LG Electronics USA W2244TV LCD MONITOR User Manual W19 2243S T ENG

LG Electronics USA LCD MONITOR W19 2243S T ENG


Make sure to read the Important Precautions before using theproduct. Keep the User's Guide(CD) in an accessible place for futurereference.See the label attached on the product and give the information toyour dealer when you ask for service.W2044TW2244TUser’s GuideW2344T
1This unit has been engineered and manufactured to ensure your personal safety,however improper use may result in potential electrical  shock or fire hazards. Inorder to allow the proper operation of all safeguards incorporated in this display,observe the following basic rules for its installation, use, and servicing.On SafetyUse only the power cord supplied with the unit. In case you use another powercord, make sure that it is certified by the applicable national standards if not beingprovided by the supplier. If the power cable is faulty in any way, please contact themanufacturer or the nearest authorized repair service provider for a replacement.The power supply cord is used as the main disconnection device. Ensure that thesocket-outlet is easily accessible after installation.Operate the display only from a power source indicated in the specifications ofthis manual or listed on the display. If you are not sure what type of power supplyyou have in your home, consult with your dealer.Overloaded AC outlets and extension cords are dangerous. So are frayed powercords and broken plugs. They may result in a shock or fire hazard. Call your servicetechnician for replacement.As long as this unit is connected to the AC wall outlet, it is not disconnected fromthe AC power source even if the unit is turned off.Do not Open the Display:There are no user serviceable components inside. There are Dangerous High Voltages inside, even when the power is OFF. Contact your dealer if the display is not operating properly.To Avoid Personal Injury :Do not place the display on a sloping shelf unless properly secured.Use only a stand recommended by the manufacturer.Do not drop an object on or apply impact to the product. Do not throw any toysor objects on the product screen. It can cause injury to human, problem to product and damage the display.  To Prevent Fire or Hazards:Always turn the display OFF if you leave the room for more than a short periodof time. Never leave the display ON when leaving the house.Keep children from dropping or pushing objects into the display's cabinetopenings. Some internal parts carry hazardous voltages.Do not add accessories that have not been designed for this display.When the display is to be left unattended for an extended period of time, unplugit from the wall outlet.In the presence of thunder and lightning, never touch the power cord and signalcable because it can be very dangerous. It can cause electric shock. Important Precautions
Important PrecautionsNOTETHE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RADIO OR TV INTRERFERENCE CAUSED BY UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS TO THIS EQUIPMENT.SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD VOID THE USER'S AUTHORITY NOTEThis epuipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device,pursuant to part 15 of  the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates,uses and can radiate radio frequencycause harmful interference to radio communications.However,there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures:-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.energy and,if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.A3
2Important PrecautionsOn InstallationDo not allow anything to rest upon or roll over the power cord, and do not placethe display where the power cord is subject to damage.Do not use this display near water such as near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchensink, laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool.Displays are provided with ventilation openings in the cabinet to allow the releaseof heat generated during operation. If these openings are blocked, built-up heatcan cause failures which may result in a fire hazard. Therefore, NEVER:Block the bottom ventilation slots by placing the display on a bed, sofa, rug, etc.Place the display in a built-in enclosure unless proper ventilation is provided.Cover the openings with cloth or other material.Place the display near or over a radiator or heat source.Do not rub or strike the Active Matrix LCD with anything hard as this may scratch,mar, or damage the Active Matrix LCD permanently.Do not press the LCD screen with your finger for a long time as this may causesome afterimages.Some dot defects may appear as Red, Green or Blue spots on the screen.However, this will have no impact or effect on the display performance. If possible, use the recommended resolution to obtain the best image quality foryour LCD display. If used under any mode except the recommended resolution,some scaled or processed images may appear on the screen. However, this ischaracteristic of the fixed-resolution LCD panel.Leaving a fixed image on the screen for a long time may cause damage to thescreen and cause image burn-in. Make sure to use a screen saver on the product. Burn-in and related problems are not covered by the warranty on this product. Do not shock or scratch the front and sides of the screen with metallic objects. Otherwise, it may cause damage to the screen. Make sure the panel faces forward and hold it with both hands to move. If you drop the product, the damaged product can cause electric shock or fire. Contact an authorized the service center for repair. Avoid high temperatures and humidity.
