IDENT..Down Change the measurement type. —Up Change the measurement type. The display language will change when you push this button for 2 seconds. Push the button again and it will go back to the original language.
6 OPERATION 70 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enMeasurement type definitions6.3  Configuration mode6.3.1  General notesChange the settings of your device in ConfigurationConfigurationConfigurationConfiguration mode. Data about the menus is given on page 76. You can:•Use the 1.0.0 INFORMATION1.0.0 INFORMATION1.0.0 INFORMATION1.0.0 INFORMATION menu to read settings, device software versions and error records. For more data about the Information menu, refer to Table 1: Info.•Use the 2.0.0 SUPERVISOR2.0.0 SUPERVISOR2.0.0 SUPERVISOR2.0.0 SUPERVISOR menu to commission the device, to run diagnostic tests, set up a conversion table for volume, mass or flow rate measurement, change critical parameters for difficult process conditions, reset the device and change basic parameters (tank height etc.), output settings, HART Address etc. For more data about the Supervisor menu, refer to Table 2: Supervisor.Measurement type Description Available unitsLEVEL This is a display and an output function option. It is the height from the bottom of the tank to the surface of the liquid (Tank height - Distance).m, cm, mm, in (inches), ft (feet) DISTANCE This is a display and an output function option. It is the distance from the face of the flange (or thread stop) to the surface of the liquid.m, cm, mm, in (inches), ft (feet)CONVERSION This is a display and an output function option. It gives the volume or mass of the tank contents. This data is available if you prepare a volume or mass table in configuration mode. For data on how to prepare the conversion table, refer to How to configure the device to measure volume or mass on page 90. If the device is used with PACTware™ software, it can also show flow rate in a channel. 6 flow profiles are available in the menu: Parshall (ISO 9826), Venturi Rectangular (ISO 4359), Venturi Trapezoidal (ISO 4359), Venturi U (ISO 4359), V-Notch (ISO 1438) or Rectangular Notch (ISO 1438).m3, L, gal (US gallons), ImpG (Imperial gallons), ft3, bbl (oil barrel), kg, t, Ston, Lton, m, cm, mm, in, ft, m3/h, ft3/hULLAGE CONV. This is a display and an output function option. It gives the empty volume or remaining mass that can be put in the tank. This data is available if you prepare a volume or mass table in configuration mode. For data on how to prepare the conversion table, refer to How to configure the device to measure volume or mass on page 90.m3, L, gal (US gallons), ImpG (Imperial gallons), ft3, bbl (oil barrel), kg, t, Ston, Lton, m, cm, mm, in, ft, m3/h, ft3/hREFLECTION This is a display and an output function option. It is the percentage of the emitted radar signal which makes a reflection on the surface of the liquid and is received by the device.%OUTPUT I (mA) The current output of the device. mAOUTPUT I (%) The percentage of the current output.0% = 4 mA. 100% = 20 mA. %CAUTION!The commissioning (parameters) procedure is mandatory.
 OPERATION 671OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en6.3.2  How to get access to the commissioning menuThe commissioning menu contains the menu items that are necessary for most configurations of the device. The menu items are divided into 2 groups: "Parameters" and "Empty Spectrum Recording". The "Parameters" group lets the supervisor set the tank height, tank type (process, storage etc.), output function, output current range, 4 mA output setting, 20 mA output setting, error delay and tag name. "Empty Spectrum Recording" is a procedure that finds interference signals in the tank and uses a filter to remove them from the measurement data.Do the steps that follow:•  Push the [>>>>] button.iThis shows the InformationInformationInformationInformation menu. The InformationInformationInformationInformation menu is read only and does not have password security.•  Push the [] button one time to scroll up to the SupervisorSupervisorSupervisorSupervisor menu.iThe screen shows the text "2.0.0 SUPERVISOR".•  Push the [>>>>] button one time.iThe screen shows a line. You must enter the password. Push the buttons under the display screen 6 times (in total and in a given order) to get access to Configuration mode.•  Type in the password. The factory-set password is [>>>>], [^^^^], [], [], [>>>>] and [^^^^].iThe device shows the text "2.1.0 COMMISSION.".•  Push [>>>>]. Do the basic configuration of the device in the "'Parameters" menu. For more data on the procedure, refer to Quick Setup (Parameters) on page 83. Push [^^^^] at the end of each step of the procedure to continue to the next step.•  Push [] to go to menu item 2.1.2 EMP.SPEC.REC. Push [>>>>] to start the empty spectrum recording procedure. For more data, refer to Empty spectrum recording on page 85.CAUTION!SIL-approved devices:SIL-approved devices:SIL-approved devices:SIL-approved devices: For data about critical device parameters, refer to the Safety Manual.INFORMATION!It is not possible to enter the 3.0.0 SERVICE and 4.0.0 MASTER menus. These menus are for factory calibration and approved personnel only.CAUTION!SIL-approved devices: For data about critical device parameters for SIL approval, refer to the Safety Manual (SIL approval).INFORMATION!HOW TO SET THE SUPERVISOR PASSWORD TO "ON" OR "OFF"The supervisor password is set to "on" by default. If it is necessary to set this function to "off", refer to Function description on page 76, Table 2: Supervisor menu, menu item PSWD YES/NO (2.7.4).INFORMATION!HOW TO CHANGE THE SUPERVISOR PASSWORDYou can change the password for the supervisor menu. For more data, refer to Function description on page 76, Table 2: Supervisor menu, menu item PASSWORD (2.7.5).
6 OPERATION 72 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en6.3.3  Menu overview1.0.0 Info. (Information)1.1.0 Ident. (Identification)1.2.0 Output1.3.0 History2.0.0 Supervisor2.1.0 Commission. (Commissioning)2.2.0 Tests2.3.0 Basic Param. (Basic Parameters)2.4.0 Output I2.5.0 Application2.6.0 Communicat. (Communication)2.7.0 Display2.8.0 Conv. Table (Conversion Table)2.9.0 Config/Reset3.0.0 Servicen/a Password locked. Menus for factory calibration and qualified service personnel only.4.0.0 Mastern/a Password locked. Menus for factory calibration and qualified service personnel only.
 OPERATION 673OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en6.3.4  Keypad functionsThis is what you see when you are in Configuration mode. The functions of the buttons are given in the table that follows:Functions of buttons for menu navigationFigure 6-1: Local display screen layout in configuration mode1  Function name2  Configuration mode symbol3  Menu numberButton Description FunctionRight•Go down to the sub-menu level (for example, from menu 1.0.0 to sub-menu 1.1.0).•Enter the menu itemEnter / Esc (Escape)•Go up to the menu level (for example, from sub-menu 1.1.0 to menu 1.0.0).•Go to Normal mode. If you changed settings in Configuration mode, you must save or cancel your new settings. For more data, refer to the end of this section.Down•Scroll down the menu list (for example, from menu 2.0.0 to menu 1.0.0).•Scroll down the sub-menu list (for example, from sub-menu 2.2.0 to sub-menu 2.1.0).Up•Scroll up the menu list (for example, from menu 1.0.0 to menu 2.0.0).•Scroll up the sub-menu list (for example, from sub-menu 2.1.0 to sub-menu 2.2.0).
6 OPERATION 74 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enThis is what you see when you select a menu item that has a list of parameters. The functions of the buttons are given in the table that follows:Function of buttons in menu items that have a list of parametersLists of parameters in menu itemsFigure 6-2: Lists of parameters in menu items1  Parameter2  Menu nameButton Description FunctionRight n/aEnter / Esc (Escape) Select the parameter and go back to the menuDown Move down the listUp Move up the list
 OPERATION 675OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enThis is what you see when you select a menu item that has a value. The functions of the buttons are given in the table that follows:Function of buttons in menu items that have valuesHow to save settings changed in the supervisor menu (menu 2.0.0)•  When you have changed parameters in all the necessary menu items, push [^^^^] to accept the new parameter.•  Push [^^^^] to go back to the "STORE" screen.•  The device will ask you to save or cancel your settings. Push [] or [] to select STORE YESSTORE YESSTORE YESSTORE YES or STORE NOSTORE NOSTORE NOSTORE NO. Push [^^^^] to accept or reject the new settings.iThe display goes back to Normal mode.Values in menu itemsFigure 6-3: Values in menu items1  Menu item with values stored at this time (first screen)2  Push [>>>>] again to change the values. A cursor shows on the first digit.3  Menu item name4  Cursor on the selected digitButton Description FunctionRight•Enter the menu item and see the value stored at this time.•Enter the menu item configuration level to change the value.•Move the cursor to the next digit on the right. If the cursor is on the last digit, push [>>>>] again to go back to the first digit.Enter / Esc (Escape) Accept the value and go back to the sub-menu.Down Decrease the digit value.Up Increase the digit value.
6 OPERATION 76 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en6.3.5  Function description1.0.0 Information (Info.) menu2.0.0 Supervisor menuMenu No.Function Function description Selection list or range of valuesDefault1.1.0 IDENT.1.1.1 SERIAL NUM. The device serial number. Read only.1.1.2 CONV.FIRM.VER The converter firmware version. Read only.1.1.3 SEN.FIRM.VER The sensor firmware version. Read only.1.1.4 HMI.FIRM.VER The HMI (device display screen) firmware version. Read only.1.2.0 OUTPUT I1.2.1 SUMMARY I Push [>>>>] to read the setting at this time for the output function (OUTPUT FUNC.). Push [>>>>] again to read the settings for the output range (RANGE I), 4 mA setting (SCALE 4mA), 20 mA setting (SCALE 20mA), and error delay (ERROR DELAY).Read only.1.3.0 HISTORY1.3.1 ERROR RECORD A log of device errors. Push [>>>>] to read the errors. Push [] or [] to scroll up or down the list. Each error is identified by a code. Push [>>>>] again to show the number of incidents and the time since the last incident in days, hours, minutes and seconds. For more data about errors, refer to Status and error messages on page 93.Read only.Menu No.Function Function description Selection list or range of valuesDefault2.1.0 COMMISSION.2.1.1 PARAMETERS This starts a quick set-up procedure applicable to most applications. The supervisor can give the tank height (TANK HEIGHT), type of tank (TANK TYPE), output function (OUTPUT FUNC.), current output range (RANGE I), 4 mA setting (SCALE 4mA), 20 mA setting (SCALE 20mA), error delay (ERROR DELAY) and tag name (TAG NAME).CAUTION!CAUTION!CAUTION!CAUTION!Make sure that you do this procedure before you use the device. The settings in this procedure have an effect on the performance of the device.
 OPERATION 677OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en2.1.2 EMP.SPEC.REC. Fixed and moving objects in the tank cause interference signals. Put them through this filter to correctly measure the tank contents. This menu item starts a quick set-up procedure. We recommend that the tank is empty or only filled to the minimum level before you do the procedure. We also recommend that if you installed the device on a tank that has equipment with parts that move (e.g. agitators), start the equipment. Push "Yes" at the end the procedure and set the STORE screen to "STORE YES" to use the data. For more data, refer to Empty spectrum recording on page 85. Refer also to "How to make a filter to remove radar signal interference" on page TESTS2.2.1 SET OUTPUT After the selection of a parameter in this menu item, this sets the current output to a test value [mA]. The output will change to the given value, independent of the measured value. The current output will go back to the measured value when the display goes back to the menu level.3.5, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 or 22 mA 3.5 mA2.2.2 DIAGNOSTIC This starts the hardware test. Push [>>>>] many times to show:•D1, the time of operation•T1, temperature of the electronic converter board•I1, loop current (internally measured value)•I2, load current (NOTE: this data is not available at this time)•V1, voltage 5.6 V. If the voltage is not 5.0<V1<5.7, speak to the supplier.•V2, voltage on capacitors. If the voltage is not 3.2<V2<3.4, speak to the supplier.•V3, voltage 3.3 V. If the voltage is not 3.2<V3<3.4, speak to the supplier.•C1, reset counter (watchdog timer). If C1>1, replace the signal converter.If an NE 107 symbol and a status marker are shown, refer to Device status (markers) on page 93.If you push [>>>>] again, the display goes back to the menu level.2.3.0 BASIC PARAM.2.3.1 TANK HEIGHT The distance from the flange face / thread stop of the tank connection down to the tank bottom. If the tank has a dish-shaped or conical bottom, the tank height is measured to a point on the tank bottom directly below the antenna. For more data about level measurement, refer to Level measurement on page 90. For more data about distance measurement, refer to Distance measurement on page 89.min: 0.5 m / 1.6 ft or 2.3.2 BLOCK. DIST. or 2.3.7 ANTENNA EXT.max: 30 m / 98.4 ft1Menu No.Function Function description Selection list or range of valuesDefault
6 OPERATION 78 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en2.3.2 BLOCK. DIST. Blocking distance. The distance from the flange to the top limit of the measuring range (a zone given by the user where it is not possible to measure). We recommend a blocking distance of 500 mm / 19.7¨ below the process connection. We also recommend that the limit of the measuring range is not less than the blocking distance. If it is possible that the tank contents will go above the blocking distance, set 2.5.5 OVERF. ENAB. to "Yes". If the distance is less than the blocking distance, the device continues to display the blocking distance.min: 100 mm / 3.9¨ or 2.3.7 ANTENNA.EXTmax: 2.3.1 TANK HEIGHT500 mm / 19.7¨2.3.3 TIME CONST. Using this function, the device processes several measurement readings to filter out disturbances. Increasing the time constant will smoothen the integrated readings, decreasing will roughen the readings. s=seconds.min-max: 1.00...100.00 s 5.00 s2.3.4 STILLWELL EN. If the device is installed in a stilling well or has a Wave-Guide antenna, set this menu item to "Yes".YES, NO NO2.3.5 STILLWELL D. The inner diameter of the stilling well. If the device is installed in a stilling well or has a Wave-Guide antenna, enter the diameter. The device will use this data if you set 2.3.4 STILLWELL EN. to "Yes". This menu item is not shown if you set 2.3.4 STILLWELL EN. to "No".min-max: 22...999 mm / 0.9...39.3¨12.3.6 STILLWELL H. The height of the stilling well. If the device is installed in a stilling well or has a Wave-Guide antenna, enter the height. The device will use this data if you set 2.3.4 STILLWELL EN. to "Yes". This menu item is not shown if you set 2.3.4 STILLWELL EN. to "No".min: 0.5 m / 1.6 ftmax: 30 m / 98.4 ft12.3.7 ANTENNA.EXT Optional antenna extensions. These are attached between the flange and the antenna.min: 0 mm / 0¨max: 2000 mm / 78.7¨ or 2.3.1 TANK HEIGHT12.3.8 ANTENNA.TYP Type of antenna. For more data, refer to Technical data on page 108. PP Horn, PTFE Horn, Metal. Horn, Wave Stick, Wave Guide12.3.9 DIST.PIECE Optional distance piece between the converter and the process connection. This is for high-temperature applications more than +150°C / +302°F. The distance piece is 120 mm / 4.7¨ long. For more data, refer to Technical data on page 108.min: 0m/ 0ftmax: 30 m / 98.4 ft12.3.10 TAG NAME The device has an identification code (tag name). The supervisor can enter a maximum of 8 numbers or letters.1Menu No.Function Function description Selection list or range of valuesDefault
 OPERATION 679OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en2.4.0 OUTPUT I2.4.1 OUTPUT FUNC. The output function. Select an output function to scale the current values in relation to a given point (usually the device process connection or the tank bottom). The output current value is shown on a bar graph in normal mode if the measurement type is the same as the output function. Conversion parameters are shown (Conversion, Ullage conversion) if there is level-volume, level-mass or level-flow rate data in 2.8.1 INPUT TABLE.Distance, Level, Conversion, Ullage conversion, Reflection12.4.2 RANGE I This menu item sets the limits of the output current range to 1 of the 2 available options: standard limits (4...20 mA) or NAMUR NE 43-compliant limits (3.8...20.5 mA). It also tells the device what to do if an error occurs. If you set RANGE I to 4-20/22E4-20/22E4-20/22E4-20/22E and an error occurs (e.g. the tank is too full, etc.), the device output current will change to an error value of 22 mA. If you set RANGE I to 4-204-204-204-20 and the device senses a measurement error, the value will stop at the last correct measurement.4-20, 4-20/22E, 4-20/3.6E, 3.8-20.5/22E, 3.8-20.5/3.6E4-20/3.6E 22.4.3 SCALE 4mA This gives a measurement value to 4 mA. min.-max: 3 12.4.4 SCALE 20mA This gives a measurement value to 20 mA. min.-max: 3 12.4.5 ERROR DELAY The time after which the current output changes to an error value. The error value shows that there is a measurement error. mn=minutes and s=seconds.0 s, 10 s, 20 s, 30 s, 1 mn, 2 mn, 5 mn,15 mn 0s 22.5.0 APPLICATION2.5.1 TANK TYPE The conditions in which the device is used. If the surface of the product is flat, select "Storage". If the surface of the product is disturbed, select "Process". If the surface of the product is agitated with vortexes and foam, select "Agitator".Storage, Process, Agitator Process2.5.2 TRACKING VEL. Maximum tracking velocity. This value must agree with the maximum rate of change of the level of the liquid in the tank.min-max: 0.01…10.0 m/min 0.5 m/min2.5.3 Er PRODUCT For measurement in TBF mode only. The device automatically calculates the level based on the product εr. If you select "TBF Partial" or "TBF Full" in menu item 2.5.4 MEASUR.MODE, you can change the εr value manually to adjust readings.min-max: 1.100 to 10.000 2.000Menu No.Function Function description Selection list or range of valuesDefault
6 OPERATION 80 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en2.5.4 MEASUR.MODE The device uses the dielectric constant (εr) of the tank contents to monitor level. In direct mode (if the dielectric constant is high), the level signal is a reflection on the surface of the tank contents. If the dielectric constant is low, the device uses TBF mode. The device in TBF mode uses the radar reflection on the bottom of the tank (the signal goes through the tank contents). The tank must have a flat bottom for the device to operate correctly in TBF mode. This menu item is set by default to "Direct" for tank contents with an εr >1.8. If εr is very low (<1.6), use "TBF Full". If εr is low (εr= 1.5...1.7), use "TBF Partial" mode. "TBF Partial" is an automatic mode that lets the device make a selection between "Direct mode and "TBF" mode. If you use "TBF Full" or "TBF Partial", enter the dielectric constant in menu item 2.5.3 Er PRODUCT. Refer also to "Measuring principle" on page 108.Direct, TBF Partial, TBF Full Direct2.5.5 OVERF. ENAB. If this function is in operation, the device will monitor the level even if it is in the blocking distance. The reading shown on the display stays fixed at the blocking distance if the level is higher than the blocking distance. The output will show that the tank is full. An error is recorded by default. If this function is not in operation, the device looks for the largest signal between the process connection and the tank bottom.YES, NO NO2.5.6 MULT.REF.EN. Multiple reflections will cause the device to display smaller level readings. Installation of the device on a manhole or at the centre of a dome roof, and high dielectric products (εr> 5) can cause multiple reflections. A very calm surface or a tank with a small convex or flat roof can also cause multiple reflections.If this function is in operation, the device looks for the first signal peak below the process connection. This signal peak is then used to measure the level of the tank contents. If this function is not in operation, the device looks for the largest signal below the process connection.YES, NO NO2.5.7 EMP.SPEC.EN. The supervisor can start or stop the empty spectrum filter. YES, NO NO2.6.0 COMMUNICAT.2.6.1 ADDRESS Any HART® address greater than 0 will activate HART® multidrop mode. The current output stays constant at 4 mA.min.-max: 0…63 0Menu No.Function Function description Selection list or range of valuesDefault
 OPERATION 681OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en2.7.0 DISPLAY2.7.1 LANGUAGE Data can be shown in any of the languages stored in the device. 9 languages are available in 3 packs: (1) English, French, German and Italian; (2) English, French, Spanish and Portuguese; (3) English, Chinese (simplified), Japanese and Russian42.7.2 LENGTH UNIT The length unit shown in normal mode. m, cm, mm, in (inches), ft (feet) m2.7.3 CONV UNIT Conversion unit. The length, volume, mass or flow rate conversion unit for the conversion table and shown in normal mode.m3, L, gal (US gallons), ImpG (Imperial gallons), ft3, bbl (oil barrel), kg, t, Ston, Lton, m, cm, mm, in, ft, m3/h, ft3/hL2.7.4 PSWD YES/NO If it is necessary to protect your settings in the supervisor menu with a password, set this menu item to YESYESYESYES.YES, NO YES2.7.5 PASSWORD This changes the password for the supervisor menu. Push the buttons up to 6 times in any order. This will be the new password. To confirm the change, enter the new password a second time. For more data, refer to Protection of the device settings on page 88.[>>>>], [^^^^], [], [], [>>>>] and [^^^^]2.7.6 CONTRAST The contrast control for the display screen. You can select a shade of grey between light grey (level 20) and black (level 54).min.-max: 20…54 362.8.0 CONV. TABLE2.8.1 INPUT TABLE The device uses a conversion table (strapping table) to convert measurements to volume, mass and flow rate readings. The readings are shown in normal mode. Give the number of entries on the table (min. 2; max. 30). Select an entry (01...30) and enter the level and the related volume / mass / flow rate value for that entry. Push [^^^^] to confirm the entry values. Continue the procedure until the device has data for all the entries. For more data, refer to How to configure the device to measure volume or mass on page 90.min. 2 entriesmax. 30 entries(level / volume, mass or flow rate)0 entries2.8.2 DELETE TABLE This menu item erases the data in the conversion table. YES, NO NOMenu No.Function Function description Selection list or range of valuesDefault
6 OPERATION 82 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en3. Service menu4. Master menu2.9.0 CONFIG/RESET2.9.1 SAVE This menu item is not available. YES, NO NO2.9.2 RECALL This menu item is not available. YES, NO NO2.9.3 RESTART This menu item starts the device again. YES, NO NO2.9.4 RESET FACT. If you set this menu item to "YES", the device goes back to its initial settings (set by the manufacturer in the factory).YES, NO NO1This value is given in the customer order data2If the device has a SIL 2 qualification or a WHG approval, refer to the related technical document (safety manual (SIL2) or the WHG sup-plementary instructions3Units and range depend on the output function, length unit and volume unit selected4If the device has the LCD display option, this depends on data given in the customer orderMenu No.Function Function description Selection list Default3.0.0 SERVICE Advanced settings. The settings in this menu are protected with a password. Only approved personnel can change the parameters in this menu. For more data, speak or write to your local sales office.Menu No.Function Function description Selection list Default4.0.0 MASTER Factory settings. The settings in this menu are protected with a password. Only approved personnel can change the parameters in this menu. For more data, speak or write to your local sales office.Menu No.Function Function description Selection list or range of valuesDefault
 OPERATION 683OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en6.4  Further information on device configuration6.4.1  Quick Setup (Parameters)Use this procedure to change the tank height, tank type, output function, output range and give the top and bottom measuring limits. Values and parameters that can be changed are shown between the «... » marks in the illustrations that follow. Push the keypad buttons in the correct sequence:ProcedureCAUTION!Make sure that you do this procedure before you use the device. The settings in this procedure have an effect on the performance of the device.Screen Steps Description•[>>>>], [] and [>>>>]. Default screen.Enter configuration mode (2.0.0 SUPERVISOR).•[>>>>], [^^^^], [], [], [>>>>] and [^^^^]. Enter the password (the default password is shown). If it is necessary to change the password, refer to Function description on page 76, menu item 2.7.5 PASSWORD.•2× [>>>>] Push this button to start the quick set-up procedure.•[>>>>] to change the tank height (H).•[>>>>] to change the position of the cursor.•[] to decrease the value or [] to increase the value.•[^^^^] to confirm.The distance from the flange face / thread stop of the tank connection down to the tank bottom. If the tank has a dish-shaped or conical bottom, the tank height is measured to a point on the tank bottom directly below the antenna.•[] or [] for the selection of the conditions in which the device is used (Storage, Process, Agitator).•[^^^^] to confirm.If the surface of the product is flat, select "Storage". If the surface of the product is disturbed, select "Process". If the surface of the product is agitated with vortexes and foam, select "Agitator".
