Lectrosonics UM450H Body Worn Wireless Microphone Transmitter User Manual um450man

Lectrosonics Inc Body Worn Wireless Microphone Transmitter um450man

user manual

UM450Frequency-Agile UHF Belt-Pack TransmitterINSTRUCTION MANUALRio Rancho, NM, USAwww.lectrosonics.comFill in for your records:  Serial Number:  Purchase Date:FeaturingDigital Hybrid Wireless™ Technology(US Patent Pending)
Frequency-Agile UHF Belt-Pack TransmitterRio Rancho, NM 3Thank you for selecting the Lectrosonics UM450 frequency agile, belt-pack transmitter. The UM450 combines over 80years of engineering experience with the very latest components, in a design that addresses the most demandingprofessional applications.The design of the UM450 was the direct result of numerous conversations with users, staging and touring companiesand dealers across the US. The specific concerns and needs brought up in these conversations led directly to thedevelopment of the operational features offered on the UM450. Two hundred fifty six frequencies are user selectable in100kHz steps to alleviate interference problems in traveling venues, and the low frequency roll-off is user adjustable toadapt to varying acoustic environments and preferences.The UM450 is a rugged, machined aluminum package with a removable, spring loaded belt clip. The input sectionprovides a correct input tap for virtually any microphone or line level audio source.  Five volts of bias voltage is avail-able to power electret mics with either positive or negative bias. Level indicating LEDs are provided on the controlpanel to make level settings quick and accurate, without having to view the receiver.  The battery compartment ac-cepts any 9 Volt alkaline battery and makes a positive connection via self-adjusting contacts. The antenna is a detach-able, locking 1/4 wavelength flexible galvanized steel cable that connects to a 50 Ohm SMA port on the transmitter.Only the UM450 transmitter is covered in this manual. Companion receivers are covered in separate manuals.  TheUM450 will operate with any 400 Series Lectrosonics receiver and a variety of analog receivers in the same frequencygroup.
Frequency-Agile UHF Belt-Pack TransmitterRio Rancho, NM 5Table of ContentsGeneral Technical Description ..............................................................................................................................................................6Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................................................................6Digital Hybrid Technology ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6UM450 Block Diagram ..........................................................................................................................................................................6No Pre-Emphasis/De-Emphasis ...........................................................................................................................................................7Pilot Tone Squelch ................................................................................................................................................................................7Input Limiter ..........................................................................................................................................................................................7Wide-Band Deviation ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7Long Battery life ...................................................................................................................................................................................7Frequency Agility ..................................................................................................................................................................................7Antenna ................................................................................................................................................................................................7Controls and Functions ......................................................................................................................................................................... 8Input Jack ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8Power ON/OFF Switch .........................................................................................................................................................................8Power On LED ......................................................................................................................................................................................8Audio Level Control .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8Audio Level ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 8Modulation LEDs ..................................................................................................................................................................................9Antenna ................................................................................................................................................................................................9Frequency Select Switches ..................................................................................................................................................................9Adjustable Low Frequency Roll-Off ......................................................................................................................................................9Belt Clip ................................................................................................................................................................................................9Battery Installation ............................................................................................................................................................................... 