Download: KYE SYSTEMS GKZGR WIRELESS KEYBOARD User Manual              10 XDW
Mirror Download []KYE SYSTEMS GKZGR WIRELESS KEYBOARD User Manual              10 XDW
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Document DescriptionUSERS MANUAL
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize102.34kB (1279305 bits)
Date Submitted2005-03-10 00:00:00
Date Available2005-03-10 00:00:00
Creation Date2005-03-09 15:44:37
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Document Author: peggy_chen

ozwam :wwwAIwecom.(om
Genius web
KYE syaums Corp.
Nu m cm.“ Hsm m , Sec 5‘
San mm], Taum Hue".
201,1’aiwam R o c
Tel (aesmmew
Fax (835) 2 2995 5549
Web sug, han/vmwgemusnel com m
KVE Imema
m America
Suns 1m, sum NW 25m a.
mm, mm 33122, u s A
m museum
m anuwszsi
Web sag. hnperwgenlus—Kye Wm
nal Corp.
KVE Systems Europe GmbH
Kan—Eenz—Svnue a
mom Luger-tum Gevminy
Tel «12113797430
“94173-91434! (Tech. sum”;
humew wuuwumpmm
KYE Systems UK Ltd
“00,131 Eeddinslnn me,
Cruydm, way
cm 411) u K
m: 144) ms 534 2727 {sales}
(was 654 271mm Suppel‘i
Fax muss est 2721 (was)
uqzus 554 2740 mm. Suvwn)
war: 5“, hllpfl/wakye (muk
KYE Systems rm. Corp. m.
um: 17m, 17m floor, Miken Vansm eem.
No 6! Ho] Wen Roadv
Kwun my, Kowloon. Hum Kane
rev (15323423813
75x 185272361 9517
Genius ’
Gem i
Wireless Twin Touch SE
Wireless Optical desktop kit
User’s Manual
Table Of Contents
Hardware Installation ..................... 1
Software Installation l . . . .................. 1
Replace Batteries . . . . ................. 1
ID Channel Setting .............. . . 1
Factory Settings .............. . .......... 2
Keyboard . ............
MouseMate Software Features ..........
PYCCKI/IIFI ............... . ........... 7
Deutsehe .......................... 10
Francais ............. . . ....... 13
Italiano ........................... . 16
Espal’iol ............................. 19
Portugues ..................... . . . . . . . 22
Brnsil .......................... . 25
Nederlands .......... r . . 28
Cesky ........... . .................. 31
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules, Operation is subject to the fol-
lowing two conditions: (I) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits ofa Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonahle protection against harmful interference in a residential installa-
tion. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if
not installed and used in accordance with the instnictions. may cause hamiful inter»
ference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference
will not occur in particular installations. if this equipment does cause harmful inter-
ference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one
or more of the following measures:
1. Reorient / Relocate the receiving antenna.
2. increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit ditfeient from that the receiver
is connected,
4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio / TV technician for help.
CAUTION: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer
responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
The following does not apply to any country Where such provisions are inconsistent
with local law:
KYE Systems Corp. makes no warranties with respect to this documentation,
whether expressed or implied. All material is provided “as is". This includes, but is
not limited re, any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose. The infonnation coveied in this document is subject to change without rio-
tice. KYE Systems Coipi assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear
in this document.
All brand names mentioned in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks
of their respective companies.
Copyright © 2004 KYE Systems Corp. All rights reserved.