Important Precautions3On CleaningUnplug the display before cleaning the face of the display screen.Use a slightly damp (not wet) cloth. Do not use an aerosol directly on the displayscreen because over-spraying may cause electrical shock.When cleaning the product, unplug the power cord and scrub gently with a softcloth to prevent scratching. Do not clean with a wet cloth or spray water orother liquids directly onto the product. An electric shock may occur. (Do not usechemicals such as benzene, paint thinners or alcohol) Spray water onto a soft cloth 2 to 4 times, and use it to clean the front frame;wipe in one direction only. Too much moisture may cause staining.  On RepackingDo not throw away the carton and packing materials. They make an idealcontainer in which to transport the unit. When shipping the unit to anotherlocation, repack it in its original material.On DisposalThe fluorescent lamp used in this product contains a small amount of mercury.Do not dispose of this product with general household waste.Disposal of this product must be carried out in accordance to the regulations ofyour local authority.(Only, Hg lamp used LCD Monitor)
4Accessories!!! Thank for selecting LGE products !!! Please make sure the following items are included with yourmonitor. If any items are missing, contact your dealer.User's Guide/Cards Power Cord(Depending on the  country)15-pin D-Sub Signal Cable(To set it up, this signal cable maybe attached to  this product beforeshipping out.)DVI-D Signal Cable(This feature is not availablein all countries.)IMPORTANTThis accessories may look different from those shown here.User must use shielded signal interface cables (D-sub 15 pin cable, DVI cable) with ferritecores to maintain standard compliance for the product.
5Connecting the DisplayImportantThis illustration depicts the general model of connection. Your monitor may differ fromthe items shown in the picture.Do not carry the product upside down holding only the stand base. The product mayfall and get damaged or injure your foot.Before setting up the monitor, ensure that the power to the monitor, the computersystem, and other attached devices is turned off.Connecting the stand 1.Place the monitor with its front facing downward on a soft cloth.2.Assemble the Stand Base(Front, Rear) into the Stand Body in the correct direction.3.Tie down the base lock to perpendicularity direction.4.Once assembled take the monitor up carefully and facethe front side.Stand BodyStand Base
6Connecting the DisplayDisassembling the stand1. Put a cushion or soft cloth on a flatsurface.3. Change your lock on the product as it follows and turn it in the arrow direction.2. Place the monitor face down onthe cushion or soft cloth.If you can't release the stand base even the locking rib is at a release position,Please push the indicated rib down and retry it.4.Pull out the stand to remove.
7Connecting the DisplayBefore setting up the monitor, ensure that the power to the monitor,the computer system, and other attached devices is turned off. Positioning your display-After installation, adjust the angle as shown below. 1. Adjust the position of the panel in various ways for maximum comfort.Tilt Range : -5˚~15˚                            ERGONOMICIt is recommended that in order to maintain an ergonomic and comfortable viewing position,the forward tilt angle of the monitor should not exceed 5 degrees.15-5  Do not touch or press the screen whenadjusting the angle of the monitor. When adjusting the angle of the screen, donot put your finger(s) in between the head ofthe monitor and the stand body. You canhurt your finger(s).
