Leetac Electronics Technology LEETACE6H00 Bluetooth Jukebox with Turntable and CD Player User Manual

Guangdong Leetac Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd. Bluetooth Jukebox with Turntable and CD Player

User Manual

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Date Submitted2017-10-22 00:00:00
Date Available2017-10-22 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-09-21 15:57:54
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Document TitleUser Manual
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Instruction Manual
Bluetoo‘h Jukebox with Turmable and CD Player
www.mwm- . WWMWMMW
m.._u..w............ Maggy ”www.mam...
“momma-mm- Wwwww Wmmmmmm
ulmnmwunhwllnlmbufl Mfimm‘m mum“ munmnl'uln-lmmwwv
ermloww-wuwc "mammrow‘pw Noam
map-m sommmu.
CAUTION: To reduce Ihe risk 0| file cl chum: shook. do not expose till: appliance Io Ill" 07 molslule
WARNING: To plevem clean: shoal. do ml use We mounted) plug Nth an enensron com. lecemade
or olller ouuel unless me blades can he fully memo Io prevem blade exposure
WARNING: Irwlslble Incl Vidllllon when open and lnlzflock filled DI “felled Avmd dlleu
§ § exposure In laser beam
Important Salety Instruc ons
1. Read mesa irolruollons — All the salary and pperallnp rnslruolons should be read belpre ml: produd
ls operaled
Keep lnstmcllons —- The :56er and operalmg Inslnfllofls should be relulneo '07 lumre lelelenee
Heed all walnlnwi ~ All wamlngs on me appllanoe and ln mo operaung lnslmalons should be
adhered lo
4. Follow all mslrucllons — All opelalmg and use mslrucllons should be lollowed
5, be nor use mu apparatus near waler - The appl-anoo should nol be used near manor 0! molsmle - lnr
example. ln 3 wel basemem or near a swrrnmrng pool. and the Idle
3, Clean only wrllr dry room
7, be no! blpolr any vemllallon opomngs lmlall ln accordance war we manufacturer's lnslruam
a. be nor lnslall near any near sources such as radralrons. heal reglslers. slaves. or other apparatus
(rnmdrng unplrllersl mar produoe near
9, on no: deleal me satety purpose at me polanzed or grounding plug A polanzed plug has lwo blades
wlln one wool man me am A orpunorng plug has me blades and a mud grounmng prong The wrap
blade or me lnrd prong a provrdea lor your salely ll we planned plug does nol rrl Into your puller.
consult an eleclnclan lor leplaoemenl ol Ihe obsolme omlel
lo, Proleo Ihe power cord lrorn berng walked on or plnaled panlwlarly al are plugs. oonven-enoe
recoolaclas. and a! mo polnl whom may exll lrom lrle apparalus
11. Only use anaormenlslaooessanes speclfied by me manmanurer
12. Use only wrln me can. sound, lnpod, oraolrel or labla spealred by me
mamlaaurer. or sold wlth lne apparalus When u can or lack Is used. use
clullon when mow-lg mo can/apparalus cornbrnallon lo ayold lnlury lrorn
la. unplug lne appalalus dunno llpnuno slolms or when unused lor long
venous ol \lme
14. Helen all semong lo qualrlied personnel Sew-0mg la roqurreo wnen me appalalus has been
damaged In any way. such as power supply oord or plug ls damaged, llquld has been spllled or ooyecls
have lallon lnlo me apparalus has been exposed lo raln or molslure. does nol oporale normally. or has
been dropped
00 N07 OPEN
The lightning lam Mh armheu symbol Mum In equilateral binge l: lmmlea In alen lhe unno
mo viii-lea dm-inwhtod 'danguuus Magi within in. pmdufl's Indown lhal may be 01
mm magnimde lo 000$“: fl (MK d dean}: shock,
Willing: To none. the risk ofdoctric shock do no! man ooh/er (or back) l: mu: In no
unr-mvieeanle pane inane Revel uMa‘nq le ell-mien per-ohm.
Thu "dinfliou poll! MUYIV In Nul‘l‘ Mich imondld (0 III?! In. worlom. prosaic. If
imnmfl upswing and mammal-cc instrucfions in the 51mm ace-running he appl‘ancel
@ PrdIaiw-mllnmumini. Th0 app-mus should be mean In a mains mam unlel Mm a
pmeaive eanhing cal-leach.
