User Manual

Download: Kyosho of America KT431S DIGITAL PROPORTIONAL RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM User Manual                      1
Mirror Download []Kyosho of America KT431S DIGITAL PROPORTIONAL RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM User Manual                      1
Document ID2447375
Application IDGnoUmZdF7LK1CM4G7QlVZg==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize233.56kB (2919524 bits)
Date Submitted2014-11-18 00:00:00
Date Available2014-11-18 00:00:00
Creation Date2014-10-31 14:48:30
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 11.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2014-11-18 10:32:45
Document Title未命名 -1
Document CreatorAdobe Illustrator CS2
Document Author: user27

KT l-I 3 'I S
Iliuilal mnnmliunal main nunlml suslflm
H Http : l/ "
Table of contents
. Spema‘ Symbols
. Salely gmde
2 «5111 System
System characlenshcs
Transmiflcf spcmflcahons
Recewar Snacmcamons
S Transrwfler Vuncmns
1n Recewer and serve cannechans
11. Before opeming w
11. 01. Loamng banery. w
11 02.511an . . . . . 1o
11 03. Power on 10
11 04 Sum down 11
12 Packaging center“ 12
1:. FCC Statement"
"Hp :11
fliflilfll Illlllllllliflllfll lflflil] fiflflllfll Sufilflfll “TI-'3‘. S
Thankyau farchuusmg the kyosha KTSCHSTB channels 2 mm FHSS compulenzed ungnax
propamana‘ RC arrplane and helmupler system H «'5 yourhrsl use of a campulenzed radio
system, nus usermanua‘ wm brmg you easnym a new worm cHun and sapmsucancn In an
cases, p‘ease read careruuy and compxetexymrs user manua‘ as .1 Domains an mmrrnauunm
keep you saVe
”you encounterany problem durmg user p‘ease refer 10 [ms manual mne promem 5m
persisxs, p‘ease Contact your mom dea‘er orvrsit to ourservice and supponwebsite'
"Hp 11 www yosh
3.5pecial symbols
P‘ease pay attention to therauawing symbatswhen they appear in the manual
and read careVtu.
Notroucwrng these rnstructrons may expose the userlo senous
ADanger: tmurtesordealh
Notmnowmg these rnstructrons may expose the userto senous
AWaming: mJuries
Nouonawing these mstruchons may expose the use, to mm,
AAttentiominJuries and even to senous injuries.
Q Prohibited 0 Mandatory
4.5afety guide
Don‘t fly at mght or m bad weather \ike rain arthunnerstarrn as this can cause erratm
operanoh or loss olcomrol
Make sure muvmg arrectron ofaH motors be same wrth the operath directron
w ML ptease adjustarreetran hrst
ofllhe transmuttemlthe transmitter Is swrtched a" whlle the recewer Is SUM powered‘ K
may test! to uncontrolled movement orengine slanand may cause an accrdent.
In partrcutar, the 2 AG RC system wm attentthe mane arthe car nearby afler yau tum
on the (ransmmer.
o The shutdown sequence must be to first drsconnecnhe recewer battery then to switch
mu: 1/ www kyosho com
Diflilfll Ulflflfllliflflfll lflflil] flflnllfll SUSll’ifll KTLIEI S
vlslbillly is limited sneuld anytype at moisture (water or snow) enterany companerlt
8 Do not operate outdoors on ralny days run ttirouon puddles olwater or use wnen
loe system‘ erratlc operatlon and loss olconlrol may occur
Do not operate in ttre lollowing places
Nearotnersltes wnere otner radlo control actwlty may occur,
Near people or roads.
On any pond wnen passenger boats are present,
Near nlgn tension power lmes orcommumcatlon oroadcastlng antennas
lnlerlerence could cause loss olcontrol.
lmproper lnstallatien ul‘yow Radlo Control System ln your model could result ln serlous inlury
ol alconol ororugs Youriudgment ls impalrea and could result in a dangerous situatlon
Q Do not operate ttus R/C system wnen you are tlred, notleeling well or undertne mlluence
tnat may cause serlaus lniuryto yoursell as well as otners
neat wnile tne model ls opelallng or lmmedlately alter its use Tnese parts may be very
Q Do not toucn the engine, motor, speed control or any part oltne model tnat Wlll generate
not and can cause serlous burns.
Please nave an overall oneckaoouttne model before any operatlon.
Any problem in radla control system or improper installation may cause out olcontral
Slmple dlstance test metnods:
0 One nold the model, and the other one carry tne transmltterto a proper place to cneck tne
servo system condltlon.
Please stop operatlon ltany exceptlonai case occurs
Please cnecx the model memory to make sure the matcnlng IS rlgnt
wnlle turning on tne transmitterevery tlme wnen maklng adlustments to tile model do
so with tne englrle not running or the motordlsconnected, you may unexpectedly lose
8 Turn on the power, please oneck the tnrottle neutral posltion ls ln its lowest position
control and create a dangerous sltuatlon
imp 1/ www kyosho com
5.2.4GHz System
AFHDSZA smusmwmomahc Frequency Haws Mwsuse thIs radm system can lead (a Serums
Dwgwtalsystem 2A“ Tmsmgmnupmwcama radm wunesnrfleam F‘easeread camp‘em‘ythm
lransmwssmn sys‘em Wm guaranteeyuu a mug range‘ manua‘ and unlyouevaw younamu symm
accommgm u
‘smmmg Yree and my bauerywe expenence Tm ‘s
we resuHafyearS a! research annesnng and makes
Kyoshanne anhe wand may m We mama
The 2 AEHzradm band has: camp‘ele‘ydmerenl
behaworlhanDrevlaus‘yused\owerfrequancy bands.