10Operating Instructions ........................................................................................................................................................................ 10Selecting the Compatibility Mode ....................................................................................................................................................... 10Attaching a Microphone and Adjusting Gain ......................................................................................................................................11Operating Notes ................................................................................................................................................................................. 11Adjusting the Transmitter Frequency .................................................................................................................................................. 11Microphone Cord Termination ............................................................................................................................................................ 12TA5F Connector Assembly ................................................................................................................................................................. 12Mic Cord Stripping Instructions .......................................................................................................................................................... 125-Pin Input Jack Wiring ........................................................................................................................................................................ 13Input Jack Wiring Diagram.................................................................................................................................................................. 13RF Bypassing ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 13Line Level Signals .............................................................................................................................................................................. 14Wiring Hookups for Different Sources ............................................................................................................................................... 15Replacement Parts and Accessories ................................................................................................................................................. 16UHF Transmitter Antenna Specifications ............................................................................................................................................16Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................................................................... 17Specifications and Features ............................................................................................................................................................... 18Service and Repair ............................................................................................................................................................................... 19Returning Units for Repair .................................................................................................................................................................. 19
UM450LECTROSONICS, INC.6<--See 5-Pin Input Jack Wiring for details.IntroductionThe 400 system uses 75 kHz wide deviation for anextremely high signal to noise ratio. The switchingpower supplies provide constant voltages to the trans-mitter circuits from the beginning (9.3 Volts) to the end(5.5 Volts) of battery life. The input amplifier uses anultra low noise op amp for quiet operation. It is gaincontrolled with a wide range dual envelope inputcompressor which cleanly limits input signal peaks over30 dB above full modulation.Digital Hybrid TechnologyAll wireless links suffer from channel noise to somedegree, and all wireless microphone systems seek tominimize the impact of that noise on the desired signal.Conventional analog systems use compandors toimprove the signal to noise ratio, at the cost of subtleartifacts (known as “pumping” and “breathing”).  Whollydigital systems defeat the noise by sending the audioinformation in digital form, at the cost of some combina-tion of power, bandwidth and resistance to interference.The Lectrosonics Digital Hybrid system overcomeschannel noise in a dramatically new way, digitallyencoding the audio in the transmitter and decoding it inthe receiver, yet still sending the encoded informationvia an analog FM wireless link.  