The mainphlg Ii used as dlsoorlnou 194mm dim-l: dolls. uhall remain madly male.
To wallet the nu: Min or sharia m. do not upon mil uppnue lo rein or mom-e The
iwm mall not he unused In Mpoing w splashing. Objeus Men with liquids. such asvases.
shall not be placed an appamls,
The equ'ulnm ahoua Ilwlys be usld in a module almala.
The veriilaion shmlfl hat he impeded by coming the vulmhl‘nn wan'nns Mm nuns, sum as
nmlpmi nae-M5. cumin. do
No naked «no sources, such I: Inland cumin, mead be placed on the comma
The sylnbd with "4 hdicales AC image,
CAUTION. The mung inmcflom In tor quIIIM mo. ptmnnd only, To mmlhe lick of
ulnaric shock. do In! Mum any m ”ulna" M 5mm ii In: ovulation "lulu-l unless you
a qualified lo do an
Col! or Dillon“ should not bu Hills-maid, crush“, 90mm. maid, of mm! mufllcd.
anfi like are ta my insm “is W bangles wsen‘ng the 9061M (v) and WM H
pdiriy "It‘s Ell he pmala am he dado! 'a Well I is inlmdefl.
Do not shall mall in. cell: or ban-lee Slore cells and “levies bl Ihoi original peelauhg and may
hum nut-I abieas which may Mcilwi [haul
Modes should no: be healed or exposed to lelnpevmea exeeeang me Mannheim-(‘5
recommended nlaxinlull l-npmra, Such lhennal exposure may lean to leahag an, a
Do not drop «mm lhe cell av lumvy to mom mach-Mal shook,
Uu lhe cell 01'th wilh equlpvnml ma: wedfios ll- lune
Km coll Ind bah-til: cm 01mm 01ml“.
SedK medical advice immedilldy 5" ml of blnu'y his been MIMI],
n In me event mm the elecllolyle Dames No contact wan me shun 01 eyes, Immemately flush w-m Iresn
walev to! al least 15 mmules 3M seek medlcal acme
33. Do no! MIX calls 01 batten“ D' drfllmnl sues. bvands, capadtms, o! (#1chva
Oonsun me ceil mamnactwev 10¢ (he maXImum number DI cells (0 be 3554:me In a banevy
35. Bananas should m be planed Into a fin except under Goodman: 0| convened Inanelalmn
35‘ Faulme m observe um precamm may result In an exaloslonlmsassemmy
Rsmole Carma!
Push: Cradle
RCA Lune om Cable
45 RPM adaplor
CounIev wow
Product Overvmw
Frgng m
PHONO door
REP: In comps play mode, press Io repeal/random songs
PROS: In CD slop mode/ In Radlo mode, Pvess to w the program playback I In Standby mode,
press and hold thls button to lnto lune 5a mode.
F-1 l'l.’ Press to slap to 10 previous tracks.
s’T/IlOIIO: Stereo I Mono Selection in Radio Mode
PREo: Press to iaen preset station. In progmm mode, press to seled preset statlon number
PIIE-: Prefi to linen preset station. ln program mode. press to select preset station number.
LIGHT! Press Iotum ell/on the Iimt.
. SCAN; Pf!” to eutemntleelly search and save redio stations
F010: Press to skip to 10 nan tracks
. (APENICLOSE: In CD mode. use to open end dose the rise trays
. 018C TRAY
E0: Press to change the Equalizer setting. Equalizer settings preloaded on to the Unit are Pop
(POP). Rock lace). Classical ICLA), Jazz (JAZ). and rm (FLA)
ONIOFFIarnaII): Press to enter sundtly Mode.
VOLs: Increase Volume. press the button repeatedly or press once and hold doom untll you
remit the desired volume level,
mNEXTTRACK: In CD Mode press to sklp to the next track P13 and held lo tau l‘nrward' In
Sammy mode. press to set the time/In BLUETOOTH Mode. press to sklp IoIhe next track] In
Radio Mode. press to manually tune to e deslred station or pres and held Ihls button to auto
search a station,
NIPLAYIPAUSE: In CDI BLUETOOTH made. press to play or pause playback,
Isrop; Press to slop pluybeotor cancel the program semng
ou/orrluo): Tum on the unit. ‘4
I«PREVIOU8 TRACK: In CD Mode. press once to skip Io the previous lreck Ptess and mid
to last marlndlln steamy mode. press to SS me time/In BLUETOOTH Mode. press to skip to
the prevlous track. I In Radlo Mode, press to manually tune to a deslred stallon or press and
hold this button to auto search a gallon.
