Know How Development HRM-FM Heart Rate Monitor for Fitness User Manual HRM Intructions

Know-How Development Ltd Heart Rate Monitor for Fitness HRM Intructions

Users Manual

  fitness tracker        fm radio/heart rate monitor             pedometer/calorie countercomplete
This e q u ip m e n t ha s b e e n  te ste d  a n d  fo u n d  to  c o m p ly w ith the  lim its fo r a  C la ss Bd ig ita l d e v ic e , p u rsu a n t to  P a rt 1 5  o f the  F C C  R u le s. The se  lim its a re  d e sig n e d  top ro vid e  re a so n a b le  p ro te c tio n  a g a in st ha rm fu l in te rfe re n c e  in  a  re sid e n tia l in sta lla tio n .This e q u ip m e n t g e n e ra te s, u se s a n d  c a n  ra d ia te  ra d io  fre q u e n c y e n e rg y a n d , if n o tin sta lle d  a n d  u se d  in  a c c o rd a n c e  w ith the  in stru c tio n s, m a y  c a u se  ha rm fu l in te rfe re n c eto  ra d io  c o m m u n ic a tio n s. H o w e ve r, the re  is n o  g u a ra n te e  tha t in te rfe re n c e  w ill n o to c c u r in  a  p a rtic u la r in sta lla tio n . If this e q u ip m e n t d o e s c a u se  ha rm fu l in te rfe re n c e  tora d io  o r te le visio n  re c e p tio n , w hic h c a n  b e  d e te rm in e d  b y  tu rn in g  the  e q u ip m e n t o ffa n d  o n , the  u se r is e n c o u ra g e d  to  try to  c o rre c t the  in te rfe re n c e  b y o n e  o r m o re  o f thefo llo w in g  m e a su re s:* R e o rie n t o r re lo c a te  the  re c e iv in g  a n te n n a .* In c re a se  the  se p a ra tio n  b e tw e e n  the  e q u ip m e n t a n d  re c e iv e r.* C o n su lt the  d e a le r o r a n  e xp e rie n c e d  ra d io /TV  te c hn ic ia n  fo r he lp .“Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the importer could void theuser’s authority to operate this device.”The  F it C o m p le te  F itn e ss Tra c k e r is n o t a  m e d ic a l d e vic e . It is a  tra in in g  to o l d e sig n e d  to  e n ha n c e  y o u r e x e rc ise  p ro g ra m  b y m e a su rin g  a n d  d isp la y in g  the  d ista n c e  yo u  ha ve  c o ve re d  a n d  yo u r he a rt ra te .
Table of ContentsStay Safe...................................................................................................2Finding your Maximum Heart Rate...............................................................3About the Heart Zones................................................................................4Four Great Heart W orkouts ..........................................................................5INSTRUCTIONS for Programming & UsingY our Fit Complete Fitness Tracker ...6Installing Batteries .....................................................................................7W earing the Transmitter Belt .......................................................................8Using the Armband ....................................................................................9Default Screen ...........................................................................................9Radio Play ...............................................................................................10Setting Pre-Set Stations............................................................................10Main Unit Functions.................................................................................11Using the Timer .......................................................................................11Using the Pedometer ................................................................................12Calibrating your Pedometer .......................................................................13Using the Calorie Counter .........................................................................14Setting Y our Fitness Level .........................................................................14Using Y our Alarm Feature .........................................................................16Y ou – Personal Programming .....................................................................17Setting the Clock .....................................................................................18Using Lock ..............................................................................................19Care and Maintenance ..............................................................................20Troubleshooting........................................................................................20Limited One-Y ear W arranty ........................................................................22
