Larcan MX100UX Translator User Manual BZ5MX100UX all exhibits are inclusive

Larcan Inc Translator BZ5MX100UX all exhibits are inclusive

BZ5MX100UX all exhibits are inclusive

   MX Series - 100 Watt UHF AMPLIFIERTSM 20-308 rev 1:  April 3, 2000 1100 W UHF AmplifierSection Title PageNOTICES, ETC. ...............................................................................................................................3SAFETY AND HEALTH WARNINGS ............................................................................. 4&5GENERAL SERVICE INFORMATION1) Parts Lists Explained..........................................................................................52) Interpreting LARCAN Drawing Numbers............................................................53) The LARCAN Assembly Prefix Numbering System ...........................................64) List of Prefix Numbers for the 100 W Amplifier ..................................................75) Production Changes...........................................................................................7INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................8GENERAL DESCRIPTION..................................................................................................8SPECIFICATIONS.............................................................................................................10ABOUT THIS MANUAL .....................................................................................................11PUBLICATIONS LIST for MX series 100W UHF Amplifier:PUB99-30   100W UHF Amplifier Installation: 1. General Information..............................................................................30-1 2. Grounding and Ground Loops..............................................................30-2 3. Lightning and other Transient Protection .............................................30-4 4. Power Wiring ........................................................................................30-9 5. Ventilation and Air Conditioning .........................................................30-10 6. Fire Protection ....................................................................................30-11 7. Unpacking ..........................................................................................30-12 8. Transmitter External Interlock Connections .......................................30-12 9. On Site: First Time Start-up................................................................30-13PUB99-31   100W UHF Amplifier (Prefix 2): 1. Amplifier Chassis Description...............................................................31-1
   MX Series - 100 Watt UHF AMPLIFIERTSM 20-308 rev 1:  April 3, 2000 2100 W UHF AmplifierSection Title PagePUB99-32   Heatsink Assembly: 1. Heatsink Assembly Description............................................................32-1 2. Front End Module.................................................................................32-2 3. IPA1 Module.........................................................................................32-2 4. IPA2/PA Module ...................................................................................32-4 5. Two-way Splitter/Combiner ..................................................................32-5 6. +28V Voltage Regulator .......................................................................32-5PUB99-33   RF Output Metering Board (Prefix 4): 1. RF Metering Board Description ............................................................33-1 2. RF Metering Board Test and Calibration..............................................33-2 PUB99-34   100W UHF Power Supply (Prefix 1): 1. Power Supply Chassis Description ......................................................34-1 2. Control Panel .......................................................................................34-2 3. Control Board Assembly Description ...................................................34-2PUB99-35   100W UHF Basic Transmitter Maintenance: 1. General.................................................................................................35-1 2. Daily .....................................................................................................35-1 3. Weekly..................................................................................................35-2 4. Monthly.................................................................................................35-2 5. Semi-annually and Annually.................................................................35-2 6. Transmitter Cooling System .................................................................35-2 7. Static 1, Equipment 0: A brief Static Tutorial........................................35-3 8. FET and Surface Mount Replacement .................................................35-4 9. Replacement Parts...............................................................................35-710. Spare Parts Recommendations ...........................................................35-9CADCO M-369 ManualCADCO P-379 Manual
