LANSITEC Information Technology 100-00159 LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor User Manual

Nanjing Lansitec Information Technology Co., LTD LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor Users Manual

User manual

LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor0/12Document Number: 990-02101Rev. 1.22 12/2017contact@lansitec.comGeneral DescriptionLansitec precision platinum temperature sensor is based onthe advanced LoRa modulation and powered by lithiumbattery with 6-year operation time. It is cost effectiveLoRaWAN end device for a variety of application. It's longoperation time offers low maintenance and is ideal forindustry use. Sensor work mode can be adjusted via LoRanetwork.Lansitec sensors family is fully compatible and plug & playfor LoRaWAN network operation.Lansitec sensors can also work with Lansitec Wireless DataTransfer Unit (P/N: 100-00175) for low cost deployment.Please contact us for further information.ApplicationsBusway temperature monitorWeather stationHeatingVentilation & air conditioning systemsSmart AgricultureBuilding automationKey featuresPowered by lithium thionyl chloride battery: 5 years ofoperation for 1 uplink 5 minutes.Extended industrial operating temperature:-40°C to +85°C.Accuracy:±1.5°C typically from -200°C to +200°C.LoRaWAN compatible:Class A, uplink rate programmable from 30 seconds to24 hours.Change uplink cycle via wireless, configurable by server viadownlink commandOperating frequency bands (Option at order):900MHz, < 25mW radiated power
LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor1/121. Product specificationsThe tables below give the electrical specifications and performance of the temperature and humiditymeasurement.Table 1 General electrical characteristicProtocol LoRaWan1.0.2Frequency CN470, EU868, US915, AS923, CLAASensitivitySF=7 ≤ -126dBmSF=10 ≤ -136dBmSF=12 ≤ -142dBmOperating Current 30uA@sleep modeMax 138mA@17dBmTemperature Range -200~200℃Accuracy ±1.5℃Standby Time 6 years @25℃ 17dBm 5 minutes per transmissionOperating Temperature -40~+85℃Storage Temperature -55~+85℃Operating Humidity 5%~95%On/Off SupportSensor Quantity 4, external, cable length is optionalAntenna ExternalDimension Aluminum, 76x46x110mmBattery Non-chargeable lithium battery 38AhCommunication Distance >1km in urban area
LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor2/122. Application Information2.1 FunctionThe sensor works in OTAA and Class A mode. DEVEUI, APPEUI and APPKEY are stored in the sensorand is necessary for joining a network. DEVEUI is labeled at the back of the device. APPEUI, APPKEYshould be provided by each application. Lansitec will help to configure this before shipping.After power on and join the Lora network, sensor will send registration message to ApplicationServer(AS). If AS doesn’t reply, sensor will retry for 3 times before switching to default mode(periodically report mode). Configuration information of the sensor is included in this registrationmessage for AS to validate.Sensor starts to work after receiving acceptance response or no AS reply after 3 times registrationtrial. Temperature will be reported to AS periodically. The duty cycle is configurable by commandsfrom AS. Temperature acquisition and report period is 5 minutes by default.According to LoRaWAN specification, downlink response time is decided by uplink duty cycle, usershould refer the needed response time to choose uplink duty cycle. Detailed downlink and uplinkdefinition are described below.2.2 Uplink Message2.2.1 RegisterBytes 1 1 1 1 2 2Item TYPE SMODE POWER CFG TH CRCTYPE fieldBit Name Value Description7~4 TYPE 0x1 Message type. AS can use it to identify differentuplink messages.3ADR 0:OFF1: ONADR (Adaptive Date Rate) status2~0 MODE 0x01~0x07 Current working scheme which should be one ofSMODESMODE fieldBit Name Value Description7~0 SMODE 0x01: AU920 Data scheme supported by tracker.
LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor3/120x02: CLAA0x04: CN4700x08: AS9230x10: EU4330x20: EU8680x40: US915This field is preserved by Lansitec and will beconfigured before shipping.POWER fieldBit Name Value Description7~3 POWER 0~31 Configured transmit power (dBm))2~0 Reserved 0x0 Reserved for future use. If MODE is CLAA, itindicates the frequency sweep mode of thetracker:1: A mode2: B mode3: C mode4: D mode5: E mode6: All frequency sweepRefer to CLAA China 470M-510M Band Usingnetwork technology requirements for detailedinformation.CFG fieldBit Name Value Description7~4 DR 0~15 Data Rate(DR0~DR15).3 REPTIND 0~1 Indicates whether report the temperature if thevalue is the same with before. Default value is 0,means always report.2~0 Reserved 0x0 Reserved for future use.TH fieldBit Name Value Description15~0 TH 1~65535 The period of temperature report, unit 10s.CRC fieldBit Name Value Description15~0 CRC CRC16 of previous fields with TYPE bits set to 0,the polynomial is . AS only need to compare thisdata field with the AS stored one to judgewhether configuration changed.
LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor4/122.2.2 Periodical temperature and humidityBytes 1 1 1 2 2 … 2Item TYPE RFU RSSI TEMP1 TEMP2 …CRCTYPE fieldBit Name Value Description7~4 TYPE 0x3 Message type, AS can useit to identify differentuplink messages.3~0 TNUM 0x0~0x4 Number of sensor. Forexample, if TNUM is 0x3,there should be TEMP1,TEMP2 and TEMP3, thewhole message lengthshould be 11 bytes.RFU fieldBit Name Value Description7~0 RFU 0 Reserved for future use.RSSI fieldBit Name Value Description7~0 RSSI 0~160 Received Signal Strength Indication(unit: -1dBm)TEMP1 fieldBit Name Value Descriptionshort TEMP1 -20000~20000 (unit: 0.01℃)TEMP2 fieldBit Name Value Descriptionshort TEMP2 -20000~20000 (unit: 0.01℃)TEMP number is decided by field TNUM.CRC fieldBit Name Value Description
LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor5/1215~0 CRC Same CRC16 as calculated in register message.This can be used for server to check if anyconfiguration mismatch.2.2.3 AcknowledgeBytes 1 1Item TYPE MSGIDTYPE fieldBit Name Value Description7~4 TYPE 0xF Message type, AS can use it to identify differentuplink messages.3~0 RESULT 0: success1: failureProcess result of any downlink message that needacknowledgeMSGID fieldBit Name Value Description7~0 MSGID 0~255 The MSGID field of corresponding downlinkmessage2.3 Downlink2.3.1 Register acceptanceBytes 1Item TYPETYPE fieldBit Name Value Description7~4 TYPE 0x1 Message type, tracker can use it toidentify different downlink messages.3~0 RESULT 0: success1: failureRegister result, currently the devicedoesn’t distinguish the result, devicealways take it as success if responsereceived.2.3.2 Lora configurationBytes 1 1 1Item TYPE DR MODETYPE field
LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor6/12Bit Name Value Description7~4 TYPE 0x8 Message type, tracker can use it toidentify different downlink messages.3ADR 0:OFF1: ONADR (Adaptive Date Rate) status2~0 Reserved 0x0 Reserved for future use. If MODE isCLAA, it indicates the frequency sweepmode of tracker:1: A mode2: B mode3: C mode4: D mode5: E mode6: all frequency sweepDR fieldBit Name Value Description7~4 DR 0~15 Data Rate(DR0~DR15), if ADR is disabled,the device will work on this data rate.3 REPTIND 0~1 Indicates whether report the temperatureifthevalueisthesamewithbefore.Default value is 0, means always report.2~0 Reserved 0 Reserved for future useMODE fieldBit Name Value Description7~5 MODE 0x1:AU9200x2:CLAA0x3:CN4700x4:AS9230x5:EU4340x6:EU8680x7:US915Configure mode. Currently the modecan’t be changed. It should be alwaysthesamewiththevaluereportedbythe device.4~0 POWER 0~31 Configure transmit power (unit dBm)2.3.3 Sensor configurationBytes 1 2Item TYPE THTYPE fieldBit Name Value Description7~4 TYPE 0x9 Message type, tracker can use it to identify different
LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor7/12downlink messages.3~0 Reserved 0x0 Reserved for future use.TH fieldBit Name Value Description15~0 TH 1~65535 The period of temperature report, unit 10s.2.3.4 Command requestBytes 1 1Item TYPE MSGIDTYPE fieldBit Name Value Description7~4 TYPE 0xA Message type, tracker can use it toidentify different downlink messages.3~0 COMMAND 0x1: register request0x2: device resetRequested command.0x1usedtorequestthedevicetosendregister message.0x2 used to reset the device.MSGID fieldBit Name Value Description7~0 MSGID 0~255 Server generated sequence number of downlinkmessages that need MSGID. Tracker will respondACK with this number, otherwise AS should resendthe message.3. Mechanical structure and Assembly3.1 Dimension3.2 BatteryinstallationBattery holder is inside the sensor. Just insert the 3.6V battery to the holder, the sensor willstart work with a default cycle. Please follow steps below when install a new battery.Step1: Remove the cover.Step2: Install the battery.Step3: Reset the device.
LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor8/12Step4: Close and fix the cover again.Note: Don’t inverse the polarity of the battery when insert the holder!!!
LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor9/123.3 Sensor FixationOn the back of the housing, there are 4 screw mounting holes which are isolated from inside ofthe device.3.4 Battery informationLithium/thionyl chloride battery with PN ER34615 is used in the sensor, which could operate in -55 to +85℃.4. Ordering InformationLoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor, US915, 1 sensor, 38Ah 100-00159LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor, US915 2 sensors, 38Ah 100-00158LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor, US915, 4 sensors, 38Ah 100-00182LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor, EU868, 1 sensor, 38Ah 100-00169LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor, EU868, 2 sensors, 38Ah 100-00168LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor, EU868, 4 sensors, 38Ah 100-00176LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor, CN470, 1 sensor, 38Ah 100-00178LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor, CN470, 2 sensors, 38Ah 100-00177LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor, CN470, 4 sensors, 38Ah 100-00179LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor, AS923, 1 sensor, 38Ah 100-00181LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor, AS923, 2 sensors, 38Ah 100-00180LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor, AS923, 4 sensors, 38Ah 100-00162LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor, CLAA, 1 sensor, 38Ah 100-01158LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor, CLAA, 2 sensors, 38Ah 100-01159LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor, CLAA, 4 sensors, 38Ah 100-01160
LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor10 /12Please Read Carefully:Information in this document is provided solely in connection with Lansitec products. Lansitec reserve the right to make changes,corrections, modifications or improvements, to this document, and the products and services described herein at any time, withoutnotice.All Lansitec products are sold pursuant to Lansitec’s terms and conditions of sale.Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection and use of the Lansitec products and services described herein, andLansitec assumes no liability whatsoever relating to the choice, selection or use of the Lansitec products and services describedherein.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted under this document. If any partof this document refers to any third-party products or services it shall not be deemed a license grant by Lansitec for the use of suchthird-party products or services, or any intellectual property contained therein or considered as a warranty covering the use in anymanner whatsoever of such third party products or services or any intellectual property contained therein.UNLESS OTHERWISE SET FORTH IN LANSITEC’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE Lansitec DISCLAIMS ANYEXPRESS OR IMPLIEDWARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE USE AND/OR SALE OF Lansitec PRODUCTS INCLUDINGWITHOUT LIMITATION IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (ANDTHEIR EQUIVALENTS UNDER THE LAWSOF ANY JURISDICTION), OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OROTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT.LANSITEC PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED OR AUTHORIZED FOR USE IN: (A) SAFETY CRITICAL APPLICATIONS SUCH ASLIFE SUPPORTING, ACTIVE IMPLANTED DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITH PRODUCT FUNCTIONAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS;(B) AERONAUTIC APPLICATIONS; (C) AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS OR ENVIRONMENTS, AND/OR (D) AEROSPACEAPPLICATIONS OR ENVIRONMENTS. WHERE LANSITEC PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED FOR SUCH USE, THEPURCHASER SHALL USE PRODUCTS AT PURCHASER’S SOLE RISK, EVEN IF LANSITEC HAS BEEN INFORMED IN WRITINGOF SUCH USAGE, UNLESS A PRODUCT IS EXPRESSLY DESIGNATED BY LANSITEC AS BEING INTENDED FOR“AUTOMOTIVE, AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY OR MEDICAL”INDUSTRY DOMAINS ACCORDING TO LANSITEC PRODUCT DESIGNSPECIFICATIONS. PRODUCTS FORMALLY ESCC, QML OR JAN QUALIFIED ARE DEEMED SUITABLE FOR USE INAEROSPACE BY THE CORRESPONDING GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY.Resale of Lansitec products with provisions different from the statements and/or technical features set forth in this document shallimmediately void any warranty granted by Lansitec for the Lansitec product or service described herein and shall not create orextend in any manner whatsoever, any liability of Lansitec.Lansitec and the Lansitec logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lansitec in various countries.Information in this document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.The Lansitec logo is a registered trademark of Lansitec. All other names are the property of their respective owners.©2015 LANSITEC - All rights reserved
LoRa Platinum Temperature Sensor11 /12Federal Communications Commission (FCC) StatementThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, whichcan be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct theinterference by one or more of the following measures:●Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.●Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.●Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.●Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Warning: Changes or modifications made to this device not expressly approved by Nanjing LansitecInformation Technology Co., LTD may void the FCC authorization to operate this device.Note: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorizedmodifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.The distance between user and products should be no less than 20cm

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