Ki Ryung Electronics SV1G3 Digital Satellite Radio User Manual SV2 User Guide

Ki Ryung Electronics Co., Ltd. Digital Satellite Radio SV2 User Guide

Users Manual

SV1 SIRIUS OneSIRIUS Satellite Radio Plug and PlayUser and Installation Guide
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide2CONGRATULATIONS!  Your new SV1 SIRIUS One SIRIUS® Satellite Radio Plug and Play Receiver lets youenjoy SIRIUS Satellite Radio’s digital entertainment in your vehicle, home, or boat. Use this guide tofamiliarize yourself with all of SV1’s features and capabilities.  For the latest information about this and otherSIRIUS products, please visit of ContentsSafety Precautions ........................................................... 4FCC Warning .................................................................... 5Cleaning the Receiver ....................................................... 5Package Contents ............................................................ 6Installation ....................................................................... 7Location ....................................................................... 7Mounting the Receiver ................................................. 7Installing the Magnetic Antenna .................................. 8Connecting the Receiver ............................................ 10Activating your SIRIUS Subscription .......................... 11SV1 SIRIUS One Receiver Basic Operation .............. 13Remote Control .......................................................... 14Installing Batteries in the Remote ........................... 14Changing Channels .................................................... 15Display Button (DISP) ............................................... 15Selecting Channels Directly ...................................... 16Advanced Features ...................................................... 17Channel Presets (BAND) ........................................... 17Storing Channel Presets ......................................... 17Using Channel Presets ........................................... 17Searching for a Channel Preset (P.TUNE Mode) ....... 18FM Frequency Button ................................................ 18Menu Options ................................................................ 19FM Transmitter .......................................................... 20FM Presets ............................................................. 20FM On/Off ............................................................... 21Display Options ......................................................... 21Parental Control ......................................................... 22Lock/Unlock ............................................................ 22Edit Code ................................................................ 23
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide 3Table of Contents (continued)© 2005 SIRIUS Satellite Radio Inc.® “SIRIUS,” the SIRIUS dog logo, channel names and logosare trademarks of SIRIUS Satellite Radio Inc. “NFL” and theNFL Shield logo, and the NFL Sunday Drive name and logo areregistered trademarks of the National Football League. “NHL”and the NHL Shield are registered trademarks of the NationalHockey League.  “NBA” and the NBA silhouette logo areregistered trademarks of NBA Properties Inc. Velcro is aregistered trademark of Velcro Industries B.V. All othertrademarks, service marks and logos are the property of theirrespective owners. All Rights Reserved.Audio Level ................................................................. 25Signal Indicator .......................................................... 25Factory Default .......................................................... 25Specifications .................................................................. 28Troubleshooting ............................................................... 2912 MONTH LIMITED WARRANTY .................................. 30
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide4• If the LCD display on the Receiver becomesdamaged or broken, do not touch the liquid crystalfluid. The fluid can be dangerous to your health. Ifthe liquid crystal fluid contacts your body orclothing, immediately wash it off with soap andwater.           CautionTake the following precautions to keep the Receiverin proper working order:• Do not open the Receiver.• When replacing a fuse, use only a new one withthe proper rating. Using a fuse with the wrongrating may cause the Receiver to malfunction.• To prevent a short circuit when replacing a fuse,first disconnect the wiring harness.Note:If the Receiver doesn’t seem to be working properly,turn the Receiver’s power off, wait 5 – 10 seconds,then turn the power on again.Safety Precautions           WarningTake the following precautions to prevent fire andavoid personal injury:• Be sure the Receiver is installed as described inthe Installation Guide.• The use suggestions contained in this User Guideare subject to any restrictions or limitations thatmay be imposed by applicable law—the purchasershould check applicable law for any restrictions orlimitations before installing and/or operating thisReceiver.• Failure to follow these safety instructions andwarnings may result in a serious accident.• To avoid short circuits, never put or leave anymetallic objects (coins, tools, etc.) inside theReceiver.• If the Receiver emits smoke or unusual odors, turnthe power off immediately.• Do not drop the Receiver, or subject it to strongshocks.