6 OPERATION 84 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en•[] or [] for the selection of the measurement name (Distance, Level, Conversion, Ullage Conv. or Reflection).•[^^^^] to confirm.The manufacturer sets the output function to “Level” before delivery.If it is necessary to measure volume, ullage volume, mass or ullage mass (Conversion or Ullage Conv.), refer to How to configure the device to measure volume or mass on page 90.•[] or [] for the selection of the current output range (4-20 mA/3.6E, 4-20, 3.8-20.5/3.6E, etc.).•[^^^^] to confirm.•[>>>>] to change Scale 4 mA.•[>>>>] to change the position of the cursor.•[] to decrease the value or [] to increase the value.•[^^^^] to confirm.Use this step to give the 4 mA output setting (0% limit) in the tank. Refer to the illustrations that follow. Illustration 1 shows the settings for level. Illustration 2 shows the settings for distance.•[>>>>] to change Scale 20 mA.•[>>>>] to change the position of the cursor.•[] to decrease the value or [] to increase the value.•[^^^^] to confirm.Use this step to give the 20 mA output setting (100% limit) in the tank. Refer to the illustrations that follow. Illustration 1 shows the settings for level. Illustration 2 shows the settings for distance.•[] or [] for the selection of the error delay (0 s, 10 s, 20 s, 30 s, 1 mn, 2 mn, 5mn or 15mn).•[^^^^] to confirm.The time after which the current output changes to an error value. The error value shows that there is a measurement error.Screen Steps Description
 OPERATION 685OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en6.4.2  Empty spectrum recordingThe empty spectrum recording procedure is important for the performance of the device. We recommend that the tank is empty or only filled to the minimum level before you do the procedure.Use this procedure (menu item 2.1.2 EMP.SPEC.REC.) if there are fixed and moving objects in the tank that can cause parasitic signals. The device does a scan for objects that do not change their vertical positions in the tank (heating tubes, agitators, fuel assemblies etc.) and records the data. The device can then use this data to put the measurement signal through a filter (empty spectrum).When the empty spectrum filter is on (when menu item 2.3.12 EMP.SPEC.EN. is set to "on"), it will ignore the parasitic signals. Because the device records the data from the procedure, it is also not necessary to do the procedure again if you de-energize the device.Before you do the empty spectrum recording procedure, install the device on the tank. For more data about how to install the device, refer to Installation on page 21.Values and parameters that can be changed are shown between the «... » marks in the illustrations that follow. Push the keypad buttons in the correct sequence:Procedure•[>>>>] to change the tag name.•[>>>>] to change the position of the cursor.•[] to decrease the alphanumeric value (A, B, ..., 1, 2, ...) or [] to increase the alphanumeric value.•[^^^^] to confirm.The device has an identification code (tag name). The supervisor can enter a maximum of 8 numbers or letters.•2× [^^^^] to confirm.•[] or [] for the selection of the save option (STORE NO or STORE YES).•[^^^^] to confirm.Set to STORE YES to save and use the data. Set to STORE NO to cancel the changes to the device settings.Screen Steps DescriptionCAUTION!Make sure that the tank is empty or only filled to the minimum level.Screen Steps Description•[>>>>], [] and [>>>>]. Default screen.Enter configuration mode (2.0.0 SUPERVISOR).•[>>>>], [^^^^], [], [], [>>>>] and [^^^^]. Enter the password (the default password is shown). If it is necessary to change the password refer to Function description on page 76, menu item 2.7.5 PASSWORD.
6 OPERATION 86 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en•[>>>>], [] and [>>>>] Push these buttons to start the empty spectrum recording procedure.•[>>>>] for the selection of YES or [] for the selection of NO.Have you completely filled the tank?Have you completely filled the tank?Have you completely filled the tank?Have you completely filled the tank?If the tank is full, it is not possible to complete this procedure. The tank must be partially filled or empty. Push [>>>>] to go back to the start of the empty spectrum recording procedure.•Push [>>>>] after you start equipment in the tank with parts that move.Please activate moving parts!Please activate moving parts!Please activate moving parts!Please activate moving parts!If you installed the device on a tank that has equipment with parts that move (e.g. agitators), start the equipment.CAUTION!CAUTION!CAUTION!CAUTION!Make sure that you start all of the equipment in the tank with parts that move, before you continue to the subsequent step.•[>>>>] for the selection of "Partially filled" or [] for the selection of "Empty".Is your tank partially filled or empty?Is your tank partially filled or empty?Is your tank partially filled or empty?Is your tank partially filled or empty?If the tank is partially filled, the device will scan for the first reflection in the tank. Continue to the subsequent step. NOTE: If you set this step to "Partially filled", but the tank is empty, the device will show the error message "Failure! Pulse Lost". Push one of the keypad buttons to go back to the start of the Snapshot procedure.If the tank is empty, the scan will start immediately. Ignore the subsequent step.•[>>>>] to change the measuring distance.•[>>>>] to change the position of the cursor.•[] to decrease the value or [] to increase the value.•[^^^^] to confirm.Measuring DistanceIf the tank is partially filled, type in a distance shorter than that between the flange and the tank contents.•[] or [] to change the parameter ("Maximum" or "Average".•[^^^^] to confirm.Type of empty spectrumType of empty spectrumType of empty spectrumType of empty spectrumUse the average value for tanks which contain fixed objects only. Use the maximum value for tanks which contain many objects or moving objects.Recording in progressRecording in progressRecording in progressRecording in progressReading in progressReading in progressReading in progressReading in progressThe device does a scan for objects that do not change their vertical positions in the tank (heating tubes, agitators, fuel assemblies etc.) and records the data.•Push [>>>>] to make a selection from the available spectra.•[^^^^] to confirm.This shows a set of spectra (signals found in the tank). It also gives the amplitude and location of each signal.•[>>>>] to set to "Yes". [] to set to "No". Do you want to save the spectrum?Do you want to save the spectrum?Do you want to save the spectrum?Do you want to save the spectrum?Set to "Yes" to use the data. Set to "No" to erase the data.Screen Steps Description
 OPERATION 687OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en6.4.3  TestUse this procedure to test the loop current. Values and parameters that can be changed are shown between the «... » marks in the illustrations that follow. Push the keypad buttons in the correct sequence:ProcedureScreen Step DescriptionDefault screen.•[>>>>], [] and [>>>>].•Enter the password: [>>>>], [^^^^], [], [], [>>>>] and [^^^^].•[^^^^]•[].•[>>>>].•[>>>>].•[] to decrease the value or [] to increase the value.•[^^^^] to confirm.This step sets the loop current value. Make a selection from 3.5, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 or 22 mA.•[^^^^] 3 times to go back to the default screen.The loop current goes back to initial value.Default screen.
6 OPERATION 88 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en6.4.4  Protection of the device settingsThe menu item PASSWORD (2.7.5) lets you change the supervisor menu password.How to change the supervisor menu password•  After you enter the supervisor menu, push 6 × [], [>>>>] and 4 × [] to go to the menu item PASSWORD (2.7.5).•  Enter the new 6-character password (push the 4 buttons in any sequence).•  Enter the new 6-character password again.iIf the second entry is the same as the first, the device will go back to the sub-menu list (2.7).If the second entry is not the same as the first, the device will not go back to the sub-menu list. Push [^^^^] to start the password sequence again and enter the new 6-character password 2 times.•  Push [^^^^] to go back to the "STORE" screen.•  Push [] or [] to set the screen to STORE YESSTORE YESSTORE YESSTORE YES and push [^^^^].iThe device will save the new password and go back to normal mode.How to set the supervisor password to "on" or "off"The supervisor password is set to "on" by default. If it is necessary to set this function to "off", refer to Function description on page 76, Table 2: Supervisor menu, menu item PSWD YES/NO (2.7.4).6.4.5  HART® network configurationThe device uses HART® communication to send information to HART®-compatible equipment. It can operate in either point-to-point or multidrop mode. The device will communicate in multidrop mode if you change the address.How to change from point-to-point to multidrop mode•  Enter the supervisor menu.•  Push [>>>>], 5 × [] and [>>>>] to go to menu item ADDRESS (2.6.1).•  Push [>>>>] to change the value. Enter a value between 1 and 63 and push [^^^^] to confirm (refer to the caution before this procedure).•  Push [^^^^] to go back to the "STORE" screen.•  Push [] or [] to set the screen to STORE YESSTORE YESSTORE YESSTORE YES and push [^^^^].iThe output is set to multidrop mode. The current output is set to 4 mA. This value does not change in multidrop mode.INFORMATION!Make a note of the password and keep it in a safe place. If you lose the password, please speak or write to your supplier.INFORMATION!For more data, refer to Networks on page 61.CAUTION!Make sure that the address for this device is different from others in the multidrop network.
 OPERATION 689OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enHow to change from multidrop to point-to-point mode•  Enter the supervisor menu.•  Push [>>>>], 5 × [] and [>>>>] to go to menu item ADDRESS (2.6.1).•  Push [>>>>] to change the value. Enter the value 0 and push [^^^^] to confirm.•  Push [^^^^] to go back to the "STORE" screen.•  Push [] or [] to set the screen to STORE YESSTORE YESSTORE YESSTORE YES and push [^^^^].iThe output is set to point-to-point mode. The current output changes to a range of 4...20 mA or 3.8...20.5 mA (this range is set in menu item RANGE I (2.4.2)).6.4.6  Distance measurementThe device displays distance measurements when the output function is set to "Distance". Menu items related to distance measurement are:•Output Function (2.4.1)•Tank Height (2.3.1)•Blocking Distance (2.3.2)For more data about the menu items, refer to Function description on page 76, table 2. Supervisor menu.CAUTION!If the distance for 4 mA is set in the blocking distance, the device will not be able to use the full current output range.Figure 6-4: Distance measurement1  Tank Height (2.3.1)2  Blocking Distance (2.3.2)3  4mA Setting (2.4.3)4  20 mA Setting (2.4.4)5  Maximum effective measuring range6  Non-measurement zone
6 OPERATION 90 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en6.4.7  Level measurementThe device displays level measurements when the output function is set to "Level". Menu items related to level measurement are:•Output Function (2.4.1)•Tank Height (2.3.1)•Blocking Distance (2.3.2)For more data about the menu items, refer to Function description on page 76, table 2: Supervisor menu.6.4.8  How to configure the device to measure volume or massThe device can be configured to measure volume or mass. You can set up a strapping table in the conversion table (2.8.0 CONV. TAB) sub-menu. Each entry is a pair of data (level – volume, level – mass or level – flow rate). The strapping table must have a minimum of 2 entries and a maximum of 30. The reference point for the table is the bottom of the tank (as given in menu item 2.3.1 TANK HEIGHT).CAUTION!If the level for the 20 mA is set in the blocking distance, the device will not be able to use the full current output range.Figure 6-5: Level measurement1  Tank Height (2.3.1)2  Blocking Distance (2.3.2)3  Maximum effective measuring range4  20 mA Setting (2.4.4)5  4mA Setting (2.4.3)6  Non-measurement zoneCAUTION!Enter the data in numerical sequence (strapping table entry number 01, 02 etc.).
 OPERATION 691OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enHow to prepare a strapping table (conversion table)•  Enter the supervisor menu.•  Push [>>>>], 6 × [], [>>>>] and [] to go to 2.7.2 LENGTH UNIT.•  Push [] and [] to find the length unit that you will use in the table.•  Push [^^^^] to go to the sub-menu level.•  Push [] to go to 2.7.3 CONV UNIT (conversion unit)•  Push [] and [] to find the conversion unit that you will use in the table.•  Push [^^^^] to go to the sub-menu level and then [] and [>>>>] to go to the menu item 2.8.1 INPUT TAB•  Push [>>>>] to make the strapping table. Enter the table entry number (01).•  Enter the length value and push [^^^^].•  Enter the conversion value and push [^^^^].•  Push [>>>>] to enter the subsequent table entry number (02, 03, ..., 30).•  Repeat the last 3 steps to complete the table.•  Push [^^^^] to go back to the "STORE" screen.•  Push [] or [] to set the screen to STORE YESSTORE YESSTORE YESSTORE YES and push [^^^^].iThe device will store the data for the strapping table and go back to normal mode.The device will give more accurate volume readings if you give more conversion data in these areas:•Surfaces with curves.•Sudden changes in the cross section.Refer also to the illustration that follows:Figure 6-6: A plot of points for a volume or mass table1  Tank with reference points2  Tank model with plotted points
6 OPERATION 92 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enHow to delete a volume or mass table•  Enter the supervisor menu.•  Push 7 × [], [>>>>], and [] to go to 2.8.2 DELETE TABLE.•  Push [>>>>] and [] to set the parameter to YESYESYESYES.•  Push [^^^^] to go back to the "STORE" screen.•  Push [] or [] to set the screen to STORE YESSTORE YESSTORE YESSTORE YES and push [^^^^].iThe device will delete the data for the strapping table and go back to normal mode. The "CONVERSION" and "ULLAGE CONV." data are not available in normal mode.6.4.9  How to make a filter to remove radar signal interferenceIf the device measures level in a tank that contains obstructions (agitator, supports, heating pipes etc.), these objects can cause radar signal interference (parasitic signals). You can use the empty spectrum function (menu item 2.1.2) in the Commissioning menu to make a filter to remove radar signal interference.•  After you enter the supervisor menu, push 2 × [>>>>] and [] to go to the menu item EMP.SPEC.REC. (2.1.2).•  Do you have a completely filled tank? Select YesYesYesYes or NoNoNoNo and then push [^^^^].iIf you select YesYesYesYes, the device will not do the empty spectrum scan. Empty the tank and repeat the procedure.•  Are all the moving parts switched on? Select YesYesYesYes or NoNoNoNo and then push [^^^^].•  Is your tank partially filled or completely empty? Select Partially filledPartially filledPartially filledPartially filled or EmptyEmptyEmptyEmpty and then push [^^^^].INFORMATION!We recommend that you do an empty spectrum scan when the tank is empty and all the moving parts (agitators etc.) are in operation..Figure 6-7: How to make a filter to remove radar signal interference1  Empty tank before the device uses the empty spectrum scan (with a graph of reflections shown)2  Partially filled tank before the device uses the empty spectrum scan (with a graph of reflections shown)3  Partially filled tank after the device uses the empty spectrum scan (with a graph of reflections shown)4  Agitator blades location5  Tank bottom signal6  Agitator blades signals (interference signals) before the device does the empty spectrum scan7  Bad quality (mixed) signals of the liquid and the agitator blades before the device does the empty spectrum scan8  Reflected signal if the device uses the data from the empty spectrum scan. The device only uses the reflection on the surface of the liquid to measure distance.
