KYE Systems Corp WIRELESS KEYBOARD users manual

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Document Descriptionusers manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
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Date Submitted2005-04-13 00:00:00
Date Available2005-04-13 00:00:00
Creation Date2005-04-13 18:00:34
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Document Lastmod2005-04-13 18:00:34
Document Titleusers manual

Geniusweh wwwqemnsneunmw
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KYE Systems Corp.
No 452 Chung mum 5.
San Chung. we. Hum.
241. mm"
m 1566122335556
Fax 4m 22995 esw
st s‘wv rum/1mm ”mum-M
KVE Systems America corporation
um Amelia
1301 N w sun Ant-ml. Summit
mam FL imas u.s
Tet was-«sum
Fax. mastw’zfi
Wan sue. mm Ilwww qamus-kyILUN
KVE syshems Europe GmbH
Kan-Eunz-S‘mfle s
mum mngemew, Germany
m wszwa—ma-o
“gamma-21 than Support)
m «um-974347
hmilwwwgemusfeurws m
KVE Systems UK Ltd.
um. m Mm" ms.
Cmydon, Sm
ckomj ILK.
m. (menseso 2727 ms,
(magnet 271oasm.5umm
mm. away 2121 mm)
m. ans 5mm um Sauna-l)
Web sue hum/w. germs-Mao “k
KvE Systems H.K. Com. Ltd,
um um, mm mm Mm Vaflsan Canine.
ND 51 Hm Vuen Road,
Kwuu mm anbun, Hung Kong
w v L562} 2342 3513
Fax (use) 2m 9517
Web 3m- hum/Nam yenlusnewom hk
SlimMate 3000
Leading desktop kit for exceptional freedom
User’s Manual
Table Of Contents
Hardware Installation ..................... 1
Software Installation ...................... 1
Replace Batteries ........................ 1
ID Channel Setting ....................... 1
Factory Settings ............ . . . . 2
Mouse .............................. 2
Button Assignments ...................... 3
Keyboard ..... _ ....................... 3
MouseMate Software Features ................ 3
PVCCKHFI ........................... 7
Deutsch ............................. 10
Francais ............................ 13
Italiano ............................. 16
Espanol ............................. 19
Portugués ............................ 22
Brasil .............................. 25
Nederlands .....
Cesky .............................. 31
Maygar ............................. 34
Polski .............................. 37
Tiirkge .............................. 40
Arabic .............................. 43
i‘fifi‘l’i .............................. 46
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the fol-
lowing two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits of a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installa-
tion. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if
not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful inter-
ference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference
will not occur in particular installations, if this equipment does cause harmful inter-
ference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one
or more of the following measures:
1. Reorient / Relocate the receiving antenna.
2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver,
3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that the receiver
is connected.
4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio / TV technician for help.
CAUTION: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer
responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
The following does not apply to any counuy where such provisions are inconsistent
with local law:
KYE Systems Corp. makes no warranties with respect to this. documentation,
whether expressed or implied. All material is provided “as is”. This includes, but is
not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose. The information covered in this docum nt is subject to change without rio-
ticc. KYE Systems Corp. assumes no responsib ty for any errors that may appear
in this document.
All brand names mentioned in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks
of their respective companies.
Copyright © 2005 KYE Systems Corp. All rights reserved.
