LG ELECTRONICS LGC500W Dual Mode Cellular Phone (AMPS/CDMA) User Manual usermanualforfcc 500w 0719

LG Electronics, Inc. Dual Mode Cellular Phone (AMPS/CDMA) usermanualforfcc 500w 0719


Users Manual

LGC500W Operator’s GuideJuly 8, 1999Terminal Research Institute Software Development SectorJong-sung Park
Terminal Development Center1LGICCall Status Functions1. Scratch Pad (Menu Soft Key 1 + 1)* Function to store a telephone number while callingl Select Menu + 1 and enter the telephone number to store.l Press Store (Soft Key 2) key. (Name is not stored)2. Send Own No. (Menu Soft Key 1 + 2)* Function to transmit her/his own number while callingl You can transmit your own number while calling by pressing menu Soft Key 1 + 2.3. Volume Control (Soft Key2)* Function to control the volume while callingl You can control the volume by pressing Soft Key 2.Select the volume using the v(center soft key) or V/#’button or Side Key4. Mute Feature (the bottom of center soft key)* Function to mute the speech voice while callingl If you press the bottom of center soft key(ç), the speech tone is muted immediately.If you want to deactivate this mute function, press the bottom of center soft key again.
Terminal Development Center2LGICStand-by Status Menu Set-up and Its Functions1. PIM [Menu + 1]* Phone Book / Scheduler / Alarm / Call Reserve / World Time1.1 Phone Book [Menu + 1 + 1 ]1.1.1  New Entry [Menu + 1 + 1 + 1 ]1.1.2  Find Entry [Menu + 1 + 1 + 2 ]1.1.3  Delete Entry [Menu + 1 + 1 + 3 ]- You can navigate these menus by follow soft_key direction.1.2 Schedule Management Secretary [Menu + 1 + 2 ]- You can navigate these menus by follow soft_key direction. ¢Ñ Time display is not serviced in a ANALOG system and can’t guarantee any functions    with regard to time including above menu.1.3 Alarm Secretary [Menu + 1 + 3 ]Alarm Time*  User can set an alarm to the desired time.l Select Menu + 1 + 3.l Select one of ‘OFF / EVERY DAY / ONCE’.l If you select ‘OFF’, it becomes the state of stand-by. In case an alarm time was set previously,that setting time will be deleted.l When ‘EVERYDAY / ONCE’ is selected, you just enter the alarm time in the order of hour andminute.l In case the alarm time has been set already, the set alarm time and the soft keys of EDIT/OK aredisplayed.- If you select EDIT here, the soft key 1 of EDIT is displayed in ‘AM’ or ‘PM” mode for editing theinput.l ‘AM’ and ‘PM’ mode can be switched with Soft Key1[AM/PM]l You can edit the entered contents using the bottom of center soft key (ç)l Press OK key to store the entered alarm time.¢Ñ Note: The alarm bell is triggered at the set alarm time with the message of “Alarming Now”displayed on the display.¢Ñ Note: In case ‘Once’ is selected, if the END key is pressed or 1minute is passed, the alarm time is         deleted.
