Kyocera YAKF-1 Mobile Phone User Manual Safety Precautions

Kyocera Corporation Mobile Phone Safety Precautions

user manual

Safety Precautions
For proper handset use, carefully read Safety Precautions beforehand. Keep this guide
for future reference.
Observe these safety precautions to prevent injury or damage to property.
KYOCERA accepts no liability for any loss or damages incurred by you or a third party
as a result of missed calls, etc., due to malfunction, erroneous operation or failure of
this product.
Handset, B attery, U SIM C ard, A C Charger, Micro U SB Cable (Sold S eparately), E arphone
Adapter Cable & microSD Card (Sample)
USIM Card & microSD Card (Sample)
AC Charger, Micro USB Cable (Sold Separately)
Handset Use & Electronic Medical Equipment
Risks of injury or d amage from improper use ar e c ategorized by l evels. U nderstand these l abels
before reading this guide.
Great risk of death or serious injury1 from improper use
Risk of death or serious injury1 from improper use
Risk of injury2 or damage to property3 from improper use
1 Serious injury includes: Loss of eyesight, physical injury, high temperature burns, low temperature
burns, electric s hock, fractures, poisoning and ot her c onditions having s ide effects or r equiring
hospitalization or longterm treatment.
This device is only sold in JAPAN.
2 Injury includes: Physical burns (high-temperature and low-temperature), electric shock, and other
conditions not requiring hospitalization or long-term treatment.
3 Damage to property includes: Incidental damage to structures and household property and/or to
pets and livestock.
Make sure you understand the following symbols and precautions before reading this guide.
Action prohibited
Disassembly prohibited
Exposure to liquids prohibited
Handling with wet hands prohibited
Action compulsory
Unplug power cord
Handset, Battery, USIM Card, AC Charger, Micro USB
Cable (Sold Separately), Earphone Adapter Cable &
microSD Card (Sample)
Use KYOCERA specified devices (battery, AC Charger, Earphone Adapter Cable, or Micro USB
Cable) only.
Use of n on-specified devices m ay cause battery t o l eak, overheat, rupture or ignite; or m ay c ause
Charger/Micro USB Cable/Earphone Adapter Cable to overheat, ignite or malfunction.
Do not disassemble/modify/solder handset.
May cause fire, injury, electric shock or malfunction. Also, battery may leak, overheat, rupture or ignite.
Modifying handset is a violation of the Radio Law and subject to penalty.
Do not charge, use or leave handset in places subject to high temperatures (near an open
flame or heating equipment, in direct sunlight or inside a car on a hot day).
May cause deformation or malfunction; or may cause battery to leak, overheat, ignite or rupture. Also,
the outer housing may become hot resulting in burns.
Handset may become hot after prolonged use, especially in high-temperature conditions.
Skin contact for extended period when hot may cause low-temperature burns.
Do not use excessive force to attach battery, AC Charger, Micro USB Cable or Earphone
Adapter Cable to handset.
Battery or AC Charger may be the wrong way around. Battery may leak, overheat, rupture or ignite.
Do not place handset, battery, AC Charger, Micro USB Cable or Earphone Adapter Cable in a
microwave oven or pressure cooker, or on an induction cooktop.
May cause battery to leak, overheat, rupture or ignite; or may cause handset, AC Charger, Micro USB
Cable or Earphone Adapter Cable to overheat, emit smoke, ignite or malfunction.
Turn off handset when entering gas stations or other places where flammable gases (propane
gas, gasoline, etc.) or fine particulates generate. Be sure to turn off handset beforehand. Do
not charge battery in such places.
Gases may ignite.
Using handset near petrochemicals or other flammables may cause fire or explosion.
Do not drop/throw handset or expose it to excessive shock.
May cause battery to leak, overheat, rupture or ignite; or may cause fire, electric shock or malfunction.
If you notice an unusual sound, odor, smoke, etc. while using, charging or storing handset,
1. Unplug AC Charger from outlet.
2. Turn handset power off.
3. Remove battery from handset, being careful of burn or injury.
Continued use may cause fire or electric shock.
Do not charge when handset is wetted.
May cause electric shock or short circuit leading to malfunction or fire. Malfunction due to charging
while wetted is not covered under warranty.
Your handset is waterproof. However, discontinue use if water or other liquid enters handset
(External Device Port Cover, Battery Cover, etc.).
Using handset as is may cause overheating, fire, or malfunction.
Keep liquids (water, pet urine, etc.) and conductive materials (e.g. pencil lead, metal fragments,
metal necklaces, hairpins, etc.) away from External Device Port.
May cause short circuit, resulting in fire or malfunction.
Do not place handset on an uneven or unstable surface.
Handset may fall, leading to injuries or handset malfunction. Be particularly careful while charging or
when vibrator is activated.
Do not touch handset, battery, AC Charger, or Micro USB Cable for extended period when
powered externally.
May cause low-temperature burns.
Do not leave in presence of corrosive chemicals or gases.
May cause malfunction, resulting in loss of internal data.
Do not use in high humidity.
Humidity w hen worn on bo dy m ay c ause m alfunction. M alfunction det ermined t o b e due t o w ater
entering handset or humidity is not covered under warranty.
Keep handset out of reach of infants.
Failing to do so may result in small parts being accidentally swallowed or may cause injury.
When a child uses handset, parent supervision is advised. Provide child with proper
Failing to do so may cause injury, etc.
