LG Electronics USA L03E Cellular/PCS GSM and Cellular WCDMA Wireless Router with WLAN User Manual
LG Electronics MobileComm USA, Inc. Cellular/PCS GSM and Cellular WCDMA Wireless Router with WLAN Users Manual
Users Manual
eneral In uiries epairs docomo Information Center sin ss ho rs 0-00 - to sin ss ho rs 0ďźtoll freeďź r ic a aila l in nglish Port g Una aila l ro art o IP hon s sin ss ho rs Fro In a an s onl o il ďźNo preixďź Una aila l ro hon s sit Una aila l tc hon n airs and anish n all or an ďźNo preixďź ar ro nd Una aila l Fro land lin hon s In a an s onl hon s land lin Chin s ďźtoll freeďź Pl as con r th For lications or to Fro In a an s onl or t r al s ro / nglish/ hours a day -3- 3 - to a an wh n calling ro ro art o IP hon s stic call tc n ar o on th N Network Support and Operation Center available hon tc o ar charg d a call -3- to a an wh n calling ro hours a day Uni rsal n int rnational r 0-0 according to th call rat or th co ntr o sta rsal n sit ight hon 0-0 sin ss ho rs and ar nd and N w Connecting to the Internet stic call 3 - 00 according to th call rat or th co ntr For int rnational call acc ss cod s or a or co ntri s and ni int rnational r r to Int rnational r ic s w rsal n sit o sta apan Con r th n garding sa r In or ation C nt r to ar olida s at rda s r so that o do not dial incorr ctl l s con ir sing this an al olida s Sales N Manufacturer L INC l ctronics Inc â12.6 â nda s MAIL ADDRESS: tc Contact for samples Setting Up INSTRUCTION MANUAL - 00 charg d a do PHONE NUMBER: (toll free) a land lin If you lose your terminal or have it stolen immediately take the steps necessary for suspending the use of this terminal If this terminal you purchased is damaged bring your terminal to a repair counter speciied by DOCOMO after returning to o il C sto Before Using this Terminal sit Failures encountered overseas Int rnational call acc ss cod or th co ntr o sta 00 (toll free) a land lin For int rnational call acc ss cod s or a or co ntri s and ni int rnational r r to Int rnational r ic s w â12.X NAME: ntion d in or ation c nt r or th doco o sho From land-line phones Universal number - 000 charg d a do Una aila l tc INSTRUCTION MANUAL ight L-03E 0- 00-000ďźtoll freeďź From DOCOMO mobile phones From land-line phones Universal number hon s L-03E docomo Information Center available Uni rsal n int rnational r 3ďźtoll freeďź land lin Contents/Precautions ar ro nd Fro land lin hon s In a an s onl art o IP hon s o dial r ic l as contact th a o htt //www nttdoco o co hon s ISSUE DATE: From DOCOMO mobile phones o ar charg d a call o il n all 0- 00-000ďźtoll freeďź Loss or theft of this terminal or payment of cumulative cost overseas Int rnational call acc ss cod or th co ntr o sta ro ho rs o Settings Overseas Use Appendix/Troubleshooting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ÄVERG\DQGWKH:LUHOHVV5RXWHU 7RFRPSO\ZLWK)&&5)H[SRVXUHUHTXLUHPHQWVDPLQLPXP VHSDUDWLRQGLVWDQFHRI0.39LQFKHV 1.0FP PXVWEH PDLQWDLQHGEHWZHHQWKHXVHUÄVERG\DQGWKH:LUHOHVV 5RXWHU 7KLUGSDUW\EHOWFOLSVKROVWHUV DQGVLPLODUDFFHVVRULHV FRQWDLQLQJPHWDOOLFFRPSRQHQWVVKRXOGQRWEHXVHG %RG\ZRUQDFFHVVRULHVWKDWFDQQRWPDLQWDLQ0.39LQFKHV 1.0FP VHSDUDWLRQGLVWDQFHEHWZHHQWKHXVHUÄVERG\DQGWKH :LUHOHVV5RXWHUDQGKDYHQRWEHHQWHVWHGIRUW\SLFDOERG\ :RUQRSHUDWLRQVPD\QRWFRPSO\ZLWK)&&5)H[SRVXUH /LPLWVDQGVKRXOGEHDYRLGHG Before Using this Terminal Names of Parts and Functions a LED indicator Lights in red: charging this terminal Lights in green: charging this terminal is completed Lights in blue: charging mobile device b Display c Jog dial Works in diferent way according to the pressing direction and time. d Power switch Hold down the switch for over 2 seconds to turn on or of the terminal. Press lightly to change the on/of-screen. e External terminal Connect the supplied AC adaptor L04 or USB cable. Before Using this Terminal 21 Display Overview The signs (icons) that appear on the display indicate these states (press the power button to display the icons): f Xi antenna: Network communication antenna is built in. g Back cover: Removing the back cover, the miniUIM slot guide is under the battery pack. h/i Sub-antenna: Sub-antenna is for improving the communication quality by using plural antennas. This antenna is built in. j Wi-Fi antenna: Wireless LAN antenna is built in. Note ⢠When this terminal is put on the metal objects such as a steel desk or table, the performance of the antenna is afected and the communication speed may become lower. 22 Before Using this Terminal a Levels of radio wave reception Strong Weak : Out of service area or where radio waves do not reach b Types of networks available during connection : LTE : 3GďźHSDPA/HSUPA, W-CDMAďź Internet connection is unavailable when an icon shows not connected appears on the display of this terminal. Top menu of L-03E Connection Manager u clickâăăăăŻăźăŻč¨ĺŽ (NETWORK)âu â ăă ăăĄă¤ăŤ (Proile)â, conirm that the settings are correct. c Public wireless LAN receiving level d States of network connection â Indicators The display shows the charging state of battery pack, wireless LAN states, name of the connecting network, etc. (Examples are shown below.) : Connecting : Not connected e Software update available f USB tethering or charging g Number of connecting terminals to wireless LAN h Battery level High Charging Activating WPS function Battery is exhausted Activating Wi-Fi Disconnecting Wi-Fi Name of the connecting network Outside the network service area Hide Network data usage display Low Blinking : The battery is almost exhausted. Charge the battery. Animation/text WPS function available ( â XX) Network data usage The amount of data communication is displayed. Data communication in overseas is not be added to this amount. Also, the amount of data communication within the international roaming area is not displayed. Wireless LAN auto of function set ( â XX) Before Using this Terminal 23 Inserting the miniUIM Using miniUIM A miniUIM is an IC card that stores personal information such as your phone number. Without the miniUIM installed in this terminal, you cannot use data communication. For details on handling the miniUIM, refer to the miniUIM manual. Only the miniUIM can be used in this terminal. If you have the UIM card or the FOMA card, exchange it at a docomo Shop. 24 Before Using this Terminal When inserting the miniUIM, hold this terminal with both hands. ⢠Turn the power of and remove the battery pack before attaching the miniUIM ( â P27 âAttaching and Detaching the Battery Packâ). With the IC chip side down, insert a miniUIM under the miniUIM slot guide in the direction of arrow. Removing the miniUIM When removing the miniUIM, hold this terminal with both hands. ⢠Turn the power of and remove the battery pack before removing the miniUIM ( â P27 âAttaching and Detaching the Battery Packâ). Slide the miniUIM in the direction of arrow to remove. Note ⢠Do not lose the removed miniUIM. ⢠Check both sides of the miniUIM. IC ⢠Be careful not to touch or