LITE ON TECHNOLOGY WB110CIW BT Module User Manual WB110C IW 970515
LITE-ON Technology Corp. BT Module WB110C IW 970515
- 1. user manual part 1
- 2. user manual part 2
user manual part 2
2. Righteclick on the business card data to be sent. and then click on the destination printer under |to Bluelooth] ENote o Ifyour desired device does not appear in the list please confirm that the device has been turned on, and then click on [to Bluelaatll] e [Search Other Devices] Once the device has been detected select the destination device, and click on the [Send] button The business card will be sent to the printer. Ifthe business card has been sent to the printer successfully, a message will appear, and the image will be printed out. Please click on the [OK] button. A message will appear ifthe business card transmission was unsuccessful. Please click on the [OK] button to close the message, and repeat the printing procedure. OUsing the stereo headphones/speaker to listen to music |GAVDP||AZDP1|AVRCP1 This section describes how to use the stereo headphones/speaker to listen to your favourite music or other audio files stored on your PC. ~> Configuring the stereo headphones/speaker ~> Connecting to the stereo headphones/speaker ~> Listening to music or other audio files ~> Playing music using remote control ~> Copyright protection function ~> Copyright protection function G Configuring the stereo headphones/speaker L.) ‘Proced u re 1. Right-click on the Bluelooih wireless technology icon in the task tray. and click on |Add New ConnectionL ”Note 0 Alternatively, click [Start] —> [All Programs] —> [Bluezaatlt] ~> [Bluewatli Settings]. and then click on [New Connection] from the [Bluezaatlt Settings] screen that has opened, The [Add New Connection Wizard (Welcome to the Add New Connection Wizard” will appear. Switch ON the stereo headphones/speaker and activate "Discoversble" mode Please refer to the user guide for the stereo headphones/speaker for further information on how to operate them. Confirm that |Express Mode| has been eeieeted, end then click on the |Next] button The [Add New Connection Wizard (Searching for Bluezaatlt devices)] screen will appear, Once the search for the devices has ended. the [Add New Connection Wizard (Select Device)] screen will appear. Select the device name of the stereo headphones/speaker from the list, and click on the |Next| button The [Add New Connection Wizard (Searching for Services)] screen will appear. The settings will be registered, and the icon will appear on the [Bluezaarli Settings] screen. rJ’t Headphone Q Connecting to the stereo headphones/speaker You can connect to the stereo headphones/speaker from the icon registered in [Blnezaatll Settings], Please refer to the user guide for information on how to make a connection from the stereo headphones/speaker, almportnnt . Please close the following audio applications before any connection is made between your stereo headphones/speaker and PC. 0 Music/video playback applications 0 e-Conferencing applications 0 Voice-recognition applications Please finish connecting the stereo headphones/speaker before launching any ofthese applications. were a You can establish the connection automatically by following the steps below: la Run [Start] —» [All Programs] ~ [ Bluelaatll] e [ Blnelaatll Settings], and select Stereo Headset/Speaker 2, Right»c|ick on the icon, and check [Details] ~> [Automatic connection function will be validated] Please finish connecting the stereo headphones/speaker before launching any ofthese applications. istening to music or other audio files 1. Playing music or other audio files on your PC Olimportnnt 0 Please check the following ifyou are unable to hear anything despite having properly connected the stereo headphones/speaker: Click the [Playback] tab from the Sound screen, which is accessed by clicking on [Control Pane]]~>[Hardware and Sound]~>[Sound]. Deselect [Mute] ifil has been selected. Ifthe volume is at its lowest setting‘ please adjust it to an appropriate level. please adjust it to an appropriate level. 0 You may experience interruption to audio playback ifother Blnezaarlrwireless technology devices are currently connected to your PC, When you are listening to music, it is recommended that the stereo headphones/speaker be the only connected device. 0 You may also experience interruption to audio playback if you are located some distance away front the PC, or if there are any obstructions between you and the PC . o Ifyou are unable to hear any sound out ofyour stereo headphones/speaker even though music or audio is currently playing in a related application, please stop the files being played, click on [Control Panel]4v[Hardware and Sound]—~[Sound], and change the existing device to "Toshiba Blnezaarll Wave." Ifyou are still unable to hear any sound through your headphones/speaker even afier having changed the existing device to "Toshiba Blnezaarll Wave," please restan the application. ”Note 0 Ifyou are running Windows XP and are unable to hear any sound although the stereo headphones/speaker have been properly connected. please follow the procedure below. Click [Start]~>[AII Programs]~»[Accessories]~>[Entertainment]~>[Volume Control]. 0 Ifyou are runlting Windows XP and are unable to hear any sound in your stereo headphones/speaker despite the fact that an audio/video playback application is running stop the file being played in the application. click [Control Panel]~>[Sound and Audio Device], and change the existing device to "Toshiba Bluelaarll Wave." lfyou are still unable to hear any sound through your headphones/speaker even after having changed the existing device to "Toshiba Blnezaarll Wave.” please restart the application. 2. Finishing listening to music and disconnecting 1. Right-click on the icon for the Currently connected mode from [Bluelooth Settings| on your PC. and click on "Disconnect." A message confirming the disconnection may appear. 2. Click on the "Ves" button after having followed the instructions in the message. The icon will indicate that the device has been disconnected. 01m portnnt 0 Please close the following audio applications before you disconnect the stereo headphones/speaker from your PC: . Music/video playback applications - e-Conferencing applications Voice-recognition applications - Voice-recognition applications Please completely disconnect the stereo headphones/speaker before launching any of these applications. Please refer to the user guide for information on temtinating a connection from the stereo headphones/speaker. 0 Playing music using remote control Music applications and video playback applications installed on your PC te.g,,“Windows Media Player 9" and "lnterVideo WinDVD") may be operated with the remote control button/switch on your stereo headphones/speaker. The remote control used with the stereo headphones/speaker must be compliant with the Bluelaatli wireless technology AVRCP profiles Please refer to the headphones/speaker user guide for further information. You can configure the application to be operated using the switch/button according to the following procedure. ‘Proced u re 1. Double-click on the Bluetooih wireless technology icon in the taskbar Launches "Bluezaarli Settings." 2. Right-Click the Bluelooih Wireless Technology icon and Click on |0ptiuns| —~ |0tl|er| Tab a |AV Player| in |AV player section] The [Select AV Player] screen will appear. 3. Select the application, and click on the |0K| button The functions and switch/button that can be operated may differ depending on the application used for music/video playback as well as the version. The procedure below can be performed in order to change the position where the receive command is displayed or to not have the command displayed. ‘Proced u re 1. Double—click on the Bluetooih wireless technology icon in the taskbar Launches "Bluelaarlr Settings." 2. Right-Click the Bluelooih Wireless Technology icon and Click on |0ptiuns| —~ |0ther| Tab a |AV P|ayer| in |AV player section] The [Select AV Player] screen will appear. Select the appropriate item from the puII-dnwn menu er to positions where the receive tommand is to be displayed, and then click on the |0K| buttone Ifthe receive command appears but does not function properly, sometimes the problem may be rectified by changing the setting to "Do not display." The commands supported by this application are shown below. Please refer to the headphone user guide for commands that are supported by the stereo headphones/speaker. Problems with operation may be encountered with certain versions 0f"Windows Media Player 9" and "lnterVideo WinDVD." [Windows Media Player 9] Play Stop Pause Next Previous Fast forward Rewind [lnterVideo WinDVD] Play Stop Pause Next chapter Previous chapter Fast Forward Fast Backward Up Down Left Right Select Root menu Angle Q Copyright protection function A copyright protection function is supported according to the SCMS-T format as defined in the Bluelaatli wireless technology specifications. Related topics —~ "AV profile Copyright protection function" OUsing a wireless keyboard [HID] This section describes how to connect a Blnezaatli wireless technology-compatible keyboard to a PC. Keyboard Q Setting up the wireless keyboard I‘Proced u re I. Right-click on the Bluelooih wireless technology icon in the task tray. and then click on |Add New Connectinnl ENote o Altemalively, click [Start] —> [All Programs] —> [Blnezaatli] ~> [Blnezaatli Settings]. and then click on [New Connection] from the active [Blnezaatli Settings] window. The [Add New Connection Wizard (Welcome to the Add New Connection Wizard)] window will appear: Zr Confirm that |Express Mode| has been selected, and then click on the |Next] button no u 44 um" rmmnmw H/J—mv»! Icahvmbina cm Dhmtnnth Amour" "AMA The [Add New Connection Wizard (Searching for Bluelaatlr devicest] window will appear, Once the program has finished searching for the devices. the [Add New Connection Wizard (Device Selection)] window will appear. 