EC-Conformity Declaration
For the touowing equipment:
Wireless Keyboard & Mouse
(Product Nam=)
GM-D401 SU/T
(Model Designation)
is herewith confirmed to coinply with the requirements set out in the Council Directive on the
Approximation ofthe Laws ofthe Member States relating to mm Directive (99/5/EC). For
the evaluation regarding the electromagnetic compatibility/r the following standards were
EN 300 2204: 2000 Vl.3.1
EN 300 22041000 vr.i 1
EN wuss—1.2002 v1.4 l
EN 301 489-3» 2002 V! A]
EN 60950: 2000
The following importel’lmanufamrrer is responsible for this declaration:
(Company Name, lmporlcr/mauufictuler)
No. 492, Sec. 5, Chun Hsln Rd, San Chung Cityr Taipei Hsien, Taiwan
(Company Address. lmporlertmanufacmrcr)
Person responslble (or this declaration
Y LAI Manager of TSD
(Name. Snmamc, Posltlun/Tltle)
(Legal sinuous. rlncr, Dare)
Hiermlt heschelnlgen wlr, dnss dais (olgende Ger“:
Wu‘eless Keyboard & Mouse
in Ubereinslilmmmg m lmt den Anfm'denmgen des Parlamcms hmsichthch dz: Geselzgebnng dc:
Mitghedsstaalen in Bezug aur die R&TTEAnwexsung (99/5/50). Zur Prfifung der
eleklromngnelischen chfiglichkeit wuxdcn foIgcnde Smdards verwcndcl:
ENaoo 220-1 v1.3.1 (2000-09)
EN300 220-3 v1“ (2000709)
ENSOI Asa-1111410002712»
EN 301 4394 v1.4.1 (2002-0 1
EN 60950: 3'“ EditionIJZOllo-Ol]
Der folgende Hersteller 131 Verantwortlicll (fir disc Erklfirllng:
(firmmmzmc. lmponcur/Hersldlu)
No. 492‘ Sec. 5, Chung Hsin Rd. San Chung City. Taipei Hsien, Taiwan
(Fimwurmschnfi. lmpanzur/Herslefltr)
Verantwortliche Person fiir diese Erklfinmg
Y. J. - LAI Leitcr TSD
wanna-m Nxclummc, Yosmon)
(Damn, on. Unmnnfi)
Déclaration de conformité CE
Pour l'éq pemenc sulvnnt :
Clxvier/Souris sans fil
(Nam du vradun)
(Nam du models)
an conforms aux non-mes requises par la Direcuve du Conseil sin 1: rapprochement des
législalions des Ems membres mmemam Ia Directive Ran-E (99/5/50, Pour I'évaluzhon sul
1a compatibilite' élcctrbmagnénque, les standards suivims son! appliqués :
EN300 220—1 V134] (200009)
EN300 220—3 V111 (20000?)
EN 301489v1v1.41 (200242)
EN 301 4 9-3 V1A.l (2002-08)
EN 60950: 3” Edition: (2000-01)
L'1mporlstenr/(ahricnnl suivant assume 1a responsabillté de cette déclnration :
(Nam dc Penmpnse, Impurutzur/fabntanl)
No. 492, Sec 5. Chung Hsin Rd, San Chung City, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan
(Adxesse dz1'zmreprise‘lmponalcnr/hhncnm)
Personne responsible de la présente déclarafion
LAI Directeur de TSD
(Nam, Mum, Paste/firm}
(51mm: 1mm. mDaKe)
Dichiarazione di conformité CE
Per 1 d1sposmv1 seguenll:
Tnsliem/Muuse Wireless
Declaracién de Conformidad CE
El siguienle equipo:
Tecladn y 111611 inalémbricn
(Nome 11:1 modem) ‘ (Nnmbw del producm)
GM~040 I SU/T ‘ GM-M015U/T
GK-DSOUZ/K 1 GK—05002/K
(Indwnzmnc deI muddlo)
can In pyesemc s1 confenm che soddisfa i uquisih enunclati nella Council Directive on the
Approxmmuon ofthe Laws of me Membcr Slates cox-{elm all): mm; Directw: (99/5/50). Per
Ia valutazione relativa “11a compatibilné elemomagnetica, sono mu applicati i seguemi standard:
EN300 2204 V1.3 1 (2000-09)