Package Includes:• Main unit• Belt clip (attached to main unit)• Transmitter belt (battery included)• 2 elastic chest straps• Armband strap• Complete instructionsStay Safe!Before starting any workout program, you should check with your physician, especiallyif you have a heart condition, are over 35, or have not been exercising regularly. If youare a smoker, are taking prescription medications, have high blood pressure or highcholesterol, asthma or other respiratory problems, are experiencing signs of disease orare recovering from a medical condition or treatment, you should also consult with yourphysician prior to beginning an exercise routine.• Try not to work out for 90 minutes after eating a meal.• To help prevent injury, begin your workout with a five minute warmup. Complete yourworkout by cooling down with stretches.• If you feel dizzy or disoriented during any period of your workout, stop immediatelyand consult a physician.• Drink water before, during and after your workout to keep your body properlyhydrated. Do N OT drink alcohol and be wary of some energy drinks that mayadversely affect your heart rate.2
• Most importantly, listen to your body! You wantto be healthy, not incur harm. If your intensitylevel results in pain or tiredness, stop or reduceintensity to a more comfortable level.WARNING: If yo u  h a v e  a  p a c e m a k e r o r o th e r im p la n te dm e d ic a l e q u ip m e n t, d o  N O T  u s e  th is  p ro d u c t. Finding Y ourMaximumHeart RateTo train safely, you want to know about yourbody’s most important muscle – your heart.Depending on your age, you can approximate yourMaximum Heart Rate (MHR) – but you shouldrefine your MHR as you continue to train.The basic calculation for your MHR is: MHR = 220 – Your Age**Note: This calculation is based on general averages.Other factors may include weight, previous workouthistory, and medical history. Please consult with yourphysician to confirm an acceptable MHR for your heart.3TO RUN OR NOT TO RUNThere is no right answ er to whether you should run or walk for your workouts. It depends on your body and your goals. Running is high-impact, and can be hard on the knees and tendons. W alking is low-impact on joints, but does not raise your heart rate as q uickly or as high.W alking at a brisk pace (a 1 5- minute mile or 4 miles per hour) burns almost as many calories as jogging for the same distance. The benefit of running is that it takes less time to cov er the same distance and it strengthens your bones; however, it may be too strenuous for some.P erhaps the best w ay to decide your own run v ersus walk debate is to spend a day trying each, and see      which your body prefers.
About The Heart ZonesDifferent workouts will use different heart “ zones”  – a percentage of your MaximumHeart Rate (MHR).Health Zone** – 50-65% of MHRThis zone is for extended, low intensity exercise. The benefits to the mind and heartare considerable, especially if you workout in the Health Zone regularly. The HealthZone can also be used as a warm-up to more strenuous exercise.Fitness Zone** – 65-80% of MHRThis zone increases strength and endurance, and is a great calorie burner. Mostexercise regimes fall in this zone for a period. This zone is where you build towardsmore stamina and a healthier heart.Performance Zone** – 80% of MHR and upThis is the very top of a sustainable trainingsession. Competitive athletes build speedand power here. Some workouts will use thePerformance Zone in small doses,encouraging you to push yourself to thelimit for a brief period.**These ranges are based on general averages.Other factors may include weight, previousworkout history, and medical history. Pleaseconsult with your physician to confirm anacceptable MHR for you.4Age  20  25  30  35  40  45  50  55  60  65H ea lth  Z o n e  1 30  1 26  1 23  1 20  1 1 7   1 1 3  1 1 0  1 07   1 04  1 0050% -65%   to  to  to  to  to  to  to  to  to  to M H R  1 00  9 7   9 5  9 2  9 0  8 7   8 5  8 2  8 0  7 7F itn es s  Z o n e  1 60  1 56  1 52  1 48   1 44  1 40  1 36  1 32  1 28   1 2465% -80%   to  to  to  to  to  to  to  to  to  toM H R  1 30  1 26  1 23  1 20  1 1 7   1 1 3  1 1 0  1 07   1 04  1 00P erfo rm a n c e 1 9 0  1 8 5  1 8 0  1 7 5  1 7 1   1 66  1 61   1 56  1 52  1 47Zone  to  to  to  to  to  to  to  to  to  to80% -95%   1 60  1 56  1 52  1 48   1 44  1 40  1 36  1 32  1 28   1 24M H RB u rn  Gly c o gen B u rn  F a t
