LG Electronics USA L02F Cellular/PCS GSM and Cellular WCDMA Wireless Router with WLAN User Manual
LG Electronics MobileComm USA, Inc. Cellular/PCS GSM and Cellular WCDMA Wireless Router with WLAN Users Manual
Users Manual
General In uiries Repairs docomo Information Center usiness hours a.m. to 8 p.m. usiness hours 0 20-00 -2 0ďźtoll freeďź er ice a ailable in nglish Portuguese Chinese Una ailable from part of IP phones. usiness hours a.m. to 8 From DOCO O mobile phones In apanese only ďźNo preixďź ďźtoll freeďź Una ailable from land line phones etc. panish orean. p.m. open all year round From land line phones In apanese only From DOCO O mobile phones In apanese only ďźNo preixďź Una ailable from part of IP phones. ISSUE DATE: (available 24 hours a day) From DOCOMO mobile phones NAME: hop etc. near you on the N DOCO O website. Failures encountered overseas Network Support and Operation Center (available 24 hours a day) From DOCOMO mobile phones - - 2- 00 (toll free) ou are charged a call fee to apan when calling from a land line phone etc. International call access code for the country you stay - - Before Using this Terminal - 00 NUMBER: MAIL ADDRESS: 00 ou might be charged a domestic call fee according to the call rate for the country you stay. For international call access codes for ma or countries and uni ersal number international pre refer to DOCO O International er ices website. If you lose your terminal or have it stolen immediately take the steps necessary for suspending the use of this terminal If this terminal you purchased is damaged bring your terminal to a repair counter speciied by DOCOMO after returning to Japan Sales N DOCO O INC. Manufacturer L lectronics Inc. INSTRUCTION MANUAL INSTRUCTION MANUAL â12.12 - 000 20-0 ou might be charged a domestic call fee according to the call rate for the country you stay. For international call access codes for ma or countries and uni ersal number international pre refer to DOCO O International er ices website. Uni ersal number international pre Setting Up Connecting to the Internet (toll free) ou are charged a call fee to apan when calling from a land line phone etc. From land-line phones Universal number From land-line phones Universal number L-02F docomo Information Center â â14.XX 0 20- 00-000ďźtoll freeďź Una ailable from part of IP phones. Loss or theft of this terminal or payment of cumulative cost overseas Uni ersal number international pre 0 20- 00-000ďźtoll freeďź Una ailable from land line phones etc. DOCO O website http //www.nttdocomo.co. p/english/ L-02F From land line phones In apanese only ďźtoll freeďź Please con rm the phone number before you dial. For pplications or Repairs and fter ales er ice please contact the abo e mentioned information center or the docomo International call access code for the country you stay Contents/Precautions hours open all year round Settings Overseas Use Charging Mobile Devices Appendix/Troubleshooting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art .19 statement 7KLVGHYLFHFRPSOiesZLWKSDUWRI)&&UXOHV.2SHUDWLRQLVVXEMHFWWRWKHIROORZLQJ WZRFRQGLWLRQV 7KLVGHYLFHPD\QRWFDXVHKDUPIXOLQWHUIHUHQFHDQG WKLVGHYLFHPXVWDFFHSWDQ\LQWHUIHUHQFHUHFHLYHGLQFOXGLQJ LQWHUIHUHQFHWKDWPD\FDXVHXQGHVLUHGRSHUDWLRQ $QF[YQTP1RGTCVKQP 7KLVGHYLFHwasWHVWHGIRUtypical ERG\ZRUQRSHUDWLRQVZLWKWKH back of the Preface Thank You for Purchasing the âL-02Fâ. Before or while using the L-02F, be sure to thoroughly read this manual to ensure its correct use. Before Using this Terminal ⢠L-02F supports LTE, W-CDMA, GSM/GPRS and wireless LAN systems. ⢠Because this terminal operates using radio frequencies, it cannot be used inside a tunnel, underground, in a building or other locations where radio waves do not reach this terminal, in locations with weak radio wave condition, or outside of the Xi's or FOMA's service areas. The Xi or FOMA services may not be available on high upper loors of high-rise apartments or buildings, even if you can see no obstructions around you. On occasion, the communication may become disconnected even in areas with strong signal, even if you are not moving, or even if there are 3 wave-level bars on this terminal's display. ⢠Because this terminal conducts wireless communication, the received information may difer from the actual transmitted one if the transmitted digital signal cannot properly be restored according to conditions such as moving into a poor signal area. ⢠DOCOMO is not responsible for any economic losses incurred through lost communication opportunities caused by external factors such as malfunction or electrical outage. ⢠This terminal can be operated in Xi area, FOMA Plus-Areas and FOMA HIGH-SPEED Areas. ⢠This terminal does not support i-mode functions (i-mode mail, connection to i-mode sites (program) or i- Îą ppli, etc.) SIM Unlock ⢠This terminal supports SIM unlock. When SIM unlock is activated, other career's SIM is available. - For SIM unlock, visit a docomo Shop or agency. - The separate charge for SIM unlock is required. - Please note that SIM unlock takes several days. - When using other career's SIM, LTE system is not available. Also, some other services or functions may be restricted. DOCOMO does not guarantee any operation. - For details on SIM unlock, visit NTT DOCOMO website. The latest information of this manual can be downloaded from NTT DOCOMO website. â The URL of PDF for INSTRUCTION MANUAL http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/english/support/ trouble/manual/download/index.html * The URL and the information contained in the manual are subject to change without prior notice. Supplied Accessories L-02F Terminal (including the warranty) Converter Cable for Charging L02 Back Cover L37 Battery Pack L22 L-02F INSTRUCTION MANUAL (Japanese) ć AC Adapter L04 (including the warranty) USB Cable L03 L-02F Setting Up Manual (Japanese) Wireless LAN Default Settings Sticker For details, see âOptions and Related Devicesâ ( â P102). Contents/Precautions How to Read this Manual Contents L-02F Manual is composed of âL-02F Setting Up Manualâ (In Japanese only) and âL-02F INSTRUCTION MANUALâ (this manual). â âL-02F Setting Up Manualâ The following contents such as connection to game console or iPod touch are described. ⢠Supplied Accessories ⢠Inserting the miniUIM and Attaching the Battery Pack ⢠Charging Battery ⢠Turning Power On/Of ⢠Connecting to a Wi-Fi compatible device ⢠Other Information â âL-02F INSTRUCTION MANUALâ The following contents such as connection to computer, speciications and coniguring various settings are described. Read this manual by PDF. To view this manual, Adobe Reader (Version 6.0 or later is recommended) is necessary. ⢠⢠⢠⢠⢠⢠⢠⢠Contents/Precautions Before Using this Terminal Setting Up Connecting to the Internet Settings Overseas Use Charging a mobile device Appendix/Troubleshooting ⢠Note that in âL-02F INSTRUCTION MANUALâ, this âterminalâ refers to âL-02Fâ. ⢠Note that in âL-02F INSTRUCTION MANUALâ, âPCâ refers to both âWindows PCâ and âMacâ. ⢠Operation procedures and images may difer depending on environment. ⢠Reprinting all or parts of this manual is prohibited. ⢠Information contained in this manual is subject to change without prior notice. Contents/Precautions Contents Supplied Accessories âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ1 How to Read this ManualâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 2 Contents âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 3 Features of the L-02F âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 4 Safety Precautions (ALWAYS FOLLOW THESE PRECAUTIONS) âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 6 Handling Precautions âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 18 Before Using this Terminal âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 24 Names of Parts and Functions âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ24 Display Overview âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 26 Using Jog Key âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 28 Using miniUIM âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 30 Attaching and Detaching the Battery Pack ⌠33 Charging âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 37 Turning Power On/Of âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 40 Available Communications âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 41 Attaching and Detaching this Terminal to/from a PC âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 45 Setting Up âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 46 Setting Up âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 46 Connecting to a Wi-Fi Compatible Device âŚâŚ 51 Making Other Settings âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 63 Connecting to the Internet âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 65 Internet Connection âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 65 Connecting to the Internet âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 65 Connecting to the Internet via Public Wireless LAN âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 65 Settings âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 66 Logging-in to L-02F Connection Manager âŚâŚ 66 Conirming Connection/Setting Conditions of this Terminal âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 69 Setting Wireless LAN âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 70 Setting Network âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 80 Setting Security Functions âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 84 Managing the System âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 85 Setting on the Terminal's Display (Setting Menu) âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 88 Overseas Use âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 94 International Roaming Service (WORLD WING)âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 94 Services Available Overseas âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ94 Conirmation in Use âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 95 Setting the Searching Method for Available Networks âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 97 Charging Mobile Devices âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 99 Available Devices âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 99 Charging a Mobile Device âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 99 Appendix/Troubleshooting âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 102 Options and Related Devices âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 102 Troubleshooting âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 103 Error Messages âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 112 Warranty and After-Sales Service âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 115 Updating Software âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 118 Resetting this Terminal âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 121 Main Speciications âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 121 Export Administration Regulations âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 123 Intellectual Property Rights âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 127 Index âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 129 Contents/Precautions Features of the L-02F âXiâ is a service of DOCOMO supported by LTE (Long Term Evolution) which is the international communication standard. FOMA (Freedom Of Mobile multimedia Access) is the name of a service provided by DOCOMO based on the W-CDMA system, which is certiied as one of the global standards of 3rd generation mobile communication systems (IMT-2000). â Compatible with Xi data communication This is a super high speed data communication of up to 100Mbps* for receiving data and up to 37.5Mbps* for sending data. * Available only in a part of Xi area. ⢠Refer to NTT DOCOMO website for information on Xi area. ⢠Communication speed is theoretical values when sending and receiving data, not the actual speed. It is provided by Best efort system. The real communication speed changes according to the communication environment and network condition. ⢠This terminal is also available for FOMA area which is out of Xi area. Contents/Precautions â Correspondence with the FOMA HIGH-SPEED Area You can enjoy high speed communication (Best efort system) at a maximum of 14Mbps for receiving and 5.7Mbps for sending. ⢠Communication speed is theoretical values when sending and receiving data, not the actual speed. It is provided by Best efort system. The real communication speed changes according to the communication environment and network condition. ⢠For details of areas supporting a maximum of 5.7Mbps for sending, view NTT DOCOMO website. ⢠Sending and receiving data may become 384kbps even within the FOMA HIGH-SPEED area. ⢠Sending and receiving data become 384kbps in FOMA area out of FOMA HIGH-SPEED area. â International Roaming Service Data communications are available through using 3G network and GSM/GPRS network in foreign countries. ( â P94) * âWORLD WINGâ is usually applied along with the contract of this terminal. To conirm the details, please visit My docomo, or contact a docomo Shop or a docomo Information Center. â Connectable with public wireless LAN Data communications are available through public wireless LAN in a station, cafe or hotel. â Faster wireless LAN access This terminal is compatible with IEEE 802.11b/g/n, and also compatible with the high-speed wireless LAN technology â Compatible with Multi SSID This terminal can be connected to the WiFi compatible devices in diferent security levels at the same time. By setting the Multi SSID to âEnableâ, the Wi-Fi compatible device supporting WEP only (such as game console) can connect to the secondary SSID, and it is possible to mix with the WiFi compatible device with the high security level (such as PC). ( â P77) â Easy operation with Jog key and color LCD screen You can display basic information on the LCD screen of this terminal, or set this terminal* by easy operation with the Jog key. ( â P28) * Available only a part of setting for L-02F Connection Manager. â Charging mobile devices Mobile devices can be charged from this terminal by using the supplied USB cable and Converter cable for charging. ( â P99) â Compatible with USB tethering You can connect to the Internet, set this terminal, or download software by connecting the desktop PC not compatible Wi-Fi with the USB cable. ( â P89) Contents/Precautions Safety Precautions (ALWAYS FOLLOW THESE PRECAUTIONS) â Before using this terminal, read these âSafety Precautionsâ carefully so that you can use it properly. After reading the safety precautions, keep this manual in a safe place for later reference. â These precautions are intended to protect you and others around you. Read and follow them carefully to avoid injury, damage to the product or damage to property. â The signs below indicate the levels of danger or damage that may occur if the particular precautions are not observed. DANGER This sign indicates that incorrect handling has a high possibility of causing death or serious injury. WARNING This sign indicates that incorrect handling poses a risk of causing death or serious injury. Contents/Precautions CAUTION This sign indicates that incorrect handling poses a risk of causing slight injury or damage to the product or property. â The following symbols indicate special warnings regarding product usage. Denotes things not to do (prohibition). Denotes not to disassemble. Denotes not to use where it could get wet. Denotes not to touch with wet hands. Denotes mandatory instructions (matters that must be complied with). Denotes to unplug from the outlet. â âSafety Precautionsâ are explained in the following 7 sections. General Precautions for Terminal, Battery Pack, Adapter, USB Cable, Converter Cable for Charging and miniUIM âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ P7 Precautions for TerminalâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ P10 Precautions for Battery Pack âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ P11 Precautions for Adapter, USB Cable and Converter Cable for Charging âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ P13 Precautions for miniUIM âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ P15 Precautions on Using near Electronic Medical Equipment âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ P16 Material List âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ P17 General Precautions for Terminal, Battery Pack, Adapter, USB Cable, Converter Cable for Charging and miniUIM DANGER Do not use, store or leave the terminal or its accessories in places with a high temperatures, such as near ire, near heating appliance, in direct sunlight or in cars under the blazing sun. Fire, burns, or injury may result. Do not put the terminal, battery pack, adapter or miniUIM in heating appliances such as microwaves or high pressure containers. Fire, burns, injury, or electric shock may result. Do not disassemble or remodel the terminal or its accessories. Fire, burns, injury, or electric shock may result. Contents/Precautions Do not get the terminal or its accessories wet with water, drinking water, pet urine, etc. Fire, burns, injury, or electric shock may result. Use battery packs, adapters and cables speciied by NTT DOCOMO. Otherwise, ire, burns, injury, or electric shock may result. WARNING Do not subject the terminal or its accessories to strong force, severe shocks, or throw them. Fire, burns, injury, or electric shock may result. Keep conductive foreign objects (metal, pencil lead, etc.) away from the charging terminal or external connector. Do not insert such objects inside the terminal. Fire, burns, injury, or electric shock may result. Contents/Precautions Do not cover or wrap the terminal or its accessories with bedding, etc. while using or charging. Fire or burns may result. Make sure to turn of the terminal and stop charging before you go to a place such as a gas station where lammable gas is generated. Otherwise, catching ire may result. If the terminal or its accessories have an unusual odor, heat, discoloration or distortion while using, charging or storing, immediately take the following actions: ⢠Remove the power plug from the outlet or cigarette lighter socket. ⢠Turn of the terminal power. ⢠Remove the battery pack from the terminal. Otherwise, ire, burns, injury, or electric shock may result. CAUTION Do not place the terminal or its accessories in unstable locations such as wobbly tables or slanted locations. The terminal or its accessories may fall, resulting in injury. Do not store the terminal or its accessories in humid and dusty places, or in high temperatures. Fire, burns, or electric shock may result. Pay extra attention when using the terminal connected to the adapter for a long time. If using the terminal for a long time while charging, the temperature of the terminal, battery pack, USB Cable or Converter cable for charging may become higher. Some users who continuously touch a hot terminal or its accessories may develop rashes, itching, or eczema depending on their physical health or existing medical conditions, or a lowtemperature burn may result. If children use the terminal or its accessories, a guardian should explain the precautions and correct operations. The guardian should also make sure that the instructions are followed during use. Otherwise, injury may result. Keep out of reach of babies and infants. Otherwise, accidental swallowing or injury may result. Contents/Precautions Precautions for Terminal WARNING Do not get liquids such as water or foreign objects such as metal pieces or lammable materials into the miniUIM attachment part of the terminal. Fire, burns, injury, or electric shock may result. Turn of the terminal in places where use is prohibited such as airplanes or hospitals. Electronic devices or electronic medical devices may be adversely afected. Follow the instructions when using in medical facilities. You will be punished if you take activity prohibited by law such as use of the terminal in airplanes. 