scratch the miniUIM IC. ⢠Inserting a miniUIM in the reverse direction may cause malfunction. ⢠Inserting or removing the miniUIM with an excessive force may cause malfunction to the miniUIM. Before Using this Terminal 25 Security Codes A miniUIM has PIN1 (Personal Identiication Number) code. The default setting for the PIN1 code is [0000]. The PIN1 code is a 4 to 8-digit security code to be entered every time this terminal is turned on for user veriication to prevent any unauthorized use by others. If your miniUIM is set to require a PIN1 code, data communication cannot be performed until the PIN1 code is entered. Use the miniUIM before verifying the PIN1 code, or set the miniUIM not to verify the PIN1 code ( â P64) in advance. â Changing PIN1 Code You can change the PIN1 code to any number. To prevent any unauthorized use by third parties, change it to your original number. If you improperly enter the PIN1 code for 3 times in a row, further entry is locked automatically (PIN1 Lock), so be sure to keep a separate note of the numbers you set. ⢠âChanging the Security Codeâ( â P65) 26 Before Using this Terminal â Unblocking PIN Code The unblocking PIN code is the number in 8 digits used to unblock the PIN1 code. Details are written in the application of the contract (a duplicate copy) during the subscription. You cannot change the unblocking PIN code. If you improperly enter the unblocking PIN code for 10 times in a row, the miniUIM locks automatically. Caution ⢠Do not set PIN1 code to numbers that can be easily guessed, such as âbirth dateâ, âpart of your phone numberâ, ânumbers from address or room numberâ, â1111â, â1234â, etc. Also, make a note of your PIN1 code and keep it well. ⢠Keep your PIN1 code away from being known by other people. DOCOMO assumes no responsibility for the loss of any of your data results from abuse of PIN1 code. ⢠If you forget your PIN1 code, you (if you are the subscriber) are required to bring your ID (driver's license, etc.) and miniUIM to a docomo Shop. For details, please contact âGeneral Inquiriesâ on the back of this manual. ⢠Unblocking PIN code is written on the proposal form handed in at time of contract in docomo Shop. The subscribers who signed the contract other than docomo Shop are required to bring your ID (driver's license, etc.) and miniUIM to a docomo Shop, or contact âGeneral Inquiriesâ on the back of this manual. Logging-in to L-03E Connection Manager PIN1 code Veriication screen appears Attaching and Detaching the Battery Pack Use the Battery Pack L17 for this terminal. Enter PIN1 Code Incorrect entry 3 times in a row Enter Unblocking PIN Code OK Available to set a new PIN1 code Note ⢠Always turn of this terminal before removing the battery pack. If the battery pack is removed while the power is on, this terminal may not work correctly. Incorrect entry 10 times in a row Contact a docomo Shop Before Using this Terminal 27 Attaching the Battery Pack When attaching the battery pack, hold this terminal with both hands. Insert a ingernail into the groove at the bottom of this terminal, and pull up in the not remove the back cover as described below. Do not remove the back cover by inserting a ingernail into a part other than the groove. direction of arrow b while pressing in the direction of arrow a to remove the back cover. Do not slide the back cover. 28 Before Using this Terminal a With the â â side of the battery pack up, align the metal contacts of both the battery pack and this terminal, attach the battery pack in the direction a, and then push it down in the direction b. Fit the depressions of the battery pack into the projections of this terminal. Detaching the Battery Pack When attaching the battery pack, hold this terminal with both hands. Insert a ingernail into the groove at the bottom of this terminal, and pull up in the direction of arrow b while pressing in the direction of arrow a to remove the back Projections cover. Check the direction of the back cover and attach it to the terminal. Press each tab to close it irmly. Before Using this Terminal 29 b Put your ingertip at the concave part of this terminal, press in the direction a, lift it in the direction b, and then remove it in the direction c. part Check the direction of the back cover and Charging â Battery pack life ⢠The battery pack is a consumable item. The usable time decreases every time the battery pack is recharged. ⢠When the usable time after each recharging shortens by approximately half compared to a new battery pack, it is recommended that the battery pack be replaced with a new one as soon as possible. The battery pack may swell as the battery life is near its end depending on the battery pack condition, but it is not a malfunction. ⢠If you make communication while the battery pack is being charged, the battery life may be shortened. attach it to the terminal. Press each tab to close it irmly. â Charging 30 Before Using this Terminal ⢠For details, see the instruction manual for the AC Adapter 03 (optional). ⢠AC Adapter 03 can be used for 100V to 240V AC. ⢠The plug shape of AC Adapter 03 is for 100V AC (for domestic use). To use an AC adapter overseas, the compatible conversion plug adapter is required. Do not charge the battery pack with a transformer designed for overseas trips. ⢠To charge the battery pack with the AC or DC adapter, make sure that the battery pack is inserted into this terminal. ⢠Plug or unplug the connector slowly and securely avoiding excessive force. ⢠If you start charging the fully drained battery pack, this terminal may not be turned on for a while. ⢠If you make communication while charging, the inside of this terminal may become hot and charging may stop. In this case, end the functions in use and wait until this terminal becomes cool down, and then try charging again. ⢠Depending on the usage condition, charging may stop before the battery level becomes 100%. In this case, remove the battery pack and attach it again to continue charging. ⢠Do not remove the battery pack while charging. If the battery pack is removed, the power does not correctly turn on or the battery is not correctly charged. In that case, remove the battery pack and all cables from this terminal, and reconnect them. â Do not charge the battery pack for a long time (several days) with this terminal power on. ⢠If this terminal is left with the power on for long periods of time during charging, you may not be able to use this terminal for long duration as expected, because this terminal receives the power from the battery pack after charging completes. In this case, recharge the battery pack properly. Before recharging the battery pack, disconnect the AC adapter or DC adapter from this terminal and reconnect it. â Approximate battery pack usage & charging time The usage time may vary depending on the operating environment and the battery pack deterioration. Continuous communication time LTE Approx. XX hours 3GďźHSDPA/ HSUPA, W-CDMAďź Approx. XX