Lantronix Securelinx Spiderduo Kvm Switch Slslp400Ps201 Users Manual SpiderUG

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Spider™ and SpiderDuo®
KVM-over-IP Devices User Guide

Part Number 900-495
Revision G November 2013

Copyright and Trademark
© 2013 Lantronix, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be transmitted
or reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of Lantronix.
Lantronix and SpiderDuo are registered trademarks of Lantronix, Inc. in the United States and
other countries. Detector and Spider are trademarks of Lantronix, Inc.
Windows and Internet Explorer are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Mozilla and
Firefox are registered trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation. Chrome is a trademark of Google,
Inc. Opera is a trademark of Opera Software ASA Corporation Norway. Safari is a registered
trademark of Apple, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective

LINUX GPL Compliance
Certain portions of source code for the software supporting the Lantronix® Spider™ family are
licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
Foundation and may be redistributed and modified under the terms of the GNU GPL. A machine
readable copy of the corresponding portions of GPL licensed source code is available at the cost
of distribution.
GNU General Public License for more details.
A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the Lantronix web site at or by visiting You can also obtain it
by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 021111307 USA.

For details on the Lantronix warranty replacement policy, go to

Lantronix, Inc.
Corporate Headquarters
167 Technology Drive
Irvine, CA 92618, USA
Toll Free:


Technical Support

Sales Offices
For a current list of our domestic and international sales offices, go to the Lantronix web site at

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


Disclaimer and Revisions
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case the
user, at his or her own expense, will be required to pay for to take whatever measures may be
required to correct the interference.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class A digital device
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with this User Guide, may clause interference to radio communications.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case the
user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
The user is cautioned that changes and modifications made to the equipment without approval of
the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
Changes or modifications to this device not explicitly approved by Lantronix will voids the user's
authority to operate the device.

Documentation Changes
The information in this guide may change without notice. The manufacturer assumes no
responsibility for any errors that may appear in this guide. For the latest revision of product
documents, please check our online documentation at

Revision History



March 2007


Initial Document

November 2007


Changed baud rate default to 9600; added Detector utility for assigning IP
address; added ability to enable drive redirection, configure backup/restore,
and reset factory defaults; introduced a CLI and commands.

April 2008


Added Direct KVM; KVM-only mode; Spider device network web page;
ability to preserve network settings for factory defaults; country code
support; iGoogle gadget; instructions for using the mounting kit.

May 2009


Updated to firmware version 2.2, VIP access.

September 2009


Updated and added SpiderDuo.

March 2010


Updated to firmware version 3.01.

November 2013


Updated product name and trademark information. Removed mention of
ManageLinx, VIP and DSM.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


Table of Contents
Copyright and Trademark ____________________________________________________ 2
LINUX GPL Compliance _____________________________________________________ 2
Warranty _________________________________________________________________ 2
Contacts _________________________________________________________________ 2
Sales Offices ______________________________________________________________ 2
Disclaimer and Revisions ____________________________________________________ 3
Documentation Changes _____________________________________________________ 3
Revision History ___________________________________________________________ 3
List of Figures ____________________________________________________________ 10
List of Tables ____________________________________________________________ 12

1: About This Guide


Chapter and Appendix Summaries ____________________________________________ 13
Conventions _____________________________________________________________ 14
Additional Documentation ___________________________________________________ 15

2: Overview


Spider Overview __________________________________________________________ 16
Features _____________________________________________________________ 16
Functionality __________________________________________________________ 17
System Configuration and Cables _________________________________________ 17
Technical Specifications _________________________________________________ 19
SpiderDuo Overview _______________________________________________________ 20
Features _____________________________________________________________ 20
Functionality __________________________________________________________ 20
System Configuration and Cables _________________________________________ 21
Technical Specifications _________________________________________________ 22
Product Information Label ___________________________________________________ 23

3: Installing the Spider Device


Package Contents _________________________________________________________ 25
Installing the Spider ________________________________________________________ 25
Detector Installation and IP Address Reset _____________________________________ 28
Target Computer Setup _____________________________________________________ 30
Video Resolutions and Refresh Rates Configuration ___________________________ 31
Mouse-to-Cursor Synchronization _________________________________________ 31
Telnet/SSH Connections to Serial Ports _____________________________________ 32
Cable Connections for KVM and USB ______________________________________ 32
Device Failure or Cable Break in the Daisy Chain __________________________32

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


Client Server Setup ________________________________________________________ 33
Network Environment ______________________________________________________ 33
Spider Power _____________________________________________________________ 33

4: Installing the SpiderDuo Device


Package Contents _________________________________________________________ 34
Installing the SpiderDuo ____________________________________________________ 34
Detector Installation and IP Address Reset _____________________________________ 37
Target Computer Setup _____________________________________________________ 39
Video Resolutions and Refresh Rates Configuration ___________________________ 40
Mouse-to-Cursor Synchronization _________________________________________ 40
Telnet/SSH Connections to Serial Ports _____________________________________ 41
Cable Connections for KVM and USB ______________________________________ 41
Power Sequencing _____________________________________________________ 41
Client Server Setup ________________________________________________________ 41
Network Environment ______________________________________________________ 42
PCU Power ______________________________________________________________ 43

5: Web Browser Access


Accessing the KVM Console _________________________________________________ 45

6: Remote System Control


Overview ________________________________________________________________ 46
Remote Console Window ___________________________________________________ 46
Main Viewport and Scroll Bars

___________________________________________ 47

Button Keys __________________________________________________________ 47
Toolbar ______________________________________________________________ 47
Options ______________________________________________________________ 48
Information Bar - Connection _____________________________________________ 48
Information Bar - Resolution ______________________________________________ 48
Information Bar - Network Traffic __________________________________________ 48
Concurrent Access State ________________________________________________ 48
Monitor Only State _____________________________________________________ 48
Exclusive Access ______________________________________________________ 48
Basic Remote Console Operation _____________________________________________ 49
Auto Video Adjustment

_________________________________________________ 50

Screen Display Adjustments ______________________________________________ 50
Fast Sync and Intelligent Sync ____________________________________________ 50
Single and Double Mouse Modes __________________________________________ 50
Local Cursor __________________________________________________________ 50
Optimizing Video __________________________________________________________ 51
Auto and Manual Video Adjustment ________________________________________ 51

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


Clock and Phase ______________________________________________________ 51
Video Encoding _______________________________________________________ 51
Scaling Target Video to Client Resolution ___________________________________ 52
Keyboard Functions _______________________________________________________ 52
Soft Keyboard _________________________________________________________ 52
Local Keyboard ________________________________________________________ 52
Hotkeys ______________________________________________________________ 52
Other Remote Console Functions _____________________________________________ 53
Monitor Only __________________________________________________________ 53
Exclusive Access ______________________________________________________ 53
Screenshot to Clipboard _________________________________________________ 53
Refresh Video _________________________________________________________ 53
Telnet/SSH ______________________________________________________________ 53
Set up and Enable _____________________________________________________ 53
Passthrough Use ______________________________________________________ 54
Telnet Console Use ____________________________________________________ 54

7: Interfaces


Network Settings __________________________________________________________ 56
Network Basic Settings __________________________________________________ 57
Lan Interface Settings ___________________________________________________ 58
IPv6 Settings (Firmware v3.0 or higher) _____________________________________ 58
Miscellaneous Network Settings ___________________________________________ 58
Serial Port Settings ________________________________________________________ 60
KVM Console Settings _____________________________________________________ 61
KVM Console Settings __________________________________________________ 62
Transmission Encoding _________________________________________________ 63
KVM Console Type _____________________________________________________ 63
KVM Console Deployment _______________________________________________63
Miscellaneous KVM Console Settings ______________________________________ 63
Mouse Hotkey _________________________________________________________ 64
KVM Console Virtual Keys _______________________________________________64
Keyboard/Mouse __________________________________________________________ 65
Keyboard/Mouse Settings _______________________________________________66
Keyboard Model _______________________________________________________ 66
Key Release Timeout ___________________________________________________ 66
Country Code _________________________________________________________ 66
USB Mouse Type ______________________________________________________ 67
Mouse Speed _________________________________________________________ 67
Video ___________________________________________________________________ 68
Virtual Media _____________________________________________________________ 69
Virtual Media Active Image _______________________________________________70
Drive Redirection ______________________________________________________ 70

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


Virtual Media Options ___________________________________________________ 71
Image on Windows Share _______________________________________________71
Floppy Image _________________________________________________________ 72
Connecting to a Redirected Drive __________________________________________ 73
User Interface Settings _____________________________________________________ 75

8: User Accounts


Local vs. Remote Authentication ______________________________________________ 76
Local User Management ____________________________________________________ 76
Modifying Passwords ___________________________________________________ 76
User and Group Management ____________________________________________ 77
User Management __________________________________________________ 78
Group Management _________________________________________________ 79
User Permissions _________________________________________________________ 79
Remote Authentication _____________________________________________________ 80
LDAP _______________________________________________________________ 81
RADIUS _____________________________________________________________ 82

9: Services


Date/Time _______________________________________________________________ 83
Security _________________________________________________________________ 84
HTTP Encryption ______________________________________________________ 85
Login Limitations _______________________________________________________ 85
KVM Encryption _______________________________________________________ 85
Group Based System Access Control ______________________________________ 86
Authentication Limitation ________________________________________________ 86
Certificate _______________________________________________________________ 87
Event Log _______________________________________________________________ 89
Event Log Targets _____________________________________________________ 89
Event Log Assignments _________________________________________________ 90
SNMP __________________________________________________________________ 90
KVM Search _____________________________________________________________ 92
Power Management _______________________________________________________ 93
SpiderDuo Power Control Unit ____________________________________________ 94
Wake-On LAN ________________________________________________________ 94
Enable WOL __________________________________________________________ 95
Remove Entries, Reset to Defaults, or Reset _________________________________ 95

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


10: Maintenance


Device Status ____________________________________________________________ 96
Configuration _____________________________________________________________ 97
Update Firmware __________________________________________________________ 99
View Event Log ___________________________________________________________ 99
Unit Reset ______________________________________________________________ 100
iGoogle Gadgets _________________________________________________________ 101

11: Command Reference


Command Syntax ________________________________________________________ 104
Command Help _______________________________________________________ 105
Tips ________________________________________________________________ 105
Configuration Commands __________________________________________________ 105
Connect Commands ______________________________________________________ 107
User Group Commands ___________________________________________________ 112
OEM Customization Commands _____________________________________________ 115
Power Commands ________________________________________________________ 115
Serial Port Commands ____________________________________________________ 116
WOL (Wake on LAN) Commands ____________________________________________ 116
USB Host Disk Commands _________________________________________________ 117
Reboot Commands _______________________________________________________ 118
Diagnostic Commands ____________________________________________________ 118
Group Permissions _______________________________________________________ 118

Appendix A: Troubleshooting


Appendix B: Virtual Media Example


Goal ___________________________________________________________________122
Step 1 – Prepare the VM Server _____________________________________________ 122
Step 2 – Enable Virtual Media ______________________________________________123
Step 3 – Use the Virtual Media ______________________________________________125

Appendix C: Supported Resolutions and Refresh Rates


Appendix D: Mounting Bracket Kit


Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


Appendix E: PCU Safety Information


Cover __________________________________________________________________ 130
Power Plug _____________________________________________________________ 130
Input Supply ____________________________________________________________ 130
Grounding ______________________________________________________________ 130
Fuses _________________________________________________________________ 130

Appendix F: Technical Support


Technical Support US __________________________________________________ 131
Technical Support Europe, Middle East, Africa ______________________________ 131

Appendix G: Compliance

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide



List of Figures
Figure 2-1 Spider System Configuration _______________________________________________18
Figure 2-2 Spider Cable Dimensions _________________________________________________ 18
Figure 2-4 SpiderDuo System Configuration ___________________________________________ 21
Figure 2-5 SpiderDuo PS/2 Cable Dimensions__________________________________________ 21
Figure 2-6 SpiderDuo USB Cable Dimensions __________________________________________ 22
Figure 2-8 Spider Family Product Information Label______________________________________ 24
Figure 3-1 Spider RS-232 Serial Port and Pinouts _______________________________________ 26
Figure 3-3 Spider Login Window_____________________________________________________ 27
Figure 3-4 Spider Prompts _________________________________________________________ 27
Figure 3-5 Spider RJ45 Ethernet and Cascade Ports_____________________________________ 28
Figure 3-6 Lantronix Detector Window ________________________________________________ 28
Figure 3-7 Detector Device List Window_______________________________________________29
Figure 3-8 Network Settings Window _________________________________________________ 30
Figure 4-1 SpiderDuo RJ45 Port and Power Connector ___________________________________ 35
Figure 4-2 SpiderDuo Local KVM, USB, Computer Input and Serial Ports_____________________ 36
Figure 4-4 SpiderDuo Welcome Screen _______________________________________________36
Figure 4-5 SpiderDuo Default IP Configuration Screen ___________________________________ 36
Figure 4-6 Lantronix Detector Window ________________________________________________ 38
Figure 4-7 Detector Device List Window_______________________________________________38
Figure 4-8 Network Settings Window _________________________________________________ 39
Figure 4-10 PCU Layout and Dimensions______________________________________________ 43
Figure 5-1 Spider device Home Page _________________________________________________ 45
Figure 6-1 Remote Console Window Components_______________________________________ 47
Figure 6-2 Remote Console Window _________________________________________________ 49
Figure 6-3 Remote Console Toolbar__________________________________________________ 49
Figure 6-4 Login Screen ___________________________________________________________ 55
Figure 7-1 Spider Network Settings Web Page _________________________________________ 57
Figure 7-2 SpiderDuo Serial Port Settings Page_________________________________________ 60
Figure 7-3 User Remote Console Settings Page ________________________________________ 62
Figure 7-4 Keyboard/Mouse Settings _________________________________________________ 65
Figure 7-5 Keyboard/Mouse Settings Page B___________________________________________ 68
Figure 7-6 Miscellaneous Video Settings Page _________________________________________ 69
Figure 7-7 Virtual Media Page ______________________________________________________ 70
Figure 7-8 Virtual Media Active Page _________________________________________________ 72
Figure 7-9 Virtual Media Active Image ________________________________________________ 73

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


Figure 7-10 Drive Redirection Window ________________________________________________ 74
Figure 7-11 Drive Redirect Buttons___________________________________________________ 74
Figure 7-12 Select Drive Redirect Window _____________________________________________ 74
Figure 7-13 Enable Write Support Window_____________________________________________ 74
Figure 7-14 Local Drive Browser Window______________________________________________ 75
Figure 7-15 Drive Redirection Established Window ______________________________________ 75
Figure 7-16 User Interface Settings Page______________________________________________ 75
Figure 8-1 Change Password Page __________________________________________________ 77
Figure 8-2 Configure User Page _____________________________________________________ 78
Figure 8-3 User Permissions Page ___________________________________________________ 79
Figure 8-4 Authentication Page______________________________________________________ 81
Figure 9-1 Date/Time Settings Page__________________________________________________ 83
Figure 9-3 Security Settings Page ___________________________________________________ 85
Figure 9-4 Certificate Signing Request Page ___________________________________________ 87
Figure 9-5 Event Log Page _________________________________________________________ 89
Figure 9-6 SNMP Settings Page _____________________________________________________ 91
Figure 9-7 KVM Search Page _______________________________________________________ 93
Figure 9-8 Power Management Page _________________________________________________ 94
Figure 10-1 Device Status Page _____________________________________________________ 96
Figure 10-3 Configuration Page _____________________________________________________ 98
Figure 10-4 Update Firmware Page __________________________________________________ 99
Figure 10-5 Event Log Page _______________________________________________________ 100
Figure 10-6 Unit Reset Page_______________________________________________________ 101
Figure 10-7 iGoogle Gadget Page __________________________________________________ 103

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


List of Tables
Table 1-1 Chapter/Appendix and Summary ____________________________________________ 13
Table 1-2 Conventions Used in This Book _____________________________________________ 14
Table 2-3 Spider Technical Specifications _____________________________________________ 19
Table 2-7 SpiderDuo Technical Specifications _________________________________________ 22
Table 3-2 Spider LEDs ____________________________________________________________ 27
Table 4-3 SpiderDuo Indicator LEDs _________________________________________________ 36
Table 4-9 Extended Length Cables __________________________________________________ 41
Table 9-2 Date/Time Settings ______________________________________________________ 84
Table 10-2 Device Status Settings ___________________________________________________ 97
Table 11-1 Action and Category ___________________________________________________ 104

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide



About This Guide
This guide describes how to install, configure, use, and update the Lantronix® Spider™ and
SpiderDuo® distributed keyboard, video, and mouse (KVM) -over-IP devices. It describes how to
remotely and securely provide monitoring and control of one target computer system by one or
more remote users.
This chapter contains the following sections:

Chapter and Appendix Summaries




Additional Documentation

Note: The information contained in this guide apply to the Spider and SpiderDuo
devices unless otherwise noted.

Chapter and Appendix Summaries
Table 1-1 lists and summarizes each chapter and appendix.
Table 1-1 Chapter/Appendix and Summary


Chapter 2: Overview

Describes the Spider and SpiderDuo features and supported

Chapter 3: Installing the Spider Device

Provides technical specifications; describes connection
formats and power supplies.

Chapter 4: Installing the SpiderDuo

Provides technical specifications; describes connection
formats and power supplies.

Chapter 5: Web Browser Access

Describes method to access the Web browser.

Chapter 6: Remote System Control

Describes the remote system control.

Chapter 7: Interfaces

Provides instructions for configuring network ports, firewall and
routing settings, and date and time.

Chapter 8: User Accounts

Provides instructions for configuring user accounts.

Chapter 9: Services

Provides instructions for configuring services, such as date
and time, security settings, and certificates.

Chapter 10: Maintenance

Provides instructions for upgrading firmware, viewing system
logs and diagnostics, generating reports, and defining events.
Includes information about web pages and commands used to
shut down and reboot the Spider and SpiderDuo devices.

Chapter 11: Command Reference

Lists and describes all of the commands available on the
Spider or SpiderDuo Device command line interface

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


1: About This Guide
Table 1-1 Chapter/Appendix and Summary (continued)


Appendix A: Troubleshooting

Describes troubleshooting methods.

Appendix B: Virtual Media Example

Gives examples of virtual media.

