LG ELECTRONICS PICOCELLBTS CDMA Base Station Transceiver Subsystem User Manual

LG Electronics, Inc. CDMA Base Station Transceiver Subsystem Users Manual

Users Manual

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Pimggll BIS dem'ma' n
System Description
Copynghl © 2000 LGIC
All Rights Reserved
aned m Korea
LGIC Proprietary
1 (27)
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LGIC is a trademark of LG Information & Communications, Ltd. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the
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LGIC Proprietary 2
This document describes personal communications system using CDMA digital mobile
communications technology, STAHEX~800 Export Pico—Cell BTS SYSTEM
Table of Contents
1. General
1t1 Abstract
1.2 Standards and Specifications
2. Architecture
2.1 H/W Configuration
242 SAN Configuration
3. Functions
31 Main function of BTS
3.2 H/W configuration and function
3.3 S/W configuration Diagram
4. Abbreviations
LGIC Proprietary 3
1, General
1 .1 Abstract
PlCO-CELL BTS(hereinafter called P-BTS), located between MS and 880 in personal communications
system using CDMA digital mobile communications technology STAREX-SOO, controls and maintains calls
as to MS.
That is, it leads MS to recognize BTS. downloads necessary data, allocates tratlic channel as to call request
and makes call path open,
in view ol the capacity of BTS. it was designed with 1FA, and BTS can be accommodated up to 48ea as to
one BSC,
PlCO-CELL accommodates all the following functions.
Call control and call resource management
Loading inaction
Configuration and operational iniormation management iunction
Trouble treatment function
Statistics, overload measurement and control lunction
Radio signal processing, radio link test and TPTL
Packet routing and transmission
Inventory lunction
Remote Control Function
LGIC Proprietary 4
24 Architecture
2.1 HMI Configuration
PICO-CELL BTS is composed of 5 blocks, i,e., POL, rectifier. environment detection unit, Body»Muunt
Module. AC BOX..
Configuration/mounting diagram and structure of PICO-CELL BTS are as follows:
Main Body b b noon
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- breaker
PICO-CELL BTS Configuration and
Mountinu Diagram
2.1,1 PCD( Plco—Cell Shelf for DCN )
PCD block IS mounted on P-BTS, and executes downloading, call control, maintenance function of BTS
including modem function and channel distribution function of CDMA Channel and up/down convert function
of RF Signal. Besndes, HNV configuration diagram and lower module are as follows:
PCD Mounxmg Dlagram
LGIC Proprietary 7
Packet BUS Serial BUS
PCD Architecture
(1) SCPA : As BTS's Master Processor, it executes downloading, call control, maintenance lunction of
(2) MCPA : As signal processing area as to CDMA channel, it is in charge ol Overhead Channel and
Traffic channel.
(a) RCPA: It executes RF device control function, Base-band Digital Combining at forward link.
(4) BUDA-DP : ND Conversion, trequency conversion and output detection oi Tx/th signal
(5) BTMA/MGPS : Relerence clock provision, TOD and IPC Iink lunction.
(6) P005 : Back board 01 PCD
2142 Rectiiier(PSOP»P1)
As a device that supplies DC power to each device in the system, internal H/W is composed ol a
supervisory processor lor communications With environment detection unit and the operation and control ol
rectifier. AC/DC converter that changes AC power into DC power and DC/DC converter.
(1) AC/DC Convener: - It receives input single-phase 220V AC power and outputs DC -48V.
- Upon blackout and AC/DC Fail, it receives DC-48V from Battery and converts it
into DC/DC.
(2) DC/DC Convener : It outputs AC/DC Convener and outputs +5V, 1-12V, +27V with -45v DC power.
Upon AC/DC Fail or blackout. it receives »48V lrorn Battery and outputs
(3) Supervisory processor : It was designed to report each state of rectifier to upper one (report via
envrronment detection unit).