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide 5FCC WarningThis equipment may generate or use radiofrequency energy. Changes or modifications to thisequipment may cause harmful interference unlessthe modifications are expressly approved in thisUser Guide. The user could lose the authority tooperate this equipment if an unauthorized change ormodification is made.Note:This equipment has been tested and found tocomply with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Theserules are designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference. Thisequipment may cause harmful interference toradio communications if it is not installed andused in accordance with these instructions.However, there is no guarantee that interferencewill not occur in a particular installation. If thisequipment does cause harmful interference toradio reception, which can be determined byturning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one ofmore of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the otherequipment and the Receiver.• Connect the other equipment to a different circuitfrom that to which the Receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radiotechnician for help.  WarningDo not operate the Receiver in a way that mightdivert your attention from driving safely. As a driver,you alone are responsible for safely operating yourvehicle in accordance with traffic safety laws at alltimes.Cleaning the ReceiverIf the Receiver becomes dirty, turn its power off andwipe it clean with a soft dry cloth. Do not use hardcloths, paint thinner, alcohol, or other volatilesolvents to clean the Receiver. These may causedamage to the plastic or remove indicatorcharacters.
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide6Package ContentsSurfacePreparationCleaningKit(To clean a surface of anyknown / unknown emulsionsprior to applying adhesives.)SV1 SIRIUS OneReceiverMagnetic AntennaSIRIUS OneRemote ControlRubber AntennaCable Cover/Tail& Adhesive StripAlcohol Swab andVelcro® StripsSuction Cup MountVisor/Dash MountCigarette LighterPower CordUser GuideThe following items are packaged with the SV1 SIRIUS One. Check the package to be all of the items areincluded. If any of the items are missing, please contact the retailer where you purchased the product.User and Installation GuideSV1 SIRIUS OneSIRIUS Satellite Radio Plug and Play
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide 7InstallationInstallation of your SV1 Receiver is easy:1. Choose a location in your vehicle where you willmount the Receiver, either on the visor, thedash, or  the windshield.2. Mount the Receiver on the visor using the clipmount, or on the windshield using the suctioncup mount.4. Install the magnetic antenna on the roof of thevehicle, and route the antenna cable to theReceiver.4. Connect the power cord for the Receiver to yourvehicle’s cigarette lighter.5. Subscribe to the SIRIUS service and beginenjoying the SIRIUS entertainment!LocationChoose a location in your vehicle where theReceiver will not block your vision, interfere with thevehicle controls, or obstruct the air bag. If you areusing the suction cup mount, the location should besuitable for using the suction cup mount, such asthe windshield or other flat, smooth surface.The location should be easily reachable and providegood visibility of the Receiver.Mounting the ReceiverAttach the desired mounting device to the to thereceiver by sliding the flat portion of the visor/dashmount or suction cup mount into slot on the topedge of the Receiver. Gently slide the mountingdevice in until it clicks into place.Next, attach the Receiver to the visor or thewindshield. If you are using the suction cup mount,lightly moistening the surface of the suction cupswhich face the windshield will help the suction cupsadhere.
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide8Installing the Magnetic AntennaThe optimum mounting location for the antenna ison the roof of the vehicle, with a minimumunobstructed area of 12 inches by 12 inches, andexactly 6½ inches from the rear roof edge of thevehicle (the length of the rubber antenna cablecover/tail). It is important to avoid any obstructionsthat will block the SIRIUS signal, obstructions suchas a roof rack, a sunroof, roof mounted cargocontainers, or other antennas.The following illustrations show the recommendedmounting locations of the antenna for several typesof vehicles. Follow these recommendations for bestperformance from the antenna.Sedan/Coupe: Mount the antenna along the rearcenterline of the vehicle roof, located at the rear ofthe roof near the rear window.SUV/Mini-Van:Mount the antenna along the rearcenterline of the vehicle roof, located at the rear ofthe roof near the rear door/hatch.Pickup Truck: Mount the antenna along the rearcenterline of the cab roof, located at the rear of theroof near the rear window.Convertible: Mount the antenna along the centerlineof the trunk lid, with the rubber antenna cable cover/tail directed toward the rear window.