hours Continuous stand-by time LTE Approx. XX hours 3GďźHSDPA/ HSUPA, W-CDMAďź Approx. XX hours AC Adapter L04 Approx. XX minutes USB Approx. XX minutes Battery pack charging time ⢠Continuous communication time is the approximate usage time when you can normally send and receive radio waves. ⢠Continuous stand-by time is approximate usage time when moving with normal radio wave reception level. ⢠Communication time or operating time may be reduced by half depending on the battery level, set functions, operating environment such as ambient temperature, or radio wave reception level (poor or weak radio wave reception level). Before Using this Terminal 31 ⢠Depending on network conditions in the country you stay, usage time may become shorter than the described values. ⢠The estimated charging time is the duration of time to charge a fully drained battery pack with this terminal turned of. The charging time becomes longer with this terminal turned on. Charging with AC Adapter The charging procedure using optional AC Adapter 03 is described here. Insert the USB connector of the microUSB Connection Cable to the AC Adapter, and insert the microUSB connector straight to the external connector of this terminal with the inscribed B side up. Insert the power plug of AC Adapter to an outlet. Battery level is displayed, and charging starts. When charging completes, the battery level icon displays full charge. After charging completes, pull AC Adapter connector straight out. ⢠Make sure to insert/pull out AC Adapter connector straight with the correct side up. Forcibly removing the adapter may cause malfunction. Charging with a PC Connect this terminal to a PC with microUSB Connection Cable, and this terminal can be charged with the PC. ⢠For details on connecting to a PC, see âAttaching and Detaching this Terminal to/from a PCâ ( â P37). 32 Before Using this Terminal Turning Power Of Turning Power On/Of Turning Power On When this terminal is turned on, hold down the power button for over 2 seconds. When this terminal is turned of, hold down the power button for over 2 seconds. When turning power on, network search for Xi area and FOMA area etc. starts. When this terminal is connected to the network, the network name appears on the display. Also, connection to a wireless LAN terminal is available. Before Using this Terminal 33 Available Communications You can connect up to 10 PCs or game consoles compatible with wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11 b/g/n) simultaneously. Basic Usage You can perform data communication at a speed of up to 75Mbps* for receiving data and up to 25Mbps* for sending data by connecting up to 10 PCs or game consoles compatible with wireless LAN function. * Available only in a part of Xi area. *1 *2 For detailed areas that supports Xi, refer to NTT DOCOMO website. Communication speed is theoretical values when sending and receiving data which does not show the actual ones. The actual communication speed depends on communication environment and network congestion. Xi data communication/ FOMA data communication Wireless LAN PC, game console, etc. Wireless LAN This terminal ⢠This terminal supports WPS function. When your wireless LAN terminal supports WPS function, you can set up the wireless LAN connection easily ( â P48 âConnecting to WPS Compatible wireless LAN Terminalâ). ⢠This terminal cannot connect to a wireless LAN access point. Xi Data Communication/FOMA Data Communication Fees for these communication methods are based on the amount of exchanged data. You can perform data communication at a speed of up to 75Mbps* for receiving data and up to 25Mbps* for sending data by using a connection that allows Xi data communication (LTE) or FOMA data communication (3G) such as âmopera Uâ, one of DOCOMO's Internet connection services. * Available only in a part of Xi area. *1 34 Before Using this Terminal For detailed areas that supports Xi, refer to NTT DOCOMO website. *2 Communication speed is theoretical values when sending and receiving data which does not show the actual ones. The actual communication speed depends on communication environment and network congestion. ⢠Depending on bandwidth, communication speed for receiving is theoretically 100/100/75/37.5Mbps (with bandwidth of [20/15/10/5MHz]), and for sending is 50/37.5/25/12.5Mbps (with bandwidth of [20/15/10/5MHz]). ⢠For the FOMA HIGH-SPEED areas outside Xi area, the maximum speed for receiving data is 14Mbps and for sending is 5.7Mbps. ⢠Sending and receiving data become 384kbps in FOMA area out of Xi area and FOMA HIGHSPEED area. ⢠The communication speed varies depending on the access point and radio wave status. ⢠The communication speed varies depending on the overseas carrier or network when using overseas. Note ⢠Note that high communication fees are charged when performing communications with large amount of data such as browsing websites with many graphics or downloading data. ⢠Data communication may take more time or become diicult to connect depending on the network congestion. For customers who use a large amount of data communication (Approximate 1GByte data or more is used within the last three days including the current day), it may have diiculties in sending and receiving data on time. Also, data communication may get disconnected when a large amount of data communication occurs at a time or within a certain period of time, when being connected for a long time or when connecting several times in a row within a certain period of time. ⢠This terminal does not support 64K data communication. ⢠This terminal does not support Remote Wakeup. ⢠This terminal does not support FAX communication. Before Using this Terminal 35 Usage Notes â Internet service provider (ISP) fees Fees to an ISP may be required to connect to the Internet. These fees are added to the Xi service fees and are paid to your ISP directly. For details on connection fees, contact your ISP. You can subscribe to such as âmopera Uâ, one of DOCOMO's Internet connection services. Charge for subscribing âmopera Uâ is required. For service and connection settings of âmopera Uâ, visit the âmopera Uâ website. http://www.mopera.net/ â User authentication to access networks The ID and password will be provided by the network administrator of your ISP or the access point. For details, contact your provider or access point network administrator. 36 Before Using this Terminal Internet connection is unavailable when âNot connectedâ icon appears on the display of this terminal. Top menu of L-03E Connection Manager u Click â ăăăăŻăźăŻč¨ĺŽ (NETWORK)â u â ăăăăĄă¤ăŤ (Proile)â, conirm that the settings are correct. â Requirements for communication The following conditions must be met to perform communications using this terminal. However, a connection may not be established if traic is heavy at the base station or if radio waves are weak. ⢠This terminal must be in Xi network, FOMA network or DOCOMO's roaming service area. ⢠The access point corresponds to the Xi data communication or FOMA data communication. Attaching and Detaching this Terminal to/from a PC Attach this terminal to a PC to charge this terminal with microUSB Connection Cable. Attaching to a PC Insert the other connector of microUSB Connection Cable to the USB port of the PC. ⢠For the irst time connection after purchasing, the L-03E driver setup screen appears by zero-install function only for Windows version. Follow the onscreen instructions to install the driver.