Keep a‘wzysyauvmode‘ msigmzszlarge amen can
b‘nckme RF swgna‘ and mad «a ‘05: 01 serum and
damr TheZ aGHzRFmgnax anagalss m sxyamm
unesznacannmgm zmundnmec‘somlspam Neva!
gnpmnansmner amennawhenapemlmg a made‘
asudegradesmgnmcanuyma RF s‘gna‘ uuamy and
strength and maycause ‘05: Magnum and danger
RFspec canons
RF rings. 2 405572 475(3H1
Channe‘ nanawmm scum
Numberovchannews Mu
RF power \essman ZDdEm
RF made AFHDS ZNAmamanc Fvequency Happmg
Dwgua‘Syslem 2A)
Modula|mnwpe GFSK
Amcnna‘cngm 25mm‘2wuaxamnnap
Rxsensmva r’mfidEm
Nwaysmm nnthe «msmmamm men the recewer
When |ummg Dths sys|erm a‘waysmm ovum;
vecelvevflrsflhenmenansmmev Tmswsm zvmd
having me recewer on use" as u may pmk a wrong
swgna‘ and \ead u: arvafic servo mavemems This \s
pamcmany \mpunanfiore‘ecmc poweved mode‘s
as u mayunexpeaemy turn on me mamrand ‘98:!
m mwfles urdeam.
Asepnrahun “my.“ amneamu cmfmm .u persnn:
\sreqmred .1“an uperahun
"Hp :11
fliflilfll Illlllllllliflllfll lflflil] fiflflllfll Sufilflfll “Tl-'3‘. S
6.System characteristic
me ramo system works .n we frequency mnge on mean» 2 “sewn“ band nas been divided mm
«40 mdevendem mama‘s. Each rams sysrern uses 15 amerem mama‘s arm 140 muerem types 0! nopprng
a‘gunlhrn. By usmg mneus ammo" nrnee, hopnrng scheme and channe‘ henuanolas‘ the syslem can
nuaramee ararnrmng flee raaro "ansmlssmn
This ream syerern usee a high gem and mgr. qua‘w mum dlmcflanm amenna n mvers me whom inquency
band Assumed mm a high senslnvny rece‘ver, une rank. eysrern guaramees e jammmg nee Wong range Vania
Eacn "animmer nas a umwa ID wnen binding wrm a recswan me reserver saves ma| nmque m and can
aecepes on‘y data dram mat umwe rransrnmer nus avuldi prckrng anomarnansmmsri‘gna‘ and drimaticaHy
Increases Imerfvsnoe \mmumly and sacely
True radlo sysrern uses \uw paws! alldmmc wmponsms am e vary ssnsmve rem/er mm The RF
modu‘itmn use: Int-"mus!“ erg-raw «rensmrssron ms reduang even mere pewercansurnpuan Compavalwe‘m
W: radio syeurn usls on‘y :- “ml! emu power at a standard FM syshm
Hflp : H
7.Transm ter spec caIions
Mfllllls: KTl-IB'I S
Tummmlrl lac-nons-
Numbermchanne‘s A
MafleHype fixedrwlnglghfler/saflbod
Channe‘ resume" IDZAsleps
Pawersupp‘y avu SVAAXAJ
Low voHage wsrmng red LED flasmng and a‘arm \955 man 4 zv
Amenna‘engm 26mm
com mack
Slzc 174~8w190mm
WelgM 3229
Cerhhcahon CL Fcc
8.Receiver spec: Ications
mlllEl: KR— 331
Numbermcnanne‘s 3
ModeHyne car/boausaubom
RFrecewevsens y rmsdBm‘
Modu‘ahcn GFsK
246mm was“
am bum)" yes
Emdmg stick yes
Powervafl yeswcm
Pawev' 4 are 5v
ngm 59
Amenna‘engnr 25mm
Swze 34'25'125mm
cmm mack
Cenmcauon. ca FCC
"Hp 11 www kyosho com
9.Transmitter functions
0 Tlansmilter Antenna 9 Lefl Slick Trim Swrten(Lert/Rrgnll
For adjusllrlg lne neutral position.
