LITE ON TECHNOLOGY WCBN4516R 802.11a/b/g/n 2Tx2R + BT V4.1LE USB Combo Module User Manual
LITE-ON Technology Corp. 802.11a/b/g/n 2Tx2R + BT V4.1LE USB Combo Module
User Manual
PROD DUCT SPECIIFICA ATION 802.11a/b/g/n 2Tx2R + BT V4.1L LE USB Combo Module WC CBN4516R MediaT Tek MT T7632TU Version 1.0 Chaange Historry Reviision Verssion 1.0 Date 2016/08/03 Authorr Ben J C Chen Change Liist Preliminary * Thhis document contains conffidential proprrietary inform mation and is property of LTTC. The conten nts of thhis document should not be disclosed to uunauthorized persons without the written consent of LT TC. Page 1/35 PROD DUCT SPECIIFICA ATION 802.111a/b/g/n 2Tx2R + BT V4.1L LE USB Combo Module WC CBN4516R MediaT Tek MT T7632TU Version 1.0 Nettworking B.U. Lite-on Tecchnology Corporation 4F, Noo. 90, Chien n 1 Rd., Chung Ho, H New Taaipei City 235, 2 Taiwan n, R.O.C. (Signature) Cusstomer Appro oval: (Title) (Company) (Date) ign Back by FAX. For Co onfirming the S Spec Only, no ot an Official Agreement forr OEM/ODM Business) Page 2/40 CONTEN NT RODUCT FE EATURES ........................................................................................................................ 4 T FEATURE .............................................................................................................................................. 4 I-FI FEATURE .......................................................................................................................................... 4 OMMON FEATU URE .................................................................................................................................... 4 RODUCT SP PECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................... 5 AIN CHIPSET ........................................................................................................................................... 5 UNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS S................................................................................................................... 5 IN ASSIGME ENT................................................................................................................................... 8 SB CONNEC CTOR SPEC...................... .............................................................................................. 8 MECHANICA AL ...................................................................................................................................... 9 HIELDING CASE SPEC ...................... ............................................................................................ 14 ATERIAL CERT TIFICATION ...................................................................................................................... 15 CB UL CERT TIFICATE ..................................................................................................................... 16 .FL CONNEC CTOR SPEC C ................................................................................................................ 22 EPROM INF FORMATION N ............................................................................................................... 23 T............................................................................................................................................................ 23 I-FI ....................................................................................................................................................... 23 NVIRONME ENTAL ............................................................................................................................ 23 PERATING .............................................................................................................................................. 23 TORAGE.................................................................................................................................................. 23 ART LIST ........................................................................................................................................... 24 ELIABILITY Y TEST ITEM M .............................................................................................................. 