LINKSYS WET200 Wireless-G Business Ethernet Bridge User Manual UserMan Q87 WET200

LINKSYS LLC Wireless-G Business Ethernet Bridge UserMan Q87 WET200


Manual Part 2

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Document DescriptionManual Part 2
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Date Submitted2007-06-13 00:00:00
Date Available2007-06-13 00:00:00
Creation Date2007-06-13 10:25:55
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Document TitleUserMan_Q87-WET200.pdf
Document CreatorpdfFactory Pro
Document Author: WendyLiao

Chapter 6
Switdi > 005
Switch > (105
The Quality of Service (QoS) configuration in this sWitch
has two parts: QoS Mode and Rate Limiting. QoS Mode
is used to classify and prioritize packets. Rate Limiting
is used to limit the amount of bandWidth used by data
passing in or out of the sWitch port.
005 Port Setting Select the QoS settings for ports 1-5
and the wireless port, then click Apply Port Settling.
- QoS Mode Select the desired QoS mode: Force
Priority(default), Trust 802.1 p, Trust IPTOS, orTrust
- DefaultPriority(onlngress) SelectCritizaHdefault),
Low, Medlum or High. This is only used if the QoS
Mode field is set to Force Priority.
- Ingress Rate Select the maximum rate allowed for
the port. For ports 1-5, the range is 128 kbps to 64
Mbps and for the Wireless port the range is 118 kbps
to 16 Mbps The default is No Limlt.
~ Egress Rate Select the maximum rate allowed for
the port. For ports 1-5, the range is 128 kbps to 64
Mbps and for the Wireless port the range is 118 kbps
to 16 Mbps. The default is No Limlt.
ereless-G Business Ethernet mug.
Advanced Configuration
Switch > Spanning Tree
This screen allows you to configure the Spanning Tree
Protocol (STP) settings for the sWitch. STP can be used to
detect and disable network loops, and to provide backup
links between sW|tches, bridges or routers.This allows the
sWitch to interact with other bridging devices (that is, an
STP»compliant switch, bridge or router) in your network
to ensure that only one route exists between any two
stations on the network, and provide backup links which
automatically take over when a primary link goes down.
STP is enabled by default.
Switch > Spanning Tree
STP To enable STP, keep the default setting, Enabled. To
disable STP, select Dlsabled.
Max Age The maximum time in seconds that a device
can wait Without receiving a configuration message
before attempting to reconfigureThe range is from 0.6 to
A seconds.The default value is 4 seconds.
Hello Time The interval in seconds at which the root
device transmits a configuration message. The range is
from GA to 4seconds.The default value is 1 second.
Forward Delay The maximum time in seconds that this
device will wait before changing states, such as from
discarding to learning to forwarding. The range is 1 to 5
seconds.The default is 3 seconds.
STPTabIe Select the settings for the SpanningTree table,
then click Apply Port Setting.
- Priorlty The priority of this port. The smaller the
priority value, the higherthe priority. If two ports form
a loop, the port with higher priority Will change to
block state, thus breaking the loop.
- Cost The path cost to forward packets from this port.
It is usually inversely proportional to the port's speed.
- State The Spanning Tree protocol: state: Blocking,
Learning, or Forwarding.
To apply the settings, click Apply Port Setting To cancel,
click Cancel. To see the latest information, click Refresh
Chapter 6
Switch > MAC Table
Use this screen to configure the MAC address table for
the sW|tch.The MAC table is used to switch frames to the
correct ports. Before the MAC table is populated, a frame
is broadcast to all ports. Learning mode is enabled, then
the MAC table is populated automatlcally.
Swltch > MAC Table
Global ATU Setting Th|s is a global MAC address table
settmg. Select the deslred settings, then cl|ck Apply
Global Setting.
- Address Learning Thls |ndicates if the SW|tch should
automatically learn the MAC address of packets. Select
Enable Learning (default) or Disable Learning.
~ Age tlmer Detects and purges obsolete table entr|es,
such as when a connected device moves from one port
to another, by checklng the idle timeout value of the
entries. The range IS from 1 to 300 seconds. You can
also disable thls feature.The default is 300 se Password
This screen allows you to change the username and/or
password for the Brldge. It ls recommended that you
change the password from |ts default setting, admin.
Administralton > Password
User Name The current user name is dlsplayed (default
admin). To change the user name, enter the new user
Administrative Password Enter a new password from 4
to 63 characters |n length.
Re-enter to confirm Enter password agam to confirm.
Cllck Apply to apply your changes, or cllck Camel to
cancel yourchanges.
Administration > SNMP
This screen |s used to configure Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP), a popular network
mon|toring and management protocol.
Admlnlstranon > SNMP
Chapter 6
SNMP To disable SNMP, leaveDIsabIed selected (default).
To enable SNMP, select Enabled, then select the type of
SNMP to use, e|ther SNMP v1 &V2 orSNMP v3.
Device Name Enterthe name of the Wireless Bridge.
Contact Enterthe contact informat|on for the Bridge.
Location Enter the locat|on of the Wireless Bridge.
SNMP V.3 Usernarne Enter the username for the SNMP
V3 administrator who WI|| access and manage the MIB
Authentication Password Enter the authent|cation
password for the SNMP V3 administrator. The password
must be at least 8 characters in length.
Privacy Password Enter the privacy password for the
SNMP V3 adm|n|strator. The password must be at least 8
characters in length.
Get Community Enter the name ofyour Get communlty.
Set Community Enter the name ofyour Set communlty.
SNMP Trap-Community Enter the name of your Trap
SNMP-Trusted Host Enter the IP address of yourTrusted
host.To have the Access Po|nt respond to SNMP messages
from every host |n your LAN, enter0.0
SNMP Trap-Destination Enter the destination IP address
for traps. To prevent traps from being sent to any of your
LAN hosts, enter0.0.0.0.
Administration > Configuration Management
Administration > Configuration Management
This screen lets you save the system configuration to
a file as well as restore the system configuration from a
prevlously saved file.
To save the configuration, click Save Configuration
To File, then follow the prompts to save the file to your
To restore the configurat|on from a file, enterthe name of
the file or cllck Browse to locate It, then click Apply.
Makes-G Business minim Bridg.
Advanced Configuration
Administration > Factory Defaults
Th|s screen ls used to restore the Bridge’s factory default
settings. When you do this, you Will lose all previously
configured settings and cannot recoverthat configuration
unless you have saved it us|ng the Configuration
Management screen.
Admlnlslrallon > Factory Defaults
Select Yes next to Restore Factory Defaults, then click
Apply to restore the defaults and restart the Bridge.
Administration > Firmware Upgrade
Administration > Firmware Upgrade
Th|s screen allows you to upgrade the Bridge's firmware
after you have downloaded a new firmware file from the
Linksys website. Flrmware should only be upgraded if you
experience problems With the Bridge.
Enter the name of the firmware file or click Browse to
locate the file on your computer, then cllck Upgrade to
begin the upgrade.
Chapter 6
System Status
The System Status tab displays the Bridge‘s current status
and configuration informationThese screens only display
information and cannot be used to change any settings.
System Status > System Status
This is the System Status tab’s default screen. It displays
basic status information forthe Bridge.
System Status > System Status
System UpTime The Bridges live time.
Flrmware Version The version number of the currently
installed firmware.
MAC Address The MAC address currently assigned to the
LAN Settings The basic LAN settings.
- IP Address, Subnet mask The Bridges IP address and
subnet mask.
