LG Electronics USA MS840 LG Smart Phone User Manual

LG Electronics MobileComm USA, Inc. LG Smart Phone


Manual 1

Download: LG Electronics USA MS840 LG Smart Phone User Manual
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]LG Electronics USA MS840 LG Smart Phone User Manual
Document ID1564212
Application IDP5LspJ/lOJdrRrfrlyJwIA==
Document DescriptionManual 1
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize450.16kB (5627014 bits)
Date Submitted2011-10-20 00:00:00
Date Available2012-03-08 00:00:00
Creation Date2011-10-07 14:00:39
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 8.1.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2011-10-07 14:00:39
Document Titleuntitled

FCC RF Exposure Information
mammal Rm: tn s i'vinvmntin'v hntn'n Onnmting t'm nhn'm
in August 1995 tne Federal Cornrnunrcatrons Commission (FCC) of tne
Unrted States, with rts actron rn Report and Order Fcc 967326, adopted
an updated safety standard tor numan exposure to Radro Frequency tFtF)
electromagnetic energy ernrtted by Fcc regulated trsnsrnrtters Those
gurdeirnes are consrstent with the safety standard prevrdusiy set by both u s
and rntcrnatronai standards bodi05.Thc dcsrgn of tnrs pnonc compircs wrtn
tne FCC gurdeirnes and tnose international standards.
Bodily Contact During Operation
ans deyrce was tested tor typical use With the back 01 the pnone kept
0 39 rncnes tt 0 cm) from the body To comply wrtn Fcc RF exposure
iequirernents, a nnnrrnurn separation distance of O 39 inches (1 0 cm)
must be maintained between the user's body and the back of the
pnone, rnciudrng the antenna.Third—panv beltaciips, holsters, and srrnriar
accessones oontarnrng metallic components should not be used Ayord
the use at accessories that cannot maintain O 39 inches (1 0 cm) distance
between the user‘s body and the back of the phone and have not been
tested for campliancc with FCC RF exposure limits
HAC Statement
This phone has been tested and rated for use with hearing aids
for some of the wireless technologies that it uses.
However there may be some newer wireless technologies used
in this phone
that have not been tested yet ltir use with hearing aids.
It ts important to try the different features of tins phone
and in different locations, using ynur hearing aid nr CUChian
to determine if you hear any intertermg noise.
Consult your SCYVICC provider or the manufacturer of this phone
[or information on hearing aid Ctin‘ipaliblllly,
it you have questions about return or cxchangc pottotcs,
consult your service provtdcr er Dhnnc retailer
FCC Notice and Cau'ians
ans deyrce and ms accessenes cdnrpry wrm pan15 of FCC rures
Opcraucn rs subyccx to me forlowrng (we candmons n 1an5 dcvrcc and us
accessones rnay nm cause narrnfur rmerrerence, and (2) mrs devrce and us
accessones musx accept any rmerference reserved, rncrudrng rmerverence
mar causes undesrred opevauon
Any changes or rnodrncanons nm expressry approved rn (hrs uscr gurdc
cdurd yord your warramy for mrs equrprnenr. Use onry me supphed antenna
Use or unauthonzed amennas (or modmcauons m we antenna) caurd
rmparr caH quahty, damage me pnene, vord your warranty and/or v|o\ate FCC
Don‘t use me phone wrrn a damaged antenna A damaged amenna courd
cause a nrrner skm burn Conracr your recar dearer for a repracemenr
Par? 15,21 statement
Changes or rnodrfrcaudns mm are no: exeressry approved eyzne manufacmrer ceurd
yard the user‘s autwrwto operate me Eaurpment
Par? 15.105 statement
Th s equrprnenr nas been (esKed and Vound :o cernpfy wnn , e nrnns fora efass B
drgnaf eeyrce, pursuam (0 Fan 15 onne FCC mes Tnese \ we are desrgned w
pmwdc reasoneme premcnen agamsl hav’whfl nmrrcrence m a rcsrdannaf ns|aHahon
Th s eaurcrnenf generates, uses‘ and can radrafe ream frequency ene'gy and, f nut
rnafauea and used m accordance wnn zne msvucharvs, may cause narmfuf rnferference
(0 ram comrmm cauens Howevev, mere rs no guaramee max me'fe'ence W “m
occur m a pan cufav msmHamn w you expenence rcrerference wnh recepnon (e g,
lcfeyrsron), aclc'mwc rr m s equrprnm rs causmg me hava mlcflc’cncc ny tummg
the equrprnenf eff and (W Back on to see rffne rnfenerence re affected u necessaw,
(rv ccrreaung me rnfenerence bv one or more of me TAHOWWQ measuves
—Rennem or refucafe me 'ecewmg anzenna
"crease me sepavamn haw/sen we equrprnenf and receryer
—Conflec\ we equfpmem mm an oufle| on a cncur: dflevem from m m whmh me
recewev rs connened
—Con$uh we deuwev m an experenced mn'u/TV lechmcmn fer hem
Phone Overview
mores Auscr nsroorn:nrsgurooerosrn-ure-oo Acruerorsoreysrreyyery
hsvucno'ws m we'fluv'fl tasks v7 (hrs gude ave bases 01 (he eel-“MK Wore semflgs a'vd
my mg uegenu rg or no ssr-wure on m you sum
1 Prox‘rrnr'ry Sensors Senses proxrrnrry (awards other oorecrs sum as your
head) so mar (ouch commands are nm aecroenrauy acflvafied ounng a Ca”.
mores - pg no one «he sneer or near snsegr m aygu News We me econ sperms
.rne use or a mm cave! proouceo cy waruacluevs o-yer man 5 can cause a
d sxubmce m touc'w War-man me msphy Eu:
z. Qulck Keys
, Phone Key Opens me Phone apphcaflun for access ro (he orarpeo, CaH
rog, Cements, and Groups
, Contacts Key Opens the Contacts apphcenon
, Messaging Key Opens me Messaging apphcauon.
