Lee Technology Korea LT2009B ALPHA COASTER PAGER User Manual

Lee Technology Korea Co., Ltd. ALPHA COASTER PAGER Users Manual

Users Manual

 Alpha Paging System User Manual (Manual Ver. 1.00)     LEE TECHNOLOGY KOREA CO., LTD. email sales@leetek.org website www.leetekorea.com       KOREA HEADQUARTER                                                     US OFFICE 3rd FL. #499-2, Sang3-dong,                                     6040 Unity Drive Suite L, Wonmi-gu, Pucheon-city,                                       Norcross,  GA30071, U.S.A Kyunggi-do, Korea tel +82-32-324-9838                                                  tel +1-678-218-0990
fax +82-32-324-9840                                                fax +1-678-218-0991 Alpha Paging System                                                     User  Manual  [ Alpha & Serial Transmitter Version ]  Ⅰ. PREFACE   Pager transmitter is the desktop paging system capable of addressing more than 1000 pagers with Alpha message or Numeric message.    Ⅱ. TURNING THE TX ON/OFF & PAGER NUMBER SETUP 1. TX POWER ON/OFF   * Plug the Pager Transmitter A/C Adaptor into the Pager Transmitter and then into a standard 110 outlet. * And the initial LCD screen is as below.    2. PAGER NUMBER SETUP * Press SETUP and then input operational password(2580) and then ENTER * Go to 14. PAGER TYPE SET-UP using *(←) and #(→) Key and then ENTER * Now, 3 kinds of Pager type is displayed as below.    PAGER TYPE(1-3):1     1. Smart Call     2. Alpha     3. Numeric      1) Smart Call Pager Setup     * If you want to setup the number of Smart Call pagers, press "1+ENTER"     * And then, you should specify the range of Smart Call Pagers.     * For example, if you want to set 30 Smart Call Pagers at the range of 1-30, input "1+ENTER+30+ENTER"     2) Alpha Pager Setup     * If you want to setup the number of Alpha pagers, press "2+ENTER"     * And then you should specify the range of Alpha Pagers.
    * For example, if you want to set 20 Smart Call Pagers at the range of 51-70, input "51+ENTER+70+ENTER" Alpha Paging System                                                     User  Manual     3) Numeric Pager Setup     * If you want to setup the number of Numeric pagers, press "3+ENTER"     * And then you should specify the range of Numeric Pagers.     * For example, if you want to set 26 Numeric Pagers at the range of 41-66, input "41+ENTER+66+ENTER"     * Pager Priority : Smart Call > Alpha > Numeric    → It means if there are duplicated pager number, the Smart Call message is prior than Alpha and Numeric message.  Ⅲ. SEND A PAGE 1. SMART CALL MESSAGE (If the pager type is set to 1.Smart Call in menu 14. PAGER TYPE SET-UP) 1) Input corresponding number and then press ENTER. 2) Input message in ENTER MESSAGE: (Maximum available up to 128 characters) and then press ENTER. 3) Transmit message and return to initial screen. (Sending Message Please Wait) ※  To return to an initial screen on the process, input CANCEL.  2. ALPHA MESSAGE (If the pager type is set to 2.Alpha in menu 14.PAGER TYPE SET-UP) 1) Input corresponding pager number and then press ENTER. 2) Input message in ENTER MESSAGE (Maximum available up to 128 characters) and then press ENTER. 3) Transmit message and return to initial screen. (Sending Message Please Wait) ※  To return to an initial screen on the process, input CANCEL.  3. NUMERIC MESSAGE (If the pager type is set to 3.Numeric in menu 14.PAGER TYPE SET-UP)   1) Input corresponding pager number and then press ENTER. 2) Input message in ENTER MESSAGE:(Maximum available up to 16 characters) and then press ENTER. 3) Transmit message and return to initial screen. (Sending Message Please Wait) ※  To return to an initial screen on the process, input CANCEL.
