La Crosse Technology TX143TH Wireless Color Weather Station User Manual SPB0239 x
La Crosse Technology Ltd. Wireless Color Weather Station SPB0239 x
User manual
Model: S8 88785 & TX X143TH Qu uick Setup p Guide DC: 091914 High Resolution n Display WIRELESS CO OLOR WE EATHER S STATION FRO ONTVIEW SIDE VIEW Outdoor Temp,, humidity + Trends Day/Night Forecast + Trend onal image Seaso change AC Power Jack DC 5.0V Indoor Temp, humidity + Trends Time, Cale endar, + Time e Alarm Notte: Please allo ow for the LCD D screen to re espond when a button is pre essed. OUTDOOR SENSOR TX143TH Hanging Keyholes LED Bas se Stand Mod del: S88785 Sensorr Battery Coverr TX Sensor Battery Compartment 2 “AA” www.laccrossetechno upport Page | 1 Get Started Step 1:Insert the 5 volt AC cord (included) into the wall outlet then into the weather station. Step 2: Insert the 2 new AA batteries (not included) into the TX143TH outdoor sensor. Observe the correct polarity. The red LED will flash during transmission. Restart: If there is no outdoor temperature after 3 minutes, unplug the AC adapter and remove batteries from the outdoor sensor for 15 minutes. Return to Step 1 above. Manually Set Time, Date, Temperature Unit (from any page) From any screen hold the SET button to enter time set mode. 1. Press the ▼ or ▲ buttons to adjust the values. 2. Press the SET button to confirm adjustments and move to the next item. TIME SET. ORDER: 1. 12/24 hour time format 2. Hour 3. Minutes 4. Year 5. Month 6. Date 7. Fahrenheit/Celsius Press the SET button to exit, or wait 20 seconds without pressing buttons to return to the normal time display. Adjust Backlight The back light defaults to HIGH intensity when the weather station is powered on. The backlight can be adjust to LO or OFF with a press of the LIGHT button. LOW=press the LIGHT button OFF= press the LIGHT button again HIGH= press the LIGHT button third time/return to default. Model: S88785 Page | 2 LCD D Screen P Pages ss the DISPLAY butto on to selectt the Foreca ast page, Indoor Pres page, Outdoorr page or Co omfort pag ge to display y. Press the SPLAY buttton at any time to sele ect a new p page. DIS FORECA AST DISPLA AY 1. Outdo oor humiditty and temperature witth trends Night foreca ast icons and 2. Day/N foreca ast tendenccy 3. Photo o-color fore ecast scenes picturre backgrou und 4. Indoo or humidity y and temperature 5. Time 6. Alarm m Time with h Snooze 7. Perpe etual Calend dar (Day//Month/Datte) INDOOR R DISPLAY 1. Time e, alarm tim me with sno ooze and calendar 2. Indoo or comfort level indica ator 3. Indoo or humidity y and trend d with daily MIN/MAX or tempera ature and trrend 4. Indoo with daily MIN/ MAX 5. Indoo or tempera ature alerts (LOW W/HI) 6. Outdoor temperrature and humiidity Mod del: S88785 www.laccrossetechno upport Page | 3 OUTDOOR DISPLAY e with snooz ze and 1. Time, alarm time calendar 2. Sensorr strength iindicator 3. Barom metric press ure history y graph 4. Day/Night foreca st icons and st tendency forecas 5. Outdoo or humidity y and trend d with daily MIN/MAX 6. Outdoo or temp. an nd trend wiith daily MIN/MAX 7. Heat Index/Dew Point readings or Tempera ature Alerts 8. Outdoo (LOW//HI) 9. Indoorr temperatu ure and hum midity COMFORT T DISPLAY 1. Outdoo or air condiition 2. Open/C Close windo ow suggesttion to achieve ideal indo oor comfortt or tempera ture and 3. Outdoo humidiity 4. Time, alarm time e with snooz ze and calendar ure and hum midity 5. Indoorr temperatu 6. Indoorr comfort le evel indicato or Notte: Please n note that th he images displayed in n this manu ual are for reference o only. The co orrect value es of tempe erature, humidity and forecast w will display cordially to your cond itions. Mod del: S88785 www.laccrossetechno upport Page | 4 Sett Time Alarrm (from any page) 1. Hold the A ALARM buttton to enter alarm tim me set mode e. 2. Press the ▼ or ▲ buttons to adjust the val ues. 3. Press the A ALARM buttton to conffirm & mov ve to the ne ext item. 4. Press the D DISPLAY button to re eturn to norrmal time mode. Alarm Time s setting ord der:1.Hourrs, 2. Minuttes Acttivate/Dea activate Tiime Alarm Press the A ALARM buttton once to o view alarrm time. Press the A ALARM buttton again to t activate the alarm. Once activa ated, the ON O icon app pears. Press the A ALARM buttton again to t deactiva te the alarm. on will appear. The OFF ico Sno ooze (Silen nces Alarm m Temporarily) When alarm m sounds, press the LIGHT buttton to silence the alarm for 1 10 minutes. The snooze e icon will show. In snooze m mode, pres ss any butto on to stop alarm for one day. Notte: The alarm is cresc cendo sound d. The alarm m sounds for f 2 min nutes and th hen will shu ut off comp pletely. Sett Indoor an nd Outdoo or Temper rature Alerrts 1. Press the D DISPLAY button to se elect the In ndoor or Ou utdoor page. 2. Hold the A ALERT butto on for 3-5 seconds 3. The low tem mperature alert value will flash. 