10 Contents/Precautions If you wear any implanted electronic medical devices, contact the manufacturer or dealer of the electronic medical device to ask about the efect from radio waves. Electronic medical devices may be adversely afected. Turn of the terminal in places near highprecision electronic devices or devices using weak electronic signals. Electronic devices may be adversely afected by reasons such as malfunction. * Electronic devices that may be afected: Hearing aids, implanted cardiac pacemakers, implanted deibrillators, other medical electronic devices, ire alarms, automatic doors and other automatically controlled devices. If you are using an implanted cardiac pacemaker, implanted deibrillator or any other electronic medical devices, consult the manufacturer or retailer of the device for advice regarding possible efects from radio waves. If the display part is broken, avoid touching the broken glass or exposed parts inside the terminal. The surface panel of the display is shatterproof plastic. However, if you accidentally touch broken or exposed parts, you may be injured. CAUTION Do not use the broken terminal. Fire, burns, injury, or electric shock may result. If the display is broken and the internal material leaks out, do not apply the liquid to your skin such as face or hand. Blindness or injury to your skin may result. If the liquid crystal gets into your eyes or mouth, immediately lush with clean water and consult a doctor. Also, if the liquid crystal gets on your skin or clothing, immediately wipe it of with alcohol, and then wash with soap and water. If you use the terminal in a car, contact the car manufacturer or dealer to ask about the efect from radio waves. Depending on the type of a car, in-car electronic devices could be adversely afected. In this case, stop using the terminal immediately. Itching, rash or eczema may be caused depending on your physical conditions or predisposition. If an abnormality occurs, stop using the terminal immediately and consult a doctor. ⢠For the material of each part ( â P17 âMaterial Listâ) Look at the display in a well bright place, keeping a certain distance from the screen. Otherwise, failure of eyesight may result. Precautions for Battery Pack â Check the battery type by the label attached to the battery pack. Description Battery Type Li-ion00 Lithium-ion battery Contents/Precautions 11 DANGER Do not get any metal objects such as wire come into contact with the battery terminal. Do not carry or store the terminal together with any metal objects such as a necklace. Ignition, explosion, overheating or leakage of the battery pack may result. Do not attach the battery pack forcibly if you are having trouble attaching it. When attaching the battery pack, check the direction of the battery pack. Ignition, explosion, overheating or leakage of the battery pack may result. Do not throw the battery pack into ire. Ignition, explosion, overheating or leakage of the battery pack may result. Do not pierce the battery pack with a nail, hit it with a hammer or step on it. Ignition, explosion, overheating or leakage of the battery pack may result. 12 Contents/Precautions If the battery luid gets into your eyes, immediately lush with clean water and consult a doctor. Do not rub the eyes. Otherwise, blindness may result. WARNING If you ind any trouble on the battery pack such as distortion caused by a drop or scratches, never use the battery pack. Ignition, explosion, overheating or leakage of the battery pack may result. If the battery leaks or emits unusual odor, immediately stop using the terminal and keep away from the open ire. Otherwise, the leaked battery luid may ignite, resulting in ire or burst. Be careful not to let your pets bite the battery pack. Otherwise, ignition, explosion, overheating or leakage of the battery pack may result. CAUTION Do not dispose of old batteries with ordinary household waste. Ignition or environmental damage may result. Cover the battery terminals with a non-conductive tape and take them to the docomo Shop, etc. or dispose of them in accordance with local waste disposal regulations. Do not use or charge a wet battery pack. Ignition, explosion, overheating or leakage of the battery pack may result. If the liquid inside the battery pack leaks out, keep the liquid away from your skin such as face or hands. Otherwise, blindness or injury to your skin may result. If the liquid gets into your eyes or mouth, or attaches to your skin or clothing, lush with clean water immediately. If the liquid gets into your eyes or mouth, immediately lush with water and then consult a doctor. Precautions for Adapter, USB Cable and Converter Cable for Charging WARNING Do not use a damaged adapter cord (including USB Cable/Converter cable for charging). Fire, burns or electric shock may result. Do not use the AC adapter, USB Cable and Converter cable for charging in a place with high humidity such as a bath room. Fire, burns or electric shock may result. If it starts to thunder, do not touch the adapter, USB Cable and Converter cable for charging. Electric shock may result. Contents/Precautions 13 Do not short-circuit the charging terminals when the adapter is plugged into the outlet. Also, never touch the charging terminals with ingers or other bare skin. Fire, burns or electric shock may result. Do not place heavy objects on the adapter cord (including USB Cable/ Converter cable for charging). Fire, burns or electric shock may result. When inserting the AC adapter into the outlet or removing it, do not contact metal objects such as a metal strap. Fire, burns or electric shock may result. Do not touch the adapter cord (including USB Cable/Converter cable for charging) or the outlet with wet hands. Fire, burns or electric shock may result. 14 Contents/Precautions Use the adapter at the speciied power source and voltage. Also, when charging the terminal overseas, use an AC adapter (including USB Cable/Converter cable for charging) available overseas. Using at the wrong voltage may result in ire, burns or electric shock. ⢠AC adapter: 100V AC ⢠AC adapter available overseas: 100V to 240V AC (Connect only with household AC outlet) Keep the power plug dust free. Otherwise, ire, burns or electric shock may result. When plugging the AC adapter into the outlet, plug it in irmly. Otherwise, ire, burns or electric shock may result. When removing the power plug from the outlet, do not forcibly pull the adapter cord (including USB Cable/ Converter cable for charging), instead hold the power plug and pull it out. Otherwise, ire, burns or electric shock may result. Precautions for miniUIM CAUTION Be careful not to touch the edge of miniUIM when removing it. Otherwise, injury may result. If you do not use the adapter for a long time, unplug the power plug from the outlet. Otherwise, ire, burns or electric shock may result. If liquids such as water get into the adapter, unplug the power plug from the outlet. Otherwise, ire, burns or electric shock may result. Before cleaning the adapter, pull the plug out of the outlet. Otherwise, ire, burns or electric shock may result. Contents/Precautions 15 Precautions on Using near Electronic Medical Equipment â The description below meets âGuideline on the Use of Radio-communication Equipment such as wireless router - Safeguards for Electronic Medical Equipmentâ by the Electromagnetic Compatibility Conference. WARNING Be sure to adhere to the following regulations inside medical facilities. ⢠Keep the terminal out of operating rooms, intensive care units (ICUs) or coronary care units (CCUs). ⢠Turn of the terminal in hospital wards. ⢠Turn of the terminal in hospital lobbies and corridors if electrical medical devices could be nearby. ⢠If the medical facility has speciic zones where use or possession of mobile terminals is prohibited, follow those regulations. 16 Contents/Precautions Turn of the terminal in crowded trains or other public places where implanted cardiac pacemaker or deibrillator wearers could be nearby. Operation of an implanted cardiac pacemaker or implanted deibrillator may be adversely afected by radio waves. If you use an electronic medical equipment such as an implanted cardiac pacemaker or implanted deibrillator, use the mobile terminal 22 cm or more away from the implanted cardiac pacemaker or implanted deibrillator. Operation of an electronic medical equipment may be adversely afected by radio waves. Patients using electronic medical equipment other than implanted cardiac pacemakers or implanted deibrillators (using outside medical facilities for treatment at home, etc.) should check the inluence of radio waves upon the equipment by consulting the manufacturer. Operations of electronic medical equipment may be adversely afected by radio waves. Material List Part Part Material/Surface treatment Front cover PC, PC and ABS/Paint Power button SUS Jog key ABS/Paint Back cover PC and GF10%/Paint Battery cover PC/Paint Battery Battery Pack L22 Pack PC/Corrosion treatment Label PET/Matte coating Connector Ni and Gold/Plated coating AC Adapter L04 AC Adapter PC/Corrosion treatment Power plug Zn alloy/Ni plating USB Cable L03 Material/Surface treatment USB connector SPCC-SD/Ni and Alloy microUSB connector Stainless steel/Ni and Alloy Cable FRPE Label Synthetic paper/UV coating Case Converter USB cable for connector charging microUSB L02 connector PC/UV coating SPCC-SD/Ni and Alloy Stainless steel/Ni and Alloy Cable FRPE Label Synthetic paper/UV coating Case PC/UV coating Connector Cu alloy/Ni plating Contents/Precautions 17 Handling Precautions General Usage Guidelines â Keep the equipment away from water. This terminal, battery pack, adapter, USB Cable, Converter cable for charging and miniUIM are not waterproof. Do not use them in places with high humidity such as a bathroom or where rain may get them wet. If you carry them close to your body, moisture from sweat may corrode the internal parts causing a malfunction. Note that malfunctions deemed to be caused by water are not covered by the warranty, and may be impossible to repair. Since these malfunctions are not under warranty, even when repair is possible, it will be done at the user's expense. â Clean the terminal with a dry, soft cloth (Lens cleaning cloth). ⢠Rubbing the display roughly with a dry cloth, it may be scratched. ⢠Drops of water or dirt left on the display may cause stains. 18 Contents/Precautions ⢠If the terminal is wiped with alcohol, paint thinner, benzene or detergent, the printing may disappear or color may fade. â Keep the connector contacts clean with a dry cotton swab, etc. Clean the connector contacts with a dry cotton swab to prevent contacts from getting dirty which can result in intermittent connections. Be careful not to break the connector terminals when cleaning. â Do not place the equipment near air conditioner outlets. Condensation may form due to rapid changes in temperature, and this may corrode internal parts and cause malfunction. â Do not use excessive force using the terminal or the battery pack. If you put the terminal in a bag full of items or sit down with the terminal in the pocket of your clothe, it may damage the display, and internal circuit board, and the battery pack and cause the terminal to malfunction. Also, while the external device is connected to the external connection jack, it may damage the connector and cause malfunction. â Do not rub or scratch the display with metal objects, etc. The display may get scratched and it may cause damage or malfunction. â If the terminal is connected to a PC with the supplied USB Cable, remove this terminal from the PC when transporting. Damage or malfunction may result. â Carefully read the individual manual attached to the optional devices. â It is normal for the terminal to become warm during use or being charged. You can continue to use it. This Terminal â Avoid using in extremely high or low temperatures. This terminal should be used within a temperature range from 5 â to 35 â and a humidity range from 45% to 85%. â This terminal may adversely afect ixed router , televisions or radios in use nearby. Use as far as possible from such appliances. â Keep a separate record of any information stored on this terminal and store the copies in a safe location. DOCOMO assumes no responsibility for the loss of any of your data. â Do not drop this terminal or subject it to shocks. Damage or malfunction may result. â Do not insert an external device to the external connector crookedly or do not pull it when it is inserted. Damage or malfunction may result. â Do not use the terminal without the back cover. The battery pack may fall out, resulting damage or malfunction. â Do not place magnetic card near the terminal. Data on magnetic media such as cash cards, credit cards, telephone cards or loppy disks may be lost. â Do not place a magnetized item near the terminal. A strong magnetic ield may cause malfunction. Battery Pack â The battery pack is a consumable item. Depending on the usage, a battery pack may run out of its charge extremely quickly even if it is fully charged. Purchase a new battery pack speciied in this manual. Contents/Precautions 19 â Charge the battery pack in a place with an ambient temperature between 5 â and 35 â . â The actual usage time of the battery pack depends on the usage environment or the deterioration level of the battery pack. â The battery pack may swell as the battery life is near its end depending on the battery pack condition, but it is not a malfunction. â When using an outlet with a latch mechanism, follow the instruction manual of the outlet. â When you store the battery pack, avoid the following conditions. â Do not give a strong impact to the adapter. Also, do not deform the charging terminals. Malfunction may result. ⢠Fully charged (immediately after charging is completed) ⢠No battery (the state where the power cannot be turned on due to battery drain) The performance or life of the battery pack may be reduced. It is recommended to store the battery pack when the second level of the battery pack icon is left. Adapter, USB Cable and Converter Cable for Charging â Charge the battery pack in a place with an ambient temperature between 5 â and 35 â . â Do not charge the battery pack in the following areas. ⢠In areas of excessive humidity, dust or vibration 20 ⢠Near land-line phones, TVs or radios â It is normal for the adapters, USB Cable and Converter cable for charging to become warm while using or charging the terminal. You can continue to use it. Contents/Precautions miniUIM â Do not put excessive force on the miniUIM when inserting or removing it into this terminal. â Do not insert and use the miniUIM with another IC card reader/writer. Please note that you are wholly liable for any damage or malfunction as a result of such action. â Always keep the IC portion of the miniUIM clean. â Clean the miniUIM with a soft, dry cloth (Lens cleaning cloth). â Be sure to keep a separate note of the information registered to this terminal. DOCOMO assumes no responsibility for the loss of any of your data. â Visit a sales outlet such as docomo Shop to return the expended miniUIM for the environmental purpose. â Do not scratch, touch carelessly or short circuit the IC part. Data loss or malfunction may result. â Do not drop or give shock to the miniUIM. Malfunction may result. â Do not bend or put heavy things on the miniUIM. Malfunction may result. â Do not insert miniUIM into the terminal with labels or stickers attached on. Malfunction may result. Wireless LAN (WLAN) â Wireless LAN (WLAN) uses radio waves to enable communications between compatible devices, thus allowing connection to a local area network from anywhere within range. However, there is a risk of data interception by malicious third parties unless security is established. Users are advised to assess their responsibilities and accordingly conigure security settings. ⢠Wireless LAN Do not use wireless LAN near magnetic devices such as electrical appliances or AV/ OA devices, or in radio waves. - Magnetism or radio waves may increase noises or disable communications (especially when using a microwave oven). - When used near TV, radio, etc., reception interference may occur, or channels on the TV screen may be disturbed. - If there are multiple wireless LAN access points nearby and the same channel is used, search may not work correctly. Contents/Precautions 21 ⢠Frequency Band The frequency band used by the wireless LAN function of this terminal is indicated on a label in the battery compartment of the terminal. The following explains the indications on the label. . /D 2.4 DS OF /OF : This radio equipment uses the 2400 MHz band. : Modulation scheme is the DS-SS system. : Modulation scheme is the OFDM system. : The estimated interference distance is 40 m or less. : The full band between 2400 MHz and 2483.5 MHz is used and the band of the mobile identiication device can be avoided. ⢠2.4 GHz Device Cautions The operating frequency band of the WLAN device is used by home electric appliances such as microwave oven, industrial, scientiic, consumer and medical equipment including premises radio stations for identifying mobile units used in the manufacturing lines of plants (radio stations requiring a license), speciied low power radio stations (radio stations requiring no license) and amateur radio stations (radio stations requiring a license). 1. 2. 3. 