Declaracao de conformidade EC
Para 0 seguinte equipnmento:
Rate/Tealmdo sern fies
(Nome do produw)
(Designaqm do modelo)
A empress confirms neste documenlo que os disposilivos acima referidos eslie em conformidade
com os requisnos definidos na direcllva do Conselho relativa a apmximacfie das leis dos estados
memhms no que diZ respeito i dlrectiva R&TI'E (99mm). Para a avaliacao da compatibilidade
electromagnetica. aplicaram-se as seguintes normas:
EN 300 22041000 vul
EN 300 22041000 v1.1.1
EN 30148941002 v1.4.1
EN 3m 439-1200: Vl.4.l
EN 60950: 2000
o importndor/fabricante scguinte e responsdvei pela elaboragio deem fled-moan:
(Name on empress, impnmdnr/fabrlcaale)
N" 492, Sec. 5, Chung Hsin Rd., San Chun City‘ Taipei Hsien. Taiwan R.O.C.
(Endmro d: empresa, impomdor/fahricanu‘
Pessoa responsive! peln ellhoracdo destu declarnrsd
Y J, - LA] Gestorda TSD
/ t
xyq \_\
(Asslnzmm legal. local, dau)
Hierbij wordt verklnnrd m dc volgende zppamtmlr:
Draadloze muis / Loctsenhord
kmchlens daze velklanng vuldoel aan de vcreism) uileengezm in de Richllijn van d: km inuke
de onderlingc axnpassing van a: welgevingen van de Lidsmten helreffende de R&TTE Richllijn
(99/5IEG) Vom ale evalualie betl‘elfende de eleknmmgnclische compatibililcil wcrdm dc
volgcnde smndagmen megepast:
EN 300 2204 2000 VI.3vl
EN 300 2203: 2000 V] m
EN 301439»! 2002v1.4.1
EN 30| 43941001 v1,4.1
EN 609501000
De volgemlc imporlenr/fnbriknnl is vernnlwoordelijk voor deze vcrklnring:
«Bedlufinnnm. lmpmuw/rabnmt)
Nr. 492‘ Sec, 5, Chung Hsin Rd" San Chungcit , Taipei Hsien. Taiwan ROC.
(Bednjfsndms, Imponelll/fubnkant)
Ver- Awaurdelijke voou deze verklaxing
Y. . - LA] Manager van TSD
(Weuglukz handlekenmg. plams. datum)
Declaracién de Conformidad CE
El siguiente equipo:
Ralc'm leclado inala’mbrico
(Nembr: dc] yruducle)
(Dmcmmucnén de‘ modzlo}
cumple con I0 esmblccido en la directive deI Conseio sobre la Cnnvergencin de Ias leyes do Ins
estados micmbros cn relacién a la direcliva mm; (99/5/EC) Pm evaluar Ia ccmpatibilidad
electromagnéticase han aphcado Ias slgmenles normas:
EN 300 220-1 z0oov1 11
EN 300 22012000 v1.”
EN 30; 43941007 v1 41
EN 301 439-3zzooz v1.41
EN 60950. 2000
El siguiente importsdar/ fabricanre es responsable ae esta deal sewn:
(Nombm a: n, unpnss, menu” / fabriflmej
No, 492, Sec. 5, Chung Hsin Rd., San ChunECuy, Talpei Hsien, Tavwa'n, Repflblica dc China
(Direcci'én de la mums, impunador / (Mum)
Persona responsible de ens declarncién
Y. J. - LAI Director de TSD
/ \
(rim-a. Iugar, fed“)
Dichiarnzione (Ii conformiti‘i CE
Per i disposit isegnenii:
Mouse/Taslicra wireless
De’claration de conformité CE
Pour muipemem suivaniz
Souris/Clavier sans fil
(Noni: del prodono) (Nam du pmduil)
GK-04005/T GK-04005/T
GK-OAOOS/R 1 GK-04005/R
(Nam du modéle)
(ludicazien: del modelle)
con la presente si cunfenna Che soddisl’a i requisitl Elmnciaii nella Council Dircctwe on lhe
Approximation ofth Laws ofthe Member States coimialn Alla R&TTE Direclive (WE/EC) Per
Ia Valulazione relativa nlln compatibililfi elcfllomagnelicn. some slali applicmi lseguenu slandard:
EN 30022041000 V111
EN 300 22031000 v|A|.|
EN 30148941 2002 VI 4v|
EN 301489-3'2002 V14.I
EN 60950" 2000
11 segnente importamn/pmdnnom e responsnbilc di qnuslx dichiarazionc:
(Nome dens 50mm dell‘1mperlnlordprodmmrcj
No. 492, Sec. 5, Chung-1m Rd., San Chung Cu . inlpci Hm". Iznwan fun.
