LITE ON TECHNOLOGY PIDB30601 Bluetooth Stereo Headset User Manual

Lite-on Technology Corp. Bluetooth Stereo Headset Users Manual

Users Manual

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Date Submitted2006-10-31 00:00:00
Date Available2006-10-31 00:00:00
Creation Date2006-10-04 13:57:17
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Document TitleUsers Manual
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BSH-1XX User Manual
CAUTION: SM Ilsmulols
LEI! Illieafims
Ali- Illitllins
Getting Started
Gil || It. Hum
Connecting the USB cable
Snitching the Headset on oruff
Weanng the Headset
Hmhg the Ear Pads
Computer Use
HT Slam Hut-I Mud“
Fail-"Mira. col-pm
Pamng Uslng the BTW Software
Pamng Uslng the Toshlba Software
Llsulill u Mal:
lls'ngvul “also": am
Phon e M ed e
Pairing Procedure
Makmg a can from the mohlle phone
Volce dlahng through the Headset
Lastnumber redial
Answering a Ca“
Ca“ swap
Ending a can
fieJeclmq a call
Mufing a call
Adiustmq me vo‘ume
Appe ndix
Gunifieii-l anisainl ippnvislpnui Hindi-l
CAUTION: Safety Instructions
Avoid storage at temperatures below W C or above 70 C
- Avoid operating at temperatures below 0°C orabove 50°C.
- Do not expose the headset or any 01 its supplied pans to rain
or other liquids
- Avoid humidity beiow 10% RH or above 95% RH
- Do not store or leave yourheadset neara heat souroe such as a
radiator, fireplace, stove, electric heater, or other heat-
generating appliance or otherwise expose itto temperatures in
excess of 70° C. When heated to excessive temperatures,
battery couid explode or vent, posing a risk otfire
~ Do not use your headset While recharging
- Do not use the headset while driving or cycling, or in any
situation were you should be able to hear other sounds.
- To prevent pos5ible hearing damage, do not listen at high
volume levels for long periods
NOTE: As a guide to setting the volume ievei, checkthatyou
/ can stiil hear your own voice‘when speaking normaliy‘ vitriile
fl listening with the headset
Congratulations on your purchase oftne BSH-iXX Bluetootn 2.0
EDR Stereo Headset. This headset ailows you to communicate
wireiesslythmugh yourcomputeror mobile phone using its built—in
microphone and stereo earphones.
m "CITE: Any devices thatyou use withthis ET Stereo Headsetmust
supportthe same profiies as yuur ET Stereu Headset
m NOTE: Vour ET Stereu Headset can be pelred to two devlces atthe
same time, as Iunq as it uses different profiles fur each one. Fur
example‘ it can be connected to a camputerte listen m music and‘ at
the same time, a mohlle phone to recelve phunecslis
Product Features
Volume down 7 7 Volume up
Blueluulh LED 7 7 Mulllrlunclmn key
PuwerLED — —Furward
USB charglng pun — — Mlcruuhune
LED Indications
Mode LED Indicator
Power On Blue LEDsolid on
Power Off Blue LED off
Pairing Blue LED fest blinking
Charging On Red LED solid on
Full Charged Green LED solid on
Baltery Low Red LED slow blinking
Idle model Blue LEDsoIid on
Conneclto Bluetooth Device
Blue LEDsIow blinking
Audio Indications
Headset State Audio Indication
Power On “D_0-LU“tone
Power Off Beep
Mute Microphone
Incoming call
Low battery
Initiating voice dial
Connection / Disoonneotion
Out of range
Volume at minimum or
maximum level
End ofcall
Beep every 2 seconds from the
Ringing tone
Beep every 20 seconds, from
the receiver
Depends on the setting ofthe
oell phone
"DO—LU" tone
Two “DO—LU“ tones
Getting Started
Charging the Headset
Before ustng your headset charge it using the USB cable
m "GTE: The USE cahte is ONLY used to charge the headset It does
nuttransfer data ur audiu in anyway.
Connecting the USB cilia
1 Plug the tange end oi the USB cable into a USE port on your
2 Plug the smalt end of the USB cable into the USB charging
port on your headset (see next image)
m NOTE Charge lhe headsellur appruxlmalelyS hours The Power
LED Is red durlng charglng and changesln green when charglng Is
Switching Ills Handset an or ofi
To switch on:
Press and hold the Multi-function key for 3 seconds until the Blue
LED stays on (no flashing).
To switch off:
Press and hold the Multi-function key for 3 seconds until the Blue
LED goes off.
