KYE SYSTEMS GKZG6 Wireless Keyboard User Manual User s Manual
KYE Systems Corp Wireless Keyboard User s Manual
Users Manual
TwinTouch Wireless User's Manual Suggestion e Genius wireless—keyboard & -mouse (TwinTouch ireless) with radio frequency gives you free movement d an enjoyable experience. or optimal performance. place the receiver at least 8 inches about 20 cm) away from the mouse and other electrical eviccs. such as the computer, monitor, and em EN ISH Hardware lmulhflon I. Alwlys mm off your compumr before you conned or discern-an your kcyboml, unless you're ruin; me USE keyboard in Windows 98. 1. Plug lhe keyboard mun-nor firmly in» me AT/PSZ/USB pm on the Computer. 3 Turn on your PC. Soflw-n Inlullalh- l‘ Mnkesunlfie keyboard iswnncuedlolbe cnmpuur, 2 Pm fl|e Setup dilk (or CD) mu! the disk drive, 3 me Wmdows 95/98. click 0" sun! Ru. 4 Specify the duk dnve 1nd type setup. For emu. lype ezhemp Wynn m using Arm E. 5. Follow the instructions on the sum In finish he tom: installation harm & Multimedia in! key: " ‘T | Rewmd' Previous (rack of audio or video CD'! 2. Play & Pause: Play and purse oral-die or video CD's 3 Stop Smp play oflndioor video CD": 4 Forward“ Next luck oflndio or video CD'S 5 Eject Eject India or video CD“! 6 Vol «h: lime or inause volume 7 Mme Muu volume 8 Screen Suva: Launch men saver 9 Calculator Open calculmzr in Window; IO E-mm! Open mail folder 1 l Bath See In: page when mwmg Ihe Inlemfl 12 www‘ 0pm bmwser m Netscape or IE I} Forward Gotn nexl range when vrtwing the lmzmel u Sleep Tum system mm sleep mode 15. W1“ up‘ Tum sleep mode mlo system Federal Comm-muons Commission (FCC) Nodee Thisdev'wemmpliuwiml’m lioftheFCCRulesOpa-afionitmbjenmthefiol- Iowingmoconditions:(l)thisdevinemlynolcanuhnrmfi| thisdevicermstmepnny interference meeived, including Menace damn-y unuundecirednpention. MmipnnnthnbemwmfwndmennplywiflahfimmohclmB digiuldcvicemwlumumlSofficPCCRnluflhflelinfihmduww prwidemwmhkpmfim-gnimthnmfidinmfawinamidenfidinsfih— fimMequipmmtgenemu,mcs-ndunndiamndinfiequencyenugymd,if nminmlledmdnudinlneotdfinewhhflninxmmfim-ymhumfiuintEF fnmlnndio cnnmmicniom. Howzva'.dme isnngumnwefluthnafflcnce willnmocuninpuficuluimulllfiom.ifihilequiplmldouenuehmfiflinwr- fmemrfloormlmionmcepfinmwhichunbedtmmindbynmfic mammofimdmfiewismmgedmuywwmmhmfmbym ormnreoflhe follawing mum: LRecdent/Reloumeflzmoeivingmtenm. 2.1ncmnethcscpmtionbemecntheeqxipmanmdleccivct. 3.Cmneqtheeqninmeminmmwuaonacnamdifl‘mtfimthndumeiver isoonnec'ed. {Consulldntbdfiorlnexperimcedndio/TVlechnichnforhelp. CAUTION: Chann- mnndifiufiommtemufly moved by the manufacturer lupnnlible forwwhlnne' mfldvoidthenur': aldwrilym opente the equipmem. Dbclllmer ‘ Thefoflowingdoesnmnpplylomycumnywhuemhprwisimmhmmimm withlocnlhw: KYESystamOorpjnkelnnwunnfiawilhmpectmmisdocmmfim whether cxpretsed orinplied. All mnerinl ispmvided“u in". This includes, but is not limited to, any implied wan-mi“ of matchnubility Ind Emu; fouptm'cnht pmposeJhinfmn-fioncovemdhthhdowmmliswbjectwchnge withnnlno- Rice. KYE System- Com mwmibflity for myemmdmmlylppw inlhildocunm. Aanndnme-munionedindfismmnlmmdemrksoncgiswmdmdemnkx crewman cumming. ' W019” KYE SyntCm-p.All riglmmerved. 1’.‘ Introduction Thcminmvmhwh'elmhdmhlyilmeNewSmflWinleumJl mimofimemdnneeivetudwimmeufiablendiowinbflmhmhgy. NewSmflWfie-sfimmfiefiudmhmmwwifimmyfimi- hflmuhflluvdfluablal'hemmbeuedfimld‘mmecfmmupw Linwenfifdukmpinu-mbumniundthemeivu. Ham-n insulation Cal-acting NWScr-ll ereleu to Your Cally-tar l. 2. 95a MzAlwmmofimwmbqonmwmmemma YummhmmeMw-uflpm FwfieM-mummymmmhflphmmmmm ”(5&1)- Couneefingm Cowhifi’finuhpwr PSIZpu-t mlD-piruefislpon mm Suinlpm Fi|.l Fit-2 Formm(9-ph)Mwmectl6-Dpinmml9-pinmilm(fim2). Mmywrwqmet Nau:lfmmNewS¢-mll WmlasuaNaqukPCPS/lmyaumwlmle MemWwJMfiacdmufieBleduwHefiemaIPS/Zm Oth- miseNewScrallWirelmwfllmuhnmmdz-bumm. NewSmIl Wlnlul Batteries neNewScznnwmkuinchdum-MGAMb-mwmuupm Wlmhmaww.Toexuthyfife,NwSubflWimh-l Myfilecpl"lhmnd45mdhucfivity.aiukmybmm milk-chm. Switch Minty Chi-net lflhaemmowimkumudevicuinlmmmchwScmflwheleuprwflu mmehmnehinflMsz-ulymmvwifihmmlmfllde- mmmwiflm‘fmmmmwbflummmh mm Schwinn Install-flan mall“ the Magellan-NM“ erdeu mm ForWI-dmm 1. lumflwMonseMnMS-NewSaoflWheleu-oflmmmmdfiveAaB. 1. OpendleWmem(0wI&Blc).mdlelect“R\m“. ' 3. WMSETUP (m B:Sm)htbemdlincbnxlndlelect "OK'fl 4. you-m, ForWl-dnmSJ TomNchuvflWhvlaawifiWindawsSLywmdwdownlmdfiudfivet fmmtheGmiuHomep-gemmw. Wht’sNew AbuthwScrollWInl-u WitthwSmHWimlm’smiqucugommicduiuywmmfilhelnmmot uroflthrmghWindowxdoa-nmeuilyfl‘hemvm Mm-m‘nnly Mmfmgamwnmlhwthinkofhuflzulfimwhpmmwflnum lhoeliminm 3m ofywmo‘nemuvemwh. Factory Settings Wifihnfiabkwfidmndinmchmlogy,ywmdnfieedomofmingym mmwifionunyfimiufiom.muniqnqumicdnipofNewScmu Wire- lullchytmmrfthnlmflmmmflthwghWindomdoumuulfly.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 6 Creator : .穨.Microsoft Word - 開新檔案Microsoft Word 文件 Create Date : 2000:08:02 13:19:24 Title : .穨.User's Manual Producer : Acrobat PDFWriter 4.0 for WindowsEXIF Metadata provided by