Four Great Heart W orkoutsYour body is unique, and the workout you set for yourself should accommodate yourunique fitness goals – from weight loss, to endurance, to marathon training.Workout 1 – Heart Healthy Walk:Walk briskly for 30 minutes every day. Use your monitor to maintain a heart rate in theHealth Zone (50-65%  of MHR). This workout can be easy, stress relieving, low-impactand healthy. The key is to do it every day.Workout 2 – Weight Control:To really burn off calories, keep a constant pace at the low end of the Fitness Zone(65-80%  of MHR). Briskly walk or run for 45-60 minutes daily. Remember to maintainthe Fitness Zone heart rate – at first that might mean only light walking for much ofthe time. You should be breathing heavily, but still be able to maintain a conversation.The key is to maintain low Fitness Zone heart rate for just under an hour every day. Workout 3 – Interval Training:Alternate between periods of brisk activity and “active rest” when you just keep thebody in motion with slow walking. Run as fast as you can for 30 seconds achievingPerformance Zone (80%  +  of MHR), then slow down to the Health Zone (50-65%  ofMHR) for two minutes. Repeat 8 to 12 times. Interval training has proven to be aneffective way to get the same metabolic workout benefits in a shorter space of time.5
Workout 4 - Aerobic Max:Push yourself, and your heart, for defined periods during the week. Every otherday,run or briskly walk for 20-60 minutes at the top end of Fitness Zone (70-80% ofMHR). Start with 20 minute intervals, and increase your time in the Fitness Zoneas you become more comfortable. With this workout, remember to first warm upwith some stretching and brisk walking, and to cool down after the workout.Between workout days, consider an alternate form of exercise, such as weight orresistance training. The result of Aerobic Max will be a marked increase in staminaand endurance, and better muscle tone.Instructions for Programming &Using Your Fit Complete FitnessTrackerNOTE: When changing batteries, be sure to turn off power to both themain unit and the radio beforeremoving batteries. Install newbatteries and return power to the mainunit within 8 seconds by pressing themain power button. The unit is capableof saving preset data for up to 8seconds while the batteries areremoved. To keep the preset personaldata, follow these instructions exactly.Otherwise, it will be necessary to re-enter the personal settings.6Volume On/OffHeadphone jackLockBass+Easy-to-viewLCD screenwith backlight(Belt clip andarmband strapnot shown)Scroll Up/DownMain Power Button withlight indicating if you’re in zone, above and belowMode/SelectFPO
Installing BatteriesMain Unit:1. Flip over unit and find battery door under belt clip2. Open door and position 2 AAA batteries as indicated by the diagram in the battery compartment. 3. Close battery compartment.4. Press the main POWER button to turn the main unit ON.5. When changing batteries, be sure to turn off power to both the main unit and theradio before removing batteries.Transmitter Belt:Your transmitter belt comes assembled with a battery. When your transmitter belt nolonger picks up any signals, you will need to replace the battery. 1. Following the diagram below, remove theconductive transmitter pad from the center of the belt. (Fig. A, # 1 )2. Using a micro Phillips head screwdriver remove themetal plate battery door. (Fig. A, # 2 )3. Remove the old 12V battery (VR22/L1028/A23) andinsert a new battery, as indicated.4. Replace the metal plate battery door and thenreattach the conductive transmitter pad on top. 7Fig. A
