Kiddesigns BE139 Inductive Toys User Manual
Kiddesigns Inc Inductive Toys
User Manual
35439 IE —p2 May 17.2006 stu. 351 xzml coior mszssc Matching A Surprt Put Egg | Press IN! E Buflon \0 513“ (he Discus You WiH hear tnstructrbrts tn the yoroe oi Barbie teiitng you what to do. 2 Put the Sui-puss Pei Egg tnto the incubamr (match ailcw on egg (0 iinB On base) It you want 10 halch a new pe\ a Depenttrng on Barbre's suggestion. press the Heart Button to heat the egg, the Feeding Button to teed t the Music Button (0 ptay mush; the Memento Button to heat the egg or the MIC Button to tart to the egg 4 Repeat unit the egg sheti opens then you can see the Pet you've hatched. 5. To larhmch a pet. pace 5 pet in the egg and dose fl Ptaoe tn the tncubatur as tn step 2. TIP. is there somstnrng rn the egg? Shaka tt find but! Pllylnn with ynur hutch-a surprln Pal t. Piaoe a pet on swung and you will hear a swing sound attract 2. Place a pat on the slide and you wtii hear a iaiitng sound street 3 Once the pet sitoes into the swtmrntng pod, you wtit hear its crying sound and sound etiem A TO teed your pet, bring rt tnto the leedrng area you wtii hear the pets sound and then isodrng sounds 5. To grve your pet a dnnk‘ ortng it to the onnking iouniatn and press down on the dnnkrng tountatn vbu wiii hear drinking sounds M ienance it ts tntoortant to keep the Barbie ‘Lwe ‘N' Care' Surprtsa Pets F‘Iayset“ as dry and ciean as Dosstbie ciean the unit wtttr a soil ciolh motsteheo enty wtth mrio soap and water stronger oitsaning agents such as (hiflflsl OI Slmlial matetriais are not recommended. as they may damage the suriace at the case Keep the Barbte Piayset away trorh direct sunttght or sources 0! excesstve heal Do not aiiow dint sand. smaii pantciesr watev or Omar itquros to enter the loy‘s casrng Place the Barbie Piaysei on a ievet suflace away tram sources at orrect sunirght or excessive heat Protect your rumrture when piacing your untt on a naturai wood and tuoouereo rtnian, A oicrth or other protectrvs matartat shouio be piacect between rt and the iurnrture it the my Is to be tett unusBd tor an extender: trma perm such as a month or ionger. have an attuit remove the battery to extend tts itte and to prevent teaiung or oorroston Quest ns or Comments Fm questrons or pornments isgardtriq thts or other KIDdestgns products, otease eat our tutu-es number IvutYOP-YOVS Please aisa you burwebsrte minntwsentin-mm. Troubleshoo mg ti trnproper operation occurs, swrtch the power on/oii button whrcn iocaieo on the bottom at the untt to on and watt a whrte then swttoh rt on again it the toy strii does not piayr check the oattenos it rs most itkeiy weak and needs to be reoiaced wtth new batteries it ihe um sttii does not work any changtng ihe banshee. make sure you have instatieo rt mper'yr which the r amt — potantrss match up wttn the diagram printed inside the banery compartment. ii there ts a dislorled oi fuzzy sound. the battenes may be weak. Rspiace With new battenes il problems psiststr do not attempt W fenatr the my youtsstt See the warranty tor iactory semee tntormatton One Vear Limited Warranty mines-ms wsflunts the mm to no he. trarn perms th womaarehtp-te marten may nanmt m and autumn“: tor t. parrot: oi one year 110m um o." or mph-t puvww shoute service be mum by reason ol uty dlloci or maiuncmii rtrebemoanretumuupprpouetanoatipprtstheretmome-m Wanmodgluwwiw rtyour-dtpaehetreprm rot M ottrtttp the wrimly wad Kmart-ton. wit Vanni! o. m at discmlcfi, tsetse; (hos proouct wtthottt cit-rots tutcppt tor a 56 no G luv hat-who. pump return uvsraoetm ant: tnxufamifl}. m m a wot-cl (0 venruttoh or thtt mlecl w manmion upnfl may or mu poem to the Faciofl/ service o-tth Imiod bdrm m promct rhtut thum- propt 0! Witness theuathp ml: at amm Below Yclum ths wodncl tor mt pteaso fits! ream ma Minna; trt ape “a! wrth tresn me as elhambd or mischva batteries are tho most mum" m at mutants encounmmd rt W ts flili inquired t harm names rrt momenta) wt pack uhtt in a war gamed. wavy Cam-tau!” not 2 Enciasl t. phalompy ptyetrr aaies moot, creott we! stalemnm or nth-r