LG Electronics USA M4716TG LCD MONITOR User Manual G User s manual

LG Electronics USA LCD MONITOR G User s manual

Users Manual

  Order Number  : GETEC-C1-10-134  FCC Part 15 subpart B Test Report Number  : GETEC-E3-10-069  Page 1 / 1  EUT Type: LCD Monitor FCC ID.: BEJM4716TG   APPENDIX G : USER’S MANUAL
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127( 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV3&0RGH3UHVHW0RGH'790RGH3RZHU,QGLFDWRU&RPSRQHQW +'0,'9,'79              0RGH 3URGXFW   3UHVHWPRGH+RUL]RQWDO)UHTXHQF\N+]9HUWLFDO)UHTXHQF\+]3UHVHWPRGH+RUL]RQWDO)UHTXHQF\N+]9HUWLFDO)UHTXHQF\+]                                                          
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA1Connecting the cableConnect the RS-232C cable as shown in the picture.* The RS-232C protocol is used for communication between the PC and product. You canturn the product on/off, select an input source or adjust the OSD menu from your PC.Use this method to connect several products to a single PC.You can control several products at a time by connecting them to a single PC. RS-232C Cable(not included)monitor 1PCmonitor 2 monitor 3 monitor 47-Wire Configurations (Standard RS-232C cable)RXDTXDGNDDTRDSRRTSCTSTXDRXDGNDDSRDTRCTSRTSPC Monitor23546783256487D-Sub 9               D-Sub 9 (Female)               (Female)   3-Wire Configurations (Not Standard)RXDTXDGNDDTRDSRRTSCTSTXDRXDGNDDTRDSRRTSCTSPC Monitor23546783256478D-Sub 9               D-Sub 9 (Female)               (Female)   Baud Rate : 9600 buad Rate (UART)Data Length : 8 bitParity Bit : NoneStop Bit : 1bitFlow Control : NoneCommunication Code : ASCII codeUse a crossed (reverse) cableCommunication Parameter▲▲▲▲▲▲▲RS-232C Configurations
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA2Command Reference List        COMMAND1      COMMAND2        DATA1 DATA2  DATA3 01. Power k a 00H  to  01H02. Input Select k b 02H  to  09H03. Aspect Ratio k c 01H  to  09H04. Screen Mute k d 00H  to  01H05. Volume Mute k e 00H  to  01H06. Volume Control k f 00H  to  64H07. Contrast k g 00H  to  64H08. Brightness k h 00H  to  64H09. Color k i 00H  to  64H10. Tint k j 00H  to  64H11. Sharpness k k 00H  to  64H12. OSD Select k l 00H  to  01H13. Remote Lock/ key Lock k m 00H  to  01H14. Balance k t 00H  to  64H15. Color Temperature k u 00H  to  03H16. Abnormal state k z FFH17. ISM mode j p 00H  to  10H18. Auto configuration j u 01H 19. Key m c Key Code  20. Picture mode(PSM) d x 00H  to  06H21. Sound mode d y 00H  to  06H22. Fan Fault check d w FFH  23. Elapsed time return d l FFH24. Temperature value d n FFH25. Lamp fault check d p FFH26. Auto Volume d u 00H  to  01H27. Speaker d v 00H  to  01H 28. Time f a 00H  to  06H  00H  to 17H 00 to 3BH29. On Timer (On/Off Timer) On, Offf b 00H, FFH 00H  to FFH30. Off Timer (On/Off Timer) On, Offf c 00H, FFH 00H  to FFH31. On Timer (On/Off Timer) Timef d 00H  to  07H 00H  to 17H 00 to 3BH32. Off Timer (On/Off Timer) Timef e 00H  to  07H 00H  to 17H 00 to 3BH33. Sleep Timef f 00H  to  08H34. Auto Sleep f g 00H  to  01H35. Power On Delay f h 00H  to  64H36. Language f i 00H  to  09H37. DPM Select f j 00H  to  01H38. Reset f k 00H  to  02H39. Power Saving f l 00H  to  03H40. Power Indicator f o 00H  to  01H41. H Position f q 00H  to  64H42. V Position f r 00H  to  64H43. H Size f s 00H  to  64H44. V Size f t 00H  to  64H45. Scheduling input select f u 00H  to  07H 00H  to FEH46. Serial no. f y FFH47. S/W Version f z FFH48. Input Select x b 20H  to  A0H
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA3OK Acknowledgement[Command2][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]* The Product transmits ACK (acknowledgement) based onthis format when receiving normal data. At this time, if thedata is data read mode, it indicates present status data. If the data is data write mode, it returns the data of the PCcomputer.Error Acknowledgement[Command2][ ][Set ID][ ][NG][Data][x]* If there is error, it returns NGTransmission[Command1][Command2][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]* [Command 1]: First command. (k, j, m, d, f, x)* [Command 2]: Second command.(a to u)* [Set ID]: Set up the Set ID number of product.range : 01Hto63H. by setting '0', server can control all products.* In case of operating with more than 2 sets using set ID as '0' at the same time, it should not be checked the ack message.Because all sets will send the ack message, so it's impossible the check thewhole ack messages. * [DATA]: To transmit command data.Transmit 'FF' data to read status of command.* [Cr]: Carriage ReturnASCII code ‘0 x 0 D’* [    ]: ASCII code Space (0 x 20)’Transmission / Receiving Protocol
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA4Transmission / Receiving Protocol01. Power(Command : a)To control Power On / Off of the Set.Transmission[k][a][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data 0 : Power Off          1 : Power OnAcknowledgement[a][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]To show the status of Power On / Off.Transmission[k][a][ ][Set ID][ ][FF][Cr]Acknowledgement[a][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]Data 0 : Power Off           1 : Power On02. Input Select (Command : b) (Main Picture Input)To select input source for the Set.You can also select an input source using the INPUT button on the remote control.Transmission[k][b][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data  2 : AV4 : Component          7 : RGB (PC)   8 : HDMI (DTV)9 : HDMI (PC)Acknowledgement[b][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]Data  2 : AV4 : Component          7 : RGB (PC)   8 : HDMI (DTV)9 : HDMI (PC)▲▲▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA503. Aspect Ratio(Command : c) (Main picture format)To adjust the screen format.You can also adjust the screen format using the ARC(Aspect Ratio Control) button on remote control or in theScreen menu.Transmission[k][c][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data 1 : Normal Screen (4 : 3)       2 : Wide Screen (16 : 9)         4 : Zoom1 (AV)                          5 : Zoom2 (AV)                          6 : Original (AV)                          7 :14 : 9 (AV)                          9 : Just Scan(HD DTV), 1 : 1 (RGB PC, HDMI / DVI PC)Acknowledgement[c][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]04. Screen Mute(Command : d) To select screen mute on / off.Transmission[k][d][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data 0 : Screen mute off (Picture on)1 : Screen mute on (Picture off)Acknowledgement[d][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]Transmission / Receiving Protocol▲▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA605. Volume  Mute(Command : e) To control On/Off of the Volume Mute.Transmission[k][e][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data 0 : Volume Mute On (Volume Off)1 : Volume Mute Off (Volume On)Acknowledgement[e][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]Data 0 : Volume Mute On (Volume Off)1 : Volume Mute Off (Volume On)06. Volume  Control(Command : f) To adjust Volume .Transmission[k][f][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data Min : 00H to Max : 64H(Hexadecimal code)Acknowledgement[f][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]Data Min :  00H to Max : 64H• Refer to ‘Real data mapping’ page A 7.Transmission / Receiving Protocol▲▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA7Transmission / Receiving Protocol07. Contrast(Command : g)To adjust screen contrast.You can also adjust the contrast in the Picture menu.    