29 ACKING DR RAWING ........................................................................................................................ 31 PPENDIX A: SHIELDING CASE SGS S REPORT........................................................................ 32 PPENDIX B:: RELIABILIITY TEST R REPORT ............................................................................. 35 Page 3/35 PRO ODUCT FEATURES BT FEATU URE: z Bluuetooth V4.1 LE system Bacckwards com mpatible withh BT version of 1.1, 1.2, 2.0, 2 2.1, 3.0++HS and 4.0 Bluuetooth Classs 1 transmisssion power Besst-in-class BT T/Wi-Fi coexxistence perfformance Suppport for Sim mple Pairing ((SP) and Enh hanced Inquiiry Responsee (EIR) functtion Suppport for SCA ATTERNET and up to piiconets simulltaneously w with backgrou und inqquiry/page scan z Suppport wide-band speech aand hardwaree acceleratedd SBC codec for A2DP streeaming z Suppport Wake On O Bluetoothh WI-FI FEA ATURE: z Opeerate at ISM frequency B Band (2.4/5G GHz) z IEE EE Standards Support, 8022.11a ,802.11b, 802.11g,, 802.11n z Suppport for bothh 20 MHz/355 MHz channnel width in 2.4GHz andd 20 MHz/35 MH Hz channel width in 5GH Hz z Entterprise levell security suppporting: WP PS2.0,WAPI,, WPA, WPA A2 z Duaal-stream IEE EE 802.11n support for 40MHz chan nnels providees PHY layerr ratees up to 300M Mbps z QoS S support of WFA WMM M, WMMPS z Suppport for WI--Fi Direct z Suppport Wake On O WLAN COMMON FEATURE: z MT T7632TU is a single chip integrated IE EEE 802.11 a/b/g/n and B Bluetooth 4.1LE witth a single USB interfacee PA,, LNA, and T/R T switch inntegration for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Besst-in-class acctive and idlee power conssumption performance Fully compliancce with USB B v2.0 specifiication Suppport OS: Lin nux based RoH HS complian nce Low w Halogen co ompliance Page 4/35 PRO ODUCT SPECIFICAT TIONS MAIN CHIP PSET MediaTeek MT7632T TU FUNCTIONA AL SPECIFIC CATIONS BT Fu unction Standard Bluuetooth V4.1LE Bus Interrface US SB2.0 Data Ratte 1M Mbps, 2Mbpss and Up to 3Mbps Modulatiion Scheme GF FSK, /4-DQ QPSK and 8-D DPSK Frequenccy Range 2.4402~2.480 GH Hz Transmitt Output Po ower +4 Output Po ower +10dB Bm; Class 1 D Device Receiver Sensitivity < 00.1% BER att -80dBm Wi-Fii Function Standard IEE EE802.11a; IEEE802.11b b; IEEE 802..11g; IEEE 8022.11n Bus Interrface US SB2.0 Data Ratte 8022.11a: 6, 24, 18, 12, 9, 6 Mbps 54, 48, 36 8022.11b: 11, 5.5, 2,, 1 Mbps 8022.11g: 6, 24, 18, 12, 9, 6 Mbps 54, 48, 36 8022.11n: MCS 0 to 15 for HT20 0MHz MCS 0 to 15 for HT40 0MHz Media Acccess Control CS SMA/CA with h ACK Modulatiion Techniq que Network Architecturre Operatioon Channel 8022.11a: PSK, BPSK 64QAM, 16QAM, QP 8022.11b: CCK, DQ QPSK, DBPSK 8022.11g: 64QAM, 16QAM, QP PSK, BPSK 8022.11n: PSK, BPSK 64QAM, 16QAM, QP Add-hoc mode (Peer-to-Peerr) Infr frastructure mode 2.44GHz – Uniteed States 11: (Ch. 1-11) 13: (Ch. 1-13) – Europ pe 14: (Ch. 1-14) – Japan 5G GHz Page 5/35 21: USA 19: EU 8: Japan 8022.11bg 2.400 ~ 2.4835 GHz 8022.11a 5.15 ~ 5.85 GHz 8022.11a: -86 dBm@ @6Mbps -70 dBm@ @54Mbps 8022.11b: -88 dBm@ @1Mbps -82 dBm@ @11Mbps 8022.11g: -86 dBm@ @6Mbps -71 dBm@ @54Mbps 8022.11n: 22.4G/5G 20MHz -86 dBm@ @MCS0 -70 dBm@ @MCS7 -68 dBm@ @MCS15 40MHz -83 dBm@ @MCS0 -67 dBm@ @MCS7 -65 dBm@ @MCS15 WP PS, WPA, WPA2, WEP 64bit & 128bbit, IEEE 802.1X, IEE EE 802.11i Frequenccy Range Receiver Sensitivity Security Common n Function Operatin ng Voltage 5 V ±5% I/O su upply voltage OS Supp ported Linnux Based Mode Power Coonsumption TX RX Iddle WiFi+BT @wake upp mode Antenna Type Avverage 2.4G 5G 56 60mA 690 0mA 29 90mA 325 5mA 30mA 4.5mA Peakk 2.4G 850m mA 5G 920m mA Triiple U.FL con nnectors for plugging Wi WiFi&BT exteernal anttenna Page 6/35 PIN N ASSIGME ENT Pin. 11 Pin Define GND DD+ GND WOB GND Pin. 10 12 Pin Deffine GND WOW RESET T# VCC VCC GND Top View USB CONNE ECTOR SPE EC Page 7/35 MECHANICA AL Page 8/35 SHIIELDING CASE SPE EC Manufacturre: Hun Paii(⬷㷫) Approval Sh heet: see Ap ppendix A(ppage32~pag ge39) Page 9/35 Materiaal Certifica ation Page 10/35 PC CB UL CERTIFICAT TE Manufacturrer: APCB Page 11/35 Page 12/35 Man nufacturer:: BROAD Page 13/35 Man nufacturer:: Tripod Page 14/35 Page 15/35 Page 16/35 U.F FL CONNE ECTOR SP PEC Page 17/35 EE EPROM INFORMAT TION BT Vendoor ID 0x0E88D Produ uct ID 0x76A A1 WI-FI Reg Domain Worldd Wide 2.44G/5G