FEDERAL COMMUNXCATIONS COMMISSION (F.C4C.) STATEMENT This devrce complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions : (1) this device may not cause hamful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits of a Class 5 digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can iadiate radio frequency energy and , if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation, if this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception. which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: l. Rem-lent l Relocate the receiving antenna. increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected, or 4. Consult the dealer or an experienced mdio/ TV technician for help. NOTE: 1. The use of a non-shielded interface cable with this equipment is prohibited. CAUTION: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment USER MANUAL PCI - SOUND CARD July 1998 Reference Version 1.0 PCI Sound Card ABLE OF CONTENTS IA DESCRIPTION‘... I 1 FEATKTRI s.. .. 1 7 C «RD FIGL m: 1 5 CoNNEcsz 1 3 1 External Conne’clol: 1 5 2 Infernal szneclum,’ 1.3 3.41mi“) Con/1m mm“ 1 J 4 Audw Ompm Jumper Seuingxfor JP]. 2. HARDWARE INSTALLATION u: lakk-Luwww u. 2 l H_-\\m my THE PCI SOLTNDCARI)" .. v, 3. SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ..... 3I SOFTWARL COVTENTS ........ 3 I I Device Drwer Inna/[anon Lnder Windm 5 95 3 I 2 Irma/[mg thy Duwce Driver/or Ihcfinl [me under Il’mdawsifl 95 OSRZ 3 1 3 App/rumon hum/1mm Under lnndousa 95 ugaox a Page - l PCI Sound Card 1. DESCRIPTION This is a new audio adapter that provides the next generation ofPCl audio performance to the PC market, The adapter not only meets the new demands ofadvanced PC audio applications but also enables the integration ofa complete multimedia subsystem on a single adapter. The adapter functionality and interfaces are compliant with all major industry standards. including SmindBlaster Compatible‘ PC97, Windowsis 95 Direct Soundi Windows is Sound System and PCI 2 1 bus spemfication 1.1 Features Chipset: [SS'E51968 r AC"97 CODEC System Interface: 32-bit PCI bus master PCI V1] compliant Hardware Interface: MPUJOI compatible MlDl interface High Performance Game Port Programmable Audio Codec interface Supports AC-l interface (AC-Link) sv Power supply for r/o, 3.3v Powersupply for internal core logic L'E‘PROM interface (option) Wavetable Synthesizer: 64-voice wavetable synthesizer “ith downloadable sample 118 voice XG capital SlW wavetable synthesizer including Hardware Acceleratmn: Dlrect Music Hardware Acceleration Direct Sound Hardvi are Acceleralion Software Compatibility: Full) SoundBlaster and SoundBlaster Pro compatible Direct Sound compatible Software Support: Windows 95 ’98 Windows NT Amplifier: 3 2 Walt per channel miipm SD Effect: Direct Sound 3D Positional JD UU UU UU JUUUUU U UU UU PCI Sound Card 1.2 Card Figure 141mm m— mu. (A Mm Mum ( ( «mm my. mum!) I (cam mxm.7—~J| m: u 74. u ammo“ 74 14 mt «mum? m '"Ittttttmunuunuumutuui IIIIIII m [Ann M. mum: mu. 1.3 Connectors This PCI Sound Card Includes up to melve Internal connectors. three extémal Jack Ports, and one extemaI MIDI" Jo)stick ccmnector. 1.3.1 External Connectors: J], z 3 5mm Phone Ltd. (or LINE IN. J: . .. ... . .. z 35mvn1’hnnclack for MIC IN. 14: . . . ... . ... E 3 5mm Phone Inck for AUDIO OUT, JS .. . , Connector for MIDI/JOYSTICK. 1.3.2 Internal Connectors: If) ... ... . . Intgrnal Conneutur for LINE I 17 Internal Connector for MIC IN. 19 .. .. . .. Internal Connedm for AUDIO OUT. IIO Connector for (TD-ALDIO IN. (A I'API] II I . . Connector for (‘D-AL‘DIO IN. (JS’I) Ill ... . .. . ..... Connector for Al'X IN. II} . Connector (or TAD/VOICE MODEM. JI-l . .. Connector fnr \ IDEO IN. “6 . .. Connector for PL/PCI Legacy Audio SIDEBUVD SIGNAL. (Option) 119 . Connector for I‘C-BEEP. (Option) JZU . . Connector for S/PDIF. (Option; IPI Jumpcr For witchmg bcmccn SPEAKER OUT/LINE OUT. an —3 PCI Sound Card .3 Audio Connector JIO: (Ddudmrln «TAP! m1 Cuuwn. sxcxu mm xn mam crmxn. sin-ML .Il|:(’l)-Audic~ln E k—' E] : A.LFTr|u\,\EL5|c\-u D O O 0 HT G- mu» m R: mam mum“, su-Nu. G L (j R m: mm H | mosm VuireMcdcm D O O 0 z (mom) ; anon" l 2 3 4 4 “moon 116: YC’I'C] 6 5 i PKGVI» 0 O 1 anon-n 4 O O 3 J . c. z 0 [j 1 4 PCREQN s nkolND 6 NLRIROD m: PL-BEEP o D 1 723?“ch on 50 l O 1 O 1 m; 0 3 m: 0 i : O 1 Alxln O 4 numln O 4 S/l’DIF O 3 D D C] . Lcr'nnnstluuL , um-mwusmw. | smxrolrn'r : Gnunn : (mourn 1 cnomn J GROI‘D 3 CHOKND 2 (;Rul\D 4 mamumm 5 ~ 4 RmuTruwNELS wu. 4 spmrmmr Page — 4 PCI Sound Card _______—.