22 Contents/Precautions Before using the device, conirm that premises radio stations for identifying mobile units, speciied low power radio stations and amateur radio stations are not being operated nearby. If the device causes harmful radio interference to premises radio stations for identifying mobile units, immediately change the frequency band or stop using, and contact âGeneral Inquiriesâ described on the last page of this manual for crosstalk avoidance (e.g. partition setup), etc. If the device causes radio interference to speciied low power radio stations or amateur radio stations, contact âGeneral Inquiriesâ described on the last page of this manual. time when technical standard compliance is being invalid, since you are in violation of the law of Electromagnetic Compatibility. â Do not tamper the basic software. Repairs may not be possible when the repair oice judges that the software is remodeled. â Do not use the modiied terminal. Using modiied terminal results in violating the law of Electromagnetic Compatibility. This terminal has been complied with technical standard of wireless equipment stipulated by law of Electromagnetic Compatibility. As a proof, âTechnical standard compliance mark â is indicated in the inscription seal. If this terminal is modiied by turning the screw to the left to disassemble, technical standard compliance becomes invalid. Please do not use this terminal during the Contents/Precautions 23 Before Using this Terminal Names of Parts and Functions 24 Before Using this Terminal a LED indicator: Lights in red: charging this terminal Lights in green: charging this terminal is completed Lights in blue: charging mobile device b Display c Jog key: Press upward, downward, left, right or vertically to select menus or change settings. ( â P28) d Power switch: Slide down the switch for over 2 seconds to turn on or of the terminal. Slide down lightly to change the on/of-screen. e External terminal: Connect the supplied USB Cable L03 and Converter cable for charging L02. Note ⢠When this terminal is put on the metal objects such as a steel desk or table, the performance of the antenna is afected and the communication speed may become lower. ⢠If this terminal is used near the electronic devices, the performance of the electronic devices is afected and the communication speed may become lower. f FOMA/Xi antenna: Network communication antenna is built in. g Sub-antenna: Sub-antenna is for improving the communication quality by using plural antennas. This antenna is built in. h Wi-Fi antenna: Wi-Fi antenna is built in. i Back cover: Removing the back cover, the miniUIM slot guide is under the battery pack. Before Using this Terminal 25 Display Overview Internet connection is unavailable when are not appeared on the display of this or terminal. The icons that appear on the display indicate these states (slide the power switch to display the icons): Top menu of L-02F Connection Manager u click âNETWORKâ u âProileâ, conirm that the settings are correct. c Public wireless LAN receiving level Weak Strong : Public wireless LAN is available but not connected to the access point d States of network connection : Connecting : Standby Connecting network name display a Levels of radio wave reception Weak Strong : Out of service area or where radio waves do not reach : Activating international roaming b Types of networks available during connection : LTE : 3GďźHSDPA/HSUPA, W-CDMAďź : GSM/GPRS 26 Before Using this Terminal (No : Not connected icon) : Software update available / : USB tethering or charging mobile devices : Number of terminals connecting with Wi-Fi h Battery level High Low Blinking : The battery is almost exhausted. Charge the battery. WPS function available ( â P74) j Network data usage ( â P83) Wireless LAN auto of function set ( â P72) l Animation/text The display shows the charging state of battery pack, Wi-Fi function states, name of the connecting network, etc. (Examples are shown below.) Charging (only when power is turned of) Activating WPS function Battery is exhausted Activating Wi-Fi Disconnecting Wi-Fi Name of the connecting network Outside the network service area Hide Network data usage display Charging mobile device Before Using this Terminal 27 Using Jog Key â Pressing downward: ⢠If you press for over 2 seconds on the connecting network name display, turn on/of the Wi-Fi function . When the public wireless LAN is set to on, connection to the public wireless LAN is not available as well as Wi-Fi function. ⢠If you press lightly in the setting menu screen, move down and select items. â Pressing to the left: â Pressing vertically: ⢠If you press for over 2 seconds on the connecting network name display, setting menu appears. ⢠If you press lightly in the setting menu screen, conirm the selected item. â Pressing upward: ⢠If you press for over 2 seconds on the connecting network name display, turn on/of the connection of the public wireless LAN. ⢠If you press lightly in the setting menu screen, move up and select items. 28 Before Using this Terminal ⢠If you press for over 2 seconds on the connecting network name display, other Wi-Fi compatible devices can be connected to this terminal via Wi-Fi using the WPS function. WPS function is not available in the following situation. - âSecurity modeâ is set to âWEPâ - âSSID Broadcastâ is set to âDisableâ If the Wi-Fi function is set to of, the WPS function is not available. To use this function, press the Jog key downward for over 2 seconds to set the Wi-Fi function to on. If you set the WPS function to of when the WPS animation is displayed, press the Jog key downward for over 2 seconds and set the Wi-Fi function to of. ⢠If you press lightly in the setting menu screen, move back the previous screen. â Pressing to the right ⢠If you press for over 2 seconds on the connecting network name display, set/release the keylock. ⢠If you press lightly in the setting menu screen, conirm the selected item. Press the Jog key upward/downward/ left/right to select characters, and press vertically to enter. A character selected in the character selection area is entered. Press the Jog key upward/downward to select alphabets/ numbers/symbols, and press left/right to select the character to enter. Note ⢠When the display lights of, slide the power switch to light up the display, and operate this terminal. Entering Characters You can enter characters such as password by operating the Jog key of this terminal. Repeat step 1 to enter characters. Select OK button and press the Jog key vertically. Entering is conirmed. Note ⢠Only alphanumeric characters and some symbols (!@#$%^&*-_:,./?) are available with this terminal. For other characters, enter them with L-02F Connection Manager. ( â P66) Character entry area Character selection area Cancel/OK button Backspace button: Erase the character on the left of the cursor. Before Using this Terminal 29 Inserting the miniUIM Using miniUIM A miniUIM is an IC card that stores personal information such as your device number. Without the miniUIM installed in this terminal, you cannot use data communication. For details on handling the miniUIM, refer to the miniUIM manual. Only the miniUIM can be used in this terminal. If you have the UIM card or the FOMA card, exchange it at a docomo Shop. 30 Before Using this Terminal When inserting the miniUIM, hold this terminal with both hands. ⢠Turn the power of and remove the battery pack before attaching the miniUIM ( â P33 âAttaching and Detaching the Battery Packâ). With the IC chip side down, insert a miniUIM under the miniUIM slot guide in the direction of arrow. Removing the miniUIM When removing the miniUIM, hold this terminal with both hands. ⢠Turn the power of and remove the battery pack before removing the miniUIM ( â P33 âAttaching and Detaching the Battery Packâ). While pressing the lock (a), push the Release the lock, and push lightly the miniUIM in the direction (b) for 2 to 3 mm. miniUIM and slide in the direction (c). Do not push the miniUIM down forcibly. Note ⢠Be careful not lose the removed miniUIM. ⢠Check both sides of the miniUIM. IC ⢠Be careful not to touch or scratch the miniUIM IC. ⢠Inserting a miniUIM in the reverse direction may cause malfunction. ⢠Inserting or removing the miniUIM with an excessive force may cause malfunction to the miniUIM. Before Using this Terminal 31 Security Codes A miniUIM has PIN1 (Personal Identiication Number) code. The default setting for the PIN1 code is [0000]. The PIN1 code is a 4 to 8-digit security code to be entered every time this terminal is turned on for user veriication to prevent any unauthorized use by others. If your miniUIM is set to require a PIN1 code, data communication cannot be performed until the PIN1 code is entered. Use the miniUIM before verifying the PIN1 code, or set the miniUIM not to verify the PIN1 code ( â P81) in advance. â Changing PIN1 Code You can change the PIN1 code to any number. To prevent any unauthorized use by third parties, change it to your original number. If you improperly enter the PIN1 code for 3 times in a row, further entry is locked automatically (PIN1 Lock), so be sure to keep a separate note of the numbers you set. ⢠âChanging the Security Codeâ( â P82) â Unblocking PIN Code The unblocking PIN code is the number in 8 digits used to unblock the PIN1 code. Details are written in the application of the contract 32 Before Using this Terminal (a duplicate copy) during the subscription. You cannot change the unblocking PIN code. If you improperly enter the unblocking PIN code for 10 times in a row, the miniUIM locks automatically. Caution ⢠Do not set PIN1 code to numbers that can be easily guessed, such as âbirth dateâ, âpart of your numberâ, ânumbers from address or room numberâ, â1111â, â1234â, etc. Also, make a note of your PIN1 code and keep it well. ⢠Keep your PIN1 code away from being known by other people. DOCOMO assumes no responsibility for the loss of any of your data results from abuse of PIN1 code. ⢠If you forget your PIN1 code, you (if you are the subscriber) are required to bring your ID (driver's license, etc.) and miniUIM to a docomo Shop. For details, please contact âGeneral Inquiriesâ on the last page of this manual. ⢠Unblocking PIN code is written on the proposal form handed in at time of contract in docomo Shop. The subscribers who signed the contract other than docomo Shop are required to bring your ID (driver's license, etc.) and miniUIM to a docomo Shop, or contact âGeneral Inquiriesâ on the last page of this manual. Turning the terminal power on, or loggingin to the setting page (L-02F Connection Manager) PIN1 code Veriication screen appears ⢠Entering is required when "PIN 1 Lock" is set to "On" in the setting page ( â P81). Enter PIN1 Code Attaching and Detaching the Battery Pack Use the Battery Pack L22 for this terminal. Note ⢠Always turn of this terminal before removing the battery pack. If the battery pack is removed while the power is on, this terminal may not work correctly. Incorrect entry 3 times in a row Enter Unblocking PIN Code Enter in the setting page ( â P82) OK Available to set a new PIN1 code Incorrect entry 10 times in a row Contact a docomo Shop Before Using this Terminal 33 Attaching the Battery Pack When attaching the battery pack, hold this terminal with both hands. Insert a ingertip into the groove at the back cover of this terminal, and pull up in * Do not remove the back cover as described below. Do not remove the back cover by inserting a ingertip into a part other than the groove. the direction of arrow. Do not slide the back cover. 34 Before Using this Terminal b With the â â side of the battery pack up, align the metal contacts of both the Check the direction of the back cover and attach it to the terminal. Press each tab to battery pack and this terminal, attach the close it irmly. battery pack in the direction a, and then The external terminal and model name label should come to the same side. push it down in the direction b. Fit the depressions of the battery pack into the projections of this terminal. Before Using this Terminal 35 Detaching the Battery Pack When detaching the battery pack, hold this terminal with both hands. Put your ingertip at the concave part of this terminal, press in the direction a, lift it in the direction b, and then remove it in the direction c. Insert a ingertip into the groove at the back cover of this terminal, and pull up in the direction. Check the direction of the back cover and attach it to the terminal. Press each tab to close it irmly. The external terminal and model name label should come to the same side. 36 Before Using this Terminal Charging â Battery pack life ⢠The battery pack is a consumable item. The usable time decreases every time the battery pack is recharged. ⢠When the usable time after each recharging shortens by approximately half compared to a new battery pack, it is recommended that the battery pack be replaced with a new one as soon as possible. The battery pack may swell as the battery life is near its end depending on the battery pack condition, but it is not a malfunction. ⢠If you make communication while the battery pack is being charged, the battery life may be shortened. â Charging ⢠AC Adapter L04 can be used for 100V to 240V AC. ⢠The plug shape of AC Adapter L04 is for 100V AC (for domestic use). To use an AC adapter overseas, the compatible conversion plug adapter is required. Do not charge the battery pack with a transformer designed for overseas trips. ⢠To charge the battery pack with the AC adapter L04, make sure that the battery pack is inserted into this terminal. ⢠Plug or unplug the connector slowly and securely avoiding excessive force. ⢠If you start charging the fully drained battery pack, this terminal may not be turned on for a while. ⢠If you make communication while charging, the inside of this terminal may become hot and charging may stop. In this case, end the functions in use and wait until this terminal becomes cool down, and then try charging again. ⢠Depending on the usage condition, charging may stop before the battery level becomes 100%. In this case, remove the battery pack and attach it again to continue charging. ⢠Do not remove the battery pack while charging. If the battery pack is removed, the power does not correctly turn on or the battery is not correctly charged. In that case, remove the battery pack and all cables from this terminal, and reconnect them. â Do not charge the battery pack for a long time (several days) with this terminal power on. ⢠If this terminal is left with the power on for long periods of time during charging, you may not be able to use this terminal for long duration as expected, because this terminal receives the power from the battery pack after charging completes. In this case, recharge the battery pack properly. Before recharging the battery pack, disconnect the AC adapter L04 from this terminal and reconnect it. Before Using this Terminal 37 â Approximate battery pack usage & charging time The usage time may vary depending on the operating environment and the battery pack deterioration. Continuous communication time Continuous stand-by time Battery pack charging time 38 LTE Approx. XX hours 3GďźHSDPA/ HSUPA, W-CDMAďź Approx. XX hours GSM Approx. XX hours LTE Approx. XXX hours 3GďźHSDPA/ HSUPA, W-CDMAďź Approx. XXX hours GSM Approx. XXX hours AC Adapter L04 Approx. XXX minutes USB Approx. XXX minutes Before Using this Terminal ⢠Continuous communication time is the approximate usage time when you can normally send and receive radio waves. ⢠Continuous stand-by time is approximate usage time when moving with normal radio wave reception level. ⢠Communication time or operating time may be reduced by half depending on the battery level, set functions, operating environment such as ambient temperature, or radio wave reception level (poor or weak radio wave reception level). ⢠Depending on network conditions in the country you stay, usage time may become shorter than the described values. ⢠The estimated charging time is the duration of time to charge a fully drained battery pack with this terminal turned of. The charging time becomes longer with this terminal turned on. Charging with AC Adapter L04 The charging procedure using the supplied AC Adapter L04 and USB Cable L03 is described here. Insert the power plug of AC Adapter L04 to an outlet. The LED indicator lights up in red, and charging starts. When charging completes, the battery level icon displays full charge. After charging completes, pull AC Adapter Pull the USB Cable L03 out from the AC L04 connector straight out. Adapter L04 and this terminal. Note ⢠Make sure to insert/pull out AC Adapter L04 connector straight with the correct side up. Forcibly removing the adapter may cause malfunction. Check the direction of the USB connector of the USB Cable L03, and insert straight to the USB extension connector of the AC Adapter L04. Insert the microUSB connector of the USB Cable L03 straight to the external connector of this terminal with the USB marked side up. Charging with a PC Connect this terminal to a PC with the supplied USB Cable L03 and this terminal can be charged with the PC. ⢠For details on connecting to a PC, see âAttaching and Detaching this Terminal to/from a PCâ ( â P45). Before Using this Terminal 39 Turning Power On/Of Turning Power On When this terminal is turned of, slide down the power switch for over 2 seconds. When turning power on, network search for Xi area and FOMA area etc. starts. When this terminal is connected to the network, the network name appears on the display. Also, connection to a Wi-Fi compatible device is available. â PIN 1 code has been set Enter the PIN 1 code. Press the Jog key vertically for over 2 seconds. Note ⢠Do not move the Jog key when turning this terminal on. Otherwise, Jog key failure may occur. In case of Jog key failure, turn of this terminal and on again. The character entry screen appears. Enter PIN 1 code. ( â P29) Note ⢠PIN 1 lock can also be released by L-02F Connection Manager. (âP81) ⢠If entering wrong PIN 1 code 3 times, enter the unblocking PIN code in L-02F Connection Manager. (âP82) 40 Before Using this Terminal Turning Power Of When this terminal is turned on, slide down Select [YES], and then press the Jog key the power switch for over 2 seconds. vertically. Available Communications Basic Usage You can perform data communication at a speed of up to 100Mbps* for receiving data and up to 37.5Mbps* for sending data by connecting up to 10 PCs or game consoles compatible with Wi-Fi function. * Available only in a part of Xi area. ⢠For detailed areas that supports Xi, refer to NTT DOCOMO website. ⢠Communication speed is theoretical values when sending and receiving data which does not show the actual ones. The actual communication speed depends on communication environment and network congestion. Before Using this Terminal 41 Wireless LAN You can connect up to 10 PCs or game consoles compatible with wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11 b/g/n) simultaneously. ⢠This terminal supports WPS function. When your Wi-Fi compatible device supports WPS function, you can set up the Wi-Fi connection easily ( â P62 âConnecting to Wi-Fi Compatible Device Supporting WPSâ). Public Wireless LAN You can perform data communication in a station, airport or fast-food chain by using public wireless LAN service which ofers wireless internet connection. Xi Data Communication/FOMA Data Communication Fees for these communication methods are based on the amount of exchanged data. You can perform data communication at a speed of up to 100Mbps* for receiving data and up to 37.5Mbps* for sending data by using a connection that allows Xi data communication (LTE) or FOMA data communication (3G) such as âmopera Uâ, one of DOCOMO's Internet connection services. * Available only in a part of Xi area. ⢠For detailed areas that supports Xi, refer to NTT DOCOMO website. ⢠Communication speed is theoretical values when sending and receiving data which does not show the actual ones. It is provided by Best efort system. The actual communication speed depends on communication environment and network congestion. ⢠Depending on bandwidth, communication speed for receiving is theoretically 100/100/75/37.5Mbps (with bandwidth of [20/15/10/5MHz]), and for sending is 50/37.5/25/12.5Mbps (with bandwidth of [20/15/10/5MHz]). 