LG Electronics USA T17HD 17” CRT Monitor User Manual Microsoft PowerPoint F User s Manual

LG Electronics USA 17” CRT Monitor Microsoft PowerPoint F User s Manual

Users Manual

1FCC Compliance StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply withinthe limits of a Class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation.This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radiofrequency energy and if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radioor television reception (which can be determined by turningthe equipment on and off), the user is encouraged to try tocorrect the interference by using one or more of thefollowing measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and thereceiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuitdifferent from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TVtechnician for  help.Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approvedby the party responsible for compliance could void theuser's (or your) authority to operate the equipment. Onlyperipherals (digital input/output devices, terminals, printers,etc.) certified to comply with the Class B limits may beattached to this monitor. Operation with non-certifiedperipherals is likely to result in interference to radio and TVreception.Only shielded signal cables may be used with this System.Canadian DOC NoticeThis Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of theCanadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes lesexigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur duCanada.CE Conformity Notice (for Europe)Products with the “CE” Marking comply with the EMCDirective(89/336/EEC) and LOW VOLTAGE Directive(73/23/EEC) issued by the Commission of the EuropeanCommunity.Compiance with these directives implies conformity to thefollowing European Norms :• EN 55022:1998          ; Radio Frequency Interference• EN 55024:1998  ; Electromagnetic Immunity• EN 61000-3-2             ; Power Line Harmonics• EN 61000-3-3             ; Voltage Fluctuations• EN 60950                    ; Product SafetyLow Radiation Compliance (MPR II)This monitor meets one of the strictest guidelines availabletoday for low radiation emissions, offering the user extrashielding and an antistatic screen coating. Theseguidelines, set forth by a government agency in Sweden,limit the amount of emission allowed in the Extremely LowFrequency (ELF) and Very Low Frequency (VLF)electromagnetic range.TCO95Congratulations! You have just purchased a TCO’95 approved and labelledproduct!  Your choice has provided you with a productdeveloped for professional use.  Your purchase has alsocontributed to reducing the burden on the environment andto the further development of environmentally-adaptedelectronic products.Why do we have environmentally labelled computers? In many countries, environmental labelling has become anestablished method for encouraging the adaptation ofgoods and services to the environment.  The main problemas far as computers and other electronic equipment areconcerned is that environmentally harmful substances areused both in the products and during their manufacture.Since it has not been possible so far for the majority ofelectronic equipment to be recycled in a satisfactory way,most of these potentially damaging substances sooner orlater enter Nature.There are also other characteristics of a computer, such asenergy consumption levels, that are important from both theworking and natural environment viewpoints.  Since alltypes of conventional electricity generation have a negativeeffect on the environment (acidic- and climatic-influencingemissions, radioactive waste, etc.), it is vital to conserveenergy.  Electronic equipment in offices consumes asenormous amount of energy, since it is often routinely leftrunning continuously.What does the environmenal labelling involve?This product meets the requirements for the TCO’95 Regulatory InformationNOTICEThe regulations are applied only to the products with theID LABEL indicating specific requirements.NOTICEThe regulations are applied only to the products with theID LABEL indicating specific requirements.NOTICEThe regulations are applied only to the products with theID LABEL indicating specific requirements.