* The driver is necessary only when updating software. After installation, the shortcut of L-03E Connection Manager is created on the desktop screen. Depending on the OS settings, â čŞĺĺç (Auto start)â screen may appear. When the screen appears, select âdocomo_L03E_ ModemDriver_WHQL_Ver_X.X_All.exe ㎠ĺŽčĄ (Execution of the docomo_L03E_ ModemDriver_WHQL_Ver_X.X_All.exe)â and click â ăŻă (Yes)â or â çśčĄ (continue)â. connector Turn on a PC. With the inscribed B side up, insert the microUSB connector of the microUSB Connection Cable straight to the external connector of this terminal. Before Using this Terminal 37 Battery level is displayed, and charging starts. When charging completes, the battery level icon displays full charge. Depending on the OS settings, â čŞĺĺç (Auto start)â screen may appear. When the screen appears, select â ăăŠăŤăăźăéă㌠ăăĄă¤ăŤă襨示 (Open the folder and display iles)â. * Do not cancel the driver installation halfway or remove this terminal. Without the driver, Software update ( â P86) cannot be performed. 38 Before Using this Terminal Detaching from a PC Remove microUSB Connection Cable. Setting Up Item Setting Up Before using this terminal, make settings to connect your wireless LAN terminal to this terminal's wireless LAN. You can also change the wireless LAN and other settings according to your environment. Operating Environments Use this terminal under the following operating environments. Item PC Main Unit OS*1 Requirement PC/AT compatible computer and Mac More than 800 Ă 600 dots for display resolution and High Color 16 bits are recommended Windows XP SP3 (Japanese version) Windows Vista SP2 (Japanese version) Windows 7 SP1 (Japanese version) Mac OS X 10.6.8/10.7.3 (Japanese version)*3 Required Memory*2 Hard Disk Space*2 *1 *2 *3 Requirement Windows XP: 256MB or more Windows Vista: 512MB or more Windows 7: 1GB or more (32bit), 2GB or more (64bit) Mac OS X 10.6.8: 1GB or more Mac OS X 10.7.3: 2GB or more 100MB or more free disk space DOCOMO does not guarantee the operation under the environment of OS which is upgraded, added or modiied. Required memory or available hard disk space may vary depending on the system environment of a PC. This is only for Mac with Intel CPU. For latest information of operating environment, visit DOCOMO's website. Note ⢠The software may not work depending on your operating system environment and type of device. DOCOMO does not guarantee any inquiry or operation other than the operation environment described in this manual. Setting Up 39 Flow of Setup Setup is made in the following procedure. Connect your wireless LAN terminal to this terminal's wireless LAN ( â P40) Connecting to a Wireless LAN Terminal Setting procedures vary depending on the wireless LAN you use. The procedures for the following terminals are described here. ⢠Windows PC (For Windows 7/ Windows Vista) ( â P41) Setting the Internet connection ( â P50) ⢠For mopera U, this setting is not necessary. ⢠For setting procedures, see âRegistering the Access Point Settings (Proile)â ( â P63). ⢠Windows PC (For Windows XP) ( â P43) ⢠Mac ( â P44) ⢠iPad ( â P45) ⢠iPod touch ( â P46) ⢠Nintendo DS ( â P46) ⢠PSP ( â P47) Note ⢠To change this terminal's setting, connect this terminal to a PC, change the setting, and then connect the other wireless LAN terminal. * You can change this terminal's setting with the console other than a PC, which is equipped with a browser. However, some menus and some browser types may be unavailable. 40 Setting Up ⢠WPS compatible wireless LAN terminal ( â P48) Note ⢠Make one of these settings when you connect this terminal to each terminal for the irst time. Once you have set, the terminal connects to it automatically only by turning power on. ⢠To connect to a wireless LAN without WPS function, entering SSID and Security key (WPA2 shared key) set to this terminal is required ( â P41). Conirm it in advance. ⢠This terminal can connect up to 10 wireless LAN terminals simultaneously. ⢠For Windows PC and Mac, you need to login with the user account which has administrative right beforehand. â SSID and Security key (WPA2 shared key) printed area Check SSID and Security key (WPA2 shared key) on the included âWireless LAN Initialization Stickerâ. Also, SSID and Security key (WPA2 shared key) is printed on the sticker inside of this terminal. Remove the battery pack to see it ( â P27 âAttaching and Detaching the Battery Packâ). Connecting to Windows PC The setting procedure when security mode of this terminal is set to âWPA2-PSK/AESâ is described here. For Windows 7/ Windows Vista Hold down the power button of this terminal for over 2 seconds. This terminal turns on, and the wireless LAN function turns on. Turn on the wireless LAN function of a PC. (Start) u Click â ăłăłăăăźăŤăă㍠(Control panel)â u â ăăăăŻăźăŻă¨ă¤ăł ăżăźăăă (Network and Internet)â u â ăăăăŻăźăŻă¨ĺ ąćăťăłăżăź (Network and sharing center)â. â ăăăăŻăźăŻă¨ĺ ąćăťăłăżăź (Network and sharing center)â window appears. Setting Up 41 d Click â ăăăăŻăźăŻăŤćĽçś (Connect to a network)â. In â ăťăăĽăŞăăŁăăźăžăăŻăăšăăŹăźăş (Security key or pass phrase)â, enter Security key (WPA2 shared key) ( â P41) set to this terminal, and click âOKâ. Click â ćĽçś (Connect)â for Windows Vista. Click the item which shows SSID (Default: âL03E_XXXXXXXXâ, â P41) set to this terminal, and click â ćĽçś (Connect)â. Select â ăăŽăăăăŻăźăŻăäżĺăăžă (Save this network)â and â ăăŽćĽçśăčŞ ĺçăŤéĺ§ăăžă (Start this connection automatically)â, and then click â éăă (Close)â. For Windows 7, skip procedure 7. 42 Setting Up For Windows XP Click the item which shows SSID (Default: âL03E_XXXXXXXXâ, â P41) set to this terminal, and click â ćĽçś (Connect)â. In â ăăăăŻăźăŻăăź (Network key)â and â ăăăăŻăźăŻăăźăŽç˘şčŞĺ Ľĺ (Conirmation of Network key)â, enter Security key (WPA2 shared key) ( â P41) set to this terminal, and click â ćĽçś (Connect)â. Hold down the power button of this terminal for over 2 seconds. This terminal turns on, and the wireless LAN function turns on. Turn on the wireless LAN function of a PC. Click ăšăżăźă (Start) u â ăłăłăăăźăŤ ăă㍠(Control panel)â u â ăăăăŻăź ăŻă¨ă¤ăłăżăźăăăćĽçś (Network and Internet)â u â ăăăăŻăźăŻćĽçś (Network connection)â. Double-click â ăŻă¤ă¤ăŹăš ăăăăŻăźăŻćĽçś (Wireless network connection)â. â ăŻă¤ă¤ăŹăš ăăăăŻăźăŻćĽçś (Wireless network connection)â window appears. Setting Up 43 Connecting to Mac The setting procedure for Mac OS X 10.7 when security mode of this terminal is set to âWPA2-PSK/AESâ is described here. Hold down the power button of this terminal for over 2 seconds. This terminal turns on, and the wireless LAN function turns on. In the Apple menu, click â ăˇăšăă ç°ĺ˘č¨ĺŽ ...