Read battery label to confirm battery type; use/dispose of battery accordingly.
Symbol on Label
Battery Type
Do not short-circuit the (+) and (-) terminals.
May cause battery to rupture, ignite, or overheat.
Do not insert battery in handset with (+) and (-) reversed.
May c ause bat tery t o r upture, i gnite, or ov erheat. I f t here i s t rouble i nserting bat tery, do not force
battery and check connection points.
Do not dispose of battery in fire.
May cause battery to leak, rupture or ignite.
Do not damage (nail, hammer, stomp, etc.) battery or subject it to strong impacts/shocks.
May cause battery to leak, overheat, rupture or ignite.
Keep metal objects (pins, etc.) away from battery terminals. Do not carry or store conductive
materials (e.g. pencil lead, metal fragments, metal necklaces, hairpins, etc.) together with
May cause battery to leak, overheat, rupture or ignite.
If battery fluid gets into eyes, immediately rinse with clean water and consult a doctor. Do not
rub eyes.
Failing to do so may result in loss of eyesight.
Never handle with wet hands.
Battery is not waterproof.
Do not wet battery (water, sea water, pet urine, etc.). Do not charge a w etted battery. Wetting may
cause battery to overheat, rupture, or ignite.
If battery fluid gets on your skin or clothing, immediately stop handset use and rinse with clean
Battery fluid may harm your skin.
If battery is not fully charged even after specified charging time, stop charging.
Battery may leak, overheat, rupture or ignite.
If you notice an unusual odor, overheating, discoloration, deformation, etc. while using,
charging or storing battery, remove it from handset and keep it away from fire. Be careful not to
burn or injure yourself.
Continued use may cause battery to leak, overheat, rupture or ignite.
Keep battery away from pets.
Bites may cause battery to leak, overheat, rupture or ignite, or cause device malfunction or fire.
Do not dispose of battery with other waste.
Bring us ed battery t o a WILLCOM Plaza/WILLCOM Counter or recycling center after insulating the
terminals with tape. Be sure to observe local regulations on battery disposal.
Do not remove sticker wrapped around battery.
May cause malfunction.
Do not forcibly insert/remove battery.
May damage battery or Battery Cover, and cause injury.
Check your surroundings to confirm that it is safe to make/receive calls, send/receive
messages, take pictures or record videos, play games, or access the Internet.
Failing to do so may cause you to trip over or cause a traffic accident.
Be careful with volume of a headset.
Difficulty hearing around you may result in an accident.
Difficulty hearing around you may result in an accident.
Not following items 1 to 4 below and Water & Dust Resistancemay cause handset to ignite, overheat,
or malfunction, or may cause scratches or electric shock.
1 Do not use submersed (including key operation).
2 Do not immerse in liquid other than room temperature fresh water or tap water.
3 Do not subject to water flow stronger than r ating ( IPX5, IPX7) or leave in water for an extended
4 Do not place on sand (beach, etc.)
Do not use while operating a vehicle (car, motorcycle, bicycle, etc.)
May cause a traffic accident. Use of a mobile phone while driving is prohibited by law, and is subject to
penalty. Stop vehicle in a safe location (where parking is allowed) before using handset.
Keep handset power off near high precision electronic devices or devices using weak signals.
Handset may cause these devices to malfunction.
Devices that may be affected:
Hearing ai ds, i mplanted c ardiac pacemakers, i mplanted d efibrillators and other el ectronic m edical
equipment; fire alarms, automatic doors and other automatic control devices.
Display uses reinforced glass. If glass breaks due to shock (being dropped) or extreme force,
do not touch with hands, feet, etc.
May cause injury. If glass breaks, discontinue use and visit a WILLCOM Service Center or KYOCERA
Technical Service Center.
Keep handset power off aboard aircraft.
When in-flight use is permitted, observe airline instructions.
If you have a weak heart, be careful with incoming call vibrator and ringtone volume settings.
These may affect your heart.
If thunder is heard while outside, immediately turn handset power off and seek shelter.
Failing to do so may attract lightning and cause electric shock.
Do not point Infrared Port at eyes.
May impair vision.
Do not turn on or shine Light near someone’s eyes. Do not look directly at Light when it is on.
Also do not point Light at someone else and turn it on.
May cause harm such as loss of eyesight. Especially, do no t photograph infants up close. May also
temporarily affect eyesight or startle, leading to injury or other accident.
If handset becomes damaged or contents exposed, do not touch broken or exposed parts.
May c ause el ectric s hock or i njury. D iscontinue us e and visit a WILLCOM Service C enter or
KYOCERA Technical Service Center.
Do not gaze at a bright or flashing screen in a dark location.
Only rarely, screen brightness or flashing can cause symptoms in individuals such as convulsions or
loss of consciousness. See a doctor beforehand if you have such history.
Do not expose Camera Lens to direct sunlight for extended period.
Since Lens collects light, may cause handset to ignite or a fire.
Use handset normally with External Device Port Cover and Battery Cover secured.
If unsecured, m ay al low dus t, w ater, et c. t o ent er an d c ause el ectric s hock or malfunction d ue t o
Be sure to watch One-Seg in well-lit conditions and hold Display away from you.
May impair vision.
Never use a modified handset.