-Apps Key Opens me Apps screcn, yynero you can yreyy a“ your
rnsreueo apphcauuns.
3 Menu Key Opens an opnuns rnenu wrxn opnuns mar affect the current
screen or apphcamon
4 Home Key Rerurns ro me Home screen u you're arreaoy yrewrng one o(
the Horne screen extensron panes, rt neyrgeres you to the centrar Home
screen pane Touch and new m new me most recemly used appueamons.
5. Back Key Returns m rne preyrous screen. Arse doses popsup drspray
rtems, such as menus and orelog boxes
6. Search Key Opens We chk Search Box from me Home screen m
seeron (he pnone and me web.
7 Touchscreen Drsprays aH me rnrorrnaoon needed to operate your pnene,
sucn as apphcaflons, caH smus, dare, urns, srgnar srarus, and banery
8 Front Camera Lens Use to take prctures and vrdeo Keep dean for
oourner performance
9 Power/Look Key Locks tne screen wrtn a srngre oress Press and note
to open tno phone optrons rncnu for tno foHowtng optrons Srrpnt rnodo,
Arrprene rnode, and Power art.
to Earpieee Lets you near caHers and automated prompts
tt.Mrorophone Transmtts your yoroe to tne otner caHer and forVoroe
aotryated tunorrons
tz 3.5mm Headset Jack News you to prug rn an optroner needset for
oonyenrent. handssflee oonyersatrons Vou can arso prug rn neadpnones
to Itsten to mustc.
rs Camera Lens Use fortaktng protures and recordrng yrdeos Keep dean
for optrrnar performance
M Back Cover Enctoses the battery compartment
ts Accessory/Charger Port AHows you to connect the phone charger, USB
oabre, or otner oomparrbre aooessorres.
to Volume Keys AHow you to adrust tne rrnger, medra yorumes, or me rn-
caH vorume dunno a Ca”.
Installing fhe Battery and microSD Card
NOTE rt rs n~portant to my c'ra'qe we bat-ery betore rurar use pt me more
tnstallrng the battery
The onone comes wtlh a reenargeabte battery Keep tne battery ensrged
vynrte not “rn use rn order to maKtmtze tetK use, and standby ttme.The
battery onarge teyet rs snown at the top rrgnt corner of the screen.
1 Use the frngertrp cutout at the bottom of the phone to remove the battery
2 Ahgn the battery contacts wrtn the termrnats rn the battery compartment
3 Push tne battery down untrt rt chcks rnto ptace
4 Made rne battery ooyer ove' tne battery oompartrnerg tnen press rt downward
untrr tchcks rnto prsee
Removing the battery
Tum the power off Remove the battery cover tas demonstrated rh the preyrous
mstmcttonsl Then rho the phone to rts norrnat oosrton and use the trngertro
cutout et the top tett corner of the battery compartment to M1 the bettery out
|nsertrng a microSD card
Turn the power off. Remove the battery cover and the battery tas
demonstrated tn the ptevtous thstvucttohs) Locate the mtcToSD catd stat
(mtcroSD ts thscrtt‘zed heat the stat opehmg) Posttton the mtcroSD card wtth
the tabet eroe tacrng up and shoe rt rnto otace untrt rt rs tuuy rneerteo and
tacked rn ptece
NOTE The nrrerosn card can be oesrty derraged ny Tmpmpnr chral on meesn tm eermrt wnon
rnsernng vemmmg or nenotrng r-.
Tn remnve the microSD card
Turn the power off Remove the battery cover and take the battery out
Locate the rnrcroSD card stot Gently push the exposed edge of the
rnreroSD card to retease rt Then gentty pun rt out to remove rt
Charging the Phone
YouT M5840 comes wtth a Watt/USE charger and a USB cabte whtch
connect together to charge your phone To charge your phone.
Pteeso we onty ar apnmvnd one he eceessory ~o charge w." LG phone
tnorooer herohno or tne zccesscrvlfiwamev port, as weH as -.he bse or 34 mcomnattbte
charger may caose damage to your phone and yore The warrarty
1 Connect the USB Cabte mtc the Watt/USE charge! when cohnectmg, as
shown betow, the LG tog!) Oh the USE cabte Shoutd Vace toward you
2. hug the use cebte tas shown betow) r'nto the phone’s accessory/charger
Charging with use;
Vou can use your compufier (0 charge your phone To he able to charge wuh
the USB cahwe, you need w have the necessary use onyers mstaHed on
your PC hrsx Connecr one end 07 (he use came to the charger oorr on your
phone and connecfi (he ofiher end (0 a use oon on your PC. n rs besfi (a use
the rear USB port when cannecmg to a desktop PC The use hub shourd oe
powered by an exxernar power source
To unmnum ihe micmSD card
h rs rmponant to unmoum me card to ayord damage (0 the card or data
saved an (he card.