(System environment setting...)â u âăăăăŻăźăŻ (Network)â. Select âWi-Fiâ, and click âWi-Fi ăĺ ĽăŤăă (Turn Wi-Fi on)â. The wireless LAN function of Mac turns on. 44 Setting Up Note ⢠When the message â ăăšăŚăŽĺŞĺ ăăăăă ăŻăźăŻăĺŠç¨ă§ăăžăă (All preferred networks cannot be used)â appears, click â ăăŁăłăťăŤ (Cancel)â, and click â ć°ăăăăăăŻăźăŻăŤćĽçś ăăăă¨ăç˘şčŞ (Conirm to connect to a new network)â to cancel the selection. Click â ăăăăŻăźăŻĺ (Network name)â and select the item which shows SSID (Default: âL03E_XXXXXXXXâ, â P41) set to this terminal. e In â ăăšăŻăźă (Password)â, enter Security key (WPA2 shared key) ( â P41) set to this terminal, select â ăăŽăăăăŻăźăŻăč¨ćś (Remember this network)â and click â ćĽçś (Connect)â. Connecting to iPad The setting procedure for iPad when security mode of this terminal is set to âWPA2-PSK/ AESâ is described here. Hold down the power button of this terminal for over 2 seconds. This terminal turns on, and the wireless LAN function turns on. On the iPad Home screen, tap â č¨ĺŽ (Settings)â. Tap âWi-Fiâ to set Wi-Fi to âONâ. Enter Security key (WPA2 shared key) ( â P41) set to this terminal, and tap âJoin ( ćĽçś )â. Tap the item which shows SSID (Default: âL03E_XXXXXXXXâ, â P41) set to this terminal. Setting Up 45 Connecting to iPod touch The setting procedure for iPod touch when security mode of this terminal is set to âWPA2-PSK/AESâ is described here. Hold down the power button of this terminal for over 2 seconds. Connecting to Nintendo DS The setting procedure for Nintendo DSi when security mode of this terminal is set to âWPA2-PSK/AESâ is described here. This terminal turns on, and the wireless LAN function turns on. 46 Hold down the power button of this terminal for over 2 seconds. This terminal turns on, and the wireless LAN function turns on. On the iPod touch Home screen, tap â č¨ ĺŽ (Settings)â. In DSi menu of Nintendo DSi, touch â ćŹ ä˝č¨ĺŽ (Unit settings)â. Tap âWi-Fiâ to set Wi-Fi to âONâ. Touch â ă¤ăłăżăźăăă (Internet)â u â ćĽ çśč¨ĺŽ (Connection settings)â. Enter Security key (WPA2 shared key) ( â P41) set to this terminal, and tap âJoin ( ćĽçś )â. â ä¸ç´č č¨ĺŽ (Advanced settings)â u Touch one of the access points which shows â ćŞč¨ĺŽ (No setting)â. Touch â ă˘ăŻăťăšăă¤ăłăăć¤ç´˘ (Search an access point)â. Touch the item which shows SSID (Default: âL03E_XXXXXXXXâ, â P41) set to this terminal. Tap the item which shows SSID (Default: âL03E_XXXXXXXXâ, â P41) set to this terminal. Setting Up g Enter Security key (WPA2 shared key) ( â P41) set to this terminal, and touch âOKâ. Touch âOKâ. Touch â ăŻă (Yes)â. Connecting to PSP The setting procedure for PSP-3000 when security mode of this terminal is set to âWEPâ is described here. The setting is saved. Note ⢠This terminal cannot connect to the network with the default security mode âWPA2-PSK/ AESâ. Change the security mode ( â P57) before using this terminal. The connection test starts. Hold down the power button of this terminal for over 2 seconds. This terminal turns on, and the wireless LAN function turns on. Turn on the wireless LAN switch of PSP. From the Home screen, select â č¨ĺŽ (Settings)â u â ăăăăŻăźăŻč¨ĺŽ (Network settings)â, and press â â â button. Select âă¤ăłăăŠăšăăŠăŻăăŁăźă˘ăźă (Infrastructure mode)â and press âââ button. Select â ć°ăăćĽçśăŽä˝ć (Create a new connection)â and press â â â button. Setting Up 47 Select â ć¤ç´˘ăă (Search)â and press â â of direction buttons. Select the item which shows SSID (Default: âL03E_XXXXXXXXâ, â P41) set to this terminal, and press â â â button. Connecting to WPS Compatible Wireless LAN Terminal âł Note ⢠Setting procedures vary depending on the wireless LAN terminal. Refer to the instruction manual of your wireless LAN terminal. Conirm the displayed SSID, and press â â of direction buttons. Select âWEPâ, and press â direction buttons. Press â â â button. ⢠When the security mode of this terminal is set to âWEPâ, WPS function is not available. Enter WEP key (âP57) set to this terminal, and press â â of direction buttons. ⢠When âSSID Broadcastâ is âDisableâ, the WPS function is not activated. Conirm the displayed access point name, and press â â of direction buttons. Conirm the displayed settings, and press â â of direction buttons. Press â â â button. Press â â â button. ⢠When the PIN code of WPS function is speciied to your wireless LAN terminal, you need to select âWPS PINâ ( â P59) in âWPS typeâ ( â P59), and set the speciied PIN code to âWPS PINâ in advance. âł âł â of âł â When âWPS typeâ is âPush buttonâ âł The setting is saved. The connection test starts. Setting Up Hold down the power button of this terminal for over 2 seconds. This terminal turns on, and the wireless LAN function turns on. âł 48 Set the wireless LAN function of the target terminal to ON, and make the WPS function setting as required. The operation varies depending on the terminal. c Perform the connecting operation of the WPS function on the target terminal. The operation varies depending on the terminal. Press the WPS button of this terminal for over 2 seconds. Follow the onscreen instructions of the target terminal to on. The operation varies depending on the terminal. â When âWPS typeâ is âWPS PINâ Hold down the power button of this terminal for over 2 seconds. This terminal turns on, and the wireless LAN function turns on. Start the web browser on PC which is connected with the wireless LAN, and login to the setting page (L-03E Connection Manager). Set the wireless LAN function of the target terminal to ON, and select âWPSPINâ access. Enter the 8-digit WPS PIN on the wireless LAN terminal. Enter the 8-digit WPS PIN displayed on the wireless LAN terminal in WPS PIN ield of WPS setting page on L-03E Connection Manager setting page, and click [Apply]. Making Other Settings You can change the settings of this terminal according to your environment by starting Web browser on the PC connected via wireless LAN and displaying the setting page of this terminal. * You can change this terminal's setting with the console other than a PC, which is equipped with a browser. However, some menus and some browser types may be unavailable. For details, see âSettingsâ ( â P51). â Setting Wireless LAN You can change the settings of wireless LAN and the basic settings of LAN. â Setting Network You can change the settings of access point and miniUIM. â Setting Security Functions You can set the irewall function of this terminal. â Managing the system You can use management functions of this terminal, such as saving the settings, conirmation of irmware version, etc. When âWPS OKâ is displayed, you could access to WPS. Setting Up 49 Connecting to the Internet Internet Connection To connect to the Internet with this terminal, the subscription to the Internet service provider (mopera U, etc.) compatible with the service and data communication is required. For details, visit DOCOMO's website. Register the settings for connection with the Internet service provider to Proile of this terminal. For details on the setting method, refer to âRegistering the Access Point Settings (Proile)â ( â P63). ⢠Up to 10 proiles can be registered. ⢠When connecting this terminal to mopera U, this setting is not necessary. 