Using a m odified ha ndset i s a v iolation o f the R adio Law. H andset i s c ertified as c ompliant w ith
technical regulations as specific radio equipment based on the Radio Law, indicated by a mark on
Such certification is nullified if handset interior is modified. Using handset with certification nullified is a
violation of the Radio Law and should never be used in such state.
Be careful of objects attaching to Receiver.
Receiver is magnetic. Pieces of metal (tacks, pins, cutter blades, staples, etc.) can be magnetized and
cause unexpected injury. Check Receiver before use.
Do not use handset in a vehicle if it affects in-vehicle electronic devices.
Use of handset in some types of vehicles may, in some rare cases, affect in-vehicle electronic devices
and interfere with safe driving.
If skin abnormality occurs with use of handset, immediately discontinue use and consult a
Handset contains metals, etc. Depending on your physical condition, you may experience itchiness,
rash, etc.
For more information, see Materials.
Keep magnetic cards, etc. away from handset.
Failing to do so may cause magnetic data on a cash card, credit card, telephone card or floppy disk to
be lost.
Do not swing handset by Strap, etc.
Handset may strike you or persons around you, or Strap may break and cause injury, malfunction, or
Handset may become hot during prolonged use.
Skin contact for extended period may cause low-temperature burns.
Be careful with volume of a headset.
Prolonged use may impair hearing, and sudden loudness may hurt ears.
Use handset in temperatures between 5°C–35°C and humidity within 35%–85% (limited use in
temperatures between 36°C–40°C).
Malfunction det ermined to be due t o us e i n ex tremes b eyond t hese r anges i s not c overed u nder
Remove protective Display sheet before use.
Using handset with sheet attached may cause injury. Be careful of injuring fingers when removing.
USIM Card & microSD Card (Sample)
Do not bend USIM Card or place a heavy object on it.
May cause malfunction.
Do not carelessly touch or short-circuit IC (metal) portion of USIM Card.
May cause loss of data or malfunction.
Do not scratch IC (metal) portion of USIM Card.
May cause malfunction.
Do not wet USIM Card.
May cause malfunction.
Insert microSD Card in specified direction all the way without suddenly releasing your finger.
Always power off handset before inserting or removing microSD Card.
May cause malfunction and loss of internal data.
Do not use excessive force when removing microSD Card.
May cause malfunction and loss of internal data.
AC Charger, Micro USB Cable (Sold Separately)
Do not cover or wrap with clothing or bedding during charging.
Heat may build up resulting in fire or malfunction.
Use the specified power supply and voltage.
Failing to do so may cause fire or malfunction.
AC Charger: 100 to 240 V AC (for household AC outlets only)
Also, do n ot us e c ommercially a vailable v oltage c onverters, as w hen t ravelling. May c ause f ire,
electric shock or malfunction.
Hold plug and unplug AC Charger from outlet before extended periods of handset disuse.
Failing to do so may cause electric shock, fire or malfunction.
Plug in firmly to base of outlet.
If not plugged in firmly, may cause AC Charger/Micro USB Cable to ignite or overheat, a fire, or electric
AC Charger and Micro USB Cable are not waterproof.
Use where not exposed to liquids (water, pet urine, etc.). May cause AC Charger/Micro USB Cable to
overheat, ignite, a fire, electric shock, or short circuit. If wetted, immediately unplug from outlet.
If liquid (water, pet urine, etc.) gets into AC Charger, immediately hold plug and unplug AC
Charger from outlet.
Failing to do so may cause electric shock, smoke emission or fire.
If dust accumulates on AC Charger plug, hold plug and unplug AC Charger from outlet and
wipe with a dry cloth.
Failing to do so may cause fire.
Plug in AC Charger firmly all the way, being careful that conductive objects (pencil lead, metal,
metal necklaces or hairpins, etc.) do not come in contact with plug or terminals.
May cause electric shock, short circuit, fire, etc.
Do not plug/unplug AC Charger/Micro USB Cable with wet hands.
May cause electric shock or malfunction.
If thunder is audible, do not touch AC Charger/Micro USB Cable.
May cause electric shock.
Never use in high humidity (bath room, etc.).
May cause electric shock or malfunction.
Do not charge a wetted battery.
May cause electric shock or malfunction.
Do not use in way that exceeds the rating for outlets or wiring.
Exceeding rating such as with a power bar may cause charger to ignite, overheat, or a fire.
Do not damage, shorten by cutting, twist, pull, or place heavy objects on cable or use while
bundled. Do not use if damaged.
May cause AC Charger/Micro USB Cable to ignite, a fire, electric shock, or short circuit.
To connect AC Charger/Micro USB Cable to handset, always hold by plug and insert straight.
Hold by plug to disconnect.
Pulling by c able m ay dam age c able an d c ause A C C harger/Micro U SB Cable t o i gnite, a fire, or
electric shock.
Firmly hold plug and unplug AC Charger from outlet before cleaning.
Failing to do so may cause electric shock.
Do not unplug AC Charger by pulling the cable. Firmly hold plug and unplug AC Charger.
Pulling the cable may damage the cable resulting in electric shock or fire.
When AC Charger is connected to an outlet, do not pull on cord or otherwise subject AC
Charger to strong shock.
May cause injury or malfunction.
Handset Use & Electronic Medical Equipment
The following information conforms to The Guidelines on Use of Mobile Phones and Other Devices
to Prevent Electromagnetic Wave Interference with Electronic Medical Equipment (Electromagnetic
Compatibility C onference J apan, March 1997), as w ell as r efers t o The I nvestigative R esearch
Report on t he Influence of E lectromagnetic Waves o n M edical Equipment (Association of R adio
Industries and Businesses, March 2001).