42 Before Using this Terminal ⢠For the FOMA HIGH-SPEED areas outside Xi area, the maximum speed for receiving data is 14Mbps and for sending is 5.7Mbps. ⢠Sending and receiving data become 384kbps in FOMA area out of Xi area and FOMA HIGHSPEED area. ⢠The communication speed varies depending on the access point and radio wave status. ⢠The communication speed varies depending on the overseas carrier or network when using overseas. Note ⢠Note that high communication fees are charged when performing communications with large amount of data such as browsing websites with many graphics or downloading data. ⢠Data communication may take more time or become diicult to connect depending on the network congestion. For customers who use a large amount of data communication (Approximate 1GByte data or more is used within the last three days including the current day), it may have diiculties in sending and receiving data on time. ⢠This terminal does not support 64K data communication. ⢠This terminal does not support Remote Wakeup. ⢠This terminal does not support FAX communication. Before Using this Terminal 43 Usage Notes â Internet service provider (ISP) fees Fees to an ISP may be required to connect to the Internet. These fees are added to the Xi service fees and are paid to your ISP directly. For details on connection fees, contact your ISP. You can subscribe to such as âmopera Uâ, one of DOCOMO's Internet connection services. Charge for subscribing âmopera Uâ is required. For service and connection settings of âmopera Uâ, visit the âmopera Uâ website. http://www.mopera.net/ (Japanese only) â User authentication to access networks The ID and password will be provided by the network administrator of your ISP or the access point. For details, contact your provider or access point network administrator. 44 Before Using this Terminal Internet connection is unavailable when are not appeared on the display of this or terminal. Top menu of L-02F Connection Manager u Click âNETWORKâ u âProileâ, conirm that the settings are correct. â Requirements for communication The following conditions must be met to perform communications using this terminal. However, a connection may not be established if traic is heavy at the base station or if radio waves are weak. ⢠This terminal must be in Xi network, FOMA network or DOCOMO's roaming service area. ⢠The access point corresponds to the Xi data communication or FOMA data communication. Attaching and Detaching this Terminal to/from a PC Insert the USB connector of the USB Cable L03 to the USB port of the PC. ⢠For the irst time connection after purchasing, the L-02F driver setup screen appears by zero-install function only for Windows version. Follow the onscreen instructions to install the driver. ( â P47) ⢠The LED indicator lights up in red, and charging starts. Attach this terminal to a PC to charge this terminal with the supplied USB Cable L03. Attaching to a PC Detaching from a PC Remove the USB Cable L03 from the PC and this terminal. Turn on a PC. Insert the microUSB connector of the USB Cable L03 straight to the external connector of this terminal with the USB marked side up. Before Using this Terminal 45 Setting Up Setting Up OS/Device Before using this terminal, make settings to connect your Wi-Fi compatible device to this terminal with Wi-Fi connection. You can also change the wireless LAN and other settings according to your environment. Compatible Devices Following OS or devices are compatible with this terminal. Wi-Fi connection with this terminal Windows 8* â Windows 7 â Windows Vista â Windows XP â OS X 10.8 â OS/Device 46 Setting Up Setting of this terminal USB tethering â â â â â â â Ă Ă Ă Mac OS X 10.7 Mac OS X 10.6 iPad iPod touch Nintendo 3DS Nintendo DS PSPÂŽ âPlayStationÂŽ Portableâ PS Vita Android Wi-Fi connection with this terminal Setting of this terminal USB tethering â â Ă â â Ă â â â âł Ă Ă â âł Ă â âł Ă â âł Ă â â âł âł Ă Ă * Windows RT is not included. â : Compatible Ă : Not compatible âł : Compared to the setting screen for PC, some functions cannot be set. For latest information of operating environment, visit NTT DOCOMO website. Note ⢠The software may not work depending on your operating system environment and type of device. DOCOMO does not guarantee any inquiry or operation other than the operation environment described in this manual. Flow of Setup Setup is made in the following procedure. Connect your Wi-Fi compatible device to this terminal with Wi-Fi connection. ( â P51) ⢠For USB tethering, see "Setting USB Tethering" ( â P89). Setting the Internet connection ( â P80) ⢠For mopera U, this setting is not necessary ( â P65). ⢠For public wireless LAN, set [Public WLAN] ( â P78). Note ⢠To change this terminal's setting, connect this terminal to a PC, change the setting, and then connect the other Wi-Fi compatible device. * You can change this terminal's setting with the console other than a PC, which is equipped with a browser. However, some menus and some browser types may be unavailable. Installing the Driver (Only Windows PC) When you connect for the irst time after purchase, the setup screen for L-02F driver is displayed automatically by the Zero Install function which is available only for Windows PC. Follow the screen to install. ⢠After installing, a shortcut of L-02F Connection Manager is appeared on the desktop screen. Note ⢠Do not cancel or remove this terminal while installing driver. If you do not install driver, you cannot update the software ( â P118). Setting Up 47 Screen display is a sample from Windows 7. ⢠When the installer does not start up automatically If the installer does not start up automatically even when connecting to this terminal, try the following steps. For Windows 8, swipe from the right edge on the desktop screen (in case of mouse, point the right upper side of the screen) u select the âSearchâ charm u âAppsâ u âComputerâ u âCD Drive (X:) DOCOMOâ (âXâ depends on your PC). (Start) u For Windows 7, click âComputerâ (for Windows XP âMy Computerâ) u âDOCOMO (X:)â (âXâ depends on your PC)). Click âRun docomo__L02F_ ModemDriver_WHQL_Ver_X.X.X_All. exeâ. ⢠When the user account control screen is displayed, click âYesâ (in case of Windows Vista âContinueâ). ⢠For Windows 8, click âCD Drive (X:) DOCOMOâ (âXâ depends on your PC) and then perform step 1. ⢠For Windows XP, âAutoPlayâ or â User Account Controlâ screen is not displayed. Move to next step. 48 Setting Up Select âEnglish (United States)â, and click âNextâ. c Select âI accept the terms of the license agreementâ, and click âNextâ. Select âOptimize communication settings (W-TCP setting) (Recommended)â, and then click âNextâ. When âWelcome to the InstallShield Wizard for docomo L02Fâ is displayed, click âNextâ. Select âYes, I want to restart my computer now.â, and then click âFinishâ. Installation starts. PC restarts automatically. Setting Up 49 Conirming the Installed L-02F Driver Check if the L-02F driver is set to the PC. Connect L-02F and PC with the supplied USB Cable in advance. Screen display is a sample from Windows 7. Click each device and check the installed driver name. ⢠Check if the driver names are displayed under âPorts (COM&LPT)â and âUniversal Serial Bus controllersâ. Click (Start) u âControl Panelâ u âSystem and Securityâ. ⢠For Windows 8, swipe from the right edge on the desktop screen (in case of mouse, point the right upper side of the screen) u select the âSearchâ charm u âAppsâ u âControl Panelâ u âSystem and Securityâ. (Start) u ⢠For Windows Vista, click âControl Panelâ u âSystem and Maintenanceâ. ⢠For Windows XP, click [Start] u âControl Panelâ u âPerformance and Maintenanceâ u âSystemâ. 50 Click âDevice Managerâ. ⢠For Windows Vista, click âDevice Managerâ u [Continue]. ⢠For Windows XP, click âHardwareâ tab u [Device Manager]. Setting Up COM port number depends on your PC. Note ⢠If this terminal cannot be recognized after connecting to the USB port of the PC, try connecting to the other USB port. This terminal may not be recognized with the speciic USB port depending on the PC. Connecting to a Wi-Fi Compatible Device Setting procedures vary depending on the WiFi compatible device you use. The procedures for the following terminals are described here. ⢠Windows PC (For Windows 8) ( â P53) ⢠Windows PC (For Windows 7/ Windows Vista) ( â P54) ⢠Windows PC (For Windows XP) ( â P56) ⢠Mac ( â P57) ⢠iPad ( â P59) ⢠iPod touch ( â P59) ⢠Nintendo DS ( â P60) ⢠PSP ( â P61) ⢠Wi-Fi compatible device with WPS ( â P62) Setting Up 51 Note ⢠Make one of these settings when you connect this terminal to each terminal for the irst time. Once you have set, the terminal connects to it automatically only by turning power on. ⢠To connect to a wireless LAN without WPS function, entering SSID and Security key set to this terminal is required ( â P52). Conirm it in advance. ⢠This terminal can connect up to 10 Wi-Fi compatible device simultaneously. ⢠For Windows PC and Mac, you need to login with the user account which has administrative right beforehand. â SSID and Security key printed area Check SSID and Security key on the included âWireless LAN Default Settings Stickerâ. Also, SSID and Security key is printed on the sticker inside of this terminal. Remove the battery pack to see it ( â P33 âAttaching and Detaching the Battery Packâ). 52 Setting Up ⢠SSID and Security key can be checked in the setting menu of this terminal. ( â P88) â About SSID and Security key Two kinds of SSID can be used with this terminal. For SSID at the time of purchase, read the SSID number in the supplied "Wireless LAN Default Settings Sticker" or in the seal inside of this terminal as follows; Primary SSID: Use SSID in the sticker. This can be used for the wireless LAN security mode with WPA or over. For security key, use "SECURITY KEY: ". Secondary SSID: Read the last "_A" of "SSID: " in the sticker as "_B". This can be used for the wireless LAN security mode with Open or WEP. For security key, set the WEP key at the multiSSID setting. Connecting to Windows PC Click âSet up a new connection or networkâ. Click âManually connect to a wireless networkâ u âNextâ. The setting procedure when security mode of this terminal is set to the default value "WPA/ WPA2-PSK mixed" is described here. ⢠The default encryption method will be "TKIP" for WPA-PSK connection, and "AES" for WPA2-PSK connection. For Windows 8 Slide down the power switch of this terminal for over 2 seconds. This terminal turns on, and the Wi-Fi function turns on. Turn on the Wi-Fi function of a PC. Swipe from the right edge on the desktop screen (in case of mouse, point the right upper side of the screen) u select the âSearchâ charm u âAppsâ u âControl Panelâ u âNetwork and Internetâ u âNetwork and Sharing Centerâ. âNetwork and Sharing Centerâ window appears. Setting Up 53 f Enter SSID (Default: âL02F_ XXXXXXXX_Aâ, â P52) set to this terminal in âNetwork name:â. When âSuccessfully added L02F_ XXXXXXXX_Aâ is displayed, click âCloseâ. For Windows 7/ Windows Vista Slide down the power switch of this terminal for over 2 seconds. This terminal turns on, and the Wi-Fi function turns on. Select âWPA2-Personalâ or âWPAPersonalâ in âSecurity type:â. ⢠âWPA2-Personalâ has higher security. Select âAESâ or âTKIPâ in âEncryption type:â. ⢠âAESâ has higher security. 54 In âSecurity Key:â, enter Security key ( â P52) set to this terminal. Put a check mark in âStart this connection automaticallyâ, and click âNextâ. Setting Up Turn on the Wi-Fi function of a PC. (Start) u Click âControl Panelâ u âNetwork and Internetâ u âNetwork and Sharing Centerâ. âNetwork and Sharing Centerâ window appears. Click âConnect to a networkâ. e Click the item which shows SSID (Default: âL02F_XXXXXXXX_Aâ, â P52) set to this terminal, and click âConnectâ. In "Security key:", enter Security key ( â P52) set to this terminal, and click âOKâ. For Windows Vista, in âSecurity key or passphraseâ, enter the security key set in this terminal, and click âConnectâ. Check âSave this networkâ and âStart this connection automaticallyâ, and then click âCloseâ. For Windows 7, skip step 7. Setting Up 55 For Windows XP Click the item which shows SSID (Default: âL02F_XXXXXXXX_Aâ, â P52) set to this terminal, and click âConnectâ. In âNetwork key:â and âConirm network key:â, enter Security key ( â P52) set to this terminal, and click âConnectâ. Slide down the power switch of this terminal for over 2 seconds. This terminal turns on, and the Wi-Fi function turns on. Turn on the Wi-Fi function of a PC. Click start u âControl Panelâ u âNetwork and Internet Connectionâ u âNetwork Connectionsâ. Double-click âWireless Network Connectionâ. âWireless Network Connectionâ window appears. 56 Setting Up Connecting to Mac The setting procedure for OS X 10.8 is described here as an example, assuming that security mode of this terminal is set to the default value âWPA/WPA2-PSK mixedâ (AES and TKIP encryption method are supported). Select âWi-Fiâ, and click âTurn Wi-Fi Onâ. The Wi-Fi function of Mac turns on. Slide down the power switch of this terminal for over 2 seconds. This terminal turns on, and the Wi-Fi function turns on. In the Apple menu, click âSystem Preferences...â u âNetworkâ. Note ⢠When the message âAll preferred networks cannot be usedâ appears, click âCancelâ, and click âAsk to join new networksâ to cancel the selection. Setting Up 57 d 58 Click âNetwork Name:â and select the item which shows SSID (Default: âL02F_XXXXXXXX_Aâ, â P52) set to this terminal. Setting Up InâPassword:â, enter Security key ( â P52) set to this terminal, select âRemember this networkâand click âJoinâ. Connecting to iPad The setting procedure for iPad is described here as an example, assuming that security mode of this terminal is set to the default value âWPA/WPA2-PSK mixedâ (AES and TKIP encryption method are supported). Slide down the power switch of this terminal for over 2 seconds. Connecting to iPod touch The setting procedure for iPod touch is described here as an example, assuming that security mode of this terminal is set to the default value âWPA/WPA2-PSK mixedâ (AES and TKIP encryption method are supported). This terminal turns on, and the Wi-Fi function turns on. On the iPad Home screen, tap âSettingsâ. Enter Security key ( â P52) set to this terminal, and tap âJoinâ. Tap âWi-Fiâ to set Wi-Fi to âONâ. Tap the item which shows SSID (Default: âL02F_XXXXXXXX_Aâ, â P52) set to this terminal. Slide down the power switch of this terminal for over 2 seconds. This terminal turns on, and the Wi-Fi function turns on. On the iPod touch Home screen, tap âSettingsâ. Tap âWi-Fiâ to set Wi-Fi to âONâ. Enter Security key ( â P52) set to this terminal, and tap âJoinâ. Tap the item which shows SSID (Default: âL02F_XXXXXXXX_Aâ, â P52) set to this terminal. Setting Up 59 Connecting to Nintendo DS The setting procedure for Nintendo DSi is described here as an example, assuming that security mode of this terminal is set to the default value âWPA/WPA2-PSK mixedâ (AES and TKIP encryption method are supported). Slide down the power switch of this terminal for over 2 seconds. This terminal turns on, and the Wi-Fi function turns on. 60 In DSi menu of Nintendo DSi, touch â ćŹ ä˝č¨ĺŽ (Unit settings)â. Touch â ă¤ăłăżăźăăă (Internet)â u â ćĽ çśč¨ĺŽ (Connection settings)â. â ä¸ç´č č¨ĺŽ (Advanced settings)â u Touch one of the access points which shows â ćŞč¨ĺŽ (No setting)â. Touch â ă˘ăŻăťăšăă¤ăłăăć¤ç´˘ (Search an access point)â. Touch the item which shows SSID (Default: âL02F_XXXXXXXX_Aâ, â P52) set to this terminal. Setting Up Enter Security key ( â P52) set to this terminal, and touch âOKâ. Touch âOKâ. Touch âOKâ. The setting is saved. The connection test starts. The setting procedure for PSP-3000 is described here as an example, assuming that security mode of this terminal is set to the default value âWPA/WPA2-PSK mixedâ (AES and TKIP encryption method are supported). Select the item which shows SSID (Default: âL02F_XXXXXXXX_Aâ, â P52) set to this terminal, and press â â â button. Slide down the power switch of this terminal for over 2 seconds. Conirm the displayed SSID, and press â â of direction buttons. Select âWPA-PSK (TKIP)â or âWPAPSK (AES)â, and press â â of direction buttons. Press â â â button. Select âEasyâ, and press â âł â of direction buttons. Conirm the displayed access point name, and press â â of direction buttons. Conirm the displayed settings, and press â â of direction buttons. Press â â â button. Select âNew Connectionâ and press â â â button. SelectâScanâand press â direction buttons. âł â of Enter Security key (âP52) set to this terminal, and press â â of direction buttons. âł Select âInfrastructure Modeâ and press â â â button. From the Home screen, select âSettingsâ u âNetwork Settingsâ, and press â â â button. âł Turn on the wireless LAN switch of PSP. âł âł This terminal turns on, and the Wi-Fi function turns on. âł Connecting to PSP The setting is saved. Setting Up 61 p Press â â â button. The connection test starts. Connecting to Wi-Fi Compatible Device Supporting WPS Note The operation varies depending on the Wi-Fi compatible device. ⢠Setting procedures vary depending on the WiFi compatible device. Refer to the instruction manual of your Wi-Fi compatible device. ⢠When the PIN code of WPS function is speciied to your Wi-Fi compatible device, you need to select âWPS PINâ in âWPS typeâ, and set the speciied PIN code to âWPS PINâ in advance ( â P74). ⢠When the security mode of this terminal is set to âWEPâ, WPS function is not available. ⢠When âSSID Broadcastâ is set to âDisableâ, the WPS function is not available. â When âWPS typeâ is âPush buttonâ Slide down the power switch of this terminal for over 2 seconds. This terminal turns on, and the Wi-Fi function turns on. 62 Setting Up Set the Wi-Fi function of the Wi-Fi compatible device to ON, and make the WPS function setting as required. Perform the connecting operation of the WPS function on the Wi-Fi compatible device. The operation varies depending on the Wi-Fi compatible device. Press the Jog key of this terminal to the left direction for over 2 seconds. Follow the onscreen instructions of the Wi-Fi compatible device to set up. The operation varies depending on the Wi-Fi compatible device. â When âWPS typeâ is âWPS PINâ Slide down the power switch of this terminal for over 2 seconds. This terminal turns on, and the Wi-Fi function turns on. b Start the web browser on PC which is connected with the Wi-Fi, and login to the setting page (L-02F Connection Manager). Set the Wi-Fi function of the Wi-Fi compatible device to ON, and select âWPS-PINâ access. Enter the 8-digit WPS PIN on the Wi-Fi compatible device. Enter the 8-digit WPS PIN displayed on the Wi-Fi compatible device in WPS PIN ield of WPS setting page on L-02F Connection Manager setting page, and click [Apply]. When a check mark is displayed on the screen of this terminal, you could access to WPS. Making Other Settings You can change the settings of this terminal according to your environment by starting Web browser on the PC connected via WiFi and displaying the setting page of this terminal. ⢠When using a Windows PC, you can also make settings by USB tethering. In this case, set âUSB ăăśăŞăłă° (USB tethering)â to â ăŞăł (On) â on the LCD menu of this terminal. ( â P89) * You can change this terminal's setting with the console other than a PC, which is equipped with a browser. However, some menus and some browser types may be unavailable. For details, see âSettingsâ ( â P66). â Setting Wireless LAN You can change the settings of wireless LAN and the basic settings of LAN. â Setting Network You can change the settings of access point and miniUIM. â Setting Security Functions You can set the irewall function of this terminal. Setting Up 63 â Managing the system You can use management functions of this terminal, such as saving the settings, conirmation of irmware version, etc. 64 Setting Up Connecting to the Internet Internet Connection To connect to the Internet with this terminal, the subscription to the Internet service provider (mopera U, etc.) compatible with the service and data communication is required. For details, visit NTT DOCOMO website. Register the settings for connection with the Internet service provider to Proile of this terminal. For details on the setting method, see âRegistering the Access Point Settings).