Leetac Electronics Technology LEETACITCDS6 CD Shelf System User Manual 2

Guangdong Leetac Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd. CD Shelf System 2


User Manual-2

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Document ID3414372
Application IDb9pwTG5jzIUqvH7g1UKzXA==
Document DescriptionUser Manual-2
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize332.06kB (4150766 bits)
Date Submitted2017-06-06 00:00:00
Date Available2017-06-06 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-05-31 16:08:57
Producing SoftwarePDF Editor 2.0 - Foxit Software
Document Lastmod2017-05-31 16:08:57
Document TitleUser Manual-2

Depending on Me (“My or We mm and We common 0, We recording, some External (auxillary) audio sources such as tablets, smanphones or MFS players. can
CD-R/CD—RW discs may "0‘ be playable connect to the CD Stereo System Via aux-in,
V The urllt has 2 AUX INS AUX W 1 SOCKET at the Iront oi the Unlt, AUX IN 2 SOCKET
at the rear or the unit,
1 Press POWER button to turn Ihe uniI ON and lhen press FUNCTION button Io
seiect "AUXI" or "AUX2".
2. Set the volume to the minimum ievel with the VOLUME KNOB.
3 Plug the AUX IN cable (not included) into lhe AUX IN socket at lhe urtiI
How to remove the disc How to hold the disc How to clean the disc For AUX IN 2 SOCKET. plua one end or the AUX IN cable (riot Included) into the
color coded AUX IN sockets at rear ol the unit. Always make sure the white plug
is connected to the white socket and the red plug in the red socket.
4. Piug the other end OI the Cable Into the headphone or Line-Out jack OI the
1. Always place the compact disc in the disc lray With the label tacing upward, external some
ICOWDBC‘ “05 Ca" be way“ My 0" One SW19)- 5 Turn on the external audio device and set it to play Turn the external audio
2. To move a disc Ironl lIs storage case, press down on the Center of the case and device's volume up to 2/3 H necessary. adjust the valurne an the CD Stereo
Ilfl the disc out. holding it carelully by the edges. System by turning the VOLUME KNOB.
3. ii the disc becomes dirty, wipe the surIaCe from the center hole outward towards
the outer edge wiIh a soft, dry cloth. BLUETOOTH OPERATION
4. Never use such chemicals as record spray. antistatic sprays or iluid, benzlne or
mime, to cram me discs Such chemicals w.“ do mepmbie damage to me External devices that have a built-in Bluetooth leature can connect wlrelessly to the
disc‘s plastic surrace. CD Stereo System
5. Discs should be returned to their cases arter use to avoid serious scratches that GETI’ING CONNECTED
could cause the laser pick up to skip. 1. Press the FUNCTION button until the LED Display shows “BLUE".
6. Do not expose discs to direct sunlight or high humidity and temperature tor 2. Set the Bluetooth lunction ot your external device to ON and begin searching tor
extended periods Long exposure to hlgh temperatures will warp the discs devices.
7. Printable CDVR and CDVRW discs are not recommended, as the label side might NOT rThe ehectlve distance between your external dewce and the apparatus
be sticky and damage the unit. is 10 meters (33 feet)
it. Use a sofl oilabased teltrlipped pen to write the inlormation on the label side, 3- Once “ITCD5-5000a"aapeats art the paired dewces list at your external dewee.
Never use a ball-point or hard-tipped pen. as this may cause damage to the select I‘-
recorded side 4. A beep Will be heard that indicates a connection has been established.
9. Do not use CDs with an irregular shape (octagonal. heartrshaped. busrneSS card 5. A tew seconds later your Bluetooth connection should be ready to use.
SlZe. etc). CD5 at this sort can damage the unit.
1. Follow the "GETTING CONNECTED" steps above to pair your external devlce.
2. Turn on the music player program on your external device and set it to play.
Normally, you can control music playback with the PLAY/PAUSE. PREVIOUS
BUTTON and NEXT BUTTON on the CD Stereo System
Note: Some lunction buttons may not work Wlth all devices.
in ii you have any doubis oi using CDaR/CDVRW dlsc. read the precautions SING THE REMOTE CON-m
supplied with the disc. or contact the disc manuiacturer directly
The Remote Control Unit can operate the unit lrom a distance. When operating the
remote control unit. point it towards the lront panel ol the unit.
' Even II the remote Controi unlt ls operated within the effective range, remote
control operation may be impossible ii there are any obstacles between the unit
and the remote contmi.
a 9
- ll the remote control unlt is operaled near other appliances whlch generate
intrared rays, or ll other remote control devlces using intrareo rays are used near
the unll, ll may operale lncorreclly Conversely, the other appllances may
operate lrtcorrectly.