 OPERATION 693OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en•  Measured distance. If the tank is partially filled, enter the distance to the product surface - 300 mm / 12¨. The device must include the tank contents when it filters the signal•  Do you want to use the average value or the maximum value? Select AverageAverageAverageAverage or MaximumMaximumMaximumMaximum and then push [^^^^].iUse the maximum for tanks that have moving parts. Use the average value for tanks that do not have moving parts. The device will do an empty spectrum scan and then show the results on the signal screen.•  Make a selection from the available spectra to identify the correct level signal. Push [^^^^].•  Do you want to save the spectrum? Select YesYesYesYes or NoNoNoNo and then push [^^^^].iIf you select YesYesYesYes, the device will use the empty spectrum scan results to make a filter to remove radar signal interference.6.5  Status and error messages6.5.1  Device status (markers)If the device senses a change in device status, the display screen will show 1 or more status markers at the bottom right side of the display screen. The display screen will also show a symbol that agrees with NAMUR Recommendation NE 107 (Self-Monitoring and Diagnosis of Field Devices) and VDI/VDE 2650. This is shown at the top left side of the display screen. More data is given if you use PACTware™ software with the appropriate DTM on a PC. Error codes and data are shown on the device display screen and in the DTM.Menu item 2.2.2 DIAGNOSTIC (Configuration mode / Supervisor menu) supplies more data. This includes internal voltages, the loop current and the reset counter (watchdog timer). You can see this data on the device display screen and in the DTM.INFORMATION!For more data on empty spectrum scans, refer to Function description on page 76 – table 2: Supervisor (menu item 2.1.2).Figure 6-8: Status markers1  Device status (NAMUR NE 107 symbols)2  Symbol: Failure3  Symbol: Function check4  Symbol: Out of specification5  Symbol: Maintenance6  Status marker line (marker 3 is shown)7  When the status marker is on, a number is shown
6 OPERATION 94 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enTypes of error messageIf an "Out of specification" or a "Maintenance" status symbol is shown, refer to menu item 2.2.2 DIAGNOSTIC (Configuration mode / Supervisor menu) for more data.NE 107 status Type of errorDescriptionFailure Error If an error message is shown in ERROR RECORD (menu item 1.3.1), the current output goes to the error signal value set in menu item RANGE I (menu item 2.4.2) after the time set in ERROR DELAY (menu item 2.4.5). For more data about menu items, refer to Function description on page 76.Out of specification Warning If a warning message is shown, there is no effect on the current output value.MaintenanceNE 107 symbol shownNE 107 StatusDescription Status marker shownError code (Type)Possible errorsFailure The device does not operate correctly. The fault message stays on. The user cannot remove the "Failure" message from the Normal mode screen.1ERR 101 (Error) Current Output Drift3ERR 102 (Error) Temperature Out of Range1ERR 103 (Error) Converter EEPROM1ERR 103 (Error) Converter RAM1ERR 103 (Error) Converter ROM1ERR 104 (Error) Converter Voltage1ERR 200 (Error) Internal Communication2, 4 ERR 201 (Error) Overfill 2, 4 ERR 203 (Error) Peak Lost (Level Lost)3ERR 204 (Error) Sensor no Signal1ERR 206 (Error) Sensor Microwave1ERR 207 (Error) Sensor EEPROM1ERR 207 (Error) Sensor RAM1ERR 207 (Error) Sensor ROM1ERR 208 (Error) Sensor Voltage1ERR 210 (Error) Sensor Not compatibleFunction check The device operates correctly, but the measured value is incorrect. This fault message is only temporary. This symbol is shown when the user configures the device with the DTM or a HART® Communicator.— — —Out of specification It is possible that the measured value is unstable if the operating conditions do not agree with the device specification.4(Warning) Peak Lost4(Warning) Overfill3(Warning) Temperature out of rangeMaintenance The device does not operate correctly because of bad environmental conditions (e.g. build-up on the antenna). The measured value is correct, but maintenance is necessary a short time after this symbol is shown.5(Warning) Empty Spectrum Invalid4(Warning) Signal Weak4(Warning) Signal Strong4(Warning) Bad Measurement Quality3(Warning) Temperature <-35°C/ -31°F3(Warning) Temperature >+75°C / +167°F
 OPERATION 695OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enFor data on errors, error records and error codes, refer to Error handling on page  Error handlingHow to find an error record•  Push [>>>>] to enter configuration mode from normal mode.•  Push [>>>>], 2 × [] and [>>>>] to go to menu item 1.3.1 ERROR RECORD.•  Push 2 × [>>>>] to look at the error list. Push [] or [] for the selection of an error.iThe error record gives the number of times the error occurred and the time since the last error message.Description of errors and corrective actionsFigure 6-9: Error record data1  Error code for the error2  Number of times the error occurred3  Time since the last error record (2 days, 18 hours, 16 minutes and 43 seconds shown in this example)INFORMATION!The time since the error occurred is measured in Days (D), Hours (H), Minutes(') and Seconds ("). It only includes the time when the device is energized. The error is saved in the memory of the device when it is de-energized. The counter continues when the device is energized again.Error codeError Message Status marker shownCause Corrective actionFailure (NE 107 status signal)ERR 100 Device reset 1The device detected an internal error (watchdog timer issue). Record the data that is in menu item 2.2.2 DIAGNOSTIC (Configuration mode / Supervisor menu). Speak to the supplier.ERR 101 Current Output Drift 1The current output is not calibrated. Speak to the supplier to get the calibration procedure.1Hardware error. Replace the device.
6 OPERATION 96 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enERR 102 Temperature out of range 3The ambient temperature is outside the given range. This can cause loss or corruption of data.Measure the ambient temperature. De-energize the device until the ambient temperature is back in the given range. If the temperature does not stay in the correct range, make sure that there is insulation around the signal converter. If this error occurs 2 times, replace the device.ERR 103 Converter memory failure 1The device's hardware is defective. Replace the signal converter. For more data, refer to How to turn or remove the signal converter on page 44.ERR 104 Converter Voltage failure 1The device's hardware is defective. Replace the signal converter. For more data, refer to How to turn or remove the signal converter on page 44.ERR 200 Internal Communication 1The device's hardware or software is defective. The converter cannot transmit signals to or receive signals from the antenna electronics.De-energize the device. Make sure that the signal cable engages in the terminal and the screw connection is tight. Energize the device. If the problem continues, replace the signal converter. For more data, refer to How to turn or remove the signal converter on page 44.ERR 201 Overfill 2The level is in the blocking distance. There is a risk that the product will overflow and/or cover the antenna.Use a different procedure to measure the level in the tank. Remove some of the product until the level is below the blocking distance.If a viscous product touched the antenna:•remove the device and clean the antenna, or•If the device has a purging option, use the purging system to clean the antenna.ERR 203 Peak Lost (Level Lost) 2The signal peak is not found within the measuring window that filters the signals received by the antenna. The measurement is not correct. The device will automatically increase this window to find the correct signal.Do a check of the device, tank and the process. Reconfigure the device and record a new empty spectrum. Follow the instructions on page 92. If necessary, speak to the supplier.ERR 204 Sensor no Signal 3The device's hardware is defective. Replace the signal converter. For more data, refer to How to turn or remove the signal converter on page 44.ERR 206 Sensor Microwave failure 1The device's hardware is defective. Replace the signal converter. For more data, refer to How to turn or remove the signal converter on page 44.ERR 207 Sensor Memory failure 1The device's hardware is defective. Replace the signal converter. For more data, refer to How to turn or remove the signal converter on page 44.Error codeError Message Status marker shownCause Corrective action
 OPERATION 697OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enERR 208 Sensor Voltage failure 3The device's hardware is defective. Do a check of the power supply at the device terminals. Make sure that voltage values are in the specified limits in menu item 2.2.2 DIAGNOSTIC (Configuration mode / Supervisor menu). If the voltage is correct, replace the signal converter. For more data on how to replace the signal converter, refer to How to turn or remove the signal converter on page 44.ERR 210 Sensor Not compatible 1The software version of the sensor is not compatible with the software version of the signal converter.Go to menu 1.1.0 IDENT. in Configuration mode. Record the version numbers of the device software given in menu items 1.1.2, 1.1.3 and 1.1.4. Give this data to the supplier.1Defective wiring.Out of specification (NE 107 status signal)ERR 102 Temperature Out of Range 3The ambient temperature is outside the given range. This can cause loss or corruption of data.Measure the ambient temperature. De-energize the device until the ambient temperature is back in the given range. If the temperature does not stay in the correct range, make sure that there is insulation around the signal converter. If this error occurs 2 times, replace the device.ERR 201 Overfill 2The level is in the blocking distance. There is a risk that the product will overflow and/or cover the device.Remove some of the product until the level is below the blocking distance.ERR 203 Peak Lost 2The signal peak is not found within the measuring window that filters the signals received by the antenna. The measurement is not correct. The device will automatically increase this window to find the correct signal.Do a check of the device, tank and the process and make sure that the data agrees with the device configuration. If necessary, record a new empty spectrum. Follow the instructions on page 92. If necessary, speak to the supplier.Maintenance (NE 107 status signal)—Empty Spectrum Invalid 5The empty spectrum stored in the device does not agree with the installation. If you change the device configuration (tank height etc.), this message will be shown. The recorded empty spectrum will not be used by the device while this error message is shown. 1Record a new empty spectrum. Follow the instructions on page 92.—Signal Weak 4The signal amplitude is less than the average value. This can occur if the liquid is agitated or if there is foam in the tank. If this error occurs frequently, the device will possibly show the "Peak Lost (Level Lost)" error message. 1If this error occurs frequently, it is possible that you must install the device in a stilling well or use a different antenna type.Error codeError Message Status marker shownCause Corrective action
6 OPERATION 98 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en—Signal Strong 4This error can occur if there is a large change in signal amplitude. 1No corrective action is necessary.—Bad Measurement Quality 4The measurement is incorrect and continues to be incorrect after more than 10 s. This error can occur if the tank contents are immediately below the antenna. 1Record the process with the PACTware™ software tool to find the cause of the problem. If necessary, speak to the supplier.—Temperature <-35°C/ -31°F3The process connection or the ambient temperature is less than -35°C/ -31°F. This temperature is near to the minimum limit for device operation. 1Measure the ambient temperature. De-energize the device until the ambient temperature is back in the given range. If the temperature does not stay in the correct range, make sure that there is insulation around the signal converter.—Temperature >+75°C / +167°F3The ambient temperature is more than +75°C / +167°F. This temperature is near to the maximum limit for device operation. 1Measure the ambient temperature. De-energize the device until the ambient temperature is back in the given range. If the temperature does not stay in the correct range, make sure that there is insulation around the signal converter.1This error message does not have an effect on the current output signalINFORMATION!In 4.0.0 MASTER menu, the type of error shown for error codes 102, 201 and 203 can be changed from "Error" to "Warning" (the NE 107 status signal changes from "Failure" to "Out of specification"). The 4.0.0 MASTER menu is password locked. For more data, speak or write to the supplier.Error codeError Message Status marker shownCause Corrective action
 SERVICE 799OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en7.1  Periodic maintenanceNo maintenance is necessary. If it is possible that there will be build-up on the antenna, clean the antenna regularly. If your device has the purge option, refer to How to clean horn antennas under process conditions on page 99.7.2  How to clean horn antennas under process conditionsIf it is possible that there will be build-up or condensation, purging options are available for DN150 / 6¨ and DN200 / 8¨ Metallic Horn antennas. Purge the antenna at intervals to make sure that the inner surface of the antenna stays clean and the device measures accurately. For more data about dimensions, refer to Dimensions and weights on page 126 (Purging and heating/cooling system options).INFORMATION!For more data about regular inspections and maintenance procedures for devices with Ex and other approvals, refer to the related supplementary instructions.WARNING!Do not use bleach to clean the signal converter.Purging systemFigure 7-1: Purging system1  Purging system2  Flange connection3  Metallic Horn antenna4  G¼ plug for the purging system5  Seal6  Warning label - see the illustration that followsWarning labelFigure 7-2: Warning label (on the top face of the flange connection)1  Text: Attention! Purge connection. Do not open during operation.
7 SERVICE 100 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enHow to use the purge7.3  Heating or cooling horn antennas under process conditionsA heating / cooling system option is available for DN150 / 6¨ and DN200 / 8¨ Metallic Horn antennas. The outer surface of the antenna is sealed in a metal heating / cooling jacket. There is an inlet and an outlet for the heating / cooling jacket on the top of the flange. For more data about dimensions, refer to Dimensions and weights on page 126 (Purging and heating/cooling system options).It is also possible to use a purging system with the heating / cooling system. For more data, refer to How to clean horn antennas under process conditions on page 99.7.4  How to replace device components7.4.1  Service warrantyWARNING!Purge the antenna with a dry gas or liquid that is applicable to the process. Make sure that you use the correct device option (a purging system that uses gas or a purging system that uses liquid). For more data about device options, refer to Order code on page 146.For more data about how to use the purge, refer to the table that follows:Process conditions How to use the purgePurging with gas (device option)Purging with gas (device option)Purging with gas (device option)Purging with gas (device option)The device is colder than other elements in the process. It is possible that there will be condensation in the antenna.Continuous use. Use gas (compressed air, nitrogen or another gas that is applicable to the process) to remove condensation from the antenna.Purging with liquid (device option)Purging with liquid (device option)Purging with liquid (device option)Purging with liquid (device option)There is a build-up or risk of build-up in the antenna Purge at intervals. Use a liquid (hot water, solvent or another liquid that is applicable to the process) to melt the liquid that has crystallized on the antenna.WARNING!Make sure that the pressure in the heating / cooling system is not more than 6 bar / 87 psi.Make sure that the flange temperature is not more than the maximum limit. For more data, refer to Technical data on page 110.WARNING!Only approved personnel can do an inspection of the device and repairs. If you find a problem, send the device back to the supplier for inspection and/or repairs. INFORMATION!The  converter housing (compact or remote version) can be detached from the process connection assembly under process conditions. For more data, refer to How to turn or remove the signal converter on page 44.
 SERVICE 7101OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enServicing by the customer is limited by warranty to:•The removal and installation of the device.•Compact version:Compact version:Compact version:Compact version: The removal and installation of the signal converter (with the weather protection, if this option is attached). For more data, refer to How to turn or remove the signal converter on page 44.•Remote (field) version:Remote (field) version:Remote (field) version:Remote (field) version: The removal and installation of the remote converter and/or the antenna housing. For more data, refer to How to turn or remove the signal converter on page 44.•Replacement of signal converters of other radar devices:Replacement of signal converters of other radar devices:Replacement of signal converters of other radar devices:Replacement of signal converters of other radar devices: The removal of BM 70 A, BM 700, BM 702 or BM 702 A signal converters and installation of the OPTIWAVE 5200  signal converter. For the procedure, refer to Replacement of the BM 70x signal converter with the OPTIWAVE 5200 signal converter on page 101.For more data on how to prepare the device before you send it back, refer to Returning the device to the manufacturer on page  Replacement of the BM 70x signal converter with the OPTIWAVE 5200 signal converterEquipment needed:•5 mm Allen wrench (not supplied)•Slotted-tip screwdriver (not supplied)•Option for BM 70 A or BM 700:Option for BM 70 A or BM 700:Option for BM 70 A or BM 700:Option for BM 70 A or BM 700: wrench for housing cover•Option for BM 70 A or BM 700:Option for BM 70 A or BM 700:Option for BM 70 A or BM 700:Option for BM 70 A or BM 700: yellow / blue magnet•BM 70 A, BM 700,  BM 702 or BM 702 A radar level meter•OPTIWAVE 5200 signal converter (without process connection and antenna)•Adaptor for the BM 70x process connection. You can send an order for this part only or for the OPTIWAVE 5200 signal converter with the adaptor attached. For the order code, refer to Order code on page 146.•Handbooks for all devicesProcedure 1: Record the offset value (BM 70 A, BM 700,  BM 702 or BM 702 A radar level meter)1  BM 702 or BM 702 A:BM 702 or BM 702 A:BM 702 or BM 702 A:BM 702 or BM 702 A: Remove the 4 screws on the signal converter cover with a slotted-tip screwdriver.BM 70 A or BM 700:BM 70 A or BM 700:BM 70 A or BM 700:BM 70 A or BM 700: If you use the Hall effect sensors, it is unnecessary to remove the front cover of the signal converter. Use the supplied magnet to "push" the buttons. If you do not have the magnet, remove the cover with supplied wrench.iFor more data about the display screen, keypad buttons and Hall effect sensors,  refer to the applicable handbook.INFORMATION!Complete the 5 procedures that follow in numerical sequence. These procedures are applicable only to devices that have the Metallic Horn, Wave-Guide and Wave Stick antenna options.To get the passwords for the BM70x and OPTIWAVE 5200 C Service menus, speak to the supplier.CAUTION!Make sure that you also record device configuration data. This data includes basic configuration (tank height, blocking distance etc.), output, application, display and strapping table data. You can find this data in the Supervisor menu.
7 SERVICE 102 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en2  Energize the device.iThe device is in operation and in normal mode.3  Push [^^^^] to go to the SERVICE menu.iThe display screen shows the text "Code 2".4  Give the password for the SERVICE menu. If you do not have the password, speak to the sup-plier.5  Push [>>>>], [] and [>>>>] to go to menu item 4.2.1 Offset. Record the offset value.6  Push 4 × [^^^^]. Push [] or [] for the selection of the save option (Store No, Store Yes or Re-turn). Set to "Store No" to cancel the changes to the device settings.7  Push [^^^^] to confirm.iThe device is in normal mode.8  De-energize the device.9  Remove the electrical cables.10  Attach the signal converter cover.1  Remove the 4 socket head screws at the bottom of the signal converter with a 5 mm Allen wrench. Keep the screws for the subsequent procedure.2  Remove the signal converter from the process connection. Make sure that the gasket stays on the flange connection.INFORMATION!If you cannot start the device, record the serial number on the device nameplate and contact the supplier. The supplier will give you the offset value.Procedure 2: How to remove the signal converter (BM 70 A, BM 700,  BM 702 or BM 702 A radar level meters)Figure 7-3: Procedure 2: How to remove the signal converter (BM 70 A, BM 700,  BM 702 or BM 702 A radar level meters)INFORMATION!The BM 702 A radar level meter is used as an example in this procedure.
 SERVICE 7103OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en1  Make sure that the gasket is on the flange connection.2  Put the adaptor on the process connection.3  Attach and tighten the 4 socket head screws with a 5 mm Allen wrench.4  Put the OPTIWAVE 5200 signal converter on the adaptor. Make sure that the adaptor fully en-gages in the mating part (signal converter).5  Tighten the socket set screw at the bottom of the signal converter with a 5 mm Allen wrench.Procedure 3: How to attach the OPTIWAVE 5200 signal converterFigure 7-4: Procedure 3: How to attach the OPTIWAVE 5200 signal converterINFORMATION!The adaptor for the BM 70x process connection is available as a spare part. Send an order for this part only or for the OPTIWAVE 5200 signal converter with the adaptor attached. For the order code, refer to Order code on page 146.