To Ensure Proper Function:• Do not mix old and new batteries.• Do not mix alkaline, standard or rechargeable batteries.• Only batteries of the same or equivalent type as recommendedare to be used.• Exhausted batteries should be removed immediately.• Replace with new batteries at the first sign of erratic behavior or the appearance ofthe low battery icon. (Fig. B)Note: Do not dispose of batteries with household waste. Please follow your local guidelines for battery disposal.Wearing TheTransmitter BeltAdjust the elastic belt so that it will fit snugly around your chest just below the pectoral muscle. (Fig. C and  D)Before use, moisten the conductivetransmitters pads with water to ensure goodcontact with the skin at all times. (Fig. E)8Fig. EFig. DFig. CFig. B
Make sure the transmitter belt is right side upbefore securing the second side. (Fig. F)Insert the hook from the underside of thetransmitter belt and secure in place. (Fig. G)Using the Armband1. Turn main unit over so that the battery door is facing you.2. Insert coiled end of the armband strap with the velcro side facing the fitness tracker. Begin from the right side starting underneath the strap hole.3. Feed the velcro coiled strap over the belt clip toward the left.4. Insert the velcro coiled strap through the left strap hole and allow it to feedunderneath the left side.5. Position on arm and adjust the velcro coil around the arm. 6. Pull the elastic strap firmly until it meets the velcro. Secure on arm.Default ScreenIf no buttons are pressed for 10 seconds, at any time during use the Monitor will return to the default screen. (Fig. H)9Fig. FFig. GRadioClockFig. H
Radio PlayUsing your thumb, press the radio VOLUME button firmly in the center to switch ONyour radio. Pressing the VOLUME button firmly again will shut the radio OFF. Note:You can use your radio without the other features, should you choose.Press SCROLL UP or DOWN to advance through stations 0.1 at a time. Press SCROLL and hold for 2 seconds to auto scan through stations. The radio willthen scan until it reaches a station. (Note: To use the scan feature, your headphonesmust be plugged into the main unit.)Pressing BASS+ button on the top edge of your unit adds a pumping bass for yourlistening pleasure.Note: When the radio and main unit are OFF, the screen will only display the clock feature.Setting Pre-Set StationsFrom the default screen press SELECT to get to your first pre-set,identified as FM1. This unit has the capacity to store nine FMpreset stations, FM1-9.Press and hold MODE button for 3 seconds and FM1 will start to flash. (Fig. I)SCROLL UP or DOWN to find a station. (Auto scan can be used as well if desired.)Once a station is identified, press SELECT. This will confirm the station as a pre-set. Repeat process as desired to set FM2–FM9.10Fig. I
Main Unit FunctionsPress the POWER button to activate the main unit and display the default screen.When power is ON, your unit will cycle through the functions in the following order –Timer, Pedometer, Calories, HRM, Alarm, Personal Functions, Clock. Note, ifPedometer is ON, your unit will cycle through the Steps and Distance, before movingon to Calories. Also note, your unit will only cycle to the HRM and Alarm modes if thetransmitter belt is properly placed on body.Once you customize your settings, you can operate whichever features you like. Be sure to reset any counting features (Calories, Steps &  Distance) to zero immediately prior to working out.Using The TimerPress MODE once until you see the timer display. (Fig. J)Press SELECT to start or stop timer.Press SCROLL UP or DOWN to reset timer to 0.11Fig. J
Using The PedometerPress MODE until you see the pedometer display. The defaultsetting for this mode is OFF.(Fig. K)NOTE: Before using the pedometer for the first time you must adjust the sensitivity to accurately check your stride. SeeCalibrating your Pedometer (Page 13.)To turn the pedometer ON, press and hold MODE button for 3 seconds and OFF will begin to flash. Press SCROLL UP and DOWN to cycle between pedometer ON &OFF.Press SELECT to confirm choice; you will hear a beep.If the pedometer mode is set to ON Steps and Distance screenswill be displayed:Press MODE until you see the steps taken display. (Fig. L)Press SCROLL UP or DOWN to reset to 0.Press MODE again to show the distance walked display. (Fig. M)To change readout from miles to kilometers, press and hold MODE for 3 seconds. Then PRESS SCROLL UP or DOWN to switch between miles and kilometers and press SELECT to lock in.PRESS SCROLL UP or DOWN to reset to 0.12Fig. KFig. LFig. M