(lndirizzn deli: social! dzll'nrwenamm/produuuia)
Persona responsabile per qnasm dichiarnzione
Yv Jv - LA] Manager di TSD
/ \
"fix tx,’
(Finns legule, Iuoge, am)
est conforms 39x normes requlses par la Directive du Conszil sur le rapprochement des
Iégislations des Elms membres concemanl Ia Direcllve R&1TE (99/5/EC). Pour i‘e’valualion sur la
compatibililé éleclromflgnéllque. Ies standards suivanls son! Appliqués '
EN 300 220—1: 2000 V] 1!
EN 300 220-352000 V] L!
EN 301489412002 VIAJ
EN 301489-3:2002 V14.I
EN 60950: 2000
L'imporkawur/fabriun! suivanl assume In reswnsabililé de celke déclxration :
(Nam d: I‘mireprise, lmporlaleur/fabncanlj
No. 492, Sec. 5, Chung HSln Rd, San Chung City, Taipei Hsizn, Taiwan R.0.C.
(Adrzss: a: i‘enlreprisae‘ Imponmeur/fabncanl)
Person ne nsponsnble de la pregame déclarnlion
Y J » LA] Directeur de TSD
/ x
,\,\4 ¥
(Slgnllum Iégale, Lieu, um)
Hiermil besclleinigen wir, dass dag (olgende Germ:
Wireless Mouse& Keyboard
EC-Conformity Declaration
For the following equipment:
Wireless Keyboard & Mous:
(Plednkflumel) (Pmducl Name)
GK-(Monsn' GK-04005/‘T
GK—aAoos/K ; GK-D4005/K
GK-04005/R l GK—04005/R
ln Uhel'einstimmung is! mil den Anfordcrungen des Pallalnams hlnsichtlich der Geselzgebung der
Milgliedsslaalen ln Bezng allf die R&TTE-Al1welsung (99/5/EC). Zur Priifllng der
clektmmagneiischen Venrflglichkeit wurden fulgende Slandzrds verwendel.
EN 300 220-1 2000 Vl.3.l
EN 300 22031000 Vl.lvl
EN 3014894 2002 Vl
EN 30148941002 Vl.4|
EN 60950: 2000
Der folgende Hersteller ist vernntwurtlicll fiil' dies: Erkliinl ng:
\Flnlmmam=. llllpnrlellr/Hmulla)
No. J92, Sec. 5, Chung Hsin Rd., San Chung City, Taipei Hslzn, Taiwan RvO.C.
