LITE-ON Technology Corp. WIRELESS 108Mbps 11g USB ADAPTER 1


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Document DescriptionUSERS MANUAL
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize22.3kB (278770 bits)
Date Submitted2005-01-06 00:00:00
Date Available2004-12-30 00:00:00
Creation Date2005-01-06 10:24:43
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Document Lastmod2005-01-06 10:27:31
Document TitleMicrosoft Word - 文件1
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Document Author: linda

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into in vegellble-bued wih l low heavy-metllconlcnt.
Part Number: DUAUSB20075AAA01
Published: Jamal-12005
Installation Steps
This adapter operates with Windows XP. 2000
1 With the computer on and Windows running. insert the
installation CD into the CD-ROM drive. The auto-start feature
starts the installation. ll‘ nothing happens wuhin five seconds.
click Start > Run and type d: \aotup.cxe (where d: is your
comm drive).
2 Follow the on-screen instructions to install the drive . If a messageis
displayed notifying you that the driver has not passed Windows Logo
testing then select “Continue“ to complete installation of the utility .
3 insert your USB Adapter as shown below. You may want to use
the USB Adapter cradle cable supplied. The Found New Hardware
Wizard displays.
4 Select Install the software automatically (Recommended). and
click Next, If a message displays notifying you that the driver has
not passed Windows Logo testing. select the option that
continues the installation. Click Ftnish to complete the
5 After installing the adapter, the Wireless Client Manager icon
appears in your Windows System hay. on the bottom right of
your screen. Double-click on the icon to start the utility.
6 Refer to the onlinc help for details on using the adapter.
Regulatory Compliance Notices
mm? his product mum encrypt-nu r il nnlnvhllto upon out ortlte us wihout nbhlllnx . us
liven heme
KlC Part 15 Notice (Applicable to use within the USA)
mutton, RIC hdnflvquency Benn-um Norse
Thu dew-rt genente- nttd mime: min-frequency energy. in order to comply with FCC ratio-frequency
rnnntlnn exposure mmpllante requnmentl. a tepnmnn drama or nr lent 2.5 em (1.0 mnlmun be
mmtnmcd between the antenna of the com and allpemns
Thu pmdttrl do" nnt mnu- nny liner termnhle components Any unllllhnflltd pmdlld ehnnget nr
mudlltnllnlu wt: nvnH-te morn-t warranty mi .| nppltr-nle regulatory eerttftenttnnr nnd newt-tn.
Al wneleu pmductlcovcred bydt'l Getting meted Guide hue been toned to me rcc ”posture requirement.
(sneer: Abnortlt'nn inlet.
Unintentional Radiator
WARNING 171i equipment Ital been tented And found to comply wih the lint“ [or n Clm Bdklnl dame n
applklbh. pumnnl to Pnn ls ollhe Rx: Elbil mete rum tre designed tn pmviie leawluhk mien-tn
ngn'nu harmful interference nt A residential ittnlntnn Thu equipment punter. um And can endure Min
frequenzy energy and. a not mulled 1nd tued in utolflnnu vih the htlmctbm. may “we hnmlful
Interference to nd'n eommnttint'mtt However, there in nu pumtree that inletferenee wi not occur It A
punifllhr imal'hl'nn llhis equipment utter ulue hlrmful merferenu: to radio orttbv’u'nrl Ira-plum. which
em be detemtned by turning the eqn'mnertr off nrtd on, lhe user is encouraged to try to (om-cl the
interference by one or more of the tolhwiru manner
I ligament Bl mine-re the tecetvn; antenna.
I lie-em the sepnnrnn between the eqntpnnent nntt met-wt.
I Connect the eqn‘pntent into an outlet on n mean different [ml-n thnt to which the melt-er I
I Comm! the deakr or an experiment "11an (“Intuit ior Itch
1h: time eolnplm will pm 15 of the Rx: mks, Operunln n when tn the renown; two eondnton:
l Th'x acme may not cattle Ilnrmful intericmncc. and