Terminal Development Center3LGIC1.4 Call Reservation Secretary [Menu + 1 + 4 ]Call Reserve* Function to originate a call to the reserved number automatically at the reserved time.l Select Menu + 1+ 4.l Enter the reservation time in the order of “Hour : Minute”.l ‘AM’ and ’PM’ mode can be switched with Soft Key 1[AM/PM].l Press OK key to store the entered reserved call time.l Enter the reservation telephone number. [Up to 32 characters acceptable]l Store the entered telephone number using OK key.¢Ñ Note: Telephone rings at the reserved time with the message of “ Reserve Time” on the         display.¢Ñ Note: If the END key is pressed or one minute is passed, the reserved call time is automatically         deleted and stored in the last call list.1.5 World Time secretary  [Menu + 1 + 5]World Time* Function to confirm the standard time of major cities in the world based on GPC time.This function is available in CDMA mode only.l Select Menu + 1 + 5.l Select the city you want to check using ’v( center soft_key)’ or ‘V/#’ key and press OK key.Then, the international standard time of the selected city is appeared.¢Ñ Cities applicable   ABU DHABI / AMSTERDAM / ANCHORAGE / ATHENS / AZORES / BANGKOK /   BEIJING / BEIRUT / BERLIN / BOSTON / BUENOS AIRES / CAIRO / CARACAS /   CHICAGO / COLOMBO / DACCA / DALLAS / DELHI / DENVER / DETROIT /   GUAM / HANOI / HELSINKI / HONG KONG / HONOLULU / JAKARTA / JEDDA /   KABUL / KUWAIT / LISBON / LONDON / LOS ANGELES / MADRID / MANILA / MEXICO CITY / MONTREAL / MOSCOW / NEW YORK / OAKLAND / PARIS /   RIO DE JANEIRO / ROME / SEATTLE / SINGAPORE / SYDNEY / TAIPEI / TEHERAN   TOKYO / VIENNA / WASHINGTON
Terminal Development Center4LGIC 2.Volume Control [Menu + 2]* Function to control Ringer / Key Beep /EarPiece2.1  Ringer control[3step+SILENT]l Select Menu + 2 + 1.l Select the volume using  ’v( center soft_key)’l Or select the volume you want using V/# keys.l Store the selected volume using the Soft Key2(SELECT).2.2 Key Beep Volume Control [3-step + Mute]l Select Menu + 2 + 2.l Select the volume using  ’v( center soft_key)’l Or select the volume you want using V/# key.l Store the selected volume using the Soft Key2(SELECT).2.3 Volume Control [8-step + Low]l Select Menu + 2 + 3.l Select the volume using  ’v( center soft_key).’l Or select the volume you want using V/# key.l Store the selected volume using the Soft Key2(SELECT).3. Bell Selection [Menu +3 ]* Function to select the bell type for the incoming call.3.1 Types of Bell [Ring / Vibration / Vibration + Ring]l Select Menu + 3 + 1.l Select the bell type using’v(center soft_key)’l Or select the type of bell you want using V/# key.l Store the selected status using the Soft Key2(SELECT).3.2 Bell Selection (12 types)[Sound 1~12]l Select Menu + 3 + 2l Select the type of bell using the ’v( center soft_key)’.l Or select the bell you want using V/# key.l Store the selected status using the Soft Key2(SELECT)
Terminal Development Center5LGIC4. Call Info [Menu + 4]* Function to verify the record on the call time4.1 Last Call Time*  Function to show the last call timel Select Menu + 4 + 1.l Press OK key to return to the stand-by state.4.2 HomeCalls* Function to show the total number and time of all calls made while in the home system.l Select Menu+4+2l If you select OK key , it returns to the stand-by status.4.3 Roam Calls* Function to show the total number and time of all calls made while in the roamingl Select Menu+4+3l If you select OK key , it returns to the stand-by status.4.4 All Calls*  Function to show the number of call and the call time for all calls of receiving and transmitting.    User can verify the total number of calls made and the call time through this function.l Select Menu + 4 + 4.l If you select OK key , it returns to the stand-by status and if you select CLER key (Soft Key1), youcan delete the accumulated total call time.5. Security Function [Menu +5 + Password 4-digit]* Lock Mode / Restrict / Clear Calls / clear Memory / Emergency # / New Code / Version5.1. Lock Mode* Function to restrict the originating and storing functions.* You can select ‘NEVER / ON POWER UP/ NOW’l Press Menu + 5 + Password 4-digit + 1l Select one of ‘NEVER / ON POWER UP/ NOW’ using v(center soft_key)’Or ‘V/#’ key andpress the store key.l If you select ‘NOW’, the phone falls in the lock mode always, and PIM menu and the calling arelocked.