VOLRedllce Volume. press the button repeatedly or press once and hdd am until you reach
the neared volume level.
MODE: Press to select between the allerent lunctiens such as Ihe FM Tuner,AUx, CD player.
Bluetooth Ind Photograph.
Rear Wow
26. FMWIn Antenna
While tuned to a stahon in FM mode. extend the we and repos‘m‘on to BCJUSI for best receptton
27. Llno out Socket
Connect external speakets
28, AUX IN Cord
Connect an external source
29. LIGHY Mode Switch
Single light mode or mixed lighl mode tor LED Tube
so. Llno out ONIOFF Swltch
SelectON 903ml)", to use external or human speakers. seleu OFF posnton, to usethe unit's
built-tn speakers
Note The umt o! the volume button can't control the Lune out volume
31. Ac Power Cord
Plugs Into a wall outlet,
Fig 2f the Tummgle
A. Tumtabh.
at ooumv might
ct 8m 5cm (for tampon) Below ustng
the «rut, tum the W
clockwise usmg a com or screwdmet
lmpomnl: Man you transport the umr,
tum the screw coumeruloohwrse to secure
the [mutants
The slwersuewan thebadmftne
turntahle it I balancar for both the tumuble
I: well I: '01
the lone arm
Please turn this screw with a coin to enter
lelt or am and test by moving your tone
firm to the
muddle cl me spindle Please note that this screw Is a balancer and VII" have to be adjusted until
the tone arm moves lreely to the end at the record (muddle of the sn‘mle) without any resslanoe
belare usmg the turntable phonograph
Cue-lever. Use this lever to hit me tone arm
Tone Arm holder.
Snood suleclon
Torn Arm. Belore use. completely loosen the fixed rope on the lone arm and M the lone
arm up
1 MODE: Press to select between the dtflemnt lunutons such
as the FM tuner AUX, on player Bluetooln ane Pnonogtapn
2. LDPDWER: Push to turn the mm on or en
a .5709 Press to step playback or cancel the program
' settrrtg
‘ 4. I«I’HI'Z\ IOI h Ht \( K: In CD Mode. press once to sklp lo
Ille plevtous llndt Press and hold to last lemma/In Standby mode,
- press to set the llmelln BLUETOOTH Model press to my to the
previous track / In Radre Merle press to manually tune to a
desned statlon or press and hold "us button to auto watch a
s FROG: ln co step mode. Press to set the program playback
; prwp
/ In Standby model press and hold thls button to Into tlme set made
REPEAT: In COIMPJ play mode. press Io repeal/random songs
SCAN, Press to automaltcally search and save rldlo statlons
STMONO: Stereo! Marlo Seledlon In Radlu Mode
OP-CUMEM: Press Io Open/Close CD Tray and to use [he Memory Funclton Mule uslrtg the
IO >IIPLAVIPAUSE In CD1 ELUETOOTH model press to play orpause playback
11 VOL-:Reduoe Volume. press the button Iepeatadty or press once and hold dawn untll you leach
the deslm volume level
l2 VOLo: Increase Volume. press the button repeatedly or press once and hold down unltl yau
reach the deslred volume level
‘3 MNEXT TRACK: In CD Mode press to sklp to the next track Pm» and Ilulsl In lint lttnlnltl‘ In
Standby mode press to set the lime /ln BLUETOOTH Mode. press to still) to the next track I In
Rama M068. press to manually tune to a deslred slallorl 01 press and hold this button to auto
Search a slatlott
14. FOLFER-: Press to select plevlous Folder
15. FOLDERo: Press In select next Folder
ls E0: Press to change the Equaltzer settlng Equelrzet settrngs preloaded on to the UM are Pop
(POP), Rock (Roe), Classrcal (owl Jazz (JAZ). and Flat (Fm)
I7 PRE~: Press to llsterl preset statlon‘ In progmm mode, press to select preset statlorl number
l8 PREo: Press to hate» preset station, In program meee. press to selea preset Stilton number
The Rem-m Comm! Uni can operate the unit tram a distance When operating the remote mmrd
unit. point ‘n towards the front panel Mme uni
. Even rt the remote control un'l rs operated within the eflective range. remote control operation
may b. inpauible if there In my obelicles between the unit Ind the mob contml
c It the remote control unit ‘5 opernted our other lppttlncee wnlcn generate inmred raw, or N
other remote control devices using inn-rec rays are used near the unit, it may operate
rnconectty. Conversely. the ourer tool-Inca may operate incorrectly.