proor or tha aim at murmur a mum tt check at nmwy moor payable to tho {woof ht KiDdewgns tor the sun at so 00 t Send the untt Discard to the Fumury Sawfly Genla islcd hataw NOTE This wet-verily ts yam onty r the Dvoducl e um IV the purpose tor wort rt was hemmed rt does ml covet in products which heart heart Gamma hr, motes-rm, mm m «mam. hr which have been mndmeu or reparau by unautnortmu persons. in muckw or broke“ rant/wits or uvls eat-hm w “mum: hoat rut damage (0 CD‘s Dr tape cmelles trt apart-stout try; the ms! at shoplvq the 9mm! ta tht. tactoty servos center and tts relum to the owner Ths warmmy e valid ehty h the untied Siales or mere: she does not axthntt to (Wu's at th. "mt animus!“ to IN! that warm My uppttrttoe trhpttatt wantmiin me am Iimtodtocmyoaf.alid)0 watmtbumrbr ammo-utter turn-pat istm slums at, not allow trnrrattprts eh trnprteo mantras or exetumt at wt-eow-ttar flnmngaa tp these testrratons rrttzy not wow Io mt; wananly gives you 5M: ingril nghlx. and yw my new clhev right, which vary trorrt stale tp hate Sana utttt lu: Ccnmm- n-p-ir n-p-mrt-rrt Kroc-uph- in ma gooey-at Driv- st P“ .Tx mum DARENE is t trust-ham pm by and uses umu leatse tram Mann Inc a: 2005 Manai Inc Ali a no hens-yen Maitulaclwed and Dfliiumst} oy Kl “Kym rtrp hat-her NJ 07065—5024 Puma-run) SEND rams Model BEE-139 “Love ‘N’ Core” Surprise Pets PIctyse’r important Message to Consumers Thank you tor purchasing one of the BarbraO brand's many ion—qualily eieotronrc products We woutrt apprecate rt rt you take a 49W moments to read lhiDugh mess mslruclicrts This wiH help you understand [he sale and Diaper way ID use W5 product and to hsip give rt the icrigviasling tile that Barbtei“ oranoeo prouucts are uesrgneu tor Keep these instructions for future reference as may contain important iniormaiion. aE-tag IB hp? May w. 2005 stz .357 test: aolor. PMSZSSC lnsta g the Batter es ATTENTION: Bananas should mty be stalled try an adult The um comes wllh 4 "AA“ the) oattenes alteady mslallsd Thsse oattenes should be replaced wrth tresr. battenes To replace the ballenes, tottow thoso rnstruatons t The battery compartment ts located on the bottom at the toy Use a Phtlltps screwdnver to open the battery companment (ion! 2. tnstalt 4 wt“ [HS] stze banshee thto the compartment. maklng sure that the + and - polarmss match the dlag’am ohnteo tnslds 3 Close the battery compartment duct and ttghten the battery door saew For the nest Polslble P‘rformlnce . We tecommeod the use cl swaths oettenes tor tensor Mt: - Dtltetanl types or oattares or new and used oetteres are not to be mtxed - Onlyballavtasullmsa'mormmlsfllmlfimrmnmmm are to be used Banerres are It: oe lrtsetlsd wrth correct warty. Remove MBA/Med hatter-as horn the unrt Do not allempl to reenarge non—rechargeflbte batter-es. mum oattsrres are mtyta be tachatged m mutt supervslon m flammable) ~ heamoeaheoanmmetooermeatwmtoym bang charged (ll renewable] The snow termutats are ml to be mutmlm Batteres should be rsrtmaa ll the tam e not gong lc be meaactaehmeneao-wotmtwuomwmaays or mots) lo maven! leakage oraamags to the urltl Fcc Inlermllen the demos was wtlh Pan ts ol the mo films chasm e. suoect to the lotiowtng two condtltons ttt the am may not cause harmtut ntsrterenoe, and (21 the ashes must aoceot any rntsrtereme reserved, lncludtng rntertarm that may cause uroasreu oosratm Warning: changes or moutftcaltons lo thrs mt not expresey awovsd try the party responsue tor mmotanoe mule yea the Wat’s auttmty to apuala the mulmwsnt NOTE: Ths 90mm! has been tested and lotthd to WWW mm Ihe ltmtls tore class 5 agnal mos, pursuant to Pan 6 at the FCC hutes these ltmtls are asstgned to otomoe reesmahte uotectron a atnst hatmlul mleflatenoe n a restdtmltal mslallsllon s eaupmanl generates. usesemt can racers radm "emancy eflsrgy aha t rt net trkstaflsd and user! tn accmdanm wllh the lrlslmclmst may cause rte-mu mlsrtwmce to rattle mmncallonsv homer. there '5 no guarantee that nterterertce wil not 00cm tr! e pamcula/ lnslallalm tt ths mummeht does cams harmtut intartsrsnsa lu rants or teteyrsron reoeohon mm can be