2 tin. deuce mull “Kept any interrerenee teeetveel. mutant; interterenre tlm mn)‘ eme undeliled
“the liner mny full the lohwi‘ bookkt wept-en n, the thICommultntmm Commilmn helphlt‘lhe
ntrtrerenee manor-n
This booklet I “nil-bk from the US Government mum; 0mm. Wnth‘ngwnl DC 10401 it)“ NO 004-
Manufacturer‘s Declaration of Conformity
300m (hrpornlnon. Carpoute uneqnnrten. 350 Cnmpnt Dem Malta-ought menu-sou. USA
[hell-Jen thnl the Roduet‘
Date: Imly. 2001
Band Name: JCorn Culver-non
Model Number: scwmmms
Elnipment “type, orfiraeConneet wnvleu m Mbpt ll g Camp-ct mMuplel
‘ ' Openlnn tn mhpcl In the InIhwntg rwn mndnmr
I 1!- device may not curse hnrmful lnterfelence, And
I that new mutt nccepr my Interference met-en itzlrdmg nterfetenee tnnr mny ulue undesired
300m Corpontlm 363118820075
Fe "Dried 1b Compiy
Wllh KXI Sud-rd:
Industry Canada Notice (Applicable for use within Canada)
mi. device aotnpbt wih Canadian mun
E pwvnnl nib htedannte to the healed mm. thh devbe l Intended to be operated indoor: and away
(mm whdowa to punk“ mm“. ah'nItl-g. Enamel! (om lrnnunll utennalmat - nnnhd ntttdnon “-
subject ta heating.
nu nnakr nhh- ndb equ'ptnent mutt emu-e that the antenna in heated nr pained mch that it doet not
emit ER“ in even at 1&th Canada limit [or the general population; coma! Safety Code 6. obtain-bk
tmm [kahh Canada'a weluie ww.ho-.c.g;,curph
Avis de conformité a la réglemcntation d’lndustrie Canada
Cel nppmilcal conform l h name CNR-Zlo dtt Canada.
mu: empichet (we at app-let] cause nu tmutn-gu “I aervte mum I'nb'pt d'tnte ram, cel appaleil dni
am units a I'ntlér'ztlr aenkmtnl el amt- am. pm b'n tin ram-u afn a: loam”! nn émn a: hhtth‘e
Unnalntctudu pltwnt matémlnd'n an. nun." qne l'antenne e-t mm on pointée dc mutate t a: que
cell: dentin n'emeue paa dc champt nd'nebctriquel upturn" aux hm mutt-m par am Canada
pom h gnnd pabkt madnhet le Code de tame 6. cum-u m b the Web a; same Canada. A I’adteue
mivanle. WW.h=-n<.gc.ealrpb.
Industry Canada (1C) Emissions Compliance Statement
nil Ctm adigut apparattu compl'tt wilt Cut-aim moot,
Avis de conformité a la réglemcntation d‘Industt'ie Canada
Cet tppmn numftqtte a In than a“ eonlom t a name Nun-003 au mum,
Safety Notice
‘lhia device Ina been tested and cellist! awotd'ntg lo the fobwitag ”£er landanh and I blended for was
only it bran-nation Ithnobgy Blown-tent what has been tested to these or other eqnmknt tundardt:
ULfinndard 60950 (ltd Iiflxuty CSACZZl ND. 60950
II: 60950
Btmpean Continuity CBNot'ne
Man; by the tymhol
id'talel compliance wih the cunt-l mqunmnll of [inactive 73/13/11: and the euentinl leqnilemenu o!
mick: Lulu 32 and 5.) of We!” ”99/5/53. filth matkig l itdkatibe (ha! this equipment men or
exceed! the lolhwit‘ lechnkal uandalda‘
. B! 300 325-2 — bammagnetx compalbiy and Mn spectrum Mitten QM): Wtdebnd
‘hnuntuipn system; data tnnnniu‘un equipment operating at the 2,46“: BM band and using
mud speeuunt moduhmn larhnnnes
I BIN $0l 439-17: VLlJ (09-2000) — Emmagnel: compalblly and Nb lpemtun Mallets
£504). Ecthagnetie Compntbiiy WC) stand-Id for nd'n equipment and aervinet; Part 17'
spear: eon-tutu to: Wdehud am mt “Imam aqtnpmnl
I EN 60950 — Safely of Manhattan technology eqwment. heatdtng mental Lumen equmnt.
® me to ltequenty remnant. n it necessary In ska your muntry turm- “I'l‘ thn mun dam.
km to the than Nam innit-d “it you usa Mum for dot-i.
lCom OlfltConnm Wiehumepl ll; Compael USBMaptet Getting Suited Guile
hthhhed January 2005
This device and its antenna(s) must not be Wanted or operating in conjmction with any other antenna or
This EUT is compliance With SAR for general population [uncontrolled exposure limits in ANSI/IEEE C95t1-1999
and had been tested in accordance with the measurement methods and procedures specified in OET Bulletin 65
Supplement C,

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