LENNOX Air Handler Auxiliary Heater Kit Manual L0805583

User Manual: LENNOX LENNOX Air Handler Auxiliary Heater Kit Manual LENNOX Air Handler Auxiliary Heater Kit Owner's Manual, LENNOX Air Handler Auxiliary Heater Kit installation guides

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,t_2008 Lennox Industries Inc,Dallas, Texas, USAINSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONSECB29 Series UnitsECB31 Series UnitsELECTRIC HEAT SECTIONS505,251M01/08Supersedes 08/06TeCh nicalblicationsLitho U.S.A.A, CAUTIONElectric Heat Sections .......................... 1Shipping & Packing List ........................ 1General Information ........................... 1Heat Section Installation ........................ 2Circuit Breaker Installation ...................... 2Blower Speed Connections ..................... 4Electrical Connections ......................... 4Unit Start-Up .................................. 5Wiring Diagrams .............................. 6RETAIN THESE INSTRUCTIONSFOR FUTURE REFERENCEThe ECB29 series electric heat sections provide fieldinstalled electric heat for CB27UH, CBX27UH, CB30M,CB30U, CBX32M and some CB31MV and CBX32MV se-ries blower coil units. ECB29 sections are available insingle-phase and three-phase. Single-phase ECB29s areequipped with either terminal blocks, fuse blocks or circuitbreakers.ECB31 series electric heat sections provide field installedelectric heat for CB31MV and CBX32MV blower coil sec-tions. ECB31 sections are equipped with circuit breakersand are available in single-phase 10kW and 20kW sizes.Refer to the engineering handbook for specific heat sec-tion applications.These instructions are a general guide and do not super-sede local codes. Local authorities having jurisdictionshould be consulted before installation. Read these in-structions thoroughly before starting installation.Only qualified installers or technicians should install theelectric heat section and all other equipment used in HVACsystems. You must follow federal, state, and local codeswhile you install this or any other HVAC equipment.WARNINGPackage 1 of 1 contains1 - Assembled electric heat section1 - Bag assembly containing the following:6-Screws1-Wiring diagram1 - Transformer (575V only)1 - Fuse block extension plate (460V & 575V only)2 - Adhesive-backed foam sealsCheck equipment for shipping damage. If you find anydamage, immediately contact the last carrier,01/08IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII PageBe sure to disconnect all power to the unit while you installand service this equipment. Use proper tools and protec-tive equipment during installation and service.Installation of Lennox blower sections with or without op-tional electric heat must conform with standards in the Na-tional Fire Protection Association (NFPA) "Standard forInstallation of Air Conditioning and Ventilation SystemsNFPA No. 90A," and "Standard for Installation of ResidentType Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning System, No.90B," the manufacturer's installation instructions, and lo-cal municipal building codes.505,251MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
Before installing the unit, check information on the unit rat-ing plate to ensure that the unit meets the job specification,proper electrical power is available, and that proper ductclearances are maintained.AWARNING INOTE -It is easier to install the ECB29EH heat section in-side the blower coil unit before the unit is set and the ple-num is attached.1, Shut off all power to the blower coil unit, More than onedisconnect may be required,2, Remove blower section access panel,3, Remove the electric heat knockout section in the blow-er coil vestibule panel for the appropriate size of heaterused. Remove the extended width knockout to allowfor installation of 20kW heater (see figure 1).4, Slide the electric heat section into the blower section.Be careful that the heating elements do not rub againstthe sheet metal opening when they slide into the blow-er section. The hole(s) on each side of the heater lineup with holes in the blower coil control box, Secure theelectric heater into place with the screws that are pro-vided in the bag assembly,llBlower Coil KnockoutsO-OCB30M-21/26 CB30U-21/26CBX32M-018/024 CBX32MV-018/024HOLES IN KNOCKOUT ALLOW ROOMFOR DIAGONAL CUTTERS USED TOCUT THROUGH SHEET METALCB27UH-018, -024, -030, -036, -042, -048, -060CBX27UH-018, -024, -030, -036, -042, -048, -060CB30M-31, -41, -46, -51, -65CB30U-31,-41,-46,-51 ,-65CB31MV-41, -51, -65CBX32M-030, -036, -042, -048, -060CBX32MV-024/030, -036, -048, -060, -068O-OKNOCKOUTEXTENDEDWIDTHWH ENUSING20KWELECTRICHEATERFigure 11, Install the circuit breaker on the blower deck flange.Use the provided screws (6) to secure (see figure 2),Electric Heat Section with Circuit BreakersIN DOWNFLOWAPPLICATIONS, CIRCUITBREAKERS MUST BEROTATED 180 TO THEUP POSITION.CIRCUIT _I. t l% . " "_l'_"CIRCUIT _....._,{_ ./_ IBREAKER f _ _" /-"-"-_SCIRCUI T BREAKERBRACKET _ _#" MOUNTING SCREW(Remove the screw and slide thebreakers off mounting rail. Rotatebreakers 180 ° and slide back onrail, Secure with screw,)Figure 2NOTE -When applied in the downflow position, the circuitbreakers must be rotated to the UP position. See figure2 and follow the procedure below:A Disconnect power to the unit if present.B Remove the screw and slide the breakers off themounting rail,NOTE -You may need to remove the wire tie that'sclosest to the circuit breaker to allow for rotation.C Rotate the circuit breaker 180 _,D Slide the circuit breaker back on the rail and se-cure in place with previously removed screw.2, The blower coil access panels are factory supplied,and they have a patch plate over the circuit breakeropening. Remove the circuit breaker patch plate fromthe blower access panel, See figure 3,3, Replace the unit blower access door,4. Choose the appropriately sized adhesive-backed cir-cuit breaker seal and remove any perforated sections(if needed). Apply the seal to the outside of the bloweraccess panel so that the seal is snug around the circuitbreakers.5, Break the patch plate for the specific size of electricheat unit /blower coil unit that you are installing. Dis-card the unused piece of patch plate, Figure 4 showsC B30M-21/26, CB 30U-21/26, CBX32M-018/024 andCBX32MV-018/024 units; refer to figure 5 for all otherblower coil units.6, Secure the patch plate on the blower access door,505251M 01/08Page 2

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