Kohler K241 Users Manual Owner's S K241, K301, K321, & K341

Kohler Owner's Manual Single Cylinder - K241, K301, K321, K341 Kohler_Owner's_Manual_Single_Cylinder_K241_K301_K321_K341 WFMFiles.com

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K241/ K301
(10 hP) (12 hp)
K321,& K341
(14 hp)
operating & maintenance
(16 hP)
Congratulations - You have selected a fine four-cycle, single cylinder, air-cooled engine. Kohler designs long
life strength and on-the-job durability into each engine. . .
making a Kohler engine dependable.. .dependability
you can count on. Here are some reasons why:
0 Kohler engines are easy to service. All routine service areas (like the points, condenser, air cleaner, spark
plug, and carburetor) are easily and quickly accessible. L
0 Parts subject to the most wear and tear (like the cylinders, crankshafts, and camshaft) are made from
precision formulated cast iron. Because the cast iron cylinders can be rebored, these engines can last even
0 Every Kohler engine is backed by a worldwide network of over 10,000 distributors and dealers. Service
support is just a phone call away. Call I-800-544-2444 (U.S. & Canada) for Sales & Service assistance.
To keep your engine in top operating condition, follow the maintenance procedures in this manual.
Safety Precautions
To insure safe operations please read the following statements and understand their meaning.
Also refer to your equipment owner’s manual for other important safety information. This manual
contains safety precautions which are explained below. Please read carefully.
Warning is used to indicate the presence of a hazard that can cause severe personal injury,
death, or substantial property damage if the warning is ignored.
Caution is used to indicate the presence of a hazard that will or can cause minor personal injury
or property damage if the warning is ignored.
Note is used to notify people of installation, operation, or maintenance information that is
important but not hazard-related.
For Your Safety!
These precautions should be followed at all times. Failure to follow these precautions could result
in injury to yourself and others.
Explosive Fuel can cause fires and Rotating Parts can cause severe
severe burns. injury.
Stop engine before filling fuel tank. Stay away while engine is in
Explosive Fuel!
Gasoline is extreme/y fiammable
and its vapors can explode if
ignited. Store gasoline only in
approved containers, in well
ventilated, unoccupied buildings,
away from sparks or flames. Do not
fill the fuel tank while the engine is
hot or running, since spilled fuel
could ignite if it comes in contact
with hot parts or sparks from
ignition. Do not starf the engine
near spilled fuel. Never use
gasoline as a cleaning agent.
Rotating Parts!
Keep hands, feet, hair, and clothing
away from all moving parts to
prevent injury. Never operate the
engine with covers, shrouds, or
guards removed.
I.--N..--. -..-v.. Wm.. ----- . . . . “‘J.
Do not touch wires while engine is
Electrical Shock!
Never touch electrical wires or
components while the engine is
running. They can be sources of
electrical shock.
Hot Parts can cause severe burns.
Do not touch engine while operating
or just after stopping.
Hot Parts!
Engine components can get
extreme/y hot from operation. To
prevent severe burns, do not touch
these areas while the engine-is
running-or immediately after it is
turned off Never operate the
engine with heat shields or guards
Proposition 65 Warning
Engine exhaust from this product
contains chemicals known to the
State of California to cause
cancer, birth defects, or other
reproductive harm.
Safety Precautions (Cont.)
3 @
$5 St
0 :
Accidental Starts can cause Carbon Monoxide can cause
severe injury or death. severe nausea, fainting or death.
Disconnect and ground spark plug
lead before servicing.
kcidental Starts!
Before servicing the engine or
equipment, always disconnect the
spark plug lead to prevent the
engine from starting accidentally.
Ground the lead to prevent sparks
that could cause fires. Make sure
the equipment is in neutral.
Do not operate engine in closed or
confined area.
Lethal Exhaust Gases!
Engine exhaust gases contain
poisonous carbon monoxide.
Carbon monoxide is odorless,
colorless, and can cause death if
inhaled. Avoid inhaling exhaust
fumes, and never run the engine in
a closed building or confined area.
/ d!?
Explosive Gas can cause fires and
severe acid burns.