Appendix C: Supported Resolutions and
Refresh Rates

Lists the resolutions and refresh rates that are supported.

Appendix D: Mounting Bracket Kit

Describes how to mount the Spider or SpiderDuo Device in a

Appendix E: PCU Safety Information

Provides PCU safety information.

Appendix F: Technical Support

Lists technical support telephone and fax numbers.

Appendix G: Compliance

Provides information about the Spider and SpiderDuo device
compliance with industry standards.

Table 1-2 lists and describes the conventions used in this book.
Table 1-2 Conventions Used in This Book


Bold text

Default parameters.

Brackets [ ]

Optional parameters.

Angle Brackets < >

Possible values for parameters.

Pipe |

Choice of parameters.


Before you work on any equipment, you must be aware
of the hazards involved with electrical circuitry and familiar with
standard practices for preventing accidents.


Note: Notes contain helpful suggestions, information, or references to
material not covered in the publication.


Caution: You might do something that could result in faulty
equipment operation, or loss of data.

Screen Font
(Courier New)

CLI terminal sessions and examples of CLI input.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


1: About This Guide

Additional Documentation
Visit the Lantronix web site at for the latest
documentation and the following additional documentation:

Spider View User Guide—Details instructions on using the Spider View utility.


Spider Quick Start Guide—Provides an overview of using the Spider device.


SpiderDuo Quick Start Guide—Provides an overview of using the SpiderDuo.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide



Lantronix Spider and SpiderDuo distributed KVM-over-IP devices are designed to remotely and
securely provide monitoring and control of one target computer system by one or more remote
users. The remote user (client) accesses the Spider or SpiderDuo device over a local or wide area
network connection using a standard web browser.
Spider and/or SpiderDuo device is an evolution of the traditional remote KVM device into a
compact package. It is light enough to be cable-supported from the back of a server and takes up
no rack space.
Both devices differ from other KVM-over-IP devices in several ways. Unlike rack mounted KVMover-IP devices, the allocation of one Spider device per computer allows add-as-you-grow
scalability and guarantees non-blocked BIOS-level access to mission-critical servers regardless of
the number of remote users or servers that need access.
This chapter contains the following sections:

Spider Overview


SpiderDuo Overview


Product Information Label

Note: The terms Remote Console and KVM Console are synonymous and used
interchangeably throughout the User Guide.

Spider Overview
The Spider device features, functionality, system configuration and cables, and technical
specifications are described in the following sections:





System Configuration and Cables


Technical Specifications

The Spider device is unique in that it is low-enough in power consumption to be powered from the
attached server. The color-coded cable plugs for the keyboard, mouse, USB port and video are
designed to plug directly into the target server. An optional external AC/DC power supply is
It uses Lantronix SwitchPort+ technology to incorporate two hardware-switched Ethernet ports,
one for the primary network connection and the second for daisy-chaining Spider devices, or
aggregating other Ethernet connections (for example, a dedicated management LAN port on the
controlled system). This provides a cost-effective solution in environments in which numerous
cable drops and distance limitations are challenging when adding servers.
The Spider device comes in the following four models:

One model with both PS/2 and USB keyboard and mouse interfaces (software selectable)


One model for USB-only systems

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


2: Overview


One model with cable length of 21”


One model with cable length of 58”


Secure, full BIOS-level control of remote servers over an IP network


Space–saving “zero footprint” package attaches directly to the server that saves rack space


Flexible 1–port design allows growth


Guaranteed non-blocked access to remote servers that ensures lowest “cost-per-remote user”


Browser–based, no client software or special licensing required


Virtual Media support allows local drive (floppy, CD, hard drive, USB stick) sharing with a
remote server or remote installation of an OS from an .ISO image


Direct KVM minimizes the number of clicks to the remote–server console


Built-in RS-232 serial port that can be configured for serial console pass-through or remote
dial-in access


Ideal for distributed IT system environments such as small branch offices, campuses, test
labs, and server hosting environments


Server-powered design - no external power supply required


Lantronix SwitchPort+ technology allows Spider devices to be cascaded or share a host
Ethernet connection

The Spider device captures the video output from the attached computer, compresses and sends
it over the network to a Java KVM console window launched by the browser or to a command line
interface on the user system, which displays a replica of the server video output on the user
The Spider device also uses Java KVM coaxnsole to accept keystrokes and mouse movements
on the user system; recognizes those intended for the target computer; transmits the keystrokes
and mouse movements; and emulates a physically attached keyboard and mouse.
Note: The Spider device supports up to 1600 x 1200 resolution at 60 Hz if its hardware
revision is G22, G23, E21 or higher. If the Spider device hardware is an earlier revision, it
will only support resolutions up to 1280 x 1024 at 60 Hz. The hardware revision number
can be found on the Product Information Label as shown in Figure 2-8.

System Configuration and Cables
Figure 2-1 shows the Spider system configuration, and Figure 2-2 shows the cable dimensions.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


2: Overview

Figure 2-1 Spider System Configuration

Figure 2-2 Spider Cable Dimensions

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


2: Overview

Technical Specifications
Table 2-3 lists the components and general specifications.
Table 2-3 Spider Technical Specifications




Target Server Requirements


IP Source Address Filtering
Remote Authentication: LDAP, RADIUS, Active Directory
User/Group management with permissions control
Configurable port numbers (HTTP, HTTPS, Telnet, SSH)
Selective disable of Telnet/SSH
Secure encryption of keyboard, mouse, and video data
AES used as cipher for SSH/SSL communications
Multiple Operating Systems supported: Windows 98/2000/2003/
XP/Vista, Unix, Linux, or MAC OSX 10
Power/keyboard/mouse: 2 USB ports; or 1 USB and 1 PS/2
keyboard and 1 PS/2 mouse connector
Video Interface: HD15 VGA video output

Note: The Spider device supports up to 1600 x 1200 resolution at 60
Hz if its hardware revision is G22, G23, E21 or higher. If the Spider
device hardware is an earlier revision, it will only support up to 1280 x
1024 resolution at 60 Hz. The hardware revision number can be found
on the Product Information Label as shown in Figure 2-8.
Client System Requirements


SUN Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4 or later

Optional Items


Replacement mounting bracket kit (see Chapter 4: Mounting
Bracket Kit )
Optional DC power supply with international adapters (100240VAC, 50-60 Hz; 5 VDC @ 1A; USB “Mini-B” Type jack)




Power Requirements




Network: One 10/100Base-T Ethernet Port with activity indicators
Cascade: One 10/100Base-T Ethernet Port with activity indicators
Serial: RS-232, up to 115,200 bps
Keyboard/Mouse: PS/2 or USB
Video: HD15 VGA
Input: 5 VDC @ .8A max. (server powered)
Optional Auxiliary DC power supply available for redundancy
Operating: 0º to 45º C (32º to 115º F)
Storage: -20º to 70º C (-4º to 158º F)
Humidity: 0 to 95% RH (non-condensing)
Heat Dissipation: 4 Watts (14 BTU/hr)

Dimensions (H x W x D)


13.2 x 5.8 x 3.1 cm (5.2 x 2.3 x 1.2 in) (See Figure 2-2 for cable



185g (6.6 oz)

Shipping Weight


.5 kg (1.0 lbs)

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


2: Overview

SpiderDuo Overview
The SpiderDuo features, functionality, system configuration and cables, and technical
specifications are described in the following sections:





System Configuration and Cables


Technical Specifications

SpiderDuo provides secure, remote KVM and over-IP capabilities as well as transparent local
access. Coupled with the optional single port power control unit (PCU), remote users can also
initiate system reboots over the network. SpiderDuo allows complete local, plus remote
management of the host machine anytime,from virtually anywhere.
It has one model with both PS/2 and USB keyboard and mouse interfaces (software selectable),
and one model for USB-only systems. It has the following features:

Secure, full BIOS-level control of remote servers over an IP network


Space–saving “zero footprint” package attaches directly to the server that saves rack space


Flexible 1–port design allows growth


Guaranteed non-blocked access to remote servers that ensures lowest “cost-per-remote user”


Browser–based, no client software or special licensing required


Virtual Media support allows local drive (floppy, CD, hard drive, USB stick) sharing with a
remote server or remote installation of an OS from an .ISO image


Direct KVM minimizes the number of clicks to the remote–server console


Built-in RS-232 serial port that can be configured for serial console pass-through or remote
dial-in access


Ideal for distributed IT system environments such as small branch offices, campuses, test
labs, and server hosting environments


Local access and up to 8 simultaneous remote users


Optional power control unit (PCU)

The SpiderDuo provides local access for distributed server management in addition to the
following functionality:

Captures the video output from the attached computer.


Compresses the video and sends it over the network to a Java KVM console window launched
by the browser or to a command line on the user system, which draws a replica of the server
video output on the user monitor.


Uses Java KVM console to accept keystrokes and mouse movements on the user system;
recognize those intended for the target computer; transmit the keystrokes and mouse
movements; and emulate a physically attached keyboard and mouse.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


2: Overview

System Configuration and Cables
Figure 2-4 shows an SpiderDuo system configuration, Figure 2-5 shows the PS/2 cable
dimensions, and Figure 2-6 shows the USB cable dimensions.
Figure 2-4 SpiderDuo System Configuration

Figure 2-5 shows the PS/2 cable dimensions.
Figure 2-5 SpiderDuo PS/2 Cable Dimensions

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


2: Overview
Figure 2-6 shows the USB cable dimension.
Figure 2-6 SpiderDuo USB Cable Dimensions

Note: The PS/2 cables and USB cables cannot be mixed and matched with each other
due to the unique properties of each. Use the cables that come with your SpiderDuo.

Technical Specifications
Table 2-7 lists the general components and the specifications.
Table 2-7 SpiderDuo Technical Specifications




Target Server Requirements


Client System Requirements


Hardware based encryption of keyboard, mouse and video data
IP Source Address Filtering
Remote Authentication: LDAP, RADIUS, Active Directory
User/Group management with permissions control
Configurable port numbers (HTTP, HTTPS, Telnet, SSH)
Selective disable of Telnet/SSH
Multiple Operating Systems supported: Windows 98/2000/2003/
XP/Vista, Unix, Linux, or MAC OSX 10
Power/keyboard/mouse: 2 USB ports; or 1 USB and 1 PS/2
keyboard and 1 PS/2 mouse connector
Video Interface: HD15 VGA video output (up to 1600 x 1200 at
Internet Explorer 6.0+, Netscape 5.0+, Mozilla FireFox 1.0+, Safari
PIII Processor equivalent or better (recommended)
Sun Java 2 Runtime Environment
Telnet/SSH client for command line (CLI) access

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


2: Overview
Table 2-7 SpiderDuo Technical Specifications (continued)


Optional Items





Replacement mounting bracket kit (See Chapter 4: Mounting
Bracket Kit .)
PS/2 extended length cable: 1500mm, (59 in.) part number 500199-R
USB extended length cable: 1500mm, (59 in.) part number 500200-R
Network: 10/100Base-T Ethernet Port with activity indicators
Serial: RS-232, up to 115,200 bps for serial device pass-through,
unit configuration or PCU controller
Local KVM connector
Computer input connector


Operating: 0º to 45º C (32º to 115º F)
Storage: -20º to 70º C (-4º to 158º F)
Humidity: 0 to 95% RH (non-condensing)
Heat Dissipation: 4 Watts (14 BTU/hr)

Power Requirements


Input 5VDC 2A Wall Adaptor, part number 520-104-R.

Dimensions (H x W x D)


13.2 x 5.8 x 3.6 cm (5.2 x 2.3 x 1.4 in) (See Figure 2-5 (PS/2) and
Figure 2-6 (USB) for cable dimensions.)



USB: 269g (9.50 oz)
PS/2: 278g (9.80 oz)


1.5 kg (3.3 lbs)


Shipping Weight

Product Information Label
The Product Information Label on the back of the Spider family units contains the following

Bar code


Serial number


Revision number


Hardware address (also known as the Ethernet or MAC address)


Manufacturing code

Figure 2-8 shows the Product Information Label.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


2: Overview

Figure 2-8 Spider Family Product Information Label

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide



Installing the Spider Device
This chapter describes how to install the Lantronix Spider KVM-over-IP device. It contains the
following sections:

Package Contents


Installing the Spider


Detector Installation and IP Address Reset


Target Computer Setup


Client Server Setup


Network Environment


Spider Power

For technical specifications of the Spider KVM-over-IP device, see Chapter 2: Overview.

Package Contents
In addition to the Spider distributed KVM -over-IP module, the package contains the following

Null modem DB9F to RJ45 serial cable (30.48 mm;120 in)


AC Power Cables (1830 ± 30 mm;72 ± 1.2 in)


Mounting kit (see Chapter 4: Mounting Bracket Kit)


Quick Start Guide


An optional external AC/DC power supply is available.

Installing the Spider
Consider the following factors when planning the installation of the Spider device.

USB Keyboard and Mouse Interfaces—Provides better remote cursor tracking. Some older
systems may not support USB devices or there may not be two USB ports available. In these
cases, the PS/2-interface model may be required. You configure either interface by using the


Serial Ports—Performs the initial configuration to setup parameters and connects to a target
COM port. It also allows remote users to Telnet or SSH to that port, eliminating the need for a
separate box to perform serial command line management. The serial port can be used for
PPP connections to the user interface so that remote users can use a modem or other serial
interface. It can be the primary network connection or a backup connection in case the primary
LAN connection is unavailable.


Optional Auxiliary DC Power Supply (Redundancy)—Overcomes the loss of power when the
attached server goes down by using the auxiliary DC power supply connected to an
independent AC power source. The Spider device will always have power regardless of the
state of the server.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


3: Installing the Spider Device


Ethernet Ports—Connects to the LAN. The Spider device contains a hardware Ethernet switch
that connects to the external ports and an internal CPU. The first port is required for network
connection. The second port can be used for the following:

Tie all of the Spider units in a rack together so that one network connection only is
required. While this configuration is a “daisy” chain physically, logically each Spider device
has its own IP address on the network. Because the Spider device data that comes from
the end of the chain traverses all of the switches, latency increases and responsiveness
degrades depending on the number of devices in the chain.
Lantronix recommends a maximum of 16 Spider devices in a chain. But, if the network
switch that connects to the Spider device chain supports Spanning Tree, the first and last
devices in the chain can connect to the same network switch to provide resilience against
a single-point failure.



Connect to the LAN management port on the server, so that an external management
network can interface to the Spider device and the server by using one cable.


Connect to the main LAN port on the server. If physical isolation of management and user
data is not a concern, a single LAN cable can provide connectivity to the Spider device
and server conserving a switch or router port.


Aggregate any other Ethernet connection as a general-purpose switch port.

Batch vs. Individual Setup—Deploying a batch of Spider devices at once should be performed
as a stage before attaching to the computers. The staging can be performed on a bench prior
to configuration. Consider the following tips for configuring a batch of Spider devices:

Keyboard, video, and mouse connections are not required for setup. All you need are a
source of power and a serial connection to set up the network parameters, and an
Ethernet connection to access the administration user interface.


Tag each Spider device with its IP address or write it on the serial number label on the

Perform the following steps to install the Spider device and configure the initial network settings.
1. Plug the RJ45 cable into the Spider serial port which is shown in Figure 3-1. The RS-232
protocol is the standard for serial binary data signals.
Figure 3-1 Spider RS-232 Serial Port and Pinouts
3 TX
6 RX



2. Plug the DB9F cable into the serial (COM) port of a PC or laptop running a terminal emulator,
for example, HyperTerminal. The default serial port settings are: 9600 bits per second, 8 data
bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control.
3. Plug the Spider video, USB, and PS/2 keyboard and mouse cables into the target computer.
The Spider device boots.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


3: Installing the Spider Device
4. The Pwr2 LED illuminates blue and the SysOK LED flashes green to indicate that the Spider
device is booting. Bootup should complete within one minute. The SysOK LED stops flashing
and remains illuminated. If you use the external power supply to boot, Pwr1 illuminates blue.
lists the LED labels, colors, and actions.
Table 3-2 Spider LEDs





Indicates adequate power from USB1 (external power supply first).



Indicates adequate power from USB2 or PS/2.



Blinks upon bootup. Steady when up and healthy.



Indicates that video (VSync) transmitting from server.

Unit ID


Indicates, when lit, to assist in finding unit.

5. When the bootup process completes, the terminal window displays the login prompt as shown
in Figure 3-3.
Figure 3-3 Spider Login Window

6. To change the default IP auto configuration from DHCP to a static IP address, type config
and press Enter.
7. At the IP autoconfiguration prompt, type none and press Enter.
8. Follow the prompts to enter the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and LAN interface
information as shown in Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4 Spider Prompts

9. Type Y and press Enter to accept the changes. The system takes several seconds to update
the internal protocol stack and display the updated information. See Detector Installation and
IP Address Reset on page 28 for more information about using Detector.
10. Plug an Ethernet cable connected to your network into the Ethernet port. The Lnk LED in the
RJ45 illuminates. The RJ45 jack is shown in Figure 3-5.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


3: Installing the Spider Device

Figure 3-5 Spider RJ45 Ethernet and Cascade Ports

Detector Installation and IP Address Reset
The initial IP address gets assigned during bootup of the Spider device. To change it, use the
Detector application. You can download Detector from Lantronix at
Note: Lantronix recommends that you run Detector from its CD or copy it to your local
hard drive and run it from there rather than from a shared network drive. Otherwise you
may get a security exception. If you must run the program from a shared network drive,
you need to change your security settings using the .NET Framework Configuration or
“caspol” tool.
Perform the following steps to install Detector.
1. Double-click detector2.exe on its CD. If you see this error message: "The application failed to
initialize properly (0xc0000135),” click OK to terminate the application and install .NET
Framework. Go to Step 2.
2. Copy the .NET Framework application from Lantronix at
downloads.html or go to Microsoft and download the stand-alone executable file,
Dotnetfx.exe. The file is at
3. Double-click detector2.exe again. Detector gets installed successfully.
4. Open the Detector software. The Lantronix Detector window opens as shown in Figure 3-6.
Figure 3-6 Lantronix Detector Window

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


3: Installing the Spider Device
5. Before searching for devices, go to the Timeout drop-down menu in the toolbar. Change the
milliseconds for the search by clicking the number in the Timeout drop=down menu. The
default is 3000.
6. Click the Search icon
shown in Figure 3-7.