lFlrmenrmscllllfi. llnporlcnr/Herslellfl)
Vel'nnwvorlliclle Person filr dizse Erkléirllllg
Leiler TSD
lDalum. OH. Unlersnllrifii
(Model msigmmn)
is herewith wnfirmcd lo cnmply wuh Ihe requiremenls set out in [he Ccuntli Dimllve ml the
Approximation 0mm L::ws ol'lhe Member Slates relating to Rm'rE Directive (995/543; Fertile
evaluation regarding me elcclromagnctic compatibility, the following standards were applied-
EN 300 220-1‘ 2000 Vl.3.l
EN 300 220-31» 2000 VI . Ll
EN 301 489-1'2007 v1 41
EN 30] 489-3’ 2002 V1 4YI
EN 60950 2000
The lollowing importer/manufacturer is responsible for this declaration:
(Company Name, lmynrwrlmanllfacmver)
ND. 492, Sec 50 Chung Hsln Rd, San Chung Clly, Taipei Hslzn, Taiwan ROC
(Comp'zny Address, lmporltrlmanufzclllrer}
Person responsible for (his declaralion
Y. J. - LAI Manager ofTSD
(Name, Surname. Pasmun/Tille)
Proh|§§eni 0 shodé - EU EC — Megfeleloség tamisitési nyilatkozat
Pro nésledujl’ci mama: A kfivetkezo késziilékhez:
Bezdrétova my§ lklévesnice “my nélku“ ege'r/ blllen‘ 0m
(Nam vymhku) (Tenméknév)
GK-04005/T mamas/T
0100400501 1 GK-DAOQS/R
(Oznabeni modclu) (fipuqelélfi)
polvrzuje, i: odpo poiadnvkfim muovcnym v "fl”zeni rady P'° Pfizpflsobm‘ WM“ teljes me'nékben megfclcl az Ennipa Kanécs anal a tagéllamok Jnghxrmomufcidval knpcsolatban
norem slensky'ch statu Va vzlahu k nal‘izeni Rm rE Dilective (99/5/EC)- m hodnoceni kiadou ”an Idnyewnek (99/5/EC)‘ AZ eleklmmégneses Zflvmédekm kiénékflléséné. a
eleknomagnelické zpfisnbilosu 0ny pollilty tyto nelmy ‘ kamkm subvényoka alkamawk-
EN300220-I'2000VIJI ENzoozzorxflooo v] 3.1
EN 300 22073. 2000 VI |.1 EN 300 220452000 v1.1 1
EN 30| 489412002 VI.4.| EN 101 489-1: 2002 VIA]
EN 3014094 1002 v1 41 EN 30143941002 VI 41
EN 00950. 2000 0 EN 60950: 2000
12 law prohléieni 0anka 10m dflvme "elm Vimbce: 3 Jelen nyilmkoulén a kfivetkezo importar/gyirxo a {elelos1
(Nam firmy. dovozcc. vy‘mbce) (Villalax “eve, lmpoflflr/gyfin‘é)
No. 492, Sec. 5. Chung Hsin Rd . San Chung cny, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan 11° C- No. 4920 Sea 5. Chung Hsin Rd., San Chung Clly, Talpei Hm, Taiwan R 0.0
(Adma fimvy, 0mm, vy’mbce) (Vim-x cunt, umponor/gylrlé]
A nyilatkuzalérl Idelns sunlély
Y J. - LA] Manaicr TSD Y, J, » LA] TSD igazgato’
/ \ / 0
"x 1 x .\4 g
(wmnumw podpis, mism, datum) (“was mm My, da‘mm)
Deklaracja zgodnuéci z normami UE
Umdzenie wymienione ponizej:
M szka/ klawialury bnzpizewcdowz
(Nazwa pmduklu)
(Mods! |uh lyp)
znstain sprawdzone nn okohcznss'c spclniania walunkéw opisanych w Dyreklywie Rady Eulopy
w sprawl: ujednolicenin praW ki-njnw szionkowsktsh w zwiqzku z Dyi‘cktywq Rim-n; (99/5/EC).
Dlzi zhzdania kompatybilncs’ci eiektmrnagnstysznsj sastnsnwsno nasiepujqce slandardy'
EN 300 210-1:zooo v13.|
EN 300 22041000 Vl.|.1
VEN 301439412002 VI.4.I
EN 30143941002 Vl.4.|
EN 60950: 2000
z. powyzsza deklflmcje jeel odpowiedzinlny nasteplljacy imponer/pmdncenl:
(Nazwa firmy, Imporur/produoent)
No. 492, Sec. 5, Chun Hsin Rd” San Chung City, Talpei Hsien, Taiwan R,O,C.