Transmission[k][g][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data Min : 00H to Max : 64H• Refer to ‘Real data mapping’ as shown below.Acknowledgement[g][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]* Real data mapping0 : Step 0:A : Step 10 : F : Step 15 10 : Step 16 :64 : Step 10008. Brightness(Command : h)To adjust screen brightness.You can also adjust the brightness in the Picture menu.Transmission[k][h][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data Min : 00H to Max : 64H• Refer to ‘Real data mapping’ as shown below.Acknowledgement[h][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]* Real data mapping 0 : Step : A : Step 10 :F : Step 1510 : Step 16 :  64 : Step 100▲▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA8Transmission / Receiving Protocol09. Color(Command : i) (Video Timing only)To adjust the screen color.You can also adjust the color in the Picture menu.Transmission[k][i][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data Min : 00H to Max : 64H(Hexadecimal code)• Refer to ‘Real data mapping’ page A 7.Acknowledgement[i][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]Data Min : 00H to Max : 64H 10. Tint(Command : j) (Video Timing only)To adjust the screen tint.You can also adjust the tint in the Picture menu.Transmission[k][j][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data Red : 00H to Green: 64H(Hexadecimal code)• Refer to ‘Real data mapping’ page A 7.Acknowledgement[j][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]Data Red : 00H to Green : 64H* Tint Real data mapping0 : Step 0 to Red:64 : Step 100 to Green▲▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA911. Sharpness(Command : k) (Video Timing only)To adjust the screen Sharpness.You can also adjust the sharpness in the Picture menu.Transmission[k][k][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data Min :  00H to Max : 64H(Hexadecimal code)• Refer to ‘Real data mapping’ page A 7.Acknowledgement[k][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]Data Min :  00H to Max : 64H 12. OSD Select(Command : l)To control OSD on/off to the set.Transmission[k][l][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data 0 : OSD Off           1 : OSD OnAcknowledgement[l][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]Data 0 : OSD Off           1 : OSD On13. Remote Lock /Key Lock (Command : m)To control Remote Lock on/off to the set.This function, when controlling RS-232C, locks the remote control and the local keys. Transmission[k][m][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data 0 : Off           1 : OnAcknowledgement[m][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]Data 0 : Off           1 : OnTransmission / Receiving Protocol▲▲▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA10Transmission / Receiving Protocol14 Balance(Command : t)To adjust the sound balance.Transmission[k][t][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data Min : 00H to Max : 64H(Hexadecimal code)• Refer to ‘Real data mapping’ page A 7.Acknowledgement[t][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]Data Min : 00H to Max : 64H* Balance : L50 to R5015. Color Temperature (Command : u)To adjust the screen color temperature.Transmission[k][u][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data 0 : Medium1 : Cool2 : Warm              3 : User                           Acknowledgement[u][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]Data 0 : Medium1 : Cool2 : Warm              3 : User   • Running the Color Temperature command changes the Picture Mode settings to User1.▲▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA11Transmission / Receiving Protocol16. Abnormal state (Command : z)Abnormal State : Used to Read the power off status when Stand-by mode. Transmission[k][z][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data  FF : Read0 : Normal (Power on and signal exist)1 : No signal (Power on)2 : Turn the monitor off by remote control3 : Turn the monitor off by sleep time function4 : Turn the monitor off by RS-232C function8 : Turn the monitor off by off time function9 : Turn the monitor off by auto off functionAcknowledgement[z][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]17. ISM mode(Command: j p)Used to select the afterimage preventing function. Transmission[j][p][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data  1H : Inversion2H : Orbiter4H : White Wash8H : Normal10H : Dot WashAcknowledgement[p][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]▲▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA1218. Auto Configure(Command: j u)To adjust picture position and minimize image shakingautomatically. it works only in RGB(PC) mode.Transmission[j][u][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data 1 : To setAcknowledgement[u][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]Transmission / Receiving Protocol▲19. Key(Command : m c)To send IR remote key code.Transmission[m][c][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data  Key code : Refer to page A 29.Acknowledgement[c][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]▲20. Picture Mode (Command : d x)To adjust the picture mode. Transmission[d][x][][Set ID][][Data][x]Data StructureAcknowledgement[x][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]▲Data(Hex)00010203040506MODEVivid StandardCinemaSportGameUser1User2
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA13Transmission / Receiving Protocol21. Sound Mode (Command : d y )To adjust the Sound mode. Transmission[d][y][][Set ID][][Data][x]Data StructureAcknowledgement[y][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]▲Data(Hex)00010203040506ModeClear VoiceStandardMusicCinemasportGameUser22. Fan Fault check (Command : d w )To check the Fan fault of the TV. Transmission[d][w][][Set ID][][Data][x]* The data is always FF(in Hex).Data ff: Read StatusAcknowledgement[w][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]* Data is the status value of the Fan fault.Data 0: Fan fault1: Fan OK2: N/A(Not Avaliable)▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA1424. Temperature value (Command : d n) To read the inside temperature value. Transmission[d][n][][Set ID][][Data][x]* The data is always FF(in Hex).Acknowledgement[n][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]* The data  is 1 byte long in Hexadecimal.25. Lamp fault Check(Command : d p) To check lamp fault. Transmission[d][p][][Set ID][][Data][x]* The data is always FF(in Hex). Acknowledgement[p][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]Data 0 : Lamp Fault1: Lamp OKTransmission / Receiving Protocol▲▲23. Elapsed time return(Command : d l)To read the elapsed time. Transmission[d][l][][Set ID][][Data][x]* The data is always FF(in Hex).Acknowledgement[l][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]* The data means used hours.(Hexadecimal code)▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA1526. Auto volume (Command : d u) Automatically adjust the volume level.  Transmission[d][u][][Set ID][][Data][x]Data 0 : Off1 : OnAcknowledgement[u][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]27. Speaker (Command : d v) Turn the speaker on or off. Transmission[d][v][][Set ID][][Data][x]Data 0 : Off1 : OnAcknowledgement[v][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]Transmission / Receiving Protocol▲▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA1628. Time (Command : f a) Set the current time.  