1 Touch xhe Apps Key m.
z. Tuuch Senings- > SD card & phone storage.
3. Touch Unmoum Externa‘ SD card
Opfimizing Bafiery Life
Vou can extend your battery's l'tte between charges by turntng ott features
that run tn the packground vou can also monttor how appltcattons and
system resources consume battery power
Tips to extend the life of your battery
r Turn on radto cornrnuntcattons that you aren’t ustng lt you aren't
uslng wt-Ft, Bluetooth, or GPS, use the Semrlgs rnenu to turn thern
all (Note that the GPS recetver lS only turned on when you've ustng an
appltcatton that makes use of rt)
r Turn down screen onghtness and seta shorter screen trrneout
r Turn ott autornattc synctng tor Grnatl, Calendar, Contacts, and other
appltcattons rt you don't need rt
> Use the Power Control wtdget to control the wtreless connecttons,
GPS connectton, Bluetooth power, dtsplay onghtness, and synctng
To check the battery charge level
> Touch the Apps Keys > Settings. > Aoout phone > Status
The battery status tChargtng or Dtschargtng) and level las a percentage
of fully charged) wtll be dtsplayed at the top of the screen
To monitor and control what uses the battery
The Battery use screen allows you to see whtch appllcattons are consunttng
the most pattery power lntorrnatton on the screen allows you to tdenttly
downloaded appltcattons you may want to turn ott when not oetng used, so
you can get the rnost out of your battery power
t Touch the Apps Key E > Settings H > About phone > Battery use.
The screen wtll dtsplay battery usage ttme Etther how long stnce last
connected to a power source, rt connected to a power source, and
how long you were last runnrng on battery power
The ltst ot appltcattons or serutces ustng battery power are otsplayed
tn order ot energy used, trorn greatest amount to least
r Touch an apphcanon rn the Battery use screen (o see (he dexarls abouk
rts power cohsumouoh
Drffcrcm aophoao'ons error orfferom kinds of rnforrnanon, and they
may eyen mdude oohons to moorry the semngs so you can reduce
power consumpuon by mafi apphcauoh
Setup Wizard
The hrsr orne you turn on your phone, (he Semp Wrzaro guroes you (hrough
srgnrng n (0 your Geogro Accoum w you don’( have one, don'r worry. (he
Setup Wrzoro yyrh hero you create one
You can also set up sooror nelworkmg accounts, such as Facebook or
"015 The phone summfls seyerer eooheer ons and seryrees h rs 'ec Press ano hold lhe Power/Lock Key _ for a couple of seconds unlrl
075 screen turns on
Turning the phone off
l Press and hold lhe Power/Look Key _ uhtll lhe pcp'up menu appears
2. Touch Power eff ln the popsup menu.
3. Touch OK (0 confirm (hal you Wanl (0 turn off (he phahe.
To unlock lhe phone
ll you don‘t use the phone for a whlle, ‘he Screen and backllght Wlll Shut cm
\0 conserve canery power To unlock lhe phone
1 Press lhe Power/Lock Key —
Your Lock Screen wlll appear.
2. Sllde lhe screen up lo unlock
The lasl screen you were workrng on opens
mm lnlsl5l'ledelaullLockScleell l-yoc‘veseluosr unlock
nanerr, use wuv nngemo TD oraw me wish
To lurn lhe phone sounds off
ll you're ln a place where your phone scunos may
orsluro olhers, you can qulckly sllehce your phone from
lhe Home screen
l Press the Power/Lock Key —, [hen unlock the scleen
2. Press and hold (hc Power/Lock Key —, \hcn much Silent mode.
Pless the down Volume Key on (he slde of the phone III! untll all
sounds are turned off or vlbralloh ls sel
um: TheVbrallor sou ng ln lne sauna menu alfecls ln s moue l‘ lnewcral on selilllg rs
ser (0 Only when nm ln Sllent made lor Never), V‘en me down Volume Key rurns all
sourosofl llrhcworanonsmrg Sscttu OnlvinSllentmodelarhlwayfilrficdcwn
Volume KEV wlll sel the Walls lo vlnute
Set-ting Up Your Device
When you turr on your wrretess devtce tor the trrst trrne, you have the
optton to ourckty set up vancus accounts strnpty tottow the art—screen
tnstructtons to complete the tntttat setup of your wtretess devtce
To set up your device, follow the steps below:
t Setect your tonguoge and touch Next
2. Setect whether to Skrp or Start the Backup Asststam apphcatron
3. Sctcct whether to stop or Start the Googte Account setup Wrth a
Googte Account, Googte apptrcatrons are autornatrcatty synced between
your phone and computer regardtess of where you make an update
A Setect the other accounts you want to setup (Email, Facebuck,
Tw'rtter, etc 1.
5 Setect the Locatton Consent (Locat'tan Services/ Standalone GPS
Services/ Google Location Services)
NOTE A success-ut set uo wesszqe rs d sotayeo You can choose to vtew n5 tnat teach you
about you» new onone nctuorng Watch at Learn/ My Mobtle / G o Tours These
swans can be urewee tater by access he tnc fonts seat or ot xt—e Apps scmnn
7 Touch Done to Stan ustng the phone
Phone‘s Sfafus Icons
The Sfiafius Bar appears a( (he mp of every screen. n prsprays rcphs
rhdreehhg that you'vE reeeryee hehheehehe pm the em and reehs rhereahhg
the phone's status [on me hghn, arehg wrm the currem Ume.
w heappr rams Saws reehs
h you have more hohheamhs men can m m the SKatus Bar, 3 mus rcorr 0
prompts you to open me Nolrfrcauons panel m yreyy (hem aH.