8Connecting the DisplayNOTE‘ Self Image Setting Function’? This function provides the user with optimal displaysettings.When the user connects the monitor for the first time, this function automatically adjuststhe display to optimal settings for individual input signals. ‘AUTO/SET’ Function? When you encounter problems such as blurry screen, blurred letters,screen flicker or tilted screen while using the device or after changing screen resolution, pressthe AUTO/SET function button to improve resolution. ABConnect DVI-D(Digital signal) CableConnect D-sub(Analog signal) Cable 1. Before setting up the monitor, ensure that the power to the monitor, the computersystem, and other attached devices is turned off.  2.Connect signal input cable         and power cord        in order, then tighten the screwof the signal cable. Connecting with the PC 12PCPCABWall-outlet typeMac adapter : For Apple Macintosh use, aseparate plug adapter is needed to change the15 pin high density (3 row) D-sub VGAconnector on the supplied cable to a 15 pin  2row connector.When using a D-Sub signal input cable connectorfor Macintosh Varies according to model.DVI-D (This feature is not available in all countries.)NOTE  This is a simplified representation of the rear view.This rear view represents a general model; your display may differ from the view as shown.3. Press the power button on the front panel to turn the power on. When monitor power isturned on, the 'Self Image Setting Function' is executed automatically.(Only Analog Mode)Power Bottom
9Control Panel FunctionsFront Panel Controls3 4 521ButtonUse this button to enter 4:3 IN WIDE, PHOTO EFFECTmenus.For more information, refer to page 12.MENU ButtonUse this button to enter or exit the On Screen Display.OSD LOCKED/UNLOCKEDThis function allows you to lock the current controlsettings, so that they cannot be inadvertently changed.Press and hold the MENU button for several seconds.The message "OSD LOCKED" should appear.You can unlock the OSD controls at any time by pushingthe MENU button for several seconds. The message"OSD UNLOCKED" should appear.
10Control Panel FunctionsUse this button to enter a selection in the On Screen Display.AUTO/SETButtonAUTO IMAGE ADJUSTMENTWhen adjusting your display settings, always pressthe AUTO/SET button before entering the On ScreenDisplay(OSD). (Only Analog Mode)This will automatically adjust your display image tothe ideal settings for the current screen resolutionsize (display mode).The best display mode isW2044T : 1600 x 900W2244T/W2344T : 1920 x 1080 ButtonsUse these buttons to select or adjust functions in the OnScreen Display.Use this function to select optimal image conditions inaccordance with the surrounding environment(Brightness, Image type). For more information, refer to page 13.Use this button to turn the display on or off.The power indicator stays blue if the display is runningproperly (On Mode). If the display is in Sleep Mode(Energy Saving), the power indicator is blinking blue. Power Button &Power IndicatorWhen two input signals are connected, you can select theinput signal (D-SUB/DVI) you want. When only one signalis connected, it is automatically detected. The defaultsetting is D-Sub. (SOURCE Hot key)
11On Screen Display (OSD) Control AdjustmentScreen AdjustmentMaking adjustments to the image size, position and operatingparameters of the display is quick and easy with the On ScreenDisplay Control system. A short example is given below to familiarize you with the use of thecontrols. The following section is an outline of the availableadjustments and selections you can make using the OSD.Pops up themenu screenTo make adjustments in the On Screen Display, follow these steps:Move whereyou want toadjustSelect amenu iconAdjust thestatusExit from themenu screen.Press the MENU Button, then the main menu of the OSD appears.To access a control, use the        or       Buttons. When the icon you wantbecomes highlighted, press the  AUTO/SET Button.Use the       /     Buttons to adjust the image to the desired level. Use the AUTO/SET Button to select other sub-menu items.Press the MENU Button once to return to the main menu to select anotherfunction. Press the MENU Button twice to exit from the OSD.1234