The remote control '5 built with cell battery More shipment, To idivila PULL
the battery, remave the transparent plate It the bdltcm ot the remote -’
control 7
Now the remote control is ready to use.
BATTERY REPLACEMENT: W the diltznce required between the rumm control ufll and main uni
aunties, the battery is 3mm, In me case. please replace "I! binary with new one
t, Retrieve the battery compartment cover as per Inuetnucn on the right, Nu.
2, Omerving the correct polarity and put a 3Vdc Innium bettery
3V Clan the cover.
Battery Prue-mime.
0 Be sure to insert the biliary with correct positive ‘ and negative - potlmies
. Refer to the precautions on the battery labels.
e Whenmeremcleccntrotun'ailnatobeueedfoulongtimonomtn-nammt. remavethe
battery from the remote control mm to prevent it trom leaking. I! rt Inks. woe my the liquid
inside the battery compartment and replace the Battery with new one,
. Do not heat crumble battenee and never dream Mold menu by throwing them In a
. Pumse the correct size and grade at cell or battery meet suitabte tor the intended use.
- Keep cells 0! ballenes clean and dry both dunng use and storage w-pe metal Iemllnals wrtll a
sum dry clan «they Down: My
. Reta." onglnal produu malalule lor future lelelenoe
. Onty use me call or hanery m lhe appllcallon Iorwlllch ltwas Internet:
General Operatlon
I Plug umt's Ac card to AC Wall Outlet F 0" 0“
2 Push the lalga led ‘0NIOFF‘ Mam Power Button to mm on the umt ‘ $
3 Press the small red ONIOFF button to use the umt &
I To lum onloII tha LED llghlmg enacts smply press Ina LIGHT button mud on (he Ironl ol the
2 Swatch nglll Mode localed on the bad( 01 the mm to PLAY lo have the colors gradually change
01 lo HOLD Io have one steady colol
NOTE. The llghlmg enacts operate tndepondenlly 9! me ONIOFF button [ m r ‘—
I Press and hold (3~5 Secondsylhe FROG button on me Iron! 0' (he urm . flle'IZ-H' on the LCD
Dlsplay vull blmll. lhen pless Ihe t« or »I bullorl to Swat-)1 Imm 1244' ID ‘ZA-W
2 Press the FROG human to confirm and the How Tm wIlI bllnll. press Illa I« DID” bullon
untrl you gel lo the curred hour
3 Press [he FROG bum)" lo confirm and In: Mlnule “me WIII bllnk‘ pies; the K1 D[»I
button UMII you 991 In (M curred Mlnlfl“ press ma PROG button lo confirm
NOTE The lme wlll only be saved when [he unrl ls ON or In Standby Mode. II you want me [me to
be saved do nol tum olltna mam power button
I Swllch Llne Om to 'ON' posmon
2 Use the Ielt/ngm manual to connect your external more powerlul speakers
NOTE' 1 wnen Lme Out IS ON‘ no sound will play Irorrl the unrrs speakers
Listening to a CDIMP3
Ptoss Illa ‘MODE' bullet! to select CD mode The unit will display the ‘CD‘
Note: Men no disc Is 39'. ‘no disc' will appear on [ha display
Push the CD cool to open the hay.
Place a use on the troy with the printed label lacing outward then close the may
The mini will automatically sim playing iiom iii: firsl mick
Yo lemporanly pause pllyblck‘ press the Nlhumxi Press agaln to resume,
To sliip imclis peeiwam u ioiwam. press the conesponeing sklp nmton ~40! m messing...
will return lothe beginning olthe previous iiacli Pressing-obillton to sklp to the next track
To losl lomld (rEWll'ld within a track, press and hold own the corresporlang skip button until
the daslled posltion Is reached
9 Press F~10 button to skip to 10 previous tracks
‘0 Press FHObutton SKID to 10nexttraoks
ll To stop playback, press the STOP I button
- Never place more then one disc on me My.