â ( â P80). ⢠Up to 10 proiles can be registered. ⢠When connecting this terminal to mopera U, this setting is not necessary. Connecting to the Internet You can use the Internet by turning on this terminal to connect automatically to the access point set to the Proile. Check if your Wi-Fi compatible device is connected to the Internet. For selection method of access point when multiple Proiles are registered, see âSelecting an Access Pointâ ( â P80). Connecting to the Internet via Public Wireless LAN You can use the Internet by connecting via the public wireless LAN in a station or cafe. Set [Public WLAN] ( â P78). ⢠To use a public wireless LAN service, the separate subscription or settings may be required. For details on the settings, contact your service provider. Connecting to the Internet 65 Settings Logging-in to L-02F Connection Manager You can make various settings by starting Web browser on a PC connected via Wi-Fi and displaying the setting page (L-02F Connection Manager). ⢠You can log in to the setting page on a Wi-Fi compatible device connected to primary SSID only (not to secondary SSID). ⢠When using a Windows PC, you can also make settings by USB tethering. In this case, set âUSB ăăśăŞăłă° (USB tethering)â to â ăŞăł (On) â on the setting menu of this terminal. ( â P89) 66 Settings Notes ⢠You can change this terminal's setting with the console other than a PC, which is equipped with a browser. However, some menus and some browser types may be unavailable. ⢠The setting page of this terminal supports the following Web browsers. Windows: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera Mac OS X: Safari 5.0 Android: Basic browser * Depending on the browser, some screens and items may not be displayed. * Enable cookies on your browser (save and accept). a Slide down the power switch of this terminal for over 2 seconds. This terminal turns on, and the Wi-Fi function turns on. Turn on a PC and the Wi-Fi function. Start a Web browser and enter âhttp://â in the address entry ield, then press Enter key. This terminal is connected to the PC via Wi-Fi. ⢠When connecting for the irst time, Wi-Fi connection setup is required. For setup, see âConnecting to a Wi-Fi Compatible Deviceâ ( â P51). âLoginâ screen appears. ⢠If the L-02F driver has been installed in the Windows PC, âLoginâ appears when you double-click the shortcut of L-02F Connection Manager on the desktop screen. ⢠â192.168.225.1â is the default setting of the private IP address of this terminal. When the setting has been changed, enter the private IP address you set ( â P75 âSetting DHCP Functionâ). Enter the log-in password (default: â1234â) in [Password] ield, and then click [Login]. ⢠In [Username] ield, âAdminâ is displayed and cannot be changed. ⢠In [Language] ield, you can select a language on the setting page. â When PIN1 code is set PIN1 code veriication screen appears (does not appear when you have already entered the PIN1 code on this terminal). Enter PIN1 code in [PIN1 code] ield, and then click [Apply]. Settings 67 For details on PIN1 code, see âSecurity Codesâ ( â P32). Note ⢠For your security, it is recommended to change the default setting of log-in password. For details, see âChanging Log-in Passwordâ ( â P85). The Setting Page Screen Click [OK] when a message of PIN1 unlock appears. âStatusâ screen appears. If there is the latest version, a message from web page is displayed on âStatusâ screen. For updating procedure, see âUpdating Softwareâ ( â P120). a Top menu Click a menu item to switch the setting page. You can select the following items. ⢠STATUS ( â P69) ⢠WLAN ( â P70) ⢠NETWORK ( â P80) ⢠SECURITY ( â P84) ⢠SYSTEM ( â P85) The submenu appears for some items, and you can switch the setting screen. 68 Settings b [Logout] Conirming Connection/Setting Conditions of this Terminal Click to log out from the setting page. c Setting screen The setting items for the function selected from the menu items appear. Click to edit the setting. Click [STATUS] in the top menu. âStatusâ screen appears. to refresh the information. ⢠Click Click to refresh the information on the âStatusâ screen. Network : The connecting network type selection* (3G/LTE) is displayed. Network name* : The connecting network name is displayed. FOMA/Xi signal : The current level of radio wave strength* reception is displayed. Wi-Fi status : The status of the Wi-Fi function is displayed. Settings 69 Public WLAN : The setting status of the public wireless LAN function is displayed. When connecting the public wireless LAN, the name of connected access point is displayed. Connected : The number of terminals currently clients connected via Wi-Fi is displayed. Wi-Fi auto of : The setting status of the Wi-Fi auto of function is displayed. WPS : The operating status of the WPS function is displayed. Device number* :Device number of miniUIM is displayed. Network data : The setting status of the network usage* data usage is displayed. * When the miniUIM card is not inserted, the items do not appear. In [number] ield, âââ is displayed. On the âStatusâ screen, âDOCOMO UIM card has not been inserted properly or is invalidâ appears. Setting Wireless LAN Setting Basic Functions of Wireless LAN In the top menu, click [WLAN]. In the submenu, click [Basic Setting]. On the setting screen, set the required items. SSID (Default: âL02F_XXXXXXXX_Aâ â P52) the network name Set (SSID) of the wireless LAN. 70 Settings You can enter up to 32 letters with one-byte alphanumeric, â- (hyphen)â and â_ (under bar)â. the security mode ( â P73) is set to âWEPâ, or when the mode is set to âWPA-PSKâ or âWPA2-PSKâ and âTKIPâ is selected, â11n onlyâ or â11b/g/nâ cannot be selected.) SSID Broadcast (Default: Enable) Select whether to display SSID of this terminal on the Wi-Fi compatible devices. ⢠Enable: SSID is displayed ⢠Disable: SSID is not displayed Privacy separator (Default: Disable) Select whether to prohibit communication between the Wi-Fi compatible devices connected to primary SSID of this terminal. ⢠Enable: Communication is prohibited ⢠Disable: Communication is not prohibited * The setting does not afect the communication between the Wi-Fi compatible devices connected both to secondary SSID, or connected to primary and secondary SSID. SSID/Key Display on modem (Default: Enable) Select whether to display the security key on â ĺşćŹć ĺ ą (basic information)â of this terminal's setting menu. ⢠Enable: Security key is displayed ⢠Disable: Security key is not displayed Channel (Default: Auto) Select a channel of wireless LAN. * When connecting the public wireless LAN, the access point channel is automatically Click [Apply] to save the setting. Settings 71 â When Enable is set Wi-Fi of time (min) (Default: 10) Select the time (minutes) to set automatically to of. ⢠10 ⢠30 ⢠60 Setting Wi-Fi Auto Of Function You can also make the setting on the setting menu. ( â P91) In the top menu, click [WLAN]. In the submenu, click [Wi-Fi auto of]. On the setting screen, set the required items. Setting Security Mode of Wireless LAN Wi-Fi auto of (Default: Enable) Select whether to set the power saving mode that automatically turns of the Wi-Fi function when no client connection is made in a certain period. ⢠Enable: The wireless LAN function is set to of ⢠Disable: The wireless LAN function is not set to of 72 Settings Click [Apply] to save the setting. In the top menu, click [WLAN]. In the submenu, click [Security]. On the setting screen, set the required items. Security mode (Default: WPA/WPA2-PSK mixed) Select the security mode of wireless LAN. ⢠Open ⢠WEP ⢠WPA-PSK ⢠WPA2-PSK ⢠WPA/WPA2-PSK mixed Depending on the Security mode setting, the following setting items are diferent. â When Open is set Max number of clients (Default: 10) Select a number of connectable terminals. â When WEP is set WEP key (Default: None) Enter WEP key. You can enter a 5, 10, 13 or 26 letters key of one-byte alphanumeric. For a 5-letter or 13-letter key, use one-byte alphanumeric characters (0-9, a-z, A-Z). For 10-letter or 26-letter key, use hexadecimal numbers (0-9, a-f, A-F). Max number of clients (Default: 10) Select a number of connectable terminals. â When WPA-PSK is set Encryption type (Default: TKIP) Select an encryption type. ⢠AES ⢠TKIP WPS shared key (Default: None) Enter Security key of WPA. You can enter a 8-64 letters key of onebyte alphanumeric. For 64-letter key, use hexadecimal numbers (0-9, a-f, A-F). Max number of clients (Default: 10) Select a number of connectable terminals. â When WPA2-PSK is set Encryption type (Default: AES) Select an encryption type. ⢠AES ⢠TKIP WPA2 shared key (Default: None) Enter Security key of WPA2. You can enter a 8-64 letters key of onebyte alphanumeric. For 64-letter key, use hexadecimal numbers (0-9, a-f, A-F). Max number of clients (Default: 10) Select a number of connectable terminals. â When WPA/WPA2-PSK mixed is set The supported encryption type is TKIP for WPA-PSK connection and AES for WPA2PSK connection. WPA/WPA2 shared key (Default: â P52ďź Enter Security key of WPA/WPA2. You can enter a 8-64 letters key of onebyte alphanumeric. Settings 73 d For 64-letter key, use hexadecimal numbers (0-9, a-f, A-F). Max number of clients (Default: 10) Select a number of connectable terminals. On the setting screen, set the required items. Click [Apply] to save the setting. Setting WPS Function Notes ⢠WPS function cannot be used when âSecurityâ is set to âWEPâ. ( â P73) WPS (Default: Enable) Select whether to use WPS function. ⢠Enable: WPS function is used ⢠Disable: WPS function is not used â When Enable is set WPS type (Default: Push button) Select a type of WPS function. ⢠Push button: When you use the WPS button or connect with WPS type after clicking [Apply] button ⢠WPS PIN: When you connect by entering the PIN code (8-digit number) for WPS ⢠WPS function cannot be used when âSSID Broadcastâ is set to âDisableâ. In the top menu, click [WLAN]. In the submenu, click [WPS]. 74 Settings Click [Apply] to save the setting. The WPS type saved by clicking [Apply] is valid even after restarting of this terminal. â When Allow or Deny is set Mac addresses entry ield appears. Enter the speciied terminal's MAC address. You can specify up to 10 MAC addresses. Setting MAC Address Filter In the top menu, click [WLAN]. On the setting screen, set the required items. In the submenu, click [MAC address ilter]. Restrict mode (Default: Disable) Select an operation mode of MAC address ilter function. ⢠Disable: MAC address ilter is not used ⢠Allow: Allows the connection to this terminal with the speciied MAC address only ⢠Deny: Prohibits the connection to this terminal with the speciied MAC address Click [Apply] to save the setting. Setting DHCP Function In the top menu, click [WLAN]. In the submenu, click [DHCP]. On the setting screen, set the required items. IP address (Default: Set private IP address of this terminal. Subnet mask (Default: Set subnet mask of LAN. Settings 75 DHCP server (Default: Enable) Select whether to use DHCP function. ⢠Enable: DHCP function is used ⢠Disable: DHCP function is not used â When Enable is set Start IP address (Default: Set the minimum IP address assigned to devices connected to this terminal. End IP address (Default: Set the maximum IP address assigned to devices connected to this terminal. Primary DNS (Default: Set IP address of primary DNS server. Secondary DNS (Default: Set IP address of secondary DNS server. ⢠IP address of DHCP server can be set between the 4th octet (the most right 3-digit number) âXXX.XXX.XXX.8â and âXXX. XXX.XXX.254â (X is any number), except â192.168.2.xxxâ (IP address of Multi SSID). Click [Apply] to save the setting. Conirming Connected Clients In the top menu, click [WLAN]. Information of the connected clients appears. In the submenu, click [Connected clients]. ⢠Click to refresh the information. To disconnect, click âDisconnectâ ield. in the ⢠Each client is displayed as its MAC address. Be sure to select the client to be disconnected. 76 Settings Setting UPnP Function To use the application using the UPnP function, set the UPnP function to âEnableâ. In the top menu, click [WLAN]. In the submenu, click [UPnP]. On the setting screen, set the required items. Setting Multi SSID Multi SSID function enables you to connect the Wi-Fi compatible devices set with diferent security modes at the same time. Wi-Fi devices compatible with WEP or Open, such as a game console, are connected to the secondary SSID. Multi SSID cannot be used whenâMax number of clientsâofâSecurityâsetting is set toâ10â ( â P72) In the top menu, click [WLAN]. In the submenu, click [Multi SSID]. On the setting screen, set the required items. UPnP (Default: Disable) Select whether to use the UPnP function. ⢠Enable: UPnP function is used ⢠Disable: UPnP function is not used Click [Apply] to save the setting. Settings 77 Multi SSID (Default: Disable) Select whether to use the Multi SSID function. ⢠Enable: Multi SSID function is available ⢠Disable: Multi SSID function is unavailable SSID (Default: âL02F_XXXXXXXX_Bâ â P52) Enter SSID. You can enter up to 32 letters of one-byte alphanumeric, â- (hyphen) â and â_ (under bar)â. Security mode (Default: Open) Select a security mode of wireless LAN. ⢠Open ⢠WEP â When WEP is set WEP key (Default: None) Enter WEP key. You can enter a 5, 10, 13 or 26 letters key of one-byte alphanumeric. For a 5-letter or 13-letter key, use one-byte alphanumeric characters (0-9, a-z, A-Z). For a 10-letter or 26-letter key, use hexadecimal numbers (0-9, a-f, A-F). 78 Click [Apply] to save the setting. Settings Setting Public Wireless LAN Besides connecting to a wireless LAN router at your home or oice, the public wireless LAN service enables you to connect Internet when outside. You can also make the setting on the setting menu. ( â P90) ⢠To use a public wireless LAN service, the separate subscription or settings may be required. For details on the settings, contact your service provider. In the top menu, click [WLAN]. In the submenu, click [Public WLAN]. On the setting screen, set the required items. Public WLAN (Default: Disable) Select whether to use the public wireless LAN function. ⢠Enable: Public WLAN function is available ⢠Disable: Public WLAN function is unavailable â When Enable is set Network notiication (Default: Disable) When any unsaved or unencrypted access point is detected, notiication will be given. Wi-Fi networks list Click [Scan] to list the available access points. : Connect the access point ⢠: Disconnect the access point ⢠Access history The saved access points are listed. ⢠Delete: Delete the access point ⢠Priority: The priority to connect the access point can be changed Add network Add an access point to the saved list. Enter [AP name], set [Security mode], then click [Save]. â When WEP is set WEP key Enter WEP key. You can enter a 5, 10, 13 or 26 letters key of one-byte alphanumeric. For a 5-letter or 13-letter key, use one-byte alphanumeric characters (0-9, a-z, A-Z). For a 10-letter or 26-letter key, use hexadecimal numbers (0-9, a-f, A-F). â When WPA/WPA2-PSK is set WPA/WPA2 key Enter the security key of WPA/WPA2. You can enter a 8-64 letters key of one-byte alphanumeric. For a 64-letter key, use hexadecimal numbers (0-9, a-f, A-F). When you have selected the access point in [Wi-Fi networks list], enter the security key. Click [Apply] to save the setting. Settings 79 Setting Network Selecting an Access Point You can specify the access point network. ( â P97) ⢠This function is not available in Japan. â To edit an existing access point and set as proile a In [Proile selection], select an access point to edit. b Perform step 4. c Perform step 6. Registering the Access Point Settings Register, edit or delete the access point settings. You can register up to 10 access points. â To delete an existing access point a In [Proile selection], select an access point to delete. b Click [Delete]. c Click [OK]. ⢠By default, the setting for mopera U is registered and you cannot delete it. When using mopera U, the following setting is not necessary. 80 In the top menu, click [NETWORK]. In the submenu, click [Proile]. To register a new access point, click [Add New]. Settings On the setting screen, set the required items. Proile name (Default: mopera U) Enter an access point name. You can enter up to 15 letters of one-byte alphanumeric. APN (Default: mopera.net) Enter APN. You can enter up to 99 letters of one-byte alphanumeric, â- (hyphen)â, â@ (at mark)â, â. (period)â and â_ (under bar)â. Username (Default: None) Enter the user name speciied by the provider. You can enter up to 64 letters with one-byte alphanumeric, â- (hyphen)â, â@ (at mark)â, â. (period)â and â_ (under bar)â. Password (Default: None) Enter the password speciied by the provider. You can enter up to 32 letters with one-byte alphanumeric, â- (hyphen)â, â@ (at mark)â, â. (period)â and â_ (under bar)â. Authentication (Default: CHAP) Select an authentication method of the access point. ⢠None ⢠PAP ⢠CHAP To register a new access point, click [Save]. Click [Apply] to save the setting. In the submenu, click [PIN1 lock]. On the setting screen, set the required items. PIN1 lock status The current setting condition is displayed. ⢠Enabled: PIN1 lock is set ⢠Disabled: PIN1 lock is canceled PIN1 code to enable/disable To change PIN1 lock status (enable/disable), enter the PIN1 code set to the miniUIM card. Remaining times The remaining number of times for PIN1 code entry is displayed. ( â P32) Protecting the Terminal with the Security Code When this function is set, network communication is locked and entering the security code (PIN1 code) is required when logging in to the setting page or turning on this terminal. In the top menu, click [NETWORK]. Click [Apply]. Settings 81 e When âEnabledâ is set, slide down the power switch for over 2 seconds to turn the power of, and then turn on again. Unlocking PIN Lock In the top menu, click [NETWORK]. On the setting screen, set the required items. In the submenu, click [Modify PIN1 code]. If you enter wrong PIN1 codes for 3 times in a row, further entry is locked automatically. In this case, enter âUnblocking PIN Codeâ ( â P32) to unlock. Enter the unblocking PIN code in [PIN unlock cord] ield. Enter the new PIN1 code in the [New PIN1 code] ield. In [Conirm PIN1 code] ield, enter the same PIN1 code as [New PIN1 code] for conirmation. Click [Apply]. Current PIN1 code Enter PIN1 code set to the miniUIM card. New PIN1 code Enter the new PIN1 code. Conirm PIN1 code Enter the same code as [New PIN1 code] for conirmation. Remaining times The number of remaining times for PIN1 code input is displayed. ( â P32) Changing the Security Code You can change the security code (PIN1 code). ⢠Changing security code (PIN1 code) is available only when PIN1 lock ( â P81) is set to âEnabledâ. 