3r Select the device name of the keyboard from [Device List], and then click on the [Next] button The [Add New Connection Wizard (Searching for Services)] window will appear. 4. Use the wireless keyboard to enter the numbers that appear in |Bluelooth Passkey (PIN Code)|. and then hit the IEnter| key Once the program has detected the services successfully, connection to the device and registration ofsettings information will be performed automatically. The settings information will be registered, and an icon will appear in the [Bluezaatlr Settings] window. ENote - Pressing any key on the wireless keyboard will automatically connect it to the PC thereafter. Please connectmauually ifautoinatic connection is unsuccessful, OUsing a wireless mouse [HID] This section describes how to connect a Bluelaatlr wireless technology-compatible mouse to a PC, Mouse Q Setting up the wireless mouse I‘Proced u re St Turn on the wireless mouse, and set it to be connectable Please refer to the instruction manual for details on how to operate the mouse. ”Note 0 Ifthe security mode on your PC has been set to "Enable Link-Level SecurityJ' then any mouse not ordinarily requiring a passkey will require one. Ifyour mouse‘s user guide does not contain any passkey-related information, please consult the outlet where you purchased your mouse or the relevant support center. Right-click on the Bluelooih wireless technology icon in the task tray. and then click on |Add New Connection| ”Note 0 Altemalively, click [Start] a [All Programs] a [Blnezaatll] A [Blnelaatll Settings]. and then click on [New Connection] from the active [Blnezaatll Settings] window. The [Add New Connection Wizard (Welcome to the Add New Connection Wizard)] window will appeal: Confirm that |Express Mode| has been selected, and then click on the |Next] button The [Add New Connection Wizard (Searching for Blnelaatll devicesfl window will appear. Once the program has finished searching for the devices. the [Add New Connection Wizard (Device Selection)] window will appear. Select the device name otthe mouse from [Device Listl, and then click on the [Next] button The [Add New Connection Wimrd (Searching for Services)] window will appear. A message confirming a device connection will appear. A message confirming a device connection will appear. 5. Click on the [0K| button The settings information will be have been registered, and an icon will appear in the [Bluezaarli Settings] window. BT—Mouse-m ENote o Clicking on one ofthe mouse buttons or otherwise operating it will automatically connect it to the PC thereafler. Please connectmanually if automatic connection is unsuccessful. OExchanging files with a PC or PDA [FTP] You can send and receive files other than business card data with a PC or PDA that has onboard Bluezaatli wireless technology. Use "File transfer" in the Bluezaatli Information Exchanger to exchange files, Documents Taxi , Music etc ENote o The same operations will be valid as long as the PC and PDA support the FTP profile. a "File transfer" cannot be used to send or receive business card data. Please instead use "Object Push" to perform these activities. "Object Push" to perform these activities. A Sending files to a PC or PDA (using icons) A Sending files to a PC or PDA (by right-clicking the mouse) A Receiving files from a PC or PDA I‘Proced u re ISending files to a PC or PDA (using icons) 1. Turn on the PC or PDA 2. Open Bluelooih Information Exchanger ”Note 0 Please refer to Contents of the Bluezaarli Utility on how to open Bluelaatlt Infonnation Exchanger 3. Double—click on the |File transfer| icon A list ofdevices will appear in the [File transfer] window. ”Note 0 Ifthe desired device does not appear in the list, please confirm that the device has been turned on, and then select [Bluelaatli] ~> [Search Devices]. A device search will be performed, 0 Van can also use "Image transfer" when sending individual image files, 4. Use the mouse to drag and drop the file you wish to send over the destination icon ”Note 0 When using "File transfer'K you can send individual files as well as entire folders. 5. Confirm that the file is being sent The file will be sent to the PC. ”Note 0 When sending files using "File transfer". a message requesting permission to receive the files may appear on the destination (receiving) device. The content of the message will vary with the sofiware that supports the Bluezaatll wireless technology function on the destination device, so please be sure to follow the instructions provided. Ifyou are using the Bluelaatll Utility, a message will appear. Ifthe file has been sent successfully, a message will appear. Please click on the [OK] button. A message will appear ifthe file transmission was unsuccessful. Please click on the [OK] button to close the message. and repeat the procedure. ”Note 0 Files that have been sent will be saved ill a file transfer shared folder on the destination device. 0 Additionally. with "File transfer". you can open the shared folder on the destination device using Explorer, specify a subfolder. and then send the file there. 0 You can use the Settings on [Bluezaarll Information Exchanger] tab in [Options] to change the location ofthe l'Shared folder" on the hard drive. ISending files to a PC or PDA (by rtght-clickingthe mouse) It 2. Turn on the PC or PDA Confirm that a connection has been enabled before proceeding to the next step. Right-click on the file you wish to send, and then select its destination from [to Bluelooth] ”Note 0 lfllte desired device does not appear in the list. please confirm that the device has been turned on. and then select [to Bluelaatll] ~> [Search other devices]. Once the devices have been detected. a window will appear. Please select the destination device, and then click on the [Send] button. Confirm that the file is being sent The file will be sent to the PC. ”Note 0 When sending files using "File trattsfer.‘I a message requesting permission to receive the files may appear on the destination (receiving) device. The content ofthe message will vary with the software installed on the destination device, ofthe message will vary with the software installed on the destination device, so please be sure to follow the instructions provided. Ifthe file has been sent successfully, a message will appear. Please click on the [OK] button. A message will appear ifthe file transmission was unsuccessful. Please click on the [OK] button to close the message. and then repeat the procedure. ”Note 0 Files that have been sent will be saved in a file transfer shared folder on the destination device. IReceivingfiIes from a PC or PDA Your PC is able to receive files that have been saved in the shared folder on the destination PC or PDA. Received files will be saved in the shared folder under "File transfer“. It 2. 3. 4. Turn on the PC or PDA Confirm that a Bluezaarlr wireless technology connection has been enabled before proceeding to the next step. Open Bluelooih Information Exchanger “Note 0 Please refer to Contents of the Bluezaatli Utility on how to open Bluelaatli lnfomtation Exchanger Double—click on the |File transfer| icon A list ofdevices will appear in the [File transfer] window. Double-click on the destination icon The file saved in the destination's shared folder will appear. Right-click on the file you wish to receive, and then select "Receive file". The file will be received from a PDA. “Note 0 With "File transfer'K you can send individual files as well as entire folders. o wrtn "rue transrer , you can send rnmvrouai rues as wen as entire roiuers. Please right-click on the folder you wish to receive. and select "Receive folder”. Subsequent operations should be performed in the same manner as when receiving individual files. 0 When you receive a file, you can start the associated application (such as Explorer) automatically to open the file. After receiving a file‘ and depending on the type offile. you can carry out the steps below (you cannot choose “open file" when you receive files with the extension “exe. com, bat, class. cla, vbs,js or msi".) - Open the received folder: Open the received folder using Explorer - Open the file : Open the file using> the associated application - Close: Close Open Option tab a [Bluetooth Information Exchange] —» [Associate] tab and click [Detail settings] to open message box 0 The received file will be saved in the "Shared folder" under "File transfer" in the Bluezaarli lnfonnation Exchanger You can use the Settings on [ Bluezaatlr Information Exchanger] lab in [Options] to specify the location ofthe "Shared folder" on the hard drive. 0 Sending images to a mobile telephone [BIP] You can send image data to a Bluelaarli wireless technology-compatible mobile telephone Large images will be automatically reduced to fit on the telephone display screen. Images are sent using "Image transfer" under Bluelaatli Information Exchanger. images“: cup 56) amp, Mobil! Phuns grime . The mobile telephone must support the SIP profile. a The following image file formats can be sent and received using "Image transfer": 0 Bitmapt”.bmp) 0 JPEGt‘Jpg,*.jpeg) o PNG(*.png) A Sending images to a mobile telephone (using icons) A Sending images to a mobile telephone (by right-clicking> the mouse) l‘Proced u re lSending images to a mobile telephone (using icons) 1. Turn on the PC or PDA Confirm that a Bluezaarli wireless technology connection has been enabled before proceeding. 