EN300 220-3 V1. 1.1 (2000-09)
EN 30] ‘389-1 v1.41 (2002—12)
EN 30] 489-3 v1.44l (2002478)
EN 60950: 3” Ediucn: [2000-01]
11 seguenle Impomlore/pmdnnore é responsabile di questa dithlaraziane:
(Nome delln wmfi dell'1mpo11mmdpmdnllow)
No. 492, Sec. 5, Chung Hsin Rd, San Chung City, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan
(ludmm 211-1111 socichi dell'1mponmorc/pwdunolc)
Persona responsnbile per quest: dichiarazinne
Y. J - LAI Manager 411 TSD
(Nemz, mgneme, pnsuziomuom
1Finm1ey11c, luago, (111m)
(Dznommxmbn d=1 mndzlo)
cumplc con lo esmblecido en la dlrectiva del Conscjo sobre la Cnnvexgenua de las [eyes de los
estados micmbms en relacio'n a 1x direcnva RsmE (99/5/EC). Pam evaluar 1a compatibilidad
cleatmmagnética se luau aplicada In siguicmes normas:
ENsou 2204 v1.3.1 (2000-09)
15113110 220-3 v1.11 (2000-091
EN 301 489-1 v1.41 (2002-121
EN301439-3v1.4.1 (2002-051
EN 60950: 3” Edition: (2001101)
E1 siguienle importadorl fabncame es mponsable de es“! declaracién:
(Nombu 11: la empusav unpomder/ fibncanle)
No, 492, Sec. 5, Chung Hsin M, Sm Chung City, Taipei 1-15.51“ Taiwa’n
(Dileccién de La tmpnsa‘ imponadur / A'nbncame)
Persona responsahle de est: declamclén
Y. J. - LAI Director de TSD
(Firms. 111m. fecha)
Declaracfio de conformidade EC
Pm. a segninte equlpamento:
Teclado/Ralo sem fins
(Nam= do modulo)
(Designncaa do modelo)
A cmpresa cnnrirnin nest: documemc que os dispositivos acima referidos nsiao em conformidadc
00m 05 requisites definidos na diremva do Conselho mlaliva a aprcximacfio dfis leis dos esiados
membms no que dlz respeim a directive R&TTE (99/5/EC) Pan: 3 avzliaqfio da oompalibilidade
electmmagnéticx, aplicamm-se as seguinles nonnas:
EN300 220-1 V1 3.1 (2000-09)
EN300 220-3 Vl.I.l (2000-09)
EN 3014 9~lvl,4.1(2002~12)
EN 301 489-3 VIA] (200208)
EN 60950. 3m Edition: (2000701)
0 imponador/lahriunte seguinte é responsivei peln elaborncfio destn decinms .
(Nome 1h einnm, lnlpumle/fuhrieanlc)
N" 492, Sec. 5, Chung Hsin in, San Chung City, Taipei HSlen. Taiwan
(Endereco dz empiesil, impolmdor/fiihricank)
Pesson responsivei pela elaboracao destn declarnqllo
Y. I ~ LA! Geswr da TSD
(Nome. ammo. posicfiolllmlo)
(Asxmimm legit. local. dam}
Hierbij word! verkmni dnl de volgende apparaumr:
Dnadloze memenbord / mnis
mums daze verklaring voIdoct aim dc vereisun uiinengem in de RichtLijn Van de Read inznke
de onderlmge unpassing van de welgevingen van de Lidxtalen betreffcnde d: RMTE Richtlijn
(99/5/EG). Voor do evniunzie betreffende dz elckunmagnelischc compatibiliicil warden de
Volgmde standuarden toegepasti
EN3DO 220-1 v1.3.1 (200009)
EN3UD 220-3 v1.1.1 (200049)
EN 301439-1vi,4.1 (2002-12)
EN 301 439-3 v1.4.1 (2002-05)
EN 60950: 3" Edition: (2000-01)
De Volgende importeur/fabrllum is verantwoordelijk vonr daze verklaring:
(Bedrijfsmam, unpenm/iibnkani)
Nr. 492, Sec, 5, Chung Hsin Rd, San Chung City, TiiEei Hsien, Taiwan
(Bgiinji‘mims, Imponeur/fibrikanl)
Veramwoordelljke voar daze verklaring
Y. J. - LAI Manager m TSD
(Voomanm, mm, funclie/mfl)
(Weltelijke handwkenilvg, pints, datum)