Calibrating your Pedometer:1. Position the pedometer SENSITIVITYSWITCH located on the back of the mainunit to the center position. (Fig. N)2. Fasten pedometer to your belt or arm.3. Reset the step count to 0. 4. Walk several steps (10-20) and count them. 5. Check whether the pedometer has countedthe same number of steps as you. If so, thesetting is correct and you are ready to getmoving.6. If your step count does not agree with the pedometer step count, adjust theSENSITIVITY SWITCH and repeat steps 2 through 5 at the new setting. If thepedometer step count is less than your count, move the switch toward the left onthe back of the unit (+) for a more sensitive setting. If the pedometer step count ishigher than your count, move the switch toward the right of the unit (-) for a lesssensitive setting.NOTE:• This calibration is important to ensure that your actual distance will be calculatedcorrectly. • When changing the location of the pedometer between your arm and your waist, theunit needs to be re-calibrated for the new position.13Fig. N
Using The Calorie CounterPress MODE until you see the calories burned display. (Fig. O)Press SCROLL UP or DOWN to reset to 0.Setting Your Fitness L ev elTo set the fitness level, you will need to have the chest strap on,so that your screen will show a     and you can set your fitnesszone.(Fig. P)For the most efficient workout, you will need toprogram your own personal settings. (See “You – PersonalProgramming” on page 17.) Your personal settings – weight, age& stride – will allow you to train within a given heart rate zone,with audible and visual cues telling you if you go above or belowyour zone.Press MODE until you get to the fitness zone display. (Fig. Q)Press and hold MODE for three seconds to change your fitness zone. (L1, L2, L3, L4)The current level will begin to flash, press SCROLL UP or DOWN to choose fromfitness level 1 through 4. L1 is the Health Zone (50-65%), L2 is the Fitness Zone (65-80%), L3 thePerformance Zone (80-95%) and L4 allows you to customize your fitness level. (SeeFour Great Heart Workouts on pages 5 & 6 to help determine your goals.)14Fig. OFig. PFig. Q
Press SELECT to confirm your fitness level; you will hear a beep. For levels 1 through3, the minimum and maximum heart rate will automatically adjust based on yourpersonal settings you input prior to your first workout. (See Page 17)NOTE: Don’t forget to check your personal settings after lending this unitto a friend. If any changes were made to the You settings, you will not beworking out at the same levels you were before.If you want to customize your fitness zone, advance to L4 (level 4):Press SCROLL UP or DOWN until you see the L4 display. (Fig. R)Press select, your Low Heart Rate (LHR) default value will now be flashing. (Fig. S)Press SCROLL UP or DOWN to change the Low Heart Rate. Push and hold to scroll faster.Press SELECT to lock in LHR and now the default value of theHigh Heart Rate (HHR) will begin flashing. (Fig. T)Press SCROLL UP or DOWN to change the High Heart Rate. Push and hold to scroll faster.Press SELECT to lock in HHR and complete your custom fitness level.15Fig. SFig. TFig. R
Using Your Alarm FeatureThe Fit Complete Fitness Tracker has a built in alarm feature that will alert you throughsounds and lights whether you are working below, within, or above your target heart ratezone. When the alarm feature is on, this signal can be heard both from the main unitand through the headphones when the radio is on. Press MODE until you come to the alarm display. (Fig. U)Press and hold MODE for 3 seconds to adjust the alarm status. The current status will flash.Press SCROLL UP or DOWN to switch alarm ON and OFF.Press SELECT to confirm.When the alarm is set for ON, you will hear a beeping indicator, and will see the bell symbol     telling you when you are outside of your training zone.This beeping will correlate with the color of the power button lights. The power button will glow YELLOW indicating you are below your desired heart ratezone, and you will hear one beep per second, indicating you should pick up the pace.The power button will glow G REEN when you’re within your desired heart rate zone,and no beeping will be heard. Or it will glow RED, if you are above the desired heart rate zone and you will hear twobeeps per second indicating you should slow down. At the point where you hit yourMaximum Heart Rate (MHR), the red light will start flashing and you will hear fourbeeps per second, a sure sign you should slow down.16Fig. U