Reead from regiistry; Control by driver Offseet 0x38 for 5G G: 0xFF Offseet 0x39 for 2..4G: 0xFF Vendoor ID 0x0E88D Devicee ID 0x76A A1 ENV VIRONME ENTAL OPERATIN NG Operaating Temperature: 0 to 770 qC (32 to 158 qF) Relative Humidity y: 5-90% (nnon-condensiing) STORAGE Tempperature: -40 to 80 qC (-440 to 176 qF) Relative Humidity y: 5-95% (nnon-condensiing) Page 18/35 PAR RT LIST Item m Component_Description n O02012.7pF//50V+0.25pFFNPOGRM03 335C1H2R7CA A01D CHIPMONO 1 SMD(MURA ATA) O02011.5pF//50V+0.25pFFNPOGRM03 335C1H1R5CA A01D CHIPMONO 2 SMD(MURA ATA) CHIPMONO O02010.5pF50V+0.25pFNPOGRM03 335C1HR50CA A01D 3 SMD(MURA ATA) CHIPMONO O02012.7pF//50V+0.25pFFNPOGRM03 335C1H2R7CA A01D 4 SMD(MURA ATA) 5CHIPMONO O020110pF/5 50V+5%NPO OGRM0335C C1H100JA01DSMD(MURATTA) Locatio on C1 C10 C11 C13 C14 6CHIPMONO O02010.1uF10V+10%X55RCC0201KRX5R6BB104SMD(YAGEO) C15 7CHIPMONO O02010.1uF10V+10%X55RC0603X5R104KDTSSMD D(DARFON) C15 8CHIPMONO O02010.1uF//10V+10%X55RGRM033R R61A104KE15D DSMD(MURA ATA) CHIPMONO O02011.5pF//50V+0.25pFFNPOGRM03 335C1H1R5CA A01D 9 SMD(MURA ATA) CHIPMONO O02012.7pF//50V+0.25pFFNPOGRM03 335C1H2R7CA A01D 110 SMD(MURA ATA) CHIPMONO O02011.5pF//50V+0.25pFFNPOGRM03 335C1H1R5CA A01D 111 SMD(MURA ATA) 112CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201RM M02JTN0SMD D(TAI) C15 C17 C18 C2 C21 113CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201WR R02X000PALSMD(WALSIN) C21 114CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201RR00306S000XN NHSMD(CYNT TEC) C21 115CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201RM M02JTN0SMD D(TAI) C23 116CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201WR R02X000PALSMD(WALSIN) C23 117CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201RR00306S000XN NHSMD(CYNT TEC) C23 118CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201RM M02JTN0SMD D(TAI) C25 119CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201WR R02X000PALSMD(WALSIN) C25 220CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201RR00306S000XN NHSMD(CYNT TEC) C25 221CHIPMONO O020110pF/5 50V+5%NPO OGRM0335C C1H100JA01DSMD(MURATTA) C3 222CHIPMONO O02010.6pF//50V+0.1pFN NPOGRM033 35C1HR60BA0 01DSMD(MU RATA)C32 CHIPMONO O02014.7pF//50V+0.25pFFNPOGRM03 335C1H4R7CA A01D 223 C33 SMD(MURA ATA) 224CHIPMONO O020110pF/5 50V+5%NPO OGRM0335C C1H100JA01DSMD(MURATTA) C35 225CHIPMONO O02010.1uF10V+10%X55RCC0201KRX5R6BB104SMD(YAGEO) C36 226CHIPMONO O02010.1uF10V+10%X55RC0603X5R104KDTSSMD D(DARFON) C36 227CHIPMONO O02010.1uF//10V+10%X55RGRM033R R61A104KE15D DSMD(MURA ATA) C36 228CHIPMONO O06034.7uF10V+10%X55R0603X475K100CTSMD(WALSIN) C37 229CHIPMONO O06034.7uF//10V+10%X55RLMK107BJJ475KATSMD D(TAIYOYUDEEN) C37 330CHIPMONO O06034.7uF10V+10%X55RC1608X5R475KDTSSMD D(DARFON) C37 331CHIPMONO O0201100pF/25V+5%NPPOCC0201JRNPO8BN101S SMD(YAGEO) C38 332CHIPMONO O0201100pF25V+5%NPPOC0603NP0 0101JFTSSMD D(DARFON) C38 333CHIPMONO O0201100pF25V+5%NPPOGRM0335C C1E101JA01D DSMD(MURATTA) C38 334CHIPMONO O02010.1uF10V+10%X55RCC0201KRX5R6BB104SMD(YAGEO) C39 335CHIPMONO O02010.1uF10V+10%X55RC0603X5R104KDTSSMD D(DARFON) C39 Page 19/35 36CHIPMONO O02010.1uF//10V+10%X55RGRM033R R61A104KE15D DSMD(MURA ATA) O02012.7pF//50V+0.25pFFNPOGRM03 335C1H2R7CA A01D CHIPMONO SMD(MURA ATA) 38CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R R0402X105K1 100CTSMD(W WALSIN) 37 C39 C4 C40 39CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R RC1005X5R10 05KDTSSMD(DARFON) C40 40CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R RGRM155R61 1A105KE15DS SMD(MURATA A) C40 41CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R R0402X105K1 100CTSMD(W WALSIN) C41 42CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R RC1005X5R10 05KDTSSMD(DARFON) C41 43CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R RGRM155R61 1A105KE15DS SMD(MURATA A) C41 44CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO O0201N220J250CTSMD(W WALSIN) C42 45CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO OC0603NP02 220JFTSSMD(DARFON) C42 46CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO OGRM0335C C1E220JA01DSMD(MURATA A) C42 47CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R R0402X105K1 100CTSMD(W WALSIN) C44 48CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R RC1005X5R10 05KDTSSMD(DARFON) C44 49CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R