4. Press the ▼ or ▲ buttons to adjust the low w alert values. 5. Press the A ALERT buttton to confirm & move e to activatte thealert. 6. Press the ▼ or ▲ buttons to turn the low a alert ON/OF FF. 7. Press the A ALERT buttton to confirm & move e to the hig gh temperaturre alert. Th he high alerrt will flash.. 8. Press the ▼ or ▲ buttons to adjust the val ues. Mod del: S88785 www.laccrossetechno upport Page | 5 9. Press the A ALERT buttton to confirm & move e to activatte the alert. OFF. 10. Press the ▼ or ▲ buttons to turn the high alert ON/O 11. Press the A ALERT buttton to confirm & exit a alert setting gs. ss the ALERT button to exit, or wait 20 secconds witho out Pres pres ssing butto ons to returrn to norma al time disp play. Acttive Tempe erature Alert/Turn Alert OFF Emits a serries of beep ps once perr minute wiith a flashing ye ellow alert ON O icon. Tur rn Alert Offf: Hold the A ALERT butto on for 3-5 seconds. Th he low alert value will flash. ALERT buttton until the flashing y yellow alertt ON Press the A icon is sele ected. Press the ▼ or ▲ buttons to turn the alert OFF. Notte: You can n change th he value of the alert hiigher/lowerr if desired and lea ave the ale ert ON. Sea arch for Ou utdoor sen nsor Hold the ▲ button to search for the outdoo or sensor. The tempe erature read ding will show dashes until recon nnected. Open the o outdoor sen nsor and prress the TX X button to send a signal quickly. Tem mperature e/Humidity y Trend In ndicators The e temperatu ure (2°F/1° °C) and hum midity (3% RH) trend indicators update every 30 3 minutes or less. ure has ris sen in the past 3 hourrs. Temperatu Humidity has risen in the past 3 hours. Temperatu ure has not changed d in the passt 3 hours. hanged in the past 3 hours. Humidity has not ch Temperatu ure has fallen in the past 3 hou rs. Humidity has fallen in the pastt 3 hours. MIN N/MAX Te emperature es Mod del: S88785 www.laccrossetechno upport Page | 6 Indoor and O Outdoor MIN/MAX tempe eratures are cconstantly diisplayed on the indoo or and the ou utdoor pages. The forecastt station will show the daily minimum and maximu um temperature es each day starting at miidnight (12:0 00 AM). omatically resets the min//max temperratures The forecastt station auto at midnight ((12:00 AM). Outtdoor Heatt Index & Dew Poin nt Tempera atures Outdoor hea at index and dew point temperatures a are constanttly displayed on n the outdoorr page. Ope en/Close W Window Recommen ndation Note: Open/Clo ose Window Indicator is a sugg gestion to ac chieve ideal indoor comffort Ope en Window w: Humidity: Temperature: 32-75% 62- 78 degrees en both outtdoor temp perature and Whe hum midity are in n this range e the windo ow stay ys open. If either the humidity or the temperatures are outt of this ran nge the window go oes to the closed posittion. ow: Closed Windo 1-32% and 76 6- 100% Humidity: d 79 to 140 degrees -40 to 61 and Temperature: en either th he outdoor temperature or humid dity are in this Whe rang ge the wind dow stays closed. Ind door Comfo ort Display (Indoor Page) e indoor com mfort displa ay is based off of the humidity re ead by The the weather sttation. Too Humid//Too Wet Humid/Wett Comfortable/Comfort OK Dry Too Dry 24 Hour Pres ssure Histo ory Graph Mod del: S88785 www.laccrossetechno upport Page | 7 The bar chart i ndicates th he air pressure e history trrend over th he last 24 hourrs. The “0” is equa al to the current pressure e and each bar repres sents how pas st pressure was comp pared to the current presssure. Read the g graph from left to rightt. If the ba rs are rising, it her is gettin ng better d ue to the in ncrease means thatt the weath of air press sure. If the bars go down, it i means th he air presssure has dro opped and the we eather is ex xpected to worsen from m the present time. Sea asonal and d Day/Night Change es to Forec cast Icons On the Forecast page, the tree foliage will change ummer, Autumn, Wintter) seasonally..(Spring, Su The entire background will change daily be etween nigh ht and day images s. Note: Day and Night start times s, vary by sseason. or page will show the day/night changes with the The Outdoo forecast ico on. Day & Nightt Parameters Day Starts Night Starts 6:53am 7:57pm 6:18am 8:19pm 6:50am 5:15pm 7:18am 5:48pm Spring: March 20th – June 20th Summer: Ju une 21st – Sept. 20th Autumn: Sept. 21st – Dec 20th Winter: Dec D 21st – Mar 19th Note: Average sunrise and sunsett times werre used bec cause off the differe ent sunrise and sunsett times acro oss the United Sttate. The ba ackground picture will not alway ys display co orrectly to y your locatio on. Color Forecas st Icons Mod del: S88785 www.laccrossetechno upport Page | 8 Animatedforecast iconsuse changing atmospheric pressure to predict weather conditionsfor the next 12-hours with 70-75% accuracy. DAY NIGHT INTELLIGENT