 Alpha Paging System                                                     User  Manual  4. PRE-SET MESSAGE(in case set it ON)   1) To send the preset default message       →  Before this process, Go to 4.PRE-SET MESSAGE and make PRE-SET MESSAGE:ON (1) Input corresponding pager number and then press ENTER. (2) When "Enter Pre-Set Message(1-4):" is displayed, input nothing and then press ENTER. (3) When "ENTER MESSAGE:" is displayed, input no message and then press ENTER. (4) "Sending Message Please Wait" is displayed and transmit Pre-Set Default Message.     ※  To return an initial screen on the process, input CANCEL. 2) To send the preset message desired       →  Before this process, Make the Pre-Set Msg ON. (1) Input corresponding pager number and then press ENTER. (2) When "Enter Pre-Set Message(1-4):" is displayed, input number among 1-4 and then press ENTER. (3) When "ENTER MESSAGE:" is displayed, input no message and then press ENTER. (4) "Sending Message Please Wait" is displayed and transmit selected Pre-Set Message(1-4). ※  To return an initial screen on the process, input CANCEL.  5. TRANSMIT INDIVIDUAL PAGER NUMBER   1) Set Default Msg:OFF in Menu Options   * In initial screen, input desired pager number and push SEND then No Message is transmitted.     2) Set Default Msg:ON in Menu Options   * In initial screen, input desired pager number and push SEND then Message which is set in Set Default Msg is transmitted.    Ⅳ. SETUP MENU 1. MENU OPTIONS         * SET CURRENT TIME         * PAGER SLEEP TIME         * SET RECEIVER         * RANGE TEST         * PRE-SET MESSAGE         * SET PAGER ALERT         * MODE SELECT
Alpha Paging System                                                     User  Manual         * OUT OF RANGE         * TX DEFAULT MSG         * SET FREQUENCY         * SYSTEM BASE ID         * GROUP CALL ID         * OUT OF RANGE ID         * SET BAUD RATE         * PAGER TYPE SET-UP         * SET Power Up MSG         * STREAMING MSG  2. MENU SETUP (1) To enter menu setup mode, press SETUP in initial screen. (2) "ENTER PASSWORD?" Is displayed. (3) Input password and then Menu Options is displayed.     * USER PASSWORD : 1379       * MASTER PASSWORD? : 2580 (4) Can move Menu No.1-16 using *(←) and #(→) Key. ※  To return an initial screen on the process, input CANCEL. 1) SET CURRENT TIME (1) In Menu Options, Go to 1.SET CURRENT TIME using *(←) and #(→) Key and press ENTER. (2) "Current Time" is displayed and default time is 12:00 AM. (3) Set hour(1-12) and then press ENTER. (4) Set minute(0-60) and then press ENTER.   (5) Set AM/PM using *(←) and #(→) Key. (6) Press ENTER, and then return to Menu Options screen. ※  If hour(1-12) or minute(00-59) is set by other number, it moves to default time. 2) PAGER SLEEP TIME   (1) Go to 2.PAGER SLEEP TIME using *(←) and #(→) Key and then press ENTER.   (2) Select ON/OFF using *(←) and #(→) Key and then press ENTER. (3) "PAGER SLEEP TIME" is displayed and default Sleep Time is 12:00 AM. (4) Input hour(1-12) and then press ENTER. (5) Input minute(00-59) and then press ENTER. Alpha Paging System                                                     User  Manual