. A list of Lantronix Ethernet devices on the network displays as

Figure 3-7 Detector Device List Window

7. Click to highlight the device that you want and click the Network Settings icon
to change
the IP address. The Enter Network Settings window displays the Device Type and MAC
Address (Ethernet address) that identify the device as shown in Figure 3-8.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


3: Installing the Spider Device

Figure 3-8 Network Settings Window

8. Enter an unique and valid IP Address on your network and in the same subnet as your PC.
There is no default.
9. Enter the subnet mask that is the network segment connected to the Spider device. To accept
the default, leave blank.
10. Enter the default gateway that is the router IP address for your network. To accept the default,
leave blank.
11. Click OK. A message confirms the network configuration.
12. Click OK.
13. Confirm the IP address change by clicking the Search icon
. Find the device in this list
and verify the IP address. You can access the device by using its new IP address.
Note: On the Interfaces Network page of the web interface, make sure Disable Setup
Protocol is not selected in the Network Miscellaneous Settings section.

Target Computer Setup
Setting up the target computer involves ensuring that the video resolution and refresh rates are
correct for the target computer monitor; that the mouse-to-cursor movement is sync’d properly;
that the Telnet/SSH connections match the Spider device; and, that the cable connections are
correct. Each of these items are discussed in more detail in the following:

Video Resolutions and Refresh Rates Configuration


Mouse-to-Cursor Synchronization


Telnet/SSH Connections to Serial Ports


Cable Connections for KVM and USB

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


3: Installing the Spider Device

Video Resolutions and Refresh Rates Configuration
The Spider device recognizes video resolutions on the target computer up to a maximum of 1600
x 1200 at 60 Hz if its hardware revision G22, G23, E21 or higher. If the Spider hardware is an
earlier revision, it will only support up to 1280 x 1024 resolution at 60 Hz. For the complete list of
supported video resolutions and refresh rates, see Chapter 3: Supported Resolutions and Refresh
Rates on page 127.
Note: The other supported resolutions and refresh rates are recognized by the Spider
device, but could be difficult if the timing does not comply with the extended display
identification data (EDID) standard that Spider device supports.
Perform the following steps to configure the video resolution and refresh rate.

Windows Server

1. Select Control Panel > Display > Settings. Modify the screen resolution value as required.
2. Select Control Panel > Display > Settings > Advanced > Monitor. Modify the screen
refresh rate. Because the server video card is driving the Spider device and not a monitor, a
refresh rate higher than 60 Hz has no effect.

Linux Server

1. Edit the Xfree86 file “XF86Config” to disable formats that are not supported or not VESA
standard timing.
2. Reboot is required.

Background wallpaper and desktop appearances do not have any particular limitations.


Microsoft Active Desktop and Linux virtual desktop are not supported. If bandwidth is a
concern, plain backgrounds are preferred.


If you are using a special video card or OS, consult the documentation.

Mouse-to-Cursor Synchronization
Mouse-to-cursor synchronization can be an issue with digital KVM interfaces because PS/2 mice
transmit incremental information about movement over a period of time rather than an absolute
The OS driver translates acceleration-to-distance based on the local screen resolution and applies
linear or nonlinear acceleration mappings. When a remote client communicates with the target
server, settings and screen resolutions on both sides of the connection must be taken into account
to get natural mouse-to-cursor tracking.
Use the USB keyboard and mouse when supported by the target computer. Unlike the PS/2
interface, a USB mouse uses absolute coordinates rather than relative coordinates and does not
present translation issues between the local and remote computers.
The PS/2 Spider model sets the keyboard and mouse interface to Auto. When it first attempts to
use the USB interface, and if it does not detect a USB interface, it falls back to PS/2.
There are no restrictions on the mouse settings of the client systems and no special care must be
taken when setting mouse parameters of target servers for USB mice. The PS/2 interface
performance (tracking) and synchronization can be optimized by removing any special
acceleration or nonlinear ballistics.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


3: Installing the Spider Device
Perform the following steps to configure the mouse-to-cursor synchronization.

Windows Server

1. Select Control Panel > Mouse > Pointer Options.
2. Set the pointer speed to medium and disable Enhanced pointer precision.

Linux Server

1. Set Mouse Acceleration to exactly 1 and threshold to exactly 1.
2. Select Other Operating Systems on the Spider mouse settings page.

Solaris Server

1. Set the mouse settings by using the CDE control panel to “1:1, no acceleration” or “xset m 1”.

Mac OS X Server

1. Set the Spider device to Single Mouse Mode.

Telnet/SSH Connections to Serial Ports
To Telnet/SSH to a target computer serial port, you must Telnet/SSH to the Spider serial port first
and use connect serial CLI. This connects your Spider device to the target computer serial
port. The default settings are 9600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, and no flow control. The
pinout of the included Spider cables match a standard DB9 COM port.

Cable Connections for KVM and USB
Connections for KVM and USB are integrated into the Spider device. Do not use extension cables.
Plug the Spider device directly into the ports on the host server. If using the Spider serial port, plug
the cable into the COM port on the server.
The second Cascade Ethernet port can connect to the Spider device to the target computer
management LAN port, or to a main LAN port, or to a Spider device chain. When connecting the
Ethernet ports, straight through or crossover cables can be used, because the Spider device has
auto-polarity and auto-crossover correction. Although the port marked Ethernet and the port
marked Cascade are both Ethernet interfaces, you must use the port marked Ethernet if using only
one Ethernet interface.
Perform the following steps when daisy chaining Spider devices.
1. Plug the outside network cable into the left Ethernet port of the first Spider device.
2. Connect the right Cascade port to the left port of the next Spider device in the chain.
3. Repeat as necessary. The last Spider device in the chain should have its right port
unoccupied, unless cabling in a loop for redundant connection.
Device Failure or Cable Break in the Daisy Chain
If a device fails or there is a cable break in the daisy chain, there could be a loss of network
connectivity for all devices downstream from the cable break or device failure. Avert this issue by
installing Spanning Tree in the switch or router to which the Spider device chain attaches. Then,
connect the last Spider device from its Cascade port to the same switch so that there is a
redundant outside connection.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


3: Installing the Spider Device
Spanning Tree protocol implemented in the switch disables one of the two network connections
while the loop remains complete. Data flows in one direction only around the loop. If the loop
breaks, Spanning Tree activates both connections, so that data flows in both directions. All
devices in the Spider device chain are accessible except the one immediately downstream from
the cable break or failed device. Do not try this workaround without Spanning Tree installed.

Client Server Setup
Two mechanisms provide the monitoring of client servers that are connected through the Spider
device: platform-dependent management and platform-independent management.

Platform-dependent management—Spider View software is a standalone Windows XP or later
application that locates, manages, and accesses multiple Spider devices in an integrated
view. Spider View software requires ActiveX controls enabled. Refer to the Spider View User
Guide at for instructions on installation
and operation of Spider View software.


Platform-independent management—Each Spider device contains an embedded web server
that delivers web pages, a Java KVM Remote Console program, and a terminal program. To
access and manage the client server, a web browser is required. For example, use the latest
version of Internet Explorer, Netscape, FireFox, and Safari. To run the Remote Console
window and manage the target server, a Java plug-in (SUN JRE 1.4 or later) is required.

Network Environment
The connection between the client and Spider device must be open to IP traffic and use TCP ports
80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS). Firewalls and NAT devices should be configured to support this
configuration. The TCP ports can be changed by accessing Interfaces > Network.
When idle, minimal network traffic gets generated. Traffic bursts exceeding 10 Mpbs can occur if
images change rapidly on the host server and image quality gets set to the maximum. Lantronix
recommends using Fast Ethernet connections and a switched network environment because In a
LAN, traffic affects the responsiveness of the Remote Console window.

Spider Power
The Spider device consumes under 4 watts of power that it draws from the attached computer. It
requires all cables to be plugged in to receive sufficient power.
Plug in both USB cables or a USB and a PS/2 cable. Pwr1 and Pwr2 LEDs indicate that power is
available. Pwr1 indicates that power is available only on the first USB port. Pwr2 indicates that
power is available on the second USB port or the PS/2 port. When both LEDs are lit, the Spider
device is powered and can boot.
The Spider device can also get power from an external DC power supply. DC power supplies are
available from Lantronix (part number 520-085-R). The DC power supply acts as a backup,
because the Spider device loses power when the attached computer goes down.
Use the power-on reset to reboot the Spider device or reboot from the user interface, from the
serial port, or by clicking the reset switch through the pinhole on the back of the body.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide



Installing the SpiderDuo Device
This chapter describes how to install the Lantronix SpiderDuo device. It contains the following

Package Contents


Installing the SpiderDuo


Detector Installation and IP Address Reset


Target Computer Setup


Client Server Setup


Network Environment


PCU Power

For technical specifications of the SpiderDuo, see Chapter 2: Overview.

Package Contents
In addition to the SpiderDuo distributed KVM-over-IP module, the package contains the following

Null modem DB9F to RJ45 serial cable (30.48 mm;120 in)


AC Power Cables (1830 ± 30 mm;72 ± 1.2 in)


Local KVM cable


Computer Input cable


Mounting kit (See Appendix D: Mounting Bracket Kit)


Quick Start Guide


CD-ROM containing documentation and utilities


External AC/DC Power Supply


Optional power control unit (PCU100-01)


The connectors on the SpiderDuo device are not regular video
connectors. To avoid damage to the SpiderDuo device, do not connect
cables of any kind other than the cables provided Lantronix. Use the
Lantronix power supply only, part number 520-104-R.

Installing the SpiderDuo
Consider the following factors when planning the installation of the SpiderDuo device.

USB Keyboard and Mouse Interfaces—Provide better remote cursor tracking. Some older
systems may not support USB devices or there may not be two USB ports available. In these

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


4: Installing the SpiderDuo Device
cases, the PS/2-interface model may be required. You configure either interface type by using
the software.

Serial Ports—Performs the initial configuration to setup parameters and connects to a target
COM port. It also allows remote users to Telnet or SSH to that port, eliminating the need for a
separate box to perform serial command line management. The serial port can also connect to
the Power Control Unit (PCU) for use as an AC power passthrough. For more information, see
PCU Power on page 43.


Optional Auxiliary DC Power Supply (Redundancy)—Overcomes the loss of power when
the attached server goes down by using the auxiliary DC power supply connected to an
independent AC power source.


Ethernet Ports—Connects to the LAN. The SpiderDuo device has one port only that connects
to the LAN.


Local KVM Port—Connects keyboard, video, and mouse to the local client.

Perform the following steps to install the SpiderDuo device and configure the initial network
1. Plug the RJ45 cable into the SpiderDuo serial port.
2. Plug the DB9F end of the RJ45 cable into the COM port of a PC/laptop running a terminal
emulator, for example HyperTerminal. The default serial port settings are: 9600 bits per
second, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control.
3. Plug the power adaptor into the SpiderDuo power connector.
Figure 4-1 SpiderDuo RJ45 Port and Power Connector

Power Connector
RJ45 Ethernet Port

4. Plug the SpiderDuo video, USB, and PS/2 keyboard and mouse (if applicable) cables into the
target computer. The blue LED SysOK lluminates and flashes to indicate that the SpiderDuo
device is booting up. Bootup completes within approximately one minute. The SysOK LED
stops flashing and remains illuminated. Connections for video, USB, and keyboard/mouse are
integrated into the SpiderDuo device.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


4: Installing the SpiderDuo Device

Figure 4-2 SpiderDuo Local KVM, USB, Computer Input and Serial Ports
Computer Input



2 PCU +5V


3 TX


4 PCu Sense (in)


6 RX


7 PCU Drive (out)


Table 4-3 SpiderDuo Indicator LEDs





On - Unit ID Selected
Blinking -Thumb-drive Configuration Successful



On - Powered up and OK
Blinking - Booting



On - Power Unit Connected, AC power is passed through

5. Upon bootup, the terminal window displays the IP Configuration screen. At the command
prompt type config and press Enter.
Figure 4-4 SpiderDuo Welcome Screen

6. To change the default IP auto configuration from DHCP to a static IP address, at the IP
autoconfiguration prompt type none and press Enter.
Figure 4-5 SpiderDuo Default IP Configuration Screen

7. Follow the prompts to enter the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and LAN interface
8. Type Enter, to accept the changes. The system takes about 20 seconds to complete. Type
Enter once again at the prompt to display the updated IP address.
9. Plug an Ethernet cable connected to your network into the Ethernet port. The Link LED

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


4: Installing the SpiderDuo Device
Note: To reboot or reset the SpiderDuo, press the reset switch through the pinhole on
the bottom of the device. You can also use the user interface or serial port.
10. Test the system installation (PC, local keyboard and mouse, video, and SpiderDuo) by
completing the following:
a. Turn off the power to the PC and SpiderDuo device.
b. Reconnect all devices.

Turn on the SpiderDuo device first, and wait for it to boot completely (the SysOK LED will
be on steady).

d. Turn on the PC.

Detector Installation and IP Address Reset
The initial IP address gets assigned during bootup of the SpiderDuo device. To change it, use the
Lantronix® Detector™ application. You can download Detector from Lantronix at
Note: Lantronix recommends that you run Detector downloaded from Lantronix at http:// and run it from there rather than from a
shared network drive. Otherwise you may get a security exception. If you must run the
program from a shared network drive, you need to change your security settings using the
.NET Framework Configuration or “caspol” tool.
Perform the following steps to install Detector.
1. Double-click detector2.exe. If you see this error message: "The application failed to initialize
properly (0xc0000135),” click OK to terminate the application and install .NET Framework. Go
to Step 2.
2. Go to Microsoft and download the stand-alone executable file, Dotnetfx.exe. The file is at
3. Double-click detector2.exe again. Detector gets installed successfully.
4. Open the Detector software. The Lantronix Detector window opens as shown in Figure 4-6.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


4: Installing the SpiderDuo Device

Figure 4-6 Lantronix Detector Window

5. Before searching for devices, go to the Timeout drop-down menu in the toolbar. Change the
milliseconds for the search by clicking the number in the Timeout drop-down menu. The
default is 3000.
6. Click the Search icon
shown in Figure 4-7.

. A list of Lantronix Ethernet devices on the network displays as

Figure 4-7 Detector Device List Window

7. Click to highlight the device that you want and click the Network Settings icon
to change
the IP address. The Enter Network Settings window displays the Device Type and MAC
Address (Ethernet address) that identify the device as shown in Figure 4-8.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


4: Installing the SpiderDuo Device

Figure 4-8 Network Settings Window

8. Enter an unique and valid IP Address on your network and in the same subnet as your PC.
There is no default.
9. Enter the subnet mask that is the network segment connected to the Spider device. To accept
the default, leave blank.
10. Enter the default gateway that is the router IP address for your network. To accept the default,
leave blank.
11. Click OK. A message confirms the network configuration.
12. Click OK.
13. Confirm the IP address change by clicking the Search icon
. Find the device in this list
and verify the IP address. You can access the device by using its new IP address.
Note: On the Interfaces Network page of the web interface, make sure Disable Setup
Protocol is not selected in the Network Miscellaneous Settings section.

Target Computer Setup
Setting up the target computer involves ensuring that the video resolution and refresh rates are
correct for the taget computer monitor; that the mouse-to-cursor movement is sync’d properly; that
the Telnet/SSH connections match the Spider device; and, that the cable connections are correct.
Each of these items are discussed in more detail in the following:

Video Resolutions and Refresh Rates Configuration


Mouse-to-Cursor Synchronization


Telnet/SSH Connections to Serial Ports


Cable Connections for KVM and USB


Power Sequencing

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


4: Installing the SpiderDuo Device

Video Resolutions and Refresh Rates Configuration
The SpiderDuo devices recognize video resolutions on the target computer up to a maximum of
1600 x 1200 at 60 Hz. For the complete list of supported video resolutions and refresh rates, see
Chapter 3: Supported Resolutions and Refresh Rates on page 127.
Note: The other supported resolutions and refresh rates are recognized by the
SpiderDuo devices, but could be difficult if the timing does not comply with the extended
display identification data (EDID) standard that SpiderDuo supports.
Perform the following steps to configure the video resolution and refresh rate.

Windows Server

1. Select Control Panel > Display > Settings. Modify the screen resolution value as required.
2. Select Control Panel > Display > Settings > Advanced > Monitor. Modify the screen
refresh rate. Because the server video card is driving the SpiderDuo device and not a monitor,
a refresh rate higher than 60 Hz has no effect.

Linux Server

1. Edit the Xfree86 file “XF86Config” to disable formats that are not supported or not VESA
standard timing.
2. Reboot is required.

Background wallpaper and desktop appearances do not have any particular limitations.


Microsoft Active Desktop and Linux virtual desktop are not supported. If bandwidth is a
concern, plain backgrounds are preferred.

Mouse-to-Cursor Synchronization
Mouse-to-cursor synchronization can be an issue with digital KVM interfaces because PS/2 mice
transmit incremental information about movement over a period of time rather than an absolute
The OS driver translates acceleration-to-distance based on the local screen resolution and applies
linear or nonlinear acceleration mappings. When a remote client communicates with the target
server, settings and screen resolutions on both sides of the connection must be taken into account
to get natural mouse-to-cursor tracking.
Use the USB keyboard and mouse when supported by the target computer. Unlike the PS/2
interface, a USB mouse uses absolute coordinates rather than relative coordinates and does not
present translation issues between the local and remote computers.
The PS/2 model sets the keyboard and mouse interface to Auto. When it first attempts to use the
USB interface, and if it does not detect a USB interface, it falls back to PS/2.
There are no restrictions on the mouse settings of the client systems and no special care must be
taken when setting mouse parameters of target servers for USB mice. The PS/2 interface
performance (tracking) and synchronization can be optimized by removing any special
acceleration or nonlinear ballistics.
Perform the following steps to configure the mouse-to-cursor synchronization.

Windows Server

1. Select Control Panel > Mouse > Pointer Options.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


4: Installing the SpiderDuo Device
2. Set the pointer speed to medium and disable Enhanced pointer precision.

Linux Server

1. Set Mouse Acceleration to exactly 1 and threshold to exactly 1.

Solaris Server

1. Set the mouse settings by using the CDE control panel to “1:1, no acceleration” or “xset m 1”.

Telnet/SSH Connections to Serial Ports
To Telnet/SSH to a target computer serial port, you must Telnet/SSH to the SpiderDuo serial port
first and use connect serial CLI. This connects your SpiderDuo device to the target computer
serial port. The default settings are 9600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, and no flow control.
The pinout of the included SpiderDuo cables match a standard DB9 COM port.