The voupwrhg rcprrs rhprcere the srerus of your phone.
Ca“ Icons
fl Mmphm "mad ”mg a Mrssed caH hehheahph
I h caH
In ca‘l usmg B‘uetocm devrce
E El.
I Speaker eh Prryacy can
Carendar & Alarm icons
5 Carehdar eyem hohhcahon Ararm set
Email and Messaging icons
fl Ema” vecewed
Eman sendmg qened
I New message recewed
Sendmg message vaned
I ngh pmomv message
New Gmaw message recewed
E Guagwewk message recewed
New vmce mad recewved
Sound icons
E| Muswc currenfly max/mg
SHem mode
Vwbrate mode
ered headset connecfied
Network icons
4G netwovk connec‘ed
Down‘oad (hrough AG
Usmg AG network
Upwoad (hrough 46 nefiwork
Connected (o a 36 metwcrk
3G Hefiwork \5 m use
Dowmoadmg data
umoadmg data
GPS on
No Servwce
Acquwng GPS access
Suong ne‘wovk swgna‘
Awpwane mods ws on
Weak network swgna‘
Locauon sevvwce on
Locavon servwce off
Connectivity icons
The touowrng reorrs rndrcate the status of your phone.
Wr-Fr connecnon detected
Andrord debugger connected
B‘uemmh on
B‘uetootn devwce connected
USB connected
uss lethenng on
No Ww—Fw srgnaw
Strong Wer swgnal
SmartSnare on
SmartShare snanng request
System icons
The fouewmg reams mdrcate the status
cm Dnone.
More nutrncatruns
System secure
mternaw memory mu
System alert
SD card mserted
N0 SD card wnsened
Geogre sync started
Error dunng Geogre sync
Banery empty
Battery mu
Banery chargmg
Battery status unknowmenor)
No SN card
Unknown S‘M card
Gefiing fo Know fhe Home Screen
The Home screen rs your skamng porm (0 access a” (he feamres on your
phone rcorsprays spphcanon shortcuts, rcons, wrdgets, and otherfeatures
Status Bar
shows seyoe sunus vam'wvdtruu
rnuruorng (hr: hrv'c srgnar st'n'rgh, bakery
smus arc nourcauor rcons
Aoohcanon rcon
ouch an roor rapphcstron roroer ercr m
oper me zpphcanon an: use u
Omsk Keys
vardn cosy, omnuh a
U‘vchors you use (he mos
Anns Kev
cuor re open we Apps screen 10 yrew a”
or your hrs-arreo acsrrcar orrs \
Quick Keys
The Ourck Keys are rocated ax (he boncm of the Home screen and Apps
E Opens the Phone applrcanon whrch orsprays the ararpao so you can
orar an unsaved nurnoer h arse proyroes aoornonar tabs to access me
CaH reg, Comacts, and your Groups.
n coers your Com-acts hst You can arso access we Phone apphcauon, CaH
rog, and your Groups by muchmg the (ans across the (up o~' the screen
- Opens the Messaging apphcanon
E Opens the Apps screen and orsplays phone opuons and apph'caoons
To return to the Home screen
> Touch (he Home Key n a( any urne, from any apphcauon
To view other Home screen panes
> Shde your hnger wen or ”gm across \he Horne screen.The Home
screen spans seyen screen wrdths‘ ahowrng more space for rcons,
Wrdgefis, shoncufis, and omer rterns
Home sum Pzna mormor
Wn none s aw
_ b —
Your soucnscreen oroyroes an exceuens way so rnseracs wrsn and use your
Anorord pnone Wrsn me much at your finger, you can download and use
avarsaose apph’canons, make menu sesecs'rons, and access oasa sayeo so your
you av: vsawmq
The foHowmg terms are used for descrsbmg (he dsfl‘erem avaflab‘e acuons
usrng sne soucnscreen:
Touch A srngse nnger soucn sesecss rsems. For exampse, soucn an “soon (9 g.,
apphcasron or menu stern), touch words (e g , menu se‘ectwon or so answer
onscreen ouesnon), or souon \ener5 and numbers so syne
Touch and hold Touch and noso an rsem on me screen by souonrng rs ano
nos hmng your finger unsrl an acsron occurs For exampse, so open a pop-
up menu for cussomrzrng sne Home screen, souon an empsy area on me
Home screen unm she menu pops up.