2Regulatory Information cont.NUTEKNaturskyddsföreningen Närings- och teknikutvecklingsverket SEMKOscheme, which provides for international environmentallabelling of personal computers.  The labelling scheme wasdeveloped as a joint effort by the TCO (The SwedishConfederation of Professional Employees),Naturckyddsföreningen (The Swedish Society for NatureConservation), and NUTEK (The National Board forIndustrial and Technical Development in Sweden), andSEMKO AB (an international certification agency).The requirements cover a wide range of issues:environment, ergonomics, usability, emission of electricaland magnetic fields, energy consumption and electrical andfire safety.The environmental demands concern, among other things,restriction on the presence and use of heavy metals,brominated and chlorinated flame retardants, CFCs(freons), and chlorinated solvents.  The product must beprepared for recycling, and the manufacturer is obliged tohave an environmental plan, which must be adhered to ineach country where the company implements itsoperational policy.  The energy requirements include a demand that thecomputer and/or display, after a certain period of inactivity,shall reduce its power consumption to a lower level, in oneor more stages.  The length of time to reactivate thecomputer shall be reasonable for the user.Labelled products must meet strict environmentaldemands, for example, in respect of the reduction of electricand magnetic fields, along with physical and visualergonomics and good usability.The following is a brief summary of the environmentalrequirements met by this product.  The completeenvironmental criteria document may be ordered from:TCO Development UnitLinnegatan 14,  S-11494 Stockholm, SwedenFAX +46-8 782 92 07E-mail (Internet): development@tco.seCurrent information regarding TCO’95 approved andlabelled products may also be obtained on the Internetusing the address:      http://www.tco-info.com/TCO’95 is a co-operative project between:Environmental requirementsBrominated flame retardants are present in printed circuitboards, cabling, casings, and housings, and are added todelay the spread of fire.  Up to 30% of the plastic in acomputer casing can consist of flame-retardant substances.These are related to another group of environmental toxins,PCBs, and are suspected of giving rise to similar harm,including reproductive damage in fish-eating birds andmammals.  Flame retardants have been found in humanblood, and researchers fear that they can disturb fetusdevelopment.  Bio-accumulative1TCO’95 demands require that plasticcomponents weighing more than 25 grams must notcontain flame retardants with organically bound chlorine orbromine.Lead can be found in picture tubes, display screens, solder,and capacitors.  Lead damages the nervous system and inhigher doses causes lead poisoning.  The relevant bio-accumulative TCO’95  requirement permits the inclusion oflead, as no replacement has yet been developed.Cadmium is present in rechargeable batteries and in thecolor-generating layers of certain computer displays.Cadmium damages the nervous system and is toxic in highdoses.  The relevant bio-accumulative TCO’95 requirementstates that batteries may not contain more than 25 ppm(parts per million) of cadmium.  The color-generating layersof display screens must not contain any cadmium.Mercury is sometimes found in batteries, relays andswitches. Mercury damages the nervous system and istoxic in high doses.  The relevant bio-accumulative TCO’95requirement states that batteries may not contain more than 25 ppm of mercury and that no mercury is present in any ofthe electrical or electronic components concerned with thedisplay unit.CFCs (freons) are sometimes used for washing printedcircuit boards and in the manufacture of expanded foam forpackaging.  CFCs break down ozone and thereby damagethe ozone layer in the atmosphere, causing increasedreception on Earth of ultra-violet light with consequentincreased risks of skin cancer (malignant melanoma).  Therelevant TCO’95 requirement:  Neither CFCs nor HCFCsmay be used during the manufacture of the product or itspackaging.1Bio-accumulative means that the substance accumulateswithin living organisms.Shipping PackageThe packaging material can be recycled, or you can save itto return the monitor to a service center for repair ordisposal.CFC Compounds in Distribution PackagingCushioning material used for shipping finished monitors arenot manufactured with nor do they contain any CFCcompounds.Design for Disassembly/RecyclingThese monitors have been designed for easy end-of-lifedisassembly and recycling. Fasteners are generally of thesame type for efficient disassembly. Components made ofdifferent materials can be easily separated and plasticshave been identified using intermational symbols to aid inrecycling.Monitor DisposalWARNINGIf you need to dispose of a monitor, ask a qualified servicerepresentative for the proper procedure. Improper disposalcould result in personal injury from implosion.