7 SERVICE 104 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enProcedure 4: How to set the correct offset value (OPTIWAVE 5200)1  Energize the device.iThe device is in operation and in normal mode. It will not measure correctly until the new correction offset value is set in menu item 3.1.6 CORR.OFFSET. 2  Push [>>>>], 2 × [] and [>>>>] to go to the SERVICE menu (3.0.0).3  Give the password for the SERVICE menu. If you do not have the password, speak to the sup-plier.4  Push [>>>>] and 5 × [] to go to menu item 3.1.6 CORR.OFFSET (correction offset).5  Push [>>>>] to change the value. Enter the new correction offset value. For the applicable correc-tion offset value, refer to the table that follows.6  Push 4 × [>>>>]. Push [] or [] for the selection of the save option (STORE NO or STORE YES). Set to "STORE YES" to save and use the data.7  Push [^^^^] to confirm.iThe device is in normal mode. The device uses the new correction offset value.New correction offset values for the OPTIWAVE 5200Procedure 5: Device configuration (OPTIWAVE 5200)1  For the Quick Setup procedure, refer to Quick Setup (Parameters) on page 83. For more data about device configuration, refer to Operation on page 69.7.5  Spare parts availabilityThe manufacturer adheres to the basic principle that functionally adequate spare parts for each device or each important accessory part will be kept available for a period of 3 years after delivery of the last production run for the device.This regulation only applies to spare parts which are subject to wear and tear under normal operating conditions.7.6  Availability of servicesThe manufacturer offers a range of services to support the customer after expiration of the warranty. These include repair, maintenance, technical support and training.Device New correction offset valueBM 70 A, BM 700 BM 70x value - 148 mm 1BM 702 BM 70x value  + 24 mm 1BM 702 A BM 70x value  + 18 mm 11The BM 70x value is given in menu item 4.2.1 Offset. For more data, refer to Procedure 1 in this sub-section.CAUTION!You recorded device configuration data of the BM70x level meter before you attached the new signal converter. Make sure that you  enter this data in the supervisor menu of the OPTIWAVE 5200.INFORMATION!For more precise information, please contact your local sales office.
 SERVICE 7105OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en7.7  Returning the device to the manufacturer7.7.1  General informationThis device has been carefully manufactured and tested. If installed and operated in accordance with these operating instructions, it will rarely present any problems.CAUTION!Should you nevertheless need to return a device for inspection or repair, please pay strict attention to the following points:•Due to statutory regulations on environmental protection and safeguarding the health and safety of the personnel, the manufacturer may only handle, test and repair returned devices that have been in contact with products without risk to personnel and environment.•This means that the manufacturer can only service this device if it is accompanied by the following certificate (see next section) confirming that the device is safe to handle.CAUTION!If the device has been operated with toxic, caustic, radioactive, flammable or water-endangering products, you are kindly requested:•to check and ensure, if necessary by rinsing or neutralising, that all cavities are free from such dangerous substances,•to enclose a certificate with the device confirming that is safe to handle and stating the product used.
7 SERVICE 106 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en7.7.2  Form (for copying) to accompany a returned deviceCAUTION!To avoid any risk for our service personnel, this form has to be accessible from outside of the packaging with the returned device.Company: Address:Department: Name:Tel. no.: Fax no. and/or Email address:Manufacturer's order no. or serial no.:The device has been operated with the following medium:This medium is: radioactivewater-hazardoustoxiccausticflammableWe checked that all cavities in the device are free from such substances.We have flushed out and neutralized all cavities in the device.We hereby confirm that there is no risk to persons or the environment through any residual media contained in the device when it is returned.Date: Signature:Stamp:
 SERVICE 7107OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en7.8  DisposalCAUTION!Disposal must be carried out in accordance with legislation applicable in your country.Separate collection of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) in the European Union:Separate collection of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) in the European Union:Separate collection of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) in the European Union:Separate collection of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) in the European Union:According to the directive 2012/19/EU, the monitoring and control instruments marked with the WEEE symbol and reaching their end-of-life must not be disposed of with other wastemust not be disposed of with other wastemust not be disposed of with other wastemust not be disposed of with other waste.The user must dispose of the WEEE to a designated collection point for the recycling of WEEE or send them back to our local organisation or authorised representative.
8 TECHNICAL DATA 108 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en8.1  Measuring principleA radar signal is emitted via an antenna, reflected from the product surface and received after a time t. The radar principle used is FMCW (Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave).The FMCW-radar transmits a high frequency signal whose frequency increases linearly during the measurement phase (called the frequency sweep). The signal is emitted, reflected on the measuring surface and received with a time delay, t. Delay time, t=2d/c, where d is the distance to the product surface and c is the speed of light in the gas above the product.For further signal processing the difference Δf is calculated from the actual transmitted frequency and the received frequency. The difference is directly proportional to the distance. A large frequency difference corresponds to a large distance and vice versa. The frequency difference Δf is transformed via a Fourier transformation (FFT) into a frequency spectrum and then the distance is calculated from the spectrum. The level results from the difference between the tank height and the measured distance.Figure 8-1: Measuring principle of FMCW radar1  Transmitter2  Mixer3  Antenna4  Distance to product surface, where change in frequency is proportional to distance5  Differential time delay, Δt6  Differential frequency, Δf7  Frequency transmitted8  Frequency received9  Frequency10  Time
 TECHNICAL DATA 8109OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enMeasurement modes"Direct" mode"Direct" mode"Direct" mode"Direct" modeIf the dielectric constant of the liquid is high (εr ≥1.8), the level signal is a reflection on the surface of the liquid."TBF Partial" mode"TBF Partial" mode"TBF Partial" mode"TBF Partial" modeIf the dielectric constant of the liquid is low (εr<1.8, for long-distance measurement), you must use "TBF Partial" mode to measure level correctly. "TBF Partial" is an automatic mode that lets the device make a selection between "Direct" mode and "TBF" mode. If the device finds a large radar reflection above the "tank bottom area" (the bottom 20% of the tank height), the device will use "Direct" mode. If the device finds a large radar reflection in the "tank bottom area", the device uses TBF mode. This mode can be used only in tanks with flat bottoms."TBF Full" mode"TBF Full" mode"TBF Full" mode"TBF Full" modeTBF = Tank Bottom Following. If the dielectric constant of the liquid is very low (εr<1.6), you must use "TBF Full" mode to measure level correctly. The device uses the radar reflection on the bottom of the tank (the signal goes through the liquid). This mode can be used only in tanks with flat bottoms.CAUTION!"TBF FULL" AND "TBF PARTIAL" MODESIt is important to enter the correct dielectric constant value in menu item 2.5.3 Er Product. If this value is incorrect, the device will not measure level accurately.
8 TECHNICAL DATA 110 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en8.2  Technical dataINFORMATION!•The following data is provided for general applications. If you require data that is more relevant to your specific application, please contact us or your local sales office.•Additional information (certificates, special tools, software,...) and complete product documentation can be downloaded free of charge from the website (Downloadcenter).Measuring systemMeasuring principle 2-wire loop-powered level transmitter; FMCW radarFrequency range X-band (8.5...10.6 GHz)Radio frequency output power < 41.3 dBm (outside of the tank)Application range Level measurement of liquids, pastes and slurriesPrimary measured value Distance and reflectionSecondary measured value Level, volume, mass and flow rateDesignConstruction The measurement system consists of a measuring sensor (antenna) and a signal converterCompact (C) version: Measuring sensor (antenna) attached directly to a signal converterRemote (F) version: Measuring sensor (antenna) installed on a tank and connected by a signal cable (max. length 100 m / 328 ft) to a signal converterOptions Integrated LCD display (-20..+60°C/ -4…+140°F); if the ambient temperature is not in these limits, the display switches off automaticallyHigh-temperature (HT) extension (if the process connection temperature is more than +150°C / +302°F– Metallic Horn antenna only)Straight antenna extensionsMax. extension length, PTFE Wave Horn antenna: 300 mm / 11.8¨;Max. extension length, Metallic Horn antenna: 1000 mm / 39.4¨S-bend antenna extension– only for DN150/6¨and DN200/8¨ Metallic Horn antenna and Wave Guide antenna optionsL-bend (right angle) antenna extension– only for DN150/6¨ and DN200/8¨ Metallic Horn antenna and Wave Guide antenna optionsAntenna purging system (2 device options: liquid or gas)– only for DN150/6¨ and DN200/8¨ Metallic Horn antenna optionsHeating / cooling system (with or without the antenna purging system)– only for DN150/6¨ and DN200/8¨ Metallic Horn antenna optionsSignal cable for remote housing version (refer to cable properties in "Electrical connection: Remote device version")Weather protection – for the compact version or the antenna housing of the remote version
 TECHNICAL DATA 8111OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enMax. measuring range PTFE and PP Wave Horn antennas:PTFE and PP Wave Horn antennas:PTFE and PP Wave Horn antennas:PTFE and PP Wave Horn antennas:20 m / 65.6 ftDN65 / DN80 / DN100 Metallic Horn antennas (installation only in stilling wells):DN65 / DN80 / DN100 Metallic Horn antennas (installation only in stilling wells):DN65 / DN80 / DN100 Metallic Horn antennas (installation only in stilling wells):DN65 / DN80 / DN100 Metallic Horn antennas (installation only in stilling wells):10 m / 32.8 ftDN150 / DN200 Metallic Horn antennas:DN150 / DN200 Metallic Horn antennas:DN150 / DN200 Metallic Horn antennas:DN150 / DN200 Metallic Horn antennas:30 m / 98.4 ftWave Guide antenna:Wave Guide antenna:Wave Guide antenna:Wave Guide antenna:6m/ 19.7ftAlso depends on the dielectric constant of the product and the installation type. Refer also to "Antenna selection".Min. tank height 1m/ 3.3ftTop dead zone Minimum value: Antenna length + antenna extension length + 100 mm / 3.9¨Beam angle (½ angle) of antenna PP Wave Horn: 10°PTFE Wave Horn: 10°Metallic Horn DN65 / 2.5¨: 20°– used only in RC W5200 reference chamberMetallic Horn DN80 / 3¨: 16°– used only in stilling wellsMetallic Horn DN100 / 4¨: 12°– used only in stilling wellsMetallic Horn DN150 / 6¨: 8°Metallic Horn DN200 / 8¨: 6°Wave Guide / stilling well: n/a – the radar signal is inside the tube.Display and user interfaceDisplay and user interfaceDisplay and user interfaceDisplay and user interfaceDisplay LCD display128 × 64 pixels in 8-step greyscale with 4-button keypadInterface languages 3 language pack options (the language is given in the customer order):1 English, French, German and Italian2 English, French, Spanish and Portuguese3 English, Chinese (simplified), Japanese and RussianMeasuring accuracyResolution 1mm/ 0.04¨Repeatability ±1mm/ ±0.04¨Accuracy Standard: ±10 mm / ±0.4¨, when distance < 10 m / 33 ft; ±0.1% of measured distance, when distance > 10 m / 33 ftOption: ±5mm/ ±0.2¨, when distance < 10 m / 33 ft; ±0.05% of measured distance, when distance > 10 m / 33 ftReference conditions acc. to EN 61298-1Reference conditions acc. to EN 61298-1Reference conditions acc. to EN 61298-1Reference conditions acc. to EN 61298-1Temperature +15...+25°C / +59...+77°FPressure 1013 mbara ±50 mbar / 14.69 psia ±0.73 psiRelative air humidity 60% ±15%Target Metal plate in an anechoic chamber
8 TECHNICAL DATA 112 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enOperating conditionsTemperatureTemperatureTemperatureTemperatureAmbient temperature -40…+80°C/ -40…+176°FIntegrated LCD display: -20...+60°C / -5...+140°F; if the ambient temperature is not in these limits, the display switches off. The device continues to operate correctly.Storage temperature -50…+85°C/ -58…+185°F (min. -40°C/ -40°F for devices with the integrated LCD display option)Process connection temperature(higher temperature on request) PP Wave Horn antenna:PP Wave Horn antenna:PP Wave Horn antenna:PP Wave Horn antenna:-20...+100°C / -4...+212°FPTFE Wave Horn antenna:PTFE Wave Horn antenna:PTFE Wave Horn antenna:PTFE Wave Horn antenna:-50...+150°C / -58...+302°FMetallic Horn antenna / Wave Guide antenna:Metallic Horn antenna / Wave Guide antenna:Metallic Horn antenna / Wave Guide antenna:Metallic Horn antenna / Wave Guide antenna:Standard: FKM/FPM (-40…+150°C/ -40…+302°F (+200 / +392°F with an HT extension));Options: Kalrez® 6375 (-20…+150°C/ -4…+302°F (+250°C / +482°F with an HT extension)); PFA (-60°C…+130°C/ -76…+266°F); EPDM (-50...+130°C/ -58...+266°F)The process connection temperature must agree with the temperature limits of the gasket material.Ex: see supplementary operating instructions or approval certificates 1PressurePressurePressurePressureProcess pressure PP Wave Horn antenna:PP Wave Horn antenna:PP Wave Horn antenna:PP Wave Horn antenna:-1…16 barg / -14.5…232 psig. For more data, refer to Pressure ratings on page 119.PTFE Wave Horn antenna:PTFE Wave Horn antenna:PTFE Wave Horn antenna:PTFE Wave Horn antenna:-1…40 barg / -14.5…580 psig. For more data, refer to Pressure ratings on page 119.Metallic Horn antenna / Wave Guide antenna:Metallic Horn antenna / Wave Guide antenna:Metallic Horn antenna / Wave Guide antenna:Metallic Horn antenna / Wave Guide antenna:Standard: -1…40 barg / -14.5…580 psig;subject to the process connection used and the flange temperature. Higher pressure on request.Purging system (options for gas or liquid) Max. 6 barg / 87 psig (higher pressure on request)Heating / cooling system (option) Max. 6 barg / 87 psig (higher pressure on request)Other conditionsOther conditionsOther conditionsOther conditionsDielectric constant (εr)Direct mode: ≥1.8TBF mode: ≥1.1Refer also to "Technical data: Antenna selection".Ingress protection IEC 60529: IP66 / IP67NEMA 250: NEMA type 4X (housing) and type 6P (antenna)Maximum rate of change 10 m/min / 32.8 ft/minInstallation conditionsProcess connection size The nominal diameter (DN) should be equal to or larger than the antenna diameter.Process connection position Make sure that there are not any obstructions directly below the process connection for the device. For more data, refer to Installation on page 21.Dimensions and weights For dimensions and weights data, refer to Dimensions and weights on page 126.MaterialsHousing Standard: Polyester-coated aluminiumOption: Stainless steel (1.4404 / 316L)
 TECHNICAL DATA 8113OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enAntenna options / Wetted materials PTFE Wave Horn antenna with a PTFE flange claddingPP Wave Horn antenna with a PP jacket/threaded process connectionStainless steel (1.4404 / 316L) Metallic Horn antenna with a PTFE process seal and an FKM/FPM, EPDM, Kalrez® 6375 or PFA O-ring gasketStainless steel (1.4404 / 316L) Wave Guide antennas with a PTFE process seal and an FKM/FPM, EPDM, Kalrez® 6375 or PFA O-ring gasketFeedthrough PP Wave Horn antenna: this is a single-piece antenna (the feedthrough is filled with PP)PTFE Wave Horn antenna: this is a single-piece antenna (the feedthrough is filled with PTFE)Metallic Horn and Wave Guide antennas: Dual process seal system – 1st seal: PTFE with O-ring gasket, 2nd seal: Metaglas® with O-ring gasket 2Cable gland Standard: noneOptions: Plastic (Non-Ex: black, Ex i-approved: blue); nickel-plated brass; stainless steelWeather protection (Option) Stainless steel (1.4404 / 316L)Process connectionsThread PP Wave Horn antenna: G 1½A...2A; 1½...2 NPTFlange versionFlange versionFlange versionFlange versionEN PTFE Wave Horn antenna: DN50…200 in PN16, PN40Metallic Horn and Wave Guide antennas: DN80…200 in PN16, PN40; others on requestASME PTFE Wave Horn antenna: 2¨…8¨ in 150 lb / 300 lbMetallic Horn and Wave Guide antennas: 3¨…8¨ in 150 lb / 300 lb; others on requestDN65 Metallic Horn antenna: 2¨ 300 lb for installation on the RC W5200 reference chamberJIS PTFE Wave Horn antenna: 50...150A in 10KMetallic Horn and Wave Guide antennas: 80…200A in 10K; others on requestOther Others on requestElectrical connectionsPower supply Terminals output Terminals output Terminals output Terminals output – Non-Ex / Ex i: Non-Ex / Ex i: Non-Ex / Ex i: Non-Ex / Ex i:11.5…30 VDC; min./max. value for an output of 22 mA at the terminalTerminals output Terminals output Terminals output Terminals output – Ex d: Ex d: Ex d: Ex d:13.5…36 VDC; min./max. value for an output of 22 mA at the terminalMaximum current 22 mACurrent output load Non-Ex / Ex i:Non-Ex / Ex i:Non-Ex / Ex i:Non-Ex / Ex i: RL [Ω] ≤ ((Uext -11.5 V)/22 mA). For more data, refer to Minimum power supply voltage on page 118.Ex d:Ex d:Ex d:Ex d: RL [Ω] ≤ ((Uext -13.5 V)/22 mA). For more data, refer to Minimum power supply voltage on page 118.Cable entry Standard: M20×1.5; Option: ½NPTCable gland Standard: noneOptions: M20×1.5 (cable diameter (non-Ex / Ex i: 6...7.5 mm / 0.24...0.30¨; Ex d: 6...10 mm / 0.24...0.39¨)); others are available on requestSignal cable – remote version None for non-Ex devices (4-wire shielded cable of max. length 100 m / 328 ft to be supplied by the customer). Supplied with all Ex-approved devices. For more data, refer to Remote device data on page 53Cable entry capacity (terminal) 0.5…2.5 mm²