Charge battery only in a well
ventilated area. Keep sources of
ignition away.
Explosive Gas!
Batteries produce explosive
hydrogen gas while being charged.
To prevent a fire or explosion,
charge batteries only in well
ventilated areas. Keep sparks, open
flames, and other sources of
ignition away from the battery at all
times. Keep batteries out of the
reach of children. Remove all
je we/r-y when servicing batteries.
Before disconnecting the negative
(-) ground cable, make sure all
switches are OFF. If ON, a spark
will occur at the ground cable
terminal which could cause an
explosion if hydrogen gas or
gasoline vapors are present.
Air Filter
Ignition Coil
Blowe !r
Air lnta
*NOTE: Dipstick or oil fill plug is optional and
may vary depending on engine specification. I
Spark Plug
Oil Drain Oil Pan
Figure 1. Typical Command Horizontal Shaft Engine.
Oil Recommendations
Using the proper type and weight of oil in the
crankcase is extremely important. So is checking oil
daily and changing oil regularly. Failure to use the
correct oil, or using dirty oil, causes premature engine
wear and failure.
Straight 30-weight oil is preferred. SAE IOW-30 oil
is not recommended above 32OF. Using this oil
substantially increases oil consumption and
combustion chamber deposits.
NOTE: Using other than service class SG or SH oil or
extending oil change intervals longer than
Oil Type
Use high quality detergent oil of API (American
recommended can cause engine damage.
Petroleum Institute) service class SG or SH. Select A logo or symbol on oil containers identifies the API
the viscosity based on the air temperature at the time service class and SAE viscosity grade. See Figure 3.
of operation as shown in the following table.
1 "F -i'O 1 $0 3i 4b 60 8:O lb0 I
I $30 l---l ~
-20 -10 i, l$ 20 $0; 4 I
Figure 2. Viscosity Grades Table.
Fuel Recommendations
A WARNING: Explosive Fuel!
Gasoline is extremely flammable and its vapors can
explode if ignited. Store gasoline only in approved
containers, in well ventilated, unoccupied buildings,
away from sparks or flames. Do not fill the fuel tank
while the engine is hot or running, since spilled fuel
could ignite if it comes in contact with hot parts or
sparks from ignition. Do not starl the engine near
spilled fuel. Never use gasoline as a cleaning agent.
General Recommendations
Purchase gasoline in small quantities and store in
clean, approved containers. A container with a capacity
of 2 gallons or less with a pouring spout is
recommended. Such a container is easier to handle
and helps eliminate spillage during refueling.
Do not use gasoline left over from the previous
season, to minimize gum deposits in your fuel system
and to insure easy starting.
Do not add oil to the gasoline.
Do not overfill the fuel tank. Leave room for the fuel to
Fuel Type
For best results use only clean, fresh, unleaded
gasoline with a pump sticker octane rating of 87 or
higher. In countries using the Research method, it
should be 90 octane minimum.
Unleaded gasoline is recommended as it leaves less
combustion chamber deposits. Leaded gasoline may
be used in areas where unleaded is not available and
exhaust emissions are not regulated. Be aware
however, that the cylinder head will require more
frequent service.
Gasoline/Alcohol blends
Gasohol (up to 10% ethyl alcohol, 90% unleaded
gasoline by volume) is approved as a fuel for Kohler
engines. Other gasoline/alcohol blends are not
Gasoline/Ether blends
Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) and unleaded
gasoline blends (up to a maximum of 15% MTBE by
volume) are approved as a fuel for Kohler engines.
Other gasoline/ether blends are not approved.
Engine Identification Numbers
When ordering parts, or in any communication
involving an engine, always give the Model,
Specification, and Serial Numbers of the engine.
The engine identification numbers appear on decal (or
decals) affixed to the engine shrouding. Include letter
suffixes, if there are any.
Record your engine identification numbers on the
identification label below (Figure 4) for future
. ,
Figure 4. Engine Identification Label.
Operating Instructions
Also read the operating instructions of the equipment this engine powers.