2. Open Bluelooih Information Exchanger Elven» 0 Please refer to Contents of the Bluezaarli Utility on how to open Bluelaatll lnfomiation Exchanger 3. Double-click on the |lmage transfer] icon A list ofdeviees will appear in the [Image transfer] window. ”Note 0 Ifthe desired device does not appear in the list‘ please confirm that the device has been turned on, and then select [Bluezaatli] ~> [Search Devices]. A device search will be performed. 4, Drag and drop the me you wish to send over the destination icon The image will be sent. Ifthe image has been sent successfully. a message will appear. Please click on the [OK] button. A message will appear ifthe image transmission was unsuccessful. Please click on the [OK] button to close the message, and repeat the procedure. ISending images to a mobile telephone (by right-clicking the mouse) I. Turn on the mobile telephnne Confirm that a Bluezaatli wireless technology connection has been enabled before proceeding. ll Right-click on the file you wish to send, and then click on its destination from [to Bluelooth] ”Note 0 Iftlte desired device does not appear in the list, please confirm that the device has been turned on. and then select [to Bluelaatli] ~> [Search other devices]. Once the devices have been detected. a window will appears Please select the destination device, and then click on the [Send] button. The image will be sent. Ifthe image has been sent successfully. a message will appear. Please click on the [OK] button. A message will appear ifthe image transmission was unsuccessful. Please click on the [OK] button to close the message. and repeat the procedure. (Q Sending images to a PC or PDA [BIP] You can send image dam to a Bluelaatli wireless technology-enabled PC or PDA. Images are sent using "Image transfer" under Bluelaatli Information Exchanger. ImagesuPGQPEMB! PNO.GC) Emile . The following image file formats can be sent and received using "Image |ransfer": o Bitniap(*.bmp) 0 JPEGl‘Jpg,*.jpeg) o PNG(*.png) A Sending images lo a PC or PDA (using icons) A Sending images io a PC or PDA (by right-clicking the mouse) _Proced u re lSending images to a PC or PDA (using icons) L Turn on the PC or PDA Confirm that a Bluezaatli wireless technology connection has been enabled before proceeding. 2. Open Bluelooih Information Exchanger Emile 0 Please refer Io Conlenls ofthe Bluezaarli Utility on how to open Bluelaatll lnfomiation Exchanger Infomtation Exchanger 3. Double-click on the [Image transfer] icon A list ofdevices will appear in the [Image transfer] window. ”Note 0 lfthe desired device does not appear in the list‘ please confirm that the device has been turned on, and then select [Bluezaatli] ~> [Search Devices]. A device search will be performed. 4. Drag and drop the file you wish to send over the destination icon The image will be sent. Ifthe image has been sent successfully. a message will appear. Please click on the [OK] button. A message will appear ifthe image transmission was unsuccessful. Please click on the [OK] button to close the message, and repeal the procedure. ”Note 0 Images that have been sent will be saved in an image transfer folder on the destination device. 0 Images received using "Image transfer" in the Bluelaatli Information Exchanger will be saved in the "Image Box" in "Image transfer". 0 You can use the Settings on [Bluezootli Information Exchanger] tab in [Options] to change the location ofthe "Image Box" folder on the hard drive. ISending images to a PC iii pm (by right-clicking the mouse) It Turn on the PC or PDA Confirm that a Bluezaatli wireless technology connection has been enabled before proceeding Zt Right-click on the file you wish to send, and then click on its destination from [to Bluelooth] ”Note 0 Iftlte desired device does not appear in the list, please confirm that the device has been turned on. and then select [to Bluelaath] ~> [Search other devices]. Once the devices have been detected. a window will appear. Please select the destination device, and then click on the [Send] button. destination device, and then click on the [Send] button. The image will be sent. Ifthe image has been sent successfully. a message will appear. Please click on the [OK] button. A message will appear ifthe image transmission was unsuccessful. Please click on the [OK] button to close the message. and repeat the procedure. ENote 0 When you send images by right»clicking the mouse, the image data that has been sent will be saved in the image transfer shared folder on the destination device. T also the case when you send images using icons. xchanging business card data with a PC or PDA |0r|>| You can exchange business card data with a Bluezaatlt wireless technology-enabled PC or PDA. Business card data are exchanged using "Object Push" under Bluezaatlt Information Exchanger. Busmess card data (Wu) given» a Data compliant with the "vCARD" standard are the only type of business card data able to be sent and received with "Object Push", Business card data can be used by applications such as Microsofl Outlook. 0 Business card data can be created in vCARD format by Microsoft Outlook and other similar applications. —> "Creating business card data in the VCARD format" a You can send business card data directly from Microsoft Outlook. a You can send business card data directly from Microsoft Outlook. —> "Sending business card data from Outlook" 0 The OPP profile must be supported by the PC or PDA ofthe other party. A Selecting a business card and sending it to a PC or PDA (using icons) ~> Selecting a business card and sending it to a PC or PDA (by right-clicking the mouse) A Sending your personal business card A Receiving a business card from another party ~> Exchanging business cards ‘Proced u re ISelecting a business card and sending it to a PC or PDA (using icons) Select a business card you wish to send from among all the business card data you have already received through exchanges with your business or other contacts. and then send it to another party. I. 2. 3. Turn on the PC or PDA Confirm that a Bluezaatli wireless technology connection has been enabled before proceeding. Open Bluelooih Information Exchanger ”Note 0 Please refer to Contents of the Bluezaarli Utility on how to open Bluelaatll lnfomtation Exchanger Double—click on the |0bject Push] icon A list ofdevices will appear in the [Object Push] window. “Note 0 Ifthe desired device does not appear in the list. please confirm that the device has been turned on. and then select [Bluelaatli] ~> [Search Devices]. A device search will be performed. Use the mouse to drag and drop the business card you wish to send over the destination icon The business card will be sent. 951mm Gr 0 When you try to send a business card, a message requesting permission to receive the card may appear on the device belonging to the other party (i,e., on the receiving end). The content ofthe message will vary with the software installed on the destination device, so please be sure to follow the instructions provided. Iftlle business card has been sent successfully. a message will appear. Please click on the [OK] button. A message will appear ifthe business card transmission was unsuccessful. Please click on the [OK] button to close the message and repeat the procedure. ”Memo 0 Data that have been sent will be saved in a folder for exchanged business cards on the destination device. 0 Vou can configure an associated application (Microsofi Outlook etc) to start automatically when you have received a business card. allowing you to view the card details. You can use the Settings on [Bluezaatll Information Exchanger] lab in [Options] to conflgllre whether or not you would like such an application to start automatically. ISelecting a business card and sending it to a PC or PDA (by right-clicking the mouse) 2. Turn on the PC or PDA Confirm that a Bluezaatll wireless technology connection has been enabled before proceeding. Right—click on the business card you wish to send, and then click on its destination from [to Bluelooth] Note 0 lfthe desired device does not appear in the Iistu please confirm that the device has been turned on. and then select [to Bluelaatll] ~> [Search other devices]. Once the devices have been detected. a window will appearr Please select the destination device, and then click on the [Send] button. The business card will be sent. tin-i“ Qwote 0 When you try to send a business card, a message requesting permission to receive the files may appear on the device belonging to the other party (i,e., on the receiving end). The content ofthe message will vary with the software installed on the destination device, so please be sure to follow the instructions provided. Ifyou are using the Bluezaatll Utility, a message will appear, lfthe business card has been senl successfully. a message will appear. Please click un llie [0K] buuen. A message will appear ifthe business card transmission was unsuccessful. Please click on the [OK] button in close the message and repeat the procedure. Note 0 Data that have been sent will be saved in a folder for exchanged business cards on the destination device. ISending your personal business card You can prepare a business card bearing your name and other details such as your company and telephone numbers, and then send it to another party. ”Note . You can use the Settings on [Bluezaarll Information Exchanger] tab in [Options] beforehand to configure which data to use for your own business card. a You can only have one business card registered as your own that is able to be sent. la Turn on the PC or PDA Confirm that a Bluezaatll wireless technology connection has been enabled before proceeding 2. Open Bluelooih Information Exchanger ”Note 0 Please refer Io Contents of the Bluezaarll Utility on how to open Bluelaatli lnfomtation Exchanger 3. Double—click on the |0bject Push] icon A list ofdevices will appear in the [Object Push] window. ‘Note 4. o Iftlte desired device does not appear in the list, please confirm that the device has been turned on. and then select [Bluelaatlt] ~> [Search Devices]. A device search will be performed. Right-click on the destination icon, and then click on |Send business card To| The business card will be sent. Note 0 When you try to send a business card, a message requesting permission to receive the files may appear on the device belonging to the other party (ie, on the receiving end). The content ofthe message will vary with the software installed on the destination device, so please be sure to follow the instructions provided. Ifyou are using the BluezaarltUtility, a message will appear. 