In case ot trouble Wlth the unit. please look through the problems below and see it
you can solve them yoursell before calllng your dealer.
The lemme control comes Wllh a cell battery already . PULL Unit does not turn - Unit rs unplugged - Connect unlt to AC power
lnstalleo To actlvate the battery. remove the transparent 0N when powen supply
lab at the bottom of the remote control The remote _’ ls Dressed
control ls now ready to use. ' No sound comes . The external speakers are - Connect the external
t; out ol the disconnected. speakers
BATrERV REPLACEMENT E Speakers ~ The volume ls turned down -Aolust the volume.
lf the olstance reoulreo between the remote control unll and maln unlt decreases, 5 “0 MW) -Rerselemhe deswed mm
the battery ls exhausted. ln thls case. please replace the battery vulth a new one. o ‘ “‘9 W“ 56‘9“" “”5 m“ SW99-
: match the playback source.
To Replace With a New Bauer, 3 The sound ls - The unlt lstoo close to a TV -Tlml ohthe TVor other
7 nolsy, set or another srmllar appliance, and relocate the
l. Remove the battery compartment cover as per the FULL appham “M
rllustrallon on the right * Th ‘ o ‘ E I H ‘ h n m o o
. _' e unl oes no ~ x erna ac ors suc as - emove e power cor an
2- Observe the correct polarlw and mstall a 3Vdc ‘l‘hlum act as expecteo, gen tElectmestatic all power supply oevlces.
battery (CR2025). - or respond. oisoharge) anect the unit Then reeoluo the unlt aflev
a. Close the cover fPustt W Winfie-
Carmel listen to -The statlon ls not tunedeln - Properly tune-ln the demo
BATI'ERV PRECAUTIONS 5 any statlon, or properly statlon.
- Be sure lo insert lhe battery with correct poslllve + and negatlve e polarllles. 3 Slgnal appeals -ATV set is being used -Tumrumhe lmeflemg TV
a weak. nearby ano rs lnterterrng set.
- Reler to the precautlons on the battery labels. 5 mm me We ,ecepm
When the remote control unit ls not to be used tor long perloos ol time (more E The souno ls . The antenna ‘5 not . Rerpusmm me We,”
than a month). remove the battery from the remote control unlt to prevent lt from deterred, poertroned properly, untrl reception lmpmves
leaklng. ll lt leaks. carelully Wlpe away the llqulo lnslde lhe batlery compartment
co stops tThe CD ls lnserteo upside ~ lnsert the CD With the
and laplace the binary Wm 6 "SW We lrnrnecllately alter oown printed sloe rlghtesloe up
- Do not heat or olsassemble batteries and never dispose of old batteries by startrng, or unlt .rhe CD rs dusty ordlny or .cEretulry clean and my the
throwing them lnlo a llre. o: Pauses or steps there is canaensatron on on
. . . In durlng play the on
Do not dlspose batterles lnto standard garbage dlsposal sltes. Dlspose at at 3
available Battery Recycling Sites alter lully discharglng battery. Not oolng so may 1 "0 50““ We CD NEW ‘5 paused ' EL???” PLAY/PAUSE
vlolate local oisposal laws and regulatlons. Please reler to local regulatlons tor a
proper battery dlsposal. o Specrtrc CD ls -The CD ls scratched, - The CD shoulo be changeo.
noisy, or playback oarnageo or warpeo . Caremuy clean me co,
stops or sklpS- -The dlsc ls very dirty.
x Nu sauna output wlth rnr s rust swllchcd a Aux mud: arsurs he unt rs sumo toAUX nose
3 313$; figment” rm huxeaslersrornusuea "Drapery Plug lnthcAUXcablccmmcfly
ND Wm Yhe t rot auroral: he usrssh made artur. the urn. rs xarched rs or has
Your aevlw‘s allulol lhe unll‘s valurne ls Move YN' Q‘UE‘GW‘ “V =5 C‘aserlo‘he UNI
tuneu up run up h. ulurr. sr your erroars
5 Your net/lee ls ton fathom the unlt or “EVE! WWW We WM
3 herere sane obstacles tremen yum rum orr your slurash new era
3 aeyree era he urrl rrr. urrt rhsrr sewer hsh ssh back 0N
g suuru rue a or also”, vsur um, r5 moor My .3er your uevree cheer .0 he urrrruuru
Umbra m W W , your aeurce usesnlt have Hiue‘onlh canthn lhe‘ your aeurre rs aluetsah
arm a can also
eleven aw rue alfetxh arrru re ru. eumeslul seeu‘er he urr era uure our
Ouiput Power. .