8 TECHNICAL DATA 114 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enInput and outputCurrent output / HARTCurrent output / HARTCurrent output / HARTCurrent output / HART®Output signal 4…20 mA HART® or 3.8…20.5 mA acc. to NAMUR NE 43 3Resolution ±3µATemperature drift Typically 50 ppm/KDigital temperature drift Max. ±15 mm / 0.6¨ for the full temperature rangeError signal High: 22 mA; Low: 3.6 mA acc. to NAMUR NE 43; Hold (frozen value – not available if the output agrees with NAMUR NE 43) 4PROFIBUS PAPROFIBUS PAPROFIBUS PAPROFIBUS PAType PROFIBUS MBP interface that agrees with IEC 61158-2 with 31.25 kbit/s; voltage mode (MBP = Manchester-Coded, Bus-Powered)Function blocks 1 × Physical Block, 1 × Level Transducer Block, 4 × Analog Input Function BlocksDevice power supply 9...32 VDC – bus powered; no additional power supply requiredPolarity sensitivity NoBasic current 15 mAFOUNDATIONFOUNDATIONFOUNDATIONFOUNDATION™ fieldbus fieldbus fieldbus fieldbusPhysical layer FOUNDATION™ fieldbus protocol that agrees with IEC 61158-2 and FISCO modelCommunication standard H1ITK version 6.1Function blocks 1 × Resource Block (RB), 3 × Transducer Blocks (TB), 3 × Analog Input Blocks (AI), 1 × Proportional Integral Derivative Block (PID)Analog Input Block: 30 msProportional Integral Derivative Block: 40 msDevice power supply Not intrinsically safe: 9...32 VDCIntrinsically safe: 9...24 VDCBasic current 14 mAMaximum error current FDE 20.5 mA (= basic current + error current = 14 mA + 6.5 mA)Polarity sensitivity NoMinimum cycle time 250 msOutput data Level, distance, ullage conversion, level conversionInput data NoneLink Active Scheduler SupportedApprovals and certificationCE This device fulfils the statutory requirements of the EC directives. The manufacturer certifies successful testing of the product by applying the CE mark.Vibration resistance EN 60068-2-64Metallic Horn (without antenna extension options): 5 Hz to 100 Hz: 4gMetallic Horn, PTFE or PP Wave Horn: 3.5 mm up to 8 Hz and 10 m/s²: 1g, 8.5 to 2000 Hz
 TECHNICAL DATA 8115OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enExplosion protectionExplosion protectionExplosion protectionExplosion protectionATEX (Ex ia or Ex d or Ex tb)DEKRA 11ATEX0166 X Compact versionCompact versionCompact versionCompact versionII 1/2 G, 2 G Ex ia IIC T6...T2 Ga/Gb or Ex ia IIC T6...T2 Gb;II 1/2 D, 2 D Ex ia IIIC T90°C Da/Db or Ex ia IIIC T90°C Db;II 1/2 G, 2 G Ex d ia IIC T6...T2 Ga/Gb or Ex d ia IIC T6...T2 Gb;II 1/2 D, 2 D Ex ia tb IIIC T90°C Da/Db or Ex ia tb IIIC T90°C DbRemote version, transmitterRemote version, transmitterRemote version, transmitterRemote version, transmitterII 2 G Ex ia [ia Ga] IIC T6...T4 Gb;II 2 D Ex ia [ia Da] IIIC T90°C Db;II 2 G Ex d ia [ia Ga] IIC T6...T4 Gb;II 2 D Ex ia tb [ia Da] IIIC T90°C DbRemote version, sensorRemote version, sensorRemote version, sensorRemote version, sensorII 1/2 G Ex ia IIC T6...T2 Ga/Gb or II 2 G Ex ia IIC T6...T2 Gb;II 1/2 D Ex ia IIIC T90°C Da/Db or II 2 D Ex ia IIIC T90°C Db;II 1/2 G Ex ia IIC T6...T2 Gb or II 2 G Ex ia IIC T6...T2 Gb;II 1/2 D Ex ia IIIC T90°C Db or II 2 D Ex ia IIIC T90°C DbATEX (Ex ic)DEKRA 13ATEX0051 X Compact versionCompact versionCompact versionCompact versionII 3 G Ex ic IIC T6...T2 Gc;II 3 D Ex ic IIIC T90°C DcRemote version, transmitterRemote version, transmitterRemote version, transmitterRemote version, transmitterII 3 G Ex ic [ic] IIC T6...T4 Gc;II 3 D Ex ic [ic] IIIC T90°C DcRemote version, sensorRemote version, sensorRemote version, sensorRemote version, sensorII 3 G Ex ic IIC T6...T2 Gc;II 3 D Ex ic IIIC T90°C DcIECExIECEx DEK 11.0060 X Compact versionCompact versionCompact versionCompact versionEx ia IIC T6…T2 Ga/Gb or Ex ia IIC T6…T2 Gb or Ex ic IIC T6…T2 Gc;Ex ia IIIC T90°C Da/Db or Ex ia IIIC T90°C Db or Ex ic IIIC T90°C Dc;Ex d ia IIC T6...T2 or Ex d ia IIIC T6...T2 Gb;Ex ia tb IIIC T90°C Da/Db or Ex ia tb IIIC T90°C DbRemote version, transmitterRemote version, transmitterRemote version, transmitterRemote version, transmitterEx ia [ia Ga] IIC T6…T4 Gb or Ex ic IIC T6…T4 Gc;Ex ia [ia Da] IIIC T90°C Db or Ex ic [ic] IIIC T90°C Dc;Ex d ia [ia Ga] IIC T6...T4 Gb;Ex ia tb [ia Da] IIIC T90°C DbRemote version, sensorRemote version, sensorRemote version, sensorRemote version, sensorEx ia IIC T6…T2 Ga/Gb or Ex ia IIC T6…T2 Gb or Ex ic IIC T6…T2 Gc;Ex ia IIIC T90°C Da/Db or Ex ia IIIC T90°C Db or Ex ic IIIC T90°C Dc
8 TECHNICAL DATA 116 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 encFMus – Dual Seal-approved NEC 500 (Division ratings)NEC 500 (Division ratings)NEC 500 (Division ratings)NEC 500 (Division ratings)XP-AIS / Cl. I / Div. 1 / Gr. ABCD / T6–T1;DIP / Cl. II, III / Div. 1 / Gr. EFG / T6–T1;IS / Cl. I, II, III / Div. 1 / Gr. ABCDEFG / T6–T1;NI / Cl. I / Div. 2 / Gr. ABCD / T6–T1NEC 505 (Zone ratings)NEC 505 (Zone ratings)NEC 505 (Zone ratings)NEC 505 (Zone ratings)Cl. I / Zone 0 / AEx d [ia] / IIC / T6–T1;Cl. I / Zone 0 / AEx ia / IIC / T6–T1;Cl. I / Zone 2 / AEx nA / IIC / T6–T1;Cl. I / Zone 2 / AEx ic / IIC / T6–T1 FISCO;Zone 20 / AEx ia / IIIC / T90°C;Zone 20 / AEx tb [ia] / IIIC / T90°CHazardous (Classified) Locations, indoor/outdoor Type 4X and 6P, IP66, Dual SealCEC Section 18 (Zone ratings)CEC Section 18 (Zone ratings)CEC Section 18 (Zone ratings)CEC Section 18 (Zone ratings)Cl. I, Zone 0, Ex d [ia], IIC, T6–T1;Cl. I, Zone 0, Ex ia, IIC, T6–T1;Cl. I, Zone 2, Ex nA, IIC, T6–T1;Cl. I, Zone 2, Ex ic, IIC, T6–T1 FISCOCEC Section 18 and Annex J (Division ratings)CEC Section 18 and Annex J (Division ratings)CEC Section 18 and Annex J (Division ratings)CEC Section 18 and Annex J (Division ratings)XP-AIS / Cl. I / Div. 1 / Gr. BCD / T6–T1;DIP / Cl. II, III / Div. 1 / Gr. EFG / T6–T1;IS/ Cl.I/ Div.1/ Gr.BCD/ T6–T1;NI / Cl. I / Div. 2 / Gr. ABCD / T6–T1NEPSI Ex ia IIC T2~T6 Gb or Ex ia IIC T2~T6 Ga/Gb DIP A20/A21 TA T90°C IP6XEx d ia IIC T2~T6 Gb or Ex d ia IIC T2~T6 Ga/Gb DIP A20/A21 TA T90°C IP6XDNV / INMETRODNV 13.0142 Compact versionCompact versionCompact versionCompact versionEx ia IIC T6…T2 Ga/Gb or Ex ia IIC T6…T2 Gb or Ex ic IIC T6…T2 Gc;Ex ia IIIC T90°C Da/Db or Ex ia IIIC T90°C Db or Ex ic IIIC T90°C Dc;Ex d ia IIC T6...T2 or Ex d ia IIIC T6...T2 Gb;Ex ia tb IIIC T90°C Da/Db or Ex ia tb IIIC T90°C DbRemote version, transmitterRemote version, transmitterRemote version, transmitterRemote version, transmitterEx ia [ia Ga] IIC T6…T4 Gb or Ex ic IIC T6…T4 Gc;Ex ia [ia Da] IIIC T90°C Db or Ex ic [ic] IIIC T90°C Dc;Ex d ia [ia Ga] IIC T6...T4 Gb;Ex ia tb [ia Da] IIIC T90°C DbRemote version, sensorRemote version, sensorRemote version, sensorRemote version, sensorEx ia IIC T6…T2 Ga/Gb or Ex ia IIC T6…T2 Gb or Ex ic IIC T6…T2 Gc;Ex ia IIIC T90°C Da/Db or Ex ia IIIC T90°C Db or Ex ic IIIC T90°C DcOther standards and approvalsOther standards and approvalsOther standards and approvalsOther standards and approvalsSIL– only for 4...20 mA output Compact version: SIL 2 – certified according to all the requirements in EN 61508 (Full Assessment) and for high/low demand mode operation. HFT=0, SFF=94.1% (for non-Ex / Ex i devices) or 91% (for Ex d devices), type B deviceEMC Essential requirements of Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU in conjunction with EN 61326-1 (2013)SIL 2-approved devices agree with EN 61326-3-1 (2008) and EN 61326-3-2 (2008)
 TECHNICAL DATA 8117OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enRadio approvals REDREDREDREDRadio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU in conjunction with ETSI EN 302 372FCC RulesFCC RulesFCC RulesFCC RulesPart 15Industry CanadaIndustry CanadaIndustry CanadaIndustry CanadaLicense-exempt RSS-210LVD Essential requirements of Low-Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU in conjunction with EN 61010-1NAMUR NAMUR NE 21 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) of Industrial Process and Laboratory Control EquipmentNAMUR NE 43 Standardization of the Signal Level for the Failure Information of Digital TransmittersNAMUR NE 53 Software and Hardware of Field Devices and Signal Processing Devices with Digital ElectronicsNAMUR NE 107 Self-Monitoring and Diagnosis of Field DevicesWHGZ-65.16-546 In conformity with the German Federal Water Act, §9CRN This certification is applicable for all Canadian provinces and territories. For more data, refer to the website.Construction code Metallic Horn and Wave Guide antennas: NACE MR0175 / ISO 15156; NACE MR01031If the process connection temperature is more than +150°C / +302°F and the device has Kalrez® 6375 or FKM/FPM gaskets, the device will also have an high temperature extension between the converter and the process connection. Kalrez® is a registered trademark of DuPont Performance Elastomers L.L.C.. The process connection temperature must agree with the temperature limits of the gasket material.2Metaglas® is a registered trademark of Herberts Industrieglas, GMBH & Co., KG3HART® is a registered trademark of the HART Communication Foundation4Only the 3.6 mA error signal is applicable to SIL-approved devices. Only the 22 mA error signal is applicable to WHG-approved devices.
8 TECHNICAL DATA 118 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en8.3  Minimum power supply voltageUse these graphs to find the minimum power supply voltage for a given current output load.Non-Ex and Hazardous Location approved (Ex i / IS) devicesFigure 8-2: Minimum power supply voltage for an output of 22 mA at the terminal (Non-Ex and Hazardous Location approval (Ex i / IS))X: Power supply U [VDC]Y: Current output load RL [Ω]Hazardous Location (Ex d / XP/NI) approved devicesFigure 8-3: Minimum power supply voltage for an output of 22 mA at the terminal (Hazardous Location approval (Ex d / XP/NI))X: Power supply U [VDC]Y: Current output load RL [Ω]
 TECHNICAL DATA 8119OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en8.4  Pressure ratingsWARNING!Make sure that the devices are used within their operating limits.EN flanges: Metallic Horn, Wave Guide and PTFE Wave Horn antennasFigure 8-4: Pressure / temperature rating (EN 1092-1), flange connections, in °C and bargFigure 8-5: Pressure / temperature rating (EN 1092-1), flange connections, in °F and psig1  p [barg]2  T [°C]3  p [psig]4  T [°F]5  Flange connection, PN16: Metallic Horn and Wave Guide antennas6  Flange connection, PN40: Metallic Horn and Wave Guide antennas7  Flange connection, PN40: Metallic Horn, Wave Guide and PTFE Wave Horn antennas8  Flange connection, PN16: Metallic Horn, Wave Guide and PTFE Wave Horn antennas-80 -60 -40-20 050100 122 150 167 200 212 257 300 400 480 500
8 TECHNICAL DATA 120 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enISO threaded connections: PP Wave Horn antennaFigure 8-6: Pressure / temperature rating (ISO 228), threaded connection, in °C and bargFigure 8-7: Pressure / temperature rating (ISO 228-1), threaded connection, in °F and psig1  p [barg]2  T [°C]3  p [psig]4  T [°F]5  Threaded connection, G (ISO 228-1): PP Wave Horn antenna
 TECHNICAL DATA 8121OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enASME flanges: Metallic Horn, Wave Guide and PTFE Wave Horn antennasFigure 8-8: Pressure / temperature rating (ASME B16.5), flange and threaded connections, in °C and bargFigure 8-9: Pressure / temperature rating (ASME B16.5), flange and threaded connections, in °F and psig1  p [barg]2  T [°C]3  p [psig]4  T [°F]5  Flange connection, Class 150: Metallic Horn and Wave Guide antennas6  Flange connection, Class 300: Metallic Horn and Wave Guide antennas7  Flange connection, Class 300: Metallic Horn and Wave Guide and PTFE Wave Horn antennas8  Flange connection, Class 150: Metallic Horn and Wave Guide and PTFE Wave Horn antennas
8 TECHNICAL DATA 122 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enINFORMATION!CRN CERTIFICATIONThere is a CRN certification option for devices with process connections that agree with ASME standards. This certification is necessary for all devices that are installed on a pressure vessel and used in Canada.ASME flanges for CRN-approved devices: Metallic Horn, Wave Guide and PTFE Wave Horn antennasFigure 8-10: Pressure / temperature rating (ASME B16.5), flange and threaded connections, in °C and bargFigure 8-11: Pressure / temperature rating (ASME B16.5), flange and threaded connections, in °F and psig1  p [barg]2  T [°C]3  p [psig]4  T [°F]5  Flange connection, Class 150: Metallic Horn and Wave Guide antennas6  Flange connection, Class 300: Metallic Horn and Wave Guide antennas7  Flange connection, Class 300: Metallic Horn and Wave Guide and PTFE Wave Horn antennas8  Flange connection, Class 150: Metallic Horn and Wave Guide and PTFE Wave Horn antennas
 TECHNICAL DATA 8123OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enASME threaded connections: PP Wave Horn antennaFigure 8-12: Pressure / temperature rating (ASME B1.20.1), threaded connection, in °C and bargFigure 8-13: Pressure / temperature rating (ASME B1.20.1), threaded connection, in °F and psig1  p [barg]2  T [°C]3  p [psig]4  T [°F]5  Threaded connection, NPT (ASME B1.20.1): PP Wave Horn antenna
8 TECHNICAL DATA 124 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enINFORMATION!CRN CERTIFICATIONThere is a CRN certification option for devices with process connections that agree with ASME standards. This certification is necessary for all devices that are installed on a pressure vessel and used in Canada.ASME threaded connections for CRN-approved devices: PP Wave Horn antennaFigure 8-14: Pressure / temperature rating (ASME B1.20.1), threaded connection, in °C and bargFigure 8-15: Pressure / temperature rating (ASME B1.20.1), threaded connection, in °F and psig1  p [barg]2  T [°C]3  p [psig]4  T [°F]5  Threaded connection, NPT (ASME B1.20.1): PP Wave Horn antenna
 TECHNICAL DATA 8125OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en8.5  Antenna selectionThe graphs below show which antenna to select for the application based on:•D, the measuring range,•εr, is the dielectric constant of the product being measuredFigure 8-16: Selection of antenna (graph of distance in m against εr)Figure 8-17: Selection of antenna (graph of distance in ft against εr)1  Tank height / Measuring range [m]2  Tank height / Measuring range [ft]3  εr for storage tanks with smooth product surface4  εr for process tanks without agitator or foam5  All antennas:– DN150 and DN200 Metallic Horn antenna with or without a stilling well* and PTFE and PP Wave Horn antennas– DN65/2.5¨, DN80/3¨ and DN100/4¨ Metallic Horn antenna: only for use in a stilling well*. Maximum measuring range is 10 m / 32.81 ft.– Wave Guide antenna: maximum measuring range is 6 m / 19.68 ft– DN80 and DN : maximum measuring range is 6 m / 19.68 ft6  DN150 and DN200 Metallic Horn antennas with or without a stilling well* and PTFE and PP Wave Horn antennas7  DN150/6¨ and DN200/8¨ Metallic Horn antenna with or without a stilling well*8  DN200/8¨ Metallic Horn antenna with or without a stilling well** A stilling well is equivalent to the Wave Guide antenna option or a bypass chamber
8 TECHNICAL DATA 126 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en8.6  Dimensions and weightsHousing, process connection and antenna optionsHousing, process connection and antenna optionsHousing, process connection and antenna optionsHousing, process connection and antenna optionsFigure 8-18: Housing, process connection and antenna options1  Housing options.Housing options.Housing options.Housing options. From left to right: compact converter with horizontal housing, compact converter with vertical hous-ing, and remote converter (top) and antenna housing (bottom)2  Process connection options.Process connection options.Process connection options.Process connection options. From left to right: flange connection for PTFE Wave Horn antenna, threaded connection for PP Wave Horn antenna, flange connection for Metallic Horn and Wave Guide antennas, flange connection with a high-temperature (HT) extension for Metallic Horn and Wave Guide antennas, flange connection for DN65 Metallic Horn antenna3  Antenna options.Antenna options.Antenna options.Antenna options. From left to right: PTFE Wave Horn antenna, PP Wave Horn antenna, Metallic Horn antenna (with or without an antenna extension option: straight, L-bend or S-bend extension), Wave Guide antenna, DN65 horn antenna with 2¨ 300 lb RF (ASME B16.5) flange for RC W5200 reference chamberINFORMATION!All housing covers have bayonet connectors unless it is an explosion-proof (XP / Ex d-approved) device. The terminal compartment cover for explosion-proof devices has a thread with a flame path.
 TECHNICAL DATA 8127OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enHousing options: Dimensions in mm and inchesProcess connection and antenna options: Dimensions in mmProcess connection and antenna options: Dimensions in inchesDimensionsCompact – horizontal Compact – vertical RemoteNon-Ex or Ex i (Ex d) Non-Ex or Ex i (Ex d) Non-Ex or Ex i (Ex d)[mm] [inches] [mm] [inches] [mm] [inches]aaaa191 (258) 7.5 (10.2) 147 (210) 5.79 (8.27) 104 (104) 4.09 (4.09)bbbb214 (214) 8.43 (8.43) 258 (258) 10.16 (10.16) 181 (181) 7.13 (7.13)cccc127 (127) 5.00 (5.00) 127 (127) 5.00 (5.00) 129 (129) 5.08 (5.08)dddd————195 (195) 7.68 (7.68)eeee————146 (209) 5.75 (8.23)ffff————100 (100) 3.94 (3.94)gggg————130 (130) 5.12 (5.12)Dimensions[mm]PTFE Wave HornPP Wave HornMetallic Horn Wave GuideDN65 DN80 DN100 DN150 DN200hhhh68 33 100 (220 for the HT extension) 1kkkk— — — 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000 2mmmm296 3 322 86 112 148.5 223 335 1000...6000ØpØpØpØp 43 43 65 80 100 140 200 301The HT extension is only for Metallic Horn and Wave Guide antennas. It is attached between the signal converter and the flange if the process connection temperature is +150...+250°C.2These are the length options for the straight antenna extension. For data about the dimensions of S-bend and L-bend extensions, refer to the illustrations that follow.3Other antenna lengths are available: 396, 496 or 596 mm. These options are for tanks with long nozzles.Dimensions[inches]PTFE Wave HornPP Wave HornMetallic Horn Wave Guide2.5¨3¨4¨6¨8¨hhhh2.68 1.30 3.94 (8.66 for the HT extension) 1kkkk— — — 3.94, 7.87, 11.81, 15.75, 19.68 or 39.37 2mmmm11.65 3 12.68 3.39 4.41 5.85 8.78 13.19 39.4...236.2ØpØpØpØp 1.69 1.69 2.56 3.15 3.94 5.51 7.87 1.181The HT extension is only for Metallic Horn and Wave Guide antennas. It is attached between the signal converter and the flange if the process connection temperature is +302...+482°F.2These are the length options for the straight antenna extension. For data about the dimensions of S-bend and L-bend extensions, refer to the illustrations that follow.3Other antenna lengths are available: 15.59¨, 19.53¨ or 23.46¨. These options are for tanks with long nozzles.