MX100 Series - 100  Watt  UHF AMPLIFIERTSM 20-308 rev 1:  April 3, 2000 3100 W UHF AmplifierNOTICES, ETC.:THIS EQUIPMENT USES STATIC-SENSITIVE CMOS INTEGRATED CIRCUITS.  Observe properhandling precautions (indicated in Maintenance Sections) at all times when working with this equipment.TOXIC MATERIALS NOTICE...  IMPORTANT...Effective thermal management in certain semiconductor devices in this equipment is possible only throughthe use of Beryllium Oxide ceramic materials.  This equipment contains devices made with BerylliumOxide!Beryllium and its compounds is a POISON if taken into the body in any manner.To reduce your risk, remember: In case of accidental breakage of any kind of semiconductordevice, DO NOT INHALE THE DUST, and AVOID GETTING DUST IN YOUR MOUTH; it could containBeryllium.  DO NOT LET BERYLLIUM DUST INTO YOUR BLOODSTREAM THROUGH CUTS OROPEN WOUNDS!Seek and obtain IMMEDIATE medical attention if the dust enters your body in any manner.Avoid cuts by wearing gloves while picking up the pieces.  Wash your hands thoroughly afterreplacing devices.  Dispose of defective devices only through approved toxic waste disposalfacilities.Remember too, after cleaning up an accidental breakage, avoid inhaling the dust while replacing oremptying vacuum cleaner filter bags, and wash your hands well after servicing the vacuumcleaner.All material in this manual is copyright © LARCAN INC. and reproduction in whole or in part in any form forany purpose other than exclusive use of the equipment owner, without prior written authorization fromLARCAN INC. is prohibited.Trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are mentioned in the text for discussionpurposes; any such mention is not necessarily an endorsement of the trademark or its owner.  Parts listsmay also contain trademarked vendor names as an aid in procurement of spare parts.  We apologize forany inadvertent omission of trademark acknowledgement; any such omission was completely accidental.Although the following pages contain as much information about the 100W UHF Amplifier as it isreasonably possible to provide, nevertheless we must state that these instructions do not purport to coverall details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met in connectionwith its installation, operation, or maintenance.  It is assumed that fully competent technical personnel willbe responsible for the maintenance and repair of the equipment that is described in this manual.  Shouldfurther information be desired, or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently hereinfor the purchaser's purposes, or should replacement parts be required, the matter should be referred to us.LARCAN INC.228 Ambassador Drive,Mississauga, Ontario, Canada  L5T-2J2.Telephone (905) 564-9222,  FAX (905) 564-9244
MX100 Series - 100  Watt  UHF AMPLIFIERTSM 20-308 rev 1:  April 3, 2000 4100 W UHF AmplifierTRANSMITTER SAFETY PRECAUTIONS:AC VOLTAGES USED FOR THE OPERATION OF THIS EQUIPMENT ARE DANGEROUS TO HUMANLIFE!This instruction manual has been written for the general guidance and information of operation,maintenance and service personnel who are aware of, and are familiar with, the hazards of working withhigh powered electronic circuits.This manual does not purport to detail all of the safety precautions that should be observed when servicingthis or any other electronic equipment.  Servicing by inadequately trained or inexperienced personnel mayexpose such personnel to serious risks that could result in personal injury or death, and/or damage to thisequipment.  All personnel concerned with the servicing of this equipment should be thoroughly familiarwith standard first aid procedures for the treatment of electrical burns and shock.The equipment has been designed to protect operating personnel from accidental contact with voltagesdangerous to human life, either by means of distance (where it is necessary to deliberately reach to makecontact with live terminals) or with shielding.  It is therefore of prime importance that any protectivecovering devices are kept in place at all times.While all practical safety precautions have been adopted to safeguard personnel from possible injury, intimes of off-air emergency there is often a strong tendency to act without due regard for normal caution;for this reason, both supervisory and operating personnel are urged to ENSURE THAT THE SAFETYRULES DETAILED BELOW ARE FOLLOWED AS AN ESTABLISHED ROUTINE at all times.1. KILL THE AC POWER BEFORE IT KILLS YOUUnder no circumstance should any person reach within the cabinets for the purpose of servicing oradjusting the equipment without first disconnecting the AC power, or without the immediate presence ofanother person capable of rendering aid.  Use of the buddy system is encouraged for transmitter work.2. DO NOT TAMPER WITH INTERLOCKS OR SAFETY SHIELDSUnder normal circumstances no safety shield should be removed.3. REMOVE PERSONAL JEWELRY WHEN WORKING ON THE EQUIPMENTThe 48 volt power supply in this transmitter, although overload protected, is able to deliver currentscapable of heating metallic tools or personal jewellery such as a watchband, bracelet, or ring.  Accidentalshort circuits from such metallic objects can cause them to heat sufficiently to result in serious personalinjury.4. KNOW FIRST AID, AND KEEP FIRST AID SUPPLIES AVAILABLEIllustrated first aid instructions for the treatment of electrical shock and burns should be displayed in aprominent location adjacent to the equipment.  In rendering first aid, the timeliness and effectiveness ofthe treatment are vitally important to the recovery of the injured person.Without exception, all personnel should thoroughly familiarize themselves with the procedures involved. One person, whose regular duties place him or her at the transmitter site often, should be delegated andgiven the complete responsibility and authority to ensure that first aid supplies are kept on site andmaintained fresh and up to date.Prominently display a list of emergency telephone numbers.  This list should include the telephonenumbers of the nearest ambulance, hospital, doctor, and fire department paramedics; and the publicworks (highways or county roads) department in case the former persons need access to the site duringinclement weather.