aeterrrmoy tum-he the equvmeflt oh and on. the user ts masthead te try lo contact the lnteterehca by one or mom ot the lolawng msesues , hearent at remata the mos-mng antenna » tncrease the senaratm belween the SQliDmSTll am recever — Con/ted the equvmem me an outlet on a amt mtterent from that to whlcfl the teoerver ts connected — Consuh the dealer or art aoenenoad radio/TV techmctah tor hem Battery Campanmenl lncubalcl Volume Swttch power arr/on 5 Bottom View ”0 B‘m" Surprise Pel Egg Music Button Heatlamp Button MIC Button Hatchect Surprise Pet ”95" Bum“ Feeding Button Playset Assembly Playset Assembly Your Suturtse Pet Playsel comes complete wtlh every- thrng you need to start havmg tun tasty but ttrst you need to assemble a tew terns. | Theo House Top- Place the three pegs ol the green treehouse my place lmo the mald'ttng "DIES at the (on ot the treehouse elevator. 2 treehouse Roof Supports tnsert the two met supports by placmg lhs notched ends tnlo the holes on lbs Dlallerm and the other ends lnlo the holes on the Treehouse root 3 Trees Place [he tree leH the post am) the slot Ill tts base tn the hole on the play park base rvsxl lo the swthg, htttng the posl mm the end at the tree ltmb hotetng the swtrtg Place the other nee th lhe base oehrnd the meme-tor. a Play Perk Slyn Ptaoe the play pert slgrl tn the slot art too or Heroes trllcrmaltoh oooth. 5 Flag Place me llag tn the hole on the DECK comer 01 the Heehouse lope Adjusllng the Volume use the Volume Switch located on the bottom in» MN tor Hl, Mid or Low volume ssmng. Playing with the Barbie Playset The Same "Love ‘N' Care‘ Suronse Pets Hayset ls e tun toy that lets you hatch Suranse Pets, take care at them and play wrth them. Your set ournes wtth one Suronse Pet You can collect others wherever toys are sold ana stare them ln the egg storage case that comes wllh your set Turning me Ptayset OnIOfl A Make sure oattenes are thstatlea To turn on the untt swrtch the Power On/tm Switch on the bottom at the untt to ON. To swttch tr at set the swllch to OFF To save bananas, the same Playsel will automattcatty enter sleep mooe tr there ls no rnput tor about to mtnmes Once tn sleep mode you must press the trtta Btmmt or tum on the unt agatrt to wake ll up trtto Button - When you ptess the tnto Button, Barbte wlll grye you lmpoflal’tl thtormatton about halchlng and playing thh your pets 3+ BE—040 blister card —back May 12, 2006 Cyan, Meganta,VeIlow, Black Collect Them All! Which Pel “Love ‘N' Care" will You Surprise Pe’rs Who wlll hatch next? A puppy? A kiflen? It's a surprise! Barbies teaches you how to hatch your pet in the “Love ‘N' Care" Surprise Pets Playsei (sold separmry). You'll have hours of fun, playlng wlih your new friend and giving it lots of love! $510 'Bovble Love ”N ColeSurpnse Pels Plcysel Requysd lo Hclch Egg .com* 85040 blister card —base May 12, 2006 Cyan, Meganta, Yellow, Black I... l@ m-hxmumm mumps Im in; Man sum My NJ WIfiS-Wfl - l—m—TOPJUVS -"""“"'"""’" 0 92298 90776 5 “Emmfl'nmnmmmmmmv m n =wv§mn “my“ xix—n: manna-mum.— W" '"'"‘ Mimi-n || 85040 FCC statement color: Black June 26, 2006 size: MSW x GOH FCC Information This devrce complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device my not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that my cause undesired operation, Warning: Changes or modficatlons to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could vord the user's authority to operate the equipment. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device. pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and. if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: — Fleon‘ent or relocate the receian antenna. — lncrease the separation between the equipment and receiver, — Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. 7 Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Create Date : 2006:06:27 18:46:16Z Modify Date : 2006:06:28 16:25:49+08:00 Page Count : 4 Creation Date : 2006:06:27 18:46:16Z Mod Date : 2006:06:28 16:25:49+08:00 Metadata Date : 2006:06:28 16:25:49+08:00 Has XFA : NoEXIF Metadata provided by