Keep handset a minimum of 22 centimeters from implanted cardiac pacemaker or implanted
Radio w aves m ay i nterfere w ith t he o peration o f i mplanted c ardiac pacemakers or i mplanted
When using electronic medical equipment (other than implanted cardiac
pacemakers/defibrillators) outside of medical institutions, consult device manufacturer about
the influence of radio waves.
Radio waves may interfere with the operation of electronic medical equipment.
Handset radio waves may affect electronic medical equipment. Observe these guidelines in
medical institutions:
Do not bring handset into an operating room, ICU (Intensive Care Unit) or CCU (Coronary Care Unit).
Turn off handset in hospital wards.
Turn o ff h andset even i n l obbies or areas w here us e i s permitted i f t here i s electronic m edical
equipment nearby.
Observe t he i nstructions of i ndividual medical i nstitutions an d do n ot us e or br ing h andset i nto
prohibited areas.
Keep handset power off in crowded places such as rush hour trains; a person with an
implanted cardiac pacemaker or implanted defibrillator may be nearby.
Radio w aves m ay i nterfere w ith t he o peration o f i mplanted c ardiac pacemakers or i mplanted
General Notes
Observe the f ollowing f or o ptimal p erformance. Please u se ha ndset af ter r eading
Usage Basics
Quake Alert (Application)
Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN)
Electromagnetic Safety
CE Declaration of Conformity
RF Energy & Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)
FCC RF Exposure Information
European RF Exposure Information
Usage Basics
Content saved on handset (Address Book, mail, music, photos, videos, etc.) may be al tered or
erased due to accident, malfunction/repair, or other handling. Keep a c opy of important content.
KYOCERA is not liable for any damages or lost profit resulting from alteration or loss of content.
Do not use in places with much dust or vibration.
Use of handset near a landline phone, TV, or radio may affect the image and sound quality of the
Depending on conditions of use (in call, using Internet or mail, charging, etc.), handset and USIM
Card may become warm. This is not a defect or malfunction.
Be sure to charge battery before using handset for the first time or if handset has not been used
for a long time. (During charging, battery may become warm. This is not a defect or malfunction.)
Depending on usage, bulges may appear on battery near end of battery life. This is normal for
lithium-ion batteries and does not affect safety.
Sticker on handset bearing the manufacture number (in Battery Compartment) is certification that
your han dset i s l icensed under the R adio L aw and Telecommunications B usiness Law. D o n ot
Mail saved on handset, downloaded content (whether paid for or free), etc. cannot be transferred
to an exchange handset (replacing old handset, submitting handset for repairs, etc.).
When using handset in public places, take care not to annoy other people around you.
Wearing polarized sunglasses may cause Display to appear dark or distorted at certain angles.
Hold handset so receiver is centered in ear during a call. Your earlobe can block the receiver and
may make the other party difficult to hear.
Trying t o us e k eys d uring c ontent pl ayback m ay c ause c ontent t o stop or other ab normal
Keeping Viewfinder open or shooting videos, operating Browser, etc. repeatedly for a continuous
and extended p eriod causes handset t o become warm. S kin contact for extended period when
handset is warm may cause low-temperature burns.
Surrounding brightness is detected by Brightness Sensor. Avoid covering Sensor.
Placing a sticker over Proximity Sensor may cause Display to dim when a call is arriving or during
a call, preventing further operation.
microSD Card m ay f eel warm when removed f rom handset a fter prolonged us e. T his is not a
defect or malfunction.
Do not use or store microSD Card in place where static electricity or electrical noise occurs easily.
Back up content on an microSD Card to a PC or other media (FD, MO, CD-RW, etc.). KYOCERA
is not liable for any damages resulting from loss of content due to microSD Card breakage or other
If you choose to set one, do not forget PIN/password for canceling Screen Lock. If you do forget it,
bring handset to be reset. Contact a WILLCOM Service Center for information.
* PIN (Lock No.) is 9999by default.
A variety of applications can be installed to handset from Google Playprovided by Google Inc.
KYOCERA no g uarantee w hatsoever w ith r egard t o t he nature ( quality, r eliability, l egality,
suitability f or a pur pose, v alidity of i nformation, ac curacy, et c.) o f t hese ap plications that y ou
yourself have installed, or with regard to any problems (viruses, etc.) resulting from them.
Excess weight on handset may damage Display or internal parts, resulting in malfunction. Do not
sit with handset in pocket or place at bottom of bag with other heavy objects. Even without exterior
damage, it will not be covered under warranty.
Do not us e t he following i tems in ex treme t emperatures or high h umidity ( use i n t emperatures
between 5°C35°C and humidity within 35%85%).
-AC Charger
-Micro USB Cable (sold separately)
Do no t use t he following items i n extreme t emperatures or hi gh humidity. U se i n temperatures
between 5 °C–35°C and humidity within 35% 85% ( limited u se i n t emperatures between
Depending on operation and conditions of use, handset may become hot. Charging may then stop
as a safety precaution. Handset will power off if use is continued when hot.
Clean External Device Port with a cotton swab occasionally. If dirty, may cause poor connection.
Do not apply force and deform or scratch terminals.