MX100 Series - 100  Watt  UHF AMPLIFIERTSM 20-308 rev 1:  April 3, 2000 5100 W UHF Amplifier
MX100 Series - 100  Watt  UHF AMPLIFIERTSM 20-308 rev 1:  April 3, 2000 6100 W UHF AmplifierHEALTH WARNINGS:1. Non-metallic coverings of some coaxial cables used in this equipment are FLAMMABLE and maytransmit fire when ignited.  Other wire coverings are not capable of supporting combustion, butany non-metallic covering when heated sufficiently may emit dense smoke and acid gases whichcan be highly TOXIC and often CORROSIVE.2. Be careful when replacing RF power transistors.  Thermal transfer properties in these devices areachievable only by the use of Beryllium Oxide ceramics.  We stated it earlier but we willemphatically repeat it again and again, Beryllium Oxide is a TOXIC substance.  If the ceramicor other encapsulation is opened, crushed, broken or abraded, the Beryllium Oxide dust can behazardous if taken into the body in any manner.  Use caution in replacing these devices.3. Solvents such as alcohol, ketones, aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbons, halogenatedhydrocarbons, etc. as found in glues, paints, paint thinners, paint removers, and/or cleaning fluids,may emit TOXIC VAPOURS and some may be FLAMMABLE.  Read and understand thedirections on their containers, and ensure that they are used only in well-ventilated locations.GENERAL SERVICE INFORMATION1. Parts List Layout - EXPLAINEDParts lists for manuals are computer-generated out of the LARCAN materials management database. They are presented in hierarchical or family tree order.The computer is input with the parent parts list number, in this case the amplifier model 40D2206G1 whichit designates as level 0.  The computer first checks the parent list for major subassemblies, then eachsubassembly list for more subassemblies, etc., and arranges these lists in order of hierarchy beginningwith level 0, then 1, then 2, etc., then prints each in the order in which they were found.  In these bookletswhich together describe the PARTS of the amplifier, we have used the computer's electronic data outputto allow us to more easily integrate the relevant parts list with the text.The line of text immediately above the horizontal line on the first page of each list provides the numberand name of the relevant assembly that the list represents.An "R" followed by a dash and a number indicates revision status.  This information is meaningful to ourRenewal Parts and/or Customer Service people, and in order that these people can be most helpful, theyshould be advised of this revision number especially if renewal parts are needed.2. Interpreting LARCAN Drawing NumbersEngineering drawings at LARCAN are based on the concept that an assembly or subassembly is simply aGROUP of component parts, thus when a G appears on a list, it means an "assembly". Thus a circuitboard loaded with parts may be referenced in this manual as "21B1389G1". In this example, G1 is theamplifier used in the IPA2 stage while G2 is the amplifier used in the PA stage. Furthermore, the `P’ in21B1389P1 indicates that this is a part in itself (a printed circuit board) with no parts in it. In this case thispart is called up in 21B1389G1 parts list. The `S’ in 21B1389S indicates that this is a schematic diagram.In some cases the schematic diagram may be a completely different number.