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide 9Clean the area where the antenna and rubberantenna cable cover/tail will be mounted with thesupplied alcohol swab.Connect the rubber antenna cable cover/tail to theantenna cable, making sure that the strain-relief onthe antenna seats into the rubber antenna cablecover/tail groove. Route the antenna cable throughthe wire channel in the rubber antenna cable cover/tail. Do not yet attach the adhesive strip.Temporarily position the antenna and rubberantenna cable cover/tail in the selected mountingarea and route the cable from the antenna to thevehicle’s interior by tucking it underneath the rubbermolding around rear window, as shown.Route the cable from the lowest point of the rearwindow into the trunk. Take advantage of anyexisting cable channels or wiring conduits. ForSUVs, mini-vans & 5-door vehicles, bring the cableinto the vehicle under the rubber molding for thetailgate, and continue under the interior trim.From the trunk, or rear of the vehicle, route the cablearound the passenger compartment and to the frontof the vehicle, to the receiver. Take care not pull thecable across sharp edges that could damage it, andkeep it away from areas where it might entanglefeet. Coil any excess antenna cable in a locationwhere it can be hidden.RUBBER ANTENNACABLE COVER/TAILADHESIVESTRIPANTENNACABLEANTENNA(UNDERSIDE)PROTECTIVE MATERIAL(RED SIDE)
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide10Once the antenna cable is routed through thevehicle, and you are satisfied with the cable routing,peel the yellow protective material from theadhesive strip and adhere the adhesive strip to therubber antenna cover/tail. Next peel the redprotective material from the adhesive strip andpress the rubber antenna cable cover/tail firmly intoplace on the vehicle.Double check that the location of the antenna andrubber antenna cable cover/tail are correct, andcontinue to press firmly down on rubber antennacable cover/tail for another 30 seconds.Note: At room temperature (68 degrees), maximumadhesion usually occurs within 72 hours. During thisperiod, avoid car washes and other contact with theantenna and rubber antenna cable cover/tail.Connecting the ReceiverConnect the antenna and cigarette lighter poweradapter to the Receiver to complete the installation.The illustration below shows the location of theantenna and power connectors on the Receiver.ANTENNAPOWERAUDIOOUTFMOUTPlug the cigarette lighter power adapter cord intoyour vehicle’s cigarette lighter, and turn the ReceiverOn by pressing the power button. Once you haveRUBBER ANTENNACABLE COVER/TAILVEHICLEMOUNTING SURFACE
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide 11verified that Receiver has powered on, you canproceed with activating your SIRIUS subscription.Activating your SIRIUS SubscriptionBefore you can listen to the SIRIUS service, youneed to subscribe to the SIRIUS Satellite Radioservice.1. Be sure that the Receiver is correctly installedand that the antenna is oriented to receive theSIRIUS signal.2. Press the power button to turn Receiver On.After displaying the SIRIUS logo, the Receiverwill update the SIRIUS channel line up. Thedisplay will show, “UPDATING CHANNELS” andshow the status of the update.HCDP %U X XsWait until the channel updates have completedbefore pressing any buttons on the Receiver.3. Once the channels have been updated, thedisplay will change to “Call 1-888-539-SIRIUS toSubscribe” and will place you in SIRIUS SatelliteRadio’s Preview Channel, channel 184.You will not be able to tune to any otherchannels until you activate your SIRIUSsubscription.1l 8a 8 5C 8 -l-4. To listen to the audio from your Receiver, you willneed to tune the FM radio in your vehicle and theFM transmitter in the Receiver to the same FMfrequency. The FM transmitter in the Receiverdefaults to 88.1 MHz, so you can begin by tuningyour FM radio to 88.1 MHz. If there is an FM stationbroadcasting on that frequency, you will have tosearch for a quiet frequency to use. Refer to thesection titled, FM Transmitter in this User Manualfor instructions on how to tune the FM transmitterto other FM frequencies.5. Using the channel up and down buttons, tunethe Receiver to channel 000 to display theReceiver’s unique 12-digit SIRIUS ID Number
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide12(SID). You can also tune to channel 000 byusing the remote: Press the Select button, thenthe 0 (zero) button, and then the Select buttonagain. (This SID number is also available on theSV1 packaging.) Write the SID number down inthe space provided at the end of this manual.332 41 5 61 5 6246. Have your credit card handy and contact SIRIUSon the Internet at: follow the prompts to activate yoursubscription. You can also call SIRIUS toll-freeat:         1-888-539-SIRIUS (1-888-539-7474)7. When you have successfully subscribed to theSIRIUS service, and the Receiver has beenupdated with your subscription information, analert will be displayed.USDPU  BTo continue, press any key on the Receiver.The installation of your Receiver is now complete,and you are ready to begin enjoying SIRIUS SatelliteRadio’s digital entertainment!