2.1.3. Environment detection unit
Environment detection unit (ACU-E) prevents mallunction according to surrounding circumstances and
prevents an accident belorehand. It receives input at +27VDC power trom rectifier, and detects the
temperature ol main body, rectilier, door state and the temperature 01 battery box, and environmental state
of door, ll there occurred environment not suitable for the operation of the system, it provides alarm
generation, power culoll, etc.
(I) ACU~E : It senses temperature and supervises Ihe body ol rectilier and battery,
(2) lnner/Extemal FAN : ll sensed temperature exceeds the fixed value for high temperature generation.
environment detection unit runs FAN.
(3) HEATER : Upon Coldstan, it makes the temperature inside of the body emit heat until it reaches
suitable temperature or makes the inside ot the body kept at a lixed temperature.
LGIC Proprietary 8
2,1,3. Body-Mount Module
It amplifies, combines and disconnects BTS Tx/th signal and executes FtF output control function through
the detection and report of Tx signal level. In addition, for the diversity of le signal, it uses 2 antennas.
performing Tx/le duplexing function and, as supplementary lunctions, the function of measuring VSWR on
the antenna side. HNV is composed of main Tx, th path and supplementary functions, that is, HPAU-DC
that executes amplification to send output from BUDA-DF’ and DFEU to separate Tx/Rx signal and get rid
0! signal in addition to required signal.
(1) HPAU-DC : Amplification lunction necessary for the output of Nominal RF Power of Tx signal.
(2) DFEU : It performs amplification of two Rx path signal, removes TX Spurious and provides sampling port
of Tx signal.
2.1.4. AC Distribution Box
It is a device that receives commercial power single-phase 220V/380V, supplies it for stable AC power
and breaks abnormal powerr HNV of the device is made of main breaker that executes the function oi
distributing power to system rectifier and supplementary devices and the function ol opening and closing
AC power and auxiliary breaker that supplies power to each supplementary device with power through
input common terminal and power supplied from main breaker.
LG/C Proprietary 9
2,2 SNV Configuration
SNV ol BTS is composed of ECMS, RCCS,
Comm STAREX—i 800 883
< BTS and 880 SM Configuration >
2.2.1 ECMS(Enhanced BTS Call Control 8. Management) Subsystem
ECMS Subsystem perlorms mobile call setup and release and the management oi resources relating to
call, In addition, tor operation and maintenance, it executes downloading function, status manageemnt
lunction, configuration and operation information update function, trouble treatment function, remote control
function, inventory Iunction, overload control and statistics lunction.
2.2.2 RCCS( Fit 8. Channel Control) Subsystem
RCCS Subsystem controls MCPA, BUDA-DP, etc. and executes dlgltal signal processing and call
processing as to J-STD»OOB CDMA channel.
In addition. it executes channel element downloading iunction, device status management function, statistics
function, etc.
It controls and manages all FtF devtces such as BUDA-DP Frequency Synthesizer Control. HPAU-DC
Enable/Disable, etc, and executes HF power control lunction such as lhe measurement of AGC/RSSI Level,
Tx Gain Control ol entire sector, etc.
LGIC Proprietary 10
E' HEELS! . .
3. Functions
3.1 Main lunctions ol BTS
The main function of BTS subsystem is as follows:
1) Call control
Interworking with MS and 880, it sets up and releases Mobile-to-Land, Land-to-Mobile, Mobile-to»MobiIe
calls that entered into BTS and supports Softer, Soft, Hard handofi lunction. In addition. it executes
Markov call processing lunction tor setting up test call,
2) Call resource management
It selects channel element resources necessary tor call setup by sharing the load. and collects them upon
call release, Besides. depending on handotl occurrence lrequency ol each BTS, it reserves resources
exclusive lor handofi and supports stable handoll.
a) Downloading
BTS downloads OS and Application Code that it needs by processor lrom upper processor. Upon
downloading of OS and Application Code. ii the version is identical. it does not receive loading again and,
instead, it is run with them transferred lrom llash memory which is nonvolatile memory.