0 Business cards that have been sent will be saved in the Inbox ofthe destination party. Ifyour business card has been sent successfully, a message will appear. Please click on the [OK] button. A message will appear ifthe business card transmission was unsuccessful. Please click on the [OK] button to close the message. and repeat the procedure. ”Note 0 Data that has been sent will be saved in a folder for exchanged business cards on the destination device. lAcquiring a business card from another party You can use your PC to acquire a business card from a party containing their details. It 2. Turn on the PC or PDA Confirm that a Bluezaatlt wireless technology connection has been enabled before proceeding Open Bluelooih Information Exchanger ”Note 0 Please refer to Contents of the Bluezaarlt Utility on how to open Bluelaatlt lnfonnation Exchanger 3. Double—click on the |0bject Push] icon A list ofdevices will appear in the [Object Push] window. ”Note 0 lfthe desired device does not appear in the list‘ please confirm that the device has been turned on. and then select [Bluelaatli] ~> [Search Devices]. A device search will be performed. 4. Right-click on the icon of the party whose card you wish to acquire, and then click on IReceive business card] The business card will be received ”Note 0 When you try to acquire a business card, a message requesting permission to send the files may appear on the device belonging to the other party (i.e., on the sending end). The content ofthe message will vary with the sofiware installed on the destination device, so please be sure to follow the instructions provided. lfyou are using the Bluelaatlt Utility, a message will appear. Ifthe business card has been received successfully, a message will appear. Please click on the [OK] button. A message will appear ifthe business card was unsuccessfully received. Please click on the [OK] button to close the message, and repeat the procedure. ”Note 0 Business card data that have been received will be saved in the Inbox under "Object Push". You can use the Settings on [Bluezaarli Information Exchanger] tab in [Options] to change the location ofthe lnbox on the hard drive, IExchanging business cards Simultaneously exchange your business card with one belonging to another pany. L Turn on the PC or PDA Confirm that a Bluezaatli wireless technology connection has been enabled before proceeding. proceeding. 2. Open Bluelooih Information Exchanger ”Note 0 Please refer to Contents of the Bluezaarlr Utility on how to open Bluelaatlr Infomtation Exchanger 3. Double—click on the |0bject Push] icon A list ofdevices will appear in the [Object Push] window. ”Note 0 Ifthe desired device does not appear in the list‘ please confirm that the device has been turned on, and then select [Bluezaarlr] ~> [Search Devices]. A device search will be performed. 4. Right-click on the icon of the party with whom you wish to exchange business cards, and then click on |0bject Push] The business card from the party who executed the "Exchange business cards'I command will be sent first. ”Note 0 When you try to send a business card‘ a message requesting permission to receive the files may appear on the device belonging to the other party (i.e., on the receiving end). The content oftlre message will vary with the software installed on the destination device, so please be sure to follow the instructions provided. lfyou are using the Bluelaatlr Utility, a message will appear. A message of confirmation will appear ifthe card has been successfully sent. ”Note 0 Business cards that have been sent will be saved in the Inbox ofthe destination party. Once your business card has finished being sent. the program will start receiving the business card belonging to the other party. ”Note 0 When a business card is to be received, a message may appear on the device belonging to the other pany. belonging to the other party. Please click on the [Ves] button ifyou give permission for the business card to be sent. A message of confirmation will appear if the card has been successfully received. ENote 0 Business cards that have been received will be saved in the “lnbox” under "Object Push". You can use the Settings on [Bluelaatlr Information Exchanger] tab in [Options] to change the location ofthe lnbox on the hard drive, OUsing a Bluetooth wireless technology-compatible camera [BIP] By connecting a Bluezaatlr wireless technology-oompatible digital camera to your PC, you will be able to operate the camera shutter from the PC and transmit captured images to it as well. Imagesop GtJP EG). BMP. PNG,etc) Digital Camera ~> Connecting the camera ~> Taking ‘ctures s Viewing images saved on your PC Q Connecting the camera Use the "Remote Camera" tool in the Bluelaatlr Utility to connect the camera to your PC I‘Proced u re 1. Click on |Start | 4» |All Programs| ~> [Bluelooih| fl |Remote Cameral 1. Click on |Start | 4» |All Programs| ~> [Bluelooih| fl |Remote Cameral Note 0 In Windows ZOOOA click on [Stan] —> [Programs] —> [Bluezaatli] ~> [Remote Camera]. The [Remote Camera] window will appear. 2. Turn on the camera, and set it to be wnnectsble via Bluelooth wireless technnlngy Note 0 Different cameras are operated in different ways, depending on the manufacturer and model used. Please refer to the instmctiou manual for further details on how to operate your camera, 3. Click on the [Camera Search...] button The camera will be detected and its icon displayed, 4. Right-clitk on the camera icon, and select |Ccnnect| The camera will be connected, and images from the camera will appear on-screen. B Iuetoplh Camera U Taking pictures By placing the mouse cursor over the on-screen image. the camera's operating window will appear, You can operate the camera from this window I‘Proced u re ITaking a single picture I. Click on ME] hutmn in the operating window. A single image will be captured and sent to the PCA A single image will be captured and sent to the PCA ITnking several consecutive frames I. button in the operating window A succession oftmages will be captured and sent to the PC. Note 0 The remote camera shutter cannot be operated while the camera is connected to the PC. 0 The number ofconsecutive pictures taken can be set to anywhere between 2 and 16 1. In the [Remote Camera] window, click on [Bluetaatli] a [Properties] —> [Consecutive Image Settings] The [Change number ofconsecutive images] dialog box will appear 2. Click on the [<][>] buttons to select the number ofconsecutive images to be captured 01m portant 0 Images are not only sent to the PC‘ but are stored in the camera's on-board memory as well. Please be aware ofthe remaining memory capacity when you are taking a large number of pictures. 0 Large file sizes are common for high-resolution images‘ and may take some time to be transferred to the PC. Q Viewing images saves on your PC A "Remote Camera" folder will be created in the "Bluezaatli" folder under "Documents" during initial set-up. A folder bearing the same name as the camera will be created in it, and images will be saved there, Click the [Explorer] button in the [Remote Camera] screen to display the folder where the images have been saved. ”Note 0 In Windows XP, 8 folder called "Remote Camera" will be created in the "Bluelaatli" o In Windows XP, 8 folder called "Remote Camera" will be created in the "Bluelaatlt" folder under "My Documents." OSynchronising information using ActiveSync |SPP| This section describes how to synchronize information on your PDA (calendars, contacts, inboxes etc) with your PC using Microsofi ActiveSync. When you connect via Bluezaatli wireless technology instead ofwith a standard cable, you will always be able to synchronise your data without the hassle of having to connect the cable. . Schedule E-matl Memo etc ,\.1-‘ ~> Connecting using ActiveSync ~> Establishing a partnership between ActiveSync and a PDA s Finishing an ActiveSync connection ~> Canceling a partnership Olmponant 0 Please use ActiveSync v.3.7 or higher. Also please establish a partnership between the devices using a USB or infrared link before you connect via Bluezaatli wireless technology. a Please refer to the ActiveSync Help or other manuals for information on how to use the application. a Microsoft Outlook 2002 or another schedule management tool must also be installed on the PC. a The associated operating procedure under Windows 2000 and Windows XP shall be described. Q Connecting using ActiveSync Both the PC and PDA must be set up in order for a connection to be established. IPreparing the PC IPreparing the PC ‘Proced u re |. On the PC, click on |Start| _» [All Programs| _. |Micmsofl ActiveSync| The initial ActiveSync set-up window will appears It is assumed in the explanation below that no ActiveSync connections have been established with other devices. 