(Adrts finuy, hnporlcr/pmducem)
Osoba odpowiedzialna za niniejszq deklarzcje
y J AI Dyrektor TSD
/ \
’\~ ’I\‘
(podpis urzsnnwy, rntqsss, thin)
Hardware Installation
1. Inswll twn AA batteries in the mouse and two AA batteries in the keyboard
2. You can connecl the receiver to a USB port ofu PC
Binary cave! m A
usn ra'l
Con-mu .
nutinu .- _.s
tint, is
lull” .
3. Turn on your computer.
Software Installation
1 Make sure the mouse and keyboard is connecoed to the computer.
2. Put the Setup disk (or CD) imo the disk drive.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen to finish (he software installation
Replace Batteries
If you feel the mouse does not move smomh as usual or the keyboard does not work
when typing, then the batteries have lost their charge, so please replace them.
Furthermore, do not mix or use different types ofbanerics at the same time. You
slmnld set in; the channel every lime ylm replace the bnnzrires.
ID channel setting
The channel butwns are factory preset. The green LED, the data transmission indica~
tor. on the receiver will be lit when the keyboard or mouse is in normal operaiion. If
your keyboard/mouse does not work, then you have to set the ID channel setting.
muss press me button on the receiver first (RE) and press the button under the
mouse (MB) and the keyboard (KB) within twenty seconds. So you press RB, MB
and KB [0 set the channel setting.
Warning: (Trailbh'shtwlinQ
l. Please do not use the wireless optical mouse oit a desk that is made cfglass,
mirror, iron. or black velvet Also a desk that is made ofmetal will reduce the
receiving distance of the keyboard and mouse.
2. Before the first installation is completed (channel setting ready). the keyboard
will not walk in DOS Ifyour USB keyboard does not work In BIOS, DOS or
Windows, then use another PSZ keyboard to make the USB controller (USB
function) and USB legacy (USB keyboard) “On” in the BIOS setup, Thls may
occur with older BIOS versions Then unplug the PS/2 keyboard and plug in
your USB keyboard and everything should be working properly,
3a The Wireless TwinToilcll SE channel provides 256 ID-codes, and it automati-
cally selects the ID # for your keyboard and mouse. You can only set up one
Wireless TwlnTcllcll SE at a time. But if you have additional Wileless
TwinTcuch SE sets in an area of 10 square meters, more interference may occur
between the receiver and your keyboard and mouse,
4. The wireless TwinTouch SE with radio frequency gives you free movement
and an enjoyable expel ience. For optimal performance. place the receiver at least
8 inches (about 20 cm] away from the mouse and other electrical devices, such
us the computer, monitor, and etc.
Factory Setting
1. Mouse:
martin “1113.1”!
LED mm
W wla inn-sincere
Button Assignments
The Button Assignment feature lets you work in a more efficient way because you
can assign the most frequently used commands in Windows to the mouse buttons.
Magic-Roller Press the “Magic-Roller" to surf the lntemet and windows docu—
Left Button provides traditional mouse functions such as click. double click and
Right Button You can assign this button frequently used keyboard and mouse func-
tions in addrtrcn to features like Easylump, Auto-Fanning. Zoom. stc
Roller Button You can assign this button frequently used keyboard and mouse func-
tions in addition to featuras like Easylump, Aulo~Panning, Zoom, etc.
2. Keyboard:
Back: Return to ptevtous page in the lntemet
Forward: 00 to next page when viewing the Inter»
Stop: Stop loading or refreshing a Web page
Refresh: Update the information on an active
Web page
Search: Open lntemet Explorer search panel
My Favorite: Open lntemet Explorer favorite
74 WWW: Start the default Web browser and go to
web page
8. E~rnailz Start default email program
9. Volume up: Increase the volume
10. Volume down: Decrease the volume
1L Media Select: Open Windows Media Player program
12. Sleep: Tum system into sleep mode
13, Mute: Toggles off or on
14. Scan previous track: Previous track
15. Stop: Stop play of audio or video CD’s
16. Play/Pause: Play and pause of audio or video CD'S
I7. Scan next mack: Next mack
sw- M»
”EasyJump for Windows
“EasyJump” now has two working modes: onice Easy—
Jump mode and Traditional Easylump mode.
