Kenmore 15817520 User Manual SEWING MACHINE Manuals And Guides L9080243
KENMORE Mechanical Sewing Manual L9080243 KENMORE Mechanical Sewing Owner's Manual, KENMORE Mechanical Sewing installation guides
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Oimibuti,n ,f Noodle Swing 1_8.t7S20 STRAIGHt STITCH POSITION ATTACHMENT DIMENSION n CI_NTER ZIGZAG BITE Dean| the noodle to its lowest pcaLtlon by turnln4; the bsndwheol. At this neeole position, t-tu.n the ar[ItchwtdtheomrolfromOtoms.-.Imum and back to O. and oote the _latamce needle travel= from its center poaxtlon towa, r_ one slde. FOOT CONTROL n ham LOW BAR 5.8 L, 6813 PRESSERFOOT HEIGHT HIGH OARTYPE LOW BARTYPE SUPERHIGH OARTYPE •rum the haadwhae! One complete turn, an4br/nl[ the naedJa to lie ]owens poaltlon q[;u_. ,_ow thla ttme, the needle travele to the oppoeite side trom Its center posLtton, _ you tux_ the stitch width €0atrol from 0 to maxizoum, autdb:pek*.oO. Yots ebe _a.*-ce needZe tz,..4yeIL the Wee,no trAvolJ unev_'A dtJt_mcen from Its €lmtsr position, loosen set screw (I), _mdadJust pooP.fen of follower rocker pi.nby tu,'n_m4_eooen.. aria pin (2), until you obtain an oven dlstrtt'i'._tton the needle _ M LU,atr-_ted (3), Tfpsen the set screws se¢_rel), attar a_e_.. MM _t li.S MM MINIMUM 5,2 MM t NEEDLE PL:TE SURFACE MINIMUM S.2 MM 5.2 MM SIDE FACINGSHUTTLE FRONT FACINGSHUTTLE t F T.GU RE C-6 SUPER HIGH BAR LOW BAR HIGH BAR LOW BAR Dropfeed dog Pressdownpressureregulator to the mexvmumpressure Lowerpressurefoot lever Loosenthumbscrewandbe sure presser foot vs seated properly T,ghten thumb screw If adlustment _snecessary,raesepresser foot fever and loosen screwson presserbar holder Adlust the he,ght of presserfoot from needle plate as specd,ed Confvrmthe hevghtof presser foot by o complete turn of the handwheel Ttohtenthe screws securely after adlustment FIGURE A-F Feed Oeg Height P km :OR _O'IT ;AC;'4GSHUTTL-Z_ODELG, _LACE ;AUGE _ )OS........... , tS ,._ S-RATE2 .liT.THE :1g-GO-SIDEOF ,_ =_uo: _ACI'_ T'_E";[Z3L-_L;_TE..I,E_,._rE_.:_: FOOT. '.,H;LE TUR,r,I._G "HE .A;,CWHEELSLJWLf BY "_.ID,'-E _._,,:_aOSL] :_ '_OVE3_Y THE F_EDDOG ",E., _ . ;F 21OT,FEZDD{_ T_.---'. _ _RE CO ..,;.TvE', T PLACE THE GAbGE Um-SIDE-DO'_N"ITH T_E _O-S,DE FAC",_ ?.E '4EL5LEmLAT_. REPEAT THE S_4E PROCEDURE. THE GAUGE SHOULD NOT BE '.IOVE_.IF THE GAUGE IS HOVED, THE FEEDDOG TE_H ARE IOO HIGH. IN CHART FORM IT LOOKS LIKE THIS: Feed Dog Height Gauge Correct Low High GO-el-de(Facing Needle Plate). [iotMoving Not Moving Moving No-Go-side (Facing Needle Plate) Moving riotMoving (1ovlng .o No._os,o{ / _-_'_ "_'-'_"-"_ _ ,,o_ IF ADJUST':EtlTS _RE 'iECkSSARY,LCOSE_4SCRE',iI) or4DROP FE:.3 _E'_ER "_LGCK A:IDADJ,JS:" THE F{EDDOG HEIGHT AS SPECIFIED. T,G_ ,E,;T_E SORE^ SEC'_REL, AFTER ADJUS_(ENT. .'AUTIG_I:_CR SID#.FAC;'(GSHUTTLE MOOEL BE SURE "HE GAUGE IS _LACED OilTHE SURF:CE OF NEEDLE PLATE. BE SURE Or4EEr;D,.'