Drag Touch and mm an rsem for a momens and snen, yyrsnous |rrsrng your
nnoer, move your nnger on me screen unm you reacn sne target oosrsron
You can orag rsems on sne Home screen so reposrsron snem
Swipe or slide To syyrpe or snoe, quicksy moye your nnger across sne
surface of sne screen, wrsnous pausrng wnen you nrss soucn rs (so you
don't orag an rsem rnsseao) For exampse, you can drag or snoe sne soreen
up or down so scroH a nss, or browse snrougn sne ornerens Home screens
oy swrorng from heft so rrgns sano yrce verso)
Double-lap Doub‘s—(ap m worn a web page or a map For exampwe,
qumkwy doub‘ertap a seam ov a web page to mom that secmn to m we
vymm of me scrccn Vou can awso doub‘o'mp m convex mo 700m m Maps
and m other apphcauons
Pinch-(o-Zoom Use your mdex finger and mm m a pmch or Spread
mouon (0 zoom m or ouk when usmg me browser, a map, or matures
Rotate the screen From many apphcaflons, (he onemauon of (he screen
rotates wnh me phone as you mm H «mm upflght m swdeways and back
Rotate me phone countev'dockwwse Romte the phone cwocwse for
for ‘andsnape OHEMBUOH. DOrUaK DHENBUDH.
Tex? Inpuf Methods
On—screen Keyboard
ch can easuy enter text usrng the onscreen keyboard The uh—screeh
keyboard orsplays automancaHy on the screen when you need \0 enter text.
To manuaHy orsolay the keyboard, srmowy touch a text from where you want
to enter text
memes beweet
u Nevev \ Term 5:
Tuoowes hum Tza/sw
rr-oue to ABC rr-ooe
Typ‘rng tips
Fvom tho numbors kcybcavd, touch HS Touch
my “my “mac‘s“ n to return to the numbers keyboard
Emer one oaprtaw wetter Touch Shrft fl
Touch Shrft ntwrce.
Eme' 5” “Wm we“ Touch agarn to revert (a lowercase
Tap the text to hrghhght rt.Then touch and how
C“ or COW se‘ec‘ed ‘ex‘ the text, then much Cut or Copy
Touch and he‘d the ‘ucaflon to paste the text,
Paste cut or copred text me" much Paste
De‘efie a chavamer
(howd to ooToto faster) Tm” De‘e‘e U.
Text input settings
To change your text cmry somngs and sec the mouonary of mrms you’ve
used, (mm the Home screen, touch the Apps Key E > Settings - >
Language at keyboard.
- To change the debut Tanguaoe, touoh Select language.
Working wifh Menus
There are (W0 kinds of Android menus Options menus and Contexfi menus.
Options menus
Opfluns menus Comam tools that appty to the actwmes of the cunent
screen or apphcanon, not to any specmc nem on (he screen To open the
evenetote opuons menu, toucn tne Menu Key in Nm an apphcauons nave
Opflons menus, tf you toucn the Menu Key n on a screen that has no
Optmns menu, "001th wt” happen
Some apphcanons nave more Opltans menu nems tnen can m m tne
opuons menu To Vtew‘ne addmonat menu Rams, much More
fifluch Move m wow anemonat menu KENS
Context menus
Context menus contetn opncns that appty to a spectnc ttem on the screen
To open a Context menu, toucn and note an ttem on tne screen Not aH
Nems nave Context menus w you mum and note an Kern tnat nas nu
Context menu, nothtng Wm happen
Connecfing fo Wi—Fi Nefworks
Wi—Fi is a wrreiess networking tecnnoiogy tnat can provide internet access
at distances of up (0100 meters, depending on the Wi'Fi routei and your
To use WisF'i on your phone, you rnust connect to a wrreiess access point
Sorne access points are open and you can sirnpiy connect to them Others
are nidden or irnpiernent otner security ieatures, so you rnust conirgure
your phone so it can connect to them.
Tum on W'isFi wncn you're not using it, to extend tnc iiic of your battery
The ioiiowrng Status Bar icons indicate yourvvi-Fi status
I Connected to awi—Fi network (waves indicate connection strength)
E Notification tnat an open wi—Fi network is in range
wnen you connect to aWisFi network, tne pnone obtains a network
address and otner information it needs from tne network, using tne
DHCP protocoi To contigure tne pnone wrtn a static iP address and
otncr advanccd scttings, trorn Wi-F'i settings toucn tnc Menu Key n >
To turn Wi—Fi on and connect to a Wi—F‘i network
i Tcuch tne Apps Keym > Settings - > Wireless at networks > Wi'-Fi
2. ii tne Wi—Fi box is not oneckrnarked, toucn Wi—Fi to turn it on and scan
tor ayeiiaoie veri networks
3 Touch a network to connect to it
- if the network is open, you wrii be prompted to confirrn that you want
to connect to that network by touching Connect
- if tne network is secured, you wrii be prompted to enter a password
(Ask your network administrator for details)
- wnen you‘re connected to a network, you can toucn tne network
narne in tne Wi—Fi settings screen for detaiis aoout tne speed, security,
address, and reiated settings
To receive notifications when open networks are in range
By deraurt, when Wren rs on. you recerye notrrrcatrons rn the Status Bar
when your phone detects an open Wr—Fr network
r Turn on WrrFr, rt tt‘s not atready on
2. From the Wt—Ft settrngs screen, touch Network notrfroatron to
cheoknrark the box Touch agarn to remove the oheokrnark and stop
reeervrrrg notrfreatrons
To add a Wr»Fi nemerk
You can add a WrFr network so the phone th remember rt, atong wrth any
seeurr‘ty credentrets, and connect to rt automatreatty when rt rs r'n range You
can also add aWtrFt network manualty lt tl does not broadcast tls name
tsstD) or rt you want to add a Wt—Ft network when you are out of rts range.
