Kenmore 17560572 User Manual FOOD WASTE DISPOSER Manuals And Guides L0709059
KENMORE Garbage disposal Manual L0709059 KENMORE Garbage disposal Owner's Manual, KENMORE Garbage disposal installation guides
User Manual: Kenmore 17560572 17560572 KENMORE FOOD WASTE DISPOSER - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your KENMORE FOOD WASTE DISPOSER #17560572. Home:Plumbing Parts:Kenmore Parts:Kenmore FOOD WASTE DISPOSER Manual
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® FOOD WASTE DISPOSERS Installation, Care & Use Manual TOOLS AND MATERIALS YOU WILL NEED: Reid through the entire Instillation, Care & UIB manual before InttiIIIng the dispolar. Determine which of the toolm, materlalB, and t¢¢eiiorlel you will need befor! you begin. Make tou!! you have all rleceu=ry dlepoiet patte before InstallIng the dlapoler (lee part identification diagram below). Stott0d Screwdriver, Adjustable Pl(ers, P{umber'_Putty, ElectricalTape TOOLS, MATERIALS, AND ACCESSORIES YOU MAY NEED: PhiIlips Screwdriver, Drain Auger, 3/8" Electricat Cl_mp Connector,Wire Nuts (2), Secorld 1 1/2" Drain Trap, Hammer, Hacksaw, Water Hose Cramp, Pipe Wrench. Co;'p¢r Ground Wire, DI=hw¢=h=r br_In Connoc',I_,n Kit, Air G_tp,Electr(ca{On/Off Switch, Drain Tube Extension .... r O A H _ ,ira /:-_P I B #1 _ ': ._.-0 ) '' K 0 F #2 0 Mout_tlng Asiembly A; Stopper S: Sink FIs(lgo C F!b_r O_tlket DIspoler _ MourIIlng Q_t_.k_ti,_pl_sh B_trf!_ I I,_w_r Mountm_ Rlrlg J 13I_l_w_tmCtIrdo! E Mo,An'_lng_qu,g L Wron_;_'_e_te #_ Two-Bolt Dl/¢hlrge W S_(I(2) O;OiilChil_'gl}_bil I I,I'Y Dlam } Q; O_km _Q__ One-Bolt {3 Snap RII,g #2 O Oist;h(_rOtf P Discharge _klbo (i 1/2" Diam) Frtang() SAFETY SYMBOLS Dange¢ ir;dic,qtos _n immin6ntly h_zardou_ _tu_l(on which, If not avold_d_ will rg_u(t in do_t_h or [_I=WARNINOJ potentially hazardous situalion which, If not avoided, cotJlrJ result ;n polentiaIIy hl_zardous Bilu_tion which, ff not a_olded, mt_y resutt ir_ minor or _oriou_ dealh or Sc+riOU,_ h_jury. modera.Ie !njury Warning Ir_dicatos C6utton indicates a I_iut Y Part NO r316& , 02,_,_t O i CHECK INSTALLATION DIMENSIONS Model A: Di,_posorHeight I' B: Distance from bottom at sink bowt to centerline of oiscnargg i gutter. (Ad_ 1/2" wher_stainless steel _lnk is used.] A C: Distance fromeenterltne of the discharge outlet to end of discharge tube, D: Disposer Width E: Distance from disposer vertical contorting to ¢enterttne of .m_o.= _ _' ie" P.lrap connection, _---|---.I eol!T=,,!_tlllil3!2 8/8" a" F: Centerflne of disposer dlsche.rgeto ¢enterllne lit waste p pO enter ng we .... (Dimension "F" muet be greater ther_t!4" 1oprevent etendlr_g water]n dlsposer,l ' Indicates B_tchFeedModel ! If rgpleclng an !_t_e exfstlng dfJpOeer¢9_nt!r!uQ skip atleed IrtllttUollon2 8...... !_this Is eflrwt !nail=lib(fen= w thtoIrtstru_!lorl DISCONNECT _',,,,Z _/f "'_' ...... 