_ _'iOT RESTI'4GON THE HAHDHOLE COVER _L:TE. FIGURE D-t ----- --- i ° ........ c_ I T \ FI(,URE _-]. NEEDLE TIMING TO SHUTTLE NEEDLe" BAR HEIGHT SET STITCH LENGTH CONTROLAT O. TURNING HANOWHEEL. CHECk,TO SEE IF THE FEED DOG MOVESHORIZO,"iTALLY. AT 0 POSITION THE FEED DOGSHOULD NOT MOVE. IF FEED DOGMOVES, LOOSENTHE NUT (2) HOLDING SCREW(1). TURN SCREWEITHER WAY TO ELIMINATE MOVEMENTOF THE FEED DCG. A._TER ADJUSTMENT. TIGHTEN NUT (2) SECURELY. THE RADIAL TIMING GAUGESAND TEST PINS, AS ILLUSTRATED BELOW',ARE AVAILABLE FROI, I DIVISION 92, SOURCE192. THE KIT IS IDENTIFIED AS #69659. EACH GAUGEAND TEST PIN CAN ALSO BE ORDEREDINDIVIDUALLY. THIS KIT IS USED FOR SOURCE148 AND 158 VERTICAL BOBBIN SEWINGNACHINES. l m,.Fl llelfl l;'IGtYR£ ¥-6 i / RADIAL SET SPECIAL STITCH DIAL AT "S", STITCH WIDTH CONTROLAT "S" AND STITCH LENGTH CONTROl AT "O". TURNING tlANDMHEEL,, CHECKTO SEE IF THE FEED DOGMOVES HORIZONTALLY. AT THIS POSITION THE FEED DOG SHOULDNOT HOVE. IF FEED DOGMOVES, LOOSENSCREW(1) SLIGHTLY. TURN ECCENTRIC SCREW(2) EITHER CLOCKWISEOR COONTERCLOCIOJlISE UNTIL MACHINE DOES NOT FEED ON THE "O" SETTING. TIG'TEN SCREW(2) SECURELYAFTER ADJUSTNENT. / TIHIl'lG GAUGE #69894 TIMING GAUGE RADIAL #69692 ..,_-,L _ "-"_ -'-"-'--_"_Jl,, 'l TEST #69873PIN "=_'.,_! _t RADIAL TIMING GAUGE #69893 FIGURE G-I FIGURE F-J RADIAL TIMING GAUGE #69695 ?h4_clearance -a.'" '"Oo""€," a_d _ en_e "d" a_ _ ¢r,ti¢ll po_f_tt,a _llatlon to "Jle nq41dletiming to shuttle. 114_lv41r.tn4.N parers Me v_lvaily derefm_Md 0v "41_'gthe Radial "1_ mlr_q_s. NOYI: No adlmsm4Rt it _ov_d for "Oimem_4_ C" to, t_ f_t.fa_ng muttJe mod4Js.Fat adju4tment for :Mo.mutsi* ragtime, lateelw mfef to FHIunl G.3. f_---..? _0 riot attemptalllvstmtnte otherthai thosespot,hidin ti_emimuldIf, byfollOw_ thei:_rescr, bndprocedures, stJe determinedthate machine*soutof rod,ll t,me,handleper 8ullet,nS,I120 Radial Timing Gauge nstructmns T Remove needle end replace _t w_thtest pin whichhis • blunt tup 2 Remove bobbin cese and shuttle hook l_sert correct rndlel timing gauoe into shvttin driver F_ this n14del_e)use gauge marked Source 158 FRO/;" 58 FRONT 40 Use FflO_lT 58 marking 3 Set stitch control at '0" or "S'" (depending on model involved) 4 Set needle position control et center for models which have this control (0.2§ - 0.36ram) FIGURE 6-2 5 Rotet_ hondwheel slowlybyhand (See frgum Go3a) The test pin shouldcome between the correct two vertical lines It the end of the €ounterclockwise rotatnonoi the gauge For th_smsdel_s)use vert0callinesudenhhedw,th one dot DIMENSION A To chpckneedlebar height° continueto fixate handwfleel slowly