This is to get rid of unnecessary loading time and drastically reduce the initialization time 01 BTS. SCPA,
after downloading Application Code, builds and operates database regarding own status, configuration and
operation lrom PLD Data directly translerred lrom BSM and transfers configuration inlormation necessary
for initialization to FlCPAt
4) Configuration. status lunction
For the operation and maintenance ol BTS. it executes status management of processor, status
management oi device. management of configuration information and operation inlormation. etc. SCPA,
interworking with RCPA and 850. BSM, perlorms operation and maintenance ol entire BTS.
5) Trouble, alarm ma management
it manages hardware troubles. i.e.. power trouble, processor function trouble, and cable open trouble or
soltware troubles that do not require hardware device for detection, RCPA in BTS detects trouble or
alarm of device managed by it, repons it to SCPA, and SCPA reports it to upper processor along with
necessary measures. Trouble by hardware is detected through BAMA block in SCPA for management.
5) Test
As tor channel element (in particular, Trallic Channel), by periodically testing available resources on—Iine, it
increases reliability oi resources.
Depending on the result at the test, it iudges whether to continuously use it as call resources, A test at
the request ol operator is also enabled. CE related tests include one that tests CE's WW and one that
uses BTS Markov Call,
7) Overload control
According to the load ol the processor, it IS divided into Normal, Minor, Major. Critical, and depending on
corresponding grade. it takes necessary measures such as originating call barring, terminating cal barring.
8) Statistics and measurement
It gathers and reports various statistics (cal statistics, process statistics, paging statistics, CE(Channel
Element) statistics, BTS performance statistics, CAl(common Air lntedace) statistics, etc) Statistics is
basically gathered hourly. reported to BSM. and as occasion demands, it can be measured by inputting the
time and cycle that operator wants.
9) Remote Control
lt isolates or resets rectifier power, processor or device When on BSM, operator gave isolation (or Reset)
command, SCPA, by receiving it, picks out the subject (BAMA or RCPA) that actually pertorms isolation (or
Reset), and transfers message to corresponding isolation (or Reset) subject tor isolation (or Reset),
LG/C Proprielary 1 1
10) Inventory lunction _ _ _ _
Its purpose is to manage the history oi each board. lt manages the history of specific board and specific
BTS (CN application, repair history, or special notes).
32 WW configuration anfl function
3.2.1 HNlI configuration diagram
Export Pico—Cell BTS
m Environment Body Mount Ac Box
Devlce Module
A no“
3.2.2 Function by HM! Unit
3.2.21 SCPA ( System Control Processor Board Assembly)
A. Architecture and function at ECP
1) Function 0! ECP(Enhanced Control Processor)
As Master Processor of 980, It manages each board ol BTS, takes charge ol call control of MS and
reports it to upper processor.
2) Configuration 0! ECP
ECP uses MCBBOBO ol Motorola as processor and IS configured by using 32MByte main memory, 128K
Booter EPROM, SRAM and 4M Flash. It uses 33Mhz operation clock. And, mtertace between peripheral
and interrupt management and communication port pertorms the same function as usrng 2 MFPs by usrng
I MFL ASIC. ECP has one slave node of Packet Bus,
LGIC Proprietary 12
 Configuration of ECP
B. Architecture and Function of NMP
1) Function oi NMP( Network Master Processor)
NMP has the lunction of managing the network between upper 830 and BTS. It manages and controls
Tmnk Line, And, it directly pertorms alarm gathering lunction and remote reset function that monitors the
state of HTS.
2) Configuration of NMP
NMP uses MCGBSGO 0! Motorola and is configured with 4Mbyte main memory. It uses 25Mhz operation
clock and has 512Kbyte Booter Flash and Application Flash. NMP has one slave node of Packet Bus,
and upon initial Power On, it reads Network Address from EPROM at Back Board and sets Packet Bust
Besides, it manages the state at the node of Packet Bus and manages the state 0! Trunk.