4" 7 1/4" 5_ '_ SINK DRAIN t, Looeen nul (A) el top ot "P-trap" with pipe wrench (see Figure 2-1), 2, Loosen nut (B) at top of extension pipe. Remove _xtenSion plp_, 3, Loosen nut (C) at base of eink fie.nee. (if nut Is corroded or Ioo tight, _pply penetrating lubricant,) 4. Push s_nkf_engeup throughsink hole and remove it (_g_ Figure 2-2) 5. Ctean sink flange area of arty putty or ati_er debris, O ISASSEMBLE NEW DISPOSER MOUNTING ASSEMBLY ,_ .... _ _ • _ i ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 2*1 2-2 3-1 3-2 4-1 4-2 t, [near( wrenohe_e (or ecrewdrlver) into one mounting lug _nd hof_ tower mou_{, {ng rin_ securely with one hand (see Figure 3-1) With your other hand, turn mounting _.embly countercfockwma to remove mounting assembly from tower mounting ring, 2. Turn mounting assembty over (seeFigure 3-2) and loosen three mounttng screws (A) until you oan I_ccess snap ring (B), 3, Use screwdriver to pry sn_p ring off of sink flange. Moui"tlirlg assembly wit( now come apart O INSTALL FLANGE IN SINK HOLE t, Roll I/4 pound (4 oz.) of non-hardening plumber's putty [omake 314" thick rope to ,,eel 8round sink flange, 2, Apply putty evenly around sink hofe (sea Figure 4.1 ). 3, Press sink flange slowty bul firmly into sink drain bole to seat evonty on putty (see Figure 4.2). Use screwdriver or putty knlN to scrape eli putty from edge of sink ftole, Do not use plumber's putty on any other dteposer Connection. m_y h_rm d_sposer _nd ceu_e property damage, O ATTACH UPPER MOUNTING You may wish to place _ weighted o_lect under obtect m sink to prever_t scml_hing It ASSEMBLY TO SINK FLANGE in the stnk to hol_ (he sink flange in piece. (Place ) Reference Figure 5-1 for part identtflcallon. 1. Working IrOn under sink, sIip fiber gasket metal backup ring over _ink flange, and 2, Holding tiber gasket and b_.ckup rtr_g in piece. _fip mounli_g ring over e!r'_kflange} au il seeI,,i 8galnst i_acku0 ring, 3, With hber gasket, backup rmg, and mounting rlng_ighl to sinkbottom, elid_sn_p ringonto sink flange un!.il Itpops tr_to groove on flange'. 4, 0, towel Tig_',_en three meurtting screw-, up to sir_k u_{it mounting _9sombly _ssee_ed lightly _r_ evenly _,g_inet _tnk. • Placing _, thick, wide rubber band mound the sink flange (_b'Ove the SnSp ring grOOV_t rrl_y help hold _arts in place while tnstalli_g snap rmg, (Remember to remove rubber band alter snap ring le installed,) t If you _re repfe,clng 8n extstlng disposer, go to Instruction 6. I! [his is _ f[rs_time tnst_.t![a_on.I skin _l_g_ to matructlon 7 ..............., .__._J_ O REMOVE EXISTING DISPOSER t. Turn O_telectrical power st fuse box or e=rcuitgrea_er. 6-2 i DisCOnnectdrain trap from disposer waste discharge tube with adjustable pliers (_ea Fig 6-1), (Also disconnect dlshwe=;har drain connection, t| required.) 3. _upport disposer w=thOneh=nd and insert =nOof wrench=tie cr screwdriver into right side of one mounting lug on lower mounting ring (see Figure 6-2}, Lift disposer stightiy af_d loosen lower mounting ring _y pushing or pulling wrench=tie or screwdriver to left until disposer is free from mounting assembly. (Disposer m=y be heavy - provide support,) 4, With electrical supply turned off turn disposer upside down and remove eleotrt. cal cover plate (sea Figure 6-3), Loosen green ground screw and remove wire nuts (see Figure6-4), Disconnect disposerwlres from siectdoel auppiy wire=, Loosen screw(s) on electrical cramp connector and remove wires from disposer, ii i i ,, 2 ,.......,,., : 5. Loosen three mourting sorews, pry snap ring eft with screwdriver, and