Pre-Start Checklist l Check that any clutches or transmissions are
l Check oil level. Add oil if low. Do not overfill. disengaged or placed in neutral. This is especially
important on equipment with hydrostatic drive.
l Check fuel level. Add fuel if low. The shift lever must be exactly in neutral to
prevent resistance which could keep the engine
l Check cooling air intake areas and external from starting.
surfaces of engine. Make sure they are clean and
unobstructed. A WARNING: Lethal Exhaust Gases!
Engine exhaust gases contain poisonous carbon
l Check that the air cleaner components and all monoxide. Carbon monoxide is odorless, colorless, and
shrouds, equipment covers, and guards are in can cause death if inhaled. Avoid inhaling exhaust
place and securely fastened. fumes, and never run the engine in a closed building or
confined area.
Cold Weather Starting Hints
1. Be sure to use the proper oil for the temperature
expected. See Figure 2 on page 4.
2. Declutch all possible external loads.
3. Set speed control at part throttle position.
4. A warm battery has much more starting capacity
than a cold battery.
5. Use fresh winter grade fuel. NOTE: Winter grade
gasoline has a higher volatility to improve
starting. Do not use gasoline left over from
1. For a Cold Engine - Place the throttle control
midway between the “slow” and “fast”
positions. Place the choke control into the rron’y
For a Warm Engine (normal operating
temperatures) - Place the throttle control
midway between the “slow” and “fast”
positions. Place the choke into the “off” position.
. 2. Start the engine as follows:
For Rope Start Engines - Place the starting
rope knot in the slot in starting pulley. Wrap the
rope around the pulley. Pull the starter handle
with a smooth, steady motion.
For a Retractable Start Engine - SLOWLY pull
the starter handle until just past compression -
STOP! Return starter handle, pull firmly with a
smooth, steady motion to start. Pull the handle
straight out to avoid excessive rope wear from
the starter rope guide.
Extend the starting rope periodically and check its
condition. If the rope is frayed, have it replaced
immediately by your Kohler Engine Service
A WARNING: Accidental Starts!
Before extending and checking the retractable starter
rope, remove the spark plug lead to prevent the
engine from starting accidentally, Make sure the
equipment is in neutral.
For an Electric Start Engine - Activate the
starter switch. Release the switch as soon as the
engine starts.
NOTE: Do not crank the engine continuously for
more than IO seconds at a time. If the
engine does not start, allow a 60 second
cool down period between starting
attempts. Failure to follow these
guidelines can burn out the starter motor.
NOTE: If the engine develops sufficient speed to
disengage the starter but does not keep
running (a false start), the engine
rotation must be allowed to come to a
complete stop before attempting to
restart the engine. If the start is engaged
while the flywheel is rotating, the starter
pinion and flywheel ring gear may clash,
resulting in damage to the starter.
If the starter does not turn the engine over, shut
off starter immediately. Do not make further
attempts to start the engine until the condition is
corrected. Do not jump start using another battery
(refer to “Battery” below). See your Kohler Engine
Service Dealer for trouble analysis.
3. For a Cold Engine - Gradually return the choke
control to the “off” position after the engine starts
and warms ups.
1. Remove the load by disengaging all PTO
Move the throttle control to the ‘“slow” or 6610w”
idle position. Allow the engine to run at idle for
30-60 seconds; then stop the engine. If the
carburetor on the engine is equipped with a fuel
solenoid, move the throttle control back up
between half and full throttle just before stopping
the engine.
Turn ignition switch “off.” On engines so
equipped, press and hold “stop” button until
engine comes to a complete stop.
A 12 volt battery is normally used. Refer to the
operating instructions of the equipment this engine
powers for specific battery requirements.
If the battery charge is not sufficient to crank the
engine, recharge the battery (see page 10).
Optional spark arrestor mufflers are available from
your Kohler Engine Service Dealer. Check your local
laws and statutes regarding engine spark arrestor
muffler requirements.
Angle of Operation
This engine will operate continuously at angles up to
30°. Check oil level to assure crankcase oil level is at
the ‘IF” mark.
Refer to the operating instructions of the equipment
this engine powers. Because of equipment design or
application, there may be more stringent restrictions
regarding the angle of operation.