This proprietary algo-rithm is not a digital implementation of an analogUM450 Block DiagramGeneral Technical Descriptioncompandor but a technique which can be accomplishedonly in the digital domain, even though the inputs andoutputs are analog signals.  (As of this writing, thepatent is still pending, so we cannot reveal detailedinformation about the algorithm at this time.)Channel noise still has an impact on received signalquality and will eventually overwhelm the receiver.  TheDigital Hybrid simply encodes the signal to use a noisychannel as efficiently and robustly as possible, yieldingaudio performance that rivals that of wholly digitalsystems, without the power and bandwidth problemsinherent in digital transmission.  As always, theseadvantages come at a cost.  The Digital Hybrid systemrequires fairly intensive digital processing in both thetransmitter and the receiver.  These processors costmoney, take up space and consume power.  The DigitalHybrid system also requires that the underlying RF linkbe of excellent quality, with better frequency responseand distortion characteristics than that required byconventional systems.Because it uses an analog FM link, the Digital Hybridenjoys all the benefits of conventional FM wirelesssystems, such as excellent range, efficient use of RFspectrum, and long battery life.  However, unlike con-ventional FM systems, the Digital Hybrid has done awaywith the analog compandor and its artifacts.
Frequency-Agile UHF Belt-Pack TransmitterRio Rancho, NM 7No Pre-Emphasis/De-EmphasisThe signal to noise ratio of the 400 system is highenough to preclude the need for conventional pre-emphasis (HF boost) in the transmitter and de-empha-sis (HF roll off) in the receiver.  Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis in an FM radio system usually provides abouta 10 dB improvement in the signal to noise ratio of thesystem, but the high frequency boost in the transmittermust be removed in a purely complementary manner orelse the frequency response of the original audio signalwill be altered.Pre-emphasis can also cause distortion in the receiver.As this signal is passed through the IF filters in thereceiver, distortion can be produced, most noticeably atfull modulation.  De-emphasis cannot be applied untilthe signal is converted into audio, so there is no wayaround this problem short of eliminating pre-emphasisaltogether.  Neither of these problems occur in the 400systemPilot Tone SquelchThe 400 system uses one of 256 different ultrasonictones between 25 and 32 kHz, that modulate  thecarrier to operate the receiver squelch.  The pilot tonefrequency is chosen according  to which of the 256channels has been selected by the frequency switchsetting. The basic benefit of the pilot tone squelchsystem is that the receiver will remain muted until itreceives the pilot tone from the matching transmitter,even if a strong RF signal is present on the carrierfrequency of the system. The UM450 extends thisconcept even further by insuring that all transmitters ina system have different pilot tone frequencies so thateven spurious RF from the wrong transmitters can’topen the receiver squelch.Input LimiterThe 400 series transmitters employ a digitally-controlledanalog audio limiter just before the analog-to-digitalconverter.  The limiter has a range of more than 30 dBfor excellent overload protection.  A dual releaseenvelope makes the limiter acoustically transparentwhile maintaining low distortion.  It can be thought of astwo limiters in series, connected as a fast attack andrelease limiter followed by a slow attack and releaselimiter.  The limiter recovers quickly from brief tran-sients, so that its action is hidden from the listener, butrecovers slowly from sustained high levels, to both keepaudio distortion low and preserve short term dynamicchanges.The audio level LEDs indicate limiter activity.  The firstred LED indicates that the limiter is active and that thetransmitter is fully modulated (audio level is between +0and +10 dB).  The second red LED indicates that thelevel is 10 dB or more into limiting.  Occasional foraysinto the red are desirable for most applications, sincethe distortion introduced by the limiter is so minimal,and full modulation is thus assured.  We stronglyrecommend setting the gain of the transmitter highenough so that the first red LED occasionally lights. Generally speaking, some limiting is desirable innormal operation to improve the signal to noise ratio ofthe system.  The limiting action is not audible and doesnot create distortion.  A highly trained ear would hearonly the compression of the peaks in the audio signal,which is desirable with most recorders and many soundreinforcement systems.Wide-Band Deviation± 75 kHz deviation improves the capture ratio, signal tonoise ratio and AM rejection of a wireless systemdramatically, compared to the more commonly used±15 kHz deviation.Long Battery lifeSwitching power supplies throughout the design allowover ninety minutes of operation using a single 9 VDCalkaline battery.  (A 9 V lithium battery will provide over4.5 hours of continuous operation.)  The battery con-tacts are spring loaded to prevent “rattle” as the unit ishandled.Frequency AgilityThe transmitter section uses a synthesized, frequencyselectable main oscillator.  The frequency is extremelystable over a wide temperature range and over time.Two rotary switches, located on the side panel of theunit, provide 256 frequencies in 100 kHz steps over a25.5 MHz range.  This alleviates carrier interferenceproblems in mobile or traveling applications.AntennaThe antenna on the UM450 consists of a flexible 1/4wavelength galvanized steel cable, detachable via anSMA connector.  The impedance of this connector is 50Ohms.