8 TECHNICAL DATA 128 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enSpecial antenna extensions: Dimensions in mmSpecial antenna extensions: Dimensions in inchesSpecial antenna extensions for tanks with obstructions (DN150 / 6¨ and DN200 / 8¨ Metallic Horn antenna options only)Figure 8-19: Special antenna extensions for tanks with obstructions (DN150 / 6¨ and DN200 / 8¨ Metallic Horn antenna options only)1  L-bend (right angle) antenna extension2  S-bend antenna extensionDimensions[mm]Metallic Horn antennaWith L-bend (right angle) extension With S-bend extensionDN150 / 6¨DN200 / 8¨DN150 / 6¨DN200 / 8¨k1k1k1k1 271 300k2k2k2k2 271 322mmmm494 606 545 657ØpØpØpØp 140 200 140 200Dimensions[inches]Metallic Horn antennaWith L-bend (right angle) extension With S-bend extensionDN150 / 6¨DN200 / 8¨DN150 / 6¨DN200 / 8¨k1k1k1k1 10.67 11.81k2k2k2k2 10.67 12.68mmmm19.45 23.86 21.46 25.87ØpØpØpØp 5.51 7.87 5.51 7.87
 TECHNICAL DATA 8129OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enPurging system and heating/cooling system: Dimensions in mmPurging system and heating/cooling system: Dimensions in inchesPurging and heating/cooling system optionsFigure 8-20: Purging and heating/cooling system options1  Flange connection with purging option2  Flange connection with heating/cooling system option3  G¼ threaded connection for purging system (the plug is supplied by the manufacturer)4  G¼ threaded connection for the heating/cooling system outlet (the plug is supplied by the manufacturer)5  G¼ threaded connection for the heating/cooling system inlet (the plug is supplied by the manufacturer)Dimensions[mm]Metallic Horn antennaPurging system Heating/cooling systemDN150 / 6¨DN200 / 8¨DN150 / 6¨DN200 / 8¨mmmm223 351 202 360 1ØpØpØpØp 140 200 139.7 195qqqq34 34 53 701This is the standard length. Longer on request.Dimensions[inches]Metallic Horn antennaPurging system Heating/cooling systemDN150 / 6¨DN200 / 8¨DN150 / 6¨DN200 / 8¨mmmm8.78 13.82 8.0 14.17 1ØpØpØpØp 5.51 7.87 5.5 7.68qqqq1.34 1.34 2.1 2.761This is the standard length. Longer on request.INFORMATION!All wetted parts (flange, antenna and heating/cooling jacket) of the heating/cooling system option are made of 316L / 1.4404.
8 TECHNICAL DATA 130 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enDimensions and weights in mm and kgDimensions and weights in inches and lbWeather protection option (vertical signal converters – for the compact version only)Figure 8-21: Weather protection option for vertical signal converter versions (compact version only)1  Non-Ex / Ex i / IS: Rear view (with weather protection closed)2  Non-Ex / Ex i / IS: Right side (with weather protection closed)3  Non-Ex / Ex i / IS: Front view (with weather protection closed)4  Ex d / XP: Rear view (with weather protection closed)5  Ex d / XP: Right side (with weather protection closed)6  Ex d / XP: Front view (with weather protection closed)Weather protection Version Dimensions [mm] Weights [kg]a b c dVertical signal converter Non-Ex / Ex i / IS 277 120 96 77 1.3Ex d / XP 277 120 166 77 1.5Weather protection Version Dimensions [mm] Weights [kg]a b c dVertical signal converter Non-Ex / Ex i / IS 10.9 4.7 3.8 3.0 2.9Ex d / XP 10.9 4.7 6.5 3.0 3.3
 TECHNICAL DATA 8131OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enDimensions and weights in mm and kgDimensions and weights in inches and lbWeather protection option (horizontal signal converters – for the compact version only)Figure 8-22: Weather protection option for horizontal signal converter versions (compact version only)1  Non-Ex / Ex i / IS: Front view (with weather protection closed)2  Non-Ex / Ex i / IS: Left side (with weather protection closed)3  Non-Ex / Ex i / IS: Rear view (with weather protection closed)4  Ex d / XP: Front view (with weather protection closed)5  Ex d / XP: Left side (with weather protection closed)6  Ex d / XP: Rear view (with weather protection closed)Weather protection Version Dimensions [mm] Weights [kg]a b c dHorizontal signal converter Non-Ex / Ex i / IS 279 120 96 77 1.3Ex d / XP 279 120 166 77 1.5Weather protection Version Dimensions [inches] Weights [lb]a b c dHorizontal signal converter Non-Ex / Ex i / IS 11.0 4.7 3.8 3.0 2.9Ex d / XP 11.0 4.7 6.5 3.0 3.3
8 TECHNICAL DATA 132 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enDimensions and weights in mm and kgDimensions and weights in inches and lbWeather protection option (antenna housing – for the remote version only)Figure 8-23: Weather protection option for the antenna housing (remote converter version only)1  Front view (with weather protection closed)2  Left side (with weather protection closed)3  Rear view (with weather protection closed)Weather protection Dimensions [mm] Weights [kg]a b c dAntenna housing 204 120 96 77 1.3Weather protection Dimensions [inches] Weights [lb]a b c dAntenna housing 8.0 4.7 3.8 3.0 2.9
 TECHNICAL DATA 8133OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enConverter and antenna housing weightsAntenna option weightsType of housing WeightsAluminium housing Stainless steel housing[kg] [lb] [kg] [lb]Non-Ex / intrinsically-safe (Ex i / IS)Non-Ex / intrinsically-safe (Ex i / IS)Non-Ex / intrinsically-safe (Ex i / IS)Non-Ex / intrinsically-safe (Ex i / IS)Compact converter 3.0 6.6 6.6 14.6Remote converter 1 2.5 5.5 5.9 13.0Antenna housing 1 2.0 4.4 4.1 9.0Explosion proof (Ex d / XP)Explosion proof (Ex d / XP)Explosion proof (Ex d / XP)Explosion proof (Ex d / XP)Compact converter 3.2 7.1 7.5 16.5Remote converter 1 2.9 6.40 7.1 15.65Antenna housing 1 2.0 4.4 4.1 9.01The remote version of the device has a "remote converter" and an "antenna housing". For more data, refer to "Housing dimensions" at the start of this section.Antenna options  Min./Max. weights[kg] [lb]Standard options, without converterStandard options, without converterStandard options, without converterStandard options, without converterPTFE Wave Horn antenna with flange connection 3.7 8.2PTFE Wave Horn antenna with flange connection, with 100 mm / 3.94¨ antenna extension 3.78 8.3PTFE Wave Horn antenna with flange connection, with 200 mm / 7.87¨ antenna extension 3.86 8.5PTFE Wave Horn antenna with flange connection, with 300 mm / 11.81¨ antenna extension 3.94 8.7PP Wave Horn antenna with threaded connection 0.7 1.5DN65 / 2.5¨ Metallic Horn antenna with flange connection – only for the RC W5200 reference chamber5.35 11.8DN80 / 3¨ Metallic Horn antenna with flange connection, standard length 5.6...37.1 12.3...81.8DN100 / 4¨ Metallic Horn antenna with flange connection, standard length 9.1...37.2 20.1...82DN150 / 6¨ Metallic Horn antenna with flange connection, standard length 13.6...37.5 30...82.7DN200 / 8¨ Metallic Horn antenna with flange connection, standard length 14.0..37.8 30.9...83.3Wave Guide antenna with flange connection, 1...6 m / 3.28...19.68 ft 1.6...9.9 3.5...21.8Antenna extension optionsAntenna extension optionsAntenna extension optionsAntenna extension optionsStraight extension, length 100 mm / 3.94¨ 1 +0.76 +1.68Straight extension, length 200 mm / 7.87¨ 1 +0.94 +2.07Straight extension, length 300 mm / 11.81¨ 1 +1.12 +2.47Straight extension, length 400 mm / 15.75¨ 1 +1.30 +2.87Straight extension, length 500 mm / 19.69¨ 1 +1.48 +3.26Straight extension, length 1000 mm / 39.37¨ 1 +2.38 +5.25S-bend extension 1 +1.56 +3.44L-bend (right-angle) extension 1 +1.48 +3.26
8 TECHNICAL DATA 134 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enOther optionsOther optionsOther optionsOther optionsHT extension 2 +0.98 +2.161This option is for Metallic Horn and Wave Guide antenna options2This component is only for the Metallic Horn and Wave Guide antennas. It is attached between the signal converter and the flange if the process connection temperature is +150...+250°C / +302...+482°F.Antenna options  Min./Max. weights[kg] [lb]
 DESCRIPTION OF HART INTERFACE 9135OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en9.1  General descriptionThe HART® Protocol is an open digital communication protocol for industry. It is free to use by anyone. It is included in the software embedded in signal converters of HART-compatible devices.There are 2 classes of devices which support the HART® Protocol: operating devices and field devices. There are 2 classes of operating devices (Master): PC-supported workstations (Primary Master) and manual control units (Secondary Master). These can be used in control centres and other locations. HART® field devices include sensors, converters and actuators. Field devices include 2-wire and 4-wire devices, and also intrinsically-safe versions for use in hazardous areas.There are 2 primary operation modes for HART-compatible devices: point-to-point mode and multi-drop mode.If the device is used in point-to-point mode, the HART® Protocol uses the Bell 202 Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) standard to put a digital signal on top of the 4...20 mA signal. The connected device sends and receives digital signals that agree with the HART® Protocol, and sends analog signals at the same time. Only 1 device can be connected to the signal cable.If the device is used in multi-drop mode, the network only uses a digital signal that agrees with the HART® Protocol. The loop current is set to 4 mA. You can connect a maximum of 63 devices to the signal cable.An FSK or HART® modem is included in field devices and manual control units. It is necessary to have an external modem for PC-supported workstations. The external modem is connected to the serial interface.9.2  Software descriptionHART® identification codes and revision numbersManufacturer ID: 0x45Device: 0xD0Device Revision: 1DD Revision 1HART® Universal Revision: 6FC 375/475 system SW.Rev.: ≥2.0AMS version: ≥7.0PDM version: ≥6.0FDT version: 1.2
9 DESCRIPTION OF HART INTERFACE 136 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en9.3  Connection variantsThe signal converter is a 2-wire device with 4...20 mA current output and HART® interface.•Multi-Drop Mode is supportedMulti-Drop Mode is supportedMulti-Drop Mode is supportedMulti-Drop Mode is supportedIn a Multi-Drop communication system, more than 1 device is connected to a common transmission cable.•Burst Mode is not supportedBurst Mode is not supportedBurst Mode is not supportedBurst Mode is not supportedThere are two ways of using the HART® communication:•as Point-to-Point connection and•as Multi-Drop connection with 2-wire connection.9.3.1  Point-to-Point connection – analogue / digital modePoint-to-Point connection between the signal converter and the HART® Master.The current output of the device is passive.Also refer to Point-to-point connection on page  Multi-Drop connection (2-wire connection)Up to 63 devices may be installed in parallel (this signal converter and other HART® devices).For an illustration of multi-drop networks, refer to Multi-drop networks on page 62.For data on communication in multi-drop mode, refer to HART® network configuration on page 88.9.4  HART® device variablesThe HART® dynamic variables PV (Primary Variable), SV (Secondary Variable), TV (Third Variable) and QV (Fourth Variable) can be assigned to any of the device variables.The HART® dynamic variable PV is always connected to the HART® current output which is, for example, assigned to level measurement.HART® device variable Code Typelevel 1lineardistance 2linearconversion 3linearullage conversion 4linearreflection 5linear
 DESCRIPTION OF HART INTERFACE 9137OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en9.5  Field Communicator 375/475 (FC 375/475)The Field Communicator is a hand terminal from Emerson Process Management that is designed to configure HART® and Foundation Fieldbus devices. Device Descriptions (DDs) are used to integrate different devices into the Field Communicator.9.5.1  InstallationSystem and software requirements for the Field Communicator•System card that includes the "Easy Upgrade Option"•Field Communicator Easy Upgrade Programming Utility•HART® Device Description fileFor more data, refer to the Field Communicator User’s Manual.9.5.2  OperationThe Field Communicator and the device's local display use almost the same procedures to operate the signal converter. The online help for each menu item refers to the function number given to each menu item on the local device display. Protection of settings is the same as on the device's local display.The Field Communicator always saves a complete configuration for communication with AMS.For more data, refer to HART® menu tree for Basic-DD on page 139.9.6  Asset Management Solutions (AMS®)The Asset Management Solutions Device Manager (AMS®) is a PC program from Emerson Process Management which is designed to configure and manage HART®, PROFIBUS and Foundation Fieldbus devices. Device Descriptions (DDs) are used to integrate different devices into the AMS®.9.6.1  InstallationPlease read the README.TXT file in the Installation Kit.If the Device Description has not been installed at this time, install the Installation Kit HART® AMS. This .EXE file is given on the DVD-ROM supplied with the device. You can also download the file from our website.CAUTION!The Field Communicator cannot be used to correctly configure, operate or read data from the device unless the Device Description (DD) file is installed.INFORMATION!The Field Communicator will not give you access to the service menu. A simulation is only possible for current outputs.
9 DESCRIPTION OF HART INTERFACE 138 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enFor installation data, refer to the "AMS Intelligent Device Manager Books Online" section "Basic AMS Functionality > Device Configurations > Installing Device Types > Procedures > Install device types from media".9.6.2  Operation9.6.3  Parameter for the basic configurationDue to AMS requirements and conventions, there are differences when operating the signal converter with AMS and operating using the local keyboard. The service menu parameters are not supported and simulation is only possible for current outputs. The online help for each parameter contains its function number as a reference to the local device display.9.7  Field Device Tool / Device Type Manager (FDT / DTM)A Field Device Tool Container (FDT Container) is a PC program used to configure HART®, PROFIBUS and Foundation Fieldbus devices. To configure a device, an FDT container uses the applicable Device Type Manager (DTM).9.7.1  InstallationBefore you operate the device, the Device Type Manager (Device DTM) must be installed in the Field Device Tool Container. This .msi file is given on the DVD-ROM supplied with the device. You can also download the file from our website. For installation and configuration data, refer to the documentation that is supplied with the Device DTM on the DVD-ROM or in the "Downloads" section of the website.9.7.2  OperationThe DTM and the device's local display use almost the same procedures to operate the signal converter. For more data, refer to Operation on page 69.9.8  Process Device Manager (PDM)The Process Device Manager (PDM) is a Siemens PC program designed to configure HART® and PROFIBUS devices. Device Descriptions (DDs) are used to integrate different devices into the PDM.9.8.1  InstallationInstall Device Description files supplied in the Device Install HART® PDM folder. This is necessary for each type of field device that is used with SIMATIC PDM. This folder is available for download from the website or on the DVD-ROM supplied with the device.If you use PDM version 5.2, refer to PDM manual, section 11.1 - Install device / Integrate device into SIMATIC PDM with Device Install.If you use PDM version 6.0, refer to PDM manual, section 13 - Integrating devices.INFORMATION!For more data, refer to HART® menu tree for AMS on page 141.