NOTE: Do not operate this engine continuously at
angles exceeding 30” in any direction.
Engine damage could result from insufficient
NOTE: If debris builds up on the grass screen or
other cooling air intake areas, stop the engine
immediately and clean. Operating the engine
with blocked or dirty air intake and cooling
areas can cause extensive damage due to
WARNING: Hot Parts!
Engine components can get extreme/y hot from
operation. To prevent severe burns, do not touch
these areas while the engine is running-or
immediately after it is turned off. Never operate the
engine with heat shields or guards removed.
Engine Speed
NOTE: Do not tamper with the governor setting to
increase the maximum engine speed.
Overspeed is hazardous and will void the
engine warranty.
A WARNING: Rope Starting Pulley is not
a Drive Pulley!
Do not use backup rope starting pulley as a drive
pulley. Using starfing pulley as a drive could loosen
flywheel fastener, resulting in bodily harm.
Maintenance Instructions
A WARNING: Accidental Starts! .
Before servicing the engine or equipment, always disconnect the spark plug lead to prevent the engine from
starting accidentally. Ground the lead to prevent sparks that could cause fires. Make sure the equipment is in
Maintenance Schedule
These required maintenance procedures should be performed at the frequency stated in the table. They should
also be included as part of any seasonal tune-up.
Daily or Before
Starting Engine
Every 25 Hours
Maintenance Required
l Fill fuel tank.
l Check oil level.
l Check air cleaner for dirty’, loose, or damaged parts.
l Check air intake and cooling areas, clean as necessary’!
* Change oil.
l Service precleaner element!
Every 50 Hours
Every 100 Hours
l Check gear reduction unit.
l Remove cooling shrouds and clean cooling areas’.
l Replace air cleaner element!
l Check spark plug condition and gap.
l Have bendix starter drive serviced213.
Annually or l Have breaker points checked2.
Every 500 Hours . Have ignition timing checked2.
l Have valve and tappet clearance checked2.
l Have cylinder head serviced214.
‘Perform these maintenance procedures more frequen fly under extreme/y dusty, dirty conditions.
*Have a Kohler Engine Service Dealer perform this sewice.
30r annually whichever occurs first.
4250 hours hhen leaded gasoline is used.
Check Oil Level
The importance of checking and maintaining the
proper oil level in the crankcase cannot be
overemphasized. Check oil BEFORE EACH USE as
1. Make sure the engine is stopped, level, and is For a new engine, change oil after the first 5 hours
cool so the oil has had time to drain into the of operation. Thereafter, change oil after every 25
sump. hours of operation.
2. To keep dirt, grass clippings, etc., out of the
engine, clean the area around the oil fill tube/
dipstick before removing it.
Change the oil while the engine is still warm. The oil
will flow freely and carry away more impurities. Make
sure the engine is level when filling, checking, or
changing the oil.
3. With threaded plug-type dipstick, remove and
wipe oil off - reinsert, but do not turn plug in. To
check oil level, shoulder plug on top of hole. After
checking, again turn plug all the way into
crankcase. With extended oil fill tube and
dipstick, push dipstick all the way down in tube
then take reading.
Change the oil as follows:
To keep dirt, grass clippings, etc., out of the
engine, clean the area around the drain plug and
dipstick before removing it.
4. If the level is low, add oil of the proper type, up to
. the “F” mark on the dipstick. (Refer to “Oil Type”
on page 4.) Always check the level with the
dipstick before adding more oil.
Remove the oil drain plug and dipstick. Tilt the
engine slightly towards the oil drain to obtain
better drainage. Be sure to allow ample time for
complete drainage.
NOTE: To prevent extensive engine wear or
damage, always maintain the proper oil
level in the crankcase. Never operate
the engine with the oil level below the ‘IL”
mark or over the “F” mark on the
3 .
4 .
Reinstall the drain plug. Make sure it is tightened
Fill the crankcase, with new oil of the proper type,
to the “F” mark on the dipstick. Refer to “Oil
Type” on page 4. Always check the level with the
dipstick before adding more oil.