[4 NOTE Illhe headset Is Iel'l Idle for 10 mlnules mm connected in
phone or muslc model, Ilwlll power off autumallcally
Wanting tho Hudnt
The headset should be worn so that the headband is at the back of
the neck, as shown below:
Fifii ng flu E-r Pads
To fit the ear pads, place them on the headphones‘ making sure
that the slots line up as in the first diagram (below), then rotate
anti-clockwise until they click into place.
Computer Use
BT Stereo Headset Modes
Your BT Stereo Headset can be used as stereo headphones or as a
hands-free device with yourcomputer.
~ When used as stereo headphones the audio quality is much
higher, but the microphone is disabled. This is perfect for
listening to music
- When used as a hands4ree device, the audio quality is lower,
but the microphone is enabled. This is more suitabie for use
With iP phone software, or recording your voice.
Pai ing with your Computer
Pairing Using lilo BTWSlem
To set up your headset with your computer
1 Click Start > All Programs > Connect Blueiooth Device
m "UTE: Make sure Eluetuoth function IS enabled on computer
1 ln the window which appears, click Add a Bluetooth Device
3 The Bluelooth Setup Wizard appears. Before you click Next,
you need to make sure your headset is discoverable, as follows:
. With your headset turned off, press and hold the Multi-
iunction key for 6 seconds until the Blue LED llashes
quickly, whlch lndlcates that the headset is in pairlng
I Click Next ln the Bluetooth Setupimzard.
5 After the search has finished, click the BSH-1XX icon, then
Click Next.
5 Make sure Audio Sink is highlighted, then click Finish. NOTE:
Evdefaumthe ET Stereo Heedsetis installed as stereo
headphones ifvou preferto instxllthe BT Stereo Heedsetes a
hands—free device, checkthe box beside Audio Sink, and then
click Configure. In the windowwhich appears, check Use
connecuon for phone or oioteuon,then click OK
Connecting the Headset
1 Double-click the My Bluetooth Places icon on your desktop.
1 Right—click on the BT Stereo Headset ioon and choose
Connect Stereo Headphones or Connect Hands-tree
Headsetwith Microphone, For more information on the
differenoe between these two modes, see “BT Stereo Headset
Modes" on page 15.
NOTE Ifyou choose Connect Hands-free Heedsetwith
Microphone, vou Wili hear a ringing tone Press the Multi-
/ function key once to acceptthe connection.
PI inn Using Ihn Toshihn Saflwua
1 Click Start > All Programs > Blueiooth > Bluetooth
Settings. The Add New Connection Wizard wlIl begin (If it
does not appear, cllck New Connection).
Belole you cllck Next, you need to make sure your headset is
discoverable, as iollows:
- thh your headset turned off, press and hold the Multi-
function key tor 6 seconds until the Blue LED flashes
quickly, Wthh indlcates that the headset is in pairlng
E "ONCE: Choose Custom Mode ifyouwantto install as a
hands-free dewce To mstall as stereo headphones (wtth no
microphone), leave on Express lnstall
Click Next
Highlight BSH-1XX and click Next.
I (Hands-free installation only) Highlight Headset, then cllck
5 (Hands-free lnstallation only) When asked to press the
headset button, pres the Multi-function key.
(Hands-free installation only) Click Next
(Hands—free installation only) Click Finish.
l (Stereo Headset only) When asked fora Eluetooth Pawkey
(PIN), enter 0000 (tour zeros),
3 (Stereo Headset only) The Bluetooth Settings screen will
appear again, Click Bluetooth > Options.
1! (Stereo Headset only) Check the box beside AV Remote
Co ntrol Service.
11 (Stereo Headset only) Click OK.
12 Click Bluetooth > Exit,
When your headset is turned off and then on again, it is only
necessary to press the Multi-function key once. This will re»
establish the connection to either music or phone mode.
Listening to Music
"CITE: To listen to music through your BT Stereo Headset first make
sure your device has been set up following the instructions in “Pairing
a with your Computer’ on page 16.
Once your ET Stereo Headset has been paired with your computer
and connected as Stereo Headphones, open the audio software of
your choice, such as Vlfindows® Media Player? and play music.
In Stereo Headphone mode. the following functions are available
- Multi-function key — Plays or' pauses track.
- Forward —Skips forward one track at a time. Hold to keep
skipping forward through traclm.
- Back— Skips back one track at a time. Hold to keep skipping
back through tracks.
- Volume up — Increases volume.
- Volume down — Decreases volume.