RGRM155R61 1A105KE15DS SMD(MURATA A) C44 50CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R R0402X105K1 100CTSMD(W WALSIN) C45 51CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R RC1005X5R10 05KDTSSMD(DARFON) C45 52CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R RGRM155R61 1A105KE15DS SMD(MURATA A) C45 53CHIPMONO O060310uF/10V+20%X55RLMK107BJ106MALTDSM MD(TAIYOYUD DEN) C47 54CHIPMONO O060310uF/10V+20%X55RGRM188R6 61A106ME69DSMD(MURA ATA) C47 55CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R R0402X105K1 100CTSMD(W WALSIN) C48 56CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R RC1005X5R10 05KDTSSMD(DARFON) C48 57CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R RGRM155R61 1A105KE15DS SMD(MURATA A) C48 58CHIPMONO O04024700p pF/50V+10% X7R0402B47 72K500CTSMD(WALSIN) C55 59CHIPMONO O04024700p pF/50V+10% X7RGRM155 5R71H472KA0 01DSMD(MU RATA) C55 60CHIPMONO O02010.1uF10V+10%X55RCC0201KRX5R6BB104SMD(YAGEO) C57 61CHIPMONO O02010.1uF10V+10%X55RC0603X5R104KDTSSMD D(DARFON) C57 62CHIPMONO O02010.1uF//10V+10%X55RGRM033R R61A104KE15D DSMD(MURA ATA) C57 63CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R R0402X105K1 100CTSMD(W WALSIN) C58 64CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R RC1005X5R10 05KDTSSMD(DARFON) C58 65CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R RGRM155R61 1A105KE15DS SMD(MURATA A) CHIPMONO O02010.5pF50V+0.25pFNPOGRM03 335C1HR50CA A01D 66 SMD(MURA ATA) 67CHIPMONO O06032.2uF//10V+10%X55R0603X225 5K100CTSMD((WALSIN) C58 C6 68CHIPMONO O06032.2uF//10V+10%X55RCC0603KR RX5R6BB225S SMD(YAGEO) C60 69CHIPMONO O06032.2uF//10V+10%X55RGRM188R R61A225KE34D DSMD(MURA ATA) C60 70CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R R0402X105K1 100CTSMD(W WALSIN) C61 71CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R RC1005X5R10 05KDTSSMD(DARFON) C61 72CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R RGRM155R61 1A105KE15DS SMD(MURATA A) C61 73CHIPMONO O02010.1uF10V+10%X55RCC0201KRX5R6BB104SMD(YAGEO) C62 74CHIPMONO O02010.1uF10V+10%X55RC0603X5R104KDTSSMD D(DARFON) C62 75CHIPMONO O02010.1uF//10V+10%X55RGRM033R R61A104KE15D DSMD(MURA ATA) C62 76CHIPMONO O06032.2uF//10V+10%X55R0603X225 5K100CTSMD((WALSIN) C68 77CHIPMONO O06032.2uF//10V+10%X55RCC0603KR RX5R6BB225S SMD(YAGEO) C68 Page 20/35 C60 78CHIPMONO O06032.2uF//10V+10%X55RGRM188R R61A225KE34D DSMD(MURA ATA) C68 79CHIPMONO O02010.1uF10V+10%X55RCC0201KRX5R6BB104SMD(YAGEO) C69 80CHIPMONO O02010.1uF10V+10%X55RC0603X5R104KDTSSMD D(DARFON) C69 81CHIPMONO O02010.1uF//10V+10%X55RGRM033R R61A104KE15D DSMD(MURA ATA) C69 82CHIPMONO O020110pF/5 50V+5%NPO OGRM0335C C1H100JA01DSMD(MURATTA) C7 83CHIPMONO O02010.1uF10V+10%X55RCC0201KRX5R6BB104SMD(YAGEO) C70 84CHIPMONO O02010.1uF10V+10%X55RC0603X5R104KDTSSMD D(DARFON) C70 85CHIPMONO O02010.1uF//10V+10%X55RGRM033R R61A104KE15D DSMD(MURA ATA) C70 86CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R R0402X105K1 100CTSMD(W WALSIN) C71 87CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R RC1005X5R10 05KDTSSMD(DARFON) C71 88CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R RGRM155R61 1A105KE15DS SMD(MURATA A) C71 89CHIPMONO O02010.1uF10V+10%X55RCC0201KRX5R6BB104SMD(YAGEO) C72 90CHIPMONO O02010.1uF10V+10%X55RC0603X5R104KDTSSMD D(DARFON) C72 91CHIPMONO O02010.1uF//10V+10%X55RGRM033R R61A104KE15D DSMD(MURA ATA) C72 92CHIPMONO O02010.1uF10V+10%X55RCC0201KRX5R6BB104SMD(YAGEO) C73 93CHIPMONO O02010.1uF10V+10%X55RC0603X5R104KDTSSMD D(DARFON) C73 94CHIPMONO O02010.1uF//10V+10%X55RGRM033R R61A104KE15D DSMD(MURA ATA) C73 95CHIPMONO O02010.1uF10V+10%X55RCC0201KRX5R6BB104SMD(YAGEO) C74 96CHIPMONO O02010.1uF10V+10%X55RC0603X5R104KDTSSMD D(DARFON) C74 97CHIPMONO O02010.1uF//10V+10%X55RGRM033R R61A104KE15D DSMD(MURA ATA) C74 98CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R R0402X105K1 100CTSMD(W WALSIN) C75 99CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R RC1005X5R10 05KDTSSMD(DARFON) C75 00CHIPMONO O04021uF/10 0V+10%X5R RGRM155R61 1A105KE15DS SMD(MURATA A) O02011.5pF//50V+0.25pFFNPOGRM03 335C1H1R5CA A01D CHIPMONO 01 SMD(MURA ATA) 02CHIPMONO O0201100pF/25V+5%NPPOCC0201JRNPO8BN101S SMD(YAGEO) C75 C8 03CHIPMONO O0201100pF25V+5%NPPOC0603NP0 0101JFTSSMD D(DARFON) C80 04CHIPMONO O0201100pF25V+5%NPPOGRM0335C C1E101JA01D DSMD(MURATTA) C80 05CHIPMONO