UM450LECTROSONICS, INC.8Input JackThe input on the UM450 accommodates virtually everylavaliere, hand-held or shotgun microphone available.Different line level signals can also be accommodated.(See Line Level Signals and Transmitter 5-Pin InputJack Wiring.)Power ON/OFF SwitchTurns the transmitter on and off.  Even when the switchis turned off or on abruptly, the pilot tone muting systemprevents “thumps” or transients from occurring.Power On LEDThe Power LED glows green when the battery is goodand the transmitter is turned on.  The LED will glowyellow/orange as the battery voltage drops and finallyglows red when there are about 30 minutes of operationleft (when using the recommended alkaline battery).The LED blinks red when there are only a few minutesof life left.Input JackPower ON/OFF SwitchAUDIO LEVEL ControlModulation LEDsANTENNA JackPower LED1.6M                         100KFrequency Select Switches0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEFLow Frequency Roll OffControlControls and FunctionsNOTE: A NiMH battery will give little or no warningwhen it is depleted.  If you wish to use NiMHbatteries in the UM450, we recommend trying fullycharged batteries in the unit, noting the length oftime that the batteries will run the unit and in thefuture use somewhat less than that time todetermine when the battery needs to be replaced.A weak battery will sometimes light the Power LED tothe “good” green indication immediately after being putin the unit, but will quickly discharge to the point wherethe LED will go red or shut down (just like a flashlightwith “dead” batteries).  If the lamp fails to light, thebattery should be replaced.Audio Level ControlThe front panel AUDIO LEVEL Control is used to adjustthe incoming audio input level for proper modulation.Audio LevelUsed to adjust the audio input level for the propermodulation.
Frequency-Agile UHF Belt-Pack TransmitterRio Rancho, NM 9Belt ClipBelt ClipRetaining ScrewLocationModulation LEDsThe Modulation LEDs provide a visual indication of theinput audio signal level from the microphone.  Thesetwo bicolor LEDs can glow either red or green toindicate modulation levels.Signal Level -20 LED -10 LEDLess than -20 dB Off Off-20 dB to -10 dB Green Off-10 dB to +0 dB Green Green+0 dB to +10 dB Red GreenGreater than +10 dB Red RedThe Modulation LEDs are also used to indicate theCompatibility Mode when the transmitter is initiallyturned on. The  Modulation LEDs will blink simulta-neously:• Once for 100 Series mode• Two times for 200 Series mode• Three times for mode 3• Four times for Digital Hybrid Wireless™ or400 Series mode• Five times for IFB mode*• Six times for mode 6Modes 3 and 6 provide compatibility with othermanufacturer’s receivers - contact the factory fordetails.AntennaThe flexible galvanized steel  cable antenna suppliedwith the transmitter is cut to 1/4 wavelength of thecenter of the frequency block (the frequency range) ofthe transmitter.  It is removable via an SMA connector.The SMA connector is a 50 Ohm RF port which canalso be connected directly to test equipment.  Replace-ment antennas are available in pre-cut lengths forspecific frequency blocks, or as a kit with instructions tocut the antenna for any frequency block.Frequency Select SwitchesTwo 16-position rotary switches adjust the centerfrequency of the carrier.  The 1.6M is a coarse adjust-ment and the 100K is the fine adjustment.Adjustable Low Frequency Roll-OffA 18dB per octave low frequency roll-off is provided inthe audio section, with the -3dB point adjustable from35Hz to 150Hz.  The actual roll-off frequency will varysomewhat according to the low frequency response ofthe mic capsule being used.The low frequency roll-off control is used to removesubsonic (or very low frequency) audio, often producedby air conditioning systems, automobile traffic and othersources from the audio signal.  Excessive low frequencycontent in the audio input can cause a variety of audioproblems including driving the transmitter into limiting.In sound reinforcement systems, as one instance,*Not available on earlier units.excessive low frequency content can cause excessivepower amplifier drain or even damage to loudspeakersystems.  By rotating the control clockwise, the hingepoint of the roll-off is increased to reduce the level oflow frequencies.  In controlled situations, such as amotion picture production set indoors where environ-mental noise is minimal, the control can be rotatedcounter-clockwise to permit low frequency audio to becaptured.Belt ClipThe belt clip may be removed for special applications byremoving one screw.WARNING: Use ONLY the screw that issuppliedThe circuitry is tightly packed into this unit.  A longerscrew will permanently damage the transmitter!  Useonly Lectrosonics PN:28528 which is a Phillips head,4-40 x 3/16", FL100 screw.
