KYE SYSTEMS GKZGK Wireless Keyboard User Manual TTO value manual P4

KYE Systems Corp Wireless Keyboard TTO value manual P4


Hardware Installation1.You can connect the receiver to a USB port of a PC.2.Install two AA rechargeable batteries in the mouse and two AA rechargeable batteries in the keyboard.3.Turn on your computer.4.After you open Windows, please press the button on  the receiver first (RB) and then press the button underthe mouse (MB) and keyboard (KB) for ID channel setting. You only have six seconds to press the receiver,the channel button on the keyboard (KB), then the receiver button again and the channel button on themouse (MB). So you press RB, KB, RB, MB to set the channel setting.Important: You can use the battery charger receiver to recharge two AA or two AAA rechargeable batterieseach time when you use the PC. Plug the battery charger receiver USB connector into the PC directly andremember do not put the batteries in the wrong direction, use the same types of batteries, and do notrecharge via the USB hub, that will make your receiver, main-board and hub burn or become non-usableeasily. Also, keep all drinks away! If any spill occurs on the receiver, unplug the USB connector first andclean the receiver immediately. Please remove the batteries if you do not use this device for at least twoweeks.Warning: (Troubleshooting)1.Please do not use Wireless TwinTouch+ Optical Value  on a desk which is made of glass, mirror, iron, orblack velvet. Also, a flat surface is necessary or the Optical Sensor will error easily. When you useWireless TwinTouch+ Optical Value on a desk that is made of metal, try using a pad or reduce thereceiving distance.2.Before the first installation is completed (channel setting ready), the keyboard will not work in DOS. Ifyour USB keyboard does not work in BIOS, DOS or Windows, then use another PS2 keyboard to make theUSB controller (USB function) and USB legacy (USB keyboard) “On” in the BIOS setup. This may occurwith older BIOS versions. Then unplug the PS2 keyboard and plug in your USB keyboard and everythingshould be working properly.3.The Wireless TwinTouch+ Optical Value channel provides 256 ID-codes, and it automatically selects theID # for your keyboard and mouse. You can only set up one Wireless TwinTouch+ Optical Value at a time.But if you have additional Wireless TwinTouch+ Optical Value sets in an area of 10 square meters, moreinterference may occur between the receiver and your keyboard and mouse.4.If you feel the mouse does not move smooth as usual or the keyboard does not work when typing, then thebatteries have lost their charge, so please replace them. Also, the wireless icon will be blinking “red” whenthere is a battery-low situation. The LED on the receiver shows the battery-recharging status (from shiningto LED completely “on” for battery full). You should set up the channel every time you replace thebatterires.                    5.If you need to buy new batteries, please choose Ni-MH (Nickel-Metal-Hydride) AA batteries, 1.2V, 1300to 1600 mAH. Please do not mix or use other types of batteries (Li-ion, Ni-Cd, Alkaline, etc.).6.The Wireless TwinTouch+ Optical  Value with radio frequency gives you free movement and an enjoyableexperience. For optimal performance, place the receiver at least 8 inches (about 20 cm) away from themouse and other electrical devices, such as the computer, monitor, and etc.Software Installation1. Make sure the mouse and keyboard is connected to the computer.
2. Put the Setup disk (or CD) into the disk drive.3. Follow the instructions on the screen to finish the software installation.Factory Setting1. Mouse:Button AssignmentsThe Button Assignment feature lets you work in a more efficient way because you can assign the mostfrequently used commands in Windows to the mouse buttons.Magic-RollerPress the “Magic-Roller” to surf the Internet and Windows documentsLeft ButtonProvides traditional mouse functions such as click, double click and drag.Right ButtonYou can assign this button frequently used keyboard and mouse functions in addition to features likeEasyJump, Auto-Panning, Zoom, etc.Roller ButtonYou can assign this button frequently used keyboard and mouse functions in addition to features likeEasyJump, Auto-Panning, Zoom, etc.2. Keyboard:1. Rewind: Previous track of audio or video CD’s2. Play & Pause: Play and pause of audio or video CD’s3. Stop: Stop play of audio or video CD’s4. Forward: Next track of audio or video CD’s5. Vol.-& +: decrease or increase volume6. My favorite: Open my favorite folder7. E-mail: Open mail folder8.  Back: See last page when viewing the Internet9.  www: Open browser in Netscape or IE10.  Forward: Go to next page when viewing the Internet11.  Sleep: Turn system into wake up modeMouseMate Software FeaturesBrowsing SpeedYou can adjust the browsing speed when you surf the Internet or Windows documents.BrowsingDirectionMove the “Magic-Roller” forward and the screen will browse to the top of the document. Move it inreverse and the document will go in the opposite directionButton FindAutomatically positions the cursor on the default button, usually the OK button, when the dialog boxappears on your screen.TrailsThis option makes it easier to find the cursor when using an LCD monitor. This option cannot be used ifyour monitor does not support it.LoopWhen you move the cursor to the top (or bottom) of the screen, it will automatically move the cursor to thebottom (or top) of the screen.Mouse SpeedThis function lets you adjust the speed at which the pointer moves across the screen.Double ClickSpeedUse this function to set the double click speed of the mouse.
Swap Left/RightSelect this option if you want to have the mouse operate with the right mouse button as the primary button.Pointers FoldersThis lets you change the shape of the cursor.Value  ModeOnly supports Microsoft Value along with some new applications. Features include zoom, scrolling andAuto-scrolling features. It’s similar to Microsoft’s IntelliMouse.Genius ModeSupports all applications that use scrollbars, including Value, with zoom, Auto-panning, and scrollingfunctions.AboutClick here to open the Genius Homepage “”OrientationThis function lets you set the angle when you move the mouse upward. It gives you a more comfortableangle when holding the mouse. This function works best with a portable trackball.EasyJump for WindowsEasyJump lets you open eight special functions quickly.Close APClose the application you are using.HorizontalMoves the cursor to the horizontal scroll bar.VerticalMoves the cursor to the vertical scroll bar.StartActivates the Windows Start menu.Internet AccessThis function opens Browser to access the Internet.HelpThis opens the Help menu.Control PanelOpens the mouse control panel.Auto-PanningMove the mouse, and the document will move in the direction you move the mouse.Switch ApplicationsWhen the right-button or Magic-Roller is set to “Switch AP”, you can quickly switch from one openapplication to another without moving the mouse. To switch to a specific application, press the the rightbutton or the Magic-Roller to select the application.Zoom function for Value and IE ApplicationsPress the “Ctrl” key and move the “Magic-Roller” forward (or backward) to set the Zoom In/Out function.You can also use just one hand to Zoom In/Out: set the right button to be the “Ctrl” function, press the rightbutton and move the “Magic-Roller” forward (or backward) to enlarge (or decrease) the document window.Auto-PanningYou can set this function in the Button Assignment menu. Move the mouse, and the document moves in thedirection you just moved.Uninstall the SoftwareFollow these instructions to remove the software from your hard disk. In Windows,  click on the Startbutton, select Programs and move to the mouse software. Then click on Uninstall software.Customize the SoftwareThis section shows you how to customize the software. To open the software control panel, you candouble-click on the icon in the task bar or select the “Software” icon from the program group.Close the SoftwareClick the right button on the taskbar, and select “Close Software” to close the software.
 Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation.  This equipment generates, uses and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment offand on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:  - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible forcompliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must acceptany interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna ortransmitter.

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