You – PersonalProgrammingThe F it C o m p lete F itn es s  Tra c k er sho u ld  b e p ro g ra m m edto  in c lu d e y o u r p erso n a l in fo rm a tio n . B y  in p u ttin g  yo u rw eig ht, a g e &  s trid e len g th the F itn ess  Tra c k er isc a lib ra ted  to  d eterm in e yo u r hig h a n d  lo w  hea rt ra tes a n dc a lc u la te the c a lo ries b u rn ed  a n d  d ista n c e tra v eled  d u rin gyo u r w o rk o u t.Y o u  o n ly  ha v e to  p ro g ra m  y o u r in fo rm a tio n  o n c e u n les s  y o usha re yo u r u n it w ith s o m eo n e els e. D o n ’t fo rg et to  c ha n g ethe b a tteries  w ithin  8  s ec o n d s, s o  y o u  d o n ’t lo o s e y o u rp erso n a l s ettin g s  w hen  c ha n g in g  the b a tteries.P ress MODE u n til yo u  c o m e to  thep erso n a l p ro g ra m m in g  d isp la y. (Fig. V)P ress a n d  ho ld  MODE fo r 3  sec o n d sa n d  the w eig ht w ill b eg in  fla s hin g .(Fig. W)P ress SCROLL UP o r DOWN toc ha n g e yo u r w eig ht (d efa u lt w eig htis  1 0 0 ). P u s h a n d  ho ld  to  sc ro llfa ster.1 7Fig. WFig. VBE BAR SAV V YIf your goal is weight loss, don’t consume “energy” bars or drinks prior to ex ercise. These products will spike your blood sugar level, which causes insulin to be released. Insulin halts your body’s fat-burning process and encourages     fat storage!A LITTLE DOES A LOTS tudies have suggested that walking at a brisk pace for three or more hours a week can reduce your risk of coronary     heart disease!
Press SELECT to confirm weight, and now the age display (AGE)will begin flashing. (Fig. X)Press SCROLL UP or DOWN to change your age (default age is30). Push and hold to scroll faster.Press SELECT to confirm age, and now the stride display (STR)will begin flashing and foot prints will appear on the screen. (Fig. Y)Press SCROLL UP or DOWN to change your stride length (defaultstride is 24 inches). Push and hold to scroll faster.Note: The default stride length is 24 inches, but that can vary depending on your height andwhether you plan to train with running or walking. To measure one stride, note the distancebetween one foot fall to the next, and then input the number of inches.Press SELECT to confirm stride length and return to the “You” screen.Setting The ClockPress MODE until you come to the clock display. (Fig. Z)Press and hold MODE for 3 seconds, and the hour numbers willbegin flashing. Press SCROLL UP or DOWN to change the hour. Push and hold to scroll faster.Press SELECT to confirm the hour. The minutes will begin flashing.18Fig. ZFig. XFig. Y
Press SCROLL UP or DOWN to change the minutes. Push and hold to scroll faster.Press SELECT to confirm the minutes. The AM/PM display will begin flashing.Press SCROLL UP or DOWN to change from AM to PM.Press SELECT to confirm and complete the clock programming.Using LockPress and hold the LOCK on top of the monitor for 3 seconds.This will lock all other button functions and lock the display inthe current mode setting until the user holds down the lockbutton for another 3 seconds to unlock it. (Fig. AA) To unlock, holddown LOCK for 3 seconds.Once you customize your settings, you can operate whichever features you like. Be sure to reset any counting features (calories, steps and distance) to zero immediately prior to working out.19Fig. AA