To clean handset, wipe it with dry, soft cloth. Do not use benzene, thinner, alcohol, soap, or other
solvents. Doing so may discolor or remove exterior features or print.
Before removing battery, power off handset and wait for Display to dim. Not doing so may cause
saved content to be altered or erased.
Usable battery time decreases in extreme temperature conditions (left in car with closed windows
on a hot d ay, et c.). B attery l ife also s hortens. U sing hand set at r oom temperature i s
Before ex tended per iod o f di suse, r emove bat tery and s tore i n battery c ase aw ay f rom hi gh
temperature and humidity (battery case supplied with spare battery (sold separately)). Note that
not energizing handset for extended period may cause content in handset to be erased.
Battery i s near end o f i ts l ife when c harging no l onger restores handset functionality or bul ges
appear. Purchase a specified battery. Life depends on conditions of usage.
For environmental reasons, do not di spose of battery with other waste. Bring used battery t o a
WILLCOM Plaza/WILLCOM Counter or recycling center.
For collection and recycling of rechargeable batteries and recycling center information:
Battery Association of Japan
Tel: 03-3434-0261
Handset Display pixels may be missing or remain lit. This is not a defect or malfunction.
Do not subject Display to strong shock such pressing forcefully or hitting it. May cause scratches
or breakage.
Display uses high-transparency glass, and can appear dirty due to smudging, dust, etc. To clean,
wipe with a dry, soft cloth.
Do not rub or scratch Display or Camera Lens with a hard object.
When placing handset in a pocket or bag, ensure that metal or other hard materials do not contact
Display. B e c areful w ith ha ndset s trap having m etal or ot her h ard parts, w hich m ay c ause
scratches or breakage.
Water forms inside handset (called condensation) if moved from a cold to hot place (outdoors to
indoors) or used in high humidity. May cause malfunction.
Do not l eave n ear air c onditioning v ent. C ondensation from s udden t emperature c hanges m ay
corrosion of handset interior and malfunction.
A strong magnet nearby may cause malfunction.
Be c areful no t t o drop h andset an d s cratch s urface finish. R emaining w ater, et c. m ay c ause
surface finish to peel.
Display may be difficult to view in bright conditions (outdoors, under fluorescent lighting, etc.). This
is not a defect or malfunction.
USIM Card remains the property of WILLCOM. If lost or damaged, it is replaced at cost. If it seems
to be malfunctioning or i f l ost/stolen, v isit a WILLCOM Plaza/WILLCOM Counter or
contact Customer S ervice. T ake ol d U SIM C ard ( after s ubscription c ancelation, et c.) t o a
Do not use excessive force to insert/remove USIM Card.
Malfunction due to inserting USIM Card in another IC Card reader/writer, etc. is at your own risk.
Keep IC (metal) portion clean for use.
Do not adhere labels, etc. on USIM Card.
Do not disassemble or modify USIM Card. May cause content to be erased or malfunction.
Insert microSD Card properly. Cannot be used if not inserted properly.
Do not touch, wet, or dirty microSD Card terminal surface.
Do not bend microSD Card.
Before disposing o f o ld microSD Ca rd, p hysically destroy microSD C ard a fter er asing saved
content to prevent content leakage.
Unplug AC Charger if it will not be used.
Do not wrap AC Charger with its cable. may cause electric shock, fire, or the Charger to ignite.
Do not leave Camera Lens under direct sunlight. May burn or fade colors of elements.
Shooting photos or storing handset in a warm place for extended period may affect image quality.
Camera is high-precision, including pixels which always appear bright or dark. Blue, red, white, etc.
dots will appear when shooting in extremely dark conditions.
When shooting indoors under fluorescent lighting, flickering (extremely faint and not visible) may
appear as stripes in image. This is not a defect or malfunction.
Camera may make sound during operation, such as when being activated. This is not a defect or
Keeping Viewfinder open or shooting videos, operating Browser, etc. repeatedly for a continuous
and extended period c auses handset to become warm. S kin c ontact for extended p eriod when
handset is warm may cause low-temperature burns
Observe proper etiquette when using Camera.
Creating a public nuisance with Camera may be punishable by law.
Practice t aking and pr eviewing pictures, videos, a nd au dio before us ing C amera o n i mportant
occasions like wedding ceremonies.
Photo files (below, content) may be altered or erased due to repairs or other handling. KYOCERA
is not l iable for any da mages or l ost profit r esulting from c ontent al teration/erasure or i ts
Do not use Camera in locations where shooting photos or videos is prohibited.
Quake Alert (Application)
Quake Alert Setting is enabled by default.
An alert tone sounds when an alert is received, even in Silent mode.
Alerts are not received during calls/transmissions or in poor signal conditions.
Depending on usage/situation, handset may receive alerts for other areas or no alerts.
Standby Time may decrease when Quake Alert Setting is enabled.
KYOCERA cannot be held liable for any damages associated with this service, including accidents
resulting from received information, reception timing or reception failure.
Handset Bluetooth® function uses 2.402 GHz 2.480 GHz frequencies in the 2.4 GHz band.
2.4FH1: Uses 2.4 GHz band, FH-SS modulation, with a maximum interference range of 10 m.
: Utilizes 2 .402 G Hz 2.480 G Hz ban d w ithout m obile dev ice ba ndwidth
Bluetooth® Cautions
Handset Bluetooth® function is certified as compliant with domestic and FCC regulations. Use is
restricted in some countries/regions. Confirm local laws before use abroad.