2. Click |File| fl [Connection Settings] The [Connection Settings] window will appear, 3. Place a check next to [Allow serial cable or infrared connection to this COM portl, and then select "COM7". ”Note 0 In the standard set-up, the port is configured to "COMT' (refer to Steps (3) and (4) under "Preparing the PDA" below), When using a different port, please also change the port number selected in this window. IPrepnring the PDA l‘l’roced u re I. Tap on the Bluetooih wireless teehnolugy icon in the bottom right ofthe screen admportnnt o The connection procedure may be different depending on the manufacturer or model of PDA you use. Please refer to the product instruction manuals for funher details. The [Bluelaatli Settings] window will open. The message "Connection not registered" will appear if no Bluezaatli wireless technology device has been registered. Please tap on [OK] to close the message. 2. Double click on ITooIs] —> ISearch for peripheral componentsl The application searches for nearby devices 5. Tap and hold on the destination PC icon. and then select [Update Servicesl A search for services will be carried out, and then a list of service names and their connection status will appear as list in the lower window. Tap and hold on "COM7" from the list or service names. and then select "Register ActiveSync". Tap [0K| in the confirmation message window An ActiveSync connection will be initialed. QEstablishing a partnership between ActiveSync and a PDA Once a connection has been successfully established with a PDA, the procedure for establishing a partnership with the PDA will be started by the ActiveSync application on the PC. Performing this set-up procedure will enable data to be synchronised between your PC and PDA. l‘l’roced u re 3t In the [New Partnership (Set Up a Partnership” window, select "Standard partnership". and then click on the [Next] button The [New Partnership (Specify Data Synchronisation Method)] window will appear. Select "Synchronise with this PC", and then click on the [Nextl button The [New Partnership (Select Synchronisation Settings)] window will appearl Select the type of information to he synchronised between your PC and PDA, and then click on the |Next| button The [New Partnership (Completing Setupfl window will appear. Click on the [Finish] button When you click on the [Finish] button, ActiveSync will begin to synchronise your information. [Confirming changes| (Synchronisation process) (Synchronisation process) |Synchronisntion complete] While the ActiveSync connection is active. synchronisation will be performed whenever information is changed on either the PC or the PDA. Once a partnership has been established. every time you start your PC (and PDA) thereafier, a BIuelaat/l wireless technology connection will be opened and ActiveSync will synchronise your information. . Finishing an ActiveSync connection Follow the procedure below on your PDA ifyou want to end an ActiveSync connection manually. l‘l’roced u re L Tap and hold on "COM7" in the [Bluelooth Settingsl window, and select |Active5ync Release] Q Cancelling a partnership Follow the procedure below from the ActiveSync window on the PC it‘you want to cancel the partnership between your PC and PDA. I‘Proced u re 1. Click on |File| a "Delete partnership" Click on the [Yes] button when the continuation message appears. Elven» o Ifyou wish to create another A tiveSync connection, you will have to repeat the above procedure to re-establlsh a partnership. OUsing a headset/handsfree set to communicate |HSPIHFP| This section provides a description of how to use a Bluezaatli wireless technology-compatible wireless headset/handsfree set to communicate (chat) using Microsofi NetMeeting or other software. E-canterenclng Chat etc fl Registering the headset/handsfree set ~> Making a connection to the headset/handsfree set ~> Disconnecting from the headset/handsfree set Q Registering the headset/handsl‘ree set ‘Proced u re I. Right-click on the Bluelooih wireless technology icon in the tnsktray, then click on IAdd New Connection Wizard| ”Note 0 Alternatively, you can click on [Start] a [All Programs] a [Bluelaatli] 4» [Bluelaatli Settingsl then click on [New Connection] in the [Bluelaatli Settings] screen that has opened. The [Add New Connection Wizard (Welcome to the Add New Connection Wizard)] screen will appear. 2. Turn the hendsetjhandst‘ree set power on Once you have turned on the headseuhandsfree set, set the mode to enable a connection. 01m portnnt The procedure for operating the Iteadset/handsfree set may differ depending o The procedure for operating the Iteadset/handsfree set may differ depending on the manufacturer and model. Please consult your user guide for a detailed description of how to operate the unit. 3. Confirm that IExpress Model has been selected. then click on the INextI button The [Add New Connection Wizard (Searching for Bluezaatlr devices)] screen will appear. Once the device search has been completed, the [Add New Connection Wizard tSelect 3 Device)] screen will appear. ”Note 0 Ifyou cannot configure the device in "Express Mode", please use "Custom Mode" instead. 4. Select the name of the headset/handsfree set device from the list. then click on the [Next] button 5. Answering with the headset Ifthe service has been properly detected. a screen will appear indicating that the headset is being called, and a tone will accordingly sound in the headset. Please press the headset switcha 01m portant o The procedure for operating the headset may differ depending on the manufacturer and model. Please consult your user guide for a detailed description of how to operate the unit. The [Add New Connection Wizard (Configuring (Connecting to Voice Circuit)y] screen will appear. and device configuration will be performed. ”Note 0 lfyou are connecting to the headset for the first time, or ifanother audio device has not yet been registered. the following [Found New Hardware Wizard] screen will appear. from which you cart proceed to install the drivera Ifanother audio device has already been registered tie. the driver has been installed), you cart proceed to Step 9 without having to install the driver. o This process does not pertain to handsfree sets. 6. Click on the |Next| button The [Install Hardware] screen will appeart 7. Click on the |Contiuue Anywayl button The following screen will appear automatically. You may disregard it and click on the [Continue Anyway] button. The [Add New Connection Wizard (Completing the Pound New Hardware Wizard)] screen. which is the final screen ofthe installation wizard, will appear. 8. Click on the |Finish| button Once driver installation is complete, click on the [Finish] button. The configuration information will be registered‘ and an icon will be displayed in the [Bluezaarlr Settings] screen. Q Making a connection to the headset/handsfree set You can make a connection to the headset/handsfree set from an icon that has been registered in [Bluezaarli Settings]. 01m portnnt 0 Before making a connection to the headset/handsfree set, please be sure that the devive is turned on and that it has been enabled for a Bluelaatlt wireless technology connection. Please ensure that the following audio-related applications have been closed before you connect the headset/handsfree set to your PC, 0 Windows Media Player, BeatJam, InterVideo WinDVD and other music/audio playback software 0 Windows Messenger and other e-conferencing sofiware Ifyou wish to use these applications, please terminate the headset/handsfree set connection before launching. I‘Proced u re 1. 2. Right-click on the headset/handsfree set icon, then click on IConnectI. Answer with the headset A screen will appear indicating that the headset is being called, and atone will accordingly sound in the headset. Please press the headset switch. Ifthe connection has been properly established. the icon's appearance will change to in cate a connected state. ENote o This process does not pertain to handsfree sets. HSOI You may now launch conferencing and voice-recognition sofiware and use tlte headset, u‘ Disconnecting from the headset/handsfree set Please follow the steps below to disconnect from tlte headset/handst'ree set. I‘Proced u re Right-click an the headset/handsfree set icon in the |Bluelooth Settings] screen, then click on IDisconntctI. A message will appear, requesting confirmation that you wish to disconnect. Click on the [Yes] button. The icon on the [Bluezaarli Settings] screen will appear as shown below, indicating that the device has been disconnected. OMaking a device undiscoverable to other users For security purposes, you may not wish your device to be detected by other users. The procedure for accomplishing this is provided below ‘Proeed u re I. Right-click on the Bluelooih wireless technology icon in the task tray. click on |0ptions| and select |security| tab. The [Bluelaatlr Security Level] will appear. 2. Select |Custom Level ...| in [Bluelooth Security Level| under |seeurity| tab. 3. Check the |Not Discovernble| in Mode on |Security Settings| Vour device will now be undetectable by other users, even when they search for other devices. given» 0 Other devices are still able to establish connections with your device even ifyou have enabled the Non—discoverable mode. Please enable "Connection denied" ifyou wish to reject connections from other devices. Related topic: "Bluelaath Manager" OEncrypting the content of your transmissions Since Bluezaatlr wireless technology is conducted wirelessly. there is always the possibility that a third party may be able to intercept your transmissions. Yo use encryption to renderthe content indecipherable to anyone who manages to intercept it. Olmportnnt o Encrypting your transmissions will still not guarantee complete security. Accordingly, please be aware that transmitting data is conducted with an element of risk for the user, ‘Proced u re I. Right-click on the Bluelooih wireless technology icon in the task tray. click on |0ption| and select |stcurity| tab. The [Bluezaatll Security Level] will appear. 2. Select |Custonl Level ...