Using your Headset to Chat
"CITETo use your BT Stereo Headsetwith chat or iP phone
.. softwarefirstmeke sure your devi oe has been set upfoilowinq the
a instructions in “Pairing with your Corn puter'on page 16, making sure
to connectltes a Hands-free Heedset wrth Mlcrophone
Once your BT Stereo Headset has been paired with your computer
and connected as a Hands-flu Headset with Microphone, open the
chat or IP phone software ofyourchoice. Calls must be made or
received using the software itself, aithougn the volume can be
increased, decleged, or muted remotely using the headset.
NOTE: ifvour ET Stereo headsetis not automaticaliy used as the
% defauit communlcanon dewce, consult the chat or IP phone software’s
documentation forinformanon on choosing audio dew ces.
Phone Mode
Pl nu Procedure
Your BT Stereo Headset needs to be paired to your mobiie phone
before it can be used. This is a two part process one part is carried
out on the BT Stereo Headset and the other is carried out on the
m "GTE: Pairing proceduresdifferfrom one mobile phone to another
Refertovour phone's documentation for details on its particular
To pair your ET Stereo Headset:
I VWth your headset turned off, press and hoid the Multi-
function key iorb‘ seconds untii [he Biue LED flashes quickly,
which indicates that the headset is in pairing mode.
1 Use your phone‘s menu to search forBIuetooth audio devices.
The phone should indicate it has found the "BSH—1XX"
headset, Confirm that you want to pair your phone and headset
together Ifyou are unsure how to go through the pairing
process on your phone, piease consult its user manuai.
3 When asked fora pin key enter 0000 (rourzeros). Your phone
confirms when pairing has been successfui
"GTE: There is usuailva time iimittu pair devices, inrexample 2
m minutes.
When your headset is turned off and then on again, it is only
necessary to prex the Multi-function key once. This will re-
establish the connection to either music or phone mode.
Making a call from lir- mohilc phone
While your mobile phone is paired with your headset, you an use
the phone to make calls in the same way as normal. The only
difference is that the earphone and microphone functions of the
headset are used instead olthe phone’s.
% "CITE: When connected in either Phone or Music mode,the
Bluetccth LED blinks slowly,
Voice dilling through the Holds-l
In orderto use the voice dial feature of your headset, your phone
must support voice dialing and must have voioe tags stored.
To use voice dialing:
1 SWitch the headset on and pair it with your phone, if this is
not already the case.
2 When the headset is connected to phone mode only, clickthe
Fonrrard key once
1 Follow the instructions for voice dialing on your particular
mobile phone.
last number redial
When the headset ls connected to phone mode only click the Back
key once, and your phone will redial the last numberthat you called.
. "CITE: Thrs iunctron only works on Bluetooth phonesthat support
a the Hands-free profile
Answering a call
When someone calls you. a ring tone sounds in your headset To
answerthe call. press the Multi-fu notion key.
a NOTE:Vou can set your mobile phone to automatrcally answer calls,
meaning that you do not even need to press the Mimi—function key.
Please referto your mohrle phone's user gurde for more rnfomrauon
aboutthis setting.
Some phone service providers support call swap. This means that it
you receive a swond call, you can put the first caller on hold while
you speak to the second caller If your phone supports this feature:
1 Press and hold the Multi-lunction key fort second, to put the
first caller on hold and answer the second call
2 When the second call has ended, the first caller is
automatically taken off hold.
m NOTE: Press and hold the Multr-funonon key for 1 second |fthe first
caller is nottaken off hold sutomatrcallv ldeoends on ohone model)
Ending 1 cl"
During a call. press the Multi-fu notion key to hang up. If the other
person hangs up first, then the callends automatically.
Roi-fling I clII
If you don’t Wish to accept a call, short press the Forward key to
reject it
% NOTE: To use tmsfunonon, your moh|le phone mustsupportthe
Hands—free profile.
Mating I clII
During a conversation, press the Back key. The microphone mutes.
To cancel mute, press the Back key once again
Minsfing lhe volume
The headset oflers 8 preset volume levels.
~ Tc increase the volume, press the Volume up key
~ Tc decrease the volume, press lhe Volume down key.
No sound
Make sure volume we not set to lowest level.
Make sure headset is paired.
Make sure headset is switched on and sulficientty charged
Make sure not to establish connection between BT Stereo Headset
with computerwhite multi-rnedia software is open
Make sure volume is not muted, as follows:
: Doubtectick on the Volume men in the VWndows
i Click Options > Properties.
a Make surethat Bluetooth High Quality Audio (if using
BTW software) or Bluelooth Wave from Toshiba (if
using Toshiba software) ls chosen as the Mixer device,
then click OK
I Make suretnat Volume Control is not muted, then click
Options > Exit.