3TCO99Congratulations! You have just purchased a TCO’99 approved andlabelled product! Your choice has provided you witha product developed for professional use. Yourpurchase has also contributed to reducing theburden on the environment and also to the furtherdevelopment of environmentally adapted electronicsproducts.Why do we have environmentally labelledcomputers? In many countries, environmental labelling hasbecome an established method for encouraging theadaptation of goods and services to the environment.The main problem, as far as computers and otherelectronics equipment are concerned, is thatenvironmentally harmful substances are used both inthe products and during their manufacture. Since it isnot so far possible to satisfactorily recycle themajority of electronics equipment, most of thesepotentially damaging substances sooner or laterenter nature. There are also other characteristics of a computer,such as energy consumption levels, that areimportant from the viewpoints of both the work(internal) and natural (external) environments. Sinceall methods of electricity generation have a negativeeffect on the environment (e.g. acidic and climate-influencing emissions, radioactive waste), it is vital tosave energy. Electronics equipment in offices isoften left running continuously and therebyconsumes a lot of energy.What does labelling involve?This product meets the requirements for the TCO’99scheme which provides for international andenvironmental labelling of personal computers. Thelabelling scheme was developed as a joint effort bythe TCO (The Swedish Confederation ofProfessional Employees), SvenskaNaturskyddsforeningen (The Swedish Society forNature Conservation) and Statens Energimyndighet(The Swedish National Energy Administration).Approval requirements cover a wide range of issues:environment, ergonomics, usability, emission ofelectric and magnetic fields, energy consumptionand electrical and fire safety.The environmental demands impose restrictions onthe presence and use of heavy metals, brominatedand chlorinated flame retardants, CFCs (freons) andchlorinated solvents, among other things. Theproduct must be prepared for recycling and themanufacturer is obliged to have an environmentalpolicy which must be adhered to in each countrywhere the company implements its operationalpolicy.The energy requirements include a demand that thecomputer and/or display, after a certain period ofinactivity, shall reduce its power consumption to alower level in one or more stages. The length of timeto reactivate the computer shall be reasonable forthe user.Labelled products must meet strict environmentaldemands, for example, in respect of the reduction ofelectric and magnetic fields, physical and visualergonomics and good usability.Below you will find a brief summary of theenvironmental requirements met by this product. Thecomplete environmental criteria document may beordered from:TCO DevelopmentSE-114 94 Stockholm, SwedenFax: +46 8 782 92 07Email (Internet): development@tco.seCurrent information regarding TCO’99 approved andlabelled products may also be obtained via the Internet,using the address: http://www.tco-info.com/Environmental requirementsFlame retardantsFlame retardants are present in printed circuitboards, cables, wires, casings and housings. Theirpurpose is to prevent, or at least to delay the spreadof fire. Up to 30% of the plastic in a computer casingcan consist of flame retardant substances. Mostflame retardants contain bromine or chloride, andthose flame retardants are chemically related toanother group of environmental toxins, PCBs. Boththe flame retardants containing bromine or chlorideand the PCBs are suspected of giving rise to severehealth effects, including reproductive damage infish-eating birds and mammals, due to the bio-accumulative* processes. Flame retardants havebeen found in human blood and researchers fearthat disturbances in foetus development may occur.The relevant TCO’99 demand requires that plasticcomponents weighing more than 25 grams must notcontain flame retardants with organically boundbromine or chlorine. Flame retardants are allowed inthe printed circuit boards since no substitutes areavailable.Cadmium**Cadmium is present in rechargeable batteries and inthe colour-generating layers of certain computerdisplays. Cadmium damages the nervous systemand is toxic in high doses. The relevant TCO’99requirement states that batteries, the colour-generating layers of display screens and theelectrical or electronics components must not containany cadmium.Regulatory Information cont.