UM450LECTROSONICS, INC.10The transmitter is powered by a standard alkaline orlithium 9 Volt battery.  It is important that you use ONLYan ALKALINE or LITHIUM battery for longest life.  Stan-dard zinc-carbon batteries marked “heavy-duty” or“long-lasting” and Ni-Cad batteries are not adequate.Alkaline batteries provide approximately 1.5 hours ofoperation.  Lithium batteries can be used to provide up to4.5 hours.  Care should be taken not to leave a fullydischarged lithium battery in the transmitter, as swellingof the battery can make it difficult to remove from thecompartment.  The battery status circuitry is designed forthe voltage drop over the life of alkaline  batteries.To open the battery compartment, press outward on thecover door in the direction of the arrow as shown in thedrawing.  Only firm, sliding pressure is needed to openand close the battery door.  Swing the door open andtake note of the polarity marked inside showing thelocation of the positive (+) and negative (-) terminals.You can see the large and small contact holes inside thebattery compartment with the door open.Insert the battery correctly and close the cover bypressing the door closed and across, reversing theopening procedure illustrated above.  If the battery isinserted incorrectly, the door will not close.  Do not forcethe door closed.*Not available on earlier units.Battery InstallationSelecting the Compatibility ModeAll units with serial number 601 and up are capable ofworking with Lectrosonics 400 Series Digital HybridWireless™, 200 Series analog, 100 Sseries analog andsome non-Lectrosonics analog wireless receivers(contact the factory for details).  The transmitter must beset to the operating mode of the matching receiver,which is easily done using only the supplied screwdriverand a battery.NOTE: The unit is supplied from the factory as a400 series transmitter.1) Ensure the battery is good.2) Turn off the transmitter.3) With a small screwdriver (one is included with yourunit), set the Frequency Select Switches to CC. (forChange, Change).4) Power up the unit briefly – just long enough for theLED’s to light up and then turn it off.5) Change the Frequency Select Switches to one ofthe following settings:• To set Lectrosonics 100 Series mode:set switches to 1,1• To set Lectrosonics 200 Series mode:set switches to 2,2• To set mode 3: set switches to 3,3(contact the factory for details)• To set Lectro 400 Series mode:set switches to 4,4• To set IFB mode: set switches to 5,5*• To set Mode 6: set switches to 6,66) Turn the unit on, wait a couple of seconds and turnoff again.7) Change the Frequency Select Switches to 0,0.8) Turn on the transmitter to complete the operation.The LEDS will blink to indicate the selected com-patibility mode.  Immediately after power up, allLEDS will blink together red, then green, followedby the audio level LEDs (-20 and -10) blinking toindicate the mode.The –20 and –10 LEDs will blink:• Once for 100 Series mode• Two times for 200 Series mode• Three times for some other receivers• Four times for 400 Series mode• Five times for IFB mode*• Six times for Mode 6At powerup the transmitter will confirm the currentcompatibility mode with the number of blinks listedhere.  This setting will remain the same until youreset it with the procedure listed above.Operating Instructions
Frequency-Agile UHF Belt-Pack TransmitterRio Rancho, NM 110123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF1.6M                           100KAttaching a Microphone and Adjusting Gain1) Ensure the battery is in good condition.2) Insert the microphone plug into the input jack,aligning the pins; be sure that the connector locks.3) Attach the antenna to the SMA connector on thetop of the transmitter.4) Mute the associated receiver’s audio output.5) Turn on the transmitter.6) Position the microphone in the location you will usein actual operation.  While speaking or singing atthe same voice level that will actually be used,observe the Modulation LEDs.  Adjust the AUDIOLEVEL control until the –20 dB LED glows greenwith occasional red flickers and -10 dB glows green.This will set the gain of your transmitter to between+0 dB and +10 dB modulation.  (See chart below.)Signal Level -20 LED -10 LEDLess than -20 dB Off Off-20 dB to -10 dB Green Off-10 dB to +0 dB Green Green+0 dB to +10 dB Red GreenGreater than +10 dB Red Red7) Once the gain has been adjusted, the audio systemaudio can be turned on to make level adjustmentsin the main audio system.NOTE: The transmitter Audio Level Control shouldnot be used to control the volume of your soundsystem or recorder levels.  This gain adjustmentmatches the transmitter gain with the user’s voicelevel and microphone positioning.Operating NotesIf the audio level is too high — both LEDs will blink redfrequently or glow a steady red.  This condition mayreduce the dynamic range of the audio signal.If the audio level is too low — neither LED will glow, oronly the -20 LED will glow green.  This condition maycause hiss and noise in the audio.Different voices will usually require different settings ofthe AUDIO LEVEL control, so check this adjustment aseach new person uses the system.  If several differentpeople will be using the transmitter and there is not timeto make the adjustment for each individual, adjust it forthe loudest voice.Adjusting the Transmitter FrequencyIf you are experiencing interference from another signalon your frequency, you may want to change the operat-ing frequency of your system.  The left switch changesthe operating frequency by 1.6 MHz per step and theright switch changes it 100 kHz per step.  Start bychanging the operating frequency in 100 kHz incre-ments to find a clear channel.  If it is not possible to finda clear channel using the 100 kHz switch, return it to itsoriginal position and change the 1.6 MHz switch by oneclick then try the 100 kHz switch again.To gain access to these switches, slide the access doorsideways with a fingernail.With the 400 Series receivers, a front panel LCDcharacter display will indicate the correct transmitterswitch settings.