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide 13SV1 SIRIUS One Receiver Basic Operation1348976521. POWER Button    : Turns the Receiver’s powerOn and Off.2. Channel Up/Down Buttons: Navigates throughchannels and display screens.3. BAND Button (P.Tune): Pressing and releasingswitches between the five preset banks (A, B, C, Dand E), which hold five presets each. Pressing andholding enables “Preset Tune Mode”, which allowsfor viewing and listening of stored presets with thechannel up/down buttons.4. Preset Number Buttons (1-5): Sets and selectspreset channels. Also used to directly tunechannels by entering the channel number.5. DISP (Display) Button: Toggles display betweenthe channel number and name, channel numberand category, channel number and artist name,and channel number and song title. Holding theDISP button down flips the display screen 180degrees to enable mounting the Receiver upsidedown on a vehicle visor.6. Category Previous/Next Buttons: Navigatesthrough the category (genre) list screen whichdisplays SIRIUS channel categories.7. Select Button: Selects items displayed on thescreen.8. FM Preset Button: Selects between preset FMfrequencies used for the built-in wirelesstransmitter.9. Bracket Release Button: This button releasesthe bracket which is attached to the Receiver.
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide14Remote Control1. Power Button   : Turns the Receiver power On andOff.2. Number Buttons (0-9): Used for directly selectingchannels and for presets.3. BAND Button: Switches between preset bands A , B,C, D, and E.4. MUTE Button: Mutes the audio.5. Category Previous/Next Buttons: Navigates throughcategories (genres).6. Channel Up/Down Buttons: Navigates throughchannels and display screens.7. Select Button: Selects items on the display screen.8. MENU Button: Used to access menu options to makesetup and feature changes.9. DISP Button: Toggles display between the channelnumber and name, channel number and category,channel number and artist name, and channel numberand song title. Holding the DISP button down flips thedisplay screen 180 degrees to enable mounting theReceiver upside down on a vehicle visor.10. FM Preset Button: Selects between preset FMfrequencies used for the built-in wireless transmitter.Installing Batteries in the Remote1. Remove the battery cover.2. Install CR2032 battery. (+ positive side is up)3. Replace the battery cover.132645109785
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide 15Pressing the category previous or next button willcause the Receiver to display a listing of theprevious or next channel category.Use the channel up/down buttons to display achannel within a category and press the selectbutton to tune to the channel. When a new channelis selected, the display will revert to the defaultdisplay screen for the new channel.Display Button (DISP)Momentarily pressing and releasing the DISP(Display) button while the default screen isdisplayed causes the Receiver to sequence thedisplay between the channel number and channelname, channel number and category name, channelnumber and artist name, and channel number andsong title.After you have successfully activated your SIRIUSsubscription, and the Receiver has received thesubscription information from the SIRIUS signal, thedefault display screen  will be displayed.rP4 v8 i1 e w eWhen the Receiver is powered On, the previouslyselected channel will automatically begin playing,and the channel name of the current channel will bedisplayed.Changing ChannelsPressing the channel up or down button will causethe Receiver to immediately tune to the next orprevious channel.Pressing the category previous or next button willcause the receiver to display a list of the channels inthe current category. Use the channel up and downbuttons to navigate through the list.51POP []
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide16lC4 V1 i l0 n y soR4 k10  clA4 c1 e o0 C icS4 o1 o s0 l ' hNote: If you are viewing a sports category channellist (NFL®, NBA®, NHL®, or College), pressing andreleasing the DISP button will instead togglebetween the team names and the current score ofany live play-by-play game.Use the category previous and next buttons to scrollthrough the music and entertainment categories,and the channel up and down buttons to scrollthrough the available channels in each category tofind the channel to which you want to listen.When you have found the channel you wish to listento, press the select button to tune to the channel.The new channel will begin playing and the displaywill revert to the default display screen for the newchannel.Pressing and holding the DISP button for 1 secondwill cause the Receiver to flip the display screen 180degrees to enable mounting the Receiver upsidedown on a vehicle visor.Selecting Channels DirectlyA channel may be directly selected by entering thechannel number using 0-9 buttons on the remotecontrol.To enter a channel number, momentarily press andrelease the select button. At the display prompt,enter the three digit channel number.:# _H _C  _