The 2 .4 G Hz ba nd used by ha ndset B luetooth® function i s s hared by ot her d evices. H andset
Bluetooth® function t ries t o m inimize e ffects o f other d evices using t he s ame bandwidth, but
connection speed and distance may be reduced or function may be disconnected.
Connection s peed a nd di stance v ary dependi ng o n di stance b etween c onnected devices,
obstacles, and Bluetooth® devices.
Before Using Bluetooth®
Bluetooth® operating f requency band i s us ed by i ndustrial, s cientific, c onsumer and medical
equipment i ncluding m icrowave o vens, ot her s imilar r adio s tations, pr emises r adio s tations for
identifying mobile units used in manufacturing lines (radio stations requiring a l icense), specified
low power radio stations (radio stations requiring no license) and amateur radio stations (hereafter,
“other radio stations”).
1. Before handset use, be sure “other radio stations” are not in use nearby.
2. If handset radio waves interfere with “other radio stations”, promptly move or power off.
3. For further information, visit a WILLCOM Plaza/WILLCOM Counter or contact Customer Service.
All handset operations when connected with a Bluetooth®-compatible device are not verified and
therefore not guaranteed.
Handset s upports t he B luetooth®-standard security function f or s ecure radio communication.
However, be c areful when us ing B luetooth®, as s ecurity m ay b e i nsufficient de pending o n
conditions of usage or settings.
KYOCERA no liability for data/information leaks during communication using Bluetooth®.
Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN)
Handset Wi-Fi function uses the 2.4 GHz band.
Uses 2.4 GHz band, DS-SS/OFDM modulation, with a maximum interference range of 40 m.
:Utilizes 2 .4 G Hz band w ith m obile dev ice ba ndwidth
Wi-Fi Cautions
Handset wireless LAN function is certified as compliant with domestic and FCC/CE regulations.
Use is restricted in some countries/regions including France. Confirm local laws before use abroad.
The 2.4 GHz band u sed by handset Wi-Fi function is s hared by other devices. Handset Wi-Fi
function tries to minimize effects of other devices using the same bandwidth, but connection speed
and distance may be reduced or function may be disconnected.
Connection s peed a nd di stance v ary dependi ng o n di stance b etween connected de vices,
obstacles, and Wi-Fi devices.
Before Using Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi operating frequency band is used by industrial, scientific, consumer and medical equipment
including m icrowave ov ens, ot her s imilar r adio s tations, pr emises r adio s tations for i dentifying
mobile units used in manufacturing lines (radio stations requiring a license), specified low power
radio s tations (radio stations r equiring no l icense) an d a mateur r adio s tations ( hereafter, other
radio stations”).
1. Before handset use, be sure “other radio stations” are not in use nearby.
2. If handset radio waves interfere with “other radio stations”, promptly move or power off.
3. For further information, visit a WILLCOM Plaza/WILLCOM Counter or contact Customer Service.
All handset op erations w hen c onnected with a Wi-Fi-compatible dev ice are not v erified a nd
therefore not guaranteed.
Handset supports the Wi-Fi-standard security function for secure radio communication. However,
be careful when using Wi-Fi, as security may be insufficient depending on conditions of usage or
KYOCERA accepts no liability for data/information leaks during communication using Wi-Fi.
Electromagnetic Safety
For body-worn operation, this phone has been tested and meets RF exposure guidelines when used
with accessories containing no metal, that position handset a minimum of 10 mm from the body. Use
of other accessories may not ensure compliance with RF exposure guidelines.
CE Declaration of Conformity
In some countries/regions, such as France, there are restrictions on the use of Wi-Fi. If you intend to
use Wi-Fi on the handset abroad, check the local laws and regulations beforehand.
KYOCERA Corporation h ereby dec lares t hat DIGNO DUA L ( YAKF-1) is i n c ompliance w ith t he
essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
A copy of the original declaration of conformity for each model can be found at the following Internet
RF Energy & Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)
DIGNO DUAL (YAKF-1) meets MIC* technical regulation for exposure to radio waves.
The technical regulation established permitted levels of radio frequency energy, based on standards
developed by i ndependent s cientific or ganizations t hrough periodic an d t horough ev aluation o f
scientific studies.
The regulation employs a uni t of measurement known as Specific A bsorption Rate, or SAR. S AR
limit is 2 watts/kilogram (W/kg)** averaged over ten grams of tissue.
SAR limit includes a substantial safety margin designed to assure safety of all persons, regardless of
age/health. The value of SAR limit equals international guidelines recommended by ICNIRP***.
The maximum SAR value for this mobile phone is ●●●W/kg under PHS communication and ●●
W/kg under 3G communication.
While there may be differences between SAR levels of various phones at various positions, all meet
MIC technical regulation.
Although SAR i s d etermined a t hi ghest c ertified p ower l evel, ac tual S AR o f the ph one d uring
operation can be well below maximum value.
For more information about SAR, see the following websites:
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC)
Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) (Japanese)
*Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
**The t echnical r egulation i s pr ovided i n A rticle 14 -2 o f t he Ministry O rdinance R egulating R adio
***International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
FCC RF Exposure Information
Your handset is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed and manufactured not to exceed the
emission l imits for exposure t o r adio frequency ( RF) ener gy s et by t he F ederal C ommunications
Commission of the U.S. Government.