Terminal Development Center6LGIC- If you try to call in this case, you are prompted for the password and if the entered password isidentified, the call is established. In the lock mode, if you press [UNLOCK] button,    [UNLOCK] button is changed to [SEARCH] button.- Even in this case, whenever you try to call, the password is required but PIM  is released- If you want the locking release, you should release this setup from the [Menu]+5.l If you select ‘ON POWER UP’, the locking function is not immediately executed but when thephone is switched on, it is automatically set to the lock mode and at the same time, the soft key ischanged to [Menu], [unlock].¢Ñ  Default password is ‘0000’.5.2.Restrict* you can only call using the telephone numbers stored in the Phone Book.l Menu”+5+Password-4digit+2.l Select ‘Yes’ using v(center soft key)  and  press the SELECT key.5.3. clear Calls   *   Function to delete all the telephone numbers stored in the last call list.l Select Menu + 5 + Password 4-digit + 3l Press OK key5.4. Clear Memory*   Function to delete all the contents stored in the memory address 01 ~ 200.l Select Menu +5 + Password 4-digit + 3.l Press OK key¢Ñ  During the deletion, a message of ‘Please, wait’ appears and after the completion of the deletion    it returns to the stand-by status.5.5. Emergency* Function used to enter the emergency telephone number [Up to 3 numbers ]l Select Menu + 5 + Password 4-digit + 5. If the telephone number stored in the telephone number 1is appeared empty, a message of‘Empty’ appears.l Select the memory address where you want to make input using Soft Key1 (¡å) or ‘V/#’ keyl Select the edit mode by pressing EDIT key.l Enter the telephone to store and press OK key.
Terminal Development Center7LGIC If you want to terminate the process at this time, press the END key and if you want to enter thetelephone in other memory address, repeat the procedures that follow the step of memory addressselection.5.6. New Code*  Function to change the passwordl  Select Menu + 5 + Password 4-digit + 6.l  Enter a new password of 4-digit and press ‘OK’ key.l  For the reconfirmation, enter the password you entered just before in 4-digit.l  Press OK key. [It is then back to the previous status]5.7.  Software Version Confirm*  Function to confirm the software version of the phone.l Select Menu + 5 + Password 4-digit + 7..6.Display6.1 Backlight* Function to control the turn off time of the LCD and Keypad backlighting.l Select Menu+6+1.l Choose one of AlwaysOff / On Flip Open / 10Sec / Auto usingv(center soft_key)l Press ‘SELECT’Key to save¢Ñ ¢Ñ  Following values can be set.    AlwaysOff  : Background illumination is always off.    10 Sec      : Background illumination is on for 10 seconds.    Auto        : It remains in off-state from 08:00 through 17:00, otherwise the background                  illumination lights up every 9 seconds.    On Flip Open: Background illumination lights up only when the flip is open.6.2 key Beep*  Function to control the DTMF TONE lengthl Menu+6+2.l Choose one of Normal/Long using v(center soft_key)  and press SAVE key
Terminal Development Center8LGIC¢Ñ  Normal: Once the key is pressed, DTMF TONE is transmitted for a specific period [200ms]    Long: DTMF TONE is transmitted constantly, while the key is pressed on hold.6.3 Banner*Function to display on the top line when the phone powers up and when it is in standby.l Menu+6+3.l Enter the contents of logo. [Up to 16charcters].l Press SELECT Key.7.Advanced7.1 Data/Fax In (can’t use now)l Modem Terminating Setup [Only available for a phone with data communication function]* When you use the data communication function , you can select modem communication or faxcommunication.l Select ‘Menu + 7 + 1’l Select one of ‘Terminating Release / Modem Terminating / Fax Terminating’ using v(centersoft_key) and V/# key and press SELECT key.Modem Communication: You select this mode when you receive the counterpart’s call in the 1 : 1 data                       communication mode.Fax Communication: You select this mode when you receive a fax from your counterpart7.2 Auto Answer [Menu + 7 +2]* It is used for the setup of functions that are related with the automatic answering function.¢Ñ Note: If you are not in a position to answer a call, you can record the message of the counterpart         by answering the call automatically.l Select ‘Menu + 7 +2’l Choose one of Off / 1RING / 3RING using v(center soft_key) and press ‘SELECT’ Key.7.3 Language (can’t use now)* Function to select language to be displayed in LCD.l Select ‘Menu+7+3’.l  Choose one of English /Spanish/French/Portuguese and press ‘SELECT’ Key.