“Office Easylump” lets you use eight commonly used
applications and 16 Cyher functions more easily and
Once you press the button you assigned, “Office Easy-
Jump“ will be displayed on a Frisbee Note that the
functions are only available in the applications they be.
long to.
~ Click this application button to show the mouse control panel You can check
or modify the mouse properties.
Click this function and the pan icon appears. You can rncve the mouse
in any direction in a document or a spreadsheet. The farther you move
the pointer from the part icon, the faster you can pan in that direction.
43 Click this furrcticn and Office EaSyJump Frisbee will always be on the
sateen and the button will change to a . Click it again to cancel this
e ect.
This is a programmable application button. Press the right button on this icon
and a dialog, box will display for you to select an executable program. Click
on this button to launch your specific application.
for Click thts function to implement the "replace" function in the Current
fl' . application.
E Click on this application to launch Microsoft Word.
éli Click this tunction to perform the "cit!“ function in Word.
@ Click this function to implement the "paste” function in Word,
Click on this application lo launch Microsott Excel,
lT Click this function to implement the "select all" function in Excel.
a, Click this function to perform the “undo" function in Excel,
i Click on this application to launch Micmsofi PowerPoint.
time a Click this function to implement the “zoom in“ function in PowerPoint.
a Click this function to implement the “zoom out" function in Power—
Click on this applicnttott (0 launch Outlook Express at any other email client
amt application installed in your system
“59” _}=fl Click this function to open a new email
$ Click this function to foiwai‘d a selected email in your mailbox.
Click on this application to open Microsoft inteniet Explore or any other
@ internet browser installed in your system. i
Click this fiutction to renun to the previous web page in your open
intei-nct browser.
* Click this function to more forward to the next web page in your open
internet browser
Click on this application to launch Windows media player or any other multi—
media player installed iit your system.
m, Click this function to play/pause the current running media player
Click this function to stop the current iunning media player
Note: All the functions related {0 Ojflce applications
are programmable. Place the Cursor on thefunclion
tear: you want to change, and click the right button to
select or reset the unit from the popup menu From the
(huh/g box, you can choose anoihet'fimcllon to use In
the EnsyJump Fl-isbze
To change/ram Office EasyJump made to Tl'adl/lavlal
Emyjlllnp made, just click the right butmn on the Gen-
ius logo in the center ofthc Eadjh/ump Frisbee.
The “Traditional EasyJump" lets you use eight Cybei functions more easily and
Once you press the button you assigned the “EasyJiimp” Frisbee Will pop up and
eight functions will he displayed on Enshee.
Kl Click this button to close the cunefll window.
click this button and the cursor will jump to the honzontai scrollbai' When
you move your mouse, the open document or spreadsheet will scioil horizon-
4l l ‘I
A Click this hutton and the ciusor will Jump to the veiiicai scrollbzi'. When you
f move your mouse, the open document or spreadsheet will scroll vertically,
fl Click this button to open the Start Menu.
@ Click this button to open the Help button.
All Click this button in open the Genius Mouse Control Panel.
$t Click the button and you can move the mouse in any direction in a docuntent
or a spreadsheet. The farther you move the pointer from the pan icon, the
faster you can pan in that direction.
The huttons in “EasyJump Options" are especially used for the Intemet. The default
function is "Open Browser" (button like ) You can select other functions from
“EasyJump Oplions” in the “Settings“ folder ofthe Genius Mouse Control
Panel. ihe functions in “EasyJump Options" are:
rig “Add to Favorite [LE] "
“Organize Favorite [IE] "
(15 "Add Bookmark [NetScapel " Tfit‘Edit Bookmark [NetScape] ~’
E> “Go Next [Forward] " <":|“Go Previous [Back] '~
51 “Run Apphczttlon"
Switch Applications
When the right—button ol' Magic-Roller is set to ”Switch AP". you can quickly switch
from one open application to uuother withoutmoving the mouse. To switch to a spe—
cific apphcnuolL press the right button 0! the Magic-Roller to select the application.