The guidelines are based on standards that were developed by independent scientific organization
through periodic and t horough evaluation of scientific studies. The standards include a s ubstantial
safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age/health.
The exposure standard for wireless handsets employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific
Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR l imit s et by t he F CC is 1.6 W/kg. T he tests are performed in
positions a nd l ocations ( e.g. at t he ear an d w orn on t he body ) as r equired by t he F CC f or eac h
The highest SAR value for this model handset as reported to the FCC when tested for use at the ear
is 0.72 W/kg, and when worn on the body in a holder or carry case, is 0.58 W/kg.
Body-worn Operation: This device was tested for typical body-worn operations with the back of the
handset kept 1.0 cm from the body. To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure requirements,
use accessories that maintain a 1.0 cm separation distance between the user's body and the back of
the handset. The use o f beltclips, h olsters an d s imilar accessories s hould not c ontain m etallic
components in its assembly.
The us e o f ac cessories t hat do not s atisfy t hese r equirements may not c omply w ith F CC RF
exposure requirements, and should be avoided. The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization
for t his model handset w ith all r eported SAR l evels evaluated as in c ompliance with the F CC RF
emission guidelines. SAR information on this model handset is on file with the FCC and can be found
under t he D isplay Grant s ection of after s earching on F CC I D
Additional i nformation on S pecific A bsorption R ates ( SAR) c an b e found on t he C ellular
Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA) website at
European RF Exposure Information
Your m obile device i s a r adio t ransmitter a nd r eceiver. I t i s d esigned not t o exceed t he l imits for
exposure t o r adio w aves r ecommended by i nternational g uidelines. These g uidelines w ere
developed by the independent scientific organization ICNIRP and include safety margins designed to
assure the protection of all persons, regardless of age and health.
The guidelines use a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR
limit for mobile devices is 2 W/kg and the highest SAR value for this device when tested at the ear
was ●●● W/kg*. As mobile devices offer a range of functions, they can be used in other positions,
such as on the body as described in this User Guide. In this case, the highest tested SAR value is
●● W/kg. As SAR is measured utilizing the devices highest transmitting power the actual SAR of
this device while operating is typically below that indicated above. This is due to automatic changes
to t he p ower l evel of the device t o e nsure i t onl y us es t he minimum l evel r equired t o r each the
The World Health Organization has stated that present scientific information does not indicate the
need for any special precautions for the use of mobile devices. They note that if you want to reduce
your exposure then you can do so by limiting the length of calls or using a hands-free device to keep
the mobile phone away from the head and body.
* The tests are carried out in accordance with international guidelines for testing.
** Please see Electromagnetic Safety for important notes regarding body worn operation.
Safety Information
To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels for long periods.
Water & Dust Resistance
Handset h as w aterproof r atings eq uivalent t o IPX5 an d IPX7 ( External D evice P ort
Cover and Battery Cover secure) (KYOCERA testing). H owever failure t o observe
precautions given here may allow water, sand, foreign particles, etc. to enter handset
and m ay c ause h andset t o ov erheat, i gnite, or cause electric shock, s cratches, or
malfunction. For safe handset use, first read precautions here.
IPX5 equivalent
Handset continues to function as a phone after being sprayed from all directions with
12.5 liters of water per minute from a 6.3 mm diameter nozzle for at least 3 minutes,
from a distance of approximately 3 meters.
IPX7 equivalent
Handset continues t o f unction a s a p hone without w ater i ntrusion after b eing s lowly
immersed in still tap water of room temperature to a depth of 1 meter, and left there for
approximately 30 minutes before being removed again.
Meaning, . . .
handset can be used in rain (less than 20 mm per hour), bath room, kitchen, at poolside,
Before Use
In Various Environments
Shared Precautions
If Exposed to Water
When Charging
Before Use
Secure External Device Port Cover and Battery Cover to prevent water intrusion. Confirm that all
closures are secure.
Particles (hair, sand, etc.) lodged between joining surfaces may allow water intrusion.
DO not open/close External Device Port Cover or Battery Cover if hands/handset is wet.
Do not place handset directly on b each sand, etc. Exposing Mic/Receiver/Speaker, etc. to sand
may reduce volume.
Do not use submersed (including key operation).
Do not expose t o or i mmerse i n l iquid ot her t han r oom temperature fresh w ater or t ap w ater
(soap/detergent/bath salt water, hot spring water, hot water, muddy water, sea water, pool water,
alcohol, etc.).
In Various Environments
Do not use in heavy rain (20 mm or more per hour).
* Water remaining on Display may cause Touchscreen to malfunction.
DO not open/close External Device Port Cover or Battery Cover while exposed to rain or if hands
are wet.
Bath room
Do not immerse or drop in bathtub. Do not use submersed.
* Water remaining on Display may cause Touchscreen to malfunction.
Do not immerse in soap/detergent/bath salt water or hot spring water.
Do not expose directly to warm shower.
Do not expose to hot water.
Avoid prolonged use in bath room.
Use handset in temperatures between 5 ˚C–35 ˚C and humidity within 35%–85% (limited use in
temperatures between 36 ˚C–40 ˚C).
Do n ot expose to or i mmerse i n l iquid ot her t han fresh w ater or tap w ater ( water w ith
soap/detergent or spices, or beverage).
Do not expose to or immerse in hot water or in chilled water.