MX100U Series - 100  Watt  UHF AMPLIFIERTSM 20-308 rev 1:  April 3, 2000 7100 W UHF AmplifierGENERAL SERVICE INFORMATION2. Interpreting LARCAN Drawing Numbers  (continued).Other assemblies may be shown as a number of separate assemblies (Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5), on severalsheets of a single drawing. The drawing "parts" all are assembled the same way, but vary in quantity andtype of components.For vendor components such as resistors and capacitors, often a generic drawing describing basicspecifications, but having many "parts", will be used.As an example, Drawing 3R152: Resistor, composition, ¼ watt.  Drawing 3R152 describes a ¼ W resistor,but the drawing PART number calls for the value and tolerance of the resistor wanted.  The first two digitsafter the "P" are the first two significant figures of the resistance, the third digit is the number of followingzeroes in the resistance value, and a J is 5% tolerance, or K is 10% tolerance.  Some example partnumbers are: 47 Ω, ±10%, ¼W, is "3R152P470K"; and "3R152P243J" specifies 24 kΩ, ±5%, ¼W.  Forresistance values between 1 Ω and 10 Ω, a letter "R" will appear in the part number to indicate the decimalplace; for instance a 5.6 Ω, ±5%, ¼W resistor will be designated as "3R152P5R6J".Often the letter "R" appears on schematics or in parts lists where it specifies the decimal place whenreferring to resistances, such as "51R" or "75R" or "5R6", and sometimes the letter "k" will appear in thesame context, such as "3k3".  This practice is deplored by old-timers in our midst who attended NorthAmerican tech schools and therefore learned about component values that are specified with the use ofdecimal notation, but schematics drawn this way are common in other parts of the world.  In a parts list,moreover, an R followed by a dash and a number indicates a revision, but you will be able to recognizethe difference from the layout framework of the list.3. The LARCAN Assembly Prefix Numbering System Because a transmitter is a complex device, a referencing system for unique identification of componentparts reduces the chaotic situation that would otherwise result from the natural numbering system found inevery parts list, in which the first capacitor is designated C1 and the first resistor is likewise designated R1,but when several assemblies using capacitors or resistors appear together, the entire question thenbecomes "which C1 or R1 are we talking about?"The LARCAN prefixing system and its "undocumented features" represent a beginning and evolvingsolution to some of these problems.  It begins by assigning a distinct assembly prefix number to eachsubassembly.Prefix 2, the amplifier chassis assembly, has other subassemblies, which are uniquely prefixed such asthe metering board, which is prefixed 4. This sub assembly could have a C1, an R1, etc.  Identification ofeach component in full is done by simply adding the prefix number to the component designator, thus 4C1,4R1, etc.Prefix designation is great for written communications such as letter or FAX, but when talking about itduring a phone conversation, it is probably more natural to simply say "C1 in the preamp board" or "R7 inthe output amplifier" than to go through the routine of looking up the prefix number.
MX100U Series - 100  Watt  UHF AMPLIFIERTSM 20-308 rev 1:  April 3, 2000 8100 W UHF AmplifierGENERAL SERVICE INFORMATION4. List of Assembly PrefixesPREFIX 1 Main Power Supply Chassis AssemblySub-assembly prefix 1PS1  +12VDC Control power supplySub-assembly prefix 2  Control BoardPREFIX 2 Main Amplifier Chassis AssemblySub-assembly prefix  3  Status Display Board“      “    4  Metering Board“      “    5  Voltage Regulator“      “    6  Front End Module“      “    7  IPA1 Module“      “    8  IPA2 ModuleSub-assembly  prefix 9A, 9B  PA Modules5. Production ChangesFrom time to time, it may become necessary that changes be made in the equipment described in thismanual.  Such changes are usually made either to provide improved performance, or to accommodatecomponent substitutions necessitated by vendor product availability.  A revision letter or number mayfollow the model or group number marked on the nameplate, chassis, or circuit board; or on the parts list(where it is an "R" followed by a dash and a number).  Whenever a revision letter or number appears, itshould be quoted in any correspondence or communication regarding the equipment.