12NOTE The order of icons may differ depending on the model (11~17).On Screen Display(OSD) Selection and Adjustment The following table indicates all the On Screen Display control, adjustment,and setting menus.Main menu Sub-menu DescriptionMOVIEINTERNETUSERNORMALDEMOTo select or customize desiredimage settingsF-ENGINELANGUAGEOSD POSITION    (HORIZONTAL / VERTICAL)* WHITE BALANCEPOWER INDICATORFACTORY RESETTo customize the screenstatus for a user's operatingenvironmentSETUP* HORIZONTAL*VERTICAL*CLOCK*PHASESHARPNESSTo improve the clarity and stabilityof the screen TRACKING To adjust the position of thescreen  PRESET (sRGB / 6500K / 9300K)REDGREENBLUECOLOR To customize the color of thescreenBRIGHTNESSCONTRASTGAMMA PICTURE To adjust the brightness,contrast and gamma of thescreenNORMAL GAUSSIAN BLURSEPIAMONOCHROMEPHOTOEFFECTTo adjust the screen color mode4:3 IN WIDETo adjust the image size*: Analog Input only
13On Screen Display(OSD) Selection and Adjustment The OSD screen will appear when you press the  button on the frontof the monitor.Main menu DescriptionMENU : Exit: MoveSET    : Select4:3 IN WIDE To select the image size of the screen.•WIDE         : Switch to full screen modeaccording to input image signal.  •4:3 : Change the input image signal ratio to4:3. WIDE 4:3PHOTO  EFFECTTo select the color effects of the screen.•NORMAL The PhotoEffect function is disabled.•GAUSSIAN BLURThis menu changes the screen to be morecolorful and smoother. •SEPIAThis menu changes the screen to be Sepiatone (brown color). •MONOCHROME This menu changed the screen to be Graytone(black-and-white Picture) .Use the AUTO/SET button to go to sub-menu. MONOCHROMENORMAL GAUSSIAN BLUR SEPIA
14On Screen Display(OSD) Selection and Adjustment IconsMenu NameSub-menu NameMain menu              Sub menu DescriptionTo adjust the USER sub-menu function,press the AUTO/SET ButtonMOVIEINTERNETNORMALDEMOUSERWhen the F-ENGINE is executed, the screen is splitto show the effects of the selected function. The activestate is to the left and the inactive state is to the rightside of the screen. Select the function you want andpress the [MENU] button to save the setting. F-ENGINEActive state Inactive stateThe following OSD screen will appear when you press the                   buttonon the front of the monitor.This feature lets you easily select the best desiredimage condition optimized to the environment (ambient illumination, imagetypes etc).This is under normal operating conditions.* Normal mode is when f-ENGINE is turned off.For moving images in videos or movies.For text images (Word processing etc.).USER You can manually adjust ACE or RCM. You can save or restore the adjusted value even when using a different condition.Not appliedGreen enhanceMENU : Save & Exit ,     : MoveMENU : Exit: Decrease: IncreaseSET     : Select another sub-menuSalmon color toneColor Enhance• ACE (Adaptive Clarity Enhancer): Selects the clarity mode.Not appliedWeak clarity and luminosity contrast. Strong clarity and luminosity contrast. • RCM (Real Color Management): Selects the color mode.This is used for advertising in the store. The screen willbe divided to show the standard mode on the left andvideo mode on the right so that the consumers cancheck the difference after applying the video mode.
15On Screen Display(OSD) Selection and Adjustment You were introduced to the procedure of selecting and adjusting an itemusing the OSD system. Listed below are the icons, icon names, and icondescriptions of the all items shown on the Menu.Sub-menusNOTEOSD (On Screen Display) menu languages on the monitor may differ from the manual.Menu NameIconsButtonTipMENU        : Exit: Adjust (Decrease/Increase)SET        : Enter: Select another sub-menu: Restart to select sub-menuPress the MENU Button, then the mainmenu of the OSD appears.Main Menu
16On Screen Display(OSD) Selection and Adjustment Main menu Sub menu DescriptionPICTUREMENU : Exit: Decrease: IncreaseSET     : Select another sub-menuBRIGHTNESSCONTRAST GAMMATo adjust the brightness of the screen. To adjust the contrast of the screen.Set your own gamma value. : -50 / 0 / 50On the monitor, high gamma valuesdisplay whitish images and low gammavalues display blackish images.PRESETREDGREENBLUESelect the screen color. • sRGB: Set the screen color to fit thesRGB standard colorspecification.• 6500K: Slightly reddish white.• 9300K: Slightly bluish white.Set your own red color levels.Set your own green color levels.Set your own blue color levels.COLORMENU : Exit: Decrease: IncreaseSET : Select another sub-menu
17On Screen Display(OSD) Selection and Adjustment TRACKINGMain menu Sub menu DescriptionMENU : Exit: Decrease: IncreaseSET     : Select another sub-menuCLOCKPHASESHARPNESSTo minimize any vertical bars orstripes visible on the screenbackground.The horizontal screen size will alsochange.To adjust the focus of the display. This item allows you to remove anyhorizontal noise and clear or sharpenthe image of characters.To adjust the clearness of the screen.HORIZONTALVERTICALTo move image left and right.To move image up and down.