Cable Connections for KVM and USB
Connections for video, USB, and keyboard/mouse are integrated into the SpiderDuo device. Plug
the SpiderDuo device directly into the appropriate ports on the host system. If using the serial port,
cable it to the appropriate COM port on the server. Available extended-length cables are shown in
Table 4-9.
Table 4-9 Extended Length Cables

Part Number

USB connecter; 1500 mm, (59 in.) VGA cable


PS/2 and USB connectors; 1500 mm, (59 in.) VGA cable


Power Sequencing
To ensure that the system (PC, local keyboard and mouse, and SpiderDuo device) function
properly at power up, it is recommended that the following procedure be performed.
1. Ensure that the PC and SpiderDuo are powered off.
2. Make connections for all devices.
3. Turn on the SpiderDuo first and wait for the SpiderDuo to boot up completely. The SysOK LED
will be on steady.
4. Turn on the PC.

Client Server Setup
Two mechanisms provide the monitoring of client servers that are connected through the Spider
device: platform-dependent management and platform-independent management.

Platform-dependent management—Spider View software is a standalone Windows XP or later
application that locates, manages, and accesses multiple Spider devices in an integrated
view. Spider View application requires ActiveX controls enabled. Refer to the Spider View
User Guide at for instructions on
installation and operation of Spider View software.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


4: Installing the SpiderDuo Device


Platform-independent management—Each Spider device contains an embedded web server
that delivers web pages, a Java KVM Remote Console program, and a terminal program. To
access and manage the client server, the latest web browser is required. For example,
Internet Explorer, Netscape, FireFox, and Safari. To run the Remote Console window and
manage the target server, a Java plug-in (SUN JRE 1.4 or later) is required.

Network Environment
The connection between the client and SpiderDuo device must be open to IP traffic and use TCP
ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS). Firewalls and NAT devices should be configured to support
this configuration. The TCP ports can be changed by accessing Interfaces > Network.
When idle, minimal network traffic gets generated. Traffic bursts exceeding 10 Mpbs can occur if
images change rapidly on the host server and image quality gets set to the maximum. Lantronix
recommends using Fast Ethernet connections and a switched network environment because In a
LAN, traffic affects the responsiveness of the Remote Console window.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


4: Installing the SpiderDuo Device

PCU Power
To remotely control power to a PC and other equipment, an optional PCU is available (part
number PCU100-01). The PCU manages power remotely to a target PC and other equipment. In
addition, the user can restart or power-cycle the PC and other equipment. shows the layout and
dimensions of the PCU.
Figure 4-10 PCU Layout and Dimensions

Complete the following tasks to connect the PCU.
1. Connect the power output plug to a target PC or other equipment.
2. Connect the RJ45 cable from the PCU to the SpiderDuo serial port.
3. Connect the power input plug to AC power. Green LED = PCU ON (AC power pass- through),
Blue LED = Sys OK.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


4: Installing the SpiderDuo Device

AC power passes through by default if the RJ45 cable is disconnected
from the PCU.

The SpiderDuo device gets its power from an external DC supply. Replacement power supplies
are available.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide



Web Browser Access
This chapter describes how to use the Lantronix Spider and SpiderDuo KVM-over-IP device to
access and manage a target computer by using a Web browser or remote system.

Accessing the KVM Console
Perform the following steps to use a web browser.
1. Access the Spider or SpiderDuo device over the network by using a web browser by entering
https:// (for a secure SSL connection) or http:// (for an
unsecure connection). The browser must accept cookies for login.
2. Enter your user name (default is sysadmin) and password (default is PASS) at the prompt.
The home page displays. From the home page the Remote Console or Telnet Console can be
launched as shown in Figure 5-1.
Figure 5-1 Spider device Home Page

The home page contains the following items:

Snapshot of the target system video in the KVM Console Preview window in the center


Session and host name information


Tabs called Interfaces, User Accounts, Services, and Maintenance on the left


Buttons including a Logout button on the right.

When you are logged in, you can make changes to the configuration and user database. You can
set up the device for local or remote authentication for other users and define the permission level.
As sysadmin, you can also make changes to the hardware settings, establish configuration
parameters, and perform maintenance operations.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide



Remote System Control
This chapter describes the components of remote system control. It contains the following



Remote Console Window


Basic Remote Console Operation


Optimizing Video


Keyboard Functions


Other Remote Console Functions



The Lantronix Spider and SpiderDuo devices control the target system by using a Remote
Console. The Remote Console has settings that apply each time a user launches it. Other settings
can be applied within the window itself. By scaling the window down in size, it is possible to have
multiple Remote Console windows open, allowing interaction with multiple target systems.

Remote Console Window
The Remote Console window shows a real-time replica of the target system video (mimicking a
monitor plugged directly into the remote computer). When the local computer window displays in
the Remote Console window, mouse movements and keystrokes are transmitted to a remote
computer. The title bar of the window shows the IP address of the Spider device or SpiderDuo
(useful when multiple windows are open on the client system).
The Remote Console window can be minimized, maximized, or scaled in either direction. There
are Main viewport and scroll bars, button keys, and a toolbar which are described in the following
To launch the Remote Console window, perform the following steps.
1. Click KVM Console to launch the Remote Console window. The Remote Console window can
open in the foreground or in the background. If it launches in the background, click on the icon
to bring the window to the front.
2. Or, launch the Remote Console by clicking the link below the preview image on the KVM
Console Preview window.
You can enable the Spider or SpiderDuo device to bypass the web page and take you directly
to the remote system by clicking Services > Security > Authentication Limitation > Enable
Direct KVM. This capability is called Direct KVM.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


6: Remote System Control

Figure 6-1 Remote Console Window Components

Main Viewport and Scroll Bars
When first launched, the full virtual screen of the target computer is mapped pixel-for-pixel to the
console window main viewport. As a result, if the target is running at a resolution less than that of
the client, the entire screen is visible in the Remote Console window. If the resolution is such that
the screen does not fit, scroll bars are available in the Remote Console window to move the
viewport around within the target’s screen. The virtual screen size of the target may also be scaled
down to match the Remote Console window.

Button Keys
Along the top there are Button Keys that have been defined to send special key codes directly to
the target computer.

The top toolbar has a number of buttons for one-click access to functions, and a drop-down menu
where other options may be reached. The icons vary depending on which keyboard interface is

Access Virtual Media—The left-most diskette icon is used to activate the Virtual Media


Auto Adjust Video—This button activates the Auto Adjust Video function. When first opening
the Remote Console window, it is recommended to click this button to ensure the Spider
device has locked on to the video format on the attached computer. Also, click this button if
there is an offset from the proper horizontal or vertical start position relative to the target
screen (black bars to the right, left, top, or bottom of the main viewport, or a distorted video).

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


6: Remote System Control


Screen Display Adjustments—These 3 buttons (A,S,R) facilitate changes to the Screen


Sync Mouse, Single/Double Cursor—These icons appear when the PS/2 mouse interface is

The drop-down menu provides access to a number of options and features.

Information Bar - Connection
The left side of the information bar indicates whether the connection is encrypted (Console (SSL))
or unencrypted (Console (Norm)).

Information Bar - Resolution
Displays the horizontal by vertical resolution of the target system’s video.

Information Bar - Network Traffic
Displays the approximate number of bytes per second incoming and outgoing to the window. An
indication of the number of frames per second (fps) updated is also displayed. Incoming data is
generally comprised of video updates. Outgoing data is generally comprised of keystrokes and
mouse movements. When the target screen is not changing, In should be low or zero. If not, click
the auto-adjust button. The amount of network traffic is a function of the detail in the captured
screen, the rate at which the screen is changing, and the video encoding settings.

Concurrent Access State
One user is connected to the Remote Console
Multiple users are connected to the Remote Console
This user has exclusive access to the Remote Console. No other clients may access the
target system until exclusive access is disabled.
Another user has exclusive access to the Remote Console. No other clients may access the
target system until exclusive access is disabled by that user, or until that user closes their Remote
Console window.

Monitor Only State
The far right icon shows whether this client may interact or simply view the target computer. If
Monitor Only is disabled, then the keyboard and mouse may interact with the target. If Monitor
Only is enabled, the client is view-only.

Exclusive Access
Only one user at a time may access the Spider device or SpiderDuo.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


6: Remote System Control

Basic Remote Console Operation
When the Remote Console window is open, there are three key zones:

Outside the Remote Console window, interaction is with the local computer’s operating system
or applications.


Inside the Remote Console window’s viewport, interaction is with the target computer.


Inside the Remote Console window but outside the viewport, interaction is with the Remote
Console control functions such as the toolbar or scroll bars.
Figure 6-2 Remote Console Window

Within the Remote Console viewport, interaction with the remote computer is generally the same
as if there were a direct connection (with a minor lag due to network latency). Windows may be
opened, applications run, settings changed, maintenance functions performed, even system
reboots performed. Powering down the target computer results in powering down the Spider
device or SpiderDuo unless the redundant supply is used.
Figure 6-3 Remote Console Toolbar

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


6: Remote System Control

Auto Video Adjustment
The left side of the target computer screen must be aligned with the left side of the Remote
Console viewport so that the tops align as well. If not, the local and remote cursors will always
have a fixed offset of that amount, even if the USB interface is used. Clicking the Auto Video
Adjustment one or more times typically cures any offset.

Screen Display Adjustments
Three features are added to the toolbar to facilitate Screen display changes:

A—Full Screen Mode (Ctrl+F10).


S—Full Screen Stretch Mode (Ctrl+F10 to return to regular mode).


R—Full Screen Mode with Changing Client Monitor Resolution (Ctrl+F10 to return to regular

Fast Sync and Intelligent Sync
The Spider device uses two different algorithms for re-synchronizing local and remote cursors.
Use the Fast Sync button on the toolbar to correct a fixed skew.
Intelligent Sync uses a different algorithm and is useful when the mouse settings have changed on
the remote system or when Fast Sync does not work. It is accessed through the Options > Mouse
Handling drop-down menu. The Sync button on the toolbar usually performs a Fast Sync, but will
perform an Intelligent Sync if the video format has recently changed.

Single and Double Mouse Modes
Continuous synchronization of local and remote cursors may not be feasible. The Spider device
provides a mode where only one cursor is visible when operating in the active Remote Console
viewport. Click the Single/Double button on the toolbar to activate Single Mouse Mode. This is
indicated by a single arrow in the Single/Double button. When in this mode, the Java KVM
console “grabs” the local cursor after clicking within the viewport and will not release it until a
“release-cursor” hot key sequence is given (Alt+F12 by default). As there is only one cursor, and
that one is confined to the active viewport, there is no issue with local to remote cursor tracking.
There also is no local cursor; Alt+F12 is required to free the cursor to move the focus from the
active viewport. Clicking when the local cursor is within the viewport will re-grab the cursor. Single
Mouse Mode may be exited by clicking on the Single/Double button.
If at some point the cursor seems to disappear, click Alt+F12 or check the Single/Double Button
as Single Mouse Mode may have been entered in error.

Single Mouse Mode requires Sun Java 1.4 or higher

Local Cursor
The Spider device has an option to change the appearance of the local cursor when the focus is
on the remote computer. Select Options > Local Cursor and select one of the following cursor

Default—the local cursor maintains its appearance regardless of the focus location


Transparent—the local cursor is invisible when the focus is on the remote computer. This is
similar to Single Mouse Mode except the cursor is not “grabbed” and will reappear when
moved outside of the active viewport.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


6: Remote System Control


The other selections provide a change of appearance for a visual clue that the focus is on the
remote computer; the cursor changes back when the focus is back at the client system
(including those areas of the Remote Console window outside the main viewport.)

Selections made in the Local Cursor submenu are associated with the current user and will be
saved for the next Remote Console session.

Optimizing Video
The Spider and SpiderDuo devices can automatically make adjustments to video settings
including clock and phase, and encoding to ensure that a picture displays quickly. You can also
manually specify the settings.

Auto and Manual Video Adjustment
The Spider device automatically recognizes and adapts to many standard video resolutions and
refresh rates. When it first enters the Remote Console window, it recognizes and locks onto the
video in order to provide a picture as soon as possible.
Once the window displays, click the Auto Video Adjustment button once or twice to provide a
greater degree of optimization. The Auto Adjustment process analyzes the timing of the incoming
video horizontal and vertical sync signals then adjusts the digitizing hardware parameters. If there
is slightly nonstandard timing, these parameters may be manually fine-tuned.
If it is necessary to adjust video hardware parameters, this may be done from Options > Video
Settings. This brings up a window with a number of slider bars.
Adjust the brightness and contrast of the Remote Client window as presented by the Auto
Adjustment. This is a hardware parameter and applies to all Spider users. Overall brightness and
the contrast levels of each of the red, green, and blue primaries may be modified up or down. The
Remote Console window immediately reflects the change. Once there is a satisfactory colormapping, click Save Changes to retain those colors permanently for that video format. To discard
the changes made, click Undo Changes. To return a particular setting or all settings to the original
factory defaults, click Reset this Mode or Reset All Modes.
See Appendix C: Supported Resolutions and Refresh Rates for more information.

Clock and Phase
The A/D converter uses these low-level settings in the digitization process. Adjustment should not
be required unless advised by Lantronix Tech Support.
If the timing of the video signal is slightly off, the Auto Adjustment may not capture the frame at the
right point. This will result in black bars along left, right, top, or bottom of the Remote Console
viewport, and cutting off the opposite side of the captured image. The Offset sliders can be used to
align the sides properly. Once there is correct alignment, click Save Changes to retain those
settings permanently. To discard the changes made, click Undo Changes. To return a particular
setting or all settings to the original factory defaults, click Reset this Mode or Reset All.

Video Encoding
Various video encoding schemes have been defined to try to tailor the bandwidth usage to what is
available. In addition to the predefined schemes, compression levels, and color depth can be
manually adjusted. The default settings for each user are established in the KVM Console

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


6: Remote System Control
Settings > KVM_User > Transmission Encoding web page.
To change the settings during a session, select Options > Encoding > Predefined, Encoding >
Compression, Encoding > Color Depth, and Encoding > Lossy manual adjustments. These
settings will be lost when the Remote Console window is closed; for nonvolatile changes use the
KVM Settings > User Console > Transmission Encoding web page.

Scaling Target Video to Client Resolution
In addition to the 1:1 pixel mapping mode, which is the default when the Remote Console window
is first launched, scaling factors may be applied to the captured video in order to match various
sizes of windows on the client. This scaling may be a fixed ratio or dynamically adjustable, as
selected from the Options > Scaling selection. The default is 100 percent, although it may result
in a viewport smaller than the virtual screen and is moved around with scroll bars. The optimal
viewing percentages are 25 and 50.

Keyboard Functions
The Spider and Spider Duo devices provide a number of useful functions for mapping or
translating between the local keyboard/keycodes and the emulated keyboard presented to the
target computer.

Soft Keyboard
With remote control of a computer, it may be that the target system and client system are in
different countries, using different languages. By using a Soft Keyboard, the local user can have
the keycodes available to send to the target that are not on the local keyboard, without worrying
about OS and application character set mappings.
Select Options > Soft Keyboard > Mapping to get a submenu listing the languages supported.
Make the desired selection, and then verify it with Show soft keyboard.
Select Options > Soft Keyboard > Show. This provides an image of the currently selected Soft
Keyboard. The Soft Keyboard sends single keystrokes as well as combinations of keys such as
Ctrl+C. For a single keystroke, click on the button with the desired character. Single keys such as
alphanumeric characters and punctuation are sent immediately. Special keys such as Ctrl, Shift,
and F1 to F12 must be selected twice. The first click sends the signal “key is clicked.” The second
click indicates the signal “key is released” to the remote system. After the first click the button will
change its color to indicate that the key remains clicked, and that a code has not been sent. After
the second click the button will appear as usual, showing that the keycode was sent.
Click the Close button on the title bar to close the soft keyboard.

Local Keyboard
The Java Virtual Machine running the Remote Console applet on the client computer determines
its keyboard language mapping automatically from the operating environment. There may be
circumstances where it is unable to do so, such as when the keyboard mapping and OS language
do not match. The Options > Local Keyboard selection allows manual designation of the
language/layout of the keyboard on the client system.

Hotkeys provide an alternative method for sending keycode sequences defined in the section on
Remote Console Button Keys. Click Options > Hotkeys and select the Button Key to be sent. If

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


6: Remote System Control
that Button Key has been defined with “Confirm”, a confirmation dialog box pops up before the
keycode is sent.

Other Remote Console Functions
Other remote console functions are described in this section. For example, monitor only
specifications, exclusive access, capture of the screen to the clipboard and refreshing the video.

Monitor Only
When Options > Monitor Only is checked, the keyboard and mouse are disabled for this Remote
Console window. The Monitor Only state is shown in the lower right corner of the Remote Console
status bar. The user must have the appropriate permissions to change this setting.

Exclusive Access
When Options > Exclusive Access is checked, no other client may open a Remote Console
window to this Spider device. Any open Remote Console windows on other clients will be
disconnected. The Exclusive Access state is shown in the lower right corner of the Remote
Console status bar. The user must have the appropriate permissions to change this setting.

Screenshot to Clipboard
Options > Screenshot captures a snapshot of the entire target system’s virtual screen to the
clipboard for pasting into other applications.

Refresh Video
The entire Remote Console viewport area is redrawn when the Remote Console window is first
opened, and when the Auto Adjust Video button is clicked. As the encoding settings and noise
filter may sometimes result in visible compression artifacts, selecting Options > Refresh Video
can be used to redraw the entire viewport area.

In addition to interacting with the target system using the KVM Console, the Spider device also
allows text communication with the target via the Telnet Console, also a Java program window.
Telnet and SSH are network protocols that enable a tunnel from the client system to the Spider
device serial port. Once set up, it may be accessed through the web interface at the Telnet
Console window, or using a Telnet/SSH client to connect directly. Note that Telnet/SSH cannot be
used to connect to the Spider device itself in order to control it, as the device has an HTTP and not
a command line interface.
The Telnet Console is a Java program and has the same Java Runtime Environment requirements
as the Remote Console. When the Telnet Console window is open, the user at the client system
can send and receive characters directly to the serial port.