—_——-— 1.3.4 Audio Output Jumper Settings for JPI: Audio Setrting SPEAKER OUT with Power Amplifier (Default) LIN F. OUT without Po“ er Amplifier Z. HARDWARE INSTALLATION 2.1 Handling the PCI Sound Card WARNING: Static electr' 'iy can damage your equipment. Do not take the card out of its static protective bag until you are ready to work with it. Folk)“ these precautions when handling the card: 0 Before you open the static protective bag, touch it to a metal expansion slot cover on the back ofyuur computer. This drains static clectncig from the package and from your body. - Do not touch any exposed primed circuitry after opening the package. - Keep other people from touching the card. They might have a static-electricity build-up. - Limit )our movement. Movement causes a build-up ofstaiic clecirieit). Installing the PCI Sound Card Step I. Turn offthe system and all peripheral devices, Step 2. Disconnect the power cord and all peripheral devices from the system. Step 3. Remove the system cover and identify an unused PCI slot. Step ctt Unscrew the slot CLIVE! plate, plug in the PCI Sound Card, and tighten it with the screw Step 5. lfyoii have speakers or amplifiers. plug the cable into the J4 Jack on the back of the Sound Card Step 6. lfyou have zi microphone. plug the respective cable into the J2 Jack on the back of the Sound Card Step 7. Please plug the cable for 3 our MIDI ‘Joy stick device into the JS Jack on the back ofthe PC] Sound Card Step 8. Depending on “hat type ofCD Audio Cable you have connect JIO or JII on the Sound Card and the Audio output at the back ofthe CD-ROM drive Make sure pin l otJIO orJlI lS connected to the leftmost pin ofthe CD— ROM Audio output ____——-—-————— Pa- S PCI Sound Card Step 9. Put back the 5) Stem cover. reconnect the system power cord and all peripheral devices Check and make sure all connections are correct before you turn on the system. 3. SOFTWARE INSTALLATION 3.1 Software Contents There is one CD'llllé “lilCh comes with this package l'his CD-title includes the necessary device driver and Application Software Bundles (’ WingiRac". "XG") for Microsoft® thdowsE 95 Operating system. 3.1.1 Device Driver lnstallation Under Windows® 95 To install the device driver under Windows® 95, please follow the steps below: i.) After you have installed the PCI Sound Card. restan your Microsoft® Windows® 95 operating sy stem. 2 ) The "New Hardware Found" dialog box will display the message "PCI Multimedia Audio Det'ice‘fl Choose the option ”Driver from disk provided by hardware manufacturer". 3.) Insert your installation CD-title into your CD»ROM drive D or E, Assuming your CD- ROM drive is B, type D:\Dlesoft\\Vin95 in the command linc ofthe "Install From Disk“ dialog box 4) Make sure the dialog box specifies the correct drive letter and click on OK. This will start the copying process. 5 ) Follow the on-scrt‘en instructions and you should be able to install the device driver easily. 311.2 Installing the Device Driver for the first time under Windows® 9S OSRZ To install the device driver under Windousi 95 system. please follow the steps below. 1.) After you have installed the PCI Sound Card, restan your Microsoh® Windows® 95 OSR2 operating system. 2.) An "Update DCHCC Dm er Wimrd“ dialog box appears, showing you that an PCI Multimedia Audio Device has been detected by the system Just click on the "Next" push button to continue the installation 3 ) The ne\t "Update Dcvme Driver Wi7ard" dialog box informs you that the system cannot find the device driver. Please insert your CD-tlllC into your CD—ROM drive and click on the "Other Location" push button. __—____-——————— Page , 6 PCI Sound Card 4.) The "Select Other Location" dialog bm WI” ask you to specify the directory where the driters are located. Please type D:\D2050ft\Win95 and click on the OK push button, assuming your CD-ROM drive is D. 5.) An "Update Dtrvict: Dmct Wizard" dlalog box will inform )0u that the system has found the device drii er, Please click on the "Finish" push button to continue 6 ) Ari "Insert Disk" dialog box will ask you to insert the CD—title into your CD—ROM drue. please click on OK 7) The "Copying Files. ." dialog box will appear. You are asked to specify the directory. Please Qpe D:\D20§th\\Vin9S and click on OK. 8) An "Insert Disk" dialog box may ask 3ou to insert your Windowss 05 CD—ROM into >our CD-ROM drive Just do it and click on OK 9) A "Copying File" dialog box ma) ask you to locate the Windows director), please locate it and click on OK. lO ) You \vlll see that Windowsi, 95 is exiraciing the files from your WindowsE 95 CD- ROM The Sound System driver and Game Port driver should be installed onto your Windowsfi 95 OSRZ operating system. ll.) Folio“ the on-screen instructions and )ou should be able to install the device driver easily 3.l.3 Application Installation Under \Vind0ws® 95 To install the Software application under Microsoftz Windowst’c 95 operating system, please follow the steps below I.) Start up your Microsoft® Windows® 95 System 2.) Click on the START button and choose the RUN item. 3.) Please, insert the CD-title into your CD»ROM drive. Assuming your CD-ROM drive is D. type D:\D2050ft\Win95RaclSETUP£XE in the command line ofthc RUN dialog b0\ 4 ) Click on the OK push button and follow the un-screen instructions The Software application will be installed into your 5) stem How to Play Games Under DOS Mode if_\ou “am to play games under the DOS mode. please specify your drive letter first Assuming drive C is used please add the following line to your CONFIGSYS file: DEVICETC ‘AECUSYS After yebooti §our s) slem. please (3 pe the file name "MAESTROCOM" under the root director} For e\ample. “C:\MAE5TROrCOM". Folloit the on-screen instructions to Continue the program. Reference Version 1.0 —_.._—___.—- Page 7 7
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