MX100 Series - 100  Watt  UHF AMPLIFIERTSM 20-308 rev 1:  April 3, 2000 9100 W UHF AmplifierGENERAL DESCRIPTIONINTRODUCTIONThis manual describes the LARCAN 100 watt UHF amplifier which is designed to operate on channels 14through 69. This solid state 100 W UHF amplifier was designed to operate conservatively at 100W peaksync visual RF power, and 10W average aural carrier RF power, with superb performance, reliability andoperating economy. This amplifier accepts an on-channel internally diplexed (in a 10:1 ratio vis to aur)composite driving signal of about 10mW peak visual RF as input to its RF chain.The 100W amplifier and channel processor chassis’ are designed to fit in a single 19" customer-providedcabinet rack, and require 15.75" (9RU) of vertical panel space for a complete transmitter or translatorsystem. Alternatively, a 19" customer-provided tabletop cabinet could be substituted if the site requires it.The RF amplifier heatsink has its own integral cooling fans, and other sub-assemblies are convectioncooled.  The simplicity of design, the deployment of all modular and other subassemblies, and the use ofstandard readily available components, also enhances serviceability.Peak forward and reflected power are displayed on an analog percent power meter located on the frontpanel of the amplifier unit.AMPLIFIER CHAINThe internally diplexed composite RF output of the channel processor or exciter is fed to a conservativelydesigned broadband solid-state Front-End amplifier. This amplifier requires no tuning or adjustment.Simplicity of operation, reduced maintenance costs and increased reliability are a few of the major benefitsderived from this amplifier.The amplifier chain consists of four stages of amplification. These are the Front End, IPA1, IPA2 and PAstages. The first two stages operate in class A and the last two in class AB. The overall gain of the systemis about 42dB.The Front-End module acts as a pre-amplifier as well as an RF level control of the RF chain. It acceptscontrol voltages from the AGC and VSWR cutback circuits for maintaining and power cutback purposesrespectively. The 100W transmitter uses a single RF chain, consequently quadrature phasing andcombining are not needed, however, if the need arises the Front End module also has gain andquadrature phasing controls that can be made available.The next stage is the IPA1 module. It is based on the MRF181 transistor. This broadband amplifierdelivers about 1W sync peak to the IPA2 module. This amplifier does not require optimizing in the system,which means that it is not frequency dependent at the RF level it is operating.The IPA2 and PA modules are functionally identical modules. Physically, the only difference is that theIPA2 module has input and output SMA connectors, and the PA modules do not. Under RF operation thebias on both IPA2 and PA modules are adjusted to optimize the overall intermodulation products anddifferential gain.TRANSMITTER CONTROLInterlocking in the 100W simply consists of a jumper as a default connection. The terminals are markedINTRLK on 1TB1. Antenna or dummy load interlock can be substituted for this jumper.All control wiring of the transmitter passes through a control circuit board (prefix 2 of the P/S chassis), andfacilities can be provided on this board for telemetry, status, and control connections to and from a remotecontrol system.A thermostat is provided in the PA heatsink to open the interlock chain and shut down the power supply
MX100 Series - 100  Watt  UHF AMPLIFIERTSM 20-308 rev 1:  April 3, 2000 10 100 W UHF AmplifierGENERAL DESCRIPTIONshould an unlikely overheating condition occur.The amplifier chassis requires 120VAC and+35Vdc. They come from the power supply chassis assembly.In the amplifier chassis, this +35Vdc is fed to a dual regulator board which supplies regulated +28Vdc tothe amplifier modules. The amplifier cooling fans requires the 120Vac.The control's 12Vdc linear power supply is rated for 0.9A and is powered upon closing of the power supply`POWER’ circuit breaker.