Set up and Enable
To use Telnet or SSH, the serial port must be put in passthrough mode with the appropriate
connection parameters and cabling with Telnet and/or SSH access allowed. If desired, the TCP

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


6: Remote System Control
port numbers also may be changed from their defaults. A user attempting to connect via Telnet or
SSH must also have the appropriate permissions.

Passthrough Use
When using Telnet/SSH in passthrough mode, the Spider device just acts as a conduit for the
serial data traveling between the client system and whatever is connected to the serial port. This
may be a COM port on the remote computer, or a serially controlled power strip, or anything else
with an RS-232 port.
1. From the client system, use a Telnet or SSH utility to connect to the IP address of the Spider
device, at the assigned Telnet TCP port number.
2. The Spider device will present LOGIN and PASSWORD prompts. Enter a valid user name
and password. The user must have permissions set to use Telnet or SSH.
3. The Spider device will reply with a Welcome and status, followed by a command line prompt.
Selections are:

Help—Displays a list of commands


Version—Displays the current Spider firmware version number


Connect Serial—Enter passthrough to serial port mode


Logout—Terminates the Telnet or SSH connection

4. Enter connect serial to open the connection to the serial port.
5. You are now connected and may interact with the attached serial console. Keystrokes are not
locally echoed and must be echoed by the connected serial device.
6. Use the SSH or Telnet ability to send and receive serial data between the client and the serial
port. The Spider device does not echo this data back to the client.
7. When complete, enter Esc-Exit to return to the command line.
8. Enter logout or l to close the connection.

Telnet Console Use
When using the Telnet Console, the Spider device opens a window on the client system that
provides direct access to the Telnet/SSH command line. This eliminates the need to have a Telnet
or SSH utility running on the client system.
1. Click the Terminal button at the top of the Spider page. The user must have permissions set
to use Telnet or SSH. The JRE will launch, and the Telnet Console window appears. Telnet
Console and Remote KVM Console windows may be open concurrently.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


6: Remote System Control

Figure 6-4 Login Screen

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide



This chapter describes the Interfaces tab including information about the pages for configuring
network, serial port, KVM Console, Keyboard/Mouse, Video, and Virtual Media settings. It contains
the following sections:

Network Settings


Serial Port Settings


KVM Console Settings






Virtual Media


User Interface Settings

Network Settings
The first link on the Interfaces tab is Network Settings. Do not forget that changing the settings
while connected to the network can result in dropping the connection. This occurs when you click
Save. Ensure that your new settings are correct when making changes from a remote site before
you click Save.
In Network Settings, there are four configuration areas:

Network Basic Settings—Sets auto IP configuration, host name, IP address, subnet mask,
gateway address, and primary and secondary DNS server addresses.


IPv6 Settings—Enables IPv6.


LAN Interface Settings—Sets LAN interface speed and duplex mode.


Network Miscellaneous Settings—Enables ports, Telnet/SSH access, proxy hose and port,
and bandwidth limit.

To configure network settings, perform the following steps.
1. Click Interfaces > Network. Figure 7-1 shows the page that displays.
Note: A small green square to the right of a field name indicates that the current value is
the default.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


7: Interfaces

Figure 7-1 Spider Network Settings Web Page

2. Modify the following fields.

Network Basic Settings


IP auto configuration

Select DHCP or BOOTP to fetch network settings from the appropriate type
of server. Select NONE for a fixed IP address.

Host name

DHCP servers can register a name for this Spider device to assist in finding
it, or you can configure it with a short host name or a fully qualified

domain name.
IP address

If you are using a fixed IP address, enter it in the usual dot notation.

Subnet Mask

If you are using a fixed IP address, enter the subnet mask of the local

Gateway IP address

If the Spider device is to be accessible from outside the local subnet, enter
the IP address of the router providing access.

Primary DNS Server IP
Address (optional)

For name resolution, enter the IP address of the primary Domain Name
Server. This is optional, but needed if names rather than static IP addresses
are used for certain Spider device functions requiring network connections.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


7: Interfaces



Secondary DNS Server
IP Address (optional)

Enter the IP address of the Domain Name Server to be used if the Primary
DNS Server cannot be reached.

Lan Interface Settings


Current LAN interface

Displays current LAN interface settings.

LAN interface speed

Manual setup may be required for older equipment. With autonegotiation on,
the window displays the current state of the link. Note that the parameters of
the second Ethernet port are not configurable, they remain at autonegotiate.
Select the speed from the drop-down menu.

LAN interface duplex

Select the duplex mode from the drop-down menu.

IPv6 Settings (Firmware v3.0 or higher)


Enable IPv6

Select to enable IPv6.

IPv6 address

IPv6 address displays when enable IPv6 is selected,

IPv6 address dynamic

Assigned automatically by the system.

Link-local IPv6 address

Network address intended only for communications within one segment of a
local network or a point-to-point link. Assigned automatically by the system.

Miscellaneous Network Settings


Remote Console &
HTTPS port

Port number at which the Spider device Remote Console server and HTTPS
server are listening. The default is 443.

HTTP port

Port number at which the Spider device’s HTTP server is listening. The
default is 80.


Port number at which the Spider device’s Telnet server is listening. The
default is 23.

SSH port

Port number at which the Spider device’s SSH server is listening. The
default is 22.

Bandwidth Limit

The maximum network traffic generated through the Spider device’s primary
Ethernet port, in kilobits. If left blank, there is no bandwidth limitation applied.


For security, the default is having Telnet and SSH disabled. Check the
appropriate box (es) and set up the serial port for Telnet/SSH to use the
Telnet console.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


7: Interfaces



Disable Setup Protocol

Spider View application uses a special protocol to locate and set up Spider
device IP addresses. As a security measure you may wish to disable this
protocol when deploying Spider devices. If the protocol is disabled, Detector
and the Spider device network will not find the Spider device.

Enable remote console

Enable the Java KVM console program to use a proxy server to connect to
the Spider device. If you must configure your web browser to use a proxy
server, you will likely have to do the same on the Spider device.

Proxy host

Enter the proxy server's address.

Proxy port

Enter the proxy port number.

3. Do one of the following:
a. Click Save to save settings.
b. Click Reset to Defaults to restore system defaults.

Click Reset to restore original settings.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


7: Interfaces

Serial Port Settings
After using the serial port to set up the network parameters, you can use the serial port for
something else. You can establish a PPP connection to use a modem (Spider device only) or
another serial connection to log into and operate the Spider device. If you want to access a
console port remotely through the Spider device, SSH and Telnet passthrough is available.
To configure the serial port, perform the following steps.
1. Click Interfaces > Serial Port. The Serial Port Settings page displays.
Figure 7-2 SpiderDuo Serial Port Settings Page

2. Modify the following fields.


Configuration Login

Select this option to use the serial port locally only to set up network
parameters or reset the unit.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


7: Interfaces



Modem (Spider device

Connect to the Spider device with a dial-up or ISDN connection, using PPP.
Essentially, the Spider device acts as an ISP that you dial in to. The client
system will need to be set up accordingly, for example using the Windows
Network Connection Wizard. Change the following parameters as


Passthrough Access to
serial port 1 via Telnet/

Serial Line Speed: Most modems support 115200 bps.
Modem Init String: The initialization string sent out to set up the modem.
If you have a special modem or are going through a PBX requiring an
access sequence, you may modify the string. Consult the modem’s
manual on the AT command syntax.
Modem server IP addresses: As part of the PPP handshake, IP
addresses are assigned to the remote device.
Modem client IP address: IP address assigned to the Spider device.

The serial port may be used to connect to the target server’s COM port for
integrated access to command line functions or used to control a serialinterfaced peripheral. Telnet and SSH are network protocols that enable a
tunnel from the client system over the network to the Spider device’s serial
port. Once the port is set up, it may be accessed through the web interface at
the Telnet Console window, or using a Telnet/SSH client to connect directly.
Set the following parameters to match connected equipment:




Speed: The speed with which the device port exchanges data with the
attached serial device. From the drop-down list, select the baud rate. Most
devices use 9600 for the administration port, so the device port defaults to
this value. Check the equipment settings and documentation for the
proper baud rate.
Data bits: Number of data bits used to transmit a character. From the
drop-down list, select the number of data bits. The default is 8 data bits.
Parity: Parity checking is a rudimentary method of detecting simple,
single-bit errors. From the drop-down list, select the parity. The default is
Stop Bits: The number of stop bit(s) used to indicate that a byte of data
has been transmitted. From the drop-down list, select the number of stop
bits. The default is 1.
Flow Control: A method of preventing buffer overflow and loss of data.
The available methods include none, software (xon/xoff), and hardware
(RTS/CTS). The default is none.

3. Do one of the following:
a. Click Save to save settings.
b. Click Reset to Defaults to restore system defaults.

Click Reset to restore original settings.

KVM Console Settings
The Remote Console window into the target system has settings that may be changed for the way
each individual user interacts with the Spider device. When a user is created by copying from an
existing user, the Remote Console settings will be copied as well. You can change these settings
on the Interfaces > KVM Console Settings page. Note that if you are using the Spider View
application, these settings do not apply; see the Spider View User Guide for further information.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


7: Interfaces
The way in which the Spider device transmits video data back to the client system can be tailored
for the type of network connection. On a LAN where bandwidth is not an issue, compression is not
required and the speed of updates can be maximized. For other connections, the optimum user
interaction needs to trade off image quality and update speed to fit the size of the pipe. Because
various users may be accessing the Spider device over different connections, these parameters
are applied on a user-by-user basis. The default is set for maximum image quality and speed of
updates, which results in high data rate and hence is suitable for LANs where bursts of up to 2
Mbytes/second are acceptable.
To modify the user console, perform the following steps.
1. Click Interfaces > KVM Console. The Remote Console Settings for User page displays.
Figure 7-3 User Remote Console Settings Page

2. Configure the following fields.

KVM Console Settings


KVM Console Settings

Select the user from the drop-down menu. The settings on this page apply
only to the selected user. When a user is created by copying from an existing
user, the KVM Console Settings will be copied as well.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


7: Interfaces

Transmission Encoding


Automatic Detection

This option uses an algorithm to try to determine what sort of connection is
being used, and sets up parameters to match. These settings may change
from login to login depending on the state of the network at that point.


Establishes a set of parameters optimized for each of a number of
connection types. The default transmission encoding is LAN (high color),
which is uncompressed with a 16 bit color depth. Other data networks may
be chosen from the Network speed drop-down list, and the compression
and color depth will be configured accordingly.


Allows the direct control of the compression factor and color depth. The
simplest way to reduce bandwidth is to cut the color depth down to 8 bits;
subtle color shades will be gone but the overall image is very usable. Dialing
up the compression level also makes available even further reductions in
color depth, all the way down to black and white (1 bit.) As compression level
increases and/or color depth decreases, image quality and responsiveness
to changes deteriorates but required bandwidth is reduced.

KVM Console Type


Default Java VM

Select this option to use Java on the client system launching the applet. If no
Java environment is installed, the console window will not launch. The
default is enabled.

Sun Microsystems Java
Browser Plugin

Force the system to use the platform-independent Sun version instead when
launching the Remote Console applet.

Note: Users have two ways to deploy the Remote Console program. Both provide the
same functionality and differ only in deployment method. The default is Java Web Start.
Applet deployment is available in case the user cannot connect via Java Web Start. This
usually should not happen unless the user has a special proxy server or firewall that
blocks Java Web Start.

KVM Console Deployment


Java Web Start

Select this option to use Java Web Start deployment method.


Select this option to use the Applet deployment method.

Miscellaneous KVM Console Settings


Start in Monitor Mode

Results in the Remote Console window being view-only when launched for
this user. This may be changed to interactive mode from within the Remote
Console window, if the user has appropriate permission.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


7: Interfaces



Start in Exclusive
Access Mode

Upon any subsequent launch of the Remote Console applet by the selected
user, terminates any other users’ Remote Console windows and locks out
any other users trying to access the Remote Console window. This may be
changed from within the Remote Console window to allow shared access, if
the user has appropriate permission.

Mouse Hotkey


Hotkey (Help)

When the Remote Console window is open, a key code that is not captured
by the client system is needed for certain mouse functions. The default is
Alt+F12. Change the key code if necessary.

Full-screen Hotkey

Pressing Ctrl+F10 will display the KVM console in Full-screen mode while
maintaining the same aspect ratio. Press Ctrl+F10 again to return to regular
screen mode. The default is Ctrl+F10. Change the key code if necessary.

KVM Console Virtual Keys


Key Definition (Help)

Button keys allow simulating keystrokes at the remote system that cannot be
generated from the client keyboard. A flexible syntax allows for combinations
of keys being clicked in combination or in sequence, with optional pauses
and an optional confirmation-before-sending dialog box.
One key is predefined, for Ctrl+Alt+Delete (with confirmation.) The syntax to
define a new Button Key is as follows:
Keycode is the key to send. Multiple key codes are concatenated with a + or
a - sign. The + sign builds key combinations, all keys will be clicked until a sign or the end of the combination is encountered. All clicked keys will be
released in reversed sequence. The - sign builds single, separate key clicks
and key releases.
Note: For a list of keys and further explanation, click the Help link at the top
of the Key Definition column.


Enter the name to appear on the button in the Remote Console window. Up
to nine Button Keys may be defined for each user.

3. Do one of the following:
a. Click Save to save settings.
b. Click Reset to Defaults to restore system defaults.

Click Reset to restore original settings.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


7: Interfaces

To modify the keyboard and mouse settings, perform the following steps.
1. Click Interfaces > Keyboard/Mouse. The Keyboard/Mouse Settings page displays.
Figure 7-4 Keyboard/Mouse Settings

2. Modify the following fields.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


7: Interfaces

Keyboard/Mouse Settings


Host Interface

In general, the USB interface is preferred because it provides superior
mouse tracking. The Host Interface drop-down provides three selections.
In the default mode, Auto, the Spider device attempts to determine whether
the attached computer supports a USB keyboard/mouse. If it does, that
interface gets activated. If it does not, the Spider device falls back to PS/2. If
you have a USB model Spider device and the attached computer does not
support USB, the system will be view only.
On the PS/2 model Spider device, select PS/2 to force the PS/2 interface or
USB to require USB. This selection has no effect on the USB model Spider

Force USB Full Speed

Some older systems do not support USB high-speed mode and may not
recognize the keyboard/mouse. Enable this option for Spider device to
negotiate in USB full speed mode.

Keyboard Model


When operating in PS/2 interface mode, key codes from several layouts may
be emulated.

Generic 104-key PC for the traditional layout.
Generic 109-key PC for keyboard with added Windows keys.
(Use 109 for Japanese keyboard.)
Apple Macintosh for Mac layout.

Key Release Timeout


Key release timeout

Network delays may sometimes result in duplicated keystrokes. Enable Key
Release Timeout to fix this problem.

Timeout after

Enter time, in msec.

Country Code


Country Code

Select the check box to enable the Spider device to recognize the country
code. Enable if the host machine requires the keyboard to send a country
code to use a certain language. Most operating systems do not require this
except Sun Solaris.


From the drop-down list, select the code of the desired country.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


7: Interfaces

USB Mouse Type


Different operating systems running on the target system require different
mouse emulation protocols. One selection is available for newer versions of
Windows and Mac OS/X, and another for Other Operating Systems (e.g.,

Mouse Speed


Mouse speed

Select the method of assigning mouse speed.

Auto mouse speed determines the speed and acceleration settings of the
target system. It is the recommended setting for most applications.
Fixed scaling translates a one-pixel motion on the client system to a
selectable number of pixels moved on the target system. As the 1 to n
mapping is linear, this will only work when there is no compression
acceleration or other special effects turned on at the target system.

3. View the USB Status for USB Speed, Keyboard, Mouse, and Mass Storage.
4. Do one of the following:
a. Click Save to save settings.
b. Click Reset to Defaults to restore system defaults.

Click Reset to restore original settings.

To configure the Spider device USB model with a Sun Solaris operating system, perform the
following steps.
1. Click Interfaces > Keyboard/Mouse. The Keyboard/Mouse Settings page displays.
2. On the Keyboard/Mouse Settings page configure the red outlined fields as shown.
3. The Sun Solaris operating system requires the keyboard to send a country code to use a
certain language. At Country Code click enabled and use the Country drop- down list to
select your language choice.

Sun Solaris settings are for the Spider device only.

4. Click Save.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


7: Interfaces

Figure 7-5 Keyboard/Mouse Settings Page B

The Spider device works by capturing and digitizing the analog video coming from the attached
computer. This analog video may have more or less low-level electrical noise present, depending
on the nature of the video card or embedded video controller.
When viewed on a monitor, this noise (if random) is invisible as the display is being redrawn 60 to
100 times a second. Inside the Spider device, however, the algorithm sees that noise as
something changing on the screen, so that requires sending off an update to the client system.
This can result in a constant stream of data even when the image on the target computer’s screen
is not moving. In order to avoid this, at Interface > Video > Miscellaneous Video Settings the
Spider device has a selection for noise filter. The larger filter openings will filter out more of the
noise, at the cost of potentially missing small incremental changes and seeing some compression
artifacts (blocky-ness). Filter settings of Medium or High will work for most applications. Be sure
to try the Remote Console Auto Adjust Video button a few times before deciding that a constant
stream of data represents electrical noise requiring a larger filter setting.
To modify video settings, perform the followings steps.
1. Click Interfaces > Video. The Miscellaneous Video Settings page displays.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


7: Interfaces

Figure 7-6 Miscellaneous Video Settings Page

2. Select the Noise Filter level from the drop-down menu.
3. Do one of the following:
a. Click Save to save settings.
b. Click Reset to Defaults to restore system defaults.

Click Reset to restore original settings.

Virtual Media
The Spider device provides a powerful capability called Virtual Media (or Virtual Disk). Using the
USB port, the Spider device can present either a local floppy disk image or a redirected remote
CD-ROM image to the target computer. This can allow system recovery in conditions as bad as
having local disks down and no primary network connection.
With Floppy Disk Image, the user can upload an image to the Spider device’s memory, which then
emulates a locally attached floppy drive. With CD-ROM Image, a Windows or other SAMBA share
can emulate a locally attached CD-ROM, for instance to update software.
Drive Redirection allows you to share (redirect) your local drive (floppy drives, hard disks, CD
ROMs and other removable devices like USB sticks) with the remote system over a TCP network
Thus, with Drive Redirection, you can use a virtual disk drive on the remote computer instead of an
image file. It is also possible to enable a remote machine to write data to your local disc.
Note: Drive Redirection supports only Windows as the client computer since it redirects
based on a drive letter.
To open the Virtual Media page, perform the following steps.
1. Click Interfaces > Virtual Media.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


7: Interfaces

Figure 7-7 Virtual Media Page

To prepare for drive redirection, perform the following steps.
1. Enter the following fields.