- Gateway The IP address of the Bridge’s gateway.
Click Refresh to display the most current information.
System Status > Wireless Status
This screen displays status information for the Bridge’s
wireless network.
System Status > Wireless Status
ereless-G Business Ethernet Bridg.
Advanced Configuration
SSID Name of the Wireless network.
Network Type Vlnreless network type (Infrastructure or
ereless Mode Vlnreless network mode (disabled, BIG
Mixed, etc.).
Channel Wireless network channel number.
Securlty Mode Security mode (disabled, WEP, WPA—
Personal, etc)
Tx Rate Vlnreless network transmission rate.
Link Quality Quality level of the wireless connection.
Click Refresh to display the most current information.
System Status > Port Statistics
Sysrem Status > Port Statistics
This screen displays status information for the Bridge's
Port 1-5, Wireless Displays the following settings for
each ofthese ports.
0 Link Status of link, either UP (connected) or DOWN
(not connected).
-Duplex The duplex mode resulting from auto-
negotiation, eitherHaIforFuII.
- Speed The speed resulting from auto-negotiation,
either10Mbps or1ooMbps.
- RxPackets Total number of packets received.
- TxPackets Total number of packets sent.
Click Refresh to display the most current information.
Appendix A
Appendix A:
Wireless Security Checklist
Wireless networks are convenient and easy to install, so
homes wrth high-speed Internetaccess are adopting them
at a rapld pace. Because W|reless networklng operates by
sending information over radio waves, it can be more
vulnerable to mtruders than a traditional wrred network.
L|ke s|gnals from your cellular or cordless phones, s|gnals
from your wireless network can also be intercepted. Since
you cannot physically prevent someone from connectlng
toyourwireless network,you need to take some addltional
steps to keep your network secure.
d 1. Change the default wireless
network name or SSID
W|reless devrces have a default W|reless network name
or Servlce Set Identifier (SSID) set by the factory. This
is the name of your wireless network, and can be up
to 32 characters in length. Lmksys wireless products
use Iinksys as the default W|reless network name. You
should change the wireless network name to someth|ng
unique to distlngulsh your wireless network from other
wireless networks that may eklst around you, but do not
use personal information (such as your Soclal Securlty
number) because th|s informat|on may be available for
anyone to see when browslng forwireless networks.
d 2. Change the default password
For wireless products such as access po|nts and routers,
you will be asked for a password when you wantto change
thelr settings. These devlces have a default password set
by the factory. The Llnksys default password is admin.
Hackers know these defaults and may try to use them
to access your W|reless devrce and change your network
settings. To thwart any unauthorlzed changes, customize
the devrce’s password so it will be hard to guess.
d 3. Enable MAC address filtering
Linksys routers glve you the ability to enable Media Access
Control (MAC) address filtenng. The MAC address is a
unique serles of numbers and letters ass|gned to every
networklng device. Vlfith MAC address filterlng enabled,
wireless network access |s prowded solely for wireless
devices with specific MAC addresses. Forexample, you can
specify the MAC address of each computer in your home
so that only those computers can access your wireless
ereless-G Business Ethernet Bridge
Wireless Security Checklist
d 4. Enable encryption
Encryptlon protects data transmitted over a wireless
network. W|-F| Protected Access (WPA/WPAZ) and W|red
Equivalency Privacy (WEP) offer different levels ofsecurlty
for W|reless communication. Currently, devices that are
W|~F| cert|f|ed are required to support WPAZ, but are not
required to support WEP.
A network encrypted wrth WPA/WPAZ |s more secure
than a network encrypted wrth WEP, because WPA/WPAZ
uses dynam|c key encrypt|on.To protect the |nformation
as |t passes over the airwaves, you should enable the
hlghest level of encryption supported by your network
WEP |s an older encryptlon standard and may be the
only optlon ava|lable on some older devices that do not
General Network Security Guidelines
W|reless network secunty |s useless |f the underlylng
network is not secure.
- Password protect all computers on the network and
indivldually password protect sensitivefiles.
- Change passwords on a regular basis.
- Install ant|~virus software and personal firewall
- D|sab|e f||e shanng (peer-to-peer). Some applicat|ons
may open file sharlng W|thout your consent and/or
Additional Security Tips
- Keep wireless routers, access points, orgateways away
from extenorwalls and windows.
- Turn W|reless routers, access points, or gateways
off when they are not being used (at night, dunng
- UsestrongpassphrasesthatareatIeaste|ghtcharacters
“m length.Combme letters and numbers to avold uslng
standard words that can be found in the dictlonary.
Appendix B
Appendix B:
This glossary contains some basic networking terms you
may come across when using this product.
WEB: For additional terms, please visit the
glossary at
Access Mode Specifies the method by which user access
is granted to the system.
Access Polnt A device that allows Wireless-equipped
computers and other devices to communicate With a
wired network.Also used to expand the range ofawireless
Access Profiles Allows network managers to define
profiles and rules for accessing the device. Access to
management functions can be limited to user groups,
which are defined by the folloWing criteria:
- Ingress interfaces
0 Source IP address and/orSource IP subnets.
ACE Filters in Access Control Lists (ACL) that determine
which network trafficis forwarded.An ACE is based on the
following criteria:
- Protocol
- Protocol ID
0 Source Port
- Destination Port
- Wildcard Mask
- Source IP Address
- Destination IP Address
ACL (Access Control List) Access Control Lists are
used to grant, deny, or limit access devices, features, or
Auto-negotiation Allows 10/100 Mbps or 10/100/1000
Mbps Ethernet ports to automatically establish the
optimal duplex mode, flow control, and speed.
Back Pressure A mechanism used With HalfDuplex mode
that enables a port not to receive a message.
Bandwidth The transmission capacity of a given device
or network.
Bandwldth Asslgnments Indicates the amount of
bandW|dth assigned to a specific application, user, and/or
ereless-G Business aim-m Bridg.
Baud Indicates the number of signaling elements
transmitted each second.
Best Effort Indicates that traffic is assigned to the lowest
priority queue, and packet delivery is not guaranteed.
Bit A binary digit.
Boot To start a deVice and cause it to start executing
Browser An application program that provides a way to
look at and interact with all the information on the World
Vlnde Web.
Brldge A deVice that connect two networks. Bridges are
hardwarespecific. howeverthey are protocol independent.
Bridges operate at Layer 1 and Layer 2 levels.
Broadcast Domain Devices sets that receive broadcast
frames originating from any device within a designated
set. Routers bind Broadcast domains, because routers do
notforward broadcast frames.
Broadcast Storm An excessive amount of broadcast
messages simultaneously transmitted across a network
by a single port. Forwarded message responses are
heaped onto the network, overloading network resources
or causing the network to time out.
Burst A packet transmission at faster than normal rates.
Bursts are limited in time and only occur under specific
Burst Slze Indicates the burst size transmitted at a faster
than normal rate.
Byte A unit of data that is usually eight bits long
Cable Modem A device that connects a computer to the
cable television network, which in turn connects to the
CBS (Committed Burst Size) Indicates the maximum
number of data bits transmitted within a specific time
CIR (Committed Information Rate) The data rate is
averaged over a minimum time increment.
Class Maps An aspect of Quality of Service system that is
comprised of an IP ACL and/or a MAC ACL. Class maps are
configured to match packet criteria, and are matched to
packets in a first-fit fashion.
Combo Ports A single logical port With two physical
connections, including an RJ-45 connection and a SFP
Communities Specifies a group of users which retain the
same system access rights.