- The disc must be placed in the center alt/1e disc My All lmorrectry loaded disc can pemianenlly
damage the may door necnamsm
- ll like: a moment lb! lhe lull! l0 land I disc. dlling which all buttons will be Emily
Each mm the REF butlon is pressed. the repeal [shuttle mode will cycle througi the
loiiwing colic-is
R P T 1 e l £5!
The cunent trodi WIII be played repeatedly "you select ondlier (luck. the track you select Mll be
play on repeat.
'Y F R 1 | nl in P
The cunent ldflel will be played repeatedly
The cable CD Wlll be played repentedy
SHQFFLE PLAV lfiiuflle through the entire QD
The entire CD Wlll be played randomly.
- Press REP button, the repeal node wt! be cancelled
Progam play must be set when the CD is stopped You can piogiam up to 20 tracks on a CD 99
tndtsofl MP3
A Hogmmmed playback walks with finalized disc only
I Pless MODE bullorl lo select CD mode then load a CD
2 Whlle the CD IS stopped pless the FROG button
3 PROGRAM lndlcalcf Villl bllrlk‘ and Pol Will appear on the display
4 Pvess-«uwlo select a track number
5 Press the FROG button agaln lo 921 the current track
5 P02 wlll then be asplayea Repeat steps 4 thlu 5 lo program the addlllonal tracks
7 When the selectlon 01 track numbers has been flnlshed‘ press thembutton to start
program playaaetr
B, To cancel the program model press the STOP I button once
(Nola when all 20 progam (ranks are set. press the FROG buttal and ”FULL' wrtl appear on the
dlsplay as a notmeatron that you've filled all 20 programmable tracks )
Llste g to a V yl Record
Installation of the Counter weight
As wllh all wally lumlables bull! to uu'llze allermarkel canrldges. lhe welght oflhe caflndge
must be balanced mm a countet welytt to allow accurate seltlng Mme cannuge's awnwnrd (one.
| The fira step :5 to Insure a level, stable surface fol your new lumtable and mole the lone elm
gently to the recold
2 wtule ceremlly secunng me tone amt hem movement and proteumg the stylus from damage.
genlly glloe the counter wergnt with the numerals 13¢an lorwem onto the veer o! the tone arm
3 Rotule the weiylt in a clodtwlse lashlcn lrorn the perspentve olthe end otltte arm oppostte ol
the canrlage until the threads are pst engaged
4 Wm the lone arm Illl lowered and the stylus protector removed seek to insult a state 01
equtlmnum m the em byrommg me counterwelght sent-l balance wlll be nehleved tn the term
cl I lone arm "III is level Ind lree lmm intederence
5 The next step Is to create I relevance tothls postion by rotatingthe numerically enhanced llng
at the tram olthe counterwetgm to Indicate ‘o‘ u the top posmon m eltgnment with the mark on
lhelone arm Mule hotnng the rearpomon olthe counterwelght to prohlbll tts movement.
6 Flnnlly. tram thts '0‘ reverence place gnsp bmh the trout and back at these two parts 01 the
oounterwelght and set the wught to maul: '3 5' on the ml to ally! wtth ma merklng on ma top
01 the lone Itm Thls will Indlcate 3 5 grams of downward tome. the recommended tmeklng
weiytt lo! lhls canndge
NOTE: The balance welgm e lo Imus! lrle messule olme needle llme pressure IS
too much. me sound van Dam distorted; 1 me pressure l8 too lmle. track sklpplng
mu easily hippen Please adjust the balance welgm by luming the balance weight
clockwlse or oeunlemeawlse
l . Press MODE launon to salad PHONO Funalon
2 Genny open me (09 cover
Not. Be camlully not In pmcll your finger when
spawn/dosing me (on never
3 Place a Vlnyl record on (flammable When playing a
45 RPM record, use [M Included manor
4 Selecmle appmpnaleepeea (E
5 Genny well lone arm ellp
K0 the "9'“ (0 release "I9 [006 film
6 Rana the cue lever lo M! the lone arm 01' the lone urn supporl
7 Move the lone arm gently to the edge ol the record (ol the swung pom! of a track)
The tumlable wlll new In tum
a Genny luwer lne lone arm by slwly releasmg me one level
9 When the recom relates lo Rs end. lane arm and luliholl slop Llll me (one Irm and place ll to
{one arm lest manually
Non: Il wt/I lake sppmxlmalely 20 seconds lot lone mm to mlum la is holds! when playan a 75
rpm record
- Closing [no my cover wrll help paws/ll dusl 1mm settling on the turntable
- Always lelock the lone arm clip before vunsportlnq the unlt
- Do not place anything on top or the turntable cover, especlally while playing a record
- Remove the needle col/er befwe you balance lhe [one arm
-Hok1lone arm whenever you make any adjustment or actrorl so a: to protect the
lone arm
- Do not try In must the Delano: weight while playan a record as zhrs could break
me needle and scratch the record
- Remove the balance welgmbernre llarlspcltallon topreventdarmge or breakage
lo the Um!
