Leedarson Lighting RC4X1WN Touch Remote Control User Manual CBB5C3F7CAE92E786C7378


DDF-RC4X1WN_User manual

Download: Leedarson Lighting RC4X1WN Touch Remote Control User Manual  CBB5C3F7CAE92E786C7378
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Leedarson Lighting RC4X1WN Touch Remote Control User Manual  CBB5C3F7CAE92E786C7378
Document ID1679446
Application IDdGWmBgdhlQIMV7lMH+lbzQ==
Document DescriptionDDF-RC4X1WN_User manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize61.84kB (773025 bits)
Date Submitted2012-04-19 00:00:00
Date Available2012-04-19 00:00:00
Creation Date2012-04-12 16:57:29
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 8.1.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2012-04-16 15:23:37
Document Title
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2
Document Author: linp

Product Introduction
Installation at Vou‘ liahtlno kit includes installing the llclht bulbs into lioht fix‘ures and nrenarirtcl the remote control
Installation Steps
Before installing the light bulbs determine the appropriate locations in your ho'ne tor ins'allirg them. The
Lighting Kit Overview chapter provides information on planning your lighting network. When you are ready to
install the light bulbs. perform the following steps
1. Torr power OFF to the light fixtures where you will be installing the network light bulbs.
2 Remove any existing light bulbs from the light tixtu’es.
3. Install each network light bulb into the lighttixtures as you would any standard light bulb when
remowng each light bulb from the package. note the prerassigheo ighting group number on the
package and install the bulbs in Zhe light fixtures based on your lighting group plan
4. Torr power on to the light fixtures. T1e light bulbs turn on to "ul| brightness It a light lixture has a
5. Remove the battery compartment cover from the back of the remote control and insert two AA
alkaline batteries tincludedi. The first time you insert batteries, the primary LED light flashes while
the remote control determines the best signal for your lighting system When this process is
complete, the LED light will remain on for approximately five seconds. When the LED light turns off
your remote control is ready. Note that this process occurs only during initial battery installation and
does not occur when you replace batteries in the future unless a factory reset is performed
6. Leave the light fixture sWitches ON so that power is available when using your remote control to
turn the light bulbs on and oil.
Once these steps are complete. you can use ihe remote control as discussed in -he Remote Control Operation
chapterto operate your lighting retwork.
installation TIPS
Review the safety information Be sure to review the information mntalned in the Safety information Chaplet
roi iiiiooiteiit salely llllulllldliull yuu sliuuld ruiiuw
Keep radio signals clear. The hardware in your ight rig kit has antennas builtrin tor radio co'nmun cation. Just
as you might experience reception problems on you mobile phone inside a building. the hardware in your
lighting kit can have trouble communicating it their radio 5 gnals are stocked by obstacles such as large metal
panels or walls containing wire mesh. When placing these devices in your home inieghe invisible iines
connecting between them Try [0 keep ihese lines clear from obstruction as much as possible
Remote Control Overview
The following illustration shows lhe difieient billions on (he remote conlrol. You can use it as a ieierenoe while
following the insuuciiuns for Denoming tasks. 5
i Press the All Groups huflnn in seiect all iignting groups in turn on. turn air. dim.
er brighten.
2. Press a Group Number bulwn lD seiect that iigriting group in turn an, turn on,
dim. orhrighlen.Alsa use these buttonsta program he lights in -he
mnespondng group. An LED light above each number lnulcaies the group
number eurrentty being used.
3. Press Ins Onion button in lum on or of! the lights n (he selecieu limiting
gmup(s) Lights turn on to the previous dimming ievei
4. Press and mid the Dimmerta dim or brighten the iing in the selected Iighhng
group(s). Lights get dimmer the further you press to me ieit and get brighter the
iurtheryou press to the right
5. The primary LED slain: indicator lights or flushes during diflerer! activities with
(he remote normal
6 The biliary comparlmenl on the hack holds 2 AA bafleries.
7. Press the Program butten (inside battery compartment) to innate programming
of lighting groups and other remote mnlrol programming lunchnns.
The remote control has four group number LED indicators and one primary LED status indicatorthat display the
foilowtng patterns to show you the remote controi's status during different processes:
LED Indication and Description
initial Remote Contrui
Primary indicator llashes steadily: During the process of installing batteries tor the lirst time. the
remote control is determming the best signal lor your lighting system
Adding Light Buibs to
oroup number indicator flashes steadily: The corresponding lighting group is the actiue group lorthe
new light bulbs tuloiit.
Primary lndlcator ilastles rapidly: The remote controi has iound a new ilght bulb within range Ai‘ier
the light Duib is successruily added to the network lhe lndlcator stops iiashing.
Primary indicator turns on solid: The light bulb has been successfully added to the network.
Removing Light Euibs
irdm Network
Group number indicator and primary indicator llash slowly for 30 seconds: one or more light
bulbs have been removed
Working with one
Lighting Group
Group number indicator turns on, and primary indicator remains all: The corresponding lighting
group has been selected. and its last state was oil.