MX100 Series - 100  Watt  UHF AMPLIFIERTSM 20-308 rev 1:  April 3, 2000 11 100 W UHF AmplifierGENERAL DESCRIPTIONELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSNTSCPower Output: ................................................................................................Visual 100 W peak, Aural 10WDiplexing: ......................................................................................................................internally, 10:1 V to AFrequency Range:  ................................................................................. 470-806 MHz (channels 14 thru 69)Amplifier Output Impedance:  .................................................................................................................. 50 ΩOutput Connector:  ............................................................................................................................... type NAmplifier Input Impedance:  ..................................................................................................................... 50 ΩOutput Regulation: ................................................................................................... 3% (black-white picture)Output Variation: ................................................................................................................ 2% (over 1 frame)Amplitude/Frequency Response-0.75 MHz to +4.75 MHz (Relative to Visual Carrier) .................................................................. +0.5/-1.0 dBHarmonic Radiation:  ............................................................................................................................ -60 dBSpurious Emission (fv-4.5MHz, fv+9.0 MHz) without a Bandpass Filter:  ............................................ -30 dBIntermodulation Distortion:.................................................................................................................... -50 dBELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSELECTRICALAC Line Input:  ................................................................................................................................... 120VACPower Consumption, black picture + 10% aural: ................................................................... 920VA (typical)ENVIRONMENTALAmbient Temperature:  ...............................................................................................................0°C to +45°CHumidity: ....................................................................................................................................... 0% to 90%Altitude: ...............................................................................................................................................7500 ft.COOLINGTwo 4” muffin fans push air into the heatsink and through the front panel perforations.DIMENSIONSThe Amplifier, Power Supply, and Channel Processor chassis’ are standard 19" rack wide units;Height: Amplifier= 7" (4U); P/S=7” (4RU); Ch. Processor=1.75” (1RU); TOTAL HEIGHT=15.75” (9RU)Depth is 19" including a 3" allowance for connectors.The MX100U series amplifier is marketed on the assumption that the customer prefers to provide thecabinet or enclosure for it.SHIPPING WEIGHTCombined weight of Power Supply and Amplifier:……………………………….………Approximately 100lbs.
MX100 Series - 100  Watt  UHF AMPLIFIERTSM 20-308 rev 1:  April 3, 2000 12 100 W UHF AmplifierGENERAL DESCRIPTIONABOUT THIS MANUALIt will be observed that this manual consists of a collection of separate publications, each one of whichdescribes its own module or section of the equipment.  Parts lists, applicable alignment instructions, andillustrations which generally consist of assembly diagrams and schematics are included in each of thesebooklets, which are identified by a "PUB" number and revision.These mini-publications represent our attempt to assure quality of our documentation and at the sametime maintain the material as current as possible.  In the usual large manual or handbook, a change madeto a single module might require a sentence or even several paragraphs be added, with the result that alltext following the change will shift, consequently requiring renumbering of all pages and subsequentreprinting.  These operations create an undesirable delay between the release of the revision to theequipment and the re-issue of its manual, despite our extensive use of computers. It is our hope that thisrepublication delay will be reduced because revisions are nearly always done on one module at a time,and a few pages pertinent to one module are obviously simpler to revise and reprint than the many pagesof a handbook.Each section or module of the equipment is described in its own booklet.  For each booklet, the formatgenerally consists of a block diagram where applicable, then the relevant specifications, then the circuitsare described, then test/alignment procedures are defined, and then the parts list is presented. Finally, theFigures (illustration drawings in 11" x 17" size) complete the booklet.The Parts Lists in all booklets have been compiled by, and then extracted from, the LARCAN materialsmanagement computer system, and are current as of the date of issue of the booklet.We have attempted to present our circuit descriptions in such a way that they would be meaningful to thecompetent technician whose main objective is to look after the equipment.  We have therefore minimizedthe inclusion of material usually found in engineering textbooks, professional papers, and doctoral theses,because much of the information from such sources, although meaningful to the EE, can be too heavy andoverdone for the beleaguered technician who is desperately trying to put a transmitter back on the air.3-ring binders are used for LARCAN manuals as a courtesy to our customers because a 3-ring binderenables assembly drawings and/or equipment schematics to be temporarily extracted and used in a moreconvenient place when necessary.  (Before their joining LARCAN, several of our staff technical peoplewere previously broadcast station engineering technicians, whose custom was to temporarily tape theirschematics to the transmitter cabinet doors for convenient reference when working inside the equipment).Drawings whose numbers begin with 30C, 31C, 40D, 41D, 50E, or 51E may have been reduced in size oreven split into several sheets to fit into the booklet's 11" x 17" format. Should any reduced drawings aspresented in our manuals be found difficult to read, full size engineering blueprints are available at nocharge by simply writing, calling or FAXing our Customer Service department and requesting thereferenced drawing and revision wanted.LARCAN INC.228 Ambassador Drive,Mississauga, Ontario, Canada  L5T 2J2Phone (905)-564-9222;  FAX (905)-564-9244.
MX100 Series - 100  Watt  UHF AMPLIFIERTSM 20-308 rev 1:  April 3, 2000 13 100 W UHF AmplifierGENERAL DESCRIPTIONNotes:

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