WEATHER FORECAST ICONS This station learns; please allow 3 to 4 weeks for barometric calibration. This will ensure an accurate personal forecast for your location. Note: It is important that Time and Date are set for the Day/Night changes are as specified. Forecast Tendency Indicators (Up, Right and Down Arrows) Rising Pressure Weather is Expected to Improve Steady Pressure Weather is Expected to Stay the Same Falling Pressure Weather is Expected to Worsen Outdoor sensor Use and Positioning Mount the Outdoor sensor on a north-facing wall or in any well shaded area. Under an eave or deck rail is preferred. The maximum wireless transmission range to the weather station is over 300 feet (91.44 meters) in open air, not including walls or floors. Be sure the outdoor sensor is mounted vertically. Specifications Model: S88785 Page | 9 Indoor Temperature Range: Humidity Range: Outdoor Temperature Range: Alkaline Batteries: Lithium Batteries: NOTE: Humidity Range: Distance: Power Weather Station AC Power: AC Adapter No.: TX143TH Outdoor sensor : +32°F to +122°F (0°C to 50°C) 1%-99% (RH) -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C) -20°F to 140°F (-29°C to 60°C) -40°F to -20°F (-40°C to -29°C) Temperatures below - 20°F (-29°C) require Lithium batteries in the outdoor sensor 1%-99% (RH) Over 300 ft. (91.44 meters) RF 915MHz (open air) 5-volt power adapter (included) HNBB050100WU 2-AA, IEC, LR6 batteries (not included) Battery Life TX143TH Outdoor sensor : Battery life is over 24 months when using reputable battery brands for both Alkaline and Lithium batteries Dimensions Weather Station: TX143TH Outdoor sensor: 5.09"L x 1.37"W x 8.46"H (129.33 x 34.92 x 214.92 mm) 1.57"L x 0.79"W x 5.12"H (40 x 20 x 130mm) Weather Station Care & Maintenance Do not mix old and new batteries Do not mix Alkaline, Standard, Lithium or Rechargeable Batteries Always purchase the correct size and grade of battery most suitable for intended use. Replace all batteries of a set at the same time. Model: S88785 Page | 10 Clean the b battery con ntacts and also those o of the devic ce prior to battery installation. e batteries are a installed with corrrect polarity Ensure the (+and -). atteries from m equipme ent which iss not to be used Remove ba for an exte ended perio od of time. Remove ex xpired batte eries promp ptly. Do not exp pose to extrreme temperature, vib bration or shock. Clean with a soft dam mp cloth. Do o not use s olvents or scouring ag gents. The produc ct is not a toy. Keep itt out of reacch of childrren. The produc ct is not to be used for medical p purpose or for public inforrmation. It is intended d for home use only. The specs of this prod duct may change with hout prior notice. use or unau uthorized opening of h housing voids Improper u warranty. pro operly, checck the AC cord If the product is not working connection. Warranty and d Support Information La Crosse Techn nology, Ltd. provides a 1-year limited d time warra anty (from m date of pu urchase) on this productt relating to manufacturiing defe ects in materrials & workm manship. View w full warra anty details online at:: www w.lacrossetec m/warranty_ _info.pdf For warranty w work, techn nical suppo ort or other informatio on contact: La Crosse Techn nology, Ltd 2830 South 26thh St. La Crosse, WI 54601 ntact Suppo ort: 608-782 2-1610 Con Online Productt Support: www w.lacrossetec m/support Prod duct Registtration: www w.lacrossetec m/support/register Prottected under U.S. Pate ents: 5,97 78,738 | 6,0776,044 |RE43 3903 FCC C Statement Mod del: S88785 www.laccrossetechno upport Page | 11 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. This device must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Caution! The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user authority to operate the equipment. All rights reserved. This manual may not be reproduced in any form, even in part, or duplicated or processed using electronic, mechanical or chemical process without the written permission of the publisher. This booklet may contain errors or misprints. The information it contains is regularly checked and corrections are included in subsequent editions. We disclaim any responsibility for any technical error or printing error, or their consequences. All trademarks and patents are recognized. Model: S88785 Page | 12
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : Yes Author : Cassie Create Date : 2014:10:20 14:43:19+08:00 Modify Date : 2014:10:20 14:43:19+08:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c041 52.342996, 2008/05/07-20:48:00 Format : application/pdf Title : Microsoft Word - SPB0239 说明书.docx Creator : Cassie Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 9.0.0 (Windows) Document ID : uuid:72987cac-2620-49eb-b54f-0b7f2b180f1b Instance ID : uuid:b7873b6f-1a82-4b3d-b063-4303a6997643 Page Count : 12EXIF Metadata provided by