82 Settings Click [Apply]. PIN1 code is changed. The usage is automatically reset in the following cases. ⢠0 o'clock on the irst day of every month ⢠When the miniUIM card is replaced ⢠When SIM lock is unlocked Maximum data size (Default: Disable) Select âGBâ, and enter the valid value*. * Valid value: Positive integer from 1 to 99 Not available: Negative number, 0, decimal point and anything other than the valid value * Even if maximum data size is set, data communication will not stop when data usage is over the maximum data size. It is only for your reference. Display on modem (Default: Enable) Enable: The amount of data communication is displayed on the display of this terminal. Disable: The amount of data communication is not displayed on the display of this terminal. ⢠You can also make the setting on the setting menu. ( â P91) Displaying Network Data Usage The amount of data communication is displayed. Data communication in overseas is not added to this amount. Also, the amount of data communication is not displayed during international roaming. In the top menu, click [NETWORK]. On the setting screen, set the required items. In the submenu, click [Network data usage]. Click [Apply] to save the setting. Current data usage Click [Refresh] to see the latest information. Click [Reset] to reset the information of usage. Settings 83 â When Enable is set You can set IP ilter. IP address When registering IP ilter, enter the source or destination IP address. Direction (Default: Source) Specify the direction of communication to interrupt. ⢠Source: Interrupts the access from the speciied IP address ⢠Destination: Interrupts the access to the speciied IP address IP address ilter list List of registered IP ilter appears. : Deletes registered IP ilter ⢠Setting Security Functions Using Firewall Function Unauthorized access via the Internet can be blocked by using the Firewall function. Also, you can set IP ilter. In the top menu, click [SECURITY]. In the submenu, click [Firewall]. On the setting screen, set the required items. Click [Apply]. Discarding WAN Ping You can discard the Ping request to access from WAN to prevent answering and block the IP information leakage from this terminal and LAN terminals. Firewall (Default: Disable) Set whether to activate the Firewall function. ⢠Enable: Firewall function is activated. You can set IP ilter ⢠Disable: Firewall function is deactivated 84 Settings In the top menu, click [SECURITY]. In the submenu, click [WAN Ping blocking]. c On the setting screen, set the required items. Managing the System Changing Log-in Password You can change the log-in password of the setting page. You can enter only a 4-digit number as a password. WAN Ping blocking (Default: Disable) Set whether to activate the WAN Ping blocking function. ⢠Enable: Activates the WAN Ping blocking function ⢠Disable: Deactivates the WAN Ping blocking function In the top menu, click [SYSTEM]. On the setting screen, set the required items. In the submenu, click [Modify password]. Click [Apply]. Settings 85 Current password Enter the current password. New password Enter the new password. Conirm password Enter the same password as [New password] for conirmation. Click [Apply]. Click [OK]. The message âPassword is changed successfullyâ appears. Backup to ile Click [Backup] to specify the ile name (Default: L02F_webcm_conig.cfg) and save the current setting. * Depending on the browser, the ile name cannot be speciied. Restore from ile Click [Browse...] (or âSelect ileâ) and specify the ile to restore. Saving/Restoring the Setting Data All setting data can be saved to a PC on which the setting page is opened. Also, saved setting data can be restored in this terminal. 86 In the setting screen, make the following procedures. In the top menu, click [SYSTEM]. In the submenu, click [Backup & Restore]. Settings Click [Apply]. Resetting the Settings You can reset all settings of the setting page to default. However, the amount of data communication which is displayed on the display cannot be reset. For resetting the amount of data communication, see âDisplaying Network Data Usageâ ( â P83). Conirming the Version Information In the top menu, click [SYSTEM]. Make the setting for Software Update. In the submenu, click [Version]. The version information of irmware and this terminal appears. ⢠You can also reset the settings by pressing the buttons on this terminal. For details, see âResetting this Terminalâ ( â P121). In the top menu, click [SYSTEM]. In the submenu, click [Reset]. Click [Reset]. Click [OK]. Automatically check new S/W (Default: ON) Regardless of the ON/OFF setting, software update is automatically checked by clicking [Check now]. The message appears if any new update ile is found. ⢠ON: The update ile is automatically checked ⢠OFF: The update ile is not automatically checked Log out from the setting page and the communication is disconnected. Settings 87 â When ON is set The conirmation message for software update appears each time you log in. To make the message not to appear, set to âOFFâ. For update procedure, see âUpdating Softwareâ ( â P118). When you have changed software update setting, click [Apply]. Displaying the Inquiries In the top menu, click [SYSTEM]. Setting on the Terminal's Display (Setting Menu) For details on the setting menu operation, see âUsing Jog Keyâ ( â P28). Checking the Number and SSID Key In the submenu, click [Help]. The information of the inquiry website, number and the URL of Instruction Manual (PDF) appears. While the connected network name is displayed on the screen, hold down the Jog key for over 2 seconds. The setting menu appears. Select [ ĺşćŹć ĺ ą (basic information)] and press the Jog key vertically. éťčŠąçŞĺˇ (number): number of the miniUIM card is displayed. 88 Settings SSID/ ăăź (key) *1, *2: SSID and the security key are displayed. *1 The security key is displayed only when [SSID/Key Display on modem] is set to [Enable] on L-02F Connection Manager ( â P71). *2 The secondary SSID is displayed only when [Multi SSID] is set to [Enable] on L02F Connection Manager ( â P77). To display the secondary SSID, push the Jog key to the right while the primary SSID is displayed. Setting USB Tethering USB tethering function is available only with Windows 8/Windows 7. Connect this terminal to the PC using the USB Cable L03 (supplied). ( â P45) While the connected network name is displayed on the screen, hold down the Jog key for over 2 seconds. Select [USB ăăśăŞăłă° (USB tethering)] and press the Jog key vertically. ⢠Each press of the Jog key switches the function on and of. ăŞăł (on): USB tethering is activated ăŞă (of): USB tethering is deactivated Notes ⢠USB tethering function turns on only when connecting the PC with a USB cable. The function automatically turns of by disconnecting a USB cable. ⢠The PC connected via USB tethering is not included in 10 devices (max.) connectable to this terminal. The setting menu appears. Settings 89 Setting Public Wireless LAN You can also make the setting on L-02F Connection Manager. ( â P78). Wi-Fi ăăăăŻăźăŻ (Wi-Fi network): The access points are listed when [ ĺ ŹčĄçĄçˇ LAN (public wireless LAN)] is set to [ ăŞăł (On)]. While the connected network name is displayed on the screen, hold down the Jog key for over 2 seconds. The setting menu appears. Select [ ĺ ŹčĄçĄçˇ LAN (public wireless LAN)] and press the Jog key vertically. Select an access point from the list and press the Jog key vertically to connect to. Select the connected access point to disconnect. Select [ ăšăăŁăł (scan)] and press the Jog key vertically to search any connectable access points again. (blue): Access points unconnected â˘ â˘ ĺ ŹčĄçĄçˇ LAN (public wireless LAN): Press the Jog key vertically to switch on/of. ăăăăŻăźăŻéçĽ (network notiication): Press the Jog key vertically to switch on/of. It is indicated that unsaved and unencrypted access points are detected. The setting is available when [ ĺ ŹčĄçĄçˇ LAN (public wireless LAN)] is set to [ ăŞăł (On)]. 90 Settings (yellow): Access points connected : Access points locked with the security key : Access points that have been saved ⢠⢠Notes ⢠This terminal supports ASCII 128 letters (one-byte alphanumeric and a part of symbols). Other letters will be replaced with â_ (under bar)â, or the access point name is displayed as â(Unknown)â and cannot be selected. In this case, make the setting on L-02F Connection Manager ( â P78). Kana and kanji letters are not correctly displayed. They are replaced with â_ (under bar)â after scanning again. ⢠The security key is saved in this terminal once you enter it. To reenter the security key, select any unconnected access point and hold down the Jog key for over 2 seconds. Setting This Terminal While the connected network name is displayed on the screen, hold down the Jog key for over 2 seconds. The setting menu appears. Select [ č¨ĺŽ (settings)] and press the Jog key vertically. ăăźăżé俥é襨示 (network data usage) (Default: ăŞăł (on)): Press the Jog key vertically to switch on/of. Select whether to display the current amount of data communication. ( â P83) çĄçˇ LAN ăŞăźăăŞă (Wi-Fi auto of) (Default: 10 ĺ (minutes)): Select the connecting time to automatically turn of the Wi-Fi function. ( â P72) ćăă (luminance) (Default: 80 %): Select the luminance of this terminal's display. çťé˘çšçŻćé (display lighting time) (Default: 15 ç§ (seconds)): Select the lighting time to automatically turn of the display. ăăăăŻăźăŻć¤ç´˘ (network search): See âSearching a Networkâ ( â P92). Settings 91 Searching a Network You can also make the setting on L-02F Connection Manager. ( â P97) ⢠This function is not available in Japan. While the connected network name is displayed on the screen, hold down the Jog key for over 2 seconds. ⢠čŞĺ (auto): The connectable network is automatically selected. ⢠ćĺ (manual): Select to specify the network. Press the Jog key vertically to search the available networks and display in the network operator screen. â When ćĺ (Manual) is selected The network operator screen appears. The setting menu appears. Select [ č¨ĺŽ (settings)] and press the Jog key vertically. Select [ ăăăăŻăźăŻć¤ç´˘ (network search)] and press the Jog key vertically. ć¤ç´˘ă˘ăźă (search mode)(Default: čŞĺ (auto)) Select whether to specify the network. 92 Settings ăăăăŻăźăŻăŞăăŹăźăżăź (network operators) (Default: ăŞă (none)) Select a network from the list and press the Jog key vertically to connect to. Select [ ăšăăŁăł (scan)] and press the Jog key vertically to search the available networks again. : 3G network (green: available, gray: ⢠unavailable) : GSM/GPRS network (green: ⢠available, gray: unavailable) ăăăăŻăźăŻă˘ăźă (network mode) (Default: 3G/GSM) Select a network. ⢠3G/GSM: 3G or GSM/GPRS network is automatically selected ⢠3G: 3G network only ⢠3G/GSM: GSM/GPRS network only Settings 93 Overseas Use International Roaming Service (WORLD WING) International roaming service enables you to use this terminal domestically in a service area of international carrier associated with DOCOMO. â Available network service areas This terminal (Class 4) can be used in 3G and GSM/GPRS network service areas. Also, it can be used in the countries and regions that support 3G850 MHz/GSM850 MHz. Check available areas. â Before using this terminal overseas, see the following items. - âUser's Guide [International Services]â - DOCOMO International Services website â For areas out of Xi area such as overseas, connect to 3G or GSM/GPRS network. 94 Overseas Use Services Available Overseas Service Data Communication Description Available for data communication using packets communication. Note ⢠For details on available communication services while using international roaming, refer to â User's Guide [International Services]â or visit DOCOMO International Services website. Conirmation in Use Checking Before Leaving Before leaving Japan, check the following: â Subscription Check your subscription for WORLD WING. For details, contact âGeneral Inquiriesâ on the last page of this manual. â Usage charge The charge for usage (bill for packet communication) abroad is diferent from the charge in Japan. â Internet access ⢠For overseas access points or settings for using the Internet overseas, contact your ISP. ⢠If you subscribe to mopera U, visit the mopera U website. http://www.mopera.net/ (Japanese only) Checking While Overseas When you turn on this terminal after arriving overseas, an available communication operator can be automatically accessed. â Connection ⢠You cannot select the network manually while you are in Japan. To select the network to be connected overseas, make the network setting after arriving overseas. ( â P97) ⢠This terminal is set as default to automatically connect an available network overseas. When you connect to the network of the target operator for lat-rate packet service on the âSearching networkâ screen ( â P97), you can use lat-rate packet communication overseas (per day). Note that the subscription to packet latrate service, lat-rate data plan or Xi data communication exclusive plan is required. For details, refer to âUser's Guide [International Services]â or visit âDOCOMO International Services websiteâ. ⢠When moving out of the service area of the operator set manually, â ĺĺ¤ (out of service area)â appears. To use the service, you need to search and select the other available operator in âSearching networkâ or move into the service area of the current operator. Overseas Use 95 â Screen display During network connection, Information of the connected carrier is displayed. Checking After Coming Back After coming back to Japan, this terminal is automatically connected to DOCOMO network. If connection cannot be established, turn of this terminal, and then turn it on again. ⢠âSearching networkâ setting of this terminal is changed to âAutoâ that cannot be changed in Japan. â Inquiries overseas ⢠If your terminal or miniUIM card is lost or stolen overseas, contact DOCOMO immediately and temporarily suspend your subscription. For inquiry information, see âGeneral Inquiriesâ on the last page of this manual. Data communication charge will still on you after the terminal is lost or stolen. ⢠To call from a landline phone etc., âInternational call access codeâ for the country you stay or âUniversal number international preixâ is necessary. 96 Overseas Use Setting the Searching Method for Available Networks When using the international roaming service, the available network (communication operator) is automatically searched. To set the network manually, make the setting after arriving overseas. The setting procedure on L-02F Connection Manager is described here. You can also make the setting on the setting menu. ( â P92) Searching mode (Default: Auto) Select whether to specify the network to be connected. ⢠Auto: Network that can be connected is automatically selected. ⢠Manual: Select to specify the network. Click [Apply] to search the available networks and register them to [Operators]. â For Manual Operators (Default: None) Select a network to connect to. Setting the Network Search Log in to the setting page. Click [NETWORK] in the top menu. Click [Searching network] in the submenu, and set each item. For details, see âLogging-in to L-02F Connection Managerâ ( â P66). Click [Apply] to save the setting. Overseas Use 97 Setting the Network Mode Log in to the setting page. Click [NETWORK] in the top menu. For details, see âLogging-in to L-02F Connection Managerâ ( â P66). Click [Network Mode] in the submenu, and set each item. Network Mode (Default: 3G/GSM) Select the network depending on your area. ⢠3G/GSM: 3G or GSM/GPRS network is automatically selected ⢠3G: 3G network only ⢠GSM: GSM/GPRS network only 98 Click [Apply] to save the setting. Overseas Use Note ⢠While using overseas - Some communication services may not be available depending on the overseas carrier or network. Charging Mobile Devices Available Devices For details on the mobile devices that can be charged with this terminal, visit NTT DOCOMO website. This terminal turns on. Insert the microUSB connector of the Converter cable for charging L02 (supplied) straight with the USB marked side up into the external connector of this terminal. Connect the USB connector of the USB Cable L03 (supplied) with the USB marked side up to the USB connector of the Converter cable for charging L02. Check the direction of the microUSB connector of the USB Cable L03, and insert straight into the microUSB connector of the mobile device. Charging a Mobile Device How to Connect Slide down the power switch of this terminal for over 2 seconds. Charging Mobile Devices 99 e Select the charging mode on this terminal's display, and press the Jog key vertically. Charging of the mobile device starts. appears and the LED indicator lights up in blue for about 5 seconds. 羌éťăŽăż ( é俥ćŠč˝ OFF) (charging only, communicating function of) The network function is turned of while charging the mobile device. é俥ăăŞăăçľŚéť (charge while communicating) The network service can be used while charging the mobile device. ⢠â é俥ăăŞăăĺ éť (charge while communicating)â can be selected only when this terminal is fully charged. 