Terminal Development Center9LGIC8. Alert  [Menu + 8]*   Three types of audible alert are provided.8.1 Fade Alert* An alert to notify that it is’t in the service area.  l Select ‘Menu + 8 + 1’l Select ‘ON’ of ‘ON/OFF’ and press ‘SELECT’ key.8.2 Service Alert* An alert to notify that the service area has been changed.l Select ‘Menu + 8 + 2’l Select ‘Setup’ of ‘On / Off’  and press ‘SELECT’ key.8.3 1 Minute Alert*  An alert that is triggered 10 seconds before every minute as one minute is passed    during the call.l Select ‘Menu + 8 + 3’l Select ‘Setup’ of ‘Setup/Release’ and press SELECT’ key.9. System Setup [Menu + 000000]*  This is the function used for the dual mode . You can select the mode in use and    the system.9.1 Prog Mode [ Menu + 0 + 000000 + 1 ]* Select NAM#1 ~ NAM#4  PARAMETERS.l Select ‘Menu + 0 + 000000 + 1’ +1~4(NAM#)NAM#1 ~ NAM#4  PARAMETER => ESN display =>Phone Number [ ] =>Home SID[ ]=>NAM Name[ ] => Service Code [ ] => System Number [ ] => Country  Code[ ]    =>Network Code[ ] => Phone model [ ] => Slot Cycle Index[ ]. ( [ ] mean that it can be edited) ,l    Just after selecting  NAM# ( 1~4 ) , you can choose AKEY soft_key2  and can input Akey value    for Authentication process
Terminal Development Center10LGIC9.2 Pref Mode [ Menu + 0 + 000000 + 2 ]* Select the one of CDMA only , ANALOG pref, ANALOG olnly and CDMA pref using NEXTsoft_key2 and press OK soft_key1  for storing9.3 ER Mode [ Menu + 0 + 000000 + 3 ]* Please see your service  provider for details and availability .9.4 PRL [ Menu + 0 + 000000 + 4 ]* Please see your service  provider for details and availability .10. AdvancedÀÇ System ¼³Á¤10.1 Field Service [ Menu + 7 + 0 + 000000 + 1 ]  ]* Used for the call test of the PHONE, check of the phone status, verification of the error list and thedeletion of the error list.  10.1.1 Screen [Menu +7+0 + 000000 +1 + 1]* As the function capable of checking the status of the phone, this performs to verify the status of thecurrent reception task, RX AGC VALUE, TX GAIN, PN OFFSET and PILOT ACTIVE.l Select ‘Menu + 0 + 000000 + 3 + 1’¢Ñ  First LINE    1 ~ 3 : PN OFFSET / 5 : Status of Reception TASK /  7 ~ 8 :  RX AGC VALUE¢Ñ  Second LINE    1 : No meaning / 3 : Status of PILOT ACTIVE      /  7 ~ 8 :  TX GAIN VALUE10.1.2 Test Call [Menu +7+ 0 + 000000 + 1 + 2 ]* It can make test of 8K / 13K Markov and loopback.l Select ‘Menu + 7+0 + 000000 + 1 + 2’l Select one of OLD8K Markov / NEW8K Markov / 8K loopback / NEW13K Markov / 13Kloopbacks using center soft key and press SAVE key. You can verify the call operation under theselected status.10.1.3 CDMA Only [Menu+7+0+000000+1+3].