O0201100pF/25V+5%NPPOCC0201JRNPO8BN101S SMD(YAGEO) C81 06CHIPMONO O0201100pF25V+5%NPPOC0603NP0 0101JFTSSMD D(DARFON) C81 07CHIPMONO O0201100pF25V+5%NPPOGRM0335C C1E101JA01D DSMD(MURATTA) C81 C80 08CHIPMONO O060310uF/10V+20%X55RLMK107BJ106MALTDSM MD(TAIYOYUD DEN) C85 09CHIPMONO O060310uF/10V+20%X55RGRM188R6 61A106ME69DSMD(MURA ATA) C85 10CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO O0201N220J250CTSMD(W WALSIN) C86 11CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO OC0603NP02 220JFTSSMD(DARFON) C86 12CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO OGRM0335C C1E220JA01DSMD(MURATA A) C86 13CHIPMONO O060310uF/10V+20%X55RLMK107BJ106MALTDSM MD(TAIYOYUD DEN) C87 14CHIPMONO O060310uF/10V+20%X55RGRM188R6 61A106ME69DSMD(MURA ATA) C87 15CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO O0201N220J250CTSMD(W WALSIN) C88 16CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO OC0603NP02 220JFTSSMD(DARFON) C88 17CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO OGRM0335C C1E220JA01DSMD(MURATA A) C88 18CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO O0201N220J250CTSMD(W WALSIN) C89 19CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO OC0603NP02 220JFTSSMD(DARFON) C89 Page 21/35 20CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO OGRM0335C C1E220JA01DSMD(MURATA A) C89 21CHIPMONO O020110pF/5 50V+5%NPO OGRM0335C C1H100JA01DSMD(MURATTA) C9 22CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO O0201N220J250CTSMD(W WALSIN) C90 23CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO OC0603NP02 220JFTSSMD(DARFON) C90 24CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO OGRM0335C C1E220JA01DSMD(MURATA A) C90 25CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO O0201N220J250CTSMD(W WALSIN) C91 26CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO OC0603NP02 220JFTSSMD(DARFON) C91 27CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO OGRM0335C C1E220JA01DSMD(MURATA A) C91 28CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO O0201N220J250CTSMD(W WALSIN) C92 29CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO OC0603NP02 220JFTSSMD(DARFON) C92 30CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO OGRM0335C C1E220JA01DSMD(MURATA A) C92 31CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO O0201N220J250CTSMD(W WALSIN) C93 32CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO OC0603NP02 220JFTSSMD(DARFON) C93 33CHIPMONO O020122pF/2 25V+5%NPO OGRM0335C C1E220JA01DSMD(MURATA A) C93 ULTRAMINICO OAXRECEPTACCLE3P20279 9001E03SMD D(㖍⓮ッỗġIIPEX) CON1 34ANTCONU MINICOAX RECEPTACLES MD3P AM410000003(枮忋) 35ANTCONM CON1 ULTRAMINICO OAXRECEPTACCLE3P20279 9001E03SMD D(㖍⓮ッỗġIIPEX) CON2 36ANTCONU MINICOAX RECEPTACLES MD3P AM410000003(枮忋) 37ANTCONM CON2 ULTRAMINICO OAXRECEPTACCLE3P20279 9001E03SMD D(㖍⓮ッỗġIIPEX) CON3 38 ANTCONU MINICOAX RECEPTACLES MD3P AM410000003(枮忋) 39 ANTCONM CON3 40PinHeaderMale2*612P PINSMD+R2m mm SMDCH H79122M10P CVILUX J1 41Inductors2 2.7nH@600MH Hz0.5A+0.1nnH0201 SM MDLQP03TN2N7B02DMURRATA L1 42Inductors1 1.0nH@500MH Hz0.75A+0.11nH 0201SM MDLQP03TN1N0B02DMU URATA L14 43INDUCTOR5.1nH+3%3 350mA0201LLQP03TN5N1H H02DSMD(MURATA) L15 44Inductors2 2.2uH@100KH Hz1.5A+20% 2.5*2.0*1.0 0SMD L16 45Inductors2 2.2uH@100KH Hz1.5A+20% 2.5*2.0*1.0 0SMD L17 46Inductors2 2.7nH@600MH Hz0.5A+0.1nnH0201 SM MDLQP03TN2N7B02DMURRATA L2 47INDUCTOR1.8nH+0.1nH600mA02001LQP03TN1N8B02DSMD(MURATA) L3 48INDUCTOR1.8nH+0.1nH600mA02001LQP03TN1N8B02DSMD(MURATA) L4 49INDUCTOR1.8nH+0.1nH600mA02001LQP03TN1N8B02DSMD(MURATA) L6 50Inductors2 2.7nH@600MH Hz0.5A+0.1nnH0201 SM MDLQP03TN2N7B02DMURRATA L7 51Inductors2 2.7nH@600MH Hz0.5A+0.1nnH0201 SM MDLQP03TN2N7B02DMURRATA L8 52INDUCTOR1.8nH+0.1nH600mA02001LQP03TN1N8B02DSMD(MURATA) L9 53CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201RM M02JTN0SMD D(TAI) R100 54CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201WR R02X000PALSMD(WALSIN) R100 55CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201RR00306S000XN NHSMD(CYNT TEC) R100 56CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201RM M02JTN0SMD D(TAI) R104 57CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201WR R02X000PALSMD(WALSIN) R104 58CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201RR00306S000XN NHSMD(CYNT TEC) R104 59CHIPRES1//20W+1%5.1K0201RC02201FR075K1LSMD(YAGEO O) R15 