Listen ng to FM Rad o
Press the MODE button to select the FMtunIng lunctiort
Press theme! »ibutlon to manually tune to a deslred statlm
You may also press and hold the-«or mbuttofl to auto scan for a statlon
Press the SCAN button to auto scan and save the slatlons. It can save 20 FM stations
Press the ST/MONO button Io select stereo or mono mode. when you select mono mode. the
dlsplay sham 'ONO'
s Uslng Ihe PREO or PRE - button ynu can scan throng. your preset stations
(See now to preset a station in the section below)
gusting tor Best Receggon
FM broadcast Extend and reposrllan the FM antenna located on the back or the unlt
Preset mmng
You can preset and store up to 20 FM radio statlons
l Select your neared FM station
2 Press the PROG button or press the ()l’ (‘IlMEM button on remde conlrol and Ihe asplay
shod P01
3 Press 'PREF button a ‘PRE ~' butter! to select the preset station from P01 to P20. uslng the
‘PRE" or 'PRE -‘button to choose throuwl the range
4 Press lhe PROG button or press the OPVCL‘MEM button on remme control to Confirm
5 Accomngtothe above way. you can store 20 statlons m FM,
Listening to an External Aud 0 De ce (Auxiliary Mode)
ln Aux (auxiliary) mode, this unlt can play audio rmm an exlemalaudro came an”, MP3 Playen
Portable CD Player, etc)
5 Emflfis TIME: yAAflXI IABV
1 Press lhe MODE button to select the AUX-IN 'urlctlm
2 Plug lhe AUX Com located an back at the unlt Into your IPhunellPod of other MP3 devlce
NOTE Playback timotrons and operations are only available on your external dewze
Lister ng to an External Aud Dev 9 (Bluelooth Modep
In ET (Bluemom) ”Me. Mr: um! can play audto from external dams ma! have a bulk-III
Bhlelnolh function
§2NNE§TIN§ imflLflE 99 H
I Press MODE buflm to select the atuetoom mode
2 Turn ON the Btuetoom tuncuon on your external device
NOTE: The enectrve drstance between your external device and [hrs apparatus Is In meters
3 Walla mament unlll“ Vourota Jukebox' appears on [he petred dances Itsle then select 'Vocttola
Jukebox' and anon It to connect In wrmmw appears and asks for a passward, srmpty type
'0000', men press ok on your enema! dewce
4 Once the penny ts completed an audible beep wtll sound
5 Control playback from me uni/remote cannot or Blumodh devtce
6 To dlsconnecl, pless ‘MODE‘ buflon lo olher “Annuals 01 [um oflkhe Blueiodh cmnectlon from
me 8!!)th device
Ma nle ce I Proper Handltn
. Almys s: on me ase my wnh the least we hung upmre (comp-cl arses eer. bl pteyeaneeemee
any on one we)
- tu remor rh: horn h flat-gt In press down on me Lana-r own an enatm [hi the
upm meta-m n uretmty by Is edges
e In sum e else. mpe surrece tram me eereer holo ewe-m nee-m me oulor edge wen e sol. ay clam
- New use w"! chm-Is es recent spay names epreys or «we beeaue or neuter to dun uses. they wl
meg-rem aenuge me mes pusae mrteee
e mes should be returned m use" uses ener us- te purl-d tram Ml ene meet.“
- Dc net ”you a“: la dlud sunli’tL mun humtdtq or my. map-venue for mend per-ea onene
e Pun-Na cm: Ind CDRW em ere not recommended. .3 me Iebet me any buml nary enaaenuge me
- Use e ml ee-beeea Meappea per. lo were me Inbtmlltou on me Ilbcl nae Never use e bulpoul er