Appendix B
CoS (Class of Service) The 802.1 p priority scheme. CoS
proVides a method for tagging packets with priority
information. A CoS value between 0-7 is added to the
Layer II header of packets, where zero is the lowest priority
and seven is the highest.
DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name System) Allows the
hosting of a website, FTP server, or e-mail server With a
fixed domain name (e.g., www.xyzcom) and a dynamic IP
Default Gateway A device that forwards Internet traffic
from your local area network.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) A
networking protocol that allows administrators to assign
temporary IP addresses to network computers by “leasing”
an IP address to a userfora limited amount oftime, instead
of assigning permanent IP addresses.
DHCP Clients An Internet host using DHCP to obtain
configuration parameters, such as a network address.
DHCP Server An Internet host that returns configuration
parameters to DHCP clients.
DNS (Domain Name Server) The IP address ofyour ISP's
server, which translates the names of websites into IP
Domain A specific name for a network of computers.
Download To receive a file transmitted over a network.
DSL (DIgItal Subscriber Line) An always-on broadband
connection overtraditional phone lines.
DSCP (DiffServ Code Point) ProVides a method of
tagging IP packets With 005 priority information.
Dynamic IP Address A temporary IP address assigned by
a DHCP server.
EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing
Protocol) Providesfastconvergence,supportforvariable»
length subnet mask, and supports multiple network layer
Encryption Encoding data transmitted in a network.
Ethernet IEEE standard network protocol that specifies
how data is placed on and retrieved from a common
transmission medium.
Firmware The programming codethat runs a networking
Flow Control Enables lower speed devices to
communicate With higher speed devices. This is
implemented by the higher speed deVice refraining from
sending packets.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) A protocol used to transfer
files over aTCP/IP network.
vnnimc Business Ethernet Bridgo
Full Duplex The ability of a networking device to receive
and transmit data simultaneously.
GARP (General Attributes Registration
Protocol) Registers client stations into a multicast
Gateway A device that interconnects networks with
different, incompatible communications protocols.
GBIC (GigaBit Interface Convener) A hardware module
usedto attach networkdevicestofiber»based transmission
systems. GBIC converts the serial electrical signals to serial
optical signals and vice versa.
GVRP (GARP VLAN Registration Protocol) Registers
client stations into a VLANs.
Half Duplex Data transmission that can occur in two
directions over a single line, but only one direction at a
HTTP (HyperText Transport Protocol) The
communications protocol used to connect to servers on
the World Vlnde Web.
H'I'IPS (HyperText Transport Protocol Secure) An
extension to the standard HTTP protocol that provides
confidentiality by encrypting the traffic from the website.
By default this protocol uses TCP port 443.
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) Allows the
gateway or destination host to communicate with the
source host. For example, to report a processing error.
IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) Allows
hosts to notify their local sWitch or router that they want
to receive transmissions assigned to a specific multicast
IP (Internet Protocol) A protocol used to send data over
a network.
IP Address The address used to identify a computer or
device on a network.
IPCONFIG A Windows 2000 and XP utility that displays
the IP address fora particular networking device.
IPSec (Internet Protocol Security) A VPN protocol used
to implement secure exchange of packets at the IP layer.
ISP (Internet Service Provider) A com pany that proVides
access to the Internet.
Jumbo Frames Enable transporting identical data in
fewer frames. Jumbo Frames reduce overhead, lower
processing time, and ensure fewer interrupts.
LAG (Link Aggregated Group) Aggregates ports or
VLANs into a single Virtual port orVLAN.
LAN The computers and networking products that make
up your local network.
Appendix B
MAC (Media Access Control) Address The unique
address that a manufacturer assigns to each networking
Mask A filter that includes or excludes certain values, for
example pans of an IP address.
Mbps (MegaBits Per Second) One million bits per
second; a unit of measurementfordata transmission.
MDS (Message Digest 5) An algorithm that produces a
128-bit hash.MD5 is a variation ofMDA, and increases MD4
security. MDS verifies the integrity of the communication
and authenticates the origin ofthe communication.
MDI (Media Dependent Interface) A cable used for end
MDIX (Media Dependent Interface with Crossover) A
cable used for hubs and sWitches.
MIB (Management Information Base) MIBs contain
information describing specific aspects of network
Multicast Transmits copies ofa single packet to multiple
Network A series of computers or devices connected for
the purpose of data sharing, storage, and/ortransmission
between users.
NMS (Network Management System) An interface that
provides a method of managing a system.
OID (Object Identifier) Used by SNMP to identify
managed objects. In the SNMP Manager/Agent network
management paradigm, each managed object must have
an OIDto identify it.
Packet A unit of data sent over a network.
Ping (Packet INtemet Groper) An Internet utility used
to determine whethera particular IP address is online.
P ng Determines if traffic levels are Within a specified
profile. Policing manages the maximum traffic rate used
to send or receive packets on an interface.
Port The connection point on a computer or networking
device used for plugging in cables oradapters.
Port Mirroring Monitors and mirrors network traffic by
forwarding copies of incoming and outgoing packets
from one port to a monitoring port.
Power over Ethernet (PoE) A technology enabling an
Ethernet network cable to deliver both data and power.
QoS (Quality of Service) Provides policies that contain
sets of filters (rules). QoS allows network managers
to decide how and what network traffic is forwarded
according to priorities, application types, and source and
destination addresses.
ereless-G Business aim-m Bridge
RADIUS (Remote Authentlcatlon DIaI-In User
Service) A protocol that uses an authentication serverto
control network access.
R145 (Registered Jack-45) An Ethernet connector that
holds up to eight wires.
RMON (Remote Monitoring) Provides network
information to be collected from a single workstation.
Router A networking deVice that connects multiple
networks together.
RSTP (Rapld Spannlng Tree Protocol) Detects and uses
network topologies that allow a faster convergence of the
spanning tree, without creating forwarding loops.
Server Any computer whose function in a network is to
provide user access to files, printing, communications,
and other services.
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) The standard e»
mail protocol on the Internet.
SNMP (Slmple Network Management Protocol) A
widely used network monitoring and control protocol.
SSH Secure Shell. A utility that uses strong authentication
and secure communications to log in to another computer
over a network.
SSI. (Secure Socket Layer) Encryption technology for
the Internet used to provide secure transactions, such as
the transmission of credit card numbers for e»commerce.
Static IP Address A fixed address assigned to a computer
or deVice that is connected to a network.
STP(SpanningTree Protocol) Prevents loops in network
traffic The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) provides tree
topography for any arrangement of bridges. $I'P provides
one path between end stations on a network, eliminating
Subnet (Sub-network) Subnets are portions of a
network that share a common address component. In
TCP/IP networks, devices that share a prefix are part of
the same subnet. For example, all devices with a prefix of are part ofthe same subnet.
Subnet Mask An address code that determines the size
of the network.
Switch Filters and forwards packets between LAN
segments. SWitches support any packet protocol type.
TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller Access Control
System Plus) Proprietary Cisco enhancement toTerminaI
additional support for authentication, authorization, and
Appendix B
TCP(TransmIssIon Control Protocol) A network protocol
for transmitting data that requires acknowledgement
from the rec|pient of data sent.
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol) A set ofinstructlons PCs use to communlcate
over a network.
Telnet A user command and TCP/IP protocol used for
accessmg remote PCs.