Frequency Response.
25W + 25W
60 to 20,000 Hz
TUNER Seclion
FM Section
Frequency Range .. .. 57.5 to 105 MHz
Frequency Response 50 to 20,000 Hz
SignalstosNolse Ratio. 55 dB (lEceA)
Impedance. Sohms
input Power 25w (wooier)
5w / Max low (tweeter)
Power Requirements
Power Consumption
Dimensions (L x D x H
AC 120v s 60Hz
360mm x 222mm x l 10mm (approx)
Loudspeakers Dimensions (L x D x H). .. l30mm x 217 5mm x 250mm (approx)
Standard Accessories
5.53 kgs (approx.)
Operating instruction Booklet;
Remote control with battery;
A pair oi external speakers.
Biuetooth Version
Bluerooih Proiiies
Biuetooth Frequency range
Operating Distance
BIuEtooth V2 MEDR
'IO meters (33 II)
Made in China.
NOTE: As a result of continual improvements, the design and specifications of
this product are subject to change without notice.
Eiuetocth is a registered trademark oi Biuetooth SIG, inc Other trademarks and
trade names are those oi their respective owners.
This device complies with Part 15 oi the FCC Rules, Operaton is subyect to the ioiiowing two
conditions (i ) This device may not cause harmiul interierence. and (2) this device must
accept any interierenoe received. including interrerence that may cause undesired operation
NOTE This equipment has been tested and lound to comply wth the limits tor a Class B
dignal device. pursuant to Part 15 oi the FCC Rules These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harrniul interierenoe in a residential installation This equipment
generates uses and can radiate radio irequency energy and. ii not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions. may cause harmiui interierence to radio communications
However, there is no guavantee that interferenoe wlII nut maul in a pamcuIav Installation, If
this equipment does cause hanniul interlerence to radio or television reception. which can
be deterrriined by turning the equipment on and on. the user is encouraged to try to correct
the interlerenoe by one oi the tollowrng measures
. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- increase the separation beMeeri the equipment and receiver
. connect ihe equipment inio an ouilei on a circuii diiierent irorn ihai
to which the receiver is connected.
- Consuit the dealer or an expenenced radio/TV technician (or help
WARNING, Any changes or modiiications not expressly approved in the party responsible
(or compliance could void the users authority to operate this equipment.
The device musi noi be coelocaled or operating in comunciion with any other
antenna or transmitter
This device complies with FCC and lo radiation exposure limits set iorih (or an
uncontrolled environment.
The device should be insialled and operaied with a minimum distance oi 20cm
between ihe radiaior and your body.
This device complies With R85247 oi industry Canada. Get appareil se contcrme a
Rsszn de Canada d‘InduStrle. This device complies wiih industry Canada
license-exempt RSS standard(s) Operation is sub)ect to the ioliowing two conditions
(i) this device may not cause interierence, and (2) this device must accept any
interlerence, including interierence that may cause undesired operation of the device.
appareiis radio exempts de iioence Son lonctionnement est su)et aux deux conditions
suivantes: (1) le dispositii ne doit pas produire de brouillage prejudiciaole, et (2)
ce dispositii doit accepter tout brouillage recu, y compris un brouillage susceptible de
provoquer un lonctionnement indesirable
Radiation Exposure Statement- The product comply With the Canada mobile HF
exposure limit set iorth ior an uncontrolled environment and are sale ior intended
operation as described in this manual.
The Iurthev RF exposure reduction can be achieved if the product can be kept as far
as possible ircm the user body or set the device to lower output power ii such iunction
is available.
Declaraiion d‘expositlon aux radiations. Le produit esi coniorme aux limites d-exposition
pour les appareiis mobile HF pour les Etats-Unis et ie Canada etabiies pour un
envircnnement non controle
Le produit est sur pour un lonctionnement tel que decrit dans ce manuel La reduction
aux expositions RF peut etre augmentee si I‘appavell peut etre conserve aussi loin
que possible du corps de I'utillsateui ou que le dispositii est regle sur la puissance de
sortie la plus iaible si une telle (onction est disponible
“WARNING“ This product contains a chemical known to the State oi Calitornia to
cause binh deiects or other reproductive harm. For more iniormation on these
regulations and a list oi chemicals, log on the ioiiowrng website address:
Cel appareil esx conlorme a la panie l5 des regles de la FCC. Son loncxionnemenx esx soumis aux deux
condiiions suivanies (ll Gel appareil ne doll pas causer d‘inxerle'rences nuisibles {2} Gel appareil doix
accepxeriouie lnlerlerence recuei y comprls des iiixerle’reiices qul peuveril provoquer un Ionctlonrlement
non desire.