0 . . . . . . . . . .
perating . . . . . . -..
. ..*...*.
. . __ . . . ..(
. . . . . . . . .
“F” Mark
Figure 5. Oil Level Dipstick.
Oil SentryTM
Some engines are equipped with an optional Oil
SentryTM oil level monitor switch. If the oil level drops
below an acceptable level, the Oil SentryTM will either
shut off the engine or activate a warning signal,
depending on the application.
NOTE: Make sure the oil level is checked BEFORE
EACH USE and is maintained up to the “F”
mark on the dipstick. This includes engines
equipped with Oil SentryTM.
Change Oil
Reinstall the oil fill cap or plug and tighten
securely. .
NOTE: To prevent extensive engine wear or
damage, always maintain the proper oil
level in the crankcase. Never operate
the engine with the oil level below the “L”
mark or over the “F” mark on the
Service Precleaner and Air Cleaner Element
This engine is equipped with a replaceable, high
density paper air cleaner element. Some engines are
also equipped with an oiled, foam precleaner which
surrounds the paper element. See Figure 6.
Air Filter
Figure 6. Air Cleaner Housing Components.
Check the air cleaner daily or before starting the
engine. Check for buildup of dirt and debris around
the air cleaner system. Keep this area clean. Also
check for loose or damaged components. Replace all
bent or damaged air cleaner components.
NOTE: Operating the engine with loose or damaged
air cleaner components could allow unfiltered
air into the engine causing premature wear
and failure.
Service Precleaner
Wash and reoil the precleaner every 25 hours of
operation, (more often under extremely dusty or dirty
1 .
2 .
3 .
4 .
5 .
6 .
Remove the wing nut and air cleaner cover.
Remove the precleaner from the paper element. NOTE:
Wash the precleaner in warm water with
detergent. Rinse the precleaner thoroughly until
all traces of detergent are eliminated. Squeeze
out excess water (do not wring). Allow the
precleaner to air dry.
Saturate the precleaner with new engine oil.
Squeeze out all excess oil.
Reinstall the precleaner over the paper element.
When precleaner replacement is necessary
always use genuine Kohler parts.
Service Paper Element
Every 100 hours of operation (more often under
extremely dusty or dirty conditions), replace the
1. Remove the precleaner (if so equipped) from the
paper element.
2 .
3 .
5 .
Do not wash the paper element or use
pressurized air, as this will damage the element.
Replace a dirty, bent, or damaged element with a
genuine Kohler element. Handle new elements .
carefully; do not use if the sealing surfaces are
bent or damaged.
When servicing the air cleaner, check the air
cleaner base. Make sure it is secured and not
bent or damaged. Also check the air cleaner
cover, seals and breather tube for damage or
improper fit. Replace all damaged air cleaner
Reinstall the paper element, air cleaner cover
and wing nut. Wing nut must be finger tightened
to l/2 to 1 full turn after nut contacts cover. Do
not overtig hten.
When air cleaner element replacement is
necessary always use genuine Kohler parts.
Clean Air Intake/Cooling Areas
To ensure proper cooling, make sure the grass screen,
cooling fins, and other external surfaces of the engine
are kept clean at all times.
Every 50 hours of operation (more often under
extremely dusty, dirty conditions), remove the blower
housing and other cooling shrouds. Clean the cooling
fins and external surfaces as necessary. Make sure
the cooling shrouds are reinstalled.
Operating the engine with a blocked grass
screen, dirty or plugged cooling fins, and/or
cooling shrouds removed, will cause engine
damage due to overheating.
Check Spark Plug
Every 100 hours of operation, remove the spark plug,
check its condition, and reset the gap or replace with a
new plug as necessary. Use a Champion@ type RHIO
(or equivalent) spark plug.
1 .
2 .
Before removing the spark plug, clean the area
around the base of the plug to keep dirt and
debris out of the engine.
Remove the plug and check its condition.
Replace the plug if worn or reuse is questionable.