Tc add a secured network, you need to contact the network's admrrrrstrator
to obtarn the password or other requrred securrty credentrats.
t Turn on WrFr, rt rl‘s not aheady on.
2. From the Wr—Fr scmngs soreen, touch Add Wi-F'r network
3. Enter the Network 5er theme) of the network. rt the network rs secured.
touch Security and touch the type or securrty deproyed on the network
4. Enter the reourred passwords and securrty eredentrars
5 Touch Save
The phone wrrr connect to the wrreress network Any credentrats that you
entered are saved, so you are connected autornatroarry the next trrne you
come wrthrn range or thrs network
To forget a wr Fi network
You can make the phone forget about the detarrs of a WrrFr network that
you added. For exampte, rt you don't want the phone to eenneet to rt
automatrcarry or rt tl's a network that you no ronger use
W Turn on WtrFt, tf tl‘S not atready on.
2. tn the Wt-Ft semngs screen, touch and hard the name of the network
that you want to forget
3 Touch Forget network.
Mobile hoffspot
Meme hotrspol makes rt easy to get connected to WrFr when you're usmg
the mobflc. Mobflc hm—spm rs a wargc ncfiwork of hofispofis aH over (he
worm and you can awso add onyWrFr accounts you have, choosmg from the
thousands wmch Mobne hm—spol suppons, to persenahze and extend your
Placing and Ending Calls
Vou can place calls uslrlg the Phone apolloatlon Calls can be manually
oraleo uslrlg the Phone (at: You can also dlal from your phone‘s memory
uslng the Call log ten, the Contacts tab, or the Groups tao
To open the Phone application
> From the Home screen, touch the Phone Key ll ln the Qulck l MetroWEa !.To access a specrhc web
page, touch the URL mpul heto, enter the web address tum o! the
web page. ano touch v
z. Navrgate web pages usrng the quowmg
unttnoutpreto 7 ~VuuzeSearch
Tum)" nee ~a enter a wee Tnuc'v here to search tsy vmre
aooress tor the wvb page
you wrsh K0 access
Whrle browsmg the web page, use the rohowrng optrons
t Ta 700m m or out, oouotetap the screen You can atso use the pmch-
tomom method Ptace your two hngers on the screen and stowty
ornch or spread thern apart.
P To open a new wmdow, touch the Tombs! Menu > New window E]
P T0 vtew (he hst of backmarks, touch Bookmavks n next to the URL
fle‘dNOu can a‘so add, edtl, or de‘ele a bookmark Vrom (N5 menu.
r To oopkrnark rhe curremweb page, rgueh Bookmarks 5: > Add
Enter the narne Tor the bookmark and touch 0K
r When a web page hnrshes badmg, rhe RSS Tnorparor wru appear rr an
RSS feed rs ayanameToucn rne Menu Key n > Add RSS Feed
and seTecr rhe feed you wanr re save
r Tu yrew rhe currenny acnye wmduws, (ouch rhe Toolbar Menu >
wrndows 5 You can open rnuTupTe pages and swrreh back and form
between rnern
r To rewoau rhe currenrweu page, (ouch rhe Refresh Tcon C The
Herresn rnenu appears aher rne web page nnrshes loadrng
r To stop Toadrng a web page, much the Smp Icon 9
The srop rnenu appears wnne a web page rs Toadrng.
r To go to prevrous page, touch rhe Back Key n
b To go we next page rn hrsrory, touch rhe Toolbar Menu > Forward ..
r To search Torrekron me web page, rough rhe Menu Key n > Fun!