4Regulatory Information cont.Mercury**Mercury is sometimes found in batteries, relays andswitches. It damages the nervous system and istoxic in high doses. The relevant TCO’99requirement states that batteries may not containany mercury. It also demands that mercury is notpresent in any of the electrical or electronicscomponents associated with the labelled unit.CFCs (freons)The relevant TCO’99 requirement states that neitherCFCs nor HCFCs may be used during themanufacture and assembly of the product. CFCs(freons) are sometimes used for washing printedcircuit boards. CFCs break down ozone and therebydamage the ozone layer in the stratosphere, causingincreased reception on earth of ultraviolet light withe.g. increased risks of skin cancer (malignantmelanoma) as a consequence.Lead**Lead can be found in picture tubes, display screens,solders and capacitors. Lead damages the nervoussystem and in higher doses, causes lead poisoning.The relevant TCO’99 requirement permits theinclusion of lead since no replacement has yet beendeveloped.* Bio-accumulative is defined as substances whichaccumulate within living organisms** Lead, Cadmium and Mercury are heavy metals which areBio-accumulative.EPA (U.S.A only)ENERGYSATR is a set of power-saving guidelinesissued by the U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency(EPA).NOM MARK (Mexico only)GOST MARKEPA  POLLUTION PREVENTERAs an ENERGY STAR Partner LGElectronics U.S.A.,Inc. hasdetermined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR guidelines forenergy efficiency.BZ03Internet Address:http://www.lg.ru»ÌÙÓχˆËÓÌ̇ˇ ÒÎÛÊ·‡ LGElectronics (095)742-77-77
C170User’s Guide Color MonitorEnglish
iiiFirst Edition (April / 2003)Note : For important information, refer to the Monitor Safety and Warranty manual that comes with this monitor.
ENGLISH1Safety (Read first).......................................................................................................2Setting up the monitor ...............................................................................................3Product Description..............................................................................................3Workplace preparation.........................................................................................3Working Practices................................................................................................4Caring for your Monitor ........................................................................................4Connecting your Monitor......................................................................................5Switching on your Monitor....................................................................................6Device Driver Installation...........................................................................................7Windows 95/98 ....................................................................................................7Windows 2000/Me............................................................................................................8Windows XP .....................................................................................................................9Adjusting Your Monitor............................................................................................10User controls......................................................................................................10On-screen display (OSD) controls......................................................................11Further Information ..................................................................................................15Display modes ...................................................................................................15Power Management...........................................................................................16Product Disposal................................................................................................16Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................17Help and Service Information.............................................................................19Specifications ...........................................................................................................20Service Information..................................................................................................21Notices and Trademarks..........................................................................................22Contents
2    í í í                 T710_E_update.fm  Page 2  Monday, July 8, 2002  11:44 AM
ENGLISH3Setting up the monitorProduct DescriptionThis monitor requires a computer with a suitable on-board sub-system orVideo Adapter card that can support SXGA 1280 x 1024, XGA 1024 x 768,SVGA 800 x 600, or VGA 640 x 480 at 60Hz.In addition to your monitor, your option package includes the following:•User's Guide and Installation Files CD•Monitor Safety and Warranty Information Manual•C170 Color Monitor Quick Setup Guide•Power Cord•C170 Color Monitor•Signal Cable - Attached to MonitoriThis section gives adviceon what you shouldconsider before you set upyour monitor.Workplace PreparationPositioning the MonitorChoose a suitable place to position the monitor where it is not nearfluorescent desk lighting or any equipment that produces magnetic fieldsthat could cause interference. Ensure that the furniture or equipment cansupport the weight of the monitor. Allow at least 50mm (2 in.) ventilationspace around the monitor.HeightPosition the monitor so that the top of the screen is slightly below your eyelevel when you sit at your workstation.Orientation- Choose a position that gives the least reflection from lights and windows, usually at a right angle to any windows.- Positon the monitor directly in front of you so that you do not have to twistyour body to use it.- Tilt the monitor to a comfortable viewing angle.