Virtual Media Active Image


Virtual Media Active

Once you set Image on Windows Share or Floppy Image File (on this web
page), information about the currently assigned (active) image displays.

Drive Redirection


Disable Drive

Drive Redirection is enabled by default. Select this checkbox to disable the
ability to share the local drive with the remote system.

Force read-only

Select to prevent the remote drive from writing to your local drive. Selected
by default.
Clearing the Force read-only connections check box may
result in file system errors and data corruption because of drive
caching when data is written back to the Redirected local drive.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


7: Interfaces

Virtual Media Options
The operating system on the target computer must have a USB mass storage driver installed in
order to use Virtual Media. As the BIOS on some systems does not always support mass storage
emulation on the USB interface, the system default is to disable USB mass storage unless an
image is loaded. This option may be unselected to use.


Disable USB Mass

Select the checkbox to disable USB mass storage if no image is loaded.
Selected by default. Clear the check box if an image is loaded.

Force read-only

Select to prevent the remote drive from writing to your local drive. Selected
by default.
Clearing the Force read-only connections check box may
result in file system errors and data corruption because of drive
caching when data is written back to the Redirected local drive.

1. Do one of the following:
a. Click Save to save settings.
b. Click Reset to Defaults to restore system defaults.

Click Reset to restore original settings.

Image on Windows Share
In this section of the page, you can enable the Spider device to access a CD-ROM image up to 4.7
GB on a Windows shared folder via SAMBA. The Spider device then makes that image accessible
to the target computer by emulating a USB disk drive.

Windows 2003 and Windows Vista do not support this feature.

Appropriate administrative permissions to access the host and file are needed, as well as the
ability to see that computer over the network from the Spider device.
The connection remains mounted until the current user logs out or the Spider device is rebooted.
Other client systems logging into the Spider device will see the active image in all Virtual Media
To share a CD-ROM image, perform the following steps.
1. Enter the following: fields.


Share Host/IP

IP address of the host of the Windows shared folder.

Share Name

Name of the host of the Windows shared folder.

Image File with Path

Name and path to the CD-ROM image. The file must be structured as a CDROM image. The filename appears as the Active Image and the image is
available to the target computer as a letter drive (e.g., F: ).

User Name (optional)

User name for accessing the host and file.

Password (optional)

Password for accessing the host and file.

2. Do one of the following:
a. To discard your changes, click Reset.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


7: Interfaces
b. To mount the image, click Set. Information about the image displays in the Virtual Media
Active Image section of the page and the CD icon displays on the remote console.
Figure 7-8 Virtual Media Active Page

3. If desired, in the Virtual Media Active Image section:
a. Click Reactivate if the remote console does not recognize the image.
b. Click Unset to remove the current image file. This option is available only when a user
uploads a floppy image.

Click Download to save the image file.

Floppy Image
In the Floppy Image Upload section, you can upload a floppy disk image to the Spider device,
which then appears to the attached computer as a physical floppy drive. The desired floppy image
file will be uploaded from the client system or from a network drive accessible to the client system.
The file must be structured as a floppy image. To make a floppy image, search for and use a utility
such as dd or rawwrite. The maximum image size is 1.44 MB. For larger images, use the CD-ROM
Image function.
The image file remains in Spider device until the current user logs out, or the device is rebooted.
Other client systems logging into the Spider device will also see the active image in all Virtual
Media pages.
To upload a floppy image file, perform the following steps.
1. In the Floppy Image Upload section (bottom right), click Browse to locate the floppy image
2. Do one of the following:
a. Click Reset to discard your changes.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


7: Interfaces
b. Click Upload to load the image into Spider device’s memory. This floppy drive is
accessible to the remote computer as a letter-name floppy drive (e.g., B:). Information
about the image displays in the Virtual Media Active Image section of the page.
Figure 7-9 Virtual Media Active Image

3. If desired, in the Virtual Media Active Image section:
a. Click Reactivate if the remote machine does not recognize the image.
b. Click Download to save the image file.

Click Discard to remove the current image file.

Connecting to a Redirected Drive
If Drive Redirection is enabled, you can connect to the drive. Depending on the combination of the
type of drive and the Force read-only connections setting, different warnings display.
To connect to a redirected drive, perform the following steps.
1. Click the KVM Console button at the top of the Spider device web page or click the console
image that you see when you log in to the Spider device. The Remote Console displays?
2. Click the disk icon

in the toolbar. Drive Redirection buttons display at the top left of the

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


7: Interfaces

Figure 7-10 Drive Redirection Window

Figure 7-11 Drive Redirect Buttons

3. Click the Connect Drive button at the top of the page. The Select a drive to redirect dialog box
Figure 7-12 Select Drive Redirect Window

4. From the drop-down list, select the drive you want to redirect.

To refresh the list after adding or removing a drive, click the Refresh List button.

5. If desired, select the Enable Write support check box.
6. Click OK. Depending on your selections, the following events or warnings display:
7. If you select Enable Write support, the following warning displays:
Figure 7-13 Enable Write Support Window

Because of the danger of destroying all data on the drive, click Yes only if you are certain of what
you are doing. If you select the hard disk from the drop-down list, the following warning may

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


7: Interfaces

Figure 7-14 Local Drive Browser Window

8. Select the ISO image file to use as a local disk and press Open.
Figure 7-15 Drive Redirection Established Window

9. ISO Drive Redirection established displays at top of screen.

User Interface Settings
The color of page tabs on the Spider device can be changed. On the Interfaces page click UI.
Select a style sheet from the drop-down list on the User Interface Settings page. Click Save.
Figure 7-16 User Interface Settings Page

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide



User Accounts
This chapter describes user accounts including local and remote authentication, management,
and user groups and how to configure each. It contains the following sections:

Local vs. Remote Authentication


Local User Management


User Permissions


Remote Authentication

Local vs. Remote Authentication
User names and groups may be administered on the Spider device to allow varying levels of
access and control to different classes of users. To log in to the Spider device, a user must be
authenticated by means of a password. This authentication may take place locally, where the user
name and associated password are stored in the Spider device’s memory. The Spider device may
query a centralized database using RADIUS or LDAP to determine if a given user may log in. In
both of these cases, the user name must be defined on the Spider device where it has its
permissions assigned.

Local User Management
A newly assigned user has permissions inherited from an assigned group. All Local Users not
associated with a group will inherit default settings.

Modifying Passwords
To change current user password, perform the following steps.
1. Click User Accounts > Change Password. The Change Password page displays.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


8: User Accounts

Figure 8-1 Change Password Page

2. Enter the current password under Old Password.
3. Enter the new password under New Password and Confirm New Password.
4. Click Save to save your settings, or click Reset to restore original settings.

User and Group Management
You must be logged in under a user name that has permissions for User/Group Management to
access this page. The Spider device supports a maximum of 50 configured users. When defining a
user, make sure the group to which the user will belong has already been created.
To configure users and groups, perform the following steps.
1. Click User Account > User/Group. The User/Group Management page displays.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


8: User Accounts

Figure 8-2 Configure User Page

User Management
To configure a user, perform the following steps.
1. Configure the following fields.


Existing users

To modify or copy an existing user, select that user from the drop-down
menu and click Lookup.

New user name

Enter the new user’s name. Minimum 1 character.

Full user name

Enter the full name of the configured user. Minimum 1 character.


Enter the password for the user. Minimum 4 characters.

Confirm Password

Re-enter the password for the user.

Email address

(Optional) Enter the user’s email address.

Mobile number

(Optional) Enter the user’s mobile phone number.

Group Membership

Select the user’s group from the drop-down menu.

Enforce user to change
password on next login

Select checkbox to require the user to change the password upon initial

2. Do one of the following:
a. Click Create to add the new user.
b. Click Modify to change an existing user.

Click Copy to create a new user based on the selected existing user.

d. Click Delete to delete an existing user.
e. Click Reset to restore original settings.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


8: User Accounts
Group Management
To configure a user group, perform the following steps.
1. Configure the following fields.


Existing Groups

To copy or modify a group, select the group from the drop-down menu. Click

New Group Name

Enter the new group’s name.

2. Do one of the following:
a. Click Create to add the new group.
b. Click Modify to change an existing group.

Click Copy to create a new group based on the selected existing group.

d. Click Delete to delete an existing group.
e. Click Reset to restore original settings.

User Permissions
To modify user permissions, perform the following steps.
1. Click User Accounts > Permissions. The User/Group Permissions page displays.
Figure 8-3 User Permissions Page

2. From the drop-down menu, select Group to configure:
3. If you created a user belonging to a group, and you want to change permissions for the group,
select Group.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


8: User Accounts
4. If you created a user who does not belong to any group, then select User.
5. From the Direct KVM drop-down menu, do one of the following:
a. Select Yes to enable the user or group to access the Remote Console only. After a user is
authenticated, it launches the Java KVM console program.
b. Select No (default) to display the web page after logon.

Setting Yes may overwrite some selected permissions selected in step 4.

6. Modify the displayed permissions as necessary for the selection.
7. Do one of the following:
a. Click Save to save settings.
b. Click Reset to Defaults to restore system defaults.

Click Reset to restore original settings.

Remote Authentication
If the authentication settings have been set to Local Authentication (the default), the Spider device
uses its own database to perform authentication. If one of the remote authentication protocols is
selected, the Spider device communicates with a remote server to authenticate user passwords.
To configure authentication settings, perform the following steps.
1. Click User Accounts > Authentication. The Authentication Settings page displays.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


8: User Accounts

Figure 8-4 Authentication Page

2. Modify the following field.


Local Authentication

When Local Authentication is selected, the Spider device will authenticate
against its internal database of users and passwords, as described in Local
User Management.

When you select LDAP Authentication, the Spider device will communicate with a Microsoft Active
Directory or generic LDAP server for user authentication. The user profile must be set up in the
local database as described in Local User Management, but no password is stored locally. When a
user attempts to log in, the Spider device contacts the specified LDAP server, which either
approves or denies access.


LDAP Server IP

Enter the name or IP address of the LDAP server, reachable over the
network by the Spider device, containing the user database. Be sure to
configure a DNS server if a name rather than address is used.

LDAP Server Base DN

Specify the Distinguished Name (DN) where the directory tree starts in the
user LDAP server.

LDAP Server Type

Select the type of the external LDAP server. Available selections are
Generic LDAP and Microsoft Active Directory. If a Generic LDAP Server
is selected, edit the LDAP scheme.

User Search Sub-filter

Select to restrict the search for users by adding an additional search filter to
each query for a user.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


8: User Accounts



Bind Name

The name for a non-anonymous bind to an LDAP server. This item has the
same format as LDAP Base. One example is

Bind Password and
Confirm Password

Password for a non-anonymous bind. This entry is optional. Acceptable
characters are a-z, A-Z, and 0-9.
The maximum length is 127 characters.

When RADIUS is selected, the Spider device communicates with a RADIUS server for user
authentication. To access a Spider device set up for RADIUS, log in with a name and password.
The Spider device contacts the RADIUS server for authentication and, if approved, the Spider
device uses the locally stored user profile. If there is no such profile, access via RADIUS will be



Enter the name or IP address of the RADIUS server, reachable over the
network by the Spider device, containing the user database. Configure a
DNS server if a name rather than an address is used.

Shared Secret

A shared secret is a text string that serves as a password between the
RADIUS client and RADIUS server. In this case the Spider device acts as a
RADIUS client. A shared secret is used to verify that RADIUS messages are
sent by a RADIUS-enabled device that is configured with the same shared
secret and to verify that the RADIUS message has not been modified in
transit (message integrity).
Enter a maximum of 128 alphanumeric characters and symbols such as an
exclamation point (“!”) or an asterisk (“*”).

Authentication Port

The port the RADIUS server listens for authentication requests. The default
value is 1812.

Accounting Port

The port the RADIUS server listens for accounting requests. The default
value is 1813.


Sets the request time-to-live in seconds. The time-to-live is the time to wait
for the completion of the authentication request. If the request job is not
completed within this interval of time it is cancelled. The default value is 1


Sets the number of retries if a request could not be completed. The default
value is 3 times.

1. Do one of the following:
a. Click Save to save settings.
b. Click Reset to Defaults to restore system defaults.

Click Reset to restore original settings.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide



This chapter describes the Spider and SpiderDuo KVP-over-IP services. It contains the following







Event Log




KVM Search


Power Management

The Spider device contains an internal real time clock that maintains a basic date and time after
being set. The clock, however, will reset if the unit loses power. If an accurate date and time are
critical, the Spider device supports synchronization with Network Time Protocol servers. Internally,
the date and time are only used to timestamp events in the log and for the inactivity timeout.
To configure the date and time settings, perform the following steps.
1. Click Services > Date/Time. The Date/Time Settings page displays.
Figure 9-1 Date/Time Settings Page

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


9: Services
2. Modify the following fields.
Table 9-2 Date/Time Settings


UTC Offset

Time servers deliver time as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC, or
Greenwich Mean Time). Select the appropriate offset in hours ± from the
drop-down menu.

User Specified Time

Manually input the current date and time. The Spider device keeps time as
long as power is applied. It has an internal calendar, but does not know
about daylight savings time and requires resetting twice a year. The internal
clock accuracy is ±30 ppm.

Synchronize with NTP

Enter a primary and secondary time server in the respective fields. Ensure
NAT and firewalls are set up to allow the protocol to pass. Also, provide the
Spider device with DNS server names.

3. Do one of the following:
a. Click Save to save settings.
b. Click Reset to Defaults to restore system defaults.

Click Reset to restore original settings.

General settings for security parameters such as encryption and access control are at Services >
Security. Other areas with security implications include User Management/Permissions,
Authentication, Network Settings, and the Event Log; see the appropriate sections for information
on those areas.
To modify security settings, perform the following steps.
1. Click Services > Security. The Security page displays.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


9: Services

Figure 9-3 Security Settings Page

2. Modify the following fields.

HTTP Encryption


Force HTTPS for Web

Typically, the Spider device listens on both HTTP and HTTPS ports for
incoming connections. If this box is checked, access can only be made using
SSL, and connection requests on the HTTP port will be ignored. See the
section on Certificate for further information on how the Spider device
identifies itself using a cryptographic certificate.

Login Limitations


Enable Single Login

If this box is checked, each username may only have one logged in
connection at a time. If unchecked, multiple instances of username logins
are allowed.

KVM Encryption


KVM Encryption

In addition to the SSL encryption of the Spider device’s web pages, the
keyboard, mouse, and video data may be encrypted. Select Off to use no
Select Try for the Spider device to attempt to make an encrypted connection
but will back off to unencrypted if one cannot be established.
Select Force for an encrypted connection to be made, or an error will be

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


9: Services

Group Based System Access Control


Enable Group Based
System Access Control

When this box is checked, the rules for IP based access are enforced. They
are ignored when the box is not checked.

Default Action

If after evaluation of all rules a request for connection from a given IP
address has not had either an Accept or Drop decision made, this selection
can allow it to be either Accepted or Dropped. In other words, this drop-down
defines the default action for IP addresses with no rules defined.

Rule creation and

Spider devices come from the factory with one rule defined as an example of
the rule structure: Rule 1 allows all groups access from source IP to Additional rules may be entered in the edit boxes.


Rule Number: Defines where in the evaluation sequence this rule is to
be applied.
Starting and Ending IP Addresses: Define the range over which the rule
Group: Defines which user group is affected by this rule. Built-in groups
include Admin, All, and Unknown (no group assigned). As additional
groups are defined in User ManagementUsers
Group Management, they will appear in the drop-down. A rule can apply
to only one group at a time.
Action: Chooses whether this is to be a Drop or Accept rule.
After a rule has been defined, it needs to go in the correct place in the list.
Append: Puts the rule at the end of the list. The rule number changes to
reflect the last position on the list.
Insert: Puts the rule in the place on the list indicated by the rule number,
renumbering and moving down the other rules to make room.
Replace: Deletes the previous rule of that number and replaces it with the
new rule.
Delete: Deletes the rule of that number and moves the others up. Note
that for a Delete, the fields other than the rule number do not need to be
filled in.

Authentication Limitation


Enable Screenshot
Access without

Select this option when you need to access the snapshot image without
logging in to the Spider device. If enabled, the screenshot can be read
directly with http(s):///screenshot.jpg. One
use of this unauthenticated screenshot is to read it from a Google gadget

Enable Direct KVM
Console Access without

Select this option to launch the Remote Console without authentication by
entering the Spider device's IP address (http(s):/(Spider device IP address)
in the browser's Address field or type javaws http(s):/(Spider
device IP address in the command line. To launch Spider device web
access type http(s):/(Spider device IP address)/home in the
browser’s Address field.

3. Do one of the following:
a. Click Save to save settings.
b. Click Reset to Defaults to restore system defaults.

Click Reset to restore original settings.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


9: Services

The Spider device uses the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol for any encrypted network traffic
between itself and a connected client. During the connection establishment the Spider device has
to expose its identity to a client using a cryptographic certificate. Upon leaving the factory this
certificate and the underlying secret key is the same for all Spider devices and will not match the
network configuration where it is installed. The certificate’s underlying secret key is also used for
securing the SSL handshake. Leaving the default certificate unmodified is all right in most
circumstances and is necessary only if the network facility is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle
It is possible to generate and install a new base64 x.509 certificate that is unique for a particular
Spider device. The Spider device is able to generate a new cryptographic key and the associated
Certificate Signing Request (CSR) that needs to be certified by a certification authority (CA).
To create and install an SSL certificate, perform the following steps.
1. Click Services > Certificate. The Certificate Signing Request page displays.
Figure 9-4 Certificate Signing Request Page

2. Modify the following fields.


Common name

The network name of the Spider device once it is installed in the user’s
network (usually the fully qualified domain name). It is identical to the name
that is used to access the Spider device with a web browser without the
prefix http://. In case the name given here and the actual network name
differ, the browser will pop up a security warning when the Spider device is
accessed using HTTPS.

Organizational unit

This field specifies to the department within an organization to which the
Spider device belongs.