| in | Bluelooih Security LeveI| under |seeurity| tab. 3l Check the Link level enforced security |Authentification and encryption| in |Link Level Enforced Seturity| on |Security Settings| Vour device will now be encryptable by other users. even when they connect for other devices. ENote 0 Once you have configured the security mode. a window will appear when you first make a connection to another device, prompting you to enter a Bluezaarll passkey (PIN code), Please click on the [OK] button after you have entered the passkey. o The window in which you enter the passkey will not appear once you have connected more than two times to the device Related topic: "Bluezaarll Manager" QChanging the default connection The "default connection" refers to the dial-up connection configured for use whenever a connection is made to the lntemet. connection is made to the lntemet. Ifseveral connections have been registered, you can change the default connection by following the procedure below, ‘Proced u re I. Start Internet Explorer 2. Click on [Tools| —, |lnternet 0pti0ns...| The [lntemet Options] window will appear. 3. Click on the |Connections| tab Change the settings so that "London A (as a sample)" will always be dialed when you connect to the lntemet. 4. Select "Always dial my default connection" 5. Click on "London A". and then click on the [Set Defaull| button "London A" has been changed to the default connection. ENote 0 Alternatively. ifyou wish to connect to the internet fmm a LAN in a company or other environment where a LAN can be accessed, select “Never dial a connection" if you have a dial»up configuration, but do not want dial»up to occur automatically, . When connecting to the internet via a LAN, you must enter the appropriate LAN settings under [LAN Settings...]. OSending business card data from Outlook This section describes how to send business card data wirelessly using Microsoft Outlook ENote o The explanation below relates to an example in which Microsofi Outlook 2002 or higher has been used to perform the procedure, Subtle differences may arise when using other has been used to perform the procedure, Subtle differences may arise when using other versions of the sofiware. Q Sending business card data You can send business card data directly from the "Contacts" window in Outlook. ‘Proced u re I. Start Microsoft Outlook, and open the "Contacts" window It Double-click on the contact whose details you wish to send as a business card The details of the contact you selected will appeart 5 Click on the |to Blueloothl from the toolbar The [Device List] window will appear. Note 0 If the [to Bluelaatli] button does not appear on the toolbar. please refer to Installing business card-sending functionality in Outlook as an Add-in" below and change the settings accordingly. 4. Select the destination for the business card data, and then click on the [Sendl button Note o Ifyou cannot find the destination device in the list, please click on the [Searching for devices] button to discover it The business card will be sent. Note o Iftlte transmission was unsuccessful, please attempt to send the data once more after having confirmed the operating conditions (power status, security settings, etc) ofthe destination device. llnstalling business card»sending functionality in Outlook as an Add»in You can install one ofthe functions oftlle Bluelaatll Utility in Outlook as an "Add-in", which will enable you to send business cards from the Outlook toolbar. I. 2. 3d 4. 6. ‘Proced u re Launch Outlook with Administrator access Right-click on the [Outlook icon] from Quick Stan, and click on [Run as Adlninistrator...]. When the User Account Control dialog appears, click on [Continue]. Exit the application ifil is running in non-administrator access mode. Click on ITools|—>|Options| in Outlook The [Options] dialog will appear. Click on the |Other| tab, and click on the |Advanced Options...| button under the |Genera|] menu The [Advanced Options] dialog will appearo Click on the |COM Add-Ins...| button The [COM Add-Ins] dialog will appear Click on the |Add.l.| button The [Add Add-In] dialog will appear. Select "TosBTAddin.dII," and click the |0KI button ”Note 0 The location of"TosBTAddin.dll" on the hard disk is shown below. C:\Pr0gram Files\'l‘oshiba\BInezaatll Toshiba Stack\LANG\ENU Quit out of Outlook, and relaunch normally (ie. not as an Administrator) The procedure will then be complete. I‘Procedure (Windows XP and Windows 2000) 1. Click on |Tools]-|0ptions...| in Outlook 1. Click on |Tools]-|0ptions...| in Outlook The [Options] dialog box will appear. ll Select the [0ther| tab, and then click on the |Advanced 0ptions...| button in the "General" field The [Advanced Options] dialog box will appear 3. Click on the |COM Add-lns...] button The [COM Add-Ins] dialog box will appear, 4. Click on the |Add.t.| button The [Add Add-In] dialog box will appear. 5. Select "TosBTAddin.dII",and then click on the [OKI button given» 0 "TosBTAddin.dlI" can be found on the hard drive at the address below C:\Program Files\'l‘oshiba\BIueloot/i Toshiba Slack 6. Confirm that "Send to Bluelooih" has been added to the list and that it check appears next to it. and then click on the |0K| button This will complete the Add-in process. QManually creating a Virtual Bluetooth COM port In order for a PC to connect to and communicate with a Bluezoorli wireless technology device, the Bluezoorli Utility will create a gateway for data to be exchanged between the respective devices. This gateway is known as a "port" (or "virtual COM port"). Since one virtual COM port will be allocated to each device, trouble-free communication will still be possible even it‘several devices are being used. When you use the Bluelaatll Utility, a virtual COM port will be automatically created on set- up; however, virtual COM ports can be created manually if so needed. “Note 0 BInelaat/t Manager must be active in order for you to be able to use Blnelaatlt Local COM. Q Clients and servers When Bluezaatli wireless technology communications are performed, there will always be a "client/sewer" relationship between the various devices. A "client" is a device that sends certain requests to another device. while a "server" is a device that provides a service on receipt of such requests from another device, For example, when a PC issues a print command to a wireless printer. the PC functions as the client. while the printer functions as the server. When a PDA or other device attempts to receive files located on a PC by means offile transfer protocol, the PC functions as the server, while the PDA functions as the client. Virtual Bluezaatlt COM ports can be created both for clients and sewers. . Bluelooih virtual COM port for a client Virtual COM port used when your device is the client‘ and requests are sent to another device. . Bluelooih virtunl COM port for a server Virtual COM port used when your device is the servert and requests are received from another device. Q Creating a virtual COM port Bluezaatlt virtual COM ports are created according to the procedure below. I‘Proced u re 1. Select IStartIAICtmtrol Panel], and double—click the IHardware and Soundl icon The [Printers and Other Hardware] screen will appear, ”Note 0 Iftlte Control Panel is displayed in "Classic View" and you are running Windows 2000. skip to Step 2. o Ifyou are running Windows XP, double-click on the [Printers and Other Hardware] icon. 2. Double»click on the |Bluelooth Local COM| icon The main BIuelaat/l Local com window will appear. ”Note 0 Even when the Control Panel appears in Classic view, please simply click on the [Bluelaal‘ll Local COM] icon. 0 No such distinction between viewing formats exists in Windows 20004 5 Click on the |Add...| button The [Bluezaarll Local COM Wizard] window, from where you can create a virtual COM port, will appear. Stan from this window when creating Bluelaatll virtual COM ports for either servers or clients. ~> Creating a Bluelaatll vinual COM port for a client ~> Creating a Bluelaatll vi nual COM port for a server Deleting a virtual COM port Please follow the procedure below to delete a virtual COM pon when it is no longer needed. ”Note 0 You can only delete virtual COM pons created by the Bluelaatll Local COM utility. 1. Select the port you wish to delete from the |Bluelooth Local COM| window, and then click on the IDeIeteI button A message will appear asking yoll to confirm that you wish to delete the port. 2. Click on the |Yes| button The port will be deleted. 3. Click on the |0K| button O Optional Properties This section describes the settings categories for each ofthe tabs in the Optional Properties window. Note The contents in the following description fields are explanatory notes, not same as messages 0" screen, Dev ce Type Sets to display the model oFyour device as desktop or laptop, (Can be changed) Detail Shows the detailed information ofyour devicea (Cannot be changed) Tray Icon Allows you to select two types of icons for Bluelaatlr Manager. When “Hide" is selected, the icon will not be displayed. Cancel the “Hide" setting when you are required to check the connection status using the icon. (Can be changed) Service to Bluelaatlr Ticking the box enables a (sewer) function that enable Information allows files, images and business cards to be Exchanger transferred from a remote device using Sen/ice Blnezaatli lnfomtation Exchanger. PAN Group Ticking the box enables a (server) function that Networking allows networking to be performed from a Sen/ice remote device using the PAN Networking Sen/ice. Enable DHCP Ticking this option will enable the DHCP service service along with the PAN server function. This setting can only be enabled if PAN Group Networking Service has been enabled. Bluezaarll COM Ticking the box enables a (sewer) function that Port Service allows COM Service to be performed from a remote location using the Serial Port Service. AV Remote Ticking the box enables a (server) function that Control Service allows