Group number indicator and primary indicator turn on: The corresponding lighting group has been
selected arid its last state was something other than on (tor example lighting group was on or was
dimmed [O a certain Ievei)
Working with Aii
Lighting Groups
All group number indicators turn an. and primary indicator remains off: Aii lighting groups have
been selected. and their last state was on.
All group number indicators and primary indicatorturn on: Aii lighting groups have been selected.
and their last state itas something other than oh (ior example. lighting groups were on or were dimmed
to a certain leyeli
Ciuning the Remote
Primary indicator flashes steadily: The remote control is in Cloning mode.
Primary indicator llashes rapidly: The remote controls are translerring data between each other
Primary lndlcator turns on solid: Both remoie controls have llnished the cloning process successlully.
Group number indicators llash steadily lor 2 seconds: The cloning process timed out or failed.
Remote Control Operation
You can pertorm several tasKs With the remote control. incltning
' Tutiiilig (fl and oil lights
. Dimming arid brightening lights
. Changing the lighting group to which a light bulb is assigned
~ Cloning the remote control to a new one
. Replacing batteries
- Resetting the remote control to factory default settings
Turning Lights on and Off
To turn lights on and off you must turn on and oil an entire lighting group“
1 Press the Group Number button for the lighting group you want to turn on or off it you want to turn on
or oft ALL lighting groups, press the All Groups button.
2 Press the Onion button. lt'the lights were previously on they will turn on. It the lights were previously
on they Will tuln olf
Turning Lights on and off Without the Remote Control
It you need to turn on or offa light when the remote control is not available. you can do so by turning on or offthe
power directly to the light fixture as you do with standard light bulbs ltthe light switch is already turned on (to
support operation with the remote control). you must turn the sWitch off and then back on to turn the light bulb on.
When you turn power on this Way, the network light bulb in the light fixture automatically turns on at full
brightness (regardless of whether the light bulb was previously on or oft) The attected light bulb maintains its
previous network and lighting group settings when you return to using the remote control
Brightening and Dimming Lights
You can brighten and dim your lights even it though they are rot connected to a flx:ure With a dimmer switch.
CFL light oulbs, which typically do not brighten or dim. can also brighten and dim on your network. To set the
brightness level of lights you must set the level for an entire lighting group
1. Press the Group Number button tor the lighting group you Want to dim or brighten. If you want to dim or
brighten ALL lighting groups. aress the All Groups button.
2. To dim the lights in the selected group(sl press and hold the lelt side of the dimmer button. Release the
button when the lights reach the level you wan; Lights will dim more the furtherto the left you press.
a To brighten the iighs in the eeieelerl grotlp(s) press and hold the right side ofthe dimmer Release the
button whet tlte ligllts ieduti tiie level (uu Noll" Lights will otiulitett mote the ruttiei lu tlieiigh. you
Dress. They automatically stop when they readw full brightness
The lights in the gtoup will remember the latest blightness level when you turn them oil and un
Replacing Batteries
Your remote control uses twoAA l.5\/ alkaline batteries (included). To replace the batteries, remove the battery
cover from the back ott'ie remote control and remove the old batteries lnsert the new batteries as indicated in
the battery compartment
Resetting the Remote Control to Factory Default Settings
You can rese: the remo:e control back to the original detatlt settings from the tactory this may be usetul it you
want to put a cloned remote cor'trol back to its standalone settings. Typically, though, tactory reset is not a
commcn procedure and you should be certain you want to do so since you will lose any network settings you
pteviolsly prngram'nert nntn the remote cnrtrnl
it you are sure you want to reset t'te remote control, use the following steps:
1 Remove the hette'y nnverfmm the hack nf theI remnte control
Ramcvo the bolts-lee from the remote control.
Press and hold the Program button.
While still pressing the Program button, reinsert the batteries into the remote control
Release the Program button
The remote control is returned to its default factory settings. To use it agair you must follow the original
installaticn instructions. After :he tactory reset, you must reset all light bu bs in the nework based on yourgroup
plan by tolloyhng the procedure in the Light Bulb Tasks chaote' to remove light bulbs from he network. lollowed
by the procedure to add a new light bulb to the network.
Use only AA
Safety Information
1.5V alkaline batteries.
WARNING: Batteries can explode, or leak. and can cause injury or tire. To reduce this risk:
Carefully follow all instructions and warnings on the battery label and package.
Always insert battenes correctly With regard to polarity (+ and -) marked on the battery and the
Do not short battery terminals.
Do not mix old and new batteries Replace all of them at the same time with new batteries of the
same brand and type.
Remove dead batteries immediately and tollow local regulations for safe disposal
Do not dispose ot batteries in fire
Keep batteries out of reach ot children.
Transporting batteries can acssibly cause fires if the battery te'minals inadvertently come in contact
Nllh condtctive materials such as keys coins hand tools, etc The US Departme1t of
Transportation Hazardous Material Regulations (HMRi actually prohibits transporting batteries ln
commerce or on airplanes il e packed In suitcases and CBI'I'yO't luggage) uNLESS they are
properly protected from short circuits. So when transporting individJal bazteties, make ere that the
battery terminals are protected and well irsuleted lrorr materials that could Contact them and cause
a short circuit.