The name of the organization to which the Spider device belongs.


The city where the organization is located.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


9: Services




The state or province where the organization is located.

Country (ISO code)

The country where the organization is located. This is the two-letter ISO
code (e.g., US for the United States).


The email address of a contact person responsible for the Spider device and
its security.

Challenge password/
Confirm Challenge

Certain certification authorities require a challenge password to authorize
later changes on the certificate (e.g., revocation of the certificate). The
minimal length of this password is four characters.

Key length (bits)

Select the key length from the drop-down menu.

3. Click Create to initiate the Certificate Signing Request generation. Download the CSR by
clicking Download. The Download button displays when a certificate is created. Send the
saved CSR to a CA for certification.
4. Click Upload to upload the certificate from the client computer to the Spider device. The
Spider device now has its own certificate used for identifying itself to its clients.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


9: Services

Event Log
The Event Log maintains a list of significant events locally. Alternatively it can use an NFS log file,
SMTP email, or SNMP to distribute event information on the network. The Spider device monitors
five classes of events with the logging of each enabled or disabled.
To configure event log settings, perform the following steps.
1. Click Services > Event Log. The Event Log page displays.
Figure 9-5 Event Log Page

2. Modify the following fields:

Event Log Targets


List Logging Enabled

Check this box to use the internal log list of the Spider device. The maximum
number of entries is 1,000. Every entry that exceeds this limit overrides the
oldest one. The number of log entries shown on each page may be changed
in the text box. The internal log list is cleared when power is removed from
the Spider device, or when you click the Clear button.

NFS Logging Enabled

The Spider device can write log information to a file on an NFS server.
Provide the name of the server, share, and file in the boxes. The NFS share
will be mounted immediately, and an error message will result if it cannot be

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


9: Services



SMTP Logging enabled

With this option, the Spider device is able to send emails to an address given
by the email address. These emails contain the same description strings as
the internal log file and the mail subject contains the event class. To use this
log destination, specify an SMTP Server, the Receiver Email Address, and
Sender Email Address. Enter the mail server and SMTP port as

SNMP Logging Enabled

If selected, the Spider device sends an SNMP trap to a specified destination
IP address every time a log event occurs. Configure the Destination IP and
Community. View the SNMP MIB implemented in the Spider device by
clicking on the Spider device SNMP MIB link.

Event Log Assignments


Event Log Assignments

Select the event classes for monitoring, local logging, and exportation.

3. Do one of the following:
a. Click Save to save settings.
b. Click Reset to Defaults to restore system defaults.

Click Reset to restore original settings.

The Spider device has an internal SNMP agent that has various objects accessible in its MIB. It
also can generate traps based on events. The Spider device permits enabling or disabling the
SNMP agent, input read and write communities, location information, contact information, and
viewing the MIB.
To configure SNMP settings, perform the following steps.
1. Click Services > SNMP. The SNMP Settings page displays.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


9: Services

Figure 9-6 SNMP Settings Page

2. Modify the following fields.


Enable SNMP Agent

Click the checkbox to enable the Spider device SNMP agent, and enter the
system location and the contact name for the system.

Use SNMPv3

Select to use SNMPv3 (rather than SNMPv1)and enter the following:

Use SNMPv1

DES Encryption: Select whether to turn off or enable encryption with
Data Encryption Standard (DES),
Read Username: User ID for a user with read-only authority to use to
access SNMP v3.
Read Password: Password for a user with read-only authority to use to
access SNMP v3. Up to 32 characters.
Write Username: Enter a user ID for users with read-write authority. Up to
32 characters.
Write Password: Enter a password for the user with read-write authority
to use to access SNMP v3. Up to 20 characters.

Select to use SNMPv1 (rather than SNMPv3) and enter the following:

Read Community: Enter the SNMP read community name. The default is
Write Community: Enter the SNMP write community name. The default
is private.

3. Do one of the following:
a. Click Save to save settings.
b. Click Reset to Defaults to restore system defaults.

Click Reset to restore original settings.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


9: Services

KVM Search
The KVM Search option enables you to view the properties of other Spider devices on the
network. The following items display:

IP address




Direct KVM










MAC Address







Note: The information shown on the web interface represents a snapshot in time. To
see the most recent data, click Refresh.
To view a KVM search, perform the following steps.
1. Click Services

> KVM Search. The search results display.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


9: Services

Figure 9-7 KVM Search Page

Power Management
The Power Management option enables you to manage the properties of the power system. It
enables the monitoring of the Power Control Unit (PCU) that only applies to the SpiderDuo, and
the sending of Wake-On-LAN (WOL) messages to a computer that has WOL enabled.
To view the Power Management page, perform the following steps.
1. Click Services

> Power Management. The Power Management page displays.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


9: Services

Figure 9-8 Power Management Page

The Power Management web page contains two sections as displayed in Figure 9-8. The upper
portion displays information about the SpiderDuo PCU. The PCU only applies to the SpiderDuo.
The WOL applies to both the Spider and SpiderDuo devices.

SpiderDuo Power Control Unit
The SpiderDuo Power Control Unit section of the web page contains the power and PCU status.
You can also enable or disable the PCU which requires a reboot.
To enable the PCU, perform the following steps.
1. Click Enable. A warning displays requesting that you confirm.
2. Click Confirm Enable. The message that the enable was successful.
3. Reboot for the change to take effect.

Wake-On LAN
Wake-On-LAN (WOL, sometimes WoL) is an Ethernet computer networking standard that allows a
computer to be turned on or woken up remotely by a network message sent usually by a program
executed on another computer on the network.
The WOL requests get generated and sent to a single machine or group of devices. If a single
machine is selected (via the first radio button), the MAC address for the selected device must be
supplied. If no password is needed, the password field maybe left blank.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


9: Services
If the second radio button is selected, the WOL message may be sent to any number of devices
identified by a Device Name, IP Address (optional), or MAC address (entered into the respective
text boxes). If no password is needed, this field should be left blank.
WOL support is implemented on the motherboard of a computer and the network interface and is
not dependent on the operating system running on the hardware, although the operating system
can sometimes control the WOL behavior. Refer to your motherboard and operating system user
guide for configuration information.

Enable WOL
To enable WOL, perform the following steps.
1. Enter the MAC address and password in the Send to the MAC address below field.
1. Click Wake Up.
2. Enter the device name, IP address, MAC address, and password in the Send to the
following devices field.
3. Click Add More Entries if required. Repeat Step 2 for each additional entry.
4. Click Wake Up.

Remove Entries, Reset to Defaults, or Reset
To remove an entry from the Send to the following devices table, clear the Device Name field
and click Save.
To reset to defaults, click Reset to Defaults.
To reset, click Reset.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


10: Maintenance
This chapter describes various maintenance activities of an administrator. These include viewing
status, backing up and restoring configuration files, updating firmware, viewing the event log, and
resetting the unit. It contains the following sections:

Device Status




Update Firmware


View Event Log


Unit Reset


iGoogle Gadgets

Device Status
The Device Status page contains a table with information about the Spider device’s hardware and
firmware. This information is useful if technical support is required.
To view device information, perform the following steps.
1. Click Maintenance

> Device Status. The Device Status page displays.
Figure 10-1 Device Status Page

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


10: Maintenance
2. View or modify the following fields.
Table 10-2 Device Status Settings


Device Information

Displays the product name, serial number, board ID, device IP address,
device MAC address, firmware version, firmware build number, firmware
description, hardware, and Kira chip revision.

Connected Users

Displays the user name and IP address of the active connection. It also
displays whether the user is connected to the Remote Console, and if so,
whether exclusive access mode is activated.

System Identifier

Check the box to turn the ID indicator on and off. Each Spider device has an
orange LED that can be lit by remote control. By default the LED is off, and
when you clear the checkbox, the LED gets turned on.

USB Status

Displays the USB speed, keyboard, mouse, and mass storage status.

3. Do one of the following:
a. Click Save to save settings.
b. Click Reset to Defaults to restore system defaults.

Click Reset to restore original settings.

In the Configuration page, you can specify the backup, preserve Network Basic settings, and
restore the computer or Spider device configuration.
To view the configuration parameters, perform the following steps.
1. Click Maintenance > Config/Factory Defaults. The following page displays.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


10: Maintenance

Figure 10-3 Configuration Page

2. Edit the following fields.


Configuration Backup

To back up all settings to a file on the client system, click the Backup and
save to your computer radio button. To save to a Spider device, click the
Backup and save to Spider device radio button. Then, click Backup.
Execution of the Backup and save to Spider device option
overwrites the backup file.

Configuration Restore

To return the Spider device settings to a previously saved configuration:
 Click the Restore from Config File on Spider device radio button or
Upload and restore from config file saved on your computer radio
button. You can then browse to and select the saved configuration file.
 In the Preserve Following Settings: field, click Network Basic. Click
the Network Basic checkbox to preserve the current network basic
settings on the Network Settings page and import only the remaining
settings from the configuration file.
 Click the Upload button. If you select this option, the Spider device
reboots after you apply the update.
Execution of Upload function overwrites the current
configuration settings with the selected configuration file settings and
reboots the host.

Factory Defaults

To preserve the factory defaults, click the Network Basic checkbox. Then
click the Restore button.
Execution of this option restores the current configuration
settings to the factory default settings and reboots the host.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


10: Maintenance

Update Firmware
Many of the functions and features of the Spider device are implemented in firmware and capable
of field upgrades. The latest firmware may be found at The firmware file, when
uncompressed, is approximately 4 Mbytes in size and has a .bin suffix.
Upon updating firmware, the Spider device resets itself. After the reset, the login page displays (if
not, manually return to the login page).
To update Spider device firmware, perform the following steps.
1. Download the firmware file to the client system local drive or an accessible network drive.
2. Click Maintenance > Update Firmware. The Firmware Update page displays.
Figure 10-4 Update Firmware Page

3. Click Browse. In the pop-up window, navigate and locate the firmware file.
4. Click Upload to copy the file into the Spider device’s local memory. When uploaded correctly,
the Firmware Upload window displays the version number of the new firmware. Click the
Update button to replace the old with the new, or to cancel the operation, click the Discard
button. Do not interrupt power to the Spider device during the update process.

View Event Log
To view the current event log, perform the following steps.
1. Click Maintenance > Event Log. The Event Log page displays.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


10: Maintenance

Figure 10-5 Event Log Page

2. Navigate between logs by clicking Prev and Next.

Unit Reset
In general, the Spider device requires a reset when implementing a firmware update. In the event
of an abnormal operation, a number of subsystems may be reset without resetting the entire
Spider device.
To reset the Spider device, perform the following steps.
1. Log into the Spider device as sysadmin.
2. Click Maintenance > Unit Reset. The following page displays.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


10: Maintenance

Figure 10-6 Unit Reset Page

3. Click the Reset button for Reset Keyboard/Mouse (PS/2), Reset USB, or Reset Video
Engine to clear and reset the subsystem. Resetting subsystems does not terminate
connected users.

Reset USB displays only on the SpiderDuo device.

4. To perform a complete reset, click Reset Device. A prompt requesting confirmation displays.
A complete reset closes all user connections and performs a full reboot.

iGoogle Gadgets
You can create an iGoogle gadget that enables you to view and access multiple Spider devices on
one web page. You access a snapshot of each of the Spider device's Remote Console without
logging in to the Spider device.
Technically, the number of Spider devices that can be viewed and accessed on one web page is
unlimited. It is important to note that the more Spider devices that are added, the slower the
response time will be.
Anyone with a Google email account ( can create an iGoogle gadget for viewing web
pages. There are two types of iGoogle gadgets: public gadgets and private gadgets. When you
submit a gadget’s XML code to Google, it becomes part of the iGoogle public gadgets, which are
listed for import on iGoogle web pages. When a gadget’s XML code is stored on a private server,
the gadget stays private and is usable only by users who are aware of its location.
To use iGoogle gadget to manage multiple Spider devices, perform the following steps.
1. Click Services > Security.
2. In the Authentication Limitation section, select the Enable Screenshot Access without
Authentication check box.

Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide


10: Maintenance
3. Edit a file similar to the example below and save it with extension "xml." This example
assumes the file is saved as spider1.xml. The sample code displays a snapshot and refreshes
the image every minute. Also, clicking the snapshot opens the remote console program or
spider web page, depending on your settings.