NOTE: Do not clean the spark plug in a machine
using abrasive grit. Some grit could
remain in the spark plug and enter the
engine causing extensive wear and
3. Check gap using a wire feeler gauge. Spark plug
gaps are as follows:
Battery/Breakerless . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .035”
Magneto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 025”
Gaseous Fuel Engines . . . . . . . . . ,018”
(Magneto/Battery Only)
Adjust the gap as necessary by carefully bending
the ground electrode. See Figure 7.
4. Reinstall the spark plug into the cylinder head.
Torque the spark plug to 18-22 ft. Ibs.
Electrode Gap
Figure 7. Servicing Spark Plug.
Battery Charging
A WARNING: Explosive Gas!
Batteries produce explosive hydrogen gas while being
charged. To prevent a fire or explosion, charge
batteries only in well ventilated areas. Keep sparks,
open flames, and other sources of ignition away from
the battery at all times. Keep batteries out of the reach
of children. Remove all jewelry when servicing
Before disconnecting the negative (-) ground cable,
make sure all switches are OFF: If ON, a spark will
occur at the ground cable terminal which could cause
an explosion if hydrogen gas or gasoline vapors are
On engines equipped with an alternator charging
system, disconnect plug from rectifier-regula for prior to
charging battery.
Fuel Filter
Some engines are equipped with an in-line fuel filter.
Periodically inspect the filter and replace when dirty.
Use a genuine Kohler filter.
Reduction Gear Units
On engines equipped with a reduction gear unit,
remove the oil plug on lower part of cover every
50 hours of operation to check oil level. With the
engine level, the oil level of the unit should be up to
the bottom of the oil plug hole. To add oil, remove the
vented plug at the top of theunit. Use the same
weight and grade of oil as used in the engine
Carburetor Troubleshooting
and Adjustments
NOTE: Carburetor adjustments should be made only
after the engine has warmed up.
Kohler K241 through K341 engines are equipped with
one of two basic types of carburetors - Kohler or
Walbro - fixed main jet or adjustable main jet.
The carburetor is designed to deliver the correct
fuel-to-air mixture to the engine under all operating
conditions. The main fuel and idle fuel needles on
adjustable jet carburetors are set at the factory and
normally do not require further adjustment. On fixed
jet carburetors, the low idle fuel needle is also set at
the factory and normally does not need further
adjustment. The main fuel jet is calibrated and
installed at the factory and is not adjustable*.
*NOTE: K241 through K341 engines with fixed jet
carburetors, operating at altitudes above
approximately 6000 ft., may require a special
“high altitude” main jet. See your Kohler
Engine Service Dealer for further information.
If engine troubles are experienced that appear to be
fuel system related, check the following areas before
adjusting the carburetor.
* Make sure the fuel tank is filled with clean, fresh
l Make sure the fuel tank cap vent is not blocked
and that it is operating properly.
l If the fuel tank is equipped with a shutoff valve,
make sure it is open.
l If the engine is equipped with an in-line fuel filter,
make sure it is clean and unobstructed. Replace
the filter if necessary.
Walbro Carburetor Adjustment
In general, turning the adjusting needles in (clockwise)
decreases the supply of fuel to the carburetor. This
gives a leaner fuel-to-air mixture. Turning the
adjusting needles out (counterclockwise) increases
the supply of fuel to the carburetor.
Idle Speed Screw
Figure 9.
NOTE: The tip of the low idle fuel and main fuel
adjusting needles are tapered to critical
dimensions. Damage to the needles and the
seats in carburetor body will result if the
needles are forced.
1. With the engine stopped, turn the adjusting
needle(s) in (clockwise) until it bottoms light/y.
2. Preliminary Settings: Turn the adjusting
needle(s) out (counterclockwise) from lightly
bottomed as follows or to the rich side of
Walbro Fixed Jet
Low Idle
l-l I4 turns
1-l /4 turns
l-l I2 turns
1 turn
Walbro Adjustable Jet
I Low Idle Main Idle
I-314 turns
I-314 turns
I-l /a turns
2-112 turns
l-l 18 turns
l-l I8 turns
l-l I4 turns
l-l 14 turns
3. Start the engine and run at half throttle for five to
ten minutes to warm up. The engine must be
warm before making final settings.