Prohliieni o shodé - EU ' EC — Megfeleloség tamisitfisi nyilatkuzat
[To nésledlljlu' zai‘l’unl: 1 A kifivetkem kElelékhez:
Bezdlétnva’ klévesnicc / my§ Vezeték nélknli billentyfizet / egér
(Némv vymbmi) amen“)
GM7040| SU/T GM-04015Ufl'
(Ounceni modzlu) ’ (Tiynsjdblés)
potVIZuje. ze odpnvidafi poiadavkfim stanovenym v naiizem’ rady pro pl‘izpl’lsobem’ prévnich teljes me’nékbm megfslel az Emo'pa fiana'es élml a mgauamuk Jugharmonizécm’val kapcsulatban
norem ilcnschh stinti'i ve vztahu k nafizem’ MTTE Directive <99/5/EC). Pfi hodnoccm’ ; kiadon R&TTE Irényelvnek (99/5/EC). Az elcktmmégneses zavawédelem kiénékelésénél a
elcktromagnctické zpl'lsobilosu byly poniity tyto rim-my: 2 ; kfivelkezo smbvz’myokat aumlmaztuk,
EN300 220—1 v1.3.1 (2000-091 EN300 220-1 v1.31 (2000-091
EN3QD 220-3 v1.1.1 (2000-091 ENaau 220—3 V1.1.1 (2000409)
EN 301 4x94 v1.4.1 (2002—121 EN3014s9-1 v1.41 (2002-121
EN 301 489—3 v1.4.1 (2002-08) EN 301 4 9-3 v1v4.1 (2002-031
EN 60950: 3‘“ Edition: (2000011 EN 60950: 3" Edi ; (2000-011
Zn tom pmnhfieni odpovldé tenm dovozce nebo vyrobce: Jelen nyilnlkozstért a ksveikem importorlgyérté a felelos:
(Nfiuv rimy, 11mm. vy’mhce) ~ \ (Villalal nave, impannl/gyénb)
No. 492, Sec, 5, Chun Hsln 1m, San Chung City, Talpei Hsien, Taiwan Nov 492, Sec, 5. Chung Hsin Rd., San Chung City, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan
(Aches: firmy, dovozce, vy'mbce) (Villalat cime. importer/grind)
Osoba odpovédna’ za mm prohlfiem’ A nyilstkozau'n felelos személy
Y. - LAl Mamicr TSD Y. J. - LAI TSD igazgatb
Uména. pfijllwni. funktA/uml) (Knreszmév, csalidl név, lumég/htoszbis)
, \ 1 \
ivlmnomcni pndpis, mism. dnmm) ,h=]y. L‘Mlnmj
Deldaracja zgodnos’ci z normami UE
Ul'zfldzenie wymienione penile]:
lclaWiatury / rnyszlos / bezprzewodowa
(Nazwn pmdllk‘n)
Gui-040 1 sun“
(Model lob lyp)
zostnto spiewdzone na okolieznos'c' spolniania waruultnw opisanyelt w Dyrelttywie dey Europy
w sprawie ujednolicenis praw ltmjow cziouhowskich w zwiazltu z Dyrektywa Mirna (99/5/50).
Dla rhadanie ltompntybilnotci elektmmagnetycmej zastcsowano nastepujace slandatdy‘
EN300 2204 Vi.3.I (200009)
EN300 220—3 Vl.l.l (2000-09)
EN 301 489-1 v1.4.1 (2002-12)
EN 301 489-3 Vl.4.l (2002-08)
EN 60950: 3” Edition: (2000-01)
1a powyzszn deltlaraeje jest odpowiedzinlny nastepujaey imparter/pmducenl:
(Nazivo i'iiniy. iniponei/pteduceut)
No. 492, Sec. 5, Chnn Hsin Rd., San Chung City, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan
(Adtes tinny. importn/plodncem]
Osobn odnowiedaialnn zs niniejszq deitlnracje
Y. J . - LAI Dxrektor TSD
(Nazwlskoa iiuie, strnewtstto/tynil)
(podpis urzedewy. mielscc. data;
Hardware Installation
1. Install two AAA batteries in the mouse and two AAA batteries in the keyboard.
1. You can connect the receiver to a USB port ofa PC,
3. Turn on your computer.
Software Installation
1. Make Sure the mouse and keyboard is connected in the computer.
2. Put the Setup disk (or CD) into the disk drive.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen to finish the snfi'ware instalialion.