Transmission[f][a][][Set ID][][Data1][][Data2][][Data3][Cr][Data1]0 : Monday1 : Tuesday2 : Wednesday3 : Thursday4 : Friday5 : Saturday6 : Sunday[Data2]0H to 17H (Hours)[Data3]00H to 3BH (Minutes)Acknowledgement[a][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data1][Data2][Data3][x]*When reading data, FFH is inputted for [Data1], [Data2] and [Data3].In other cases, all are treated as NG. Transmission / Receiving Protocol▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA1729. On Timer (On/Off Timer) On, Off (Command : F b) Set days for On Timer.  Transmission[f][b][][Set ID][][Data1][][Data2][Cr][Data1]0 (Write), FFH(Read)[Data2]00H to FFHbit0 : Monday On Timer On(1), Off(0)bit1 : Tuesday On Timer On(1), Off(0)bit2 : Wednesday On Timer On(1), Off(0)bit3 : Thursday On Timer On(1), Off(0)bit4 : Friday On Timer On(1), Off(0)bit5 : Saturday On Timer On(1), Off(0)bit6 :Sunday On Timer On(1), Off(0)bit7 : Everyday On Timer On(1), Off(0)Acknowledgement[b][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data1][Data2][x]▲Transmission / Receiving Protocol* Ignore from bit6 to bit0 when bit7(Everyday) is 1.* Ignore from bit6 to bit0 when bit7(Everyday) is 1.30. Off Timer (On/Off Timer) On, Off (Command : f c) Set days for Off Timer.  Transmission[f][c][][Set ID][][Data1][][Data2][Cr][Data1]0 (Write), FFH(Read)[Data2]00HtoFFHbit0 : Monday Off Timer On(1), Off(0)bit1 : Tuesday Off Timer On(1), Off(0)bit2 : Wednesday Off Timer On(1), Off(0)bit3 : Thursday Off Timer On(1), Off(0)bit4 : Friday Off Timer On(1), Off(0)bit5 : Saturday Off Timer On(1), Off(0)bit6 :Sunday Off Timer On(1), Off(0)bit7 : Everyday Off Timer On(1), Off(0)Acknowledgement[c][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data1][Data2][x]▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA1831. On Timer (On/Off Timer) Time (Command : f d) Set On Timer.Transmission[f][d][][Set ID][][Data1][][Data2][Data3][Cr][Data1]0 : Monday1: Tuesday2 : Wednesday3 : Thursday4 : Friday5 : Saturday6 : Sunday7 : Everyday[Data2]00H to 17H (Hours)[Data3]00H to 3BH (Minutes)Acknowledgement[d][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data1][Data2][Data3][x]*When reading data, FFH is inputted for [Data2], [Data3]. In other cases, all are treated as NG. Transmission / Receiving Protocol▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA1932. Off Timer (On/Off Timer) Time (Command : f e) Set Off Timer.Transmission[f][e][][Set ID][][Data1][][Data2][][Data3][Cr][Data1]0 : Monday1 : Tuesday2 : Wednesday3 : Thursday4 : Friday5 : Saturday6 : Sunday7 : Everyday[Data2]00H to 17H (Hours)[Data3]00H to 3BH (Minutes)Acknowledgement[e][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data1][Data2][Data3][x]*When reading data, FFH is inputted for [Data2], [Data3]. In other cases, all are treated as NG. Transmission / Receiving Protocol▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA2033. Sleep Time (Command : f f) Set Sleep Time. Transmission[f][f][][Set ID][][Data][Cr]Data 0 : Off1 : 102 : 203 : 304 : 605 : 906 : 1207 : 1808 : 240(Orderly)Acknowledgement[f][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]▲Transmission / Receiving Protocol34. Auto Sleep (Command : f g) Set Auto Sleep.  Transmission[f][g][][Set ID][][Data][Cr]Data 0 : Off1: OnAcknowledgement[g][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA2135. Power On Delay (Command : f h) Set the schedule delay when the power is turned on (Unit: second).Transmission[f][h][][Set ID][][Data][Cr]Data : 00H to 64H (Data value)• Refer to ‘Real data mapping’ page A 7.Acknowledgement[h][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]Transmission / Receiving Protocol▲36. Language (Command : f i) Set the OSD language.  Transmission[f][i][][Set ID][][Data][Cr]Data 0 : English1 : French2 : German3 : Spanish 4 : Italian5 : Portuguese6 : Chinese7 : Japanese8 : Korean9 : RussianAcknowledgement[i][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA2237. DPM Select (Command : f j) Set the DPM (Display Power Management) function. Transmission[f][j][][Set ID][][Data][Cr]Data 0 : Off1: OnAcknowledgement[j][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]Transmission / Receiving Protocol▲38. Reset (Command : f k) Execute the Picture, Screen and Factory Reset functions.  Transmission[f][k][][Set ID][][Data][Cr]Data 0 : Picture Reset1 : Screen Reset2 : Factory ResetAcknowledgement[k][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA2339. Power saving(Command : f I) To set the Power saving mode. Transmission[f][I][][Set ID][][Data][Cr]Data 0 : Off1: (static level 1)2: (static level 2)3: (static level 3)Acknowledgement[I][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]Transmission / Receiving Protocol▲40. Power Indicator (Command : f o) To set the LED for Power Indicator Transmission[f][o][][Set ID][][Data][Cr]Data 0 : Off1: OnAcknowledgement[o][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]▲41. H Position (Command : f q) To set the Horizontal position  Transmission[f][q][][Set ID][][Data][Cr]* The data range is from 00 to 64(in Hex)• Refer to ‘Real data mapping’ page A 7.Acknowledgement[q][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA24Transmission / Receiving Protocol42. V Position (Command : f r) To set the Horizontal position  Transmission[f][r][][Set ID][][Data][Cr]* The data range is from 00 to 64(in Hex)• Refer to ‘Real data mapping’ page A 7.Acknowledgement[r][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]▲43. H Size (Command : f s) To set the Horizontal size.  Transmission[f][s][][Set ID][][Data][Cr]* The data range is from 00 to 64(in Hex)• Refer to ‘Real data mapping’ page A 7.Acknowledgement[s][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]▲* H Size Real Data Mapping[Data1]0x00: Step 00x0A: Step 100x14: Step 200x1E: Step 300x28: Step 400x32: Step 500x3C: Step 600x46: Step 700x50: Step 800x5A: Step 900x64: Step 100
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA25Transmission / Receiving Protocol44. V Size (Command : f t) To set the Vertical size  Transmission[f][t][][Set ID][][Data][Cr]* The data range is from 00 to 64(in Hex)• Refer to ‘Real data mapping’ page A 7.Acknowledgement[t][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]▲* V Size Real Data Mapping[Data1]0x00: Step 00x0A: Step 100x14: Step 200x1E: Step 300x28: Step 400x32: Step 500x3C: Step 600x46: Step 700x50: Step 800x5A: Step 900x64: Step 100
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA2646. Serial no.Check (Command : f y) To read the serial numbers Transmission[f][y][][Set ID][][Data][Cr]Data FF (to read the serial numbers)Acknowledgement[y][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data1] to [Data13] [x]▲Transmission / Receiving Protocol45. Scheduling Input select (Command : f u) (Main Picture Input)To select input source for TV depending on day.  Transmission[f][u][][Set ID][][Data1][][Data2][Cr]Data 1 StructureMin: 0toMax:7(0:Monday, 1: Tuesday, 2: Wednesday, 3: Thursday, 4: Friday5: Saturday, 6: Sunday, 7: Everyday)Data 2 StructureAcknowledgement[u][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data 1][Data 2][x]▲Data(Hex)0204070809FEINPUTAVComponent RGB-PCHDMI/DVI-DTVHDMIDVI-PCNo change* The data format is ASCII Code.