18On Screen Display(OSD) Selection and Adjustment Press the      ,      buttons to reset immediately.SETUPMENU : Exit: Adjust: AdjustSET     : Select another  sub-menuMain menu Sub menu DescriptionTo choose the language in which thecontrol names are displayed.To adjust position of the OSD windowon the screen.LANGUAGEOSDPOSITIONWHITEBALANCEIf the output of the video card isdifferent the required specifications,the color level may deteriorate dueto video signal distortion. Using thisfunction, the signal level is adjustedto fit into the standard output level ofthe video card in order to provide theoptimal image.Activate this function when whiteand black colors are present in thescreen.Restore all factory default settings except"LANGUAGE." FACTORYRESETPOWERINDICATORUse this function to set the powerindicator on the front side of the monitorto ON or OFF.If you set OFF, it will go off. If you set ON at any time, the powerindicator will automatically be turned on.NOTE  If this does not improve the screen image, restore the factory default settings. If necessary, execute theWHITE BALANCE function again. This function will be enabled only when the input signal is an analogsignal.
19TroubleshootingNo image appearsCheck the following before calling for service.No image appearsDo you see a "OSD LOCKED" message on the screen?●Is the power cord of thedisplay connected?●Is the power indicatorlight on?●Is the power indicatorflickering?●Do you see an "OUT OFRANGE" message onthe screen?●Do you see a "CHECKSIGNAL CABLE"message on thescreen?• Check and see if the power cord is connectedproperly to the power outlet.• Press the Power button.• If the display is in power saving mode, try movingthe mouse or pressing any key on the keyboard tobring up the screen.• Try to turn on the PC.• This message appears when the signal from thePC (video card) is out of horizontal or verticalfrequency range of the display. See the'Specifications' section of this manual andconfigure your display again.• This message appears when the signal cablebetween your PC and your display is notconnected. Check the signal cable and try again.• You can secure the current control settings,so that they cannot be inadvertently changed.You can unlock the OSD controls at any timeby pushing the MENU button for severalseconds: the message “OSD UNLOCKED”will appear.●Do you see “OSDLOCKED” when youpush MENU button?
20TroubleshootingDisplay image is incorrect●Display Position isincorrect.●On the screenbackground, verticalbars or stripes arevisible.●Any horizontal noiseappearing in anyimage or charactersare not clearlyportrayed.• Press the AUTO/SET button to automaticallyadjust your display image to the ideal setting. If the results are unsatisfactory, adjust the imageposition using the H position and V position iconin the on screen display.• Press the AUTO/SET button to automaticallyadjust your display image to the ideal setting.If the results are unsatisfactory, decrease thevertical bars or stripes using the CLOCK icon inthe on screen display.• Press the AUTO/SET button to automaticallyadjust your display image to the ideal setting.If the results are unsatisfactory, decrease the horizontal bars using the PHASE icon in the on screen display.• Check Control Panel --> Display --> Settingsand adjust the display to the recommendedresolution or adjust the display image to the idealsetting. Set the color setting higher than 24 bits(true color).IMPORTANTCheck Control Panel --> Display --> Settings and see if the frequency or theresolution were changed. If yes, readjust the video card to the recommendresolution.If the recommended resolution (optimal resolution) is not selected, letters may beblurred and the screen may be dimmed, truncated or biased. Make sure to selectthe recommend resolution. The setting method can differ by computer and O/S (Operation System), and resolution mentioned above may not be supported by the video card    performance. In this case, please ask to the computer or the video card  manufacturer.