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide 17Advanced FeaturesChannel Presets (BAND)You can store up to 30 of your favorite channels aspresets for quick recall access. The preset channelsare stored in 5 bands, A, B, C, D, E, and F eachcontaining 5 channel presets, and are numbered 1to 5. The 5 channel presets in each band areaccessed by pressing the appropriate number (1 to5) on the Receiver. A momentary press and releaseof the BAND button cycles through the 5 presetbands (A, B, C, D, E, and F).Storing Channel PresetsTo store a favorite channel as a preset, do thefollowing:1. Momentarily press and release the BANDbutton until the desired preset band, A, B, C, D,E, or F, is displayed.2. Tune the Receiver to the channel you wish tostore as a preset. (See the section, BasicOperation for specific instructions for tuning to achannel.)3. Press and hold for 1 second the numberedpreset button in which you wish to store yourfavorite channel. The band and preset numberwill then be displayed to confirm that thechannel has been stored.1A4 S1 a d0 v eNote: If the preset button already has a channelstored in it, the preset will be replaced by the newlystored channel.Using Channel PresetsPress and release the BAND button to cyclebetween the preset bands until the preset band youwant is displayed.The 5 preset channels in the active band can thenbe selected by momentarily pressing and releasingthe 1 through 5 buttons.When you have chosen a preset channel, the bandand preset number will be displayed.A 1 -
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide18Empty presets are not displayed.3. To exit the P.TUNE mode, press and hold theBAND button for approximately 1 second, untilthe default display screen is displayed.FM Frequency ButtonThe Receiver has a special button called the FMFrequency button, which is identified by the icon.When the FM Frequency button is pressed, theReceiver turns on the built-in FM transmitter andbegins transmitting on the next frequency from theFM frequency preset list. A screen will be displayedfor 3 seconds showing the currently selected FMfrequency. When the FM transmitter is turned on, anFM radio tuned to the same FM frequency willreceive the currently tuned SIRIUS broadcast.-M 8 1F 8 .1Each subsequent press of the FM Frequency buttonadvances to the next frequency in the FM frequencySearching for a Channel Preset (P.TUNE Mode)To quickly search through all of your presets in theP.TUNE mode, do the following:1. Press and hold the BAND button forapproximately 1 second to enter the P.TUNEmode. “Preset Tuning Mode” will momentarily bedisplayed and the preset number will bedisplayed to indicate the Receiver is in thePreset Tune Mode.enT M. oP d eulC1 V- i lA n y s2. Use the channel up and down buttons to moveup or down through your channel presets andimmediately tune to each channel. Channelpresets are grouped and displayed by bank andpreset number, i.e.,  A-1, A-2...B-1, B-2, etc.
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide 19preset list. By using the FM Frequency button, aquiet FM frequency may be quickly tuned.If no FM frequencies have been preset when the FMFrequency button is pressed, the Receiver willdefault to a frequency of 88.1 MHz.A preset list of FM frequencies suitable for receivingthe broadcast from the Receiver over an FM radio inyour location is created by using the FM Presetsmenu option of the Receiver. (Refer to the FMTransmitter section in the Menu Options section ofthis manual for instructions on programming the FMpresets list.)Menu OptionsTo enter the Menu Options page of the Receiver,press and hold the select button, or press theMENU button on the remote control. The menuoptions will be then displayed.AR SM M TF I TTNTo select a menu option, use the channel up anddown buttons to display the option you wish toadjust, and press the select button. If a selection isnot made within 10 seconds, the Receiver will exitthe menu options mode, and revert to the last activedisplay mode.To exit menu options, or any of the other menuoption screens, repeatedly press and release theMENU key on the remote control until you arereturned to the default display screen.The following sections explain each of the menuoptions in the order in which they are displayed onthe Menu Options screen.