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA2747. S/W Version (Command : f z) Check the software version. Transmission[f][z][][Set ID][][Data][Cr]Data FFH : ReadAcknowledgement[z][][Set ID][][OK/NG][Data][x]Transmission / Receiving Protocol▲48. Input Select (Command : x b) To select input source for the Set.Transmission[x][b][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data  20H : AV40H : Component          60H : RGB (PC)                 90H : HDMI/DVI (DTV)A0H : HDMI/DVI (PC)Acknowledgement[b][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]Data  20H : AV40H : Component          60H : RGB (PC)                 90H : HDMI/DVI (DTV)A0H : HDMI/DVI (PC)▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA28IR CodesRS-232CHow to connectRemote Control IR CodeConnect your wired remote control to Remote Control port on the Product.Output waveformsingle pulse, modulated with 37.917kHz signal at 455kHzCarrier frequencyFCAR =  1 / Tc = fosc / 12Duty ratio = T1 / Tc = 1 / 3Configuration of frame• 1st frameT1LeadcodeLowcustom code Highcustom code Data code Data codeC0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7  C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7TcTf•  Repeat frameRepeat codeLead codeRepeat code9 msBit description  •  Bit "0"                                      •  Bit "1"2.25 ms9 ms0.55ms0.56 ms1.12 ms0.56 ms2.24 msFrame interval : Tf • The waveform is transmitted as long as a key is depressed.Tf TfTf = 108 ms @ 455 kHz4.5 ms▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
Controlling the Multiple ProductRS-232CA29RS-232C▲▲0001020308C4C509980B0E435B6E44101112131415161718195ABFD5C6797677AF99▲▼VOL(   )VOL(   )POWER ON/OFFPOWER ONPOWER OFFMUTEAVINPUTSLEEPMENUEXITPSMSETNumber Key 0Number Key 1Number Key 2Number Key 3Number Key 4Number Key 5Number Key 6Number Key 7Number Key 8Number Key 9AVCOMPONENTRGB PCHDMI/DVIARCARC (4 : 3)ARC (16 : 9)ARC (ZOOM)AUTO CONFIGR/C ButtonR/C ButtonR/C ButtonR/C ButtonR/C Button (Power On / Off)Discrete IR Code(Only Power On)Discrete IR Code(Only Power Off)R/C ButtonR/C ButtonR/C ButtonR/C ButtonR/C ButtonR/C ButtonR/C ButtonR/C ButtonR/C ButtonR/C ButtonR/C ButtonR/C ButtonR/C ButtonR/C ButtonR/C ButtonR/C ButtonR/C ButtonR/C ButtonDiscrete IR Code(Input AV Selection)Discrete IR Code(Input COMPONENT Selection)Discrete IR Code(Input RGB PC Selection)Discrete IR Code(Input HDMI/DVI Selection)R/C ButtonDiscrete IR Code(Only 4 : 3 mode)Discrete IR Code(Only 16 : 9 mode)Discrete IR Code(Only ZOOM1, ZOOM2 mode)Discrete IR CodeCode(Hex)     Function                   NoteIR Codes
Make sure to read the Safety Precautions before using the product.Keep the Owner’s Manual(CD) in an accessible place for furture reference.The model and serial number of the SET is located on the back and one side of the SET. Record it below should you ever need service.MODELSERIALTemporary noise is normal when powering ON or OFF this device.
Regulatory Information cont. FCC Compliance StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to complywithin the limits of a Class B digital device pursuant to Part15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation.This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radiofrequency energy and if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, there isno guarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radioor television reception (which can be determined byturning the equipment on and off), the user is encouragedto try to correct the interference by using one or more ofthe following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuitdifferent from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TVtechnician for help.Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approvedby the party responsible for compliance could void theuser's (or your) authority to operate the equipment. Onlyperipherals (digital input/output devices, terminals, printers,etc.) certified to comply with the Class B limits may beattached to this monitor. Operation with non-certifiedperipherals is likely to result in interference to radio and TV reception. Only shielded signal cables may be used withthis System.Canadian DOC NoticeThis Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements ofthe Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations. Cet appareil numérique de la classe Brespecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur lematériel brouilleur du Canada.CE Conformity Notice (for Europe)Products with the “CE” Marking comply with the EMCDirective(89/336/EEC) and LOW VOLTAGE Directive(73/23/EEC) issued by the Commission of the EuropeanCommunity.Compiance with these directives implies conformity to thefollowing European Norms :•  EN 55022 ; Radio Frequency Interference•  EN 55024 ; Electromagnetic Immunity•  EN 61000-3-2 ; Power Line Harmonics•  EN 61000-3-3 ; Voltage Fluctuations•  EN 60950-1 ; Product SafetyLow Radiation Compliance (MPR II)This monitor meets one of the strictest guidelines availabletoday for low radiation emissions, offering the user extrashielding and an antistatic screen coating. Theseguidelines, set forth by a government agency in Sweden,limit the amount of emission allowed in the Extremely LowFrequency (ELF) and Very Low Frequency (VLF)electromagnetic range.01NOTICEThe regulations are applied only to the products with theID LABEL indicating specific requirements.NOTICEThe regulations are applied only to the products with theID LABEL indicating specific requirements.NOTICEThe regulations are applied only to the products with theID LABEL indicating specific requirements.TCO'99 (TCO'99 applied model only)Congratulations!You have just purchased a TCO’99 approved and labelledproduct! Your choice has provided you with a productdeveloped for professional use. Your purchase has alsocontributed to reducing the burden on the environment andalso to the further development of environmentallyadapted electronics products.