4Be sure to turn off the power before you perform any maintenance on themonitor. Clean your monitor as follows:• Gently wipe the covers and the screen with a soft cloth. Do not use solvents or abrasives.• Remove finger marks and grease with a damp cloth and mild detergent.• Never use flammable cleaning materials to clean your IBM monitor orany other electrical apparatus.Caring for your MonitoriThis section gives adviceon how you can workcomfortably and reducefatigue.RestTake regular breaks. Vary your posture, stand up and stretch occasionallyas prolonged use of computer workstations can be tiring.BackSit back in your chair and use the backrest.HandsAdjust the seat height so that your forearms are approximately horizontaland your wrists are straight when using the keyboard. Your upper armsshould be relaxed with your elbows near your body.Use a light touch on the keyboard, keeping your hands and fingers relaxed.Allow a space in front of the keyboard to rest your wrists when not typing.Consider using a wristpad.EyesightWorking with monitors, in common with any prolonged close work, can bevisually demanding. Look away from the screen periodically and have youreyesight checked regularly.Screen settingsSet the screen brightness and contrast to a comfortable level. You mayhave to adjust these settings as the lighting changes during the day. Manyapplication programs let you select color combinations which can help youto view in comfort. See the User controls section on page 10 for moreinformation.Power cordFor safe operation, use the power cord supplied with the unit.Working Practices
PCPower Cord Signal CableWall-outlet type5ENGLISHConnecting your Monitor1. Turn off your computer and all attached devices. Next, unplug thepower cord(s) to your computer and all attached devices.2. Connect the signal cable.3. Connect the power cord to the monitor and then plug the power cordinto a properly grounded outlet. Next, reconnect the power cord(s) toyour computer and all attached devices.(Figure A)Be sure to read the ‘Safety’Information located in theMonitor Safety and WarrantyInformation Manual beforecarrying out this procedure.NOTEThis is a simplified representation ofthe rear view.This rear view represents a generalmodel; your monitor may differ fromthe view as shown.
61. Switch on your computer.2. Switch on your monitor by pushing and releasing the power switch marked [    ]at the front of the bezel.[To switch off your monitor, push and release the power switch again.]3. To update or install device drivers, follow the instructions in the Device DriverInstallation section on page 7.Switching on your Monitor
ENGLISH7To install the device driver in Microsoft®Windows®95 or Windows 98, dothe following: You must download files from the User’s Guide and Installation Files CD touse the Plug and Play feature in Windows 95 or Windows 98.Note:1. Turn off the computer and all attached devices.2. Ensure that the monitor is connected correctly.3. Turn on the monitor and then the system unit. Allow your computer tostart the Windows 95 or Windows 98 operating system.Your computer’s Plug and Play code might warn you that your systemhardware has changed. This means that it has detected your newmonitor for the first time.4. Open the Display Properties window by clicking Start, Settings,Control Panel and then double - clicking on the Display icon.5. Click the Settings tab.• If you are using Windows 95 : 6 - 1. Click the Change Display Type button.2.Click the Change Monitor Type button.• If you are using Windows 98 :6 - 1.Click the Advanced button.2.Click the Monitor tab.    3. Open the Upgrade Device Driver Wizard window by clicking on Change button and then select the Next button. 4. Click “Display a list of the known drivers for this device so that I can choose a specific driver” and  then select the Next button. 7. Insert the User’s Guide and Installation Files CD into the CD driver andclick the Have Disk button.8. Click OK.9. Ensure that the CD drive letter is selected, and then select theDRIVERS folder.10.Select IBM C170 monitor and click OK. The files will be copied from theCD to your hard disk drive.11.Close all open windows and remove the CD.12.Restart the computer.The system will automatically select the maximum refresh rate andcorresponding Color Matching Profiles.   Device Driver InstallationInstalling the device driver in Windows 95 or Windows 98