Do not leave handset in extremely hot/cold locations, (e.g., near ovens/stoves or in refrigerators).
Do not subject handset to strong water pressure (more than 6 liters per minute).
Do not immerse or drop in pool water. Do not use submersed.
Pool water is chlorinated. If wetted with pool water, promptly wash off with room temperature tap
water. Do not use a brush.
* Somewhat low water pressure (6 or less liters per minute)
Shared Precautions
Close External Device Port Cover and secure Battery Cover with its rubber seal placed correctly.
Lodged particles (lint, hair, sand, etc.) may allow water intrusion.
Do not insert pointed object between External Device Port Cover/Battery Cover and handset. May
scratch seal and allow water to enter.
Do not open or c lose External D evice P ort C over/Battery C over while w earing g loves. Lodged
particles (lint, hair, sand, etc.) from glove may allow water intrusion.
Check ha ndset a nd hands for m oisture, s and, g rime, etc. before ope ning or c losing External
Device Port Cover/Battery Cover. May enter handset or become lodged in closures, resulting in
malfunction or water intrusion. Wipe hands with lint-free clean, dry cloth if necessary.
Do n ot l eave handset w etted. Water may ent er from g aps. May al so r educe v olume. If
wetted, shake handset, and promptly remove as much water as possible with a lint-free clean, dry
cloth. In cold regions, handset may freeze and cause malfunction.
Handset is waterproof for only for fresh water/tap water. Not waterproof for hot water, salt water,
soap w ater, c hemicals, s weat, et c. I f ex posed t o o ther t ypes o f m oisture or s and/mud/etc.,
promptly wash off with room temperature tap water. Wash using hands (do not us e brush) and
hold External Device Port Cover and Battery Cover secured.
* Somewhat low water pressure (6 or less liters per minute)
Do no t expose to strong water pressure ( e.g., t ap/shower water t hat hurts) ab ove r ating ( IPX5,
IPX7) or immerse for extended period.
Do not wash in a washing machine, ultra-sonic washing machine, etc.
Do n ot subject to s trong shock while s ubmersed (e.g., drop into b asin, toilet, washing machine
with water).
Handset accessories (AC Charger, etc.) are not waterproof.
Do not insert pointed objects in holes of Mic, Receiver, or Speaker.
External Device Port Cover and seal on back of Battery Cover are vital to waterproofing. Observe
the following.
Do not remove or scratch.
Do not allow particles to adhere. Lodged particles (lint, hair, sand, etc.) may allow water intrusion.
Always remove.
Remaining l iquid ot her t han fresh w ater or t ap w ater ( hot w ater, s alt w ater, det ergent w ater,
chemicals, sweat, etc.) may degrade waterproofing.
Be careful sealing is not pinched when securing closures. Forcing closures with sealing pinched
scratches sealing and may degrade waterproofing.
Replace waterproofing components every two years for waterproofing, regardless of appearance.
Replacement c an b e pr ovided a t c ost w hile hands et i s retained. V isit a WILLCOM
Plaza/WILLCOM Counter or contact Customer Service.
Do not drop or otherwise subject handset to strong shock. May degrade waterproofing.
Handset will not float.
Do not immerse in hot water, use in a sauna, or subject to hot air from a hair dryer, etc.
Use han dset in temperatures between C35°C and humidity w ithin 35%–85% ( limited u se in
temperatures b etween 36° C40°C). Use i n extremes bey ond t hese ranges m ay degrade
Sudden temperature change results in condensation. Let handset reach room temperature before
moving f rom c old t o hot pl aces ( e.g., s hower/bath) t o pr event condensation. Handset has n o
anti-condensation features.
* If condensation forms inside Display, leave at room temperature until condensation dries.
Handset f ulfills per formance requirements f or assumed usage. H owever, han dset i s no t
guaranteed for any a nd al l c onditions o f actual us age. M alfunction d etermined t o be due to
mishandling is not covered under warranty.
If Exposed to Water
Using a wet handset allows water to collect in Mic, Receiver, Speaker, or Audio Port. This may affect
call quality, wet your clothing, carrybag, etc., or allow water into handset. Follow steps below to drain
Wipe handset with a lint-free clean, dry cloth
Shake handset as shown until there is no more wetting
Press a lint-free clean, dry cloth into gaps (Mic, Receiver, Speaker, etc.) to remove any
After removing as much water as possible, leave handset at room temperature for at
least 1 hour
Some water may still remain i n handset. Do not leave handset beside/in i tems that you do no t
want to get wet (clothing, carrybag, etc.).
When Charging
Accessories (included or sold separately) are not waterproof. Check the following before and after
Check that handset is not wetted. If wetted, drain water and wipe with a lint-free clean, dry cloth
before opening External Device Port Cover.
If charging after handset is wetted, drain water and wipe with a l int-free c lean, dry cloth before
opening External Device Port Cover.
Never charge while handset is wet. Charging while wet may result in malfunction, overheating, etc.
Do not touch AC Charger/Micro USB Cable (sold separately) with wet hands. May cause electric
Use AC Charger/Micro USB Cable (sold separately) where not exposed to water. May cause fire
or electric shock.
Do not use AC Charger/Micro USB Cable (sold separately) near water sources (bath room/shower,
sinks/basins, etc.). May cause fire or electric shock.
FCC Notice
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject
to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on circuit different from that to which
the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help and for
additional suggestions.
The user is cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly
approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate the

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