100 Charging Mobile Devices Notes ⢠If the inside of this terminal becomes hot due to the usage condition, charging may stop. ⢠When using the mode â é俥ăăŞăăĺ éť (charging while communicating)â, charging stops when battery runs down at a certain level to secure power for communication. As this mode requires more power consumption and the inside of this terminal may become hot, it is recommended to use the mode â 羌éťăŽăż ( é俥ćŠč˝ OFF) (charging only, communicating function of)â. For details, visit NTT DOCOMO website. ⢠If charging current exceeds its limit, the battery protection circuit works to automatically turn of this terminal. In this case, remove the battery pack from this terminal and attach it again to continue charging. How to Disconnect Pull the USB Cable L03 out from the mobile device and Converter cable for charging L02. Pull the Converter cable for charging L02 out from this terminal. Charging Mobile Devices 101 Appendix/Troubleshooting Options and Related Devices Using this terminal with optional devices makes it more convenient for various purposes, both personal and business. Some of the products listed below may be unavailable in some areas. For details, contact a service counter such as a docomo Shop. For details on optional devices, see the related instruction manuals. ⢠Back Cover L37 ⢠Battery Pack L22 ⢠AC Adapter L04 ⢠USB Cable L03 ⢠Converter cable for charging L02 ⢠AC Adapter L02 ⢠USB Cable L01 ⢠USB Cable L02 ⢠AC Adapter L03 ⢠Pocket Charger 01 ⢠Pocket Charger 02 ⢠AC Adapter 03 102 Appendix/Troubleshooting ⢠AC Adapter 04 ⢠AC Adapter Converter Plug TypeC 01 ⢠Micro USB Cable 01 Troubleshooting First, check whether software is required to update. If necessary, update software ( â P118 âUpdating Softwareâ). If the symptom is not improved after conirming the item to check, contact âRepairsâ (Japanese only) on the last page of this manual or DOCOMO-speciied repair oice. â Problems with source, charging, or mobile device charging Symptom Power does not turn on Check Check if the battery pack is inserted correctly. ( â P33) Check if the battery pack is exhausted. ( â P27, P39, P45) Cannot charge Check the following. ( â P33, P39, P45ďź â˘ Check if the battery pack is inserted correctly. ⢠Check if the adapter's power plug is inserted to the outlet correctly. ⢠Check if AC Adapter is connected to this terminal correctly. ⢠When using the AC Adapter L04 (supplied), check if the connector of the USB Cable L03 is irmly connected to this terminal and the AC Adapter L04. ⢠When using the USB Cable L03 (supplied), check if the PC turns on. Appendix/Troubleshooting 103 Symptom Check Cannot Check if you are using the charge the speciied cable. ( â P99) mobile device Check if the cable is connected to the mobile device correctly. ( â P99) Check if this terminal has been charged. ( â P37) Charging Check if you are using the time of the speciied cable. ( â P99) mobile device Charging time becomes short if is short there is battery remaining in the battery pack of the mobile device. Charging Check if you are using the time of the speciied cable. ( â P99) mobile device Charging time becomes long is long when the mobile device is turned on. Charging stops halfway 104 Check if this terminal's battery is running down. Charge this terminal irst. ( â P37) Appendix/Troubleshooting Symptom Cannot charge the mobile device even after you fully charged this terminal Check Check if you are using the speciied cable. ( â P99) The battery pack is a consumable part. If the usage time becomes short even on a full charge, purchase a new battery pack. * The time to replace the battery pack varies depending on conditions of use. Some mobile devices may not be fully charged. For details, visit NTT DOCOMO website. â Operation problems Symptom Check This terminal becomes hot while operating or charging This terminal, battery pack or adapter may become hot while operating or charging. There is no problem about safety. Continue to use it. The usage Check the following. ( â P37) time provided ⢠Check if this terminal is left for by the a long time under the state out battery is of the service area. short When it is out of service area, more power is consumed to search available radio waves. ⢠The usage time provided by the battery pack varies by the operation environment or battery pack's deterioration. ⢠The battery pack is a consumable part. Each time it is charged, the usage time with each charging reduces. Even in the full charge state, when the usage time is too short, purchase a new battery pack of the speciied type. Symptom Check The power turns of or restarts automatically If the jack of battery pack is dirty, the contact may become poor and the power may shut of. Clean with a dry cloth or cotton swab. The Jog key does not function When the display is turned of, slide down the power switch to turn on the display, then operate the Jog key. The miniUIM card is not recognized Check if the miniUIM is inserted in the correct direction. ( â P30) Appendix/Troubleshooting 105 â This terminal is not recognized Symptom The PC connected with the USB Cable L03 does not recognize this terminal. 106 Check Connect this terminal to another USB port to check if recognized. Check if this terminal is correctly connected to the PC with the USB Cable L03 (supplied). Remove the USB Cable L03 from the PC, restart the PC and reconnect. Appendix/Troubleshooting Symptom The PC connected with the USB Cable L03 does not recognize this terminal. Check Uninstall L-02F driver and reconnect. â To uninstall the driver â For Windows 8 a On the desk top, swipe from the right edge (or point the upperright corner with a mouse), select the âSearchâ charm u âAppsâ u âControl Panelâ u âProgramsâ u âPrograms and Featuresâ. * âUninstall or change a programâ window appears. b Select âdocomo L02Fâ and click âUninstallâ. c Click âYesâ. d Conirm that âClear communication settings (W-TCP setting) (Recommended)â is selected and click âNextâ. e Click âFinishâ. Symptom The PC connected with the USB Cable L03 does not recognize this terminal. Check â For Windows 7 (Start) u âControl a Click Panelâ u âProgramsâ u âPrograms and Featuresâ. ⢠âUninstall or change a programâ window appears. b Select âdocomo L02Fâ and click âUninstallâ. c Click âYesâ. d Conirm that âClear communication settings (W-TCP setting) (Recommended)â is selected and click âNextâ. e Click âFinishâ. Symptom The PC connected with the USB Cable L03 does not recognize this terminal. Check â For Windows Vista (Start) u âControl Panelâ a Click u âProgramsâ u âPrograms and Featuresâ. ⢠âUninstall or change a programâ window appears. b Select âdocomo L02Fâ and click âUninstallâ. ⢠When âUser Account Controlâ window appears, click âContinueâ. c Click âYesâ. d Conirm that âClear communication settings (W-TCP setting) (Recommended)â is selected and click âNextâ. e Click âFinishâ. â For Windows XP a Click Start u âControl Panelâ u âAdd or Remove Programsâ. ⢠âAdd or Remove Programsâ window appears. b Select âdocomo L02Fâ and click âUninstallâ. c Click âYesâ. d Conirm that âClear communication settings (W-TCP setting) (Recommended)â is selected and click âNextâ. e Click âFinishâ. Appendix/Troubleshooting 107 â Problems with Wi-Fi function Symptom Cannot connect the Wi-Fi compatible device 108 Check Check if the Wi-Fi function of this terminal and the Wi-Fi compatible device are turned on. Check if the correct Security key is set to the Wi-Fi compatible device. ( â P51) If you forget the Security key set to this terminal, see âSetting Security Mode of Wireless LANâ ( â P72) to reset Security key and make connecting operation again. Appendix/Troubleshooting Symptom Cannot connect the Wi-Fi compatible device Check If the security mode other than WPA/WPA2-PSK mixed is set to this terminal, you need to make the same settings for the target Wi-Fi compatible device. For details, refer to the instruction manual of Wi-Fi compatible device. â Example: Security mode is WEP for Windows 7 Click (Start) u âControl Panelâ u âNetwork and Internetâ u âNetwork and Sharing Centerâ u âManage wireless networksâ u Right click the name of this terminal and âPropertiesâ u âSecurityâ tab u Set the following: ⢠Security Type: No authentication (open system) ⢠Encryption Type: WEP ⢠Network Security Key: WEP key of this terminal whose number is selected in [Key index] Symptom Cannot connect the Wi-Fi compatible device Check â Example: Security mode is WEP for OS X 10.8 [Apple] menu u [System Preferences...] u [Network] u Select [Wi-Fi] on the left screen u [Edit Locations...] on [Location] u [ ďź ] u Enter any name in [Untitled] u [Done] u Check [Show Wi-Fi status in menu bar] u [Advanced...] u Select [Wi-Fi] on tab located in the upper of screen u [ ďź ] u Enter the network name u Select [WEP] in [Security] u Enter WEP key of this terminal in [Password] u [OK] u [OK] u Select [Turns Wi-Fi ON] if the status is [Of], and [Apply] Symptom Cannot connect the Wi-Fi compatible device Check If the connection cannot be made with the WPS function, refer to the instruction manual of your Wi-Fi compatible device, check the WPS function settings of this terminal ( â P74 âSetting WPS Functionâ), and then make connecting operation again. When connecting the Wi-Fi compatible device to which PIN code from WPS is speciied, check if âWPS PINâ is selected in WPS function settings of this terminal ( â P74 âSetting WPS Functionâ) and the correct PIN code is set. Appendix/Troubleshooting 109 â Communication problems Symptom Check Communications Check if signals are received in the are not possible service area. Turn on this terminal again, or reinsert the battery pack or miniUIM card. Due to the radio wave characteristic, the Internet connection may not be available even if you are not âout of service appears. Move it to areaâ or another place and check again. If a security code is set to the miniUIM, enter PIN1 code when you turn on this terminal or log in to the setting page. ( â P40, P67) Check the settings of this terminal and the APN registration. Depending on the radio wave condition, the Internet connection may not be available. In this case, turn this terminal of and turn it on again. 110 Appendix/Troubleshooting Symptom Check Communications When connecting to the Internet are not possible with this terminal, check that other communication devices are disconnected. Internet connection is unavailable nor appears on when neither the display of this terminal. ⢠While the display is turned on, hold down the Jog key for over 2 seconds to turn on the Wi-Fi function. ⢠Top menu of L-02F Connection Manager u ClickâNETWORKâ uâProileâand conirm that the settings are correct. Symptom Check Symptom Check Internet connection speed decreased suddenly In areas where LTE/W-CDMA/ HSDPA/HSUPA/GSM/GPRS services are unsteady, the speed may be reduced. Move it to another place and connect again. Cannot perform communication overseas (when âout of service areaâ is displayed) Check if you are out of international roaming service area or in the area where radio waves are weak. Check the available service area and overseas communication operator with â User's Guide [International Services]â or âDOCOMO International Services websiteâ. To perform communication with Windows PC, the optimization of PC communication setting is necessary. Connect this terminal and a PC with the USB Cable L03 (supplied) and install the driver. Conirm that âOptimize communication settings (W-TCP setting) (Recommended)â is selected. Change the network settings or the setting of overseas communication operator. ⢠Set âSearching networkâ to âManualâ. ( â P97) ⢠Conirm âProileâ settings. ( â P80) â Overseas use problems Symptom Cannot perform communication overseas (when the antenna icon is displayed) It may recover by turning this terminal's power of and on. Check Check if WORLD WING has been subscribed. Check the condition of WORLD WING subscription. Communication becomes unavailable suddenly while using overseas Check if the usage charge has exceeded the limit. The usage charge is limited in advance for âInternational Roaming Service (WORLD WING)â. If the charge has exceeded the limit, pay the cumulative price. Appendix/Troubleshooting 111 â Other problems Symptom 112 Check This terminal stopped working suddenly Check that the miniUIM is properly inserted to this terminal. ( â P30) Back Cover is deviated Fit Back Cover to this terminal, and press each tab to close it irmly. ( â P35) Error Messages Messages on the Setting Page (L-02F Connection Manager) Error Messages Appendix/Troubleshooting Description Incorrect password entered. An incorrect password is entered for log-in. Click [OK] and enter the correct password. Incorrect PIN1 code entered. Please try again. An incorrect PIN1 code is entered. Click [OK] and enter the correct PIN1 code. Failed to input PIN1 code for 3 times. Please input PIN unlock code. PIN1 code is locked because PIN1 code has been improperly entered 3 times in a row. Click [OK], enter the unblocking PIN code in [PIN unlock cord] and the new PIN1 code in [New PIN1 code] and [Conirm PIN1 code]. Click [Apply]. Incorrect PIN unlock code entered. Please try again. An incorrect unblocking PIN code is entered. Click [OK] and enter the correct unblocking PIN code. Error Messages Description L-02F is locked because user failed to input correct PIN unlock code for 10 times. Please contact DOCOMO shop or DOCOMO information center. The miniUIM card is locked because the unblocking PIN code has been improperly entered 10 times in a row. Please contact docomo Shop. Messages on the Terminal's Display Error Messages Description ĺ ŹčĄçĄçˇ LAN ă使ç¨ăă㨠ăăŻăL-02F Connection Manager ă§ă㍠ă SSID ă˘ăźă ă OFF ăŤăăŚă ă ăăă(When using the public wireless LAN, set Multi SSID mode on L-02F Connection Manager to OFF.) When using the public wireless LAN, set [Multi SSID] on L-02F Connection Manager to [Disable]. ( â P77) ăăăăŞăźćŽéă ĺ°ăŞăăăăćĽ çśăăăăă¤ăš ăŤĺ éťă§ăăžă ăă(The battery level is low and the connected device cannot be charged.) The battery level is low and the connected device cannot be charged. Charge this terminal irst. ( â P37) Appendix/Troubleshooting 113 Error Messages 114 Description PIN ĺŽĺ ¨ăă㯠ăăłă˘ăŽçŞĺŁăž ă§ăĺăĺăă ăă ăăă(PIN code blocked. Contact a docomo Shop.) The miniUIM card is locked because the unblocking PIN code has been improperly entered 10 times in a row. Please contact docomo Shop. Wi-Fi ăăŞă㍠ăŞăŁăŚăăžăă ĺ ŹčĄçĄçˇ LAN ă 使ăăăăŤăŻăăž ă Wi-Fi ăăŞăł ăŤăăŚăă ăăă (Wi-Fi function is of. To use the public wireless LAN, turn on Wi-Fi function irst.) When the Wi-Fi function is turned of, the public wireless LAN cannot be used. Turn on the Wi-Fi function. Appendix/Troubleshooting Error Messages Description çĄçˇ LAN ăťă㼠WhenâSecurity modeâis set ăŞăăŁă˘ăźă toâWEPâ, the WPS function ăăWEPăăŽă cannot be used. Change ăăWPS ćŠč˝ âSecurity modeâon the setting ăŻä˝żç¨ă§ăăžă page. ăă(Wireless LAN security mode is set to âWEPâ. WPS function cannot be used.) SSID ăăăźă ăăŁăšăăă使 ç¨ăăŞăă㎠ăăăWPS ćŠ č˝ăŻä˝żç¨ă§ă ăžăăă(SSID broadcast is set to âDisableâ. WPS function cannot be used.) When âSSID broadcastâ is set to âDisableâ, the WPS function cannot be used. Change âSSID broadcastâ on the setting page. Error Messages Description çĄçˇ LAN ăťă㼠ăŞăăŁă˘ăźă ăăWEPăăă ă¤ăSSID ăăăź ăăăŁăšăăă使 ç¨ăăŞăăăŽă ăăWPS ćŠč˝ ăŻä˝żç¨ă§ăăžă ăă(Wireless LAN security mode is set to âWEPâ and SSID broadcast is set to âDisableâ. WPS function cannot be used.) WhenâSecurity modeâis set toâWEPâandâSSID broadcastâis set toâDisableâ, the WPS function cannot be used. Warranty and After-Sales Service Warranty ⢠A written warranty is provided with every terminal. Make sure that you receive it. Store the warranty in a safe place after you read it and veriied that it contains the â 貊売ĺşĺăťă財ăä¸ăćĽ (Shop name/date)â you purchased the product. If the written warranty does not contain the necessary information, contact the shop where you purchased the product. The warranty is valid for a period of one year from the date of purchase. ⢠This product and all accessories are subject to change, in part or whole, for the sake of improvement without prior notice. After-Sales Service If Problems Occur ⢠Before requesting service, read the âTroubleshootingâ section in this manual. If the problem still persists, contact one of the numbers listed in âRepairsâ (Japanese only) on the last page of this manual. Appendix/Troubleshooting 115 For Inquiries Result or When Repair is Required Take this terminal to DOCOMO-speciied repair oice. Be sure to check the operating hours of the service center. You must present the warranty. Please note that depending on malfunctions, it may take more than a day to repair. â In the warranty period ⢠This terminal will be repaired at no charge subject to the conditions of the warranty. ⢠The warranty must be presented to receive warranty service. The subscriber will be charged for the repair of items not covered in the warranty or repairs of defects resulting from misuse (such as damage to display or connector, etc.), accident or neglect even during the warranty period. ⢠The subscriber is charged even during the warranty period for the repair of failures caused by the use of devices or consumable items that are not DOCOMO speciied. â Repairs may not be possible in the following cases ⢠When corrosion due exposure to moisture, condensation or perspiration is detected in a moisture seal reaction or test, or if any of the internal boards are damaged or deformed (damage to the external connection jack, display, or cracked body could be the case as well). 116 Appendix/Troubleshooting * Since these conditions are outside the scope of the warranty, any repairs, if at all possible, will be charged. â After expiration of the warranty All repairs that are requested are charged. â Replacement parts Basically, replacement parts (parts required to maintain product function) will be kept in stock for at least 6 years after termination of production. Please note that the product may not be repaired even during this period, depending on the malfunctioning parts due to a shortage of those parts. Depending on the nature of the required repairs, it may still be possible to repair your terminal even after this period. Contact âRepairsâ (Japanese only) listed on the last page of this manual. Pay attention ⢠Do not modify this terminal or its accessories. - Fire, injury or damage may result. - If this terminal is modiied, it will be repaired only after the modiied parts have been restored to the condition at the time of purchase. However, repair may be refused depending on the nature of modiication. Things like following cases will be regarded as modiication of this terminal. ⢠Put a sticker on portions such as of the ⢠⢠⢠⢠display or buttons. ⢠Glued decorations on this terminal using adhesion bond, etc. ⢠Exchanging the exteriors with those other than DOCOMO product. - Repair of failures or damage caused by modiication are charged even during the warranty period. Do not remove any inscription stickers attached to this terminal. The inscription stickers certify that this terminal satisies speciic technical standards. If stickers are removed intentionally or are reattached in such a way that conirmation of the sticker's contents is impossible, repair or servicing may be refused because conirmation of whether or not the device conforms to relevant technical standards cannot be made. Information of settings for each function may possibly be cleared (reset) due to the malfunction, repair or other treatment of this terminal. When repair is done, MAC address for wireless LAN, Security key, or SSID may be changed regardless of malfunction part. This terminal uses magnetic material for the Jog key. Be sure not to place magnetic items, such as cash cards, nearby as that may damage them. ⢠If the terminal has gotten wet or moist, immediately power of the terminal and remove the battery pack from it, and then bring it to the DOCOMO-speciied repair oice as soon as possible. However, repairs may not be available for some conditions depending on this terminal. Appendix/Troubleshooting 117 Updating Software Connect to the Internet to check if update is necessary to software of this terminal. When it is necessary, a part of software is downloaded via packet communication and update software. Functionality and operability of this terminal can be improved by updating software which is important to operation of this terminal. If software update is necessary, you will be informed at NTT DOCOMO website with â ă厢 ć§ăľăăźă (Customer Support)â. There are two ways of check procedures of software update: âAutoâ or âManualâ. ⢠Auto: Each time you log in to the setting page (L-02F Connection Manager), the conirmation message for software update appears. When the update is available, the following message appears: The latest L-02F software is available. Software update is recommended since the latest version contains enhancements for using L-02F more comfortable. Please connect L-02F to Windows PC and press OK button to proceed software update. Also, when you turn on this terminal, the message â ćŹä˝ăŽă˝ăăăŚă§ă˘ăć´ć°ăăăă¨ăă§ă 118 Appendix/Troubleshooting ăžăăL-02F Connection Manager ăŤăă°ă¤ăłăăŚă ă˝ăăăŚă§ă˘ăć´ć°ăăŚăă ăăă ďźSoftware update is available. Log in to L-02F Connection Manager and update the software)â appears on the display. ⢠Manual: Check manually when you want to update. Precautions ⢠Do not remove the battery pack during software update. Update may fail. ⢠Fully charge the battery before updating software. ⢠Software update is not available in the following cases: - During communication - miniUIM is not inserted - The battery is not fully charged - â ĺĺ¤ (Out of service area)â appears - Terminal power is of ⢠Software update (downloading and rewriting) may take a while. ⢠During software update, communication functions and other functions cannot be used. ⢠It is recommended that you update software in a location with strong signal reception with three antenna bars displayed in stationary state. If the signal becomes weak during software download, or download is suspended, retry software update in a location with better signal reception. In the top menu, click [SYSTEM]. Set the check type in [Automatically check new S/W]. In the submenu, click [Version]. ⢠When your software is up to date, a message â ćć°ăăźă¸ă§ăłăŽă˝ăăăăăăžăăă(The latest L-02F software is not available.)