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide20-M 8 1F 8 .12. Using the channel up and down buttons, displaythe FM preset you wish to set (or change) andpress the select button. You will then enter a listof FM frequencies, beginning with the currentlyselected FM frequency for the preset.18 H8 z.M3. Use your FM radio to locate quiet FMfrequencies where there is no interference fromadjacent FM stations. These are the frequencieswhich should be added to the FM presets list.4. Using the channel up and down buttons, displaythe frequency you wish to select for the presetand press the select button. The FM frequencywill then be stored in the preset.5. You may then continue to select FM frequenciesfor other presets using the same steps. To exitFM TransmitterThe FM Transmitter feature allows you to create apreset list of 5 suitable FM frequencies which canthen be accessed by using the FM Frequencybutton. This option also allows you to turn the FMtransmitter On and Off.ER EM TF SPS/n fM fF OOFM PresetsTo create or add to a list of FM preset frequencies,do the following:1. Using the channel up and down buttons, displaythe “FM PRESETS” menu item and press theselect button. You will then enter a list of FMpresets.
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide 21the FM Presets menu, press the MENU button.FM On/OffTo turn the Receiver’s FM transmitter On or Off, usethe channel up and down buttons to display the “FMOn/Off” menu item and press the select button.NMF OFFMF OUse the channel up and down buttons to display “FMOn” or “FM Off”, and press the select button.To exit the FM On/Off menu, press the MENUbutton.Display OptionsThe Receiver’s display screen can be adjusted forbrightness and contrast using the Display Optionsmenu option.thi er sB sgnarn toC tsUse the channel up and down buttons to display the“Brightness” or “Contrast” option, and press theselect button.Brightness adjusts the overall intensity of the LCDdisplay to help with viewing in different lightingconditions. Contrast adjusts the relationshipbetween the background and the text on the LCDdisplay. Use the channel up and down buttons, toadjust the brightness/contrast. The bar graph willmove to indicate the change.+-To exit the Brightness/Contrast screen, press theMENU button.
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide22displayed indicating that the wrong code has beenentered.go or dW enCLock/UnlockTo lock or unlock a channel, do the following:1. Use the channel up and down buttons to displaythe “Lock/Unlock” menu choice, and press theselect button.2. If this is the first time that Parental Control isbeing used, you will be prompted to create andenter a four digit numerical code. This code canbe any four digit number from 0000 to 9999.:we _ _N _ _#If you should exit this prompt without entering acode, you will be prompted to set a code nexttime you enter the Lock/Unlock option.3. If a code has been previously set, a “EnterParental ControlThe Receiver has the ability to lock out withpassword protection any channels you do not wantothers to access without your permission. A lockedchannel will not appear in the channel list.U/C LO OL C KKNCi dd eE toWhen access to a locked channel is attemptedusing the direct channel entry method, the “EnterCode” screen is displayed and the channel cannotbe accessed until the correct code is entered.:#do _ _C _ _eIf the wrong code is entered, a message will be
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide 23Code” prompt will be displayed. Enter your fourdigit code and press the select button tocontinue.:#do _ _C _ _e4. When the correct code has been entered, a youwill enter a list of channels. Use the channel upand down buttons to navigate to the channel youwish to lock or unlock, and press the selectbutton. A previously locked channel will have thelock icon displayed to the right of the channelnumber.pS2 r1 i0 t i5. To lock or unlock a channels, use the channel upand down buttons to display a channel, and pressthe select button.If you are locking a channel, the word “Lock” will bedisplayed to the right of the channel name. If youare unlocking a channel, the word “Lock” will beremoved from the right of the channel name.To exit the Parental Control menu, press the MENUbutton.Edit CodeThis setting allows you to change a previouslyselected Parental Control code.The first time the Edit Code setting is accessed youwill be prompted to enter a four digit code. This codecan be any four digit number from 0000 to 9999.:we _ _N _ _#If you should exit this prompt without entering acode, you will be prompted to set a code the nexttime you enter the Edit Code option.To change the Parental Control code, do thefollowing:1. Use the channel up and down buttons to displaythe “Edit Code” menu option, and press theselect button.2. At the prompt, enter the four digit Parental
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide24:yte _ _R _ _r6. If you confirmed the correct code, the lock codeis now changed and a confirmation screen isdisplayed. If you entered the wrong code at theconfirmation prompt, a screen will be displayedto alert you that you have entered the wrongcode, and you will have to repeat the processagain.hCw no gN e d aTo exit the Parental Control menu, press the MENUbutton.If you have forgotten your ParentalControl code, call SIRIUS CustomerService for help.Control code.:#do _ _C _ _e3. If you did not enter the correct code, a messagewill be displayed alerting you that the wrongcode was entered, and you will be promptedagain to enter the code.go or dW enC4. If the correct code was entered, the “New Code”prompt will appear. Enter the new ParentalControl code.:we _ _N _ _#5. You will then be prompted to confirm the newcode by entering it again.