Do Not Disassemble
The hardware in your lighting kit has no user-serviceable pans inside In case at persisting malfunction, please
contact Customer Service to arrange tor repair at a certified service location Do not attempt to disassemble the
hardware for any reason
Correct Disposal ofthis product
This marking indicates that this product should not be disposed with other
household wastes throughout the EU. To prevent possible harm to the
environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, recycle it
responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources. To
return your used device, please use the return and collection systems or
contact the retailer where the product was purchased. They can take this
product for environmental safe recycling,
Thls equlptlent has been tested and found to empty With the lltlits fol a Class B fllqltel devlce pursuant to Pal— 15 of the FCC
Rutes These tl‘t’llls are deslgrled to pravlde reasonable protettlarl aga l’lst narmfut lrlte‘fere'tce ln 3 resldel’ltlat instatlatlon. Thls
equipirreiit gerreiates. uses and can iadiate iadiu liequeiicy eiieigy and it iut installed aic used in accu daiice w tli llic
lr‘Sl'uCthHS may cause harmful lnterference to radio communltztons l—tavtever. there ls no gttaranteethat interre‘ence Wlll not
occur in a Dafllcutar lnstallatlorl tftrls equlpment does cause harmfut lnteflerertela ladlu Drtetevlslcr recaptlcrl wnlch can be
determlned by turnan the equipment off and on. he user is enmtraged to try to correct the lhtetfereflce ey one ottt’le tolowlng
o Reollent or relocate ltle recelylnq an:enna.
. increase the separation between the equipmentand receiver
0 Connect the equlpment lntc an outlet on a Clrcul: dltferentfrunt that to whlch tre recelvet ls connec'ed
' CDl’lautt the Heater or art experlel’lced radio/TV techl’llcinl’l for heta.
FCC Cautlpn. Any changes or mcdlllcatlans not expressly approved by the party responsible lar compliance cauld void the
users authority to operate this eqdlprrlert
This devlce complies Wllh Part is at the FCC Rules Operatian is suhyect ta theta loving two conditions (ti Tm; device may
rtst cause 1arrntu| interference and (2) his device must accept any interference received. lrlcludirlg nterterence that may
cause undesired aperatian.
Radiation Exposure statement
TI'lls equlpmem complies With FCC fddlatlon exposure limits set fantn foran uncontrolled ehyreflme‘lt. The equipment ehauld
t-e installed an'l nparatsd vvith a minimum distance nfanrm heween the rariiataranrl ynirrhndy
For Remote Central
Thls device compiles xiiith Part ts ot the FCC Rules Operation is supiect
to the following two canditions (1) this device may not cause harmlul
interference. and (it this device must accept any interference recelved.
lncludlng interference that may cause undesired operation.
Le present appareil est cpnlormeaux CNR d‘lndustrle Canada appllcables aux
appareils radio exempts de licence L'exploitatian est autorisee aux deux conditions
suivantes ll) l‘apparell ne doit pas produire de arouillage, et (2) I‘utlllsdteur de
l'apparell doit accepter taut broulllage radioelectrique subl. meme si le broulllage est
susceptlble d‘en campramettre le fonctionnement.
Changes or maditicatians not expressly approved by the party
respansiale lor compliance could void the user's authority to operate the
Thls equipment has been tested and found to comply With the limits for
a Class 5 digital device pursuant to pan ts af the FCC Rules These
timl|§ are designed to provide reasonable PVOtECUOH agalnsl harmful
interference in a residential installation ThlS equipment generates
USES and can radiate radio "ENERGY energy and. it not installed and
used ln accordance ‘Nllh the lnstructidns may cause harmful lnterlerence
to radio communications However. there is no guarantee that interterence
Will not occur ln a particular lnstatlatlon lithis equipment does cause
harmful interference to radlo or televlsion receptlon which can be
determined by turning (he equlprnenl 0” and 0". (he user is encouraged
to try to correct the lnterlerence by one or more of the tollovvlng
-Reorlent or relocate the receiving antenna
-lncrease the separatlan trettieen the equipment and recelver.
Connect the equlprrlent lnID an outlet on a circuit diflerent from that
to iiihich the receiver is connected.
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radidiw technician tar help.
Under lndustry Canada regulatlons. this radia transmitter may only aperate using an
antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gall’l approved farthe transmitter ay
lndustry Canada. To reduce patential radio interterence ta other users the antenna
type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated potter
(e.i.i.p r is rot nioie than that riecessaryfui successful ceiririiuiiicatiprr.
Conlorme'ment 5 la rég enlantation d' ndustrle Canada. is present émetteut radlo pellt
fo'lctlonnerayec une antenne d'urttype etd'un gain maximal (ou nterleuri apprduve
pourl'emettecrpai lndustrie Carada Dans le butde reduireles risquesde
braulllage rndloelectnque a 'irttentlorl dee autres utlllaateuls lI taut cholsr Ia type
d'arrenrle el son gain de sprte due la puissance isalrcpe rayannéa equivalents
[p i.i.e r ne depesse pas l intensi-e necessaiie a l‘etabllsserrterlt dune communltatlon
eatista sante

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