21TroubleshootingDisplay image is incorrect●The screen color ismono or abnormal.●The screen blinks.• Check if the signal cable is properly connectedand use a screwdriver to fasten if necessary.• Make sure the video card is properly inserted inthe slot.• Set the color setting higher than 24 bits (true color)at Control Panel - Settings.• Check if the screen is set to interlace mode and ifyes, change it to the recommend resolution.Do you see an "Unrecognized monitor, Plug&Play (VESADDC) monitor found" message?●Have you installed thedisplay driver?• Be sure to install the display driver from the displaydriver CD (or diskette) that comes with yourdisplay. Or, you can also download the driver fromour web site: http://www.lge.com.• Make sure to check if the video card supportsPlug&Play function.
22Specifications                                                           W2044T20.0 inches (50.8 cm) Flat Panel Active matrix-TFT LCD Anti-Glare coating Visible diagonal size : 50.8cm0.2766 x 0.2766 mm (Pixel pitch)DisplayHorizontal Freq. 30 - 83 kHz (Automatic)Vertical Freq. 56 - 75 Hz (Automatic)Input Form Separate Sync.SOG (Sync On Green), DigitalSync InputSignal Input 15 pin D-Sub ConnectorDVI-D Connector (Digital)Input Form RGB Analog (0.7 Vp-p/ 75 ohm), DigitalVideo InputMax VESA 1600 x 900 @60 HzRecommend VESA 1600 x 900 @60 HzResolutionPlug&PlayOn Mode :        38 W(Typ.)Sleep Mode ≤1 WOff Mode ≤1 WPowerConsumptionOperating ConditionsTemperature 10˚C to 35 ˚CHumidity 10 % to 80 % non-CondensingStorage ConditionsTemperature -20˚C to 60 ˚CHumidity 5 % to 90 % non-CondensingEnvironmental ConditionsWith StandWidth    48.35 cm / 19.04 inches Height   37.68 cm / 14.83 inches     Depth   18.30 cm /    7.20 inchesWeight(excl. packing)  3.4 kg (7.56 lbs)Dimensions& WeightTilt : -5˚~15˚RangeAC 100-240V~ 50/60Hz 1.0A Power InputAttached (     ), Detached ( O )Stand Base Wall-outlet typePower cord DDC 2BWithout StandWidth    48.35 cm / 19.04 inches Height   31.40 cm / 12.36 inches   Depth     6.30 cm  /    2.48 inchesNOTEInformation in this document is subject to change without notice.
23Specifications                                                           W2244T21.5 inches (54.6 cm) Flat Panel Active matrix-TFT LCD Anti-Glare coating Visible diagonal size : 54.6cm0.248 x 0.248 mm (Pixel pitch)DisplayHorizontal Freq. 30 - 83 kHz (Automatic)Vertical Freq. 56 - 75 Hz (Automatic)Input Form Separate Sync.SOG (Sync On Green), DigitalSync InputSignal Input 15 pin D-Sub ConnectorDVI-D Connector (Digital)Input Form RGB Analog (0.7 Vp-p/ 75 ohm), DigitalVideo InputMax VESA 1920 x 1080 @60 HzRecommend VESA 1920 x 1080 @60 HzResolutionPlug&PlayOn Mode :40 W(Typ.)Sleep Mode ≤1 WOff Mode ≤1 WPowerConsumptionOperating ConditionsTemperature 10˚C to 35 ˚CHumidity 10 % to 80 % non-CondensingStorage ConditionsTemperature -20˚C to 60 ˚CHumidity 5 % to 90 % non-CondensingEnvironmental ConditionsWith StandWidth    51.62 cm / 20.32 inches Height   39.60 cm / 15.59 inches     Depth    19.80 cm /  7.80 inchesWeight(excl. packing)  3.8 kg (8.49 lbs)Dimensions& WeightTilt : -5˚~15˚RangeAC 100-240V~ 50/60Hz 1.0A Power InputAttached (     ), Detached ( O )Stand Base Wall-outlet typePower cord DDC 2BWithout StandWidth    51.62 cm / 20.32 inches Height   33.24 cm / 13.09 inches   Depth      6.20 cm /    2.44 inchesNOTEInformation in this document is subject to change without notice.