8To install the device driver in Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional orMicrosoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me), do the following: You must download files from the User’s Guide and Installation Files CD touse the Plug and Play feature in Windows 2000 or Windows Me.Note:1. Turn off the computer and all attached devices.2. Ensure that the monitor is connected correctly.3. Turn on the monitor and then the system unit. Allow your computer tostart the Windows 2000 or Windows Me operating system.4. Open the Display Properties window by clicking Start, Settings,Control Panel and then double - clicking on the Display icon.5. Click the Settings tab.6. Click the Advanced button.7. Click the Monitor tab.8. Click the Properties button.9. Click the Driver tab.10.Open the Upgrade Device Driver Wizard window by clicking on Update Driver and then click the Next button. 11.Select “Display a list of the known drivers for this device so that I can choose a specific driver” and then click the Next button. 12.Insert the Monitor CD into the CD drive and click the Have Disk button.13.Click OK.14.Ensure that the CD drive letter is selected, and then select theDRIVERS folder.15.Select IBM C170 monitor and click OK. The files will be copied from theCD to your hard disk drive.16.Close all open windows and remove the CD.17.Restart the computer.The system will automatically select the maximum refresh rate andcorresponding Color Matching Profiles.Installing the device driver in Windows 2000 or Windows Me
ENGLISH9To install the device driver in Windows XP, do the following: You must download files from the User’s Guide and Installation Files CD touse the Plug and Play feature in Windows XP.Note:1. Turn off the computer and all attached devices.2. Ensure that the monitor is connected correctly.3. Turn on the monitor and then the system unit. Allow your computer tostart the Windows XP operating system.4. Open the Display Properties window by clicking Start, Settings,Control Panel and then double - clicking on the Display icon.5. Click the Settings tab.6. Click the Advanced button.7. Click the Monitor tab.8. Click the Properties button.9. Click the Driver tab.10.Open the Hardware Update Wizard window by clicking on UpdateDriver and then click the Next button.11.Select “Install from a list or Specific location(Advanced)” and then clickthe Next button.12.Insert the Monitor CD into the CD drive and click the Have Disk button.13.Click OK.14.Ensure that the CD drive letter is selected, and then select theDRIVERS folder.15.Select IBM C170 monitor and click OK. The files will be copied from theCD to your hard disk drive.16.Close all open windows and remove the CD.17.Restart the computer.The system will automatically select the maximum refresh rate andcorresponding Color Matching Profiles.Installing the device driver in Windows XP
10Adjusting Your MonitorUser controlsUSER CONTROL FEATURESiThe image is alreadyoptimized for many displaymodes, however the usercontrols can be used to adjustthe image to your liking.iThe settings are savedafter adjustment andwhen exiting the OSD andwill be effective thereafter.Icon Direct Access FunctionsSwitches the monitors on and off.Bring up Brightness adjustment.Bring up Contrast adjustment.Icon Monitor controlsandDisplay main OSD menu and selects highlighted menu item.Moved the cursor to highlight icons or make adjustments.Exits from current OSD menu.
ENGLISH11The settings adjustable with the user controls are viewed through the On -Screen Display (OSD). Press the enter button [     ] to display the main OSDmenu.Initial appearance of OSDOn-screen display (OSD) controlsiThe LCD monitor needstime to become thermallystable the first time you turn iton each day. Thus, to achievemore accurate adjustments forparameters, allow the LCDmonitor to warm up (be On) forat least 15 minutes beforemaking any screen adjustment.Image  QualityExit OKImage  QualityBrightness:Adjusts overall screen brightness.Cancel OKBrightness065100Cancel OKOSD functionsOSD Icon Description sub-menu(s) Control andAdjustmentsAdjusts brightnessAdjusts contrastBrightnessContrastsub menu;  Adjustment screen; main menu; MoireDegaussTo reduce the degree of moire.The moire adjustments may affectthe focus of the screen.To manually demagnetize the screento avoid showing incorrect images orcolors.Image Quality• Horizontal• Vertical• YES• NO
12OSD Icon Description Sub-menu(s) Controls andAdjustmentsHorizontalPositionVerticalPositionHorizontalSizeVerticalSize Moves the screen left and right .Moves the screen up and down.Adjusts image widthAdjusts image heightRotationTrapezoidTo correct geometric distortion.Turns image clockwise or counterclockwiseImagePosition/SizeParallelogramTo correctly adjust the skew of theimage.PincushionBalanceTo correct the balance of both sidesbowling.GeometryResetTo resets image shape to originalsetting.PincushionTo correct a concave or convex bowingof the image.Image Shape• YES• NO
