Kid Galaxy SANDHERO27T Sand Hero User Manual

Kid Galaxy Inc. Sand Hero

User Manual

2.1" 3.  Push bettsry pack forward in diredion rG sg K:-Yg kag of armwas shown.  inside. - -~ Nota: Same  diredim  of anow AA Adapmr, engavsdonhwpsa.  battery  pack WI PA ba~wiee 4.Use a min. mm  me Lmw faoin.  down  inb  he battew mmpartment LaM munte~~ mm&entasshown. Wire until I slops  to  losk  he batery psa in posltim.  Follow step 2.3 and 4 of'uslng W battery Paw WOt.: TO mm,usea min, tumhe balm mmpamnat  law  ~se DRIVING THE CAR unUl I sIW, slide he balleiy ps& Warning : Never play win your  car in tnvards ttm luW7. IM end of battsry the met. Children under age 8 should psa upand remove it hornthe hw haw parental suwisbm mprtment i.Slide  the cah OWFFDwnch  to rrrarwans.*-.n*ntrl,,- m. Usina Four 14) A* 2. Slida un on me baokdme car to - .. 1. You can use four (4) AA batterb  H for dw on rmmth rurfaCr*lw lblkaline. RedwmaaMs Nmh. or whsurfaws. k.durg.a~e ~i) to -rwr carbYuswmeAn saderyMapmr vrhlsh *i only be induded b'AA' ~ot.: r you canna easily momthe switoh, slighlly turn me ds bssk wheels by hand. men ayagain. .TO pm ftr, wMds'a  whwl  m&hanlmr tmniinta~ hsir.amtdn~itmurpet. .wpmew~em adampdnh masan. @I slytoWIl&hgMur  LhmtLDBhsDh 0 I chemim~a todm maMde. CHARGING THE 6V EATTERV PACK m na-uma, a- -*. nn 811 n. Fdbwthssaawbdaw~e bmw m q"*mnd'm*rc*nagams8J'o 1. Aug the 6W Nm Wnl pd darger (inrmrn)mnma~~~~m~c(~~w. 2. CIW me Wry pea inm the ohamer, be sure the barn pa* 88 -re 8" m ohamem. 3.Nwb~v~rmslbeEhs~ for 6 hours br me first tuo #rn oham'gw. FOUW) hrs Mil be mugh Uadw fmn the  thlnt urn mmm. 4 rmsn me b-rl pa* s hi? ohalpso. *a.,sarprc..oorarrmd.w- pen me *lor, bvan on he shed me -*rlln-utc.-mmdma n'..=-~~*sP.n pa6U a ~aol.n".a*.am,omw- 5  unpug M barn, &wr M he A ?*,%~~-d%?1*9P~?~ Mn -o* -an- - n . Note -.#n-tllon m.-- -ad -m."-hmc,-.m ,a-.rd *m~r0"0'0'4m-n.~-~~IM 2=-42:&m""-N- -rm M..mnnbrl ,rn.Q.d*rr% 3. Uoe me banrmws mnW lever Blfolkw% " HELPFUL HINTS Fdlwing him can  hdp you gm hs m081 edmnlh wl rehlde . . .Runnmg ywr car mntinuously for long pw @re*  h$h hest his. Hem u- w at4 t..r m me &.TO  h.10 keep heal  hk dan, Mm ywr stlri b.t$v dm. I* me  ur crm et IW io m~mtea More  inaalilm  rewment of . . . , -. . . . . . . . .~"llhckto"-bedl-d(~): ." mE.*-.m  but,,b"@-d .Release  m stop. ~menmm~,mhrlo mwwe RlgM Conlml Lmr Md Q -1". .RBhkftbnMMl&&).  . U urm use8 8 CB W, I Whl im mn -1 of me  ur if mis .RBh  nmto move i9M (R).  h~,mmmeeami6amdlWw .RdB8se to 00 *1mt  lS1. hrmmC8. - &don: fh hide stuck ' ""u""m*YWru'WSrwd tmnsmittsr. then re*the  car. he9uenn uourrarusss' 4. When you Iinish dMng mecar slide ' u"Esrm~'sndYwbl~led mecah ONIOFF wrlw to OFF. ~B~ixn~~~M,~~~or~w~ WHEELALIGNMENT  CARE rhecardoesna~inastra~hllins Thek4mwwr~na*lh.lPP~um vhenyourecearethes~ngwfvreI, 'vwr~~-yw~~~foryw-. adjust thewhe4 alisnmwntmnbol on .~mr dm me mido on a wmr, on the boltom dthe car. saw. or in mud,  nin. M -. un TumhemnboltovardLifmecaris rnmwa puuhg to the ~ht. or wuad R if~le .zyw m mm to  tew-ture car is pulling mthe left 3 USING (6.0V OR 4M) INSTALLING THE BATTERIES Cautions: .Use ow hesh batteries of the qulred sire and remmmended type. .DO  na mix old  and new dm- ent * of bmeriw (standad,  alkallneor rechamsable), or rechawaMe batteries Of dlffirn capaduw. .~~r~~~hamsab~e batteri~ are not to  be recharged. .RBDhargeable ms are to be rewed tmm me vehlde befMe being chaged. .Rechageable bdwies are mhl to  be ohamed underadul supanision. .Only  belteea of  he same or equivalent pea sremmmended area be used. Kesp he package and owneh manual since it mntains important informmion. INSTALLING BATTERY IN THE TRANSMITTER ThetransmltterqulmmeQgwl battery. Fwthe bm performance and longm lMe. w remmmend alkaline  battery.  Follow these stens b install  the  bamWr 'Bmsaretobelmmiedmmed i.Sldehebatterymmpartmentm~8rln Narily. hedir&dM~ftheem~nme~~~lto .ExhauSted  battemies  am to be  removed  remit. fmmhuehiis. Neuerl%nedasdarweak bws in themhide wbarsmlm  2.  Pul battery in he mmpartment acmd- .me ten ma^. are not to be .hart. ingtome wlarilysysmbds  (+aWmd cimited.  i"Si68 if w *I! not be  using  the  vehicle  for  3. R~~I~~~ the -, and BnaP it several days, move the bamries. Batter- iss can  leak demlcals  mat can damase when the  range decreases. de.3r.m~ pa*. Di-  of bamleo -pay & pmpady; mplaceitsbettery' do m4 bury or bum bm. INSTALLING BATTERY IN VEHICLE Cbrser used wlh the uehld~ are to be  Follow hese stem to instali battew ~n mgulidy  examin& for damage  to  the  thecar: ' md. plug,  enchure  and  dher  pa*.  uslng BV wery Pack  of^".^$^^^^$! I. Slideme OWIOFF switch M kdbm un61 the damage haa been repaired.  Of  IooFF. 2.  insert battery pack  into he battery wmpaltment pea shown.

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