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) A verslon of the
TCP/IP FTP protocol that has no directory or password
Throughput The amount of data moved successfully
from one node to another in a g|ven time perlod,
Trunking Llnk Aggregatlon. Optimizes port usage by
I|nking a group of ports together to form a single trunk
(aggregated groups).
TX Rate Transmission Rate.
UDP (User Data Protocol) Communicatlon protocol that
transrmts packets but does not guarantee the|r delivery.
Upgrade To replace ex|sting software or firmware W|th a
newer versron.
Upload To transmit a file over a network.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) The address of a file
located on the Internet.
VLAN (Virtual Local Area Networks) Logrcal subgroups
that constitute a Local Area Network (LAN).Th|s |s done |n
software ratherthan defining a hardware squt|on.
WAN (Wide Area Network) Networks that cover a large
geograph|ca| area.
WIIdcard Mask Specmes wh|ch IP address b|ts are
used, and wh|ch bits are ignored. A wild card mask
of 255155155155 |ndicates that no bit |s important.
A wildcard of indicates that all the b|ts are
and the wildcard mask is 2553618400, the first two b|ts
of the IP address are used, wh||e the last two b|ts are
ereless-G Business Ethernet Bridg.
Appendix C
Appendix C:
Cabllng Type
Operating System
Web User Interface (U1)
SNMP Version
Web Flrmware Upgrade
Operating Modes
Wireless Client
Internal Antennas
External Antennas
Transmit Power
Antenna Gain
Receiver Sensitlvity
IEEE802.11g, IEEE802.11b,
IEEE8023, |EEE802.3u,
IEEE8023af (Powerover
Ethernet), 802.1 13 (Gas
Priority), 802.1 Q (VLAN),
802.1 X (Secunty Authentication),
802.1 1 |-Ready (Security WPAZ),
802.1 ieReady (Wireless 005)
5 10/100 Base-T Ethernet,
12 VDC Power
Power, PoE, Wireless,
Ethernet 15
Built»in Web UI for Easy
Browser-based Configuration
SNMP Verslon 1, 2c, 3
Firmware Upgradable
Through Web Browser
DHCP Cllent
Infrastructure or Ad-Hoc
Radlo and Modulatlon Type:
802.11b/DSSS, 802.1lg/OFDM
Operating Channels:
11 North America, 13 Most of
Europe (ETSI and Japan)
2 (Omnldirectlonal) Reverse SMA
Transmit Power @
Normal Temperature Range:
11g: 15 zt 1 dBm
1.8 dBI
11g: 54 Mbps @ -72 dBm,
11b:11 Mbps @-85 dBm
Mains-G Business Ethernet Bridge
Access Control
Quality of Service
802.10 VLAN
W x H x D
Un|t We|ght
Operating Temp.
Storage Temp.
Operatlng Humidity
Storage Humidlty
WEP 64-bit/128-bit,WPA-PSK,
MAC-Based ACL between
Wired and Wireless interfaces
IEEE 802.1X Support
4 Queues, Queue Mapping on
Ingress Based on Default
Priority, 802.1 pTag, DSCP & |P
ToS, Rate L|m|ting on Both
Ingress and Egress Direction;
WMM Priority Settings for
W|reless Egress
Supportfor up to 54 VLANs on
the switch
6.69" x 8.07" x 7.68”
(170x205 x195 mm)
0.751b(345 g)
12V 0.5A DC Ian-Il,
IEEE802.3af-Compl|ant PoE
32 to 104°F (0 to 40°C)
-4 to 158°F (-20 to 70°C)
10to 85% Noncondensmg
5 to 900/13 Noncondensing
Appendix D
Appendix D:
Warranty Information
Contact your service provider if the warranty support
issues are to be handled by them as per your service
Limited Warranty
Linksys warrants to You that, for a period of three years
(the ”Warranty Period”), your Linksys Product WIII be
substantiallyfree ofdefects in materials and workmanship
under normal use. Your exclusive remedy and Linksys'
entire liability under this warranty WIII be for Linksys at
its option to repair or replace the Product or refund Your
purchase price less any rebates. This limited warranty
extends only to the original purchaser.
If the Product proves defective during the Warranty
Period call Linksys Technical Support in order to obtain
a Return Authorization Number, if applicable. BE SURE
CALLING. IfYou are requested to return the Product, mark
the Return Authorization Number clearly on the outside
of the package and include a copy of your original proof
WITHOUT PROOF OF PURCHASE. You are responsible
for shipping defective Products to Linksys. Linksys pays
for UPS Ground shipping from Linksys back to You only.
Customers located outside of the United States of America
and Canada are responsible for all shipping and handling
not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty
lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to You. This
warranty gives You specific legal rights, and You may also
have other rights which vary byjurisdiction.
This warranty does not apply if the Product (a) has been
altered, except by Linksys, (b) has not been installed,
operated, repaired, or maintained in accordance with
instructions supplied by Linksys, orlc) has been subjected
to abnormal physical or electrical stress, misuse,
negligence, or accident. In addition, due to the continual
development of new techniques for intruding upon and
attacking networks, Linksys does not warrant that the
Product Will be free of vulnerability to intrusion or attack.
IMreless-G Business Ethernet Bridge
Warranty Information
Theforegoing limitations Will apply even ifany warranty or
remedy proVided underthis Agreementfails ofits essential
purpose. Somejurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or
limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the
above limitation or exclusion may not apply to You.
Please direct all inquiries to: Linksys, P.0. Box 18558, Irvine,
CA 92623.
Appendix E
Warranty and Regulatory Information
Appendix E:
Regulatory Information
FCC Statement
This device complies with Pan 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
This product has been tested and complies with the
specifications for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part
15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in
a residential installation. This equipment generates,
uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used according to the instructions, may
cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference Will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interferenceto radio ortelevision reception,
which is found by turning the equipment off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by
one or more of the foIIoWing measures;
- Reorient or relocate the receivmg antenna
- Increase the separation between the equipment or
- Connect the equipment to an outlet other than the
- Consulta dealeroran experienced radio/TVtechnician
for assistance
FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly
approved by the party responsible for compliance could
void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
This equipment complies With FCC radiation exposure
limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This
equipment should be installed and operated with
minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your
This transmitter must not be co-Iocated or operating in
conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter IEEE
802.1 1 b or802.1 1g operation ofthis product in the USA is
firmware»limited to channels 1 through i i.
meme Business Ethernet Bridge
Safety Notices
- CautionzTo reduce the risk of fire, use only No.26 AWG
or Iargertelecommunication line cord.
- Do not use this product near Water, for example, in a
Wet basement or near a swimming pool.
Avoid using this product during an electrical storm.
There may be a remote risk of electric shock from
WARNING:This product contains lead, known
to the State of California to cause cancer, and
birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash
hands after handling.
Industry Canada Statement
This device complies With Industry Canada ICES-003 and
RSSZi 0 rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This deVice may not cause interference and
2. This device must accept any interference, including
interferencethat may cause undesired operation ofthe
deVice. This deVice has been designed to operate With
an antenna having a maximum gain ofi.8 dBi. Antenna
having a highergain isstrictlyprohibited perregulations
of Industry Canada. The required antenna impedance
is 50 ohms.
To reduce potential radio interference to other users,
the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen
that the EIRP is not more than required for successful
Industry Canada Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies With IC radiation exposure limits
setforth for an uncontrolled environment.This equipment
should be installed and operated With minimum distance
20cm between the radiator & your body.
This transmitter must not be co-Iocated or operating in
conjunction with any otherantenna ortransmitter.