 (6) Select AM/PM using *(←) and #(→) Key and then press ENTER. (7) The screen moves to Menu Options screen. 3) RANGE TEST (1) Go to 3.RANGE TEST using *(←) and #(→) Key and then press ENTER. (2) "RANGE TEST" is displayed   (3) Press ENTER and the range test begins. (4) If you press CANCEL, range test is finished and the screen moves to Menu Options screen. ※  To return to Menu Options on the process, input CANCEL. 4) PRE-SET MESSAGE   (1) Go to 4.PRE-SET MESSAGE using *(←) and #(→) Key and then press ENTER.   (2) Select ON/OFF using *(←) and #(→) Key. # To set the Pre-Set Default Message. (3) "PRE-SET DEFAULT MESSAGE(1-4):" is displayed and you can input among 1-4. (4) After input preset default message then press ENTER (5) The screen returns to Menu Options screen.   ※  To return to Menu Options on the process, input CANCEL. 5) SET PAGER ALERT (1) Go to 5.SET PAGER ALERT using *(←) and #(→) Key and then press ENTER. (2) Select one among "Select Alert Type" list using *(←) and #(→) Key, and then press ENTER.    * Pager Alert Type LIST        1.Vibe Only (9292)      2.Vibe & Flash (9696)      4.Flash & Beep (9595)        3.Flash Only (9797)      5.Flash & Vibe & Beep (9898)      6. Beep Only (8989)      7.Beep & Vibe (8787) (3) "Are All Pagers Returned??" is displayed and then press ENTER. (4) "Unplug All Coasters" is displayed and then press ENTER. (5) "Message Sent Plug In Pager" is displayed and transmit message twice and then move to Menu Options. ※  To return to Menu Options on the process, input CANCEL.  Alpha Paging System                                                     User  Manual  6) MODE SELECT
(1) Go to 6.MODE SELECT using *(←) and #(→) Key and then press ENTER.   (2) "Mode Select(1-3):" is displayed and you can select Mode Select# among up to 3. (3) Select Mode Select# using *(←) and #(→) Key and then press ENTER. (4) If you choose Mode Select#1, then "Mode Select #1:OFF" is displayed. (5) You can select ON/OFF using *(←) and #(→) Key and then press ENTER (6) You can set Mode Select#2,3 as same way as Mode Select#1 (8) Then the screen moves to Menu Options. ※  To return to Menu Options on the process, input CANCEL. 7) OUT OF RANGE (1) Go to 7.OUT OF RANGE using *(←) and #(→) Key and then press ENTER.   (2) "OUT OF RANGE:" is displayed and you can select ON/OFF using *(←) and #(→) Key (3) Make it "ON" and then press ENTER. (4) "Are All Pagers Returned??" is displayed and then press ENTER. (5) "Unplug All Coasters" is displayed and then press ENTER.   (6) "Message Sent Plug In Pagers" is displayed and transmit Message twice.   (7) With saving, move to Menu Options(Out of Range). ※  To return to Menu Options on the process, input CANCEL. cf) Out of Range: ON(Message 9494), Out of Range: OFF(Message 9393) 8) TX DEFAULT MSG (1) Go to 8.TX DEFAULT MSG using *(←) and #(→) Key and then press ENTER. (2) "TX DEFAULT MSG:" is displayed and you can select ON/OFF using *(←) and #(→) Key. (3) Input Default message and then press ENTER (4) Default Message is saved, and it moves to Menu Options. 9) SET FREQUENCY (1) Go to 9.SET FREQUENCY using *(←) and #(→) Key and then press ENTER. (2) You can select frequency among 0-9 and then press ENTER.     ※  Frequency List         0. 450.3250 MHz         1. 450.3750 MHz 2. 452.5750 MHz   3. 454.5750 MHz   4. 457.5500 MHz     5. 457.5750 MHz Alpha Paging System                                                     User  Manual         6. 459.0500 MHz.