Regulatory Information cont. 02Why do we have environmentally labelled computers?In many countries, environmental labelling has become anestablished method for encouraging the adaptation ofgoods and services to the environment. With the growingmanufacture and usage of electronic equipmentthroughout the world, there is a recognized concern for thematerials and substances used by electronic productswith regards to their eventual recycling and disposal. Byproper selection of these materials and substances, theimpact on the environment can be minimized.There are also other characteristics of a computer, such asenergy consumption levels, that are important from theviewpoints of both the work (internal) and natural (external)environments. Electronic equipment in offices is often leftrunning continuously, resulting in unnecessaryconsumption of large amounts of energy and additionalpower generation. From the standpoint of carbon dioxideemissions alone, it is vital to save energy.What does labelling involve?The product meets the requirements for the TCO’99scheme which provides for international and environmentallabelling of personal computers and/or displays. The labelling scheme was developed as a joint effort by the TCO (The Swedish Confederation of ProfessionalEmployees), Svenska Naturskyddsforeningen (The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation) andStatens Energimyndighet (The Swedish NationalEnergy Administration).Approval requirements cover a wide range of issues:ecology, ergonomics, emission of electrical and magneticalfields, energy consumption and electrical safety. Ecological criteria impose restrictions on the presence anduse of heavy metals, brominated and chlorinated flameretardants, and other substances. The product must beprepared for recycling and the manufacturing site(s) shallbe certified according to ISO14001 or EMAS registered.Energy requirements include a demand that the systemunit and/or display, after a certain period of inactivity,shall reduce its power consumption to a lower level in oneor more stages. The length of time to reactivate the systemunit shall be reasonable for the user.Labelled products must meet strict environmentaldemands, for example, in respect of the reduction ofelectrical and magnetical fields as well as work load andvisual ergonomics.Below you will find a brief summary of the ecologicalrequirements met by this product. The completeecological criteria document can be found at TCODevelopment’s website http://www.tcodevelopment.comor may be ordered from:TCO DevelopmentSE-114 94 STOCKHOLM, SwedenFax: +46 8 782 92 07Email : development@tco.seInformation regarding TCO’99 approved and labelledproducts may also be obtained athttp://www.tcodevelopment.comEcological requirementsFlame retardantsFlame retardants may be present in printed wiring boardlaminates, cables, and housings. Their purpose is toprevent, or at least to delay the spread of fire. Up to 30%by weight of the plastic in a computer casing can consist offlame retardant substances. Many flame retardantscontain bromine or chlorine, and these flame retardantsare chemically related to PCBs (polychlorinatedbiphenyls). Both the flame retardants containing bromineor chlorine and the PCBs are suspected of giving rise tohealth effects, including reproductive damage in fish-eating birds and mammals, due to the bio-accumulative*processes when not disposed of in accordance with strictstandards for disposal.TCO’99 requires that plastic components weighing morethan 25 grams shall not contain flame retardants withorganically bound bromine or chlorine. Flame retardantsare allowed in the printed wiring board laminates due tothe lack of commercially available alternatives.Cadmium**Cadmium is present in rechargeable batteries and in thecolour-generating layers of certain computer displays.TCO’99 requires that batteries, the colour-generatinglayers of display screens, and the electrical or electronicscomponents shall not contain any cadmium.Mercury**Mercury is sometimes found in batteries, relays andswitches. TCO’99 requires that batteries shall not containany mercury. It also demands that mercury is not presentin any of the electrical or electronics componentsassociated with the labelled unit. There is however one
Regulatory Information cont. 03exception. Mercury is, for the time being, permitted in theback light system of flat panel monitors as there today isno commercially available alternative. TCO aims onremoving this exception when a mercury free alternative isavailable.Lead**Lead can be found in picture tubes, display screens,solders and capacitors. TCO’99 permits the use of leaddue to the lack of commercially available alternatives, butin future requirements TCO Development aims atrestricting the use of lead._____________________________________________* Bio-accumulative is defined as substances which accumulate in living organisms.**Lead, Cadmium and Mercury are heavy metals which are bio-accumulative.TCO’03(TCO’03 applied model only)Congratulations!The display you have just purchased carries the TCO’03Displays label. This means that your display is designed,manufacturedand tested according to some of the strictest quality andenvironmental requirements in the world. This makes for ahigh performance product, designed with the user in focusthat also minimizes the impact on our natural environment.Some of the features of the TCO’03 Display requirements:Ergonomics•     Good visual ergonomics and image quality in order toimprove the working environment for the user and toreduce sight and strain problems. Importantparameters are luminance, contrast, resolution,reflectance, colour rendition and image stability.Energy•     Energy-saving mode after a certain time – beneficialboth for the user and the environment•     Electrical safetyEmissions•     Electromagnetic fields•     Noise emissionsEcology•     The product must be prepared for recycling and themanufacturer must have a certified environmentalmanagement system such as EMAS or ISO 14 001•     Restrictions onchlorinated and brominated flame retardants andpolymersheavy metals such as cadmium, mercury and lead.The requirements included in this label have beendeveloped by TCO Development in co-operation withscientists, experts, users as well as manufacturers all overthe world. Since the end of the 1980s TCO has beeninvolved in influencing the development of IT equipment ina more user-friendly direction. Our labelling system startedwith displays in 1992 and is now requested by users andIT-manufacturers all over the world.For more information, please visitwww.tcodevelopment.comInformation for Environmental PreservationLGE. announced the 'LG Declaration for a CleanerEnvironment' in 1994, and this ideal has served as aguiding managerial principle ever since. The Declaration isa foundation that has allowed us to undertakeenvironmentally friendly activities in careful considerationof economic, environmental, and social aspects.We promote activities for environmental preservation, andwe specifically develop our products to embrace theconcept of environment-friendly. We minimize the hazardous materials contained in ourproducts. For example, there is no cadmium to be found inour monitors.Information for recyclingThis monitor may contain parts which could be hazardousto the environment. It is important that this monitor berecycled after use.LGE. handles all waste monitors through anenvironmentally acceptable recycling method. There areseveral take-back and recycling systems currently inEnglish