60CHIPRES1//20W+1%5.1K0201RM002FTN5101SM MD(TAI) R15 61CHIPRES1//20W+1%5.1K0201WR002X5101FALSSMD(WALSIN) R15 62CHIPRES1//16W+1%20 0ohm0402RCC0402FR0720RLSMD(YAG GEO) R20 Page 22/35 63CHIPRES1//16W+1%20 0ohm0402W WR04X20R0FTTLSMD(WALSIIN) R20 64CHIPRES1//20W+5%1K K0201RM02JJTN102SMD(TAI) R7 65CHIPRES1//20W+5%1K K0201WR02XX102JALSMD D(WALSIN) R7 66CHIPRES1//20W+5%1K K0201RR03066S102JNHSSMD(CYNTEC) R7 67CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201RM M02JTN0SMD D(TAI) R91 68CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201WR R02X000PALSMD(WALSIN) R91 69CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201RR00306S000XN NHSMD(CYNT TEC) R91 70CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201RM M02JTN0SMD D(TAI) R92 71CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201WR R02X000PALSMD(WALSIN) R92 72CHIPRES1//20W+5%0o ohm0201RR00306S000XN NHSMD(CYNT TEC) R92 73CHIPRES1//20W+5%10 00K0201RC02201JR07100 0KLSMD(YAGE EO) R95 74CHIPRES1//20W+5%10 00K0201RM002JTN104 SM MD(TAI) R95 75CHIPRES1//20W+5%10 00K0201WR002X104JALSMD(WALSIN) R95 76CHIPRES1//20W+5%10 00K0201RC02201JR07100 0KLSMD(YAGE EO) R96 77CHIPRES1//20W+5%10 00K0201RM002JTN104 SM MD(TAI) R96 78CHIPRES1//20W+5%10 00K0201WR002X104JALSMD(WALSIN) R96 79CHIPRES1//20W+1%22 2.1K0201RC00201FR0722K1LSMD(YAG GEO) R97 80CHIPRES1//20W+1%22 2.1K0201RM 02FTN2212SSMD(TAI) R97 81CHIPRES1//20W+1%22 2.1K0201WR R02X2212FALSMD(WALSIN N) R97 82BandPassFFilter5.0GHz1 1.6*0.8mmSM MD DP1608 8A2455DGT/LLFACXC U1 83BandPassFFilter5.0GHz1 1.6*0.8mmSM MD DP1608 8A2455DGT/LLFACXC U2 84(Amtran)W WLAN+Bluetoo othQFN76PIN NSMD MT7632TUNMEDIATEK U4 85Crystals_SM MD40MHz10.0ppm11.5pFF 3.2*2.5*0..7SMDTZ274 46ATAISAW U5 86LowPassFilter2.4GHz DEA162500LTT5033A2TDK K U7 87RegulatorIC C2.55.5V1A 0.WDFN 6 .0PINSMD(A ADJACENT U8 88RigidPCBW WCBN4507RW WLANFR4OSPP1oz4 49*1 18*11TRIPOD D 89RigidPCBW WCBN4507RW WLANFR4OSPP1oz4 49*1 18*11BROAD DTECH 90RigidPCBW WCBN4507RW WLANFR4OSPP1oz4 49*1 18*11APCB AlloyWCBN45 503RB:shieldiing 㲳䘥戭 ġFORWCBN45 503RAND 91Stamping_A Page 23/35 RELIABILITY Y TEST ITE EM Test Report:: see Appen ndix C(pagee45~page78 8) Test Item Test Time Test Condition Test Estim mated Date Q'ty of Completion 1. E Environmenttal Test 1.1 T Thermal meassurement test 1.2 H High Temperaature Test (Opeerating) 1.3 L Low Temperaature Test (Opeerating) 1.4 T Temp. and Huumidity Cyclicc Test (Operational)) 1.5 H High Temperaature Test (Storrage) 1.6 L Low Temperaature Test (Storrage) 1.7 H High Temperaature & High Hum midity (Storagee) 21hrs Teemperature 25 5°C&40°C&60°C, 6hhrs/Temp 96hrs Teemperature 60 0°C 96hrs Teemperature 0°°C Completed Completed 10 Completed 96hrs Teemperature 60 0°C, Humidity y 90%RH. Completed 96hrs Teemperature 80 0°C Completed 96hrs Teemperature -2 25°C Completed 96hrs Teemperature 60 0°C, Humidity y 90%RH 10 Completed 1.8 T Thermal Shocck Test (Storrage) Loow temperaturre: -40°C 30m min ure: 100°C 30m min 24hrs Hiigh temperatu Teest cycles: 20ccycles Completed 1.9 C Cold Start Tessting 6hrs Completed Teemperature 0°°C 1.10 Longtime Coonnection Testt (Opeerating) 168hrs Teemperature 60 0°C 10 Completed 1.11 MTBF Demoonstration 1. Temperature Condition: 40 0°C. 2. To check DU UTs’ function everyday 76days 3. Change ART T mode and au uto radiate duuring the test event 25 Completed Completed Completed 10 Completed 101.12 Open Shorrt Test 1.13 Electrostatic Disccharge(ESD) Test 3hrs 3hrs 3.33V Aiir +/- 8KV Coontact +/- 4KV 2. M Mechanical Test 2.1 D Drop Test (Unnit and Packkage) Unnit 1. Drop height: 78cm 2. Drop Plane: steel plate 3. Sample: 10PC CS 4. Drop Sequen nces: 6 sides, 4 edges 24hrs Paackage 1. Drop height: 91cm 2. Drop Plane: steel plate 3. Sample: 1 Caarton 4. Drop Sequen nces: 1 corner,, 3 edge annd 6 face Page 24/35 Vibration Testt (Unit and kage) Unnit and Package (Random) 1. Frequency: 5 ~ 250Hz 2. Acceleration = 1.0Grms 3. Each of X, Y, Y Z axis/ 60 min 4. Sample: 10U Units and 1 Carrton Unnit and Package (Sine) 1. Frequency: 5 ~ 250Hz 5.5hrs 2. Acceleration = 1.0Grms 3. Each of X, Y, Y Z axis/ 30 min 4. Sample: Unitts and 1 Carton Unnit (Random) 1. Frequency: 10 ~ 1000Hz 2. Acceleration = 6~8Grms 3. Each of X, Y, Y Z axis/ 20 min 4. Sample: Unitts 1. System ON Time: Power on o Time 5 seec + Op 5 sec System Power ON/OF FF Cycling Teest 50hrs 2. OFF Time: 10 seconds 3. ON/OFF Cyccle Time: 15 seconds 4. Test Cycle: 12000 Cycles Salt Mist Test Saalt Solution: 5 wt.