Appendix E
Warranty and Regulatory Information
Avis d'lndustrie Canada
Cet appareil est conforme aux normes NMB003 et R552] 0
d'Industrle Canada.
L’ut|||sat|on de ce disposit|f est autonse’e seuIement aux
condltlons sulvantes:
1. '|| ne dolt pas produire de brouillage et
2. '|| doit accepter tout brouillage radioelectrique regu,
Ie fonctionnement du d|spositif. Le d|spos|tif a ete'
maximum de 1.8 dBi. Les reglements d’Industrie Canada
interdisent strlctement l'utlllsation d'antennes dont Ie
gain est supérleur a cette Ilmlte. L'impedance requise
de l’antenne est de 50 ohms.
Afm de redulre Ie risque d'interférence aux autres
utilisateurs, Ie type d'antenne et son galn doivent
etre choisis de facon a ce que la pu|ssance |sotrope
rayonnee equrvalente (p.i.r.e.) ne soit pas superleure
au niveau requis pour obtenlr une communicatlon
Avis d’lndustrie Canada concemant I’exposition
aux radiofréquences :
Ce mate'nel est conforme aux I|m|tes etablies par IC
en matiere d’expositmn aux rad|ofrequences dans un
environnementnon controle. Ce materiel doit étre installe
et utllisé a une d|stance d’au moins 20 cm entre l’antenne
et Ie corps de I'utilisateur.
IJemetteur ne do|t pas etre place’ pres d’une autre antenne
ou d’un autre émetteur, ou fonctionner avec une autre
antenne ou un autre émetteur.
Wireless Disclaimer
The maximum performance for W|reless is derived from
IEEE Standard 802.11 specificatmns. Actual performance
can vary, |nclud|ng lower wireless network capacity,
data throughput rate, range and coverage. Performance
depends on many factors, condltions and varlables,
includ|ng d|stance from the access po|nt, volume of
network traffic, bullding materials and construction,
operating system used, mix of W|reless products used,
interference and other adverse cond|tions.
meme Business Ethernet Bridg.
Avis de non-responsabilité concernant les
appareils sans fil
Les performances maximales pour les réseaux sans fil
sont t|rees des spe’cmcations de la norme IEEE 802.11.
Les performances reeIIes peuvent varier, notamment
en fonction de la capac|te du re'seau sans fil, du deb|t
de la transmlssion de données, de la portée et de la
couverture. Les performances dependent de facteurs,
condltions et vanables multiples, en partlculler de la
d|stance par rapport au po|nt d’acces, du volumedu trafic
réseau, des matériaux utlllse's dans le batlment et du
type de construction, du systeme d'exploltatlon et de la
comb|na|son de produits sans fil utilises,des |nterfe'rences
et de toute autre cond|tion de'favorable.
Appendix E
Warranty and Regulatory Information
User Information for Consumer Products
Covered by EU Directive 2002/96/EC on
Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment
This document contalns important lnformation for users
with regards to the proper disposal and recycllng of
Llnksys products. Consumers are required to comply with
this notlceforall electronic products bearing thefollowing
English - Environmental Information for Customers in
the European Unlon
European Directive 2002/96/EC requires that the equlpment
bearlng thls symbol 3 on the product and/or its packaglng must
not be dlsposed ofwlth unsorted munlclpal waste. The symbol
indicates that thls product should be disposed of separately
from regular household waste streams. It is your responslblllty to
dispose of thls and other electric and electronlc equlpment via
deslgnated collectlon (acllltles appointed by the government or
local authorltles. Correct dlsposol and recycling wlII help prevent
potential negative consequences to the environment and
human health For more detalled lnlormatlon aboutthe disposal
of your old equipment, please contact your local outhontles,
waste dlsposal servlce, or the shop where you purchased the
erapcxvl (Bulgarian) - Illmboprvlauml omocno
onassalleto Ha oKonuata cpeAa 3a notpeéntenu B
Eoponelllcknn flows
Eaponencxa nMpeKmaa ZDDZ/Qé/EC vlavlckaa ypeume, noceum
roan EVIMBDI’i Z aopxy msnermero m/wwr onaKoaKara my, na He
ce Vlzxsbprm r c NecopmpaNl/t 61410814 ornanbuvl. CmMaorrbr
ooozuauaaa, ue manermero TpflGBa na ce VISXB‘opHR OTflEllHO or
cMerocoémpauero Na oomxnoaemre ouroam ornanoum Balua
e orrosopnoma tom vl upyrvne enempuuecm u eneKrponnvr
ypenvl no ce Msxsbpllm a npeusapvlrenno onpeqerrenu or
nopxaannre unu oéumncmopranu cneunarlusupaun nynxroae
3a coompane ripaavrnnoro msxaoprmue m peumKnmpaHe
ure cnoMorllar l:|a ce npelrorspom eBeHTyanHVI BpequA 3a
okonnara cpeua u zupaaem Ha nacenenmem nocrlencrsvm 3a
nonoopoono Muttopmaunfi OYNOCNO usxooprronero Na Baumre
crapn ypenm ce ofiopnere KlsM MeCiHMie anacrvl, cny>t<6nre 3a
(Meiochénpatie mm marasmna, or Kouro are saKanM ypena.
memo Business Ethernet mug.
Ce§tina (Czech) - Informace o ochrané iivotm’ho
prostiedi pro za’kaznl’ky v zeml’cll Evropské unie
Evropska smernice 2002/96/E5 zakazuje, aby zailzenl oznaéene’
tlmto symbolem! na produktu anebo na obalu bylo Ilkvldovano
s netil'dénym komuna’lnl'm odpadem. Tento symbol uda'va',
fie dany produkt musl’ byt Ilkvidova'rl oddélené od beiného
komunélnlho odpadu. Odpovl'déte za Ilkvidacl tohoto produktu
a dalslch elektrickych a elektronickych zaflzenl prostiednictvlm
urEenych sbérnych ml'st stanovenych vladou nebo mlslnlml
ufady. Spravna Iikvldace a recyklace pomahé piedchézet
potenclalnlm negatlvnlm dopadum na ilvotnl prostfedl a Ildske’
zdravl. Podrobnejsl lnformace o Ilkvldacl starého vybavenl sl
Iaskave vyiadejte od mlstnlch mod-1, podnlku zabyvajl'clho se
Ilkvldacl komunalnlch odpadu nebo obchodu, kde jsle produkt
Dansk (Danish) - Miljoinformation for kunderi EU
EU—dlrektlv 2002/96/EF kraever, at udstyr der baerer delta symbol
a pa produktet og/eller emballagen ikke ma bonskaffes som
usorteret kommunalt a((ald Symbolet betyder, at dette produkt
skal bortskaffes adskilt (ra det almindellge husholdningsaffald.
Der er dlt ansvar at bortskalle dette og andet elektrlsk og
elektronlsk udstyr vla bestemte lndsamllngssteder udpeget
af staten eIIer de Iokale myndigheder. Korrekt bortskaffelse
og genvlnding le hjaelpe med til at undga mullge skader for
mlljlzet og menneskers sundhed. Kontakt Venllgsl de Iokale
myndigheder, renovatlonstjenesten eIIer den butik, hvor du
har kobt produktet, angaende mere delaljerel lnformatlon om
bortskaffelse afdit gamle udstyr
Deutscll (German) - Umwelti formation fiir Kunden
Innerhalb der Europaischen U ion
Die Europaische Rlchtllnie 2002/96/EC verlangt, dass lechnische
Ausruslung, diedirekt am Geral und/oder an derVerpackung mil
dlesem Symbol versehen lstE, nlchtzusammen mlt unsortlertem
Gemelndeabfall entsorgt warden darf Das Symbol welst darauf
hln, dass das Produkt Von regularem Haushaltmull getrennt
entsorgt werden sollte. Es Ilegt in Ihrer Verantwortung, dleses
Gerél und andere elektrische und elektronlsche Ger“ e fiber
die dorm zustandigen und von der Reglerung oder ortlichen
Behorden dazu bestlmmten Sammelstellen zu entsorgen.