r_move oid mounting assembly (Jee Figure e,5), (Some mounting assembly removal requires additional tOOlS,) 6. PuShold sink flange up throughsink hole (see Flour= 6,8), Use acrewdriver or putty knife to scrape air Did putty from edge of Sinkhole. CLEAN SINK DRAIN LINE Fattureto clean sink drain tins may resutt in drain fine blockage. t. Remove P4rap, 2, Wl_hdrain auger, clear all h_rdened waste materiel in horizontal drain line. d tit you are not oorlnacting a dtshwel_her te dO=poser, go to Imttructfon REPARE DISHWASHER APPLICABLE) 9 DRAIN CONNECTION t (IF The knockout drain plug shoutd only be removed il you are c_JnneCtir_g a bu!lt-in dishwasher to the disposer. NOTE; ft the dishwa.',her ¢onnecflon i,_made without removing the #tuO the dishwasher may ovedfOw, (Coltnedtig¢,s must comply wifh local plumbing ¢odes,) Remove Knockout Plug 1. Lay disposer on its side arid insert s_:rewdriver into dishwasher iMlet so tip rests on outer edge of knockout plug 2. Tap end of screwdriver handle wkh h,ttmme_ unti4 me[dad piug break'3 teose 3. (see Figure 8-t), REMOVE LOOSE KNOCKOUT Attach Dishwaahsr PLUG FROM INSll3E DISPOSEIq Drain Connector It your dtshwesi'ter drain hose is 7/8" diameter, g_, to Instruction 9. If your dishwasher drain hose is nol 718" diameter, you must attach a distlwashor drain cenRector to the diehwa.sher drain Inlet Follow the iTtstallalion IrlStrliCtions wtlh the co,inaction connector 8-4 8-S 8-8 .... • II the new disposer mounting Is the same i_sOldor_e, remove mounting a=seml_y from disposer (Instruction 3) and go to Ins!;ructlott 7, . If the new disposer mounting is different from Ihe ol_ one (or you wish to repta_e the old =Ink flange) you must compiate Steps 5- (] (below), snd Inatruottone 2. 5, then aontlrtue with Instruction ?, O 8-3 k_l. (You will c_nr_ecl the di_,hwa_her in Inst_ctlort 123 drain hose to the 3 O CONNECT DISPOSERTO ELECTRICAL SUPPLY Electric Shock . lrrlproper connection of the eqdlpment-ground_r_g conductor con result in o ri_k of electric ,=hock Check with • qualified electrician or serv,ceman if you are in doubt as to whether the Appliance te properly grounded Do not modify the plug provtd{id with the appliance - if It will nol fit the outlet, hove a proper outlet Inatolted by o qualified electrician, , Thisdisposer must be properly grounded, • IL3on01altach ground wire to gos supply pipe. . Disconnect power before installing or sorvicing de. poser, • If threo*prong, grounded prug isu,,ed, plug mu=_tbe in=erred IP, tothree.hole, grounded recept=lle. . All wiring mull comply with local electrical codes, • Do not roconnect electrical current at meln _ervlce ponel until proper gropnds ore lnstolled, ,,,,,,,,, .... , .............................................. There ate two w=ye to connect electdeol power to your disposer' I,) Direct wire 2,) Piug in cord. In,=lalled at Factory, or Iron KenrilOre Kit _'80686 (for eli models tistec} in this manual) Disposer Circu|t Requirement= Ensure the followingetectrl¢ol roqulrements are mot bo!Ote connecting disposor Io owttch (see Figure g-f for typical dfrect wired electrical circuit cl_agram): •Removo luse (or open Ihe circuit bre_l
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