â appears when you check availability of software update. ⢠During software update, information unique to your L-02F (such as a terminal model and the serial number) is automatically sent to the software update server of DOCOMO. DOCOMO does not use the sent information for other purposes than software update. To check the update regardless the on/of setting, click [Check now]. If any update ile is found, a message appears. ⢠ON: Update is checked automatically. If any update ile is found, a message appears on the PC screen. ⢠OFF: Update is not automatically checked. ⢠If software update fails, all operations may become unavailable. In this case, bring the terminal to a repair counter speciied by DOCOMO. Setting Check Procedure Log in to the setting page of this terminal from a PC. Click [Apply]. For details, see âLogging-in to L-02F Connection Managerâ ( â P66). Appendix/Troubleshooting 119 Updating Software Download LGMobile Support Tool from the website (http://www. lg.com/jp/mobile-phones/downloadpage)(Japanese only), install it and start up. Click [Start Updating]. When software update is completed, click [End]. Click [Yes]. When a message indicating the update appears on the PC screen or this terminal's display, perform the following operations to update software. Note ⢠To update software, use a Windows PC. Software update cannot be made with Mac. Software download is started, and software is updated. ⢠This terminal uses LGMobile Support Tool to update software. ⢠Before updating software, connect this terminal and a PC with the USB Cable L03 (supplied). ⢠The settings are reset to the default after software update. To save the current settings before update, perform âBackup & Restoreâ on the setting page. ( â P86) When the notiication message of the update appears on the PC screen or this terminal's display, click [OK]. When LGMobile Support Tool has been installed, click [Cancel], start LGMobile Support Tool, and skip step 2. 120 Appendix/Troubleshooting Conirm that the message âThe latest version software is installed in your terminal. No update is necessary.â appears on the next screen. Resetting this Terminal To reset the terminal to the default settings, make the following procedures. However, the displayed network data usage will not be reset. For the details about resetting network data usage, seeâDisplaying Network Data Usageâ( â P83). While the connected network name is displayed, hold down the Jog key and slide down the power switch at the same time for over 15 seconds. Release them after the conirmation message appears. Select [YES] and press the Jog key vertically. This terminal is reset. Main Speciications â Terminal Model name Dimensions ďźH Ă W Ă Dďź Weight L-02F Approx. XX mm Ă Approx. XX mm Ă Approx. XX.X mm (thick part: XX.X mm) Approx. XXX g (with battery pack installed) Continuous LTE Approx. XX hours communication 3G Approx. XX hours time ďźHSDPA/ HSUPA, W-CDMAďź Continuous stand-by time GSM Approx. XX hours LTE Approx. XXX hours 3G Approx. XXX hours ďźHSDPA/ HSUPA, W-CDMAďź GSM Charging time Approx. XXX hours AC Adapter L04: Approx. XXX minutes USB: Approx. XXX minutes Appendix/Troubleshooting 121 Display Type TFT color Size Approx. 3.0 inches Pixels 240 dots (Horizontal) Ă 320 dots (Vertical) QVGA Communication method WAN: LTE/HSDPA/HSUPA/ W-CDMA Wireless LAN: IEEE802.11b/g/n Communication Packet communication: speed*2 *3 *4 *5 *6 *7 Up to 150 Mbps for receiving data*8 Up to 50 Mbps for sending data*8 Power feeding function *3 *4 *5 *6 Voltage DC 5 V Current 0.9 A *7 *8 *1 *2 122 IEEE802.11n supports 2.4GHz Communication speed is theoretical values when sending and receiving data which does not show the actual ones. It is provided by Best efort system. The actual communication speed depends on communication environment and network congestion. Appendix/Troubleshooting Communication speed for receiving data becomes up to 14Mbps, and for sending data becomes up to 5.7Mbps in FOMA HIGHSPEED area out of Xi area. Sending and receiving data may become up to 384kbps in somewhere of the FOMA HIGHSPEED area. Sending and receiving data may become up to 384kbps in FOMA area out of Xi area and FOMA HIGH-SPEED area. Depending on the bandwidth of Xi area, the theoretical values is 100/100/75/37.5Mbps for receiving speed (bandwidth [20/15/10/5MHz]) and 50/37.5/25/12.5Mbps for sending speed (bandwidth [20/15/10/5MHz]). For detailed areas that supports Xi, refer to NTT DOCOMO website. Available only in part of Xi area. ⢠Continuous communication time is approximate duration of time to be spent for communicating with normal radio wave reception level. ⢠Continuous stand-by time is approximate duration of battery while in motion with normal radio wave reception level. Depending on the battery level, set functions, operating environment such as ambient temperature, or radio wave reception level (poor or weak radio wave reception level), stand-by time can be reduced by half. ⢠Communication or stand-by time may shorten by making data communication. ⢠Charging time is approximate duration of time to charge a fully draining battery pack with this terminal turned of. The charging time becomes longer with this terminal turned on. â Battery pack Model name Battery Pack L22 Battery type Lithiumion battery Nominal voltage 3.7V Nominal capacity 3,600mAh Export Administration Regulations This product and its accessories may be under coverage of the Export Administration Regulations of Japan (âForeign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Lawsâ and the related laws and regulations). And, they are also under coverage of Export Administration Regulations of the U.S. When exporting and reexporting this product and its accessories, take necessary procedures on your responsibility and expense. For details, contact Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan or US Department of Commerce. Declaration of Conformity The product âL-02Fâ is declared to conform with the essential requirements of European Union Directive 1999/5/EC Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive 3.1(a), 3.1(b) and 3.2. This wireless portable device complies with the EU requirements for exposure to radio waves. Appendix/Troubleshooting 123 Intellectual Property Rights Copyrights and Rights of Portrait Without permission of the copyright owner you may not duplicate, modify, transmit over public communication lines, etc. any document, image, music, software, or other content owned by a third party that you have used this product to download from an Internet website, etc., except for private uses such as duplication and indexing that are allowed by copyright law. Trademarks ⢠âFOMAâ, âi-modeâ, âi- Îą ppliâ, âmopera Uâ, âWORLD WINGâ, âXiâ and âXiâ logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of NTT DOCOMO, INC. ⢠MicrosoftÂŽ, WindowsÂŽ and Windows VistaÂŽ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/ or other countries. ⢠The abbreviations of operating systems below are used in this manual. - Windows 8 stands for MicrosoftÂŽ WindowsÂŽ 8 (Core edition, Pro and Enterprise). - Windows 7 stands for MicrosoftÂŽ WindowsÂŽ 7 (Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate). - Windows Vista stands for Windows VistaÂŽ (Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Enterprise and Ultimate). - Windows XP indicates the MicrosoftÂŽ WindowsÂŽ XP Professional operating system or MicrosoftÂŽ WindowsÂŽ XP Home Edition operating system. ⢠Mac and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. of US and other countries. ⢠Adobe and Adobe Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. ⢠Wi-FiÂŽ, Wi-Fi AllianceÂŽ, Wi-Fi CertiiedÂŽ, WPAâ˘, WPA2⢠and logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of Wi-Fi Alliance. ⢠PSP and PS Vita are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. ⢠Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi and Nintendo 3DS are registered trademarks or trademarks of Nintendo. ⢠NINTENDO DS is a trademark of Nintendo. ⢠iPod Touch and iPad are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Apple Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Appendix/Troubleshooting 127 ⢠Other company names or product names mentioned in this work are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. 128 Appendix/Troubleshooting Index Available Communications âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 41 Wireless LAN âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 42 Xi Data Communication/FOMA Data Communication âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 42 Back cover âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Battery Pack âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Attaching âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Detaching âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 25 33 34 36 CE âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 124 Changing Log-in Password âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 85 Charging âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 37 Charging Mobile Devices âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 99 Charging time âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 38 Charging with AC Adapter L04 âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 39 Charging with a PC âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 39 Usage timeâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 38 Conirming Connected Clients âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 76 Connecting to a Wi-Fi Compatible Device âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Connecting to iPad âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Connecting to iPod touch âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Connecting to Mac âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Connecting to Nintendo DS âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Connecting to PSP âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Connecting to Wi-Fi Compatible Device Supporting WPS âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Connecting to Windows PC âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 51 59 59 57 60 61 62 53 DHCP âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 75 Display âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 26 Error Messages âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 112 European Union Directives Conformance Statement âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 124 Export Administration Regulations âŚâŚâŚâŚ 123 External terminal âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 24 Index 129 F FCC Regulations âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 124 Firewall âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 84 FOMA/Xi antenna âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 25 Inquiries âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 88 Intellectual Property Rights âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 127 Options and Related Devices âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 102 Overseas Use âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 94 Checking Before Leaving âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 95 International Roaming Service (WORLD WING) âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 94 Searching Methods for Available Networks âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 97 Services Available Overseas âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 94 L-02F Connection Manager âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 66 Supported Browsers âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 66 Ping âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 84 Power switch âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 24 Public Wireless LAN âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 78 MAC Address FilterâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 75 Main Speciications âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 121 Material List âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 17 miniUIM Card âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 30 Changing the Security Code âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 82 Inserting âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 30 Removing âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 31 Names of Parts and Functions âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 24 130 Index Reset âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 87, 121 Saving/Restoring the Setting Data âŚâŚâŚ Security Codes âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ PIN1 Code âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Unblocking PIN Code âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Setting menu âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Setting Network âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 86 32 32 32 88 80 Registering the Access Point Settings âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 80 Setting Up âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 46 Compatible Devices âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 46 Supplied Accessories âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 1 Wireless LAN Basic Setting âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 70 Wireless LAN Security Mode âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 72 WPS âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 74 Trademarks âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 127 Troubleshooting âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 103 Turning Power On/Of âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 40 Updating Software âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 118 UPnP âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 77 USB Cable L03 âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 45 Attaching âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 45 Detaching âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 45 Version Information âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 87 Warranty and After-Sales Service âŚâŚâŚâŚ 115 Wi-Fi antenna âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 25 Wi-Fi auto of âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 72 Index 131 You can register a conirmation/change of contracts, or request information material at the DOCOMO online. 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Make sure to turn of this terminal and its connected PC, etc. â While driving Using this terminal interferes with safe driving and may be dangerous. â When in crowded places such as packed trains, where you could be near a person with an implanted cardiac pacemaker or implanted deibrillator The implanted cardiac pacemaker or implanted deibrillator operation can be adversely afected. â When in theaters, movie theaters, museums, and similar venues If you use this terminal where you are supposed to be quiet, you may disturb those around you. We collect mobile phones and related equipment that you no longer need even if it is not a docomo product. 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For international call access codes for ma or countries and uni ersal number international pre refer to DOCO O International er ices website. If you lose your terminal or have it stolen immediately take the steps necessary for suspending the use of this terminal If this terminal you purchased is damaged bring your terminal to a repair counter speciied by DOCOMO after returning to Japan Sales N DOCO O INC. Manufacturer L lectronics Inc. Don't forget your mobile phone ⌠or your manners! â When using your mobile phone in a public place, don't forget to show common courtesy and consideration for others around you. '14.XX (1.0 Edition) MFLXXXXXXXX Settings INSTRUCTION MANUAL â12.12 - 000 20-0 ou might be charged a domestic call fee according to the call rate for the country you stay. For international call access codes for ma or countries and uni ersal number international pre refer to DOCO O International er ices website. Uni ersal number international pre Connecting to the Internet (toll free) ou are charged a call fee to apan when calling from a land line phone etc. From land-line phones Universal number From land-line phones Universal number Setting Up DOCO O website. L-02F Loss or theft of this terminal or payment of cumulative cost overseas Uni ersal number international pre 0 20- 00-000ďźtoll freeďź ďźtoll freeďź DOCO O website http //www.nttdocomo.co. p/english/ From land line phones In apanese only Una ailable from land line phones etc. Please con rm the phone number before you dial. For pplications or Repairs and fter ales er ice please contact the abo e mentioned information center or the docomo International call access code for the country you stay Contents/Precautions hours open all year round Overseas Use Charging Mobile Devices Appendix/Troubleshooting
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