7. 462.8750 MHz         8. 464.6350 MHz   9. 467.7500 MHz 10. 467.8000 MHz  (3) The frequency is saved, and it moves to Menu Options. 10) SYSTEM BASE ID (1) Go to 10.SYSTEM BASE ID using *(←) and #(→) Key and then press ENTER. (2) "SYSTEM BASE ID:" is displayed and you can input the Base ID and then press ENTER. (3) System Base ID is saved, and it moves to Menu Options. 11) GROUP CALL ID (1) Go to 11.Group Call ID using *(←) and #(→) Key and then press ENTER. (2) "GROUP CALL ID(1-3):" is displayed and you can select among 1-3. (3) If you want to input Group ID#1, "1+ENTER" and then "Set Group ID#1" is displayed. (4) Input Group Call ID#1 and then press ENTER. (5) Group ID#1 is saved, and it moves to Menu Options. ※  Group ID#2 and #3 is as same way as Group ID#1. 12) OUT OF RANGE ID (1) Go to 12.OUT OF RANGE ID using *(←) and #(→) Key and then press ENTER. (2) "Set Out of Range ID:" is displayed and then input out of range ID. (3) And then press ENTER. (4) Out of Range ID is saved, and it moves to Menu Options. 13) SET BAUD RATE (1) Go to 13.SET BAUD RATE using *(←) and #(→) Key and then press ENTER. (2) "Set Baud Rate(1-3):" is displayed and you can select among 1-3     ※  Baud Rate List         1. 512BPS         2. 1200BPS         3. 2400BPS (3) Select Baud Rate and then press ENTER. (4) Baud Rate is saved and it moves to Menu Options. 14) PAGER TYPE SET-UP (1) Go to 14.PAGER TYPE SET-UP using *(←) and #(→) Key and then press ENTER. Alpha Paging System                                                     User  Manual  (2) Select Pager Type among 1-3(Smart Call / Alpha / Numeric)
   ※ Smart Call          1. Press "1+ENTER" and then you can input the range of Smart Call         2. If you want to set the Smart Call Pager from 1 to 20, press "1+ENTER+20" and then ENTER.         3. The range of Smart Call is saved and then it moves to Menu Options.    ※ To set the range of Alpha pager and Numeric pager is as same as Smart Call pager setting.    ※ Smart Call has the priority than Alpha and Numeric.    ※ Pager Priority : Smart Call > Alpha > Numeric    ※ When the range of Smart Call pagers and Alpha pagers are interrupted, interrupted range is followed by Smart Call.  15) SET Power Up MSG (1) Go to 15.SET Power Up MSG using *(←) and #(→) Key and then press ENTER. (2) And then input password(2486). (3) "Enter Message:" is displayed and you can input initial message. (4) After input initial message and then press ENTER. (5) Initial message is saved and it moves to Menu Options. ※  The initial message comes on when you separate your pagers from its charger. 16) STREAMING MSG (1) Go to 16.STREAMING MSG using *(←) and #(→) Key and then press ENTER. (2) "STREAMING MSG:" is displayed and you can select ON/OFF. (3) If you select STREAMING MSG ON, you should input password. (4) Input password(2486) and then press ENTER. (5) "Enter Streaming MSG:" is displayed and you can input first Streaming MSG and then press ENTER. (6) Then you can input second Streaming MSG and then ENTER. (7) Then you can input third Streaming MSG and then ENTER. (8) Then Message Interval is displayed and you can input the message interval. ※    Message Interval means the terms of each Streaming MSG.    For example, if you make the message interval 1 minute, the first Streaming Message   lasts 1 minute and then it changes to second Streaming MSG. The second Streaming Message also lasts 1 minute and then it changes to third Streaming Message.   Alpha Paging System                                                     User  Manual
The third Streaming Message also lasts 1 minute and then it returns to first Streaming Message. This process cycles by terms of 1 minute. (9) And then ENTER. (10) The interval of Streaming Message is saved and it moves to Menu Options.  ※WARNING! When the Streaming MSG is turned "ON", a streaming MSG has to be entered.      Other wise, a streaming MSG has not to be entered, if the Streaming MSG is turned "OFF" 17) SET RECEIVER (1) Go to 17.STREAMING MSG using *(←) and #(→) Key and then press ENTER. (2) Then, nine digits bar will be displayed as below.        ①  Base ID : Any number from 0 to 200 can be selected. ②  Group ID : Add a number from 0 to 1249   ③  BPS  :  Either  512  or  1200  BPS  can  be  selected.  (Press  #0  to  select  512,  or  Press  #1  to select 1200 BPS) ④  Repeater Type (A or B) Setting : If you push #1, the setting is completed with the Repeater Type (A)   Otherwise,  If  you  push  #2,  the  setting  is  completed  with  both  Repeater  Type  (A)  and Repeater Type (B) ◎  Repeater Type (A) : the interval time for sending a signal is "3 seconds" ◎  Repeater Type (B) : the interval time for sending a signal is "5 seconds" ※  Please refer to the repeater transmitter instructional manual for the explanation of detail functions. NOTE:    THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RADIO OR TV INTERFERENCE CAUSED BY UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS TO THIS EQUIPMENT.      SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD VOID THE USERS AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT.

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