on page
r To seleer rexr en rhe web page, much rhe Menu Key n > Select
text Hrghngnr rhe text you want wrrh your nnger
The hrghhgnreg rexr rs eopr‘eu re (he chppoaro and you can pasre n
anywhere mar ancws rexr ro be emered
r To vrewme web page dekafls, much rhe Menu Key II > More 6 >
Page info
r Te ser homepage, (ouch rhe Menu Key n > More a > Set home
NmE When you n a page, ya can the new are ar rrre currem page by
mucmnq me Vnew cemlrcale purer an pee no
r Ta send rho web address rum of rho web page to orhers, rouch the
Menu Key n > Share page
P T0 wew the down‘oad hwstory, touch the Menu Key - > Move 0 >
> To custemrze tne MetroWEB semngs, touch the Toolbar Menu >
Bookmark your favorite web pages
h you know the web address or the web page, you can manualtv add a
bookmark.To add a bookmark
1 Touch the Apps Kevfi > MetroWEB E.
2 Touch Bookmarks n next to the URL hetd
3 Touch Add
4. Enter a page true and a web address (URL)
5 Touch OK
Frorn the bookmark Irst, touch and hon a bookmark and use the foHowrng
v To open the Web page rn the current wrndow, touch Open
> To open the Web page n a new wrnoew, touch Open rn new
Tu edit the boukmark detatIS, touch Edit bookmark
Tu add the buokmark shortcut to une of the Home screen panes,
touch Add shortcut to Home
T0 send the web address (URL) of the wet: page to others, touch
Share link
To copy the web address. (URL) or the web page, touch Copy unk
To delete the bookmark, touch Delete buckmark
To use the Web page as your MctroWEB nornepage. touch Set as
To search for a rocefion
w Tuuch 079 Apps KeyE > Maps
2 Touch (he search box a( me (up of the screen
3. \n we search box. emer me mace you're bokmg for You can emer an
address, a my, ore type of pusrness or estabhshmem For examme,
"theater m NewYork"
4. Tuuch me Search Key-
Orange markers rndrcate search matches on the map
You can much e marker to open a haHoon mm oonrerns a \abe\ Teuon me
baHoon to open a screen wnn more mormauon about me roceuon, es
wen as optrons for emarnrng drrectrons
To get directions
1 Touon the Apps KeyE > Maps
2 Touch me Menu Key n > Dr'reon'ons
3. Enrer a sremng pornr m we nrsr text box and your desmauon rn the
second text box You can erso seem an address from your Favomes,
contacts or hrsmry
To reverse erreouons, (ouch me Reverse rcon -
A Tcuch me Car rcon Elfor dnvrng drreouons or (he Warkrng roon for
wakrng drroouons.
5 Touch Go
a. cnpose now to new orreouons on Maps from (he Drrecnons popup
menu mar rs orspreyeo.
Your rome rs deployed on a map
7 To vrew he dwrecnons m a hs‘ iovma‘, much the Menu Key - > List View.
To swuon backto Your rnao rcme from Lrsmew, (ouch me Menu Kev
- > Map view
Checking fhe weafher
The Weather aoohcation orcvtdes weather forecasts.You can ptace a
Weather wroget on your Home screen for a summary of your Tocat weather
Access the Weather aoohcatroh tor more oetaneo weather tntormatroh
To get detaits about the weather
Touch the Weather wraget on the Home screen to open the Weather
aophcatrcn to vrew summanzeo and oetaneo weather tntcrntatrcn.
7 Touch a tab at the top cf the screen to vtew the weather forecast for
dtffcvcnt ttmcs.
r Touch the Hourly or 15 Days tab tor a more detarteo forecast
Tap the Weather apphcatran screen to access the Accuweather
t Touch a Ume on the weather graph for a oetaneo, hourrbyrhour
Selecting Which Contact's are Displayed
Vou can has contacts that don't have phone numbers You can also
contlgure whlcn groups of contacts you want to olsplay tn the Contacts llst
To set whether contacts wlthout phnrle numbers are displayed
lt you use your llst of contacts only to call people, you can hloe any contacts
that don't have phone numbers
1 Open the Contacts appllcatlon.
2. Touch the Menu Key n > More > Dlsplay opttons.
3. Touch Only contacts wltn phones to select or ocsclcct thls optlon.
when selected. a checkmark wrll appear.
4.Touch Apply to save the settlngs.
Mares .yau sat tta contact tst ay c at only we
~ch can also VleW ca'flau nartes as G yen ‘lalwe tlrst ol l a'll ly tarne trst
To change which groups are displayed
l Open the Contacts appllcatlon
2. Touch the Menu Key n > More > Dlsplay options.
3 Touch an account to open lts lot of ayallaole groups
4. Touch each group whose contacts you warlt to Vlew ln your Contacts
appllcatlon. Contact types wtth a checkmalk wtll appear ln your contacts
llst Thls actlon affects only whlch contacts are olsplayeo Your sync
settlngs Wlll not be affected
5.Touch Apply to save your settlngs.
Joining Contacts
When you add an account or add contacts tn other ways, such as oy
exchangtng emans, the Contacts aoohcatron attempts to avoro ouohcatron oy
tornrng contact rnionnatron automatrcalty You can atso totn contacts manuaHy.
To join contacts
1 Open the Contacts apnlrcatron.
2. Touch the contact entry to whrch you want to add rnrorrnatron The
contact name ior thrs entry er rernarn unchanged after you yorn wrth
another Contact
3 Touch the Menu Key n > Edit Contact
4. Touch the Menu Key n > Join
5. Touch the contact whose rnrorrnatron you want to tow wrth the hrst
contact The rnrorrnatron from the two contacts wrh be merged and
orsptayeo under the name from the nrst contact
6 Touch Save to connrrn you want to mm the entnes The contact
rnrorrnatron wrn oe orsprayeo tn one contact entry
Separating Contact Information
Each contact entry on your phone may contarn ‘torned’ rnforrnatron from a
yanety or sources
ti contact rniormatron Vrorn drfierent sources was yorned tn error, you can
separate the rnrorrnatron back rnto rncryrouat contact entnes on your phone
To separate contact information
1 Opcn thc Contacts applrcatron.
Touch the contact entry whose rnforrnatron you want to separate
Touch the Menu Key n > Edtt contact
Touch the Menu Key n > Separate
Touch the OK button to continn you want to separate the entnes.The
contam tntormauon WTH separated ml!) tndtvtdual Contact enmes m the
Contacts hsl
Opening Email and fine Accounfs Screen
Vou can use tho Email apph’canon to road cmaH frorn scryrccs other than
GmerT'M The Email apphcanon supports thefoHoang account types
Mrcrosoft Exchange, Wmdows Lrye Ho\maTI,Yahoo‘ Man, GmaH, AOL Mon,
and other accounts.
To open the Erna“ application
> Touch the Apps KeyE > Email E.
The Trrst trrne you open the Ema” aoplrcatron, a sctuo wryoro opens to hcto
you add an ernatt account
After the rnrtrat setup, Ernait disptays \he contents or your Tneox.
The Accounts screen
The Accounts screen hsts a“ your accoums.