4. Main Fuel Needle Setting: This adjusfment is
required only for adjustable main jet carburetors.
If the carburetor is a fixed main jet type, disregard
this setting.
Place the throttle into the “fast” position.
Turn the adjusting needle in (clockwise). The
engine speed may increase, then it will decrease
as the needle is turned in (lean). Note the position
of the needle. Back the needle out approximately
l/4 turn. See Figure 10 for best main fuel
Back out
Appx. 118
to II4
Lean turn. Lean
\ \ I
Figure 10. Optimum Main Fuel Setting.
5. Low Idle Speed Setting: Place the throttle
control into the “idle” or “slow” position. Set the
low idle speed to 1200 RPM* (+ 75 RPM) by
turning the low idle speed adjusting screw in or
out. Check the speed using a tachometer.
*NOTE: The actual low idle speed depends on
the application. Refer to the equipment
manufacturer’s instructions for specific
low idle speed settings. To ensure best
results when setting the low idle fuel
needle, the low idle speed must not
exceed 1500 RPM.
6. Low Idle Fuel Needle Setting:
Turn the adjusting needle in (clockwise). The
engine speed may increase, then it will decrease
as the needle is turned in (lean). Note the position
of the needle.
Back the needle out approximately l/8 to l/4
turn. See Figure 11 for best low idle fuel
Back out
Appx. 118
to l/4
Lean turn. Lean
Figure 11. Optimum Low Idle Fuel Setting.
When troubles occur, be sure to check the simple causes which, at first, may seem to obvious to be considered.
For example, a starting problem could be caused by an empty fuel tank. Some common causes of engine
troubles are listed in the following table.
Do not attempt to service or replace major engine components, or any items that require special timing or
adjustment procedures. Have your Kohler Engine Service Dealer do this work.
Possible Cause No Improper Dirt In Dirty Incorrect Engine Ditty Air Faulty -
Problem Fuel Fuel Fuel Line Grass Screen Oil Level Overloaded Cleaner Spark Plug
Will Not Start l 0 0 0 0
Hard Starting l l 0 0 0 0
Stops Suddenly ~
l 0 0 a 0 0
Lacks Power 0 0 l 0 0 0 0
Operates Erratically 0 0 0 0 0 0
Knocks or Pings 0 0 0 0
Skips or Misfires 0 0 0 0 0
Backfires l l 0 0
Overheats 0 0 0 0 0
High Fuel Consumption 0 0
If the engine will be out of service for two months or
more, use the following storage procedure:
1 .
2 .
Clean the exterior surfaces of the engine.
Change the oil and filter while the engine is still
warm from operation. See “Change Oil” on
page 8.
3 . Change oil in reduction gear unit, if so equipped.
Refill with the same oil as used in engine
crankcase for season of operation. See page 8.
4 . The fuel system must be completely emptied, or
the gasoline must be treated with a stabilizer to
prevent deterioration. If you choose to use a
stabilizer, follow the manufacturers
recommendations, and add the correct amount
for the capacity of the fuel system. Fill the fuel
tank with clean, fresh gasoline. Run the engine
for 2-3 minutes to get stabilized fuel into the
To empty the system, run the engine until the fuel
tank and system are empty.
5 . Remove the spark plug. Add one tablespoon of
engine oil into the spark plug hole. Install the
plug, but do not connect the plug lead. Crank the
engine two or three revolutions.
6 Remove the spark plug. Cover the spark plug
hole with your thumb, and turn the engine over
until the piston is at the top of its stroke.
(Pressure against thumb is greatest.) Reinstall
the plug, but do not connect the plug lead.
7 Store the engine in a clean, dry place.
Parts Ordering
The engine Specification, Model, and Serial Numbers
are required when ordering replacement parts from
your Kohler Engine Service Dealer. These numbers
are found on the identification plate which is affixed to
the engine shrouding. Include letter suffixes if there
are any. See “Engine Identification Numbers” on
page 5.
Always insist on genuine Kohler parts. All genuine
Kohler parts meet strict standards for fit, reliability,
and performance.