(fig 3) Constitution of NMP
C. Packet BUS
1) Function 01 Packet Bus
Packet BUS has Full Duplex Tx Mode, and depending on the flow of data. it IS called FtX Bus, TX Bus,
and IS 8 bit parallel data bus. RX Bus has check, Move and 5 Nodes and TX Bus has Check. Move
Check and B Nodes. Each node is composed oi TAXI, R542. and FIFO. And, it has U-Turn Node
between RX Bus and TX Bus.
2) Configuration
Configuration elements : Bus Master, Bus Slave,
Data Width : SBit
Frame Check Method : TAG Method
LGIC Proprietary 13
Trunk 2 HDLC Link
030 Slave 1 Data FIFO
360 Slave 1 Data FIFO
U-Turn 2 Data FIFO
Daisy Chain 1 HDLC Link
Frame Stan
Frame B0dy(Va1id)
Frame End(Even Lengih)
Frame Stan(0dd Length)
LG/C Proprietary
D. Trunk VF
1) Function
It connects 830 with BTS and has the function at maintaining Trunk Liner Depending on operator's
request. it can selectively use E1/T1 Moder it not only has the interface lunction with higher 880, but also
it has Daisy Function that interfaces lower BTS with higher 830. It can interface 3 Trunk Lines, uses
higher processor and 2 Nodes and one is used lor Daisy.
2) Conliguralion
Tx speed : 1.544Mbps(T1)/2.048Mbps(E1) x 50ppm
Impedance: 100 Q(T1) I 120 Q(E1) a: 10 %
Type ol Pseudo Sync Frame
- Normal Sync Frame :
- Block Sync Frame :
Pseudo Sync Frame Tx Cycle ‘ 20msec
No of Trunk: Zea
Daisy Chain : 1ea
LGIC Proprietary 15
|« mum J? “1th
'!\ Rms
|\ M x ml
m Mu) x m. -
 xnhrrmurc of mm l/F
Ev Maintenance Bus (M»BUS)
1) Funcnon of M. Loop Back Path exists to check own function ot SCPA to check the
state oi up to RS-422 Driver Edger
LGIC Proprietary 17
3.2.22 BTMAIMGPS (BTS Timing Reference Block)
BTMANGPS is equipped to P-BTS. and is composed oi MGPS made 01 BTMA and GPS engine, Power
supply, OCXO, and Controller that provide synchronization and clock as to BTS by using TOD and
synchronization signal provided from MGPS receiver.
(1) BTMA (BTS Timing Management circuit board Assembly)
BTMA receives 10MHZ(TI'L), 1PPS(‘I‘I‘L) and TOD(T|me of Day) from MGPS and TOD broadcasts it by
using IPC link. Signals between MGPS and BTMA are all connected through backplane. and BTMA uses
on-board power supply.
Block diagram and main lunction oi BTMA are as lollows:
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BTMA Block Diagram
Main Function
O Clock Generation
- p-ECL Interface
' GPS interlace
- TOD/ConlroI/Alarm / 1PPS / 10MHZ
- TTL Inledace
0 MBUS interface
- Power On/Ofl
- HS485 lntedace
LGIC Proprietary 18
- Interface using NIM2 ASlC
- FtS422 Serial Interlace
interlace between BTMA and MGPS is as follows:
O Clock Interlace : Providing 1PPS, 10Mhz (trorn MGPS)
O TOD, Control Tl’L Interface : Provided to BTMA through back plane.
0 Alarm Interface : lt receives GPS related HNV Alann(Open / Power tail I Function tail) lrom MGPS
And provides it to BAMA block.
(2) MGPS(Mioro BTS's Global Positioning System)
MGPS provides 10MhZ(T|'L), lPPSflTL) and TOD(Time of Day - TTL) to BTMA.
All signals between MGPS and BTMA are connected through backplane, and uses its own on-board power
Block diagram and main function of MGPS are as follows:
MGPS provides the following function by using time information received lrom GPS satellite.