> Open the Ema” applrcatron. Ifyou’re not on the Account screen,
touch the Menu Key - > Accounts
Each fowoer and account on the Accounts screen orspwsys the number
or unread messages rn green or wru drspway the number or messages
rn Starred, Drafts and Outoox rn gray.
You can touch an account to mew Tts ‘Hbox
The account from whwch you send emafl by defauk Ts Tndwcated WM 3
Working wifh Conversafions in Batches
Vou can archrve, rabeh de‘efie, or perform other acflons on a bafich of
conversancns at once, rrr your rnbox or rrr another raber
1 From the Inbox, or a forder Wrth another rabe‘, much the checkbox for aH
rhe messages you warn w rhcluae rh the harsh.
When you Checkmark a converSann, the Archive, Labels, and Delete
buttons appear at me bottom or the screen
2. Touch Archive, Derere, or Labels crrauch (he Menu Key n > Add
srar, Reporl spam, Mute, Mark unread, or Deseleer all.
Your actrcn affects the serected batch of messages
rr you accrdehrauy delere a bmch or conversarrons, you can (ouch uhao
rh rhe green bar uhar appears brlefly after rhe mm) at the rep or rhe
screen to undo the acheh and restore the message(s) to the preyrous
rosarron You can arse use Undo aner mumg, arehryrhg, and repomng
Labeling a Ccnversafion
As mermoned preyrousry, conversauons are orgamzed by raaers Gman has
severar defauh rahels, bur you can arse add your own rhraugh Gmarr on rhe
To label a conversation
l When readlrlg a canversatlorl's messages, much (he Menu Key n >
Change labels
2. ln me dlalog box max opens, check me labels you Warll w asslgrl m me
Cunversatlorl and (ouch UK
To label a belch nf conversaflons at once
You can aSSlgn or change the labels of one or more conversallons at once
l From your lrlbox, or a folder Wlth another label, checkmark [he
Conversatlons to select a batch
2. Touch Labels at (he bonom ol the screen.
3 ln the dlalog box that opens, check the labels you want to BSSlgn m the
4. Touch OK.
Starring a Message
You can star an lmporlarlt message or conversallcn (0 make ll easy to
locate agalh
To stay a message
> When readlrlg a message, touch me starfi ln lts header
> When Vlerng a llsl of conversallons, much ltS star fl K) star the
news-El message ln the conversallon
To unstar a message
> Tauch lts slar agaln.
To star or unstar all messages in a conversation
> When Vlerrlg (he Inbox, or arlulller label, much a conversallon’s slar
Viewing Conversafiens by Label
Vou can View a hsfi of (he conversanons (hafi have (he same ‘abe‘, mc‘udmg
conversancrrs wrth starred messages
1 when vrewmg your Inbox, or a fo‘der WKh another ‘abe‘, much the Menu
Key n > Go to labels.
m u
am.- ,,
Z. Tuuch a ‘abe‘ (o vwew a Hsfi of conversaflons wnh that ‘abe‘
"015 The carversat or hst wru resembre your max Nest o‘ he Dpnu'vs ayauaore wme usmg
your mbux Wu arse ae ayarraure wmre yrewrrrq mese hsh or renewed messaqes
Reporting Spam
The Gmau seryree rs qurte effeeaye at preyemmg spam {Junk man from
reacmrrg your moox. But when spam does make u (hrough, you can hero
rmproyc me Gmau scrvrcc by rcpomng me canyorsauon as spam.
To report a conversation as spam
> when reaamg me emarl, much the Menu Key n > More > Repon
> From me Inbox, mum me checkmark box «1 seen me messages you
warn m repon as spam > Menu Key I > Repon spam
When you rcpon a convorsauon as spam, ma convorsau‘on (and aH us
messages) are removed (ram your mnox You can very the messages
you‘ve marked as spam by yrewmg messages wrm me Spam raoer
The Phone applicafion
The phone features of your oeyrce rnctuoe many ways to rnake caHs
t Touch the Horne Key n and then the Phone Keyu rn the chK
Keys bar at the bcnom of the screen
The Phone apohcatron has four taos across the top of the screen
Phone, Call log, Contacts, and Groups Usmg these taos, you can
draw manuaHy or rnake caHs autcrnatrcahy frorn rntorrnat'ron you've
stored rn your phone
Thrs tao aHows you to draw a phone number rnanuauy You can atso caH
yorcernart usrng thrs Keypad
Call log
Thrs tao orsptays the hrstory of aH your caHs From here you can caH or
contact any of the entnes To oetete an entry, touch and hold the entry and
then touch Remove from can Iog.To oetete your CaH log, touch the Menu
Key n > Delete a“ or Muttrsetect > Detete.
Thrs (ab orsptays your Contacts hst. From here you can can or contact any
or the entnes based on the saved rntorrnatron or manage your Contacts
h“at.Touoh the Menu Key n to setect New contact, Detete, Send, Share,
Back up now, or More {Display options, Speeo dials, Accounts, tmpon/
Export, My promo)
Thrs tao orsptays your contacts by group for each account type you have
act up, atartrng wrth Favorites, touowco by a hat of recent frcoucnt contact
From here you can caH or contact any or the enmes based on the saved
rntorrnatron or manage your hat For aoortronat optrona, touch the Menu Key
n to seteot New group, Send, Share, or Delete

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