Regulatory Information cont. 04operation worldwide. Many parts will be reused andrecycled, while harmful substances and heavy metals aretreated by an environmentally friendly method.If you want to find out more information about ourrecycling program, please contact your local LG vendor ora corporate representative of LG. We set our vision and policies on a cleaner world byselecting the issue of the global environment as a task forcorporate improvement. Please visit our website for moreinformation about our ‘green’ policies.http://www.lge.com/about/environment/html/Recycling.jspInformationen zur Erhaltung der UmweltIm Jahr 1994 verkündete LGE die 'LG Declaration for aCleaner Environment' (LG Erklärung für eine sauberereUmwelt). Seitdem dient dieses Ideal als führendes Prinzipdes Unternehmens. Diese Erklärung war die Basis für dieDurchführung von umweltfreundlichen Aktivitäten, wobei wirtschaftliche,umweltbezogene und soziale Aspekte in die Überlegungen mit einbezogen wurden.Wir fördern Aktivitäten zum Schutz der Umwelt und dieEntwicklung unserer Produkte ist darauf ausgerichtet,unserem Konzept bezüglich Umweltfreundlichkeit gerechtzu werden. Wir sind darauf bedacht, den Anteil der in unserenProdukten enthaltenen schädlichen Materialien zuminimieren. So ist in unseren Monitoren beispielsweisekein Kadmium zu finden.Informationen zum Thema RecyclingDieser Monitor enthält Teile, die umweltschädlich seinkönnen. Es ist unbedingt erforderlich, dass der Monitorrecycelt wird, nachdem er außer Dienst gestellt wurde.Bei LGE. werden alle ausrangierten Monitore in einemunter umweltbezogenen Aspekten geeigneten Verfahrenrecycelt. Augenblicklich sind weltweit mehrereRücknahme- und Recyclingsysteme im Einsatz. VieleTeile werden wieder verwendet und recycelt. SchädlicheSubstanzen und Schwermetalle werden durchumweltverträgliche Verfahren behandelt.Falls Sie mehr über unser Recyclingprogramm erfahrenmöchten, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren lokalen LG-Händler oder einen Unternehmensvertreter von LG. Wir richten unsere Firmenpolitik auf eine sauberereUmwelt hin aus, indem wir umweltspezifische Aspekte alswichtigen Punkt in die Weiterentwicklung unseresUnternehmens einfließen lassen. ZusätzlicheInformationen über unsere ‘grüne’ Firmenpolitik erhaltenSie auf unserer Website.http://www.lge.com/about/environment/html/Recycling.jspInformation sur la protection del’environnementLGE. a publié sa 'Déclaration en faveur d’unenvironnement plus propre' en 1994 et celle-ci est restée,depuis lors, un principe directeur de notre entreprise.Cette déclaration a servi de base à notre réflexion et nousa permis de prendre en compte à la fois les aspectséconomiques et sociaux de nos activités, tout enrespectant l’environnement.Nous encourageons les activités en faveur de lapréservation de l’environnement et c’est dans cet esprit que nous développons nos produits : nous réduisons auminimum les matières dangereuses qui entrent dans leurcomposition et l’on ne trouve pas de cadmium, parexemple, dans nos moniteurs.Information sur le recyclageCe moniteur peut contenir des composants qui présententun risque pour l’environnement. Il est donc important quecelui-ci soit recyclé après usage.LGE. traite les moniteurs en fin de cycle conformément àune méthode de recyclage respectueuse del’environnement. Nous reprenons nos produits et lesrecyclons dans plusieurs sites répartis dans le mondeentier. De nombreux composants sont réutilisés etrecyclés, et les matières dangereuses, ainsi que lesmétaux lourds, sont traités selon un procédé écologique.Si vous souhaitez plus de renseignements sur notreprogramme de recyclage, veuillez contacter votrerevendeur LG ou un l’un de nos représentants. Nous voulons agir pour un monde plus propre et croyonsau rôle de notre entreprise dans l’amélioration del’environnement. Pour plus de renseignements sur notrepolitique “verte”, rendez visite à notre site :http://www.lge.com/about/environment/html/Recycling.jspDeutschFrançais
05Regulatory Information cont. Informazioni per la tutela dell’ambienteLa LGE. ha annunciato nel 1994 la cosiddetta 'LGDeclaration for a Cleaner Environment' (Dichiarazione diLG a favore di un ambiente più pulito), un ideale che daallora funge da principio ispiratore della gestioneaziendale. La dichiarazione rappresenta il fondamento checonsente di intraprendere attività a favore dell'ambientetenendo conto degli aspetti economici, ambientali esociali.Noi della LG, promuoviamo attività a favore dellatutela dell'ambiente sviluppando appositamente i nostriprodotti per cogliere il concetto del rispetto dell’ambienteriducendo i materiali dannosi presenti nei nostri prodotti.Ad esempio nei nostri monitor non è presente il cadmio.Informazioni per il riciclaggioIl monitor può presentare componenti che potrebberorisultare eventualmente dannosi per l'ambiente. Èimportante che il monitor sia riciclato al termine del suoutilizzo.La LGE. gestisce tutti i monitor di rifiuto con un metodo diriciclaggio soddisfacente dal punto di vista ambientale. Intutto il mondo sono attualmente in funzione numerosisistemi di riciclaggio e recupero. I diversi componenti sonoriutilizzati e riciclati, mentre le sostanze dannose e i metallipesanti vengono trattati con un metodo rispettosodell’ambiente.Se si desiderano maggiori informazioni in merito alprogramma di riciclaggio, è consigliabile rivolgersi alproprio rivenditore LG o ad un rappresentante aziendaledella LG. Noi della LG impostiamo la nostra visione e le nostrepolitiche a favore di un mondo più pulito ponendo laquestione dell'ambiente dal punto di vista globale comeuna mansione rivolta al miglioramento della nostraazienda. Vi invitiamo a visitare il nostro sito internet perulteriori informazioni sulla nostra politica “verde”.http://www.lge.com/about/environment/html/Recycling.jspInformación para la conservación medioambientalLGE. presentó la 'Declaración para un entorno más limpiode LG' en 1994 y este ideal ha servido para guiar nuestrosprincipios empresariales desde entonces. La Declaraciónes la base que nos ha permitido llevar a cabo tareas querespetan el medio ambiente siempre teniendo en cuentaaspectos sociales, económicos y medioambientales.Promocionamos actividades orientadas a la conservacióndel medio ambiente y desarrollamos nuestros productosespecíficamente para que se ajusten a la filosofía queprotege el entorno. Reducimos al máximo el uso de materiales de riesgo ennuestros productos. Un ejemplo de ello es la ausenciatotal de cadmio en nuestros monitores.Información para el reciclajeEste monitor puede contener piezas que entrañen riesgosmedioambientales. Es importante reciclar este monitordespués de su utilización.LGE. trata todos los monitores usados siguiendo unmétodo de reciclaje que no daña al entorno. Contamoscon diversos sistemas de recuperación y reciclaje quefuncionan a nivel mundial en la actualidad. Es posiblereciclar y reutilizar muchas de las piezas, mientras que lassustancias dañinas y los metales pesados se tratansiguiendo