Ordnungsgemafles Entsorgen und Recyceln nagt dazu bei,
potentlelle negatlve Folgen fur Umwelt und die menschllche
Gesundheit zu vermeiden. Wenn Sie weltere Informationen zur
Entsorgung Ihrer Altgerale benotigen, wenden Sle sich bltte an
dle ortlichen Behorden oder stadlischen Entsorgungsdlensle
oder an den Handler, bel dem Sle das Produkt erworben haben
Appendix E
Warranty and Regulatory Information
Eesti (Estonian) - Keskkonnaalane informatsioon
Euroopa usasuvateleklien ele
Euroopa Llldu direklllvi ZDDZ/QG/EU nfiuele kohaseli on
seadmeld, mlIIeI on tootel vél pakendll kéesolev sflmbol E,
keelatud kérvaldada koos sorteellmala olmejaarmerega See
sumbol nailab, el loads luleks kérvaldada elaldl lavallslesl
olmelaétmevuogudest Olete kuhustatud klfirvaldama kaesuleva
Ja ka muud elektrl- Ja elektroonlkaseadmed rllgl vol kohallke
ametlasutuste ponlt ette néhtud kngumlspunktlde kaudu
Seadmete konektne kolvaldamlne Ja rlnglussevott altab véltlda
varmallkke negatllvseld ragalargl keskkonnale nlng Inlmeste
tervlsele Vanade seadmete klfirvaldamlse kuhta tapsema
lnformatsloonl sa mlseks votke palun fihendust kohallke
ametlasutustega,] 'tmekélt|usflrmaga vol kaupllwega, kust te
toute ostsite
Espafiol (Spanish) - Infonnacién medioambiental para
(Iientes de la Unién Europea
La Dllectlva ZOOZ/Qé/CE de la UE exlge que Ios equlnos que
Ileven este simbolu x en el propio aparato ylo en su embalaje
no deben elimlnarse Junlo (on otlos reslduos urbanos no
selecclonados. El sl'mbolo indica que el ploducto en (ueslién
debe separarse de Ins reslduos domestlcns convenclonales con
vlstas a su eIImlnaclon. Es responsabllldad suya desechar este y
cualesqulera otros aparatos eléctrlcos y electrénlcos a través de
Ios puntos de recoglda que uonen a su dlsposlclén eI goblel no y
Iasautorldades locales Aldesecharyreclclarcorrectamenteestos
apalatos estalé contllbuyendo a evltar poslbles conyecuenclas
negatlvas para el medlo amblente y la salud de Ias personas. sr
desea obtener Informaclon mas detallada sobre la ellmlnaclon
segura de su apararo usado, consulte a Ias autorldades locales,
aI servlclo de recoglda y eIlmlnaclon de leslduos de su zona o
pregunte en la tienda donde adquirlé eI producto.
{anlxfl (Greek) - {tolxeln neplsanovflxlk
"poo-mail“ vlu "thins: min "K Eupmnni'xr'lc
HKorvanKnoarwlu zooms/Eternanelarraseonxlcpocuonuloc
(pépsl auto to oouBuku E on) llpolév KGI/f] an] ouakeuaaiu
IOU Gav "panel vol anopplmztal Mail us to plkta Kolvotlka
anopplppara. To aoufioko unoélevl’Jsl on auto to npolbv ea
npénzl va anopplmztal izxmplcta and to owner] olKlaKa
anopplppara. Elms unewuvoc vlu tnv anoppnpr] mu nupbvtoc
Km dMou nAEKtplkol'J Kai nAeKtpoleol’) séonhlauol'l “£00! twv
onolec nupéxovml ant; m maroc l‘] nc apubélsc mmxéc upxéc.
H umctr‘] unoppllvr] Km BVGKUKNHOH cUquMsl mnv npékntpr]
meal/aw apvnnxwv ouvenelu’lv vla m neplBaMov KC“ tnv well:
I'm nzplucétzpec unnpowoplzc uxztlka us tnv unopplwn mu
TlctMDU uclc ££07|MU|JDU, nupumku’: smKolvwl/ncrs uz me name:
upxéc, In: unnpaolx unapplwm r'] to Kurdmnpu uno IO onolo
avopl’wms to llpolév.
MrelmG Business Ethernet Bridg.
Franqais (French) - Informations environnementales
pour les nts de I’Union europe’enne
La dllectlve eulopeenne 2002/96/CE exlge qua I’equlpement
sur quuel est apposé ce symbole 2 sur Ie prodult et/ou son
emballage ne soil pas Jete' avec les autles oldures ménagéres. (e
symbole indique que Ie ploduil doll étre éllmlne’ dans un clrcull
dlstlnct de celul pour Ies dechets des menages Il est de votre
responsablllte’ deleter l:e matérlel alnsl que tout autre matérlel
électrlque ou électronlque par les moyens de collecte lndlqués
par Ie gouvernement et Ies pouvolrs publlcs des collectlvlte's
terrltorlales. L’éllmlnatlon et Ie recyclage en bonne at due forme
ant pour but de Iutter centre I’lmpact ne'faste potentlel de ce
type de prodults sur I’enwronnement el la santé publlque. Pour
plus d’lnfurmatlons sur Ie mode dellmlnatlun de votre anclen
e’qulpement, veulllez prendre contact avel: Ies puuvolrs publlcs
lucaux, Ie service detraltement des déchets, ou I’endrolt olll vuus
avez achelé Ie produit.
Itallano (Italian) - Informazioni relative all’ambiente
per i cllenti resldenti nell’UnIone Europea
La dlrettiva europea 1002/96/Ec rlthlede (he Ie apparecchlature
(onlrassegnate (on questo slmbolo E sul prodollo e/o
sull’lmballaggio non slano smallile lnsleme ai lifluli urbani
non drflerenzrarr. II simbolo lndica the queslo prodotto non
deve essere Sma|lll0 lnsleme al normal] rlflutl dumestlcl, E
responsablllta del proprietarlo smaltlre sla quest] prudnttl sla
Ie altre apparecchlature elettrlche ed elettrnnlche medlante
Ie speclflche struttule dl raccolta lndlcate dal govelno o dagll
enll pubbllcl Iocall |I corrello smaltlmento ed lI rlclclagglo
aluteranno a prevenlle conseguenze potenzlalmente negatlve
per I’amblente e per la salute dell’essere umanu. Per rlcevere
lnlolmazlonl plil dettagllate area In smaltlmento deIIe vecchle
apparetchialure ln Vostro possesso, Vi invltiamo a (ontattale gli
entl pubbllcl dl competenza, II yelvlzlo dl smaltlmento llflutl a ll
neguzlo neI quale avete acqulstatu ll prudutto
Latviefiu valoda (Latvian) - Ekologiska informacija
klientlem Eiropas Savlenibasjurisdikclji
Dlrektiva 2002/96/EK ll prasiba, ka aprflmlumu, kam plevlennta
time 5 uz paéa Izstlédaluma val uz ta lesalnojuma, nedrmst
lzmest neéklrota velda kopa ar komunalajlem atkrltumlem
(tiem, ko lada vietéji iedzivotéji un uznémumi). Si zime nozimé
to, ka éi lerice lr lalzmet atkrltumos ta, Ial ta nenonaktu kopé ar
parastlem méjsalmnleclbas atkrltumlem. Jflsu plenakums lr 50
un cltas elektrlskas un elektrunlskas lerices lzmest atkrltumus,
lzmantolot inaéus atkrltumu savakéanas veldus un Iidzeklus, ko
nodroélna valsts un paévaldmu lestades. Ja lzmeéana atkrltumos
un pérstréde tlek velkta parelzi, tad mazrnas lespéjamais
kailéjums dabal un (ilvéku veselibal Sikékas zinas par
novecoju§a aprikojuma izmeianu alkrilumos rns varal saneml
vleteJa pasvaldlbé, atkrltumu savakia nas dlenesta, ka arivelkala,
kur legadalatles so lzstradalumu.