50 Connecting to the Internet Connecting to the Internet You can use the Internet by turning on this terminal to connect automatically to the access point set to the Proile. Check if your wireless LAN terminal is connected to the Internet. For selection method of access point when multiple Proiles are registered, refer to âSearching networkâ ( â P62). Settings Logging-in to L-03E Connection Manager You can make various settings by starting Web browser on a PC connected via wireless LAN and displaying the setting page (L-03E Connection Manager). This terminal turns on, and the wireless LAN function turns on. ⢠The setting page of this terminal supports the following Web browsers. Windows: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera Mac OS X: Safari 5.0 * Depending on the browser, some screens and items may not be displayed. * Enable cookies on your browser (save and accept). Turn on a PC and the wireless LAN function. This terminal is connected to the PC via wireless LAN. ⢠When connecting for the irst time, wireless LAN setup is required. For setting up, refer to âConnecting to a Wireless LAN Terminalâ ( â P40). Note ⢠You can change this terminal's setting with the console other than a PC, which is equipped with a browser. However, some menus and some browser types may be unavailable. Hold down the power button of this terminal for over 2 seconds. Double click the shortcut of L-03E Connection Manager on the desktop screen, or start a Web browser and enter âhttp://â in the address entry ield, then press Enter key. âLoginâ screen appears. ⢠â192.168.2.1â is the default setting of the private IP address of this terminal. When the setting has been changed, enter the private IP address you set ( â P60 âSetting DHCP Function (DHCP)â). Settings 51 d Enter âAdminâ in [Username] ield, enter the log-in password (default: â1234â) in [Password] ield, and then click [Login]. ⢠In [Language] ield, you can select a language on the setting page. When PIN1 code is set, âPIN1 code veriicationâ screen appears. 52 Settings When âPIN1 code veriicationâ screen appears, enter PIN1 code in [PIN1 code] ield, and then click [Apply]. For details on PIN1 code, see âSecurity Codesâ ( â P26). Click [OK] when a message of PIN1 unlock appears. âStatusâ screen appears. If there is latest version, a message from web page is displayed on âStatusâ screen. For updating procedure, see âUpdating Softwareâ ( â P88). The Setting Page Screen a Top menu Note ⢠For your security, it is recommended to change the default setting of log-in password. For details, see âChanging Login Password (Modify password)â ( â P68). Click a menu item to switch the setting page. You can select the following items. ⢠STATUS ( â P54) ⢠WLAN ( â P55) ⢠NETWORK ( â P62) ⢠SECURITY ( â P67) ⢠SYSTEM ( â P68) The submenu appears for some items, and you can switch the setting screen. b [Logout] Click to log out from the setting page. c Setting screen The setting items for the function selected from the menu items appear. Settings 53 d Click to edit the setting. Click to refresh the information on the âStatusâ screen. Conirming Connection/Setting Conditions of this Terminal Click [STATUS] in the top menu. âStatusâ screen appears. ⢠Click [Refresh] to refresh the information. Network : The connecting band is displayed. selection* Network name* : The connecting network name is displayed. FOMA/Xi signal : The current level of radio wave strength* reception is displayed. Wi-Fi status : The status of the wireless LAN function is displayed. Connected : The number of currently clients connected terminals via wireless LAN is displayed. Wi-Fi auto of : The setting status of the Wi-Fi auto of function is displayed. WPS : The operating status of the WPS function is displayed. UIM card : Phone number of miniUIM is displayed. Network data : The current amount of data usage* communication is displayed. Data communication in overseas is not be added to this amount. * When the miniUIM is not inserted, the items do not appear. On the âStatusâ screen, âDOCOMO UIM card has not been inserted properly or is invalidâ appears. 54 Settings Country (Default: JAPAN) Select a country name where this terminal is used. (When JAPAN or KOREA is selected, you can select up to 13 channels. When CANADA or UNITED STATES is selected, you can select up to 11 channels.) Channel (Default: Auto) Select a channel of wireless LAN. IEEE802.11 Mode: (Default: 11b/g/n) Select an operation mode of wireless LAN. ⢠11b only ⢠11b/g ⢠11g only ⢠11n only ⢠11b/g/n (When the security mode ( â P57) is set to âWEPâ, or when the mode is set to âWPA-PSKâ or âWPA2-PSKâ and âTKIPâ is selected, â11n onlyâ or â11b/g/nâ cannot be selected.) SSID Broadcast (Default: Enable) Select whether to display SSID on the wireless LAN terminal. ⢠Enable: SSID is displayed ⢠Disable: SSID is not displayed Privacy separator (Default: Disable) Select whether to prohibit communication between wireless LAN terminals. ⢠Enable: Communication is prohibited ⢠Disable: Communication is not prohibited Setting Wireless LAN Note ⢠When using wireless LAN overseas, check the available frequency band, laws, regulations or other conditions of the country beforehand. Setting Basic Functions of Wireless LAN In the top menu, click [WLAN]. In the submenu, click [Basic Setting]. On the setting screen, set the required items. SSID (Default: L03E_XXXXXXXX) Set the network name (SSID) of the wireless LAN. You can enter up to 32 letters with one-byte alphanumeric, â- (hyphen)â and â_ (under bar)â. Click [Apply] to save the setting. Settings 55 â When Enable is set Wi-Fi of time (min) (Default: 10) When âEnableâ is set to Wi-Fi auto of, select the time (minutes) to set automatically to of. ⢠10 ⢠30 ⢠60 Setting Wi-Fi auto of Function In the top menu, click [WLAN]. In the submenu, click [Wi-Fi auto of]. On the setting screen, set the required items. Wi-Fi auto of (Default: Enable) Select whether to set the wireless LAN function to of automatically and power saving mode when no client connection is made in a certain period. ⢠Enable: The wireless LAN function is set to of ⢠Disable: The wireless LAN function is not set to of 56 Settings Click [Apply] to save the setting. Setting Security Mode of Wireless LAN In the top menu, click [WLAN]. In the submenu, click [Security]. On the setting screen, set the required items. Security mode (Default: WPA2-PSK) Select the security mode of wireless LAN. ⢠Open ⢠WEP ⢠WPA-PSK ⢠WPA2-PSK ⢠WPA/WPA2-PSK mixed Depending on