0 10Mhz. 1PPS, TOD Generation
0 Control pon, Alarm Interface
0 Redundancy Control
0 Fault supervision
MGPS has External lnteriace inputted and outputted by using backplane and internal interlaoe by using
connection between MGPS and BTMA.
0 External lnterlace
- 10Mhz(sine wave-50 ohm~SMB) 3 port
- 1PPS(TTL,50 ohm-SMB) 1 port
- TOD(Ft82320-9 pin D-sub) 1 port
4 ControI(R82320-9 pin D-sub) 1 port
- ANT(TNC Female) 2 port
» PWR --- 2 port
0 Internal Interface
- 10Mhz(TTL-50 ohm) 2 port
- 1PPS(TTL,50 ohm) 2 port
- TOD(‘I'l’L,50 ohm) 1 port
- ControICI'l'L,50 ohm) 1 port
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PGPS Block Dinar-m
LGIC Proprietary 19 RCPAtRadio 8. Channel Processing board Assembly)
RCPA plays a role In Base-band Digital Combining of forward link, Parity Check and Generation ol reverse
link' Timing and reference frequency distribution of Digital Shelf and RF Device Control.
FtCPA has Core Control ModulelCCM) that interfaces with CPU(i960) and is composed of ESCC in charge
of Monitor interface through RS-232, Memory Controller in control of Memory, HDLC in charge at board
duplication, and Peripheral Controller in charge of interface of Peripheral Devnce in the Board. 6
CSM(CeII Site Modem) ASICs or ECM ASIC Control that correspond to each CDMA Code Channel are
Block diagram and main function of FtCPA are as follows:
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RCPA Block Diagram
0 Core Control Module (COM)
- Interrupt Control
» DMA Control
~ Timer
- Control pon
- RS-232 Monitor Interface
I Memory Controller
- Dram, Cache HAM, Tag RAM Control
- Cache Mode Control between Cache RAM and DRAM
- Flash Memory Control
- NlM2- Board Duplex
LG/C Proprietary 20
0 Peripheral Controller
- CSM(CeII Site Modem) ASIC or ECM ASIC — Modem Chip
- CDM - CDMA Date interlace Control
- SDM — Sell states Detecting Module (Open/Fail)
- Packet Interface with PIM - MCPA
» STM — System Timing
- HPA — SIO HPA Interface
~ SlM — BUDA, PACA function lnterlace
3.22.4. MCPAlMuIti—Channel Processing board Assembly)
MCPA is in charge ol overhead channel (Pilot, Sync, Paging. Access channel) and a maximum 01 20
Traffic Channels of CDMA code channels, and MCPA has Core Control Module(CCM) that interfaces with
CPU(i960), composed ol ESCC in charge of Monitor interface through IRS-232, Memory Controller in
control of Memory. and Peripheral Controller in charge ol the interlace ot Peripheral Device in the board.
20 CSM(CeII Site Modem) ASICs or ECM ASIC Control that correspond to each CDMA Code Channel are
Block diagram and main function of MCPA are as lollows:
ans 5 m mm
meson {Sawdzfi‘n ‘W
“W” amm-
+ Cannot
CPU aus no BUS Blcana/w War/ace
MCPA Block Diagram
Main configuration of MCPA is as tollows:
0 Core Control Module (CCM)
- interrupt Control
~ DMA Control
- Timer
- Control port
LGIC Proprietary 21
0 E500
RS~232 Monitor lntertaoe
0 Memory Controller
- Dram , Cache RAM, Tag RAM Control
- Cache Mode Control between Cache RAM and DRAM
» Flash Memory Control
0 Peripheral Controller
- CSM(CeII Site Modern) ASIC or ECM AStC
» DTM - Timing 8. CDMA Date interface Control
- PIM - Packet Interface with RCPA
3.2.25. BUDA»DP (Base station sector conversion & Up/Down converter Assembly)
BUDA is largely divided into common part, Tx Path. and For Path. Block diagram and main lunction of
BUDA are as lollows:
“ BPath
R A .u
@ wmmw % new IFAlI mm A) W4 8) m 1 g
l mac-mm ” J
A new
MW," — M in),
wfw u m fl M"
WA 7: "‘ mum IKIFBLOCK ~4:)_?
