LINKSYS WRT54GV82 Wireless-G Broadband Router With 4-Port Switch User Manual

LINKSYS LLC Wireless-G Broadband Router With 4-Port Switch

Users manual2

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Document ID865302
Application IDkzcCSN0eML96eZOqSfqwyg==
Document DescriptionUsers manual2
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize229.81kB (2872646 bits)
Date Submitted2007-11-07 00:00:00
Date Available2007-11-07 00:00:00
Creation Date2007-11-01 21:13:56
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 6.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2007-11-01 21:13:56
Document Titleuntitled

hear the beacons and awaken to receive the broadcast
and multicast messages. The default value is 1.
Fragmentation Threshold This value specifies the
maximum size for a packet before data is fragmented
into multiple packets. If you experience a high packet
error rate, you may slightly increase the Fragmentation
Threshold. Setting the Fragmentation Threshold too low
may result in poor network performance. Only minor
reduction of the default value is recommended. In most
cases, it should remain at its default value of 2346.
RTS Threshold Should you encounter inconsistent data
flow, only minor reduction of the default value, 2347, is
recommended. if a network packet is smaller than the
preset RTS threshold size, the RTS/CTS mechanism will
not be enabled. The Router sends Request to Send (RTS)
frames to a particular receivmg station and negotiates
the sending of a data frame. After receiving an RTS, the
wireless station responds with a Clearto Send (CTS) frame
to acknowledge the right to begin transmissionThe RTS
Threshold value should remain at its default value of
AP Isolation This isolates all wireless clients and wireless
devices on your networkfrom each other.Wireless devices
will be able to communicate with the Router but not with
each other. To use this function, select On. AP Isolation is
turned Off by default.
SecureEasySetup This feature allows you to enable or
disable the SecureEasySetup feature. Select Disabled to
disable the feature and turn off the button’s light. The
feature is Enabled by default.
Click Save Settings to apply your changes, or click Cancel
Changes to cancel your changes.
Security > Firewall
The Security > Firewall screen is used to configure a firewall
that can filter out various types of unwanted traffic on the
Router’s local network.
Security> Firewall
Wireless-G Broadband Router
Advanced (onfiguration
Firewall Protection To use firewall protection, keep the
default selection, Enable. To turn off firewall protection,
select Disable.
Block WAN Requests
Block Anonymous Internet Requests This feature
makes it more difficult for outside users to work their
way into your networkThis feature is selected by default.
Deselect the feature to allow anonymous Internet
Filter Multicast Multicasting allows for multiple
transmissions to specific recipients at the same time. If
multicasting is permitted, then the Router will allow IP
multicast packets to be forwarded to the appropriate
computers. This feature is selected by default. Deselect
this feature to disable it.
Filter Internet NAT Redirection This feature uses
port forwarding to block access to local servers from
local networked computers. Select Filter Internet NAT
Redirection to filter Internet NAT redirection.This feature
is not selected by default.
Filter IDENT (Port 1 13) This feature keeps port 1 i 3 from
being scanned by devices outside of your local network.
This feature is selected by default. Deselect this feature to
disable it.
Click Save Settings to apply your changes, or click Cancel
Changes to cancel your changes.
Security > VPN Passthrough
The Security > VPN Passthrough screen allows you to enable
VPN tunnels using lPSec, PPTP, or LZTP protocols to pass
through the Reuters firewall.
Security > VPN Passthrough
VPN Passthrough
lPSec Passthrough Internet Protocol Security (lPSec) is
a suite of protocols used to implement secure exchange
of packets at the l? layer. To allow lPSec tunnels to pass
through the Router, keep the default, Enable.
PPTP Passthrough Point—to—Point Tunneling Protocol
(PPTP) allows the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) to be
tunneled through an IP network. To allow PPTP tunnels to
pass through the Router, keep the default, Enable.
LZTP Passthrough Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol is the
method used to enable Pomt-to-Point sessions Via the
Internet on the Layer 2 IeveI.To allow LZTP tunnels to pass
through the Router, keep the default, Enable.
Click Save Settings to apply your changes, or click Cancel
Changes to cancel your changes.
Access Restrictions > Internet Access
The Access Restrictions > lntemetAccexs screen allows you
to block or allow specific kinds of Internet usage and
traffic, such as Internet access, designated services, and
websites during specific days and times.
Access Restrictions > Internet Access
Internet Access
Internet Access Policy Access can be managed by a
policy. Use the settings on this screen to establish an
access policy (after Save Settings is clicked). Selecting a
policy from the drop»down menu erI display that policy’s
settings. To delete a policy, select that policy's number
and click Delete. To view all the policies, click Summary.