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide 25Audio LevelThe Audio Level menu option adjusts the level of theaudio output of the Receiver.To adjust the audio level, use the channel up anddown buttons to change the audio level. The bargraph will move to indicate the change.+-To exit the Audio Level menu, press the MENUbutton.Signal IndicatorThe Signal Indicator display screen provides a visualdisplay of the strength of the SIRIUS signal from thesatellite antenna and also from terrestrial (ground)transmitters.To display the Signal Indicator screen, do thefollowing:1. Use channel up and down buttons to display the“Signal Indicator” menu option, and press theselect button.-TA +S-RE +T2. The satellite signal strength screen will bedisplayed. Using the channel up and downbuttons, you can display the terrestrial signalstrength screen.3. A 6 segment horizontal bar graph will bedisplayed with a “-“ sign to the left and a “+” signto the right. The SAT screen indicates thesatellite signal strength while TER screenindicates the terrestrial signal strength, if aterrestrial signal is available.To exit the Signal Indicator menu, press the MENUbutton.Factory DefaultThe Factory Default option will restore most everyfeature of the Receiver to the original factory
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide26settings. The following is a list of all featuresaffected by the Factory Default option:• All Presets are cleared• Receiver set to Normal Tuning Mode• Display brightness set to 50%• Display Contrast set to 50%• FM Transmitter set to On• FM Frequency set to 88.1 MHzNote that the Parental Control feature is not affectedby the Factory Default option. If a code has been setfor the Parental Control feature, the code will not bereset by the Factory Default feature, preventingsomeone from circumventing the Parental Controlfeature. Channels which have been locked willremain locked.To activate the Factory Default feature, and restorethe features of the Receiver to the factory defaults,do the following:1. Use the channel up and down buttons to displaythe “Factory Default” menu option, and pressthe select button.2. Use the channel up and down buttons to display“Yes” to restore all settings to the settings fromthe factory, or display “No” to leave them as-isand return to the Menu Options menu.?tse YR e?tse NR e3. If “Yes” is chosen, a confirmation is displayed.Use the channel up and down buttons to display“Yes” to restore all settings to the settings fromthe factory, or display “No” to leave them as-isand return to the Menu Options menu.?ru YS e?ru NS e
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide28Receiver does not power onReceiver displays:“ANTENNA NOT DETECTED”Audio static or loss of clarityReceiver displays:“ACQUIRING SIGNAL”No soundBlown fuse, or the power cable is not properly connected. Check for abad fuse and check power cable connection.The satellite antenna is not connected to the Receiver. Check thesatellite antenna connection to the Receiver.FM frequency contains static. Locate a quiet FM frequency on yourvehicle radio and set the Receiver’s FM transmitter frequency tomatch.The vehicle antenna is not connected to radio. Check vehicle antennacable to be sure it is connected.Check for obstacles over or around satellite antenna. Change vehiclelocation to eliminate nearby obstacles (bridges, overpasses, etc.)The audio cables are not connected, or the FM radio is set to thewrong frequency. Check the audio cables at the Receiver and thevehicle radio. Tune the vehicle FM radio to the same FM frequencythe Receiver is tuned.Problem Cause and Suggested SolutionTroubleshootingThis section lists several common problems and suggested solutions. If, after trying the suggested solutionslisted here, you are still unable to resolve the problem you’re having with your Receiver, contact your installer,dealer, or retailer for more help.