un método que no perjudique al medioambiente. Si desea obtener más información acerca delprograma de reciclaje, póngase en contacto con suproveedor local de LG o con un representante empresarialde nuestra marca. Basamos nuestra visión y nuestras políticas en un mundomás limpio y para ellos optamos por un entorno globalcomo tarea principal de nuestra evolución como empresa.Visite nuestra página Web para obtener más informaciónsobre nuestras políticas ecológicas.http://www.lge.com/about/environment/html/Recycling.jspInformações relacionadas à preservaçãoambientalA LGE. anunciou a 'LG Declaration for a CleanerEnvironment' (Declaração da LG para um ambiente maislimpo) em 1994 e esse ideal tem servido desde entãocomo um princípio administrativo de orientação. ADeclaração é a base que nos tem permitido realizaratividades favoráveis ao ambiente com consideraçãoatenta aos aspectos econômicos, ambientais e sociais.Promovemos atividades de preservação ambiental edesenvolvemos nossos produtos para englobarItalianoEspanõlPortuguês
06Regulatory Information cont. especificamente o conceito de favorável ao ambiente. Reduzimos os materiais perigosos contidos em nossosprodutos. Por exemplo, não há cádmio em nossosmonitores.Informações relacionadas à reciclagemEste monitor pode conter peças que podem representarriscos ao ambiente. É importante que ele seja recicladoapós o uso.A LGE. cuida de todos os monitores descartados atravésde um método de reciclagem agradável ao ambiente. Hávários sistemas de devolução e reciclagem atualmenteem operação no mundo. Muitas peças serão reutilizadase recicladas e as substâncias nocivas e os metaispesados passarão por tratamento através de um métodofavorável ao ambiente.Para obter mais informações sobre nosso programa dereciclagem, entre em contato com seu fornecedor LGlocal ou com um representante corporativo da LG. Definimos nossa visão e nossas políticas relacionadas aum mundo mais limpo selecionando a questão doambiente global como uma tarefa de aprimoramentocorporativo. Visite nosso site para obter mais informaçõessobre nossas políticas de meio ambiente.http://www.lge.com/about/environment/html/Recycling.jspInformatie met betrekking tot het behoud vanhet milieuLGE. publiceerde in 1994 de 'LG Declaration for a CleanerEnvironment' (de LG-verklaring met betrekking tot eenschoner milieu). Deze verklaring en het ideaal van eenschoner milieu fungeren sindsdien als een bestuurlijkeleidraad voor onze onderneming. Op basis van dezeverklaring ontplooien wij milieuvriendelijke activiteiten,waarbij er zowel met sociale en economische aspecten,als met milieuaspecten zorgvuldig rekening wordtgehouden.Wij ondersteunen activiteiten die zijn gericht op hetbehoud van het milieu en wij houden bij het ontwikkelenonze producten specifiek rekening met de milieuvriendelijkheid van onze producten. Wij minimaliseren het gebruik van schadelijke stoffen inonze producten. Er wordt bijvoorbeeld geen cadmiumverwerkt in onze monitors.NederlandsInformatie met betrekking tot recyclingDeze monitor bevat materialen die schadelijk zoudenkunnen zijn voor het milieu. Het is belangrijk dat dezemonitor aan het einde van zijn levensduur wordtgerecycled.LGE. verwerkt alle afvalmonitors via een milieuvriendelijkerecyclingmethode. Hiervoor worden er momenteelwereldwijd verscheidene inname- en recyclingsystemengehanteerd. Een groot aantal onderdelen wordt opnieuwgebruikt en gerecycled, waarbij schadelijke stoffen enzware metalen volgens een milieuvriendelijke methodeworden verwerkt.Voor meer informatie over ons recyclingprogramma kunt ucontact opnemen met uw plaatselijke LG-vertegenwoordiger of een LG-vestiging. Onze visie en ons beleid met betrekking tot een schonerewereld vloeien voort uit het feit dat wij het milieu hebbenaangemerkt als een onderwerp dat speciale aandachtverdient binnen onze onderneming. Bezoek onze websitevoor meer informatie over ons 'groene' beleid.http://www.lge.com/about/environment/html/Recycling.jsp»ÌÙÓχˆËˇ ÔÓ Óı‡Ì ÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰˚¬ 1994 „Ó‰Û ÍÓÔÓ‡ˆËˇ LGE ÓÔÛ·ÎËÍÓ‚‡Î‡'ƒÂÍ·‡ˆË˛ LG ÔÓ Óı‡Ì ÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰˚',ÍÓÚÓ‡ˇ Ò ÚÂı ÔÓ ÒÎÛÊËÚ ÓÒÌÓ‚Ì˚Ï ÔË̈ËÔÓÏÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ. Õ‡ ÓÒÌÓ‚Â ˝ÚÓÈ ‰ÂÍ·‡ˆËË Ï˚ ÒÏÓ„ÎËÔ‰ÔËÌˇÚ¸ ‰ÂÈÒڂˡ, Ó·ÂÒÔ˜˂‡˛˘Ë ·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚ¸ ÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰˚, Û‰ÂΡˇ ÔË ˝ÚÓωÓÎÊÌÓ ‚ÌËχÌË ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍËÏ, ˝ÍÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍËÏ ËÒӈˇθÌ˚Ï ‡ÒÔÂÍÚ‡Ï.Ã˚ ÒÚËÏÛÎËÛÂÏ ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚ¸ ÔÓ Óı‡ÌÂÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰˚, Û‰ÂΡˇ ÓÒÓ·Ó ‚ÌËχÌËÂ‡Á‡·ÓÚÍ ̇¯ÂÈ ÔÓ‰Û͈ËË ‚ ÒÓÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚ËË ÒÍÓ̈ÂÔˆËÂÈ ˝ÍÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍÓÈ ·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚË. Ã˚ Ò‚Ó‰ËÏ Í ÏËÌËÏÛÏÛ ÒÓ‰ÂʇÌË ÓÔ‡ÒÌ˚ı‚¢ÂÒÚ‚ ‚ ̇¯ÂÈ ÔÓ‰Û͈ËË. Õ‡ÔËÏÂ, ‚ ̇¯ËıÏÓÌËÚÓ‡ı ‚˚ Ì ̇ȉÂÚ ͇‰Ïˡ.»ÌÙÓχˆËˇ ÔÓ ÛÚËÎËÁ‡ˆËË ÓÚıÓ‰Ó‚›ÚÓÚ ÏÓÌËÚÓ ÏÓÊÂÚ ÒÓ‰Âʇڸ ÍÓÏÔÓÌÂÌÚ˚,ÍÓÚÓ˚ ÏÓ„ÛÚ Ì‡ÌÂÒÚË Û˘Â· ÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰Â.Russian
07Regulatory Information cont. EPA(EPA applied model only)ENERGY STARis a set of power-saving guidelinesissued by the U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency(EPA).NOM MARK (Mexico only)ÕÂÓ·ıÓ‰ËÏÓ ÛÚËÎËÁËÓ‚‡Ú¸ ÏÓÌËÚÓ ÔÓÒÎÂËÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ìˡ.KÓÔÓ‡ˆËˇ LGE ÔÂÂ‡·‡Ú˚‚‡ÂÚ ‚Ò ·‡ÍÓ‚‡ÌÌ˚ÂÏÓÌËÚÓ˚ Ò ÔÓÏÓ˘¸˛ ˝ÍÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍË ÔËÂÏÎÂÏÓ„ÓÏÂÚÓ‰‡ ÛÚËÎËÁ‡ˆËË ÓÚıÓ‰Ó‚. œÓ ‚ÒÂÏÛ ÏËÛ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚Û˛Ú ÒËÒÚÂÏ˚ ÛÚËÎËÁ‡ˆËË ÓÚıÓ‰Ó‚ Ë ‚ÓÁ‚‡Ú‡ËÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌÌÓÈ ÔÓ‰Û͈ËË. ÃÌÓ„Ë ÍÓÏÔÓÌÂÌÚ˚·Û‰ÛÚ ‚ÚÓ˘ÌÓ ËÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ì˚ Ë ÛÚËÎËÁËÓ‚‡Ì˚, ‚ ÚÓ‚ÂÏˇ Í‡Í ‚‰Ì˚ ‚¢ÂÒÚ‚‡ Ë ÚˇÊÂÎ˚ ÏÂÚ‡ÎÎ˚·Û‰ÛÚ Ó·‡·ÓÚ‡Ì˚ Ò ÔÓÏÓ˘¸˛ ˝ÍÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍËÔËÂÏÎÂÏÓ„Ó ÏÂÚÓ‰‡.«‡ ·ÓΠÔÓ‰Ó·ÌÓÈ ËÌÙÓχˆËÂÈ ÔÓ Ì‡¯ÂÈÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ÛÚËÎËÁ‡ˆËË ÓÚıÓ‰Ó‚ Ó·‡˘‡ÈÚÂÒ¸ ÍÏÂÒÚÌÓÏÛ ÔÓÒÚ‡‚˘ËÍÛ ËÎË Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂβ ÍÓÔÓ‡ˆËË LG. Ã˚ ÓËÂÌÚËÛÂÏÒˇ ̇ Ó·ÂÒÔ˜ÂÌË ˝ÍÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍÓÈ·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚË, ÒÚ‡‚ˇ Ò· ˆÂθ˛ „ÎÓ·‡Î¸ÌÛ˛ Á‡˘ËÚÛÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰˚. ƒÓÔÓÎÌËÚÂθÌÛ˛ ËÌÙÓχˆË˛Ó ̇¯ÂÈ ÔÓÎËÚËÍ ÔÓ Óı‡Ì ÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰˚ ‚˚ÏÓÊÂÚ ̇ÈÚË Ì‡ ̇¯ÂÏ Ò‡ÈÚÂ:http://www.lge.com/about/environment/html/Recycling.jspAs an ENERGY STAR Partner LGE U. S.A.,Inc. has determined that this productmeets the ENERGY STAR guidelines forenergy efficiency.