m... iiiii vi v
“m“ n Tllfl'm‘lm (it)
BUDA—DP Block Diagram
l l
Mam lunction ol Tx/th
Frequency UP Conversion Function that makes baseband signal into IF/ RF signal
, RF signal output adjustment lunction by Sam Contra,
— Tx AGC(Automattc Gain Control) lunction: Function of regularly maintaining the gain ol sending
end so that the output ol sending end is regular
th AGC(Automatic Gain Control) lunction
FtSSI(Fteceived Signal Strength Indication) Monttorlunction
- IQ Demodulator lunction
LG/C Proprietary 22
» Tx output measurement function
A. Transceiver Iunclion (Baseband Up Down Conversion Function)
BUDA-DF' can be divided into Tx/th block Ior explanation. Tx part, by using HOT Link from RCPA,
is subject to AID conversion at BUDDiBuda Digital Daughter board) and is, with analog signal,
modulated into IF signal Irom IO modulator. This signal is given frequency up oonverswn at RF block
and transmitted to HPA.
Receiving end amplifies, with low noise, signal inputted Irom DFEU(Pico-oell Front End Unit) at RF block,
and alter lrequency conversion into medium lrequency. it makes D/A Conversion ol signals that were
inputted to to Demodulator block, transmitted to BUDD and convened into baseband Ior transmission oi
signals to RCPA and MCF'A. In addition, status report of BUDA and PLL synthesizer frequency setting
are processed by RCPA and digital interlace block.
BA Power Monitor a Control Function
Power measurement function, with BUDA-DF’ of 1FA/Omni built-in, converts final output signal oi Tx
path into received signal strength indication (RSSI) voltage to provide the function oi monitoring the
change in final Tx output level. The main Iunction is as Iollows:
0 Tx output reading
0 Temperature reading
PLL Synthesizer pan generates local signal to receive Control Signal ol Decoding Circuit make
Frequency Down Conversion ot RF signal into IF signal. Monitor module reports the current
temperature of the board to RCPA. It receives linal Tx output signal Irom Front End, converts it into
IF signal, separates signals only wanted and reports FtSSI voltage of wanted signal to RCPA.
‘ ix Pm i
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tritium " 77.“ » w)! w .
- Wm e
PWR Monilering BLOCK HPAU-DC(High Power Amplifier unit — Expon DCN Picocell BTS)
HF'AU-DC is equipped to PlCO-CELL. and one HPAU-DC is needed per 1FA.
Interface with RCPA uses RS~485 Protocol by Multi-Drop method. Other HNV alarm signal uses TTL level.
HPAU-DC receives, from RCPA, Enable/Disable, Status Request. Version Request command for execution.
and upon status request command, it reports the state 01 HPAU-DC. By using remote control signal sent
Irom RCPA. it can restart HPAU-DC. HPAU-DC receives restan command Irom FlCPA tor restart. DFEU (Plco»Cell Front-End Ior DCN Block )
DFEU is composed oi Duplexer or Rx BPF(Band Pass Fllter). Tx BPF(BAND Pass Fllteri. Tx Channel Filter,
LNAlLow Noise Amplifier). Directional Coupler and Splitter. Main lunction and block diagram ol DFEU are
as Iollows:
L GIG Propn‘elaly 23
E' 116115! ..
Rx BPFiBand Pass Filter) oi Duplexer filters th signal oi necessary band only.
Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) amplifies Rx signal to appropriate signal and then supplies th signal
to Rx terminal of BUDA by FA.