24Specifications                                                           W2344T23 inches (58.4 cm) Flat Panel Active matrix-TFT LCD Anti-Glare coating Visible diagonal size : 58.4cm0.266 x 0.266 mm (Pixel pitch)DisplayHorizontal Freq. 30 - 83 kHz (Automatic)Vertical Freq. 56 - 75 Hz (Automatic)Input Form Separate Sync.SOG (Sync On Green), DigitalSync InputSignal Input 15 pin D-Sub ConnectorDVI-D Connector (Digital)Input Form RGB Analog (0.7 Vp-p/ 75 ohm), DigitalVideo InputMax VESA 1920 x 1080 @60 HzRecommend VESA 1920 x 1080 @60 HzResolutionPlug&PlayOn Mode :42 W(Typ.)Sleep Mode ≤1 WOff Mode ≤1 WPowerConsumptionOperating ConditionsTemperature 10˚C to 35 ˚CHumidity 10 % to 80 % non-CondensingStorage ConditionsTemperature -20˚C to 60 ˚CHumidity 5 % to 90 % non-CondensingEnvironmental ConditionsWith StandWidth    55.55 cm / 21.87 inches Height   41.95 cm / 16.52 inches     Depth    19.80 cm /   7.80 inchesWeight(excl. packing)  4.4 kg (9.82 lbs)Dimensions& WeightTilt : -5˚~15˚RangeAC 100-240V~ 50/60Hz 1.0A Power InputAttached (     ), Detached ( O )Stand Base Wall-outlet typePower cord DDC 2BWithout StandWidth    55.55 cm / 21.87 inches Height    35.73 cm / 14.07 inches   Depth       6.30 cm /   2.48 inchesNOTEInformation in this document is subject to change without notice.
SpecificationsIndicatorOn ModeSleep ModeOff ModeBlueFlickerOffLED ColorMODEPreset Modes (Resolution)Display Modes (Resolution) Horizontal Freq. (kHz) Vertical Freq. (Hz)12345678*9720 x 400640 x 480640 x 480800 x 600800 x 6001024 x 7681024 x 7681152 x 8641600 x 90031.46831.46937.50037.87946.87548.36360.12367.50060.000706075607560757560* Recommend ModeDisplay Modes (Resolution) Horizontal Freq. (kHz) Vertical Freq. (Hz)1234567891011*12720 x 400640 x 480640 x 480800 x 600800 x 6001024 x 7681024 x 7681152 x 8641280 x 10241280 x 10241680 x 10501920 x 108031.46831.46937.50037.87946.87548.36360.12367.50063.98179.97665.29067.500706075607560757560756060W2044TW2244T/W2344T* Recommend Mode25
26Installing the Wall mount plateThis monitor satisfies the specifications of the  Wall mount plate orthe interchange device.1. Place the monitor with its front facing downward on a soft cloth.3.Install the Wall mount plate.Wall mount plate(Separate purchase)This is stand-type or wall mount type and isconnectable with Wall mount plate.Please refer to the installation guide for moredetails, which is provided when Wall mountplate is purchased.Kensington Security SlotConnected to a locking cable that can bepurchased separately at most computer stores.2. Change your lock on the product as it follows and turn it in the arrow direction.
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