Replace Batteries
If you feel the mouse does not move smooth as usual or the keyboard does not work
when typing, then the batteries have lost their charge, so please replace them.
Furthermore, do not mix or use different types ofbatteries at the same time.
ID channel setting
The channel buttons are factory preset. The green LED, the data transmission indica-
tor, on the receiver will he lit when the keyboard or mouse is in nonnal operation. If
your keyboard/mouse does not work, then you have to set the ID channel setting.
Please press the button on the receiver first (RB) and press the button under the
mouse (MB) and the keyboard (KB) within twenty seconds. So you press RB, MB
and KB to set the channel setting.
Warning: (Troubleshooting)
1. Please do not use the wireless optical mouse on a desk that is made of glass,
mirror, iron. or black Velvet. Also a desk that is made of metal will reduce the
receiving distance of the keyboard and mouse.
2. Before the first installation is completed (channel setting ready). the keyboard
will not work in DOS. Ifyour USB keyboard does not work in BIOS, DOS or
Windows, then use another P32 keyboard to make the USB controller (USB
function) and USB legacy (USB keyboard) “On" in the BIOS setup. This may
occur with older BIOS versions. Then unplug the PS/Z keyboard and plug in
your use keyboard and everything should be working properly.
3. The SlimMate 3000 channel provides 256 lD-codes, and it automatically selects
the n) a for your keyboard and mouse. You can only set up one SlimMate 3000
at a time. But if you have additional SlimMate 3000 sets in an area of 10 square
meters, more interference may occur between the receiver and your keyboard
and mouse.
4. The slimMate 3000 with radio frequency gives you free movement and an en.
joyable experience. For optimal performance, place the receiver at least 8 inches
(about 20 cm) away from the mouse and other electrical devices, such as the
computer, monitor. and etc.
Factory Setting
1. Mouse:
/ Keyboard
Button Assignments
The Button Assignment feature lets you work in a more efficient way because you
can assign the most frequently used commands in Windows to the mouse buttons.
Magic-Roller Press the “Magic-Roller" to surf the Internet and Windows docu-
Left Button Provides traditional mouse functions such as click, double click and
Right Button You can assign this button frequently used keyboard and mouse func-
tions in addition to features like Easylump, Auto-Panning, Zoom, etc.
Roller ButtonYou can assign this button frequently used keyboard and mouse func-
tions in addition to features like EasyJump, Auto-Panning, Zoom, etc.
2. Keyboard:
1. Volume: Vol. Down
2, Volume: Vol. Up
3. Stop: Stop play ofaudio or video CD’s
4. Play/Pause: Play and pause of audio or video
5. Media: Media player program
6, www Open browser in Netscape or IE
7. E-ma‘ pen mail folder
8. Refresh: Refresh the page
9. Back: See last page when viewing the lntemet
10. Forward: Go to next page when viewing the Inter»
11. My favorite: Open my favorite folder
12. Sleep: rum system into sleep mode
”EasyJump for Windows
“EasyJump” now has two working modes: Office
EasyJump mode and Traditional Easylump mode.
“Office EasyJump” lets you use eight commonly
used applications and 16 Cyber functions more easily
and quickly.
Once you press the button you assigned, “Office
EasyJump" will be displayed on a Frisbee. Note that
the functions are only available in the applications
they belong to.
Click this application button to show the mouse control panel. You can check
@ or modify the mouse properties.
Click this function and the pan icon appears. You can move the mouse
g.) in any direction in a document or a spreadsheet. The farther you move
the pointer from the pan icon, the faster you can pan in that direction.
Click this function and Office EasyJump Frisbee will always be on the
431 screen and the button will change to p . Click it again to cancel this
This is a programmable application button. Press the right button on this icon
and a dialog box will display for you to select an executable progmln Click
on this button to launch your specific application,
Click this filtration to implement the “replace” function in the current ap-
E Click on this application to launch Microsoft Word.