% NaCl solution PH H of solution: 6.5~7.2 Teemperature: 35±2°C 48hrs Quuantity of fog g: 1.0~2.0 ml/ 80 cm2/ hoour Exxposing duratiion: 48 hours Page 25/35 10 Completed 10 Completed Completed PAC CKING DRAWING Page 26/35 APPPENDIX A: SHIELDIING CASE SGS REPPORT Page 27/35 Page 28/35 Page 29/35 Page 30/35 Page 31/35 Page 32/35 Page 33/35 Page 34/35 APPPENDIX B: RELIABIILITY TESST REPORT Page 35/35 FCC Statement: Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures: ● Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. ● Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. ● Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. ● Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. For product available in the USA/Canada market, only channel 1~11 can be operated. Selection of other channels is not possible. This device and its antenna(s) must not be co‐located with any other transmitters except in accordance with FCC multi‐transmitter product procedures. IMPORTANT NOTE: FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator & your body. IMPORTANT NOTE: This module is intended for OEM integrator. The OEM integrator is responsible for the compliance to all the rules that apply to the product into which this certified RF module is integrated. Additional testing and certification may be necessary when multiple modules are used. 20 cm minimum distance has to be able to be maintained between the antenna and the users for the host this module is integrated into. Under such configuration, the FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an population/uncontrolled environment can be satisfied. Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate this equipment. USERS MANUAL OF THE END PRODUCT: In the users manual of the end product, the end user has to be informed to keep at least 20 cm separation with the antenna while this end product is installed and operated. The end user has to be informed that the FCC radio‐frequency exposure guidelines for an uncontrolled environment can be satisfied. The end user has to also be informed that any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate this equipment. If the size of the end product is smaller than 8x10cm, then additional FCC part 15.19 statement is required to be available in the users manual: This device complies with Part 15 of FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. LABEL OF THE END PRODUCT: The final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following " Contains TX FCC ID: PPQ‐WCBN4516R ". If the size of the end product is larger than 8x10cm, then the following FCC part 15.19 statement has to also be available on the label: This device complies with Part 15 of FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. OEM Integrator Checklist The party below will implement the LITE‐ON Module in host systems in accordance with the instructions specified in this document and the documents referenced herein. 1. The OEM integrator will ensure the Module is integrated in a host systems using only the approved antenna model(s) described in this document. BT:Walsin / RFPCA291503IMAB301 / PCB Antenna / Gain: 4.85 dBi WiFi_1:Walsin / RFPCA251523IMLB301 / PCB Antenna / 2.4G Gain: 3.94 dBi, 5G Gain: 5.52 dBi WiFi_2:Walsin / RFPCA361507IMLB301 / PCB Antenna / 2.4G Gain: 4.4 dBi, 5G Gain: 5.67 dBi 2. The OEM integrator will ensure the antenna placement inside the host system will maintain the required spacing to end user for RF Exposure compliance, as specified in this document. 3. If other radios are integrated inside the host with the LITE‐ON Module, the OEM integrator will contact its test lab, TCB or LITE‐ON to determine if additional FCC compliance evaluation is required to meet FCC collocation rules. 4. The OEM integrator will ensure end user documentation will contain the specified regulatory wording and ensure the host system and the Module itself are labeled as specified in this document. 