I It transfers the state oi LNA to SCPA,
ht m ._ ix Sample
[7 i — PWR Monitor
L a i
l i
TXF f l AYYQSlOr A (ix/RM)
RXA ouri zw A
ixA OU12 SP - -
RXA RXF .B - Arresiar ‘N' a
Sample - iRXB)
Rxa oun zw '
< DFEU Block Diagram> AC Distribution Box
AC input power was so composed as to selectively adopt single»phase 2»wire 220V and aphase 4-wire
380V supplied Imm commercial power.
Rated capacity of P-BTS is AC 220V, 18A, GOHZ, 4000W, and it maximizes electronic wave shielding effect
cluel to AC power through EMI Noise Filter at the input part at the distribution box.
(1) Configuration
The distribution box is composed of iea of main breaker in charge of breaking the input of commercial
power and Sea oi auxiliary breakers tor the supply oi power to other auxiliary devices such as 3ea ol Surge
Protector with protective iunction as to surge input. a rectifier lor the supply 0! P-BTS power, etc. And,
ground terminal and power common terminal are additionally comprised oi.
(2) Specifications
‘Breaker :Type—) MCBCGON
Impact .
"9m Ampere (A) Voltageiv) withstandin 5:22? gu'qbf' °‘
9 voltage p y 9° 3
Mam Distnbution
breaker box 63 A 220/380 V 5 KV S KA 1
Auxiliary . .
breaker Rectliier 40 A 220 V 6 KV 6 KA 1
LGIC Proprietary 24
Navigation ’
light 20 A 220 V 6 KV 6 KA 1
ry device 10 A 220 V 6 KV G KA 1
Surge Protector : Type —) FLT 60-400
Impact ,
. . Insulation . .
Item Voltage used yétlhiindlng resistance Breaking capacrty
Lightning 440V 29 KV I
Current Arrester SO/SOHz (+25%l—45%) > WM“ 100KA
(3) Operation principals and operation
The distribution box supplies commercial power single-phase 220V inputted through Noise Filter and 3
lines are inputted, ie, 2 power lines and 1 ground line. One 0! the power line is connected to the main
breaker and the other is connected to input common terminal and Ground Line is connected to Ground
Main breaker performs the function of making and breaking commercial power and the lunction of
distributing power to system rectifier and incidental device and power through main breaker is parallel
connected to protector tor preventing surge and auxiliary breaker that is connected to rectifier, fluorescent
light, outlet, etc. to supply AC power
Auxiliary breaker periorms the iunction of making and breaking power inputted to rectifier, etc. and with
power supplied from main breaker and power through input common terminal, it supplies power to each
incidental device,
LGIC Propn'elary 25
3.3 S/W Configuration Diagram
—TM“ Tum—
“TN—— —TCE—
LGIC Pmprierary 26
4. Abbreviations
PCDC : PicoCelI lor DCN Cabinet
PCDB : PicoCelI lor DCN Backboard
SCPA : System Control Processor board Assembly
BAMA : BTS Alarm collection a Maintenance board Assembly
LlCD : Line Interface Control Daughter board
BTMA : BTS Timing Management Unit.
MGPS : Micro BTS's Global Positioning System
MCPA : Mum-Channel Processing board Assembly
RCPA : Radio 5 Channel Processing board Assembly
BUDA-DP : Base station sector conversion & Up/Down converter Assembly — DCN PicoCeIl
PACA : Power Adjust and Control Assembly.
HPAU»DC : HPA Unit — Expon DCN Picocell BTS
ACU-E 1 Access Control Unit — Expon DON Picocell BTS
DFEU : Pica-Cell BTS Front End Unit
PSOP-E : Power Supply lor DCN Pica-cell BTS
LGIC Proprietary 27

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Linearized                      : No
Modify Date                     : 2000:07:26 12:38:39
Creator                         : Acrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in
Producer                        : Acrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in
Create Date                     : 2000:07:26 12:36:46
Page Count                      : 25
EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools

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