UM450LECTROSONICS, INC.1212345Caution: When wiring the connector, do notuse the connector body for any electricalconnections. A common mistake is to use theconnector body as an audio ground.  Theconnector body is already used as an RFground on VHF models and no other use ispermitted.NOTE: This termination is required on VHFtransmitters and will still work fine on UHFtransmitters.Microphone Cord TerminationTA5F Connector AssemblyMic Cord Stripping Instructions
Frequency-Agile UHF Belt-Pack TransmitterRio Rancho, NM 1343215LECTROSONICSTRANSMITTERINPUT JACKFB40k4k51004321+5V Mic BiasTo Mic AmpPOS BIAS (OR GND)MICSOURCE LOADLINE  INNEG GND (OR BIAS)+1k10uF330pF330pF330pF330pFInput Jack Wiring DiagramThe wiring diagrams shown on the next page representthe basic wiring necessary for the most common typesof microphones and other audio inputs.  Some micro-phones may require extra jumpers or a slight variationon the diagrams shown.Caution: When wiring the connector, do notuse the connector body for any electricalconnections.  A common mistake is to use theconnector body as an audio ground.  Theconnector body is already used as an RFground on VHF models and no other use ispermitted.It’s virtually impossible to keep completely up to date onchanges that other manufacturers make to their prod-ucts.  It is possible that you may encounter a micro-phone that differs from these instructions.  If this occursplease call our toll-free number listed on page 15 of thisinstruction manual.  Our service department cananswer your questions regarding microphone compat-ibility.When used on a wireless transmitter, the microphoneelement is in the proximity of the RF coming from thetransmitter.  The nature of electret microphones makesthem sensitive to RF, which can cause problems withthe microphone/transmitter compatibility.  If the electretmicrophone is not designed properly for use withwireless transmitters, it may be necessary to install achip capacitor in the mic capsule or connector to blockthe RF from entering the electret capsule.  This modifi-cation is shown on the next page.VHF transmitters use the shield of the microphone cordas the antenna.  This transmitter uses a 1/4 waveflexible wire to radiate the RF signal.  There is really notmuch difference between these two approaches, with5-Pin Input Jack Wiringrespect to the effect of the RF on the microphonecapsule.   Even in transmitters that utilize a “danglingwire,” the microphone is still part of the “ground plane”and is therefore still in the antenna circuit.PIN 1 Shield (ground) for positive biased electretlavaliere microphones.  Bias voltage source fornegative biased electret lavaliere microphones.Shield (ground) for dynamic microphones andline level inputs.PIN 2 Shield (ground) for negative biased electretlavaliere microphones.  Bias voltage source forpositive biased electret lavaliere microphones.PIN 3 Low impedance microphone level input fordynamic microphones.  Also accepts hand-heldelectret microphones provided the microphonehas its own built-in battery.PIN 4 4K Ohm source load for non-Lectrosonicselectret microphones.  Use in conjunction withother pins to provide attenuation of high levelinput signals.PIN 5 High impedance, line level input for tape decks,mixer outputs, musical instruments, etc.RF BYPASSINGSome mics require RF protection to keep the radiosignal from affecting the capsule, even though thetransmitter input circuitry is already RF bypassed (seeschematic diagram).If the mic is wired as directed, and you are havingdifficulty with squealing, high noise, or poor frequencyresponse; RF is likely to be the cause.
UM450LECTROSONICS, INC.14The best RF protection is accomplished by installing RFbypass capacitors at the mic capsule.  If this is notpossible, or if you are still having problems, capacitorscan be installed on the mic pins inside the TA5F con-nector housing.Install the capacitors as follows:  Use 330 pF capacitors.Capacitors are available from Lectrosonics.  Pleasespecify the part number for the desired lead style.Leaded capacitors: P/N 15117Leadless capacitors: P/N SCC330PAll Lectrosonics lavaliere mics are already bypassedand do not need any additional capacitors installed forproper operation.Caution: When wiring the connector, do notuse the connector body for any electricalconnections. A common mistake is to use theconnector body as an audio ground.  Theconnector body is already used as an RFground on VHF models and no other usespermitted.Line Level SignalsThe normal hookup for line level signals is:   Signal Hotto pin 5, Signal Gnd to pin 1, pin 4 jumped to pin 1, andpin 3 jumped to pin 1.  This gives a 40dB attenuator thatallows signal levels much higher than 3V to be appliedwithout limiting.If more headroom is needed, insert a 100k resistor inseries with pin 5.  Put this resistor inside the TA5Fconnector to minimize noise pickup.If lower than normal line levels (less than 1V) areexpected, use this hookup:  Signal Hot to pin 5, SignalGnd to pin 1, and pin 4 jumpered to pin 1.  This pro-vides a 20dB attenuator allowing signals as high as 3Vto be applied without limiting.3 WIRE MIC2 WIRE MICCAPSULE CAPSULESHIELDAUDIOSHIELDAUDIOBIASAlternate locations for bypass capacitorsTA5FCONNECTORTA 5 FCONNECTORPreferred locations for bypass capacitorsPIN54321SHIELD (GND)AUDIONormal Hookup12345TA5FPLUGPIN54321AUDIOMore Headroom 12345TA5FPLUGPIN54321AUDIOLower Line LevelHookup12345TA5FPLUG100kSHIELD (GND)SHIELD (GND)