Appendix E
Warranty and Regulatory Information
Lietuvékai (Lithuanian) - Aplinkosaugos informacija,
skirta Europos Sajungos vanotojams
Euronos dlrektyva 2002/96/EC numato, kad jrangos, kun H K
kunos pakuoté yra paiyméta §|uo slmbollu (lvesklte slmboll),
negallma §a|inli kartu su nerfl§iuolomis komunallnémis
atliekomus. §|s simbohs rodo, kad gaming re|kia Salinti atskira|
nun bendro bultlnlu atlleku svauto Jus pnvalute uItlkrlntl, kad
§| |r klta elektros at elektrnnlné lranga bDIL] §a||nama per tam
tlkras naclonalmés ar Vlellnés valdiros nustatytas atlleku nnkrmo
slstemas Tlnkamal §a||nant ll perdlrbant atllekas, bus livengta
gahmos ialos apllnkal 1. imonlq svelkataL Dauglau |n(ormacl]os
aple Jflsu yenos jrangos §alln|ma gall patelktl vletlnés valdilos
Instltucljos, athekq éalmlmo tamybos arba parduotuvés, kunose
Malti (Maltese) - Informazzjoni Ambjentali ghal Klijenti
fI-Unjoni Ewropea
Id'DIrelllva Ewropea zooms/K5 t|t|ob Il t—taghmlr I| Jkun flh rs—
slmbolu E (uq II-prodott u/jew fuq I-|ppakk1ar ma Jlstax untrema
ma’ skart mumcipali Ii ma glex lsseparat. Is-simbolu Jindika
n dan iI-prodott ghandu jintrema separatament mlnn ma’ |-
iskart domesuku regolari. Hua responsabbilta (ieghek Ii tarml
dan lt-taghmlr u kuII taghmlr lehur ta’ I-elettrlku u elettrunlku
permezz ta’ fac‘rlnajret ta' gbir appu ntatr apposta mill-gvern Jew
mlII-awturltallet Iokall Ir-rlml b’mod kurrett u r-nc’lklagg Jghln
leprevjenl konsegwenzl negattlvl potenzjall ghaII-ambjent u
ghas—sahha taI—bnledem Ghal aktar lnformalzjonl dettaIJata
dwar lr-nml tat-taghmlr antlk tleghek, Jekk joghgbok lkku ntattJa
|l||rawlorllajlel Iokall tleghek, Is—servlzzr ghar—nmr ta’ Irrskart, Jew
lI-hanut mlnn (eJn xtrajt lI-prodott.
Magyar (Hungarian) - Kornyezetvédelmi informa 6 at
eurépai llniés vésarlék szémira
A 2002/9s/Ec szamu eurOpa| umés |rénye|v megklvénja, hogy
azokat a termékeket, amelyeken, és/vagy amelyek csomagolésén
hulladékkal egyun k|dobn| A (imke azt jeltih, hogy az adott
termék kldobésakor a szokvényos héztartésl hulladékelszallitésl
rendszerektél elki‘llfinltett eljérést kell alkalmaznl. A1 On
feleléssége, hogy ell, és ma's eleklromos és eleklronlkus
berendezéselt a korményzau vagy a helyl hatéségok éllal
kuelélt gyfljtéredszereken keresztfil szémolja feel. A meglelelo
hulladékfeldolgozés seglt a kesmyezeue és az emben egészségre
potencléllsan értalmas negatlv hatésok megelozésében. Ha
elavult berendezéselnek felszémoléséhoz tovébbl részletes
Informécléra van sziiksége, kérjiik, Iépjen kapcsolatba a helyl
hatéségokkal, a hulladékleldolgozésl szolgélattal, vagy azzal
Uzlenel, ahol a terméket vasarolta
Muleser Business Ethernet Bridg.
Nederlands (Dutch) - M le informatie voor klanten
in de Europese Unie
De Europese RlchtIunZDDZ/Qo/EC schruft voor dat apparatuur dle
I5 voorzlen van an symbool x op het product o( de verpakklng,
nlet mag Worden ingezameld met niet-gesche|den huishoudelijk
aival Dlt symbuul geefl aan dat het product apart meet warden
ingezameld. U bent zelf verannfloordeluk voor de vernietlglng
vandeze enandereeIektrlscheenelektrunlscheapparatuurvlade
daarvuor door de Iandelllke of plaatselljke uverheld aangewezen
|nzamellngskanalen. De Julste vernletlglng en recycllng van
deze apparatuur voorkoml mogelljke negatleve gevolgen voor
het mllleu en de gezondheld. Voor meet |nlormatle over het
Vernletlgen van uw oude apparatuur neemt u contact op met
de plaatselljke autorltelten of afvalverwerklngsdlenst, of met de
wmkel Wear u het product hebt aa ngesc hafl.
Norsk (Norwegian) - Miljoinfonnasjon for kunder i EU
EU-direktw ZOOZ/96/EF krever at utstyr med folgende symbol
3 avblldet p73 produktet og/eller pakmngen, ikke ms kastes
sammen med usorlerl avlall Symbolet lndlkerer at dette
produktet skal héndteres atskllt fra urdlnaer avfallslnnsamllng
(or husholdnlngsavlall Det er dltt ansvar é kvltte deg med
dette produktet og annet elektrlsk og elektronlsk avlall vla egne
|nnsam||ngsordn|nger sllk myndlghetene eller kommunene
bestemmer. Korrekt avlallshéndterlng og glenvlnnlng v||
vaere med pé a (orhlndre mullge negatlve kongekvenser for
mlljo cg helse. For naermere lnlormasjon om héndterlng av
det kasserte utstyret din, kan du ta kontakt med kommunen,
en lnnsamllngsstasjon for avlall eller butlkken der du kjopte
Polslti (Polish) - Informacja dla klientéw w Unii
Europejskle] o przeplsach dotyczqcych ochrony
Dyrektywa Europejska 2002/96/EC wymaga, aby sprzet
oznaczony symbolem x znajdujacym sle na produkcle |/Iub jego
opakowaniu me byl wyrzuca ny razem z innymi niesortowanymi
odpadaml komunalnyml. Symbol ten wskazuje, ie produkt
me powmlen byc usuwany razem ze zwyklyml odpadam| z
gospodarstw domowych. Na Pafistwu suoczywa obowlqzek
wyrzucama tego I mnych urzqdzeri elektrycznych oraz
elektronlcznych wpunktachodblom wyznaczonych przezwladze
krajowe Iub Iokalne Pozbywanle sle sprzetu we wlaSchy sposéb
| jego recykllng pomogq zapoblec potenqalnle negatywnym
konsekwencjom dla $rodow|ska | zdrowla Iudzklego w celu
uzyskanla szczegolowych lnformacjl o usuwanlu starego sprzetu,
proslmy zwroelc sle do Iokalnych wladz, sluib oczyszczanla
miasta Iub sklepu, w ktérym produkt zostal nabyty.