ENGLISH13OSD Icon Description Sub-menu(s) Controls andAdjustmentsSelect from standard white colors.Increases or decreasesrednessIncreases or decreasesgreennessIncreases or decreasesblueness•9300K(Blue White)•6500K(Pink White)•5000K(Normal White)•Custom•Red•Green•Blue•Save•YES•NOPresetColorAdjusts Red, Green and Blue intensityUser ControlPointColorReset CustomColorResets custom color to original value• English• Français• Italiano• Deutsch• Español Display the detailed information ofresolution, model name and microcode.- Adjusts respondence speed of button. - Adjusts the length of time for which the menu will on the screen before it disappears.InformationThe language chosen affects only thelanguage of the OSD.Select one of the Five language to use forthe OSD.It has no effect on any software runningon the computer.Menu LanguageButton repeatrate•Default•Slow•OffMenu time outChange button repeat rate and menutime-out setting.Accessibility Options
14OSD Icon Description Sub-menu(s)• Horizontal • VerticalControls andAdjustmentsChanges the position of the OSD on thescreen.Menu Position• YES• NOReset should return all availablefunctions (apart from language whichshould not change unless adjusted viathe LANGUAGE menu) to their factorypresets.Exits from current OSD menu.Factory Default• 0.7V • 1.0VSelect the monitor input signal level.Video InputLevelExitOptions
ENGLISH1515The display mode the monitor uses is controlled by the computer. Therefore,you should refer to your computer documentation for details on how tochange display modes.If possible, configure your computer for 1280 x 1024 addressability at 75Hzvertical refresh rate.For the display modes listed below, the screen image has been optimizedduring manufacture.Further InformationDisplay modesAddressability Refresh Rate Horizontal Frequency720 x 400  70 Hz  31.5 kHz640 x 480  60 Hz  31.5 kHz640 x 480  85 Hz  43.3 kHz800 x 600  75 Hz  46.9 kHz800 x 600  85 Hz  53.7 kHz1024 x 768  75 Hz  60.0 kHz1024 x 768  85 Hz  68.7 kHz1280 x 1024 †75 Hz  80.0 kHz1152 x 864  75 Hz  67.5 kHz† RecommendedNote : VESA timings areas detailed in the VESA“Display Monitor TimingSpecification”. Version1.0, Revision 0.8, Dated09/17/98.Factory Set Display Modes
16To benefit from power management, the monitor must be used inconjunction with a computer that implements the Video ElectronicsStandards Association (VESA) Display Power Management Signaling(DPMS) Standard. The power management feature is invoked when the computer recognizesthat you have not used your mouse or keyboard for a user-definable period.There are several states as described in the table below.As an ENERGY STAR 2000®Partner, IBM has determined that this productmeets the  ENERGY STAR 2000®guidelines for energy efficiency.For optimal performance switch off your monitor at the end of each workingday, or whenever you expect to leave it unused for long periods during theday.Power ManagementThe fluorescent lamps in the liquid crystal display contains a small amountof mercury. Dispose of it as required by local ordinances and regulations.Product DisposalOnActive offState PowerIndicatorSteady green NormalBlankSteady amberScreen RestoringOperation CompliancePress a key ormove the mouse.*ENERGYSTAR 2000®* There may be a slight delay before the picture reappears.
ENGLISH17TroubleshootingIf you have a problem setting up or using your monitor, you may be able to solve it yourself. Before calling your retailer or IBM, try the suggestedactions that are appropriate to your problem.ProblemNo power tomonitor.PossibleCause Suggested  Action  ReferenceBrightnessand Contrastmay be toolow.The monitor isin the PowerManagementStandby state.Screen isblank andpowerindicator is off.Screen is blankand powerindicator issteady green.Screen is blankand powerindicator issteady amber.Usercontrolssection on page 10.PowerManagementsection on page 16.ConnectingyourMonitorsection on  page 5.•Adjust brightness and contrast.•Press any key on the keyboardor move the mouse to restoreoperation.   •Check the Power Managementsoftware on your computer.•  Ensure that the electrical outlet  and the monitor are both switched on.•  Check that the power cord is firmly plugged into theelectrical outlet and the powersupply unit.•  If the power cord plug has a removable fuse, replace it.•  Try another power cord.•  Try another electrical outlet.•  Check the power connection atthe back of the panel.