nemwee pen. es dong w my damiw me cam-a ado
- Da nd use ruewt-ry-shepea cos tact-pom hem amped, huaness can: sue en
es may will any! the um
- RI llpvnclmns suppllodwfltlny con-acumen:
- New nermte e as: mm any fingux
. Nam-men- dum-lh-s-cvuk eume sun-re
Pow-r blown-mum
Pow-r Conwmwom
Dlmmaom (w x H x
Ml __
CD Puvsn
qululcy Re oars-
SmII-wNan n-
lam-learn Vorsloll_
lam-loan Prom. ‘
lam-warn szuoocy
Opollng Dlsimu
AC l2av~saHz
mmm x12601|m x320mml.pprexl
kgs (Ippmx)
7 lbs
80 to 20‘ 000 Hz
onmsllweelerl s mm (mm
all lo 20‘ 000 Hz ~I-4 as
5 as (lEoAI
Ill-mull v2 IoEDR
ADZGHz-z 4806641
0 mot-1303!! )
symptom | Posslblo Cause | Solutlon
- Unll wlll nol we! on . Unll ls unplugged -Connect the unll lolhe AC
pwer supply
. No sound oulpul tram . The volume level Is sel Koo .Adlusl me volume
speakers low . selecl me cancel maul
.me lrrpul seleelor does nd source
melon lne playback source
- Nelse/Dlslofllon ln
.Theunlllsloo CIOSQKOBTV .TumofllheTVorolher
sound oulpul sel or anolner mlerlerlng | appllance‘ and relocale llre
dewce unll
. Unll larls lo respond . ll mlgrl resull lrom external . Drsconnecl llre powercad
factors such as ESD and external audlo
(Electrostallc dlschalge) deVlce REplug the powel
cord efler one mlnule
. Cannot llslen lo any . The slallon ls not luned—ln . Properly lune-m IM
slallon or srmal properly aesrled slalron
appeals weak -ATV sel ls belng used nearby . Tumofllhe mlederlng TV
and ls rnlenenng wrln lhe sel
radlo receplron
- The salnd is dislmed.
. The antenna ls m1 menled
. Re‘uient Ihe unlenna until
leceph'lm imprwes.
. CD stops mined-my - The CD is insured upside a lnsen the CD VII"! the
met suiting. er unit doom. primed std: run-side up.
pauses or slaps during . The CD is msty or diny or .Cumlully clean and fly me
play. mere is condensation an the CD.
fi . The CD pilyer is plusdd. - Press the PLAY/PAUSE
> button.
E . cu pllyblck is noisy. . The co is scmcnea. . mum on Mm In
a or playback slaps or dumlgud or warped. undamaged one.
o skips . The disc is very any. .C-Mully ole-n lne CD.
- Buttons are rid - The unit is massing -Wul1 until the uni! finishes
innuioning carcclly. inionnuiicn processing.
.The unit needsto be msinned .‘I’um me win 01mm on
. No sound mm mm . AUX In lick is unplugged. . Make sure incAuxiliniy
g externll ludlo demo: . Unit ls no: In propel Mode Cable ls pluppca inlo your
< plugged into roar AUX sources.
in 'Ick
s The unfl Is "a switched lo 0 Ensure the uni! is switched
Bluuloan mode in ET mode.
. Vail device's andlcr me unit's - Move your Blueiooih
volume is not («mad up. «Vice uoser lo mm
s Your device is ioo inr «pm me only" up me volume on your
E unil w mem're somu obstacle port-bl: device Ind/u me
0 between ywr device Ind the unfl.
E unn Jim on: your lauciocm
device and um! Then
3 «we! mam bom buck ON
a . Sound has I la d . Vail device ls loo VI! Ivlly ng ya" device close! In
Sill the Jukebox
- Unable [0 pair With a s me devie: doesnl oCoflfil‘m [hm you dance is
Bludwh device Blueloan connecu'vny Bludoom mpmlble.
.mo Bluerom pliiinu is rid .Re
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