5. The OEM integrator will ensure the Module is programmed in the factory with compliant transmit power not exceeding the levels specified in this document. LITE‐ON requests that the OEM integrator acknowledge its receipt of this document and the above instructions. You may contact LITE‐ON with any questions concerning this document or the responsibilities of the OEM integrator. IC Statement: This device complies with Industry Canada license‐exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement. For product available in the USA/Canada market, only channel 1~11 can be operated. Selection of other channels is not possible. Pour les produits disponibles aux États‐Unis / Canada du marché, seul le canal 1 à 11 peuvent être exploités. Sélection d'autres canaux n'est pas possible. This device and its antenna(s) must not be co‐located with any other transmitters except in accordance with IC multi‐transmitter product procedures. Refering to the multi‐transmitter policy, multiple‐transmitter(s) and module(s) can be operated simultaneously without reassessment permissive change. Cet appareil et son antenne (s) ne doit pas être co‐localisés ou fonctionnement en association avec une autre antenne ou transmetteur. The device for operation in the band 5150–5250 MHz is only for indoor use to reduce the potential for harmful interference to co‐channel mobile satellite systems. les dispositifs fonctionnant dans la bande 5150‐5250 MHz sont réservés uniquement pour une utilisation à l’intérieur afin de réduire les risques de brouillage préjudiciable aux systèmes de satellites mobiles utilisant les mêmes canaux. The maximum antenna gain permitted for devices in the band 5725‐5850 MHz shall be such that the equipment still complies with the e.i.r.p. limits specified for point‐to‐point and non‐point‐to‐point operation as appropriate. le gain maximal d’antenne permis (pour les dispositifs utilisant la bande 5725‐5850 MHz) doit se conformer à la limite de p.i.r.e. spécifiée pour l’exploitation point à point et non point à point, selon le cas. Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) for devices operating in the bands 5250‐ 5350 MHz, 5470‐5600 MHz and 5650‐5725 MHz. Sélection dynamique de fréquences (DFS) pour les dispositifs fonctionnant dans les bandes 5250‐5350 MHz, 5470‐5600 MHz et 5650‐5725 MHz. The maximum antenna gain permitted for devices in the bands 5250‐5350 MHz and 5470‐5725 MHz shall be such that the equipment still complies with the e.i.r.p. limit. le gain maximal d’antenne permis pour les dispositifs utilisant les bandes 5250‐5350 MHz et 5470‐5725 MHz doit se conformer à la limite de p.i.r.e. Users should also be advised that high‐power radars are allocated as primary users (i.e. priority users) of the bands 5250‐5350 MHz and 5650‐5850 MHz and that these radars could cause interference and/or damage to LE‐LAN devices. De plus, les utilisateurs devraient aussi être avisés que les utilisateurs de radars de haute puissance sont désignés utilisateurs principaux (c.‐à‐d., qu’ils ont la priorité) pour les bandes 5250‐5350 MHz et 5650‐5850 MHz et que ces radars pourraient causer du brouillage et/ou des dommages aux dispositifs LAN‐EL. Pour une utilisation en intérieur uniquement. IMPORTANT NOTE: IC Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with IC RSS‐102 radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator & your body. Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux rayonnements IC établies pour un environnement non contrôlé. Cet équipement doit être installé et utilisé avec un minimum de 20 cm de distance entre la source de rayonnement et votre corps. This module is intended for OEM integrator. The OEM integrator is still responsible for the IC compliance requirement of the end product, which integrates this module. Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate this equipment. USERS MANUAL OF THE END PRODUCT: In the users manual of the end product, the end user has to be informed to keep at least 20 cm separation with the antenna while this end product is installed and operated. The end user has to be informed that the IC radio‐frequency exposure guidelines for an uncontrolled environment can be satisfied. The end user has to also be informed that any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate this equipment. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. LABEL OF THE END PRODUCT: The final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following " Contains TX IC: 4491A‐WCBN4516R ".
Source Exif Data:
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