Zoom function for Value and IE Applications
Press the "cut" key and move the “Magic-Roller” fowvard (or backward) to set the
Zoom In/Out function. You can also use just one hnnd to Zoom Iii/Out: set the right
button to be the "an“ function, press the right button and move the “Magic-Roller"
forwnr-d (or backward) to enlarge (or decrease) the document window
You can set this function in the Button Assignment menu. Move the mouse‘ and the
document moves m the direction you just moved.
Uninstnll the Software
Follow these insimctions to remove the software from your hard disk. In Windows,
click on the Stan button select Programs and move to the mouse software Then click
on Umnsmll sofiwaie.
Customize the Software
ThIS section shows you how to custemtze the soflrware Tn ripen the sofiware control
panel, you can double—click on the icon in the task bar or select the "Software” icon
from the program group.
Close the Software
Click the right button on the taskbar. and select “Close Sofiwal e" to close the Sofi—
l. Vcraflonm‘e Jma amcymymopa AA is MMILIL n 1153 akxymylm‘mpa AA - e
z. BM MoxeTe nemunoqurb aneMHHk it nopTy use Hauler!) m<
ow l
Bauer] COME}! humr
3, Blmloulm'e koMnswwp.
Yen-nooks nporpaMMi-mro ofiecnewennn
1. veennteee. we menu it MannaTypa noniono-renn n koMnbloTepy.
ze BCTEBETe ycmnom'mym nneitery (mm CD) 5 nuckonml,
3. min zaxepmemm ycTaHoBKn nporpaMMHol-D oGecnequm cnenyfi-m
BmionHMblM Ha expat-l an-rpyKlme.
3ameuwre aKKyMyIIHTprI
Eenn EH aaMe'rflJm, '—rto nflmkcfllrm ymizzfl'arm nnrun cIaJm HE Talmud“ nnannnnn,
Kak ooei-ino, min npn nasepe cflMnonox (Glam/[afgpa He oynieunonnpyer, TI) on
eenanaer, Tm onenenm nm‘ai-mx pazpsumnflcs. aMeHHTe onenenm nmnnn.
Kpome roro, ne ucnonssyfi're sues-[e MeMeH-m nimnnh pxzuoro Tuna. Knmflufi
par npn sauene amnynmpon mt neofixonumo nnBToplm ycTanaBJmsaTb
Hachofixa Kauana ID
Knot-um nnnana naerpeenn npomsonnrenen. senennn caemnuon, nnnnnarop
nepenaun Elam-INK, na aneMi-lmte zampaemi Hg?! nopmneuon paSol‘e totannmyprn
mm anm Eenn masua'lypa mm Mums ue pa orator, npemncnme naorponity
kaflsua I'D. mm mm Humane nmtnre nnonry Ha npfleMHuke (RB), aarem
Ham/flue «Honky Ha MHUJH MB), nocne Hero «nanny mi maenarype (KB) n
renter-me manna“ cexytut. aKMM oGpaSoM, mu nonpoimu kausna Hcofixcumme
Hanan RB, MZB HKB.

Source Exif Data:
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Create Date                     : 2005:03:09 15:44:37Z
Modify Date                     : 2005:03:09 17:08:21+08:00
Page Count                      : 11
Creation Date                   : 2005:03:09 15:44:37Z
Author                          : peggy_chen
Producer                        : Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0Windows ª©
Mod Date                        : 2005:03:09 17:08:21+08:00
Metadata Date                   : 2005:03:09 17:08:21+08:00
Title                           : 掃描-10.XDW
Creator                         : peggy_chen
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