the Security mode setting, the following setting items are diferent. â When Open is set Limitation of clients (Default: 1) The number of terminals which can be connected is displayed (it cannot be changed.). â When WEP is set WEP key1-4 (Default: XXXXX) Enter WEP key. You can enter 5, 10, 13 or 26 letters with one-byte alphanumeric. For 5-letter or 13-letter key, use a key with one-byte alphanumeric (0-9, a-z, A-Z). For 10-letter or 26-letter key, use hexadecimal numbers (0-9, A-F). Only the speciied number of WEP key in âCurrent WEP keyâ is judged for letter type to enter. Current WEP key (Default: 1) Select the number of WEP key to use. For Wireless LAN terminal which cannot specify the index of WEP key (iPod touch and IPad, etc.), WEP key 2-4 cannot be used. Limitation of clients (Default: 10) The number of terminals which can be connected is displayed. â When WPA-PSK is set Encryption type (Default: TKIP) Select the encryption type. ⢠AES ⢠TKIP Settings 57 WPS shared key (Default: XXXXXXXX) Enter Security key of WPA. You can enter 8-64 letters with one-byte alphanumeric. For 64-letter key, use hexadecimal numbers (0-9, A-F). Limitation of clients (Default: 10) The number of terminals which can be connected is displayed. â When WPA2-PSK is set Encryption type (Default: AES) Select an encryption type. ⢠AES ⢠TKIP WPA2 shared key (Default: â P41) Enter Security key of WPA2. You can enter 8-64 letters with one-byte alphanumeric. For 64-letter key, use hexadecimal numbers (0-9, A-F). Limitation of clients (Default: 10) The number of terminals which can be connected is displayed. â When WPA/WPA2-PSK mixed is set WPA/WPA2 shared key (Default: XXXXXXXXďź Enter Security key of WPA/WPA2. You can enter 8-64 letters with one-byte alphanumeric. For 64-letter key, use hexadecimal numbers (0-9, A-F). 58 Settings Limitation of clients (Default: 10) The number of terminals which can be connected is displayed. Click [Apply] to save the setting. Setting WPS Function Note ⢠WPS Function cannot be used when âWEPâ is set for âSecurityâ ( â P57). In the top menu, click [WLAN]. In the submenu, click [WPS]. On the setting screen, set the required items. WPS (Default: Enable) Select whether to use WPS function. ⢠Enable: WPS function is used ⢠Disable: WPS function is not used â When Enable is set WPS type (Default: Push button) Select a type of WPS function. ⢠Enable only: When connect with WPS type after pressing the WPS button of this terminal (WPS function is not activated if you press [Apply] button.) ⢠Push button: When you use the WPS button or connect with WPS type after clicking [Apply] button ⢠WPS PIN: When you connect by entering the PIN code (8-digit number) for WPS WPS PIN Enter the speciied PIN code. Setting MAC Address Filter In the top menu, click [WLAN]. In the submenu, click [MAC address ilter]. On the setting screen, set the required items. Click [Apply] to save the selected WPS setting. The saved WPS setting is valid even after restarting of this terminal. Restrict mode (Default: Disable) Select an operation mode of MAC address ilter function. ⢠Disable: MAC address ilter is not used ⢠Allow: Allows the connection only to this terminal with the speciied MAC address ⢠Deny: Prohibits the connection to this terminal with the speciied MAC address â When Allow or Deny is set Mac addresses entry ield appears. Enter the speciied terminal's MAC address. You can specify up to 10 MAC addresses. Click [Apply] to save the setting. Settings 59 IP address (Default: Set private IP address of this terminal. Subnet mask (Default: Set subnet mask of LAN. DHCP server (Default: Enable) Select whether to use DHCP function. ⢠Enable: DHCP function is used ⢠Disable: DHCP function is not used â When Enable is set Start IP address (Default: Set the minimum IP address assigned to this terminal. End IP address (Default: Set the maximum IP address assigned to this terminal. Primary DNS (Default: Set IP address of primary DNS server. Secondary DNS (Default: Set IP address of secondary DNS server. Setting DHCP Function In the top menu, click [WLAN]. In the submenu, click [DHCP]. On the setting screen, set the required items. 60 Settings Click [Apply] to save the setting. Conirming Connected Clients In the top menu, click [WLAN]. The connected terminal's information appears. In the submenu, click [Connected clients]. ⢠Click [Refresh] to refresh the information. To disconnect, click âDisconnectâ ield. Setting UPnP Function To use the application using the UPnP function, set to âEnableâ the UPnP function. In the top menu, click [WLAN]. In the submenu, click [UPnP]. On the setting screen, set the required items. UPnP (Default: Disable) Select whether to use the UPnP function. ⢠Enable: UPnP function is used ⢠Disable: UPnP function is not used in the Click [Apply] to save the setting. Settings 61 Mode (Default: Auto) Select whether to specify the access point. ⢠Auto: The access point to connect is automatically selected. ⢠Manual: Select when you specify the access point. Click [Apply] to search the available access point and register it to [Operators]. â When Manual is set Operators (Default: none) Select an access point to connect. Setting Network Selecting an Access Point You can specify the access point network. ⢠This function is unavailable in Japan. 62 In the top menu, click [NETWORK]. On the setting screen, set the required items. In the submenu, click [Searching network]. Settings Click [Apply] to save the setting. â To edit an existing access point a In [Current proile], select an access point to edit. b Follow Procedure 4. c Follow Procedure 6. Registering the Access Point Settings Register, edit or delete the access point settings. You can register up to 10 access points. ⢠By default, the setting for mopera U is registered and you cannot delete it. When using mopera U, the following setting is not necessary. In the top menu, click [NETWORK]. In the submenu, click [Proile]. To register a new access point, click [Add New]. â To delete an existing access point a In [Current proile], select an access point to delete. b Click [Delete]. c Click [OK]. On the setting screen, set the required items. Proile name (Default: mopera U) Enter an access point name. You can enter up to 15 letters with one-byte alphanumeric. APN (Default: mopera.net) Enter APN. You can enter up to 99 letters with one-byte alphanumeric, â- (hyphen)â, â@ (at mark)â, â. (period)â and â_ (under bar)â. Username (Default: None) Enter the user name speciied by the provider. You can enter up to 64 letters with one-byte alphanumeric, â- (hyphen)â, â@ (at mark)â, â. (period)â and â_ (under bar)â. Password (Default: None) Enter the password speciied by the provider. You can enter up to 32 letters with one-byte alphanumeric, â- (hyphen)â, â@ (at mark)â, â. (period)â and â_ (under bar)â. Settings 63 Authentication (Default: CHAP) Select the authentication method of the access point. ⢠None ⢠PAP ⢠CHAP To register a new access point, click [Save]. Click [Apply] to save the setting. Protecting the Terminal with the Security Code PIN1 lock status The current setting condition is displayed. ⢠Enable: PIN1 lock is set ⢠Disable: PIN1 lock is canceled â When Enable is set PIN1 code to disable Enter PIN1 code set to the miniUIM card. â When Disable is set PIN1 code to enable Enter PIN1 code set to the miniUIM card. When this function is set, network communication is locked and entering the security code (PIN1 code) is required when logging in to the setting page. 64 In the top menu, click [NETWORK]. In the submenu, click [PIN1 lock]. Settings On the setting screen, set the required items. Click [Apply]. When âEnabledâ is set, hold down the power button for over 2 seconds to turn the power of, and then turn on again. Unlocking PIN Lock If you improperly enter the PIN1 code for 3 times in a row, further entry is locked automatically. In this case, enter âUnblocking PIN Codeâ ( â P26) to unlock. Enter the unblocking PIN code in [PUK code] ield. Enter the new PIN1 code in the [New PIN1 code] ield. In [Conirm PIN1 code] ield, enter the same PIN1 code as [New PIN1 code] for conirmation. Click [Apply]. In the top menu, click [NETWORK]. On the setting screen, set the required items. Current PIN1 code Enter PIN1 code set to the miniUIM card. New PIN1 code Enter the new PIN1 code. Conirm PIN1 code Enter the same code as [New PIN1 code] for conirmation. Changing the Security Code You can change the security code (PIN1 code). ⢠Changing security code (PIN1 code) is available only when PIN1 lock ( â P64) is set to âEnabledâ. In the submenu, click [Modify PIN1 code]. Click [Apply]. PIN1 code is changed. Settings 65 The usage is automatically reset in the following cases. ⢠0 o'clock on the irst day of every month ⢠When the miniUIM is replaced ⢠When SIM lock is unlocked Maximum data size (Default: Disable) Select from KB, MB and GB, and enter the valid value*. * Valid value: Positive integer from 1 to 1024 Not available: Negative number, 0, decimal point and anything other than the valid value * Even if maximum data size is set, data communication will not stop when data usage is over the maximum data size. It is only for your reference. Display on modem (Default: Enable) Enable: The amount of data communication is displayed on the display of this terminal. Disable: The amount of data communication is not displayed on the display of this terminal. Displaying Network data usage The amount of data communication is displayed. Data communication in overseas is not be added to this amount. Also, the amount of data communication in the international roaming area is not displayed. In the top menu, click [NETWORK]. On the setting screen, set the required items. In the submenu, click [Network data usage]. Current data usage Click [Refresh] to see the latest information. Click [Reset] to reset the information of usage. 66 Settings Click [Apply] to save the setting. â When Enable is set You can set IP ilter. IP address When registering IP ilter, enter source or destination IP address. Direction (Default: Source) Specify the direction of communication to interrupt. ⢠Source: Interrupt the access from the speciied IP address. ⢠Destination: Interrupt the access to the speciied IP address. IP address ilter list List of registered IP ilter appears. : Delete registered IP ilter. ⢠Setting Security Functions Using Firewall Function Unauthorized access via the Internet can be blocked by using the Firewall function. Also, you can set IP ilter. In the top menu, click [SECURITY]. In the submenu, click [Firewall]. On the setting screen, set the required items. Click [Apply]. Firewall (Default: Disable) Set whether to activate the Firewall function. ⢠Enable: Firewall function is activated. You can set IP ilter. ⢠Disable: Firewall function is deactivated. Settings 67 Discarding WAN Ping You can discard the Ping request to access from WAN to prevent answering and block the IP information leakage from this terminal and LAN terminals. In the top menu, click [SECURITY]. In the submenu, click [WAN Ping blocking]. On the setting screen, set the required items. WAN Ping blocking (Default: Disable) Set whether to activate the WAN Ping blocking function. ⢠Enable: Activate the WAN Ping blocking function. ⢠Disable: Deactivate the WAN Ping blocking function. 68 Click [Apply]. Settings Managing the System Changing Log-in Password You can change the log-in password of the setting page. You can enter only a 4-digit number as a password. In the top menu, click [SYSTEM]. On the setting screen, set the required items. In the submenu, click [Modify password]. Current password Enter the current password. New password Enter the new password. Conirm password Enter the same password as [New password] for conirmation. Click [Apply]. Click [OK]. The message âPassword is changed successfullyâ appears. Backup to ile Click [Backup], specify the ile name (Default: webcm_conig.cfg) and save the current setting. * Depending on the browser, the ile name cannot be speciied. Restore from ile Click [ ĺç § ...(Refer to...)] and specify the ile to restore. Saving/Restoring the Setting Data All setting data can be saved to a PC on which the setting page is opened. Also, saved setting data can be restored in this terminal. In the setting screen, make the following procedures. In the top menu, click [SYSTEM]. In the submenu, click [Backup & Restore]. Click [Apply]. Settings 69 Resetting the Settings You can reset all settings of the setting page to default. However, the amount of data communication which is displayed on the display cannot be reset. For resetting the amount of data communication, see âDisplaying Network data usageâ ( â P66). Conirming the Version Information In the top menu, click [SYSTEM]. Make setting for Software Update. In the submenu, click [Version]. The version information of irmware and this terminal appears. ⢠You can also reset the settings by pressing the buttons on this terminal. For details, see âResetting this Terminalâ ( â P89). 70 In the top menu, click [SYSTEM]. In the submenu, click [Reset]. Click [Reset]. Click [OK]. Log out from the setting page and the communication is disconnected. Settings Automatically check new S/W (Default: ON) ⢠ON: Check the update ile automatically. ⢠OFF: Check the update ile manually. â When ON is set The conirmation message for software update appears each time you log in. To make the message not to appear, set to âOFFâ. â When OFF is set Click [Check now] to check if you have any update iles, and a message appears when a new ile exists. For update procedure, see âUpdating Softwareâ ( â P86). Displaying the Inquiries In the top menu, click [SYSTEM]. In the submenu, click [Help]. The information of the inquiry website, phone number and the URL of Instruction Manual (PDF) appears. When you have changed software update setting, click [Apply]. Settings 71
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