Appendix E
Warranty and Regulatory Information
Portugués (Portuguese) - Informaqao ambiental para
(Iientes da Uniéo Europeia
A Dlrecllva Europela ZOOZ/96/CE exlge que o equlpamenlo
que exlbe esle slmbolo x no produlo e/ou na sua embalagem
nao Sela ellmlnado jumo com 05 residues munlcipais nae
separados. o slmbolo indica que esle produto deve ser
ellmlnadu separadamenle dos reslduus domésucos regulates
E da sua responsabllldade ellmlnar este e qualquer DUUD
equlpamenm ele’cmcu e eleclrénlco alrave’s das mstalagées
de reculha deslgnadas pelas aulorldades governamenlals ou
locals A ellmmacao e reclclagem correclas ajudarao a prevenlr
as consequénclas negallvas para o amblenle es para a sallde
humana. Para obler lnlormaqées mals delalhadas sobre a
(orma de ellmlnar o seu equlpamenlo anllgo, contacts as
autovldades locals, os semcos de ellmlnscao de reslduos ou o
eslabeleclmenlo comerclal onde adqulrlu o produlo.
Romfini (Romanian) - Informat de mediu pentru
cllentli dln Unlunea Europeana
Direcuva europeana ZDOZ/96/CE lmpune (a echipamentele care
prezmta atesl simbol’.’ pe produs $I/Sau peambalajul ateslula sa
nu fie casale lmpreuna cu gunolul menajer munlclpal Slmbolul
lndlcé faplul (a acesl produs trebuie 53 (re nasal separal de
gunolul menaler obl§nulL Esle responsabllllalea dvs. sa casarl
aces! produs sl alle echlpamenle eleclrlce sl electronlce pun
lnlermedlul unllarllor de coleclare speclal desemnale de guvem
sau de amorllanle locale Casarea sl reclclarea Corecle Vor alula
Ia orevenlrea polennalelor conseclnle negallve asupra sanalarll
medlulul 51 a oamenllor. Penrru mar mulle lnformanl delallale
cu orlvlre Ia casarea acesml echloamenl vechl, conlaclarl
aulorllarlle locale, servlclul de salubrlzare sau magazlnul de la
(are an achlznlonal produsul.
Sloveniina (Slovak) - Informaeie o oehrane "votne’llo
prostredia pre zékaznlkov v Eurépskej u
Podla eurOpske] smernlce 2002/96/E5 zarladenle s lymlo
symbolom 2 na orodukle a/alebo Jeho balenl nesmle byl'
Ilkvldované spolu s nemedenym komunalnym odoadom.
Symbol znamené, ie produkt by sa mal Ilkvidovat' oddelene
0d beiného odpadu z domécnostl’ Je vaiou povinnost‘ou
Ilkvldoval’ lolo | oslalne’ elekmcké a eleklmnlcke’ zarladenla
proslrednlclvom §peclallzovanych zbemych zanadenl uréenych
vladou alebo mleslnyml organml. Spravna Ilkvldécla a recyklacla
pomoie zabranll' prlpadnym negallvnym dopadom na ilvomé
proslredle a zdravle Ihdl. Ak méle zéujem o podrobnejile
lnformécle o Ilkvldacll slarého zanadenla, obrar'le sa, proslm, na
mleslne organy, organlzacle zaoloerajnce sa Ilkvldaclou odpadov
alebo obchod, v klorom sle s. produkl zakllpili.
ereleser Business sum-m Bridgo
Slovenéina (Slovene) - Okoljske informacije za stranke
v Evropski
Evropska dlrekllva ZDOZ/Qo/EC prepoveduje odlaganje opreme,
uznaéene s (em slmbulom X 7 na lzdelku ln/ah na embalail 7 mad
oblEaJne, nerazwzcene odpadke. Ta simbol opozarja, da 18 (reba
izdelek odvreci loceno od preostallh gospodlnjsklh odpadkov
Va§a udgovornost Je, da (0 In preostalo eleklrlénu In elekuonsku
upremu udnesele na pusebna zblra||§Ea, kl th doloéllo
driavne uslanove all Iokalna uprava S pravllnlm odlaganjem
|n reclkllranjem bosle mepreélll moreblme §kodlllve vpllve na
okolle ln Zdravje lludl. Ce zeme lzvedell vec o odlaganlu stare
opreme, se Oblnlle na Iokalno upravo, odoad all ngovlno, kJer
ste lzdelek kuplll
Suomi (Flnnish) - Ymparlstoa koskevla tletoja EU-
alueen asiakkaille
EU-dllekfllvl 2002/96/Ev edellyuaa, ena Jos laluelsmssa on lama
symboh 2 use moueessa ja/lal sen pakkauksessa, Ialuelsma
el saa havmaa Iajluelemauoman yhdyskunlalaueen mukana.
Symboli merkllsee silé, Etta lama luole on hévilefiévé elllléén
(avalllsesla kolilalousjétleeslé. Slnun vasluullasl on havifiéé
tam Ieklronllkkatuole Ja muut vaslaaval eleklronllkkatuotleel
vremalla’ mole [a] luolleel vlranomalslen ma‘ara’amaan
keraysolsleeseen. Laluelslon olkea havluamlnen eslaa
mahdolllsel klellelser valkumkser ymparlsmon 1a lhmlsren
levveyleen. Llsalleloja vanhan Ialuelslon olkeasla havllyslavasla
saa palkalllsllla vrranomalsllra, lalreenhavnyspalvelusla (al sura
myymalasla, losla 05m luoueen.
Svenska (Swedish) -
Europeiska unionen
Del europelska dllekllvel zooms/lac kraver an uuusmlng med
denna symbol 5 pa produklen och/eller (orpacknlngen lnle far
kaslasmed osorrerarkommunalravlall Symbolen vlsaraudenna
Del faller pa dlu ansvar an kasla denna och annan eleklrlsk och
eleklronlsk unuslnlng ya (aslslallda msamllngsplalser ulsedda
av regerlngen eller Iokala myndlgheler. Korrekl kassenng och
atervinning skyddar mot evenluella negallva konsekvenser
(or mlllfin och personhalsa. For mer detallerad information om
kasserlng av dln gamla ulruslnlng konlaktar du dlna lukala
myndlgheler, avfallshanlerlngen eller bunken dar du koole
© WEB: For addltional informatlon, please vlslt
| jolt-formation (fir kunder i
Appendix F Contact Information
Appendix F:
Contact Information
Linksys Contact Information
Webslte hup://www.||
FTP Site flp.|lnksys cum
Advice Llne 800-546-5797 (LINKSYS)
Support 800-326-7114
RMA (Return Merchandise
Authorization) 94978233000
Fax 949-823-3002
A NOTE: Deta|ls on warranty and RMA issues
can be found m the Warranty and Regulatory
Information section ofthls Guide.
70606| DNC'AI
Muleser Business Ethernet Bridgo 34

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