18Problem PossibleCause Suggested  Action  ReferenceThe color settingmay be incorrect.Screen is blankand powerindicator isflashing greenevery 0.5secondCHECKSIGNAL CABLEmessage isshown andpower indicatoris steady amber.Image appearsto be discoloredUserControlssection onpage 10.•Adjust the Color settings.Connectingyour monitorsection on  page 5.•Check that the signal cable is firmly connected to the computer.•  Check that no pins are bentin the signal cable connector.The monitor isnot receiving avideo signalDisplay mode ofthe computerisoutside therange of themonitor•Reconfigure key on the computer to use  a supported display mode.FurtherInformationsection on page 19.
ENGLISH19If you are unable to correct the problem yourself, you may seek further helpas follows:Call the IBM HelpCenter®.In the U.S.A and Puerto Rico call 1-800-772-2227In Canada(Toronto Only) call 416-383-3344In Canada(all other) call 1-800-565-3344In other countries contact your dealer, retailer, or other IBM authorizedServicer.Before calling, please have available as much of the following information aspossible:1. Model and serial number from the label on your monitor.2. Purchase receipt.3. Description of problem.4. Computer type and model.5. System configuration (hardware fitted, etc.).6. System BIOS version number.7. Operating System and version number.8. Display driver version number.9. Video Adapter Type.Help and Service InformationiMore help, late-breakingnews and details of thelatest accessories for theseproducts may be found on theworldwide web at:iIf possible, stay by yourcomputer. Your TechnicalSupport Representative maywish to go through the problemwith you during the call.http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/accessories
20This color monitor (Type-model 6737-X6X) uses a 17-inch TFT LCD.iPower consumption figuresare for the monitor and thepower supply combined.WeightDiemension16 kg (35.27 lbs)16-inch (406.4 mm)0.25 mm 100 - 240V ac 50/60Hz2.0A < 70 W<   5 WSeparate, RGB Analog, 0.7Vp-p/75 ohm, positiveIBM, VESA, MAC30-85 kHz50-160HzSeparate, Composite,10 to 40°C (50 to 95°F)- 20 to 60°C (-4 to 140°F)- 20 to 60°C (-4 to 140°F)10 to 80% 5 to 95%5 to 95%ImagePower InputPowerConsumptionVideo InputCommunications Sync InputVESA DDC:TypeE-DDCSupported DisplayModesEnvironmentViewable Image Size:Dot Pitch:Supply Voltage:Rated Current:Normal Operation: Off:Input Signal:Standard modes : Horiz. Frequency:Vert. Frequency:Temperature:Operating:Storage:Shipping:Humidity:Operating:Storage:Shipping:SpecificationsWith Stand:430.0 mm (16.93 inch)414.0 mm (16.30 inch)420.0 mm (16.54 inch)Height:Width: Depth:
ENGLISH21C170 FRU MonitorC170 FRU MonitorC170 FRU MonitorC170 FRU MonitorC170 FRU MonitorC170 FRU MonitorC170 FRU MonitorC170 FRU MonitorC170 FRU MonitorC170 FRU-Tilt/SwivelC170 FRU-Tilt/SwivelUS,CAN,EMEAUS,CAN,EMEALA, ASEANLA, ASEANANZANZUS,CAN,EMEALA, ASEANANZWWWWTTSBTTSBTTSBPWPWPWSBPW 6737-K6N6737-66N6737-K6E6737-66E6737-K6S6737-66S6737-26N6737-26E6737-26S Service InformationThe following parts are for use by IBM service, or IBM authorized dealers,to support the customer warranty. Parts are for service use only.Model Type 6737Description Video 31P965231P965331P965431P965531P965631P965731P965831P965931P966031P966131P9745Color MTM
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