remote control to be performed from a remote device using the AV Remote Control Sen/ice. 1 Note The default device name is the name ofyour computer. The device address is set for every module. Please select the model type that you are using for the Model to use. It may be used to differentiate destination devices (for example, as a device icon display). C [Security] tab Sets the security settings in Slider. High, Medium, Standard. Low and Customize (individual settings possible) can be set for the security level. The authentication information (link key) can also be deleted Bluelaatll Wireless Technology Security Level Slider Sets security level in Slider. High, Medium, Standard, Low and Customize (individual settings possible) can he set for the security level. Ie Transfer Allows you to set a password for file transfer when using file Password transfer protocol (FTP). Level Sets individual settings for customized security levels, customization Individual settings are set here when combinations other than the High, Medium. Standard and Low security levels are used. Settings for each mode Not Discoverable Connection denied New Authentication denied Link level enforced security[Authentification and encryption] Protect against MITM (man In the middle) attack (Vll) Non bolidable mode (v2.1) Secure Simple Pairing (SSP) (v2rl) Bluelaatll Information Exchanger security level settings (Displays continuation message when responding to incoming files) Apply a password on file transfer (FTP) Display a confirmation message on receiving through File Transfer[ FTP] Display a confirmation message on receiving through Object Push[OPP] Display a confirmation message on receiving through Imaging Transfer[BIP] Related topics —~ "[Service security] on Bluezaarli lnfonnation Exchanger" Tl Note You can also set the directory to save received files in the confimiation message. The changed directory will be enabled. Whether the following items appear as intended will depend on how your PC has been configured. . Protect against MITM (man in the middle) attack (v2.1) . Non bolidable mode (v2.1) . Secure Simple Pairing (ssr) (v2.1) With some devices, you may not be able to establish the connection ifyou check Protect against MITM (man in the middlel attack (V2.1). You may see a dialog urging you to authenticate every time when you check Non bondable mode (v2.1). Secure Simple Pairing (asp) (v2.1) settings cannot be changed. l—l Service level security Security Selling of File Transfer[FTP] Performs authentication and encryption (Sewer) Performs authentication and encryption (Client) Security Setting of Object Push [OPP] Performs authentication and encryption (Sewer) Performs authentication and encryption (Client) Security Setting of Imaging Transfer[BlP] Performs authentication and encryption (Sewer) Performs authentication and encryption (Client) Security Setting of Serial Port[SPP] Performs authentication and encryption (Sewer) Performs authentication and encryption (Client) Security Setting of Headset[HSP/HFP] Performs authentication and encryption (Sewer) Performs authentication and encryption (Client) Security Setting of Personal Area Network[PAN] Performs authentication and encryption (Sewer) Performs authentication and encryption (Client) Security Setting of Mouse[HID] Performs authentication and encryption (Sewer) Performs authentication and encrvption (Client) Performs authentication and encryption (Server) Performs authentication and encryption (Client) Security Setting ofAudio Remote Control (AVRCPD Security Setting of Audio[A2DP] Performs authentication and encryption (Server) Security Settling of Printer[HCRP] Performs authentication and encryption (Client) Tl Note Data encryption can be applied for each category in the service level security. Returns the BIuelaat/t security level to the default value. Delete Paired Device Information View Pa ed Deletes authentication information for individual destination device Dev es that has been authenticated. Delete All Deletes authentication infomtation for all destination devices that have been authenticated at one go. C [Blue/oath Information Exchanger] tab Displays or chmges the settings used in BIuelaat/t Infomtation Exchanger. Bluezaatlt Shows the position OfBIuelaatlt Information Exchanger's Icon. Information When the position is My Network, a shortcut can be placed as an Exchanger option on the desktop. location Recent Right-clicking the file or folder clears the Sent Device Log that is Bluelaatlt device displayed during file transfer. | m Settings Displays or changes the advanced settings used in Bluezaalll lnfonttation Exchanger. {File transfer] tab {Object push] tab {Image transfer] tab {Associate} lab {Preferred profile] tab {Display filtering] tab {WFTP} tab C [Other] tab Performs settings for COM Auto Connect, AV player selection . copyright protection and HlD profile Wake up «rem suspend}. Com Auto Connect settings COM Auto Connect settings Sett ngs Displays the port name and the related connection name. You can select the COM port to be set automatically, AV Player selection AV player selection Sm"? tSelect AV Muslc file Select the program to be used in music Player) playba playback. CD 3“ ° Select the program to be used in CD audio. playbac DVD playback Select the program to be used in DVD playback. CD/DVD drive Drive device name to be used in CD/DVD Check B Music file playback is prioritised, regardless of media in drive Sm"? (Display setting of receiving command) Display position You can set the location to display commands for playback or pause on the desktop. Return to Return all settings to the default default AV Profile Comright Protection Settings AV profile Copyright Protection Settings SCMS-T format is supported in AV profile as Copyright Protection according to the message in this field. HID Profile Wake up Settings The HID devices registered in BIuelaat/i Settings are shown in the list. Select a device from the list to be ”woken up." HlD Profile Wake up Settings Settings Lists the type and connection name ofthe HID devices registered in Bluelaatli Settings Tl Note 0 Support for this function is highly dependent on certain conditions relating to the hardware in your PC. Ifyour PC does not fulfill these conditions, the setting category will not appear. and thus cannot be accessed 0 The effect ofthe function is guaranteed to occur only iftlte PC is used in mmhinatinn mitt. the cllnnlifld tarrimant and mnncn combination with the supplied keyboard and mouse. E’miagnostics] tab There are some diagnostic functions. Selects the appropriate one as the need arises. These are maintenance purpose only. OBluetooth Settings This section provides detailed information on the [Bluezaatli Settings] window. Q Main window “Men u nIBIuelooih] men u Add New Opens the [Add New Connection Wizard] window, and then searches Connection for new devices. Lolmect Lonltects [0 selected clevlce. Disconnect Disconnects from selected device. Detail... Displays detailed information about selected device, Delete Deletes selected device. Create shoncut Creates a shoncul icon for the selected device on the Desktop, on Desktop Changes the name ofthe device you have selected. Changes the icon ofthe device you have selected. Opens the [Options] Sheet and you can set the optional properties. Closes ilie [Bluelaatll Settings] window. I|View| menu Changes the way icons are displayed on a device. IIHelpI menu m Opens the Bluelaatll Utility User Guide. Displays the "Bluelaatll Settings version information". ebevice List Displays a list ofdevices that have been registered in [Bluezaatll Settings]. eFunction buttons Category Description New Opens [Add New Connection Wizard] window. Connection Detail... Shows details ofselected dev|ce Deletes selected device. OOne-touch connection to Bluetooth wireless technology devices I Creating a Shortcut Ifyou have created a shortcut icon on the Desktop, you can easily establish a connection to a device that has been registered using Bluelaatli Settings without having to open the [Bluezaarli Settings] window. I‘Proced u re I. Right-click on Bluelooih wireless technology icon in task tray and click on [Bluelooih Settings] grime 0 Alternatively, you can click [Start] a [All Programs] a [Bluezaatli] Av [Bluezaarli Settings]. The [Bluelaarh Settings] screen will appear, From where you can create a Shortcut entitled "Bluezaatli Mouse." Zt Right-click on the mouse registration icon, and then click on |Create Shortcut on Desktop] A shortcut icon ofthe mouse will appear on the Desktop. lEstnblislting a connection from the Shortcut I. Double-click on the mouse registration icon from the Desktop The [Bluelaatll Settings] window will open. 2. Turn on the mouse, set it to connectflble mode. and then click on the IOKI button in the |Bluelooth Settings| window. The mouse will be connected. fl BT—Mwsrm OManually connecting to a Bluetooth wireless technology device After a keyboard or mouse (HID profile), printer (HCRP or SPP profiles), or other device has been set up for the first time. subsequent connections will be automatically restored Whenever you operate the device. print out a document from the PC, or perform another similar activity. Should the connection not have been properly restored, please establish a manual connection to the device using the procedure below. I‘Proced u re I. Right-click on Bluelooih wireless technology icon in task tray and click on [Bluelooth Settingsl ENote 0 Alternatively, click [Start] —> [All Programs] —> [Bluelaatll] ~> [Bluelaatll Settings]. The [Bluezaalll Settings] screen will appear, from where you can connect a mouse manually. manually. Zt Right-click on the mouse registration icon, and then click on the |Connect| button The [Bluelaatli Settings] window will open. 3. Turn on the mouse, enable connection mode, and click on the |0K| button in the [Bluelooih Settings| window. The mouse will be connected. fl BT>Mouse>IJ1 ENote o lfyou wish to manually disconnect a device, right-click on its icon and click [Disconnect]. When a message appears. click on the [Yes] button. QChanging a connection icon You can change a device icon that has been registered on the [Bluezaatli Settings] screen. l‘l’roced u re I. Right-click on the Bluelooih wireless technology icon in the task tray. and then click on |Bluelooth Settings] ENote 0 Altemalively, click [Start] ~> [All Programs] ~> [Bluezaatli] ~> [BIuelaat/t Settings]. The [Bluezaatli Settings] window will appear. Now try to change the icon for "My Mobile." z. Right»click on the "My Mobile" icon. and then click on [Change lcon| A list of available icons will appear. 