 DESCRIPTION OF HART INTERFACE 9139OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enFor more data, refer to “readme.txt”. You can find this file in the Installation Kit.9.8.2  OperationThere can be differences between the names of menus in the SIMATIC PDM software tool and  menus shown on the device display screen. Refer to the online help in SIMATIC PDM to find the function  number of each menu item. This function number agrees with the function number in the device menus.Use the same procedure for the protection of  parameters in the supervisor menu.9.9  HART® menu tree for Basic-DDAbbreviations of the following tables:•Opt Optional, depending on device version and configuration•Rd Read only9.9.1  Overview Basic-DD menu tree (positions in menu tree)INFORMATION!For more data, refer to HART® menu tree for PDM on page 143.1Measurements 1Measurements2Output2Configuration and Test 1Info. 1 Identification2Output2Supervisor 1Test2 Basic Parameters3Signal Out4 Application5Display6Conversion Table7 Reset3Diag/Service 1 Status 1 Standard Status2 Device-specific Status4 Access Rights 1 Access level2Method Login3Method entry Code5HART variables
9 DESCRIPTION OF HART INTERFACE 140 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en9.9.2  Basic-DD menu tree (details for settings)1Measurements1Measurements 1 Level value Rd/ 2 Distance value Rd/ 3 Volume value Rd/ 4 Ullage value Rd/ 5 Reflection value Rd2 Inputs/Outputs 1PV Rd/ 2 PV Loop Current Rd/ 3 PV % rnge Rd2Configuration and Test1Info. 1 Identification  1 Serial Number Rd/ 2 Converter Firmware Version Rd/ 3 Sensor Firmware Version Rd/ 4 HMI Firmware Version Rd2Output 1Function IRd/ 2 Output Range Rd/ 3 PV URV Rd/ 4 PV LRV Rd/ 5 Output Error Delay Rd2Supervisor 1Test 1Test I2 Basis Parameters 1 Tank Height / 2 Blocking Distance / 3 Time Constant / 4 Pipe Enabled / 5 Pipe Diameter / 6 Pipe Height / 7 Antenna Extension / 8 Antenna Type / 9 Distance Piece / 15 Length Unit (HART) / 16 Volume Unit (HART)3Signal Out 1 Function I / 2 PV LRV / 3 PV URV / 4 Output Range / 5 Output Error Delay / 6 Current Ouput CalibrationCust4 Application 1Tank Type/ 2Tracking Velocity/ 3Epsilon R Product/ 4Measuring Mode/ 5Overfill Detection/ 6Multiple Reflection/ 7 Empty Spectrum / 8 Record Empty Spectrum5Display 1 Language / 2 Display Length Unit / 3 Display Volume Unit6Conversion Table 1 Input table / 2 Delete table7Reset 1 Warm start / 2 Factory reset / 3 Reset Configuration Changed flag3Diag/Service1Status 1 Standard status 1 Device statusRd/ 2 Write protectRd2 Device-specific status 1 Device failures 1 ErrorRd/ 2 ErrorRd/ 3 ErrorRd2 Device warning maintenance required 1WarningRd3 Device warning out of specification 1WarningRd4Info 1InfoRd4Access Rights1 Access Level (Access Not Granted)2Method Login 1 No Access (Log Out) / 2 Supervisor (Normal User) / 3 Service3Method Entry Code5HART variables1 Poll addr / 2 Tag / 3 Hardware revRd/ 4 Software revRd/ 5Descriptor/ 6Date/ 7Message/ 8ManufacturerRd/ 9 ModelRd/ Dev idRd/ Universal idRd/ Fld dev revRd/ Num req preamsRd/ Num resp preamsRd/ Write protectRd/ Production numberRd/ Final asmbly numRd/ PV is / SV is / TV is / QV is
 DESCRIPTION OF HART INTERFACE 9141OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en9.10  HART® menu tree for AMSAbbreviations of the following tables:•Opt Optional, depending on device version and configuration•Rd Read only9.10.1  Overview AMS menu tree (positions in menu tree)Process variables MeasurementsAnalog OutputDevice Diagnostics OverviewFatal Errors (Failure)Warnings (Maintenance required)Warnings (Out of specifications)Warnings (Function check)Methods Access RightTestsCalibrateEmpty SpectrumConversion TableMaster resetConfigure / Setup Basic Setup Basic ParametersLocal DisplayApplicationAnalog Output Output FunctionsOutput 1UnitsDeviceHART ID-Conversion table
9 DESCRIPTION OF HART INTERFACE 142 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en9.10.2  AMS menu tree (details for settings)Process VariablesMeasurements Level Rd/ Distance Rd/ Volume/Mass/Flow Rd/ Ullage Volume/Mass/Flow Rd/ Reflection RdPrimary Output Function I / Loop currentRd/ PV Percent of RangeRdDevice DiagnosticsOverview Primary variable out of limits / Non-primary variable out of limits / Primary variable analog output saturated / Primary variable analog output fixed / Cold Start / Configuration changed / Field device malfunctionFatal Errors (Failure) Converter EEPROM error / Converter RAM error / Converter ROM error / Sensor EEPROM error / Sensor RAM error / Sensor ROM error / Current output drift / Sensor Microwave error / Converter Voltage error / Sensor Voltage error / Internal Comm. error / Temperat. out of range / Sensor not compatible / Sensor no signal / Sensor processing failure / Peak lost error / Overfill errorWarnings (Maintenance required)Empty spectrum invalid / Signal weak / Signal strong / Bad Measurement Quality / Temperature < -35°C / Temperature > +75°CWarnings (Out of specification)Peak lost / Overfill / Temperature out of rangeWarnings (Function check) Local operation on the deviceInformation Spectrum quality bad / Peak lost in tank bottom / Temperature out of range for HMIMethodsAcess right Log In/Log Out / Password Yes/NoTests Test Output ICalibrate D/A TrimEmpty Spectrum Empty Spec. Rec.Conversion Table Input table / Delete tableReset Restart Device / Reset Factory / Rst Conf. Chged flagConfigure / SetupBasic Setup Basic Parameters Tank Height / Blocking Distance / Time Constant / Stillwell Enabled / Stillwell Diameter / Stillwell Height / Antenna Extension / Antenna Type / Distance Piece / TagLocal Display Display length unit / Display volume unit / LanguageApplication Tank Type / Tracking velocity / Epsilon R product / Measuring Mode / Overfill Detection / Multiple Reflection / Empty Spectrum On/OffAnalog Output Output Functions Function I / SV / TV / QVOutput 1 Output Range / Output Error Delay / LRV / URVUnits Length unit (HART) / Volume unit (HART) / Time constant
 DESCRIPTION OF HART INTERFACE 9143OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en9.11  HART® menu tree for PDMAbbreviations of the following tables:•Opt Optional, depending on device version and configuration•Rd Read only•Cust Custody lock protection•Loc Local PDM, affects only PDM views9.11.1  Overview PDM menu tree (positions in menu tree)Overview: Menu DeviceOverview: Menu ViewDevice Model / Manufacturer / Fld dev rev / Software rev / Write protect / Interface option Rd/ Descriptor / Message / Date / Serial number / Converter firmware number / Sensor Firmware number / HMI Firmware numberHART ID Tag / Polling address / Device IDUniversal revision / Fld dev rev Num / Num request preamsConversion table Number of points / Length unitRd/ Conversion unitRd/ Points (1...30 level-conversion pairs)Communication PathDownload To Device...Upload To PG/PC...Update Diagnosis StatusConfiguration and TestAccess Rightswatch statusMeasurements Level ValueDistance ValueUllage ValueReflection ValueYt diagramDiag / ServiceToolbarStatus BarUpdate
9 DESCRIPTION OF HART INTERFACE 144 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enOverview: PDM parameters9.11.2  PDM menu tree (details for settings)Device MenuConfiguration and Test Info. IdentificationOutputSupervisor TestBasic ParametersSignal OutputApplicationDisplayConversion TableResetAccess rightsHART variablesCommunication PathDownload To Device...Upload To PG/PC...Update Diagnosis StatusConfiguration and TestInfo. Identification Serial Number  Rd/ Converter Firmware versionRd/ Sensor Firmware versionRd/ HMI Firmware versionRdOutput Function IRd/ Output RangeRd/ PV URVRd/ PV LRVRd/ Output Error DelayRdSupervisor Test Test IBasic Parameters Tank Height / Blocking Distance / Time Constant / Pipe Enable / Pipe Diameter / Pipe Height / Antenna Extension / Antenna Type / Distance Piece / Length Unit (HART) / Conversion Unit (HART)Signal Output Function I / Output Range / PV URV / PV LRV / Output Error Delay / Current Output Calibration 1Application Tank Type / Tracking Velocity / Epsilon R product / Measuring Mode / Overfill Detection / Multiple Reflection / Empty Spectrum Recording / Empty Spectrum On/OffDisplay Language / Display Length Unit / Display Conversion UnitConversion Table Input Table / Delete TableReset Warm start (function to restart the device) / Factory Reset / Reset Configuration Changed Flag
 DESCRIPTION OF HART INTERFACE 9145OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enView MenuAccess rightsAccess levelRdMethod LoginMethod Entry CodeHART Variables1 Poll addr / 2 Tag / 3 Hardware revRd/ 4 Software revRd/ 5Descriptor/ 6Date/ 7Message/ 8 ManufacturerRd/ 9 ModelRd/ Dev idRd/ Universal idRd/ Fld dev revRd/ Num req preamsRd/ Num resp preamsRd/ Write protectRd/ Production numberRd/ Final asmbly numRd/ PV is / SV is / TV is / QV is1Current Output Calibration is available only if the service password is usedMeasurementsMeasurements Level Value / Distance Value / Volume Value / Ullage Value / Reflection ValueOutput Level value / Loop current / % RangeYt diagramDiag / ServiceStandard Status Device status PV Analog Channel Saturated / Configuration changedDevice-specific status Device failures Sensor Microwave error / Current Output Drift / Sensor ROM error / Sensor RAM error / Sensor EEPROM error / Converter ROM error / Converter RAM error / Converter EEPROM errorSensor No Signal / Sensor Not Compatible / Temperature Out of Range / Internal Communication Error / Sensor Voltage Error / Converter Voltage ErrorPeak Lost Error / Overfill ErrorDevice Warning (Maintenance Required)Empty Spectrum Invalid / Signal Weak / Signal Strong / Bad Measurement Quality / Temperature Below -35°C / Temperature Above +75°CDevice Warning (Out of Specification) Overfill Warning / Peak Lost Warning / Temperature Out of Range WarningInfo First Start / Spectrum Quality Bad / Peak Lost in Tank Bottom / Temperature out of range for HMIToolbarStatus BarUpdate
10 APPENDIX 146 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en10.1  Order codeMake a selection from each column to get the full order code. The characters of the order code highlighted in light grey describe the standard.VF50 4OPTIWAVE 5200 C/F 10 GHz Radar (FMCW) Level Transmitter for liquids in storage and process applicationsOPTIWAVE 5200 C/F 10 GHz Radar (FMCW) Level Transmitter for liquids in storage and process applicationsOPTIWAVE 5200 C/F 10 GHz Radar (FMCW) Level Transmitter for liquids in storage and process applicationsOPTIWAVE 5200 C/F 10 GHz Radar (FMCW) Level Transmitter for liquids in storage and process applicationsConverter version (Housing material Converter version (Housing material Converter version (Housing material Converter version (Housing material – protection category) protection category) protection category) protection category)1OPTIWAVE 5200 C: Compact version (Aluminium – IP66/67)2OPTIWAVE 5200 C: Compact version (Stainless steel – IP66/67)3OPTIWAVE 5200 F: Remote version (converter & antenna housing: Aluminium – IP66/67)4OPTIWAVE 5200 F: Remote version (converter & antenna housing: Stainless steel – IP66/67)ApprovalApprovalApprovalApproval 10Without1ATEX II 1/2 G Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb + II 1/2 D Ex ia IIIC Da/Db2ATEX II 1/2 G Ex d ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb + II 1/2 D Ex ia tb IIIC Da/Db4ATEX II 3 G Ex ic IIC T6 Gc + II 3 D Ex ic IIIC Dc (Zone 2 & 22)6IECEx Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb + Ex ia IIIC Da/Db7IECEx Ex d ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb + Ex ia tb IIIC Da/Db8IECEx Ex ic IIC T6 Gc + Ex ic IIIC Dc (Zone 2 & 22)AcFMus IS CL I/II/III DIV 1 GPS A-G + CL I zone 0/20 Ex ia IIC/IIIC T6BcFMus XP-AIS/DIP CL I/II/III DIV 1 GPS A-G (A not for Canada) + CL I zone 0/20 Ex d[ia]/tb[ia] IIC/IIIC T6 2CcFMus NI CL I/II/III DIV 2 GPS A-G + CL I zone 2 Ex nA IIC T6LNEPSI Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb + DIP A20/A21 2MNEPSI Ex d ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb + DIP A20/A21 2RINMETRO Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb + Ex ia IIIC Da/DbSINMETRO Ex d ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb + Ex ia tb IIIC Da/DbTINMETRO Ex ic IIC T6 Gc + Ex ic IIIC Dc (Zone 2 & 22)Other approvalOther approvalOther approvalOther approval0Without1SIL 2 – only available for the OPTIWAVE 5200 C (compact version) with a 4…20 mA output4CRN (Canadian Registration Number)5CRN + SIL 2 – only available for the OPTIWAVE 5200 C (compact version) with a 4…20 mA outputAWHG – must be supplied with a calibration certificateBEAC RussiaCEAC BelarusDEAC Russia + SIL 2 – only available for the OPTIWAVE 5200 C (compact version) with a 4…20 mA outputEEAC Belarus + SIL 2 – only available for the OPTIWAVE 5200 C (compact version) with a 4…20 mA outputKEAC KazakhstanLEAC Kazakhstan + SIL 2 – only available for the OPTIWAVE 5200 C (compact version) with a 4…20 mA outputVF50VF50VF50VF50 4Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)
 APPENDIX 10147OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enProcess seal Process seal Process seal Process seal – Temperature / Pressure / Material / Remarks (higher flange temperature and  Temperature / Pressure / Material / Remarks (higher flange temperature and  Temperature / Pressure / Material / Remarks (higher flange temperature and  Temperature / Pressure / Material / Remarks (higher flange temperature and process pressure on request)process pressure on request)process pressure on request)process pressure on request)0Without1-40...+150°C (-40…+302°F) / -1...40 barg (-14.5…580 psig) / FKM/FPM / Metaglas® for Metallic Horn and Wave Guide5-50...+130°C (-58…+266°F) / -1...40 barg (-14.5…580 psig) / EPDM / Metaglas® for Metallic Horn and Wave Guide6-20...+150°C (-4…+302°F) / -1...40 barg (-14.5…580 psig) / Kalrez® 6375 / Metaglas® for Metallic Horn and Wave GuideA-60...+130°C (-76…+266°F) / -1...40 barg (-14.5…580 psig) / PFA / Metaglas® for Metallic Horn and Wave GuideD-40...+200°C (-40…+392°F) / -1...40 barg (-14.5…580 psig) / FKM/FPM / Metaglas® for Metallic Horn and Wave Guide with distance pieceK-20...+250°C (-4…+482°F) / -1...40 barg (-14.5…580 psig) / Kalrez® 6375 / Metaglas® for Metallic Horn and Wave Guide with distance pieceR-20...+100°C (-4…+212°F) / -1...16 barg (-14.5…232 psig) / PP / for PP Wave Horn with G and NPT threaded connectionsT-50...+150°C (-58…+302°F) / -1...40 barg (-14.5…580 psig) / PTFE / for PTFE Wave Horn with Type B1 (EN 1092-1) or Raised Face (ASME B16.5) flange facingAntennaAntennaAntennaAntenna0Without1Metallic Horn (sheet metal) DN80 (3¨) L= 110 mm (4.33¨) / 316L 32Metallic Horn (sheet metal) DN100 (4¨) L= 148 mm (5.83¨) / 316L 33Metallic Horn (sheet metal) DN150 (6¨) L= 223 mm (8.78¨) / 316L4Metallic Horn (sheet metal) DN 200 (8¨) L= 335 mm (13.19¨) / 316L5Metallic Horn (machined) DN65 (2.5¨) L= 86 mm (3.38¨) for RC W5200 4GWave Horn Ø43 mm (1.69¨) L= 322 mm (12.68¨)/ PPHWave Horn Ø43 mm (1.69¨) L= 296 mm (11.65¨)/ PTFELMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.18¨) ≤1 m (3.28 ft) / 316LMMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.18¨) ≤1.5 m (4.92 ft) / 316LNMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.18¨) ≤2 m (6.56 ft) / 316LPMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.2¨) ≤2.5 m (8.20 ft) / 316LRMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.18¨) ≤3 m (9.84 ft) / 316LSMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.18¨) ≤3.5 m (11.48 ft) / 316LTMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.18¨) ≤4 m (13.12 ft) / 316LUMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.18¨) ≤4.5 m (14.76 ft) / 316LVMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.18¨) ≤5 m (16.40 ft) / 316LWMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.18¨) ≤5.5 m (18.05 ft) / 316LXMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.18¨) ≤6 m (19.69 ft) / 316LVF50VF50VF50VF50 4Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)
10 APPENDIX 148 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enAntenna extensionAntenna extensionAntenna extensionAntenna extension0Without6100 mm (3.94¨) L= 396 mm (15.59¨) / PTFE (for the PTFE Wave Horn antenna) 57200 mm (7.87¨) L= 496 mm (19.53¨) / PTFE (for the PTFE Wave Horn antenna) 58300 mm (11.81¨) L= 596 mm (23.47¨) / PTFE (for the PTFE Wave Horn antenna) 5E100 mm (3.94¨) / 316L (for the Metallic Horn antenna) 5F200 mm (7.87¨) / 316L (for the Metallic Horn antenna) 5G300 mm (11.81¨) / 316L (for the Metallic Horn antenna) 5H400 mm (15.75¨) / 316L (for the Metallic Horn antenna) 5K500 mm (19.69¨) / 316L (for the Metallic Horn antenna) 5R1000 mm (39.37¨) / 316L (for the Metallic Horn antenna) 5WS-bend extension / 316L 5XL-bend (right angle) extension / 316L 5Process connection (size / pressure rating / flange face)Process connection (size / pressure rating / flange face)Process connection (size / pressure rating / flange face)Process connection (size / pressure rating / flange face)000WithoutThreaded – ISO 228G P 0 G1½A– for the PP Wave Horn antenna 6H P 0 G2A– for the PP Wave Horn antennaThreaded – ASME B1.20.1G A 0 1½NPT – for the PP Wave Horn antennaH A 0 2NPT– for the PP Wave Horn antennaEN / DIN flanges – EN 1092-1 7H E 1 DN50 PN16 – Type B1 8H G 1 DN50 PN40 – Type B1 8L E 1 DN80 PN16 – Type B1L G 1 DN80 PN40 – Type B1M E 1 DN100 PN16 – Type B1M G 1 DN100 PN40 – Type B1P E 1 DN150 PN16 – Type B1P G 1 DN150 PN40 – Type B1R E 1 DN200 PN16 – Type B1R G 1 DN200 PN40 – Type B1ASME B16.5 / ANSI flanges 7H 1 A 2¨ 150 lb RF 8H 2 A 2¨ 300 lb RF 9L 1 A 3¨ 150 lb RFL 2 A 3¨ 300 lb RFM 1 A 4¨ 150 lb RFM 2 A 4¨ 300 lb RFP 1 A 6¨ 150 lb RFP 2 A 6¨ 300 lb RFR 1 A 8¨ 150 lb RFR 2 A 8¨ 300 lb RFVF50VF50VF50VF50 4Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)
 APPENDIX 10149OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enJIS B2220 flangesH U P 10K 50A RF 8L U P 10K 80A RFM U P 10K 100A RFPUP10K 150A RFR U P 10K 200A RFAlternative flange faces2Type B2, EN 1092-1 (surface roughness must be specified in the order)3Type C, EN 1092-1 (Tongue)4Type D, EN 1092-1 (Groove)5Type E, EN 1092-1 (Spigot)6Type F, EN 1092-1 (Recess)BFF, ASME B16.5 (Flat face)OutputOutputOutputOutput12-wire / 4...20 mA passive HARTA2-wire / FOUNDATION™ fieldbusB2-wire / PROFIBUS PACable entry / cable glandCable entry / cable glandCable entry / cable glandCable entry / cable gland1M20×1.5 / Without2M20×1.5 / Plastic3M20×1.5 / Nickel-plated brass4M20×1.5 / Stainless steelA½NPT (nickel-plated brass) / WithoutB½NPT (stainless steel) / WithoutHousing Housing Housing Housing – Orientation / Display / Weather protection Orientation / Display / Weather protection Orientation / Display / Weather protection Orientation / Display / Weather protection1Horizontal / Without / Without – for the compact version2Horizontal / Display on side / Without – for the compact version3Horizontal / Without / With – for the compact version4Horizontal / Display on side / With – for the compact versionAVertical / Without / WithoutBVertical / Display on top / WithoutCVertical / Display on side / Without(not available for Ex d ia and cFMus-approved devices)DVertical / Without / WithEVertical / Display on top / WithFVertical / Display on side / With(not available for Ex d ia and cFMus-approved devices)VF50VF50VF50VF50 4Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)