(Policies can be deleted from the Summary screen by
selecting the policy or policies and clicking Delete. To
return to the Internet Access tab, click Close.)
Wireless-G Broadband Router
Advanced (onfiguration
Internet Poiicy Summary
Status Policies are disabled by default. To enable a policy,
select the policy number from the drop-down menu, and
select Enable.
To create an Internet Access policy:
1. Select a number from the Internet Access Policy drop—
down menu.
2. To enable this policy, select Enable.
3. Enter a Policy Name in the field provided.
4. Click Edit List of PCs to selectwhich PCs will be affected
by the policy. The List ofPCs screen appears. You can
select a PC by MAC Address or IP Address. You can also
enter a range of IP Addresses if you want this policy
to affect a group of PCs. After making your changes,
click Save Settings to apply your changes or Cancel
Changes to cancel your changes. Then click Close.
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Llst of PCs
5. Select the appropriate option, Deny or Allow,
depending on whether you want to block or allow
Internet access for the PCs you listed on the List ofPCs
6. Decide which days and what times you want this policy
to be enforced, Selectthe individual days during which
the policy will be in effect, or select Everyday. Then
enter a range of hours and minutes dunng which the
policy will be in effect, or select 24 Hours.
7. Select any Blocked Services or Website Blocking you
wish to use.
8. Click Save Settings to save the policy’s settings, or
click Cancel changes to cancel the policy’s settings.
Blocked Services
You can filter access to various services accessed over the
lnternet, such as FTP or telnet, by selecting services from
the drop-down menus next to Blocked Services. (You can
block up to 20 services.) Then enter the range of ports you
want to filter.
lfthe service you want to block is not listed or you want to
edit a service's settings, then click Add/Edit Service. Then
the PartServices screen will appear.
Port Services
To add a service, enter the service’s name in the Service
Name field. Select its protocol from the Protocol drop—
down menu, and enter its range in the Port Range fields.
Then click Add.
To modify a service, select it from the list on the right.
Change its name, protocol setting, or port range. Then
click Modify.
To delete a service, select it from the list on the rightThen
click Delete.
When you are finished making changes on the Port
Services screen, click Apply to save the changes. if you
want to cancel your changes, click Cancel. To close the
Port Services screen and return to the Access Restrictions
screen, click Close.
Website Blocking by URL Address
if you want to block websites with specific URL addresses,
enter each URL in a separate field next to Website Blocking
by URL Address.
Website Blocking by Keyword
if you want to block websites using specific keywords,
enter each keyword in a separate field next to Website
Blocking by Keyword.
Click Save Settings to apply your changes, or click Cancel
Changes to cancel your changes.
Applications and Gaming > Port Range
The Application; & Gaming > Port Range Forward screen
allows you to set up public services on your network, such as
web servers, ftp servers, ermail servers, or other specialized
internet applications. (Specialized internet applications are
Wireless-G Broadband Router
Advanced (onfiguration
anyapplicationsthatuse lnternetaccess to performfunctions
such as videoconferencing or online gaming. Some Internet
applications may not require any forwarding.)
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Applications and Gaming > Port Range Forward
Port Range Forward
To forward a port, enter the information on each line for
the criteria required.
Application In this field, enter the name you wish to give
the application. Each name can be up to 12 characters.
Start/End This is the port range. Enter the number that
starts the port range in the Start column and the number
that ends the range in the End column.
Protocol Select the protocol used for this application,
either TCP or UDP, or Both.
IP Address For each application, enter the IP Address of
the PC running the specific application.
Enable Select Enable to enable port forwarding for the
relevant application.
Click Save Settings to apply your changes, or click Cancel
Changes to cancel your changes.
Applications & Gaming > Port Triggering
The Applications Br Gaming > Port Triggering screen allows
the Router to watch outgoing data for specific port
numbers. The lP address of the computer that sends the
matching data is remembered by the Router, so that when
the requested data returns through the Router, the data is
pulled back to the proper computer by way of IP address
and port mapping rules.
Advanced (onfiguration
Applications and Gaming > PortTriggering
Port Triggering
Application Enter the application name ofthe trigger.
Triggered Range
Foreach application, list the triggered port number range.
Check with the Internet application documentation for
the port numberls) needed.
Start Port Enterthe starting port number oftheTriggered
End Port Enter the ending port number of the Triggered
Forwarded Range
For each application, list the forwarded port number
range. Check with the Internet application documentation
for the port number(s) needed.
Start Port Enter the starting port number of the
Forwarded Range.