3. Select thQicnn, and then click on the IOK| button The new icon will appear. OChanging a connection icon name Vou can change a the name ofa device icon that has been registered on the [Bluelaatlr Settings] screen. I‘Proced u re I. Right-click on the Bluelooih wireless technology icon in the task tray. and then click on |Bluelooth Settingsl ENote o Altemalively, click [Start] —> [All Programs] —> [Bluelaatlt] ~> [Bluelaatlr Settings]. The [Bluezaatlr Settings] window will appear. Now try to change the connection name for "My Mobile" to "Pocket PC." 2. Right-dick on "My Mobile", and then dick on |Renome| You will now be able to enter a name 3. Enter "Potket PC", and then hit the |Enter| key The new name will appear. OBIuetoat/r Manager This section provides detailed information on the settings categories in Bluezaatli Manager. Q Main menu Bin-tooth Setllnns Month Wormatlon Exchanger Whales; FE Transfer Remake camera Add New Connection Disable Mouth Redo Bluezaatli Opens [Bluezaarli Settings] window. Settings Bluezaatli Opens the [Bluezaatli Information Exchanger] window. Information Exchanger Wireless File Opens the [Wireless File Transfer] Window Transfer Remote Camera Opens the [Remote Camera] window. Add New Opens the [Add New Connection Wizard] window, Connection Options Allows you to check and change settings related to Bluezaalll wireless technology on your device. Below are the tabs in this option. -[General] tab -[Security] tab {Bluelaatll Information Exchanger] lab -[Other] tab {Diagnostics} tab Disable Turns offBInelaat/l wireless technology power. Bluezaarlikadio . (PowerOffl “Important a Communication will be disabled ifthe Bluezaalll wireless technology power is switched OFF. The next time you want use it, right»click on the Bluelaatll wireless technology icon in the Tasktray. and then click [Enable Bluetaatll Radio], 9 tPower On) ”Note 0 The [Disable Bluelaatll Radio] ([Enable Bluelaatll Radiol) menu will only appear if the soflwate is supponed on your PC‘s environment. m Displays the Bluezaatll Utility User Guide. Displays the Bluelaatll Utility version. Exit Exits BIuelaat/l Manager. “Important 0 When you exit Bluelaatll Manager. Bluelaatll wireless technology communications will be disabled. When you nex1 wish to use Bluelaatll wireless Technology, please click on lSiii rflfllA |l Programslfilfllnnnnrhl—>lRIm)mnrh Settings'l tin windowsz'izdofclick on [Slan]~>[Pr:Jgrlains]~>[BluVe;aat/l]fl [Bluezaallt Settings] ). OBIuetoath Information Exchanger This section provides detailed information on the settings categories in Bluelaatll information Exchanger. Q Main window (Dai'rocmtmn-mim-p. ..,] g Qttlul= ran-nu. uwm . i.t.,rn nu. .~ 5mm. . mow; 5 ms“ , m.“ 0[Blueioolh] menu Detects Bluelaatll wireless technology devices. Options Display the menu of [Options]. Select [security] tab a [Custom level] for [Service Security] and select [Bluelaatll Informalion Exchanger] tab 4 [Advanced] for the others and tlten allows delailed selling ofcalegories related to Bluelaatll Informalion Exchanger. {Service security] -[File transfer] tab {Object push] tab {Image transfer] tab {Associate} lab {Preferred profile] tab {Display filtering] tab -[WFTP] lab Help Displays Bluelaatll Utility User Guide. Display version information. OData exchange folders Three folders are available for data exchange: "Image transfer", "File transfer" and "Object Push". Click on the icon to display a list ofdevices. "Image box" is a folder on your PC used for transferring images. Click on the icon to display a list ofdevices, "Shared folder" is a shared folder on your PC used for transfening files. Click on the icon to display a list ofdevices. "Inbox" is a folder on your PC used for exchanging business cards. O Remote Camera This section provides detailed information on the settings categories in Remote Camera. Q Main window our“... ii. 7 eninhOInMI “Men u IlBIuelooih] men u Device Search Searches for remote cameras. Propenies |Device detection filterl The program may discover devices other than digital cameras, depending on which profiles are supported by those devices. Adjusting the setting to "Loose filtering" will increase the likelihood that devices other than those intended will be detected. The further you slide the setting towards "Tight filtering", the stricter will be the criteria detemtining device detection, and tlte lower the likelihood will be that irrelevant devices will be included. Please adjust the filtration level according to the results ofthe search. IConsetutive image settingsl Allows you to set the number of consecuti e images captured by your digital camera (between 2 and 16 inclusive}. |Captured image size settings| Images will be sent to your PC afier having been automatically convened to the size specified in the dialog box below, regardless of the size oflhe original image data. |Inbox settings| Opens the "Browse folders .." dialog box and allows you to select the folder where you would like your captured images to be saved. RRRS R Cm Category Remote Camera Displays version information for the Remote Camera. version information 0L t of cameras A list of cameras that have been registered as remote cameras will be displayed, 0[Camera Search...] button Clicking on this button will execute a search for remote cameras. Obisplay images Images transferred to the PC from a remote camera will be displayed. 6[Explorer...] button Clicking on this button will display the folders on the hard drive where images that have been Iransferred lo the PC have been stored. given» a A folder for saving your images will be created automatically. Q Camera operation window “Camera images Images as seen through the lens ofyour remote camera will be displayed. Obisplay magnification The size oflhe operaling window display can be adjusled from IOO% (I x) lo 300% (3x). 0]!!! portant 0 Increasing the size oflhe operating window will impede its abilily to display images, and will have an adverse effect on other processes being performed by your PC Please adjust the magnification as appropriate for your intended use. 0[Exploreri..] button Clicking on this button will display the folders on the hard drive where images that have been transferred to the PC have been stored. oshntter button (consecutive images) Clicking this button will cause the camera to take the number of images specified in [Consecutive image settings] under the [Bluetuath] menu and then send those images to your PC, eShntter button (single images) Clicking this button will cause the camera to take one picture and then send the image to your PC, OBluetooth Local COM This section provides detailed information on the settings categories in Bluetuath Local COM. 0 Main window vwnmlooml runnntmmu tnflmw‘w runnmtcmm Vat-I'Mmflq rant-um vnnnmmml 'flfil"?¢lm 0Port Displays a list ofconfigured ports. Obescription Displays the function ofeach porL Ports displayed as "Toshiba BT Pon (COMxx)" are Bluezaatli virtual COM ports. OOWner Displays the application used to create those COM ports. The following information will appear for ports created by Bluezaatli Locnl COM. COM port for client Local COM - Client COM port for server Local COM - Sewer [(name of service supplied by pom] OFunction buttons Starts the Add COM Pen Wizard . There can be up to 64 ports. IfCOM ports I to 64 already exist, you will not be able Io add another port. Deletes selected port. a You can only delete COM ports created by Bluelaatli Locnl COM. Click on this button to confirm settings information. and close the Bluezaatli Local COM window. iO Wireless File Transfer This section provides detailed information on the settings categories in Wireless File Transfer. O [Main window “Files/folders Displays a list. offiles/folders m be sent. GDevices to which data can be sent/Transfer device: (historv) Displays other devices Io which you are able Io send files, Files will be sent to those devices that have been checked. Name Displays name of destination devices. Connection method Displays method used to connect to other devices. . Ifa device to which you would like to send data is nol lisled, you can click on the [Search] bum," re search for other devices. a When "Transfer device: History)" is displayed, shows the history oflhe devices. —» "[WFTP] lab" QFunction buttons Allows you to add files and/or folders you would like to send. Delele By selecting a file from the list and clicking on the "Delete" button, you can remove that file (Led the file will not be sem). Searches for Bluelaatll wireless technology devices. Closes the "Wireless File Transfer" window. Sends a file.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Create Date : 2008:05:21 08:46:57Z Modify Date : 2008:05:21 16:51:26+08:00 Page Count : 68 Creation Date : 2008:05:21 08:46:57Z Mod Date : 2008:05:21 16:51:26+08:00 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 5.0 (Windows) Author : BBXP Metadata Date : 2008:05:21 16:51:26+08:00 Creator : BBXP Title : WB110C(-IW) user manual 970515..PDF Has XFA : NoEXIF Metadata provided by