Major Repair
Major repair information is available in Kohler Engine
Service Manuals. However, major repair generally
requires the attention of a trained mechanic and the
use of special tools and equipment. Your Kohler
Engine Service Dealer has the facilities, training, and
genuine Kohler replacement parts necessary to
perform this service. For Sales & Service assistance
call I-800-544-2444 (U.S. & Canada) or contact your
Kohler Engine Dealer or Service Distributor, they’re in
the Yellow Pages under Engines-Gasoline.
Model Designation
The model number designates the cubic inch
displacement and the number of cylinders - Model
K241A, for example designates 24 cubic inch
displacement, 1 designates single cylinder. The letter
suffix designates a specific version as follows:
Oil Pan Type
Generator Set
Pump Model
Quiet Model
Gear Reduction
Electric Start
Retractable Start
Model: ................................................................................... K241 ................. K301 ................ K321 ................... K341
Bore: ................................................. inches (millimeters) ... 3.25 (82.6) ...... .3.38 (85.7) ....... 3.50 (88.9). ........ .3.75 (95.3)
Stroke- ................................................ inches (millimeters) ... 2.88 (73.0) ...... .3.25 (82.6) ....... 3.25 (82.6). ........ .3.25 (82.6)
Displacement: .............. cubic inches (cubic centimeters) ... 23.9 (391) ....... .29.1 (476) ........ 31.3 (512). ......... .35.9 (588)
Power (@3600 RPM): ................. horsepower (kilowatts). .. IO (7.5) ............ 12 (9.0) ............ 14 (10.4). ............ 16 (11.9)
Approx. Weight: ...................................... Ibs. (kilograms) ... 118 (53.5) ......... 118 (53.5) ........ 118 (53.5) ........... 122 (55.4)
Oil Capacity: ......................................... U.S. pints (liters) ... 4 (1.9) ............. .4 (1.9) .............. 4 (1.9). ................ 4 (1.9)
Spark Plug Gap:
Magneto Ignition. ............................. inches (millimeters). .. 0.025 (0.65) .... .0.025 (0.65) .... .0.025 (0.65). ...... .0.025 (0.65)
Battery, Breakerless: ...................... inches (millimeters) ... 0.035 (0.90) .... .0.035 (0.90) ..... 0.035 (0.90). ....... 0.035 (0.90)
Gaseous Fueled Engines: .............. inches (millimeters) ... 0.018 (0.45) .... .0.018 (0.45) ..... 0.018 (0.45). ....... 0.018 (0.45)
Spark Plug Size: ............................................. millimeters.. . 14 .................... .14.. ................... 14 ....................... 14
Spark Plug Type: ............................................................. Champion RHIO or equivalent
Breaker Point Gap (Nominal): .......... inches (millimeters) ... 0.020 (0.50) .... .0.020 (0.50) ..... 0.020 (0.50). ....... 0.020 (0.50)
We warrant to the original consumer that each new engine sold by us will be free from manufacturing defects in materials or workmanship in
normal service for a period of one (1) year from date of purchase, provided it is operated and maintained in accordance with Kohler Co.‘s
instructions and manuals.
Our obligation under this warranty is expressly limited, at our option, to the replacement or repair at Kohler Co., Kohler, Wisconsin 53044, or at a
service facility designated by us, of such part or parts as inspection shall disclose to have been defective.
This warranty does not apply to defects caused by casualty or unreasonable use, including faulty repairs by others and failure to provide
reasonable and necessary maintenance.
The following items are not covered by this warranty:
Engine accessories, such as fuel tanks, clutches, transmissions, power drive assemblies, and batteries, unless supplied or installed by Kohler
Co. These are subject to the warranties, if any, of their manufacturers.
limited to labor costs or transportation charges in connection with the replacement or repair of defective parts.
anyone authorized to make any in our behalf.
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages,
so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Purchaser must bring the engine to an authorized Kohler service facility. For the facility nearest you, consult your Yellow Pages or write Kohler
Co., Attn: Engine Warranty Service Dept., Kohler, Wisconsin, 53044.
FORM NO.: TP-1346-C
ISSUED: 1 O/87

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