by hind (Set fugue#G.3b ) At the lowestpos0tfon of the needle bar. the end of the test panshouldcome between two hor,zontalhoes on the gauge If necess|_., edlusf needle bar height Loosenscrew on needle bar holder and OdluStheight on the lest pm DIMENSIONO FIGUREO-3 Figure G-3 eaves e general ndeo of the use of the radial timing gouge Follow the instructionsat the left which Ptflem to this model|s) z eg Sy, h,,m eo _t sutch width _nUrol at maximum. TumJn| the ba.dwheel, check ar,d see if the needle side moUoa on the standard plane (0,0_4 inch above the upper surface of the needle plated at both needle poslUoM _f the mseht_,e produce| _n i_r_r pMtern U dluotl'_ed (&_, adjust t_ m_l_e m the following way, IMert pattern d_ee member I onto _be €',- Jl_fl, _d cMcXtor acle_ur_mte_ 0,020 _Ms betwees cam surface of I_ttern d_e at _1 sMrtsst diameter _.'ld €_ foUower rocker pJa. _ _oere<:t, loosen tl_ acte_ 1[) lind ;demit IK_t(_ (21 tunU_ eithGr_y. Tl_hten_rew (1) aecturely sdter adjusts;ant. come within the enirtneertng limit of 00t_l inch. If n_, loQeen set screw (2) on the warm gear el_er dJrecuon. "el|hten the screw _21 securely after adjustment. •('"!, e. ! ! i .... i \ .qB # " • OOt3a \ \ Good Pat r.ern _ Irregular Pattet_ _=O"r_l Automatic Mechanism Cam and Cam Foflewer Mechanism Autemaflc Reverie Stitching Iluttenhele U the length of reverse atttche4 Ul aborter or tonier than that of forward stitches, the :|dJuatmerit is made by the tollowinK procedure: Ex;_ple of forward and reverse stitches LooJen the net screw (l), and pull off the _nob (2), Adjust the dial shait (3) by t,.;rnmg either wey u_tll you ¢_J1 obtain the _orrect pattert_. AJtpr ;dluJtment , pla_e the knob (2) onto the s_ft correctly directln_ It upward as _ilustreted, Tlshter, the screw ([) securely. It ts neceuar'/to have ; allllht Lap between the _nob _rface xnd arm side. After tlua ad)ustnleot the stutometic mecheniam tnuat also be checked U de|cribed for Figure K-9. equal in length If a p,aper"l_ttern d_m (conf.tlnm|automttc reverse 8tttcl_dnlt) p_od_ea an tneorrect p_ttern as _Uusfr'4¢ed, UIe m,tci_me ¢Jm b4 adjusted as below. _t It_tcl_ width €ontrol,ttma._mum,_r_d buttor.hole reverse _11tcb te_b control in upril_t poalUon. Loosen the Let screws (1) and nut (21 _ktptly _1 _Nst t_e_rsw (3) turnml_ tn s_t_er cUrecUon _l_le _| the m,tcmne with a super cam, u_t_t _ _ U_e _orrect pattern. 1/ tl_e |en4llb o_ forward srbtc_ea JJ IoniZer or _K)rter tJ_mthat of reverse _,titehes, turn the _¢raw (_1 €lqc.X_se ot (:mmter-clocJ;_e reapeoflvely. After _dN_tment, tlptent_a _rewa (l) _mdnut f2), holdl,m_screw {$) _cure[y. % • I ./ Irre_ular FIGURE \ Pattern Good Pattern J-6 J. I J FtGUKE \_/ K-9
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