End Port Enter the ending port number ofthe Forwarded
Enable Select Enable to enable port triggering for the
applicable application.
Click Save Settings to apply your changes, or click Cancel
Changes to cancel your changes.
Applications and Gaming > DMZ
The DMZ feature allows one network computer to be
exposed to the Internet for use of a special-purpose
service such as Internet gaming or videoconferencing.
DMZ hosting forwards all the ports at the same time to
one PC. The Port Range Forward feature is more secure
because it only opens the ports you want to have opened,
Wireless-G Broadband Router
while DMZ hosting opens all the ports of one computer,
exposing the computer to the Internet.
Applications and Gaming > DMZ
Any PC whose port is being forwarded must have its DHCP
client function disabled and should have a new static IP
address assigned to it because its IP address may change
when using the DHCP function.
To expose one PC, select Enable. Then, enter the
computer's IP address in the DMZHostIPAddress field.This
feature is disabled by default.
Click Save Settings to apply your changes, or click Cancel
Changes to cancel your changes.
Applications and Gaming > 005
Quality of Service (QoS) ensures better service to
high-priority types of network traffic, which may
involve demanding, real-time applications, such as
There are three types of 005 available: Device Priority,
Ethernet Port Priority, and Application Priority.
Enable/Disable To enable QoS, select Enable. Otherwise,
select Disable. 005 is disabled by default.
Upstream Bandwidth Select Auto or Manual from
the drop-down menu. Manual allows you to specify the
maximum outgoing bandwidth that applications can
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Applications and Gaming > 005
Device Priority
Enterthe name ofyour network device in the Device name
field, enter its MAC Address, and then select its priority
from the drop-down menu.
Ethernet Port Priority
Ethernet Port Priority (205 allows you to prioritize
performance forthe Router’s four ports, LAN Ports 1-4. For
each port, select the priority and flow control setting.
Priority Select High or Low in the Priority column. The
Router’s four ports have been assigned low priority by
Flow Control If you want the Router to control the
transmission of data between network devices, select
Enabled. To disable this feature, select Disabled. Ethernet
Port Priority QoS does not require support from your ISP
because the prioritized ports LAN ports 1-4 are in your
network.This feature is enabled by default.
Application Priority
Application Priority QoS manages information as it is
transmitted and received. Depending on the settings of
the 005 screen, this feature will assign information a high
or low priority for the applications that you specify.
Optimize Gaming Applications Select this to
automatically allow common game application ports
Wireless-G Broadband Router
Advanced (onfiguration
to have a higher priority. These games include, but are
not limited to: Counter-Strike, Half-Life, Age of Empires,
Everquest, Quakel/QuakeS, and Diablo II. The default
setting is unselected.
Application Name Enter the name you wish to give the
application in the Application Name field.
Priority Select High or Low to assign priority to the
applicationThe default selection is Low.
Specific Port it Enter the port number for the
Wireless 005
WMM Support Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM), formerly
known as Wireless Multimedia Extensions (WME), is
a Wi-Fi Alliance certified feature, based on the IEEE
802.11e standard. This feature provides QoS to wireless
networks. It is especially suitable for voice, music and
Video applicationsfor example, Voice over IP (VoIP), video
streaming, and interactive gaming. If you have other
devices on your wireless network that support WMM,
select Enabled. Otherwise, keep the default, Disabled.
No Acknowledgement This feature prevents the Router
from re-sending data if an error occurs.To use this feature,
select Enabled. 0therwnse, keep the default setting,
Click Save Settings to apply your changes, or click Cancel
Changes to cancel your changes.
Administration > Management
The Administration > Management screen allows the
network's administrator to manage specific Router
functions for access and security.
Administration > Management
Router Password
Local Router Access
Router Password Enter a new Password for the Router.
Re-enter to confirm Enter the Password again to confirm.
Web Access
Access Server H'I'I'P (HyperText Transport Protocol] is
the communications protocol used to connect to servers
on the World Wide Web. H'I'I'PS uses SSL (Secured Socket
Layer) to encrypt data transmitted for higher security.
Select HTTP or HTTPS. The default selection is HTTP.
Wireless Access Web If you are using the Router in
a public domain where you are giving wireless access
to your guests, you can disable wireless access to the
Router's web-based utility. You will only be able to access
the web—based utility via a wired connection ifyou disable
the setting. Keep the default, Enable, to enable wireless
access to the Reuters web-based utility, or select Disable
to disable wireless access to the utility.
Remote Router Access
Remote Management To access the Router remotely,
from outside the network, select Enable.