Care and Maintenance:1.When changing the batteries, the circuit had been designed to store the informationrecorded for 8 seconds only when the power is cut off. The user must replace thebattery and turn OFF and ON the power within 8 seconds. Otherwise, allpersonalized settings will be lost.2.Never submerge the main unit or transmitter belt in water.3.Wipe with a clean damp cloth.4.Elastic armband strap and chest transmitter strap should be hand washed with warmsoapy water.Troubleshooting:No P ow e r • Check orientation of batteries • Replace old batteries with new ones.• Make sure battery door is completely closed.No H e a rt R a te • Make sure transmitter belt is worn in correct place. D is p la y e d • Replace battery in transmitter belt with new one.• Clean and moisten the transmitter pads.• You may have interference from another heart ratemonitor. If you are working out in close proximity to others, try moving to another location.20
Incorrect Heart Rate • Make sure transmitter belt is worn in correct Displayed • Make sure the elastic straps that hold the transmitter belt are tight enough.• Clean and moisten the transmitter pads.• Replace old batteries with new ones.• You may have interference from another heart rate monitor, re-evaluate where you are working out.• Make sure that someone else has not changed yourpersonal settings. Current heart rate will not be affectedbut the personal fitness ranges of L1 to L3 will be.Display F ades • Replace old batteries with new ones.Irreg u lar F ig u res on • Remove the battery in main unit and replace e L C DNo S ou nd is C om ing • Check to see if headphones are plugged in completely.O u t of Headph ones • Check volume.21
Limited One-Year WarrantyThis Fit Complete Fitness Tracker, if purchased at any Discovery Channel Store, Inc.(“DCI”), is warranted by DCI against manufacturing defects in material andworkmanship for one year from the date of purchase. This warranty does not cover: (1) damage or failure caused by or attributable to acts of God, abuse, accident, improper or abnormal usage, improper installation ormaintenance, alteration, lightning or other incidence of excess voltage or current; (2)consumables such as fuses and batteries; (3) cosmetic damage; (4) transportation,shipping or insurance costs; or (5) costs of product removal, installation, set-up serviceadjustment or reinstallation.To obtain service under this warranty, present the product along with any DCI salesreceipt as proof of the purchase date to any Discovery Channel Store. At its solediscretion and unless otherwise provided by law, DCI will: (1) correct the defect byproduct repair without charge for parts and labor; (2) replace the product with one ofthe same or similar design; or (3) refund the purchase price of the product. Thiswarranty is the only express warranty provided by DCI for the product and the remediesset forth herein are exclusive.All replaced parts and products, and products on which a refund has been made,become the property of DCI. Reconditioned parts and products may be used in theperformance of warranty service. Repaired or replaced parts and products are warrantedfor the remainder of the original warranty period.22
DCI ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQ UENTIALDAMAGES RELATED TO A BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY. ANY IMPLIEDWARRANTIES ARE HEREBY LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THIS LIMITEDWARRANTY. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EX CLUSION OR LIMITATION OFINCIDENTAL OR CONSEQ UENTIAL DAMAGES OR EX CLUSIONS ON HOW LONG ANIMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TOYOU.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights whichvary from state to state. If you have any questions related to this warranty, pleasecontact customer service at:  (800) 379-0244.© 2005 D iscovery C ommunications, Inc. M ade in C hina for The D iscovery C hannel S tore, Inc. B erkeley, C A  9471023
© 2005 Discovery Communications, Inc. Fit TV , Fit and related logos aretrademarks of Discovery Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Made in China for The Discovery Channel Store, Inc. Berkeley, CA 94710Visit for tools and tips on maintaining your fitness and well-being. Learn more about:• healthy eating• cardio training• building strength• increasing flexibilityYou’ll find step-by-step video clips, helpful diagnostic tools, and real-world advise from industry experts. Visit today!

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