NOTE Cel e'quipernenx a e'le iesxe' ex conside’re’ cdnlorme aux limilalioris des pe’riphe’riques numérlques
de classe B, en venu de la parlie ls des reglemenxs FCC 095 limixaxioiis sonl concues pour loumir urie
piolecxion raisonnaole conxre les inlerierences dangereuses dans le cadre d‘une insiallalion domeslioue
Gel e'quiperrienx genere ulilise el peul émeme de l‘énergle de lre'ouence radio ex. s‘il n‘est pas inslalle el
uxilise conlormemenx aux iiisxrucxions peux plovaquel des irixeilerences dangereuses au rilveau des
communicaxions radio Cependanxi il n'esl pas galanIl due des lnIerIélences ne se produisenx pas dans
une insxallaiiori parxieuliere si cex e'quipemenl pluvuque des inxerlereneee nulslbIes a la re'eepxidn de la
radio ou de la xelevision, ce oui peux exre dexermine en exeignaiix ex allumanx l‘eduipemerix I‘ullIlsaleul esx
encuuvagé a essayev de culllger l‘iiixerlereiiee par une des mesures suivanles.
- Reorienxer ou reposixionnei l'arixenne de re'cepiion.
rAugmenlel la disxance enxie l‘appalelI ex le recepxeur
, Brancher I‘apparelI dans uiie prise d‘lm circuil dihereiix de cel auduel esx oranche le recepleur
-Consulxer le revendeur ou un xeehnicien specialise en radio vision pour opxenir de I‘alde
ATTENTION Les ehangemenxs ou modilicaxions non expressemeiix approuves par la pame lesparlsabIe
de la conlormixe pourraieril annuler I‘aqurlIé de I‘uIlIlsaIeul a uxiliser cel equiperrieiix.
L‘appalelI ne doil pas elre localise ou lcncxicnnei avec d‘auves aniennes ou xransmexxeurs.
Cel appareil esx conlorme aux limixes d‘expusman aux layonnemems de la FCC ex de la CI pour un
environnemenl lnconIrélé
L‘appalelI doil elre insialle ex uiilise avec une dislance minimale de 20 cm enire le radiaxeur ex voxre corps.
This device complies vvixh R55247 oi lndusiry Canada. Get appareil se conloime a
R55247 de Canada d‘lndustrle. This device complies wnh lndusiry Canada
Iicenserexempl ass standard(s) Opeiaxion is sublecl xo xhe IoIlawing lwo condixions:
(I) xhis device may nox cause inlerieierice. and (2) this device musl accepl any
inxerlerence, including inierlerence ihai may cause undesired operaxion ol xhe deVICe.
appareils radio exempxs de licence. Son lonciionnemeni esx suiex aux deux condiiions
suivariles (1) le disposixil ne doix pas produire de orouillage prejudiciaple, ei (2)
ca disposixil doix accepier ioui broulIlage recu, y compris un broullIage suscepllble de
provaouei un lonciiorinemenx indesirable.
Radiaxion Exposuie sxaxemenx. The producx comply WIIh xhe Canada mobiIe RF
exposure IImII seI luflh Im an uncontloIIed envlvunment and are safe IDV intended
operaxion as descllbed in xhis manual.
The lurxher RF exposure reducxion can be achieved il xhe producx can be kepi as lar
as possible from xhe user body or sel xhe device lo lower ouipux power N such iunclion
is avaIIable
Declaraiicn d‘exposillun aux radiaiions: Le produix esi ccnlorrne aux limixes d'exposmon
pour les appareils mooile RF pour les ElalseUnls ex le Canada élablles pour un
envlmnnemenl non Comréle'
Le produii esi sor pour un loncxionnemem xel que de’oiii dans ce manuel La reduciion
aux exposixions RF peux elre augmenxee si I‘apparell peux eire conserve aussi lom
oue possmle du corps de I‘miIlsaleul ou que le disposixii est regle sur la puissance de
some la plus laible si une \elIe lonciion esi disponicle
“AVERTISSEMENT” Ce produix conxienx des sucsxances chimiques connus au l‘élal
de CallIomie pour provoduer des delauis de naissance ou auxres dommages
reproduclils. Pour avoir plus de renseignemenxs sur ces reglernenxs ex une lisxe des
prodults chlmlques, conneclezevous SW le SIIe sun/am:
http //www.oehha.ca.gdv/propss.hlml

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