4. Upload the edited xml file (spider1.xml) to a web server that is accessible over the Internet. 5. Enter the URL 6. Log in to your iGoogle account. 7. Click Add Stuff. 8. Click Add feed or gadget. 9. Enter http://(your internet web server IP address)/spider1.xml and click Add. 10. In response to a Google pop-up a warning, click OK. 11. Click Back to homepage. You should see an iGoogle gadget similar to Figure 10-7. Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 102 10: Maintenance Figure 10-7 iGoogle Gadget Page Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 103 11: Command Reference This chapter lists and describes the command line interface (CLI) syntax and contains the following sections:  Command Syntax  Configuration Commands  Connect Commands  User Commands  User Group Commands  OEM Customization Commands  Power Commands  Serial Port Commands  WOL (Wake on LAN) Commands  USB Host Disk Commands  Reboot Commands  Diagnostic Commands  Group Permissions Command Syntax Commands have the following format: where is set, show, connect, diag, admin, or logout. is a group of related parameters you want to configure or view. Examples are device, group, user, and network. is one or more name-value pairs in one of the following formats:  —Specify one of the values (aa or bb) separated by a vertical line ( | ). The values are all lowercase and must be entered exactly as shown. Bold indicates a default value.  —Specify an appropriate value, for example, a device group name. This User Guide shows parameter values in mixed case to indicate they are case sensitive. For example, if you saved a device group name in mixed case, you must enter it in mixed case; if you saved it in lowercase, you must enter it in lowercase.  Square brackets [ ]—Indicate optional parameters. Table 11-1 Action and Category Action Category set datetime | device | group | history | network | oem | power | security | serial | sshkey | user show datetime | device | group | history | network | oem | power | security | serial | sshkey | sysconfig | user connect serial | wakeonlan diag ping | ping6 Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 104 11: Command Reference Table 11-1 Action and Category (continued) Action Category usbhost disk admin config | reboot | version logout Terminates CLI session Command Help For general command help, type: help For more information about a specific command, type help followed by the command, for example: help set network OR type ? after the command: set network ? Tips Type enough characters to identify the action, category, or parameter name uniquely. For parameter values, type the entire value. For example, set network port 1 state static ipaddr mask can be shortened to se net po 1 st static ip ma Use the Tab key to automatically complete action, category, or parameter names. Type a partial name and press Tab to complete the name if only one is possible, or to display the possible names if more than one is possible. Should you make a mistake while typing, backspace by pressing the Backspace key or the Delete key, depending on how you accessed the interface. Both keys work if you use VT100 emulation in your terminal access program when connecting to the console port. Use the left and right arrow keys to move within a command. Use the up and down arrows to scroll through previously entered commands. If desired, select one and edit it. You can scroll through up to 100 previous commands entered in the session. When the number of lines displayed by a command exceeds the size of the window (the default is 20), the "Type more to see the next page" message displays. To display the next page, type more and press Enter. You can override the number of lines (or disable the feature altogether) with the set cli command. To clear an IP address, type Configuration Commands admin config Syntax admin config factorydefaults [preserveconfig ] Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 105 11: Command Reference Parameters is a comma separated list of current configuration parameters to retain after the config restore or factorydefaults: nt - Network Basic vp. Description Restores the Spider configuration and device database settings to factory defaults. Note: The unit reboots after this command. All current settings are lost. admin config show Syntax admin config show Parameters None Description Shows the current configuration. admin config save Syntax admin config save Parameters None Description Saves the current configuration. Note: Each time you use the admin config save command, the existing “config_save” file is overwritten. admin config restore Syntax admin config restore Parameters None Description Restores a saved configuration. Note: A reboot automatically occurs after this command. Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 106 11: Command Reference Connect Commands connect serial Syntax connect serial Description Connects the Spider device to a device serial port. Note: To connect to a serial port, put the serial port in passthrough mode on the web interface. ESC exit Syntax ESC exit Description Available only when connected to a serial port. SSH Key Commands set sshkey delete Syntax set sshkey delete keyuser keyhost Description Deletes an imported SSH key. Examples To delete an imported SSH public key on host -pipe for the sysadmin user, enter the following CLI: set sshkey delete keyuser sysadmin keyhost -pipe set sshkey import Syntax set sshkey import format keyuser keyhost Description Imports public SSH key (OpenSSH format) Examples To import a public key in OpenSSL format on host -pipe for the sysadmin user, enter the following CLI: set sshkey import copypaste format openssl keyuser sysadmin keyhost -pipe Note: RSA keys must be 1024 bits Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 107 11: Command Reference show sshkey import Syntax show sshkey import Parameters [keyuser ] [keyhost ] [viewkey ] Description Displays imported SSH keys. Examples To display all imported SSH public keys with content of keys, enter the following CLI: show sshkey viewkey enable To displays an imported SSH public key on host -pipe for the sysadmin user, enter the following CLI: show sshkey keyuser sysadmin keyhost -pipe History Commands set history clear Syntax set history clear Description Clears the CLI command history. show history Syntax show history Description Displays the 100 most recent CLI commands. Network Commands set network gateway Note: The set network gateway command is deprecated with this release. See set network basic. set network Syntax set network basic Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 108 11: Command Reference Parameters dns1 dns2 gateway hostname ipaddr ipv6 ipv6addr mask state Note: To clear IPV4 addresses, set ipv4 address to “”.To clear IPV6 address, set ipv6 address to “::” or “::/128”. set network misc Syntax set network misc Parameters bwlimit <8-10000 kbit/s> httpsports httpport proxy proxyhost proxyport telnet telnetport setupprotocol ssh sshport Description Sets miscellaneous network parameters. set network interface set network interface Parameters mode Description Sets network interface modes. show network all Syntax show network all Description Displays all network settings. Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 109 11: Command Reference show network basic Syntax show network basic Description Displays basic network parameters. show network misc Syntax show network misc Description Displays network miscellaneous parameters. show network interface Syntax show network interface Description Displays network interfaces. show network all Syntax show network all Description Displays all network settings. Version Command admin version Syntax admin version Description Displays firmware version information. Date/Time Command set datetime Syntax set datetime Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 110 11: Command Reference Parameters date utcoffset Notes:   Note: MMDDYYhhmm[ss] can be: - MM is 1-12 - DD is 1-31 - YY is 00-99 - hh is 0-23 - mm is 0-59 - ss is 0-59 Offset string can be: - -11h, -10h, -9h, -8h, -7h, -6h, -5h, -4h, -3h, -2h, -1h - +/-0h, +1h, +2h, +3h, +4h, +5h, +6h, +7h, +8h, +9h, +10h, +11h, +12h Select only one offset as shown above. Description Sets the date and time or UTC offset. show datetime Syntax show datetime Description Shows the date/time and UTC offset. User Commands set user Syntax set user add|edit [] Parameters [email ] [fullname ] [group ] [mobile ] Note: The group 'default' (Unknown) and 'Admin' and are built-in groups. The group 'None' indicates that user is created without defining a group, and permissions will be assigned specifically to the user. A user will be assigned 'default' group by omitting group parameter when creating a new user. Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 111 11: Command Reference Description Sets user login, email address, group, and mobile phone number. set user delete Syntax set user delete Description Deletes a user login. set user password Syntax set user password Description Sets user password. show user name Syntax show user name [user ] Description Displays user names. show user Syntax show user [index ] Description Displays index numbers. User Group Commands set group Syntax set group add|edit [] Parameters permissions Description Configures user groups. See Group Permissions on page 118 for information about permissions. Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 112 11: Command Reference set group delete Syntax set group delete Description Deletes user groups. show group name Syntax show group [name ] Description Displays group names. show group index Syntax show group [index ] Description Displays group indexes. Note: [Group of 'None (username)'] indicates that user was created without defining a group, and permissions will be assigned specifically to the user. In order to specify a group of this type "None", use '@username' as the name parameter. Security Commands set security Syntax set security Parameters [forcehttps ] [singlelogin ] [kvmencryption ] [screenshot ] [directkvm ] Description Sets security parameters. show security Syntax show security Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 113 11: Command Reference Description Displays security parameters. Sysconfig Commands show sysconfig Syntax show sysconfig Description Displays a report of parameters with firmware version, serial number, basic network settings, security settings, user/group information, and basic system settings.device Device Commands set device Syntax set device add | edit macaddress [parameters] Parameters ipaddress password Note: MAC address must be in hex form: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX. Description Configures devices. set device delete Syntax set device delete Description Deletes a device. show device Syntax show device Description Displays devices. show device all Syntax show device all Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 114 11: Command Reference Description Displays all devices. show device name Syntax show device name Description Displays device names. OEM Customization Commands set oem Syntax set oem Parameters [product ] [company ] [copyright ] [url ] [title ] Examples To set the product name as MyKVM and the company name as MyCompany, enter the following CLI: set oem product MyKVM company MyCompany Description Sets product/company specific information on the web interface. show oem Syntax show oem Description Displays OEM settings. Power Commands set power <parameters> Syntax set power <parameters> Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 115 11: Command Reference Parameters [state <on/off>] Description Sets PCU parameters. show power Syntax show power Description Displays PCU status and settings. Serial Port Commands set serial mode Syntax set serial mode passthrough | config [<parameters>] Parameters [baud <300-115200>] [databits <7|8>] [stopbits <1|2>] [parity <none|odd|even>] [flowcontrol <none|xon/xoff|rts/cts>] Description Set serial port parameters for each mode. show serial Syntax show serial Description Displays serial port settings. WOL (Wake on LAN) Commands connect wakeonlan device Syntax connect wakeonlan device [Device Name] Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 116 11: Command Reference Description Sends a WOL packet to a specified device. connect wakeonlan macaddr Syntax connect wakeonlan macaddr [MAC Address] [password <Password>] Note: MAC address must be in hex format: 'XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX' Description Sends a WOL packet to specified MAC address. USB Host Disk Commands Note: only. The following USB Host Disk commands are available for the SpiderDuo device usbhost disk mount drive Syntax usbhost disk mount drive Description Mounts a USB thumb drive to use as a storage device. The USB thumb drive must be formatted with an fat filesystem and drive must support USB high speed mode. usbhost disk unmount drive Syntax usbhost disk unmount drive Description Unmounts the USB thumb drive. usbhost disk dir drive Syntax usbhost disk dir drive Description Displays a directory listing of a USB thumb drive. usbhost disk dump Syntax usbhost disk dump <Filename> Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 117 11: Command Reference Description Dumps the first 256 lines or 1M bytes of the specified file content of a USB thumb drive. Reboot Commands admin reboot Syntax admin reboot Description Immediately terminates all connections and reboots the device. Diagnostic Commands diag ping Syntax diag ping <IPV4 Address> | ping6 <IPV6 Address> Description Verifies if the Spider or SpiderDuo device can reach a host over the network. Group Permissions For group permissions, each user is a member of a group, and has a set of permissions associated with the group. The group permissions are defined by permissions parameters. A <Permission List> is a comma-separated list of user rights to be added to or removed from the group current permissions. Precede the two-letter acronym with a '-' to remove a user right. For example, 'nt,dt,-ka' adds Networking and Date/Time rights and removes KVM Console Access rights. See the following list:  br: Board Resetdk  dk: Direct KVM  dt: Date/Time Settings  fc: Firmware/Config Management  gp: Group Permissions  ka: KVM Console Access  ke: KVM Settings(Encoding)  kx: KVM Settings(Exclusive Access)  kh: KVM Settings(Hotkeys)  km: KVM Settings(Monitor Mode) Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 118 11: Command Reference  kt: KVM Settings(Type/Deployment)  ks: Keyboard/Mouse Settings  ld: LDAP Settings  ns: Network Settings  pc: Change Password  po: Power Control  sn: SNMP Settings  sa: SSH/Telnet Access  sm: SSL Certificate Management  sl: Security/Log/Authentication  ss: Serial Settings  us: USB Settings  um: User/Group Management  vs: Video Settings  va: Video Settings(Advanced)  vu: Virtual Media UpLoad Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 119 Appendix A: Troubleshooting No connection can be established to the Spider device. Check cabling. Are both USB cables or all of the USB and PS/2 cables plugged in? Are both Pwr LEDs lit? Is the Ethernet cable plugged in, and the Link light lit? Is there Activity? Have a look on your network. Verify your network configuration (IP address, router). Send a ping request to the Spider device to find out whether the Spider device is reachable via the network. Establish a direct connection between the Spider device and the client. If you use a firewall then check the appropriate port for accepting connections. The TCP ports 80 (for HTTP) and 443 (for both HTTPS and RFB) have to be open (the server providing the firewall has to accept incoming TCP connections on these ports). You may restrict these connections to the IP addresses used by the Spider device and your client. Login on the Spider device fails. Verify both your user login and your password. By default, the user sysadmin has the password PASS. Ensure the web browser is configured to accept cookies. The Remote Console window of the Spider device does not open. A firewall may prevent access to the Remote Console (TCP port 443). If there is a proxy server between the Spider device and your host, then you may not be able to transfer the video data using RFB. Check the settings of the Spider device and choose a different server port used for RFB transfer. A Java Runtime Environment may not be installed, or may be disabled. The video quality is bad or the picture is grainy. Enter the Remote Console and click the Auto Adjust button to adjust the Spider device’s video input parameters to the correct values. Special key combinations (e.g., ALT+F2, ALT+F3) are intercepted by the client system and not transmitted to the remote computer. You have to define a Button Key. This can be done in the Remote Console settings. Alternatively, use the soft keyboard feature. The Spider device web pages are not displayed correctly. Check your browser’s cache settings. Ensure the cache settings are not set to “do not check for newer pages." Otherwise the web pages may be loaded from your browser cache and not from the Spider device. Every time I open a dialog box with some buttons, the mouse pointers are not synchronous anymore. Disable the setting Automatically move mouse pointer to the default button of dialog boxes in the mouse settings of your operating system. The Remote Console does not open with Opera in Linux. Some versions of Opera do not grant enough permission if the signature of the applet cannot be verified. To solve the problem, add the lines grantcodeBase "nn.pp.rc.RemoteConsoleApplet" {permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.sun.*"; to the java policy file of opera (e.g., /usr/share/opera/java/opera.policy). Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 120 Appendix A: Troubleshooting I forgot my password. How can I reset the Spider device to factory defaults? Use the serial interface with a terminal emulator program set to 9600 or 115200, 8 bit characters, No parity, 1 Stop bit, and No flow control. Within 2 seconds of booting the Spider device, press the Esc key a few times to get a =>prompt. Type defaults at the => prompt. If you can't get the => prompt after several tries at 9600, try 115200. Earlier firmware sets the serial console port to 115200 by default. Cannot upload the signed SSL certificate in MacOS X. If an “internal error” occurs while uploading the signed certificate either changes the extension of the file to .txt or adds a file helper using the Internet Explorer preferences for this type of file. Make sure that the encoding is set to “plain text” and the checkbox “use for outgoing” is set. As an alternative, you may also use a Mozilla based browser (Mozilla, FireFox). If you cannot get into the BIOS of your system or you cannot boot your system using Virtual Media, try some of the following: If you have a PS/2 model Spider device: 1. Under Interfaces:Keyboard/Mouse – Check the Force USB Full Speed Mode box. 2. Under Interfaces:Keyboard/Mouse – Set the Host Interface to PS/2 3. If your system only has USB and no PS/2, do the above and use a PS/2 to USB adapter If you have a USB model Spider device, in Interfaces:Keyboard/Mouse, check the Force USB Full Speed Mode box. If the key used to enter BIOS setup or the boot menu on your PC is intercepted by your client OS, add a Virtual Key under Interfaces:KVM Console Settings. Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 121 Appendix B: Virtual Media Example Goal In this example, the goal is to put a rescue CD (a CD used to boot a PC when the hard-disk corruption prevents OS boot) on PC#3 so that the rescue CD can be used by any Spider devices on the network. Figure B-1 Virtual Media In this example, PC#2 cannot boot from its hard disk, so the user wants to use the rescue CD to boot the PC. We assume PC#2 can boot from external USB device. Step 1 – Prepare the VM Server 1. Use any CD-copy application to create an ISO image of the rescue CD, and call this ISO image file boot.iso. 2. On PC#3 (Windows XP in this example), put the ISO file in a Windows folder – file boot.iso in folder aaa as shown in the diagram below. Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 122 Appendix B: Virtual Media Example Figure B-2 Windows Browser 3. Right-click the folder aaa and select the “sharing” menu. The default name is the folder name but changed to share_some_folder as shown in the diagram below. Figure B-3 Firewall Properties Window Now, the file boot.iso can be used from a Spider device. The file can be left there permanently, and when a PC/server crashes and cannot boot, the combination of this file and the Spider device will be used to boot the PC/server. Step 2 – Enable Virtual Media In this example, PC#2 does not respond, and rebooting does not cure the problem. PC#2 has Spider device#2 attached. 1. On any PC (call this the client PC), bring up a browser, browse to Spider device#2, and log in. Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 123 Appendix B: Virtual Media Example 2. Go to the Virtual Media page and complete the fields in the Image on Windows Share section of the page as shown in the diagram below. Figure B-4 Virtual Media Page 3. Click Set, and see that the Virtual Media Active Image section now contains data as shown in the diagram below. Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 124 Appendix B: Virtual Media Example Figure B-5 Virtual Media Active Image Step 3 – Use the Virtual Media 1. PC#2 shown in the diagram below is a Linux PC. Figure B-6 Linux PC Window 2. Once Step 1 is done, PC#2 will detect a new USB CD drive connected to its USB as shown in the diagram below. The CD is shown below as Fedora Core because that is the volume name of the rescue CD (boot.iso is the ISO image of this CD). Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 125 Appendix B: Virtual Media Example Figure B-7 Linux PC Window and USB CD 3. You should be able to boot from the external USB device (boot.iso) on PC#2. Make sure that you set BIOS to boot from the USB device. Note: Some systems may not support USB boot. Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 126 Appendix C: Supported Resolutions and Refresh Rates The table below lists the supported resolution and refresh rates for video. Table C-1 Supported Video Resolutions and Refresh Rates Resolution (x,y) Refresh Rates (Hz) 640x340 70, 85 640x400 56, 85 640x480 60, 67, 72, 75, 85 720x400 70, 85 800x600 56, 60, 70, 72, 75, 85 832x624 75 1024x768 60, 70, 72, 75, 85 1152x864 75 1152x870 75 1152x900 66, 76 1280x960 60 1280x1024 60 1600x1200 60 Note: The 1600 x 1200 resolution and 60 Hz refresh rate is supported by the SpiderDuo device without conditions. If a Spider device hardware is revision G22, G23, E21 or higher, it will also support up to 1600 x 1200 at 60 Hz. If the Spider device hardware is an earlier revision, it will only support up to 1280 x 1024 at 60 Hz. The hardware revision number can be located on the Spider device Product Information Label shown in Figure 2-8. Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 127 Appendix D: Mounting Bracket Kit A versatile mounting bracket and screws are supplied to assist in easily installing and mounting a single Spider or SpiderDuo device into a server rack in various orientations (e.g., horizontal or vertical). The kit number is 083-015-R. Figure D-1 Mounting Bracket and Screws The kit includes:  One (1) 4.0” x 1-3/4” x 1/4” bracket  Two (2) 1/2” long, 10-32 stainless steel Phillips-head screws Once the mounting bracket is installed in the rack, the Spider or SpiderDuo device can be easily and securely attached to the elevated mounting posts and easily removed if necessary. To install the mounting bracket and Spider device into a server rack, perform the following steps. 1. Mount the bracket with a Phillips screwdriver. Figure D-2 Attaching the Mounting Bracket 2. Attach the Spider or SpiderDuo device to the bracket mounting posts. Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 128 Appendix D: Mounting Bracket Kit Figure D-3 Attaching the Device to the Mounting Bracket 3. Connect the cables and the Spider or SpiderDuo device is ready to use! Figure D-4 Connecting the Cables Table D-5 Lantronix Part Number Lantronix Description Part Number 083-015-R Mounting Bracket Kit for Spider device The bracket kit is included in the box with the Spider or SpiderDuo device that ship with v2.0 firmware and later. For earlier shipments, the mounting kit is sold separately. For additional information contact Lantronix Sales at 800-422-7055, or for technical questions contact Lantronix Technical Support at Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 129 Appendix E: PCU Safety Information Please follow the safety precautions described below when installing and operating the PCU. Cover  Do not remove the cover of the PCU. There are no user-serviceable parts inside. Opening or removing the cover may expose you to dangerous voltage that could cause fire or electric shock.  Refer all servicing to Lantronix. Power Plug  When disconnecting the power cable from the socket, pull on the plug, not the cord.  Always connect the power cord to a properly wired and grounded power source. Do not use adapter plugs or remove the grounding prong from the cord.  Only use a power cord with a voltage and current rating greater than the voltage and current rating marked on the unit.  Install the unit near an AC outlet that is easily accessible.  Always connect any equipment used with the product to properly wired and grounded power sources.  To help protect the product from sudden, transient increases and decreases in electrical power, use a surge suppressor, line conditioner, or uninterruptible power supply (UPS) connected between the AC power source and PCU.  Do not connect or disconnect this product during an electrical storm. Input Supply  Check nameplate ratings to assure there is no overloading of supply circuits that could affect overcurrent protection and supply wiring. Warning: To avoid electrical shock always disconnect the AC power cords to the PCU before servicing. Grounding  Maintain reliable grounding of this product.  Pay particular attention to supply connections when connecting to power strips, rather than directly to the branch circuit. Fuses For protection against fire, replace the power-input-module fuse with the same type and rating. Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 130 Appendix F: Technical Support If you are unable to resolve an issue using the information in this documentation, contact the following resources. Technical Support US Check our online knowledge base or send a question to Technical Support at Phone: (800) 422-7044 (949) 453-7198 Technical Support Europe, Middle East, Africa Phone: +33 1 39 30 41 72 Email: or Firmware downloads, FAQs, and the most up-to-date documentation are available at When you report a problem, please provide the following information:  Your name, and your company name, address, and phone number  Lantronix model number  Lantronix serial number  Firmware version  Description of the problem  Target computer interface (PS/2 or USB) and video format  Status of the unit when the problem occurred (please try to include information on user and network activity at the time of the problem) Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 131 Appendix G: Compliance The following meet the ISO/IEC Guide 17050-1, 17050-2 and EN 45014 compliances. Manufacturer Name & Address Lantronix, Inc. 167 Technology, Irvine, CA 92618 USA Declares that the following product: Product Name: Lantronix® Spider™ Conforms to the following standards or other normative documents:  UL/CUL (CSA-22.2 No. 60950-1-03 / UL-60950-1)  CE - IEC 60950-1  C-Tick  FCC Part 15, Equipment Class A  VCCI V-3/2006.04 Class A  AS/NZS CISPR 22: 2006 Class A  EN55022:1998 +A1:2000 +A2:2003 Class A  EN61000-3-2: 2000 +A2: 2005 Class A  EN61000-3-3: 1995 +A1: 2001  EN55024: 1998 +A1:2001 +A2:2003  Pb-free components Warning: This is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures. Spider™ and SpiderDuo® KVM-over-IP Device User Guide 132 Appendix G: Compliance RoHS Notice All Lantronix products in the following families are China RoHS-compliant and free of the following hazardous substances and elements:  Lead (Pb)  Mercury (Hg)  Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB)  Cadmium (Cd)  Hexavalent Chromium (Cr (VI))  Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) Product Family Name Toxic or hazardous Substances and Elements Lead (Pb) Mercury (Hg) Cadmium (Cd) Hexavalent Chromium (Cr (VI)) Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) UDS1100 and 2100 0 0 0 0 0 0 EDS 0 0 0 0 0 0 MSS100 0 0 0 0 0 0 IntelliBox 0 0 0 0 0 0 XPress DR & XPress-DR+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 SecureBox 1101 & 2101 0 0 0 0 0 0 WiBox 0 0 0 0 0 0 UBox 0 0 0 0 0 0 MatchPort 0 0 0 0 0 0 SLC 0 0 0 0 0 0 XPort 0 0 0 0 0 0 WiPort 0 0 0 0 0 0 SLB 0 0 0 0 0 0 SLP 0 0 0 0 0 0 SCS 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spider 0 0 0 0 0 0 DSC 0 0 0 0 0 0 O: toxic or hazardous substance contained in all of the homogeneous materials for this part is below the limit requirement in SJ/T11363-2006. X: toxic or hazardous substance contained in at least one of the homogeneous materials used for this part is above the limit requirement in SJ/T11363-2006. 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