UM450LECTROSONICS, INC.16ItemReplacement wire belt clipReplacment whip antennaReplacement Parts and AccessoriesUHF Transmitter Antenna SpecificationsAll Lectrosonic UHF transmitter antennas follow thecolor code specifications in the chart below to identifyoperating frequency block range.  (The frequency blockrange is engraved on the ouside housing for eachindividual transmitter.)If a situation exists whereby the antenna is defectiveand the antenna cap is missing, refer to the followingchart to determine the correct replacement antenna.FREQUENCY CAP  ANTENNABLOCK RANGE COLOR  WHIP LENGTH20 512.000 - 537.500 Black 4.98"21 537.600 - 563.100 Brown 4.74"22 563.200 - 588.700 Red 4.48"23 588.800 - 614.300 Orange 4.24”24 614.400 - 639.900 Yellow 4.01"25 640.000 - 665.500 Green 3.81"26 665.600 - 691.100 Blue 3.62"27 691.200 - 716.700 Violet (Pink) 3.46"28 716.800 - 742.300 Grey 3.31"29 742.400 - 767.900 White 3.18"30 768.000 - 793.500 Black-w/Label 3.08"31 793.600 - 819.100 Black-w/Label 2.99”32 819.200 - 844.700 Black-w/Label 2.92”33 844.800 - 865.000 Black-w/Label 2.87”NOTE:  Blocks 30 through 33 are labeledwith the frequency block number.Model/Part NumberLectrosonics #BCWireLectrosonics AMM (xx) -specify frequency block(xx)Measure the length of the whip that protrudes outside of the SMA connector to find the operating Frequency Block
Frequency-Agile UHF Belt-Pack TransmitterRio Rancho, NM 17Before going through the following chart, be sure that you have a good battery in the transmitter.  It is important thatyou follow these steps in the sequence listed.Symptom Possible CauseTRANSMITTER BATTERY LED OFF 1) Battery is inserted backwards.2) Battery is dead.NO TRANSMITTER MODULATION  LEDs 1) Gain control turned all the way down.2) Battery is in backwards.  Check power LED.3) Mic capsule is damaged or malfunctioning.4) Mic cable damaged or mis-wired.RECEIVER RF LAMP OFF 1) Transmitter not turned on.2) Transmitter battery is dead.3) Receiver antenna missing or improperly positioned.4) Transmitter and receiver not on same frequency.  Checkswitches/display on transmitter and receiver.5) Operating range is too great.6) Transmitter antenna not connectedNO SOUND (OR LOW SOUND LEVEL), 1) Receiver output level set too low.RECEIVER INDICATES PROPER AUDIO 2) Receiver output is disconnected; cable is defectiveMODULATION or mis-wired.3) Sound system or recorder input is turned down.DISTORTED SOUND 1) Transmitter gain (audio level) is far too high.  Check mod levellamps on transmitter and receiver as it is being used.(refer to pages 8/9 for details on gain adjustment)2) Receiver output may be mis-matched with the sound system orrecorder input.  Adjust output level on receiver to the correctlevel for the recorder, mixer or sound system.3) Excessive wind noise or breath “pops.”  Reposition microphoneand/or use a larger windscreen.4) Transmitter is not set to same frequency as receiver.  Check thatfrequency select switches on receiver and transmitter match.HISS AND NOISE -- AUDIBLE DROPOUTS 1) Transmitter gain (audio level) far too low.2) Receiver antenna missing or obstructed.3) Transmitter antenna missing.4) Operating range too great.EXCESSIVE FEEDBACK 1) Transmitter gain (audio level) too high.  Check gain adjustmentand/or reduce receiver output level.2) Transmitter too close to speaker system.3) Mic is too far from user’s mouth.Troubleshooting
UM450LECTROSONICS, INC.18Operating frequencies: Block 21:  537.600 - 563.100Block 22:  563.200 - 588.700Block 23:  588.800 - 607.900  and  614.100 - 614.300Block 24:  614.400 - 639.900Block 25:  640.000 - 665.500Block 26:  665.600 - 691.100Block 27:  691.200 - 716.700Block 28:  716.800 - 742.300Block 29:  742.400 - 767.900Block 30:  768.000 - 793.500 (Export)Block 31:  793.600 - 805.600 (Export)Frequency selection: 256 frequencies in 100kHz stepsRF Power output: 250 mW (nominal)Pilot tone: 25 to 32 kHz frequency; 5kHz deviationFrequency stability: ± 0.002%Deviation: ± 75 kHz (max)Spurious radiation: 90 dB below carrierEquivalent input noise: –120 dBV, A-weightedInput level: Nominal 2 mV to 300 mV, before limiting.Greater than 1V maximum, with limiting.Input impedance: Taps provided for 200, 4k, 40k OhmInput compressor: Dual envelope compressor, >30 dB rangeGain control range: 43 dB; semi-log rotary controlModulation indicators: Dual bicolor LEDs indicate modulation  of -20, -10, 0, +10 dBreferenced to full modulation.Low frequency roll-off: –18 dB/octave; 35Hz to 150HzAudio frequency response (overall system): 32 Hz to 20 kHz (+/- 1dB)Controls: 2 position “OFF-ON” slide switch for noiseless turn on/turn off operation.Front panel knob adjusts audio gain.  Recessed control on side panel adjusts lowfrequency rolloff.  Rotary switches on side panel adjust transmitter frequency.Audio Input Jack: Switchcraft 5 pin locking (TA5F)Antenna: Detachable, flexible wire supplied.  50 Ohm port allowsconnection to test equipment.Power Consumption: 120mA @ 9VBattery: Precision compartment auto-adjusts to accept any known alkaline 9 Volt battery.Battery Life: 1.5 hours (alkaline); 4.5 hours (lithium)Weight: 6.3 ozs. including batteryDimensions: 3.1 x 2.4 x .75 inchesEmission Designator:  180KF3ESpecifications subject to change without notice.The FCC requires that the following statement be included in this manual:This device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits as set forth for an uncontrolled environment.This device should be installed and operated so that its antenna(s) are not co-located or operating inconjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.Specifications and Features