96 Click this function to perfonn the “cut" function in Word.
@ Click this function to implement the “paste" function in Word.
Click on this application to launch Microsofi Excel.
{Til Click this function to implement the “select all" function in Excel.
n Click this function to perform the “undo" function in Excel.
Click on this application to launch Microsoft PowerPoint.
a Click this function to implement the “zoom in" function in PowerPoint.
a Click this function to implement the “zoom out" function in Power—
A Click oll this application to launch Outlook Express or any other email client
4 . j application] installed in your system.
i m Click this function to open a new email.
$ Click this function to forward a selected email in your mailbox.
a" Click on this application to open Mierosofi Internet Explore or any other
ti,»— Internet browser installed in your system.
¢ Click this function to retunr to the previous web page in your open
Internet browser.
* Click this function to lnore forward to the next web page in your open
Internet browser.
Click on this application to launch Windows media player or any other multi-
media player installed in your system.
Mt Click this function to play/pause the current nmning media player,
I Click this function to stop the current running media player.
Note: All lhefimcrion: related to Ufilce applicail'uns
are programmable. Place the cursor art thefimczi‘ori f"
[can you want to change, and click the right button
to select or rue! the unit firm the popup menu,
From the dialog box, you can choose another/unc—
tion to use in the Easthtmp Frisbee.
To change from Ofice Easyjrmp mode to Tradi-
tional Enrijnp mode, just click the right hrtuon on Lemme
the Genius logo in the center o/zhe Easy/limp F rt:-
The “Traditional EasyJump" lets you use eight Cyber functions more easily and
Once you press the button you assigned, the “Easylump” Frlsbee will pop up and
eight functions will be displayed on Frisbee.
Xi Click this button to close the current window.
Click this button and the cursor will jump to the horizontal serollhnr. When
you move your mouse, the open document or spreadsheet will scroll horizon—
Click this button and the cursor will jump to the vertical scrollbar. When you
move your mouse, the open document or spreadsheet will scroll vertically.
Click this button to open the Start Menu.
Click this button to open the Genius Mouse Control Panel.
@ Click this button to open the Help button.
43. Click the button and you can move the mouse in my direction in a document
or a spreadsheet. The farther you move the poinler from the pan icon, the
faster you can pan in that direction.
The buttons in “EasyJump Options” are especially used for the Internet, The default
function is “Open Browser” (button like ). You can select other functions from
“EasyJump Options" in the “Settings” folder of the Genius Mouse Control
Panel. The functions in “Easylump Options" are:
@ “Add to Favorite [LE] " Organize Favorite [IE] "
“Edit Bookmark [NetScape] r
[if “Add Bookmark [NetSoapeJ ”
55 “Go Next [Forward] " <3“G0 Previous [Back] "
a “Run Application"
Switch Applications
when the rightebuttnn or Magic»Roller is set to “Switch AP”, you can quickly switch
from one open application to another without moving the mouse. To switch to a spe-
cific application], pless the right button or the Magic~Roller to select the application.
Zoom function for Value and IE Applications
Press the “cu-1" key and move the “Magic-Roller" forward (or backward) to set the
Zoom Iii/Out function. You can also use just one hand to Zoom 1n/0ut: set the right
button to be the “Ctrl” function. press the right button and move the “Magic-Roller"
forward {or backward) to enlarge (or decrease) the document window.
You can set this function in the Button Assignment menu Move the mouse, and the ’
document moves in the direction you just moved.
Uninstall the Software
Follow these instmctions to remove the software from your hard disk. In Windows,
click on the Stan button. select Programs and move to the mouse sofirware. Then click
on Uninstall software.
Customize the Software
This section shows you how to customize the software. To open the software control
panel, you can double-click on the icon in the task bar or select the “Sofiware” icon
from the program group.
Close the Software
Click the right button on the taskbar, and select “Close Sofiwai'e” to close the soft-

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