10 APPENDIX 150 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enDisplay languageDisplay languageDisplay languageDisplay language0Without (if no display)1English2German3French4Italian5Spanish6Portuguese7Japanese8Chinese (simplified)ARussianVersionVersionVersionVersion0Standard orders and orders for solid applications in China6Orders with FCC radio approval (FCC Part 15 and RSS-210)AOrders for liquid applications in China0Options for the remote version (OPTIWAVE 52000 F)Options for the remote version (OPTIWAVE 52000 F)Options for the remote version (OPTIWAVE 52000 F)Options for the remote version (OPTIWAVE 52000 F)0Without6Signal cable 10 m (32.81 ft) / grey (non-Ex) or blue (Ex)7Signal cable 25m (82.02 ft) / grey (non-Ex) or blue (Ex)8Signal cable 50m (164.04 ft) / grey (non-Ex) or blue (ExASignal cable 75m (246.06 ft) / grey (non-Ex) or blue (Ex)BSignal cable 100m (328.08 ft) / grey (non-Ex) or blue (Ex)Adaptor for BM 70 A, BM 700 and BM 702 A Adaptor for BM 70 A, BM 700 and BM 702 A Adaptor for BM 70 A, BM 700 and BM 702 A Adaptor for BM 70 A, BM 700 and BM 702 A process connectionsprocess connectionsprocess connectionsprocess connections0Without1For BM70x process connectionCalibration certificateCalibration certificateCalibration certificateCalibration certificate0Without1Calibration certificate ±5 mm 2 factory default points for accuracy of ±5 mm (0.2¨)TAG NumberTAG NumberTAG NumberTAG Number0Without2Tag No. stainless steel plate (18 characters max.)VF50VF50VF50VF50 4Order code (complete this code on the Order code (complete this code on the Order code (complete this code on the Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)pages that follow)pages that follow)pages that follow)
 APPENDIX 10151OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enOther constructionsOther constructionsOther constructionsOther constructions0Without1NACE design (MR0175 / MR0103 / ISO 15156)3Heating / Cooling 105Purging with liquid 106Purging with liquid + Heating / Cooling 10APurging with gas 10BPurging with gas + Heating / Cooling 10VF50VF50VF50VF50 4 0 Order codeOrder codeOrder codeOrder code1For more data, refer to the Technical data section (Approvals and certification)2DIP= Dust Ignition Proof3Only for a standpipe (bypass chamber or stilling well)4The device is installed on top of a BM 26 A. The device must have a 2¨ 300 lb RF (ASME B16.5) flange without an antenna extension. Refer to the BM 26 A technical data sheet to make a selection of options for the measuring chamber.5For device dimensions, refer to the "Dimensions and weights" section6Refer to the accessory list to attach a low-pressure stainless steel flanges to the threaded connection7Other flange faces are available. Refer to your local supplier for more data. Flanges with the PTFE Wave Horn antenna option have a slip on-type design with an anti-blowout feature.8Minimum flange size for the PTFE Wave Horn antenna. This is not available for the Metallic Horn antenna.9Minimum flange size for the PTFE Wave Horn antenna. This flange is also available with the DN65 Metallic Horn antenna for the RC W5200 reference chamber.10For DN150 and DN200 Metallic Horn antenna only
10 APPENDIX 152 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en10.2  Spare partsWe supply spare parts for this device. When you send an order for a mechanical spare part, use the reference numbers in the table that follows. When you send an order for an electronic spare part, refer to Order code on page 146 and use the VF50 order code.Mechanical spare partsXF50 4 0 0 0 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/F 10 GHz Radar (FMCW) Level Transmitter for liquids in storage and process OPTIWAVE 5200 C/F 10 GHz Radar (FMCW) Level Transmitter for liquids in storage and process OPTIWAVE 5200 C/F 10 GHz Radar (FMCW) Level Transmitter for liquids in storage and process OPTIWAVE 5200 C/F 10 GHz Radar (FMCW) Level Transmitter for liquids in storage and process applicationsapplicationsapplicationsapplicationsProcess seal Process seal Process seal Process seal – Temperature / Pressure / Material / Remarks (higher flange temperature and  Temperature / Pressure / Material / Remarks (higher flange temperature and  Temperature / Pressure / Material / Remarks (higher flange temperature and  Temperature / Pressure / Material / Remarks (higher flange temperature and process pressure on request)process pressure on request)process pressure on request)process pressure on request)0Without1-40...+150°C (-40…+302°F) / -1...40 barg (-14.5…580 psig) / FKM/FPM / Metaglas® for Metallic Horn and Wave Guide5-50...+130°C (-58…+266°F) / -1...40 barg (-14.5…580 psig) / EPDM / Metaglas® for Metallic Horn and Wave Guide6-20...+150°C (-4…+302°F) / -1...40 barg (-14.5…580 psig) / Kalrez® 6375 / Metaglas® for Metallic Horn and Wave GuideA-60...+130°C (-76…+266°F) / -1...40 barg (-14.5…580 psig) / PFA / Metaglas® for Metallic Horn and Wave GuideD-40...+200°C (-40…+392°F) / -1...40 barg (-14.5…580 psig) / FKM/FPM / Metaglas® for Metallic Horn and Wave Guide with distance pieceK-20...+250°C (-4…+482°F) / -1...40 barg (-14.5…580 psig) / Kalrez® 6375 / Metaglas® for Metallic Horn and Wave Guide with distance pieceR-20...+100°C (-4…+212°F) / -1...16 barg (-14.5…232 psig) / PP / for PP Wave Horn with G and NPT threaded connectionsT-50...+150°C (-58…+302°F) / -1...40 barg (-14.5…580 psig) / PTFE / for PTFE Wave Horn with Type B1 (EN 1092-1) or Raised Face (ASME B16.5) flange facingAntennaAntennaAntennaAntenna0Without1Metallic Horn (sheet metal) DN80 (3¨) L= 110 mm (4.33¨) / 316L 12Metallic Horn (sheet metal) DN100 (4¨) L= 148 mm (5.83¨) / 316L 13Metallic Horn (sheet metal) DN150 (6¨) L= 223 mm (8.78¨) / 316L4Metallic Horn (sheet metal) DN 200 (8¨) L= 335 mm (13.19¨) / 316L5Metallic Horn (machined) DN65 (2.5¨) L= 86 mm (3.38¨) for RC W5200 2GWave Horn Ø43 mm (1.69¨) L= 322 mm (12.68¨)/ PPHWave Horn Ø43 mm (1.69¨) L= 296 mm (11.65¨)/ PTFELMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.18¨) ≤1 m (3.28 ft) / 316LMMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.18¨) ≤1.5 m (4.92 ft) / 316LNMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.18¨) ≤2 m (6.56 ft) / 316LPMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.2¨) ≤2.5 m (8.20 ft) / 316LRMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.18¨) ≤3 m (9.84 ft) / 316LSMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.18¨) ≤3.5 m (11.48 ft) / 316LTMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.18¨) ≤4 m (13.12 ft) / 316LUMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.18¨) ≤4.5 m (14.76 ft) / 316LVMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.18¨) ≤5 m (16.40 ft) / 316LWMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.18¨) ≤5.5 m (18.05 ft) / 316LXMetallic Wave Guide Ø30 mm (1.18¨) ≤6 m (19.69 ft) / 316LXF50XF50XF50XF50 4 0 0 0 Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)
 APPENDIX 10153OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enAntenna extensionAntenna extensionAntenna extensionAntenna extension0Without6100 mm (3.94¨) L= 396 mm (15.59¨) / PTFE (for the PTFE Wave Horn antenna) 37200 mm (7.87¨) L= 496 mm (19.53¨) / PTFE (for the PTFE Wave Horn antenna) 38300 mm (11.81¨) L= 596 mm (23.47¨) / PTFE (for the PTFE Wave Horn antenna) 3E100 mm (3.94¨) / 316L (for the Metallic Horn antenna) 3F200 mm (7.87¨) / 316L (for the Metallic Horn antenna) 3G300 mm (11.81¨) / 316L (for the Metallic Horn antenna) 3H400 mm (15.75¨) / 316L (for the Metallic Horn antenna) 3K500 mm (19.69¨) / 316L (for the Metallic Horn antenna) 3R1000 mm (39.37¨) / 316L (for the Metallic Horn antenna) 3WS-bend extension / 316L 3XL-bend (right angle) extension / 316L 3YHT distance piece for the Metallic Horn or Wave Guide / 316LProcess connection (size / pressure rating / flange face)Process connection (size / pressure rating / flange face)Process connection (size / pressure rating / flange face)Process connection (size / pressure rating / flange face)000WithoutThreaded – ISO 228G P 0 G1½A– for the PP Wave Horn antenna 4H P 0 G2A– for the PP Wave Horn antennaThreaded – ASME B1.20.1G A 0 1½NPT – for the PP Wave Horn antennaH A 0 2NPT– for the PP Wave Horn antennaEN / DIN flanges – EN 1092-1 5H E 1 DN50 PN16 – Type B1 6H G 1 DN50 PN40 – Type B1 6L E 1 DN80 PN16 – Type B1L G 1 DN80 PN40 – Type B1M E 1 DN100 PN16 – Type B1M G 1 DN100 PN40 – Type B1P E 1 DN150 PN16 – Type B1P G 1 DN150 PN40 – Type B1R E 1 DN200 PN16 – Type B1R G 1 DN200 PN40 – Type B1XF50XF50XF50XF50 4 0 0 0 Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)
10 APPENDIX 154 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enASME B16.5 / ANSI flanges 5H 1 A 2¨ 150 lb RF 6H 2 A 2¨ 300 lb RF 7L 1 A 3¨ 150 lb RFL 2 A 3¨ 300 lb RFM 1 A 4¨ 150 lb RFM 2 A 4¨ 300 lb RFP 1 A 6¨ 150 lb RFP 2 A 6¨ 300 lb RFR 1 A 8¨ 150 lb RFR 2 A 8¨ 300 lb RFJIS B2220 flangesH U P 10K 50A RF 6L U P 10K 80A RFM U P 10K 100A RFPUP10K 150A RFR U P 10K 200A RFAlternative flange faces0Without2Type B2, EN 1092-1 (surface roughness must be specified in the order)3Type C, EN 1092-1 (Tongue)4Type D, EN 1092-1 (Groove)5Type E, EN 1092-1 (Spigot)6Type F, EN 1092-1 (Recess)BFF, ASME B16.5 (Flat face)0 0 0 0 VersionVersionVersionVersion0Standard orders and orders for solid applications in China6Orders with FCC radio approval (FCC Part 15 and RSS-210)AOrders for liquid applications in China0 0 Adaptor for BM 70 A, BM 700 and BM 702 A Adaptor for BM 70 A, BM 700 and BM 702 A Adaptor for BM 70 A, BM 700 and BM 702 A Adaptor for BM 70 A, BM 700 and BM 702 A process connectionsprocess connectionsprocess connectionsprocess connections0Without1For BM70x process connection0TAG NumberTAG NumberTAG NumberTAG Number0Without1Tag No. stainless steel plate (18 characters max.)XF50XF50XF50XF50 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Order code (complete this code on the Order code (complete this code on the Order code (complete this code on the Order code (complete this code on the pages that follow)pages that follow)pages that follow)pages that follow)
 APPENDIX 10155OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enOther constructionsOther constructionsOther constructionsOther constructions0Without1NACE design (MR0175 / MR0103 / ISO 15156)3Heating / Cooling 85Purging with liquid 86Purging with liquid + Heating / Cooling 8APurging with gas 8BPurging with gas + Heating / Cooling 8XF50XF50XF50XF50 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Order codeOrder codeOrder codeOrder code1Only for a standpipe (bypass chamber or stilling well)2The device is installed on top of a BM 26 A. The device must have a 2¨ 300 lb RF (ASME B16.5) flange without an antenna extension. Refer to the BM 26 A technical data sheet to make a selection of options for the measuring chamber.3For device dimensions, refer to the "Dimensions and weights" section4Refer to the accessory list to attach a low-pressure stainless steel flanges to the threaded connection5Other flange faces are available. Refer to your local supplier for more data. Flanges with the PTFE Wave Horn antenna option have a slip on-type design with an anti-blowout feature.6Minimum flange size for the PTFE Wave Horn antenna. This is not available for the Metallic Horn antenna.7Minimum flange size for the PTFE Wave Horn antenna. This flange is also available with the DN65 Metallic Horn antenna for the RC W5200 reference chamber.8For DN150 and DN200 Metallic Horn antenna only
10 APPENDIX 156 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enOther spare partsFigure 10-1: Other spare parts1  Cover without LCD display2  Cover for Ex d module3  Cover with LCD display4  Set of fasteners for housing (lock screw, gaskets)5  Cable gland6  Signal cable (Non-Ex: grey, Ex: blue)DANGER!Remote version: Make sure that replacement signal cables for Ex-approved devices are supplied by the manufacturer. Use of this signal cable is mandatory.Item Description Quantity Part referenceHousing1Cover without LCD display (HMI), aluminium 1XF50010100Cover without LCD display (HMI), stainless steel 1XF500111002Cover for Ex d module, aluminium 1 1XF50010200Cover for Ex d module, stainless steel 1 1XF500112003Cover with LCD display (English / German / French / Italian), aluminium 1XF50010300Cover with LCD display (English / German / French / Italian), stainless steel 1XF50011300Cover with LCD display (English / Spanish / French / Portuguese), aluminium 1XF50010400Cover with LCD display (English / Spanish / French / Portuguese), stainless steel 1XF50011400Cover with LCD display (English / Russian / Chinese / Japanese), aluminium 1XF50010500Cover with LCD display (English / Russian / Chinese / Japanese), stainless steel 1XF500115004Set of fasteners for housing (lock screw, gaskets) 1 screw, 10 gaskets XF50010900
 APPENDIX 10157OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enCable gland / cable entry5Cable gland / M20×1.5, plastic; black, non-Ex 10 XF50030100Cable gland / M20×1.5, plastic, blue, Ex i 10 XF50030200Cable gland / M20×1.5, nickel-plated brass, Ex d 5XF50030300Cable gland / M20×1.5, stainless steel, Ex d 2XF50030400Cable gland / M20×1.5, nickel-plated brass, non-Ex / Ex i 5XF50030500Cable gland / M20×1.5, stainless steel, non-Ex / Ex i 2XF50030600Cable entry / ½NPT, nickel-plated brass, non-Ex / Ex i 5XF50030700Cable entry / ½NPT, nickel-plated brass, Ex d 5XF50030800Cable entry / ½NPT, nickel-plated brass, cFMus 5XF50030900Cable entry / ½NPT, stainless steel, non-Ex / Ex i 2XF50031000Cable entry / ½NPT, stainless steel, Ex d 2XF50031100Cable entry / ½NPT, stainless steel, cFMus 2XF50031200Options for remote version6Signal cable 10 m / 32.8 ft (non-Ex: grey) 2 1XF50040100Signal cable 25 m / 82 ft (non-Ex: grey) 2 1XF50040200Signal cable 50 m / 164 ft  (non-Ex: grey) 2 1XF50040300Signal cable 75 m / 246 ft (non-Ex: grey) 2 1XF50040400Signal cable 100 m / 328 ft (non-Ex: grey) 2 1XF50040500Signal cable 10 m / 32.8 ft (Ex: blue) 3 1XF50040600Signal cable 25 m / 82 ft (Ex: blue) 3 1XF50040700Signal cable 50 m / 164 ft (Ex: blue) 3 1XF50040800Signal cable 75 m / 246 ft (Ex: blue) 3 1XF50040900Signal cable 100 m / 328 ft (Ex: blue) 3 1XF500410001Ex d-approved devices only2For the remote version3For the remote version. Make sure that replacement signal cables for Ex-approved devices are supplied by the manufacturer. Use of this signal cable is mandatory.Item Description Quantity Part reference
10 APPENDIX 158 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en10.3  AccessoriesWe supply accessories for this device. When you send orders for accessories, please give the reference numbers that follow:Figure 10-2: Accessories1  HMI service tool2  Viator RS232 / HART converter3  Viator USB / HART converter4  EMI/RFI shielding gasket5  Weather protection, compact converter version – non-Ex or Ex i-approvedWeather protection, remote converter version – antenna housing6  Weather protection, compact converter version – Ex d- or cFMus-approved devicesItem Description Quantity Part reference1HMI service tool (English / German / French / Italian), aluminium 1 1XF50010600HMI service tool (English / Spanish / French / Portuguese), aluminium 11XF50010700HMI service tool (English / Russian / Chinese / Japanese), aluminium 11XF500108002Viator RS232 / HART converter 1XF500206003Viator USB / HART converter 1XF500207004EMI/RFI shielding gasket 1XF50050600EMI/RFI shielding gasket (PTFE Wave Horn antenna) 1XF500507005Weather protection, compact converter version – non-Ex or Ex i-approved devices 1XF50050800Weather protection, remote converter version – antenna housing 1XF500510006Weather protection, compact converter version – Ex d- or cFMus-approved devices 1XF50050900—USB / 24 VDC power supply 1XF500208001If the device does not have the LCD display option, use this accessory to change the device configuration
 APPENDIX 10159OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en10.4  GlossaryDEFHILMDead zoneDead zoneDead zoneDead zone Non-measurement zone.Dielectric constantDielectric constantDielectric constantDielectric constant An electrical property of the product to be measured used in Radar measurement. Also known as εr, DK and relative permittivity. Defines the strength of the wave reflected back to the device's signal converter.DistanceDistanceDistanceDistance The distance from the face of flange to the level (1 product) or the surface of the top product (2 or more products). See the diagrams at the end of this section.DTMDTMDTMDTM Device Type Manager. A driver for use in the PACTware™ program. All data and functions of the device are included in it.Electromagnetic compatibilityElectromagnetic compatibilityElectromagnetic compatibilityElectromagnetic compatibility Defines how much a device influences or is influenced by other devices that generate electromagnetic fields during operation. Refer to European standard EN 61326-1 for further details.FMCWFMCWFMCWFMCW Frequency-modulated continuous-wave radar technology. The signal is continuously present, but the frequency is modulated, usually in successive linear ramps over time (frequency sweeps).Hazardous areaHazardous areaHazardous areaHazardous area An area with a potentially explosive atmosphere. Trained personnel can install and use a device in this area. The device must be ordered with the appropriate options. The device requires approvals (ATEX, IECEx, cFMus, NEPSI etc.) related to site specifications. You can find more data about hazardous areas in the Ex Manuals and Ex Certificates of Compliance.Horn (cone) antennaHorn (cone) antennaHorn (cone) antennaHorn (cone) antenna A common antenna for most applications. It is used for the controlled emission and collection of radar signals.Interference signalsInterference signalsInterference signalsInterference signals False radar reflections.LevelLevelLevelLevel Height from the bottom of the tank (user-defined) to the surface of the top product (Tank height – distance). See the diagrams at the end of this section.MassMassMassMass Total mass of tank contents.
10 APPENDIX 160 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enOPRSTUVWOperatorsOperatorsOperatorsOperators Users who can choose how to display measurements. They cannot configure the device in supervisor mode.PACTwarePACTwarePACTwarePACTware™Software that operates and configures field devices from a remote workstation. It is not necessary to use fieldbus software or programs developed by the manufacturer.Radar reflectionRadar reflectionRadar reflectionRadar reflection Signal reflected from the surface of the tank contents.Signal converterSignal converterSignal converterSignal converter A set of electronic components in the device that send the measurement signal through some signal filters. They identify and measure the level of the tank contents.SupervisorSupervisorSupervisorSupervisor Users who can configure the device in supervisor mode. They cannot configure the device in service mode.TBFTBFTBFTBF Tank Bottom Following (TBF) mode is an alternative measurement mode. It allows the device to measure tank contents with low dielectric constants. TBF mode uses the reflection of the tank bottom to indirectly measure the level of the tank contents.Ullage volumeUllage volumeUllage volumeUllage volume Unfilled volume. See the diagrams at the end of this section.VolumeVolumeVolumeVolume Total volume of tank contents.Wave-Guide antennaWave-Guide antennaWave-Guide antennaWave-Guide antenna An antenna that transmits the radar signal in tube of a constant diameter to the measured product.WaveguideWaveguideWaveguideWaveguide A PTFE component that is used to guide the emitted radar waves correctly into the horn antenna.Wave Horn antennaWave Horn antennaWave Horn antennaWave Horn antenna A plastic-coated horn antenna for corrosive liquids. Plastic coating options include PTFE and PP.
 APPENDIX 10161OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 enFigure 10-3: Measurement definitions: distance1  Distance2  Dead zone3  Flange facing4  Gas (Air)5  Tank height6  Ullage volume or massFigure 10-4: Measurement definitions: level1  Level2  Volume or mass
11 NOTES 162 OPTIWAVE 5200 C/ 07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en
 NOTES 11163OPTIWAVE 5200 C/Fwww.krohne.com07/2016 - 4001904903 - MA OPTIWAVE 5200 R03 en
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