Management Port Enter the port number that Will be
open to outside access. You will need to enter the Router’s
password when accessing the Router this Way, as usual.
Use https To require the use of H'I'I'PS for remote access,
select this feature.
UPnP Keep the default, Enable to enable the UPnP
feature; otherwise, select Disable.
Click Save Settings to apply your changes, or click Cancel
Changes to cancel your changes.
Administration > Log
The Router can keep logs of all traffic for your Internet
Administration > Log
Wireless-G Broadband Router
Advanced (onfiguration
Log To disable the Log function, keep the default setting,
Disable. To monitor traffic between the network and the
Internet, select Enable.
When you wish to View the logs, click Incoming Log or
Outgoing Log, depending on which you wish to view.
Click Save Settings to apply your changes, or click Cancel
Changes to cancel your changes.
Administration > Diagnostics
The diagnostic tests (Ping and Traceroute) allow you to
check the connections of your network components.
Administration > Diagnostics
Ping Test
Ping The Ping test checks the status of a connection.
Click Ping to open the Ping Test screen. Enter the address
of the PC whose connection you wish to test and how
many times you wish to test it. Then, click Ping. The Ping
Test screen will show ifthe test was successful. To stop the
test, click Stop. Click Clear Log to clear the screen. Click
Close to return to the Diagnostics screen.
The Ping Test
Traceroute Test
Traceroute To test the performance of a connection,
click Truceroute to open the Traceroute Test screen. Enter
the address of the PC whose connection you wish to test
and click Traceroute.The Traceraute Test screen will show
ifthe test was successful. To stop the test, click Stop. Click
Clear Log to clear the screen. Click Close to return to the
Diagnostics screen.
The Traceroute Test
Administration > Factory Defaults
The Administration > Factory Defaults screen allows you
to restore the Router's configuration to its factory default
Factory Defaults
Restore Factory Defaults To reset the Router’s settings
to the default values, select Yes, and then click Save
Settings. Any settings you have saved will be lost when
the default settings are restored.
Administration > Factory Defaults
Administration > Upgrade Firmware
The Administration > Upgrade Firmware screen allows you
to upgrade the Router's firmware. Do not upgrade the
firmware unless you are experiencing problems with the
Router or the new firmware has a feature you want to use.
Wireless-G Broadband Router
Advanced (onfiguration
Administration > Upgrade Firmware
Before upgrading the firmware, download the Router’s
firmware upgrade file from the Linksys website, www. extract the file,
Upgrade Firmware
Please select a file to upgrade Click Browse and select
the extracted firmware upgrade file. Then click Upgrade
and follow the on—screen instructions.
Administration > (onfig Management
This screen is used to back up or restore the Router‘s
configuration file,
Administration > Conflg Management
Backup (onfiguration
To back up the Router’s configuration file, click Backup.
Then follow the on-screen instructions,
Restore Configuration
Please select a file to restore Click Browse and select
the configuration file. Then click Restore,
Status > Router
The Status > Router screen displays the Router's current
Status > Router
Router Information
Firmware Version This is the Router’s current firmware,
Current Time This shows the time, as you set on the
Setup tab.
MAC Address This is the Router’s MAC Address, as seen
by your ISP.
Router Name This is the specific name for the Router,
which you set on the Setup tab.
Host Name If required by your ISP, this would have been
entered on the Setup tab.
Domain Name If required by your ISP, this would have
been entered on the Setup tab.
Configuration Type
This section shows the current network information
stored in the Router. The information varies depending on
the Internet connection type selected on the Setup > Basic
Setup screen.
Click Refresh to update the onscreen information.
Status > local Network
The Status > Local Network screen displays the status of
your network.
Wireless-G Broadband Router
Advanced (onfiguration
Status > Local Network
Local Network
MAC Address This is the Router's MAC Address, as seen
on your local, Ethernet network.
IP Address This shows the Router’s IP Address, as it
appears on your local, Ethernet network.
Subnet Mask This shows the current subnet mask being
configured for your local network.
DHCP Server Ifyou are using the Routeras a DHCP server,
that will be displayed here,
Start IP Address For the range of IP Addresses used by
devices on your local, Ethernet network, the beginning of
that range is shown here.
End IP Address For the range of IP Addresses used by
devices on your local, Ethernet network, the end of that
range is shown here.
DHCP Clients Table Clicking this button will open a
screen to show you which PCs are ut||izing the Router as a
DHCP server, You can delete PCs from that list, and sever
their connections, by checking a Delete box and clicking
the Delete button.
DHCP Cllents Table
Click Refresh to update the on—screen information,

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