Headset does not appear to be paired
Pairing rnight have been accidentally deleted. Re-palr devices. Only
oetain leatures appear to work with my mobile phone. Some
phones do not support all features, as they only support the
headset, but not the hands-free, profile.
Stereo music works, but control buttons do not
Stereo muslc ls transmitted using the A2DP prollle. However control
buttons use the AVRCP (remote control) profile. Make sure your other
device supporls the AVRCP profile, and if it does, try re- pairing.
Sound has interference
Since this headset uses Bluetooth technology, there is a chance of
interference lf objects are placed between your headset and your
other Bluetooth device. Therefore. make sure thatthe path
between thetwo devices is as clear as possible.
Resetting the Headset
If at any time the headset fi'eezes. or fails to behave as it should,
press the Reset button.
Reset button
% NOTE Alter resettlng the headset swltch on the puwerand connect
vuur devlces aualn
Compatibility Biuetooth Ver, 1.2 or2.0
Maximum distance 30 Feet (10 meters)
Weight of headset Approximately 70 grams
Typical standby time Over 150 hours
Typical talk time
Typical audio streaming time
Typical re-charge time
Battery type
Up to 12 hours
Up to 10 hours
3 hours
Lithium Polymer 500 mAh
Carti cation and safety
approvals/general information
This product is CE, FCC, BQB marked. Please note that this
product uses radio frequency bands not available for use within some
areas of the EU. This product is intended to be used in Austria,
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy
Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United
Kingdom and within EFTA in Iceland, Norway and SWitzeriand
Users are not permitted to make changes or modify the device in any
my. Changes or modfiications not expressly approved by your
distributor will void the users' authority to operate the equipment,
Bluetooth is a registered trademark owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc
Important information on safe and efficient operation. Read this
information before using your phone, Users are not permitted to
make changes or modify the device in any way. Changes or
modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance oould void the users authority to operate the
(E 0934 (D
Is herewith confirmed to comply with the requirements set out in
the Council Directive on the Approximation of the Laws of the
Member States relating to Electromagnetic Compatibility
(89/336/EEC), Low—voltage Dilective (73/23/EEC) and the
Amendment Directive (93/68/EEC), the procedures given in
European Council Directive 99/5/EC and 89/3360EEC. The
equipment was passed. The test was perlorrned according to the
following European standards
EN 300 328 v1.6.1 (2003-04)
EN 301 489-1 v1 41 (2002—O4)/EN 301 489-17V1 21
EN 301 893 v1.2.3 (200308)
EN 5037112002
EN 60950: 2000
Regulatory statement (R&TTE)
Eumpnn standards dictate maximum radiated transmit power of
100mW EIRP and frequency range 2.400-2.4835GHZ;
In France. the equipment must be restricted to the 2.4465-
2.48356Hz frequency range and must be restricted to indoor use.
Operation ofthis device is subjected to the following National
regulations and may be prohibited to use if certain restriction
should be applied
This devrce complies with Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. Operation is
subject to the following two conditions:
1 This device may not cause harmful interference.
I This devroe must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesrred operation.
15.105 Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Requirements, Part 15
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits
for a class B digital device. pursuantto part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment
generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and. if not
installed and used in accordance with the instmctions. may cause
harmful interferenoe to radio communications However, there is no
guarantee that interference Will not occur in a particular installation.
Ifthis equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
teIeVision reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to oorrect the
interference by one or more of the
following measures: —-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna --
-Inorease the separation between the equipment and receiver
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from
that to which the receiver is connected. ---Consult the dealer or an
experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Any changes or modifications (including the antennas) made to
this device that are not expressly approved by the manufacturer
may void the users authority to operate the equipment.
FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies
with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
environment. This device and its antenna must not be co-Iocated or
operating in conjunction with any other amenna or transmitter.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules Operation is subject to the following two
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference
(2)Tn|s deVice must accept any |nterference rece|vecl mclucling |nterference that may cause
undesired operation
15 105 Federal Communicatlons Commissmn (FCC) Requirements Part 15
This equipment has been tested and found to complywith the limits for a class B digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. lfthis equipment does cause harmful interference to
radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and
on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
follovw'ng measures:
--Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
~Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
~Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Any changes or modifications (including the antennas) made to this device that are not
expressly approved by the manufacturer may void the user's authority to operate the
FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation
exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This device and its antenna must not
be co-Iocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

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