08Regulatory Information cont. 1.When this crossed-out wheeled bin symbol is attachedto a product it means the product is covered by theEuropean Directive 2002/96/EC. 2.All electrical and electronic products should bedisposed of separately from the municipal wastestream via designated collection facilities appointed bythe government or the local authorities. 3.The correct disposal of your old appliance will helpprevent potential negative consequences for theenvironment and human health.4.For more detailed information about disposal of yourold appliance, please contact your city office, wastedisposal service or the shop where you purchased theproduct.Disposal of your old appliance1.Quando su un prodotto è riportato il simbolo di1.När den här symbolen med en överkryssadsoptunna på hjul sitter på en produkt innebär detatt den regleras av European Directive2002/96/EC.2.Alla elektriska och elektroniska produkter börkasseras via andra vägar än de som finns förhushållsavfall, helst via för ändamålet avseddauppsamlingsanläggningar som myndigheternautser.3.Om du kasserar din gamla apparat på rätt sättså bidrar du till att förhindra negativakonsekvenser för miljön och människors hälsa.4.Mer detaljerad information om kassering av dingamla apparat kan får av kommunen,renhållningsverket eller den butik där du köpteprodukten.1.Als het symbool met de doorgekruiste verrijdbareafvalbak op een product staat, betekent dit dathet product valt onder de Europese Richtlijn2002/96/EC.2.Elektrische en elektronische producten mogenniet worden meegegeven met het huishoudelijkafval, maar moeten worden ingeleverd bijspeciale inzamelingspunten die door de lokale oflandelijke overheid zijn aangewezen.3.De correcte verwijdering van uw oude toestelhelpt negatieve gevolgen voor het milieu en demenselijke gezondheid voorkomen.Smaltimento delle apparecchiature obsoleteKassering av din gamla apparatUw oude toestel wegdoen1.Ce symbole, représentant une poubelle surroulettes barrée d'une croix, signifie que leproduit est couvert par la directive européenne2002/96/EC.2.Les éléments électriques et électroniquesdoivent être jetés séparément, dans les vide-ordures prévus à cet effet par votre municipalité. 3.Une élimination conforme aux instructions aideraà réduire les conséquences négatives et risqueséventuels pour l'environnement et la santéhumaine.4.Pour plus d'information concernant l'éliminationde votre ancien appareil, veuillez contacter votremairie, le service des ordures ménagères ouencore la magasin où vous avez acheté ceproduit.Élimination de votre ancien appareilun bidone della spazzatura barrato da una crocesignifica che il prodotto è coperto dalla direttivaeuropea 2002/96/EC.2.Tutti i prodotti elettrici ed elettronici dovrebberoessere smaltiti separatamente rispetto allaraccolta differenziata municipale, medianteimpianti di raccolta specifici designati dalgoverno o dalle autorità locali.3.Il corretto smaltimento delle apparecchiatureobsolete contribuisce a prevenire possibiliconseguenze negative sulla salute umana esull'ambiente.4.Per informazioni più dettagliate sullo smaltimentodelle apparecchiature obsolete, contattare ilcomune, il servizio di smaltimento rifiuti o ilnegozio in cui è stato acquistato il prodotto. EnglishFrenchItalianSwedishDutchWEEE (for Europe )
Regulatory Information cont. 091.Wenn dieses Symbol eines durchgestrichenenAbfalleimers auf einem Produkt angebracht ist,unterliegt dieses Produkt der europäischenRichtlinie 2002/96/EC.2.Alle Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräte müssengetrennt vom Hausmüll  über dafür staatlichvorgesehenen Stellen entsorgt werden.3.Mit der ordnungsgemäßen Entsorgung des altenGeräts vermeiden Sie Umweltschäden und eineGefährdung der persönlichen Gesundheit. 4.Weitere Informationen zur Entsorgung des altenGeräts erhalten Sie bei der Stadtverwaltung,beim Entsorgungsamt oder in dem Geschäft, woSie das Produkt erworben haben. 1.ŸÙ·Ó ¤Ó· ÚÔ˚fiÓ ‰È·ı¤ÙÂÈ ÙÔ ‰‡Ì‚ÔÏÔ ÂÓfi˜‰È·ÁÚ·Ì̤ÓÔ˘ οϷıÔ˘ ·ÔÚÚÈÌÌ¿ÙˆÓ, ÙfiÙ ÙÔ ÚÔ˚fiÓηχÙÂÙ·È ·fi ÙËÓ E˘Úˆ·˚΋ O‰ËÁ›· 2002/96/EOK.2.H ·fiÚÚÈ„Ë fiÏˆÓ ÙˆÓ ËÏÂÎÙÚÈÎÒÓ Î·È ËÏÂÎÙÚÔÓÈÎÒÓÚÔ˚fiÓÙˆÓ Ú¤ÂÈ Ó· Á›ÓÂÙ·È ¯ˆÚÈÛÙ¿  ·fi Ù· ÁÂÓÈοÔÈÎȷο ·ÔÚÚ›ÌÌ·Ù· ̤ۈ ηıÔÚÈṲ̂ӈÓÂÁηٷÛÙ¿ÛÂˆÓ Û˘ÏÏÔÁ‹˜ ·ÔÚÚÈÌÌ¿ÙˆÓ, ÔÈ Ôԛ˜¤¯Ô˘Ó ‰ËÌÈÔ˘ÚÁËı› ›Ù ·fi ÙËÓ Î˘‚¤ÚÓËÛË ‹ ·fi ÙȘÙÔÈΤ˜ ·Ú¯¤˜.3.H ÛˆÛÙ‹ ·fiÚÚÈ„Ë Ù˘ ·ÏÈ¿˜ Û·˜ Û˘Û΢‹˜ ı·‚ÔËı‹ÛÂÈ ÛÙËÓ ·ÔÙÚÔ‹ Èı·ÓÒÓ ·ÚÓËÙÈÎÒÓ Û˘ÓÂÈÒÓˆ˜ ÚÔ˜ ÙÔ ÂÚÈ‚¿ÏÏÔÓ Î·È ÙËÓ ˘Á›· ÙÔ˘ ·ÓıÚÒÔ˘.4.°È· ÈÔ ÏÂÙÔÌÂÚ›˜ ÏËÚÔÊÔڛ˜ Û¯ÂÙÈο Ì ÙËÓ·fiÚÚÈ„Ë Ù˘ ·ÏÈ¿˜ Û·˜ Û˘Û΢‹˜, ÂÈÎÔÈÓˆÓ‹ÛÙ ÌÂÙÔ ·ÚÌfi‰›Ô ÙÔÈÎfi ÁÚ·Ê›Ô, ˘ËÚÂÛ›· ‰È¿ıÂÛ˘ ÔÈÎÈ·ÎÒÓ·ÔÚÚÈÌÌ¿ÙˆÓ ‹ ÙÔ Ì·Á·Í› ·fi ÙÔ ÔÔ›Ô ·ÁÔÚ¿Û·Ù ÙÔÚÔ˚fiÓ.1.Tämä merkki tuotteessa tarkoittaa, että tuotekuuluu sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaiteromustaannetun EU-direktiivin 2002/96/EYsoveltamisalaan.2.Kaikki elektroniset laitteet ovat ongelmajätettä, joten ne on toimitettava paikalliseenkeräyspisteeseen.3.Vanhan laitteen asianmukainen hävittäminen ehkäisee mahdollisia ympäristöön ja terveyteen kohdistuvia haittavaikutuksia.4.Lisätietoa vanhan laitteen hävittämisestä saat ottamalla yhteyden paikallisiin viranomaisiin,kierrätyskeskukseen tai myymälään, josta ostit laitteen.1.Når der er et tegn med et kryds over enskraldespand, betyder det, at produktet eromfattet af EU-direktiv 2002/96/EC.2.Alle elektriske og elektroniske produkter skalsmides ud et andet sted end gennem denkommunale affaldsordning ved hjælp af specielleindsamlingsfaciliteter, der er organiseret af staten1.Si en un producto aparece el símbolo de un contenedorde basura tachado, significa que éste se acoge a laDirectiva 2002/96/CE.2.Todos los aparatos eléctricos o electrónicos se debendesechar de forma distinta del servicio municipal derecogida de basura, a través de puntos de recogidadesignados por el gobierno o las autoridades locales.3.La correcta recogida y tratamiento de los dispositivosinservibles contribuye a evitar riesgos potenciales para elmedio ambiente y la salud pública.4.Para obtener más información sobre cómo deshacerse desus aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos viejos, póngase encontacto con su ayuntamiento, el servicio de recogida debasuras o el establecimiento donde adquirió el producto. Vanhojen laitteiden hävittäminenEntsorgung von AltgerätenSådan smider du dit gamle apparat ud∞fiÚÚÈ„Ë Ù˘ ·ÏÈ¿˜ Û·˜ Û˘Û΢‹˜Cómo deshacerse de aparatos eléctricos yelectrónicos viejoseller de lokale myndigheder.3.Korrekt bortskaffelse af dit gamle apparat er medtil at forhindre mulige skadevirkninger på miljøetog menneskelig sundhed. 4.Mere detaljerede oplysninger om bortskaffelse afdit gamle apparat kan fås ved at kontakte ditlokale kommunekontor, renovationsselskab ellerden butik, hvor du købte produktet. FinnishGermanDanishGreekSpanish4.Wilt u meer informatie over de verwijdering vanuw oude toestel? Neem dan contact op met uwgemeente, de afvalophaaldienst of de winkelwaar u het product hebt gekocht.
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