9 PowerSWlmh 0 Bakery Lebel indicalur
9 Right Slick
Model :Ch1(LeWnghl)/Ch3(Up/Dcwn) @ Battery Cover
0 Right Slick Trim 5wrtcn(Len/Rrgm) ‘1} Binding Bum)"
For adjusting Ihe neutral pasillon
6 Right Slick Trim SwithUp/Down) ® Reverse SW'W‘
For adjusting the neutral pasitron. For change the servo wrestle"
@ Len suck ® veer Swrtcn
Mariel cmruprgownyCMLefl/R‘gm) D/awgcn_:ncehmMng oi ruddel and elevalar lor Wall airplane
Mudez Ch3(Up/Down)lCh4(Lefl/nghl)
0 Left Slick Trim Switch(Up/Down)
For adjusting lne neutral position. ® Simulator non
Output lor simulator
Swllch the angle settings a! the CM rZ&4(up Vol WOWWWH Vol 70%]
10.Receiver and servo connections
in aanery box
(Eh-laying “5573;; (ms) throttle sen/a
a: m e
(chZ) elevator servo
42%] Idol 19 l
(cm) rudder or arleren servo
imp llwww kyosh com
Diflilfll Ulflflfllliflflfll lflflil] nunlml SUSll’rfll KTLIBI S
11.Before Operafing
1 1-01 .Loading battery
4 x AAAIKa‘me Eaflenes
Eanery Poramy Markmgs
4 x AAAIka‘ine Bananas
Battery Forarny Markmgs
1 1-02.Binding
The supelred (ransmmarand reeswerare arready kwund a| predeenon urne sn you dan‘r need w do w. "you are
usmg andmenransmrnerdr receiver, you nave \O 'rst bmd mern berdre use as desenbed beluw
Make sure that the transminerand Ihe receiver is within 1 meler range.
1 Push and nerd me 5an swrcn on me transmrtter
Emqu . x mm m. m w m, me-r m
2 Turn on me lransmmer swrmh LED wru sum «7 mm rsprdly. 7mm we re er the WW, army me
3 Canned me swrten connedcr «o vcc swan on me reeewer "13;; mg":“fijm’gcjfwm:
4 USE blnmng SUCK (a press and ham mud set mman on the receiver W". Wang" me “my ”“54“,. n wu "m
5 rum 0,, me mm or ,eceim Wm n m mr w mm am We rm
6 LED win sran «a flash mprdry When the nasnrng LED turns 10 fixed ligm, :5;3:35;;:;::§$;:;r:;:;:j;:‘:::;gj;
«he drndrng procedure Is comprele The LED on In erecewer wru flash Emdmg p'nnldw‘s m dune n rem, n we
srawly rune bmding procedure rs nor successlul 33.33;» new a» mm I»: were
1 Tum omne rransmiuerand «an on agam
1 1 -03.Power on
‘ Swlmh nnlhemmsmmer
2 (ransmiuer LED ‘5 so‘id mmcatmg
3 Cunnemme recaiver bauevy
4 The recewerred LED mdicamns so‘id
indiczhng me presence (If a curred swgna‘
5 Use me radm sys‘em
- Swwlch on
Bakery Lam \ndlcalor
red LED md‘ca‘or
Switch on
1 1-04.Shut down
1. Swikch omhe reoewer
2. 5mm off me lransmmer
Switch off
lwww kyosho com
-> III Gm 7
Bulleru Vultnqe
7 Ready «0 use
m Orange 7
Red i Can‘t use
Swwtch off
fliflilfll lllfllllllliflllfll lflflil] fiflflllfll SUSIEHI KTLIBI S
12.Packaging content
NU Model
W Remarks
4 channe‘ 2 AG
1 transminer 1
3 channe‘ 2 AG
2 racewer 1
User manual 1
3 CD
4 SImulachab‘e 1 Opticnm
5 Servo 2 outlaw
1 3.Fcc Statement
FCC Statement
Tmsaqmpmamhasbasntestsd andmm«acompwywunmenmnsmacxassamguaxaewcspwsuam |0Dan 15 a! me
FCCHHBS These nmus ave dammed w prawns veasuname Waterman agamst hava \mevtersnce m a resmannax
msraHahon Tmseqmpmemgeneramuxesanacan reams ram iraquency energy arm, H mm ms‘a‘lad and used m
accordanccwwh me mnruchons‘ may causc harmM mtcr'cvcncctu vadm cnmmumcahani Hawcvcn mm mm guaranlvc
thatmkcricvcnccwmnotuccurmapamcu‘armstaHatmn In “Us mzmpmcnt due; causv: harmM mmm-vcnce m radm or
«cm/sunreccpnammmcanumumrmmdbywmmgmymmpmpnmuanuammuwnscncowagcdw try «a coma
.mmum dea‘eruran Expznenced radm/Tvlachmcmn Corhe‘p
Tuassurecammued camyhance‘ any changes av mamflcalmns m express‘y appmved by the party respunsmle «or
cumphancecmfldvmd[heuser'saulhamylunperatelhlseqmpmem (Examp‘euse an‘y sme‘ded mnm Dames Wm
Tms equipmenlcamphes mm Fan 15mm FCC mes Operalmn \ssubmct\otheioHawmgtwocnnmhons
(Zflmsdewcg mummmny mnevence recewemmcmamgmxermemmmaycause undesired operanen
The mzmflacturer \s m yespansme my any name or TV mmnerem caused by unauthorized mommamns m «ms
eqmpmem Suchmodificatmnscomdvomtheuserzmhnmymonerztemeeumnmem
Http :11

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