Frequency-Agile UHF Belt-Pack TransmitterRio Rancho, NM 19Service and RepairIf your system malfunctions, you should attempt to correct or isolate the trouble before concluding that the equipmentneeds repair.  Make sure you have followed the setup procedure and operating instructions.  Check the interconnect-ing cables and then go through the TROUBLESHOOTING section in this manual.We strongly recommend that you do not try to repair the equipment yourself and do not have the local repair shopattempt anything other than the simplest repair.  If the repair is more complicated than a broken wire or loose connec-tion, send the unit to the factory for repair and service.  Don’t attempt to adjust any controls inside the units.  Once setat the factory, the various controls and trimmers do not drift with age or vibration and never require readjustment.There are no adjustments inside that will make a malfunctioning unit start working.LECTROSONICS’ Service Department is equipped and staffed to quickly repair your equipment.  In warranty repairsare made at no charge in accordance with the terms of the warranty.  Out-of-warranty repairs are charged at a modestflat rate plus parts and shipping.  Since it takes almost as much time and effort to determine what is wrong as it doesto make the repair, there is a charge for an exact quotation.  We will be happy to quote approximate charges by phonefor out-of-warranty repairs.Returning Units for RepairFor timely service, please follow the steps below:A. DO NOT return equipment to the factory for repair without first contacting us by letter or by phone.  We need toknow the nature of the problem, the model number and the serial number of the equipment.  We also need aphone number where you can be reached 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. (U.S. Mountain Standard Time).B. After receiving your request, we will issue you a return authorization number (R.A.).  This number will help speedyour repair through our receiving and repair departments.  The return authorization number must be clearly shownon the outside of the shipping container.C. Pack the equipment carefully and ship to us, shipping costs prepaid.  If necessary, we can provide you with theproper packing materials.  UPS is usually the best way to ship the units.  Heavy units should be “double-boxed” forsafe transport.D. We also strongly recommend that you insure the equipment, since we cannot be responsible for loss of or dam-age to equipment that you ship.  Of course,  we insure the equipment when we ship it back to you.Mailing address: Shipping address: Telephone:Lectrosonics, Inc. Lectrosonics, Inc. (505) 892-4501PO Box 15900 581 Laser Rd. (800) 821-1121 Toll-freeRio Rancho, NM 87174 Rio Rancho, NM  87124 (505) 892-6243 FaxUSA USAWeb: E-mail:www.lectrosonics.com sales@lectrosonics.com
February 23, 2006581 Laser Road NE   •  Rio Rancho, NM  87124  USA  •  www.lectrosonics.com(505) 892-4501  •  (800) 821-1121  •  fax (505) 892-6243  •  sales@lectrosonics.comLIMITED ONE YEAR WARRANTYThe equipment is warranted for one year from date of purchase against defects in materials or workmanship provided it was purchased from an authorized dealer. This warranty does not cover equipment which has been abused or damaged by careless handling or shipping. This warranty does not apply to used or demonstrator equipment.Should any defect develop, Lectrosonics, Inc. will, at our option, repair or replace any defective parts without charge for either parts or labor. If Lectrosonics, Inc. cannot correct the defect in your equipment, it will be replaced at no charge with a similar new item. Lectrosonics, Inc. will pay for the cost of returning your equipment to you.This warranty applies only to items returned to Lectrosonics, Inc. or an authorized dealer, shipping costs prepaid, within one year from the date of purchase.This Limited Warranty is governed by the laws of the State of New Mexico. It states the entire liablility of Lectrosonics Inc. and the entire remedy of the purchaser for any breach of warranty as outlined above. NEITHER LECTROSONICS, INC. NOR ANYONE INVOLVED IN THE PRODUCTION OR DELIVERY OF THE EQUIPMENT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS EQUIPMENT EVEN IF LECTROSONICS, INC. HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE LIABILITY OF LECTROSONICS, INC. EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF ANY DEFECTIVE EQUIPMENT.This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have additional legal rights which vary from state to state.

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