Terminal Development Center11LGIC* Change the mode to use the CDMA only10.1.4 Clear Errors [ Menu + 7 + 0 + 000000 + 1 + 4]* Function used to delete the entities stored in the error list.l Select ‘Menu +7+ 0 + 000000 + 1 + 4’.l Select ‘Yes’ of ‘Yes/No’ using center soft Key and press SELECT key.10.1.5 Errors [ Menu + 7 + 0 + 000000 + 1 +5]* Function used to verify the entities stored in the error list.l Select ‘Menu +7+ 0 + 000000 + 1 + 5’l You can verify 20 lists of error using the next setup key (Soft Key1) or V/# key.End => It returns to the stand-by statusDel => It returns to the previous state10.2 Select [Menu + 7 + 0 + 000000 + 2]* Select the system to be used.l Choose one of A Only / A Then B / B Only / B Then A / HOME Only / Standard Onlyl press ‘SELECT’ Key10.3 Set NAM [Menu + 7 + 0 +000000+3]* select one of NAM#1 ~ NAM#4l select one of NAM#1 ~ NAM#4l press ‘SELECT’ Key.¢Ñ  Because NAM#1 ~ NAM#4 have different NAM PARAMER value  if a selected NAM is not    matched registered number,  it is not served10.4 AUTO NAM  [Menu + 7+ 0 + 000000 + 4]* It is the function to automatically set the NAM that is identified with the subscribed number when    more than one NAM are used.
Terminal Development Center12LGICl Select ‘Menu + 0 + 7+ 000000 + 4’.l Select ‘ ON’ of ‘ON/OFF’ using center soft key or ‘V/#’ key and press ‘SELECT’ key.l Editable PARAMETER LISTS .  [ NAM#1 ~ NAN#4 ]10.5 Voc Select[Menu+7+0+000000+5]l EVRC/8K Q /13K Ql Select  ‘Menu + 7 + 0 + 000000 + 5’l Select  EVRC/ 8K/13K using center soft Key.10.6 DM_DATA Set[Menu+7+0+000000+6]* for programmer ( Can’t use now)11. SMS11.1 message - Text *  check the received Text Messagel Select ‘the surface of center soft key(MSG)’+1+1.l Press ‘VIEW’Key11.1.2 Message - Voice *  check the received Voice Messagel select ‘‘the surface of center soft key(MSG)’+1+2.l Press ‘VIEW’ Key11.1.3 Delete All *  delete  received Text/Voice Message   l  Select  ‘the surface of center soft key(MSG)’ + 1 + 3.  l   Press ‘SELECT’ Key11.2 Setup11.2.1 Alert Type*  Function to choose a alert typel 2times / 4 times / Vibration / Silentl ‘the surface of center soft key(MSG)’ + 2 + 1
Terminal Development Center13LGICl select Alert type and press ‘SELECT’ Key11.2.2 Display.l ‘the surface of center soft key(MSG)’ + 2 + 2 .l Select one of CONTENT/TILE.l Press ’SELECT’ Key to save.Using Search Menu1. Latest Call List [Search + 1]* Used to verify the list of 10 telephone numbers that were connected lately.l Select ‘Search + 1’ [Latest call list appears]     Call => Originating     End => It returns to the stand-by status     Soft Key1 => It returns to Stand-by status/Previous status     View => It returns to detailed information display status   [Function of Keys of Detailed Information Display]   Call => Originating.   Num => Enter into PREPEND status [Originating only possible, storing disabled]  Soft Key2=> Same as the storing procedure of telephone number  ç   => Returns to the previous status   End => Returns to the stand-by status2. Phone Book Search [Search + 2]* Function to search the memorized telephone numbers using the memory address.-  You can navigate these menus by follow soft_key direction.3. Schedule Search [Search + 3]* Function to search user’s schedule and its details using the scheduler.l Select ‘Search + 3’.- See the description of the diary function.
Terminal Development Center14LGIC4. Send Own No. [Search + 4]* Function to verify her/his phone number.l Select ‘Search + 4’Other Function Keys1. Message Key- If you press this key in the step of telephone number edit, you can enter ‘manual stand-by/time stand-by/hyphen’.2. # Key- If you press this key on hold for a specific time at any state, you can make a call with one-touch.3.* Key       if you press this Key on hold for a specific time at first state  , you can make it lock mode4 Center soft Key       press the bottom of center soft key(ç) for calling  , Mute On/Off

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