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide 29SpecificationsSatellite Frequencies ............................................................................................. 2322.293/2330.207 MHzTerrestrial Frequencies ......................................................................................................... 2326.250MHzPower Requirements ............................................................................... 9-16 Volts, Negative Ground, DCAudio Output ..................................................................................................... 550mVrms (+/- 50mVrms)Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) ....................................................................................................... <0.2%Signal-to-noise (S/N) ...................................................................................................... Greater than 73dBFuse Requirement ......................................................................................................................... 2A  ATCReceiver Dimensions (Width x Length x Height) ........................................... 70mm x 113.2mm x 20.2mm(2.8” x 4.5” x .8”)Receiver Weight .................................................................................................................TBD (TBD oz.)Antenna Type .............................................................................................................  Low Profile MagneticAntenna Cable Length ............................................................................................ 21’ (single micro-cable)Connector Type ............................................................................................................... SMB (right-angle)Audio Interface .................................................................................................... 1/8” / 3.5mm Stereo JackFM Out Interface ..................................................................................................................... 2.5mm JackRemote Control Dimensions (Width x Length x Height) ........................................ 54mm x 90mm x 11mm(2.13” x 3.5” x ..43”)Remote Control Battery Requirements .......................................................................................... CR2032Note: Features and Specifications subject to change without notice.
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide3012 MONTH LIMITED WARRANTYSIRIUS Satellite Radio Inc. (the “Company”) warrants to the original retail purchaser of this product that should this product or any partthereof, under normal use and conditions, be proven defective in material or workmanship within 12 months from the date of originalpurchase, such defect(s) will be repaired or replaced with new or reconditioned product (at the Company’s option) without charge forparts and repair labor. To obtain repair or replacement within the terms of this Warranty, the product is to be delivered with proof ofwarranty coverage (e.g. dated bill of sale), specification of defect(s), transportation prepaid, to the location shown below underWARRANTY RETURN.This Warranty does not extend to the elimination of externally generated static or noise, to correction of antenna problems, to costsincurred for installation, removal or reinstallation of the product, or to damage to tapes, compact discs, speakers, accessories, orvehicle electrical systems.This Warranty does not apply to any product or part thereof which, in the opinion of the Company, has suffered or been damagedthrough alteration, improper installation, mishandling, misuse, neglect, accident, or by removal or defacement of the factory serialnumber/bar code label(s). THE EXTENT OF THE COMPANY’S LIABILITY UNDER THIS WARRANTY IS LIMITED TO THE REPAIR ORREPLACEMENT PROVIDED ABOVE AND, IN NO EVENT, SHALL THE COMPANY’S LIABILITY EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE PAIDBY PURCHASER FOR THE PRODUCT.This Warranty is in lieu of all other express warranties or liabilities. ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIEDWARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THIS WRITTEN WARRANTY.  ANYACTION FOR BREACH OF ANY WARRANTY HEREUNDER INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITYMUST BE BROUGHT WITHIN A PERIOD OF 48 MONTHS FROM DATE OF ORIGINAL PURCHASE. IN NO CASE SHALLTHE COMPANY BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF THIS OR ANYOTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHATSOEVER. No person or representative is authorized to assume for theCompany any liability other than expressed herein in connection with the sale of this product. Some states do not allowlimitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damage so theabove limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This Warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also haveother rights which vary from state to state.WARRANTY RETURN: To obtain repair or replacement within the terms of this Warranty, please return product to anauthorized retailer or call Customer Service at 1-888-869-5590; proof of purchase and description of defect are required.Products to be returned to an approved warranty station must be shipped freight prepaid.
SV1 Receiver User and Installation Guide 31SIRIUS ID:Please record the SIRIUS ID (SID) in the space provided below:SIRIUS Customer Service: 1-888-539-7474SIRIUS Product Support:
SV1 (071805b)SIRIUS Satellite Radio Inc.1221 Avenue of the AmericasNew York, NY

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